Board Archive
8kun, Speak freely - legally.
September 11-20
Yakuza / Hokuto Ga Gotoku Thread - No Regrets Edition
September 21-31
Digimon Thread: Arkadimon edition
Minetest thread
Doom/Classic FPS General Thread
October 1-10
JRPG Thread
Elysium General #2 Ganksquads edition
So with Super Mario Odyssey coming at the end of the month, I kinda wanna...
/rgg/ - Rhythm Games General
Elona Plus No one had posted a thread in a while edition
Halloween Game 2017-10
FTL: Faster Than Light thread
Share Thread - Calm Before Storm
Elves are vidya
Etrian Odyssey 5 leaks a week early
/lgg/ - Linux Gaming General
October 11-20
/ogc/ - Racing Games General - Crumple Edition
Command and Conquer
Nipponese Learning Thread: 逆転ワイフ Edition
Space Thread: Lonesome Journey
AW thread
ITT: Underrated as FUCK games...
CRASHING THE HOUSING MARKET EDITIONTry the game for free forever! (Only up to level 35)...
Splatoon Thread-Back Roll Beat Down Edition
STAR WARS GALAXIES WITH JTL: Halloween Event Edition
Emulation Thread
Bait Games
Halloween General
Draw a map of any area in a video game and other people have to...
So what version of Dwarf Therapist should someone running a 64 bit version of win7...
/Total War/
What actual Sun/Moon pokemon did you like?Im just a sucker for gore magala style black...
Rune Factory Thread
Hat in Time devs: Its a feature!
Draw Thread: Benis Fugging Edition
Terraria Thread
SS13 - Space Station 13 - Upsetting Round End Edition
Neptunia Thread
>ealy access since 2014>30m in and you have nothing to dowhats up with all this...
Trees and Foliage in vidya
Got your CDs ready yet anon?Why give out boring candy when you can hand out...
Megaman Zero
No Heroes Allowed! VR / yuunama vr / ゆうなまVR / V! 勇者のくせになまいきだ R
Fighting Game General: New Characters Edition
Kenshi Thread
3DS Homebrew Thread
Mario Kart
ITT: Fun with exploiting bullshit and imbalance
Does this game suck?
Fractured But Shit
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
ITT epic western vidya soundtrackWestern vidya usually doesnt have good soundtrack, but sometimes it hits.Total...
Another tf2 thread because both hit bump limit.Drop some good community servers, I dont think...
Sword Art Online Holow Realization PC
things that still hurt
Vidya Battle Music Thread
You lazy fucking niggers edition>Resources>>>/agdg/>>>/vm/>#8/agdg/ via>Links>Wiki >>Beginners guide >>>/agdg/29080>Previous >>13583477QUARTERLY DEMO DAY SCHEDULED FOR...
How bad is Dead Island?
Fishing is the comfiest minigame, we agree?...
Destiny 2 has lost 78% of its playerbase in 6 weeks, ten times faster than...
Dai-2-ji-Super Robot Wars thread: Beat Dark Brian edition
October 21-31
Best 3d zeldaOOT or MM...
ITT post a pretty good game that has a single part that brings it downLost...
So, hows Gigantic doing?
Fullderp: S rank stands for Stall rank edition
Wario thread.
Sfall Scripteditor
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Cancer that you wish didnt exist in video games
Warframe - How are the fish catching edition
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Weekend Gamenight: with more than 6 maps edition
Ever cried to a game?
Dragons Crown Pro
The real reason why Andromeda failed
Has any game ever portrayed Heaven? I know that Hell has been portrayed plenty of...
Has datamining killed exploration and secrets in video games?I was reading this ( and remembered...
Long games
Super Mario Odessey street date broken in Portugal Odyssey leaks coming soon get in here...
Looking for a good MMORPG
Is DARPA forcing diversity in games and developers got together to signal to us that...
New World of Warcraft subraces datamined>Nightborne – Blood Elf>Highmountain Tauren – Tauren>Void Elf – Night...
Devil Daggers Thread
Webm Thread: Celebration Edition
Greatest Hits
Life is Dranks: Before the Storm reportedly removes Denuvo
>Playing mgs3 back when it came out>Get a calorie mate>Para-medic says shed like to try...
what are some RPGs with satisfactory non-combat playthroughs? and I dont mean dude just run...
Xbone S Dpad
Little things in video games you never knew about
>looking up PS2 games to emulate>top 100 PS2 games>first resultLook at all that passive aggression....
Escapist lays off all its staff
Vita Thread
Video Game Industry Bubble Bursting?
Why hasnt press the button sequence as fast as possible/faster than the opponent replaced press...
I need some story rich games that arent triple a. Post recommendations please....
When did the PS3 become the best console of its time?>2006>PS3 is a laughing stock...
Grim Dawn
Will video games ever be good again?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ashes to Diamonds, We Continue Our March Edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Team Fortress 2 Vintage:Autistic Shrieking edition
Mafia 3 collecfor edition selling for cheap
Capitalism 1, Capitalism 2 and Capitalism Lab
Im about to play pic related. What mods should I be running?...
ITS ACTUALLY HAPPENING>Neogaf is dead>The Escapist published a gamers are dead yall article and then...
despite having steadily played online multiplayer team-based games, inluding MMOs and MOBAs: types of games...
This is how Tokyo RPG Factory Dies>Reviews are out and its a tepid mess, blander...
Thoughts on the SEGA Genesis? Ive been trying to get some of the better games...
Timeless Games
Nioh Thread
battleshill 2: the fight for more shekels
I need advice on improving my fps in cs:go since most of the articles and...
Game Designing
Nasuverse / Fate general
Shin Megami Tensei
Im not trying to be edgy, but I think we all need this right now
Which version of PAC-man was the best? And what was the best spin off of...
Waddaya think /v/?
Does anyone else pretty much enjoy only their vidya? With the exception of very occasionally...
/v/idya drawthread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post>Keep...
I have 107 keys, and Im not afraid to use (most of) them.
Ive fixed some bugs in my Moryme, but how can I set the single cells...
Wii U
Vidya flops.
Bone Zone Xtreme
Joint Ops Thread
Phantasy Star Online Thread
2hu/Touhou Thread
I was thinking of making a chart about games that would fit into the general...
Console RPGs
Danganronpa V3 has a shit ending>Meta xD...
Original Xbox Games playable on Xbox One
Dwarf Fortress threadStoriesImagesYou name it, post it....
>Play game as teenager>No problems at all>Play same game years later>Its hard nowWhats her name...
RTS Thread - Spooky Scary Skeleton Edition
Why arent japs making 2D games anymore?inb4 visual novel shit...
>nintendo makes a more fun universe than lolmario>forgets about it completely after one new gameWhy...
Post some obscure/unknown games youve enjoyed. Bonus points for no videos of them on Youtube....
The protagonist of GTA VI needs to be a 20 something FUCKING WHITE MAIL....
Im looking for an HDMI switcher. Ive looked around and recall hearing that cheap, non-powered...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Fifth Primarch Edition
Does anybody remember that trick that in Pokemon diamond and pearl allowed you to create...
Youre given full creative control over your favorite IP, no matter if its dead or...
>January 26>We still dont know how many characters are in the gameWasnt this game only...
Twitch has lootboxes now
Tfw i dont know any normal fags excited about Mario Odyssey>Havent touched a Mario game...
Autistic thought processes while playing vidya
>Sonics relevant again because of Mania.>Mania sees the true return of Classic Sonic.>Bubsy has a...
GMod OC Thread
What are some games where I can help real people? Now that mobas and mmos...
Laytons Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires Conspiracy
Is there any games about cute girls doing cute things?...
>Famicom/NES releases
Ive been hearing a lot about this game but it looks like one of those...
Its Rape Time!
The A button meme is silly, real men try to minimize B presses...
Custom Robo 1 in English!
Is a PSVita worth getting? Some kid in my area is selling his handheld with...
Without a sequel or a spin off game. Will the Undertale fandom end up dying?...
This game is pure TECHNOLOGYIt might not seem that impressive now, but a lot of...
Dragons Dogma
Capcom looking for buyout
Ex-BioWare dev: Ive seen people literally spend $15,000 on Mass Effect multiplayer cards
Flash Guard
Metal Max Xeno
Did the forget to playtest this trash? This is so unfunny, its unbelievable. And the...
Replaying games
Screw present-generation graphics. Fuck new unit types. Who gives a shit about new cinematics? I...
xenoblade chronicles 2
Cool ways of advertising your game
Death of MMOs
Is Unity the new Flash?...
Are video games free of SJW cancer yet?
Tolkien/High Fantasy
Total War series is a honorary japanese series because its published by SEGAY.Though anyone notice...
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
Heres Marios dick from an old official manga...
Wurm Unlimited
Nights of Azure 2
Reminder for the coming season of darknessGoon speak>pozzed>reddit spacing>Tries to recruit for their EVE online...
Opus magnum
Stronghold HD and A.D 2044 Free on GOG
Another Warframe/Fishing Mini game Thread
/v/s Videogame Repair Shop: Overwatch
Whats your opinion on Construct2
The Mummy Demastered
PS2 Roms
One Punch Man VidyaGame
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Nintendo Switch 4.0.0 update has added GameCube controller functionality
This lack of a feature is a feature and other bullshit excuses.
Let It Die: Happy Halloween
>Fucking Egyptian Nikes you cant make this shit up guys, we wuz nikes n sheeitt
RIP Eli Vance
WEBM THREAD: Not Dead Games Edition
==Small vidya that you recently enjoyed thread==
Too little, too late....
Rimworld Alpha 18
Civ general thread
Konami to make Metal Gear Survive announcement tomorrowBEST CASE SCENARIO: The creatures are not the...
Fighting Game General: A popularity contest, a shit waifu, and a Giant Kike Edition
Telltale doesnt have to die
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Wonders Of Nature Edition
High Hell
Dead multiplayer that you wish werent dead.
How much would it cost to buy the rights to an old obscure videogame? I...
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
Visual Novel General
What books about videogames do you enjoy?and no i dont mean like game adaptations, yes...
Are you a whale?You are anonymous. You have no reason to hide it. Honesty time.Have...
>English, (((Russian))), and (((Chinese))) make up 75% of Steams userbaseI thought the hardware survey was...
>liked Halo CE as a teen>bother has xbone so play through Halo 5>its genuinely terrible>3...
Death in Games
How can we save the World of Warcraft and MMRPGs in general?...
Are you ready for The Goose?...
Swords are for faggots
Vidya glitches and bugs
Spooky vidya stories thread
I recently saw the original Mad max trilogy and i was wondering if there were...
Dead Franchises that you loved
Concepts for games
Ugly games thread
DBZ Dokkan Battle
You can get banned for spamming character voice lines in Overcuck
keke what happened?GT Sports sales 150k in first week...
Are there any really good old RPGs that allow me to get into a really...
Microsoft Stops Kinect Manufacturing
Will Games set in the Wild West become the next big trend? Looks like tripple...
Wolfenstein 2 gets cracked early by VOKSI
I played through SNATCHER on a Mega-CD emulator a while back and it stuck with...
Just a reminder v that brutal wolfenstien version 5.0 just came out.https://youtube/xST81miVcZ4...
When did the stupid retro thing became a thing and also a cancerous excuse for...
Post the game(s) you are playing right now, your degree (if you have one) and...
Rouge Trooper Redux
Ace Combat Thread
Demanding games
Has anyone actually managed to pull of this faggots Max Act successfully?...
ENDING SPOILERAfter you create the first Assassin Order from the remnants of the medjay as...
>tfw too much of a pussy to play horror gamesWhat are some Horror games I...
>Halloween is less than a week awayDecorating your house? Dressing up as a VIDEOGAME character?Playing...
>4 Nazis w/ assault rifles + robo tiger vs. Johnny Cowboy and his wife>Nazis dont...
Sonic Forces demo
Going solo, what am I in for /v/?
To people that only play games on console and avoid playing games on PC, why?My...
Are there any good games where you play as a werewolf?...
You wont forget about her, right?...
Sonic Forces Demo now on PS4 and Switch
Why was my why there are so many nintendo threads thread deleted?Its not another nintendo...
Amid Evil
Aliens in videogames
Spyro thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Spooky Gildalloween edition
Hit stop
Warframe: Get items by NOT watching streamers and frying your CPU edition
Theres a new Thief 2 fan campaign that was released. 13 years in the making,...
Outcast Second Contact
Singleplayer games are DEAD anon!
Anti aliasing and Cemu
What are some examples of good videogames that are literally advertisements? I just read Pic...
Hollow Knight thread
Titanfall 2
>we want the yiff yiff audienceValve is a dead company...
Sales & reception of pic related have been declining ever since theyve been insisting in...
Guns of Icarus is free on HumbleBundle
Rainbow Six: Siege thread: Non-Cancerous thread Edition
I cant remember the name of a game.It was a pretty obscure Playsation JRPG. You...
Why are shortstacks (gobbos in particular, as they are the best of all.shortstacks) so non-existant...
New webm thread....
I wish sega would do more with their skies of arcadia franchise. I remember being...
X-COM General
Le Disgruntled Interactive Entertainment Geek
Best Vidya Jump Scares
vidya music
Worst video game novelisations....
/v/ Unofficial Gamenight Weekend: Deer Hunter 2005
Xbox Troubleshooting
Headshots and Their Orgasmic Afteraffects
I have never not once seen a good example of Chromatic Aberration in vidya.Show me...
>Johan weve got nothing on Hitler! How the fuck do we make him unlikeable>LOL lets...
You know that Ring of Sacrifice in the first area that you (ironically) kill yourself...
Breath of FIre 3
Yomawari Midnight Shadows release today, in shocking twist putting Nippon Ichi Europe in charge resulted...
Yfw Wolfenstein has been completely cuked by Super Mario Odyssey!Dance thread, laughing girls thread. Take...
i started doing this again and got the farthest Ive ever gone, one deathworld, pretty...
SMT thread - FUCK YOU SWITCH edition
Xenoblade chronicles 2
thinly veiled /g/ thread?
Remember Papers, Please short film announcement? Its still a thing. Totally coming out this year,...
What do you recommend to listen to while playing arena shooters?...
Games with wasted potential
Is Titanfall 2 worth buying at current time, current year?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Help Fund The Creation Of GECs Edition
Barely even 2 months after it released and Agents of Mayhem went from $59.99 to $9.99
Fullderp: Golurk more newfags edition
Star Wars thread where we talk about the video games because Im pretty sure they...
Wii U reccomendation begging thread
Why do all the 3D Castlevania games suck so much?...
Destiny 2: Blunder of the Year?
The word revision is used in private servers to refer to the version or build...
Meanwhile at SCAMCON
games that are more fun to watch than they are to play.
How competitive are you?
Natural Selection 1 and 2
Man, why was Fighting Foodons such a great concept with a poorly-handled show and storyline?...
Best Civilization game for multiplayer?
Yooka-Laylee Switch: BASED UNITY
What are some games you guys play that dont need much concentration? I sometimes like...
Fighting Game General: Flipping Sides Edition
Art styles that you missed
Whats with obsession with over saturation and contrast these days?People put reshade thing on everything...
Kingdom Come: Still Undelivered
Disgaea general
The Year of Lord Current Year+2 Is Now Nearly 85% Over
Whats up with all the early access cancer on Steam?This game Rust – while enjoying...
How come were still using the same primitive system of skeletal animations that we were...
Tfw the shitstorm of Scariness is just shit this yearI knew they would exhaust the...
Anyone else not sad that point n click games are dying off?Name a single point...
Emulation Thread: RetroarchLeaks Edition
ITT: Characters you love to hate...
Have you ever liked a video game cartoon or movie?Or comic book I guess....
south park
>DK games are allowed to be extremely difficult>Mario Games have to be extremely easyWhy? I...
Star Wars Battlefront 2 will have the useless employees that destroyed Mass Effect: Andromeda
Halloween S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
those idiots will do anything for twitch badge…...
E-SPORTS YES: Chink Beats Girlfriend After Losing LoL Match
Wolfenstein The New Colossus
>Play Breath of the Wild>Its literally The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Pain>Odyssey trailers looks...
Sad Video Game Music
ITT: good games with bad art styles and vice versa...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Why are German games so comfy?...
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENS TO ETRIAN ODYSSEY NOW?Im super excited for EOV, my copy ships...
G-GENDER NUTRAL BATHROOMS YOU ALT RIGHT HATERS!God this is such a trash fire. Even in...
Are consoles even relevant at this point? The only thing they offer are...
Pannencoek does it AGAIN
The Death of Minecraft Modding
>but we won Gamergate>it was about ethics!...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Silent Fury Edition
Yes, anon, Im sorry to inconvenience you but I need you to show me your...
Vagrant Story thread
Way of the Samurai
Fate of Gameboy/DS
Webm Thread
remaking the 8chan Minecraft alpha server
Speedrun thread
Amazing Eternals
Metal Gear Survive to have Always Online DRM
Dirty Chinese Restaurant
Halloween with a twist
>Played every metal gear game from the first to even Peace Walker all in the...
Bullshit weapons in videogames
>search for vanilla minecraft server for griefan>they all are anti-pirateFuck me, anyone know one that...
Good vidya osts while exercising
COD: WW2 goes full Weimar
Grim Dawn
Zombie Master: Reborn
Why does every game that plays the this is all a dream world card fail?Is...
Assassins creed origins crack
I wish this didnt flop....
E.Y.E. thread
Swords on Backs
Are there any walking sims that are with playing?
Robopon vs. Medabots?
Are there any RPG maker games that arent utter garbage?...
Fun shit to do with a C64
Grand Strategy Games
I want to replay Bayonetta again, but I am afraid my Xbox 360 is too...
When will non co-op multiplayer games be made great again?I miss having a game I...
Warframe Thread
>tfw some guy drove a thousand miles to buy a copy of Super Mario Bros....
Scarlet Blade Xigncode spyware?
Apparently my steam account has an anniversary today.How should I celebrate?Also steam thread....
I want to play games/pc games from my bed (streaming). But mobile touch control sucks....
Champions online
Open world with level design
Nu Horror Games Pls
>playing new game +>only difference is that all enemies have a shit ton more healthAre...
Smithy did nothing wrong>Used Exor as a dimensional spaceship to learn about new lands>Crashed in...
Playstation 2 Thread
Numale Tears as they are getting bullied to death
Abnormal skill
Same Voice Actors Thread
The FPS genre is dead. It hasnt meaningfully evolved in over a decade other than...
Is Super Mario Odyssey THE best Mario game ever made?...
>tfw unironically playing ToonTown because there are no other tolerable multiplayer games out therePlease provide...
Do any of you do repairs or any sort of modification on hardware? Its been...
god sims
Remember when this was a thing? I guess CCP really managed to make a foothold...
Playstation Conference: Paris Games Show
Playstation Paris expo in 5 minutes, make your predictions here to half at least a...
Wolfenstein 2: The New Flop
Random PC ports
So anons how are you feeling about BLOODSTAINED?
Spelunky 2
Football Manager 2018 will feature Gay Players
>tfw remember about the Darksiders franchise>Third game is being developed by snow niggers>it already has...
Horizon Zero Dawn X Monster Hunter>Bringing the most beloved western character since the PS2 era...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Dota 2 patch Dueling Fates
I decided to let you post one soundtrack, either from youtube or soundcloude, of one...
>spend $70 on free to play waiting game>it doesnt even work correctly>mfw...
Boss Only / Boss-Centric Games
Another politicized shit game. Fucking liberals politicize something and turn a shit game into more...
Asterbredd finally getting the PS4 content on PC
What is up with Unity? The game feels totally different to other AC titles.Mainly, rhe...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Street Smart Edition
Wireless thing for the thing
Small games thread
The Last of Us II
Ghost of Tsushima
Elona thread
Fullderp: Regigogiga Gagagigas edition
Post games youve felt the need to beat out of pure spite. Personally, I fucking...
Has a game ever had translation that totally ignores the original dialog and is actually...
Why are western devs so shit at remastering games? The japs do it so much...
Meta Games
Vidya usernames
How Gamers Are Facilitating The Rise Of The Alt-Right: NBCs Newest Hit Piece on Vidya
The Return of Treasure?
You have been tasked with creating a HUD for a strategy game /v/, show your...
Phone game general
Webm Thread
Nipponese Learning Thread: 虫 Edition
World of Final Fantasy PC
>After all these years nintendo was the one who made Sonic Adventure 3 a reality>This...
Whats the best Initial D game?? Are there any that arent Arcade or MoonRunes???...
Mega Man Maker 1.1 Released
Why the fuck was the Terraria thread deleted?Assuming Mark doesnt act like a faggot again,...
Halloween Hill Thread
Anyone who bought Future Tone? Because the game is on sale I wanna know if...
>Wolfenstien 2 flops>Devs Calls Gamers a racist sub culture So being a gamer will...
Halloween thread
Bubsy: the Woolies strike back
Im really not confident in this thing. The entire opening is off. Watch the non-shrunk...
The Witcher
Terraria thread TERRARIA
Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back released
MountnTites ButtnLord
Smug Thread?
Space Thread:Space Fortress Edition
Analogue NT Mini
Ridge Racer
First Tournament Coming Up
Android Netrunner
There legit problems with it
Memory management questions
November 1-10
Darkest Hour 8.0 live beta
Old beat-em ups and side scrolling shooters
Halloween Night Horror Thread
PSM Swimsuit Scans or general magazine thread i guess
Metro Series
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Moon Patrol Edition
>dust off a CD from 15 years ago>try installing it>the game worksThis is quite a...
Vidya Music general//Shameless shilling edition
I need help trying to find a old game.
Assassins Creed Origin DRM Hammers Gamers’ CPUs
Gamepads vs keyboard
2 big AAA releases from known (((publishers)))Lotsa marketing behind them.>WE WUZ and PUNCH NAZIS DRUMPF...
Left 4 Dead
Star Fox Games & Lore Discussion
Neat ideas in vidya that havent been replicated
>Replay some Titanfall 2>Going sanic speed>Mech pilotan>Mech destroyan>Wall runnan>Borderline Cuhrayzee tier bullshit>Having a great time>Realise...
Would Nintendo even be around today if nearly 40 years ago they decided to have...
What are some games that are better enjoyed (and look better) in an emulator rather...
Cyberpunk/Future Dystopia games where you Save the world
Sonic Forces
Supernatural creatures
Even the mainstream are now predicting the death of EASo recently some normalfags i know...
FFXIV: Stormblood General
Wolfenstein 2 Protagonist is literally a CUCK
Games that you know about, but dont know anything about
Hotline Miami General
Fighting Game General: Halloween is Over Edition
Moments of jizz worthy TECHNOLOGYeasy modo:>Playing rpg>Has petrify spell>Accidentally scroll too fast in spells and...
Is it possible to make it through S.T.A.L.K.E.R. without killing anyone?
Anyone else tried the new Yomawari sequel yet?Because that was a goddamn strong opening i...
You boot up a game. You want to turn on subtitles. Where do you look... long and till this reignites the debate over whether or not people should be...
Game adaptations of other media that you wished would exist.>A NGE political strategy simulator>A game...
War for the Overworld
Chinese Settings
>play a warrior>game is fun as fuck>play a wimp ass mage>game is fun as fuck>play...
What is your favorite video game of 2017 so far?...
Brutal Doom v21 (Only public beta)
How long does it usually take you to move on from a large video game...
Things that have literally never been done before
FUCKING GAMESTOPis actually doing something good for once>For 60$ you can rent as many used...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Stopping Time
ITT: Things companies have done over the years. Not just jewish tricks, but outright shameful...
free game thread
>Assassins Creed Origins Metacritic Flooded With Fake Positive User Reviews>>even the shill sites arent buying...
Ive played a dozen games that have a heavy Shinto influence, but still have no...
Mansion Games
Housemarque to stop making arcade-styled games
Nier Automata was originally meant as a PC only title
ITT: Best Game Intros
Games with bad sound effects
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Super Thunder Blade Edition
DoW Heresy
Fucked beyond repair
PC fighting games
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon
Mount and Blade thread
With the success of the new Mario will sony decide to start making fun games...
Shin Megami Tensei general: apocalypse on sale never editionSo which are you more excited for...
>Wolfenstein thread got deleted for no reason while on topic>All these threads getting derailed by...
Need help finding a Space Bullet Hell Game for pc
>Back in the good ol days of YouTube>Not a whole lot of friends, so watch...
DBZ general
Total War
L.A. Noir requires 14gb day one patch on physical switch version
New Last of Us 2 Trailer
Team Fortress Thread
>man I got some pretty cool looking armor on>nothing could go wrong when Im wearing...
2hu/Touhou Thread
3DS Homebrew Thread
There is no enough freedom in my games so Im gonna ask, what are the...
>Lets playHow did this cancer start?...
.Hack//G.U Last Recode is out tomorrow!So will it do well enough to save .Hack from...
Does anyone know if there is an effort to skin this game with Axis skins...
Hellsing Game
Politics in games thread. Post games with blatant political messages in them...
What’s the odds the Nintendo switch will end up being more profitable than the Xbox...
Is it still going to come out?...
You should have checked your divergence meter!
Cuphead Implications
Barely two months in MvCI...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Warrior Blade Edition
Muh hard games>game informer cover next week might have Superman by Rocksteady>Rocksteadys been tweeting the hell out...
What in the actualFUCKis the core demo of the Switch?...
Webm Thread
Vidya Products
OXENFREEAre there any other video games like this that you would recommend? To me, Oxenfree...
Xbox thread
Blunders Thread
What are some good Non turn based Rpgs with only moderate fantasy but otherwise Leather...
Skyrim Mods
>cheapest headset on the market>said fuck it and doesnt even require motion controls to be...
Lootboxes are evolving into their next form
When games dont take themselves seriously
Mode 7 racing
Pefect world acquires and shuts down Motiga (developers of gigantic)
What happened to this? Its like it fell off the face of the Earth and...
Games that you dont think anyone will ever 100%Pic related. I picked it up in...
what game is this from? thanks...
looks like Tail Concerto is getting an anime...
Ive been trying to finish this game since Xbone backward compatibility happened.I really dont enjoy...
Is there anything more shit than Unity?...
Blizzcon 2017 #Cringedition
Describe a game thread
Harvest Moon
Dissonant Game Sound Tracks.
Best Morrowind mods
Realistically, how soon until EA games shutdown Project reality? I’m shocked it hasn’t been taken...
Is it just me or is this game boring and bland as fuck? I had...
>yfw Blizzard just announced legacy servers...
Synthwave Driving at Night
atelier sophie
Is this game worth playing /v/? Also Drakengard thread I guess....
Games With Quantum Mechanics
They cannot assume the current hyper casual WoW player can deal with Vanillas autism right?>World...
Warframe thread
Arcady racing drift games
Bubsy saved my life once. How come it took so long for mainstream journos to...
Behind The Scenes & Development Videos
Remember when the soldiers in WWII flew the fag flag?...
FrEYEday night
There are people that actually killed themselves when Playstation Home shutdownImagine that. Their only outlet...
Sonic Twitter Take Over
Welp, another studio bites the dust. At the cost of losing Motiga, Perfect World...
>next year Jack Thompson will have been disbarred for ten yearsAh, good times....
Have you ever destroyed something in rage over a video game /v/?...
Warcraft the Kingdom Hearts of western games?
What are some recommended mods for star Dew Valley?Never played the game....
What the fuck was that game?
Retro FPS thread
I want NINTEDO to die!...
video games thread
Will Star Citzen ever gonna be released?!
Turn based JRPGs
Homeless for the time being. Which play?
This game makes me feel retarted....
Can A Hat in Time compete with Mario Odyssey, or does it fall completely short...
Would you play videogame with /v/? Or do you think /v/ is full of faggots...
Tropes/references you never see coming, no matter how obvious, or how often they come up.Pick...
Call of Doody WWII crashing with no survivors
Will Aunt Jaina fuck Anduin for his cummies since he is basically a younger Arthas...
Are those old RPG games really good or just a meme?...
Temporary rewards in video games
Anybody else notice a huge influx of normalfags to pc gaming over the past 5...
Rune Factory
Ultra Rare Video Game settings
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Awoo Edition
blizzard being unoriginal again
so who thought that designing boss fights like this was a good idea?also, retarded boss...
Making an FP-RPG gameWhite male protagonists onlyFemtards want protagonists who are Female, Racial Minorities, Of...
Shitty Game Attempts to Revive
Game Center CX new episode
Worst design decisions
Meta Thread
Are you for or against limited lives and continues in games?Also what is the exact...
/ogc/ Racing Games General - DO NOT DRIVE THIS VEHICLE Edition
Share Thread
AVP2, Colonial, Predator, Nostromo
NISA: Translation is hard, Ys VIII PC postponed to 2018
Ubishit BTFO
Stories from playing Vidya
/gsg/ - Grand Strategy Games
Fallout thread
Kirby Battle Royale
Can anyone fix this?
PC-98 thread
Badly balanced games
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: After Spook X edition
2nd best 90s FPS
Trailers that backfired
World war 2 video games
Sword fighting/fencing/melee weapons
Syrian Warfare
Webm Thread
Is there any games in which you can destroy humanity?...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Gear Based Games Suck
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Youve Been GamerGated Edition
creatures games
Japanese shooters
STALKER problem
Which Pokeballs are your favorite ones?
Help a follow /v/irgin out
Post-game content
Mario Odyssey ending
>Naval combat is literally just who has better CIWS gunsWhat the fuck is wrong with...
3DRealms New Build Engine Game
Give it to me straight.Should I pirate A hat in time and play it?Not paying...
Linux gaming
shit games that are worth playing
Whos up for some board game online tonight?>>What is this?It is a turn-based board game...
Thoughts on this in the current year? I picked it up out of sheer boredom...
Whats the best OST/Album to listen to while playing DOOM?vid not related (though I do...
Is it even worth collecting all the fucking lizard tails in this game? Its some...
>For honor still gets updates>They also say they are giving is another year of supportHow...
UMPC shit
The Rule of Opposites
Memorable Quotes thread
Multiplayer and MMO games
I think its about time we examine the official princess ranking list. Pauline just shot...
>character is 111 years oldWould you a grassman loli?...
What do you think of Fire Emblem?...
Silent Hill 2
Free to Play games
Is it time to go back home?...
my friend wants to play a good split screen shooty game for ps4, but I...
Video games with realistic military Scenarios
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Beast Busters Edition
Nips Vote Their Favourite SMT Demon, 1st Place Surprises Noone to the Dismay of Everyone Else
ITT: STRATUM BASED GAMES MOTHERFUCKERSHave you enjoyed your weekly prescribed number of recommended floor climbs...
Fucking fonts
Does anyone know of some video game fan forums full of devoted super fans? Not...
Fullderp: A Fun and Creative Thread edition
>made for upcoming Konami projectOh god....
ITT: games that thoroughly ripped off movies/other media
Lives and Continues: Why?
Good times
years ago , being able to play crysis at max settings proved how good the...
IGMC 2017
Nintendo has made it pretty clear that we are never getting another classic style paper...
Lets say that I want to pirate a Star Wars game, which ones are worth...
Dark Souls before Dark Souls
Writing A Paper on the Subject of Corporate Shilling For Diversity For Profit
post Comfy town music...
What are some other games that have a similar atmosphere to New York in Max...
Brigador: Chen Edition
Remaster when?...
Can I get the pic with all the worthwhile ps3 exclusives?Ive got a modded one...
Hollow Knight
Games that never were…...
Got up to the horse chariot boss of devil may cry 3 and decided to...
Its been 5 years since Terraria was released and theres STILL not a competent alternative/competitor?You...
R.I.P. R.O.B. Threads
Any fantasy RPGs that shares this aesthetic like this song? Has flutes and ocarinas as...
JRPGs for... adults?
Kingdom Hearts
The Cinematic Experience
Puzzles in modern vidya
Miiverse Dies Tomorrow
which version of the 6th gen games is the best version to play....
Has Japan ever produced an actual RPG?
Blue Omen Operation
Nioh Launch
no lewd patch for you goy!
sakuragames scamming
Jedi Knight Series
Is AC O worth buying?
>released 6 months ago>game is already dying>barely 500 playerswhat went wrongI love this game...
Multiplats that were better on PS2 than other 6th gen consoles
Wait, when did THAT happen?...
Games gooks never play
Remember when game devs actually had to build an engine from the ground up for...
Warframe Thread
Turok 2
Xenoblade Chornicles 2 Direct
Webm Thread
Hunting Games
HITMAN: GOY Edition released
Aliens vs Predator 2
Shovelware developer that still get praise despite their bad titles greatly outnumbering their decent ones.,0/so,1d/list-games/No...
Original Hardware: The Edition Edition.
Anime’s that would make great games
Hand of Fate 2 out now
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Orz Edition
Funny Stuff
Silent Hills: Death Stranding
Why is ranking up so.hard?No matter what I do.Im stuck.Even after months of trying. This...
Post Patrician games that if you havent played youre a cuckchanner normalfag-tier kiddie who doesnt...
This is the future you chose.
You guys ready for your officially licensed Fallout 4 VR scent candle? theyre not doing...
System Shock Reboot
>Ubisoft new asscreed shitty game literally fucks your PC because the jews put denuvo on...
Vidya Royal Rumble
Persona 3
Aliens and their respective games
LOL...>Telltale Games has laid off 25% of its staff, or roughly 90 employees. CEO Pete...
Humble Strategy Sim Bundle
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Treasure Hunting Edition
Fighting Game General
Pretentious hipster crap games
/v/ sings - MixingFag wants to make music edition
Bootleg Games
I need FUN GBA games with a save-anywhere feature because Ill be playing on actual...
Moments Like These
Fire Emblem Warriors Thread 2 : Frenetic Molestaroo
Nasu / Fate / FGO
The Pokemon Company infallible tactic
Weeb simulators
DoW Heresy
Half of Take 2 Interactives income came from Microtransactions, wants to add more to all their games
Yo Kai watch
Sonic was never good, face it. If you like sonic youre actually retarded. Because shadow...
what do you think of this game, /v/is it worth buying...
>most of historical battles - huge armies reaching tens of thousands fighting other huge armies... of these three. Who looks more fun to play to you guys?...
The PC Gaming Help
Games where you ALMOST got 100% completion, but gave up.
What actual games this gen are excellent on a technical level?So often we say we...
Meta games
this game is funwhat else like this is out there?...
This has been bothering me for so long that I feel the need to ask...
Grand Theft Auto V is now the best selling video game of all time
I am at Chapter 10 and I feel like this game is never going to...
What am I doing wrong?Give me some tips...
Buy my cheats pls :^)
Pirate Games
GOAT film to vidya adaptation
Far Goy 3
Dragon Quest Thread
activision giving out SC2:HotS
Wolfenstein 2
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Why dont hentai games just
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Eternal Party Edition
Blizzcon Womens Panel
TR at the Crown
Nioh thread
Thats 3-D! 9:40...
Gamer Girls
Water effects in vidya
>There was a time where people say Sonic as Marios RivalThis just sad at this...
Cash Grabs
Rainbow Six Siege
WoW Babbies
Machiavellian vidya
Gameplay ratios
F.E.A.R clone
Is Origin still shit?
Buying a switch before the end of the year?
Devastation Thread
Can anyone tell me about Hearts of Iron 4? I was thinking of getting...
Stupid Shit Mod/Map Makers Do
ITT Post real life vidya related stories>The Final Fantasy 7 house>Two lesbians form a cult...
LA Noire General
Alright /v/, lets talk knight vidya and lets not make it M&B for once. For...
Do you ever dig among the shovelware on steam, searching for interesting stuff you never...
>There are this many people who think that Venom is just a repeat of Raiden.>There...
Grim Dawn
SotC remake ranting
Dungeon Meshi game
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mods
Hey Capcom finally realized Lost Planet 2 on PC is a thing!
>Not owning a Sega Saturn to play the best fighting game ever madeThe fucks wrong...
/4x/ Oriental Empires
Bugs and Glitches Thread
Electronic Arts purchases Respawn Entertainment and the Titanfall brand>$400-Million.htmlNO, GOD DAMMIT NO. THEY WERE THE... you taugh we have hit rock bottom yet, were now reminded every day we...
So /v/, think you can make videogame music? Try this cool /mu/ thread...
Post good VG music covers with Great singing
NES ROM Hack or Homebrew RPGs
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Gas Gas Gas Edition
Smooth lightning in pixelshit. Which is better?
State of capcom fighting games
This is definitively THE best Mario Odyssey outfit
Phantasy star
>recommended for youIf you wanna call me an asshole, just call me an asshole. This...
Maces in Vidya
Weeb games for Nintendo DS
Pre-YouTube video game parodies & references
Any good 4x games ? Ive played quite a bit of stellaris, but i...
Games that you regret not playing when you were a kid....
tera is compromised
strategy games where i can take it slow and have fun
Fullderp: Fuck YOU edition
Videogame Cringe appreciation threadGentlemen i cannot be the only Cringe Connoisseur. Seeing some autist go...
Monitor thread
Tfw you are pretty excited for Metal Gear SurviveFox Engine co-op stealth looks like a...
Caligula Effect
Is a good Horror game designed as a puzzle?>Play a forbidden siren.>Opening spawns you in...
Will this bet he comfiest vidya December ever? Literally the three franchises with the most...
TES games
Official Monster Hunter World flaw list by long-time fans
post your favourite cutscenes...
>Bought an Xbone for £40 off a guy replacing it two months ago purely because...
ITT: Good box art from this genNowadays games dont sell on box art so most...
Whats in in Box?
vidya gaem accessory thread
Elex thread
Webm thread
>Western Games Can’t even make sluts cuteNot only every girl in western games raging whores....
Die Totenmaske
Etrian Odyssey General: Cute girls climbing large, girthy world trees edition>Copy of V finally arrives...
Ace of Spades 0.76Live server at aos://3597858117DOWNLOAD THE GAME HEREOpenspades client: friendly version:
November 11-20
Ultima Underworld Unity
Kill the fucking internet, save video games.
Neo Geo X Thread
Pixel Hunting
Warframe Thread
Idea man thread
Dark game over screens
Hotline Miami 2
Bad Mechanics
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Gods Gonna Cut You Down Edition
Like this game? Try THIS game Thread
Indisputable Rules of Vidya
Serious question: Is Cloud an actual cuck?
Potential game music
Shitty games you enjoyed playing when you were too stupid to realize how bad they...
Remothered - Chaser Horror Games
Okay, so ive been tasting the joys of the student life and the shit-trips and...
How come Doom 3s version of Hell looks better than the one in NuDoom? Doom...
Which mods do I get for prey 2006?
Draw Thread: MSPaint Gondola Edition
WW1 Vidya
Best local co-op
Zelda 2 Clones
What do you actually want Yoko Taros next sadness adventure to be about?We know theres...
Generational series
Turn based tactics vidya
I dont know what you guys think about Overwatch. And I dont even own the...
Any anons here grew up with a Spectrum? Or any other home computer for that...
Champions Online Shenanigans
Jagged Alliance, 7.62 Hard Life, etc
Well I guess today is a bit of a slow day, Whatre you guys up...
Grenade Launchers
City Builders
Golden sun
Getting Over It
North Korea in vyda
about Majora...
Wargame Thread - America Edition
Yakuza Mahjong
STALKER thread
Im going to buy a bunch of consoles to be able to play games on...
The Game that Stole Your Innocence & Faith in Video Games
Zombie master: reborn
Dark forces 2
Are there any good supernatural games where its military vs ghosts?Watching random bullshit on Netflix...
They should have called this Tokyo Toll Free...
Speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with...
ITT:we discuss EA What did Visceral do to deserve its fate?Why did respawn agree to...
The TPP is back!
Star control 2
They have done it again!...
as an English speaker that has no plans to learn Japanese, Korean, or Chinese, what...
Griefing Confession
TransRoad USA
Help me out /v/.Im looking for a game that has the freedom of character creation...
How would you design movement in a third-person VR MMO?Creative answers accepted...
Spiderweb games
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Whats wrong with singleplayer MMOs?
Nioh Tread
Club Penguin... Rewritten!
>the only game to be hyped for in 2017/2018 is an updated version of a...
Underrated Characters
Whats some tacticool, wall hugging, bro-op shootan I can play on PC?...
Slav Horror
Why do all modern FPS games have to be ruined by cutscenes? Take for example...
playing games as a kid vs now
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
What porn game has the best cum/urine physics?I found ones present in Honey Select lacking...
Who is the cutest vidya girl of 2017?and why is it jrpg inkling hackerman girl?...
Webm Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Time Gal Edition
Anyone knows some games in which I can DEUS VULT some daemons?Games which arent Doom....
>Entire fuckin race gets genocided>Culprits never brought to justice>Forced to share planet with very people...
ITT: Games you are sad you missed out onI was a poorfag growing up and...
Cut contents inside a released games
Death of Miiverse: Part 2
Hey guys, I like you a lot, so have a free PUBG key on meRCE88-X2J4D-W8AMHHave...
Timeless Music
Bioshock 2
Franchises that had a good jump into 3D
JJBA games
Historical accuracy in video games
Publisher Sins Thread
>speedrunning>degenerateChoose two...
>name main character Asuka in romaji >first girl to show up is named アスカWell, that...
anyone able to help identify this game?...
Have you modded your copy of MGSV yet, /v/? Infinite Heaven installed at all?...
Fallout thread
Heartwarming Moments in Vidya
Less than a month to The Game Awards 2017
>tfw there is still no game that captures the sensation of flying on a dragon...
/v/ makes an RPG maker game Try #2: The More organized edition
King Arthur
Red Dead
Hey, do we have a working archive for 8chan? I wanna search for the Serious...
VG Characters Number 1 Games
quick /v/ I need some games that let me be an unredeemable asshole and I...
Princess Maker
Quake 2
Tekken 7 Noctis
Fag Gives Sonic Boom Crew Death Threats
MeinKraft in current year +2
Recommend video games ITT please
Manliest Characters
FF in my Tekken?
/v/-Sings Daytona fags go home edition
With Wolfenstein 2 being one of the biggest flops this year. Is there a good...
EA PR explains why they paywalled Vader in SWBF2, becomes most downvoted comment in Reddit history
Collector - Buyfag Thread
Has anyone else played this pile of utter shit?I cannot for the life of me...
Video Game Wallpapers
Hello, I am a game literally only OP here played
Power Armors and shit
Board game
Garrys Mod (Gmod)
Classic RE Thread
Fighting Game General - Boys Backstreet to the Sewer Edition
Have been a while from having one of those. Dump your vidya ads...
Tfw you play a game 20 years later and it still holds upWhats her name...
Grand Strategy Games
Are there adventure video games that arent based on combat? By adventure I dont mean...
Post Games with an interesting magic system.
This is the conclusion I have to come /v/
Can you guys suggest me a game/mod with atposhpere of Darkest Dungeon, you know stress,...
2nd 8chanMania
Controller Thread
Heroes of Might and Magic
World of Warcraft: Our King Edition
#Gamergate #Notyourshield [ #GG + #NYS ]: 2D in the Hood Edition
Legend of Dragoon
Underused settings in vyda
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation
Women in Dark Souls
>you will never cozy up with your gf while youre both wearing official 100% knitted...
Esports money is dying, relying on betting rings to stay alive
Time to play a game, /v/.
how’s the infiltration going /v/...
Games with bad or confusing plots
Conspiracy to sell more graphics cards.
Total War: Warhammer
Hey guys I got a question.Would you be fine if games had 0 microtransactions but...
Postal 1
Justice League Canceled Beatem Up Game -
So, that Sonic movie is looking pretty great....
How much is a game worth?/Would you spend $300 on a single game?
Alolan Salt Party?
Fallen Earth/Linux
That one game
Underrated N64 games
Top 6 Favorite Pokemon
Sonic Odyssey
Guild Wars Prophecies
UBoot and Submarine Game General
WEBM Thread [Mass Shooter Edition]
>Oh, you like video games? Me too! What do you play, Call of Duty?>No, I...
>trash like warframe and ff14 constantly have treads up>masterpiece that is PSO2 is being ignoredExplain....
I have long considered Nethack to be THE de facto RoguelikeAm I wrong?...
Buffing & Debuffing
I just want recommendations for mech games on my preferred platform of choice. Every fucking...
>>I waited 30 years for this>I still remember my last orders. When the real war...
Why did this series have to die?...
Nioh thread
STOP! Goemon time.Whats your favorite stage? Your favorite character? Your favorite song? Your favorite game?For...
Games only a particular nationality played
TGA Nominees
Whats the best choice and best time to buy in terms of vr now?>HTC vive...
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a game where you play as your...
So, why have Microsoft still not released all of these for PC?...
Vidya podcasts
Final Fantasy 6
The term gamer is now used as an insult by feminists in the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 fiasco.
Ive come around to this game, looks somehow interesting, yet somehow it reminds of Skyrim,...
Humble Jew Bundle
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
The Van Guy
Hat in Time Modding
And you thought Gamestop would do something decent
1995-2000s aesthetics in videogames
Gravity Rush 2 Thread
Nintendo Making A New Animated Mario Movie
#Gamergate #Notyourshield [ #GG + #NYS ]: Valkyrie Power Beauties Edition
Techraptors AC review
Next TES game
New Valkyria Chronicles game
so /v/, lets say that there is… a video gamein that video game, there is...
Runes of Magic
Intense Moments
The Great Gift Pile of Shame
Series that will probably get reboots
WoW classic poll
Vidya with Good Story and Lore
F Zero thread
Possible occasion for some internet salt?So, Ive been following the whole EA/Battlefront shitflinging, and its...
>I know I will never have a girlfriend because I look like a Gears of...
This is your new Alexstrasza, shitlord
Outcast - Second Contact
Video game unlockables
It will take 4,528 hours of gameplay (or $2100) to unlock all base-game content in...
Games where you can cause mayhem
The present-day military setting in games
What in the flying fuck? 20 seconds into a squirmish and the AI enemies already...
Videogames in dystopias
Do anyone else play those walking simulator exploration games but girls? They are sorta like...
Sonic Thread
The next telltales games I.P
ESRB confirmed corrupt as shit
the board
Age of Barbarian
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Yknow Edition
Chris Avellone Hints Towards Fallout With Obsidian Management
Tolkien estate opens up
ITT: Post your crossover ideas, no matter how stupid or weird.I used to have the...
More LotR games to be made in the future
What are your most played stats on your Switch account?Settle a bet for me. Mario...
Pokemon Nuzlocke Infinichan Edition
What if you could stay with UNATCO?
AW/Wars thread: Hiroshimad edition
Should loot boxes beconsidered gambling?...
Etrian Odyssey/Dungeon Crawler Thread
Is good controller, or not good controller?...
What games have the most stylish kicks? I love games with lots of kicking.Webm is...
Describe a Video Game, Find a Video Game
3DS Homebrew Thread
This came out of fucking nowhere. Why did nobody tell me this was going to...
Lets have some fun. Make a picture in your image editing software of choice that...
Starcraft is now free to play
/v/ votes for their game of the yearSo CURRENT YEAR 3: THE CURRENTING is down...
Wall Street is getting worried social media outrage over EAs ‘Star Wars’ game may hurt sales.
Mount & Blade thread
Fullderp: Seriously and Competitively Viable (in Doubles) edition
Are there like any games where you play as soldier but you are for the...
Bungie reveals Destiny 2s first raid and dungeons are its only raid and dungeons. Procedural...
>The only recent marvel game that haven’t flopped was marvel contest of chamipons for IOS...
Dark Knight
Cyberpunk 2077 to move to a games as a service model
Opus Magnum
Jew Wars: Shekelfront II: The EAmpire Kikes Back: Episode 2
Dead Rising
Fishing Games
WEBM Thread [2D Edition]
My HDD died while I was finishing Fallout 1, I was right after entering the...
Yakuza / Hokuto ga Gotoku Thread - Previously on /v/... Edition
Nioh - Sudoku edition
HYAKKI CASTLE aka Legend of Nipcock
Does anyone know how of any methods to quickly achieve credits in this game?Unlocking heroes...
Killer is Dead thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Arcus Odyssey Edition
Will we ever see a World of Final Fantasy 2?So its been out on Vita,...
Tannenberg - Verdun Standalone Eastern Front Expansion
Vivendi delays Ubisoft acquisition for 6 months
Worthwhile Fanfiction
CALM sniping in video games
Singleplayer Strategy
DMC vs Bayonetta vs MGR
Thoughts?Also, metroid general....
why do the sieges in this game suck so fucking much...
Hey anon, if you ever made a game, how would you make people know that...
Hey guys, I would like to show you my wall mounted gaming PC....
>multiplayer game with story>towards the end you get an ability linked with whatever twist it...
Pokemon Casual Thread Edition
Guess which gook is retirement age today!...
default iron sight
Remember me?
Weekend Gamenight: Fistful of Frags edition (apologies about the lateness too)
Mechanics that are useless without a guide and insanely broken with one
Unresolved cliffhangers in games
Jew Wars: Shekelfront II: The EAmpire Kikes Back: Execute Order 66 Edition
Hiromi Tsuru
Games more popular than lawbreakers
am I fucking retarded? I want to play pic related on nestopia emu via retroarch...
High INT vidya protagonists
No thread about a new Total War title.I ask for a Viking Total War title...
Mark is 26 years old today
Train Simulator 2018
Calugula Overdose & New Anime
What would the console market be like today if Sega and Nintendo were still the...
Let me pay money not to play the game I paid for!
TDM 64 players Noshar Canals in BF3 and Operation Locker in BF4 were the most...
Gamdev Tycoon
characters with high Series Potential
Why do game journalists hate FNAF and LISA yet love night in the woods, layers...
Bad games with great soundtracks
Shit internet connection
Titan Quest Ragnarök
really well optimized PC games
RPG Maker Gaym
Games based on trust and deceit
>>13812162Why the FUCK is the EA thread not stickied and cyclical? Pic related is in...
ok so i have to put up with your rules as well i supposefine, i...
What does /v/ think of the Ogre series and Matsunos games in general?Im doing a...
Christmas Thread
/int/craft Historical RP Minecraft Server LAUNCHED TODAY
Fighting Game General: Ultimate Unga Goddess Edition
What PSP games does /v/ recommend?
ITT: games or gaming related things getting destroyed
Dino Run hype y/n
Cancerous Smash Builds
Just installed this for the first time, and played through Sonics campaign in one sitting....
Minecon 2017
>release game>completely retrograde the game over time, completely changing it into a different game altogether>leave...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Reimoo Racing Edition
How will the success of Nintendo switch effects the gaming industry in the long time?...
Why hasnt anyone just made warbands in space?
Grand Strategy Games
What online games did you play that you genuinely enjoyed?
If a part of games content only available online, and youre playing game offline because...
CS2D is now on Steam
Warframe Thread
Most Memorable Boss Fights of this Generation
Spellforce 3
So Rampage is getting a movie.....
Weekend Gamenight: RTV enabled edition
Webm thread: Gayme Journo Edition
Unapologetic Nostalgia Thread
Never forget what 2K made TRS do.Never forget their butchery.Never forget that TRS Dindu Nuffin.Never...
Best way to deal with cheaters in online games
Video game that makes money
>Assassins Creed Flopped>Destiny 2 Flopped>COD flopped>Wolfenstein flopped >Battlefront 2 flopped>Justice League Flopped>The ps4 and xbox...
What happened to Call Of Duty multiplayer having multiple factions and kickass spawn themes? Its...
are Super Mario 3 and Super Mario: lost levels the worst games in humanity?I just...
Inexplicably awful tracks in games with otherwise better music
Post god tier vidya OST...
Hunter/Detective/Assassin/Bullshit Vision
Why does 9 years old world at war sound better than next gen WW2? Why...
End Credits Music
What are some vidya that involve a team of special ops and ninjas?Only thing that...
Tank Vidya
i dunno what to really put down, so i am just going to wing it...
Fullderp: hostile white supremacist harassment edition
Planetside 2 Thread: Birthday Boys Edition
Visual Novel Thread
Vidya announcer lines (and other hype shit)
Sally Face, the pointless cliffhanger story.
Technically Ambitious Games
Magical Alignments
>getting girls to fuck you actually helps with the main gameplay not bad suda...
Camelot wants to make Shining Force 4
What happened to AAA companies and vidya industry in general?
Same VA thread: depression edition v2
This is the draw thread.Make your requests....
Why are gaming meetups always a letdown?
Games that appeal to sadist
Tribes Ascend-ish game
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Thinking about getting Epistory - Typing Chronicles, but one questions..WHAT THE FUCK IS TYPING...
Decent RPG Maker games
Disaster Report 4 new trailer
Saturday witching hour horror thread
Pre-WoW MMOs
Games You Cant Remember
Guilty Gear XX Online Fuckfest
What Happened to Dota 2?
Melee has one of the highest risks of hand injury out of any competitive game...
So, who do you think should get the license if the Mouse opts out? Do...
I need something to scratch my Resident Evil: Mercenaries itch that is NOT a Resident...
Anybody else feel like they just play video games because it gives you a sense...
Tfw Ultra Sun/Moon is across the board better games than S/M which are clearly paid...
the zelda alternative
Nintendo Switch
Rainbow Six Siege: Worst Korea edition
Jewish Characters in Videogames
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Metal Slug Edition
Two months into MvCI...
Did the original Metroid come with a physical map? I remember a section in Super...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
best ww2 games
Nioh Thread
/v/ makes a RPG maker game #3: Your area is shit edition
Competitive gaming
Lol or cry? What the fuck was he thinking?...
Lately Ive been playing Caesar 3, and Ive gotten to the point that Im pretty...
Innate mechanics
Valkyria Chronicles 4 just announced
I have a birthday coming up, and my parents are the We dont care where...
Genres and Semantics
Draw Quest
Nipponese Learning Thread: キズナアイ Edition
Whats the first thing you would load up if you had a holodeck, /v/?...
Xenoblade 2
Battlefront II Physical UK sakes down 60%
Best Vidya OSTs
quick question
Sonic 3D Directors Cut Released!
Gaming laptop help thread
I think this is the best theme combo out of all of them.Velvets background with...
/v/ How do we reboot Gobots as a video game? What kind of gameplay would...
Brutal Legend
ITS TIME FOR 8CHANMANIA 3Where to watch?: match is a fuckin Doozy BUT before we...
Screenshot thread
Help me decide what game to play next, /v/. Green check marks are the ones...
PC vs console genre by genre
Shitty flash/flash-tier eroge games
Splatoon Thread- Rainmaker FreeZone Edition
November 21-31
FCC planning to kill Net Neutrality
Webm Thread: Quandary version
Childhood Oddities thread
Dynasty Warrior Clones
Game device backgrounds (Wallpaper/theme thread)
fullderp: better OP edition
Whats your heraldry /v/?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Caffeine Nicotine Edition
Just Died to the final boss of twinkle tale on my last continue. Kinda bummed...
Space Station 13
Post cool character designs in more recent games....
React to this image in an amusing way....
I never realised it before, but it seems like the only stat increase you get...
Plants vs Zombies Creator Fired by EA for Refusing Pay-to-Win SystemEA is going rogue is...
Nasu / Fate / FGO Thread>Did you roll for your waifu?>Did you get her?>Are you...
MDK is currently free on GOG:
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
Simple but fun video games
Should I start playing RuneScape?...
Do you fap to non porn vidya?Be honest....
What you gonna send Mario?
Maplestory SlimeTales Season 2
Battlefront 2 servers are down again, is this it? Is this the Final nail in...
Medieval Engineers + Medieval General
Why are mods deleting legit threads now?...
Gog black friday sale
What is the video game equivalent of a SOL/CGDCT/Iyashikei anime? These are shows with little...
Linux Gamers
Game of the year
FUCK CEMUThe devs hippster broke too much with the newer version. Everything was ok after...
Lootboxes Confirmed as Gambling in Belgium
Where does battlerite sit on the ASSFAGGOT shelf? On one hand its much faster and...
>Grand Theft Auto III comes out>Its a load of ass>A bad third person shooter with...
Friends/Communities in video games
WHOS UP FOR SOME BOARD GAME ONLINE TONIGHT?this is a game thats sorta like mario...
Microtransaction in Japan??
what game has the most satisfying gun sounds?...
Games based on unexplained occurrences
I apologize for the resolution, I was doing a lot of minimizing and decided to go windowed
King of Fighters XIV gets new dlc character
Rereleases with More Content
Dark SOULS help
Are there more visual novels and erotic games for female than male
>Ghost recon wildlands Dev videos tend to get million view each in a short time...>The S-SMP operates in a somewhat unconventional manner for a sound chip. A boot ROM...
Is there anyone here that makes a living from investing in the stocks of the...
Fighting Game General - Middle Eastern Girls
Fortnite Battle Royale doesnt even make sense.
Rune Factory
Action mmorpg recomendations
HellGate London Multiplayer
Local Multiplayer
PC co-op adventure games for 4 or more players
GalGun 2
silly spooky games
/v/ makes a RPG maker game #4 Trap fairy edition
Nioh thread
Hey guys I heard that its the Steam Autumn Sale!Wonderful prices on your most beloved...
Steam Awards and getting ready for DORITO POPE
Valkyria Chronicles
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Reisen Edition
What the fuck were they fucking thinking?...
YouTube culture is turning kids against art games.
Looks like TotalAsscancer is about to rot away for good...
Garfield Kart
PS3 Thread
Net Neutrality
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
ITT companies fucking up
/v/Sings Dont Mess With Kind Dice
>couldve had a badass plot about four French bros kicking ass Three-Musketeers-style in revolutionary France>instead...
Happy Thanksgiving /v/! What games and game industry news are you thankful for this year?...
Dwarf Fortress v0.44.01
Draw Quest: Part II
Are there any good crime drama games? Something with a long, interesting case/s?...
Game of the forever confirmed
Do you know any Lockbox addicts?So finally people are turning on this gross trend. Its...
ITT: Ruin anons day by reminding each other about cancelled gamesThere was a big budget...
Good games that will never ever get a sequelI JUST WANT MORE CUTE NOOTS AN...
Space fighter sims
Sanctum 2
Im taking a week off in December to just devote myself to vidya and anime,...
How would you make this trainwreck good? Is it even salvageable at this point?...
>What if Medabots were girls and into yuri?...
What game is this supposed to be advertising? Faggot football?...
Post the flops of this year you are most happy about....
Payday 2 thread
ArcheAge Private Server
Smite General
What happens next?
Why is Kojima such a massive westaboo cuck for the USA? I want to kill...
Hey /v/, whats the best free shard? Im looking for the best glorified chatroom experience...
Would Big Boss still be a cool character if part of the whole MGS story...
Anyone get their miiverse post history yet?Whats it like?Pseudo Oekaki thread...
Total War
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Life is Beautiful Edition
opinions on the first two Fallout games?
Webm Thread: G.O.T.Y Deluxe Edition
Behold Studios
>Not only Wolfenstein 2 still being shilled on cuckchan>Cuckchan /v/ is crying and blaming /pol/...
Join our shitty WWI Sim, its got a bunch of degenerates from /int/ and the...
Im interested, do you prefer simpler, smaller but finished and fully realized games, or overwhelmingly...
What shit can you do with a PS2 Slim?>Ps2 died back in 2009>Decided fuck it,...
>2017>not ignoring modern gaming and exclusively playing/collecting retro gamesWhy dont you play games from generations...
What games do you see yourself playing in 10 years?
Star Wars vidya thread
>Finally try Dragons Dogma>Hire other players pawns>Always the biggest, fattest women or>Twin tailed, flat chested,...
Digimon games
Time Travel in Vidya
Fullderp: So thats what they meant by Water Gun edition
So Ill probably be called a kike and I have no business experience so bear...
Counter-Strike 1.6 off-week gamenight
Most Favorite Game per Platform
Blaster Master Zero
Tell me,what have you bought recently? perhaps any bundles? major sale sprees?...
Another (((Enhanced))) game.
>not even 30 days old >already 50% off before Black Friday starts Wolfenstein 2 The...
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, THIS EXPANSION IS TOTAL GARBAGE.I dont want to play as corrupted Chaos...
Games that make you feel alone
Die by the Sword
All major advertisers pulling out of youtube after pedo ring with billions of views discovered...
Black Desert game passes
Gayman Rig Thread
Am I the only one still playing this?...
What online games do you miss the most?
Weirdest Games Thread...
Black Mesa Xen Release Delayed AGAIN...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Angel Breeze Edition
Its been a decade...
Games/Levels that Everyone should be good at
Are there any games with similiar art style?...
EA confirmed (again) for root of all vidya evil
There are currently more people playing CS: CZ than there are people playing Lawbreakers....
If someone gifts me a game on steam that is not available in my region,...
The Ur-Quan Masters / Star Control 2
Net neutrality is video games
Valkyria Chronicles thread: Alicias sweet baked buns editionI loved the original, it sold me on...
Is this game worth buying, /v/...
Armor Thread
EDF5: Soon Edition
Smash player tries to run over other players
Deadly Premonition Thread
Cuphead thread
FUN thread
I played Tower 57 so you dont have to.
Bungie in panic mode as Destiny 2 shitstorms means Activision contracts ruining them grows ever...
>release miitomo>swapnote levels of shitposting>great customisation>impossible to add people unless you have them on facebook...
How should future dragon ball games handle ultra instinct?...
Does anyone else get extremely existential when pirating games?Just an intense feeling of now that...
PS3 Custom Firmware Installer for Firmware 4.82 Released
A Change of Opinion With Games
Yu-Gi-Oh general
Can we have a thread about sharing saved games /v/?
Men, its YOUR duty to join me in fighting bigtory in gaming! For womens rights!
I just want to know one thing. I dont even want to talk about the...
Any of you want to play some Rock Band/Guitar Hero?...
Changing genres
>make pvp herzog zwei clone>make it f2p with only skins and shit>promise singleplayer in the...
Why are fallout 1 and 2 such amazing gamesfirst played them back in 99. loved...
genres you wish still had a fanbase
Persona 5 is still triggering feminists
did you play this, /v/?>that ending sequence thoughoh so fucking good, it was almost orgasmic....
Actual Meta thread
Controller Thread
Are you a NEET?How much of a trashpile is your room?How do you buy games?How...
Games with Griffins
Rainbow Six: Siege - Operation White Noise Edition
Anon who actually played the remake hereIm here to give an unbiased reviewThe game is...
Nioh thread
What are your personal experiences with the FGC?Its no secret they are a videogame subculture...
7 Days to Die
Is this the only game that has a skeleton as a protagonist?I cant believe skeletons...
What is the most autistic thing you did in vidya?
casual but decent games
How much has the loss of the family entertainment room caused a shift in game development?
Is there any fun bowling game for the PC with online mode too?This thing on...
Were the Volus based on the jews?
Grand Strategy Games
Rome 2
Forgotten/Forgettable Games
webm thread
Battletech 2018
Physical Disc Deterioration.
VG Memorial Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fake Town Baby Edition
Super Metroid Adcare: Endless Mode
10/10 character designs
Wasted potential
Kamen Rider Climax Fighters
State of the industry
Neptunia Thread
Tribes: Royal
Series that can be good but the company is complete shit
type [your favorite game] + feminism into google and post the first result....
I just discovered that mobage isnt an adjective but a social network/website for mobile gamesIs...
Devil May Cry 5 Rumors
Zero Escape Thread
How much memory does a single pokemon take up?
TBoI Antibirth
Senran Kagura
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Drinking Buddies Edition
Why did Konami thought the SAW video games were going to be the new Silent...
Autistic vidya with engineering, bulding and stuff
Which game engine impresses you the most?
Boku no Hero Academia
Concept art
4 AM
Whats the last SEGA genesis game you played? Lets get a discussion going. Just finished...
Demons Souls Jp servers shut down February 28th> it begins. The Bamco servers first, the...
When did you realise you became a patrician and by default rolled rogues, assassins and...
arma 3
Share Thread
What actually causes get hype herd mentality?>Monster Hunter World announced, a series known for being...
Retarded shit that triggers you in vidya
RTS Thread -Spellforce Edition
Class biases in games.
Cyber Monday
Dominions 5
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
S.T.A.L.K.E.R General: Monkeys Paw Edition
>favorite weapon is a double barrel shotgun>it isnt featured in too many fps games>when it...
I present to you the following argument:< If a games enjoyability is significantly impacted by...
GTA V online is only fun if you have money, does anybody know how to...
Forcing yourself to complete vidya
Death Jam Fight four Nu Yorg
Fate/Nasu/FGOAbout FGO:>Did you roll the 5* gacha?>Are you farming MPs?>You saving quartz for…...
Delta Force (1998)
Fire Pro Wrestling World
Vidya tropes that you love
Why the fuck has /v/ never talked about how fucking good Forbidden Siren 2 is?I...
Stellaris National Socialism mod?
Is there any kind of website, YouTube channel, blog, Twitter or whatever mean to deliver...
Grim Dawn - Death Knight
YGYLVideo Games Edition...
Censored vidya
Final Propane Zero
Video games are art, so therefore, it shouldnt be fun all the time. Its a concept of emotions.
Emulator frontend?
Civ Thread
Over 60Hz
Legendary Game Maker Peter Molyneux Talks Regrets and Whats Next
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Be The One Edition
EuroGunZ (GunZ The Duel)
Space Thread:Planet Glassing Edition
The Switch is powering Nintendo toward a $1 billion profit
>Wolfenstein 2 was so poorly written >Not Even the general gaming public hatred the KKK...
Music thread
I need video games with spooky waifus.Not just monster girls, per se, but any waifu...
Game Mechanics you only found out near the end or after finishing the game
Inmersive sims/FPRG or whatever they are called
RTV - Reveal The Vidya
Lichdom: Battlemage
Kenshi Thread
>pic relatedwhy did they kill it? I really dont understand it! Everything is gone, unable...
Touhou/2hu thread
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
Hey mods! yes even you.Can we just outright ban wolfenstein 2 threads. the game was...
PC building
Why is the TW AI such utter shit?
How do you organize your games /v/?...
Paladins coming to Nintendo Switch> data in an update has Nintendo Switch configurations for the...
4th Wall Breaking as Game Mechanics
Snowy vidya locales
PS2 Thread
World of Warcraft Classic
Star Ocean 4 Remaster
What kind of retarded shit is this?...
>we got 2 of pic related in stock for $98 CDN>listed online for $250+...
>still thinking corporate bigwigs are right wingThough seriously, cant people just stop buying lootboxes? is...
4X Oriental Empires
Vita Thread
WiC thread
WEBM Thread: YTP Edition
did anyone ever figure out what high prestige blocks do...
Machinima Thread
Dong expansion thread
Im playing Bravely Default for the first time, /v/. Is there anything I should know...
Cool boss battles, that dont take away control
EA Loses $3 Billion in Stock Value after Battlefront 2 Debacle
Good /sp/orts games
Im thinking about either playing the Sly Cooper or Ratchet and Clank series next. Are...
Why Nintendo is never original? Is this a thing that sells the games, or just...
Shantae Thread
4 AM
Why are shaderfags so anal-retentive when it comes to raw pixels? Do they actually think...
Bad Costumes
Is Black Mesa worth buying during steam autumn sale?...
Terraria Thread
Can someone explain me what is this flash game garbage and why it looks to...
DMC3 Style Switcher Mod
Net Neutrality
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Into The Vrains Edition
Battlezone 2 Remaster
Omega Labyrinth Z coming West
Aging well
You know, there is nohing more comfy than the idea making an outpost of your...
Fullderp: High IQ Edition
Why is nintendo the only console maker investing in first party games? Not console war...
Fast As Fuck Racing Games
Traffic crashes increased after Pokémon Go came out, researchers say
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
How do you feel about PVEVP?We have had straight team death match style games forever....
Final Fantasy XV team very pleased to reveal, after a year of patching that you...
age of empires 4
What made this so bad?
When was the last tine you played an arcade machine?
How do you feel about ARMS at this point?This was a weird game for me....
Mechwarrior 5
How do we create another Runescape experience?...
Nitpicking character designs
>Buy Mario Odyssey>Get to the end of new Donk City>Feel genuine joy for the first...
>play dishonored 2>hear Garrets voice>instantly get urge to play the old Thief games insteadI dont...
Winged Cloud and Sekai project exposed
Doom 3
Visual Novel Thread
Licensed games better than the OG properties
EA CFO Blake Jorgensen:
Shin Megami Tensei V on the Switch
2D>3D graphics
/ogc/ Racing Games General - Rolling Start Edition
Games you know like the back of your hand
Yfw Halo is actually dead>Halo 5 is a ghost town>MCC is a ghost town>Even their...
NIOH Ambition Edition
If you had to turn Made in Abyss into a videogame, what would you turn...
You guys still do filename threads?...
Battlezone 2 remake
Fighting Game General: Forgot to make a new Thread Edition
What does /v/ think of hardcore roleplaying servers? I used to think they were for...
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Easter Egg thread
Bannerlord hype - I cant help myself
When will HOI4 ai be as good as Darkest Hour?
Scam citizen: scam harder
Space potatoes
Collectibles done right
Autistically inclined challenge runners?
Notch is OUR Goy
Butterlord general
Huge power increases
Plebbit User Receives Confidential email from EA by mistake
>Silent Hill takes place at a coal mine In hindsight…. did the fall of silent...
Unofficial Weekend GamenightTomorrow its Friday, what do you wanna play?> youre a marxist jewish niggerfaggot...
>computer science and software engineering are by far the most in demand job and every...
how do you defeat this?
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is free on humblebundle
You are right, achievements are bullshit, there are one of the reasons why nowadays video...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:I Love Pretty Girls Edition
Path of Exile
Metal Gear, huh
>when you realize social media has proven Morphiuss claims people enjoy being spied on are...
>tfw we now live in an age where devs are releasing patches to make their...
Weekend Gamenight: Lawbreakers Edition
Battlebrothers thread.
Secret World Legends
Everyst Vanilla WoW General
ITT: Rad shit in the early parts of games that only make sense on a...
TITANFALL 2 IS SO FUCKING GOODPlaying the game for the first time in a year...
December 1-10
Motherfucking ZWEI.
Polygons review of XC2: The game borrows from a hodgepodge of anime tropes. Sexist/10
Cartoon graphics vs Realistic Graphics in video games
NIS America and Nihon Falcom on how to save the JRPG
Can we all take a minute and appreciate how innovative Overwatch is? Its likely the...
A hat in time Devs
GTA VI map leaked
Lack of meritocratic barriers
How to deal with shills?
Anyone here successfully get back into vidya after taking several years off? I dont get...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Modernized CRT Terminal
A Hat in Time (Actual Thread About the Game Edition)
Games with bad animations
Nintendo is now Japans richest company
Unreal Tournament Thread
Ape Escape
Moonlight Blade
/v/ makes a RPG maker game #5 Protecting Gondolas smile edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Scramble Spirits Edition
What’s a dumber Antagonist, Arma 3 CSAT or Homefront greater Korean republic?
Persona 5 has officially sold 2 million copies, Atlus says Japanese games are growing
What if Artifact is Valves way of pushing into mobile and selling there?...
Robert House is undoubtedly the worst choice for the future of the wasteland, bar none....
EA: crashing the microtransaction market with no survivors
minecraft clones
Vidya MTG Cards
Vidya Harems
Zombie Master Reborn
I remember reading that its Nintendo that decides how much you should price your game...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Buying used
FrEYEday night, motherfucker!
What video games naturally draw people to be corrupt assholish mods?Gmod comes to mind...
ESO Thread
Kotaku on Xenoblade Chronicles 2: I wish the [talented] Nintendo Treehouse (localized) this.
Starcontrol: Stardock screwing over Ghosts of the Precusors?
I am at my wits end with the data migration for the PS4. Help me...
webm thread
Whos going to be the next big name in the industry to die?...
Attorney Online
Remember this absolute travesty?Remember how Cosmo got fucked so hard he turned into a girl?Remember...
This is a thread designated for the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah only. All lesser races should remain...
The Chronicles of Riddick
Why are the majority of DB fans so fucking shit at video games?
Video game cosplay
Just started Warframe because one of the dudes I work with swears its fun. ...
Good settings for MMOS
Vidya Cities
Devil May Cry
>like some not very well known game>want it to be more popular>all the while fearing...
Emulation Thread
Cuphead thread
Emulation General
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: JJ and Jeff Edition
Have you ever looked at Psx games and wonder how would games today look if...
Somas Journalism mode
Logitech Artemis?
In retrospect, all things considered, was Vice City Stories the best GTA game of the...
Dark Souls boss rush
Opinions on castlevania SOTN?...
Which do you like more?Linear games or open world (non linear) ones....
What kinds of games do Koreans like to play?...
Life is Feudal / Citadel: Forged With Fire
Why did Digra/Darpa fuck with video games?...
Why are these things popping up everywhere? I admit, I do still have a couple...
How can the 3D gameplay of Sonic be fixed?Without slowing downDMD Mode: No LOL just...
Wallpaper thread
Draw Thread: Low Quality Oekaki Edition
Mother 4
Devs Shoehorning Their Fetishes Into Their Games
Nipponese Learning Thread: ラブプラス Edition
Games to play on Deployment
Harvest Moon
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
i cant wait to buy my level 60 with a fully enchanted set of tier...
Christmas Vidya
Scorn is being rebuilt and reduced
What are good dungeon crawlers out there that has me exploring dungeons with a large...
4 am
What was the best year for gaming and why was it 1999?...
Guys, I really want a Grandia 4
Seven: The Days Long gone
PS3 Thread #2
>want to make games>struggle with anything more complex than a breakout in libgdx (java)>realize I...
3DS Homebrew Thread
Good Pass-N-Play games?
Insane Weapon Customization
Fate/Nasu/FGO>FGO Period: 2017-12-01 7:00 - 12-11 3:59 UTCEvent Summary:A limited time Christmas event with an...
Switch port when?...
Red Dead Redemption
3DS piracy via citra?
Fullderp: 047 edition
Technical Pet Peeves
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Monster Lair Edition
Controller thread
>Gacha game where the western audience is growing and spending more than the Japanese audience...
ITT game mechanics that will always get you to try a game, no matter how...
Rate my OC
I love Sonic!...
Bully 2
Do you do the bad ending first or the good ending?...
Kingdom Hearts
Splatoon Thread - You Gotta Be Squiddin Me
what are the best jrpg games?apart from final fantasy and dragon questdoesnt matter which console...
Spyro 3
Game analysis videos/writing
Star Wars games
STRONK Characters
NIOH Batman Edition
Urban Chaos
What are some colorful games that could pass off as games for kids, but secretly...
Mobile shit is not video games.Stop enabling them.Make a rule against it....
What ever happened to Anton and Coolpecker?...
>Mfw i just picked up a mint condition PS2 with the following games for £20>.HACK...
Any open world mmos with non-wow combat out there?Not asking for good ones of course,...
I want to play videogames which are similiar to : Terraria, Minecraft. It can be...
Mega Man 30th Anniversary livestream
Do Super Mutants have dicks?...
Merry Christmas! Whats on your list?
Beautiful Worlds
>journos lose their shit over Nier Automata
New Five Night at Fuckbears game announced.
/domg/ Dominions 5: Middle Age edition
The World Tree
Vanilla WoW General
Riot - Civil Unrest
How did you deal with Ulysses?
Boss rush theme thread
Mega Man 11
Seasons Greetings
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Konpaku Youmu Edition
Older Versions
Megaman 11 Announced for Late 2018
webm threadlink to previous thread
Same Voice Actor Thread
Collector/Buyfag Thread
Vidya Music Thread
Games where you can be a murderous psychopath
Why arent there more games with customizable mecha girls
Dragons Dogma
lol thread: this time its about games edition
Gamecube and Wii games coming to Nvidia Shield in China
we need 30 posters
This week in autism
Post good Sherlock Holmes games
Quests that stretch your asshole
Lewd and Juvenile Games for Immature Giggles
Destiny 2 gets its first expansion: nobody appears to care>No adverts>Not even on youtube or...
Tfw i tried Halo Warzone/Warzone Firefight and had [BUZZWORD]I played Halo 5 on my brothers...
Why are companies giving away so many games lately?
Grand Strategy Games
>Legacy Dashboard Dynamic Theme>$3this is ps4...
VGA thread>Finally, I decided enough was enough, swallowed my pride, and set the difficulty all the...
Video games and taboos
Meet The 19-Year-Old Who Spent Over $10,000 On Microtransactions
Thief/stealth games
http://wizardz.ioCan anyone test out my game and tell me if its shit or not? Its...
LISA: the game that says fuck you.
What are some good ports this gen?Pic related. I never played the original Revalatons on...
Dorf Thread
Apocalyptic Games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Wings Edition
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
is this game worth a pirate? I enjoyed the first movie well enough but nuTelltale...
From the creators of Youtubers life comes the next masterpiece, Esports life. Now you too...
Side-scrolling beat-em-ups
Vidya Tolkien and lord of the rings
Gooks are pissed over a feminist revising their history.
NEC PC9801 Thread
>Rumored new Portal project>Its just DLC for a non valve gameDoes valve even have fanboys...
After a lot of time, I finally finished Final fantasy 6. I liked it. What...
Would you say YongYea is a reliable Youtuber for vidya related news? Why or why...
Star Control
Any of you fags play this shit? Is the latest expansion any good?...
Digital card games with campaigns
So is this a true zelda game or is it just your average open world...
Why this bitch the mascot of animal crossing now?...
Cant I just have normal virtual on?
>Capcom makes a step in the right direction with RE: Revelations by calling back to...
hey /v/ so Im a little short on cash and I want to play something...
Pulp video games
Are there any good single player games on the switch? At this point it has...
Can you give me some recommendations for games that came out in 2017 that arent...
Bravely Default
Star Ocean Panties
Silent Hunter
X3 Litcubes Universe
Stalker- Merry Christmas Stalker
7.62 thread
Linux gaming
Sega Europe twitter teasing some PC ports for next year
Detective Pikachu The Movie Starring Ryan Reynolds
Grand Strategy Games
Partyvan Server
>There are casuals on /v/ RIGHT NOW that always use crutch charactersWhy? You faggots will...
Emil Chronicle Online
On the concept of Luck
Recently I got a 2DS and began catching up to Pokemon games with Pokemon Y,...
Phoenix Point from Creators of Xcom
Xbox Thread
What some game artwork that looks like it could be an album cover?...
Pure Farming 2018/FarmSimGen
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: MMO Junkie Edition
3D fighting games
Webm Thread
Why are community managers always so shit at the games they manage? Couldnt they just...
I started playing TNO today and its been pretty good so far. I wasnt expecting...
>Whats this all about? Fullderp is a game...
Total War thread
vaporware thread
Team Fortress 2 Vintage:Bug fixeseditio
Devil May Cry HD Collection coming to PC
DMC5 incoming? DMC HD Collection Is getting a PC/PS4/Xbone port
>watch high level gameplay videos from westerners>its all about boring, cold efficiency and getting the...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Fighting Game General: BIG BACKS Edition
Weird Games Thread
Do you think if Skies of Arcadia got a PC port it would sell well...
Homefront free on the HumbleBlunder
>open TF2 today>tthink maybe smissmas will be on by now>no smissmas>check my favorited servers>all are...
NFC games
Doritos Awards & Pre Show: Not Spider-Man 2
Mount & Blade:Warband Thread
Its that time again boysCome watch the Game awards with /v4c/ hang out with other...
FROMSOFTWARE new project
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Princess Apple Pie Edition
Tony Hawk
Post yours and discuss...
Zelda DLC 2
So yesterday, Gunpei Yokois name popped into my head randomly (king gook of Nintendo), so...
Mojang Being a Jew: A Fun Trip Into the Jewish MC Market
Death Stranding
The Long Dark
Soulcalibur VI announced
Legend of salt mining
Relaxing vidya music thread
Gameplay webms
Sonic Runners Adventure
Platinum games future
Titan V
THQ Nordic is teasing something about Jagged Alliance ?
So Romancing Saga 2 is going to get a steam releaseThis is just the android...
Social-stealth game?
Monster Hunter World
Your personal GOTY
Games that names you cant remember
Boss fight better underpowered
>say the game still looks unfinished>this happensawjyeah,its shitty devs time...
LOL ...
Rainbow Six Siege Thread: Tell me about Vigil, why does he wear the mask?
Disney may have annulled the EA Star Wars licensing and its not just targeting recent...
So it seems Nintendo has been stealing the good employees from Sega in the last...
Full OST Thread
Opus Magnum: Just what the autism ordered
is this worth 5 bucks?...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Favorite Little Details in Vidya Thread
Heres why the main character is a befrod niggress....
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: We Are Hope Edition
Notice how THIS Bayonetta is from the older design that was in Bayonetta 1, now...
What is /v/s opinion of Kreia and specifically her philosophy on the Jedi/ The Force?...
yet another new vegas thread
If you keep buying EAs shit this is the quality you will get
Tropical Island Themes
Nioh Thread
good hard games
Behold, anons. Literally the only thing of note from the several hour fuckfest that was...
Rape in vyda industry/rape in games
>Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is the best-selling Nintendo Switch game not to have been...
PS2 Exclusives
ITT: Guess the Game From Images
Games with alternate history settings
Can post-processing programs be good and effective, or are they ever only as effective as...
WoWs class balance lead -who designed based on his own experiences using a graphics tablet...
Resident Evil
Do japanese games ever take use of the PS4 Pros extra power or is it...
TBC private server
So this came out, a crowd-control early-access pixelshit game. I have a feeling that this...
Wish list ports
Playstation VR
This game is garbage, holy shit. >As an on-rails shooter it fails miserably at being...
Worst Character Redesigns
Okami HD is 30fps locked...
Webm Thread
Dude, card sagas wars to restart their project.big if true....
So what is /v/s general opinions on The Switch? Not its games but the system...
To the anon who shilled for The curious expedition in that other thread that just...
Gunporn Games and Mods
EA selling their shares after Battlefront 2 fiasco
In light of recent years attempts to make games pc, accessible to all audiences, and...
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Nintendo Switch SDK
Monobeno on Steam
Christmas/Winter Thread
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Electric Boogaloo
Killing children in vidya
BBS door games
3D Platformers
What are the plans for the weekly sunday game get together,anybody know?...
has a mod ever made you enjoy a game you previously hated or didnt care...
Dungeon Thread
Most retarded problems
Ultra Sun or Regular Sun?
>Studio announces new project while very obviously still in just the conceptualization stage>They have absolutely...
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Arges Adventure Edition
Why the hell isnt this getting a sequel? After 4U its probably the best in...
How hard the Nu Fire Emblem games on Lunatic? is it harder than the old...
Good music in otherwise shitty games
Why are video games less violent now?...
LOL @ Anita bread
Mechwarrior 5
FUN game making
Robots in Vidya Thread
Games you hate with a burning passion.
Good Indie Games
lol steam if you think Im going to reinstall THAT game youve got another thing...
Hey does call of duty modern warfare 2 graphically still hold? Even compared to modern...
Sonic Adventure
Weird Console Problems
Unconventional Fast games
Since were never going to get another Battle Network game, what else is there that...
Competitive Gaming
ITT Games with hacks that improve the original.
State of Cuckchan /v/ Feels good to not be a Cuckchannee....
I never played Space sims back in the day, I tried going back to a...
Bayonetta, good?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: World Heroes 2 Edition
Knights in shiny armor
>the forests and foliage in general looks better in a mario game than in zeldaHow...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Splatoon: Sweater or Socks? Edition
What ever happened to the 8-12 a team capture the flag type FPS games?Theyre just...
Fictional writing systems in vidya
Living environments
Fullderp: 108 Edition
Are there any pirate games as atmospheric as Donkey Kong Country 2?...
Dreamcast thread
Ready Player One
Overkills next game
Itt: Villains whos actions not only make logical sense, but are also benevolent.Pic related, I...
Lost soul Aside
December 11-20
Devs Butt hurt tweets general
What game does Paranoia well?Some games can pull off feelings of vertigo, dread or apprehension,...
I only just recently heard about this phenomenon called loot boxes. I never played a...
Why do you play game, /v/?
I love MMORPGs, especially old obscure ones. Do you have any old obscure MMOs...
Whats your on your Christmas playlist?This year Ive decided rather than shit post Im going...
Furfag Crossing and Other Simulated Lies
Vidya music thread
Fighting Game General: Cherry Blossoms Edition
____ Beach resort
Are there any mods for The Sims 2/3/4, Planet Coaster, Cities Skylines or any other...
Achievement Hunter/Roosterteeth
Boatswain Thread
The only Dragon Quest games to be released on PC are fucking Musoushit spin-ofs and...
Flash Carts
About to start pic related, anything I should be aware of before getting too far...
Vidya Viddles: Weird-ass Japanese Doritos Edition
deep sky derilicts
Geopolitcal Simulator Games: Are you hardcore enough to play them?
Valkyria Chronicles 4
>already at #35 at its highest peak on Twitch on dropping fast, Destiny 1 remained...
Buying games
obscure PSX games...
Detective Pikachu
Dissidia NT
What pvp games/gamemodes do you enjoy?Most of the time i like co-op or single player...
Anime that deserves a game
>Capcom wanted to get into esports>For some reason a really shitty 3v3 shooter with cheese...
Video game shows & cartoons
Mega Man XIs long wait was because of Con Man
Professor Layton Thread
/eso/ Elder Scrolls Online
>Rebuilding my PS2 collection now its super cheap.>Also get some shit i missed at the...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Magus Bride Edition
SRW X Pv1 released
What the fuck Vols
Steam removes The Key to Home from store
>Checkpoint/racing challenges in non-racing gamesFuck this bullshit that plagued PS2 era games. The controls are...
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. thread: 10 year anniversary edition
Hotline Miami 2
What is currently the most direct, efficient, nonrestrictive, unmediated video game community on the internet...
I know its (((Early Access))) but that doesnt mean it has no potential.Or are the...
Video games should [teach players] that their actions have consequences.
Kojimbo explains Death Stranding gameplay and lore
Mario Odyssey
Mer Going Their Own Way
Innocent games
What game makes you happy to play? Doesnt have to be deep or popular, just...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2:One eyed monster edition
have there been any new games that have captured Lovecraftian horror?...
What was the first game you bought because there were cute girls in it?
Looking for some help from any kind anon who might know of any games similar...
Warhammer 40k
Hey /v/How about we go play one of those free resource based browser games, make...
Whats your top 5 platformers?Retro and new indie shit included. Recommend 5 games you think...
Warcraft 3 - Russian Wtii Edition
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Draw Thread: Pain(t)ful XP Drawing Edition
Im fairly certain this is why weve been getting alot of clearly cuckchan vomit, Ive...
Not so shitty racing games thread
Thoughts on the 3DS? Im thinking of buying one. I have a Vita and thats...
l4d comic
Who was the faggot that said the Nintendo Switch wouldnt sell 3-5 million during the...
RUINER to get adapted into a movie alongside others
References in the Witcher 3
Tfw Capcapom has ruined the storytelling of RE7 with its last DLC>Wife missing for years,...
Etrian Odyssey General
How did this game take off?
Playstation Korea hires rapper to advertise
Why are everyone but the clerics such shit?...
Hypothetical tweaks
The other day XSEED teased three new releases and the right picture is from Senran...
Elex thread
fun frag videos
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Count The Medals Edition
Femdom in vidya
IGN game journalists can’t play Far cry 5
What games did you play as a child?
The worts games what have you played in this year
Vanilla WoW General
tiger electronics General
These threads all suck dickWhat video game profoundly changed your worldview forever, and in what...
Visual Novel Thread
Fullderp: Ill give YOU painful edition
Shenmue 3 Outsources Game Art to India
Fighting for F2P
Space Thread:Chit-Chat Edition
Perfect Dark Thread
Ps4 Dreams
Share thread
Crowbcat strikes again
CryTek sues star citizen devs over copyright issues
What was the name of this game?
CryTek suing Star Citizen for breach of contract
Do you like helping other people?
Tfw a company references your favourite games after decades of fucking nothing>Play the Final Fantasy...
Shit you look back on and realise just how shit it was
>Rollercoaster Tycoon>By Chris Sawyer
When in doubt...
TENCENT - Could they be the nuclear strike the industry deserve?
If you could invest ten million US dollars in one gaming studio, which would you...
Consumer Advice Thread
No super robot gaems
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Switch On Edition
>game requires always online and connection to a server to be able to playOh boy,i...
4 AM
Can anyone recommend any games to me where I can harness the power of flight?...
Games where the happy/good ending is the non-canon one?...
Is BotW supposed to be GOTY? Is it just me or does the game feel...
New games w/o dlc & mico-transitions
Final Etrian Odyssey for 3DS will not be Untold 3
Games that make you happy
Nipponese Learning Thread: 関西ワイフ Edition
Japanese Dad challenges daughter’s boyfriend to video game grudge match, gets kicked out of house.
Night in the Woods Directors Cut
Zelda CDI
About Super Mario Odysseys ending...
I was thinking about getting Xenoblade 2 but I was wondering, how similar is it...
So is this the ultimate snek game? Is this the best game in the snek...
What are some good offline games to play now that the internet is fucked?...
HumbleBlunder gives out yet another free game
Take Two Interactive announces an indie publishing label Private Division.
M&B thread
Jagged Alliance 2
Legit Questions
>Get 2DS>No good tetris game for itWell fuck.Is Tetris for the original DS still the...
ARK: Survival Evolved
Games with excellent choreography
Webm Thread: Mega Edition
I finished yooka laylee the other day. And Im not sure how I feel about...
Why is this shitty game selling so well? Why havent the casual shits learned from...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Pain & Pleasure Edition
>game is only fun after lots of mods>pic relatedWhy do they do this? Why cant...
Demon Souls
Do... but only as much as I tell you to!
Hardware Recommendation thread. Im looking for some decent headphones, are there any recommendations?...
It seems to me that every Mario game except Japanese Super Mario 2 has been...
What games have the best character customization? My vote goes to City of Heroes/Champions Online....
Is it wrong that I think Disney should buy Capcom? What with them buying Fox...
Species: Evolution simulator
Weekend Gamenight: The Ship
4 AM
so battlefront 2 is finally on saleis it worth it? ive only played the singleplayer...
100% Orange Juice
Romancing SaGa 2
Dodge or Die
>Googles Gone Home Walkthough for shits and giggles >It’s full of forums from confused SJWs...
Goddamn the Total War thread always slide off the cracks.Total War thread....
Best games ever: the thread.
Its over, Nintendo won....
Games too good for their own premise
How come does this 13 years old basic bitch racing game with lame box art...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
New Kingdom Hearts 3 leak, Monsters Inc confirmed.
Rune: Ragnarok Gameplay Screenshots
Darksiders 3 Gameplay
Fighting Game General - Crossovers of only one franchise Edition
Weapons you hate in videogames
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Change the World Edition
Wine adding DirectX 12 support
No-fun mechanics in games
Super NES Classic Edition
Favorite Games thread. (an opinion based thread)
Unrealistic settings/stupid antagonists
Best villain in gaming?
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Nioh thread - Nurikabe wannabe edition
Star Wars
Post your MOST favorite theme from a game.
Zombie Master Reborn: Christmas Edition
It Aint Me
Super Mario 64
How is possible for literal autists nerds do literal magic with less than 1MB of...
Difficult, optional boss battles
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
Creepypasta, creepy experiences and obscure creepy games
Best game
>Action game>Focuses on human scale enemies for the entire game>Final boss is some fuckhuge colossus...
Just finished pic related, enjoyed it quite a bit. Any suggestions for similar games? Already...
Was this, dare I say, the ultimate flash game?...
What I played/expected/got
wow, just finished this gameis this the definition of pretncious hipster bullshit?>minimalistic everything: UI, options,...
>deleting the LOL threadwhat did Pewter mean by this...
Old games that game journalists & SJWs would hate today
OG Soon on Switch: Homebrew is happening
Fallout 4 VR
Great music from shitty games
Pokemon randomizers
Dragon quest builders to come to Switch
What is the modern equivalent of Burnout, especially Takedown mode?...
Curious evolution of Farms in Warcraft
What is your perfect game?
Rising Storm 2: It Aint Me
Just post some nice vidya tunes
Cult Citizen Sued Bread 2 - Kek Boogaloos
Strategy games
The EU is now making propaganda games to encourage people to pay taxes...
Weekend Gamenight: Working VIP mode edition
Darkest Dungeon
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:My Hero Edition
Buy Again or dont play
>get new job>be worried its gonna be tough>main task is to play sim city in...
Assassins Creed Black flag FREE on UPlay
Visual Novel Thread
Squad Thread
Your Daily Dose
PS4 games
Killing Floor 2
Yfw Rise of Iron is going to be the last good thing Bungie ever made>Destiny...
Why is the rhythm game genre marketed towards/primarily played by weebs?Youd think with the massive...
Draw Thread: Pencil edition
>2017 was actually a decent year for vidyaHow? Is this the best year for videogames...
Cosplay Thread
A thread about tetris died for this....
>We might actually see CRPGs and Point and Click finally work on consoles...
Is this the Disney of videogames?
Its over a decade old now.10+ years ago, but they probably havent seen you in...
Sega rejected Jet Set Radio Evolution by Dinosaur Games>“[The pitch] was for a new game....
Clipping and you.
What are some fun old school Multiplayer Shooters that still have a healthy online life...
>In the opening cutscene character stumbles on a roof and something might have fallen down>use...
the hot kick in the ass from tencent
40k 4x
Fullderp: Resident Autist edition
>Make new entree in long awaited series>Ruin the shit out of it to try to...
!!META THREAD!!We need to talk about the fucking obvious cuckchan invasion thats been going on...
Sci-fi shooters.
Objectively best multiplayer Call of Duty game
Earth Defense Force Pale Wing>Wingdiver Ed.
Good morrow, /v/.Tis the season for giving, and all of these games in the photo...
Whats a good controller for emulation?Dont care if its a bit pricy,i just want it...
Inconsistency in tierlists between pokemon gens
Best MS-DOS games
Erotic Skyrim and other games
Terraria Thread Sanadaclaus Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Fight the Power Edition
Farm games.
And now, submitted for your approval, a blast from the past....
Dead or Alive series announcement
Traditional Gaming Vidya - /tgvg/
>Battlefront 2 flopped>Wolfenstein 2 flopped >e-celebs protesters can’t explain net neutrality >EA in legal...
Is this actually a good single player game, or is it just cool to like...
They Are Billions
main game youll be playing circa 2018for me its pic related...
Boku No Hero Academia Game
WebM Thread: Feels edition
Dragons Dogma
What do you think of classes, jobs, careers… In rpg in general ?If you pay...
ANONS at this, SNES WAR Translation...
The Great Debate: Pussing out and using a guide in puzzle gamesDo you do it?...
Best Girls of 2017
Why is gta 5 still 60 bucks 5 years after its release when R*...
Neo Geo Value?
FirePro Wrestling World Full Edition
the Div 1.8
Free spoopy vidya game (Layers of fear).
Classic RPGs with good stories that have fairly simple Combat Systems? I love Fallout 1...
Guess the vidya music
Cathode Ray Tube Apreciation
Find people to play dead games with thread
Mass Erect
What can we do to reduce the amount of A presses in a 120 stars...
Ranking/score systems in vidya
Do you guys have any quirks that would be considered weird when you play vidya?...
Accented VAs
Hey man, best mods for Dawn of War? (all expansions). Its time to reinstall this...
So hows your Puyo popping been going lately, /v/?...
Retarded Design Choices
What happened?
Killing List
Great Games that went largely unnoticed
Catherine: Full Body Announced for the PS4 and PS Vita
Do not despise that it is just a holding pillow.
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Games with Good Fashion Sense
how often do you play retro games? if youre 20 years old or under, are...
Why does everyone love this game? It had too much pointless action-less driving sequences, too...
Greatest Vidya Blunder of 2017
What do you remember about this gem?...
Chair thread
/v/ should watch a movie together like we used to....
Tfw you are part of the patrician Vita owner gentlemans club>Friends all buy Vitas day...
Gifting thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Smile Bomb Edition
A Question.
WOTS and assorted feudal japan vidya
Yakuza / Hokuto ga Gotoku Topic - Hidebu Edition
Dominions Thread
Rome Total War low fps
ITT post your video games memory
Freedom Planet thread
Aside from obvious graphical polish, how can you tell whether a game has been in...
Kingdom Classic is free on Steam at the moment. Never heard of it before and...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Cooking in vyda
Upcoming games youre looking forward or are optimistic about
Ants RTS: Empires of the Undergrowth
Is anyone up for a board-tan thread?
Vidya with hidden goodies and other stuff in the game files
There are anons that never owned a Saturn or DreamcastI wonder if these poor anons...
Games that arent as great as their predecessors
Who else is excited for God Eater 3?Ive always been a huge monhun fan but...
Tfw no game about cute operators girls doing /k/ thingsI just want a game about...
Any other players of the Final Fantasy TCG?Because /tg/ is dead on the subject. I...
Wallpaper Thread
Grand Strategy Games
Would anybody give a shit about this title if it wasnt for the 30s cartoon...
Fullderp: Big Guys Edition
I need some real rewarding games on the same level as Sengoku Rance - or...
Get Kingdom: Classic for free on steam for 24hKingdom is a 2D sidescrolling strategy/resource management...
Feminists demands changes for problematic female character designs like Ivy In Soul Calibur 6.
Christmas Vidya
Small Stuff Giveaway Thread
Little Nightmares
Rainbow Six: Siege - Recruit Edition
Sharing saves vidya playing
Games where the second half is completely different to the first half
Harry Potter Games
If leaks are to be believed, Valve is working on some kind of survival mode...
SSX Tricky or SSX3, quality or quantity, do you agree? Which one do you like...
bug games
Badly Designed Bosses
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Just Live More Edition
December 21-31
Just finished replaying OkamiAnd now I feel as though nothing will please meBut thats not...
Enough talking about gameplay, lets talk about level design
The World Ends With You - TWEWY
What games are there like subspace emissary?Platformers where you unlock characters are you play through...
Christmas Gamenight: Sacred Jedi Texts edition
Steam Awards Nominees
Mabinogi Thread: Christmas Edition
was bloom overdose the most cancerous graphics fad ever in the history of video games?...
Comfy MMOs
What are some final bosses/battles that have good build-up to them? Pic probably not related....
nonhuman anatomy and navigation?
Apple now demands every mobage gachashit on the appstore displays 100% accurate rates for fall...
Eternal Crusade, is it really that bad?...
Black Desert Online
>There are people in this world that hate KirbyI dont understand how a man can...
Visual Novel Thread
Any games with a good bodyguard romance? More specifically Adventure or JRPG games where you...
>The Castle Crush Glitch is the infamous game-breaking glitch in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddys...
>A.J. Styles and his other wrestling buddies have their own youtube channel where they play...
World in Conflict mp source code to be open sourced
Psychonauts 2 delayed past 2018
Cemu Thread and Emulation Thread
Level designs
Steam Winter Sale Thread
What do you want to see in Pokemon on the Switch?>Seasons come back>Pokemon contests come...
Why do so many character action games give you a very in depth combo system...
does anyone know of any good overhauls for dragonborn dlc? about to go there...
Hex Wargames and Panzer General
ARMS VERS.5 LIVE: WE SHADALOO NOW BAYBEEEE EDITION>New best girl Doctor Coil>New ARMS added>New arena...
I just got back into playing PC games again now that I got a KVM...
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: v3 soon Edition
Come up with ridiculous concepts for games/mods. Like a mod that turns Hotline Miami into...
Who gonna come out with a handheld competitor to Nintendo Switch first? Microsoft or Sony?...
payday 2 thread
Neptunia Thread
Ever look back on a game and realise it was trying something but failed?
Team Fortress 2
Why has the gaming community become so impossible to hold a discussion in any more?Any...
When does a Fighting Game die?
Subnautica thread
Zelda Breath of the Wild DLC 2 kind of sucked
organ trail game
Postgame Content and NG+ thread
4 AM
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Rune Factory 4 vs Fantasy Life vs Story of Seasons
This game is legitimately better than Dude Sex....
smug sim
I have never played a fighting game.What are best ones to start with for a...
Whats your favourite game design story or concept?I present to you Mr. Friendly, the dick...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: World With Me Edition
Now that the servers work and its possible to play against something than warping, teleporting...
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
GOG Winter Sale Thread
Did they fix it? Will the EE fix it otherwise? Is it worth the $20?...
Dunkey backstabs weebs
/v/ Plays Game Dev Tycoon
So I want to get into the stalker series. What game should I play first?...
Where da vidya at?
Games that are NOT finished the first time the credits roll
>walk by pic related>pawn screeches TIS WEAK TO ICE and wakes him up >music startswhat...
Daily Reminder
>Fist of the North Star branded PS4You know, Im normally not a fan of these...
Series Tiers Thread
what are the most nuttiest, insane self-imposed challenges youve seen? bonus points if its documented...
Design Challenge: Design a first-person shooter for the arcade halls
You lived to see Bungie make the next Tortanic>Delay Destiny 2 a year, comes out...
Cant wait for Nintendo to DMCA DKC2 HD...
I AM TUROKI just finished the first game and I want to say this game...
Why arent you learning java and making your dream games?Whats stoping you?...
Western-styled games made by Japs
I have a need for OPERATING GAMESGames where you play a tacticool squad. No heroics,...
Tfw you replay F.E.A.R and its still the peak of shootersAll these years later and...
Mental Illness
Fighting Game Thread: Arcade Culture Edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Two games, mostly the same devs and subject matter. Only one can be the cheeki...
So this Humble Monthly shit… is it basically GameTap?if you dont remember GameTap, or at...
Comic Market 93
Fucking Walking Simulators.
Same Voice Actor
Tabletop Simulator
RPG Maker
Max Payne
Several organizations and gaming fans are asking the Copyright Office to make a DMCA circumvention...
#3 PS3 thread
So can we fix pic related yet with mods? List someGeneral Fallout thread...
4X strat general
A while back there were rumours of a Nintendo Switch release called Bravely Traveller, to...
About 4-5 days ago an anon on here decided he was going to give away...
Meta thread: Stop deleting random threads you fags edition
Christmas Gamenight: Sitposting Edition
Best video game music of 2017
Monster Hunter: World
Modded Oblivion / Skyrim
Open Source Games
Catherine continues to trigger SJWs
Activision removes every Transformers game from Steam/XBL/PSN
Dawn of War 3 appears to have gone back to RTS, but its bad? isnt...
This year is the 10anniversary of the Impossible Quiz. Accompany me in celebrating Christmas and...
What a nice way to end the year.
Apple pushes back on lootboxes
Age of Decadence
How much money did you spend on others so far during this sale,anons?Myself? 14 bucks...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Tortoise Knight Edition
Time sink game suggestions
Tried skyrim on a PS4 pro and what a huge pile of shit. I usually...
Dragons Dogma
surprisingly good and challenging rpgsfor me its pic related...
this is on sale on the eshop for $7worth it?
You wake up in a field. The sky is painted like watercolors, and the wind...
Castlevania thread
>super sonic is free for the first month but will be paid dlc afterbut for...
rip pokemon
Tank Vidya Fighting
Fullderp: Would you? edition
Did VR flop? Will it go the way of the kinnect and motion controls when...
its out.
New P3D and P5D promotional videos outMaid toaster and Yusuke smooth as fuck edition western...
hard mode
spiderweb software
Man that was a fun New Vegas playthrough, shame they never made a Fallout 4…...
I really like constructed languages in videogames. Not just a cipher of english, or setting...
Its been awhile since the last Dragon Quest thread IIRC, so yeah, happy Merry Christmas,...
Copyright marches on
Dragonball Fighter Z !
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Controller Thread
Megaman X Corrupted Stream
Frogger is State of the Art Guys
c64 new release Planet X2
Rayman thread
WebM Thred: Christmas Editiob
Transformers Fall of Cybertron
New JXD Console?
ps2 thread
Why arent you playing Daze Before Christmas, anon?comfy christmas games thread...
Gift thread
FE awakening
Japanese Spooks
What are some video games that are fun to play with your family?Also, wheres your...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Its Okay to Say Merry Christmas Edition
Merry Christmas /v/
Yearly reminder that this is the best vidya for Christmas...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: KOS-MOS FINALLY EDITION
Why dont video games have Shadow the Hedgehog levels of swagger any more? Even the...
Great News!
Devil May Cry: Pinnacle of Combat
My Ylands stream
Rank them.Not sure why this image doesnt have the original Zero, but include him in...
Verticality in non-platformer 3D games
Did Arkane know they were sending this out to die?
Viewmodels and other Settings
Are there any videogames without any action? I was thinking in the shower and I...
Mario + Rabbids
/v/, recommend to me games where you can shoot people that arent shit
I got a framemister and installed a English firmware but all my colors are messed...
When will Nintendo put more endgame content into their Mystery Dungeon series?...
Good games adapted from films
So many ways to acquire DLC now...
Star Wars vidya
Game Localization Hate
Social Based MMOs
FFIX development changes theories
Holy fuck. I just played through Yakuza 1 and 2 and Im working my way...
Alright, lets settle this once and for all.I wanna go full Baldur and icewind dale...
Who would win in a fight?
Linux Gaming General - /lgg/
why are there no coop pirate games?the best thing about being a pirate is actually...
So Im about to play through the witcher 3. Is there a definitive way to...
Kaiji - Skyscraper Walk Of Death
Finding people to play with
Total War thread
Is the Switch starting to look like its good? Or is it still too early...
If Disney really does buy Fox, there is a small possibility that there future Kingdom...
jedi academy: movie battles 2
/v/: The Theme Park
What is your favorite Atari 2600 game?...
swf threadg-good op?...
N64 Thread
Why are game journos so bad at games?
100% completion
Why was this attack called Drain in the NA/EU version? The JP called it Fire...
How much steady money could a portable console make if it came with an inbuild...
Romancing Saga
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Mark you fucking jew why was my thread deleted>>14052925>>14052925>>14052925...
Are there any other recent games other than Xenoblade X where you can freely mount...
Shitty Redesigns 2
objectively hard and good gamesgo>inb4 dark soulsno...
Multiplayer services
Nioh Thread
Base Building Vidya
moto gamepad
which new power stone rip off is the best? i only know about combat core...
GOTY 2018 predictions for me its pic related...
Why are SJWs getting triggerd by Rin lately?I thought they wanted more trannies in games...
Looking backwards is the wrong thing to do. Games are simply better now
What happened to the Doom Gamenight Thread?
Sony Settles PS3 Firmware Update Class Action Lawsuit
What are some modern (released after 2010) FPS games with satisfying gunplay mechanics?I can only...
Has anyone played this game? I played the guild 2 and while it wasnt very...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Leftover Christmas Cake Edition
Can a sewer level be made to work? How would you do it, if you...
good goy
Webm thread
Scarlet Blade closed its servers in March 2016. Two months later, Overwatch released. Coincidence? I...
So of the last few years Ubishit has done a pretty good job at trying...
Stop talking about old games in the current year. Youre doing it wrong.
The best performance/setup for any fighting game.
Titan Quest
ITT: Games you like even though you know they are objectively kind of shitCase in...
The legend of zelda thread.
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Little things that you really enjoy in games
PC focused singleplayer shooters
WHO To Add Gaming Disorder To List Of Mental Disorders
Games that Only You Played
Ive just been at the bottom of the ocean in a cold coffin, tell me the events of the past 4 months
Turnabout Big Top
Quantum Break
What the fuck is this
There are young anons that didnt experience the Divine Rapture of THPS2
So how did I do?...
Games you would never looked at if not for the OST or [A E T H S E T I C]
you will never be truly good at video games
Name that game
Dwarf Fortress Thread
Metal Max Xeno Newest Trailer
Dynamic and Unique Party Members
Command and Conquer
Warhammer lore general
>supposed to be multiplayer survival game.
Fatal Frame 4/5
What happened to Ed Edd n Eddy Online? Everybody dropped it and moved to Akus...
Dawn of War
Dorfdorf the Dorfing Dorfed of Dorfed Dorfs
Vita ??
Vanilla WoW General
is hatsune miku project diva f2nd any good?...
Book thread. Recommend books that are vidya related. Doesnt have to be related to vidya...
Has a friend or somebody ever tried to get you to play a game...
>tfw finally get around to playing Dantes Inferno>its GoW with a great setting, faster combat,...
Tom Clancy Games who would beat who?
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Pinball Thread
Multiplayer vidya pet peeves
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Beyond The Sky Edition
Draw Thread: I Got Nothing Edition
Fallout: New Vegas
Just finished bloodborne. If this is the supposed standard for these souls games then hot...
Whats on your mind right now anon? Alright, manifest those current thoughts into a video...
Quake Questions
Fixing Games That Are Otherwise Complete Ass
Hypothetically Speaking
Good game devs
Rhythm Vidya
Saints Row Thread
Our favorite ultra-kikes are releasing assfaggots for the Switch
What do /v/ thinks of ancient (the company) games?Is the right way to do retro...
Kojima: Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the Reinvention of the Hero
Gravity Rush Thread: The Final Katdown Edition
Meta Thread
Anyone else play this game? I ran into something thats been confusing me. (I have...
Games You Should Have Played Already
Fullderp: Cant think of a good Edition
War Thunder General
CoH2 General - December Community Update Editon
Factorio Thread
Board Game Online
Who was Worse
Anybody ever played this? I remember EGM calling it a cheap Gears of War knockoff...
4 AM
Unexpected OSTs
The ultimate debate....
Share Thread: 1939 is the best year Edition
JET SET THREAD!Whos your favorite character?More importantly whats your favorite track?...
flipside: games that should be movies
Its that time of the current year again
Why melee classes gets the short end of the stick in MMORPGs?
W H E W D I V E R S I T Y...
Played the first hour and already descended into a wave shooter, is this really worth...
What 3D platformers are worth digging up that arent just collectathons? Games like Banjo would...
For the new year, are you finally going to work on your massive fucking backlog...
Cities: Skylines Thread - Autisitic Efficiency Edition
MGSV Thread
Mount & Blade
Japanese infrastructure games
Would you an Age of Strife open world CRPG?Should you play as The Emperor himself...
So how fucked is it that this is the best version of Diablo 3?>No always...
Atmosphere in games
Fighting Game General: Happy 2018 Edition
RIP Stealth Genre 1998-2016
I see post like this every once in a while. Ive tried being friends with...
Daily reminder not a single person has been able to surpass him as a one...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Mr. Private Eye Edition
Psycho Games
Switch Hacked
What happened to cyberninjas thread?...
Armor Thread
Lego Star Wars Demo
WebM Thred: 2018 Edition
What are some good indie unity games?...
Completely obtuse third-person games
Doom Thread
Sega Shorts
Are there any other franchises that just got progressively worse and never returned to the...
Publisher own graphics engines
What do you think makes horror work?So i was talking to a friend who recently...
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Vita Thread
What is the comfiest open world game? In what game I can just drive endlessly...
Tactical Games
Best friendly ai teamates
4 AM
Funny video game related wiki pages
Im thinking of buying a VR headset to pat anime girls but I dont have...
The New Vegas devs were making an ALIEN rpg for SegaOn the one hand an...
>Unreal engine 4 Yoshi >Pokémon game made with unreal 4Why is Nintendo embracing Unreal 4...
River City Ransom: Underground
Sonic music thread
Games that are too hot for steam ...
RTS Thread - Pantsu Edition
Happy new year, /v/. I hope youve all had a wonderful holiday break.I love you....
What to play before the new year? I am so fucking bored....
Mark Summoning Thread: A Very Meta New Year
>Kojima teasing a plugsuit girl for death stranding.You can hear the thirsty lewd drawfags ready...
Rainbow Six Siege
Why is fucking modern game music so generic and forgettable?...
Bloodsucker Biology?
Bennet Foddy: Dick in a Pot Edition
Last LOL of 2017
Games to drown out New Years Eve
Death Stranding
Flash games
Mods: 2018 Smash Edition
What are games that completely floored your expectations the first time you played them? I...
Games as escapism
Im a huge fan of the excavation mechanic that is frequently used in games that...
You are cordially invited
Splatoon Thread:New Years Bash Edition
Do people still play Quake 1 Team Fortress, or Q1 Death Match?
Effects in games
Last PS2 Thread of the Year
Games where you own/sell slaves
Video game world politics
January 1-10
If I used Cheat Engine to make the movement speed in the DB Xenoverse 1...
Warframe thread
Favorite Credits Themes
why should i pay 10 dollars a month to play online?...
Was the PS2 overrated? Years later I realize that games on the original Xbox and...
/ogc/ Racing Games General - Shitbox Edition>back then devs have to do wizard magic to make games run on consoles>today games...
What are your predictions for NEO Current Year?>Tfw its looking like Destiny 2s killing blow...
Game Gear
Are there any games in 2018 that youre looking forward to, /v/?...
holy shit why is this game so good and are there others like it?...
Star Wars Games General
Spiritual successors
Touhou 15.5 Released
Good translations
They Are Billions
#GamerGate and #NotYourShield General: Heavens Drive Edition
How the fuck can you guys play a game for thousands of hours? Im not...
Worms Armageddon
Got any games Christmas? Review any of them.
no notable games in december
If I have a Titan can I SLI bridge to another processor?
>AGDQ in 6 days timeDoesnt time fly? I wonder how theyll fuck it up this...
Kid Icarus Uprising
Buyers Remorse Thread
>uematsu has the same birthday as you (March 21)>uematsu NES and SNES music are the...
Ninendos Paid Online Service
This look as extremely retarded...
Romancing Saga 2
Steams top sellers of 2017
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Its time to set the record straight.And I will....
is it just me or have videogames hit a rock bottom in terms of shittiness?...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Happy New Year edtion!
Games with Axis campaigns
>According to SteamSpy, PUBG has 26,000,000 copies, plus or minus a few hundred thousand>Assume that...
Games only you played, 2018 edition
RIP Zelda
People say that star citizen has received too much money for development.Should the real question...
Senran Kagura
I want to get into the Yakuza games. Ive heard 3 is a good entry...
Big Bosses
Axiom Verge
why did people stop playing this?...
4 AM
Manly Characters
Anything recent with some skellys?...
I tried to play Rome 2 with some mods. It didnt work. The game started...
thisll probably be a quick thread
Cake Wars: Enemy Territory
Experience/Level gated content unlocks
What VR amounts to
Can we do an Arma 2 and 3 thread?
Persona 5
So is America getting the CLIMAX EDITION of Bayo 1 and 2 or is it...
Let It Die
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
GPD Win 2
>160 days until E3...
What games are definitely run good on a $250 laptop? So far Ive played Baldurs...
Webm Thread:Early access Edition
Media that would make for a great video game and video game adaptations
Grand Strategy Games
Are there any platformer games or action adventure games with enough good story, characters and...
Will he ever finish his game?...
Nintendo Switch Modchip coming from Team Xecuter spring 2018
Intel processors getting ~30% slower from security update
Monster Hunter General
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: An Empty Tome Edition
Tigress Trainer Game
Vidya intros
Ive heard rumors theres going to be a large nintendo direct soon,bullshit or actually...
Problem with 3DS cartridge.
Neverwinter Nights / Dungeons and Dragons / D&D
Where the next video game power fantasy is at, dawgs?!
No more heroes
Does Discord™ have a license to use copyrighted Nintendo® or HAL Laboratory® characters from properties...
Have you ever masturbated to a video game?...
WHO Proposes Gaming Addiction as a disorder
Demons Souls online to be shut down
Tingles Balloon Trip of Love
Games That Divided Fanbases Thread
Useful Schematics
Are there any good maplestory private servers with a semi active /v/ guild? Im feeling...
Secret of Mana/Seiken Densetsu
Games about punching
LOL ...
ESA encourages World Health Organization to reconsider Gaming Disorder classification.
Hows 2018 going?
Utterly cancerous parts of otherwise goodx games
Any hopes for those of you that care?...
Nexon cuts funding for lawbreakers
What are some games that feel like a Tokusatsu? They dont necessarily need to be...
A Hat in Time
Resident Evil
Has anybody played Mummy Demastered? Its made by WayForward and they do a great job...
Music that should be in a videogame
What are some of the best modern arcade-like games? First that comes to mind for...
Supreme Commander thread
Thread to play new games
Why hasnt anyone told me that the GTA series peaked long ago and it wasnt...
Was anyone else disappointed?
Nipponese Learning Thread: 明けましておめでとう
/mg/- Magic General
OFF Thread
things that would be cool as vidya
Half Life 2 and story
Roguelike recommendations
Assassins Creed
Raiders of the Broken Planet - Another Invisible AAA Studio Online Only Game
Microhones for Gaming and general VOIP shenanigans.
whats your favourite game /v/?...
A school shooter simulation
Need help picking a game
What to play when its FUCKING COLD
Got this recently and i love it. Ai is kinda stupid thoughwhat does /v/ think?...
Celebrating just under a decade since the death of JRPGs as a genre
Earthbound / Mother
Anything decent under 5 bucks before the shit ends?...
Games with scaling
Nexon confirms Lawbreaker funding pulled as games catastrophic failure is $35mil deficit for publisherB-BUT GENDER...
Destiny down to 22% of its playerbase and falling. Bungie desperate and announces we need...
Blizzards trickery
Sonic fans are doing sonic better than SEGA
Nintendo Switch the best selling US console ever>Microsofts face when the last core market for...
One upon a magic day there was a game as light as day. It proved...
Digimon thread
IGN running screens for Disney
The Catz are back...
/tv/ thread on /v/
Post through of a shitty game
tokyo xanadu
>Make good game with good gameplay and no censorship>Get shit reviews because reviewers are too...
Emulation Thread - No Survivors Edition
Military simulators & /k/ games
Minetest: Minetesting Edition
FNV Thread
>Katawa Shoujo came out 6 years ago todayHave anything to show for it?...
Xmas gift card
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Emergency Gourmet Edition
Official BG2 tier list
Artifact announcement
>tfw you start winning in blitzballthis is actually a ton of fun, holy shit. Whats...
>using steam
WEBM THREAD: Autism Edition
Series the Open World meme has killed>MGS>Batman>The Switcher>ZeldaWhy do casuals love big empty maps so...
Safe Mode Games (a special kind Toaster Thread)
7th Guest
School Shooting Simulator by US Army
Elona thread
Legend of Grimrock
Sci-fi rpgs
Tank Vidya
Eiyu*Senki - Fucking your way to world peace
Dragon Universe: BYONDs 2nd most popular game.
ITT: Industry bunkum thats not common knowledge but still interestingExample:>Parasite Eve is not an original...
Disappointing games
Just finished Nier automatawhy is the following for this game so small? I hardly see...
>NEO-Current Year>Still no game as fun as THPS2How does it feel to know videogames peaked...
Do MMOs other than World of Warcraft still exist, or did Blizzard successfully kill them...
MMOs are shit but I still want in: The thread
/rgg/ - rhythm games general
World War 1 games
Why is it that we never see any Zelda style games being made? Is it...
I was thinking about making a space game /v/ but not any space game. The...
Post controllers with SEX APPEAL
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Trails of Reans Despair Edition
GDC Choice Awards covered by snub and fail
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Hero Yet Deemed As Heretic Edition
Do ARGs count as video games?
What are the best versions of games?
I just finished this gameSo is anyone else disturbed by the fact that the goal...
Nintendo Switch Firmware 5.0.0 Leak
Arx Fatalis
OFF Thread - Version 2: Now with more confusion
Mass Effucked
PS3 Hackan
>Nintendo has not one, not two, but three gigantic sci-fi universes that are rich with...
Fighting Game General - Enchanted Tournament Edition
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Tournament (best of 3, SINGLE elimination/SINGLE brackets)Slight format change due...
The 3rd Birthday
Console ports
Am i the only one that had a blast with this game?Ive just finished it...
Space Thread: Makaan did nothing wrong Edition
If I buy planescape torment, does any of the money go to the original devs?...
Good graphics
Lads, I just thought of the craziest solution for the N64 emulation problem.Remember how you...
PS2 game thread?
‘LOL ...
Found my old Pokemon sprite fusions from when I was ~10. Anybody wanna see more?...
Asia Multilangauge Localization
Villain Protagonist Games
Eternal Crusade
This piece of shit is a great example of why socialism in video games is...
Explain to me /v/. How can normalfags insult games for being repetitive and the same...
Ugandan Vidya
Replaying Rainbow 6 3:Raven Shield shows me how bullshit Ubisoft were with push their...
WebM Thread: Never Ever Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Your Quest Awaits Edition
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Why is it always the same people that buy these dead on arrival multiplayer games?They...
4 AM
Meta Thread
TES Thread
What would you consider some of the best space dogfighters out there? Im in the...
Drive faggotry - Driving game peripherial devices
Killing Bites game (ps4/psvita) was cancelled
How does one make good controls?And I dont mean just good enough for the base...
Your 2018 Anticipated Game
AGDQ - Autism Games Done Quick
Nexon Writes Down Entire Value of Lawbreakers, Blames PUBG For Games Failure
Whats with the sudden Valkyrie Profile rip offs?
Minecraft Server Sneaking
Essentially, there are three different kinds of weapons commonly used in video games:>Melee weapons (including...
Should i play dungeon keeper 1 or 2,or does it not matteri have heard nothing...
Fire Emblem Thread
Vidya Music Thread
Thread dedicated to best bay
Bad Designs
Our gift to AGDQ
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Piping Hot Edtion
Is there another case of a perfect RPG?>Setting is colorful and familiar, but has some...
Speedrunning is the most degenerate thing a human being has created.
Fallout 4: New Vegas
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Best Grill Edition
>The overall feeling of oppression and hopelessness humanity has throughout Megamans franchise>The overall feeling of...
Spintires: Mudrunner
Vidya monsters.
>Mark is bad at videog-...
>2002 + 16>this is still the pinnacle of open world designIs it really THAT hard...
School Shooter Achievements
OnikakushiRena and Mion did Nothing WrongReal villains are Tomitake and Ooishi, literally all their faultTomitake...
Do you prefer to play your games modded or vanilla /v/?...
Why cant we have nice things
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
What is the consensus of this game in the Gears series as a whole?...
Best song in a vidya gaym, ever?No lists or tiers, just the best song ever.[vid...
Mario & Luigi
Good shootin
Souls Style Game Design
4 AM
What are some good hotseat multiplayer games? The wikipedos have a list, but its missing...
Fullderp: Dude, Wheres My Chimp? Edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Didnt see a thread for any gamenights or anything so thought I might as well...
What are your favorite obscure sub-genres of vidya?...
Monster Hunter /mhg/
Wild West setting
Red Versus Blue dead...
Shadows die twice
PSX/PS1/PSOne Thread
Anatomically correct creatures in games.
Every now and then, I like to look at the Steam hardware surveys they release....
Music Thread: WEBM edition
Why wont they port the christian whitehead ios sonic 1,2, etc to other platforms? Its...
MHW PC version not coming out until Fall 2018
Is modding more important than games now?
So for those not in the know, its highly likely that were getting a Nintendo...
Zombie Master: Reborn
Pre-Crash SEGA Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Song of a New Era Edition
Game of the Year, Every Year
Phoenix Wright thread: Sorin can never forget edition
They Are Billions
Star Wars video games
PS4 cumulative sales will reach the PS3s lifetime sales this year
Old PC Games Worth Modding
So is this the biggest emperors new clothes situation in years?If you didnt know EA...
Mouse (and other Hardware) Thread
You didnt forget, did you?Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Thread...
>FF15 in Ass Creed OriginsWhat are kids these day playing?...
[SPOILERS] The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter Ending
Starship Troopers Game
5 DOLLARYDOOS FOR ONE RESKINJust when I thought Activision Blizzard couldnt become even bigger kikes...
The Rise and Fall of EA Sports Big, as Told by the Creator of SSX
>No update in 7 months>All the devs got moved to work on fucking Fortnite and...
Same Voice Actor thread
Visual Novel Thread
Are there any desks suitable for easy access to many consoles?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Its Name is Fury Edition
as new games get boring whats that one game you keep returning to?for me its...
When and why the hell did chinks take over PC gaming? They now make up...
Demo for long in development visual novel Missing Stars released.
Warriors like games on PC
Is there a game that just fundamentally fucks something up? Like a game that claims...
Games, which were ruined for you after you realized how a mechanic works.>amnesia monsters just...
Camouflage in video games
Yume Nikki just released on Steam under Kikiyamas name, and there is an announcement for...
Euro Truck Simulator 2/American Truck Simulator
No Total War thread?Total War thread....
I wasnt the first one to make this connection, but this is no coincidence, right?Has...
Favourite video game music
Factorio: we artillery now
Games with invented languages
What are some more Twin Peaks influenced games?>Alan Wake>Max Payne>Deadly Premonition>X Files Resist or Serve>Mizzurna...
Games with bastardized localization
Metal gear solid
January 11-20
this is actually a good gem, but why is the main focus her big tits?...
Total War : Benevolant Edition
Pubg Or Fortnite
3DS Homebrew Thread
Dragonball /v/ (Dragon Universe General)
Webm Thread: Autism Awareness Edition
>There are too many good games in the world for you to play in your lifetime
Creation Club Skyrim/Fallout 4
You live in an age where every open world rpg is better without a map
Deus Ex
Border Break PS4
Dragons Dogma Thread
Dark Souls Remastered
Nintendo Direct Mini
Yfw the ONLY reason to own a Wii U is Wonderful 101
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Geppetto Edition
Space Invaders Extreme and Groove Coaster on PC
Whatever happened to Dennaton Games?
Vanilla WoW General
LawBreakers Player Count Finally Dropped to Zero on PC
The announcement of the new Total War got me thinking–Aside from Koei, why do we...
Obsidian blames Tyranny failing on CRPGs not having a fanbase
Best Final Fantasy coming to PC
Does anyone else find the game mechanic of levelling up, in the context of monster...
General Advice: Shit Absolutely Everyone Should Do
MonHun Design Question
Earth 21x0 games
Whats even the name of this port, BTW?
Why are all AAA games so narrative heavy these days? Like, compare the old Wolf3D...
.exe games good VGM. preferably obscure music no ones heard before....
Its not hard if you know what youre doing is not a valid argument
MH: World
So we are all aware that EAs greed caused different countries and states to look...
What company should make a new Castlevania 2D platformer and why is it Vanillaware?Seriously, they...
Just finished this game. What a fucking pile. Im normally a huge Remedy fan, both...
>video game trailer>shows literally no gameplay rly maeks u think...
Games with top notch atmosphere
Fullderp: Pokkén Ubers Edition
Runes of Magic
Not sure if you guys have seen it yet, but kamiya recently posted this.>Im just...
>Bungie: by autumn 2018 our summer 2017 game will be patched to have some of...
>tfw new F Zero game NEVER EVER...
Boss fights in first-person shooters
Upcoming games 2018
whining like a bitch thread
The Legend of Mario: Breath of the Odyssey
Shanghai EXE
Has there ever been a more jarring difference between two sequels than postal 1 and...
Must be taking crazy pills
comfy homm thread
Dragonball FighterZ has Denuvo
>they made pikachu sound like Snakewhyof all the choices they had they went with this...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: True Love Making Edition
Have you had occasions where you caught yourself enjoying learning all the little mechanics of...
Hokuto ga Gotoku - 1 Hour Gameplay
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Can Arma 3 be fun in singleplayer? Any good campaign mods exist?...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Rainbow six siege tread: BFFs edition
D.I.C.E awards trying to show how woke they are by giving Horizon: Zero Dawn 10 nominees
MEGAMAN THREAD FAGGOTSSo Ive never played Megaman before and I want to get into the...
What happened to that /v/ RPGMaker game? Does someone have the OP still?...
The case and point of feminists and their attack on Japanese female character designs.
Paper mario
Best locations in vidya?
Ideaguy General: What does VR actually bring to the table?
Why should I choose a Raspberry Pie over a decent laptop for my emulation needs?Ive...
What game has your favourite violence of all time?If I had a pick Id say...
Pray tell /v/, what vidya allows for good and fun spear-n-shield combat? Ideally Im looking...
Am i the only one who feels that G933 is waay too heavy? I get...
Fighting Game Guy
Meta Thread: Rider Edition
Command & Conquer Thread: V2 Edition
Lost Players Thread: WHERE THE FUCK IS MR. CLEAN
>Walk into Microsoft Store>Decide to see what cancer they have installed on the XB1>Check all...
Vermintide 2
20th Century Games
>enemy has glowing weak spot>attacking it anywhere else doesnt do any damagewhy do developers do...
Temporary Power-ups
I need your opinion on something /v/I wanna make games that appeal to girls and...
Fighting Game General - Cross Tag Team Girls Edition
dragon quest builder
So he was just a moralfag all along? Disappointing.What a repetitive waste of time this...
Destiny 2: Need a TORtanic like name Edition
4 AM
Is there a horror game scarier than the Siren series? I swear they nailed everything...
>elder scrolls northmen in service of the empire are clearly based on the real life...
WebM Thread
Warframe thread
Metal Gear Marathon
Aliens versus predator.
I am crap at C&CRA2
/v/ makes an RPG maker game Reactivating the project edition
David movie Cage is a faggot
Can women have an honest interest in competitive vidya?
Capcom appears to be gearing up to start marketing REmake 2
Weapons that you just suck with
What are the niche online multiplayer games of this console generation? Examples from the previous...
Whatever happened to these guys? Werent they 8ch/GGs response to shitty journalism? What happened to...
ITT videogames with political themes/messages that arent just SJW diversity shit....
santa anon
The Joy of Map Painting, with Anon
Killer 7
Co-op games
What happened to piracy thread, mark?...
In the long term MMO gaming is going to become marginalized as NPC players start...
Unverified leak on cuckchan for audio/AI marketing in vidya
>Blizzard shilling their shitty Overwatch Esports League for weeks>It finally happens but almost no one...
Demons Souls
>listen to commentary for Rogue Leader>they say Hoth has the longest cutscene in the entire...
>Make shitty Overwatch clone with a Quake theme>Dont allow players to play the game without...
Anybody here play Outer Colony?
Open Source Games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Drifting Souls Edition
Crash Dive!
Shills are getting really desperate because (((they))) don’t want us to find out about this...
Metal Gear Marathon
House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn announced for arcades
Game patches thread
Fallout New Vegas Mods
What none vidya games do you want to see a videogame version of?
Indian Games
Fullderp: Pokegals Edition
Lets talk about AI
So, im kinda 9 years late but i finished this.I didnt get what that end...
Dragonball /v/!
What games does /v/ recommends that have villains that were right or games that the...
Touhou Thread #1
Messy Space
SS13 Thread:Emergency Edition.
Old people vidya
I want to make money in game dev.Dont give me ideas, give me things thatll...
>Space Engineers STILL doesnt have working motion physics>Space Engineers STILL wont let modders touch the...
ITT: Game Dev Quotes that make you Hate
Free game
ITT: Post Screenshots youve taken
Lisa thread, including fangames edition
Always Online Vs Denuvo
Metal Gear Marathon
So do you think theres going to be an end to Warhammer Fantasy games now...
F.O.B.S. - Forest of the Blue Foreskin
Erotica games
Style Savvy / New Style Boutique / Girls Mode
Death Stranding
Video Games about Mental Illness
Bitcoin based digital storefront
AMDlantic FarTripper 14 Review by Atlantic
Say something good about a game you hate....
Original Doom > Brutal Doom...
Friend is thirsty for some games to play but has a craptop,gimme some recommendationshe prefers...
Grand Strategy Games
Dynasty Warriors 9
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Call Me Tonight Edition
>look online for stealth games to play>every online list of stealth games is four-fifths action...
Rumor: Cyberpunk 2077 Could Be Shown at E3 2018 With New Trailer, Playable Behind Closed Doors
forged batallion RTS
>tortanic was 6 years agoholy fuck has time flown by...
Can we actually discuss this cancerous meme spacing meme? Clearly its a goon meme being...
Twisted Metal/Car Combat Thread
Ancient and Venerable Anon Thread
Music of the Spheres Leaked
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Cuckchan leaks VERY LIKELY confirmed legit
Is there a particular name for that visual style where technology is mixed with magic?...
Things that arent meant to spooky but still scared people thread
>7.3.5Ha, nothing personal, kid....
Populous 3 and other games ahead of their time
SMT/Old Persona thread
I wish bob had finished his game...
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
4 AM
Will the destruction physics in this game ever be beaten in an open world game?...
Post your in-game screenshots
is the division still ass? i read that 1.8 “saved” the game, but i’m not...
I notice that Crash Bandicoot and Donkey Kong Country are really similar to one another....
Are people in the industry trying to prop up ResetERA by leaking shit?
Metal Gear Survive will be always online and will have microtransactions
inXile writer eats people
Dragonball /v/!
Bled Navalny
Does anyone know what happened to Inafune after the release of Mighty No.9?...
Games with Twin Peaks-esque settings
Share Thread: Double Autistic Edition
40 Minutes of Metal Gear Survive gameplay
Nintendo Labo
Mount&Blade Bread
Wurm Unlimited
Unreal/Unreal Tournament Thread
Horror thread
for what ever reason you enter silent hill and have to deal with your own...
Webm Thread
Nintendo Labo
Quake (((Champions)))
Flight Sims: DCS/IL-2/RoF/MFS
Makers of VRChat are going full cuck
Hollow Knight
Terraria Thread
Kunio and Double Dragon Thread
God of War Thread: Chaotic Evil Protagonist Edition
I am thinking about building a Win98 computer to play some old vidya. What exactly...
Zelda MMO
So with DBZ fighters already being a huge successes what other things do you want...
Elder Scrolls Lore Thread
Vidya Quotes
Current State of the Industry
Boxart Thread
Senran Kagura
Boxing games
was it ever good? was it ever even mediocre?...
Warframe thread
ITT: Underrated Gems
PC Gaming - Prices Are Up. Time to Sell?
Roblox General /rbg/
PSP Homebrew Thread
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Sega Overdrive Edition
EYE Devine Cybermancy
Fighting Game General - EVO Japan is Next Week Edition
OFF thread - Reviving the dead
Where are the videogames? editionResources>>>/agdg/>>>/vm/>#8/agdg/ via irc.rizon.netLinks>Wiki:>Beginners guide: >>>/agdg/29080>Previous thread: >>14148724QUARTERLY DEMO DAY SCHEDULED...
NIS live presentation happening right now
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - online thread!
Dark Souls: Remastered Edition
Dragon Quest
Do modern HOTAS work with old DOS games and 2000s space sims?I want to play...
Business /v/entures
So, i was thinking of getting a current gen console.Regardless what console i chose, should...
Has the Order of Malta appeared in any vidya?...
Obscure nip games on Steam
Citizens of Earth
Puslar Lost Colony
Nintendo Lab
Rising Thunder Community Edition Released
fullderp: clever disguise edition
games composed exclusively of menus
Early Access games that didnt turn out to be shit
Its time again /v/, missed me?Why havent you got through Owl yet anon?...
VR = the new motion gaming
Escape from Tarkov
Look at what made article of the day...
What the fuck
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Dominant Girls Edition
Games from your 90s childhood
Nippon Ichi showcases a a live action horror game
==Dirty Bomb==
The solution to the (((Infantry))) problem.
Do anons play chess?What are some good programs/sites to play chess at?Shogi and go are...
Koei Warriors
residentevil2.comMy guys, its happening. SOON....
Maybe I have crippling autism and theres something terribly simple Im not seeing, but… ...
Game settings you wish you saw a different take on
Request for all you nerds
Angels Fall First
Skyrim CME/ECE presets
Sony makes their own Amiibo?
Twitch to start focussing on premade video content with permanent archiving as well as streams>
Dungeon Keeper/Builder
>Wargame wire-guided ATGMs>They never have wire snaps, never get knocked around by wind, and move...
Vidya robots and robot games
Video game rip-offs
Life is like lootboxes, thats why gamers hate it. Because it reminds them of reality.
Do /v/ remember those java mobile games for blackberries before android was even invented?I do...
Dungeon Crawling
Golf games with customizable golfers
Combat with mobility
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Hot Stuff Edition
Games that came with the 95 Pavilion
Joint Operations Gamenight
dreaming of games that arent real
I completed Atelier Sophie on PS VITA and it was rather mediocre Atelier. Is Atelier...
Quake : Arcane Dimensions
British Video Games Thread
Buyfag / Collector Thread 2018 Edition
WebM Thread
Useless Classes
Anton & Coolpecker
So how badly is this game going to be DOA?
Playstation branded shoes in collaboration with Nike? Shits gonna sell amongst basketball Americans....
Holdfast: Nations at War
>Trouble in Terrorist Town is unplayable because all the remaining servers have rules so strict...
War has changed…Welp. Metal Gear Ray in the Fox Engine.As a final fantasy style summon...
Resident Evil: Best girl edition
ITT non beta males in modern videogames>Walks in on his wife fucking another man>Kills them...
Grid thread
Bohemia Interactives d*ck tastes awful
What youd like to see on the Switch
January 21-31
Hey PSniggers is how is DQ builders? Hoping to get it on Switch in a...
Ive been made aware that a website called gunetwork has a fuckload of New Vegas...
Labo thread
Romhack music
Why are fighting games still going strong when other genres of competitive gaming like Arena...
>All the shit zombie survival games on steam >Non of them is a realistic caveman...
There havent been many fantasy games that do away with medieval knights slaying dragons with...
Games that deprive you of your senses
Games that dont hold up
Monster Hunter /mhg/
Video game conspiracy theories
Yakuza 6 will be uncensored in the west
Which style of walljump is better, /v/?>walljump gives you a significant amount of momentum away...
Complicated Game Menus
Games with original songs
Thief PTSD Thread
S4MAX: The Promised Land edition
Undead games
Is this game any good? Thread
english Lost Ark when?
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Games of potato
World of Warships now with Mongolian wood carving grills
Gmod Thread
I have the original Sleeping Dogs and Human Revolution versions. Havent finished them.Should I upgrade...
Mystery Dungeon
PS3 thread
>tfw SMT: Strange Journey Redux doesnt come out until MayIs the 3DS a dead platform?...
Why do people think Johnny was a good GTA protagonist? Okay ill admit the 1st...
3D ARCADE Beat em Ups
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: One Last You Edition
Yall ever play a couple of games as a kid then years later find out...
What are the best games for persuading others out of their money? Im talking shit...
THE RULES•1 nomination per ID• This week there are 32 slots available -...
fullderp: bebble belly edition
Dragons Dogma but good?
Zwei 2 coming out in 2 days
When did you realize that nips have shit taste in video games?...
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
MGO Thread
Attention Slaves! You Own Nothing.
Is the Resistance series dead? Why did the Resistance series never took off like Gears...
Yuji Naka now works for Square Enix
Crusader Kings II thread
Hey /v/, Im looking for a particular type of game.I just finished pic related (its...
Oceanic Thread
Are cinematic third-person cover shooters finally dead?
Will Labo end up spawning the next big gaming fad? By the looks of it....
World War I Vidya
is there a particular sphere grid path you can send this useless fucker down to...
I just finished up Tales of Berseria, why is the ending of this otherwise, ok...
Rust is leaving Early Access...
Warhammer Vidya
Warhammer Online
Alter Ego
Im looking for quality games to run on a old linux laptop. Specifically a X200s...
Great Weapons in Vidya Thread
Do you guys think Scorn will be released in 4K?...
Ninja Gaiden
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cream of the Crop Edition
Good melee combat systems
Hardest choices in videogames
Alan wake
Dream Game Thread
10 years ago a legend was released to the world. Barkley Shut Up and Jam...
Make your own /co/ vidya Thread
Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines
Wurm Unlimited
Is Funky going to be the babby mode?...
Hey /v/ is this game worth playing if you have never played it before but...
I need PS4 couch co-op – NOT VERSUS OR BATTLE, CO-OP – video games.Please respond....
I never did get around to playing third generation Pokemon. Which is the best way...
90s weirdness
Irdeto acquires Denuvo in bid to beef up security for the games industry
Bonus Rooms
Fighting Game General - Whats pink, can eat you and get your moves?
Time Limits in vidya
For no reason in particular I feel like going on a downer binge. Give me...
webm thread
Alter Ego #4 - Adolescence Again
John Cena in Negotiations for Duke Nukem Movie
Rune: Ragnarok
Iconoclasts is out!
My Time At Portia
Largest battle in the history of VG is about to happend
TESO - The Elder Scrolls Online
A while ago I posted a thread here wanting a mecha girl game
Should a person like pixels this much?
Dragonball /v/!
RTS Thread - Ready for Age of Kangz?
QTDDTOT - Questions that dont deserve their own threads
Zelda BotW Checklist for Next Time
CBBE-compatible sexy clothes/armor
just beat FF10, its not as bad as a lot of people make it out...
Space Thread:Twilight DiscoveryEdition
God of War (2018) = Walking Simulator?
Halo 2 Project Cartographer
4 AM
The Chinese government isnt influencing game developme-...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Broken Wings Edition
Battlefleet Gothic 2
Endless Legend
Stop fat shaming women in video games!
Fullderp: Cancerous-Therian Edition
Does someone at Nintendo have a severed hand fetish?...
Yume Nikki
Where did the Big Bo thread go?
Metal games
protesting in video games
Monster Hunter /mhg/
Gaming monkey paw moments/predictions
Drakensang/WRPGs/CRPGs general?
Lack of a BMX Freestyle game
Oligocene Snapshot
IDW Sonic
Extra Credits is spreading the
Ogre Battle
School Shooting Simulator
Self Inflicted Harm, or how companies manage to destroy their own games.
Xenoverse 2
Anthem Delayed to 2019, devs Scared of bad Press
Mario Kart Wii will be turning 10 this april and Brawl near the end of...
Was this supposed to be hard? I did it on my third try....
Kabam Fighting games
What are the best panties in vidya?...
Mods and mark have too much power being able to bumplock and delete shit without...
Remember the days of pre 2008 all nighter feasting midnight launch events?So Monhun World comes...
Elven vidya
Lootboxes are just part and parcel of the video game industry. Deal with it! - GDC
Weekend Gamenight: Xonotic
>Hey bro want to have sex?
How come so far after that Hellgate London came out it is still the best...
TMNT thread
Miitomo is shutting down
So how much of a mary sue was she in the end? Also how bad...
Years after predicted “death,” game consoles are doing better than ever
Your faction is indeed a mighty one, /v/, but my forces are yet strong and...
World Maps/Overworlds
ITT games killed before completion so the developers could hop onto a bandwagon. I have...
Just how much damage did this piece of shit wreak upon the medium?...
Video Game Preservation
Overcuck League loses 2/3rds of its viewers in under 2 weeks
What Prevents Replay
Do you
Games that you still come back to
EVO Japan KoF XIV: The Angels Have Decended Upon Us Edition
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/: Mecha Edition
The *KING* of Fighters XIV
If Microsoft exits the console market. What will happen to Xbox one? What will...
WebM Thread: The-last-one-was-on-page-13-so-I-made-a-new-one Edition
Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider are so fucking weird. Its like they know...
Vidya art thread
Neptunia Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Feet of Flames Edition
>play jrpg>no build variety>characters have linear leveling where there is no point in replaying the...
Cancelled Games
Grand Strategy Games
Ghost Trick 2
Castle games
Tank Vidya
Atlus survey for more platforms including Switch/PC
Can we talk cossack vidya? Is there any apart from Cossacks that remotely focuses on...
Any tacticool games that make you feel like you fight for every inch of ground?...
Which gaming peripherals do you use most? Pic related cant live without one of these...
Visual Novel Thread
Wii U
whats the big deal with the new dragonball game? it just looks like a shittier...
Multiplayer Morrowind Server
TF2 Kill Feeds
Prince of Persia games
RPG fans should play MOBAs because theyre the same.
Whats wrong with sonic?
Everything goes wrong for man dedicated to making game
The Iconoclasts
>there will never be another tactical shooter as open and great as delta force 2at...
Star Ocean: The Last Hope HD Remaster is cracked
Unsung Story
My brother and I are going halves on a ps4 on monday, were getting the...
Naruto Vidya
conquerors blade
Fullderp: two ditto edition
Weekend Gamenight: Xonotic (Saturday)
This is the trailer for an exploration game I have been working on in my...
Dominions Thread - Spartan Giants Edition
The Witcher 3
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Angelic Edition
PC Shooters
Horror-themed action games
Tomb Raider 2
/fit/ games
Non-linear RPG-esq FPSs
New Vegas thread - House dindu nuffin edition
Games for Toasters
What are some games that let you play as a Dark Elf and actually feel...
MMO games
Earthsiege Thread
Demons Souls
Super Mario
What are the best DOS games?...
RPCS3 - PS3 Emulator
Complex vidya plots
Draw Thread Rising: Revengance
ITT: LAN stupidities that makes you wanna commit murder
Wurm Unlimited
Xenoblade thread - born in a world of waifus edition
Monster Hunter /mhg/
Webm thread v3.23.1933
Paragon is fucking dead
Nipponese Learning Thread: (((Localized))) Edition
What happened to these games?
Warhammer 40000
Kronus III server updates
Budget Laptop for Gaming
When you think this one review/analysis or similar could be interesting to watch, and then…>Find...
Celestes Assist Mode
Blast Corps Thread
Are there any games that capture the feeling of this image?I played Outpost a lot...
Quality ps2 component cables?
Games still kept alive via skeleton crew despite publisher/devs de-facto abandoning them ittI will start...
Blizzard Is Now Monitoring YouTube For Toxic Overwatch Players. - Feminist approved
Sea Of Thieves
Factorio: peak autism
>Guilty Gear Rev 2.1 change notes just translated >>Kill Chipps corner game>They cut the string...
3DS Homebrew
C64 Thread
Panzer Dragoon Saga was released 20 years ago today. For those who are unaware, PDS...
RPGs with House system
Is getting old good enough excuse to stop being gud at video games?When I was...
Epic Mafia
Last Remnant
Games that allow you to pull off crazy stuns
Dumb Bullshit in Vidya
Becoming Homeless: A Poorfag Experience
Etrian Odyssey (3DS)
Scott Pilgrim Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Headless Edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Shining Resonance Re:frain rated in Australia
Dark Souls Remastered
XCom2 LW vidya run
Dragon Ball /v/!
New Paradox Grand Campaign?
Chrono Cross
So, I dont see any threads about MHW
Where did it go so wrong?When did they decide to actually value respecting freaks wearing...
Girls Mode / Style Savvy / New Style BoutiqueI feel like Im missing out on...
Meta Thread
Cyberpunk Vidya
Xbox 360 Thread
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: v3 NOW edition
Co-op games
Same Voice Actor thread
I made a banner
one vs one multiplayer games
>There are anons that dont cry when they hear this music>They are on this board...
Hobo Phase
Games where the diffculty settings actually change the games diffculty?
Fighting Game General
Monster Hunter /mhg/
Localization update hit ps4 recently. Lets talk about that....
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Games where you are being hunted
Devil Daggers
You lived to see Halo content on a Nintendo Console
Rising Thunder
Windows 10 Exclusives
Fugue of the Battlefield
Why did Troika games die? They made such great games and they didnt get bought...
FPS/RTS Hybrids
webm thread, because previous one is on page 14
>Leona with a bikiniI will play this for the story. >no PC ;_;...
Eroge Thread
fullderp - first edition
Games where you can be a serial killer in a really silly theatrical way.And before...
Battlefront II fails to meet expectations
Help finding a game
Megaman thread
Tron 2.0
So every Persona is the same?
Western Horror Games
Elder Scrolls games and lore
Indie game trash general
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Tame A Bad Boy Edition
MvCi : Lawbreakers edition
I went to the Resident Evil experience thing at Joypolis in Tokyo. Yes, its as...
Battlefleet gothic 2 is coming this year
The Community Problem
Hotline Miami
The Switch is doing extremely well, as you may or may not know it already...
Skincancer reaches new height
Killing monsters in Monster Hunter World is to be cruel to animals in real life.
Shitter devs inspired by Ico
February 1-10
Dust Elysian Tail
Any good games about cheerleading or games that have cheerleader characters?...
Mario Animated Movie
Nintendo Paid Online release date, and more
Dead by Daylight?
>Wake up as a civillian with nothing but a handgun and knife at your disposal....
Arma 3 Thread - Remember Your Earplugs Edition
Modding / Raspberry Pi / Embedded boards
Gigantic shutting down in July
FEAR thread
I have a laptop with a i5 8250 and no dGPUWhat are some good games...
The War game
What are some games that I can sink an autistic amount of time into like...
ITT: Custom Cover Thread
Way of the Samurai 3 on GOG
Fate / Nasuverse / FGO
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Auto Racing Edition
Divinity: Original Sin II - Why arent you a spooky lich? Edition
SWAT thread
Happy Meal Toys - but pirated
Its nigger history monthPost Niggas from videogames you actually like....
FFXV PC Benchmark
Old Rare Developers
Shit that needs to come back
Final Fantasy X11 on PC
Vidya Merchandise
Songs that Sound like Video Games
Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology DLC Schedule
Games are too long
Switch - As You Truly IMAGINED IT
Hidden gems of the PS2 era
I didnt play TF2 back when it came out, I only got into it when...
Splatoon Thread:Rapebagging Edition
Games where every skill/spell is useful?
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
The Waiting Game?
Co-Creator of Counter Strike party v&d
Night in the Woods
Sexy characters
Is this and Mordhau basically the only melee FPS games coming out for the foreseeable...
Best character or game isn’t canon
Nuclear disarmament event now live
Far cry 5 new trailer
Tomb Raider feat. Lara Croft
Blunder Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: CANNON BALLERS Edition
webm thread, because previous one is on page 13
Games where you play as as dragon
Unofficial Gamenight: Empires Mod
Cortex Command Free on Steam
Point and Click
GDC cucks Bushnell
Relic on deathbed according to anonymous employee
Combat flight games for PC
Crappy PC ports
Videogame songs and sounds in other media.
Laughing at Cuckchan /v/
What are the best Point and Click adventure games?...
Have you ever used the human element to achieve outcomes in video games others have...
Omega Labyrinth banned from sale in Australia
Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age (PC)
WTF am I doing?...
ARPGs with good summoners
>ctrl-f: Britannia>0 resultsSurprised no one is talking about this. Who here hype for new game?...
Cult games
Whats the story on these two games?
Games that hurt you.
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Unsolved vidya mysteries
Share Thread - Autism United Edition
Draw Thread: Stick Man Hero Edition
Anons, I know you like to go full autistic about games genres, so let me...
Is new game + even worth it ?Im already on Death March for my current...
Your mods?
Metal Thread Solid
Exotic Weapons in Games
Pay 2 Win games
Any anons ever played OpenRCT2? Ive never played it but it looks pretty neat>OpenRCT2 is...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Ork gamez
Digimon Thread
Fullderp: Aggressive Arbok Edition
oi fuckbois, is coming back, get ready...
>Like the old Mario games had an incredible story....
Wurm Unlimited:A Truce Between Factions Edition
Great games to play on a laptop
Modding The Temple of Elemental Evil
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Lady is a Tramp Edition
Ingame encyclopedias
Dead genres
Xcom 2 LW2 vidya run /v/2
what to get for a ps4
What would be your perfect Silent Hill game?
Command & Conquer Thread: V3 Edition
Star Fox
Its time this gets settled once and for all
Wind Waker is really boring
/ogc/ Raging Game General - Bloodbath(hurst) Edition
6 Years ago todayNever forget...
4 AM
>Brutal Doom V20 works fine>want to try V21>get weird black squares around footprint and exploded...
/v/I am playing Adventures of Hat Girl and theres a place in the ship where...
Depressing vidya
webm thread because last one is on page 14
It appears Billy Mitchell is a fraud.
Lets talk about Final Fantasy IX. Its been a while since Ive played it but...
existential crisis
Quality Thread™
/sp/ superb owl party
Nintendo DS Games
EA placed 5th Most Hated Company in America
>Almost every steam review telling them to take out the stupid MOBA abilities>57% recommended on...
Fighting Game General: Bright Future Edition
Crash bandicoot trilogy for switch/PC but not Xbone
Is there any reason to play this game after the halfway point?
Why the fuck doesnt Sony take the already perfect gameplay of CTR, slap on it...
Will the Wii-U be remembered for anything in a few years? Its still a decent...
Persona/Shin Megami Tensei
Why did >>14271101 get bumplocked? Also Marathon thread....
what are some other games in which I can control aMASSIVEUNDEADARMYpreferably an ARPG...
Dead Games that you still play
Griefing thread
Hidden Gems
Powerslave AKA Exhumed
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Character Creation
4 AM
What roleplaying games feel like Dragon Ball? Shooting beams out of your hands, increasing your...
Just bought a couple Humble Bundles.I have no friends really and I own a few...
Good games, what are they?
Remember when this guy was the worst thing happening to gaming because he wanted to...
Legacy of Kain
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Under the Dirt Edition
TF2 - what the fuck is this shit
Android Handhelds
Rainbow six siege getting a zombies mode
PuyoPuyo Tetris on Steam
>One Piece: Breath of the Phantom Pain....
Vita Thread
Space Thread:Cara Al Sol Edition
welp, since the mods deleted it therefore giving the derailers what they want, lets continue...
Xonotic <-- Floridian Shitposting
Backlog Thread
Valkyria Chronicles
What are your thoughts on the kirby series?Good casual fun?Challenging?The musics great,you surely cant deny...
Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare
Grand Strategy Games
The state of Capcom
Bethesda Modders
Dragon Ball /v/!
Alone in the Dark 2008
Resetera gets Subnautica sound designer fired for having conservative views.
What things, mechanics, elements from pen and paper rpgs would you like to see in...
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Comfy JRPGs
Sega has hit new low as Puyo Puyo Tetris is confirmed to have Denuvo
Who was your favorite Mutant League Football star player? Mine was either Bones Jackson or...
Collector - Buyfag Thread
Fullderp: SIEG HAIL Edition
Video Games in the cloud
Oh fuck yeah this is coming to PC!>DenuvoGOD FUCKING DAMN IT...
Shadow of War continues to rape LotR lore
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
>Marvel bombed so badly that it wont even show up at Evopost your smug mongolian...
Rainbow Six Siege Thread: Best roaming spots edition
>Tag Team FrenzyIt should have been called The Queen of Fighters....
The TRUE TRUE Ending to Nearr A Tomato
Codemonkey was testing global tools and reassigned the board because the reassign function doesnt have...
Minetest thread
Bamco helping with Metroid Prime? And Riiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Raaaceeer 8 exclusive to Switch
Hey, remember The Surge? It seems the krauts sold enough of it to make a...
Steamed Hams But its an 8chan Thread
Freeman: Guerrilla War
Shitting on glitcher 3 thread
Smugness and Assholes
Another Beamdog Original content Do not steal
Looking for good abandonware sites that arent trash.
Just when you think that nu-GoW couldnt be more of a walking simulator, this happens....
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Whole New World Edition
Fight Themes
Revoke Trolls Steam Keys!
Farming / Harvest Moon / Rune Factory Thread
webm thread because last one is on page 14
Square Enix profits up 50% - credits casual gamers.
Flash game archives bread
Giant robots punching the shit out of each other and destroying everything
platformer threads
Screenshot thread
Scooby doob games
Dandara the Oppressed
Wurm Unlimited: No Discordfags Allowed Edition
Collaborative Modding
2D/3D beat em ups thread
Video Game Name Generator Thread
Steambot Chronicles
>own niche game franchise only played by autists>make iterative sequel that doesnt add more content...
Strange Journey Redux
The Kafka-esque Horror of Morgana
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
This game is shit, what the hell...
Civ 6 new Expansion
Night in the Woods is the strangest game premise
Nationstates Raiding
Ex-Stalker Devs Developing Battle-Royale Game
A boy and his pet
Weekend Gamenight: Insurgency Modern Infantry Combar
/Xenoblade/ Aegis Edition
Read this and tell me what feels it makes you feel
DoW3 is finally shutting down.
JRPG thread
Indie/Lesser Known Games
Developer of Dusk is an SJW furry tranny who blocks everyone who disagrees with him
Are you a spiritual gamer?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Nujabes Edition
Mario Odyssey
I heard people were complaining that this game was even hard for a Megaman game...
So I heard BioWare is afraid of Anthem while theyre officially cucks for Anita $arkeesian....
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition
Phantasy Star Online 2
my favorite thing to do in final fantasy nes is, after i get the floater,...
Fighting games
Games you dont quite remember thread
Ancestors: Legacy
Overwatched Dogs
Fighting Game General - No hope for EVO Edition
Meanwhile at Kotaku...
Mark Appreciation Thread
Touhou Thread #2
Draw Thread
Vidya Griefing Thread: New Bread Edition
play the game posted under your post...
How is the Avernum series ?
Dead or alive xtreme 3
Piss on the grave.
What are some of the most offensive games ever made? Not necessarily games that caused...
What Will NISA Ruin Next?
What are some mediocre, around a 6/10 or low 7/10, games/devs that you cant really...
Game center CXs new episode
WoW classic thread
At 9:30EST 30 minutes Watch while your favorite games will confirmed to be bastardized. Cold...
Video Game Vehicles
EDF General - Toad-ally Tubular Edition
Remember the threads?A billion copies sold.Trillion players across the galaxy.E-Sports prices worth the entire GDP...
You guys playing any browser or smartphone games?...
How should Dragon Age end?
Super Robot Wars X
Galgun 2 Banned In Germany is now the time to buy a Switch and shove it in the closet...
General emulation thread
What modern AAA games will be unplayable in 15-20 years?...
What would you like to see in a future Zelda game similar to BOTW?I was...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Did anyone get the PS4 rerelease of Dragons Crown? Is that RPG book it comes...
Kingdom Hearts III
Korean War Vidya
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Moonstruck Blossom Edition
So did this actually add anything worthwhile, or is it like Deep Strange Journey where...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
How would YOU tackle making a Korean War game?
Easter Egg Thread
webm thread because last one is on page 15
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - WHERES THE PORN?! Edition
Vidjew Goyims
Games with impressive textures
Areas designed to be ambiguous but only raise more questions
>Get 13+ year old games>Suddenly release DLC for itHow does /v/ feel about this? Its...
Looking for a game...
Grim Dawn
Vidya + Autism
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Goddesses Edition
Insurgency Gamenight: Skulls for the Skull God edition
Which one of the wwe games has the best character customization? I know they removed...
ITT: post free video games, open source or full stand alone mods.OTTD>open source simulation game...
How do we crash the industry and prevent Megacorps from shitting on our pride and...
Command & Conquer Thread: Titan Edition
Saturday Night Horror Thread
do you faggots know where to get the HG101 books? Im interested in the untold...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Linux Gaming
Wurm Unlimited: Vote NOW edition.
Dragon Ball /v/!
Nipponese Learning Thread: Handholding Edition
February 11-20
Feminists demands towards SNK Heroines creator, Yasuyuki Oda: Censor it, its problematic & sexist
System Shock/Looking Glass Thread
post video game tits
How much did we all enjoy Nier Automata? I feel like I can recall every...
Hard and ballsy RPGs
Batman: Arkham Series
Total War thread
Feby 2018
Tragic Characters
>Ancestors Legacy (1st pic related) is made by creators of Nod Impotant.
no wise sages allowed in this ITT
-You see some stairs leading to a roguelike thread->Im in the mood to get back...
Good Walking Simulators
what game lets me play as a landschneckt?...
Female companions in video games
Rare genres of games
Why do originalfags complain that emulation is piracy, but flashcarts and third party remakes of...
Platform Masters.
I can sing a song for you and me....
Sonic thread
Game intros
Firearms in fantasy
THE RULES•1 nomination per ID• This week there are 32 slots available -...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Eternal Shrine Maiden Edition
>buy PS1 Chess remastered >Cant even get past the first difficulty level>this loli keeps bullying...
Lads, what is the best cheap DDR rug-thingy I can get for my PC? Also...
What video games feature snowy coniferous forests?...
What kind of wizardry is this game running on? This is some fantastic optimization....
Darkest Dungeon thread
With all the talk about collect a thon games here is a game that a...
Darksiders 3 and Biomutant will release on GOG
>on the internet>on an anime imageboard>HE does it for free>HE takes his “job” very seriously>HE...
>Friend plays AOE2 and has it keep crashing>Nice guy but didnt even know he could...
Ubisoft on Loot Boxes: Players “Need to Feel That They Are Really Free Not to Buy;
What the fuck is this shit?
Does VR have any potential to be decent nowadays? I keep seeing this being talked...
Fun Speculation Thread
Planescape: Torment
Cooking games
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Is it hard to get a job as a game journalist or game reviewer? I...
What is your favorite Multiplayer game that you come back to play a few rounds...
Fullderp: Horde Edition
Gaylo 2
Characters that did EVERYTHING RIGHT
The absolute fucking state of SEGA
Fast and furious weeb grindan
Why do remakes of games decrease in difficulty?
webm bread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Rip and Tear Edition
Kingdom Came: Underwhelmence
PUBG Live Action trailer
So its the 73rd Anniversary of the Bombing Dresden today
Need for speed
Can we appreciate the fact we didnt get a new Olympic Games?
Im thinking about picking up a Neo Geo Pocket Colour. Anyone got one who can...
Capcom giving away DMC1 in two weeks
So are people just gonna pay for DMC3 again? DMC2 was fucking terrible, so no...
Dynasty Warriors 9
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
Space Invaders 40th anniversary
ITT: Bizarre vidya terminology
Whats a game with lots of character customization, /v/?...
Games Set on Classical Antiquity
Vanquish thread
Are there any good Fire Emblem hacks that arent just translations?...
Actual 90s first-person shooters made after 2000
Sprite Misinterpretations
IQ and gaming ELO
Wii U Homebrew
With the Spyro Trilogy all but confirmed, are you looking forward to it? Will it...
S.T.A.L.K.E.R General
kikedom cum no deliverance
Super Mario 2.
THQ Nordic Acquires both Koch Media and Deep Silver along with all their assets
Have you noticed people starting to quietly drop Overwatch en masse?
Its Valentines Day. Post cute couples from video games!...
Rise of Industry
Boss that kicked your shit in back on release but now they are cakewalks
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Power Beauties Edition
Train Games
Monkeys Paw Thread!
Valentines Day
Can someone explain to me why they are remastering dark souls 1 and not dark...
Kingdom Come Deliverance Official Thread №1
UWP just got cracked
What is your favorite mix of strategy game and RPG not counting tactics games...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Fate / Nasuverse
So is anybody still interested in this? its finally out,i say we make a server...
So uh Labo doesnt seem to be THAT bad...
Patient Gamer Thread
UNOFFICIAL GAMENIGHT, DOUBLE ACTION BOOGALO What is it?>Double Action is a stylish multiplayer game about...
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam General
Can a videogame contain an ARG within itself? Know any good examples?...
Simultaneous turn based games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Gunbuster Edition
Wallpaper Thread: I will never have enough Edition
Farming Simulator XIX
Reccomend me decent PSP games, preferably SRPGs for PSP or PC (not the vita)
Bay 1 +2 on switch tomorrow
Mabinogi private server
What is the best HoMM clone in your opinion?...
Vermintide 2
>load up the Shadow of the Colossus remake>hit by that theme>then the first colossi track>feel...
Donkey kong
Black Desert Online
Americas Army thread
>EVO 2018Tekken7, Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, SFVAE, Injustice2, Guily Gear Xrd-Rev2, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Sm4sh...
Final Fantasy
SOYBOY SAVER: Nintendo Switch Saves Man from Cancerous Tumor
Hunt Down the Freeman
Games Youd Like to See
I want one of you to try and defend this bullshit boss fight. Ive never...
Vidya music thread
Visual Novel Thread
Metal Gear Survive
Shitty video game towns
Whats a Witcher even to do when this comes skittering out of the darkness?...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Peach Beach Splash PC
Yume Nikki Thread
Friday Night Motherfucker!
WEBM Thread
Remake of Mana
Tekken /general/
Has there ever been a less compelling or interesting companion in any Fallout game?>Big green...
Dorfdorf the Thread of Dorfing, Raze and Pillage Edition
Tomodach/v/ Life
DS/3DS game reccs
KSP - kerbal shitposting general
Cataclysm: DDA
is it worth 20 dollary doos?...
Are there any video games on PC or modern consoles which you drift down a...
subtle humor in vidya
Maybe Im just a brainlet, but holy shit this game is hard to get into.Im...
Friday Night Arma - Russian Hardware Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Guns or Something Edition
when did you stop buying mainline pokemon games?...
Fullderp: Throwback Edition
Evil Within 2 First Person Mode
grasshopper of walls
Who do you think will be the most influencial composer of videogames up to 2018...
Wurm Thread
System Shock Kickstarter reboot on hiatus
PlanetSide 2: Double XP Weekend
Super Seducer game announced to save males from turning into soy boys
Just finished this and it was great. Great voice acting, story and actual meaningful choices...
Vidya Dogs_Happy New Year
What are some god tier input devices? This looks autistic but its great when you...
kamiya… just kamiyajust when you think he the most humble person in the world you...
is it better than Skyrim?...
Darkfall: New Dawn
I keep doing searches on how to optimize it but I just run into queers...
Vidya tabletop games
Best ambient vidya music
Sea of Thieves
Apologies for the lack of an official meta thread this month, been busy with personal...
Elona thread
The Killer VR App
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: Gamenight edition
Simulation Games
Is the steam version of Yume Nikki the best version?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Wadoka Wagica
40K thread
Arcade Games and Pinball
Castlevania Thread
I see western games are pretty popular in japan. They even get parodied in anime....
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Nomadic vidya
Warframe general
How bad is it going to be?...
Roguelike thread?
ITT: Things that shouldnt make you rage, but do
Ever since I was a wee child, I was never at all interested in the...
ITT: We have fun until feb 19th.Also MG Survive thread....
Why is Fire Pro World so fucking terrible?>Can spam finishers non-stop, killing all challenge>Flash-tier graphics>AI...
Native americans
Any interest in a /v/ ss13 host?
Albion Online
Draw your favorite character.
Tfw getting a hankering for FFXI again
Vidya Music Thread
SNES games
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age has been cracked
Kirby Star Allies
Why was my thread locked?
Grand Strategy Games
Webm Thread
What is your favorite videogame to nostalgia trip to?...
Is it worth getting on PC? How is the gameplay?...
dragon quest sagas
Controller Thread
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Kronos III fresh vanilla server project
Good Vidya Knockoffs
Whatever the fuck happened to the Donkey Konga series?...
Vampire: The Masquerade creator goes fucking insane
>Rainbow six siege outbreak looks better than Metal Gear survive How is this even possible?...
Obscure as fuck games that are widely known but rarely talked about
How are you enjoying the best expansion for the Binding of Isaac?
Games about serial killers
MGS4 anniversary celebration
So whats happened to the Xbox?
>Destiny 2 launches>doesnt seem very good.>one activision insider anon swears the game is going to...
Vidya with great audio.
Both graphics and gameplay
/v/, what are your preference on what makes a female character design good or great?!
Non Nintendo mascots & console I.Ps
Historical Realism in Games
Kingdom Hearts Thread
U.S. Copyright Office considering exemption for abandoned online games
Worthy Wii + Gamecube games
Are there any modern/upcoming MMOs that play like a good turn based CRPG? After Playing...
RETURN OF THE GOURD NIOH slightly belated Anniversary Thread
What are some games where I can pray to the lord?It could be whatever deity...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Oban Edition
Gmod Thread
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Earth cameos in vidya/visiting Earth thread
Any ideas on how to fix this godawful game? I dont know why Im still...
Enter your name
Its Segata Sanshiros birthday today, /v/. Let us celebrate by enjoying some of the best...
/v/, Im feeling really goddamn nostalgic for something medieval. Any recommendations for games that let...
Malls are dead
Viewtiful Joe
I hope you find this bomb maker, Adam, because i just watched a convoy of...
Kingdom Come Deliverance Official Thread №2
Mabinogi Private Server: Kristells Lewd Past Edition
Cold Video Games
Xenoblade - You will know our accents edition
/swf/ - Ancient Flash Games & Movies
Cute Anime Girls with guns
Is Kingdom Come: Deliverance the least cucked game in years?
Is anyone else glad that arcades are dead and gone?Most arcade games were purposely designed...
Hunt Down the Freeman
Rainbow Six Siege tread: Armageddon
>no doom thread>no copypasta>just want to ask if i can get rid of the slow...
Video game commercials & magazine ads
Red dead general
ESA Winter
Combat and Tactics Request
Flight Sim Company Embeds Malware to Steal Pirates’ Passwords
Space Thread - You will never into Space Edition
Show me your avatars!
>We are getting a call of duty and FNAF movie soon >Tom hardy confirm to...
Upgrade tree systems or shops done right in games?
EA is Remaking Burnout Paradise
6DoF shootans
Neptunia Thread
SMITE - Actually not that bad
Are there any boss fights you enjoy playing again after youve beaten them?...
What is the official GDQ /v/ livestream? I miss you faggots...
February 21-31
Best Cars of Gran Turismo 6?
Charts and guides thread
Sanic Thread
KDE on Nintendo Switch
Jingle Jam 2017 dump
FULLDERP: nigger edition
From the makers of FTL: Into the Breach
Online Card Game General
Paladins reset update causes massive shitposting
Pokemon/Fakemon Design Thread
Kung Fu
>Not only Metal Gear survive is canon with rest of MGS >Survive was probably originally...
Budget PC gaming
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Backlogs - Not playing anything good?
What are your favorite locations/landmarks in open world games that you would describe as arbitrary...
Payday 2 on Switch is 2 years behind
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: 2nd bake Edition
Kingdom Come Deliverance Official Thread №3 - My Henry Can Beat Up Your Henry Edition
Share Thread
Resident Evil Thread
Non-generic protags
Someone explain to me the purpose of snipers please.No matter what game it is theyre...
webm thread because previous one is on page 13
Shining Resonance coming West
Enemy type you instantly fucking hate
Elona Thread
Assassins Creed: Rogue
Times when the mechanics synergize with the character/story
Metal Gear Survive
A Hat in Time
Censorship thread
One and only game autists
DESPERATE HERE= Long Story short a friend used a CC with Stem that had once...
Patches The Unfuckable
Was For Honor successful or was it a FOR GONER?...
CEMU thread
Microsoft joined Riot Games and Blizzard in crusade to END toxic gamers to include more women.
What game is good for alt tabbing back and forth as I work?...
So heres a thought
Cute thread
No More Room in Hell
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Games set in ancient china
Is Zootopia all but confirm at this point? Kingdom hearts 3 doing awfully lots of...
Dark Souls Remaster
RTS Thread
Berserk inspired games
Demon Souls thread
New Warcraft III Patch
Dark Souls III
Based Warhorse Studios...
Games With Drab/Grim/Depressing Settings
Who’s ready for Final Fantasy XV: Episode 3?...
Happy Birthday Genetic Dud
Yakuza & Hokuto ga Gotoku Thread: Muteki Kenpo Edition
Kingdom Come Deliverance Official Thread №4 - Sneaky Henry Edition
Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare
Games with Ghosts/Haunted Houses
Portal Knights
Here we go again...
Tfw something looks good but you wait for the other shoe to drop by default now
Ban Violent Video Games?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Bread Crumbs: Deliverance Edition
strategy games
What’s the worst video game sequel?My vote’s for pic related...
BBS Original or BBS Remake?
Paladins to remove pay-to-win Unbound system
Burnout Paradise Remastered
Serious Sam thread
In this thread, post games that are addictingOn a related note, Why are anons addicted...
What The Fuck Am I Fighting?
Games that should have gotten a sequel to fix their flaws
Did somebody ask for a gamerfood thread?...
Dead Cells
Caligula livestream
Gravity Rush/Daze 2
Are there any text adventure games that have been worked on for for decades now...
QTDDTOT: no thread edition
Mabinogi Private Server: Nao Mariota Pryderi Edition
Bioware regrets Anita Sarkeesians visit
Metal Gear Survive Makes You Pay $10 for a New Save if You Dont Want to Delete Your Characters
Do you block/ignore people in online games?Do you have insta-block criteria?Maybe players that use particular...
Age of Empires Definitive Edition has been cracked by based CODEX
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet has Denuvo
BOTW wins DICE Awards despite SJWs rigging 10 nominees with Horizon: Zero Dawn
Vidya music thread
Thought Id ask here since /vp/ is dead. Anyone know where to find this? or...
Its all about Soul Edge
Dragon Ball /v/!
Any lads here like to play Fistful of Frags or am I the only one?...
How will people remember the Eight generation of consoles When the ninth generation start?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Star-Spangled Fairy Edition
Whats wrong with XCOM 2?
So I was playing the end of the Witcher 3 Blood and Wine expansion and...
Gaming industry lobbyists questioned about lootboxe
New Game+
Kingdom Come Deliverance Official Thread №5 - Lying Skinny Sexy Hanush Edition
Why did Nomuras designs go to absolute shit as soon as Yoshitaka Amano stopped doing...
webm thread because previous one is on page 13...
Hunt Down The Freeman
Chivarly 2: Mordauw
classic games that have aged like milk
Unintended Rage, Volume II
What symptoms do I need to purchase to accurately simulate homosexuality in this game?...
Its that time again, I got my pizza on delivery, and we should be good...
Fighting Game General - New Years Beatdown 3 Edition
Papers please short film discussion
Finding Paradise/To The Moon
Estonia 100
The quality of e-sports games
Idolmaster Thread
Love cant bloom in the battlefield
ARMA 3 Thread: Vaporwar Edition
David Seaman was a hardcore Pizzagate shill (psyop side of things), but that trend died...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: 3.1 out now Edition
The new Yume Nikki thing...
Have there been any decent horror games recently? Perhaps something that went under the radar?...
Where should I start in this series?Also Ultima thread i guess...
Perfect Horror Game?
Vidya Deaths
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Son Meditation Edition
Arena Shooters
As the day draws near the one horned stallion prepares to attack
What are some games with death knights? I want to ride around on a ghostly...
Hello.What game/s are you currently playing?I recently decided to play through the Mario games. I...
What is the in-setting explanation for player characters in Sonic games having rings while enemies...
Vidya Fan Movies
NEC PC-9801
Animal racing
BREAK ARTS II & generalchaotic racing game thread
Thems Fightin Herds
Grand Strategy Games
Good Console and Games Recommendation
>both Todd Rogers and Billy Mitchell turns out to be huge cheaters>both huge role models...
Wurm Thread - RIGHTFUL C L A Y Edition
Are you lads ready for Shenmue III?...
Ending a little rushed?
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Local mad man throws Scuttlebug Jamboree
I love arcade games. Lets post some arcade games.Heres a link to MAMEGuys rom thread...
Best Fallout New Vegas Ending
/v/ tries playing /tg/
Your favorite Single Player game(s) for PC that arent as demanding on system resources as...
Weird/Bizarre games
Fullderp: Expert Belt Edition
Atlus and remakes
PS4 general/Whats worth buying on PS4
So (((FeralPhoenix))) released the demo of her new shitty game: its worth a stream...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA>2012>madame president>looks and sounds like Hillary Clinton>m-m-m-uh Chinese friendsAny other blatant propaganda games?70 000 more...
SS13 - Space Station 13
万年巫女Ten thousand year MaidenorFountain Pen WitchSo.. Im making a game. The main character is going...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Sakuya fucking LOSES it Edition
RTS Thread: Autismus Maximus Edition
Rpgs with stat allocation
analogue super nt
What did Konami employees mean by this?
Any other anons here play Haven and Hearth?If you havent heard of it: Slightly autistic...
Soul Edge/Calibur
Hardcore Gaming 101
Webm Thread - Scuttlebug raising edition
Weird Music
Mobile games
feel it
When will the graphics meme die?
Scott Pilgrim
Pac Man Championship Edition
Mabinogi Private Server: Gangster Computer God Edition
rare/obscure creepy games
gdq tranny watch: milo dlc
I just finished this game. Easily in my top 10, but what the fuck were...
Anonymous Agony
>Joins a group called The Rangers>Kills everything with a swordStill the best Breath of Fire.Capcom...
The Death of System Shock
Guess whos back?
Good (oldish) LAN games
Gaming fads of the past
What are the best looking disc art for games? Apart from box art I think...
I still wonder to this day how Obsidian got away with presenting not!Bin Laden as...
Chrono Trigger on pc
Hunt Down The Freeman #2 - YOU FUCKED UP MY FACE
Dynasty Warriors 9
Sony Bans PS4 Gamer For User ID From 2012 They Now Deem Offensive
if you could make the most offensive game in existance,what would you put in it?...
>makes fun of muh freeze peach>proceeds to complain about censorship, these leftist developers would have...
have any of you played this? I liked FTL...
Touhou Thread #3
Vermintide 2
Mighty Final Fight!
Why do normalfags suck the dick of games like CoD so hard?
80s computer games
Pokemon - Then vs. Now
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Are you watching, Change?! Edition
CPY cracked Watch_Dogs 2 fully
Video Game Books
Splatoon Thread Patch 2.3.0. Edition
Kenshi General
Wheres the crack, fagets?Also Feli is best girl....
THE ABSOLUTE MADMANKCD, LABO and Not-Half-Life 3 in a nutshell...
Elona thread: Make me OC to post you niggers edition
Orc Women in Vidya
IVY returns
Deus Ex HR
Nasuverse Thread
Bug-hunts and xenocide
Kingdom Come Deliverance Official Thread №6 - Fancy Henry Edition
At the end of the intro to toy story 2, the dinosaur guy is clearly...
PuyoPuyo Tetris has Denuvo
Have you ever looked at your collection and think none of the games would be...
Were back boys
Ion Maiden
Has a game ever inspired you to get fit, /v/?I wanna be able to lift...
deep rock galactic
Metal Gear Survive UK week 1 sales down considerably compared to The Phantom Pain, Metal Gear Rising
Haha! Time for piracy! (PS4 edition)
Ive been thinking of buying a dreamcast for a while.I plan on getting shenmue and...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
March 1-10
Do you guys think game developers only think about the Chinese Market now?...
Virtual Console on Disk
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Squirtle Squad Edition
Ancient Egyptian Vidya
/ogc/ Raging Game General - Lazy OP Edition
Draw Thread After Midnight Edition
Are there any relatively new/recent non-simulation video games that have easily 100+ hours of content...
Why? How? I do not understand....
Guess whos birthday it is today...
Trash games, GOAT OSTs
What do we do about violent video games /v/?
Can the Dark Zone idea ever work?
Rance X
Are there good FPS games that don’t feature firearms?...
David Jaffes game studio, shuts down.
Battlefield news
Wasnt the third game suppose to wrap everything up?
Battlezone 2 Remaster
Stuff that escaped the censors
Webm thread
DDO and the Mortal Voyage (perma death mmo)
Mount & Blade thread
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
>Its been 7 years>still no Syrian war FPS gameAt this point the Syrian army has...
Atelier Series
Weekend Gamenight: Backup Plan Edition
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Dragon Ball FighterZ Mods.
Fullderp: 400 BST edition
Kirby Switch Demo now out in Europe
SAO:Fatal Bullet
>Exile 3 is a perfectly serviceable game>Avernum 3 ends up a simplified, but still very...
why is the dragon age shit?
Nicalis A Shit
Wii U. Should I sell it?
Roguelike Thread: FTL Edition
i miss the days when games werent gay
Factorio thread
Vidyas music or your music ?
Non Cannon game characters
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Remake?
Rimworld tread: hacked together Z levels edition
Fighting Game General - Actual News of the Week Edition
Are you currently obsessed with a game? What is it?...
3 hours until 3.2 bestiality league. Are you ready to become best pokemon master?...
Dark Souls 2 has the best armor design of all the souls games. Shame about...
Full OSTs thread.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Journey of Dreams Edition
Remember the beginning of last gen?The last few years before the industry went past the...
Baten Kaitos
Games with highly customizable weapons
All memes aside, do you think this is a good game? How do you think...
TANKS, we ride em
Have you ever been to a LAN party? You never see these nowadays, but perhaps...
NIS America Is So Cancerous, Now Their Customers Are Being Defrauded for Thousands of Dollars
What are some games for PC where I can breed, raise and train animals or...
Is the FPS genre officially dead?
Far Cry 5 Will Have Time Savers And Microtransactions
Mabinogi Private Server: Good Luck with that Windmill Thing Edition
ITT Vaporware that you were hyped for....
Rainbow Six Siege will start handing out bans for in-game hate speech next week.
kingdom Comes Butt hurt continues. ...
Kronos III thread, the ITS FINALLY MARCH edition>ww2 meme againthis shitty system swirls the toilet bowl, closer and closer to the sewer...
Games with muscle girls
Emulation General - Comix Zone edition
Spec Ops is overrated
This is tank factory drama game
So most, if not all, games can be easily played without audio. What games are...
Games with a smart stealth/camouflage system that actually works
FFXIV - Stormblood General
RIP Aniki
>go full sperg in thread about Kangdom kum>whole thread devolved into politics>thread not removed>thread not...
Weekend Recommendation thread #1
>Mods delete last thread HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWITCH ...
Should I play Subnautica?
Chrono X
99 days until E3
Did Diablo 3 ever git gud? I was suckered into the hype on release and...
Battletech 2018
Sports games
Ive seen retardeds talk about turning the Switch into a worthless Linux tablet, but nothing...
Why is this game so good? And why did a series with such a great...
I made this mockup, would /v/ play a game like this?...
The Atlus conspiracy
3DS Homebrew/Piracy Thread:
Favorite Easter Eggs
ARMA 3 General - Battle Buddy Edition
ARMS Thread
Battlefront 2017 only sold between 7 and 8 million units
Weird shit in vidya thats there for seemingly no reason.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Bagogames Gambling Paid Reviews Edition
Sup /v/ ive recently played this game with some friends and alone, and i must...
Webm Thread
Games that shouldn’t get a reboot
ITT: Autistic shit youve done in Vidya
Polygon: The ESRB’s new warning seems to hide loot boxes in plain sight>Patricia Vance at...
Italian vidya
Terminal 000: Youre dead edition
theres something that bothers me, everyone tries to make the biggest most detailed game ever,...
A link to some vidya music.
open-path tower defense games
Space Station 13: Page 12 is death row edition
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
PS2 Thread
Games youre conflicted on
AESTHETIC Games Ive got a hankering for such games, old and new. Any good...
Bioware cant help themselves to virtue signal in feminisms favor. They really want to die fast.
Too Much Kirby
Huge ass games 2
CAPCOM Being Jews Again - Also the Sky is Blue
Dragons Dogma
OC bread...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Honest Gaming - website project.
Is there any Godot engine games to check out?Is it possible to create one if...
Why don’t Western Devs get the Cthulhu mythos or able to do lovecraftian themes? Seems...
Vidya drinks
PS3 thread:another thread edition
Someone recommend me a new game to play that isnt Kingdom Come. I just...
Think well start seeing difficult/niche titles becoming the norm and getting attention?
>Friendly reminder Hunt down the freeman still has better writing than DmC devil may cry...
I was thinking of using Parsec to play some local Coop games online with my...
Indieshit/Obscure game general: One Finger Death Punch 2
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Vipers Creed Edition
Orange Box But Different Company
/gw/ - Guild Wars
Xbox Direct
The My Nintendo Gold Points changes are live...
Unused artstyles
/mon/ Thread
EEnE Online General
Older titles on steam
Zombie games: Genre Finally Dead?
Mabinogi Private Server: We Made the Expansion, but its Almost Full Again Edition
Vita Thread
Fullderp: Refugees welcome edition
Kingdom Come Deliverance General Thread №7
Pre-Y2K video james thread
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Autism Simulator Games: Banished
Which Souls game had the best protagonist?im talking canon here. so just whats shown here....
I need 2D sideview MMO games that are not Maple Story, LaTale, or Wonderking.Am I...
Torrent Sites
Gundam Versus
Fucking vols
turn-based games recommendations
When are GPU prices going to drop? Ive been considering an upgrade for the past...
What are you playing?
The Majestic CRT
Monster Hunter World and denuvo
ARPGs/Diablo Clones
Lets all laugh at Activion Anon again
>game is first teased as bioshock of the near future>trailers talk about a floating utopian...
Games to be released in 2018 youre looking forward to
Diablo 2
Heavenly Sword
Sony just copyrighted a new Playstation backwards compatibility patent
Time for an incredibly weird thread.
Civilization/4X thread
video game cosmetics
Games that take place in your home state/province/whatever.
hey /v/ asking this because hardware upgrading doesnt seem nearly as obvious as it used...
Why Most RPGs Suck
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Give Me A ♂Van♂ After Midnight Edition
Switch and 3DS-focused Nintendo Direct set for March 8
>team ninja and ninja theory are two different developers>one mostly made good games>one mostly made...
Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem
Webm Thread
Vermintide 2: Electric Boogaloo
ITT:Post notes/spreadsheets of a game youre playing where you were trying to figure out puzzles...
Im snowed in at a video game store. Its like im living out one of...
Product Placement in games
Grand Strategy Games
Vidya dev fights
Characters that really annoy you.
Retro FPS thread, I guess.
Could a Game Crash ever Happen Again?
Trump having a meeting with industry heads on violence in vidya!
Eredin Was Right
Build a game you would never play.
Anyone ever play this game?
Whos the biggest qt in the Fallout series?...
Total War thread>You can procedurally generate smug anime girls nowA game like Elona would benefit immensely from...
Welcome to bonus stage....
The Division 2 announced by Ubikike
Video games Versus the American government: ROUND 3!!!
Shit, this is stupid expensive. I really wanted it because I love the duke. I...
Metal Gear Survive
>Starts out as a shit mod.>Switches to a survival zombie fps crafting shitstorm.>Switches to a...
Legend of the Galimulator Heroes #2 The Legend of Visranda edition
Looking for a DOS game I was not allowed to play as a kid
Open world Zelda could work
Nintendo Direct: 5PM EST
Battle Data
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Piano music edition
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
>really want to enjoy this game because I love the books>its an awful grindy messAnd...
Paranoia is Getting a Video Game
>Get 16 year old point and click game>Port it to The Switch>Charge $30 for itNow...
So im not the only anon that genuinely thinks Luigis Mansion is fantastic right?
Halo Online Gamenight
Havent played vidya in a few years, got a PS4 on Black Friday, havent got...
Have Nintendo games lost their charm or did I just grew out of them? Am...
New controllers for old consoles
Has a game ever sucked so hard it made you not want to play another...
Rainbox Six Siege Heil General - /R6G/
meta thread
What is it about Mario that has made him the most popular and influential video...
Crash trilogy PC
Gamespot triggered because a conservative NPC isnt a villian
Video Game Metaphysics
Why are classic FPS games praised so much that theyre considered as the pinnacle of...
RTS Thread - 90s Edition
Space Thread: Infinite Cosmos Edition
Did Grand Theft Auto IV aged better than V?
Mario Tennis Aces
The White House - Violence in Video Games
Highest competitive rank reached
Naughty Dog names Neil Druckmann vice president
Senran Kagura
Is there any reasons that GoG doesnt put most of the new & non-indie games...
Ace of Spades offweek Gamenight
Gabe Newell Says that Valve is Back to Making and Shipping Games>Valve held a presentation...
Fullderp: Refugees NOT welcome edition
webm thread
Mabinogi Private Server: Equal Parts Cute and Sexy Edition
Share Thread - For a better Tomorrow Edition
Remember back when games used to have cool installers? Which one was your favorite? These...
How Does /v/ Feel About Curves?
How did old Arcade machines manage to get those silky smooth 60 FPS framerates so...
>All these modern games want to call themselves Esports>But they are all more casual now...
Whats your favorite save point in Vidya?
Nipponese Learning Thread: アメリカンおっぱい Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Space Runaway Gideon Edition
So i got invited to final beta for sea of Thieves and this is my...
Chinese Jewery
Legend of the Galimulator Empires #3 Autistic Senators edition
Dork Jews remastered
I thought that /v/ might like to know that, now, blizzard is letting people make...
Some good games to play with friends on PC (Preferably Steam)
>$400 to see a nipple...
Honest Gaming - website project
>try asking how people decide their next game to play>a bunch of faggots derail thread...
Do you clean or fix anything? I take a lot of pride in cleaning and...
video game related neurosis
stock market vidya
>I completely forgot about the Xbox directFUCK...
Front Mission
Left Alive (Front Mission 6?)
Not only did The Surge get a expansion this week but its also got a sequel announced?
what do you think hes trying to say?...
March 11-20
>spellforce 1worth it? What does anon think about it?...
Any Decent Games Involving Realistic Top Secret/S4 Projects?
aside from Bloodborne what are some good games with gothic settings?...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
videogame morality
>Game has a single band do their entire ost>Its almost always amazing...
Pre-Rendered Games
Splatoon Thread- Octoexpansion Edition
Playing games in order
Aside from meme tate shumps like Battle Garegga, DoDonPachi, and Ikaruga, what would you like...
Iron Harvest
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Remember when Movies had videogame tie-ins?Well now its the opposite....
Game Dev Tycoon adds ultra hard mode where you combat piracy with DRM
Roleplaying in Video Games
Why was Silent Hill: The HD Collection the last time the public openly bashed a remake?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Max Knight Edition
Brave Neptunia announced, developed by Quebec-based Artistan Studios
Commodore Thread
Wuxia MMO
how the fuck do you properly dock in this shit?ive been trying for hours now,...
Was this game ever good /v/? Other than Elizabeth being a potential waifu, in terms...
Post games that only you are thinking of getting right now....
Ready Or Not
SMASH SOMETHING THREADJAPAN TIME 3 IS HEREHYPE TRAIN edition>Previous ThreadMIABesides Character Rosters, what kind of...
Bethesda is Jew owned
Whats the most pathetic cash grab games? Pic related is my vote>Started as a Minecraft...
Zoo Tycoon thread
Vermintide 2: when will Sigmar put an end to your ways Edition
>Valkyria chronicles 4 skipping Xbox one >Undertale skipping Xbox one As a Xbox one owner…....
Webm Thread
Animations leading the game
Rule the Waves thread
Medieval Fighting Games
Agents of Mayhem is offically a bargin bin game
Why is buying games considered bad thing on /v/?>some dev make one of a kind...
Final Fantasy VII remake progressing smoothly
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Amid Evil
The better you play the easier it gets
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: Sniper too OP edition
Dragon Ball /v/
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: EOTech Edition
Barotrauma Thread
Important shit the game never even hints as
How bad is the localization of this game? Im currently playing DGR2 and the localization...
Neptunia Thread
Ideaguy the game
RTS Thread - Spank & Conquer Edition
Excuses for bad games being bad.
Alternate history of Titanfall
Matchmaking fixing
crusader games
EDF thread
Ragnarok Online
So Ive just beaten Thief in my second playthrough (on Expert, trying to Ghost with...
Dark Souls II
I miss you....
NieR: Automata sold 2.5 million copies
Vidya Music Thread - Rap Need Not Apply Edition
JRPG community
VGM Thread
Project Gorgon thread
Another Jackbox stream
Games you want to play but cant enjoy.
Digimon Thread
Ghost of a Tale
Excel RPG
HOLY SHIT moments
The 25th Ward Thread
Should more games take the glass cannon approach with their gameplay? When you get down...
Can we talk about games with absolutely fucked difficulty curves? I dont mean games that...
Giant monsters and shit
Smash Bros Thread: Wonder Red edition
What puzzle games have ya been playing lately, /v/?...
What games starts with horror/thriller/total nightmare but progresses into more humorous/absurd/colossal shitposting theme? Or game...
Why havent we heard anything, /v/?
Iron Harvest thread
Scenes from a Hat - /v/ Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Medicine for the Eyes Edition
Vermintide 2: Exterminating Pests with a Smile Edition
Games where the protagonist is vulnerable
Super Vidya
Kirby Thread: Star Allies Launch Edition
SSFIIX: Grand Master Challenge
Webm Thread
Geralt confirmed for Smash
The Council
Super Bomberman R coming to PC, PS4 and Xbone
Mabinogi Private Server: Cor Aborigine Edition
Monster Hunting/Catching/Battling/Breeding
You guys ready for SquarEnix to finish their magnum opus?
Lets talk Kart racers /v/. which one is the best? Mario kart? sonic and sega...
10 days until this closes
So which big dev tries to resuscitate a declining game by following the pubg meme?
Morrowind multiplayer
Sandbox games
Pixelshit and US games
Alternate History of Ubishit
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles My Life As A King
Would you play a game thats like Warthunder, but instead of having planes itd be...
Dragon Ball Fighter Z crack released
STALKER thread
Unoffical Gamenight CS 1.6
Outer Wilds
New great age of vidya?
ITT: Never Ever...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Yuri Mermaids Edition
Talked about games and tv shows making people cry. realized i only ever cried when...
So, Steam sells PUA simulators now?...
DS9 Online Emergency Patch Notes
Motorcycle games
So, now Capcom officially hate gamers, and is against #GamerGate.
Surviving Mars
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Seeing as Sonic is having a panel at SXSW today (3:30pm CST) with a supposed...
>The videogame industry is so fucking cancerous that even DSP of all people is right...
Legend of Galimulator Heroes #4 /gsg/ edition
Morrowind thread
God of War (2018)
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Will we ever get a Billy Hatcher 2?
Flash Games Thread
Kingdome Come Delieverance
Ace Combat
Post Game Superbosses
Grand Strategy Games
Will Nintendo kill the online support for the Wii U soon?Because when that happens, games...
This is how the 2019-2022 indie lineup is being made....
New WoW sub race for humans: thiccLike thats it. Thats the best they got.When do...
Meta Thread
Counter Strike Gamenight: clean bread edition
RTS Thread: Decisions Edition
Shoot n loot
Damascus Gear 2: Mech grinder boogaloo
Smash Bros. Thread: Hotel Duck edition
Chips Thread
Post games with worlds that are actually interesting to explore, regardless of other considerations (gameplay,...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Horsing Around Edition
Fighting Game General - Old Men, Cat and... Pokémon? Edition
Games with playable mutants?
Mickey Mouse’s World Domination Thread: Vidyagun Edition
PULSAR: Lost Colony
SlimeTales SEASON 3 HYPE
So what stuff are oyu having fun with over the weekend?
Rainy Day Sessions
CryptoPonzi BTFO
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Insurgency/rebellion + stealth games?
Does anybody still play PSP games on their PSP (or PS Vita Adrenaline)? And if...
What would you want to see in a switch Animal Crossing besides dating? Im quite...
Webm Thread
Guess That Video Game Music
Are there truly free games?Ones without microtransactions,multiplayer bullshit,being just demos for larger games that leave...
New Tony Hawk thread because some no-brain niggermonkey deleted the last one for no reason....
PC98 Thread
Reccomendation thread
Sad Things
Vermintide 2 - A ratslayers job is never done edition
Microsoft Is Working on a Netflix for Video Games
Final Fantasy series
Legend of Galimulator Heores #5 BUGGED OCEAN MECHANICS edition
Fullderp: Free Edition
Do you think will ever make a PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale 2?...
Splatoon Thread-Shining Pearl Edition
>2 creeps spawn at RANDOM lanes every turn>some cards have been confirmed for having non-manipulable...
/ogc/ Raging Game General - Custom Mods Edition
Why cant Square get it right?
How does it make you feel to know that Brawl is now considered the best...
New wave of old-wave FPS games on Early Access
Battle network 7: chrono x - built in PVP
Legend of Zelda
Disgaea Thread?
Yakuza thread
Are there any genuinely good Warhammer 40k games? I tried playing Dawn of War III...
Daily reminder that this is the only good 3D fallout gameAlso, Fallout thread...
Meta thread
Soulless Remakes
#GamerGate and #NotYourShield General: Smoke If Ya Got Em Edition
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Mabinogi Private Server: Contribute Your Guild Points Edition
Beloved Games
Sea Of thieves biggest flop of 2018?
FGO & Nasu
Buying a mouse and keyboard
Ice weapons are shit, break the flow of combat, and are just generally fucking gay...
Webm Thread: No Archive Edition
MUGEN thread
Nintendo going physical
God of War Previews Unanimously Positive
Does anyone else feel that Titanfall 2 couldve done better if not for EA sabotaging...
For christmas I got a Super Nes Classic and its a pretty decent little thing,...
>people dont realise what a pice of shit of a company EpicGames is they are...
Good 360 games
/co/ games.
Farewell, My Turnabout
to be the little girl
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
For those who have played it when it went free on PS+, what are your...
Dark Souls is Megaman Hard
Retail 3D games
Who started the trend in media to just wash the color out of everything?
The toxic meritocracy of competitive games
Filename thread
The subtle things
Stop falling for their tactics
Real Time vs Turn Based Combat
Half Life 2 Deathmatch
God of War
Red Faction Thread
deus ex thread?
tiny things you appreciate
Voice changer software to reccomend?
When you realize that game developers cucked you out of real 3D binaural audio
Collector - Buyfag Thread
ITT: comfy vidya you play when youre ill/tired and cant play anything fast paced without...
Is it a flop anons? I dont really know what sales for a fighting should...
We Happy Few
Nintendo indie direct
Into The Breach Thread
Super Mario Odyssey
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Rapeman Edition
What do like better in games; The game telling and teaching you everything about the...
Ubisoft - Vivendi news
/v/ Meta thread
Square Enix is Shutting Down Mecha-Shooter “Figureheads” on June 30
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Age of Mythology random map scripting
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
CNC 3: Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.75
Is Yoko Taro the last honest game dev?...
HAPPENING: The Linux-powered games console Ataribox has become the Atari VCS
March 21-31
Ready Player One: We Wuz Edition
no heroes allowed vr
Over anticipated areas/bosses
Spooky Music
Jackbox stream
ITT we predict what cancerous shit the industry will try to pull on us next....
Fear Effect Sedna
>Bawww, my girlfriends dead. Now I want to exterminate all of humanity.Is this a good...
The attacks in games with the right amount of CRUNCH
Describe your pefect game
Impossible Creatures
Switch Hardware revision
/rgg/ - rhythm games general
Mecha thread
Hey /v/, Im looking for a game recommendation as a gift to a friend.
Im sad they didnt release a second Tiny and Big....
Ni No Kuni 2
Scholar of the first sin
Toaster Thread
The Rainy Day Sessions Remastered v2.4
Modern Warfare 2 Remaster Has NO Multiplayer
WEBM Thread You could make a new thread, but why? Why would you do that? Edition
THQ Nordic and Nickelodeon bring back selected game titles from the past
This is literally the only xbox one exclusive releasing this year and guess what, its...
Soooo… is this game a fucking botfest?>Whisper somebody to make a trade>Get ignored>Rinse and repeatMight...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Fire Sickness Edition
Are there more games similar to this? Maybe not having a dating sim mechanic alongside...
Games with critical reviews or fan adulation that are actually a bit shit
Hotline Miami Thread
vidya waifo breadi know theyre insects, but i still want to angage in sexual congress...
Vermintide 2 - Ranald is a shithead edition
Mixing horror and comedy together
Mobile Game
Bad funny games
Fullderp: Lapras Edition
I thought as time went on graphics were supposed to look better, not worse. Why...
/Xenoblade/ (((Nopon))) Edition
Whos the killer?
FF15 Episode Ignis and shit like it
Will there ever be a pirate game as good as this again?...
Haven and Hearth
Kart thread
Kobold Garden
Halo Custom Edition gamenight
Whats a good highly interactive hentai/porn game where what youre doing actually affects the AIs...
Sports Manager Games
Good Vidya Feels Thread
Good games for a 10 year old
Mabinogi Private Server: We Have Maximum Availability but Now We Need this Stone and Castle Edition
Draw Thread: The Living Drawlights
Rising Storm 2 Player Base
Space Thread: Tranquil Rest Edition
Legendary bad business decisions in gaming
Is it worth having a Titan V for Vidya/VR??
Yfw microsoft literally has no ip to use for a soul caliber character
Why was Turok never bigger than Golden Eye? When everybody talks about classic titles for...
Linux gaming
Retro FPS Thread
The Witcher 3: Wild Cunt
Would NetNavi technology be possible, or even useful today? I think were still a bit...
Platform differences in games.
Hyrule Warriors general - DX Edition
Talos Principle
Hidden Gems
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogies Revenge
surfing bhop and other game modes
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Way You Get Your Way Edition
Dragon Age 4
A Way Out: Fuck the Oscars Edition
WEBM thread
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Shilling Midair
Casuals in gamedev classes
Rise of Co-op walking simulator
>tfw this is the closest we ever got to an actually fun casual multiplayer open-world...
journalists interfering with games
After hearing how fucking amazing this game is for years from both people here and...
Are there any modern video games development companies who genuinely dont cut corners except for...
Gondola SWF
Game journalists playing vyda badly
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Anyone on here using a Titan V?
Fullderp: Lapras gets angry at Kirby edition
Modern Warfare 2 Remastered
what is the greatest video game of all time?...
Can We have a Thread on HTC-Vive Pro??
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Kingdom Hearts 3
Grim Dawn thread
Yfw Bungie dies this year
EA working on open world Star Wars game
>Playing Half-Life with Opengl rendering turned onWhy do people do this?...
So my friends wont stop gushing about Rainbow Six Siege. Its been a year and...
Browser games
Smurf Accounts: griefing, escapism or cowards running from the right tier of challenge for their...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Wurm Unlimited: I Havent Archived Shit Edition
Did you use guides to play these games? I hate doing that, but its basically...
>Playing The Divisions Underground expansion since i never got around to it back when it...
Mindless Games
Mega Man thread
Dream game you wish existed
Overrated games general
Sea of Thieves
>The moment you realize the Corporate political push for gun control will backfire harder on...
So what do you think about Swery65s The Good Life?
Roguelike Thread: Archived Domains of Vidya
Why is this game derided so much? Explain its flaws....
Three Kingdoms of Online Gaming
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Answer The Fucking Question Edition
I havent played the game for many years, but what the fuck? I dont understand...
Desert Vidya
Natural Selection/Evolution Simulators
Raid Boss Gaming
WEBM Thread Innawoods Edition
Games you dont really like with an [A E S T H E T I C] you love
Mabinogi Private Server: Dont Spend All Your AP in One Place Edition
Moments That Nearly Ruin the Entire Game
Phantasy Star Online
I cant believe Blizzard finally did something neat in WoW again
Mobile Gaming
Far Cry 5 ending
Hey /v/ play any good games over the weekend?...
Death in Games
Ace Attorney
Metal Slug
Wizards and Witches
Im going to be running a tactician co-op campaign next week, what are the most...
New Warriors Orochi
Nintendo Files Trademark In Japan for Wario Land
Become as gods
Ridley thread
Myths from GTA games
System Shock 1 remake delayed until 2020
Fighting Game General - SNK Girls Edition
ITT: Games that have music it doesnt deserve
FC5 is white-nationalist, race-realist, ethnostate-loving propaganda
So does anyone know if theres a download for this somewhere?Its not out yet but...
Flamethrowers in Video Games
Good Final Boss (Fights)
So I bought a new CPU when I was building a computer a while back...
Does /v/ here on 8chan knows the lolcow drama of 2064: Read Only Memories?...
So I’m thinking about buying this for my console with no games. Is it good?...
Jackbox stream 4
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Help Me Mr. Wizard Edition
Ace Combat Remaster
How come Toady hasnt yet been able to implement vehicles and other moving platforms when...
Polygon hates Farcry 5 for being a video game
Vermintide 2 - Its volley crossbow not repeater crossbow edition
Pillars of Equality 2
PUBG to region lock chinks
E3 prediction thread
New Gundam Breaker on PC
It is cheaper to own every console but an x-bone and an okay PC that...
Open RCT2/Rollercoaster Tycoon
Morrowind noclip
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Do you have a beefy videocard and i7 or above? Well, Demons Souls is now...
Wheres the fucking color?I cant be the only person left in the world whose bugged...
Unavoidable Bad Endings
Worst Track Thread
Total War thread
Yume Nikki: I Am Not in Your Dream
>Isador betrays me>have to fight my way through the largest wave of chaos so far...
>This is what a Xbox one X graphically enhanced character model looks likeSea...
Too many fucking games
Fullderp: Sensual Lapras Edition
Honest Gaming - website project
TV to Vidya
Ray Tracing
Microsoft To Ban ‘Offensive Language’ & Monitor Your Private Account on Xbox Live, Skype, etc.
Games you are autistic about
Are there any good servers left for this game?...
Games with Normalfag/Pleb Deterrent?
UH OH! >Over 30 game developers, publishers and tech companies have banded together to battle...
Fair Play Alliance
Terraria Thread: Never EVER Edition
Help me find an old game anonsIts snake-like game with multiplayer focus with various modes,...
RTS games dont get played, because they dont have good tutorials.
Do you actually read the tutorials or do you find it more rewarding to skip...
Does /v/ know of any other examples of handwriting in video games?...
Meta Thread
Game Recommendation Thread
How are people going to react when this is unavoidably revealed to be Bloodborne 2?...
FTL Thread
Are there any parody games worth playing?
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Share Thread - Happy Hunting
So theres actually a Beast Quest game
Show me the best Skyrim mods, or else Ill call your mom and tell her...
Meta thread: /v/ pph down to 100
games with an interactive soundtrack
Pleasant surprises in the last 12 months
ITT: Games that aged extremely well...
World Of Warcraft Kronos III Private Server
Dragon Quest XI on PC
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
75 DAYS UNTIL E3!!What are you looking forward too?What do you expect to happen?Who will...
Toaster Thread
Why do rosterfags obsess over Phoenix Weight? I noticed that for both MvC3 and now...
So ESM is hosting another speedrunning event,its not their own,but its still an event,anybody interested...
What is Space Station 13?>Wiki>How can I play?You can download the BYOND client or join...
Has anyone else noticed how Sony barely showed off God of War 4? Notice how...
Nipponese Learning Thread: 君を笑いに来た Edition
What the fuck its so easy
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Visual Novel Thread
ITT: Ideas you want to see in games but never will
Actual Gods
Mount and blade: Warband Thread
Final Fantasy XI
Happy moments in vyda
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread
Similar Games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Flying With Chuck Aaron Edition
Anyone have any funny moments in multiplayer games?>playing Starcraft II 4v4>entire team gets obliterated>only me...
its 2018 and now even the cancer has cancer
>generation 1 and 2>The strongest and rarest pokemon either have a very strong connection to...
Hands on Character/Stage creation
ps3 homebrew and games general?
Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition
I wish there were more cyberpunk games. It feels like untapped territory. Deus Ex games...
Rockstar anti-cheat fails again
Ultima IX-2
order has been restored...
Mabinogi Private Server: S T R I C T L Y B U S I N E S S Edition
Super Robot Wars
No man’s sky is finally coming to Xbox one
Sonic, Sega and Sonic team
Alpha Centauri
Scam Yiddizen: Lawyer shitflinging edition
Spec Ops: The Line free on Humblebundle
Underappreciated Games
Why cant TF2 just fucking die instead of humilliating itself again and again?...
Online Games
Lets say a Protagonist or an antagonist of an FF game were to replace a...
gimme your sincere thoughts about this game. It seems that people either love it or...
Kirby Thread - The Deepest Lore
May I be a bit meta for just a moment, if you dont mind? ...
Dino thread
/v/ reenacts WWII - An ARMA 3 Weekend
Ready Player One
This is driving me crazy,I know I have heard this song beforeIts like 90% similar...
Webm Thread
CSGO Trading is changing
Punishing Skill
Are there any good source ports for this game?...
What are the best games for android?I already got a gameboy emulator but the touchscreen...
/v/, are there any good griefers these days, like stgggs?DanielfromSLs great, but he rarely uploads.Any...
Apparently the guy who leaked the fucking last Nintendo Direct is now saying that Smash...
PS3 OtherOS Settlement Concluding
Fallout Thread
The future of gaming, only on Nintendo Switch
Valve and hackers
Yakuza (Ryū ga Gotoku)
CSGO skinners skinned
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Games where you bro it up
Fullderp: 14 days of Lapras edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Mexico! Edition
Persona General (P5 1 year anniv. edition)
Are there any good Card Battle games to get on PS4?...
Grand Strategy Games
ITT: Games so simplistic you can just play them in real life. (In our case...
Niño Cunny II - Electric Boogaloo
Hi, Im a single developer and my dream is to remake NES games, but I...
Gamenight Hijack - Doom
Whos still hyped for the upcoming Ed Edd n Eddy MMO?
Fucking with people on-line - Exterminatus edition
I have been watching cutscenes for nearly 3 HOURS after the first Egil fight and...
Whats your standard hotkey setup?
Tycoon Games
Started playing this recently, am I the only one who thinks that hunting for starts...
>anons gush about rainbow six siege>its fun tacticool shooting where you pixelhunt around corners>give it...
Games with Motion Comic artstyles
Uma Musume Pretty Derby
Tfw you liked Metal Gear Survive and hope the team isnt dead
Killing Floor 2: Infinite Onslaught
It is Parasite Eves 20th Anniversary
When novels and light novels were adapted into kickass vidya
April 1-10
Big announcement tomorow
Special Edition Gameboy Advance Colors and Variants
strider 2
Anyone else not scared of horror games but wish they were?Jumpscares get me, and I...
Controller + Mouse Setup
Several Shin Megami Tensei titles(including Persona 5) coming to PC
Yume Nikki
April Fools
Interesting things in game you didnt know
Why do normalfags call him a sexist and a misogynist? Hes a good guy. He...
Environmental Destruction
this is the second time this went on sale for a dollar. did this thing...
Triggering SJWs = success?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: ♂ Leave Your Gachimuchi On ♂ Edition
Hi /v/!
Guess the vidya by music
Happy Easter, /v/!I would like to celebrate the return of the Lord Jesus Christ my...
Besides cliffy B. Who are the hacks of gaming history? I say John Romero. ...
Death Stranding Gameplay
How to not get hype?
why delete..
Dominions 5: Farewell /v/ Edition
Holy fuck was this game really made by only two people?How the fuck did they...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Subnautica is hippie BS
Ghostbusters and ghostbusting related vidya
Viper RSR
Dragon Quest Builders
BotW Thread
Meta thread
(((Mark Mann)))...
How to get into racing games?I like the idea of going fast and graphics for...
Video game advertising
Project Gorgon Thread
Star Citizen
Game genres/types you suck cock at
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Vermintide 2 - Mayflies cant make new threads edition
I was looking for old games to play and i came across a demo for...
Why does it seem like every game someone could want has already been created?
this is pretty good...
why are there so few RPGs with a somewhat grounded, realistic, current-day settings? first Deus...
NextGeneration of videogames
What do you think wouldve happened if Nintendo stuck with Sony and they collaborated to...
Evil Within 1
Spin offs /v/ really needs to know about
To imagine the future of vidya
Hyperrealism vs Cartoon Graphics
FortNites Bad Graphics
Late night jackbox stream.
ITT things casual say because they cant git gud
PS3 thread
Its been 7 years since this trailer. Remember how people were blown away by this...
POKEMON NO! Niantic settles Pokémon Go festival lawsuit for $1.5 million
ITT: Games youre starting to think are never actually coming out.(No, I dont think every...
Fullderp: Lapped Ras Edition
Mabinogi Private Server: Lets Design the Guild Robe Edition
Katawa Shoujo general
You think FFXV and Kingdom Come Deliverance will be a part of the next steam...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Power Xtreme Edition
>for honour: dedicated servers>battlefront 2: removing lockboxes for good>shadow of morder 2: removing lockboxes for...
Lazy Localization Thread
Would he be successful like the other protagonist in the series if he didnt have...
This probably doesnt deserve its own thread, but its the best way to get the...
DS Remaster
Nintendo hate thread
VR Virtual reality
Announcements that still hurt you
Is this artstyle now the 3D equivalent of pixelshit?...
spodermang pee ess quatro
Adequate Rewards/Reactions
nuDoom developers explain and defend design decisions made in nuDoom at GDC Talk
Senran Kagura
MDFP [Multiple Drawfag Project]
>ok this game is hard as balls but doable >stage 5 boss comes>the sole presence...
Visual Novel Thread
Fallout New Vegas/ FNV Modding Thread
Fighting Game General: Global Match Edition
Sanic Storytime
what is /v/ currently playing? and if you arent playing anything, what are you waiting...
Finally got around to playing this game and wanted to ask people if they got...
Rom Hacks that are new campaigns
Video Game Waifus
Shadow of War
Muh End Game
Vita Thread
Nasu Fate F/go
L O L...
Phantasy Star Online 2
Yet Another Shilled Socjus Game Failure
Destructive Games
Should we have threads for PAX and other conventions? Dont you wanna become a socially...
>Take genre normally played by men>Make it for women>It becomes casuals shit Every time. How...
Little details
How do I run a quake server? I cant find a decent tutorial on google....
Meta Thread General #1
Crimes against vidya
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Plain Doll Edition
What the hell was Rockstar thinking?
WoW private server: Kronos 3 - Infinity Edition
Good games with massive amounts of end game content
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Games where you collect things
Glorious CRT master race thread
Deus Ex
Autismblox Server
Ni No Kuni 2
No seriously, how the fuck did they do it? This is literally a perfect game....
Are there any good DC related vidya out there?...
Morrowind thread
Star Control Reboot
Whatever happened to Minecraft?
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Monolith: WE diddindunuffin! Were the gud goys!
Perfect RPG
Spyro Reignited Leaked
Getting pretty fucking nervous about the new battletech game.
Games that allow you to take your own path
Is Skyward Sword as shit as people make it out to be?...
Collector - Buyfag Thread
Famitsu Victory
Multiplayer Zelda
Lawbreakers confirmed dead, devs not considering it worth the time to try a f2p relaunch,...
Condemned 2
>Genital Jousting>Genital Jousting is an online and local multiplayer party game about flaccid penises and...
Subnautica Expansion Pack
In this thread we post games that let you play music from CD....
Anti-gamergate movie starring scruffy MMA douchebag seeking kikefunding bucks
What games have good cooking/hunger mechanics?
Blizzard: The only company I know that timelocks a story mode
How can Far Cry get away with recycling not just gameplay, but the actual guns...
ReSwitched Team Member Hedgeberg Gets Doxed
>Engineers the 3D Zelda formula a whole year before Ocarina of Time...
Look in the sky! Its a bird! And a cat, and two cuties! How are...
Call of Duty: United Offensive Gamenight FUCKING FINALLY EDITION
What are your thoughts on real-time with pause? Ive talked to people who love it...
Extremely jewish old practices.
System Shock Source Code Release
Do you still call your friends over to play vidya?...
Indie Game Spotlight: Ghost of a Tale
LoL character designer: Sorry for showcasing the cleavage of our newest champion! Forgive me!
How come in Maxs inner monologues hes super eloquent and full of metaphors but when...
Dragon Ball /v/: Super Sand Lesbian Edition
Game Settings
>post twitch emote in twitch chat>$5000 fine >lose 6 figure salaryDo you think this is...
Amiga thread
Review, Recommend, Request
Etrian Odyssey X (To Be Announced April 10th)
Canon MILFs
Good sewer level?
Are there any MMORPGs/Multiplayer games with Poker other than Puzzle Pirates? I like Poker but...
Are there single player games that make you feel badass? I used to play mmorpgs...
Its friday. Are you ready for your FEAST or do you need your snacks before...
Crunchyroll: A new threat to Jap games
The Last Remnant
We havent had one of these threads in ages.Heres what you do: claim a square,...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cowgirl Edition
Multiplayer games general
Rapacious Plants & Animals
Is this actually worth getting? Opinion seems divided with half saying its shit and the...
Why is modern gaming so shit?
Real Time Stats Autism
Overnight grinding / gameplay
Tell me, /v/, whats the best strategy game ever made, and why is it Europa...
Myth & Magic update when?...
Wormhole Wars
Disgaea 5 Complete PC
SMT Thread
Let it die thread?
Stella Glow
Weebdubs and Jap art of western vidya
Come to Doom DM
The entire plot of ME3 is garbage, let alone the ending. Earth being attacked, once...
007 TWINE Thread
Furfag Crossing and Other Simulators: Not Shit Edition
ITT autism
Neo Current Year: Still no comfy Inchling adventures gameThis is fucking horseshit and im going...
RPGs with PACE
Fullderp: I Cant Believe Its Not Lapras! Edition
At what point does a video game become fan-fiction?Does it happen whenever one (or more)...
0 A.D. general
Why is Roy more popular than Eliwood in Fire Emblem?...
Dungeon Siege thread
>tfw it has been confirmed the ESRB rating will lack sexual themes>tfw you will no...
What are some good wave defence games? Installing Left 4 Dead 2 now for some...
Games with fatherhood as its theme
Good Wii U games to emulate
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Mabinogi Private Server: Are Huezilians Bigger Turbokikes than Happy Merchants? Breaking News at 7!
What happened to Splinter Cell, /v/?>reluctantly pirate blacklist after the shitshow conviction was>its a fucking...
Do you think theres any merit to making a game with an engine that you...
>Hey guise, I hope you dont mind but I put some Borderlands into your QuakeThis...
>tfw Its been 10 years since super columbine massacre rpg I saw on discovery channelto...
Dark Souls 3 online
When the fuck will FFXV die?
Is lowpoly the best aesthetic?
Divinity 2 ego draconis
Whats your favorite PSX game, /v?
Autism Thread
Lineage 2
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Total War thread
What’s your opinion on Star Fox Assault?...
Why Games as a Service are Shit
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Truck of Peace Edition
Cringe thread
This is the most THIS IS A VIDEO GAME game Ive seen in a long...
Source engine roleplaying games.
EDF Earth Defense Force - Unko Edition
Games with great tutorials
PVE grindan
Shaq-Fu: A legend reborn
I stopped playing because Yuuki Onna was too hard for meI was burnt out from...
Why is it so much worse than stick of truth?...
Breath of Fire
/ogc/ Auto Games Coalition Guess Ill rez the thread Edition
Cosplay Thread
Spider-Man & Cape Vidya
As you may or may not know, Slavland developers have been on the rise. Mainly...
Single recommendation thread.
So, I just beat this hunk of garbage. How in the world did this game...
Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports
Tfw all these soyboys talk about how final fantasy 4, 6, or 7 are the...
The feminists Toxic Masculinity Bingo test in judging video game male protagonists.
Puyo Puyo Tetris
First Illusion game on steam
What the fuck did Ubisoft do to Rainbow 6
Ultima Online
Klonoa - Door to Phantomile (PSX)
Post (good) RPG games with a horror feel
Recommend me a Strategy Game with platoon mechanics
Cliff Bazinga attempts to recoup Lawbreaker losses
New Wild Arms game announced
Runescape Thread
Emulation General
Saudia Arabia? Pfftt, there is no bigger rape culture than gaming
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Battlefront 2
Bond games
TF2 MvM custom maps
Fortnite Boring Royal
Late night jackbox stream.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Monochrome graphics
Fire Emblem Heroes
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Behold the Wizard! Edition
Vermintide 2 - Hot Fatshark dick edition
So look whos been added to Metal Gear Survive> kills the anon....
Cities in video games
Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins
Splatoon Thread-Octoling Overlord Edition
Fuck fortnite
Console Modding & Repair
Islamic Heights
Languages in games
PUBG lawsuit: This time OP isnt such a homo edition
Red Faction
Fullderp: Lapras edition
people gonna be playing Crowfall?
is vidya streaming ever acceptable?
Underrated games
Extinction, the latest in the demise of gaming
hi, im looking for a game ive forgotten title of. -postapocalyptic fps (but it had...
webm thread
Bootlegged Arcade Sticks
April 11-20
SS13 - Space Station 13 New Station Edition
Evolution/Natural Selection Simulator thread #2 NOT THE BEES edition
Giveaway thread
THE RULES•1 nomination per ID• This week there are 32 slots available -...
Souls**borne** thread
Professor Layton
Waifu Wednesday: Waifu threads confirmed vidya edition
Steamspy is ded because of valve
So I was browsing the negative reviews for Divinity OS II because for the umpteenth...
Radical Heights
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet was cracked
Sea of Cucks
Persona Q questions
Value of latest consoles
Mabinogi Private Server: Fishing Event Was a Mistake & Vendoring it All Inflates the Economy Edition
Analyzing Colonial Marines
Retarded reviews are fun
Senran Kagura VN heading west
New ransomware holds your files until you play PUBG
DRAW THREAD - Drawfag so you can cuck SJWs out of jobs edition
Dragon Quest XI localization differences
Atelier/Gust Games Thread
Phantasy Star Everything
Share Thread - WW3 Soon Brothers
Is Android gaming a viable option at this point? I mean besides the couple of...
Why has this rating fallen into obscurity?...
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Trump signed FOSTA
What is the lowest non-casual difficulty setting for Civ V?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Total War Edition
Fallout Thread
Intel is now gonna start making Gayman GPUs
Underrated Protagonists
Whats the perfect sprite resolution for an indie developer to focus on that allows for...
Last of his kind
I need stealth games.
Controller/Joystick Thread
Nintendo, is there something you want to tell us? Do you know what youre doing?...
The Elder Scrolls IV: Skyrim
They keep describing this as a realistic video game, yet they include cartoonish mechanics like...
Fallout 3
Gaming Headphones.
Bully Hunters
Latin in games/Romantic influences
What game has the best ingame movie maker so I can recreate the plane scene.There...
God of War reviews just came out, and to no ones surprise theyre advertisements rather...
high class game females
Resident Evil/Biohazard
Porn legacy games
How are infinite combos good game design?Whats the purpose of combos in general? I know...
>The Federal Government is so incompetent it took local gun owners a forming Resistance militia...
Metal Max Xeno comes West - by NISA
Nioh thread
What are some industrial games?Some Ive played are Factorio, Production Line, and thats about it....
Can we have a Windows (or lesser OS) vidya theme bread? Talking full Windows...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Are you a technical or button basher videogame player?
Hi /v/. I come from /fit/ and I would like to start to get into...
How do you feel about asymmetrical multiplayer?
If New York City is New Donk City in the Mario universe, does that mean...
#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: GGHD Edition
Game development documentaries and behind-the-scenes interviews
Video game pantsu
I just want an Action/Adventure/RPG in the vein of Morrowind, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Skyrim, etc....
Gaming Sequels that sucketh
JewWario killed himself because he was outed as a pedophile
Horror Games
Fighting Game General: Tasers & Tans Edition
Rimworld Thread
Grand Strategy Games
Crying Developer Thread
Warframe General
Can we have a proper discussion on how to replicate psx graphics using moder tools...
Multiplayer for old Fightans
/v/ Gamenight: Team Fortress 2 Vintage
My Hero Academia : Ones Justice
Is there a PS1 emulator that has great accuracy, while also being able to play...
Last Bible III
Doom/Retro FPS Thread
Jews gonna jew: Microtransactions return to Battlefront II
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Terraria Otherworld Cancelled
VR Games
nuGoW hate and modern console gaming in general
RTS - Underused Naval Units
Its time....
GPD WIN thread...
#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Billy Hunting In The GG Age WW3 + Cuckchan Implodes Edition
Some kind of Huge announcement is happening at 9PM EST/6PM PDTFigured Id set up a...
Kid Pix Deluxe
Fags on GoG might be getting some free gaimz on your wishlists soon
Director of Tekken 7 claims Denuvo fucked up his games performance
Battlestation thread
pikmin thread
Fullderp: Is this right? Edition
2 months until E3
Excellent RTS Jeanne Darc
▶Anonymous (You) 04/14/18 (Sat) 13:34:36 No.370063[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]So Diablo 3 was on sale...
dancing in vidya
Shenmue 1 and 2 HD announced.
Kenshi(robot) Thread
Playing Scribblenauts Unlimited with /v/
Mecha Resurgence
Is Sarah Kerrigan THE WORST example of protagonist-centered morality in a video game franchise?She is...
New Bioshock game
Pillars of Equality II
XCOM THREAD - Snake Edition yet again
Can we talk about the greatest video game ever released: DOAXBV?...
Wizardry Styled Rpgs.
Comfy Thread
Is it impossible to make a slow-paced shooter with fast time-to-kill?
Mount & Blade Warband thread: New Game Edition
Super Mario Odyssey Is Now Racist
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Best Daughter Edition
Best Counter Strike
Good games ruined by a single issue
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Do It For Mombot Edition
Wormhole Wars
Metal Gear Solid/Death Stranding thread
When will the reign of fathership games end?...
Minecraft Server Sneaking
Spider-Man PS4
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread: New Mods Edition
Puyo Puyo Tournament
When media makes you crave certain vidya
Maplestory 2
Lets be honest about God of War
The Witcher
ArmA 4
I got this fucking thing early, im over 5-6 hours in.What do you fuckers wanna...
This one is indesputable.Rayman is bestLets have a Rayman thread, shall we...
PS3 Thread
Genji: Days of the Blade
Roguelike Thread
Honest Gaming - website project
Scratching an itch
Whats your opinion on Hotline Miami /v/?Personally I really like the series. It gives the...
>try to buying fighting stick online to get my thuggery on>3 fucking times its a...
Most owned game on Steam per country as of 2018
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Shut Up GG Bastard! Edition
Why is everyone in Lothric hollow?Why is everyone in the undead settlement hollow?Why are most...
Vermintide 2 - By your powers combined edition
updates that somewhat backfire
Persona General
Meta Thread: Visible Bumplock Now Edition
Mabinogi Private Server: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Edition
Can you name one modern sequel to an old franchise that wasnt horrible and actually...
Webm Thread
THE RULES•1 nomination per ID• This week there are 32 slots available -...
Games to take the edge off
Best Megaman clones
heay, vAnyone know how to use Excel? Ive scrubbed all of 2018 YTD and...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Resetera Tells Atlus how to make Persona
Devil May Cry Thread
I wasnt able to reply to the meta thread earlier today, so I want to...
Why are some games actually worth looking forward to this year?I cant think of a...
Games that are dead or abandoned
Castlevania thread
Its Good To Be Bad
MMO without daily time/sensitive bullshit
Games you like that reviewers shit on
Donald Turmps Real Estate Tycoon
>Far cry 5 didnt condemn gun culture >It didnt make sense for Ubisoft...
Fun rpgs on mobile
Animal Crossing thread
/mon/ Thread
Does anyone remember the old LOTR licensed Action Games?
Dragon Quest thread
mount and blade
Modern Gamers and the Shit They Play
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: March Towards Becoming a Princess Edition
>Remember some ponyfucker scalpercuck I met at a weebcon telling me to buy old PS2...
90s Action Adventure Games
Neverwinter Nights modules
What do you think of Shinobi Striker?...
God of War ending
Games where I can basically be Steve Irwin this is happening....
Seeing through the psychology of feminists eternal hate vs. Japanese-made video games.
Villains who were right in your opinion.>There can be no free will when The Force...
Battle Network
Late night Jackbox stream.
>What is the most recent game youve finished?>What games are you currently playing?>What games are...
Ys VIII Thread
Neptunia Thread
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Remember when video games used to be apologetically fun for the sake of being fun?...
Im still bummed about this being better than The Phantom Pain. What the fuck went...
>Game announced with name that is not rise of blank, blanks revenge or blank: generic...
Destiny 2 Community Manager put on forced leave due to heart problems
These fuckin things
Mass effect original trilogy
Simcity buildit thread
ARPG/HacknSlash/Diablo Clones
Where were you when it got revealed that Noctis, aka current gen Lightning, is just...
Worth buying a regular Nintendo DS?
Brexit will make Britain a Nazi Empire. According to this games plot.
EENE Online now in open beta!
Memorable Side Quests
Fullderp time to respect them edition
Hes dead Jim....
ITT most evil characters in vidya
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Be A Man Edition
Nipponese Learning Thread: Lazy OP Edition
Storytime and Knuckles
Games never past level 1
Older Games that Are Hard to Run
Webm Thread
Tony Hawk Thread
Level Editing Ruined by Fans
Dragon Ball /v/: Dawn of a New Day Edition
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: NISA set on fire once again
Should I buy a Dreamcast?
Best 3D fighting game coming through!
Farming Vidya
Any of you guys know any good tech support forum specifically for vidya?I got a...
Metroid Prime Hunters
/ogc/ Racing Games General
Holy fuck this has to be the worst port ever. I can take the N64...
What Makes a Good Open-World Video Game?
What are some spooky walking simulators? The last one I played was Outlast 2 (which...
CRT for vidya
>Its a japanese game doesnt have FOV settings so I have to setup the window...
Games With Fun Homing Projectiles
general soulsborne thread
Hentai Games Thread
Have you ever been literally unable to play a game for none hardware issue reasons?
What should I do with it?...
I guess this died then, yeah? Didnt even notice. A shame.>The future of Project Rap...
If you had the power to open source a single video game in its entirety(including...
What are some decent games for this thing? I have bloodborne and Id buy Disgaea...
Are there any Western developers that arent shit?...
META THREAD: FUCK MODS EDITIONWhy the fuck would you lock this thread? This was...
Dunno if anyone still cares of follows this, but Fear & Hunger released a new...
Last Game You Legitimately Enjoyed
Space Thread: Imperial Civil War Edition
Bad models that could be fixed in a patch but never were
OpenMorrowind and Tamriel Rebuilt
Serious Sam 4
Dutchland gambling authority declares lootboxes gambling
Top tier vidya openings/intros
One game to rule them all
Alternate ammo types.
Anyone ever notice how the sprites from River City Ransom and Nintendo World Cup are...
Executive Assault: Does Anyone Ever Play This?
Based Netherlands just outlawed four loot boxes games
Draw Thread - Seriously Delayed Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Tell Me Your Secrets Edition
Satellite Reign free on Humblebundle
Obsolete games/features that will never be produced again.>Fixed camera forklift controlsOriginal RE and Parasite Eve...
What did you think about the tone shift from Jak and Daxter to Jak II?...
Persona 5: the Anime
>I play a female character because its gay to stare at man-ass all gameIs this...
FGO. The Secondaries Are Coming Edition
What the fuck is GamerToken?
Is this game fun or a hot mess? A killer tracking dumb teens seems like...
Fallout Thread
How would /v/ feel about a Coco Bandicoot only game. I need some more Coco...
New Platinum Hack and Slash Announced
Dungeon Crawler Thread.
Abusing Cute Girls in Video Games
Ok /v/ Ive got a lot of anger I want to let out right now....
Fighting Game General - Blanco Edition
3D anaglyph
Fightcade/arcade Thread
would you play a game that has the best gameplay but look like this?...
Compile heart
Video game cooking
How to force disable texture filtering
Gary Gygax Trust and Fig to Publish Gary Gygaxs Unpublished Works as Video Games
Rom Hacks/Mods that are better than the base game
Darkest Dungeon
Is there even a point to getting a Flashcart when its main purpose is playing...
the state of CCG in VG
Rockman thread
WoW Private server: Kronos 3 - Deadmines raid edition
Ubermensch thread
Do you remember your first game?
ITT: Free-to-play games better than Fortnite
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
What games have you actually finished lately?
Meta thread
Vidya loli threads
Vidya as toy commercials
Columbine: The Legacy
Should I play this on an emulator and if yes, which one? I do have...
Fullderp: Stardust Memory Edition
New English famitsu questionaire
Are there any games with fun camping in it?
It seems a new and more hot kid is in the game of BTFO unity...
I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream thread
Webm Thread
Warframe Thread - Ducats are a real currency, I swear Edition
Tell the anon above you why their favourite game is shit then name your favourite...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Games for Kids
ElDewrito 0.6 Incoming
April 21-31
Does anyone know why my BG2 is fucked up?Running the widescreen mod, bg2 fix pack...
Say Happy Birthday to the best Fire Emblem ever>No Avatar unit bullshit>Main Lord is relateable...
Grim Dawn or; Yet another ARPG General
What makes cave story not have pixel shit graphics even while It has a lower...
How do I learn Dwarve fortress.I love gnomoria, but you faggots keep telling me Is...
Games w/ atmosphere
Games of potato and ruin
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Daily Dose of Dimensional Dragons Edition
Divinity OS2 Thread
Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku thread
how am I supposed to win this?...
What the fuck happened to Bethesda when they were making Oblivion? Why do all the...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
>mfw threads for classic greats like FF7 and Ocarina of Time are always shit up...
When did you realize VR is the future?
Why does Sony keep giving David Cage money?Wouldnt it be cheaper just to give him...
Im getting some games for my literally retarded brother. Hes got the tism, reactive attachment...
Decorate the office of the Nintendo Labo dev.
What games have non shit tier animations?>inb4 japanese gameslol no....
Genres that dont click with you
ElDewrito 0.6
Its worse than we thought
Games that Disappointed you
Are there any good sport game that isnt modern FIFA or Madden?...
Halo Game Weekend: Experiement
Cool boss battle music.
Firewatch devs now work at Valve
Games with a sense of adventure
Hopeless Boss Fights
ITT: Relatively small things in games that you absolutely adore
Immersion mechanics/animations.
I just bought this and holy shit, I cant get past the second fight with...
FOSS Discord Clone
VR anime
is Skyrim still relevant to the industry?...
How furries destroyed online communties
whoosh, swoosh, whiff, flail
Rayman 1>Wasnt play-tested to balance the difficulty.>Hard as balls. Bordering on unfair at times.>Have to...
Bullet Bill
Has a Skorpion ever appeared as a useable weapon in an FPS video game with...
Oddworld Strangers Wrath
What is your favourite boss music this gen?
North American University Now Offering a Fortnite Battle Royale Scholarship
soychan /v/ = soychan
Why is there such a small amount of games that allow me to play as...
Destiny 2 such a failure Bungie has shelved Destiny 3 for now
Upcoming games thread
Mabinogi Private Server: Do Not Incur Morrighans Ire Edition
hey guys, whats closer to getting CFW, PS4 or Switch? Not sure which to buy....
Mario Kart Bread
>51 days until E3...
>TFW western games will never have cool or out there designs again because modern vidya...
Box/cover art for games
What did people think of the message of MGR compared to the other Metal Gear...
/v/ Creates Touhous
Starcraft 2 inconsistencies continuation thread
Chart Thread
Specs thread
Anybody want to do a Nintendo Power nostalgia bread? I have all issues on...
How Would You Remake Your Favorite Game?
Tranny SJW censoring Battletech fans
Kotor II
>Ragnarok online is dead.>Tree of Savior is dead, and bad.>Theres no MMO grindan game>Burnt out...
Is this worth 18 bucks? Ive heard rough things about the devs but I like...
yet another fallout thread
>The change in setting to Norse mythology is passionately on displayed throughout the voyage through...
4 AM
Is microsoft trying to kill XBOX or are they just incompetent?
Kaleidoscope 2017
Rocket League Bots Only in Multi-Player
All Walls Must Fall
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Best tan edition
What single player games have you been playing recently, /v/?totally not a thinly veiled i...
Farcry 5 is fun
==NEW VERSION RELEASE SOON, FELLOW ANON== also dorf fort thread...
Anime that would make for great video games
Man, remember when Creative Assembly make games other than TW?I thought Spartan: Total Warrior is...
Overload set for release in May 31th
Motocross/Enduro games
Consoles need to ditch discs and embrace digital downloads
Can anyone reccomend me a modern dungeon crawler for the PC, in the style of...
PD2 spring break event
What online games are you enjoying right now?
Best RPG coming through!
Halo Online General: v0.6 Finally Out
spanish civil war vidya
Starcraft 2 Introduces Premium Arcade
switch free games soon
Webm Thread
Murder Mystery Games.
Am I the only one perplexed by the way Sega treats sonic?Sega treats sonic as...
Scary Vidya Music
Monday Jackbox stream.
Game soundtracks that you listen to on the reggie...
Will RPGs where you can create an entire party of custom characters ever make a...
Anyone played Enderal? Is it worth it? Do it fuck up game? ...
EDF spinoff announced on steam
Android Games
Dust: Elysian Tail
>/a/ doesnt allow anime threads, only flavour of the month circlejerks>/tv/ is /v/ for 9gag...
Freedom Planet 2
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
4 AM
Memorable Video Game Characters That Arent the Protagonist/Antagonist
Fullderp: High Quality Edition
Sonic Mania+
>49 days until E3...
Have we reached peak autism?
Tencent Command and Conquer
Splinter Cell Series
Persona games before 3
Los Angeles Walking/Driving Simulator 2013
Darkwood Thread
Things that annoy you in vidya
Dark Souls remastered / Des/DaS general
What do you think they will actually do with The Division 2?
How do you improve on the survivors vs killer gametype?
Damganronpa V3
Xenoblade 2 version 1.4.0 is happening in three days
SMASH THREADHYPE FOR E3>previous threadDoesnt exist>Previously on smash threadsWario Land moveset interest increasesMona is better...
Death in Vidya
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Bedtime Story Edition
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
What is your take on morality in games? I cant think of a game that...
Spec Ops: The Line
Things to listen to while playing vidya?
Dota 2 is dying
Are bad games fixable?
Worst and Best genres
is it worth it?
**Fun** Levels / Aethestics
Warframe General - [Host Migration in Progress] Edition
Just in case I get a lot of Ca$H...
Fucking hardware prices.
Battletrash Lore
Titanfall thread
Tales of Guild and Clan drama
Anybody remember Alarmhat?
Its almost Bannerlord season!...
Belgian gambling commission declares lootboxes gambling
Grim Dawn: forgotten gods.
Touhou fangame thread: Australia edition.
Aside from this and Cuphead, were there any worthwhile indies in 2017?...
I want to see some crazy ambitious gameplay demos and concepts from online autists. It...
Why dont they make exclusives ?...
These are your new etriams...
Should I get the original or the BFG edition?...
Mobage general
DayZ 5 years later
Griefing Thread
Yandere Simulator
Is this where I go if I hate the remake?...
ITT: Remasters that deathraped their original source material
Games like La-Mulana
Webm Thread
Let It Die collaboration with Killer7
Meta, bumplock this
>he doesnt sing Snake Eater on long ladder climbs...
I just saw this in /agdg/, and I noticed the hints>Pig Farmer>Fat guy with a...
I want to play a violent fucking game where Im a badass rescuing my beloved...
Pixel Art Thread: Actual Game Edition
Vidya lolis return
I ran out of HM/Stardew Valley clones to play. Is this any good? It seems...
Weird/Groovy/Creative Vidya
Why are most game news articles always shilling God Of War as if its thegoodof...
Super Seducer
Mortal Kombat Deception
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Dragon Energy Edition
I finally got the chance to try this shit out and its pretty great but...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
FFXIV General: Yoshi is fucking retarded edition
4 AM
Simpsons Vidya
OELVNs (Original English Language Visual Novels)
Kimishima Steps Down as Nintendo President
Draw Thread: I Cant Draw Edition
Belgium Commission Labels FIFA, Overwatch Loot Boxes Illegal; €1.6 Million Fines Inbound
Have you ever stuck in the game so hard you dont want to continue?...
>hardcore industrial horror game>cuteboys>humanity as is went extinct with only select few retaining conscience and...
Vermintide 2
Friends with cancerous taste in vidya
Friendly reminder that Kotaku is just as Butt hurt over people making fun of...
Frost Punked. First impressions continure here.
Dead Frontier
What is this game? How do you describe it?
Mech Thread
Can we dicuss the brilliance of the Yakuza, or Ryu ga gotoku, game franchise?
Just a heads up Mark, posting from your phone is still fucked and creating a...
Ninja Gaiden
Weekend Gamenight: Spies vs Mercs
Finally got Skyrim stable with 100 mods
Mabinogi Private Server: Fuck/Marry/Kill Edition
le disgruntled gamer geek
>46 days until E3...
I am fond of Orcs Must Die 2 and would like your recommendation on similar...
Lara Croft: 7 Packs of DLC Edition
Fire Pro Wrestling World
Dragons Dogma
What are some of the best instances of outside the box ways to defeat an...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: On The Way Towards A United Korea Edition
Watch Dogs was better than Watch Dogs 2>Convoy missions>Lethal gun takedown animations>No annoying cast of...
Last Recode
What is your biggest none visuals related gaming fetish?
New Doom movie confirmed by Universal
Europa Universalis 4 Mods In a Nutshell.
Arcade cabinet
Old Age and GamingI am a literal old fag. I am 40 years old...
Fullderp: Chaotic Evil Edition
Instrumental Renditions of Vidya OSTExplain to me how this Shovel Knight medley is not the...
Look at all the emotion he put into making this game great? How can you...
I just beat FF3 and FF4 (preddy fun but too simple) I want something with...
What are your thoughts on CRT shaders?...
Games where you can kill communists
Procedural World Simulaton
Spoilers as a good thing
Elona/Elona+/Elona Plus
Splatoon Thread - X=3.0.0. Edition
Is Adventure mode easier to learn than Fortress mode?...
Is this any good? Fresh start servers opened up and im thinking of playing. Is...
Can you find what music is in this? I cant use shazam cuz speech....
new god of war
Capitalism Ho!
Max Payne
jak and daxter
This is my humble gaming corner. Not pictures (of course) are my Steam library, and...
Gamerfuel bread
/rgg/ - Rythm Game General.
>Hey, this looks fun. How much does it cost?>Look up the price>40 US DOLLARSIs there...
Each day I wait for ArmA 4.Though its amazing they keep putting out contents for...
Zombie Master: Reborn
Photo Modes / Screenshot Thread
Competitive Games
>AAA game runs on PC>utter dogshit that hogs memory, disk space, processor power and graphics...
CRT Thread
The Metroidvania debate
/v/, do you know what day it is tomorrow?
Are open-world and good storytelling mutually exclusive? Why cant any developer figure this shit out??Also...
I want the combat of a game like Vermintide 2 (tight, impactful, gory, dismember-y) but...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Id Rather Be Dead Than Have A Day Without Bread Edition
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Nintendo Labo only sold 30% of expected sales, soyboys on suicide watch
Endless City Builders
NEO GEO Mini apparently leaks
Why did anime games seem to become a monopoly after the 90s?
They Are Billions
Webm Thread (DMC2s Autistic Screeching edition)
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Severing Chains Edition
The Witcher thread
Kings field
/ocg/ - Obsidian Conflict General
Detroit: Become Hubris
>pause game>game music is muffled in the background while pause menu is open...
obscure PSX shit
2D grinding friendly games
Been meaning to play one of the PS4 Yakuza games for a whileWhich one should...
Fighting Game General - Continue? Edition
Cut content from GTA IV
ITT: Games you think have a very underrated or unknown story
Shadow of the Colossus PS4
Describing rare game atmospheres
good and bad remakes
Lights hope world of warcraft private server
Hogwarts Mystery turns out to be a whale bait game. Harry Potter fans on suicide watch!
Somehow, someone bought a brand new copy of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 2018
>That fucking Citadel levelHow the fuck is anyone supposed to beat that without a walkthrough?...
Rain World
Calling it, Blue Omen Operation has a classic anime style but its gonna be Undertale...
Smash Speculation
Shmup thread
Vidya Music
Fist of the North Star vidya
E3 Thread
Dragon Ball /v/: Ice, Ice, Baby Edition
Humanity n shiet
Animal Crossing
DMC4 trainer
Which game did weapon condition and jamming better?
Kotor general thread
Summertime Games
What went wrong with Toontown racing and Goofy Speedway?For me, its the maps, how the...
When was the last time a company hit it big with a new Mascot like the Inklings?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Perfect Blue Edition
Jrpg to buy for PS4
Dungeon Crawlers
Arcade/ Quick Games
Battle for Azeroth
Casual mechanics in vidya
Creep simulations
>Literally hundreds of FPS are released each year>none of them are good or actually require...
May 1-10
Dragons Crown Pro
Warframe General - Potato Alerts are Easy to Miss Edition
Share Thread - Before The Fallout Edition
I swear im not the faggot begging for money.Are ultrawidescreen monitors a meme? Ive got...
Creators and their Belief
Jackbox stream: Late start edition
ModNation Racers
Fighting against impossible odds
Is 2b the peak of butts in videogames?
just curious but why are Japan and America in charge of making video games? why...
Soul Calibur VI Taki leaked
How do YOU pick your main?
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze removed from the Wii U eShop
Fullderp: 270 edition
Nintendo just announced a new IP exclusively for smartphones. The games called Dragalia Lost, no...
Is Kirby completely unique or does he come from a race of Kirby-people? Why does...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Yuri in video games
What single-player games have you put over 200hours in (not counting replays)? Im looking for...
>Play game as teenager>No problems at all>Massive dopamine hit when I finish the few sections...
Grand Strategy Games
NONE of these are like the others.
Quality Turn Based RPGs without grinding
Dead Rising
FUCK CAVE STORYSeriously, fuck every bit of this game.
Its happening - Chris Avellone calls out Obsidian on RPG Codex
Build-A-Battle Workshops
Linux Gaming Thread
Playing Scribblenauts Unlimited with /v/
Doom/Retro FPS Thread
Im creating a game
pick one, explain why.properly optimized saturn version never...
Studio WildCard
Tactical RPG thread
make up a vidya creepypasta straight from your stream of consciousness. no filtering it with...
>Low-tick servers.>High-tic servers have a completely different meta do to the way things work.>People claim...
Did this end up being a solid 3d platformer or was it shit like so...
The following comes from Nintendo president, Shuntaro Furukawa:>Switch is on sale in 50 countries now...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Unsatisfactory Bread Edition
8chanMania 28 discussions
Midair- Tribes like shooter
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Kingdom Hearts III just as bad as FFXV?
What ever happened to Half-Life 3?
One handed vidya
DJMax Respect
ITT: Games with different names in US and EUROPE...
Stardew Valley Multiplayer
Today I will remind them
Just bought one of these bad boys for Dragon Crowns online revival.Recommend me some gems....
Swery AKA Chinese david lynchs new game The Good Life passed its kickstarter goal
Soy memes aside, is this system actually worth buying?...
D-Pad Thread
Holy shit guys, have you heard? That priceless jewel the Tear of Emanon was just...
Rimworld Thread
Lara Crofts feministification is almost complete.
Aerial combat / Dogfight thread
Legitimate challenge vs. shitty design
what do you guys think of this game? i bought it once when it was...
If someone made a game with realistic gun gameplay similar to receiver but expanded on...
main character is a girl
Arcade Gamers
Did U55: End of the Line ever release?
actual online co-op in a roguelike, is this real life
Walking simulator with we wuz archaeologist
Good and bad practices in vidya
Kaiju games
>Playing Quake with filtered texturesWhy do people do this? The game looks like someone smeared...
Nipponese Learning Thread: Innuendo Edition
Whats up with the shitware that is Origin these days? Steam is bad enough but...
>39 days until E3Hopes? Fears? Predictions?...
NISA has outdone themselves
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Demodori Mombot Edition
Healers/Support Thread
Vidya Butts
2018 until now
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Microsoft Tries To Shut Down Halo Online Mod “ElDewrito”
Game dialog translated horriblyPost some of the worst-translated game text/dialog.Ill start with Sword of Hope...
Visual Novel Thread
IO-Interactive stream
I just bought a Game Gear with Sonic Chaos, Sonic Triple Trouble, Sonic Spinball and...
Battlerite announces Battle Royal mode
Nintendo At E3
Not Todd Howard
Video Game Autism
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
What did you think about the Korra video game?Was the game too short?...
Did normalfags finally get into NEO GEO?
Meta Games
Multiplayer games to run on literal toasters
Dead Or Alive thread
Warframe General - The Codpieces Could Be Functional Edition
Do you still try and play a dead online game?
Fox n Forests Actually Releasing May 17
Why are several threads being bumplocked or deleted every few hours?
They Are Billions
>we will never get a good Dead Space game>series fucked with bullshit cliffhanger earth is...
The Legend of Zelda
Fullderp: Page 15 edition
Games that can be played without OST
Just out of pure curiosity. What level were you when you beat dark souls the...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Expensive Dildos Edition
>lost some games in house flood years ago.>over time rebuy them as last gen prices...
Was Alliance Alive any good?
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
Is 100%ing a game actually fun/interesting or just a symptom of autism?...
ACM AI bug
Ultra Violence
Gravity Rush
Survival Games
Dead by Daylight
Retroactively fucked up games
3D Platformers
Wait for it…...
cyberpunk vidya
EDF 4.1
>there hasnt been a good PreCure game since 2005>most of them are just minigame collections...
Recommend some Genesis / Mega CD games!
Are there any good online shooters with some form of peristence?
Midair thread - Over 20 pounds of Biotech pussy and ass edition
Novalogic - Joint Operations Typhoon Rising
Gachapon Games
Screenshot Thread
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Name ONE other video game character who doesnt wear a helmet when they ride a...
>tfw new F-Zero game never ever
Anons bizzare vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game: Ressurection
Bless Online
What games have you been playing recently? Just curious, cuz Ive found myself in a...
Resident Evil
Beautiful games
FUCKING WHEN and what would you want to see, /v/? ...
Tetris thread
Shin Megami Tensei
Avorion Server
ITT games for niggers... is it anons?...
Mabinogi Private Server: This Woman Is a Killer Edition
Looking for: Games with good 3D boss battles
Are there any games where I can play as miku? Not talking about those idol...
>ask about MMOs>get >mmos>good reply every time>meanwhile>>14747101>>14744792>>14740414>>14745656>>14670464>>14670636>>14709659>>14667008Ok cheeky cunts, if there are no good mmos...
Diablo 2 engine rewrite
QTDDTOT: This Thread is Going to Get Anchored Edition Outage
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Do you ever ragequit/ disconnect?
E3 Thread
>Your character is almost completely fucking useless if he has low charisma>Your character is absolutely...
Resident evil 4 HD mod
>gothic>its romanesque>baroque>its grotesqueWhats with misleading game titles in mid 00s?And while there are some actually...
Has /v/ ever created their own cheats?
What other games are about Serial Killers?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Megalian Hunting Season Edition
Playing Scribblenauts Unlimited with /v/
Post good games that are overshadowed by their sequels or predecessors...
Vampire The Masquerade
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Whats your take on Chris Avellone airing the dirty laundry about Obsidian in that rpgcodex...
Serious Sam HD TFE
Action RPG/Diablo Clone thread
THE RULES•1 nomination per ID• This week there are 32 slots available -...
Metroid Fusion Semiotics
Hardware question
Fan project and mod /general/...
How can we motivate developers?
>Notice: A controller is strongly recommended to play this game.Why is this shit a thing...
Time machine
SWF/Flash Thread
Dead or Alive 6 ?
ITT: Cliff Badass Belzinski
Project Borealis
Stylish games going to shit...
What is the videogame equivalent of Westworld?
What the actual fuck happened to this company? Does anyone have any insider information? Was...
Fortnite adds Thanos
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Asian Bridal Edition
Fullderp: Best Girl Edition
Adding Zelda to Breath of the Wild as a playable character
Flight Sim General: 737 over California Edition
What are your thoughts on Valkyrie Profile? Are they worth playing, or are they massively...
Nintendo Announced Online Service
Steam Hardware Survey April: Linux Rose 0.22%
Momodora Reverie Under the Moonlight
Monday night Jackbox stream
Twitchs new Feature: Game Promotion Bounties
UK Charts
Draw Thread: Previous Request edition
Obscure Shit & Questions
Lets talk about the game that has your favorite shotgun. Pic related is why I...
MUGEN /general/Post good project, char, stage, music....
Does Ninja Gaiden 2 hold a candle to black? Im on my third replay of...
It has come to my attention that a project by the name of BlueMaximas Flashpoint...
What are some unusual commands recognized by text parser games that you have found? Any...
What are the best pokemon games? Is sun and moon any good, i have moon...
Walking around on shit and cleaning stuff up in this game was unironically extremely fun....
Virtual Console is dead
Resident Evil 4
Hexen 2
Neptunia Thread
Steam Verification CrapWhy do I always the fuck have to:
Tfw the best thing from Fabula Nova Crystalis was a B tier PSP game
Vidya Mermaids
anybody want to play some max payne 3 multiplayer?...
WEBM Thread
What series would you rather see a prequel than a sequel?
PS3 Hacking Thread: Why is shit so complicated Edition
Humblebundles new bundle
Fighting Game General - Wild guests Edition
>The Internet Archive has put up a massive collection of old MS-DOS games that you...
Overwatchs Pink Mercy skin costs $15, proceeds go to charity
Space Station 13
Dynasty Warriors 9 is saved, original weapons that were taken away from certain characters are...
Nintendo Failures Thread
Smash Thread
Super Sonic Racing
Warframe General - Sugi ni omae wa Skinner Bokkuso to iu! Edition
How to fix this? Theres any chance for the VCS or is already the new...
lore thread or some shit
Vidya map bread?...
Technically speaking, what do you think of Star Citizens development? I own a i5-750 so...
Vita Thread
was Blizzard destroyed by diversity?
Difficult Games Youve Given Up OnHollow Knight: Fuck multiple consecutive boss fights with no...
axis power vidya
Only 7% Players Completed Cuphead on Xbox One
Dota 2 New Battle Royale Mode
Whats a nice multiplayer game that doesnt require (((teamwork))) to have fun?...
Dark Souls Remaster Co-op
How long ago did this piece of shit come out again? Would you believe...
Pillocks of Equality 2: Deadfire
Why do so many Japanese games, specifically JRPGs, have convoluted plots?Its so prevalent across different...
what if dark souls had a battle royale mode….wouldnt that just be 3D nidhogg?...
Walmart leak
ITT things in vidya that almost happened>Before THQ went bankrupt they were going to help...
EA: We are pushing forward with lootboxes despite regulation
Sacrifices for Performance
Aliens Vs Predator 2
Has For Honor made a comeback yet or is it a major failure of a...
Sony Successes Thread
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Unreal 20th anniversary on may 22nd
Steam Link Streaming coming to Mobile
Wheres Ken?
What is your favorite soundtrack in shmups?people suck off Garegga but I kinda prefer Batrider...
Shadowgun Legends
Newgrounds - Level Up
World Minus 1 AND BEYOND
Assume for the sake of argument that this means every game in the series. Which...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Guy and His Pizza Edition
Does the PC version still need that one community mod for fixing the port issues,...
Ratchet & Clank
Nintendo E3 Leak thread
Little help running GC games from SD?
A new trailer for Overkills shitty zombie game
Fullderp: Doctors Day Edition
I feel like getting into RTS games. Someone recommend me some that are good to...
Tales of Zestiria
Kotakus Screwed
Atomic Heart
>We interrupt our video game news programming to bring you a report from our Special...
Vidya you are playing right now itt
Agony Will Feature Uncensored Content In Optional PC Patch
Mothers day Vidya
ITT: Deepest Games
Linux wine
What the Hell is Microsoft doing wrong here? They got the most powerful console on...
Fallout 3
Marvel Heroes
Konami financial results
>30 days/1 month until E3Hows everyones report cards/bingo cards/Squilliams coming along? Any games youre excited...
I know people like to shit on discussions about hidden gems or underrated games thanks...
WEBM Thread.
Eco #3
Is this game worth getting into? And if yes, how do I get into...
Cults in vidya.
Pirated Tabletop Simulator Gamenight
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
Devolver Digital Sale
Beyond good and evil 2: Electric Boogaloo
Final Fantasy thread
Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
>Leads the Horde for like a week>Her city is destroyed>Loses control of an entire continent>Basically...
Persona General
Free game on Humble Bundle
May 11-20
What games soothe your autism the most?...
You know what I mean
Adventure Quest 3D
I think its time we all face the cold, hard truth of the matter and...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Fuck Your Shit, Buy a Rocket Pass!
I set a card and end my turn, your move....
Is this shit fun?My normalfag friend keeps telling me to buy it...
How bad are the chinks in this game?My friend keeps begging me to play with...
Radical Sheights
Mass effect andromeda
Zero Punctuation
I like Chrono Cross>Amazing OST>Graphics that still look charming and fit the tropical island adventure...
>You go back to dreanor and its 30 years later>Yrel and the draenei are evil...
>you can talk shit about everything BUT jewtendo>mods delete gets...
Shock Jockey
Lets talk political/ideological subtle references in video games. Where do you draw the line?!
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Loli And Her Bread Edition
So between Beyond Skyrim, Tamriel Rebuilt and Skywind/OpenMW Im having trouble believing in the lofty...
Educational Games
Mount & Blade Bonerlord
Vermintide 2
Rage Thread
>Still playing the goldscr version of Half LifeWhy would anyone do that? Source is objectively...
/m/ Vidya Thread
Death Stranding Gameplay finally being shown off this E3
What fucking meta thread?
>people actually think a crash is comingLook at this. This pile of shit is the...
Quick E3 Questionnaire
>No stupid rotations>No fucking items levels>No rainbow of ridiculous looking mounts>No fucked story and lore>No...
Why is the assault rifle in Deus Ex called an assault rifle when it looks...
Playism Announces Monstergirl Action Game on 7th Anniversary
This game is straight-up garbage. Why is it so well-received? Every map has an influx...
Shmup Thread: Why the fuck does no one mention this game? edition
Re-release changes
Lazy Localization
Where did the Racing games are casual meme come from? I have always been confused...
Eidos Montreal spent $135mn in Shadow of the Tomb Raiders development for narrative experience.
RAGE thread
Draw Thread
Why in the everloving fuck does this game have fatigue? Why should I only get...
Relaxing Vidya
Screenshot Thread
>Make game based on Conan.>You cant play as Conan.>Hes only appears at the beginning.>Theres no...
Is it just me or is anyone else bored of the same old controller for...
dragons dogma
Warframe General - Feeling that Aesthetic Nidus Touch
Wait, so if you buy a game from a store that sells steam keys, youre...
Choose my next game
Jedi Academy
ok /v/ Im sick of yall spamming Xbox Marketplace of PSN Store shilling all day....
It just hit me. The witcher series is completely over and done with DLCs even...
Dragon Quest Series
Share Thread - Summer is coming Edition like some the development delays were also in part to make this interesting looking...
Aliens Vs Predator 2 review
Third Front: WWII
Are mobile applications video games?
European art style
radical video games
Name three favorite video games
/Xenoblade/ T-elos Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Mama-chan Day Edition
Webm thread
Are there any good games with Captain America for modern consoles?Captain America And The Avengers...
Friendly Video Games: Where to Find Friends?
Free game. it a year ago.Its no masterpiece but it was interesting....
dream games
EA has abandoned Soy Wars Battlefront 2
I gotta ask, as a fellow dude-that-plays-video-games (refusing to call myself a gamer), why would...
Pre-Release Minecraft Server
Meta Thread: Email change
Using old engines/tools to make new games
New Genre
What are some games where I can PUNCH THE SHIT out of things. I dont...
WoW private server: Kronos 3- Remove normalfags edition
Breaking RPGs
World PVP in MMOs
Metal Gear thread
This fucking guy
Fullderp: tiny squirtle edition
Vidya Charts Thread
>27 days until E3...
So what do you think about the new Pokemon Switch rumour?
Horror games
Does anyone else have 0 interest in indie games?If Im going to sit down and...
Total War thread
Obvious vidya plot twists
meta thread
Limited Time Gamemodes
Happy MOM day everyone! What are some games where you can play as a MOM?...
Does this game have any PC version planned? The original was exclusively released on the...
Filename thread
Games with Commentary
So are the new R4s reliable?
Square Enix hopefully FF7 will be out by 2023
Metal Slug ThreadPost:>Favorite Boss>Favorite Level>Game Rankings>Favorite Main Character>Hopes for the next gamemine are>Big Shiee>MS3 last...
The Absolute State of VR/AR
With a game that has so much popularity and so much complexity, why do you...
/v/ History
Dex vs strength.Dex:>Quick moves, high mobility, low to medium damage. Low to medium HP.Strength:>Slow, hard...
good couch multiplayer games>minimum of 3 players>easy to setup>handheld co-op allowed> fun >hard mode: give...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Change the World Edition
Do middle-tier, or AA games come out anywhere other than steam anymore?Is there a place...
>theres people who actually like this game...
La-Mulana 2 finally launches in Summer 2018
Are co-op survival games a thing?
UaB thread
Rayman M Arena
The state of this board
Cliff Is Dead
/emugen/ - Emulation General Long Hiatus Edition
Mobile games thread
Id sell my Blizzard stocks now if I were you...
Absolute State of Games
Video games with good humor
Headphones general
Monday night Jackbox stream.
Games only you remember
Improvement Romhacks/Patches
F.E.A.R. movie in development
Rough gems
Vampires Thread
Salt and Sanctuary
Video Game Purchases
How would you fix No Mans Sky?
1 vs 1 games
BF4 emblems
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Game Recommendations to Nurture your childs taste in games
Animal crossing Switch
Meanwhile, in the BattleTech universe….Its probably some kind of backer reward or something like that,...
Best single player FPSs for PC since 2010? Please spoonfeed me, Im not believing anything...
Persona 5 sold 2.2 million WW
Podcast games
looking for an old isometric shooter
C&C Renegade
Devs Doing Feedback Surveys
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Im an absolute stickler when it comes to my aim in shooters: Constantly searching for...
Is this shit worth playing. I saw some threads long time ago but i never...
Are you getting the LWA game today?I think I might pirate it....
Fullderp: Best grill edition
Spinofags absolutely blown the fuck out!For real though who else is excited for this game?...
Dealing with LOSS
MOBA rankings
Warframe General - Indecent Buffs and Perverse Nerfs
>27 days till E3E3 report card thread?I made a template for my friends and I....
Do you know of any games that allow one to rename the AI opponents outside...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Angelic Edition
Fire Emblem
I have heard around here a lot that amd is better than nvidia, but still...
Rally sim
Fucked up sequel naming
what about the real initiator of the battle royale meme...
Assistance needed
Conan Exiles
Additional content unlocked after the credits roll
Grand Strategy Games
Will there ever be a sci-fi 4x that can match or even surpass alpha centauri?...
Draw Thread
The only good Souls game is Dark Souls, and even then its only good until...
They announced this guys, they announced!
Any Gary Grigsby War In The East players on /v/? >tfw Leningrad is isolated, Moscow...
WEBM thread - Sandstorm edition
Whos your favourite literally who character from a game?As in, some minor NPC or some...
Indivisible gets delayed
Concrete Jungle
Resident Evil/Biohazard
Diablo 1 was concepted as a graphical action-roguelike game, whereas Diablo 2 was a straight-up...
Remember VR?
New Battlefield reveal
Why the fuck is GTA V still selling like fucking crazy despite being one of...
Street Fighter: The Movie: The GameI was just thinking about Street Fighter: The Movie: The...
Did this game actually make money?...
Friendly reminder not to ever touch anything Take-Two is involved with. Remember what they did...
Fighting Game General: Mashing in Hitstun Edition
Super Hero videogames
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Steps into Shadow Edition
Valkyria Chronicles
do any yall replay mirrors edge sometimes? its a peaceful game...
Healing (Estus) in Dark Souls PVP
English Famitsu Mega Man/Rock Man results published
Full E3 Leak Except Nintendo
Xbox Adaptive Controller
Tard controller by Microsoft™
Which /v/ hyped games are actually shit?
So anyone else just get a very desperate sounding survey from ubisoft talking about rainbow...
Vidya OST
CV 3 made by Inti Creates
Oriental warfare games
Galactic Civ 2 Free on Humblebundle
Nioh: The Adventures of Bushido Bill
8ChanMania XXX continuation thread
Major Smash leak
CoD Blacked Ops 4
SimplePlanes Thread
Kingdom Hearts III
Arena shooters
Onrush beta tests
What did you think of the Xbox Adaptive Controller. https://www.please use
Splatoon Thread: Octoling Waifu Edition
Valve to remove all adult themed games.
ADL will use video games to fight hate and reduce bias.
Halo has an arcade shooter now
Console Modding
Operation No Nudes No Peace
Fullderp: mods are niggers edition
Released S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games
Operation No Nudes No Peace
videogames and prison
>release game thats buggy, has few features, sprawling maps where theres no reason to ever...
E3 Booths
Remember these things? They were pushed hard for like a month a few years ago....
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Effort Is Bothersome Edition
Ok but was this shit ever possible with the current animation loops, lightning, polygon+texture capabalities...
>A full month after Ys 8 is released buggy>NISA says theyve fixed the largest issue>The...
Hidden level in Sonic Mania
Wacraft lorerape rundown 2k18
Best E3 Conference
Audio Logs
Pillocks of Equality II shill reviews
Operation No Nudes No Peace #4 Finishing the plans
/mhg/ Monster Hunter General - Toot and Scoot edition.
Are russians our best bet?...
>23 Days Until E3Our favorite randumb XDDD developer Devolver has just announced their press conference...
Draw Thread
Why arent AAA devs creating games for low end PCs? I mean, graphical fidelity in...
Good maximalist games
Nintendo Homebrew Thread
I need to talk to someone whos not real, I need a world and dialogues...
MUDs Thread
No mans sky getting a multiplayer update
lootboxes in singleplayer or pve games
Days Gone thread
Good Mobile Strategy Games
Superman: Unleashed
FMViday Thread
This game was underrated as fuck and had amazing gameplay/controlsthe fighting system was amazing with...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Beautiful Century Edition
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: It Would Be My Pleasure Edition
Anyone remember Attorney Online?Id love to jump back in and case again....
Never forget the great titty war of 2018....
Dishonored 2
Starcraft 2
GameBoy featuring GameGear + Other Handheld Friends
Its Setsunas birthday. Say something nice about her!...
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Last Two games
Games that small, easy to install and play
Cyberpunk 2077
>game lets you eat your enemiesOther than New Vegas and Nethack what are some games...
Just finished Arcanum with UAP and HQ TownmapsPersonally, I was impressed by a lot of...
Yakuza thread
Quality loli games
Now that OSEX is available for Skyrim Special Edition, is there a point in returning...
Driving around in games
Drakan: Order of the Flame
Casuals Ruined Games
MapleStory 2
Why are MMOs dead?
Fashion of the Wild
Corrupt SJWs? Say it aint so!
What are some problematic character designs from modern western videogames? I know its rare these...
Archeage / Archerage
8chanMania XXX
Games with Onis or/and Ogres in it
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:King of the Wild Edition
Cyberpunk 2077 at E3
Be honest here /v/: you were surprised how well this game came out werent you?...
LWA Game
May 21-31
Counter Strike Thread: Ruined Maps Edition
Why do X and Zero need a boss in the first place? Theyre ancient and...
/v/ designs a video game!
>its ok to laugh and meme at cliffy b or gear box>but you get banned...
Post a celebrated development studio, vidya game or series of games that you genuinely dislike.I...
Path of exile just announced that tencent has a majority share of Grinding Gear Games
Online games without nerfhammers
ITT: Music Thats Way Too Good For the Game Its In
Fullderp: outdated sets edition
Capcom just announced Resident Evil 7 Cloud Edition for the Nintendo Switch
Is it true that the overwatch mods are ridiculously sensitive and ban people for the...
Warhammer 40K
Survival Horror Thread - Wheres my genre gone edition
Objectively Great Games
Tell me about the character you made in an RPG.Why did you pick their particular...
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2
Gaming Blacklog
Thoughts on edgy shit in video games? How much are you willing to tolerate? Whats...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
I keep spamming so this is now a dubs thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Count the Medals Edition
Fuck this bitch tbh...
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game. (Better OP Edition): #002
Im trying to find this game I remember where it plays like DMC but you...
Memes in video games
How do I maximize my Action Points in the character creator? I am pretty fucking...
Why are western fantasy games so lame compared to western fantasy anything?
Who is your favorite game dev?
Warframe General
Monday night jackbox stream.
Meanwhile in 1980s /v/ …...
Saw this game sitting on my buddys desk, it looked pretty cool but when I...
Ban toddposting
Dominions thread
PS4 Ending its life cycle
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Have you noticed Overwatch is running out of steam?
Final Fantasy XIV General: Viera happening maybe? Edition
is the MAX games worth getting?
Why do old PC games have bad controls?
Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice
Give me old games
RPG maker games
PvE/PvP gear itemization in MMO endgames
Visual Novels coming to GOG
Draw Thread
Unreal Gold free on both GoG and Steam
Extreme-G Racing
New Digimon game idea
Whats the lamest game you have ever played
What are fun monster hunting games?
Fate/Grand Order thread
>We will never get a new F-Zero game that gets developed by Monster Games instead...
Games based on live-action TV shows
8chanmania XXXI Nomination thread Pt 2
The only good thing to come out of Fates/if was Camilla....
Interesting Vidya music
Overwatch is a ripoff of Super Monday Night Combat
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Windy City Edition
Have you ever a console or game stolen from you? or maybe youre the type...
Elder Scrolls Online is shit
the 3D Platformer
ITT: Casual Filters
Japanese learning thread: Shopping Edition
Grand Strategy Games
New shit you find interesting
This is just SMT Go, right?...
GOG is slow as fuckDDos attack?what is happening?...
Ninja Gaiden Virtual Console
EA acquires GameFly cloud gaming service
New Leisure Suit Larry
Q3/Quake III
>System Shock>Bio Shock>___ ShockWhat would/Should it be?...
Shitty Reboots/Spiritual Sequels
Metal Geer
SJW age inquisition
>17 days until E3...
Meta Thread
Whats the best flash cart for GameBoy Advance?Is it the EZ Flash IV?...
Morrowind thread
Battlefield V reveal trailer.
Other than WoW and Planetside 2, are there any MMOs in Australia?What sort of hell...
Dreamhack Summer 2018
Does anyone have the GPD Win 2 yet? I was thinking of buying one, problem...
Alien Hope for the Future
so between WW2 reboots and medieval shit, will we ever see a game focused on...
Varkyria Chronicles
Jurassic World Evolution
What the hell happened with this game? Fable 1 was pretty fun, had an interesting...
Tenchu V
The 7 people still playing Dissidia NT are STILL trying to push it in the FGC
The prevailing scarcity of mod tools
Game Recommendation Thread
Is this dead?
More like this
Can anyone name me a JRPG that doesnt shit the bed in the last 25%...
Hearts of iron 1
Is it not shit yet?how come there hasnt been a good recent space warfare simulator...
Fullderp: Underwear edition
Prestige classes
Winnie the Pooh Baseball
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Omega Labyrinth Z = Cancelled?
Do you have any hopes for final fantasy 16? After 13 and 15 Im skeptical...
FPS-Z general
Actually hardcore survival games
Are ghost developers common of Tose the only one? Im sure someone taking credit for...
Vidya conspiracy plots
I hope you fags clean yourselves properly.
ARPGs are too easy. Theres nothing about them that signifies any roleplaying elements, its just...
Normalfags freaking out over school shooter game
Steam Fall Sale
Wargames thread
Steam is doing something weird
Runescape Classic Shutting Down After 17 Years
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: RIP TB
Can we please stop doing this? Why are devs so lazy with their level design...
Do you think a game set in the Half Life universe where you play as...
Might n Magic 7 Blood and Honor
Collector - Buyfag Thread
Ancestors Legacy
Is Final Fantasy Tactics officially dead? I really like Ivalice and the gameplay is incredibly...
Anyone here play this game?its actually pretty great.The best strategy is actually melee-ing....
Star Wars Battlefront 3
The fuck happened to them?They make Nier Automata then stay silent for a year straight?...
DICE on suicide watch
Would you say the opinion of someone whos first experience with video games is with...
Space Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Tiger and Bunny Edition
Xenoblade Developer Monolith Soft Wants To Make A “Violent, Erotic And Heavy” M-Rated Game
Next time on CODE WARS: retards screech at eachother editionResources>>>/agdg/>>>/vm/>#8/agdg/ via>Dev resources:>Wiki:>Beginners...
Reflective and powerful endings
Yakuza 3 = Censored
Share thread: nuke summer
BlazBlue Crosstag Battle Thread
Draw Thread: Shut the Hell Up Edition
Taste and recommendations thread.
Board Game Online
Steam updates privacy policy
WEBM Thread
Anons, recommend me some good zombie games? Console and PC, go ham I can play...
We Happy Few (1984?)
So, is it dead and forgotten already?...
Switch Piracy Imminent: RomFS Modding
>japan loves giant robots>japan loves rpgs>barely any mecha rpgs get madeXenogears aside, why the lack...
Conkers Other Bad Day
So what do you think about the Dead by Daylight changes?
Anons, recommend me some good games taking place in the south pacific
Is EVE online finally dying?
When was the last time you got your heeb on in an online game?
Mystery Item
Suspiciously similar songs
Detroit Become A Real Human Bean
Vidya Movies
Do you find yourself losing motivation to keep playing a game when you get 50%-75%...
Your specs
Hackers in Splatoon 2
Platformer recommendations
/wgt/ - Web Games Thread
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Why dont casuals like challenging games? Is it that they are stupid or lazy? Dont...
NISAs latest victim
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: EELS Edition
Worth mouses that are not Gaymer gimmick
Codemonkey banned from /pol/
Name your favorite turtle and your favorite vidya game genre. Well decide once and for...
Recommendation Thread
More like this
Someone please tell me this is all a ruse to expose the double standards and...
R4 is overrated
Fullderp: Running out of images edition
/pol/ reassigned by Codemonkey
Visual Novel Thread
Pokemon Games
How do your W1 and/or W2 save affect W3?I cant seem to find my saves...
Comanche 3
Winter games
Alternate history
Post your favorite Dragon Quest monster. For me its the Bag O Laughs....
Corporate Culture in Vidya
I thought the point of digital distribution was so you could buy games cheaper, that...
Small and yet enjoyable games
Meta thread
8CHANMANIA 31 pt. 2
Has there ever been a boss battle thats been so cunning and responsive to...
Movie universes thatd be good for games
Pokemon Lets Go! Evee/Pikachu might be revealed tomorrow
Upcoming Games thread
Agony censored
PS4 Piracy For 5.05 Released
Garrys mod thread
Anyone have a list of hostile gaming sites and good gaming sites? Looking to start...
So, barring this being a remake nobody asked for, did they bring over Fusion Search?...
so in this game you either>play the career campaign mode and savescum around 7 times...
Killer7 PC
Tokyo Game Show 2018 Will Kick-Off On September 20th. What games do you hope get...
Wallpaper Thread
Modders Discover Early Concept For Bloodborne Inside Dark Souls Remastered, Open It In GTA V
Will Cliffy finally kill himself in shame? He managed to be late and fail at...
I recently got to rekindle some memories and a semblance of fun with some BF2...
Games about killing animals (as human characters)?
Hardware thread
Alien vs Predator 2
Steam spring clean event
Morrowind: Dagoth-Ur Did Nothing Wrong
Are there any Survival games that are genuinely, truly fully released and not stuck in...
Battlecuck Vagina
Scam Citizen Offers new $27,000 package Requries you spent $1,000 Already
would /v/ play my game if it looks like this?Made entirelly with FOSS software under...
are there any good games that let me go full Anderson against the hordes of...
You know, I generally dont really give a shit but suppressing discussion is kinda lame....
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:You Say Run Edition
hey /v/, I got this theory about normalfags and why they like bad video games...
Looking for single-player grindy PC games
Are you disadvantaged in any way against being good at certain games?Im not a very...
Is Dancing all night p3/p5 editions going to be actual good rhythm games?
Wizard of Legend
BREAKING: Rare willing to License IPs to other drvs
Ive been wanting to play this game for the longest time. I searched far and...
I need a comfy game.
So what will Todd rerelease this E3?
Agony Censorship 2: This Time, Its Official
Male character boxart $20 more
Underrated/obscure vidya girls
All games should be F2P
are there any working private servers for Star Wars the Old Republic MMORPG?...
Super Hero video games
Fullderp: ‽ edition
Bunny Hoping racing game?
Valve Interview 1999 (2 Weeks Before Team Fortress Release / 4 Months Afrer Half Life)
How much money can I make if I make a game based off SCP?...
Space Station 13 - Warhammer Edition
RPG Shooters
PUBG takes Epic to court
Shitty steam keys
Peer-to-Peer MMOs. Why arent these more common?
Titty Tuesday
Medal Of Honor Thread.
Saving gaming
Morrowind Thread: Hopefully this dosent get locked edition
Oblivion Thread: Hopefully this dosent get locked edition
1 vs 1 fighting games~ JP vs USA
Armchair CEO
Are there any games developed AFTER Morrowind that allow you to equip individual pieces of...
World War 3
OC Doughnutsteel
The Surge 2 to get big reveal at E3
Android 4x games
>Theyre still remaking the 2DSI understand wanting to hold on to a large user base,...
Megaman Thread
8chanmania 32 Nomination thread pt. 2
Minecraft thread: Fuck Minetest edition
Comfy things you do in vidya
Banned for one-tricking. Officially.
Gunstar Heroes! I dont jnow what I want, really...
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Souls Thread
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Vidya Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Binks Sake Edition
Sonic Autism
Apparently this already came out over a month ago. I never saw a thread mocking...
Jackbox stream thread.
SMT/Old Persona Thread
EULA Change Effectively Makes Kerbal Space Program Spyware
What are some games that arent scary that terrify you?Im unironically afraid of Trackmania. In...
anyone else worried about scorn?
Team Sonic Racing Leaked By Walmart
Im trying to remember what game I used to play on the SNES or NES...
Level up curse
Vidya related autism
>playing game>opportunity to send followers/underlings on missions>takes 8 real hours to completeWho the fuck thought...
AVPs & Aliens
X-Com 2 free on PS+ next month.
Whats your primary reason to play games?I play to escape reality. Real life is dull,...
>a year later rerelease it with stuff that shouldve been in the game originally>Its better,...
BitFS 0x A presses possible on VC
Racing games
Slav Games
Darkest Dungeon
Devs/pubs shooting themselves in the foot
PSA: Nintendo Switch Update 5.1.0
Anonymous Agony #RELOADED#
>12 days until E3...
Warzone do retards keep giving money to obvious scams?>70kIs their entire team in fucking venezuela?70k...
Far Cry 1
Descend spiritual Sequel Overload
Grand Strategy Games
So Ikaruga just came out on the switch
Lets come up with game ideas that would get banned from Steam.Angry Recluse Simulator>Forced to...
So whatever happened to absolver?
Pokemon Gold/Silver Beta
Fullderp: Fuck off were full edition
Agony Censorship 3
Why is there no good battlefield games? Why is no one competing with DICE? I...
Winter Games
Maxi Revealed for SCVI
This video raises some interesting points, like the puppet being related....
First Person Shooters
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey may have been leaked by a keychain
Pirates Win Every Time
Melee is a dance of dodging at the right times but sweet baby jesus do...
Roleplaying farm simulation games
Im trying to get into RTS games, but cant play them for shit, especially when...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Alolan Sun Edition
Why the fuck do no games let you turn off texture filtering? Why do devs...
Hey /v/.Are there any good horror games featuring greys? If not, why? I want to...
Easter eggs in vidya
EU about to kill the Internet - Article 13
June 1-10
Vermintide 2: Update Edition
Sword + Gun
KOTOR and Jade Empire modding
Will 3D breast physics ever be on par with lovingly hand-crafted 2D animations?...
Are you ready for the last gasp of VR?
Wurm Unlimited : Ooooh boy, o boy, here we go again Edition
Cross-overs that would be more interesting if they were reversed
He should have had hair. Long white loose hair....
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Emulation thread
Risk of Rain
Puzzle games
FiveM GTA V Multiplayer
I like playing games with some type of competitive factor, but I hate being shit...
I dont know anything about Planet Coaster. Is the ride pre-rendered before you actually launch...
School Girl Zombie Hunter on Steam
Get Thread
Touhou gang will conquer all...
Drawfag Thread: My Hands are Broken Edition
Atari VCS gets crowdfunded so fast that it breaks indiegogo
Omega Labyrinth Z cancelled update - delisted from
The Ultimate /v/idya Backlog
Destruction Physics
Games worth buying
>8 days until E3...
Fighting Game General: One Time Only Edition
In this thread we post games that let you go fast be it upcoming or...
They unfucked the lighting in Stone Hills. Actually looks kinda nice now. Not perfect but...
Video game dreams
Meta Thread Pt. 1: The Miracle and The Sleeper
Game Night: Garrys Mod - /v/ edition
Doom/Quake/Retrofps thread
Playing Solo
/v/ Musical: The second one edition
The future of gaming! Only on Nintendo Switch!
Massive Steam security hole closed a decade late
In-game DiariesA while back, an anon made a thread about in-game diaries and logs. ...
Gundam Vidya
Detroit: Become Hamfisted
Blunder of the Year so far
Mario Tennis Aces demo
Steam Warhammer sale
Fullderp: Parental Guidance Edition
Mother 3 director and Caligula director team up to make something
New Game+ Boredom
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Soul Eater Edition
warhammer 40k
Buyfag Thread
Not concole war thread
Mad libs dialog.
Mario Party Thread
EU up for grabbing all your vidya
LOLIts been ten years...
4 Player Couch Games
Archiving Games
Warframe n shiet
Welcome back
Welcome back!...
>6 days until E3the last thread is bumplocked, fucking dead and almost off the board,...
So I got to thinking… does Fallout 4 use the same engine as Skyrim? ...
The truth about Souls
/emugen/ Emulation General
Arcade games only exist to eat quarters
Total war: no thread edition
Xtreme beach vacation
What happened to this character in her KOF XIII (third image) design? What kind of...
>Tfw it will never explore Tirisfal Glades for the first time ever again.what zones from...
Unapologetically violent games
Infuriating Vidya Bullshit
Anything worth getting from the warhammer sale on steam?...
Most owned games per country v2
What are some simulators that are easy to get into? I tried American Truck Simulator...
At this point, just cancel the paid online
Breath of Fire IV
Stealth vidya
Have you ever had your opinion of a game soured at the last second?I got...
These games are absolutely fucking garbage.The menu design is atrocious, right off the bat youre...
Is there an argument to be made for having a hard limit for the time...
GNU/Linux Gaming
What podcasts do you listen to while playing vidya?
>Figure this games gonna be meme cringe>Check a lets play>Fuck, thisd actually be really fun...
vidya ost nostalgia
>game about physics>has bad physics...
Why is there so much apology for RE4? How come a game where enemies drop...
Mech Headshot thread
Worth your time vidya in 2018
Castlevania thread
8chanmania 33 HYPE THREAD
DMC5 incoming
Resetera vs Hideki Kamiya
Konami Activity
what good uncommon PS4 picks, no muh god of war or muh detroit
Battlestation thread
InfernoMOO / MUDs Thread
Final 2018 Squilliam Thread
Fullderp: Wooper Edition
Multiple versions of the same game
#GamerGate and #NotYourShield General: A Pack a Day Edition
/agdg/ and maybe some /vm/
What mechanic or setting do you want to see done in a game that never has been done before properly?
Smoke and Sacrifice
Non-Turn-Based Turn-Based Combat
WEBM Bread
Dragons Crown
Free Xenonauts
Submachine General
Game Journalists FUCKING UP
Ive only ever played Half Life 2 in the entire Half Life series. How do...
Classic Sonic Thread
>5 days until E3...
Mobileshit you enjoy
Tokusatsu General
RDR 2 timed PS4 exclusive
Vietnam vidya
Evolve is shutting down.
Cringe thread
Space Station 13/SS13 - Warhammer 40k Serb 2: Electric Heresy
Casual Filters
Git got got
Hi /v/, here are some lost games. You can play them if you want to,...
Monday jackbox stream
Maple M
>antagonist of a previous game comes back as an ally in the sequelAnyone else love...
Vidya sins
Dreams PS4
what happened to the meta thread?
Are you man enough for Bass to let you fuck Tina?...
Switch Homebrew Thread>Pricing for Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered hasnt been announced, but owners of the original on...
MOBA and stuff, but mostly HotS
Heartstone PVE Thread
What are some game series that have a surprising lack of certain spin-offs?Ill go to...
>4 days until E3...
Would you download a fightcade?
Ace Combat 7
Diablo 2 Mods?
Factorio thread
Dark Souls Remastered
Has there ever been a more difficult tutorial?
Next Destiny 2 DLC has its own season pass
tell me some good PS1 shite to emulate on my PSPI recently tried to convert...
NASA Speedrunning autism
New Team Sonic Racing Gameplay
>2D animated games dont sale!So why dont more devs bother with hand drawn animation again?...
Youtube Poop thread
Morrowind Thread TES3MP SERB UP
What the fuck is the appeal of those? Why do people keep buying them? Does...
Comfy / Memories Thread
Austism in Vidya
Examples of good sound design
Pokemon: Lets NOT Go (AKA, casual pandering to the max)
Its obviously launching July 4th
Deus ex invented memes?
How would Tam Tam, journos, and fans react when DMC5 gets announced?...
Arcade Gaming Thread
Tales of Vesperia 10th aniversary edition coming
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Virtual Waifu Edition
Waifu Wednesday: Pre E3 Edition
Open World Sandbox PvP MMO
Rockstar locks Red Dead Redemption 2 content behind special edition paywall
Another reason to hate modern casuals
Eroge coming to Steam
Sonic thread
Video games OSTs Thread
Valve will no longer police Steam: Everyone wins
76 Lost Japanese Games Recovered
Have you ever really wanted to like a game but just fucking couldnt? Not in...
Battle Royale genre now literally a parody of itself
How do you feel about rumours of a first person Diablo?
>book gets a new edition>might have a new introduction or some fixed errors/typos, but everyone...
Role playing games
Games for achieving Zen
Intentionally Obtuse Games
How to play Pokemon Crystal with /v/ in your web browser1. go to and...
Wurm final pre-serb bread
I want to make a game without combat, or at least without melee combat.But how...
Grass/Wood spells
MGS General pls?
Why does no one talk about Kenshi?
Heroes 3 alternatives
Steam does something right
Let’s have a death stranding thread. What do you fuckers think the game will be...
C&C Generals
UI Thread
I have to admit, while I fucking hate the Bamham games for the most part,...
For Honor
meta thread bumplock and move on
What last gen D list games did you like?
J.J. Abrams is gonna rape video games just like he raped Star Wars
Mass Effect Andromeda - Ryder Template
I even forgot this game came out. Was Agony any good? It sure looks like...
Dungeon crawl: stone soup
rhythm game general
Business Games
Star Wars Games General
What is the one game you are always sure is installed on your PC? Looking...
>Dot matrix with stereo soundThe technology wasnt new or innovative. Nintendo always had a history...
Games That Surprised You
Finding people (person) to play video game with? How do?
We have entered a new era of gaming! It might be good, or if it...
An appeal to all other European anons
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Nudes and Peace? Edition
Valve and the phone requirement for ranked games
Its really weird replaying this game and being able to unlock all these bonus characters...
R.I.P. DoA
ITT: We write a letter to mark one post at a time
I like RPGs as much as the next guy, but sometimes I feel like quests...
Welp turns out theyre leftists. GDQ 2.0...
Metal Wolf Chaos
E3 2018 Comfy Thread - PreE3 Edition
Did Automata save Platinum from bankruptcy?
I Am Getting Nauseous
Fullderp: Fucking with MacChaeger edition
Gaming PC Build Bread
KFC releases Fortnite fried chicken skin
Games only you have heard of
Hunt: Showdown
Does it still hurt, /v/?...
Why are spics so good at fighting games?...
online game *meta*-s
Whats /v/s opinion on this game? Seems to have more in common with fighting games...
Pillars of Equality 2: Electric Boogaloo
Whats /v/s opinion on this game? Seems to have more in common with fighting games...
Steam Filters
Playing as female characters in games
Why all the ship captains in Elder Scrolls Online are women? I didnt saw a...
Wurm launch pre-wipe confusion edition v3
PS3 Peace Waker
Hi /v/, Ive been noticing youve been extremely bitter lately. You mostly talk about Western...
Are there any game franchises whose success has you dumbfounded? Games which you might see...
Lives in video games
Wreck it Ralph 2: No more vidya
Anonymous Agony Kickstart
Ive been living in a cave.
Final Fantasy Tactics
NieR: Automata
Wii Games officially emulated on Nvidia Shield - CHINA ONLY
Can we have a thread on doujin games?What can /v/ recommend me.Im mostly interested in...
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
Wreck it Ralph 2: No Online Gaming
Transformers Devastation
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: No Falcom At E3 Edition
Ok We all know weve fapped to video game girls sometime in our lives.But who...
Yandere Simulator appreciation thread
From Dust
Commodore/Amiga Thread
Nip devs should cater to us gaijins more
End Credits Music Thread
Rare Old Japanese Vidya Leak Thread #2
Warcraft 2 is better than Warcraft 3
>6 hours and 44 minutes until e3...
Battle Realms
Why is there no video game about fire fighting?You could have multiple ways of rescuing...
Chink market
Star Citizen /looking for a webm/link
Koatku butthurt about Steams new policy
The Surge
Metroid Prime 4
FGC and EVO faggots reason DOA6 is halal
8CHANMANIA 33: Twisted Mania
Why did EA dig up Command & Conquers corpse just to take a shit on...
Meta thread
Sea of Solitude
Assassins Creed Odyessy
Having no loot boxes is going to be a selling point
Gothic II
This is the worst fucking game.1. Unless you buy the subscription, you are severely restricted...
Shit in games that pisses you off
Kingdom Hearts
>all the information on the games wikia is outdated or just outright wrong...
Cultist Simulator
Webm Thread
WipEout-style game
Who was in the right /v/?Ghost of the Precursors E3 reveal when?...
Dark Souls
Final level is a shmup
If you dont play at least 1 paradox game youre a moron
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Surge of Power, E3 Will Cower Edition
Planetside 2 Thread
Devolver at E3
Battlefield Royale
Extra Credits series writer (James) severally harassed former girlfriend after relationship ended
Draw Thread
Steam de-lolifies (censors) Deep Space Waifu under some obscure bullshit
Vampyr - broken game with SJW politics shoe-horned it at every corner
Persona thread
Games that are engaging
Kingdom Hearts 3 Delayed to 2019
Neat things in video games that are obvious in hindsight
Wurm summer serb 2.0: Electric bongaloo edition
Theres never been a greater period in video games than right now.Reminisce about how gaming...
Detective Pikachu
Did everyone have a Sheikah Slate during Hyrules golden age like we all have smartphones...
Vita thread - Holding hands edition
Why isnt there a full scale porn MMO yet?There are shitton of high profile mmos,...
Final Fight JP Arcade is best uncensored
The reason why vidya is shit today
Superman game
Just Cause 4
Serious Sam Level Design
Proof that the FGC is a pile of cucks
Fate/GO - Nasuverse Thread
The future of 8chan tv
Castle Builders
Super Mario Odyssey
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. thread
E3 Comfy Thread 2: Microsoft and Bethesda
Youre given your choice of AAA developer and a massive budget to make a new...
Summer Vidya
Music/Rythem Games
Martial Arts games
Yakuza Thread
Comfy Thread Xbox/Bethesda MK. II
Cuphead 2
>Microsoft wins E3 by announcing an all-new Toads Em Up>They then FORFEIT THE ENTIRE FUCKING...
Todd prep thread
Dying Light 2
Dark Aqua corruption porn when?...
The Division 2
June 11-20
Why is there no thread for the last stand of implicit white driving identity?...
Fagout 69: buy my game edition
E3 Comfy Thread: Bethesda
Fuck I love this game. The music, the story, the characters, airship battles, finding discoveries...
Engaging games
Daily reminder that Kamiya wanted this trash to happen....
Dragon Ball /v/: Unlike Saiyans I Dont Chuckle Edition
Fullderp: ebin edition
Splatoon Thread - World Championship Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: E3 Continues Edition
Anyone know what happened to Replaying 2006 Doom and need to get the...
Jesus Christ on the Cross this game is going to give me a cerebral adema,...
Just downloaded dark souls 3 whats the most OP build for pve. I dont want...
Youngblood is not canon.
Ratchet and Clank
Damage Control: YandereDev Tries It
The Elder Scrolls VI
Best Age of Empires title?
Anyone else prefer when Pokemon was sprites?
Rage 2 looks really good, maybe better than it deserves but same thing with Cyberpunk,...
Team Sonic Racing
WEBM fred
Cyberpunk 2077 will be a single-player RPG will character creation
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise coming west on October 2
robot arms
Just downloaded Metal Slug Anthology
games you can play on a toaster
Lawbreakers is now free to play boys
The Quiet Man
madness combat: project nexus 2
Comfy Thread Day 3: Ubisoft and more
>E3>literally not a single game without a nigger and a stronk wommynthis is how well...
quake champions is free
It annoys the everloving fuck out of me how obvious it is when they reuse...
Comfy Thread: PC Gaming Show edition
Crowdsourced game development
Quake Champions
Player Contributed Content in Beyond Good and Evil 2
I feel dead inside. Maybe its for the best, current Ubishit would have destroyed it....
Sega goes full retard, shoves fucking Denuvo into Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Yakuza 0, Kiwami
Death Stranding
Spider Man PS4
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Tranny toilet closing for good in September
Monday Jackbox stream.
The call it the last of us part two, because when you play it, you...
Serious Sam 4 Planet Badass
Devil May Cry 5
Comfy Weeb General
anyone else think this was bizarre as fuck? Why did Sony hold their Last of...
Battle Royale
Warframe Thread
Unreal Tournament 4
See that noose in the distance? Thats not just scenery. You can climb into that....
Elder Scrolls VI
Two Point Hospital
Insurgency Sandstorm gameplay trailer
Era of Battle Royale
Anybody here like Mappy-Land...
Without looking it up tell me the name of the town you start in in...
Comy E3 thread: Final Confrence
Flawed games you still love
why has the entire theme of this E3 been playable wimins? as if this is...
The absolute state of Western Gaming...
This is the greatest battle royale game ever made. Im not even joking.>fun guns...
No New Animal Crossing
>Todd spends time talking about putting skyrim on everything and referencing degernate furry modders>Ridley in...
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Which are the best?
Forget Ridley or whatever else youre mad about.They shrank her tits.Im fucking pissed....
/xenoblade/ E3 Edition
WH 40k arpg
>No Metroid>No Bayonetta>No SMTThis was such a bad E3 that MICROSOFT had to save it....
>Devolver promised Serious Sam 4>No Serious Sam 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ...
Mabipro - Mabinogi private server: Fuck Nexon edition
PC Hardware Thread
Smash Bros. Thread
This was the best new game announced at E3...
Was this the most disappointing E3 in years?>literally no new games announced whatsoever>No Metroid Prime...
E3 Report Cards
Your wallets face after E3
So, these are the only games we got from E3 that are even worth noticing....
Factorio General
Anti-Fun Enemies
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: E3 Drinking Game Mishaps
What in the fuck is going on over at Neofag
So, DaemonXMachina Is AC6
The Mario & Luigi Problem
Former Imageepoch CEO Ryouei Mikage Developing MMO
Gaming girls with that actually look feminine
Animal Crossing Thread
Oh my god, CODEX did it
Final Fantasy
Resident evil thread: where are the spats?
EVO news: Joey Cuellar says this might be Melees last year
IGN review for Jurassic Park Evolution
Top 5 3DS Games
Good mutiplayer games
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game. (Still not Dead Edition): #003
When the industry of games is being ruined by American DNC influence, this man comes...
Washington Post cries about Waluigi not being in Smash
Randomizer hacks/mods
HITMAN 2: Electric Boogaloo
Games of E3 Past
Evil Clone Villains In Vidya
Arc System Works and Studio TRIGGER collaboration
Whats with that trend in the best genre?
I just freed lots of hdd space. What games worth like 300gb on your drive...
Fullderp: Nosepass Edition
/v/ Sings: Devil Trigger
Morrowind or Oblivion
Call of Duty
GTFO early build gameplay and details
Fallout 76 will have microtransactions
Fighting Game General - In the Face Edition
Super Mario Party: No More Car Edition
Factorio 3D (Satisfactory)
Sega shoves Denuvo into VC4 and Yakuza thread #2: Email time
Meta thread
Vidya lolis
Pokemon fagging
Escape From Tarkov thread
Six Ages
Which 3D game would you say had the best combat out of all the ones...
Small things you like in games
>Create a solid open world game engine with dynamic procedural generated clouds, realistic temperature gradients...
You are old
Lost game?
Skyrim Mod CleaningAnyone have any experience with mod cleaning in Skyrim? Many sources claim...
Quake 2 General
Buyfag Thread
Debate and Discussion [Battle Royal and MOBA genres]
the NSA of the Mario universe
Oldschool cyberpunk fix
Do you remember any series that started innocent and light-hearted but became darker with new...
Cyberpunk 2077 being censored by SJW QA - No offensive moments
Vidya addiction is now officially a thing
Steam wont support XP/Vista anymore
Filename thread...
Being a cryptocasual
Arma Series Inquiry
Xonotic Gamenight
Catherine Full Body
do you prefer old games?
Have you ever had that moment you return to a video game you thought was...
Daily reminder that Doom 2 > Doom 1
Can Real-Time RPGs ever be true RPGs?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Waifubot Wars
>Max Payne hanging out with one of Diamond Dogs best S ranks.Could they take on...
15M GET thread
Witcher bread
Lore Thread
How in the fuck do you start a gaming channel these days? I feel like...
>thread about characters that look feminine up>Thread about vidya characters that lift deletedI knew the...
I really like FROM games so far. But now this game is playstation VR exclusive....
So, is the Fetus like, a clone of you and doubles as like a Canary?Do...
Anybody knows ALI123 chinese website?I lost it and cant google it for some reason....
Hard PC games
Elder Souls
Puzzle games
Mechs Mechs Mechs
Wurm Unlimited: I cant find anybody Edition
City builders: faggots
Cyberpunk 2077: No OP because Ill get banned for it Edition
>that feel when E3 is over and there are well over a dozen new games...
13 Sentinels: Aegis rim
I miss Ultima Online. Is there any game that people consider its spiritual successor? Post...
Why arent all weapon switch speed instant?
Devil May Cry
Octopath Traveler
I am going to be dealing with regular 4+ hour long internet outages for the...
Which girl should I romance I my second playthrough? First time was Makoto, obviously....
ITT: Complex Games
Dont Starve
Sakuna releasing Winter 2018
Does anyone else miss feeling genuinely excited for new game announcements at E3?...
Will we ever get a sequel?
Grand Strategy Games
Did devs give up on themes for consoles?
Is anyone excited about NMH3?
What game did you always want to get into but never got the chance?
How do you feel about imperfections on 3d character models?
Dreamcast Emulation
Resident evil
Is it uncommon for a CRPG to allow you to play as/control only one character,...
Is there merit to WOW combat?
Fullderp: Mini Fug Edition
Switch Hacking & Piracy Thread: OP Edition
Can you fap to a these games? Is there any game I can play on...
Smaller releases and updates from E3
Church simulator games?
What makes a good party member? What do you look for in a party member?Name...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Mothercon Edition
>Dark Souls 1 is literally unfinished because they ran out of money>Dark Souls 2 is...
Retro Vidya
BBC declares victory over Gamergate
Any Battle Royale games where the optimal playstyle is PvP and not Hide and...
Knight Vidya
Fifa 18 any good?
Gas Mark
What are the quintessential Dungeon Crawling games that define it as a genre?It seems like...
Japanese arcade-style first-person shooters
Dices historical revisionism
Lets design a 2D sidescroller level together /v/! What dangerous traps and fun challenges will...
Undertale Thread
Rare/Obscure Old Japanese Vidya Leak Thread #3
kike mods anchored the thread
Game recommendation lists
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Is there a mod to make the monsters in Doom 2016 actually look right and...
Vidya worlds you want to live in regardless if you would actually survive.
Comfiest Vidya Bread
Anyone have any updates on boogie as far as his life after divorce? Hows...
Best Games That Youve Never Played
I am conducting a study, please vote
Cyberpunk Hate Thread
On Warren Ellis & Castlevania
Star Wars and shit
Railroad Tracks on
Fallout 76
Youll never see it coming
Simulator Thread
Cyberpunk Hate Thread II: Post here before mods delete edition
Metal Gear Thread
What are some enemies that scare you /v/?...
90% of Japanese games are about Japanese mythology/history (go figure), and most every Western game...
Should I get the original or the HD release?...
>pirate prey mooncrash>jump into options settings like any sensible human being does before starting the...
Warframe General
Anyone still play TF2?>Favorite map>Favorite class>Favorite loadout>Least liked class...
/agdg/ + /vm - Amateur Game Development General
How do I get into this series? Should I start with SoC or should I...
2D platformer thread
X-Com Thread
Handheld Ports of console games/Ports that shouldnt be
Visual Novel Thread
Anons Remaking Games
Doom/Retrofps thread
No Cap, No Green
About the new Smash Bros. Do you think they will add an story mode like...
Draw(Doodle)Thread №???
Animal Crossing thread
Brigand: Oaxaca
What games have fun downtime? setting up a camp, brewing up potions and crafting tools...
DUSK coming just to Switch
Monster Hunter /mhg/
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:A Childs View Edition
Raging Hatred Thread
Outside of bad companies is there anything more harmful to videogames then reddit?
Does anyone know if LEGO Dahmer is going to be ported to the Switch? ...
Does anyone remember when this games biggest selling point was a dog?They advertised this game...
Are there any (RP)games where you play as an individual and can climb a political...
Naughty Dog developer tells gamers to go fuck themselves says they dont make games for anti-sjw
Cyberpunk games
Is the pvp worth it for this game?
Total War attila mods
Maple Story M
OSRS vs. RS3
RedShell Analytics Datamines Gamers, Developers Say They Dindunuffin
Video Game Addiction Declared Disorder
You know, I dont get why people get so mad at cinematic games like the...
Fullderp: 700 BST edition
ITT: Bosses you hate
Sea of Solitude
Resident Evil/Survival Horror genre
I want to play this game but i found out the controls are completly fucked...
Share Thread: 14 Years Late
Naughty Poz dev says they dont make games for anti-SJW tells gamers to go fuck themselves 2
Backlog Hype
At E3, SoulCaliburs Objectified Women Felt Like A Relic Of The Past.
Dying Light
40K thread
Games to play while waiting for article 13 results
The lack of Fuck yeah moments in modern games.
Real deal meta thread
Games with similar art style
Cyberpunk 2077 poorly optimized
GNU/Linux gaming
Shoot em up
Color of Madness hype thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Shining Finger Edition
>From Software make a new IP>Published by ActivisionCan we count the ways Activison will fuck...
Simplistic games on highend PCs.
Dirk Quackers Game Club
/ogc/ - Racing Games General
Griefing thread
>Ace Combat 7 owes its entire existence to Infinity, a F2P gameI dont know how...
>Tfw lots of great turn of the century games will never get modern hardware releases...
Morality Systems
You CAN do it, right?
Which game (Switch)?
What game takes the title Last Great AAA Game? Surely there must be one from...
Devil May Cry
Death Stranding
Western developers and women
Mecha Videogames Thread
Bring back the invisible bumplock
SWF/Flash Thread
Neptunia Thread
Jurassic World Evolution
Games with unsettling imagery or monsters stream for 絶体絶命都市4 (Disaster Report 4) is coming around noon on the 23rd (Nippon...
Off Steam games
Halo PC Mods Request
Why did they even make this game ? Seriously, look at the hype when dmc5...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Guild Wars 2
VR headsets
Classic WoW forums in a nutshell
What is he up to
Guess the vidya by music
Pillars vs Baldurs
It started happening, EU is killing lootboxes>Its a good thingyoure retarded if you think its...
Disney XD Hero Trip
Is this part literaly impossible to do with buster only without taking damage? Ive been...
Hey /v/, I broke my motherfuckimg right hamd, what sort of games can I play...
Being Transgender No longer A Mental Disorder, But Playing Video Game Is is a broken piece of shit and cannot into displaying websites properly>The developer...
The Tetris Effect
Can you guys take over this wiki for me? it used to be good -...
Splinter Cell thread
Black Desrt Online The Great Cuckening
Smash Brothers: Ridley has fractured some ass edition
Actually good 2deep4U games
when have you realized that computer games are better than real life?
June 21-31
Sonic thread
Video games set in pre-Taisho era Nippon
Official 8ch Jackbox Games
Wargame Thread
Sauce for the Cyberpunk 2077 audio leak? Vocaroo links appear to be down, youtube got...
Autism Simulator 2018
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Meme War 2: European Boogaloo
>dude lets take every shitty Doom 2 level where you have no idea where to...
FACT: There hasnt been a good CQB tactical shooter in over 10 years
Wow, Nintendo and Microsoft really arent downplaying the significance of Sonys screwup, are they? Like...
I got my hands on a ps3 for free. How do i mod this?Worthwhile ps3...
I want to like this game but I just canttheres something about it. Like how...
REmake 2 gameplay video looks fun as fuck. Thoughts?...
120hz on the Xbox One
Playing Games in Order?
Steam Sale Recommendation Thread
So Ive been messing around with my team in EOV and was thinking about using...
say what you will about this meme worthy title, but that outfit is kinda hothave...
Games similiar to this style?
Hey guys, real question.I loved the fuck out of Bayonetta, God Hand, Rising and pretty...
What the fuck is going on over at Sony? out Quake Champions has redshell too lol...
Total War Thread
Games that cut the bullshit
RTS Thread
Steam Sale
Splatoon Thread - #$@%* Dudes Be #$@%* Sleepin Edition
Games that have not aged at fucking all
Fullderp: Bukkake edition
Meta thread
Good Disc burners?
[PS2 PS1] Sony Playstation Thread
Pannen got into the Secret Aquarium in 0 A presses on console.Skip to 8:30 if...
Hazard: The Journey of Life
Daily reminder that Bungie was capable of making Oni, yet wasted its time on Halo...
Do you actually get mad at videogames? if so what level. Console throwing, table upturning,...
Gaymin monitors
Diablo source code reconstructed
Switch hacked and porn in Mario Oddysey
A thread on /tv/ about washed up actors (heres the cast of buffy today to...
Indie gaymen bread
Wurm not dead yet edition
Studio destroying game
Im glad I only played Sega and PS2 as a kid so I can experience...
Video game music...
Warframe Thread
Seiyuu, VAs, and the worship around them
Remakes better than the originals
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Sweet n Pristine Beat Edition
Sven Co-op thread
Emulation thread
SWAT thread
New NES Games
What are some video games that feel alive
Niggers of War?
Afrikan setting
Disaster Report 4 finally gets a release date 7 years after being shelved
Todays his birthday, say something nice to him....
Meta thread
RNG vs Determinism in places where RNG works for the most part
The female character route of AC: Odyssey is considered the canon story
Best Girl of their respective games
Text based games
That was a legitimate thread, you dickhead
>Make a thread about 2D animation in videogames>DeletedWell fuck that, lets try again. Post some...
Zombie Master Reborb: Beta 2
patreon bux
SGDQ Starts Tomorrow
Anyone playing this? N-Not looking for a friend to collect skulls and knife-ear trophies with...
Recommend me some mods and modules for Neverwinter Nights.I been told you are patricians and...
Battle Chef Brigade
>Microsoft and Razer are working on an Xbox mouse and keyboardNormally Id say this idea...
Touhou is Forfeit
Franchises where the third was the best one
webm threadprevious thread at page 14...
>forcing yourself to finish your backoghow do you even do it bros...
Source Ports
How to like different video game settings?
True Setting
ITT: Small things in vidya you fucking love
SS13 Thread
Neverwinter Nights has some very good custom modules. All the custom content Ive played has...
BioWare Blames Zelda For Mass Effect Andromeda Failure
Guild Wars 1
Unpopular faction in games
Would you actually be upset if you had to play a female Link in a...
>japanese dev makes games with kemono characters>comes out in west>degenerate furries jump onto it and...
consolefag is also poorfag: advice?
Games before their time
Do you look things up for games you play?
/agdg/ + /vm - Amateur Game Development General
GTA San Andreas Sequel
Any idea where Id be able to buy a broken Gameboy Micro online? I tried...
New Gundam Breaker
Alternative gaming history
>Playing some Doom>Suddeny the back of my head starts hurting like fuckIs this normal? It...
Metroid Prime for PC
Just got an interesting Nintendo Survey
What happened to this?...
Is the open world meme the only reason battle royale is popular?
Dark Souls
>Game panders to your mature /ara/ fetish
Game panders to...
DBZ Vidya Thread
Elder Scrolls Blades
Nintendo of America participates in Seattle Pride event. #PlayItProud
>Tried out the complete mod for Stalker>its shit>notice something>If you roam around the cordon in...
Pokemon general thread
Released Dwarf Fortress 0.44.11
Games with time manipulation
Card Saga Wars demo finally out after eight yearsa
Japanese Learning Thread: いいケツ Edition
Developer Commentary/Making of (VIDEO GAME TITLE) thread
Whats that Game/Forgotten Game titles
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Lone Moon Ranger Edition
Similarities between games.
Mankind Divided is extremely cheap right now.Does anon think its worth buying? Why or why...
AKA Mark youve got another chance at not fucking it up edition muh javascript, just...
Star Ocean
Mix two or more games to make a new ideal game.Me personally:
Fate/Grand Order: Countdown to Mommy Altria Edition
SW Battlefront 1 (2004)
What are some good games featuring imperialist expeditions? I especially crave for accurate representation of...
>Each twin controls her half of their body, operating one arm and one leg. As...
Sony themselves just censored PQube because of anime tiddies
Im not a completionist by any means, but how am I supposed to enjoy this...
Nintendo still hasnt given up on SJW influence by attending Pride
Childlike Wonder in Modern Games
Best Bros of their respective games
Best rival fights
I was thinking about maybe getting into Kingdom Hearts, where should I start? The timeline...
Blizzard monitoring.
>hundreds of games on steam from when I actually bought them>trove of dozens of pirated...
Is there a single indie game platform with users that rate indie games on their...
>all that time and money spent on development>blatant reuse of payday 2 assets>bullshots leading people...
This is one of the most depressing games I’ve ever played. I don’t know why...
Jackbox stream
Nintendo Labo now actually has a use
Science Adventure Series
Fresh madness thread; due to the other being attacked by a whiny underaged autist.Project nexus...
Ninja Thread
/pol/: the game(s) studio
Which takes let you go autistic with elemental magic? What would you like to see...
Drawthread: WIP Edition
Kingdom Come Deliverance hardcore mode released
Ooga booga red dead 2 is going to suck. Its beta build, in the current...
Arcade Style Games
>A team of AI algorithms beats humans in complex computer game>complex computer game>dota 2lol>woman on...
Tetris thread.
Roguelike thread
Fullderp: Cuckface edition
Custom arcade cabs
Meta thread: poll for longer bans edition
Space Station 13
So I was looking at Steams new creator homepages which youve probably all seen by...
Help with playing PST
Survive and protect the flask
Vidya Characters that deserves a return
Phantasy Star Thread
Obscure game reviews
Dying Light VS Dead Island
Unconventional summoning games
Good Android games
This page lets you see how much youve spent on (((Steam))). How badly have you...
Spooky mysterious game experiences and vidya creepypasta
Fighting Game General - Guys and Gals Edition
so with a certain sale going on are there any decent multiplayer FPS games with...
>Kirby (and therefore DDD) can swallow and split projectiles. what the changes to your main...
toaster games
Starfield Lies: Starting Early
ZERO A PRESSESonly takes 3 days of waiting for a platform to riseOnly in Wii...
Tranny gamedev lights himself on fire
Dance Thread
Definitive Darth Vader Experience
Versus Games
ITT stronk womyn in games done right.inb4 Samus...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Yuuka Genocides Yet Again Edition
Will it be a Samurai game or a Ninja game? place your bets....
Noclip reveals how shitty Bethesdas engine really is
Exploration games
Which is the more autistic?
Mountain Blade thread
How do you force yourself to focus on completing one single game without getting bored?...
Gamez about Orkz
Indie thread
So whats Sonys excuse for having shittier servers than everyone else?
Zoo Tycoon 2
>Solid Snakes arc in MGS is about escaping the caricature fate puts on him, embracing...
Lets get back on track with this
Will there really be no more Witcher games?
Bioware still refuses to take responsibilities for MEA and now shifting the blame on other games
Fear Effect
Infinity Engine Virgin
As autistic as the >DEATH STRANDING IS MGS0 GUYS!!!!!!111!!!!!Gay theory is, what if its actually...
Skateboarding games
Steam Sale Thread
Doki Doki Literature Club kills a child
Fighting EX Layer
Most hated/most loved voice actorsLoveI think the best voice actor award in vidya goes to...
I want to play SH3 and I want it to be as stable as possible....
How do you like your leveling in games?
Splatoon Thread:Octo Rising Edition
New Overwatch Hero: a Goddamn Hamster
WarioWare Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Once More Unto the Breach
Best OS for pc gaming?
Puyo Puyo Tetris has finally been cracked by based Voksi
VGHS is real life now is fucking insane and thats a good thing...
Games that you replay once theyre mentioned
Ubisoft openly discriminated male devs
Megaman 11
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game. (Dev Note Edition): #004
>Two Different season passes >If you don’t buy the big black ops 4 pass you...
4 AM
Is Evolve Stage 2 Gone Forever?
/agdg/ + /vm ~ Amateur Game Development General
Did E celeb culture kill off in game reps?
Disney cans all Star Wars Spin offs and Amy Hennig confirms all EA Star Wars...
Classic games as video games
GNU/Linux Gaming Thread
Dead Rising
Weekend Gamenight: Notded Edition
Warframe Thread - Sleek Edition
Alien Hope Future
>Videogame critics and reviewers are all culture war social studies drop outs who thought this...
Nigger Meme (Shaq Fu) game has a bonus game where you play as King Nigger
Gary Oak confirmed most chad pokemon trainer?...
Squeenix asking players for feedback to Shape its future
how is the dualshock 5 controller supposed to improve upon dualshock 4? it seems like...
Prigressivism resistance
Bloodstained and Blasphemous
Controllers for PC
Why does everyone hate agony?...
Switch Hacking Thread: Cheap Joycon Edition
NWN1 has so few players these days, especially the non-beamdog serverswould you say that it...
When is the last time a game was released that was unique, interesting, AND fun?I...
Terraria thread: No permission asked edition
I was hunting for a list of games using D&D rulesets (basically to get a...
So...Fighting Layer Ex came out
Phantom Dust is free on LIVE marketplace
What do you guys think of Lego games?...
Yo-kai Watch Blasters/Busters localization
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Dont Feed the Chinese Edition
>the vertibirds in fallout 4 are built off the dragons in skyrim>the dragons in skyrim...
Table top/Pen & paper RPG based on games
Quake Must Die
Biohazard 7
Leons Voice
>13 years old.>16 years old.>10 years old.There are underage, but barely, that were only just...
Next gen Predictions
Ace Combat
Maitetsu, Censored trains
Things in vidya that seem obvious in hindsight
The GBC era was a weird time for handheld releases
Elder Scrolls 6s engine
Drag on ballZ
Fullderp: Clown Rape edition
Soundbytes that will never leave your head
What 3DS games would /v/ recommend?
Games that did the play as a little guy in a much larger universe/series right
July 1-10
Batman Arkham series
Fire Pro Wrestling World
Late Night 3D Movie Maker thread
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Rhythm games
Shmup Thread 2: Spooky Boogaloo
which is the best harvest moon to start the playing the saga
Evil Islands
Silent Hill
Games that worth saving for sake of archiving
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy FitGirl Repack
Google Game Console
>theyre just adding her to the switch portTWEWY 2 CONFIRMED FUCKING DEAD
Does anybody want to play some VIDEO GAMES?ITT: Post games you want to play, then...
Whats the best Quake source port for multiplayer?...
Okami HD
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: ASCII girls Edition
What to do, what to not do?
Souls Thread
Your top 5 games
>tfw theres still active online communities for old as fuck gamesStunts (1990) (kinda dead but...
Superhero games
Video Game Remasters
Shadow of War
Persistent Death in games
Best indie games?
What is the greatest brawler of all time?Top tier:- God Hand- DMC3- Oni- BloodborneHigh tier:-...
Pinball games
So I was looking up Star Control: Origins and I was wondering what /v/ thought...
Is this game worth playing? And if yes, should I play it on an emulator...
Do you guys know any good mods for The Sims 4? Now before you jump...
*Inbetween* *Spit* (Star Control Thread)
Next vidya events
LEGO Dimensions
Ye Olde Digimon Thread
Kaz Hirais PS3 slim from 2012
Fix shitty vidya
Puzzles in games and puzzle games in general
Fire emblem
Guide to Sonic the Hedgehog
.hack Thread
ToonTown Corporate Clash
has it ever been established what the fuck this is supposed to mean? i think...
Speak with your wallet
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Hypersummer Wars Edition
White supremacists use Fortnite and Minecraft as recruiting tools
Lack of communities in gaming.
Are there any decent gamepad type things for mobile that arent giant bulky monstrosities? Id...
Is there a way to play pirated Steam games on multiplayer via LAN? Or any...
Shenmue I and II Remaster will have Denuvo and will be capped at 30 fps
>25 year old piece of hardware>has parts which might fail after 20 years of use>if...
Build Thread
Shit not really relevant now but which would grind your gears in the past
Embarassing gayman moments
Draw Thread: No Autists Allowed Edition
SLAIN!Has anyone played this? Ive been trying for a year to get into this game,...
When will video games portray an accurate recreation of european medieval life and not the...
Roblox gang rape shocks mother
So do you wanna explain why the nintenhomo thread got anchored or do you wanna...
WebM Thread
>Game is called Legend of Dragoon>Centers around Sentai-esque transformations into Dragoons and how they are...
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
Masahiro Sakurai = Japanese Todd Howard
Why is snake yelling PIPE IT UP when he fires the Hand of Jehuty...
Every quote from the best C&C generals faction. Hijackers on dirt bikes, steal a dozer,...
Visual Novel Thread
SS13 - Space Station 13
Music for playing video games
Hitman Gaymes
Games with good character creators
Its the most American day of the year. What vidya get across that sense of...
Nintendo Hasnt Revealed Its Full 2018 Lineup
Sega thread
Fullderp: AMERICA edition
cRPG & Classic Dungeon Crawlers thread
Vidya characters that are shameless rip offs.
NoMansGoy open submissions
Post your favorite game from your home country
Hyper-competitive RTS general
Happy Independence Day!
Grand Strategy Games
Are there any good japanese titles for the PSP? Or is it almost entirely VNs...
Happy Independence Day!
MMO Exploration
Battlestation thread
Games that are illegal/banned in other countries
#GamerGate and #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] General: Waifus of Freedom Edition
Madou Monogatari
Insect games
Eco #3: The REconing
Unity and Syndicate are such weird animals. Both showed glimpses of potential for making the...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
No Mans Sky pre-order bonus lets you wear Xbox One logo on your head
There are people that hate Nero even more than Donte
Splatoon Thread:Holy War Edition
Favorite kirby game?
Old emulators
Worlds worth exploring/interesting settings
Fate/Grand Order - Nasuverse: Attack of the Delicious Brown Edition
Anger thread
Hey, is it still worth it to get a Dreamcast?...
Games where you fight against Communists
Games where you can just watch it go
Skateboarding Games
Jackbox night thread.
Incomplete games (and other cut content)
Kirby Lore thread
Games where you can fight the final boss at almost any time...
Pulsar: Lost Colony
Is Albert the canon Vault Dweller? The memoirs seem to match up with what kinda...
In what games can I design my own home in great detail? I dont care...
Video games only you would play
8chanmania feedback
I dont see why glue-ing onto walls and ceilings is considered a gameplay flaw in...
Danger Zone 2
With citra going full functionalwhat games are worth to emulate?...
Game Center CX
>Actually create a fun co-op game Left 4 Dead game mode>get rid of it after...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: 20 years of Loving Lain Edition
So I recently started playing this game again after beating Grigori on normal mode and...
Please recommend fun linear colorful action games
Southern style horror/horror shooters
Old/Dead/One-Note Sega Franchises/Mascots you would like to make a comeback
Gaming all-nighters
Why dont more game companies produce retro sequels to classic franchies?
Never ever thread
Alternatives thread
Cute Thread
Anon tries to play Sengoku Rance
Steam Leak shows us exactly how many people have the games
actual progress for once editionResources>>>/agdg/>>>/vm/>#8/agdg/ via>Dev resources:>Wiki:>Beginners guide: >>>/agdg/29080>Previous thread: >>15078478Announcements>QUARTERLY DEMO...
Mouse thread niggers
Gta hand to hand combat
Toontown Corporate Clash: Lawful edition
Feminist spergout gets Anet employees fired
AAO thread
the more you know
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Torrential Typhoon Edition
Actually Tense and Atmospheric Games
Titanfall thread?Titanfall thread.Talk about Titanfall, what you like, dislike, love, hate.Advertise a network maybe.Best faction...
Why was the Chrono Trigger thread deleted? Anyway, what would your ideal Chrono Trigger sequel...
I fucked up royal
Dead Cells Thread
Twitter witchhunt for Hero Siege developer
hyper light drifter
Recommend me a game to play tomorrow
Fallout 76 Features A New Perk Card System
Eco #4
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Getting Back Our Crossbell Edition
Would 3D Fallout looked and ran better if Todd Howard used Unreal engine 3/4?...
Kingdom Hearts 3 Won’t Get Any Final Mix Release, Confirmed To Have A Secret Movie>Kingdom...
/v/iablo 2
Who Is The Most Powerful Vidya Character?
Couch co-op
Would all English dubs improve immensely if all the standard American voice actors were replaced...
Final Fantasy
Madness Combat: Project Nexus 2 ThreadLast thread assaulted by under-ageb& whiny autist....
Latest Denuvo iteration has fallen
so im going on a little trip, and im wondering what rpgmaker 2000 and 2003...
GREETINGS 8CHONSIt is my birthday this week, and to celebrate with you, I am going...
Arma 3
What are some games that youre surprised are never discussed here? Not just your obscure...
Plutonia or TNT?...
Could anything good happen if indie devs suddenly started limiting the size of their games...
Why doesnt this series work in 3D?...
Fighting Game Thread: Handholding, the Missionary Position, and Vanilla Ice Cream Edition
Chart for ethical vidya consumption in current year
First Person Platformers
YU-NO (PC-98 Game) To Receive Anime Adaptation
Console Modding & Repair
What do you think FFXVI will be like?
Japanese dubs of western games
Arx fatalis thread.
Fullderp: >Assault edition
Surprise surprise, Anthem looks like shit
Vidya rage
Deus Ex
Im trying to make a survival FPS, But I have a problem. Im trying to...
We had Mario Retardy stream this week and people seemed to enjoy it so I...
What happened to this series? Im really at a loss for words after playing this...
Games that never let you down
Games that look too HD/polished
FMV games
Total War thread
I am archiving some rpg games for my backlog when il be turned off from...
Asherons Call
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Miracle Milk Edition
Freedom Planet
With the few exception of fighting games and beat em ups. How come most superhero...
That counterintuitive friend
Reproduction boxes & manuals?
itt: vidya regrets
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
>Darksiders III launches November 27>When weve barely seen anything of the game>When the Pre-Alpha version...
is this any good?...
ITT: post games you really want english translation patches made for.inb4
Whats your favorite dump stat in video games?Dont tell me its charisma....
Skill based movement in Modern games
Is Jurassic World Evolutions crack being worked on? I understand that each Denuvo crack...
party-based RPG thread
does anyone else talk to themselves or whisper to themselves when...
OpenTTD thread
Jackbox night stream.
Melee was “too technical”, Ultimate will be accessible
PS4 Exclusives
Vidya Lolis
Drawthread C Y B E R G O T H Edition
Inquisitor Marty
>morrowind has alchemy abuse and golden saint summoning abuse>oblivion has permanent invisibility, 85% damage resistance,...
Monster Hunter World PC is a disaster
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy
Was Scooby-Doo ever successful in video game format?...
Can we have a discussion about games set in an exclusively underground world and why...
Dragon Ball FighterZ Cracked by VOKSI
Dance Games
Steady Return of Single-Player
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cute Girls In Swimsuits Edition
Shoot Them Downs Thread
Why isnt there a video game like or based on this yet?Its a mediocre book,...
Good settings for survival games
Splatoon Thread: The ink is rising edition
Devil May Cry Thread
Major call of duty leaks news
Dead or Alive 6 confirmed for Dead On Arrival
July 11-20
Gravity Rush
What games have actually come out this year that have been good?
Fallout New Vegas Mod Recommendations
Hooktube is all but dead.
VR is great in its current state and the only people who disagree are bitter...
Is Cities Skylines a good city building simulator you would recommend?...
Name PS4 games where you play as a little girl.Nightmare mode: no jrpgs...
Mass Effect Metal Interpretations by sebdoom
2D art
Official Spore Forums shutting down
Why normalfags seem to be unable to appreciate the bottom pic design.Will this place UI...
The Great Western MMO Drought
Shining Resonance Refrain cracked by VOKSI
Aliens Vs Predator 2
Vidya music
Is Fallout 3 really that bad?
>Crazy Taxi 4 never>2 and 3 locked to systems that dont emulate good>little chance of...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Aun aun, auuuuuunn!! Edition Edition
Shit Games With Great Settings
Why in the hell is this game so expensive?
Mecha Thread 2: Electric Mechaloo
ON THE LAST EXCITING EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL /v/!>Knuckles Blanco, defeated in battle, uses the...
Pokémon Thread
Where did the myth com from stating that this was a party game?
Tencent WeGame: the biggest Monkeys Paw drawback of all time
True AMERICAN PATRIOT arcade sticks
What games have good crafting systems? The best two I am aware of are Cataclysm:...
/ogc/ - Racing Games General
Changing/Evolving Tastes
I need a good tv monitor, pic related is what i have now and its...
Capes thread #3
I want to buy a Nintendo 3ds...
Sonic Mania Plus
Doom/Retro FPS threadOP is finally using an updated chart edition...
Smash Ultimate thread
This is on sale on PSN, and I heard its got great aesthetics but also...
Stealth games thread
Any other games with a difficulty selection as customizable as system shock?...
Warhammer 40K Gladius
Arena shooters future vr?
When the final version of a game is better than the concept build.
Games with huge amount of ingame content
Daily reminder that its been proven that exercise increases reaction speed meaning that if you...
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption
Attorney Online
The future of ROMhacking
Monster Rancher Thread
Comfy Handheld Thread
Zoo Tycoon 2 economy issues
/v/ mods TBoI Antibirth
Games you forgot that are having either a port or remake
What exactly makes a private game server successful?Is it who you know, how many friends...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Dark Sun Edition
I have extreme issues focusing on one task and this has increasingly been impacting my...
Which game has the most irritating fanbase?...
>5.5 million dollar budget>3 years later, release date is still TBDGetting scammed by Bloodstained hurt....
Finally a good fucking Jrpg
Xaviant (The Culling devs) potentially being culled themselves
God Hand
Is there any franchise with a more convoluted overarching plot than Kingdom Hearts? Any other...
Icons Combat Arena
Neil Druckmann regarding The Lesbians of Us 2: We dont want games to be fun. We prefer [engaging].
What are the de facto BEST games of each genre and subgenre? I dont want...
>spent millions of dollars investing in a DRM system that they ended up stripping because...
Fullderp: Stall edition
Walking sims
Videos game voice acting
Weekend Gamenight: Space Station 13
Edgelord games
The Vagrant
Best music tracks from video games
ITT: We talk about rockets.
Ubisoft will permaban you for saying faggot or nigga in Rainbow Six: Siege.
Do you remember having Dial-Up?
Same VA thread
Linux gayming
Kill la Kill Gameplay Footage Released
Dead or Alive 6 Director: Big-breasted women arent human.
Where is the sequel?Is this guy even alive or got V&?...
Anyone here can help me by telling me how do I stop getting mojibake on...
Vidya Cosplay 2018-07 edition
Battlefield 4 lacking content
Nonary Games and Zero Time Dilemma
Gearbox fucked up Aliens because of a fucking typo
/v/ Redraws a Cover
Nasuverse Fate GO thread
30 dollarydoos for a game who just plays itself.
when did pokemon turn into a walking sim?
Fortnite is shit
Trend of Less Faggy Kid Main Characters
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Happy Birthday Aniki Edition
Other than Way of the Samurai 4 and Valhalla Knights 3 are there any games...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
H-games now on steam
>Epic announces UT4 as a collaboration between epic and fans>Game has a skeleton crew but...
Intentionally pitch a bad game
Kojima damage control
Games a service KILL GAMES
Saturday Night Horror Thread
PuyoPuyo thread
Classic video game commercials
How the fuck did these games even happen?In a sea of shit licensed games, how...
Are the atelier games the only alchemy focused games out there? Can I mod Oblivion...
Good sequels to shit games
Anyone played apocalypse? Lately Ive been into games starting actual actors, and this one has...
Rimworld 1.0
Games that make you think
Space Thread:Space Ships Edition
Earthworm Jim Hell level
Warframe Thread
Do you ever miss places in online games you no longer play?
Favorite Flash Games
Remember ESEA Servers?
Slap City 2 - Electric Boogaloo
System Shock games
Switch Hacking & Piracy Thread: Tranny Town Traitor Edition
System Shock games
Mouse Recommendation Thread
Tales is dead
Videogames that replicate real world locations in 1:1 scale
Game with Similar Art Style To Darkest Dungeon
So whos in the right?
Shin Megami Tensei thread
Hooktube is kill
Smash Ultimate Thread: Jump Victory Carnival 2018 Edition
Splatoon Thread:Colors Edition
Poorly designed enemies in otherwise good games
CRT thread
Th Evil Within Discussion Thread
>download Space Marine>play through it and have a blast>download mods that let me play as...
Vidya sterogramsNot sure if I posted this here before, but I once made some Skyrim...
Kirby lore thread
The Real Reason Why Games Are Popular
Does anyone else here also collect vidya-related artbooks ? Who are your favourite artists/designers ?...
ToonTown Corporate Clash: Seemingly Playable Edition
Arcade Era>Pay more to play moreClassic Console Era>Pay a one time fee to play foreverMobile...
Why wasnt World of Final Fantasy a mainline game. Its better than FF15.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Eternal Boogeymen, Living Rent-Free Edition
ITT games that are one of a kind. By that I mean games that have...
Dwarf Fortress Succession Game
Sonic Thread
Star citizen doesnt accept refunds anymore
The Meta
3rd person games with good player movement
Games with Hoverboards
Women cant into vidya
What’s the worst and best case scenario for grand Theft Auto 6?...
WEBM THREADThe old bread is dead. Long live the new bread....
Share Thread - Free Crackers
Why do people give this game a bad rap?
Jackbox nights with /v/
Age of Empires
ITT Tribes and Tribes clones
Every once in a while, I like to look at the Steam hardware survey they...
Secret Hitler
Industry damage control
My hands hurt
Viewtiful Joe 3. What needs to happen to get it made?...
Grand Strategy Games
Fullderp: Beached Edition
BloodGDX:New update features multiplayer
Draw Thread - Forgotten Requests Edition
Has any game ever come close to the quality SH2s storytelling?...
No Mans Sky Expansion
Shadow of War loses microtransactions
Better late than never
What a boring ass game....
Digimon: digital bros, loving waifus, and comfy threads
Polygon game journalists dont understand advanced English
Why isnt there a game where you play an ork boy who can rise through...
Spoil a video game
>/v/ full of Video game discussions>Cuckchan memes like boomer gets ban on sights >Same Cuckchanner...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Sports Girls Edition
>Playing Doom for the first time>Get stuck in a level>Look up a walkthrough>Realize you have...
Bad games that can be fun?
Mothergunship Demo
>All these years later>Cucks are still blaming Gamergate any time something doesnt go their wayFucking...
Former Valve Employee Tells All
Post Games where the plot is enjoyably bad and the gameplay is unironically good....
>EA/Dice are giving Battlefield 1 DLC for free to promote Battlefield VCan you imagine how...
World of Final Fantasy
How the fuck did a game about a haunted childrens pizza joint turn into shit...
I need video games that let me roleplay the day-to-day life of a teenage girl...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
I recently bought a nip model of PS2 fat (SCPH-35000, NTSC-J) through ebay, but Im...
What are some good action games where the agile player character executes a desired action...
Game collection thread
Collector/Buyfag Thread - July Edition
Trashley is voiced by fucking Runka-chunk
MnF Club
Vidya weapons: Flamethrowers
F1+F2 thread
Odin Sphere
I really dont understand the hate for this.It was shoddy at launch sure, but its...
Apparently Bards Tale IV is a souls-like....
Gamestop Damage Control
So I just got Disciples 1 and 2 expecting some really cool Diablo clone from...
Yo! Noid 2
Help identifying eras
So Ive been been playing this recently and I have to say that in all...
Rhythm fucking gamesPost scoresDiscuss games and shitHave otoge powerlevel argumentsComplain about shit chartsComplain about Konami...
Upcoming multiplayer games worth note
Arena FPS Community Tournament Sign-ups
pre-rendered graphics
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Glass of Cider Edition
Gravity Rush 2 Thread: Final Countdown
Niggers in Space
CRPG Thread: What the fuck happened to good plot in games edition
Is Morrowind the best WRPG ever made?
Post your favorite space PC games that are obscure....
The culling 2: biggest flops since radical heights
OST Thread
Terraria Thread
Games that only you play
>get hyped for new mmo.>buy game.>be active user. >hang around for years.>watch people come and...
in the past most games were designed to be short, if replayable experiences. now most...
How do you fuck up the concept of playing in an open world with others...
GoG apologizes for Gamergate after deleting Postal 2 tweet, calls it an abusive movement
Vidya princeses
Android game recommendation
Elminage and other turn based dungeon crawlers
ITT: Make up a game for a platform you dont like.A mobile game focused around...
Art of the Grind
Warframe Thread Praise the Void
The Sims Thread
Essential mods
Shadow of war DEMO released
TWLoader for the 3DS is compatible with a bunch of games now so I was...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Shady VHS Tape Edition
Courage The Cowardly Dog: Shadows Of Nowhere
What is the best card-based videojame not made by Blizzard to get invested in right...
>Play DDR on consoles>Get Pad>Play guitar hero on consoles>Get guitar>Play FPS on consoles>Forced to ...
Any RPG games and/or mods you guys would recommend where I can wield a greataxe?...
Retro games before 2000
New Phantasy Star countdown
Have you ever come across a feature in a game that has made you instantly...
Pokemon thread
Do good games about planetary exploration even exist? Why this genre is so shitty?...
Legacy Of Kain
Why are there no good fishing games?...
Co-op Games
Is 14,522.89 shekels, or 4000 US dollars enough money to get or build a good...
Have you got banend in your favorite video game recently? What was your reaction?...
SOS for the SNES
8chan Friday Night Game Night
Minetest 5.0.0 dev server up and running
Apparently conan exiles has whole selection of adult mods on steam workshop and servers where...
>Tfw every so often get a mean hankering for pvp vidya>But something about none persistent/lack...
WEBM THREADWhy are the Webm threads so slow edition...
Video game movies / Mortal kombat Kinematic universe
Spyro Reignited
Dominions thread
Nintendo Switch Revision
How the fuck is this shit so fucking fun? Ive downloaded this yesterday, and after...
July 21-31
>2010>Hey the guys who made Bayonetta made a new game>Play the demo>Oh its just a...
8chanMania x MFW Nomination thread.
Initial D street stage PPSSPP Android
Are there any good Simpsons video games?
EVO2018 in Las Vegas
Capcom Niggerify Another Character
Fallout 4 total conversion mod
Bloodlines thread
Eco #5
GoG/CDPR emailing thread: No mercy edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: ARCHIVE OR FUCK OFF Edition
Anon, what games do you play when you are sad? Specifically when you have no...
Speedrunning Autism /sra/ - Autism Present and Future
ESA Marathon 2018
Guild wars
>best game ever>apparently perfectly playable on PC with upgraded graphicsWhy arent you playing it? In...
Chrono Trigger
Visual Novel Thread
Ace Combat 7 NEVER EVER (Release pushed back to 2019)
Hardware Upgrade
Licensed Soundtracks in Games
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Mega Man: Fully Charged
I have a theory. This dude is probably gonna be in Smash, but Nintendo are...
Fighting Game General - Oddbal Edition
What the hell went wrong with this game? I recently finished the first Devil May...
Comfy multiplayer communities
Destruction Physics
Dota vs League Thread
Games based on searching for information
Old game graphics
Initial D Arcade / Arcade General
We need somthing comfy, we need it now! Yes, everyone need this now. Stop fighting...
World of Tanks or War Thunder?
Why exactly does everyone claim that this piece of shit is better than Fusion?>lazy remake...
Meta Thread
Geno in Smash
Video games of 2019
Fullderp: Mankey Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: FRNxT GHRT Sony GURM Edition
Questions that dont deserve their own thread
Games with god-tier lighting
Gal Gun 2
You know, this game was kinda shit, But i really love this whole affinity system...
Help me find an addicting game. I need something that will eat up a lot...
Lets Plays
Bad games with Aesthetics you love
Nintendo of America files a huge fucking LAWSUIT against Loveroms
Musou Games
Old games vs new games
Do any of you play battle royale games?
Octopath Traveler
Is crossplay the future? Do you use it? What do you think about?...
Are Fable 2 and 3 good?
I am a firm believer that videogames need more southern folk, hicks and hill billies....
new xbone expected to double down on game streaming
Splatoon Thread: Totally Not Rigged Edition
Phil Fish Removes Fez from GoG
PS3 general, the console that aged like wine
If Konami/Jump would just put forth the effort to make a real fucking game, we...
ITT forgotten games that were actually pretty damn decent (if not GOOD) and deserving of...
Jackbox nights with /v/
Button Icons
Do you guys still play Mario Odyssey?Have you collected all moons possible?...
Idola Phantasy Star Saga
What the fuck is so goddamn special about this fucking controller?EXPLAIN...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: PRINTER GENOCIDE Edition
Worth it?...
>All it took was Horde vs Alliance again to pull every single fucking person i...
My problem with CRPGs
Video Games only you played
Anyone else here dislikes new super bros? I feel that nearly every one that talks...
I see people playing STALKER all the time here on /v/, i have yet to...
Do we really need diversity in video games?
>2007>Apple takes over as the tech fashion accessory producer>Big Bang Theory is released>Facebook kills Myspace>Danger...
PVP Faggotry
>pirate this to play some quick arcadey shit with bots on warlords>install >no botswhat the...
Im really looking forward to this new REmake.I know its a while off but I...
Bulgarian Hacker and Denuvo cracker Voksi has been arrested by the Bulgarian police
4x thread
DQ composer blows the fuck out of fags
The Jews are Stardock are doing it again
Anyone know what the DRM is on this? Im straight up maximum poverty at the...
The Mega Man franchise confuses the shit out of me.>Most sequels feel the same shit...
No Mans Sky NEXT
I want to make a collection of the best games of the 70s, similar to...
old games that you should play
Fire Emblem
Steam new update thread
just a suggestion
Webm Thread
Vita Thread - Cheer and Applause Edition
Good 3 player LAN games
This game makes so much more sense as a mobile game.who playing?...
Steel Division 2
Game developers should STOP listening to fans.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Banana Fish Edition
VOKSI ordered to stop cracking after Denuvo filed a case against him
Dark Souls
Sega Genesis goes VR
Ronnie Oni - Soy Theory Editor Kills Himself
Steam is now banning reviews
Games as fun as Doom?
Mediocrity of the past
Vietcong 1 & 2
Youtube Poop/Mashup/Gachi thread
I still cant find platformer that is more fun to replay than Sonic 3 &...
Polygon: Gamings toxic men, explained.
Video games in 2020s
project reality bf2
Trannies done quick
Why doesnt each character in smash have their own unique victory theme? Its not like...
Cliques in Multiplayer Vidya
Edgelord Thread
Is Silent Hill Isekai?
Nintendo are dumb
Is Bethesda finding their balls?
ITT /v/ projects that were actually finished or lasted for a decent amount of time...
Go Vacation
How come Beast Wars never got a good Tribes-style multiplayer game?
Anybody here play Chrome?>Whats Chrome?Its an old FPS from 2003.>I wasnt even born back then....
Removing Graphical Effects from Games
Good old Games new mascot
I see lots of threads about MMOs and the occasional Sims thread, why no thread...
so when does Shenmue get good? I just played trough 1 and it was a...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Spread em nice and slow Edition
CRT thread
/Xenoblade/ Hibana Edition
Warframe thread
Post game covers that would be impossible today...
Single Player Games
Elona Plus
Nintendo is now DMCAing emulators
Character sexuality retconing
Genei Ibun Roku #FE
Vidya that shouldnt be played
Is the PsVita dead?
minecraft serverIP: is just a test for now expect something permanent in the future...
Nintendo Labo is shit but this kit seems comfy as fuck...
Banner Saga 3 released
Switch Gaems
Why didnt Vivec just use is CHIM powers to erase Dagoth Ur from existence?...
Spider May Cry
Minumum specs
Comfy 3DS Games
The Cult of Thief
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is best
A spoiled rich manchild acquaintance of mine just bought a computer with one of these....
ITT: Guilty pleasures.Blood 2 isnt very well designed but with the Extra Crispy mod its...
The Emulation of the Nintendo 64 is utterly shit.No matter what core for RetroArch, no...
Could it have been saved if it was handed off to a better team? How...
La-Mulana 2
Weekend Gamenight: Team Fortress 2 Vintage
Anonymous Agony
Taiko no Tatsujin coming to Switch and PS4 on November 2nd
Whats a genre/plot combo that is most absent from modern games?My vote goes to first-person...
Franchises that turned to shit
Escape From Tarkov
Underrated Games
SMT Thread: Why the fuck does anyone like this game?
I feel like reading the books is going to ruin the games for me. Only...
Spoil A Video Game, Have Other Anons Guess It
How do you guys play arcade games with credit system? Do you limit yourself to...
>get your dream job at nintendo>this is your office...
—–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—–Version: BCPG C# v1.6.1.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Tn9y—–END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—–...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Lets Get Down to Birdness Edition
Current Game + Current Room Thread
Are there and android games with actual depth? Preferably with no microtransactions and either free...
Namegen Thread
Space Station Lockdown
Post gamemodes, games, community features, etc that most people see as cringe or sweaty and...
Okay, who the fuck erased the Strange Games Thread?
Are nuzlockes a meme or are they actually fun?I want to replay heart gold but...
KSP removes (most of?) its spyware
Mount and Blade realism thread
Remember when a Dead or Alive game opened with Aerosmiths Dream On?
Drumpf - Rise up, Libertania
Elite Dangerous thread
Template thread
>Saves Links life>Sailing is the best>Gives helpful advice but only when the player wants it>Is...
Castlevania IV is the best entry in the series. It requires the most skill as...
Fullderp: Dude Weedlemao edition
Gookshit FPS games
Best controller coming through...
Mega Man
What are some good horde mode/wave survival games for PC with online co-op? Ive already...
What makes a good gaming station?...
Post games you think only you like ITT, in the vain hope of finding kindred...
Vintage Handhelds
MAGFest Director: If you dont like the feminist fanfic adaptation of DOOM, FUCK YOU!
The Future of Micro Transactions
How in the name of fuck does Activision keep making this recycled shit over and...
Super Hexagon
Richard Burns Rally
What will happen to kingdom hearts when this bastard expires?...
Peripheral Thread
Open World Blues
/sgg/ - Shota Games General
I finished my first playthrough of pic related. Its pretty excellent. Should I New Game...
Terrible OST thread.
just finished watching an LA Noire playthrough and really hope the next GTA stops the...
>Want to play VR games without shitty wagglen>Stupid motioncontrols add an extra $200 to the...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Gap hag staring Edition
BOTW isnt Good
Rythm Game General - /rgg/
Im in the mood for some Total War, but Im not sure which to play.I...
Is Street Fighter the only decently popular series that has a good percentage of its...
>mobile games on an arcade cabinetThats it, ive seen everything, i can now die....
OpenMW 0.44
Animal Crossing Director has left Nintendo, series future unknown
How different would the MMO landscape be if Everquest online adventures for PS2 was a...
Sega Heroes
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Japanese Learning Thread: タコ Edition
Ive noticed lately that a lot of games Ive been playing feel more or less...
Draw Thread - Rising From the Ashes Edition
Whats the biggest sin a game can commit for you?For me its purposefully wasting my...
single developer genres
Where did the thread about jews targeting torrenting go? Did it get deleted?...
What do you do when you get interested in a games story but dont like...
>tfw 4 days until evo...
Why is the Dark Souls community so autistic?>muh unexplained lore>muh youtubers who do shitty reenactments...
Fate/FGO/Nasu generalDid you roll your summer waifu?Summer Event Guide: 2 of the event is time...
2 (TWO!) Player games
/arena/ shooters
The thread about Undertale being popular in Japan reminded me that there are a lot...
Jackbox nights with /v/
Anonymous Agony
im getting tired of my peice of shit computer case, i was thinking of building...
Devil May Cry first impressions use>valve changes their rules recently to clarify they have no quality control and...
Fun game
>next generation graphics will be below average 5/10 women doing poorly acted mocap trash making...
Warframe: Gestapo mods edition
If police had a warrant to search my pc and found all my torrented stuff, could I get arrested
Is Warcraft 3 as retarded as I remember?
Didnt see a threadDwarf Fortress threadWhen youve got limited metal supply (no immigrants with furnace...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: GG and the Devil Blues Edition
Indieshit that is actualy fun
I got one of these for 25 bucks from a pawnshop and Im a total...
New Nintendo IR sales numbers
ITT: Times You Felt Vindicated
Cyberpunk 2077 Will Be Political
A Steam game tricked people into trading their rarest Dota 2 items for a fake one
How long until we start to have genius 1MA in gaming?Like guys that mastered all...
Why does Nintendo keep getting away with this?
Sylvanas burns all the night elf civilians alive in their tree
Why did Notch go full NEET...
Are there any mods for this that improve the shooting?...
THQ Nordic
So did this essentially make a comeback or what? I know they showed off chink...
Minecraft Earth Map Server
Have you ever played a game that just blew you away?I grew up poor, but...
Characters ruined by a dark & edgy reboot
Shantae Bread
Minetest 5.0.0 dev server 2: Dorf Caves Edition
EVO2018 Las Vegas
Webm Thread: Cunning Edition
This is currently a shit game but its sadly the only chance the FPS has...
What the fuck happened to ClassicGameRoom?...
Do you think Daizaemon Kaze (AKA Muscle Rider, Countryside General) from GANTZ inspired the creation...
August 1-10
roguelike thread
Ace Combat General
Sonic Fan Games and SAGE 2018
Welp, they are porting Scarlet grace to Steam, for all 3 of you who care...
>Video Games now live or die based on the amount of youtubers/twitch players streaming a...
Yakuza thread
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game. (This is the title Edition): #005
ITT: Say Something Nice About A Game
I know Im years behind on this one, but Jesus fucking Christ this game was...
Chasm: Another Term Construction Failure
Steam Game DATA MINE Currency
Is this worth watching?...
Why modern video games are such boring time wasting slogs with no direction or challenge?...
What is it with Sales, PR and Marketing people being complete fucking scumbags?
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
Working for game companies
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion
Dofus/Wakfu threadWhat is everyones favorite class and why is it sacrier?...
A broader audience
Lolis in games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Maware! Edition
Microsoft Continues to Push the Diversity Agenda
Fullderp: Donphan-Alola Edition
Athletic/Muscular women from videogames
Why was the Xcom 2 thread deleted?...
What are some games like minecraft?I enjoy the idea of mechanizing farming...
Spyro Reignited Trilogy requires content download to play Spyro 2 and 3
Crusader Kings 2 Sequel?
If you were a game developer, how would you use the processes of evolution and...
Gamerevolution: Why Japan shouldnt pander to sexist fanservice & toxic fandom.
Action games with themes of hope
>Sonics physics were never good...
What are some series that you think would make good Telltale games?My picks would be...
Why did Vivec turn himself into a woman in the future and fuck a noble...
Best Flash Games
GBA Game Boy Advance thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Slingshot Vampires Edition
Parents Are Hiring Fortnite Tutors for Their Children Now Only $20 an hour!
Metal Gear SolidA game in which a specially engineered super-soldier must stop a rebellion staged...
Jewtendo applying Switch piracy detection to 3DS>Looks like 11.8.0 backports the Switchs aauth ideas to...
What are the games where exploration is fun and rewarding? Literally only skyrim and witcher...
Whats the latest game you bought /v/?I ordered a copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifers...
The Legend of Sparda
Youtube preemptively censors the livestream of Senran Kagura as its happening.
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/ gamer was very nice in letting us know what games to avoid.>League>Fortnite>Dota 2>Pubg>CS:GO>Rocket league>(((overwatch)))If...
Games featuring floating islands
AAA recommendations
Runes of Magic
How mad will the SJWs be once Billy gets god tier scores in all the...
Slap City Thread
The Absolute State of Darkest Dungeon
do you know any western RPGs where you can recruit a little girl into your...
Are there any games about being a random NPC in a village and doing not...
Games that fuck with your head
Why Ever Oasis is bad
Explain to me your ideal I can take your idea, make lots of money...
Games with unlikely mod communities
I want a game or movie about Gor without feminist or SJWs getting in the...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Citizen Lolis Edition
Operation Flashpoint is the best Arma game....
Webm thread
new writer for overwatchnothing has changed the best of all, she pulled a Litterly who...
a faggot told me to post this
Is this real? or am i falling for an obvious b8t
24 Year Old PS1 Graphics Problem Finally Fixed
Weekend Gamenight: Red Orchestra
Griefing thread: z0mby is a Disgusting Dead Junkie Edition
OpenXcom 1.0
i tried emulating this on ppsspp and the controls are absolutely fuckedam i retarded or...
Alien Shooter Thread
EVO 2018
Life is Strange 2
Hokuto Ga Gotoku English Release Cover Changed To Feminist Approved One.
Spore Thread, now with a copypasta edition
what happened to the /v/iablo 2 thread? i log in occasionally and play a bit,...
collectors thread
Ive heard that if you turn off all the help and indicators MGSV can actually...
Devil May Cry 2
8chan cup The Final week
Grand Strategy Games
MGS thread
I downloaded more ram for my games but now my GPU exploded and I dont...
Hellenic vidya.
Kirby Super Star
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Future Looking Bright Edition
>worst game in the series>everyone praises it like its the second coming of Christwhy is...
2hu thred
Where do you go for your gaming news now? I mostly get it from the...
Youve stopped buying from these Jewish scammers, right anon?...
I was playing Shadow of Mordor when my PC turned off for some reason,...
Brothers in Arms
Games made for you
Comic Market 94
I think this gave me autism...
gtx NEXT GEN GPU pcb leak
kingdom hearts 2 combat is dogshit
Shmups Thread
Warframe - How do I Rift Surge Edition
Tfw you always played Alliance and see Horde players still playing upset now they are bad guys
This is a Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak thread. In this thread we discuss everything about...
Meanwhile in /v/NATCO…...
>IREM made a pachislot simulator>with a story mode>where pachislot is life or death serious business>between...
M.U.G.E.N. Thread
Emulation Old Fag Edition
tes3mp server up
Star Citizen
Comfy Screenshots
Tomb Raiding crawing.
Bioware currently developing Mass Effect 5 and Dragons Age 4.
Prrsona General
Visual Novel Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Fly to Heaven Edition
Post cool game that need a sequel
Games you used to play, but cant remember the name of.
Visual Novel Thread
>Wario thread deleted because vols cant read past the OP and see legitimate discussion was...
Nigger Ops Quatro
Do you think that when sexbots will become a thing, Todd will try to sell...
Is it safe to say that Cliff Badinski is now the new Randy Pitchford?...
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Do you think it would be better or worse if games started to demand higher...
Unofficial Uncommon Time appetizer stream: Pokemon Reborn
Online videogame rage
BanG Dream! Need advice
Games that come close to competency but fail
Splatoon Thread: Queens for a Day Edition
Club Penguin Private Server
Is there such a thing as too much content in vidya
GTA 5 Online: After Hours
Doom thread/Retrp FPS thread
SEGA Thread
Reaction times
Mashup thread
Lowering your intelligence to enjoy bad vidya
Roguelikes with a Different Perspective
why is this nameless suit of armor so hard to beat?she has been kicking my...
8chanmania x Monster Federation Wrestling Nomination thread
Vidya Home Bread
Splatterhouse thread
MSNBC: Quality over quantity: how short video games are breaking ground.
What non-MMO games released before 2007 had the best character customization?
Why dontgames include fun cheats any more?Things like big head mode....
Hey /v/,I posted this before on /8cup/ but reiterating it here since /v/ for VisabillityIm...
>Canonically most powerful Nintendo character is also the most powerful character competitivelyAll is right in...
Beast & Beauty
Can I played Danganronpa v3 without playing Ultra Despair Girls?...
Status of Dead or Alive 6 at EVO: Terminal.
Fighting Cosplay Angles
Newcomers:InklingsDaisyRidleyKing K RoolIsabelleChromFunky KongIsaacLipSkull KidGenoRex & Pyra/MythraRay MK IIIStages:New Donk CityTermina ClocktowerGangplank GalleonPrimordiaDr. MarioAether Paradise...
You all know what Im talking about, there are thousands if not more examples of...
>hey, do you remember how in the original JC flew around in a sealth helicopter?
Octopath devs teasing Bravely Third
Metroid; 32 years old!
Im thinking of starting a modded Minecraft server because vanilla is very lacking in content....
System Shock and the likes of it
Tekken 7 Negan dont get it, arent the horde supposed to be evil?This week has been a...
Minecraft Server Part 2: Why the fuck did mark delete this edition
Looking for a new Multiplayer Survival/Sandbox/Crafting non-MMO co-op game
If Mario doesnt live in our world but lives in the Mushroom Kingdom world, how...
Starts at 7PM PDT/10 EDT Its a late night Jackbox stream with /v/! Head...
How come the PS2 library was so much better than the PS3 and PS4 libraries?Take...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Deeper Layer of Hell/Edgy Hipsters Edition
Anyone fuck with Caves of Qud?
Legit Mobile Games
looking for a video game addiction
Katawa Shoujo General #5(i think)Under new management editionOfficial website: (KS is free)Summers Clover (Surikos...
Doom 3 vs Daikatana vs RAGE
The current videogame industry has no originality and is all about copying what was successful....
Fullderp: Fairy-type Edition
Hi Profile Players
People always talk about the Great Ape War, but what about the Kremean War? This...
GNU/Linux Thread
The All night midnight launch feast meme
Lets discuss the IGN game review plaguerism fiasco, the outing of higher ups for sexual...
4x Thread: Bad Trade Deals Edition
Comfy jew games
Homogenization of Game Engines / Game Engine Thread
Comfy / Aesthetic Games & Locations
JRPGs with good encounter design
You can insert something into every game you want, what do?
Spoil a game, have other anons guess it
Cape shit movies are bad but Cape Video games actually have the potential to be...
Senran Kagura thread
Japanese female character rebooted for Western females
Valkyria Chronicles 4
The moms and I decided to take a shot at a livestream what Id call...
>Wanna play some Battletoads again>Look it up on Emuparadise>See that ratingWhat the fuck? Who hates...
Whats this board opinion on 2D fighter maker 2002?...
Counter-Strike General
Why dont we talk about guild wars 2? Here is my toon at random location....
Good Controllers to Buy for PC
Capcom: We prefer 9/10 from [journalists] than get millions of sales at 6/10.
Can we talk for a second about the bussiness of showelware and how much money...
Dead Cells is finally fully released.Was it worth the wait?...
Whats your favorite game on nintendo 64?Whats the last game on that platform that you...
Will the Switch eventually replace the 3DS?Its pretty obvious that the 3DS is on its...
Poetry in Video Games
Emuparadise is going down
ITT: Enemies that were monstrously OP but the devs never realised it.
Smash Brothers Ultimate: Nintendo Direct Edition
Fallout 76 wont be on steam
Company of Heroes 2
>do raid with guild>join discord>fire up voice chat>raid composition is like 60% of women and...
cRPG thread
Please teach me
I just finished beating every sonic game and I want more. what are some FAST...
K. Rool
Nikki appreciation thread
Bizzaro World
Backing up Emuparadise: Hurry you dumb niggers edition
What do you guys think REALLY happened to the Androsynth? Did the Orz *squeeze* the...
Alien Hope for the Future
La-Mulana 2
Distance 1.0
RCT Thread
Hopes for the Future
Video Game ASMR
Fighting Game General: Featuring Negan from The Fatal Fury Series & Knuckles
What to do with the Wii U now?
Help finding PS2 vidya
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Simon in Smash Edition
>a short CGI trailer for smash bros is a better adaptation of castlevaina than the...
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
Porn games and mods
Making a new Dead Cells bread. There is one here:>>15268391…but it is rife with faggotry...
how long does it take you on average to totally beat a jrpg? it personally...
Armored Combat lange, nicht gelesen: Swastikas can now be shown in the German versions of game,...
Cartoon Vidya
Seong Mina in Soul Calibur
Video game cruelty
New version of Denuvo requires FMA3
True city-builders as opposed to fakes
Recommendations lists (((Steam)))...
Game reboots that won’t happen
Ways Nintendo could make a Open World Zelda work this time
>shilling videogames on vwhy does it happen?...
Public service announcement that the new Zachtronics game, Exapunks, released a couple hours ago. This...
>got an upgrade>decide to play some recently released games to see how it handles modern...
nvidia spying on users
>FPS representation>Beloved/powerfull character from one of the most influentional and important video games>Doom 64>Could get...
Sup /v/, Im looking for games with high replay value for the nintendo 64, like...
Stardew Valley
Emuparadise Backup Thread #2: The Saga Continues
Final Fantasy XI: Why am i doing this again? edition
Throw game ideas at the wall and see what sticks>Child massacre 69 69>First person shooter...
loli gaeming
Terraria Thread
DOOM Eternal/QuakeCon
So whats with all the League of Legends shilling?
SWAT 4 Gamenight
Switch VR Menu Discovery
Im in a foul depressive mood right now and feel like playing sad shit. Recommend...
Lets Not Play But Say We Did: Pokemon Academy Life
Neptunia Thread
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
>Rainbow Six Siege comes out.>Unfortunately pushes the online multiplayer meme but gameplay remains fun tacticool...
Meta Thread: Play Touhouvania Edition
Online FPS/TDM with mass infantry battles?
half life echoes
Unreal Tournament’s Facing Worlds Is Still The Best Multiplayer Map
Let It Die is Coming to PC
Pinball Thread
August 11-20
The absolute state of Vampire the Masquerade
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Which DOA girl is closest to your ideal woman?...
Monthly Game Challenge
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Cells at Work Edition
Is Cliffy turning trans now?...
why dont they just make good games? its not even our job and we have...
Does anyone actually know what this is now?
What do you want to see in the next Jojo game?
Which are the most overpowered male abs in vidya?...
Left 4 Dead
>Capcom is releasing a Resident Evil 2 keyboard modeled on the typewriter in the game>$675...
Uncommon Time 3 Year Anniversary Stream: 3 YEARS Edition
K. Rool appreciation thread
Switch Hacking & Piracy Thread: Tinfoil Witch House edition
>faceless white dude - problematic>equally powered female counterpart - not good enough>black female cyclops of...
X3 Terran War Pack
Why do the nips play shitty gacha games?...
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Fallout 76: Make Normies Salty Edition
Fullderp: Tough Claws edition
Nasuverse/FateGO thread
Game series with promise (that wont ever be delivered on)
how do you survive this without seeds/farm animals?fish gives almost no food, and hunting usually...
Most embarassing vidya sins
If older games were made today
Today I played an FPS where the combat was so awful that I ended up...
Graphics card for a gaming laptop
ITT: Games you think are genuinely underrated
Pete Hines explains why Bethesda blocked resale of a sealed copy of The Evil Within...
MMOs are shit
Why didnt they make this into a mobile game. You press one button. Its perfect....
you can even google this question and get a 400k answer developed by the EU..and...
Warframe Thread 2-Electric Voltaloo
Is installing old OS in virtual machine or playing on private servers for dead games...
Why is there so much love for this character? Why does anyone care about him?From...
Vidya lighting
A fucking rpg maker game is getting a fucking anime, wow
Freeshop have been (((shut down)))
Post games people never actually talk about that are fuching incredible....
Wii Hacking
EA wiped all the games from a users Origin account
I grinded out a shitload of gold in WoW and decided to buy subtime recently...
NVIDIA on Suicide Watch - AMD releases <$1,000 workstation-grade GPU
If you havent played this then youre missing out...
That Mech game.
Uncommon Time 3 Year Anniversary Stream: 2worm Edition
Blood Dragon
Slasher Vidya
Meta Thread
Did Everyone Secretly Want Skull Kid?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Was C.S. Lewis GG? Edition
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Old gaming sub culture
12 Hours to Go
Etrian Odyssey X
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate BONUS MISSIONS
Nitronic Rush
My launch PS2 is making very loud noises. Its not the sound of discs being...
(Vs.) Puzzle Games Thread
Black Ops 4 Beta
Jackbox stream
Why I think FALLOUT 76 will be an interesting game
Favorite villains in vyda games
Sekai Project Layoffs
Steam Decline
Ideasguy General
Rare settings in vyda
Grindan games
What are some games where you can play as, with, or against major historical figures?...
Tr4.5h hate thread
Games everyone said they played but flopped.
Is The Witcher 3 Worth It?
Dreamcast thread
Famitsu survey lives again
Vidya Voice Lines That Have Been Burned Into Your Memory
Insurgency is free on steam
Share Thread - Our Kampf Edition
What do you guys advice or recommend to someone who just got a throw any game and itll work?
Sengoku Basara
Adam Baldwin Joins Star Control: Origins Voice Cast
>wants to stamp out piracy>drip feeds us a few NES gamesWhy do they do this?...
So did kids finally get over Five Nights at Freddies?It seems like it was the...
Smash Dream Roster
DS Lite games
Underrated games in long running series
That one time a dataminer changed everything
SCP Secret Laboratory
Patrick Dont buy the game Söderlund leaves EA
Dragon Ball /v/: Road to Climax Edition try and determine the best possible top 8 remaining newcomers for this game.I will...
Deaths Gambit
So I’ve never played any of these games. Are they all the same? Is there...
Arma: Combat Operations is better than Arma 2, and ESPECIALLY Arma 3 fight me.Pic related,...
back when E rated games had the balls to texture little girls panties...
The Walking Dead: The final season just got released apparently
Doctor Thread
Metal Gear Solid 2 : Meme Dream Edition
Megaman General
Do you know any games like The Sims that is not a scam?Spore has Thrive,...
Lunar play
Dota 2: The International 8, Group Stages
2d vs 3D
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Mortally Challenged Edition
Exploration platformer adventure games
Scam citizen: CIG VS cryteck
Handhelds - what to get?
Valve seems to be working on tools to get Windows games run on Linux
THQ Nordic aquires TimeSplitters IP
The Virgin Horizontal vs The Chad Vertical
I need to set up a kids computer for my Mom, and I need educational...
Post obscure entries in video games seriesPic related is a Rayman TV series that aired...
ITT Games with a message
China to make a new console
/v/, I wanna feel like a wise guy. Whats a game where I can establish...
Battlefield 5 pre-orders softer than expected
▶Uncommon Time 3 Year Anniversary Stream: Finale Edition
Mouse / Peripheral Thread
ITT: Little vidya sins
Im thinking of placing CALLs for TTWO over red dead 2. How big of a...
Wurm Unlimited
why does Axel look chinese?...
Real glitches/secrets that sound like bullshit
Podcasts about games and game development
Movement in First Person Shooters
Disaster Report 4 demo up soon
Black ops 4, pre order sales outperform battlefield 5 and red dead redemption 2
I dont understand why anyone likes the Persona games.The plot and characters are worse than...
Is there any mod that improves the gunplay? The ballistic system is nice, but the...
Neo Geo Pocket Color Emulator
New Hitman 2 trailer...
Warhammer end times: /v/ermintide 2 Thread
video game commerical thread
What are some good local co-op games on GOG? My housemate and I are looking...
Why are female characters in Japanese games getting childbearing hips and bigger butts?...
Uppers Western Release PC/PS4
Should I get a ps3? I had one a long time ago until I sold...
Recommendation Charts
Pinball Quest
Uncommon Time 3 Year Anniversary Stream: Finale
What kind of FOV is this? 45 degrees? How is this acceptable?This is the kind...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Very Very Crazy Edition
Stump The Buff.....of the future?????
Langrisser/Growlanser Thread
>Game set in San Francisco’s >It’s shit >Game made in San Francisco >It SJW trash...
why do people like these games?...
Fighting Game General: Go home Shimbori, you are drunk! Edition
When is Half-Life 3 coming out? Its the new Duke Nukem Forever in being a...
weird japanese ads
Filip Miucin
S4League pserver: S4max
Another one bites the dust.
Devil May Cry
Obscure games
Rail shooters
Aliens Online
OC thread
Grand Strategy Games
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
You are cordially invited to a Bad Movie Night
Hints Thread
Valve launches Twitch competitor
Fullderp: Stop it edition
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080
Why do people love story, quests, and lore so much in an RPG? When I...
MiKandi adds a game portal (storefront) to buy lewd games from
Friday the 13th: The Game
Shadow of the Colosuss thread
M.U.G.E.N./I.K.E.M.E.N. Thread
Challenge Runs
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Melee Edition
I am going to play this for the first time, what mods would you reccomend?...
Border Break Thread
Does it bother anyone else that the continuity in the Rayman series is such a...
N64 Super Smash Bros Appreciation Thread
Are the FullMetal Alchemist PS2 games good?Im thinking of getting SwapMagic to play them...
Smash Containment Thread
POSTAL Series Discussion
Vidya Canines Thread
Games that gave you exactly what you deserved
Why is Clementine being retcon as a lesbian? What’s the whole point of giving Clementine...
F.E.A.R thread
Star Trek Online
dear /v/,What is a good, relatively recent game to play that you can turn the...
The Last of Goys
Discord Clearly Moving to Replace Steam
Games long forgotten
Hunie Pop 2 going full CURRENT YEAR
Ace Combat thread: Usean Corporate War edition
Guest stars
Speedmeming thread
This game has issues. Also when are we getting graphics that look like picture related?...
meta thread
Highest Level Graphics
Theisozone Sold Out
Window 10 and Vidya
Xbox original
Jump Force
Doom 3 > NuDoom
Splatoon Thread: Chocolate Spork Adventure Edition
Actiblizz do not write their own netcode. They get a bunch of Irishmen to do...
mystery dungeon rpgs
wishing I had downloaded a few more roms
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Kaiba Corp Funded Helicopter Rides Edition
what are some games that are like living in china?I like the Idea of being...
Well, this is gayCan Steam really do this?...
Is this video games?
Blizzard fucked up by announcing Classic Servers.
Games Where You Can Be A Robot
Upcoming games
God tier RPGs
Advent Rising
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Hes going to be in smash again right? Please. Custom Robo is such an underrated...
>Mark deleted the screencap thread after letting it stay for over 240+ replies right as...
Hypothetically, if one were to make a game specifically to some day be featured as...
Why theres not a WWI game about the african colonies?Imagine playing as a black german...
Risk of Rain 2 Reveal Trailer
DOA6 looks bad : Not talking about boobs edition.
Dota 2 TI Main Event
2D grinding extravaganza
Hentai games
>Metal Wolf Chaos XD delayed to mid 2019I mean, what the fuck? How the fuck...
gayness simulator
The Possibility of Redemption
Has anyone played GoldenEye: Source recently? I was thinking of downloading it, but I dont...
Immersion in games
Dark Souls
August 21-31
Hidden Gems of ports
WEBM Thread
Cant wait for the inevitable pc gaming crash at this rate...
DemolitionRanch, more like IdleRanch, it has been 12 days since the last video, faggot, release...
Naming your saves and their special attributes
Being a leaf is suffering....
Jackbox nights with /v/
==Windjammers 2==
Favorite Dungeons
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Make My Story Edition
is this real life
SOULCALIBUR VI - Libra of Soul (2nd Story Mode)...
Nothing depresses me more than the death of handhelds.Sony will never make another one, Nintendo...
Whats your biggest issue with games that isnt anything to do with games themselves?I hate...
GamesCom 2018 thread
I recently got one of these underpowered piece of shit PCs for free. I have...
Housemarque games
From the early 90s onwards, it became quite common to see video game companies sponsoring...
Game suggestions thread
Now is the time to be mad
Post your favourite dead IPsThanks Sony...
Fighting Game General - Controversial Girls Edition
Is ray tracing just a meme?Basically we have no info about general gaming performance (without...
Final Fantasy 7
Maybe its because i have a thing for braided pony tails and bags under eyes...
>to the absolute dominance of smartphone and tablet gaming, it’s never been a better time...
ITT: We make up bullshit trivia about games
Devil may cry 5 - gamescon
Smash clones and Animation
So (((amazon))) is apparently ending pre-order discounts for physical games. What exactly does this mean?...
Megaten Re:Imagine
Is there any multiplayer game you are so good in that you became either famous...
MMO reccomendations; there are none.
King K. Rool gameplay
>game has armor sets as random loot>find one which looks and performs well>two of the...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Is it worth getting another 34Gsync to complete my experience?
Fullderp: Chimping aint easy edition
Is the game Fortnite dangerously addictive? /Fornite Alt-right connections
The 00s aesthetic
Time Travel Stuff
>Overwatch clone>League of Legends clone>Fornite cloneIs there a more souless company?...
Retarded Damage Formula
The best football game ever will be released in 8 days.How does it make you...
CD Projekt Red Apologizes To Trannies
why arent games compressed these days, why do they take up 50-100 gb are they...
Langrisser I & II Remakes Announced For PS4 and Switch
What do you think of Waterblocks to protect lifespan of expensive GPUS?
So what happened to Last Year?
Gravity Rush was better than Gravity Rush 2.>Better worldHekseville is a lot more memorable and...
Sekiro gameplay
ITT: Games you really expected to hate but loved
convert MMOs into singleplayer games?
Daymare: 1998
The absolute state of ARK
Is there anything more modern than SMAA? I want an anti aliasing solution that has...
So given that rose tinted glasses are a thing how many of your all time...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Happy 4th Birthday Vivian! Edition
Stardew Valley multiplayer is out of beta
No nwahs allowed
The best Mortal Kombat Character
How do you get through your backlog?
Guacamelee 2
La-Mulana 2
Im looking for town music for a project that Im working on.Any suggestions?...
How do we stop the mobile jew?...
What happened to linear single-player games?
Whats best place to start in Skyrim?
Korea Time
Asymmetric games
Curse of the Vidya
Currently playing (or something)
So I pirated this ages ago and saw it on my hard drive. I reinstalled...
Matchmaking or just about feelings?
Does anybody know what the fuck the original story was supposed to be for walking...
If these are the cutscenes they show in the trailer then just imagine how bad...
ONI, RIMWORLD, something else entirely?
Mods/ROM Hacks
Grandia + Grandia II HD Remaster announced for Switch and PC>GungHo Online Entertainment America has...
valve saving video games AGAIN
Daemon X Machina Gameplay siscon syscon keys leaked....
Draw Thread - Low Effort Edition
Free Games
Hat Kids friend is a nigger..Look shes a nigger.NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER...
Movies that should be games
Since the hype for Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu & Eevee is pretty much dead, is...
Ridiculously Low LOD and other issues
Am I the only one starting to get a little scared for Bayo 3? From...
So what happens to isozone and retrozone now
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Moonjumper!! Edition
Warfarm thread
I went digging through my closet and found some cool shit I had/stuff from my...
What is bowser doing here?
what are some games that have GOOD music? and dont give me that undertale synthesized...
Could the shagohod burrow underground? The last time I beat snake eater was like 8...
Western Games
Vidya Videos
Weekend Gamenight: Shittered Horizon
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread
A look back at Bioware romances...
Strategy Guides
You know what franchise i miss but never thought i would? Fucking Resistance.I remember when...
Combined arms vidya
Surpisingly Good Movement Systems
Modern Atlus
Is there any way to improve upon SupCom or has it perfected large scale arcade...
What are your thoughts on the idea of bundling a BP revolver in a special...
I want to play a city builder game (shit like simcity) with edgier elements.Whatever i...
Capcom making Haunting Ground content
Digital is good goyim
/xenoblade/:Elma Edition
Good afternoon gents, I work the night shift, and I have a lot of time...
What are the most glaring flaws of all hero shooters other than the fact that...
Fighting Fantasy
So what do you think is the longterm effects of Metal Gear Survive?I played it...
Will we ever get a proper sequel to Dragons Dogma?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fake news is ineffective, ⑨ cant read! Edition
Friday Night Arena Fights
Jack Thompson games
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
Blizzard fucked up BfA
Games where you manage mercenaries
Can anyone here help me find some good open world games released during the 16-bit...
do you like danganronpa?...
SJW > Japan...
>survival games
Western Vidya
Kyle & Lucy: Wonderworld
Webm Thread
Looking back how does 2nd gen of runescape compare to mmos today? What have we...
Compile Heart Tier List
PS2 collection threadPost your PS2 collection. Pic related is mine. I have Disgaea 2, Vib...
Gaming CPU thread
Yo /v/, Im a janny for Nintendo. I cant give specifics and shit, but heres...
Scam Citizen is having a free weekend
Restricted RPS
Why is it so hard for devs to update console games in line with their...
>admiral daddy lets you crash multiple planes and keep flying>fortunate son playsNow that one of...
Witch Vidya
Just things to think about
Why are there no games where you get to play a wizard in modern times?Like,...
Die Fighting?
I hear people constantly talking about meme developers but how come I never see threads...
Squeenix will remove TLR from online stores
>Mega man fully charge set after a human robot war called the Hard war >Mega...
>Im here to make the next billion dollar IP>Puts out lawbreakers>Loses wife who takes half...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead Edition
Finally it happened. I never thought such a day would come but there isnt a...
Video Game Contest Winners
Coolest setpieces in vidya
Stealth in multiplayer games
Path of Exile
Badly designed attacks in rpgs
Is it worth getting a vita memory card to download games on the Vita in...
Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku thread: 1v1 me and my grandpa edition
Its been a while since we last done this. Anyone want to chill and listen...
Video gamer murders rivals in mass shooting after losing: Four dead and 11 injured at Florida tourna
SAGE 2018
The Sad Life of Bubsy
Red dead redemption 2:undead nightmare 2?
Fighting Game General: GET WOKE GO BROKE Edition
>play madden>get shot...
why do AAA devs chase realistic graphics and big orchestral soundtracks?...
i got this a couple weeks ago, and im pretty happy with it. ive mostly...
Does anyone know where I can find sailors? also Shenmue thread...
Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2018
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Danmaku Tournament Shooting by Sore Miko Edition
Character Stats
Turok N64 Source Code
Weird, divergent versions of games
Does anyone here play Bloons TD Battles?...
Collector/Buyfag Thread: Almost September edition
Resident Evil vs Silent Hill
We all know Factorio is the king of industrial vidya, and Id put Production Line...
>shoot enemy in the head for 5 minutes straight while running in a circle to...
If the U.S. Library of Congress ever were to establish a National Video Game Registry,...
>that levelWhat are examples of otherwise great games that just have that one awful level?...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Madden Shooter was a mustard-racer on reddit and also a DRUMPFer
Diablo 1 clones
Streets of Rage 4 reveal
meta thread
Quake 2 modeling
Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Livestream
OH SHITLook what just got announced for the Switch...
Have about 50mins of Cyber Punk 2077 footage. Didnt see a thread. Why is /v/...
Smash Containment Thread
>Get a hankering for some pvp>No matter what game i pick up i end up...
47 DAYS REMAININGWill you be buying The World Ends With You: Final Remix /v/?...“It’s just the lighting, there’s no downgrade!!!”...
So this thread (>>15337904) got me thinking.What are some other games, modern or historic, that...
Do you think that video games make you stupid?
Are the Dragon Quest games worth playing? Are you actually allowed to explore or is...
Some anon posted this game in the surreal thread and it’s making me wonder, what...
Hollow Knight thread
All jokes aside, is Half-Life 3 actually ever going to come out or is the...
Jackbox nights with /v/
After looking at the Japanese Smash Ballot, it looks like Banjo was quite popular in...
Ice Climbers
Nvidia RTX
system shock 2
GTX 1080 vs 1080ti for vidya
Steam Link
Help me find a new game. Yes, I use Steam, so dont shit up the...
Villain Games
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Fullderp: JSFMU Edition
No spaghetti code allowed editionResources>>>/agdg/>>>/vm/>#8/agdg/ via>Dev resources:>Wiki:>Beginners guide: >>>/agdg/29080>Previous thread: >>15325378Announcements>QUARTERLY DEMO...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: OL Edition
Mega Man Thread
WoW is Dead
SEGA doing a server to gage interest in bringing Yakuza spin offs to the west
Project Borealis
Morphies Law
Grand Strategy Games
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: New Canon Waifu Edition
THE RETRO PURGE IS REALThe gaming industry fags hate that you have backlogs upon backlogs...
Cyberpunk 2077 and other Modern RPGs
Video Games & Aliens
Dark Souls is a gateway Game of the worst kind. Its a bad series, a...
What are you currently playing?
what are the best phone games to play after bed time?...
nvidia has lost its fucking mind
Can we make posting links without an archive link a bannable offense?...
Stranded II
Ludwig NG+3
I want to play (and talk about) games where not only are you playing a...
WEBM Thread
What does /v/ think of my game?
Streaming killing online games
Mecha Vidya Thread: Its A Gundam! Edition
ITT: Games that vanished
Biverted DMG Gameboy
Songs you play to give you Big Dick Energy in games
Langrisser I & II First Print To Include Downloadable Classic And Art Mode
Low Number RPGs
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Remaster Coming With Battlefield V
Onimusha Warlords Remaster
SCUM thread was trying to learn about gender diferences in gaming and I came across this...
Iron Harvest, Soviet Mecha RTS Action
Pokemon games thread
Two Point Hospital
Cyberpunk 2077 Bread III
Is it possible to access the PSN store on PSP and buy/download stuff?...
Halo 2 Tribes
>see new indieshit game on steam>look up developer>theyre canadianWhy are there so many indieshit games...
Who else exclusively plays only indie games now? Indies are the embodiment of what made...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Transform&Roll Out Edition
Games where you can be an Eldritch Knight
Complexity doesnt a good game make
Serious Sam and Japan
Anybody ever notice the starting outfit for the Necromancer in Diablo 2 looks like the...
Failing forward
Your favourite games
Tencents hooking its claws into Square-Enix
Battlefield launch delayed to November 20th
Devil May Cry 5 takes place after Devil May Cry 2
I wanna play some games for girls for reasons and discovered japan makes otome games...
Of these 4 songs what will play during his reveal>Throw it all away>Supporting me>I am…all...
Human Baseball General - /hbg/
Theres going to be a Spelunky 2, apparently.
Phantom Doctrine
Pannencoek released a new video, showing off the remaining presses remaining in the ABC challenge...
Never played a DMC game but have played many other similar games like Bayo, Ninja...
Cyberpunk Bread IV
Twilight Syndrome games
WH40K: Space Marine FREE Humble Bundle Aug 30th
Why was this gold so ignored?
Phoenix Wright in Smash Bros - a mere dream?
Star Citizen backers have to pay to watch con livestream
Micspamming Video Games
Vermintide 2
Does anybody remember Voxelstein?
Ur-quan masters HD/ SC2 thread
The Messenger
Korea Time
Dwarf Fortress thread
New Expansion AnnouncedGrim Dawn Forgotten Gods: Kangz Edition havent even played their last expansion tbh,...
Ever played a notoriously bad game to see it firsthand?
Why do Nintendo actively kill fangames?They are damaging their family friendly image they made.Are they...
Will Cost of Freedom be the fantasy gme of the year when/if it ever releases?
How bad do you think the rom takedowns will effect fan mods?
Buying games with your dick
Im considering getting a new gamepad for PC, my DS4 has had some issues in...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Iruru is Best Dragon Edition
What first-person shooters let you jump over attacks?
Ice Pick Lodge games
Elite Dangerous Thread?
Deck out the weapon cabinet for a new FPS game
Pitch license games
I want to do a digimon tournament
Zombie Master: Reborn
Team Fortress 2
Do you think minecraft is dying? At what point did you quit?Its having a bit...
September 1-10
Killing Floor 2 - What Happened?
WarioWare Gold / 3DS Thread
Valve teasing new games
Is it possible to recapture the old spirit that we saw in Ultima online...
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Banchou/Sukeban games
Class Shooter / Hero Shooter Research
Fun games time forgot
Naruto to Baruto Shinobi Striker
ITT shitty games you didnt know had bombed
vidya time
Its over, GODOT won, unity and unreal BTFO.
Its 2D made from 3D renders, the superior art style in terms of quality in...
Decided to play Sengoku Basara 4 again today.Which character should I max out first?and whos...
eldritch horror
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: GaymerGays Edition
Does anyone still plays this masterpiece?...
Why do I see japs on twitter saying that theres not dot pixel artists left...
are there any RPGs that portray religion somewhat positively or at least neutrally? everything Ive...
Patrician video game music
Real Talk
Collectible Card Role-Playing Games
AMD Confirms New 7nm Radeon Graphics Cards Launching in 2018
Theme Hospital
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Toaster games
Nasuverse / Fate Grand Order General : Grailing Your Best Bro edition
How would you fix fortnite?...
Games that took you a while to track down
Fullderp: King, king, Gainer! edition
Anyone else remember when Cyberpunk 2077 was first announced? It was supposed to have Pen...
8chan Cup Thread
Its saturday nightpost some epic vg tunes. maybe by the end of this thread well...
Smash Containment Thread II
As someone who has never gotten into the Zone of the Enders series, where should...
Vidya player skills
Lets make a game.What should be in it?...
Chaos Rings Series
Share Thread - Hang Together
What exactly is holding a company back from creating a 1:1 scaled map of a...
Meta thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: No Tatsuki No Tanoshii Edition
Is Midway Arcade Treasures 1 for the Gamecube a Unicorn ?
Games being DeListed from Steam Store
Videogames giving slutty or swimsuit costumes as secret unlocks is all well and good.But what...
What is the best config for vidya? Do you use WASD or something else? I...
Things that Irritate You
Mystery Dungeon
RPG definition
If you could bring one genre back from the dead what would it be /v/?...
Isaac Repentance
What is your favourite online game right now?
Post the game you have been most accused of shilling for....
Fighting Game General - Mysterious Leaks Edition
Has anyone else here played final fantasy 3? I feel like it is the most...
Any thoughts on the steam streaming service
2K asks fans to tell Belgium they want loot boxes
ITT: Forgotten Games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Adventure Time Edition
NPCs/Side Characters That Completely Stole the Show
Dragon Quest 12
To the guy who mentioned iji in name a better free game protip: you cant...
Looking back at the PSP
Give me what you think about ROBLOX. I want to hear it all....
Annoying video game habits
Weird licensed games
puzzles that tok you way too long
Samsung Announces 8K TVs with AI Upscaling, Low Lag, and 4000 Nits.
ITT: Images you have saved that are no longer relevant, yet still goldno, this is...
Why is sandbox RPG such a dead genre today? Is bethesda the only remaining AAA...
Just got a ps4 yesterday for 200 bucks, my first four games are infinite warfare,...
So Ive been playing a bit of Octopath Traveler and Ive been enjoying the game...
The Hunter Call of the Wild 2019
Games are Dead
I was browsing >>15402772 and I saw >>15403964 on that thread, and it made me...
Im not the only one who thinks this is a bit fishy am I?
Good Gunplay
I was never into the mass effect threads nor I care about wrpg.But can someone...
Where the fuck do i download games?
flash games
Things in vidya that made you laugh out your lungs
Was his reputation as the worlds greatest warrior entirely deserved or did he actually have...
>Get 75% through a game>Lose all will to continueBy that point most games have blown...
Resident Evil 2 PC port gets unofficial patch
Switch Paid Online to come in Second half of September
Dead by Daylight Thread
Final Fantasy 13 - What Were They Thinking
✞F✞its official...
Fucking Bandana Dee
Game Idea
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] Crashing Wus Election With No Survivors Edition
Deus ex general
Characters class is a mix between two modes, tank mode, a melee character whose high...
Doom 2
so weird question for September, but anyone know any festive games with a Christmas like...
The queen has returned, and just like that Im buying a Nintendo Switch. Her new...
Photography Games
>some of the best content the game has to offer is in the optional challengeswhat...
USMC2k16 BMI/comms subdermal microchip implant not meant for civilian/corporate sector
Generic, Boring, Basic Games.
Locke in DS3
Nintendo Direct
>alright lets bring back CRPGs>okay but you gotta make all the writing really boring and...
Sony pays for universal praise
8chan plays Dwarf Fortress
The Ninja Warriors Again (Again)
Rainbow Six Siege: Drawing dicks on the wall
Nintendo Switch Games
Waifu Wednesday
SHIN MEGAMI TENSEILets discuss the best JRPG series ever made.>favourite game?>favourite spin off?>demonfu?>expectations for SMT...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Nintendo Direct Tomorrow Edition
Does a device exist..
Devl May Cry thread
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
Comfy Vidya Talk
When is ok to use unity assets from the asset store?Like is ok for a...
Any decent upcoming games?
Steams new content settings
Total War
Valkyria Chronicles
Loli mods
Brown Vidya Girls
Emu Paradise
Things that tickle your autism
How comparable is Halo Wars 2 to its predecessor? Is it worth a pirate?...
Fullderp: Press F edition
CCP (EVE Online) Acquired By Pearl Abyss (Black Desert Online)
lets play Fagcraft
>THQ Nordic acquires Kingdoms of AmalurWhats next? Theyre gonna buy fucking SEGA and Capcom? How...
JRPGs with fun battle systems / combat
Meta thread
Any recent games have a mode similar to infected from MW3/Ghosts or even Virus from...
Sega removes Denuvo again; this time from a game that had it on launch
What is with this game?
Arcade Racers
ITT: Moments of Chocreal Snackisfaction
Smash Containment Thread III - Isaac is coming edition
Cataclysm DDA
webm thread
Ape Escape 4 when?...
Games with fishing mechanics
Its there any fighting game that is balanced simply because all the characters are OP...
Whose Vidya Is It Anyway?
Steam admits to doxing developers to ensure they arent trolls
>ITT small things in games that enrage youNew game +
Multiplayer shooter
Tomb Raider thread
The Banalfield Vagina Open Beta came out and its so bad even Redditors dont like...
Physics simulation
DR. LEM IS BULLSHITFuck this annoying ass boss battle. Goddamn. Nalcon seems to do fuckall...
Post-Game Blues
While Im waiting for my GPU to ship
>option to turn QTEs offIs this good, bad, or worse?...
Sixth Generation Consoles
EA & DICE Now Censoring Words Like DLC & hitreg From Battlefield V Chat
What games allow you to play on Venus? Preferably hot Venus,...
NCSoft Shuts Down Carbine Studios & Wildstar
Death Stranding Will Be At Tokyo Game Show 2018>Are you ready for a new share...
Playstation home
So-called badass characters who are really just big pussies
WTF has Blizzard done to Starcraft?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Supreme King Awakens Edition
Space problem
Meta thread
CriticalHit goes full retard on SNK heroines
music that belongs in a videogame but isnt from one...
Mario Games General Thread
Safe Vidya?
the future is hell
Immortal: Unchained
Volunteers Wanted
Meta Thread: Megaman is alright
FPS Dark Platforming
Obscure wars vidya
Help Please
Gaymenight: Savage XR
ARMA Thread
>want to play dumb fucking map painting game (eu4)>game auto updates to new version>mods arent...
The Ninja Warriors Once Again
Vidya cosplay
What are some video games to play if I dont like playing games?...
Team Fort Twice
Ol Reliable.
FarCry thread
guess Ill stream it for a bit someone was asking for that some other game...
Modders are removing enemies from games to create stress-free experiences
Castlevania Thread
Splatoon Thread - Forge Pro Edition
Visual Novel Thread
>Make moderately successful Contra clone.>Make moderately successful sequel to your Contra clone.>Doom comes out.>Make next...
I wanna build a nice farm with animals, cow milking and big field of varied...
Age of Civilization 2 Thread
Best Party Members
We Happy Few (and other dystopian games thread)
Puyo Puyo esports game being planned
We wuz Ciri and shiiiet
>tfw new Advance Wars, be it by Intelligent Systems or Hudson, never ever>even though all...
PC98 Music Thread
>Zone of the Enders 2nd runner released on PC and with VR supportWHY DID NOBODY...
Friend gifted me 3 months of Humble Bundle and they gave me Overmeme. I dont...
Dead by Daylight thread
Friendly reminder to start hoarding ROMS since in the future its gonna be easy as...
People actually agree to this?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Shinamon Rooru Edition
Fallout General
How excited are you for the Switch emulator?...
ITT we fix Battle Royal
Lighting Issue
Drawthread - Management needs a hand Edition
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dont Dry
Since multiple threads sort of derailed talking about it lately i thought id make a...
Polygon count records?
Tokyo After School Summoner. Im playing the game as a chick in game. Has anyone...
Games you have no idea why they exist...
Game rental general
nvidia wants $1500usd retail for a 2080ti
Building a living room gaming PC
RedShell and Unity Analytics, Botnet in your Games
Why does /v/ not like sports games
Any MMO or MO with Australian servers?Or shit, fucking any online game that isnt a...
What is even the damn point of these tags if youre gonna shove this shit...
Hitman games
Whats actually limiting hundreds of players on a server in a multiplayer shooter?Id much rather...
Indie Watch
Did you ever actually kickstart a game?
Soft-Rpgs that vanished
In this thread: Describe a game poorly.>Its default gamemode is a last man standing survival...
im genuinely nervous that a feat of this magnitude will never be accomplished again in...
N64 Emulation
Why has there never been a push for living room PCs that wasnt retarded?
Hey, /v/, I need your advice for upgrading my PC on a budget.I currently have...
100% Orange Juice
Deleting the worst country to play with thread
Has anybody here actually tried overgrowth?...
Spider-Man Thread
Bioshock Remasters
Why are there so few games with literature level stories?...
Dwarf Forts: Modded-in AdvMode Reactions
Who Shadow/v/erse here?... guess this is why videogames has been made every year dumber and dumber as...
How likely is it that you could get away with selling emulation machines on craig...
Bored Thread
This shit is going to fucking suck any pokemon game that doesnt have at least...
Have you ever read an actually good vidya fanfic? Most of the ones I’ve read...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Sonic Edition
The only black guy in the game just wrote me a letter asking me for...
A Sadly Predictable Storm Approaches As Netflixs The Witcher Looks To Cast A Non-White Ciri
ragnarok battle offline
>game developers dont know what gamers wantThink again....
Hi. I am currently working on post-apocaliptic game Sealand.
Ed, Edd n Eddy Online
I recently attended a game development think tank and thought it would be cool if...
Fullderp: Rocket Edition
Games way better then they had any right to be.
Console Modding Thread
QTDDTOT - Questions that Dont Deserve Their Own Thread
Android vidya that require skills
Sims it be SamSho, Garou 2 or KOTM3?...
Sonys making their own BING BING WAHOO
Japanese Learning Thread: ペタンコ Edition
You know, this game isnt so terrible.When I first played through it all slow and...
Hey guys, remember Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles?
how to hype a game
Ace Combat Thread: TGS Trailer Edition
Intentionally pitch a bad marketing decision
Grand Strategy Games
does anyone have any tips for antistasi mod for arma 3? this shit is hard,...
Games where you can play as goblins
CRT thread
Games with witty characters?
Is there a better game than Pathologic?...
It just keeps happening.
Lethal League Blaze announced
8chanmania thread
Rank the significant PS4 exclusives/console exclusives
Asymmetrical Horror Royale
If Runescape was a porn game
September 11-20
>Ctrl+f>NO GUNGRAVE THREADLike WHO was expecting this?!...
Mountain Blade general
>FFXIV devs starting to run out of fresh ideas>latest schtik is a old school mob...
Dark Souls
Jackbox nights with /v/
Sonic Forces
Interview with Paul Neurath on Underworld Ascendant
It feels like even Todd isnt excited about Fallout 76. He was like sighing while...
When Africa finally starts to make videogame what do you think they will be like?...
The last remnant PS4
These two heroic gentlemen are celebrating their birthday today. Happy Birthday Nier!...
Asking for a friend
SNK 40th presents....
Why there are not enough autistic games like Factorio or OpenTTD? I want to drown...
First impressions
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ben Dover Edition
Space thread
Do u agree with this autist (some faggot from /agdg/) about STEAM?...
Non-combat oriented games
Soul Calibur
Vidya Documentaries
Id these games
9/11 thread
Secondary Culture in Videogames
swf thread
Ive been playing Path of Exile a lot, and as I mindlessly grinded for the...
Serious Editor 4
Devil May Cry Thread
What the fuck happened to video games
The Croft Edition with shitty skin and the season pass is selling more than the...
Warcraft 3 discussion thread
Its time for this shit to stop.
Your ideal School Sim
Where are the card games for Switch? Are people just not going to capitalize on...
Nintendo Looking to Hire Senior Security Software Engineer, MUST BE PROFICIENT.
Is Other M canon?
Tiger-Heli Thread
Windows 7 forever!
Fighting Game General - TGS Edition
that one game that isnt particularly great but its wormed its way into your heart...
Donkey Kong Thread
do you guys like Dont Starve?Are you excited for the DLC coming out soon?...
Games about the gubment, conspiracies and TRUE SECRET KNOWLEDGE
Asymmetrical multiplayer: memeshit or valid sub genre?
Those games defined gaming as we know it because more than 10 million people played...
Cyberpunk2077 thread
Over Half of The 211.2 Million Video Gamers in The U.S. Play Games Across Multiple...
Not sure if anyone cares, but were getting a new Custom Robo game without Nintendo...
Nintendo Direct happening Sep 13th, Nintendo Switch Online starting Sep 19th
Turn Based Tactics
We havent done one of these in a while.Post your top 5 favorite games and...
Article 11/13 (the copyright/meme/hyperlink tax law) passes in the E.U.
Real world basis for video game symbols
Dragon Ball /v/: Whose Shikon Jewel is it Anyway? Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Elves are for Loving Edition
Can we talk about Ghost trick?
There are people browsing this board right now who fell for this scam. What would...
Dissidia thread
Belgian govt opens criminal investigation into EA
Happy 4th Birthday /v/
Battlefield Bad Company 2
I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days...
City Interactive
Oscar bait
Sega Ages Thread
best games with home base system
What are the best free games: EVER ?
Natural Disaster Vidya
City Builders
AGDG - Amateur Game Dev General
Retro Console Emulators
Warhammer games
New Golden Sun trademark (also other Nintendo trademarks)
Omega Labyrinth Life is in development for Nintendo Switch
Whats your thoughts on Infinite Space?...
Zero Luck
If you could send one image/post back to the year 2010 to blow old /v/s...
Tales of Vesperia thread
/ogc/ - Competizione Edition
Dark Souls was fun up until Anor Londo started, where the quality dipped immensely.Dark Souls...
Animal Crossing Thread
Im thorougly disgusted.
Vita thread: Keeping the Flames Alive Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Astolfo-san Edition
Smash Containment Thread: Featuring Dante From the Devil May Cry™ Series
Katamari Damacy Reroll
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
Why are there so few games that attempt to depict the utter brutality of war?... the bullshit continues more bullshit graphs and games that aint coming out for a...
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game. (Plz add me to game Edition): #006
Are there any decent looking mmos expected to come out in the next few years?...
Game Boy Advance
Railroad Tracks
Morrowind may never die
Aus Thread
slow paced games (that arent turn based)
Autismcraft server part 3: dead again edition
Ace attorney online stream
Weekend Gamenight: Goldeneye Source
Beat em ups
>2013: In a hard hitting prequel story full of strength and emotion watch Lara become...
Mods told me to make a meta thread.
Cop Games
>all of the townsfolk celebrate in the endWhats your favorite vidya trope?...
How long do we have left
Lawbreakers has ceased operation
Are there any games on being a jrpg town white mage/cleric/priest/monk/doctor/vet ?...
I didn’t even know this came out. Was it any good or should I just...
What the fuck is their problem?
>whats wrong manbaby? cant stand seeing strong women in video games? haha dont buy it...
Whats a civilization video game that lets me set the rules/laws and roleplay out my...
Good games that didnt click with you
Nickelodeon Kart
Rune Factory 4
Nintendos Online Failures
Twitch Hires Its First Head of Diversity and Inclusion.
Isolated Warrior Thread
Ace Attorney
Senran Tiddy Slappin Kagura
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ara Dungeon Edition
Let’s share some underrated and obscure 7th gen games....
Fly Games/Sims
How do you feel knowing that pic related has replaced the cute and comfy LittleBigPlanet...
is this shit going to be the new standard in all western games? could you...
Fullderp: BORYGON :DDDDDD Edition
Dragon Spear Shill Thread
Slasher vidya
Mario 64 speedrun
Warframe - poop scavenger hunt edition
Halos future and the future of others
Wario Land Thread
MLB The Show
Wrestling vidya
People who look like vidya characters
Runescape Dead man event. How do they even know what is going on?...
I want to make some party night for people with toasters. Were already covered for...
HGames on Steam
Webm Thread
Please. Someone. Keep me from getting hyped upI dont want to feel what I felt...
Nintendo switch homebrew
Fortnite has now been cited in more than 200 divorce proceedings
Vydia Tech Thread
Undertale and OFF
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
XCOM - Modding to 40k
Winter Games
Mortal Wombat
Chart thread
Paying Devs.
State of decay 2
The Battle Royale genre is dead.
All I need to know Anon is did you have fun? ...
Is this series dead or will we enjoy a new entry? I hope the last...
Sexy Alternate Outfits
Share Thread: Free hair cuts for the eurofag parliament
Anonymous Agony: RELOADED
browser based strategy games
Nintendo Roms
Diablo 2 late 1990s early 2000s games
Why are there so few multiplayer stealth games?The idea of being stealthy against your opponents...
The most hilariously overpowered factions in strategy games
Whose Vidya is it Anyway?
There goes Linux (The savior of gaming)
Fucking Linus Torvalds cucks out, adopts the Contributor Covenant
One-man developers
>The reason Chaos Theory was the best SC...
Villagers Dream
Virtual Reality
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Papermoon Edition
Future predictions in video games
Has the Souls meme finally died?
The standard rating system for a game is on a scale from 1 to 10....
Yo can we get a weird ps1/saturn games tread ?just played moon remix RPG adventure...
Wanna download some old games?
>never bothered with the WiiU, used to post memes about how its a shit console...
Smash Containment Thread XXVII
Steam Adult games banned by cucked countries
Shmups / STGs Thread
All MMOs are shit
Denvvvuu is a joke.
Dinosaur Gasmes General
Elona+: Broken Dreams Edition
The 7th gen is long over, and its still weird to think about how long...
Turn Based Games
Japanese only PS3 games
Just installed ppsspp on my android phone, what psp isos do you /v/irgins recommend? I...
What was your vidya ringtone as a dumb teen
Are we being raided?...
Tfw you want to replay a game but the intro puts you off
Robot Odyssey/Droid Quest
Character creator thread
How did video games go from something only enjoyed by fringe losers to a mass...
3x3 Thread
How did this get the Nintendo seal of approval?
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
PC Gaymin Tech Support
Hollow Knight
Describe a game with a haiku, others guess what game it is.
Hardware Problems
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Tux Edition
Kingdom Hearts III
FFXIV thread -holy fuck actual content and not fucking Eureka Edition
Nintendo is trying to further damage control the Online situation by making a Fortnite bundle
Smash Bros Hines
Fps games
NEET Cave Thread - Sex Dungeon Edition
CapCom Beat Em Up Bundle
Mark Watch: Using his smartphone while waiting to play BING BING WAHOO
Capcom Vancouver is no more!
Shifting perspective
Light guns for PC
SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash
Is Windows 10 is the definitive gaming OS?
Ace Combat 7 Pre-Order Scummery
House of the dead: Scarlet dawn is fucking awful
Xenoblade Thread: Torna part
Where are all of Japans Lovecraft inspired games?
Little Dragon Cafe
Can I get a job at Bethesda with my BSC in Math? I originally planned...
Splatoon Thread - Scary Days Edition
LEGO games
What were the best vidya TV shows?...
If COD stayed in third person would it be better and would it be a...
Umihara Kawase Fresh!
Steam Controller
October Games
Free Super Bomberman R Update
Loli games
Playstation Classic
Fullderp: Bidoof edition
Tripwires latest pathetic video
Pokemon Thread: Worst Edition
Watching high level Tetris play feels oddly entertaining. This half an hour felt like a...
Why play PSO1 today?
What did you think of PS Home?Would you like to see a return on the...
Ape Escape thread
Drawthread - Management needs a hand Edition
They just cant resist putting this SJW shit in can they?...
>BFA has the worst metacritic user score of any WoW expansion>worse than the fucking pandasAre...
autistic weeb editionResources>>>/agdg/>>>/vm/>#8/agdg/ via>Dev resources:>Wiki:>Beginners guide: >>>/agdg/29080>Previous thread: >>15445204Announcements>QUARTERLY DEMO DAY SCHEDULED...
THQ Nordic Aquires Alone in the Dark, Act of War
skinner box burnout
SEGA TGS Live Game Show
i just got a ps4 for cheap and it had this installed on it and...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Keyman Edition
Spyro Remaster
Grandia HD Remaster details
Any Jrpgs where all the characters have normal hair colors?Natural hair colors such as blondes/brunettes/redheads....
Underrated vidya girls
Nvidia RTX Reviews
Her voice is soooo fucking annoying
18 years later...
If super mario was an arcade racer from the neotokyo timeline...
Dungeons with atmosphere
Resonance of Fate HD
>Be Sony.>Decide to put out PS1 Classic.>Have a huge back-catalog of hundreds of great games...
Catherine: Full Body Thread
Drawthread: A Proper One This Time
Video game menus thread
True Crime New York City
Resonance of Fate 4K for PC
Its official, gachashit is also gambling. Based Belgium BTFoed them hard. Hasta la bye bye...
Does anyone know how to run Quakepasm on Linux?I downloaded the tar.gz archive from their...
Meanwhile in Kamen Rider Ex-Aid /v/
Games with good in-game editors
Fortnite star Ninja is first gamer to land ESPN cover
Unsatisfying games where you want more
What are some games that had potential, but ultimately fell flat? An obvious one is...
Star Control: Origins
WebM Thread
Wireframe aesthetic
I know I am late but>Just recently start playing the old Tomb raider games>They are...
Starlink: Battle for Atlas Gameplay
What happened to the devs of this piece of shit?...
AAO Friday night court
Godot is cucked
Space Marine Vidya
Is it worth playing or is it just another A-masher with minimum story like FF1-3...
Earth Defense Force
Valkyria Chronicles 4
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Almost Dead Bread Edition
September 21-31
Runescape (OSRS) employee fired, jagex lawyered up, federal investigation incoming
Dragon Quest XI
Can you think of an occupation that has never been turned into a video game?For...
SAW Video Games
Dead Cells [No stream edition]
What is the best capeshit videogame not directly based on a previously existing comics franchise...
Mega Man/X/Z: 11 Soon Edition
8chan Cup
This is a new Pokemon.I have no words....
Morrowind A Good Game?
Langrisser 1&2 remake
Modding Morrowind
Tomb Raider
Most memorable enemy quotes
Games where the world is already beyond repair
Why did Evolve flopped yet Dead by daylight still going strong?...
Neverwinter nights
Where was that definitive list of good jrpgs again? I want to play something that...
Vidja Art
Wurm Unlimited
Smash Containment Thread: Super Turbo Edition
PS3 thread
Fate Go Nasuverse thread: Give my auto win button back edition
Fire Emblem Romhacks
Games you like playing when you get sick
Dark and Colorful games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Perfect Boiled Eggs Edition
Games youve played but cant remember
>battle royale MOBAHave you ever seen an ultimate cancer given birth?...
>first person>cool environments>immersive, physical way of interacting with environment>puzzles
Jump Force will let you create your own custom character
music thread
China blocks Twitch
/civ/ Minecraft General
>new trash raider comes out>ironic criticism threads everywhereBAD PUBLICITY IS STILL PUBLICITY YOU FUCKING SHILLS...
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Watching The Damn Fairy Tail Until It has Finished Edition
Name a cooler area in video games.
New Splinter Cell
DMC5 Vergil confirmed
Thief - The Dark Mod
Fighting Game General - TGS Edition - Part 2
hey /v/ will you help name the special needs looking Rabbit
Lets play the AI box experiment.
Pozz II: Total Woke
Tales of Majulie
Growing up and changing tastes
Dragon Quest XI crackfix came out: reduces crashes.Mark is gay....
Ace Combat Thread
What games could an N64 mini even have?
Henchmen vidya
Death Stranding
crusader cucks II
Swat games
Sleeping Dogs
What does /v/ think about pic related? Is it one of the 2 elder scrolls...
Princess Bowser/Koopahime
Cloud gaming is the future.Think about it. Spotify and all that netflix crap are super...
Terraria thread
Games that are programming environments
>he hasnt been to the goku dimensionYou dont know what youre missing anons...
>no Doom threadTime for some good shooting. SO YOU WANT TO PLAY SOME FUCKING DOOM...
Hidden gems thread
>established game franchise>release a game in said franchise without number>follows completely different formula>sometimes it becomes...
Civilization Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Judas Priest Edition
deconstruction games
Heres a question that is very simple but Ive had since the GC/PS2 era: why...
What evil has /v/ helped to spawn this time!!
Grand Strategy Games
Rate the Zelda games from your favorite to your least favorite...
Heartwarming Moments
Dark Souls 1
Was it a flop? What are the chances for RUINER 2...
Whose Vidya is it Anyway?
Alright /v/ I had an idea for a class based shooter featuring famous shooter game...
What games let you play an ice mage/cryomancer and actually have it be useful?Maybe Im...
I am still salty about Dead Space 3
Dev of open source and Steam-free controller utility has quit the project AND Linux thanks...
Peachette Fallout Shelter
Ethical Dilemmas in Interactive Narratives
Sunday Night Horror Thread
Total War alternative/strategy games
Is The Doctor from dead by Daylight Black or Asian? He suppose to be...
What seperates SMT in terms of difficulty? Arent they all the same? Fuse a bunch...
>Gameplay hasnt be dumbed down but..refined and streamlined!...
Fucking unknown games that didnt make it
meta thread
Touhou thread
If you could go back in time and keep a game from ever being released,...
Saving Mass Effect
Mod Tools / SDK Thread
Fullderp: sEX edition
Gaming on Linux
Final Fantasy XI: a coalburner caused the Great War edition
Bowsette thread
Have you played Brigandine? Been playing it a lot lately. It feels a bit like...
What the hell happened to Scalebound?
TF2 and Circumcision
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: (You) Edition
Itsuno wants to make Rival Schools 3 and Dragons Dogma 2
GTA SA Modding
We Happy Few
Congratulations anon you did it! You have won Twisted Metal! So…What is your wish?...
Hes not wrong you know....
Gamergate Controversy Explained Easy Cartoon
French smash character votes are in. Pretty interesting but no huge surprises other than Reimu....
/v/ Jackbox nights
I want to play a game where I am in a large stadium surrounded by...
Webm Thread
Crosscode 1.0 just came out. Who else is playing it? It doesnt make sense to...
Fucking Chinks
Destiny Thread
3d was supposed to be easier editionResources>>>/agdg/>>>/vm/>#8/agdg/ via>Dev resources:>Wiki:>Beginners guide: >>>/agdg/29080>Previous thread:...
Cost of freedom
Why do movement/aiming feel so incredibly floaty in the Redux version? I mean it gets...
ARMA 3 Thread?
Skyrim /fit/ trainer
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Is the First person immersive sim genre now dead?
Absolver Downfall update
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
/domg/: Laestrogonian Terror Edition
Just Cause jumps on the STRONK FEMALE bandwagon
Maxi will be hinted gay like Kung Jin in MKX, says Vergeben
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ghost princess Edition
The stagnancy of first-person shooters
Old vids of vidya vidyers vidyaing
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
dreamcast live
FighterZ 1v1, 2v2, and any v any added on steam just now in a 3gb...
TellTale being sued by former employees
IMPACTFUL AUDIO: Where did it go?
Phantasy Star Thread
Namco makes a fighting that doesnt have Jojo in it.
open source torrenting
Have you accepted Jack Thompson as gamings McCarthy?
Punching Bag Developers Thread
Persona Q
Fangames & Romhacks
Open world adventuring
Labyrinth of Refrain non shit thread
Objects in Space
How did they fuck up this badly? All we wanted was a proper sequel to...
If I buy a PSP 1000 and install CFW on it for roms can I...
RDR2: No Fun Allowed
Games with comfy rainy levels/general atmosphere
Submarine Games
Atelier Arland Deluxe coming West
Monster hunter movie will be your generic isekai made by americans
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG +#NYS] Alacrity Daemnon Edition
Note: We had initially tried making a thread in /agdg/ for increased productivity and feedback...
PaleoLithic Games
switch games
>“We wanted to make a more cool and mature Dead or Alive this time, and...
I finally tried this game and holy fuck, do people actually enjoy this?>Map design is...
>play on expert>actually easy as shit...
“I really wanted to make a DmC: Devil May Cry 2” – DMC 5 director Hideaki Itsuno
None gameplay touches you like
Name a console with more varied, beautiful boxart than the Nintendo DS...
Soul Calibur V
video game villains who did nothing wrong
Dragon Ball /v/: JUST ZENKAI MY SHIT UP Edition
WoW Classic - Demo Incoming
Phantom Dust
Game Designer Jennifer Scheurle Calls on Industry to Turn Its Back On Gamers & the Paying Customers.
Why is this blue fuck everywhere?
Knockoff Thread
Upgrade stacking
Visual Novel Thread
The Elder Scrolls 6
Kenshi Thread
Fighting Cosplay
>Mega Man Challenge Download>Content>Castlevania Challenge download>Contents fun ^^...
Friday Night Court.
Be honest /v/, would you put on the crown? Good money says at least 50%...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG +#NYS]: Bully Anons Properly Edition
Ace Combat 7 on PC
The Surge gets another DLC, somehow
>slog 90 hours through the main story>figure its best to finish the main story before...
Was it really that terrible? I know it was a let down but its 6/10...
Countries/states/cities with worst vidya track record
new witcher game
Nips to hold Bowsette convetion on October 27th
Underrated games
ripping images etc. from geimus
Wario Land thread
Shiran Kagayra thread
Car combat/TM/V8/Carmageddon General
is there a game gayer than Muscle March?
Ayo /v/, Ive been looking for games similar to Tomodachi Life for a while now,...
ITT: Games that were originally very different.
Movies that were better than their game counterparts
Where the fuck is the Read Dead 2 thread?
Red Dead Redemption 2 is 105GB thread remade since mark deleted the last one but...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Project Gorgon Thread
Splatoon Thread SashiMori Edition
My dad passed away and ive been feeling nostalgic so I am replaying old N64...
Towergirls/Lewd games in general
popular mediocre indie games for no reason. fucked with the elo system so you get less points for a win making...
Sonic thread
>the last character you unlock and get to play as is the main characterwhat games...
Venom in Video Games
Webm Thread
When did Dragon Quest fans become morons.
just played through bioshock burial at sea and holy shit its so fucking stupid>actual interesting...
Mech games decline
Gamenight: Team Fortress 2 Vintage
New Fallout 76 in-engine trailer
>decided to join SCP-RP autism server, is running on DarkRP base code, thought about classic...
The gamecube pokemon games are the best ones. New pokemon cant even compete...
Kingdom Hearts
GCN/Wii games with girls in skirts?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Kawaii Kegger Edition
Old gaming related television
Hope for the Future trailer
Jesus Christ Bowsette is official now.
Games with European ethnic religions
Video Games are Dying because of trendy memeing Discord normalfaggots!!
Warframe Thread: Pay 2 Win Edition
Star Citizen
Truck simulators
Its not enough to point at Bayonetta or FemShep and say job done
>try daggerfall unity>see this lighting>try every option to turn it down with no luck>every dungeon...
Death in Games
What system do you prefer?
Anyone else really like The Talos Principle? Its one of my favourite recent games.Great puzzles,...
Masochistic anon willingly consumes propaganda
Final Fantasy XV
Death to Historical Accuracy: Rotterdam to Rome, and All the Sexism Between
Fullderp: ↑←↑ Edition
Pathfinder Kingmaker thread 2
Russia Yes!
Poster thread
Minecon Earth
First Person Shooter thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Bowsettes Final Destination Edition
Nu-Blizzard Threatens to Kill Warcraft 3; SAVE THE BOTS!
CA does not just disable reviews, but COMPLETELY REMOVES all reviews from Steam store page....
Who else prefer lean and peek over contextual/one button cover system in FPS? You dont...
What is your comfiest gaming memory?Mine is playing FFTA2 before I went to bed every...
Limbo of the Lost Thread
Rpg Bros
What a dissapointing fucking game, Im realy displeased with the ending they went with. The...
Musou Vidya
Randy Pitchford BTFO by Con Artist, Loses Almost 3 Million Dollars
Cut content thread
Really popular guns that dont exist in ANY game
God Hand
NieR: Automata Thread
Dungeon Crawling
Ratchet and clank deadlocked
007 video games
ITT: Melee games, but not fighting games
Resident Evil Outbreak
Why is Microsoft Sitting on the Breakdown IP?
Utawarerumono Thread
In less than a week it will have been one year since the last update...
Inchling Games
Blizzard Removing host bots from WC3
Games that have aged/will age badly
Meta Thread
I dont jnow what the fuck i should be playing.Most online games that I try...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: No Apologies Edition
Name that Vidya!
The Works of Mercy
Zero Escape - (999) Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors
So with all the Bowsette nonsense I’m curious, what are considered the most fun and...
October 1-10
Unlikely great games
Is this really the best weve got for Harvest Factory games on PC without emulation?...
ITT: OSTs that you remembered for years for no discenible reason
roll-the-ball games
Devil May Cry V
Happy 15: Heres to (You)
So /v/, Olympia or M14? Plastic tacticool niggers need not apply....
Can we all agree that matchmaking killed competitive online gaming? Theres not a single instance...
Adaptations that should stop following the main narrative
Games designed via focus testing
Halloween Games
Top 20 video game characters
Dota 2 Artifact
Good Edgelords
Finding the time for vidya
Books or movies too edgy to be games
Games that were better than you remember
Devolver publishing Weed managment sim
Fist of the North Star
Assassins Creed Odyssey
Meta thread
Monster Tale
Google falls for the game streaming meme
Soundtracks vs Immersion
Why cant our computer graphics look as aesthetic as 97s computer graphics?...
My Summer Car
Dragon Quest XI sales
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Hatless 2hus Edition
So who are you gonna main? They really shouldve swapped out Goomba and Monty Mole...
life is strange 2
Sony are now reading private messages for bad words and banning people. This is bullshit....
Playstation classic
Misremembered Vidya Protags
>begining of the game>you only have very very basic combos and not much else>this actually...
EA extending free premium passes for Battlefield 1. Again
Half Life 2 is shit
New research claims proof vidya causes violence
Harry Potter RPG leaked
Megami Tensei Thread
Pathfinder Kingmaker thread 3: how many bugs can you find?
Why did Dane even kill Agnus? He was a human who artificially gave himself a...
>single handedly reduces a game from a 10/10 to an 8/10Artificially adding a ton of...
Neo Geo CD exclusives
PlayStation Experience 2018 cancelled
Why are there 10 underbarrel launchers despite not one of them having any actual value...
Proper CD cleansing
Post 10/10 character designs stuck in a series nobody gives a fuck about...
So twtich started giving a salary to new non binary streamers, whats stopping you to...
Lets talk about CRTs. Does anyone on /v/ own one? Is there any legitimate reason...
Why did mustards hate Halo so much back in the day?
ITT: your gaming trope fetish
Amateur Game Development General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
GDC just uploaded a lecture interviewing old ladies from the game industry that made games...
Ocarina of Time
Whats the most expensive video game merchandise item that you either bought or wished to...
Mario Kart GP
What genre of game attracts the worst audience?Ive a feeling a lot of people would...
one-hand games
Are there any good dungeon crawlers out there besides Grimrock? I tried playing this crap,...
Nipponese Gamer Cred
Modern online multiplayer
Video game webm thread
Should I invest my time or is it dead on arrival?...
Heartwarming Games
name a game company
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Weaponizing Waifus Edition
mareo odyssey balloon game
Mooks, henchmen, grunts.
Fallout General Thread (Dusty edition)
Ubisoft Leaks
Traditional card and board games general
ITT: Games that aged well...
How guilty of a practice is it to look up walkthroughs?
What objectively makes a good game good?
CD Projekt Red sued by Witcher Creator
X4 Foundations
mmo thread
LISA on (((Humble Bundle)))
Megaman 11
Harry Potter RPG
Actual mary sues
>start playing video game>crippling loneliness sets in after 15 minutesHow do you faggots play for...
Hints and Suggestions
Low Spec
Elemental attacks in games
Roller Coaster Thread
What games have fleshed out features revolving around the breeding and raising of children? Crusader...
New Cthulhu Game
morhaime steps down to advisor; puts you think you do, but you dont in his place
Let It Die
Michael Gallagher stepping down from ESA CEO and president
Has there been any breakthroughs yet when it comes to reducing input lag while emulating...
Smash Ultimate: October 9th direct
Brendan Frasergy Movie night STARTS RIGHT NOWWatch it here1 this now to make it easier...
Plague race
Bad game trailers
I wanna be the boshy
Well never have another handheld period where everything was so perfect and games were amazing,...
Dragalia Lost
Ubisoft chief: The games industry needs to find its soul.
Resonance of Fate HD
eternal WoW hatred thread
>he actually bought a Switch at launch
Free Game: Shadow Warrior 2
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: ARCHIVE EVERYTHING Edition
Total War Warhammer 2 Vampire Pirates
Moar Werk? Off i go then!
ITT - Levels that you fucking hated initially and eventually gotten over
will we ever see neo-geo tier sprite work again?...
What are other games with a museum curator feature? Im currently playing Nayuta no Kiseki...
Im playing through lightning returns, it seems way better than FF13 or FF15. What was...
Fullderp: ZU edition
Total War Thread
Dark Souls youtubers/streamers dropping it for Dead by Daylight
Why couldnt 90s gamers do the math? Why did such a good console have to...
feels good
Sequels Objectively better than the original
Live Action Mega Man Movie Announced
Ace Combat 7: Burgers Unknown
why must I run my games through this piece of shit store? every fucking time...
AVP 2010
Why does this game feel so rough around the edges? Lots of features and quality...
PTSD moments in vidya
Poor English TranslationPost screenshots of text from games with absolute poor English translation. This one...
Oh wow this game is still going? I cant believe this bullshit.And oh wow its...
gonna play this for a while. smell ya later, losers...
Fighting Game General - Skeleton Muscle Edition
ye olde Castlevania Thread
PS3 vidya
Games with plot that starts in the middle
GBA Thread
Space Station 13 (SS13)
Smart AI
Share Thread - Sharing Feast
Another TF2 Vintage gamenight
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game. (Edition): #007
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Post good games where you play as the Germans during WW2. I’m not even really...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fuck Off Rapefugees Edition
Virtual Reality thread
Resident Evil / Biohazard
Good Mech Building for PC
Mafia style games
Been cleaning up my screencap folder and found pic related. What games, if any, would...
Vidya pals of days past
Icons memorial thread
Hey crimson
local myths for vidya
ITT jokes that wont end...
>Play Warcraft 3 for the first time in 8 years>Extremely small unit size aside its...
Asherons Call PvP Server Emulator Thread #2
Bad Company 2
8chan cup Thread
2 Hour Video of Amazons MMO Leaked on PornHub
Weeb Games
The push for Russia to police the internet
==Baldurs Gate 3 is in the works, lads==
Steam selling porn
Pathfinder Kingmaker thread 4: Put it on your SSD
Can we have a nuStar Control thread? also 50s Sci-fi gems if you have some...
Maple 2
Game Finder Thread
Will tactical shooters ever make a return?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Rock the Kavanaugh Edition
>tfw dead mods
Musou Thread
The Promise Has Been Broken.Its now been a year since the last formal kickstarter update...
ITT: Games that will only be saved for the future via emulation
Metal Gear Solid
>Have at least 2 or 3 different games I want to play over a week>Instead...
b-b-but its fun!! apologists on /v/
Steam Now Hiding Denuvo?
Webm thread
Sekiro Speculation/Information
Developer Staples
Windows10 deletes personal files [v1809 fiasco]
Good pc games in 2018?
MMORPG Giga Casuals
Operation Flashpoint
Skybound to Finish Telltales The Walking Dead Game use>The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkmans...
Vidya based on legends
Meta thread
What was the first Battle Royale game, the one thats responsible for the flood of...
Ring of Elysium
Why are people already talking about the PS5?
Silent Hill
what are some games where being toxic is not only allowed but encouraged?...
Its that time again. So as you may or may not have noticed, we have...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: ARCHIVE God Damn It Edition
Romance vidya
Spooky and Creepy Vidya things
Halloween Events
nothing will ever beat dust 514. It was and will always be the greatest game...
Is there any alive MMO out there without the shitty holy trinity gameplay?Before WoW, MMOs...
Multi long plays
Blizzard to champion diversity at BlizzCon 2018
Games left this year?
What the ACTUAL FUCK were they thinking???????
>starts playing this with the lowest expectations possible due to only seeing negative comments about...
killer 7 on PC
VolumeSo Im bored out of my mind waiting for Red Dead 2 so I decided...
>replace jelly vision with health packs>siege inspired classes rather than loadouts and kills streets>TTK way...
Cowodudddy MemeRoyale will be the nail in the coffin
Did you enjoy playing as a nigger in GTA SA?...
Alright /v/ I need your helpIm able to upgrade from a 1060 to a 2080...
Trouble in Terrorist Town
Why did this excellent system never catch on significantly? It was way ahead of its...
Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 coming to PS4
Fallout 76 has dragons
Fixing KH
Live TF2 Thread
Why didnt this awesome console do better? It was more advanced than its competitors and...
Microsoft goes for Streaming as well with xCloud
Fullderp: Mudsdale Edition
input device general
What are the fighting games that make interesting or realistic depictions of injury? Only Garouden...
non-fantasy games with a distinctly central or eastern European vibe?
Online gaming in 2018
Smash Bros Thread
Project xCloud
Next best gaming OS?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fuck Moot Edition
/v/ Jackbox nights
Survivan and Craftan Games
Who should we nominate for 8chanmania
Perfect games that stood the test of time....
Ninja Thread
Mordhau ?
Pozzfinder: Kingmaker
Toaster games
The Villian protag
CRPG thread
Not-Musou Empires
Emulation Thread: Kavanaugh Confirmed Edition
Heroes for Hire game
Black Ops 4 needs a day one 50 GB patch
Your particular videogame related autism
Haute Autisme
Lineage II Classic
Why was this FPS hated so much? Was it just people upset that it wasnt...
Power Fantasies
Grand Theft Auto
I dont understand this game.
Historical settings games dead?
are you playing a video game right now? no? lets build a park together in...
Last one hit Bump limit and we arent even close to done.When is the sitewide...
Applications for future technology in videogames
No face bones
>Hatred creators made this game to make fun of political correctness paranoia in video games...
Battle Royal Pandemic
>Go back to old videogame forum I used to visit>Its filled to the brim with...
atmospheric games
>On topic Discussion on how to make good game based on Goblin slayer >Mark deletes...
Microsoft Reportedly Close to Buying Obsidian Entertainment
clicking games
Black Ops 4
MMO ideaguy thread
PS1 Metal Gear
Netflix releases final cast for The Witcher
Volunteer being deleted
The Citizen Con thread
Launchbox, a frontend for your emulated video games on PC - but there is something...
Resident evil portable
What the fuck is Capcom up to?
Stealth Genre Thread
Worth the cost?
why no proper releases anymore?
Happy Birthday Episode 2
The actual gamer has to be the peak of human stupidity. You know, when intelligent...
October 11-20
>the Switch doesnt work immediately after being plugged into the wall>you actually have to wait...
Wurm Thread
Ace of Spades
A special version of the original TLoZ added to the Switch
Tokyo Ghoul vidya
denpasoft charging customers extra to get the porn in their porn games
Steel Division 2: Eastern Front
Why was Dead by daylight more successful than Friday the 13th the game and...
What exactly is the point of the fatigue system. Its like they want their game...
What peripherals have you bought this gen?
Nintendo Swich Killer App (Peach Ball: Senran Kagura)
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Compact Edition
The Stolen Turnabout
Good Art Direction/Art Style
Gotcha Force
BREAKING: Jim Vessella Confirms EAs Interest In PC C&C Titles
The PS1s lack of z buffer actually was an aesthetic advantage for a lot of...
Come play autismcraft with 8chan! This is an experiment to determine what political ideal will...
Amateur Game Development General ~ /agdg/ + /vm
Pre DMC Stylish Action?
Descent (2019) reboot
8chanmania Sitewide Event thread.
Hardest Metroidvania
Vidya Halloween Costumes
Talkin Shit: Diss Games You Hate
Bluetooth Controller for Good-Ass Retro Emulove
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Bread Edition
stupid shit you do/have done in games
Best opening lines
Stress Free Experience
Dead by Daylight thread
>Make team based competitive game
FFXIV: Stormblood. spooktober edition.
How does it make you feel knowing that were going to be left on a...
Evil Hand Thread
wew m8...
GTA / large scale simulation algoritm?
Why did this awesome system fail? Would it have done better if Sega had supported...
The strangest That Guy you know?
Parries in singleplayer are OP and lame
Games with benevolent AI buddies
>rigged custom games>aim assist>70 fov>shotgun has no range>sniper is just a shotgun with infinite range>needler...
Hey assholes
Webm thread
Great Video Games never die....
>spend $60 on game>get ganked>call them niggers>dont get banned >money not stolenbased japs...
Dissida NT
How far can these sites fall? PC Gamers ratings of every cock in Asscreed Odyssey
Games with stupid factions & lore
Smash Containment Thread
Is a PS2 worth it in 2017+1
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Zombie Idols Edition
Autismblocks Server #3 Serbs Not Dead Edition
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Sony Doubles Down: Forces Xseed to Censor Game
Who is superior?...
ITT: literally perfect designs
Fullderp: Glue Eating Edition>Pearl Abyss, developers of Black Desert Online, are letting their contracts run out with publishers...
Cuckoldry is on Steam now.>Theres another game in the series that they dont seem to...
Emulators or Carts?...
Bethesda is going full retard
4 am
Games you can play wile watching something
Is this still worth playing today?...
Games that take place in a single place
WWE Vidya thread
Wolf in Sheeps clothing - the video game
You have 30 seconds to justify why youre still using Steam and/or supporting Valve despite...
Has anyone heard anything about, or played this? I watched some gameplay for it and...
The Caldari dropsuit design and aesthetic philosophy is heavily influenced by the culture’s origins on...
illegitimate children in video games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Tits in a pit Edition
>remove core RPG mecahnics like character creation and storyline choices in favor of a pre-defined...
Happy music
Most annoying criticisms for games
Why havent you played Lains PS1 game yet anon?...
Nasuverse Thread: Bootlicking Maximized Edition
Silent Hill 2 isnt just the best Silent Hill game, it is the only good...
Depressing settings
Are we actually going to get a sequel this time or are they blue balling...
Star control 2 / Ur-quan masters Thread
2hu Mobage Game Announced
Visual Novel Thread
When did the fun leave vidya?
Shit in vidya you cant understand/dont use
Chicken thighs + graxx skin = best tinsuit
whats the comfiest platformer and whats the least comfiest platformer? Im not very familiar with...
why is league of legends such a trash game and an sjw companythey ban for...
Morrowind Multiplayer Update 0.7
Sony kills Burst Re:Newal Intimacy Mode in
Im really enjoying War of the lions but I cannot follow the story for shit...
Cops as vidya protagonists
Books that need a video game....
Are there any good games for the Master System? I have never played a MS...
Anyone else here likes it when games force you to to write stuff down or...
I am thinking of getting a ps4, but it seems like the exclusives are really...
Project Warlock
The New Banning System.
Wurm Unlimited
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
Theres a fucking Ace of Spades gamemode for gmod.Its really good.What the fuck are you...
>speedrunningwhat went wrong?cosmo has been acting more insane than usual, intentionally getting banned from most...
Interesting questions and general autismo thread.
what could have been
Publicity stunts that backfired
upgrading Mario Party
Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition
Fuck Belgutai
Nintendo strikes or some shit
Left Alive
Draw Thread
The last good game you played
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: First Snowfall Edition
Rockstar has been “working 100-hour weeks” on Red Dead Redemption 2
WoW current subscriber count leaked
3D Rail Shooters
Suda51 appreciation thread
I have several gripes with this game, first of all the unbearable RNG that sometimes...
Nefarious thread
Let It Die: Hitler Was Right
Gamer fuel
Mabinogi Private Server: Just a Flesh Wound Edition
The Worst Announcements & Conferences
Draw Thread: Less of a Disgrace Edition
Yo-kai Watch
When do you think the bowsette meme will die out?...
What the hell
Buying a portable home-made gen 6 game console
P&P systems youd like to see CRPGs made with
Epic music covers bread? Epic music covers bread....
I havent played Metal gear since the first one, and i only played through a...
ITT: Games that are going to be dead on arrival
Times when you knew a game would suck
SHMUPs General
The other That Guy
Ive been on a Dark Souls mood lately, and Ive revisited DS1 and DS3 already...
Realm of the Mad God thread
Intel trying to push false Benchmarks, gets called out
Why are there a ton of male zombies with their butts exposed, while all the...
Thoughts on Discord selling games now?
Emil Pagliarulo
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Eternal Vigilance Edition
Labyrinth of Refrain
BAD bass in video games and movies
Unofficial console mascots
>1 month old game already getting 1/3rd off sale>50% off the full DLC packWhat was...
Is it valid to call things bulletspongy as a criticism?
Realistically speaking which is the fairest way to handle health restoring when you gain a...
Smash Containment Thread
Is James Sunderland the Leon of the Silent Hill universe? What kind of fucked up...
Hey /v/ is anyone getting KH: The story so far ?...
First time playing
Roms an Wad request thread
>5th fucking year>can confess to Penny only to get shot down>still cant romance best grill...
Video game world politics
Monster Hunter General /mhg/
webm thread time go
I know that most everyone on /v/ hates the Game Grumps and justifiably so but...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
https://www.please use, it was pretty while it lasted....
(((Journalists))) now want fall damage removed
Sony to Utilize Blockchain Technology as DRM
Black ops 4 too offensive for IGN
>turn based OGL>dynamic world>module editorThis looks interesting>no multiclassing>kickstarterOh....
Meta Thread: About the future
Do you know anyone that fell for the pro gamer meme?
Barebones RTT Games?
Vidya cosplay
Fullderp: By Popular Demand Edition
Realms Beyond: Ashes of the Fallen
PlayStation 2 Emulation
>Please select a nameWhat do you do?It often takes me more than an hour to...
Resonance of Fate
>download system update>corrupts hard drive>cant be recovered>check external back up>corrupted it as well>only solution is...
Getting hyped up for vidya as a source of joy
games that let you play as a skeleton
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Small QTs Edition
Rimworld 1.0 is funally out!
Soul Calibur VI
Maplestory 2 Thread
Remember when you were excited to see what new graphics, physics and whatnot that would...
Dragon Ball /v/: The Day the Vorefags Died Edition
Chinese company buys 20% of Dead by Daylight
NPCs in videogames
Is this game actually worth playing?The dialogue doesnt seem so bad and is actually pretty...
Is there anything like IMDB, VNDB, AniDB etc. for video games?The combination of love for...
Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
Final Fantasy 11
Fallout 76
legend of zalgo games
Is nier automata worth playing, if Im only mildly attracted to 2B?
SMT: Raidou Kuzunoha and some shit
Starlink: Battle for Atlas
Wurm Online - dont let it die
Do you ever get depressed thinking about how NPCs are abandoned to time?Like Novac in...
Playing games wrong
More Discord News!
How well known is it that the Xbone is a piece of shit?
Does /v/ like Maniac Mansion? Or any point n click?Lets talk point n clicks, whats...
Dead by Daylight thread: Hallowed Blight and dapper Nurse edition
Game editors
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
Playing SM64 for the first time
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Mama Power & Knuckles Edition
Atmosphere for Switch out
Why do video games today need to have a really high budget, nearly a thousand...
Josh Sawyer visting Daniel Vavra
Minecraft Mods
Identify the game by the webm
Vita Thread - Pretty Ladies edition
Fighting Game General: Tits n Ass Edition
Ergoe Thread
Competition -- most retarded gaming mouse
Cities in games
What was it?
Garrys Mod Thread: Space Edition
Anything New on 3DS?
yando sem
sket thred
Are there any AA or even AAA games that have fully taken advantage of how...
Beat Em Up + RPG
>axel died in kh2>literally who next to roxas >roxas was absorbed by sora >Namine Was...
Jackbox Party Pack 5
Fire Emblem Thread
What are some good games based on a WW3 scenario? Can be anything from an...
META Thread
serious question
Warframe Thread - Spoopy Edition
Has a game ever given you pause with a moral quandary?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Big Iron Edition
ITT: Try playing games without the soundtrack
Which games had a king/queen/prince/princess that actually does something befitting of their title as a...
Indie Games
Games like endless sky
Game series with great spinoffs in other genres
GTA 1 is shit. Rockstar Games suck
What are my odds of getting to to play a game that has been deleted...
Lollipop Chainsaw
Marvel VS Capcom 4
Minecraft Server Sneaking
How is it that Japan can still maintain enough demand for physical copies of games?...
My Two Cents on The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories
will there ever be another game like resident evil 4?
Games with good moms
Genuine question: why does everyone always shit on Invisible War when Human Revolution is just...
Fullderp: No Fun Allowed edition
Intellivision just revealed their new console, the amico.Thoughts?...
Metafiction why...
October 21-31
low-stress spooky games
I saw this recently and it looked really cute. It looks like a mix of...
why is video game cosplay almost universally bad and cringy?...
God Eater Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Weekly Reminder Edition
Am I the only one who still doesnt have a widescreen monitor?I still play on...
>2 months after launch Blizzard is starting a gift your friends bfa for free! promotion>Leak...
Whats the strangest meta you have ever seen?
PS3 games
Space Thread:Back From Dark Space Edition
I wanna resurrect my Super Nintendo and rebuild my collection.The problem is, my controllers aint...
4th wall moments
Getting caught in stealth games
Cheating in online games
Webm Thread: JoJo Edition
Professor Layton
Say something nice about Alpha ProtocolIts honestly a pretty underrated stealth game tbh the only...
How often do you quicksave? How often does one have to quicksave for it to...
Can it run Crysis?
>Active ISPs down to 1998Is this just because of the recent downtime? I thought we...
Creating our own games reccomendation wiki
Using a VCR tape to record vidga passwords
What are some really shitty games? I mean really shitty, not your average modern...
Games ruined by Battle Royale
Red Dead Redemption 2
Online play
Resonance of Fate
ITT: canon vidya traps...
ITT we laugh at EAs stock and a failing industry
Hey /v/, do you like Bully? Do you like multiplayer?Why not play Bully Multiplayer?Ill answer...
Scooby dooby doo, where are you?
/xenoblade/: You cant protect this smile Edition
Ever since its inception Digimon has consistently shat on Pokémon so much its not even...
Momements where your own stupidity got yourself killed, but you still had a good laugh
Dragon Smegma: Dark Bazinga
Zelda thread
>Go back to old videogame forum I browsed as a kid>Turns out its cuckedWhats her...
This board needs more LBP.
Best Call of Duty game ever made. there are no call of duty games>Kill Nip...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Forbidden Edition
Horror Thread
EXAPUNKS just left Early Access
Time Sinking Videogames: Winter Hibernation Edition
Fullderp: Oh Fug Its Fug edition
They arent even trying any more are they? Its just wall to wall fucking niggers....
My Nintendo Switch cant connect to my ISPs Wi-Fi despite it being compatible with the...
So I guess Taneem was right after cowboy...
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Fallout 4 and 76 in foresight
絶体絶命都市4 (Disaster Report 4) delayed AGAIN
Mfw i finally figured out why people are being shills for Fallout 76
Mario Thread
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Thread
Jackbox nights with /v/
Point and click horror games
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
anti fun mechanics in a game and how to remove them
What the fuck is up with all the shitty marketing in the games industry nowadays?
Splatoon Thread - Funky Fresh Beats Edition
Autumn Games
Warcraft 3
Why dont modern rpgs add something to mimic PKs in mmos?...
how to get good at dante? Sometimes i get into the flow and can pull...
What games are worth 100% completing? Why do people do this anyway?Only time I did...
Installed a Wii Emulator
I was led to believe that this was some kind of magnum opus of fun...
Games with weak wizards as PCs
What does Blizzard do if WoW Classic is more popular than BfA?
Bethesda acknowledge F76 will be shit
Why is nobody talking about Liveleak Simulator 2019? They plan to make it for VR...
Boomstick Vidya
Modern video games are bad, all of them, even indies and non-AAA games. Theyre all...
>He doesnt pick tech over magicWhats your excuse? Dont tell me you think jerking off...
Starkink: Battle for Furries
Jews overlords
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider gets Review Bombed after getting caught scamming consumers
Games ruining Historical settings
Yakuza Fist of the North Star Thread - Hand Holding Edition
Submachine Guns
Mobile games
Console/Handheld modding
Sony kikes deleting your saves and DLC on purpose if you change your ID.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Sexual Harassment Ojou-sama Edition
PC Hardware Thread/Questions
Warhammer 40k
So I think most of us can agree games like Fallout 4 and anything Ubisoft...
Scenic games/Games with Large natural environments
Im not entirely sure if Im doing something wrong but Im doing fuckall damage and...
Gamigo (aeria games) acquired Trion. Trion laid off its employees.Trion ran:RiftArcheageTroveDefianceSome other shit...
Castlevania: Retardondo of Goyim
Im not really a fan of some of the recent pokemon designs, but holy shit....
Is anyone still waiting for the Abe Exoddus Remake?
Cyberpunk 2077 devs doxed, harassed after misuse of trans* hashtag #WontBeErasedLack of reverence for sacred...
Exclusive capeshit is the best thing Sony has had since the dawn of their company.
ITT: games with great art direction that still holds up today.Mgs 2 and 3 are...
Dan Houser is thankful he’s not releasing Grand Theft Auto 6 in the age of Trump.
Got those CDs ready anon?You want to be the coolest house on the street right?...
Rurua: The Alchemist of Arland 4 announced
The Super Mario Party Best Characters Tier List is out>S-Tier | Bowser – Boo –...
Grey Goo: What went wrong?
Smash Containment Thread: The Mural Grows Edition
Jak 2
needs more edgehog
Minecraft Horror Adventures #2 Dont kill the horror loli edition
Webm Thread Vidya edition
Another Fallout 76 thread I know
Underrated Games
Valkyria Chronicles 4Just completed the full story + got the true ending and it was...
How many sales do you think companies lose due to customers not wanting to or...
The Tetris Effect
Bad Games That Have Good Soundtrack
Fullderp: Hold the Fuck Up edition
Maple Story 2
Touhou General
8chan Cup
Multiplayer games for the autistic
I hope you
Hack N Slash Action RPG Platformer Metroidvania games thread
Lesser known classics/old games
>Game is harder for pirates, but not unbeatable.Besides Sam, any games that do this?...
Japanese games receive greater censorship on PS4 than Vita
Spooky shit
Street Fighting game
Weekend Gamenight: Battlefield 1942 with Forgotten Hope mod
Super Mario 64 without B
Anno General
Hellgate London
Zelda II
Team Fortress 2008 Mod
Gundam PC
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: CODEMONKEY LET ME BAKE Edition
Fighting Game General - Ambiguous Gender Edition
Neptunia Thread
Good video game related videos?
Remember how much fun gta 4 multiplayer was? 5 was so shit in comparison, just...
Graphics Card Prices to Finally Start Going Down
RESETERAHEADQUATER OF ALL DIVERS PLAYERSis doxxing everyone who offend themwhat happened to my gamer culture?...
Whats next?
Shin Megami Tensei IF Translation
This free mod has been behind patreon paywall for more than a year now. Does...
T rated games that should be M
Engaging games, with soul
Im thinking about playing Enderal, but I am a bit leery about the installation. Is...
Ace Combat thread
Metro 2033 is free on Steam for 24 hours
Playstation 2 Thread
>have no problem talking to people IRL>get on voice chat and become very shyWhy is...
Online games you miss
Was the Valley of Deflilement based off something else? Like was there a valley where...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cake Bully Edition
FTL thread
Mount and Blade thread
Soylent Hill
Is Majula the comfiest of all game hubs?...
Weird and interesting shit in vidya
Get this 4 free HB and is surprisingly not that bad.Any tips. Patch, mods outthere?...
Factorio/Automation General
Does it cause issues it you change your characters gender through console commands in Skyrim?...
XSEED shakeup
Games that made you feel as well as think
Honest thoughts about Portal (2)
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Smash Containment Thread: Issac Essentially Confirmed Edition
Horror comfy
Easy Games
Chris-Chan Predicts Apocalyptic Event: Start of the Insane Saga
Wii Freeloader / Playing imported Wii games
Convince me Shadowverse isnt the best TCG game right now....
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Jump for Jiggly Joy Edition
New video from the autism god himself....
Why do name entry screens include all the weird punctuation and symbols?...
video game villains who did nothing wrong
Events in history which dont have enough videogames made about them
Is thereany tool to extract/rip card art, sprites or general 2D art from Android games?...
Hacking simulators
2Butt confirmed for Soul Calibur
Surprisingly good sequels to shitty games
Sony Drops the Fucking Hammer on Nip Devs, Sends English fucking (((Inspectors))) to them all
TF2 is still fun
Game worlds that gets more shit than they deserve
spooky sexy skeletons
Thats the mayors daughter. I was told to look after her. But i failed! Miserably!Why...
After several years of lying dormant, my urge to replay Deus Ex has been roused...
Jrpg goddess
Garrys Mod thread
Planescape: Torment
Underappreciated classics
Games with cool easter eggs or levels...
Genuine gamer girls
B-b-b-b-but now the character is relatable!
Shadow Tactics
A prototype of a wii remote for the Gamecube was sold....
ITT: The best music track in a series
What did you pick?...
Is this worth finishing? Played through two chapters so far and its boring. I have...
/v/ the Musical VI Post-Release Stream
Imperator - Version A 1.1
Is this game any good? I kept hearing mixed opinions on it and it seems...
Legends of Aria
Whats the deal with Genwunners becoming the man?
Video Game Preservation
Red Dead: The Big Boy Thread
>kingdom hearts is a kids game...
pic rel is ded, had it in my bookmarks and few days ago when i...
Fullderp: snek edition
Darker and Edgier done right?
Golden age of arcade games
Fantasy Life
Slasher Simulator Roundup
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Ill Remember You Edition
webm thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Days Before Spookmas Edition
Decent Cowboy games on PC?
Games set in South America
8chanmania T3 Nomination thread
Getting tired of gameplay mechanics
The Golden Pantaloons did surely see the very beginnings of our realm; though I must...
SC6 Character Creation
What do you think about Yahtzee? Do you find his reviews fair, informative or at...
DICE Is Looking for Interns to Study Toxic Behavior in Battlefield.
NISA released Disgaea 5 Complete on Steam only to not tell people that its missing features.
Fallout New Vegas total conversion mod(s) thread
Final Fantasy Thread
Only the comfiest Lifesims
Fun games sent out to die
Playstation Classic game list
Is it worth playing the entire AC franchise? Im on number 1 and its kind...
Recording software for modern games?
video drivers
Whats in a boss fight?
Stupid /v/ questions
Times you can ally with the bad guys
REmake 2
How do Japanese Classics Match Up Against Western Classics?
Camera Angles
Peripheral thread
Games names of you cant remember
Yuzu can already play games a ton of games and most with good performance
Seriously why are mods allowed to delete threads about games they dont like....
Is there any other game that is such a love letter to small town america?...
Resident Evil/Biohazard
Mega Man: are you still playing 11 edition
Robots, Gynoids, and Androids Thread
>Eloquent, articulate and poetic internal monologue>Talks like a New Jersey retardI know we all sound...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Too Lewd To For You Edition
Cant wait for this to flop just like the Ouya did....
Smash Bros/Direct/Grinch Leak Autism and Hype Contaiment Thread
NieR: Automata
iPad parity with Xbox One S
Grand Strategy Games
DMC5 Dante
Piranha Bytes Games
Im thinking of buying a PS4 pro and use CFW to pirate games on it,...
Battle Brothers
Isaac would be 10 times better if you nerfed all the broken OP items. It...
Is it really such a bad collection of games? Sure the price was a little...
Fallout 76 Beta bombing
>Netflix castlevania producer might be working on legend of Zelda animated series/v/ Will it...
Pirates, Vikings & Knights II
Fuck Groh
Games we can salt mine
Let It Die thread
Dungeon Fighter Online
Portable gaming with depth
That kid thread>That kid who who’s parents would give him $100 for the Scholastic Book...
Non-Gundam Mech games on PS3
Your Biggest Gaming Regret
HAPPY HALLOWEEN, /v/What games do little seasonal things depending on the holiday youre playing them...
Was the last-minute cancellation of Super Seducers PS4 release the first sign of Sony becoming...
>yfw China is going to penalize Chinese people who buy lots of video games>The...
Happy Halloween /v/ ...
Castlevania Thread
Evil has Survived.
Netflix Witcher
Pizza Tower
Not going to post the game, fuck the game, its just a shitty rpg game...
Pets and vidya
MediEvil remake
Less Is More
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Spooky QTs Night Edition
How did we forget to celebrate the anniversary of such a delicious event?...
November 1-10
Visual Novel Thread
Who do you target first?
Generic Action Game <Insert Year Here>
/v/ Anime Night - Nov 10th - Devil May Cry Eps 5-8
Fullderp: Spooky Levitating Ghost edition
Next generation will be about streaming games
What was so great about P.T. other than the reputations of the people working on...
WHAT IS HALO CUSTOM EDITION?HCE (Not to be confused with the PC version of Combat...
Mineman Politkon - Ars Autistica!
Christmas / Black Friday Vidya
Smash Bros. containment thread: FINAL DIRECT edition
Command & Conquer Thread
He fucking did it.
Linux Gaming
What happened to the pre streamer pro gamers?
Fallout 76: Shitpost Edition
Gaming demographics
Very old bugs fixed late or havent been fixed yet
I dont understand, why are people so hyped for this outside of the rose tinted...
Digimon World
Why are people against Steam Codes ??
Hated games
This is Kirby. He is a pink ball and is the only hope for the...
Final Fantasy Fags Assist
Games about Hauntings
Japanese Learning Thread: 同士ラブ Edition
SimplePlanes Thread
A hat in time
>mfw I realized they made Fallout 76 a multiplayer game just so we couldn’t spoil...
Cry hipster. Cry....
Deltarune / Undertale 2
No Nut Novemeber
Lootboxes and Belgian laws, the battle continues
The Missing
Are there any truly skill based competetive games? I’ve never been interested in it but...
How could it have been saved?...
ARE YOU READY OPERATORS?FAQ>What is Joint Operations?Joint Operations is a multiplayer tactical shooter made by...
Mario Kart
I renember playing this game where you play as a kid in a haunted mansion...
Free MMOs Wheres the fun?
Mohbel gaymes
Blizzcon just started, some news is bound to come from there. I havent been keeping...
Destiny 2 free on battlenet
Pokemon: Go To The Polls is Junichis last game
Classic WoW Demo
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: All Souls Day Edition
Samuss arse in Wii U Smash
Rules exist to be enforced.
R6: Siege seeing global content changes as a result of entering China
Planetside 2
Warcraft Reforged custom maps/campaigns
>Even Orcs are joining the Alliance>Thats how scourge tier the Horde is nowI am enjoying...
Why DMC5 hate thread was deleted?...
Hidden Gems in Mobile Gaming
the walking dead game
Valves had a rough few months
protag intolerance
Fighting Game General: Dude just block it lol Edition
Gayboy Six Siege To Be Heavily Censored. Resetera Faggots on Suicide Watch.
Deltarune / Undertale 2 / Genesis General
This was a really fucking disappointing Resi game. The protagonist was shit, the villains were...
Does seriousness kill most vidya?
Dungeon Siege
>forefathered the fps genre and is one of the most revolutionary series>the one id/zenimax with...
Zombie Survival
I have always been somewhat interested in Dark age of Camelot, and now I have...
Its my birthday. What are some videogames that acknowledge your birthday in game, which ones...
Arcade games thread
Games you Shold Play At least Once
Modders=Godders at the comments, look at that sodium.Its enough to give someone heart disease....
Find the vidya by music
AMD or Intel for gaming ?
Perfect fusion
Dorf Fort thread
ITT we laugh at a dying industry
Fixing a PS4/System Repairing General
Any multiplayer grindy game where I can expend my neet time to get stronger to...
So is up.Heres the page.Is retro gaming saved? Or will Nintendo eventually bring this...
Have you ever bought a game only for sex appeal?
Games that mimic others
Twewy Switch
>4chan went down>/tv/ links 8chan to cuckchanners though discord again>Gets spam by Cuckchan Just...
ITT:Games that perfected their own genre, and developers should stop trying to top it...
I dont understand why someone has taken up the baton yet, its a concept that...
Shitty music tropes
Cliffords social suicide continues
What went right?...
Smash Containment Thread: Fuck This Bullshit Edition
Share Thread
DoDonPachi thread got me thinking:Whats up with shmups and edgy ass plots? Like the edgiest...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cute Sisters Edition
Refugee migration thread
Attorney Online Vidya
>install game>game must be inserted to playwhy is this?...
Warcraft 3 remastered is actually a retcon/rewrite of Warcraft 3.>Writer Christie Golden, who has worked...
Dream Game ThreadPost the games you wish existed>Castlevania >Curse of Darkness Sequel>Made by Platinum Games>Art...
Deltarune/Undertale: CHAOS CHAOS edition
Star Wars Galaxies
Age of Wonders 3
Where did the thread about Sonys censorship go?
Fullderp: Best Type Edition
What do you think of Rayman Revolution /v/?...
Path of Exile releases Private Leagues
8chanmania S2 Bout 4 Nomination thread
Games that are immersive
Best HoI4 mods
I would gladly go through another full cycle of survival crafting games if it meant...
Bootleg games & consoles
Super Smash Bros gets controversy over racist depiction on native americans
Arena FPS
Command & Conquer
What is your favourite video console menu?Mine is either the Gamecube or the PS2....
Doing another playthrough of MGSV after a few years. I finished it a month after...
RimWorld Thread
Demoday is dangerously close editionResources>>>/agdg/>>>/vm/>#8/agdg/ via>Dev resources:>Wiki:>Beginners guide: >>>/agdg/29080>Previous thread: >>15622921Announcements>QUARTERLY DEMO...
Games that cant be remade
What are some games you can play while being depressed?Preferably something relaxed...
why does everything in here take so long to kill?i get spending 15 minutes on...
Mountain Blade Thread
Webm thread: A proper one this time
Infamous vs Prototype
alright this is probably gay as hell, but im trying to set up a soundboard...
Food and vidya
The Quiet Man
How did Yandere Simulator gain the attention of so many females?
Living room PC
Nintendo 64 Emulation
Challenge accepted
Starts at 7PM PDT/10PM EDT Its a late night Jackbox stream with /v/! Head...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Smug Freya Edition
The Future of Our Vidya
A PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) movie could be coming to Netflix
SS13 Bread: New Serb Edition
JoJo Vidya
Whats your opinion on Tokimeki Memorial?...
Steam censors a loli VN (the same one that they allowed, and then censored before)
Battle Royale
Playing this in 2018
So what the hell happened to this? Wasnt it supposed to be Left 4 Dead...
Have you ever played a game with an African before? I know BRs and Russians...
>Muh Forza Thread
RPGs where enemies dont respawn
Denuvo getting raped
[STAR CITIZEN SUPPORT THREAD] Redditors be like wtf i love star citizen now
Grove Street, home. At least it was before the jews fucked everythang up.
Smash Containment Thread: A FUCKING PLANT edition
Custom Hardware
The trainwreck that keeps on burning
Another Delta Rune Thread!
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Comfy Danielle Edition
Post terrible vidya music....
Who is your favorite Belmont and why?...
Mario Segale, the man after whom video game hero Super Mario was named, has died aged 84.
This Special Red Video Game Special Color.
Is there any games you feel where the quality of the sequel and the previous...
Video Game streaming as the future of games?
New PC for vidya
What the fuck is Square doing with FFXI next month?
Downward spiral
Who knows of any good games or mods/custom maps involving defending and escaping from an...
Is this the only good Xbone exclusive?
The Absolute State of Blizzard
New Pokémon Lets GO Trailer
Fullderp: Four More Years edition
China is the scourage of the Video Game World.
New Vegas
Mega Man Classic Thread
SimCity thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Other Cake Edition
Rhythm Games
Whats the best videogame genre if my goal is to get an animu adaptation from...
Are games even a good media to tell stories?As someone that started to read books...
Virtual-On Operation Moongate for PC
From zero to hero Thread
Roguelike general
Japanese games with just kana.
Jesters & Clowns
Hajime Tabata leaves Square After Losses and Cancelling FF15 DLCs
Video game Plagiarism
nes games
Diablo immortal>best diablo ever made>I can play it everywhere>is freeThis is what a good marketing...
KIRBY STAR ALLIES UPDATE 3 ON THE WAYIncludes>Magalor>Taranza>Suzy>new reverse world with new mechanics and much...
Ninja Gaiden II
Red Dead Redemption II doesnt hold a candle to any of the classic westerns such...
Youtube censoring RDR2 videos
Bug Fables and spiritual successors
combat flight sims
PC Hardware thread
Starcraft: Brood War
Movies that do Witcher better than the Netflix series
Playstation Classic is using a Retroarch core
/emug/ - Emulation General Fire & Ice Edition
Pillars of Eternity Sales Flopped
Fun Weapons/Items/Tools in Vidya
Dragon Warrior
Yet ANOTHER Kingdom Hearts rerelease
Complete bullshit design venting thread
webm thread
Remaking and Improving Historically Bad Games
Spyro Reignited STILL requires a download
So…. anyone got an opinion on Trog?...
Deltarune Thread: It will never end if you keep telling it to stop the chaos edition
Sniper Elite
Soyny censored 2 upcoming Idea Factory games
Looking for feedback on game idea: topdown shooter california civil war
This month just keeps getting better...
>Battlefield V just came out >No one talking about it on /v/>Barely anyone watching streams...
Why the hell does barely anyone use a mic on PC games...
Gamenight: Battlefield 1918
What is /v/s opinion on bootleg multi-carts from China?...
AM2R Thread, and general Metroid thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: DEMON KING NOBUNAGA EDITION
Terraria 1.3.6 Spoiler Update
Curated video game osts
Vidya thread
>Dragon Quest XI: Sugisarishi Toki o Motomete 3DS (JPN) CIA>Language: JPNWhere the heck is the...
Playstation Classics
Good grindy game
women in games
PSN and Sony services will have to charge Chicago residents a 9% entertainment taxes starting...
Angry Goy 2: Yet Another Shoah
Elona thread - Harvest edition
Autismcraft server part 4: nearly dead edition
Gamecube recommendations
Ace CombatsRacers of RidgeTekkensFinal FantasiesResident EvilsCastlevaniasGran TurismosLunarsParasite EveChronoCrossDragonWarrior VIIXenogearsGrandiaVagrant StoryFront Mission 3Metal Gear SolidSilent HillWipeoutXLKlonoaSilhouette...
Why does this stupid fucking game still scare me? I can watch horror movies and...
In search of REAL Criticism: Video games are art Edition.
Should the Taurians & the Salarian receive treatment over the Creation & implementation of Genophage...
OW Dev Conspiracy?
>amazing multiplayer battles>shit campaign>no one plays MP and everyone still pretends its a SP gameis...
Name a single game made in the last 10 years that isnt forgettable garbage compared...
Has anyone tried Memories Retold?I heard it was shit....
Why do black people love fighting games so much, yet still predominately suck at...
Spiderweb Sofware games
Recommend me a series I can get into
What is the /v/ equivalent of Master and Commander?
>day -3 crackKEK...
Hitman 2 got cracked 3 days before release, Denuvo on suicide watch
Meta Thread: Lesbian Kissing Sticks Edition
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game. (Edition): #008
Apparently Microsoft is gonna announce some huge news around 4PM EST (basically now). I figured...
What games do Eldritch Knights well? Ive been playing NWN1/2 and D&D 3.0/5e really have...
Xbox one direct highlights Discussion
November 11-20
Games to prepare for sequels?
Video Game Advice
TTW 3.2 Release (Updated Link)
what are the most autistic fandoms?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Dressing As A Girl Edition
what do you think of witch hunt?
>2012>Airmech pops up>Jump on in since I played Herzog Zwei as a kid and shits...
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Understanding Target Audience
Microsoft buys Obsidian and inXile
Options for using PS2 with a PC?
Is this the end of Blizzard?Step 1 : Port shitty game to even shittier platformStep...
Triple Anus Games
Games with a charming cast
Artifact thread? Artifact thread
Quests/missions that are absolute bullshit
which ones in the series are the most fun? ive only played rome and shogun...
JoJo part 5 + vidya
Kenshi general
Anyone else think agent milton in rdr 2 was a great character? The way he...
MMO titles of 2018/2019
Recommend a Niche Game
Deltarune Thread
Webm Thread Again
LucasArts Games
Just how long can a company shit on its own fanbase and stay solvent?
Octopath Traveler
Jump Force Roster
Its that time again
Fallout New California thread.
New/Upcoming Diablo Clones
Zelda Thread
Yet another Fallout 76 thread
So I heard Chris Avellone is telling microsoft to fire all the obsidian execs. Why...
Power Rangers Vidya
Windows 95/98/XP general
Let It Die
A trailer for that Pokémon movie has come out.
Monster Hunter Movie first shots
Legendary comic book creator Stan Lee dead at 95
Megaman 11 music mod
Vidya Movies
Games that soothe autism
I have one arm. What are the best games that can be played with only...
Alien Love
Old School RuneScape mobile debuts with over one million installs
Good job Nintendo.
Video game conspiracy theories
Fireteam Raven
#Gamergate #NotYourShield [ #GG + #NYS ]: LotGH Edition
Prototype is really similar to Shadow the Hedgehog>Black and red color scheme>Both Shadow and Alex...
Remakes that Ruin the Original
What happened to the vidya industry since 2008?...
NT: Game art/ wallpapers...
Persona pre-3
Vidya Watchin
Textures resolution
Vanillaware thread
Destroy All Humans
Third Person Shooters
K+M on consoles
There are people that havent beaten this
GameCube + Action Replay question
Star Fox Lore?
ResetEra attacks Persona 5 calling it an adult dating children sim
Vidya Villains
Will the Special modes make a return in SSB Ultimate? What modes do you want...
Games that were way more fun than expected
Blandbox, a more fitting term for sandbox games
I want a singleplayer game that I can spend a lot of time learning and/or...
Battlefield V launch general
Questionable romance options for female players
EA hiring Petroglyph to work on Tiberian Dawn and Red alert remasters
Dead by Daylight thread
ITT we discuss the perfect gta-like game
Now why in the hell would the nobles of Ferelden be so eager to keep...
Assassins Creed
Steam censors another loli game, this time an RPG
/v/ gaming lists
You know what? I think we may have dodged a bullet with the cancellation of...
Im having issues getting into Divinity: Original Sin 2. I do not find the story...
Source of the Detective Pikachu Horror
Is there a PC port of Goldeneye like the one some guy made for Doom...
PUBG for PS4 announcement
Actually think about spending one thousand(1000) dollars for a cheap particle effect someone did in...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Lewd Overload Edition
Fullderp: Shitmons Gone Wild edition
Stories of Legendary Developers
Been having a lot of crazy stuff happening in my life and been playing a...
Character Design
1 Week Till Disaster Report 4
Hitman 2 demo
What are some modern games (excluding indies) without grinding/progression systems? Are they even made anymore...
Ace Combat 4
Fromsofts VR game may be a downlow Bloodborne 2 trailer
Rapper 2 Milly accuses Fortnite of stealing his dance moves
Vanillaware Game 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Another Victicm By Soyny?
Illinois course looks at domain of masculinity and whiteness in video games.
Sony censored Game Tengoku
Killer 7
Ostrich faggots BTFO
Oregon trail
Nintendo Direct Mini 11/20/2018
Has a single scene or level of a game ever completely turned you off of...
Puzzle games
Imagine bragging about something like this....
Games where I can throw people off pits and hear them scream on the way down
My motherboard broke, what are some good, non-grindy Android games you could recommend me?I already...
Who uses fightpads for fighting games? I havent touched a fighting game since the PS2...
Sony Pulling Out of E3 2019
RTX Experimetal, Not True RTX. Performance shits Itself in HD.
Hellgate something
Screenshot Thread
Webm Thread
Super Mario Bros. 3 + All Stars
Comic Vidya Thread
pokemon eevee n chu is out
Anyone played the 49 inch Samsung with a NVIDA Setup?
How is this game even considered co op? You cant run off screen as the...
Which expansion for a private server should I play? I guess vanilla, burning crusade, or...
40k games
A friend shilled Dying Light to me and it seemed really shit at first but...
F76 looks like it could be fun, if it was a single player game. Cut...
People are fucking idiots
Peripherals Thread
Meta Now
Pannenkoek does it again.
Touhou General
Sony now enforcing Chicagos new tax
Destiny 2 P2P after the 18th
Sins of Solar Empire free on Humblebundle
another ace combat 7 trailer
Cliffy B threatens to quit making games
The 3DS was left to die
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Clean your consoles/PC fans, anons....
Microsoft may release a disc-free Xbox One in 2019
>Netflix is making a DMC anime>made by the Castlevania crewfug...
Devil May Cry Netflix series announced
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Horned Girls Edition
/v/ Anime Night - Nov 17th - Devil May Cry Eps 9-12
Sunset Overdrive PC
Attention fellow ausfags
World of Darkness cucked itself to death
an open world Tony Hawks Underground would be great
Video Game Preservation thread
So the clues are so obvious. History is repeating itself. So who is going to buy Playstation?
Hard Pleasure
webm thread
Smash Containment Thread: Endless Trash edition
Best Girl of 2018
loli games: no porn pls also dont delete thread MODS PLS
Well optimized games
Games that actually use current specs for gameplay
Strictly speaking of vidya, what do you personally consider worse: in your face strong wyming...
I miss FMV games like this, and Tenderloving care.What are some good completely retarded and...
Quality Grinding Thread
Sonic and Doom autists do it again
What’s your favorite engine /v/? Is your favorite from modding/working with it or because of...
RDR2 has massive input lag
AGDG - Amateur Game Dev General
Unconventional Fighting Games
Anyone thinking about actually trying to get into the industry and make their own games...
>2018 >SJW, feminists and soyboys still salty about Jontron wrongthink >Jontron still a boogeyman in...
Star Citizen has reached 200M
Underworld Ascendant is a buggy mess
Worse or most hatred game in a series
Interstellar marines
Whats the newest game youve played would rate as at least good?For me probably Pathfinder...
How well would a Star Wars MMOFPS do today?
What setting got changed?
Zen Vidya
Ace Combat
>in top 10 visually most stunning games ever made>literally one of the best, if not...
Was exploring down South near the mining area when suddenly everything turned green and angry....
All right faggots listen up. I want a game where I can PUNCH THE SHIT...
8chanmania thing
The first game and the second game are so fucking bizarre. Neither of them are...
Tetris thread
Fullderp: I die you die we all die for weedie edition
Civclassic Thread
Deus Ex
new Super Robot Wars roster has leaked.Daitarn 3Zambot 3DunbineZZ GundamChars Counter AttackVictory GundamEndless WaltzSeed DestinyGundam...
Whats the best Mario Kart and why is it Super Circuit?>Actually demands skill>Skill is the...
Fighting Game General
Recommend me good Games that let you side with the Antagonist
Why doesnt Congress ever fine game companies for lying? They fine Google and Facebook for...
Another Video Game Award Show
>Quake Champions finally started to listen to fans are admit its the only reason they...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: All Kinds of Jazz Edition
Angry Goy 2
Why are Sony and Steam censoring games?...
Flash games.
Hylics (2)
Is there any way to mod the bad Pokemon out of Pokémon?...
Developer Frauds
ARMA 3 & MilSim Thread
Innovations in the modern video gaming payment model
Military FPS trends
Will the Call of Duty series get exonerated now?
Meta thread
Buyfag/Collector Thread
Grand Theft Auto
Pokemon Lets Go music
Why arent there way more erotic western VNs? Why arent there more than a handful...
Believe his lies
Product placement in video games
Had a chat with a composer
Russian Nintendo President
How did we even arrive at this timeline?
Video games died a long time ago. Sure, you can point to (insert flavour of...
Nonsense Titles
Risk of Rain
better tetris to start?
Half Life is 20 years old today
Whats some life saving vidya? I get say theme hospital but anything else that allows...
Be like Water my friend
Aethyr - Literally Shilling
v Robots of Cute, not enough of them?
Rainbow Six: Siege - Moroccan Diversity Season
Doom/Retro FPS Thread
Comfy games about Egypt (No Niggers)
WebM thread
Lord of the Rings games
Did you know Rita Repulsa is the director of Animal Crossing?...
Star Wars Galaxies: Legends
Character Rosters
Jackbox nights with /v/. Stuffed turkey edition
Ace Attorney
Vidya conspiracies, theory and otherwise.
alternative to ultima underworld?
Nintendo Switch Hacking PSA
Visual Novel Thread
Final Fantasy XI ( XIV - III ) : Grind Eternal
Best Bad Games Thread
Why was he so vilified? He never did anything illegal under International law. He just...
Sony Censorship Policy Removes Crude Items from Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet.
Was this game patient zero when it comes to AAA developers and publishers focusing on...
/v/ plays Super Metroid
More girls from that late 90s - early 00s aesthetic....
New game from Darth - Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnought
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: In the Sky with /8diamonds/ Edition
Cosplay~ Thanksgiving Elf Edition
EA reveals first details of C&C Remastered
Just let me play the fucking game, holy shit!
Splatoon Thread - Zen Meditation Edition
Horror thread
Why Nintendo is failing financially
> Post a thread on /v/ a week ago> I cant get into Divinity Original...
Cuck Youtuber/Reddit moderator insults Cleve
Pokemon Lets Go!: Its mediocre
Fate Grand Order
People that try to go pro in DOA games
Possible announcement by Firaxisgames
We need a new Splatterhouse game
ITT post vidya characters who did nothing wrong.
Did anyone else try the new rerererelease?Tokyo update when?...
I’m tired of installing games in external drives because the industry decided to make every...
Hardcore Cucking 101
Pick a game and modify an aspect of its mechanic so that the change is...
Terraria Thread
FRS EDGE - US Gov School Shooter Simulator
tuxedo threads
This fucking game
November 21-31
What are some games where you can dress up cute girls in cute clothes? Already...
Steel Division 2: Getting into WW2 Total War over here!
Tryrush Deppy
Star Citizen Is Finally Coming Together
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer
pathetic devs
I could have sworn that someone was making a Europa Universalis clone, but I cant...
Someone actually fixed LGPE
gran tourismo
Rainbow Six Siege drops China censorship, reverts aesthetic changes
Dragon Ball /v/: The Master Plan Edition
The Inexplicable Sexiness Of Ivy Valentine(A Soul Calibur hitpiece).
Padding Review Score?
Help a retard play Battle Brothers
Xi Jinping Pooh meme
Valve and SJWs
Yuri vidya
There must always be a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread
What was the first game to have one of these trigger warnings? ASSCREED?...
They finally [impregnanted the Rorona]
Any of you fags gotten the ZOTAC version of the 2080 ti?
Black Mesa: Xen Trailer
Why do PC games skimp on proper FOV and UI scaling?
Ace of Spades
Mario ROM Hacks is a tread for recruiting new contributors to 8/v/s personal vidya reccs wiki.I would...
Fullderp: Dumb Foxes edition
Grand Strategy Games
Journos try to rescue BFV by giving it positive reviews but no one is falling for it
apparently theres a steam autumn saleim getting hatred, mortal kombat x and maybe just cause...
Why is it people still believe video games and media are responsible for mass shootings ??
Starcraft 2 underwhelming campaign
I was hit by a sudden wish to replay NWN.Is there any other D&D game...
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Nuts and Bolts
No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again Demo out. What do you faggots think of it?...
Kingdom Come- how much is edited out in the console versions?
Blizzard confirmed Activisions bitch
Kike Awards
Any fallout fags here? Is Shelter or 4 better?
Hitman 2
Smash Containment Thread: Fuck off Sakurai
Meta thread
Disaster Report 4 is out
Nintendo Labo
Left 4 dead/Left 4 dead 2
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Girls Loving Girls Edition
The Ratchet & Clank series
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!Have lots of fun on the one holiday where its really great to...
Vita thread - Never Give Up Hope Edition
Has anyone here ever lost weight from playing VR and what are the possibilities of...
Mega Man Thread
What do you think the last really good game that Nintendo themselves developed was? Not...
Linearist Thread
Teasers, Trailers
Redoing the recommended games charts.
Fat Man Plutos
Tfw Red Dead 2 isnt really very fun
Undertale and Deltarune improved upon the JRPG genre
Is the industry really defeating piracy?
Monitors- Anyone think a 27, 4k, 144 Hz, is worth $1,800
God tier OSTs
old Learning and 90s/2000s Games
Autumn sale
Persona 6
Game reviewers arent being good goys today...
Rayman Legends
Civ Thread; Catherine a SLUT edition
Mount and Blade: Lolilord
The PS5/Playstation Quintuple
Its $10 on steam. I always wanted to get into MMORPGs and The Elder Scrolls....
Sonic: the Ride
Why do game journalists side with the Communist Party of China over their own audience?
How would a perfect Berserk game be?...
Happy Thanksgiving, FagsA year ago today. Lets remember and laugh....
new new vegas thread
River City Ransom
Downfall signallers
Black Mesa
Does anyone want to play A MP civ 5 game on steam?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Late Thanksgiving Edition
Shit Sequels the made bad games look good
Jedi Academy Gamenight
Why are Fallout fans this fucking retarded?...
whats your favorite strategy game?for solo play...
Cleve attacked by a cuck Youtuber 2: The saga continues
Toaster games
Classic Gmod/SFM Videos
Christmas is around the corner.What are some games you would gift your parents?...
What do you think about Planescape Torment?...
Soyny continues its censorship, hitting Deaths End Re;Quest in Japann
Nintendo girls
The open-world villain video game list
CRT / Tube TVs
Any ideas on how to make a Splatterhouse Arcade game in Game Maker: Studio
Characters you loved despite the fact that they were short lived
>Buy a new PS4 game >Stick in the disc>It installs immediately and theres no patches...
webm thread.
Eve Online
/v/ Anime Night - Nov 24th - Bayonetta: Bloody Fate
ITT: Post comfy vidya osts>Heard the game was in development years ago>Didnt know it launched until its shutdown was...
Unconventional / Under-Appreciated OSTs
Super Daryl Deluxe
90s virtual reality
Ace Combat
Smash Ultimate Song List
Mario Spin-off Thread: Mario Tennis/Golf/Sports, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario RPG, etc.
Honest suggestions
Can someone explain to me the whole games are art narrative being pushed?...
Blizzcucks Blaming Corporate or Activision
Resident Evil Movie Reboot Is Inspired by Resident Evil 7
I played Lets Go and its a ton of fun, compared to what I expected,...
Lets talk gambling: Poker
Square Enix trademarks Parasite Eve in Europe
Soyny Claimed Another Victim From Its Censorship Policies
Terrible Video Game Plots
>Diablo immortal>Battlefield>Fallout 76>Companies are getting so shit that not even the good goys are falling...
Xbox one future
Fullderp: Pokemon Lets Go edition
Im glad theres private servers for this. Is anyone else here still playing it?...
Nerd Culture T-Shirts
Let It Die
Why are they making a new Civ game when they already made the perfect Civilization...
Upcoming game releases
What makes a good Open world game?
Dumbest video game plots
Hex Grid games
Super Smash Brothers: Free Gaem edition
Ace Attorney - The Great one edition
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II
what is it, /v/?
words that follow
Im playing Dragons Crown, and I swear to almighty God each time Rannie the thief...
15777777 get soon...
Druids and stuff in vidya
dota happening
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Big Girls Edition
Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra
>avrg azn girl is better at video games than youwtf...
What’s wrong with your faaaace
Theres something magical about JRPGs.Theyre the kind of game you appreciate more the older you...
Just got a Galaxy S9. Recommend some mobile games. They cant all be...
Fallgout 76 is actually a Skyrim total conversion.
Skyward Sword Remake
Who the fuck was the target audience??
Why do characters moms always have to die in games?...
Same VA thread
Excellent Western games
Its rumored that Peter Steele from Type O Negative sang the theme song to the...
So I have been playing...
/Com98General/ Joyride Universe discussion
Cleavage Deleted and Pants Slapped on 1992 Female Pinball Pirate on PS4
Smash is censored
Vidya map breadPost all the vidya maps ya got. Preferably in lossless format like PNG,...
Any videogames about creepy aliens/alien abductions? I know The Hum is being developed but outside...
Multiplayer FPS
Screencap thread
>Sonic always been the mascot for every sega system >NES Mario as mascot >Donkey Kong...
EA stocks in freefall
Famous people from the past have been revived and are now learning about modern culture...
What strategy games allow me to roleplay and fuck around on the map creating either...
Why do all speed running autists have anger management issues?
Could you suggest any decent/top tier artist who could further develop this scene? Thanks in...
>character action gameAint that some descriptive fucking genre definition.Who came up with this bullshit? Why...
Middle earth related games
Why do normalfags bash some games for being leftist propaganda (BF5), but turn a blind...
Switch Recommendations?
Vidya on Drugs
Wonder Boy
Valve goes fucking nuts: Starts banning developer accounts if they even tried to submit a loli game
Vidya Weapons
Censorship General
Record of Agarest War Mariage coming to PC in English
Ultimate General thread
have any of you played this f2p monster hunter clone? what are your thoughts on...
Final Fantasy II thread (2)
>The one human who evolved to be immune>Should we let her reproduce to carry the...
Just Cause 4
Supergiant Games Games
webm thread
Get Woke Go Broke
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Squat the Day Away Edition
Roleplaying in single player games
Anyone else playing the old Spyro because your poor AF like me?...
Beefing system?
Playstation Classic(al greed)
Battlefield V already 50% off
Sony copyrights new Carts
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game. (Edition): #009
Non-Games you wish were real
Spongebob games general
Unofficial Tuesday Game Night: Bible Test!
videogame music is real music...
Total War
Death in Vidya
Hard boner games vs Comfy boner games
FTC to investigate loot boxes
Game Development for beginners
Logic Puzzles
Atmospheric games
Why did they think it was a good idea to add non-nintendo characters to the...
N64 games **and hidden gems**
Good SM64 hacks
Physics engine
Video Games and Age
40k games/lore thread
There is such a thing as healing games?Stuff that help you to feel good/less lonely...
AGDG - Amateur Game Dev General
Fire Emblem Thread: Too Many Edition
Old games on modern hardware
>Battlefield V outright rewriting real-world history to replace white soldiers with women >Battlefield V even...
Jimmy and the pulsating mass
Examples of corporate worship
Fullderp: haet fairy edition
man I dont remember Harry Potter GBC having all this shit when I played it...
8bit Thread
Age of wonders
Hold the fuck up....
Im not really sure I understood his plan, or even really knew what his plan...
The State of the Industry, or Why /v/ is the reason that modern vidya is so shit.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Dragon Girls Edition
You told me not to buy the Spider-man game, so I didnt and saved my...
Tfw you bruteforce your way through a shitshow
Video games
Games with a cartoon-ish feel to it
Mass Effect 2
Fallout 76 Bag
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Co-op
NISA Survey
Minecraft General
Merry Share Thread
Rimworld Competition
Nintendo Ends its Creator Program
Food games thread
Smash Spoilers
A prelude to the 8chan cup -/test/ Cup
Sim City 4 thread
Hackers and decision making
Batman: Arkham Asylum was so much fun, how the hell did it go so terribly...
Do western POrcs exist?
Kojimaless Metal Gear
Are Isometric games necessary today?
This was a surprisingly good game. It had much more challenge and enjoyable content with...
how can pic related affect gaming?...
UPgraded Games
Joint Ops - Radmod GAMENIGHT!
Kingdom Hearts Thread?
Escape From Tarkov: ONCE AND FOR ALL
Spyro games not made by insomniac
Gamecube - loading from SD
Dinosaur Vidya
Is it really better than the sequels?...
Atmosphere 0.8.0 Released with Switch 6.2 support
Possibly Dragon Age related news in December
Vidya shit that pisses you off.
lootboxes are already fixed
Art Style
Streamers are now more powerful than game journalists. Is it good or bad?...
I bet all of you dont even know who this lad is.No reverse image searching....
Early concept prototype consoles thread...
X4: Foundations
#Gamergate #Notyourshield [ #GG + #NYS ]: Nazi Zombies edition
Al Lowe is selling his source code collection including Leisure Suit Larry 1 and 2
Bethesda permabanned players for calling someone a faggotroid
PS2 Classic
What the hell is that thing that randomly pops up in Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour?...
Mobile Games
Stardew Valley Dev drops Chucklefuck as Publisher
December 1-10
Xeno- Games
Yume Creations Restored on Steam
Widening your horizons?
WEBM Thread: LEGS Edition
Final Fantasy XV
Famicom games
Super Daryl Deluxe
How the shit do you create a first-person melee combat that is good?
Why?Did CERO threaten to give the game a CERO-B rating if the breasts werent reduced...
the movie: the game
Biowares Anthem
>Link transforms into a wolf when he travels to a different dimension>THIS IS AMAZING>Mario can...
character and lore rape
Games to play on Christmas
The End of Goodolddownloads
is he called Guts Man because hes got guts? wouldnt it make more sense if...
What game will you be thinking of hen you die /v/?...
Most Autistic shit youve heard in an online game
Kirby Thread
Dreamcast Classic
Games too popular now
Senran Kagura 7even (to be) censored
Souls thread
Where is there for gaming to actually go?
Zenimax can make Bethesda disappear overnight, and sadly theres still no game like Bethesdas
Do you ever get depressed about not having anyone to play games with anymore? ...
Draw Thread - Soccer Animu Babes Edition
OOT Best Emulation?
What keeps you playing a game if it isnt challenging?Ive been enjoying Fallout 4 but...
GoodoldDownloads shuts down - attacks IGG games with a final blow: Biggest Dox to witnessed,...
Ninja Gaiden
How will Valve ever recover? This must be their worst reviewed game in their entire...
Fullderp: tentaquil edition
The little things that make games memorable
Controller games
Indie devs now think their job is as hard as rocket science
Meta Thread
Jewish characters thread
Im pretty bored of Killing Floor 2. Has there been any other good wave survival...
Resident evil 2: battle royale
Its about time we had another thread for the best RPG ever to be made....
Outdated video game predictions
Sony censorship because of global standards and kids
Is the AWP overpowered?...
Virtual Card Games
MONOPOLY VIDYA THREAD, BITCHESFavorite monopoly game?Favorite player avatar?Favorite money currency?Favorite rules set?Which vidya was the...
Dues Ex 1
8chanmania Bout 7
What are some reasons I should not buy Dragon Quest XI?...
What did you think of Persona 5 and the Phantom Thieves?...
Vidya Burnout
Beastly Farmer: Warudo cracked by CODEX
Monster Hunter World cracked
Resetera Dead?
Todd caught lying again
#Gamergate #Notyourshield [ #GG + #NYS]: PADORU edition
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC Fighters Will Be Surprising, And A “Must-Have” For Fans
Mutant Year Zero
Xenia emulation
Christmas Gaming Traditions
Wife scolds man for objectifying video game character
>get itch to pick up spacequem again >fire up game>oh fuck, not only the...
Gaming and 3D Printing
is sonic that bad?
Tier lists
8chanmania Bout 8 Nomination thread
Consoles will Die or Reset?
AAA Death Throes General?
PlayStation Awards 2018
Terrible games youve played throughout the years
WayForward helping IGA with Bloodstained
Modern Games
A couple years ago the big term thrown around vidya advertisement was “adrenaline pumping”, that...
>play grimrock for an hour>crippling anxiety kicks>start checking corners of each floor more frequiently>play at...
Ive been playing Planescape Torment and I really love it so far. However I kind...
Whats the absolute worst game youve ever played?
Neptunia Thread
The Game Awards
Sequels that leave their predessor in the dust
>tumblr banning 99% of content for triggering content>site having exodus that puts 4chans big one...
>make attractive female fighting game character>hurr she was once a guyWhat is the point of...
In a videogame is it better build your character with more attack power or build...
Winning roguelikes
Recipe for Turnabout/English Turnabout
Sony UK To Speak With Petition Maker About PS4 Censorship Policies
Twilight Princess is the best Zelda
The First Nonary Game
Jackbox nights with /v/. Padoru, Padoru edition.
Secrets that are never pointed out ingame you love
Why do you think bethesda never sued Square over ripping off the elder scrolls theme for FFXV?
Lets gauge the autism quota
God of War Creator condems SJW censorship
Steams quality control keeps getting worse
Why are mmo role players the fucking worst?
Atelier Arland DX is out
Hey /v/, recommend me some good computerized games with a lot of rape scenes and...
Pozzed Assembly
Shovelware games that turned out to be good
Mecha thread
Pokémon Go
In this moment i am euphoric
Tencent/Epic Games is making their own version of Steam
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Tumblring Down Edition
Gods - remastered - overpriced as fuck
Maggey Byrde declared G.U.I.L.T.Y
What do you think of Left Alive?
Path of Exile
Zen games
Grand Strategy Games
Todds shame
Smash going pay2win
> tfw your game has a table of contents for its patch notes is absolutely...
Fire Emblem Thread?
Spin-off thread
Vidya related stuff that somehow exists
How to innovate Pokemon?
Expansion packs that are better than the base game
The PlayStation Classic
Games with a great concept or setting, but shitty or at best mediocre execution
Is it just me being shit at videogames, or do none of the notes in...
Starbreeze troubles
Afternoon, Mr. Anon. Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to post the...
Overkills fucking dead
Valve censor another visual novel
Valve ban Dota 2 competitor for calling out the chinks
Immersive simulators
Meta thread
Best games with anime,artstyle
Opposing Force
Just Cause 4 cracked after 1 day
Fullderp: Fan Art Edition
There goes another one
Katamari Damacy thread
Merry christmas!
Vidya Moms
Sonic Heroes just leaked everyones private information. If youve submitted a ticket, it might bug out...
Intentionally pitch a bad yet believable
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Gadsden Snack Edition
Upcoming Games thread
ITT We post the most pathetic devs doing pathetic things...
The developers of Skyrim Together dont intend on sharing the server software
Music Thread: Phantasy Star Online Edition
Why is China so fucking stupid?...
Devil May Cry 5
i recently finished for the first time silent hill 2and without shame i could fuck...
When did the Layton games escalate so much? I played the DS games a long...
Eurogamer calls out right wing dogwhistling at GOG
Theres a fucking Soulja Boy Console
In case you hadnt already remember to add Digital Foundry to your personal shitlist. They...
/v/ has too many threads about journalism and politics
Death Stranding at The Game Awards
Capcom putting ads into SFV
Dice apparently on the right side of history
Dead by Daylight confirm big Game Awards announcement tonight
Far Cry: New Dawn
Merry Share Thread - YAMERO
So what do you think ? Felt pretty compy for me, overally. Not that it...
MapleStory 2 / MS2 Thread
Mexican government introduces new ratings system to protect children
School interprets smash logo as shooting thread
Nintendo remove taunting from online play in Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Post here your opinions on Fallout: New Vegas. In my opinion its the best Fallout...
(((Valve))) makes CSGO into a free to play battle royale game
Influencers in Gaming
Achievement Stats
The Evil Dead PC game series?
Good Superheroes games is a game where people take turn drawing pictures while everyone else tries to...
>Only game announced at the VGA that looks unique and fun >It’s just Dark souls...
Company of Heroes 2 is free on Steam until Monday...
Smash Containment Thread: Maximum Anime edition
So is this game going to let me go AnCap and side with the mega...
Ultimate Alliance 3
Bad video game trailers
Why do rpgs have awful replay value? At most youre gonna play them 2 or...
What happened to game audio?
>tfw love Linux but there was only a 0.08% increase in its use over the...
Blood Remaster by Nightdive Studios
Let It Die
Grim Dawn dev stream
Death Mark gets day-one censorship patch
Fighting Game General - GET OVER HERE Edition
Wario Land thread
Im playing Dragons Dogma for the first time and i gave Fornivals daughter the magical...
Some gay furry FGC faggot (the fag that won DBFZ at EVO 2018) is sperging out because he won a TGA
How games journalism lost its soul
GayZ finally coming out
Where the hell did the previous thread go editionResources>>>/agdg/>>>/vm/>#8/agdg/ via>Dev resources:>Wiki:>Beginners guide:...
webm thread: stupid edition
The gay nigger furry from TGA is a necrofurry
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Hangover Edition
How do you feel about the rumours of a new Raccoon City mainline game?
Steam quietly resumes censoring games, thinks nobody will notice
So, whats the earliest game to feature subtle background storytelling?Everyone shits on it because Dark...
Valves monopoly is finally slipping
I lost my Todd Howard folder, several hundred rare and special Todds gone. Please help...
Smash doesnt let you select modes for online
>playing cold waters>attack chinese shipping fleet>Take out a bunch of ships>Last two destroyers>Wtf why arent...
Kenshi is out of Early Access
Rank boosting in competitive games soon to be illegal in worst Korea
>this picture actually happenedGas the furries and the gaming media now. Every last one of...
Biowares new game will celebrate diversity and being explictly political
Nutaku adds LGBTQ+ Section
I have come to a horrifying realization
This rerelease sucks balls. Why did they change the original models? old ones looked better...
Who is the best Oblivion NPC and why is it Owyn?...
428 Shibuya Scramble
Trump supporters build alt-right video game
Ubisoft introduces expiration date for club units
Smash containment thread
EA taken to court after firing someone for saying Dick
Games inspired by non-European cultures
Who do you main as in TF2? I main heavy.This thicc Russian man is the...
Can we have a meta thread?
Haruoto Alice Gram: Snow Drop delayed due to censorship
Hentai games/Eroge that have both good gameplay and story?
The death of (((Blizzard)))
What happened?
Niplheims Hunter Steam release delayed indefinetly due to (((Valve)))
Weapons and Movesets
Ok Sakurai, thats how you wanna play it?...
Freelancer alpha 1-1, This is /v/. Docking ring cleared. Good luck out there.
Hype Moments
Odyssey went on sale and I’m curious if anyone knows any good non-bias or fanboy...
>decide to try to play all of the games in the final fantasy series>get to...
Non-H games where you can extort lewd acts from girls as rewards?
mouse grip & aiming in fps
So, I finally got to playing the mass effect trilogy after all these years (besides...
Fullderp: Dead Edition
Parody games
Nintendo just banned Final Destination no items Fox only from Smash Bros Ultimate
Whats That Game?
Movement in FPS
8chanmania Bout 8
Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer thread
Vidya Reboots
StudioFOW banned from Patreon
Controller Recommendation
Character Action games thread
#Gamergate #Notyourshield [ #GG + #NYS]: God-Empress Komi edition
Ridiculous game concepts
Based nips decensor Peachs skirt in SSBU
Boringly Easy games thread
Non-censored non-bugman Steam alternatives
Oblivion expansions
China sets up video game ethics panel for approval process
Did the concept of quality die out with the ps2?
What did I just play ?
Actual Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Thread
Afghanistan 11 pulled from app store for featuring kebab as enemies
100 Women in gaming book
Conan: Unconquered
Silverio Trinity developer had to complete censorship forms in English
China sets up a video game ethics panel in its new approval process
Sonic film
Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Eevee! are “Core Pokémon Titles” States Game’s Director
The Cost of Freedom
Battlefield V Xbox one bundle now 219
Starcraft Mobile?
Doom / Retro FPS General: SIGIL (Romeros new upcoming DOOM megaWAD) Edition
Teaser/Poster for New Sonic Film
Switch Emulation and Homebrew Thread
UT4 is officially dead
Meta Thread
Computer Hardware thread
Panzer Dragoon/Rail Shooter thread?
santa anon gift thread
>Microsoft made all of their games Windows store exclusive>It fucking failed so hard that they...
Cheapest way to get a Pi 3 B+
7th gen handheld games
Draw Thread - Happy Faceapp Time Edition
What’s the point of making the villain right if I can’t side with them in...
arthur can get raped in the story but he cant have sxe with a measly...
Nekonyan Software on non-censored Steam alternatives
Artifact loses half its playerbase in one week
Hardware appreciation thread
Licensed games based on something over a decade old?
What makes a metroidvania great?
Diddy Kong Lewds triggers game journalists
December 11-20
>Artifact is a disaster>Fallout 76 is a disaster >Diablo Immortal is one of the most...
Games journalist bought the wrong Switch game
Fortnite Addition forcing kids into rehab
Filename thread
Games industry told to self-regulate lootboxes before its too late
Chinese censorship
GoG employee fired for transphobia now works at right-wing gaming site
Mechwarrior 5
Fate Grand Order
Top Hat Studios no longer publishing uncensored games on Steam
Spell Force
Valve will address Steam censorship at the end of the week
Cod of Woody
>A former hero once known by the code name Big BossShouldnt this be the other...
Games with cameras acknowledge you took pictures of pantsu
crpg appreciation thread
Dwarf Fortress thread and games like Dwarf Fortress thread.Its hard as fuck, just started to...
Metro 2033 Movie canned
Street fighter VS mortal Kombat VS tekken VS Soul Calibur VS guilty Gear VS KoF
Are you guys ready for the new far cry game?...
Hitman Thread
Battlefleet gothic Armada 2 Beta
Lan Party Bread
The Worst Raped Game Franchise of All Time
>run game on medium settings, no vsync>88 fps with significant screen tearing>turn on v-sync>steady 30fps...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Bit Closer to Christmas Edition
yo mama
Dead by Daylight: disappointing new waifu edition
Earth Defense Force Thread
How gaming is becomming political and what it means for the future
Nintendo gives timeouts of disconnecting during a match in SSBU
I need some advice.Im struggling to find a middle ground between making an interactive novel,...
Chinas Ethics board reviews 20 games, bans 9
Platinum Games
Always Online DRM
Gay Black furry is teaching the far-right a lesson
Metal Max Xeno for sale. Is it worth it?
PS4 Family Management Video Criticized By Gamers For Censorship Policies
ITT: Popular vidya weapons you never seem to enjoy>Really loud, annoying sound>Slow, heavy, clumsy>Have to...
Smash Thread
Anthem Alpha Gameplay
Dragon Age Confirmed Shit
Grim Dawn
Tarkov currently on fire
Prey (2017): Typhon Hunter
Do people still play MonHun4U? I just got a 2Ds (too poor for a 3Ds)...
Project Diva
Games Like Mass Effect 1?
Epic 2019 Cross-Platform Online Services Roadmap
customising car games
Visual Tricks
The anti-SJW Sims Challenge
Sea of Thieves
Creating the Fourth Reich in Star Citizen
Niplheims Hunter launches on fakku after being censored on Steam
SSBU sells 1.23 Million copies in three days
Dice thinks people arent playing Battlefield V because they die too often
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Chest Pillows Edition
Can we have a shmup thread? I recently made my way through these 3 baddies...
Epic Mickey
Is there a good game where I can play as a mercenary? Fight in a...
Hellgate London rerelease patch!!!
Why are action games such an inconsistent genre.
Games that you want to see in the future
What are the best genres?
Anti-GG writer Iain Kidd fired due to conviction for posessing Child Pornography
How age ratings got SSBU toned down
Space Thread:A Neue Years End Edition
Gaming Mascots that got replaced
Games with Artstyles inspired by Moebius
RIP in peace daybreak
floating hand bosses
Record of Agarest War Mariage PC version (the only system thats getting this port) Steam...
so Heartbeat just came out on SteamAre you picking up seemingly cute RPG Maker RPG...
FFX-3 New Announcement
Below releases tomorrow
Edgy Reboots
Alright, Ive got a bone to pick, how the FUCK do so many devs manage...
Anyone misses peripherals?
Blizzards giving up on Heros of the Storm already
i just had a really weird and intriguing dream /v/
Does anyone have complete archives of EDGE Magazine issues from January 2005 to December 2007?
So [blank]pill me on DUSK
Mega Man Thread
Best way to play first Tomb Raider 1/2/3 on PC?
Ubisoft okay with devs sending death threats
How soon until triple-A games like call of duty and battlefield start unironically becoming pro-war...
Street Fighter V will have ingame adverts
Clowns of vyda
Notch speaks out against the SJW Agenda
New trade union for video game developers launches
Epistle 3
WebM/Mp4 thread
Sony deletes the re upload of its Parental Management video
Suda51 Teases
Give us your full dox for refunds goy
Portrayal of LGBTQs ub video games is a mixed bag
Razer asks users to mine cryptocoins
Turrican thread
Way Of The Samurai
Games with interesting world or lore
>reinstal os>vidyagaem loses savefilewhy the fuck would someone store the savefile somewhere other than the...
Are you playing Fortune Island DLC for Forza Horizon 4?
Grenade Launchers
(((Tencent))) attempts to create artificial competition to (((Steam))) through Discord and Epic
AI War - Fleet Command
Wasted Content
As someone who never touched it, what exactly is wrong with GW2?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Potato Pussy Edition
Over 5 years of waiting. Was it worth it?
Touhou Genso Wanderer: Lotus Labyrinth delayed until summer 2019
>RDR2s microtransactions revealed>at least as jewish as GTA:V if not moresoNot a surprise but still....
Fallout 76s most recent patch is just a broken .ini edit
Attorney Online Thread
GOG Promotion thread
Pennsylvania state representative wants tax on violent video games to prevent school shootings
A look at Fallout 76s legal position
>>Valve will address Steam censorship at the end of the week>>15854488>they are actually banning more...
Christmas is in 10 days and I havent seen a single Christmas hat thread....
PlanetSide: Arena. Tranu Battle Royale Edition
Valve forces Niplhems Hunter developer to censor characters for steam release
Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Thread
>quits college to beomce a professional gamer>chooses Heroes of the Storm of all games>game flops>(((Blizard)))...
Fullderp: Dead or dead edition
Rainbow Six Toxicity Update
Minecraft Indoctrination
Everytime something new about FFXV comes out i get more mad
Steam Bans wholesome Visual Novel My Bullied Bride
Understanding geekergates & deploying countermeasures
Inti Creates
Emulation Thread
So is Nero a more like-able character in Devil May Cry 5 than he was...
>buy dreamcast stand on ebay>it has these gay stickers on them>probably some 12 year old...
Terraria: Christmas Edition
What makes a game /comfy/?Can autists experience /comfy/?Seems like a lot of modern games try...
Kingdom Hearts 3 leaked
Vidya Name Generator Ideas
Victory Projects steam release indefinetely delayed
Am I the ONLY ONE here actually feeling this DLC? I feel like since they...
Mobile Gayms
Status of Cracked Denuvo Games
Skribbl night join in were using the official /v/ wordlist...
Ubisoft in shock that consumers that bought Ass Creed Odyssey prefer Alexio than Kassandra
Top Hat Studios goes full fucking madman, makes their own uncensored NSFW storefront after Steam ban
Games that got Shitcanned
No Good Super Robot Games
hey newfriends!lets talk aboutPHATPIKAPUSSY...
Super Best Friends exploded
Theres nothing quite like ambushing your prey and unloading a shot when it least expects...
Netflix Wants To Merge TV With Video Games.
Meta Thread
Electronic Arts, the History
Sony UK postpones censorship meeting
Games with Athletic challenges and Athletic protagonists
Gaming is doomed?
So a few things this time.Weve noticed that there are some people ID hopping in...
Custom arcade stick thread.
Lost cosy vidya worlds
8chanmania 9
Granblue Fantasy RELINK gets new gameplay trailer and Granblue Fantasy Versus announced
Minecraft 2
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Handheld thread.
Jesus Strikes Back
So 2019 is right around the corner. Its high time for anons to discuss what...
In what order would you rank these games?...
Persona 5
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: HackerMan.exe Edition
Super Amiibo Tournament: Pre-discussion
The Last Guardian
KAGE ~ the eviler Evil Ryu
Theres nothing wrong with buying from gamestop.Or rather, its the lesser of two evils. If...
So I just got a Bloodborne machine.Is there a way to get the PS+ free...
Series where you care about worldbuilding to an autistic degree
Valve employee Jane Ng looking into Steams waifupocalypse
condemned 2 bloodshot pc
What is the most genuinely terrifying game youve ever played? Im really in the mood...
WoW BfA player does nothing wrong and gets B& via. mass-reporting
PC - The fate of Senran Kagura Burst Re;Newal
GBC Emulator
Indie devs suck massive cock.
Evolution - eugenics The Game
Games that have been kicking your ass lately
Warhammer: 40k (New Animation, Richard Boylan partnering with GW)
Is it true that Diablo 3 in china is free to play, and pay2win? And...
Resident Evil/Biohazard Thread
Game removed from (((Google))) Play store until developers agree to censor female characters
Jackbox nights with /v/. Comfy blanket edition
Game and Watch
Portable Multiplayer Run n Guns?
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Project Nox Edition
>The biggest drawback of being a programmer is that your work is completely unglamorous, and...
Fighting Game General
Mount & Blade thread
Red Flag Confirmation Thread
e celeb chronicles
Sony accidentally reveals player numbers for PS4 games
Whats your predictions for the state of vidya next year?
MMO Guild stories
GOD is dead
Dingoo Thread
Has there ever been a bad guy in metal gear?Old 2d game: bad guy is...
hey Epic, will you make me a sandwich
>want sequel of forgotten franchise>realize it will be shit if made by current year devsfor...
Horror games that try more than Boo!, Haunted House! jumpscares
Soulja boy is literally selling illegal roms
Front Mission
ITT: Games with a reputation you dont think they deserve
who made the decision to make arcane viable like 70% through the game? If there...
I think Im about 50% through the game. I did the first hour of exploration...
Outward game
Will there ever be a worse era for PC than the amiga?
Games with insane lore.
A better way to play vydia
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Autism Awareness Edition
Heads upCuckchan is down, expect a bunch of low quality posts and shit opinions for...
>rdr2 pc build>no thread on itgranted, i havent been on /v/ in weeks so it...
AGDG: Auto-generated code edition
S.T.A.L.K.E.R thread: Ireland addition
WebM/Mp4 Thread
Tell me what game to play next /v/. Post your backlog too if you want
Dragon Quest Thread
Underratted LAN games
Blunder of the Year 2018
Mech games
E-Sports. Whats the point?
Can someone explain why people seem to think streaming is going to be the future?Im...
Hey /v/, Im working on a game, was looking for some feedback. The game is...
Why was Breeding Season so much better than Cloud Meadow?CM feels like it has no...
Merry Share Thread Ho Ho Ho
PS4 - Hyperdemension Neptunia censored
vidya song covers
MMORPG Recommendations - NOT WOW
Kingdom Hearts 3 predictions
as someone that didnt like goldeneye 64 because of the controls. i got to play...
Western female characters in vyda
Awful control
What do you want gaben to bring you this year?
Riot games suspends executive for bro culture
Escapist defamation Lawsuit Documents reveal Russ Pitts abuse of staff
Yoko Taro Feels Peach Ball: Senran Kagura Might Be the Last of its Kind on Consoles
Why do people give over exuberant amounts of money to steam ??
Morphies Law is coming to PC in January. It was fun on the switch but...
RDR2 PC version leaked.
I havent been following Sekiro at all, but apparently it comes out in 3-4 months....
Senran Kagura finally releasing in January after censorship delay
Ideas for franchises
40K games thread
WHERE THE FUCK ARE NEW LEAKS?!Its been literal DAYS since the stolen copies were given...
Battletoads 2019
Huniepot came through for us
Western Games
What the FUCK is this THING?...
All Im asking for is one non-generic great Aliens game for the PC. Why must...
Portable adventures
Xbox 2 codenames rumoured to be Anaconda and LockhartThe rumoured Xbox 2 consoles reportedly have...
Fullderp: UNIVERSE edition
I will never fucking understand why Jewbisoft decided it was easier to revamp the Assassins...
Good openings this gen
PS3 Games and ports
Al Bundy and General Carville are on a tv show together
Uncommon Time
Worst Game of 2018
vg animated adaptations
Germany Agency takes Nintendo to court over E-Shop cancellations
Project Hentai webstore shut down by Shopify
Japanese Learning Thread: クリスマス Edition
So I gave Diablo 3 a shot. And Im pretty dissapointed.I got to what I...
CGI release their finances up to 2017
Decent driving sim for playing multiplayer
December 21-31
Custom Robo Switch gets an actual publisher
>Love every Zelda, even Zelda 2 and Skyward sword>Finally get a Switch and play BoTW>Hate...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Moon River Edition
Your Go-To RPGs
Kojima hasnt made a good game in 14 years, why do anyone believe death stranding...
Was I supposed to play this on a higher difficulty than normal?Its a cake walk....
>games come out with a shop>shitty moba “strategy” battle>people pay for it>it shut down just...
FFXIV: end of Stormblood edition
>still no chalice dungeon dlcWhy? You literally has the best reason to release downloadable content...
The Forest
Vehicle Combat General
Which psp model is the best?
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Overrated vidya waifus
Games you recently have beaten
Good Neo-Retro Platformers
>Want to play a rooty tooty click and looty rpg>Dont like the original Diablo, call...
Uncommon Time Thread #2- Teagan a CUTE edition
Weekend Gamenight: ORIGINAL Fistful of Frags
Stealth games and replayability
Autismcraft server part 3: I like making these threads edition
Holiday Disappointment General
The 8chan Cup 4
Chuchel devs cucked out
Survival Horror discussion thread
What are some games where you play as the Axis powers during WWII? In pic...
itt: horrible cg cutscenes
What spawned alone in the dark?
How can cartridges with custom chips be emulated?
How can they get away with this...
How much of a completionist are you?I usually only play a game once and try...
Spider-Man PS4
memorable shit enemies say
Growing Filesizes
Comic Market 95
Can someone give me a link to a raw japanese version of monster girl quest?All...
PSIO, the Flash Cartridge for the OG PlayStation
how are games marketed in your country?
Explain why the PS4 games run at 1080p and 30FPS but the switch port runs...
Hi I am looking for some games to get at Christmas. I preferably want some...
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Silent Hill Web Series
Project six
New Vegas Thread
One Piece World Seeker
So is Soulja boy really going to beat Nintendo and the entire gaming industry? Hes...
Who do you main in Mortal Kombat games?...
Smash Containment Thread: Ray 01 edition
Why is Tumblr so obsessed with Fallout?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Uncommon Time Time Edition
Escapist Games
Aay lmaos in Medieval Fantasy Games
Dungeon Crawl/general actual roguelike thread
S ranking
Battlefield thread
How would you make an Overlord game?
This post is dedicated to the dumbest video game developer of all time, square enix.>older...
New Worst Game 2018
the argument against a sequel that i have heard the most is that bloodborne is...
The PS1 is Satans gift to humanity.You turn it on and the bootup audio sounds...
What games do cooking and eating properly?
Infamy in online games
Who else used his staff on him?...
help me get good at total war
Games with Style and Substance
poker help
How mad do you actually get at videogames?
What counts as an RPG these days?
Grindy thread
>getting those sick frags with a trackballAnyone else use a trackball for gaming? Just got...
Any decent survival horror games with SWAT/Police realistic squad gameplay?
Old School Sleuths, Name That 90s PC Game
i bought a 3ds secondhand for cheap recommend good games...
Splatoon Thread: A Merry New Years Christmas Bash Edition
Merry Krystalmas
Reticle Thread
Fate Grand Order
Grimoire V2
(((console))) choice thread
Dreams PS4 Creator Beta
Atom RPG
Christmas Horrror thread
So /v/, given the following two choices, what would you prefer in a special re-release...
Did generation Soy kill off GAR in videogames?
Crazy how this board has been up for about four years now. From GamerGate to...
On making interactive comic.
Can we have a retro FPS thread?...
Who is the ugliest, most disgusting female character in vidya?...
war in the pocket christmas stream.
GAS GAS GAS: not /pol/ related edition
Touhou Thread
>You will never hop into your favorite servers anymore, start interacting with the few regulars...
Games of Dixie
this fucking cunt
Planetside arena
Single-player games with Christmas events
>why people spam this board>why our user count continues to bleed>why the average post is...
The Star Wars Holiday Special
Games you enjoy sincerely
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Blizzard buying out more experienced employees
Path of Exile Noob Friendly Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Merry Christmas Edition
The Doom that Saved Christmas
Babys First Obwivion
Neverwinter Nights Thread
Worst character ever
FACT: solidus is a more nuanced character than big boss, hes also a better character...
Dungeon Siege 1 & 2
games you recommend /v/? ive been playing cs:s nonstop and its still fun, but i...
What kind of experience are the gamers that play games for the stories do want?>huh...
>No Kenshi threadGot this game as a gift. Its pretty fun. Who else is playing?...
Fallout 76 rum bottle
Lets Roll
Devil May Cry
Enter the Gungeon thread
RPG Maker Games
cant have mouse and keyboard support on consoles because that would be unfair to controller fags
New Castlevania SOTN hacked update....
Persona 5 Crimson confirmed?
Can we take a second to appreciate how much of a disaster Artifact has been...
Disgaea 5 Hacked Save File
Its time to settle this shit.
meta demand
Fullderp: Sad Christmas Edition
NES Sim City recovered and archived
Metal Gear Marathon, 4th Annual
Polishing the turd version 6
ATLAS: the lies, the deceit and the deception
Where do the popular kids go for ROMs these days.Watching the Pokemon marathon on twitch...
WebM thread - Holiday hangover edition
Whether your enjoying Christmas in the bask of friends and family or in the static...
How do I start liking games again?
Uncommon Time Thread #3- Boxing Day with Teagan edition
AGDQ bans RWhiteGoose
It saddens me that when people talk about classic point-and-click adventure games, nobody ever mentions...
Can someone explain to me why this did fail?...
Vidya Memories Thread
Im going to make a prediction For BL3
nier thread
Anthem Again, this time with Robutts
Resonance of Fate
Super Neptunia RPG bombs in Japan due to Soynys Censorship Policies, Gets review Bombed in Amazon
GOTY 2019
DDR and similar games
Censorship, it never ends…...
EA in 2019
How would you fix the Steam controller while still keeping the original concept of fusing...
SNES Classic and hacks/mods/whatever
Front Mission
The decline of online multiplayer games
Late-Xmas gift thread
big boy aint gonna be so big anymore
Cliff Bleszinski Co-Producing Broadway Show
how profitable is to make a loli H rpg maker shota harem game?...
Class of Heroes is a great, great game.
Nintendo Switch just outsold PS4s lifetime sales
Like this game or jurassic park (nes). Another games tyo play like these one?...
7 Days until Netherwing faggots!
Are the Christmas Stories games any good? The Nutcracker one looked especially surreal and interesting,...
Smash Containment Thread: Corporate Dicksuck edition
This is the greatest console ever engineered by humanity>Best graphics of its generation>Best exclusives of...
Mega Man Clones
Did you ever just grow out of collecting video games?...
JRPG Thread
Dungeon Crawling
Red Dead Redemption
DS core
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Traintism Edition
>Anon tries red dead 2, lives out serial killer fantasy>Anon plays pvp permadeath mmo, becomes...
Corporate shill tactics racist frog or black people emotes allowed in my super serious digital sport league...
Mr Driller
Gamestop Rampage
Ace Of Spades
Collectors - Buyfag Thread: Almost 2019 Edition
New Helix Chamber Article
Christmas Cake CS1.6 Gamenight
Garrys Mod Server & Gamenight
Classic Fallout
Uncommon Time Thread #4 Encore for Euros Edition
Games you wish you gave a second choice.
>Soulja boy caught red handed selling stolen shit from every major console maker and game...
Games that have not been surpassed
Do you know any normalfags that care about Overwatch anymore?
Is the AAA companies heading to a crash?
ITT: real world settings that could be good for games
Visual Novel Thread
Shantae Thread
Santa Games
Heroes of Might and Magic Thread
What would you say is the least bad 3D sonic to exist since sonic 06?...
Mario RPG Thread
sports game players
Last PS2 Thread of the Year
Morrowind Multiplayer
Why doesnt Smash Bros include Tecmo characters in the game?Ninja Gaiden is a NES OG,...
Fullderp: Happy Nido Year
These are the only console libraries you should give a fuck about.>PS1: The swan song...
Pokemon Thread
Screenshots that trigger your PTSD...
Half Life mods
Why did people lie about this game?>Its not on Steam because they said it has...
Whats the best game controller for pc?I heard that the xbox one is good.Is this...
ANOTHER site bites the dust
>could have been remembered as a stellar hardcore platformer among the ranks of Mario 2...
Why cant we have a Megaman game with both wall-jumping and sliding?I enjoy the gameplay...
What games this gen made it into your top tier?
Steam key giveaway
the most convenient console.
Do you guys have any vidya t-shirts?
Guess the videogame
How much self-awareness and sentience do REPLICA forces in FEAR have? They are technically telepathically...
Does the game get fun at some point? The story and characters are intriguing, but...
7th Dragon
The Outer Worlds
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (STALKER) thread
8CHANMANIA XII Nomination Thread
astro boy
It’s that time of the season again. Time to finish that one game you’ve been...
Shinobi remake?
Diablo 2
The next big fad
>be rich farm owner>half of the city hates me because success breeds jealousy>also maybe because...
Is spellforce 3 good?
Games with names of sportmen in the title?
Monkeys Paw thread
Starfy thread?...
Fallout: New California
Since the title starts with a number and its usually the first thing I see...
Will there be VGA-bait?
Keyboard and Mouse thread
What happened to runescape?
Hey, do you like video games? Do you want new players to play the game...
Tetris descendants
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: We Stick Together for Another Year Edition
Daily reminder that Star Control 2 has the best alien designs of any videogame ever...
Happy new year!
January 1-10
Games with military organizations in conflict over paranormal
Underrated moments of environmental storytelling
Jackbox nights with /v/ New years edition
Has a gaming company ever fucked itself as fast as Blizzard?...
Doom thread
New Years Puyo Puyo Tournament
Are there good VR games?
>the absolute state of amdPity the jews from nvidia and intel will never have any...
Is this just a Mario and Zelda machine or does it have anything else worth...
So what is your opinion on story in games ?Shouldnt story be approached in a...
Grand Strategy Games
Why hasnt anybody followed this tried-and-true formula in the past 15 years? Just make a...
DrAw ThReAd - New Years Blues ed.
Pokemon Announcement to be made on the 16th
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Recent western devs trends
How do these square up against each other? Which one is the best of the...
Spider Man voted GOTY by Japanese Developers
Sexy Girls, VR game aimed at the adult market, censored on Steam
Nintendo owns soulja boy
The PENGU Takeover
Paul Reiche III and Fred Ford use nuclear option on Stardock
FPS discovery thread
AGDG ~ Amateur Game Dev General
Fighting Game General
Comfort Games
Quake III Arena
Community Managing
Things that make your heart feel good
Fate Grand Order
Japan Bans Console Modding, Save Editing
What is your opinion of CD Projekt Red?...
Regular human Basketball
Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:The Last Hero Edition
Guess what, Bethesda fucked up Fallout 76 once again.>Fallout 76 had an unexpectedly peaceful New...
New Kunio-kun game got rated in Taiwan
I got something in the mail today....
Smash Ultimate sucks dick and basically youre fucking stupid if you buy it
It would appear that through some programming error i would imagine, that this thread got...
Why the FUCK arent there any Korean War video games? Its such an untapped well...
Assetto Corsa mod sites?
New US Legislation Makes Journalist Mode Mandatory
Puzzle Vidya
Sonic Team boss interested in Sonic Adventure remake
Suprisingly good games & music
Castlevania thread
>Xbone released 5 years ago>pic related is the complete history of modding for it
Tell me a single player game that you recently sunk plenty of hours into, /v/....
Fullderp: Incineroar Edition
ITT we post games that arent confirmed cancelled but in all likelyhood are. Vid related...
League of Legends Thread
Catherine on PC teased by Sega
Small ideas with huge results
what is the best game based on Romance of The Three Kingdoms?and why is Guan...
WebM Thread: Retard-proof edition
What gaming fanbase makes you the most angry.
The ActRaiser Series
Star Wars Galaxies: Lifeday/Two months In edition.
Its creepy
Ace Combat Thread
MGSV: Custom Levels MODS PC
Name some good examples of party members who are monsters or otherwise based on other...
What is the link between speedrunning and men becoming women?...
Horror thats not just Jumpscares and chase sequences.
Knowing that Majoras Mask was a destructive relic that brought chaos, why did he go...
Gyro Controls
Dungeon/Castle/bizzaro medieval exploration with specialized parties
Handheld Consoles
What drives people to collect video game shit? What are these people like? Do you...>If EDGE access is desired for coursework or inclusion in an academic curriculum for...
Concept Art Thread
Mornin /v/
Linkle Liver Story Fully Translated
FPS games lack good movement
Netherwing starting!
ITT: Describe one of your dream games
Slightly Mad Studios console
8chan Cup 4 Kickoff
/v/ makes a video game
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Circles Edition
Kingdom Hearts
Niplheim’s Hunter Launches On Steam Jan 7th After Valve Says There Was A ‘Misunderstanding’
/gamecom general/
Blizzard defends female Overwatch e-sports star, who doesnt play Overwatch.
Share Thread First of the New Year
why didnt the vita die in japan? is it just because of the convenience and...
Ace Attorney games - worth replaying?
Non-Strategy games that use history to good effect
Stationeers MP
Gang Garrison
Poison, acid and other deadly chemicals.
Regarding CheatHappens and malware
Sonic Mania Sequel Rumors
What do you guys think about Anvil of Dawn? I recently tried playing it and...
Kin gmaker Pathfinder
The Curious Expediton
What has stopped Nintendo from shitting out Metroid sequels the same way they do with...
Games only you played thread
Multiplayer Game shenanigans!
Divinity Original Sin 2
Post underrated gems. Theres a lot more to pic related than being the most offensive...
You ever just force yourself to play a game everyone says sucks just to see...
How many of you are exclusively just pirate video games? Currently I pirate any game...
Villain Protagonists
Deeper Meaning in Vidya
Digimon: Digital Monsters
why are nintendo fan game devs a special breed of retard?
Steam Charging Sales Tax
Far Cry 5 ignores both Montanas real history of fascism and its victims
>2019>Still no new Tribes/Legions game Is there any hope at all for these type of...
Books and documentation on videgames history
Galaxy in Turmoil AKA Star Wars Battlefront 3
Autistic Games Done Quick
Building Robots
Take your favourite aligment and post some video game characters that fit into it
Comfy vydia music thread
News headlines that would make good games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Lions Den Edition
Can I unironically burn fat with either of these games?I hate cardio, already lift,...
Netherwing General
8chanmania Bout 12
Interview with Nintendo President reveals they want to be Disney long-term
Are the early PS4 controllers shit tier or do all of them suffer from chink...
Games with good spooky aesthetic / levels
In Demons Souls & Dark Souls, combat is difficult and hectic, and dying carries severe...
Fullderp: Soylent is Pokemon
NVidia Conference time.
An Oversight?
No save feature
KOTOR 2 thread?
Annoying enemies thread
Devil May Cry
Alien: Blackout
>tfw no new F-Zero>tfw no new Advance/Nintendo WarsWhy is Nintendo so autistic? Stop giving us...
>Take one of the best zombie franchises around>Turn it into a bargain bin christmas special>Studio...
THQ Nordic Marketing Issues
Alternate timeline thread
Are these 2 games connected?
PC Gaming Integrity
WebM Thread - OVAT OVAT JNUBB edition
Dragons Dogma thread
Games with Roleplay
Palette Cleanser Games
Outrage Marketing
Lets talk Mecha /v/
Darkest Dungeon
Madness Combat (Project Nexus) 11: Expurgation
Siege of Avalon
Has anyone tried making an audio game? I wonder what could be done in that...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:State of the Union Edition
piracy is bad because its stealing
Netherwing a WoW PS: BURNED Beef and ELVES edition
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game. (Edition): #010!
HL2 or CSS
Medieval Kingdom Wars
The worst, most sickening part of Fallout 76 is that theres some neat Enclave lore...
Tales Thread
Assassins Creed Thread
Small Gripes About Old Masterpieces
CES AMD Keynote
So what do you think is the future of Capcom?
Cyberpunk 2077
>install forza horizon 3 with big hopes>game is better than expected>think finally found the racing...
GMod Tower Classic MacDGuy is a cuck edition
Why are people excited for SMTV?
All future Ubisoft games releasing on Epic Game Store exclusively
Great Quake mods.
Just heard the term Dad Game what are they and what are some of the best Dad games?
Worst Online Community of 2019
Ground Control
Mobile gaming
Valve is still getting worse and worse with censorship apparently
Open World Halo
ITT non porn games that you play partly because they target your fetish. Pic related...
Saw this pic and a question came to my mind: Which was the #1 best...
Co-op vidya
Too Kyo Games
Bungie and Activision part ways
Here comes the Activision restructuring
Minecraft Networks
January 11-20
Tropico 6
System Shock 2 Mods
Metal Gear Online PC
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: SoC
Desktop/Wallpaper Thread
Does dino crisis deserve to be revived?
What game does in your own experience allow for the definitive swashbuckling experience? Pirating mechanics...
Battle Network Thread
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion
Factorio: All This to Barely Feed One Plastics Factory Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Shield Hero Edition
Entomophobia/Arachnophobia in Vidya
Whats the greatest, most shameless power-fantasy game of them all?...
Do u think that developers using engines like unity and unreal and stopping making fined...
Shit Games you really love
Games that werent merely good but excellent games that came out this generation
Where do you find new games to play?All I can find searching is the most...
Dead by Daylight thread
How is Edge of Eternity? Worth supporting yet or wait for better updates and hope...
I think I might be the God of Gaming...
my two cents on some reality check. Thread
Would you play a censored game despite the ability to uncensor it on the PC ?
Super Mario lore and theories
Randy Pitchford embezzled 12 million and is a pedophile
Fullderp: I have never tasted a taco in my life
Any honest, critical review sites out there?
What are you playing right now?
Why is it every time I see a lets player like Game Grumps and journalist...
Micro Transactions
Warefram Factional Facts; Your Daily Reminder
Almost forgot this existed
Anyone feeling up for a comfy switch thread?Post your collections. Discuss what youre playing. What...
FPS set in present day thats not war/police
Why cant nintendo just make an online multiplayer port of this?...
Before we go into the usual autism, I want to propose an idea for this...
Project NX: Project M 2: Electric Boogaloo
Valkyria Chronicles thread
Why is the name of this game in Pacolang?
So I talked to the OpenMW developers before AMD announced their version of the RTX...
Let It Die
Recommend a game with a cool, elegant, comfy atmosphere
Activision Being Investigated For Market Fraud
Battlestation Comfy Improvements
Smash Thread
>New Vegas is over 8 years old...
Alicesoft Eroge Maker to Make Social Games
If Randy Pitchford is going to jail, do you think Cliff Badinski is next?...
Annoying Mechanics in games
Post game music. Others guess what game its from.>ffmpeg -i audioname.mp3 -r 1 -loop 1...
Use one picture to portray a game in some way, others have to guess what...
Sega Pico
Fate Grand Order
Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Mob Psycho Edition
Amateur Game Development General + Video Game Modding [AGDG + VM]
Webm thread - Plastic Love Edition
We might be losing 8ch
>Mass Effect is 12 fucking years oldHow the fuck did time pass so quickly....
Is this game fun?...
Anon attempts to play Sengoku Rance
The return of Strangerealcore
Backstory/Settings you wish were used for bette games
Lost Ark Thread
Gaming & Wrists
Generic bare-bones shooter.Now an open world foraging for resources and navigating through bases and defending...
Playing games in unintended ways
Shin Megami Tensei thread
>finally get around to playing Ico>suddenly realize every art house indie dev and quite a...
Is Bonerlord just the newest NEVER EVER?...
Comfy Games (That arent Harvest Moon)
Fuckhueg Monsters
Boss Battles
What are your opinions on first person melee systems?Can first person melee ever be truly...
The Grand Tour... Game?
Jackbox nights with /v/ A new day edition
Resident Evil/Biohazard Thread
multiplayer farming game prototype
Games you should skip when entering a franchise
At the end of Ocarina of Time, Zelda sends Link back to the past to...
Creepy/Unsettling locations in vidya thread
Non-H games that let you be in romantic relationships with multiple women simultaneously?
Denuvo cracked again
What are the most influential, classic game covers you can think of?’s with a heavy heart that, after a bug fix build ships in the upcoming...
Should I give Nioh a chance?I enjoyed Dark Souls very much, thought Darks Souls II...
Gaming-related videos
Since SOMEBODY deleted the thread about genre problems, and Ive had a lot to say...
Etrian Odyssey thread.
Which is better, Valkyria Chronicles or Atelier Arland?...
Why doesnt Nintendo do a legit FPS Game on the Switch ?
What can be taken from the art of a videogame and still leave it intact?In...
AMD Radeon VII (7nm) GPU has been Benchmarked.
Video game review issues?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Over Quartzer Edition
Pokemon Go Clones
Death of All we Love
Good Mice recommendations
Onimusha - Warlords
What are some of your fondest memories of fucking with people in online games?>play pic-related...
I have one idea for a million dollar new IP.Its basically like pokemon but with...
Indie discovery
Fighting Game General - Iconic Edition
Golf games
Vita thread: Not Dead Yet Edition
AI Gigapixel
Is rpg maker a valid option for game development?...
MnF Club discussion
Legend of The Galimulator Heroes: Gaiden Episode 1
Travis Strikes Again Metacritic score
PS4 Pro: Worth It?
Colobot discussion
Moments in Vidya That Made You Feel Helpless
Should I play Deus Ex vanilla or with a mod?...
Fullderp: A postponed memorial Edition
YIIK: A mediocre RPG
Changes in art style
Games that are the very Best at something
Bioshock 2 screenshots
Its dead
Prediction thread: who is V?
Is it completely pointless to play this if I dont know any Japanese? What kind...
Team Fortress 2 Vintage 3.5 Gamenight Thread
Choices actually matter in Mass Effect 3 even if it doesnt directly effect the ending.You...
Star Citizen thread
Gravity Rush
Star Control Origins back on Steam
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Promised Neverland Edition
Bioshock 2
What is Golden sun dark dawn actually like? I remember when it first came out,...
>An RTX 2080 TI: It has full frame realtime-raytracing capabilities and enhanced tensor cores. Only...
Serious question.Why do people dismiss this style?It seems to me that is easy to make...
Why dont we see people posting Open MW servers here often? Is there a flaw...
Fear & Hunger
Medal of Honor.
new WoW patch shill video has more disliikes than likes naturally
Override Mech City Brawl - Big Bots
Netherwing: A wow PS - STABLE Edition
Keyboard/controller button mapping breadCan we has a keyboard/controller button mapping bread?Whats good for mapping to...
A present for /v/
Games never coming out
Splatoon Thread:Not So New Years Blitz Edition
Games you want a sequel to that you know deep down would be shit if you ever actually got them.
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Evil Penguin Edition
RTT Real Time Tactics games
Galleries, inventories, bestiaries, etc
Can we have a chat about might and magic style games? I havent really played...
webm thread - life support edition
Namco Bandai asks for feedback on SoulCalibur 6
Haven and hearth-Happening time
Mobile is the future
BreachOne of the girls in the game art kinda looks a lot like Zoe Quinn....
Cutest Video Game Character
Unity aint free, the UEF gotta be littred with the blood of mech marines. General...
Dont you think we deserve a new Wario game, not some warioware rubbish?...
Theres no gatekeeping in the West
What do you want from a Paper Mario on the Switch? Whats your expected game...
Last thread was deleted by some cuck, and after reading the rules and seeing I...
Disillusioned/Tired Nintendo Fans
Pathetic Devs
Is RHS broken for ACE3 now? Ive tried like five or six different compatibility patches...
Machinima deleted all its uploads
Video game reaction videos
Smash Containment Thread - Ive Figured Out What Brave Is!
Kenshi story-time thread
Civilization puts an actual fucking traitor to represent Sweden.
Xbox Thread
Was reading some threads on here and realized that I may be getting too old...
Franchises which deserved more
Tiberian sun
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission
Kenshi Thread - Not a tl;dr storytime OP edition
death of vydia
Ace Combat thread
Annoying Vidya AestheticsWhat video game aesthetics trigger your OCD? For me, its the top-down 3D...
Help me to find my childhood botleg games
Could we talk about the absolute train wreck that is SC2s campaign and expansions? >Raynor...
King of Cum
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Pastel Memories Edition
Whats the best i5 that wont break the bank and will let me play Arma...
Games with grungy aesthetic
The cancellation of Silent Hills is representative of the death of video games as an...
Music Thread
ON THE LAST EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL /v/!>previous thread somehow manages to last two whole...
What could have been Thread
Paradox Hate Thread
syncing game saves
Japanese Learning Thread: 変な感じ Edition
does anyone care about the new fromsoft game?
Dragon Quest
buggy MMORPGs
I dunno how to express this thread, so bare with me.Im watching a video about...
Obscure games thread
Sven Coop 20th Anniversary Shitdown
Names of video games you cannot remember
Im currently playing Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and I want to ask, should I play pic...
Code Galimulator: Gondola of the rebelion R1 Episode #2
Super Paper Mario is one of the most under rated videgames of all time. It...
Yakuza 0
will games ever de-bloat again?
January 21-31
vidya gaem modification thread
Visual Novel Thread
How do I stop Euro Truck Simulator 2 from using internet? Why is it doing...
What is the most occult video game? I am looking for something very dark....
What are some game clones which turned out to be better than the games they...
analyzing East vs West women
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: No Particular Edition Edition
Elona thread
Mechanics and Minigames
Games for shit notebooks
Classic Nintendo Thread
Space Thread:A Neue Journey Beginning Edition
Tree of Savior
Senran Kagura
Metro Exodus contains Denuvo
Strategy Thread - MTW2
Multiple Monitors
Is YIIK the fuckup of the year?
Anons please enlighten me, is it better or worse to die to the final boss?Pros:>You...
You thought Clair was wearing glasses based on this promotional image.Does nu-Leon look like the...
The salt must flow
Games like Front Mission on PC?Alternatively, whats the best PS1 emulator for Front Mission 3?...
/cmgg/ Cool Math Games General
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays
REmake 2 Roguelight dlc expansion confirmed
Game design.
ITT: games that had the potential to be good, but got fucked by poor decisions.
Yakuza Kiwami
Missing old developers/devs
Games with Wooping
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Beeg Comfy Titties Edition
FMV (Full Motion Video)
Architecture in Video Games
Anyone else playing Chinese Hotline Miami? Feels like a John Woo movie made into a...
Immature, Gross and Funny games
Questions for flight sim enthusiasts
Yakuza Kiwami on (((Steam))) not going to use Denuvo
Report: U.S. Video Game Industry Revenue Reached Record-Breaking $43.4 Billion in 2018 has a podcast episode, with transcript, about the moderators who delete videos, tweets, and...
Fighting Game General - Western Edition
Im curious whether any of you tried related and if you know of a better...
Wasted Potential
The salt must flow part 2
Im honestly trying my best to like this game but I just cant. I get...
Smoking in vydra
Gaming skill level
Lets post some great games that never get talked about:>Great side stories that take you...
Warhammer 40K Thread: Battlefleet Gothic edition
Its time for a casual filter thread
Fullderp: Pokemon will never be real edition
KH Xehanort Saga Plot Point?
Games with stupid plots
DeepMind A.I. easily beats pro StarCraft 2 players
So what happens to Square Enix in 2019?
Krautfags is it true that your casuals genuinely consider simulator games the height of fun...
MMO thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Big Brother Edition
WEBM Thread
DKC suprasses Cuphead
EA Skate 3x
Sea Salt Party Part 3
Share Thread In the Shadow of the Dreamer
your ideal game that will certainly never be made
Why is every attempt at VR, Augmented Reality, or 3D gaming ever other than the...
Metroid Prime 4 development restarted from scratch, Retro Studios now developing the game
Weekend Gamenight: Dark Messiah Edition
is there any other game where the enemies are as quotable as this one?...
Anybody know where I can download this?>tpbRansomware Virus.>myabandonwareDoesnt work, MDF corrupted....
Whats the lowest resolution sprite youve jacked off to?I would assume animated ones would have...
Its literally Destiny 2.Only ones backing this shit show is shills.>Glitches out the ass.>The top...
Heroes of the Storm
When will Bomberman get his day?...
Alternative video game stores
What are safe websites to pirate games from?
.hack//fragment friday
fixing videogames thread
Minecraft Server Sneaking
lol Since the previous lol thread reached page 13, might as well...
Someone tells you that melee perfected smash bros and nothing 18 years later has come...
Super Crown
8chan Cup 4 - Actual Final Day Thread
Bully 2
I was gifted Rising Storm 2 and havent installed it yet, is it worth the...
Monster Boy / Wonder Boy / Monster World
Did anyone make an updated version of this list?
Draw Thread:No edition edition.
Vidya Vaifu
Lore thread
Do you think these people realise they are whoring themselves to a google algorithm?I wonder...
They actually made the lesbian sheboons the villains
Egyptian/middle eastern vidya
Netherwing: A TBC WoW PS: Dead cuckchan edition
Dragon Quest
Code Galimulator R1: Aniki of the Rebelion Episode #3
Games with live action backgrounds/sprites
Toku/Climax Scramble
Netflix resident evil
Huniepop 2 launching censored on ((($team)))
All tech demos (left) and how actual games look like (right). What I have noticed...
Viva Pinata
/v/ Voice Acts Uncommon Time
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Crotey Totey Edition
Super Robot Wars
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Games like this:
The best games on this bad boy?
Can I publish Hate Speech games on Steam now?
Fate Grand Order
Best uses of licensed music
Absolute disgust
Gold Box RPGs
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/
Is there a single non cucked videogame forum left? I like 8chan and all but...
Anthem Demo Consists of Exciting Loading Screen
LEGO Dimensions
Are fortnite dances the new, hip drug? ???? And are our children addicted? ????
Kojima confirms Death Stranding Delayed
If this game got more development time, it would have ended up being something great...
Can we have a thread dedicated to ASCII games? I love the aesthetic and would...
*pisses in your flowers*-KLare all media based off vidya this cringe?...
Anyone know a good new traditional jrpg, turn based and what not. With a nice...
Im feeling particularly Swedish today, and Im in the mood to put on some ABBA...
Wonder/Monster Boy
Wintereenmas General /wemg/
Shadow Warrior
Simplistic games
Racing thread AKA i have found my calling
I havent played a new game since The Division in 2016, so shit is the...
Gay Nigger Furry Defeated By Jap
Games who tell their stories through other media
Games you forgot
Death stranding general
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:MegaloBox Edition
Why is no one talking about Metro Exodus?...
Network Tunneling
Games Neutered (NOT because of Publisher)
>Boss runs out of stamina>Instant recovery, pulls dodges out of his ass whenever I swing,...
Study finds that piracy actually boosts sales
S4 league
ITT: Tutorial casual walls.
Post hype/up-beat video game music...
Western fantasy games with good aesthetics
Doom, Romero, Trannies and mods.
Any idea why I cant get STALKER SoC to work to save my life? Ive...
can we have a Legend of Heros serie thread?Currently playing TiTS FC, just begun, already...
Monster raising games
Emulation Thread
Meta Monday
Jackbox nights with /v/. The naughty number edition
What happened to Ninja Games and I mean ACTUAL Ninja games not bullshit with demons...
Got my KH3 copy early
Assault Spy
Vidya stuff that makes no sense
Video Game Industry Revenue Will Take First Hit Since 1995
>Got to 6 badges in Pokemon Lets Go Evee!>Found it pretty boring and just dropped...
Proving games are getting worse
Belgium forces lootboxes out of FIFA, EA shareholders in panic mode
Which Atelier have should I get in switch
What are some lesser-known games youve been keeping an eye on?...
Smash Ultimate 2.0.0 Waiting Room
swine remaster
It will soon be 6 years since Konashion disappeared. New version of SDT never ever....
#Gamergate #Notyourshield [ #GG + #NYS ]: Ricardo Milos strikes again edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
What are your thoughts on REmake 2?
lol Since the previous thread reached Page 13, thought I might as well...
RPG Race Thread
Fullderp: Two days left edition
Vidya with lessons
What do you think is the future of Streum On Studio?
So EO Nexus is just around the corner and nobody seems to be talking about...
Genres you could never get into and why.
Haven and hearth- FINAL COUNTDOWN
What the fuck valveThis was not the fuckin case yesterdayTheyre all almost a gig each...
Adventure game recommendations
WebM Thread: Zero edition
loli vidya and/or loli mods
Xbone has completely broke
i’m in the process of playing pic related right now and only just got to...
Shit thats only clear on your second playthrough
Is F2P a dying breed?
Yet another game removes Denuvo
This game is really fucking great, I was surprised on how much I enjoyed it....
Bethesda Patches Old Bugs Back into Fallout 76
Game journalists mad at RE2 remake
Remember when Valve made up a fictional rock band complete with professional studio tracks just...
a thread about claires gun
Kingdom Hearts 3 - Secret Movie
>easy difficulty is too easy, you deal +% dmg while enemies deal -% dmg>hard difficulty...
Favorite games
Anyone else thought shadow from FF6 looked like a nigger with a bandana? Pic related....
PS+ on PS3 ends with the next update
What would it take you to buy a current-gen console you dont already currently own?For...
World’s First Adult Games Console by Nutaku
I spent a few weeks in Utah and while I am not Mormon, I really...
PQ2 is coming to the west, dubfags BTFO
Dragon Marked For Death
Record of Agarest War Mariage
I know there is a Fighting Game thread but what NRS did to Kano. HOLY FUCK. It needs its own thread
Morality Systems
February 1-10
Just Cause 4
Namco vs Capcom
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: JUSTice Edition
Kenshi Thread - Fancy Negro Edition
What are some of the most retarded comments you have ever heard in regards to gaming.
VR Chat
Sound Design
Subnautica Below Zero
Do you know any actual whales?
Why do people buy ecchi/erotic VNs?
Homebrew/Jailbreak Thread
Open Morrowind Rebirth Unleashed: Reloaded - Extended Special Edition
Downloading Asian Promotional DLC on PS4 in Another Region. Is there a work around?
GunZ: The Duel Gamenight
Leaked Halo Online Ported Maps
SFW games
So recently Ive been shown couple of hours of Death Stranding. Obviously I wont tell...
Pre-SJW griefing, voice chats and lobbies
Death of LANs
Is there no Vietnam war game that isnt a mod that provides a somewhat realistic...
—Update for those who requested it, we are now pirate-friendly! (version 1.13.2)—Hey. We have just...
Discord is fucking cancer
>thinking about playing some videogames after literally years>downloads Gothic 1>uninstalls it next day>same with Morrowind>same...
Is it just me, or was The Phantom Pains intro almost gratuitously dark and brutal?...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Flats Where Its At Edition
Hyped games that didnt live up to the praise
RPG challenge runs
Any one remember vindictus...?
Dark Souls mods
dangan marked for darth
Fallout 76 now bans players for crafting too much
Im working on a project that will document all the consumer-hostile practices employed in gaming....
lol Previous thread reached page 13 so we can make another one. This...
Please post any kind of game that is primarily centered around influence rather than direct...
Metro Exodus
The SS Anne music is a rip off of Pachelbels Canon....
Its been ages since we had one of these, you know the drill.>claim square>redraw it>post...
Visual Novel Thread
What are your must play games?
Tree of Savior
Are there any games where you manage a country/city/estate through mostly menus? Bonus if the...
Dead genres
Focus and freedom in levels
Zero G/Futuristic Racing
stealth games
Wishful Atlus Remakes
Resident Evil 2 Remake
8chan cup 5
CRPG thread
Anthem looks like a 4 year old Wii U
Overprice broken games thread
New /v/Egas
8chanmania bout 16
Speedrun Glitches
Microsoft Announcing Cross-Platform XDK That Will Bring Together PC, XB1, Switch, iOS, and Android
Sonic Riders
Resident Evil canon
Prehistoric games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Subpar Blow Edition
Best video game IMFDB articles?
Post Shitty Flash/Shockwave Games You Used To Play
The cutscenes are hilarious, the gameplay is serviceable, the level design is pathetic.Is this actually...
Unsupported tech
Open Source Caesar III / City building thread
Master System / Genesis / Gamegear recommendations?
Deep Silver/Kock Media made the decision
How long until videogames have their first genius?Like today is possible for a talented and...
RIP Titanfall
Red Dead Redemption 2 Mosaic
Fullderp: 90s edition
Scam games
When did video games stop being about entertainment and start being about experiences?Even indie games...
Senran Kagura 7even up in the air due to censorship
Games with housing
>/v/ not celebrating the anniversary of the last time we actually liked a game...
not diverse enough
Tfw we live in the shittiest cyberpunk nightmare
Mech(a) Games
Games which make a good first impression...
Sunless Skies
Mega Man 11 Has Sold 870,000, X Legacy Collections Sold 920,000
Haven and Hearth -/v/illage edition
lol Previous thread is just about to hit post limit, so I thought id...
Fire Emblem (and other tRPGs I guess)
EA CEO Says “We Did Not Perform to Our Expectations” For Third Quarter of Fiscal Year
Webm Thread: Let Me Go Back Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Russian Cakes Edition
Lets Theorycraft a Nintendo-Kingdom Hearts
Whats your favorite spongebob game?whats your favorite episode?If youre still upset at you know what,...
Found note games
What are some modern good PC games I can run on a potato?...
Devil May Cry thread: get it off your chest
Jojo Battle Royale gameplay
Fighting Game General - Heroes and Villains Edition
Video game cosplay
GBA Flashcart - worth it?
40+ year old anons - what kind of games are you playing?
Ace Combat thread
I need to spread the word of El
Some questions I wanna ask /v/
Really fucking weird sections in vidya
Netherwing - A WoW PS: Failures at ganking edition
Good Fan Games?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Actual Anime Edition
Touhou difficulty
Reloading in Vidya
Local Multiplayer
Are you immunised to the loot meme yet?
ITT: Buyers Remorse
RIP Overload
>2019>People who got platinum tier ultimate collectors edition criterion collection 200% infinite climax tier buttmad...
Vidya Genres
Was FEAR the last good first person shooter released before Modern Military Shooters completely took...
Who here likes Ape Escape?
Developers you think need to take a vacation
Humor in videogames
god eater 3
What do you think Rareware would be nowadays if it was never bought by microsoft?
Something pretty cool came in my shop today boys and girls. Today an original Xbox,...
Gaylo 3 campaign new leak
Good Lewd Fanservice Games?
What does FFXIV need to do to surpass WoW?
The absolute failure that is Artifact.
Micro focused Turn-Based combat games?
One Hour One Life
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Shield Hero Edition
Dungeon crawler thread
Nintendo Q&A
In case anybody gave even the slightest fuck about the steam awards,here are the winnersMOST...
Rainbow Six Siege
Rin’s Identity Leaked for Catherine: Full Body
Mordhau hate thread
>Hate MMOs>Never cared for PUBG>Devs are making an MMO that looks semi interestingNow I know...
Discord Alternatives
Screw attack is Dead #RIPscrewattack
Mother 3 must be one of the best games
Activision will be hit with substancial layoffs next week
Fictional subhumans
Apex Legends hits 10,000,000 downloads and 1,000,000+ cocurrent players
TES IV: Oblivion Thread
Blizzard to lose a hundred employees next week
The Redfield Bloodline must be preserved.
Good remakes ?
Lets have a Kirby thread. What is your favourite Kirby game? What is your favourite...
Is possible to mix pixel art, low poly, voxels and AAA realism in the same...
Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/
Grand Strategy Games
Blacklight: Retribution shutting down on PC
DS lite battery is fucked, barely does 2 hours. I ordered a chinese replacement but...
I wanna make FUN puzzle games for PC and Android and sell them on Steam(and...
Hi-Rez Studios Community Manager fired for Child Sex Soliciation
AA/AAA games with trannies
How will this board cope with the halfchan rapefugees?this is being rolled out shortly: is...
Arcade Gaming Thread
Fullderp: Its on page 12, what are you gonna do, ban me? Edition
Here we fucking go lads
Gaming for handicapped gamers
Escapists Russ Pitts writes anti-Gamergate Article
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cheelai Edition
Kingdom Hearts 3 is Mediocre
Marketing, has changed.
Games without black people
Share Thread This Is A Beta, Promise
>Used to make classic games>Kill all of the games you are currently developing including UT...
Sup guys. Started playing sims 4 again and am looking into challenge runs. Sims hunger...
Tank vidya
Aliens / Predator games
Side scrolling beat em up
>cant add less than 5 euro to steam wallet in order to buy ingame items>buy...
Hunting games thread
Although Im personaly of belief that there is no idea that can be done badly...
Splatoon 2 Plush Whitewashes Character, Fans go mad
Draw Thread: OP is a faggot edition
Hey, /v/, I need to ask you a favor donate to this kickstarter or ask...
Dragon Marked for Death
Iconic Video Game Music
Strategy Guide Compendium
Non-Fantasy/Medieval RPGs
Spirit Bomb moments
>game is too hard>cheat>game is too easy and boring now>turn off cheats>cant be arsed to...
Assassin’s Creed
>decide to give resident evil 6 another chance after playing 2 and 4 again>its still...
February 11-20
Twists that would get you interested in a genre/trend that doesnt
No DreamCast Classic: You Motherfuckers Had Your Chance to Buy One the First Time
Dead multiplayer games
Imagine being scared of a ban for a accessing content that is in the game...
Antiquated Mechanics
What games take advantage of the 3DSs C-Stick?
So, i wanna try one of these atelier games.What would you guys recommend to me...
Recommend a game to the previous poster
According to Game Informer: Mother 3 never left Japan because of censorship.
Dwarf Fortress Thread
ESA Marathon 2019
Elona thread
Is everyone ready for this?
Yakuza Creator Says Women Probably Like the Series Because Guys Today Are Total Pushovers
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Its Showdown Edition
Fucking faggots.
DOUBLE SLASH DOUBLE SLASH DOUBLE SLASH INFERNOLegend of Dragoon thread? For old times sake?...
What are the implications of this for the industry?Is time to move to godot?...
This series has become eye candy and pure cringe.All they had to do was end...
Wurm Unlimited: 6 Months Have Passed, 6 More To Go Edition
Jackbox nights with /v/ Mii gunner is cute! Cute! edition
Best things to come out of this board
>Chip has to collect computer chips to beat levels>His love interest is Melinda, weird name...
Having trouble translating a Wolf RPG game
Sony will make fewer games, bigger games from now on
I just want VR hands
9th gen is when the crash is going to hit
/v/ might not be one person, but we can all agree that battle royale games...
Computer game documentaries
Nintendo Direct tomorrow
Tokyo Jungle 2: Cute Girls Surviving in Destroyed Places Announced
fuck unions general ~ /fug/
>PS2 era>Almost all games had their own unique controls that were vastly different from each...
Super Mario 3D Land
Doesnt Days Gone feel pointless in a weird way? google translate).>make gay character because its the current year argument>character suddenly lose half its...
Overrated Heroes
Good vidya references in /lit/?
WWE Wrestler sues Activision for COD character using his likeness
/v/ innovates upon the controller design
Is this game any good and spooky? What is your opinion on it?...
Heroes that deserve more credit
Webm Thread: Wordplay Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Potato Edition
Ratchet and Clank
Creative Assembly BTFO by China
THQ Nordic Buys Warhorse Studios
Activision Blizzard lays off nearly 800 employees after record 2018>Activision Blizzard has begun laying off...
Hello. We had a thread on Epic and I decided to reinstall UT2004 and take...
Attempts at fads that crashed and burned right away
Is Relic killing off the Dawn of War titles?
>Oh hey anon, you tried Apex Legends? its really good, i guess i should have...
Nintendo Direct Event thread
One Finger Death Punch 2 Demo
vidya movies thread
Rain World Expansion announced
Who wants to play Stalker Multiplayer?
Tetris Battle Royale
Pokemon Reborn stream Round 2
Links Awakening Remake
I just finished this game and I am wondering what you guys think of it....
Daemon X Machina
Release: Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Band of Bastards DLC
graphicswhore future
Hue Hue Huetencent buying reddit....
Rune Factory 5 Hopes and Dreams Thread
Horror thread
Astral Chain
Kenshi Thread - Comfy Base Edition
NBlood - Blood Sourceport>hollow knight new dlc is basically a sequel...
2019, year of the PSP
video game prices
Worst Vidya Soundtracks
Bleakcore aesthetic
Yoshi Thread
Happy Valentines Day /v/!What games are you going to buy for and/or play with your...
Games with Bloated Filesize
Crackdown 3/crackdown Retrospective
pixel art PBR.
Best budget games you ever bought?
Stories in video games is a mistake
Fullderp: 14th Edition
Guess the health bar
Worst video game quests?
Gacha Games
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Cultural Vidya Music
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Love Edition
To those of you who have tried it, what are your opinions on this MGS5...
the world building scenery wise and magazine wise (not the actual story because that shit...
Bedtime Vidya
VR ports
Mecha/robot games?
Neptunia Thread
How much money would I have to make before I could start funding my own...
Star Wars Galaxies
Yakuza thread
FGO Thread: 4kids edition
ITT: Stupidest Thing Youve Ever Done
Games you couldnt get into as a kid
Games where I can wield plague/disease as a weapon, whether in an applied fashion (like...
Autismcraft - Friday night edition
Barotrauma Gamenight
AFLC-CIO calling for videogame unions
Worst stories in video games
DMC Thread 3: Unlocked Edition
Ace Attorney General
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: #AnimeGate is here Edition
Is Anthem a confirmed flop?
Article on The Mismanagement of Starbreeze
Civilization thread: prep the bull edition
16-bit Scenery Aesthetic Thread
Phone Games
Resetera is trying to get Hashino fired
Management games
Doom Overhauls & Mods
Hidden Gems
Game Ideas
FFXIV thread
Hotline Miami 2 is a pure artistic statement and the best game released in the...
Weeb games
New vidya
U.N. proposal to ban lolis
RTS support thread
Resetera is trying to get Hashino fired
Musou thread
Can someone explain to me how you can take kingdom hearts seriously?Everything just looks FUCKING...
The Bodyguard
games within games
Rainbow Six: Siege - Operation Shitpost
Record of Agarest War Mariage
Collector/Buyfag Thread
Same Voice Thread
Persona Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Know Your Pronouns Edition
Pokemon Green Beta (Neutered by Collectorfag)
Are you faggots ready for the event where a man got nugget PTSD? Its starting...
Aliens Vs Predator 2 AVP2
GGO style shooter
Mount & Blade
This is the single worst thing to ever happen in gaming and is the poster...
Haven and Hearth
Webm Thread: Darkness Edition
The Dominions Series and why you should be playing it
Wii Thread
Rumor: Scalebound Resurrected As A Nintendo Switch Exclusive
Dealing with LOSS
Of Orcs and Men
Resonance of Fate PC
Ace Combat x Galaga
Comfy Vidya Music Thread
Are exercise games legit?
Companies last good game
Forgive the faggotry but I had a really, really, really bad couple of months. Got...
Could Capcom get away with this scene in current year? ...
Half Life mods thread
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: The War Continues Edition
Blade & Sorcery VR
Games only you played
Darkside Chronicles is the better remake of Resident Evil 2
Korean games
Odd vidya crossovers thread
Will Microsoft abandon the Xbox?
The real reason VR could revolutionize the FPS genre
Do Multiplayer Games die too quickly these days?
Fullderp: Wrong Edition
Games as fun as Doom?
Dungeon siege.
Things you love in video games
NeoQuest II
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Loli Socrates Edition
Darkest Dungeon 2 announced
ResetERA take down: This twisted game needs to be reset
>Game tells you to create your own character>Spend over two hours at the character creation...
lol ...
Yet ANOTHER Denuvo crack
February 21-31
Patrick DONT LIKE IT DONT BUY IT NERDS Söderlund Opens Embark Studios, Hires Nothing But Soyboys
Sonic Fan Games
Bullshit Levels, Sections, Bosses
Fighting Game Thread - DREAM MATCH NEVER EVER
Angry Goy 2 Cover
General Developer Thread: Fuck Artists
Prequels With Good Plot
Multiplayer in Cyberpunk 2077
Good Evangelion Games
why are there almost no games set in the third of 4th century periods? i...
Playing detective
KENSHI (v1.12)
Conan Exiles
ATLUS USA is doing a survey right now, has options like Switch and PC ports
Reggie Fils-Aime steps down from Nintendo, Doug Bowser new NOA president
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Eternal Loli Edition
Im making a video game
I havent been excited about a AAA gaming title in a long time. Is the...
QUIZ TIME: How well can you recognize these video game songs?
Nintendo Girls
February 22 is Cat Day
EA taking down Anthem reviews on youtube to damage control
No hope left
Guild Wars 2 is dying
Fondest Video Game Memories
Riot Games Threatens Fines For Teams Playing Against Their All-Female League of Legends Team
Denuvo CEO on suicide watch
Do peformance-enhancing drugs actually work for video games?
Draw Thread: Sexy Stock Photo Edition
1500-1700s vidya
Zero Escape Thread
Smash Bros Thread
Vidya Influence Time
Masahiro Sakurai, Hideo Kojima, Hideki Kamiya and Yoko Taro.These are all Japanese game developers with...
Xbox 2019/2020 Predictions
RPGs that have solved this problem?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: OOOHOHOHOHO Edition
SAO: Fatal Bullet is legit better than Anthem
Buttblasted Chinks Review Bombing Game
Do AAA companies hire talented indie devs they see from twitter or youtube making fan...
Ok I left eve online in 2009 for obscene prices and getting gangfucked by people...
QTDDTOT: Questions that dont deserve their own thread
Webm Thread:Ignorance and Covers Edition
Caligula Effect gets WOKE
In honor of Steve Irwins birthday what are some games that let you be a nature researcher?
Xbox + GTA SA help.
The Guild 2
What are some RPGs (or just games in general) that let you hook up with...
Was Fairies Story 3 any good? I liked the first two but never got around...
Why isnt this more of a thing?
Looking for a really obscure game.
Co-op Vidya
For a console, is having a library of exclusives that will sell like hotcakes more...
Meta Thread - Arse Annihilation Edition
>Tfw you lived to see The Division 2 have the better buzz of all the...
/agdg/ and /vm/ - Ameueter game developerment general
>X days till E3...
Online games population
Rage 2
Netherwing: A WoW PS - Allaince on Permenant Assblast edition
Remakes done well
Vidya Food
If you could give any game a remake that in no way changes the gameplay...
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread: Rookie Loner Edition
Eco 8.0 released
Reviving dead games
General fanbase opinions that surprise you
1MA thread.
So, what are the chances of us EVER getting a new Team Fortress game? Tf2...
The ride never ends
Top answers are on the board: Games where instant death spells cast by the player actually work
Pokemon Gen 8 Theory
Downgraded graphics & gameplay
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: HARMONY! HARMONY! IMAKOSO HITOTSU-NII! Edition
Tribes: Vengeance
Who wants to play some S4 league?
>go to town>climb all towers>eavesdrop some guys>pick pocket some other guys>save citizens from bullying soldiersIve...
Why is Peter considered the biggest hack-fraud liar in vidya despite producing good games, while...
Why should I pay for DLC content?
Flipnote Hatena Thread
Why do far theres not big movement of indie devs who want to mix board...
Modding my Wii U
Characters being retconned to fat/ugly
PS2 vs OG Xbox
>Used Gamecube game pricesFUCK Nintendo, fucking biggest kikes in the industry. Worse than EA, Activision...
Buttblasted chinks take down Taiwanese videogame
Ask Anything on /v/ with up and coming publisher THQNordic, Owners of IP like Darksiders,...
THQ Thread
What are the greatest games of all time where you play as a cute girl?...
World Seeker looks cool....
Thoughts on Ape Escape 3? Like it? Hate it? Did it improve? Do you wanna...
Jackbox nights with /v/. Heatpats edition
19 years later and we still havent had a fighting game that has surpassed Marvel...
DMC Thread 4: The Time has Come Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cakes for Everyone Edition
Monster Rancher gets Twitter Account
Nintendo DS Music Thread
Fullderp: After School Edition
Warhammer games thread: Dark Millennium edition
Get a Feeling so Complicated
What is your opinion on the etrian odyssey series? Ive played trough most of 1...
I am never going to get over what happened to this game
So did the mainstream stop caring about Overwatch?
>The Chinese are more cancerous than American normalfagsThere is nothing we can do is there?...
shooter genre discussion
Skinwalker vidya
Arabian involvement in Japanese fighting games
Factorio / Automation General
THQ Nordic Part 2
THQ AMA Aftermath
SJW Game Developer Database
Space Thread:War, Peace and Waifus Edition
EDGE gov school shooter game
Splatoon Thread:Midterm Madness Edition
Not even a full day and THQN has already backpedaled
THQ getting bullied and attacked by journalist attack dogs, time to help them
Pokemon event incoming
THQ Worship Thread
THQ Nordic AMA recap thread contender #3
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Salt for Weeks Edition
Reviewtechusa names drop 8chan
Lolis games!
Dragon Ball /v/: Stand Proud Edition
Resetera triggered by 8chan
Beware of Mark Cakeman
Demo disks and Shareware
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Fallout leak
The Videogame Industry Corruption Thread
THQ AMA & ResetERA General Thread
First Person Punchers
non-military/WW shooters with female protagonists>On March 31st we are going to discontinue the Fair Price Package program. Let us...
Depressing moments in vidya
Vita Thread:
The return of the Monster Raising RPG
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: --- Delicious Fresh Bread Edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
EVO kicked out Melee
Pokemon Romhacks
FUN thread
Older first-stage Pokemon were built like small animals.Newer first-stage Pokemon are built like Funko Pop...
What are some good mega man x clones.
Puzzle games (the purest genre of vidya)
Japanese Learning Thread: パジャマパーティ Edition
THQ Collage
THQ shit is even on fucking italian, BR, swedish, spanish newsportals
Pre-built gaming PCs the elusive Pokemon Red and Green Prototype ever be released to the public like...
Warframe: Nightwave
Hey know of anymore charts like this saved?
7th and 8th gen 3D platformers
Are there any good games on thegameboy advancegameboy colorTHE ORIGINAL GAMEBOYBesides the obvious like>Pokemon>tetris>zelda...
Why the game industry makes every year more and more profit, breaking records and surpassing...
What are you guys hoping to see in THQs new Destroy All Humans game? It...
Giant Bombcast 572 on 8chan, Gambergate, and internet
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cake Mafia Edition
Share Thread - Resetears Edition
EuroGunZ (GunZ The Duel)
Custom Characters
Hey has there been any good indie resident evil clones?
Pokemon Sword/Shield
Fight or Flight
Search Action games
Is there truly a Worst Game Ever?
GAMENIGHT: Diablo 1 multiplayer
Where are all the good First Contact games?
March 1-10
Pokemon Reborn Round 2: The Second Coming
Browser based games
Working on a Saturn List
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:R/B Edition
Games with Centaurs?
Starting to hate video games
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning localization changes
8chan STILL freaking out game journalists
Is anyone else surprised normalfags dont care about Sekiro?
Does Jump Force have two player
3DS Memoriam long until art is outsourced to AI in videogames?...
God Eater bread
The hitpieces against Dead or Alive 6 are in!
What are some upcoming games that will probably suck but a ton of retards will...
Gal Gun Related Games
Howis it that not a single game has managed to replicate the AI chatter in...
Fallout 76 Thread
Playing Fighter games offline
Times when you caved on video game company boycotts like the Modern Warfare 2 Community?Silent...
Confirm, Cancel and other stupid regional gimmicks
Games where you vastly prefer the side quests
Bad videogame ports
Your Vidya Regrets
Never Evers that could happen
Chun Li (1991-2019)
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Guess Whos Back Edition
Why do anime niggas keep buying this fucking trash!
Dawn of Man
RIP Billy Herrington
Nasuverse/Fate/FGO thread, the nog (and NA) is dead
Does anyone wanna play Swat 4 Elite Force?We can shoot shit up, do deathsquad or...
Metro Exodus
Toejam & Earl 4
The THQ AMA aftermath
Wish List Thread
Fighting Game General: Core Values Edition
Quarantine niggers.
Saturday Night Horror Thread
>Its nearly 16 years and we havent seen a successor yet>Time would be perfect since...
should i buy vermintide 1, or 2?
Steam allows uncensored gay VN
Hope Rides Alone
Chinks use facial recognition to lock childen out of games
Kenshi Thread - Karate Sluts Edition
Ubisoft renames controversial ASSCREED trophy
SRPG thread
Pokemon Discussion thread
>etqw sucks>brink sucks>dirty bomb sucksfluke...
Current Year Faces
Draw Thread: **hopefully Soulja-tan wont show up** edition
Are Igavanias as deep as Metroid games? Obviously they took Super Metroid as a template...
Shin Megami Tensei IV
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Goodnight Sweet Prince Edition
An A press is an A press you cant just say its half
RTS games
What is Eco?Eco is basically Ancap paradise without lolis.The whole thing is an exercise in...
>Mega Man never achieved everlasting peaceWhat do you want to see in the next Mega...
Scam Yiddizen bread: Jew Flight model edition
Weapons you like to see in video games
Hardware reliability thread
Puzzle Pirates experience
First game you played in Japanese?
Anyone on here play War of Rights? Its a civil war simulator shooter, in the...
Deep RPG/JRPG Thread.
Diablo Vidya
Are we diverting more energy into discussing Anthems failure and the antics of its publisher...
8chanmania XX: Second Chance Tag team.
Zanki Zero censored to ensure western release
Cataclysm DDA
Fullderp: Loli Edition
Earthbound/Mother thread
Games with comfy shit in between action/spooky stuff
so i had a ps4 gathering dust and i remembered how the normal crowd seemed...
>Gamespot Tranny made a anti-Gamergate rap LOL ...
Anyone playing in the classic servers? I felt like grinding and killin fags again...
ITT: Ways to fix Anthem1. Add a 4th support-style Javelin that can fly forever, has...
Path of Tencent owns 80% of the developers
Is there any chance of this game being good? I like Fallout New Vegas, so...
hey so about doom
Apex Legends Eqiufax Tier Security Breach Imminent
Headset General
Pathfinder Kingmaker
webm thread
SMT Dx2 Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry 5
The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
Powerslave EX mouselook fixed
THQ Nordic parent company apologizes for 8chan AMA
Anthem is bricking peoples PCs and PS4s, biodrones defend it still
Hmmmm what console to buy and hack next?
Did anything ever come of Anton and Coolpecker?
Video game movies general
>Fans pretty much make the Dawn of War 3 we should have gotten because they...
Requestaroni Theadini
Concentration Camp sim is coming July 2019
Serious question why do people like this series made for literal babies. I played Return...
Surprising Plots in Vidya
Hollow Knight: Silksong Thread
Itsuno wants to make Dragons Dogma 2
Help me /v/!
Touhou Thread
Games That Piss You Off
Are there any GBA games that are actually challenging and engaging, or is it just...
Casuals dont play games
what are your thoughts on basing vidya models on real people? is it a good...
Dead by Daylight: Bulimic Waifus Edition
I regret not making Mario 64 more like Crash Bandicoot....
Ace Attorney Multiplayer /v/
why is it considered to be the best game ever made by some?...
Pre-2000 Elder Scrolls
Xbox One S All-Digital Edition Coming this May?
Ace Combat bread - QAAMs still OP edition
System Shock thread
GameSpot tries to push DmC as Better than expected then deletes the Tweet
Bravely Default
Left Alive
Are there any good games with a surreal sort of humor to them? Can a...
This is actually a rather bad game
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: /ck/nife Edition
Invisible Karma systems
Settings you will never ever get enough of in games
Dreamy /v/isual-audio vidya
Games with a luxury theme
Devil May Cry Thread 5: Toku Edition
Why do modern games are usually more broken than SNES and PSX games?This doesnt mean...
DOAX3 Scarlet
THQ apologizes, Giant Bomb talks shit
v plays Terraria
Gravity Rush thread
Terraria Thread: Still Waiting for 1.3.6 Edition
Nintendo Labo VR
/emug/ - Emulation General - Lack of good images for OP edition
Ace of Spades - Is there any hope?
/FAG/ FMV Adventure General
Cheat EngineI just recently discovered the Game Genie of PC games: Cheat Engine. I love...
>Resonance of Fate latest PC patch finally got crackedMaybe now I can finally enjoy the...
GoG just put up Diablo 1 on their store, and are planning to put WC1 and 2
Anyone remember KwonHo?
GoG blacklists dev because of his political views
The Agenda
Getting tired of these new retro throwback shooters
Gender studies graduate Analyze silent hill
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Amazoness Business Edition
Real opinions
Ideas for Ports/Remakes on the Switch
Fate/Extella Link
Anons bizarre vidya adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game: (Updates never ever edition) #011
ITT: Games with excellent anti-cheat protection.SubSpace Continuum, a game well over 20 years old and...
Free Open Source Software Games
UK looking to have online games regulated because of the whole Rap Day situation.Hopefully, Steam...
Games where people are extra autistic about not ruining the twist
King of RPGs
Pokemon Uranium Stream
Whats the best way to beat the special stages in Mania? The slippery handling throws...
So with all the buzz about DMC5, id like to get into the series, whats...
Steam censorship crusade continues, Mega Milk Story and its publisher completely banned
Abhorrent Games
Consoles you never got into?
Sekiro: better gameplay edition
Happy Womens Day
? > Riff Racer
Which series has your favourite music?
(((Valve))) ban Rape Day from Steam
Valve Fires Over a Dozen Full-Time Employees - Including VR Engineers
Halos head developer says diversity attracts diversity
DMC5 cracked at launch
What was so wrong with thread it had to be deleted? Did the OP image...
LOTR/Lord of The Rings
Fullderp: GunXSword edition
Time in long-running series
Minecraft Server: stop deleting the thread edition
Bizzare/strange game over/death screens
Strek Games
Have you had any vidya music stuck in your head lately?This damn song wont leave...
Bongs launch POC in Play initative to increase diverstity in video gaming
Already had a THQ Thread
vr meme thread
I need a new mouse
Best and worst vidya cover arts
Games that frightened you
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: 05c9a3 is a nigger Edition
Clearly no one playtested this
Kenshi Thread - Triple Beak Penetration Edition
EA: Protect the womyn edition
WEBM Thread - Of Crazy and Core
Gachimuchi is now video games
ET fag again
Vidya Skills
Japanese only games thread
Can i get a list of games where you can stop time? either...
Hentai Nation banned from steam for child exploitation
Open world period games
Twin Shooter Thread
True Challenge in Competetive Gaming
Draw thread: Chernushka the dog edition
>DOA getting review bombed for sexism>DMC being censored on ps4Why dont games just have a...
Dissidia NT goes F2P
Mysterious vidya characters
Dynasty Warriors Thread
Metroidvania Round-up
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Tomboyish Maid Edition
Shenmue 3 gameplay trailer...
Disgaea thread
Can you name a single modern game that isnt forgettable trash?I sold my entire PS3...
Nice that Sony & Apple/MS do good once in a while...
Developer Incompetence/Fix My Game Thread
Are Terra Nova and SWAT 3 the only squad-based tactical shooters where you can order...
MGS V Phantom Pain modding
Star Wars EPII : Podracer in UE4
Live Season Meme is the latest cancer fad
My Girlfriend VN banned from steam due to school setting
Maplestory 2
/agdg/ & /vm/ - Amateur game development general
ITT religion in games
March 11-20
Guess the game music
Fighting Game General - Spinning Girls Edition
Ubisoft Warsaw announcement trailer
You are now aware that San Andreas is so old that most people who play...
Fun Facts
Super Mario Bros.
little girls
You know what is the WORST problem with MGSV:TPP ?
Mario Kart.
Wall kick or Wall jump? and other vidya terms
Classic game room
Cinematic Trailers should be ban
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Moral High Ground Edition
The trailer for the new Doom movie is out
Dragons Dogma the Netflix Animated Series
Jackbox nights with /v/ Anniversary edition
Autistic/OCD hangups
>2019, I am forgotten….Can we finally admit that this game was mediocre and worse than...
Mandatory mods thread
Hellmoo thread
Warframe General
Phoenix Point has a 1 year timed exclusivity deal with the Epic Store
Gore Thread
Share Thread - comfy hashing
Xbox Direct out of fucking nowehere
No AOE4 news in latest Inside XBOX.
Yakuza (Ryuu ga Gotoku)
SomethingAwful is going to die because LowTax is out of money
Theres a magical ARPG where all builds can be made viable.How do you heal yourself?Leeching...
You ever notice the most diehard blizzdrones are all scandinavians/slavs?
Hyper Philosophical Games
Borderlands 3 is going to be an Epic Store exclusive
RPG Shooter/Loot & Shoot
Halo Master Cheif Collection coming to Steam
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Virtual Boy Edition
Why are the mods deleting every interesting threads ?
White Day Waifu Day
Devil May Cry 5
Mega Man Thread/ロックマンスレ
Games that got your heart rate through the ceiling
EA reportedly paid twitch streamers millions of dollarydoos to play Apex Legends
Mortal Kombat 11 DLC
You do not want that to happen to you
Any autistic (space) ship design game?I played Warshi Gunner 2 and I wanna see this...
Screenshot thread
One Piss World Sucker
What is the actual solution to making dismemberment compelling and useful as a game mechanic?Theres...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Paradox might be announcing a Vampire: The Masquerade RPG on March 21st, possibly by Hardsuit Labs in the goddamn?Dwarf Fortress is on Steam now and ASCII is officially gone....
Has an MMORPG ever killed off a playable race?
Metroid Discussion Prime 4 hopes
Breath of the Wild ripped off Jak and Daxter>Blonde haired hero in a blue tunic>Neon...
Vanillawares 13 sentinels: 60 minutes of new gameplay. Its a point & click adventure/visual novel....
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: π Edition
Upcoming Games
Expect 8chan to go down for a few hours
Mudslimes in Vidya
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Shoutout to Mark Edition
Kingdom Hearts III Is Changing Olaf’s Japanese Voice In An Update Following Pierre Taki’s Arrest
Happening thread #2
Switch emulator
Whats your favorite vidya
Retarded pokemon types
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Exploding Vans Edition
High Quality Low Poly
Valve to start removing Steam review bombs
Adam Sessler takes the bait (again)
Steam Library Mosiac thread
>The Prophets are based on the lying ways of the Jews from the New Testament...
ITT When did you realize you dont want to work on videogames?>Know Uncle who works...
Webm & Video thread 20190315
Cross-game Cosplay
Create a game
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Spyro Year of the Gun Edition
Adult games on consoles
What games will get my dick the hardest?Preferably available on consoles....
That time i was reincarnated into a video game
Making Super Mario World harder
Teen games with Rated M freedom
Gaming Goals
Simpsons games general
John Romero Id Software Cofounder And The Church Of Satan
How bad would the shitposting and journalism be if this game came out today?...
Fullderp: Big Black Bull edition
Dream mods
Sonic SXSW panel general
CRT Question
Retro game ads thread, because OP was giant faggot in the last one....
Female villains
Hideaki Itsuno Was Ready To Leave Capcom After DmC: Devil May Cry
Atelier Thread/アトリエスレ
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Two Heads are better than None Edition
No review bombing for you says Valve
Ps2 vidya and modding
What happened with the Payday series?
If the developer is reading this, please stop adding post-mannconomy weapons into this mod. The...
Tfw i cannot escape assholes and politics anymore
Re-designs and updates.
When did you notice you have started to feel the over 24 skill wall?
Gaming hardware/software not used for gaming
Cartoons licensed games
its out$12 please
Twisted Metal General
Mech vidya thread
>85 days until E3...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Steal all the Oxygen! edition.
Ymir - Piggy Edition
Lammy Lambs 20th anniversary
SS13: Space Station 13 Thread
Flash games
Cheating/hacking/griefing/etc in online games
Boss Battle Muisic
ITT: Pick an aspect of a game that makes it stand out
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Botato Edition
GDC Thread: MUH Edition
Haven & Hearth General ~ /hhg/
Google is about to announce their Goybox console
Sega is hosting a Player Survey to gather feedback “to help us determine the next...
How is it not obvious that Rockstars intentionally making Red Dead Online utter shit
Half Life something confirmed
The history of con man
Beta Pokemon Appreciation
Chrono Trigger thread
System Shock 3 trailer
Scrap Story Demo is out
vidya OC thread
APB Reloaded Team Reveals APB RIOT Battle Royale Mode
Kenshi Thread - Kung Fu Lizard Waifu Edition
Visual Novel Thread
Super Metroid: 25 years
Micro stutters have finally caused me to uninstall. There will be .5 - 1.5 second...
Oddworld Soulstorm
Witch and the Hundred Knight
ResetEra and Eurogamer collaborated to smear Joey Camen to get him out of DMC5.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fabric Edition
Watch the gaming industry burn right before your very eyes.
>449 days until E3 2020...
Why does modern technology disgust me?
Can someone provide a loseless download of
Evil Dead by Daylight
Old gaming rumors & mysteries
Persona 5 R
Neo Geo Thread
Whatcha playin, Anon?
Hideo Kojima says Death Stranding is ‘slightly behind’ schedule
ResetEras targets list(and accomplishments*) in 2019
Obsidians The Outer Words Epic Store exclusive despite being on Steam already
Nintendo indie direct
Fullderp: Premature Evacuation edition
GaaS - Gaming as a Service
The fuck is going on mark?
The cancer is spreading
Breath of the Wild Climbing and Gliding
Anyone play reforged mod for tatw? Is there a chat group for scheduling games?...
Is anyone interested in hosting a server for this? Id like to play it with...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Que Boom Edition
Boss Fights
Questionable Design Decisions
3ds Max 2008-2010 needed to mod DoW2
Epic wont accept Crappy Games
Is there any possible way to play these gems that doesnt involve older consoles or...
Some games in which you can kill children:Deus Ex (“Kid Josh” at the beginning of...
March 21-31
Mecha games
Spyro the Dragon 3
Exclusives you actually wanted to try
I thank the chinks for blackpilling all the gaymers and encourage piracy.Now with every new...
Vita General Thread - New Life Edition
Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail
Space Station 13
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Black Hole Edition
FOSS/Open Source Thread
Heads up Sekiro is available right now to those using a VPN....
Should Microsoft quit the Xbox brand and join Nintendo?
WoW BFA - Blizzard offering a free weekend and $20 the XPAC
Nipponese games from the Showa era
webm thread
Gold Source Games, Forgotten and Remembered
Anthem made 100 Million dollarydoos at launch and EA stocks rise up
VTMB2 trailer
ITT videos about old and obscure vidya.
Any progress on the Epic Spyware front?
What the hell happened to good movie tie in games?...
TES IV OBLIVION: Where Dem Orc Women At?
PCGamer reveals that theyre paid shills yet again
GDC award show still obsessed with gamergate
Games made by hobbyists for fun and not money or politics
Final Fantasy XIV General - Dorfs and Bara Cats Edition
Crystar coming to West on PS4 & Steam, Aug 27
Apex Legends: Virtue Signaling
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Blind Cuteness Edition
Shit you only just realized recently
Video game clichés you love
Epic Store places you on a waitlist before you can buy/play your games
Game where the antagonist isnt powerful.
Alright /v/ how’s shadows die twice? I’m a pretty big souls fan so I was...
Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines 2
Starbound: the Regret
Blaster Master Zero 2
Stadia/steaming the next big crash?
Hardware mods/projects
Horizon Zero Dawn
Why does everyone hate this game? I wish there were more games like this where...
Traditional Roguelikes
Super Smash Bros. Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Shes wearing your underwear Edition
>2019 >VR has existed for 3 years>still no good mech game...
Im making a game. Can I get some feedback?Heres the download link:
Cross-games guest stars
DoW on tv
What does a perfect digital store look like for you?
Multiplayer vidya
Anyone here play the Terminus Machina mod for Deus Ex? It looks cool but I...
Games where you can ATTACK AGGRESSIVELY
Post characters that explain their deeds...
Coco & Crash
Game intros/trailers
8chanmania 24 [I cant delete my thread] edition
Derivative characters
Addictive GBA Games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Language Barrier Edition
Booted up The Sims 2 PS2 port today and remembered that one of the levels...
Studio F.O.W. makes a porn game for steam
>RPG>Enter room full of boxes>Spend 20 minutes searching them all>Absolutely nothing of worth>You know you...
Yo, gimme some games with gas masks in emand hell while were at it, are...
Management/survival/autism games
Grand Strategy Games
Aliens Vs Predator 2
Baldurs Gate / Icewind Dale / Planescape thread
Was Triforce Heroes any good? It came out and died pretty quick...
State of Play
Apple Arcade
Bethesda Abandons Client
Food in Vidya
>FNAF 6 and Ironman VR were the biggest new game announcements during Sony state of...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
VTMB2 SJW edition
Shantae 5 confirmed for PS4, Xboner, Switch, PC and iOS
Vidya OC
Games with/about Cryptids
Jackbox nights with /v/ Cute touhous edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Superior Latino Dub Edition
Fullderp: Fuck The Filters Edition
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is what vidya should be
DMC thread #6: Life is like a hurricane Edition
Anyone still play this game?+
DOAXVV steam beta release
Dwarf Fortress Thread - Classic Edition
Warcraft 3 Reforged: PAID MODS?
Fighting Game General - Samurais and Gaijins Edition have the tech sector and you have a lot of progressive history in Seattle....
Proof games perform slower with Denuvo
Is this piece of shit fixed after all this time, or is it still a...
Completely Loaded Worlds
Can we take a moment to discuss Microsofts current plan when it comes to gaming...
SMT - Shin Megami Tensei
Dreamed games
Sekiro thread because the others are past page 13
RIP titty ninjas
Final fantasy 15
Concept Art thread
Cloud Gaming The Future
Why isnt PAX dead yet?>The moment you call someone diverse....
What difficulties should games be made around?
Indigenous Vidya Thread
P5: The Royal
Games with disturbing content
Fate Grand Order: Which Guda would you Guda?
Sims 3 Thread no kinky world edition
Console Hacking
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Super Miku Edition
Soundtrack General
Wolfenstein Young Blood
Final Fantasy XII
Will journos ever let go of DmC?
Splatoon Thread: Witches Win Edition
Why arent you playing the best gunZ anime ripoff on the market yet, anon? the...
Ninja DMC but with QTEs in Zombie Tokyo
FFXV is finally OVER.
Draw thread: Block by EU edition
Grim Dawn: Forgotten Gods
/agdg/ & /vm/ - Amateur game development general
Question destined for the mmorpg who play anons
Surreal Games
Warframe Anniversary
Simpleplanes Update 1.8 Beta
Borderlands: Mask of Mayhem
Assassin’s Creed III Remastered
webm Thread
ITT vidya trends you miss
Gamecube thread
Umihara Kawase Fresh! Demo now on JP eshop
What happens if you use make chiptunes, but use all the modern mms mastering and...
When are PS4s going to become affordable?
Is the difference between these games even significant? Which is better, and why?...
Upcoming Mecha games?
What are some games about Hell that arent Doom? Something thats actually atmospheric....
Buy my Free Game: Blades
Microsoft Wants To Censor Violent Content After The Wake Of The Christchurch Shooting
Hytale thread.
Games/Franchises released during the Vidya Zenith only to be corrupted as time went on
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Expectations vs Reality Edition
Risk of Rain 2 is out
When exactly did watercooler gaming actually take root and make lore more in demand than story?
Games that shouldnt have been as bad as they were
Hold me /v/...
Share Thread - Sharing as a Service
Sony shooters
why so many japs use rpg maker?
Fun multiplayer games?
SWAT 4 Elite Force Mod
Pax namedrops 8chan, /v/ and mark
game warez
Next big cancer in gaming
Sony to ban digital game sales
Artifact offically dips below 100 players, hasnt broke 400 since last week
Anyone ever play firefall?
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Adols /monster/ Wives Edition
Your own retarded vidya theories
3DS games for a young boy
Yoshis Labo World came out today. Anyone else playing it?For pirates you can grab it...
My 10 year old Dualshock 3 finally died on me yesterday. Im tempted to get...
Nier Automata PC Controls
Valve annoucees new first-party VR headset to be released in May
Neptunia Thread
Question about video game music
Anti Valve, Anti Paid Digital Distribution, and Anti Tactics Valve Popularized Thread
The plebian issue with merchandise
SS13 Bread:Librarian dont suck anymore Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Wrestlemania Edition
Anno 1800 Coming to Steam...
Late 90s/2000s Modern Sci-fi
Games with Mesoamerica/American-Indian Elements
Hidden gems thread
Mario Party Netplay
Ace combat 7
Wrestlemania invite
Anyone else hype for the master chief collection on PC?...
Fuck Archvisit and Fuck Eye.Merkel
Racing/Driving Games Thread
Dai Gyakuten Saiban/The Great Ace Attorney Full Translation Released
Aesthetic travel
Bethesda Shows Glimpse of Next Gen Graphics for Elder Scrolls 6
take legal action
So I recently finished all the Megaman games and am looking for some other challenging,...
Games where you can play as the East Romans
hello. im planning on finally buying a controller to play on pc after playing with...
ResetEras demands for Persona 5 2 years ago have materialized into an article.
Meeoow Imagine if this game had been released on the 16 bit genesis back in...
Really fucking bored and looking for a game on steam to buy. What should I...
Metal songs on videogames
Due to last gamenight, I am wondering: Will we ever play this on a gamenight?...
Which legend of zelda game should I play next?
OH SHIT LADS NEW R-TYPE ANNOUNCEDhttps://rtypefinal2.comAlso shmups thread, post your latest scores, clears, and so...
Fullderp: Fucking Magic Edition
Escapist Comfy Games
Sekiro Threads Die Twice
April 1-10
Kirby Thread
8chanmania 25
Guess the video game music
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: On The Moon Edition
The Heisei era is ending soon. Do you think video games the Reiwa era will...
Kingdom Hearts 3
Smallest budget game>Beamdog has announced The Temple of Elemental Evil: Enhanced Edition for release in Fall 2019>The...
Why did Grand Theft Auto shift away from 4s tone in favor of GTA Online...
Death Stranding Canceled
Baba Is You
FF7R is still a shitshow but Yoshi P is going to save Final Fantasy, again.
MTG Arena
Devil May Cry thread #7 - Bully the Cat edition
Games about/with psychic powers
Wasted Potential
Twisted Metal Thread
Risk of Rain 2 Thread - Pirate Shitpost Edition
/v/ Ive been gaming all my life (31 here) and Ive been using my wrist...
Atelier thread
Violence and video games
Strategy games
Games where the canon story is you barely kill anyone
Is it as boring as I remember?Or was I unfair for going in with the...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Oni Vocaloid Edition
Gmod problems
Looking for specific freeware games
Fortnites gameplay
How BioWares Anthem Went Wrong
Are you looking forward to any games? Honestly 19 looks a lot better than 18...
Diablo mods
Borderlands 1
I keep playing bad video games. My brother is lending me his Wii U with...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ara Wizard Edition
Arcsys Works Thread
Important Friday Night Gamenight Announcement
Lineage II thread - Age of Pioneers edition
Spoil A Game Thread
Overlooked Games That Were Years Ahead of Their Time (AKA Muh Technology Thread)
long series with only one good game.
Inseki-ro: Video Game Media Butthurt at Sekiro Cries Thrice
YIIK Round 2, maybe
Earthworm Jim coming back?
Objective based multiplayer class FPS
AER: Memories of Old
Card games -> Vidya games
Ape Escape website updated for first time in seven years
British Academy Games Awards
The Wii Classic Controller is not only underrated, its by far the best controller to...
MTG Arena
Mystery Games
Games you like with SERIOUS/FATAL flaws
Hackers thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Everyone Loves Large Chests Edition
Switch game recommendations
RimWorld Thread
What are some good, yet affordable emulation options? I want something that can handle up...
Halo Discussion
Wrath Aeon of Ruin
Assassins Creed 2020 to be set in the Viking Age
How may pentagon wars style situations do we have going in the game industry you...
Periferals thread
Cuphead Thread
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Journo beats vidya without cheating... by using a mod
Physics and combat
Blizzard bans fans from making alt-right ok hand gestures
Steam reviews got Kosherified
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: What if Zelda was a Girl? Edition
Steam bans Rance VI and Rance 5D
old-school FPS
Grim Dawn: El Grimmest edicion
Dragalia Lost/Gachashit
Can you find this old flash game?
Webm thread
Collector/Buyfag Thread
Fullderp: Baddy Bad Think Edition
Just got done playing through my ahoy matey copy of metro exodus. Linear, stalker-lite criticisms...
Spy gaymes
Game dev Deadpool.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Demento Edition
Late to current consoles
Wrasssling Games - Seth Rollins & Kofi Kingston Is Champion
WiiWare thread
Chink Vidya
SS13 Thread: I forgot to put mimes edition
Why do I hear that people dont like Xen? I never used to hear this,...
Japanese Learning Thread: 下着交換 Edition
At 0700 hours yesterday morning, contact was lost with Everon. From what we can ascertain,...
Jackbox nights with /v/ All smiles edition
Is there a game that appeals to you on a level that wasnt necessairly intended...
We come up with stupid new console gimmicks
discussion of pre current-year narrative driven games
Outer Wilds
hard games with bullshit difficulty
Kotaku is officially dead, Gizmodo Media Group is sold to a private equity firm
What Games Best Define Video Games?
Good android games?
WoW is now dead in Korea
The Epic Games defense force is real.
Forza Horizon 4 Broken Multiplayer?
Escape From Tarkov 11.7 thread : why are we still here edition
Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation launches in June in North America and Europe
MGS3 will always be babbys first Metal Gear
>F2P in 12 hoursIf I like Haven & Hearth, will I enjoy Albion Online?...
Vidya & Crypto
SEKIRO Because rice is nice.
Lesser known SEGA properties and games
MechWarrior Living Legends
Maho Shoujo Game
Evolve: It really is DEvolve; and the brilliance of Vacuum Decay
Visual Novel Thread
Shinobi Ps2 thread
I wonder if there any more games i missed where you have mooks on your...
Early 90s PC vidya
Ni No Kuni 2: Furry Kingdom
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Clown Girls For The Clown World Edition
Is a Racing Games Gamenight truly an impossible task?Would it be too short lived?Are Double...
So this just came out without any fanfare or marketing, have any of you bought...
Darkest Dungeon Thread
DOAX steam
Game Sauce Thread?
Whats the happiest a game has ever made you? be as corny as you want...
April 11-20
Dangerous Driving
Upcoming Releases You Are Looking Forward To
Options You Wish Games Had
Gaming magazines
CRT Thread
Roguelike general
Autism Awareness Month
Games that change genres midway through
Linux Gaming Thread
Toku Vidya
Meta Thread: World Autism Awareness Month
/agdg/ & /vm/ - Amateur game development general
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Seijaku No Apostle Edition
Comfy games about cooking/survival
Worms Armageddon
Growing Older and Gaming
King of Fighters Thread
GOD is back! Its on Tor
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission
Have you Played every Classic?
Zanzarah remake
Kenshi Thread - Cat-Lon Did Nothing Wrong Edition
Hollow Knight: Silksong is EGS Exclusive
>putting kickstarter backers into video gameshas this ever been done and not been embarrassing to...
Verum Rex = Versus XV?
LOLThe last thread was derailed to oblivion and mods deleted the entire thread instead of...
Gameplay depth
WEBM thread
Drawthread - Where are the games Edition
Warframe Thread
MK 11: Flat is Justice
False positive?
Old mechanics in modern games
Amy - Soul Calibur 6
Star Wars
Map Editors
The strange development of The Surge 2
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Fruits Basket Edition
Gaycraft 3 The Frozen Throne
Open World games
Warhammer Champions coming to the Switch
Summertime Vidya
Stadia speculation
Despite your specific feelings on REmake 2, do you think its popularity can be enough...
I dont get it.Im bored out of my mind. Why is this game so highly...
>use an engine made in 1997>people complain that its an awful engine and cant even...
does mobile gaming have a future
Mega Man 11
Prove to me that singleplayer games are proftiable! Buy EAs new Star Wars game now!
Are there any good recent fps games out there on PC? I liked Titanfall 2,...
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
>Get the TF2 port to see if I may can host a gamenight for...
save states
Mirror match bosses
Would you rather play>RPG with great writing and open ended quests BUT the combat is...
Crime vidya
When fan-mods are better than the official product
I hate it when games start out all bright and colourful and send you to...
Russian /v/s Top 100 Games
Fullderp: Eureka edition
What is your most disliked trend this gen?
The futur of VR is WITH NINTENDO
Magnifi Gramarye murdered
Is there any games with this trench coat tematic? I just want to play some...
>tropes you like
Operation: Shaq Attack
Time for a giveaway.
Sekiro Thread: Gitting Gudder
Today is Reggie Fils-Aimes last day at Nintendo. Say something nice about him as a...
Pokemon Killers
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cute is Justice Edition
I.Ps you want to stay dead
Everything has quantifiably gotten shittier
Best vidya villains
Fighting Game General: Chinder Chagger Edition
God of War (2018)
SS13 Thread:Slime Reactions Edition(btw mime pics are back)
What are your favorite examples of vidya fraud?With pitchford trying to make news, I just...
Max Payne Quotes.
I love this game...
Buying games as a kid
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Hellfire Edition
Diablo IV screenshots. Work in progress....
Super Smash Bros. Thread
Turn Based vs Real Time
Why no indie shmups?
R6 Siege: Y4S2 Operation Inclusivity
experimental sequels that get a bad rep because of it
Game design books
Sony drops info on the PSQUINT
Name a game you like that you genuinely feel can benefit from a remake and...
City of Heroes Private Server discussion
With the FFXV event in FFXIV Project Fabula Nova Crystalis is finally over
>53 days until E3...
>Diablo fucking 01, Warcraft 1+2>Ancestors Legacy released after so long>Atom RPG>ton of new games getting...
Yoshis Crafted World
League of Legends
Viva Pinata
Xbox Direct: Gamepass Edition
>Trannies get upset theyre not being properly included in speed running>get their own speed running...
Boom beach warshits - superjew strikes again
Caravan Stories
Snowy finally confirms sex ban
Adult games
Games With Easily Exploited Glitches
Games way better then they had any fucking right to be
Joker confirmed for SSBU Character
How the fuck did this game series from being adult Aladdin to edgy fucking grim...
News headlines/articles that remind you of games
Advice for best way to make a giallo video game?
Nintendo Is Blocking Homebrew Videos for the Switch on YouTube
Dead By Daylight
Warhammer videogames thread: Blessed by Sotek edition
Ubisoft giving away free copies of Assassins Creed Unity
>Mode 7 SNES Games in HD, what are some good Mode 7 SNES games?...
Randy Pedoford Shills Epic Store
Local / Couch Multiplayer Games + Modes
Vidya and Realism
Ape Escape
Mountain Blade general
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: RIP Monkey Punch Edition
Urban Fantasy Settings
Sony blames #MeToo for censorship
PROTOTYPE: Could BLACKLIGHT be an evolved form of The Thing?
Meta-environments of games
Syphon filter
COH Private Server Cabal thread
Major World Changes relegated to side content
Planescape: Torment thread
Games with VR/Heavily technolgized military themes
Capcom Home Arcade
Project 1999 - Classic Everquest>Project 1999 is a free, emulated classic Everquest server. We provide...
Degenerate shit you do in vidya
Games With Collecting
Korea Time
Grim Dawn
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Cartridges are objectively best video game format
XIII Remake/Remaster
What animals would make good boss fights?>Fucking little cunt was sat on the window, I...
Katana Zero
Meet and Fuck Club
/emug/ - Emulation General - Filters Edition
Mortal Kombat 11 leak thread
Skull & Bones
Wurm Unlimited
Microsoft killed literally all their good IPs
Food Related Game Merchandise
Steel Division 2
playstation network (((hate speech))) ban
Wayforward is making a River City Waifus game
Tencent will sell Switch on China.
Why havent they made Mother 4 yet?
Risk of Rain - Buff Artificers bust edition
Which was better?Unreal or Quake 2? Both using Voodoo3 3DFX....
Why is everything so scripted on 3D Sonic Games.
Albion Online went f2p and has consistently held its player base over the past week....
Fullderp: ;_;7 Edition
>game has decent lighting, colors and shading>sequel fucks it all upAnyone else notice this trend?...
Murrah Bombing Day
ScpToolkit > Is anyone planning on restarting this project?
Whyboner Game Visuals
Witcher kikeflix actress is dead
The graphics of Yoshis Crafted World are AMAZING
Why is Sony pushing this game so damn hard? I mean i guess they have...
Columbine Day
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Anonymous Skateboard Culture Edition
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Civilization Thread;Is anything past Civ IV shit? Edition
Vermintide 2
Real Time Tactics vs Real Time Strategy
Cancelled Games
World War Z or L4D2
Turnabout Drawthread
pc GPU thread
Stupid mechanics that need to die
Crime Time
Shitty Games Discussion
Am I the only one thats interested to know what Ragnarok Onlines story was about?...
Dont Starve Together
City of Heroes Thread
Skateboarding games
Kingdom Hearts 3
April 21-31
Last Game Youll Play in the Heisei Era
Be a good goy and Sony Playstation wont take away your digital games.
Oh shit nigger is that a motherfucking thread??
ITT Videogames that take place in real locations. Bonus points if its not an over...
>protagonist has one robotic arm>parasite-infested monks live on mount Kikongo>a big part of Dark Souls...
Steam Recommendations
Screenshot Thread
SuperTuxKart 1.0 released
Resident Evil
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Happy Easter Gameboy Edition
Smash And The Trans Community
WebM thread...
Is there anyone else that loves this game despite its flaws? Despite its world being...
Fun flying games
Grinding for gear
An open source emulator for Steams online functionality has recently been released>This is a steam...
Was Rockstar always this pozzed?
80s and 90s as a game settings
How the fuck this crap is so well received?Its not even a FPS game. There...
Indie games that arent shit
Daggerfall Unity 0.7.91
Sonic Adventure Games
Games not released in Japan
Phantasy Star Online 2
Where does the the player must relate to the protagonist dev meme come from?
Chinas new gaming rules ban blood, gambling and games based on the Chinese imperial past
RPG Maker 2000 on CollabVM
So what does /v/ think of this game?
City of Heroes dead again?
Peria Chronicles
JUST Devs hall of fame
Viva Pinata
Shooter Roguelites
The rebalancing of Sekiro
Jackbox nights with /v/ Cute rabbits edition
Zelda Thread
Mice & Peripherals
Final Fantasy XIV thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: HyperSpeed GranDoll Edition
Touhou Thread
Devil May Cry
Bioware now claims Anthem is Early Access
Be honest.Did anyone actually believe that Cyberpunk 2077 was really going to play or look...
Nvidia GTX 1650 DOA release
Am I the only one who saw Koopa Troopas as turkeys as a kid?...
MK 11
Games with fun details that dont affect gameplay
Help by others and helping others
What is the new master of Orion like? I love master of orion 2, however,...
Persona 5 Royal
UNrealistic weaponary
Ryukishi07 confirmed to have fallen for the goats plea
SS13: Lewd as first image edition
Flight Simulators
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Moral Kombat Edition
Super Mario Bros C64 Edition > Magnet Link
Zombie Escape thread
Fightan Game General: Big Sister Best Sister Edition
S4 League with /v/
PVP Games and Tournaments
Tr4.5h has sold almost 14 million copies
Ace Combat bread - Raven soon
Epic to Ax Exclusives if Steam Pays Devs More
SMW Rom Hacks
Star Trek Online
Cursing in Chat
Games as a Service
Fate Grand Order
Respawn Postpones All Titanfall Plans to Support Apex Legends
New Hat in Time Expansion Pack Announced - Releases in Less Than 2 Weeks
Born From A Wish: Superfluous, or acceptable?
The biggest fraud in the gaming community
Rhythm Games
Aliens Vs Predator franchise
Crash thread
**FUFUFU** - Blue bears edition
Primates in video games
Sony Playstation on damage control.
Misguiding level design
Will the MMOFPS genre ever become popular?
So is there a reason why THQ and Nick made a game called Toilet Showdown?...
RTS general
The Last of Us 2
Walpurgisnacht in 4 days
Share Thread - Share the Gas
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Kimetsu no Yaiba Edition
Over 20 million PC gamers switching to console gaming
Epic Games Satisfactory only sells 9 copies, SJW Lead Developer throws a tantrum on Twitter
>keeps getting delayedSo, when is it coming out?Also, why the fuck cant people just make...
Top Down Shooters
Fullderp: Its okay when we do it Edition
Do you know a guy like this?I know this guy who will always try to...
I want to start playing super robot wars games and g generation, but there are...
Call of juarez
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Nintendo bringing over Handheld series to Switch
Planetside 2
3DS modding
Le Fin Absolute Du Monde
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Gildas Revenge Edition
Video Games with vocal tracks
Ps classic or snes classic?
Vita General Thread - Waiting Edition
Alternate soundtracks
Xanadu Next
Bungie is in trouble
Smash Bros Bread
God-tier soundtracks from old games thread
Dues Ex: Mankind Divided
>population still stable>/v/ guild still relevant>Killing commies on sight>non-neckbeard guild leaders>Game f2pWhy dont more people...
Im replaying Colors and holy fuck its just as fun as when I first played...
Rate my idea for a sexy Space Station 13 clone.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Terrorist Racist Gamers Incubator Edition
Mass Effect thread
Risk of Rain 2 threadPrevious hit the bump limitReminder that June will never ever come>Favorite...
games with truly inhuman characters
/agdg/ & /vm/ - Amateur game development general
I just replayed MGS2 and the plot still doesnt really make any sense to me.I...
Why has video game music by and large been so shit since 2009 or so?
Great Aliens games
Burnout Paradise Servers Shutting Down on August 1st
things that wouldnt be allowed in gaming today
I didnt know whether to open the thread in /v/ or in /tv/ but in...
Last game youll play in the Heisei era?
Zelda Thread.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Arya Kills the NK and Ironman Dies Edition
Halo Thread
Spooky, Mysterious, and Fortean Games
Gotta SOY fast! ...
Mordhau Thread
Porn Game with Handholding
VR Thread: Were about privacy now, I swear Edition
May 1-10
ITT: Your favourite ending to a dlc/expansion
COH privates servers: Leandro Strikes Again
dellor banned from twitch
Notch banned from Minecraft 10-year anniversary event because of his opinions
Earthworm Jim 4 confirmed
Bang! howdy
The Forgotten games of 2019 thus far
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Pooh Day Edition
Games from before the genre existed
Epic Games has officially crossed the fucking line
Why do people like realistic looter games so much? At least in games like red...
Earthworm Jim gets monkeys pawed back to life Accepted...
Grand Strategy Games
So I’m about to play through the mainline Zelda games as the only ones I’ve...
Is Square Enix the only developer with well-received games that have stories so convoluted ...
Post Game Music, Others Guess What Game it is From
Star Wars Battlefront (the good one)
Is PS4 piracy a thing yet? Or is there something that prevents it to happens,...
EDF Tips and Tricks Thread
Xbox Live Wants To Eliminate Problematic Trash Talk
MK 11 woke af
Forbes Shit on the best space game EVER™ CIGs fan on suicide watch
>Heres a bunch of games weve temporarily discounted to finally match what the physical versions...
Fullderp: Brave Edition
WoW continues to die
RPGs where you character actually travel
Does this game have the worst encounter rate in any RPG ever made? I am...
ITT series that got worse after the first game....
What games can create some either accidental or engineered horror without actually being horror games?...
Splatoon Thread: Hare-y Situation Edition
Quick Meta Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Live Action Edition
Mordhau Thread
Mortal Kombat
Mega Man and Bass
Organization Autism
Games where you can make your own squad of units
Hack and Slash
Command & Conquer Renegade
>Check TF2V again after a while>See thisFuck man, why did the devs have to fuck...
The lamest shit videogame fans do
Be the CEO
Bible Verses of Significance in Video Games
>Cross play being evaluatedWho else looking forward to seeing console kids lose at their own...
So will survival horror (As in having to manage your items and not just shitty...
Path of Exile Developer Q&A
WoTR fags and Mordhau
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Speedrun Post
Indie game recommendation thread.Now that AAA games are dead we need a way to discover...
Why do every video game based movies suck??
Sup guys. I bought Tropico 6 and when I try to start it it...
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Intellivision Amico Livestream
Interesting, informational vidya-related videos?
Blizzard fucks up AGAIN, forces Blizzcon atendees to install spyware on their phones
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cursed Videogame Edition
City of Heroes Private Servers: Non-Cucked Server edition
SS13: Cooks Cooking edition
After playing some of Sonic Mania, Im in a mood for cartoony, fun and happy...
Lets Discuss
Umihara Kawase Fresh
Music that pumps you up
the best thread
Its time for the biannual /fuckpaladins/ thread.Trade cadaver preserving techniques, gripe about the nosy clerics,...
Mega Man Maker
>Those glimpses of the kind of depth games could have that blow your mindFor example,...
Good Morning /v/
Sigma star saga
Moral dilemma is games
Upscaled textures/sprites
8CHANMANIA 28 STARTS IN 10 MINUTESWhere to watch: fighters:American BearMr. BrownDuane!Cool HitlerAkuThe Green BastardAshurbanipalDefault-ChanColonel Scott...
What does /v/ think about Osu? I dont really play rhythm games so I cant...
Revoltionary Warriors Musou
Should I buy a Switch?
How do I come up with a game username I wont cringe at a few...
Kenshi What, never been a slave before? edition?
Master race genre = strategy games
Metal Gear
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Release Date
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Wildcard Edition
Is there any games out there that lets you play as a caveman, or around...
God Hand
Ha/v/en & Hearth: closure
Drawthread - Scurvy Edition
Monkey paw wish General
Claptrap claims Randy Bitchford assaulted him and stole employee royalties
Jackbox nights with /v/. Anons inventions edition
Bad Gaming Tropes
There has never been a better more in-depth and adventurous RPG ever put into digital...
Call Of Overwatch 6 : What the fuck did Treyarch do to Black ops?
Gravity Rush Thread
Riot Games Employees Stage Walkout/Riot Against Company(Tencent)
Final Fantasy thread
So with Minecraft going full cuck, what are some other comfy survival games? Bonus points...
100.000 Revenants
Looking forward to coming back tonight, /v/?...
Serious Sam
Functionally what would you add to pokemon?
Dangitronpaul - it was enjoyable to the end
Can emulation reduce the input lag of console games?
Games that would be controversial now
Video Gaming Streamers Thread.
Subverse Wont Contain Any Super Extreme Fetishes Or Darker Themes
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Elves vs Beastmen Edition
Slipgate Arena
S.T.A.L.K.E.R thread
Warp thread
Zone of the Enders
minesweeper thread
>tfw no good stealth games in yearsis there any hope for us stealthfags?...
Game Boy Thread
Persona 5 Royal
The next killer was leaked and its Ghostface from Scream as well as some new...
Story themes you missed in your first play through
What ever happened to Devs vs Playerbase in vidya? I cant remember the last time...
self-imposed challenges
Cultist Simulator
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Justice Day Edition
Should Lootboxes/Micro-transactions be banned? (The other thread is shit)
Steel Division II: Eastern Front boogaloo
Fullderp: Innuendo Edition
Blood: Fresh Supply
EDF THREAD - Takuma is the Chadest Chad that ever Chaded Edition
PlayStation Direct: Were back baby
This trilogy was so fucking mismanaged. Zero Gravity had some neat ideas but the execution...
Nintendo CFW Thread: I Bricked Edition
Easter Egg thread: Franchise Defying Edition
LOLLast thread is on page 14. You know the drill....
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Keep It in Your Pants Edition
City of Heroes, Heroes Burning Niggers
Ubisoft keeps pretending its political games don’t have politics in them
WOW thread
Arcade emulation
Detective Pikachu Thread
>A PS1 Final Fantasy has so much more content than a PS4 Final Fantasy that...
I sure hope you didnt gave money to Hat in Time dev....
Daily reminder Doom II > Doom
/agdg/ & /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General (and modding)
10 Days left for Pathologic 2
May 11-20
Cleaning Your Consoles
Everything wrong with Monster Hunter World
Team Fortress 2 Comics
Mechwarrior and Big Robot Games General
Metroid Thread
>Still no gamenightWhat is going on?...
>games delisted on ps4s PSN from fighting genre>can only find game by looking up what...
Music thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Mothers Day Edition
Does this game get better /v/?
Was WoW the death of MMOs that felt like table top games such as D&D...
What is this game even about? Ive been playing it for over an hour and...
Games that are better than you remember
Yet another reason why crowdfunding is gay. How about we invest instead so we can...
Is it worth picking up a used ps4 yet? Anything worth getting that isnt a...
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Webm/MP4 thread Mothers Day Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Chuun Chuun Edition
I have minor considerations of jumping ship to the SEA region for personal reasons. How...
Fighting Game General - Goku FighterZ Edition
Games where you can fight girls
SS13: Support Guardian is Overpowered
Co-Op Thread
>40GB patch, not allowed to play without it>Not allowed to play without an ubisoft account...
What are some games like Yume Nikki but with more functionality? The aesthetics of YM..., Sega get your shit together....
Games starring food/beverage/restaurant mascots
too many consolefags here
How much do you enjoy modern indie games anon?...
Code Vein -- Where The Cup Sizer?
2bs Ass continues to make bank while KH3 already dwindles
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Remove the eye patch but keep the robotic arm Edition
Lore Destruction thread.
Moms in vidya
Trauma Center Thread
Kings Bounty thread
>Omega Labyrinth Life for Switch launches alongside ‘playable in public’ Labyrinth Life for PS4 on...
Mario Maker 2 Direct Thread
Has a game ever filled you with true sadness or ennui?What did it take to...
Dragon Quest VWhy wasnt he the Legendary Hero? He was way better than the little...
Randy Pitchford is looking worse and worse by the second!
Fallout 1 or 2?
Rage 2 got cracked day one
Military shooters
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Were In Hell Edition
Wurm Unlimited: BUILD YOUR FUCKING WALLS edition
Outer Wilds Becomes Epic Exclusive
Arena VS Daggerfall
Do you have any wacky video game ideas?>Game is set prior to the discovery of...
Seeing how both Wild Guns and Ninja Warriors got remasters in the recent years, what...
Games with satisfying industry
Yakuza General
actual waifu games
Warning: last day for Kizuna Kollab!
Oh shit, /v/! Theres still time, theres still a FEW packages left in stock that...
Soulslike games
Fullderp: Boring Edition
Fire Emblem Thread - Why Didnt Roy Just Use the Front Door? Edition
Elder Scrolls lore thread
pls play this game online; not beamdog edition, but the original versionwe arent completely dead...
Telltale layoffs story
>fun and unique MMO>slowly ruined over the years by powercreep and declining playerbaseWith WoW classic...
Draw Thread: 1,000,000 Hours in MS Paint Edition
Having fun as a negative
Blood: Fresh Supply
Would you rather have WoW Classic or a WoW Hardcore Mode?
Whats better?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Deep Dark Web Edition
Growlanser/Langrisser Thread
Want to create your own nation and pillage the cities of other autists? If so,...
Sony and Microsoft partnering for streaming solutions
The Wonderful 101
Classic WoW is going to fucking suck.
Rocket Arena
Transistor (first time posting here)
Flash Games Thread
Let It Die
Superhero video games
vr mmorpg
Paradox Interactive
The Hi-Rez model?
So I have been playing this game for the first time as I have been...
Pandemic Express
Games you can’t believe exist
Epic Game Store runs sale, FUCKS IT UP
games for strong pcs
New Vegas/Fallout Modding
Which Link is the best?Also, is Link named for the German word Linke which means...
Octopath Traveler
Cosmic Break apparent server files
Warframe Thread
Pick series that would fit the Dissidia gameplay really well. And by Dissidia, I mean...
Grim Dawn
Shmup Thread
Random Games Report
Remember when adult console games were actually adult instead of being censored because of (((global...
Haha... lol
City of Heroes: Have a Pepsi™! Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Happy 4th Birthday Danielle and Freya Edition
NIS fucking it up even further
Which games benefit from not allocating stat points?
Detective Pikachu (game)
What the fuck is Segas problem these days?...
Webm Thread:Degenerates on a Cross Edition
How come to my knowledge there are no RPGs that replace the generic Tolkien races...
S.T.A.L.K.E.R for beginners
Games where player character slowly changes visually
Steam’s Double Standards For Curation Exposed With Life Is Strange 2 Underage Sex Scene
Nasuverse/Fate thread Albert fears the DEMIYA edition
Saints Row
Modder releases free Doom conversion, proceeds to paywall updates on steam
/v/ Movie Night - Detective Pikachu
meta thread
Yuri games
MCC delayed until fucking late July to August
New Cotton Game Announced
Ninja Gaiden Arcade
Ghostbusters (2009)
rpg replay value?
Loot Boxes are Laundering Fronts
Is the 2DS comfy to hold?
RPGMaker Games
Attorney Online
Best guns in vidya
Any games similar to skyrim or gothic with pretty fantasy worlds that are actually pretty...
Comfy Games
This is an odd request but can you recommend me some games that have a...
Medieval games
Gets harder the better you play
Dont Starve DLC Character Removed from Game for being Problematic
I’ve been reading the old Scrooge McDuck comics and they’ve been making me want to...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Gondola Edition
Sony creates division to make videogames into movies and television
Classic SMT/Persona Thread
>9 days until E3
Flight Simulators
May 21-31
Soyny Gets Exposed For Sexism Despite Them Showing Their Wokeness
Good multiplayer games
Valve files trademark for new Dota project
Worst People in Gaming
.hack// & the games that inspired from it
Sonic Team Racing
SIG - Help me make Flashcards of Pokemon
from the investors brochure of the group that owns 505 game publishing and others like...
Share Thread - Love Edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Japanese Learning Thread: 方向音痴 Edition
4x GamesWhy is it that no other game in the genre has come close to...
Path of Exile - Legion
I dont think Ive ever seen a game shit itself in the final hours as...
Fullderp: Magical >Girls Edition
Weird or unique games
Fear and Hunger
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Alola Edition
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Division 2 is one boring ass game
What exactly was it that GTA 4 had that 5 was missing? What made it...
Solid 6 outta 10 Franchises you like
Lineage II thread - Age of Conquests edition
Guild Drama
Suggestions for a tactical rpg
SS13 thread #9: Always use comdoms edition
HG>>Vidya edition
Stellaris and piracy
0 to 100
The Ouya Dies Next Month
my grandmas vidya pitch
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Sony: We Empower Our Studios to Push the Boundaries of Gaming.
Retail products adding battlepasses
Okay, Anon, modern arena shooters are dead. No one wants to play them any...
Paid mods are back!!
/v/ Voice Thread
Has anyone played City Shrouded in Shadow and is it any good? It looks...
Star Control
how to make RPGs fun
/agdg/ & /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General (and modding)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Atelier Lulua ~ The Scion of Arland (The other two series are so shit that...
Does anyone here still like Gravity Rush?I dont want the series to be completely dead...
Atlus caved they changed dialogue in Catherine Full Body for transphobia so SMT is fucking...
Immersive Sim Bread
Console market is Niche according to Sony CEO : Vidya Edition
Some nerds are making a black and white handheld with a hand crank
Visual Novel Thread
Final Fantasy XIV - FFXIV thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Violate the Espionage Act Edition
Vita General Thread - LOLIcon Edition
What do you think of The World Ends With You?...
Is VR just a meme?
MapleStory 2: Awakening
Console Keyboard Mouse
Input devices/peripherals general
Mario Kart Tour
Anthem estimated to be at 10k players and falling
>We Live in a world that Chex Quest 3 happen before Half Life 3 ...
Example of whats wrong with the video game industry.
Cool old obscure 98 arcade styled games.
Vidya Shames thread
Are you tired of winning?
City of Heroes: Donut Steel Edition
Are there any games that make you really fucking stressful by playing them either because...
Most Boring Race in Fantasy/Sci-fi Vidya
Videogames Comics
Neverwinter General
Why do classic fps games have convoluted levels? Its not really fun walking around empty...
Sims 3
Whats the most insane game you can think of? Im not talking like WOW SO...
Risk of Rain - A song of ice, fire and lightning edition
Eurojank thread
CollabVM - Control collaborative virtual machines with other online (And (try to) play video games)
Games with a metal feel
Vagrant Story and Similar JRPGs
Way of the Samurai games
Turn Based Tactics
What are some good games for the Vita? I already have Tearaway Unfolded, Gravity Rush...
/v/ Movie Night - Hitman Agent 47
Things that, while not TECHNOLOGY, show a game was made with love
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Godzilla Edition
Pre-E3 Jeopardy
Games for lonely people
I finally got around to trying evil white supremacist RPG, and Im getting mixed feelings.The...
WebM Thread...
What are you playing on your Switch anons?Im going to start New Super Mario Bros...
Really good videogame guides
Shin Sakura Wars
The popularity of twitch
How would you make JJBA vidya?
I am trying to figure out if people actually play Star Trek Online. I have...
Were the God Eater games any good? I don’t see them get talked about a...
AMD 3000 Series Livestream
Little things you wish you knew earlier
Foreign Games: Dubbed, Subbed, or Raw?
Vidya Wallpaper Thread
Bomberman was the first Battle Royale game
Wario Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Top Idol Edition
Pokémon Thread: Dissapointment Edition.
Minecraft Server Sneaking
Hy Friends, do yo know any cool PSX games? Would like to play some awesome...
Are there any team based multiplayer shooters where the amount of kills and deaths arent...
Why didnt we get Virtual Console on Switch?Id kill to play Minish Cap on Switch...
Fullderp: Blade edition
/v/ tries to fix Undertale
Summer Vidya
Collector/Buyfag Thread
Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls releases on Windows tomorrow. Lets get a Wizardry thread going....
unlawful gender discrimination
Mount and Blade
Video game tycoon gold edition
Putrefaction Series
Snoy Is Being Sued In Australia For Not Offering PlayStation Refunds In Some Cases
Pokemon conference RIGHT NOW
Pinball Games
Drawthread: Smug Lolis Judge Your Bad Art Edition
Death Stranding: Lea Seydouxs Feet Edition
Any good Turtles/tortoises games that have come out on this century or should I just...
Is there any value in future 3d Zeldas playing like pre-botw?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Sumo Edition
What are video games which star goopy zombie-like alien races which dont base their attacks...
New death Stranding release date trailer
Playstations Days of Play sale 6/7-17
Reboots SJWs would ruin
Send a vidya to Mars
Rom Hack Thread
Gaylo thread
Video Games with Lovestrory?
>no Uncle Remus summon
Does Mark or the other vols post here anonymous? Id like to think they love...
Factorio / Automation General ~ /fag/
we went an entire gaming generation without an Elder Scrolls game
>why are you bitching about a game not having basic features? Youre so entitled!It baffles...
>THQ confirms new Destroy all Humans and Darksiders during the AMA here>Journos are too busy...
Fighting Game General: Gachashit Edition
Death Stranding has equipment levels
Did you ever get burned by EARLY ACCESS anon?
lol ...
Atelier Ryza
ITT we guess the properties of Vidya stuff
The Actual Price of Video Games
Comfy PS2 thread
Microsofts Approach to PC Gaming
Normalfags are catching up on Jurnos
Brigador thread
Atrox melee RTS
Destiny Connect
favourite bosses(preferably final bosses)
Monkey paw predictions E3 edition
Call of duty Modern warfare trailer
Rainbow Six: Siege Game director says they might go back and change the appearance of old Operatora
Baldurs Gate 3 possibility by Larian
Is a fantasy game with lots of realism possible?
Original or da Source for today?
RTS games
Dean Takahashi does it again!
The New Call of Duty looks promising.
why You no. love Merica Bethesda
DOS FPS game
Ace of Spades
QTDDTOT: Questions That Dont Deserve Their Own Thread
see that mountain?...
Outer Wilds is finally out
The antagonist is You, but better edgier.Who are the best evil clone characters in vidya?...
Reshade Path Traced Global Illumination in Zelda BOTW, Splatoon & Mario Kart 8
Guys, bad news
City Exploration Vidya
Real Time with Pause
Game with good economy and qts
SS13 Gamenight
Food & eating in video games
Underplayed Mechanics
June 1-10 Time
Alternatives to shit games
Thracia 776 Patch is out!
I know this isnt really a popular game, but Kao the Kangaroo 2 is free...
Upcoming games thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Sealab Edition
Being late the the party
Why is this fucking game so great? I feel like I can replay it over...
if theyre going to put motion controls in then why cant they make them functional
Code Vein Thread
Chrono Trigger
when was the last time you spoke to a game developer
Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail
So, why remake vanilla instead of just releasing Vanilla?...
Has a homosexual degenerate ever made a comment that he picks guys in video games...
Going through my second playthrough righ now,first was as Corvo and now as the dyke...
Anon Giveaway
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
City of Heroes: Stop making non-english OPs edition
Queer Cosmic Horror Metroidvania “Lore Finder” coming to your Switch!
Digimon Thread: Reboot Edition
Shining Force 3 is a Great Game!Thanks to emulation i can enjoy her tits in...
Sea of Thieves
SMAC Thread
Fullderp: Go to Bed Edition
Fighting Against All Odds
music out of clips from games
Would real Serial Experiments Lain video game work with gameplay of Life is Strange?...
steam keys
Monster Hunter World flaw list
Did you fags preregister yet?
Warhammer: Chaosbane
Making a deep simulation roguelike
laugh out loud...
Tachyon, FTL but as a MP game
8chanmania 32 starts in 10 minutesWhere to watch: FightersTatsumi oga and Takashi KamiyamaDefault chan and...
Sex Games
As if Great Fairies werent horrifying enough...
Barkley 2 is fucking dead
Dragon Ball /v/: My Legs are OK! Edition
Would an RPG with living / evolving weapos work?
>I want to play this game>Okay, heres a mega/torrent link>Piracy is immoral I wont do...
Waterpark vidya
Remasters that were objectively worse than the original
>7 days until E3WE NEED 42 MORE IMAGES...
Summer Games
License expiration/Digital delisting
Fantasy Realms
Game journalists already calling for Modern warfare reboot censorship
Can anybody link me a reliable Onion Site where i can buy modded consoles?
Todd knew F76 would be shit
Esports in the west starting to collapse
NASA Marathon
Are there any games youd like to see an objective Behind the Scenes documentary about?Personally...
City of Brass>we put the minimum amount of effort into a game so that we release it...
Shadow Warrior 2013
Brigador Killers
Thoughts on the retro collectors market crashing (with no survivors)?
Apple Arcade
Flash games thread
Randy Pitchford
Amazon UK leaks existence of Watch Dogs 3
Smash Thread: Dragons, Bears and Birds, oh my! Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Loli Defense Force Edition
Jackbox nights with /v/. E3 is near edition
Have you ever quit a game because it was too hard? If so, which one(s)?...
Theyre dead, arent they?...
Things that are not wrong, but still annoy you
Soy of war just got gayer
Hey folks, any joystick recommendation? I want to get one as alternative for WASD play...
Castlevania thread
Witcher Thread
Splatoon Thread - Inktastic Summer Sun Vol.2 Edition
Animal Crossing thread
need some legal advice
Modded Minecraft
CoD Youtuber screams at daddy Activision.
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Technical Test
order to play forgotten realms games in
ITT: Films that deserved better video games.Enter the Matrix should have been one of the...
>6 days until E3...
Game of the Decade (Jan 1 2010-Dec 31st 2019)
How to build a decent desktop?
Which genre of /v/ seems to have the best music
This movie wasnt terrible, and I like it when I was a kid seeing it...
Pokemon Thread: Sheepfucker & Buttslut Edition
Rate the designs of the 7 newest pokemon...
faggot shit
What a BEATIFULL chickeningSeems like God of War is not Harry Potter...
What the most you can sexualize characters and girls (lolis and non lolis) in my...
A Fantasy faction based off the Islamic Abbasid Caliphate
Bogey inspired game.
Webm Thread:Cursed Images Edition
BFV: Dumb game journo complains about Nazis being in WWII game
GameStop Stock Is Cratering: This Could Go The Way Of Blockbuster>The writing has been on...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cute Girls and Cute Mechas Edition
Newgrounds games
Farcry Series
Unresolved cliffhangers
Battlefield 5 makers to change character’s name in light of Nazi/German kerfuffle
Nu-doom pistol
bug games
Stadia Connect
Baldurs Gate III by Larian - Now announced
Why did they change Williams hair color? Its immersion breaking when people describe him as...
Console-Tan Thread 2019
Akibas Trip HD
Destiny 2 going f2p
Homebrew games for old consoles
Valve has mutated froma game developer into a financial middleman
Finishers/Fatalities in games
Feel Good Games Thread
Journey released on CPC Store
Destroy All Humans Remake announced for PC , PissPoor and Xboner
Games that aged like milk
>meanwhile at Ninja TheoryI dont have words for this shit, excuse me....
Ghostbusters REMASTERED
New Yooka-Laylee announced ahead of E3
HAPPENING: Talentless journalist from malware site tries to deplatform youtubers
I have it on good authority that Sakura Wars 1 & 2 localizations will be...
>THQ continuing to remaster its games>going through all the consumer favourites>Games Workshop is much more...
Saints Row
Fullderp: Wedding Edition
Stuntman > What couldve been, and what was a sign of things to come...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Pizza Edition
Naming your characters
J:P.O.G rom link or pirate link.
E3 Wishlist
Typing games
ITT series that only got worse after the first release....
>go to>copy paste a quote or line from a video game>AI tries to figure...
why would you buy a digital game when you have the option to get a physical copy that can be resold?
how would /v/ make this game fun
The first SJW review/journalism
Wired Gaym Pad
Video games that are special to you. share em, nigs.
So can somebody create an expanded version of this fallout 4 muslim supermutant mod?
> No Path of Exile: Legion thread.Hopefully finally people are realizing that Tencent-fueld Path of...
Whats Todds talk tomorrow going to be like? Hows he going to weasel his way...
EA conference (review)
Elden Ring
/agdg/ & /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General (and modding)
Age of the Remakes: Hollywood Edition
PC Build Thoughts?
KurtzPel Thread
Lovecraft games
The Saboteur
E3 is going to usher in the next phase of scam artistry
why you like vidya over other medias
Kingdom Hearts III: ReMIND
the toothpaste trick
Where did they get up to with updating No Mans Sky? I liked the idea...
Apparently Kojima asked Joosten to act in Death Stranding, then completely blanked her for a year
Emuparadise breached
Its the weekend, give me a good mumble server to spend the day on...
I cant believe its not Zelda!
Nude/Sex Mods in Vidya
Another BOTW Thread
Xbox Game Pass for PC Now Available
OH FUCK Moments in Vidya
Let us see! On his own plane of being, how does Man create? Well, first,...
Octopath requirement exploded
lono furries permittedl...
Brigador modding thread, motherfuckers!
RIP Dark Queen
>design a multitude of complex mechanics, groundbreaking friend-or-foe AI, lots of /k/ porn, really emergent...
Dawn of War2
Phantasy star online 2 coming to the west
Microsoft conference (review)
The great debate
Commander Keen ruined
What she playin /v/?...
Will there ever be a Talos Principle 2?...
Talktotransformer was right....
someone needs to make a phonecall to GameStop...
Bethesda conference (review)
Mechanics You Wish to See
weird E3 reveals etc
hollywood niggers should stay out of videogames, theyll infect the industry with their judaism....
Wii U
Twitter trannies mad about Cyberpunk 2077 cover
save states
Blair Witch - Official Reveal Trailer | E3 2019
Dota underloards leaked
Gamenight Organization Thread
How are Nazis in Wolfenstein the bad guys if they managed to progress technology to...
Comfy E3 Thread: Monday Edition
Games with good and great everything else except gameplay....
Games superior to other games.Captain Claw > Prince of Persia NESJack Jackrabbit 2 > Sonic...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
What games ruined your waifus?
>Just Mute Himwhat happened with online games that this is no longer an option?...
Shenmue III to be an Epic Store exclusive
Terraria: Journeys End
Games to look forward to
Ubishit conference (review)
2019: THE YEAR NO ONE HAD ANY GAMES TO SHOW AT E3Im thinking Sony did...
Age of empires 2 Definitive edition
AMD @ E3: Next Horizon Gaming Stream
3rd Anniversary of FOREVER EVER
XCOM & Xenonauts General
Whats the piss warm beer of vidya?
June 11-20
Watch Dogs 3 Legion is Anti Brexit
Hotline Miami 2
Biggest E3 failure of 2019
dues ex died for a childrens game Gamenight
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cute Things Are Cute Edition
Capeshit in games
Has anyone made an RPG where the player character is a dragon? Not transforms into...
Teamfight Tactics League of Legends Auto-Chess
Warhammer videogames thread: KILL ALL MAN-THINGS thread
third time is a charm
Star Trek themed games
favorite videogames
What did eveyone think of the halo infinite on e3 are we finally getting the...
Square Enix monkey paw edition>Vvanderfell destroyed>Argonians freed themselves from slavery, Dunmer heads falling off left and right>Morrowind is falling...
Now that it’s over, post what E3 reveal you are most hyped for....
Banjo Kazooie in Smash
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Falcom Milkers Edition
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Sniper Games
Pokemon Swole and Shilled
Well, this board probably gets this thread on a daily basis. But, Im looking for...
this Vita. Should I buy it?
Is there an actual demand for 8K quality?
Hore SheteCaptain America looks like a Albanian and Black Wildon looks like one of the...
Doom eternal collectors edition
What do you like or hate about card games?
2 Player recommendation
Ace Attorney Thread
Turbo Grafx 16 Mini announced
Void Bastards
Only 2 left
/radcorp/ and gamenights
>only modded minecraft threadsyou faggots seriously dont play vanilla ever?i thought thats where all the...
Webm Thread : Old one got deleted edition
Bloodlines 2
What non d20 systems would you like to see CRPGs in?Personally GURPS and 40k RPG...
The dudebro gamer was never safe from pozz
Tiddy Ninjas
So, Romero just announced a new game.
Facepunch is officially shutting down sometime today. it went to complete pozzed shit a...
Memorable good and bad use of shaders and filters in games
Epic Store
The new Dark Crystal game
Minecraft clones
ITT: Characters that did nothing wrong
Where’s the Backlash? Pokemon fans rose up when they removed features but here Fire Emblem...
I cant believe theyre wasting time on a FFVIII remake when it could be used...
2019 Summer Infinity Cup
I want to live in runescape I want to walk to fally and varrock and...
Game Streaming is going to fail
Anonymous Agony File 1 released
Is Gears 5 doomed?
Dragon Quest
Jojo thread, lets talk about how there STILL hasnt been a better game then HTTF...
Nintendo Reiterates It Has No Games To Announce For 3DS, But Says Its Still An...
are there any games that explore orwellian themes in it? or even stuff like Huxley....
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Goodness Gracious, How Curvaceous Edition
favorite games thread.
Western Mecha
Atari VCS > On a scale from gay to useless, how shit is it going to be?
Great recent rpg/jrpgs
What other sexy games are on the Nintendo Switch?...
Post Vidya Autism
So is this any good? I’ve heard Crypt of the Necrodancer was fun with a...
Uh, Valve just released a new game?
Games with WW1 settings
Hatred gaming reboots
MMOs you like that went to shit
Found this in the cyber 2020 source material it’s getting closer every day...
Pokemon: Boost Gimmick Edition
GAMENIGHT/testing: Tachyon, a MP focused FTL clone
Cyberpunk 2077 to include trannies
why is zelda always a princess?
Business games
Collectors editions in different regions
Even (((journalists))) hate Cyberpunk 2077
How do I get gud at Tetris
Banjo-Kazooie + Rare General
Grim Dawn: Countdown to next forum breach edition
>What is the most recent game that you finished?>What game(s) are you currently playing?>What game(s)...
Casuals aka normalfags destroyed gaming
Trials of Mana remake
Switch, its a decent tablet?
Friday Night Movies Stream
paying for games makes me enjoy them less
Old games and their ridiculous pricing, remasters too
Games that are bad for being uninteresting rather than broken/buggy
/v/ Movie Night - Live Action Super Mario Bros.
Modernity and Weirdness
Resetera outed as den of pedos
progression system
Should I sell my pegasus (famicom) games?
LOL Comics
Hytale > discussion board
Fullderp: Welsh Edition
Anton & Coolpecker Official Thread
Atelier Totori
Destroy All Humans Thread
Is this game any good? I was watching some footage of it and it looks...
Major arcana in videogames.
SS13 Thread: The West fears the HONK
Games that make good use of verticality at least in one level
Pedoera part2
Video game music thats not video-gamey
Avengers E3 Gameplay Leaked
Super Mario Battle Royale
Kirby Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fathers Day Edition
Does anyone have any hope left for Cyberpunk 2077?...
>DDR tracks>steps in beat to the music with uptime and downtime, varying tempo and pauses...
Happy Father’s Day /v/Post the best dads in Vidya...
Mass Effect
shit like ss13 maybe
Arcade games with MAME
Government/nuke simulator games/hacker sims
Euro/American Truck Simulator
Its over boys, no other battle royal game could hope to compare to the true...
will we ever get a new assault suits game?
Metro Exodus
Good keyboards for regular use?
Share Thread - Faget Edition
Nobody else got the email or does any cool sharing things? Cool, good. Heres the...
Pedoera 3
Fighting Game General - Ice Girls Edition
Good titty games on the Xbox
Is the concept of battle Royale fundamentally bad, or do we just hate it because of fortnite?
Why did DooM fans hate this game for Procedural Generation? Arent there Rogue-like Mods for...
No Sekiro DLC
TES: Online
Jackbox nights with /v/. What a shitshow edition
CTR: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
Whats this guys deal? I just got to the Waka-Gashira Wipeout mission and Im pretty...
RISEN 2 & 3
IGN triggered by new call of duty
Will the Switch Pro have 4K support?Its been rumoured for a while now that Nintendo...
ITT shitting on consolefag naivety
Linux Gaming Thread
New gaming PC advice
Game Time
>RPG>We must get the ancient item from the sealed catacombs/cave/castle, anon!>Break seal and enter>All the...
Lisa the trilogy; why is it good?
How come there arent any horror games about spooky grey aliens? For me they are...
Dudes, Im gonna rollplay as a jew in fallout new vegas.Ill pump up my barter,...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Banana Bread Edition
Useless shit you miss anyway
RetroStudios is Hiring Art fags.
Cyberpunk Games
1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die
Can someone who likes sandbox games explain to me why theyre supposed to be fun?...
Intense and Blood Pumping Vidya Music Thread
What are these bastards up to? Theyve been doing actual consumer friendly stuff soon. Is...
Games with Dogu? I can only think of Katamari and Chulip...
Why does everyone say this game is great? Its average at best.>outside of the intro...
Platinum boss says next-gen consoles ‘more of the same’
Game companies lesser known games
Pokemon: Gamefreak doesnt give a flying Freak
Shin Sakura Wars first gameplay and new information set for official live stream on June 26
EA Rebrands Lootboxes to Surprise Mechanic
What games do you want to see get spiritual successors because the developers dont give...
Power Rangers Games
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2
ITT: We use talktotransformer to generate vidya stories
star wars games
Games about preventing viral outbreaks
Disaster Report 4 coming West
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: ???? Edition
Are there any JRPGs with an older cast?...
Space Thread:Endless Journey Edition
Draw Thread - Lazy Edition
GTA Vice City
Reminder: The Steam Summer Sale probably starts next weekThe annual Steam Summer Sales is expected...
Mount and Blade - Two Helmets Edition
I miss old Garrys mod
Lab Zeros Indivisible
Whats the best gamepad for pc gaming and emulation?Is there something that acomplish both demands?Xbox...
June 21-31
My Summer Car
Without mods, what video game(s) has the most in-depth injury/medical systems? Needing to bandage bleeding,...
Sngoku Rance clone Eiyuu*Senki To Get DMM R18 Game
What are some good DS RPGs?...
This game really isnt that greatIt has most of the same problems as Western games...
Xbox 360
Boss Music Thread
PSP General
Meanwhile in Bizarro /v/...
Anybody else still plays this?
WEBM thread
/wowcg/ World of warcraft Classic General
Xbox live not a free speech platform
Monster Girl Island
Ideas for Videogame Movies
Anyone in the US get one of these? How long did it take to arrive?...
How do you feel about the ff8 remake?...
Team Fortress 2 thread
Yay or nay?
Revisiting Japanese developed games.
Fullderp: Fun Re-Allowed Edition
Advance Wars Tips and Tricks
The review mafia and over a decade of social apartheid
Yo-kai Watch Thread
Grand Theft Auto 5 has a less interactive game world, less likable characters, less actual...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Faith Edition
What was worse? FFXIII-I vs FFXV
Games with Spectacle
Video game commercials & magazine ads
Games set during the French Revolution
Good Concepts, Mediocre Execution Thread
Was this game any fun? I remember a lot of people liking it back in...
Any NSFW mods for the Pokégirls on the 3DS games?...
First Person RPG
Highly Stylized Well Polished Games
Layton 2 HD
About to play New Vegas for the first time.What should I know before I start?...
Why did the Vita flop so hard?
Toy Games
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
ITT: childhood vidya games
Sonic the Hedgehog
Spellforce RTS+RPG
Saturn Chart
What do you guys think about mafia?
New Games?
Mike Pondsmith consider Rio and Sao Paulo to be the most cyberpunk cities Ive ever been in.
Need advice on my game.
Soyny Puts up New Ape Escape Twitter
>make a fun, innovative vr action/platformer>render it almost unplayable due to the most annoying writing...
Oldest and most classic games
games about finland, made in finland, and/or have finnish characters
/agdg/ & /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General (and modding)
Exapunks Thread
Smash Bros: laughing at steve & sora cucks edition
Censorship at Philly Game Mechanics
did any of you play spirit tracks? how was it, did you like it?i skipped...
what exactly is ganon supposed to be?
Does anyone here still play Guild Wars 1?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: French Bread Edition
Fade to Silence
The New Era of Video Game Information
Bandai Is Asking For Digimon Questions
Any games with this feel comrades? Where does one run a RBMK-1000 reactor in a...
the admins dont want you revealing law may no longer be protecting them.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK)
Fe Thread
prerendered 3D in newer games.
Help me decide between some DS games
Civilization 6
Custom maps/gameplay styles should be put into the main game from the start. Say you...
Small things that ruin games for you.
Utawarerumono 3 announced
Dead Cells
Black Mesa Xen Beta Release
This happened in crash team racing. Also are you meant to be able to play...
Disgusting video game temptations
Hardcore mecha
Shmup General
Why doesnt the Switch have Virtual Console? They only gave us shitty NES games in...
Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony try to defend China and threaten to raise prices
Mario Maker 2 comes out in 2 days. Has there been any word on if...
Interesting looking games
How the fuck is this game so much better than any other Far Cry that...
Kenshi Thread: BEAKED Edition
Daily reminder that Morrowind is the greatest video game ever made. No other game has...
So uh mark, why didja ya delete the new store opening of nintendo?...
This is what Americans think an arcade is.What kind of monetary setup would make arcades...
Nintendo opens another official store for the first time in over a decade in Israel
My Friend Pedro
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Españita Edition
PC gaming
Lore Thread
F3 stream
Tony Hawk Thread
>to make BEER, you need hops>to get hops, you need to repair the mill>to repair...
Cheers to all the lucky places which just started summer and are already hitting record...
New Gundam Breaker & ZOE The 2nd Runner: Mars are cracked
Divinity series thread
Nintendo Open to Adding Games Outside of NES to Nintendo Switch Online
Why hasnt there been a good DBZ game since the PS2 era?...
I cant find this fucking game
Whats the best console to get, if you already have a PC?Maybe because the exclusives...
Are there any games like or as good as Cave Story? I’m about to beat...
Umihara Kawase
Puzzles in games.
/rs07/vsg/ - /v/scape general
So I Got Xenonauts
Pirate vidya
Activision treats Treyarch employees like borderline slaves
WEBM Thread: In the Summer Time Edition
What do you think of The World Ends With You?...
Games with naughty content that somehow was not censored in the 8bit and 16 bit era
What is the point of this game?
Video game guest characters
Fullderp: Lazy Edition
What are some Industry games like this, but not shit?Hard mode, no TTD....
Grand Strategy Games
Games with atrocious UI
Which games are poorly optimized?
Someone, help me, Im having fun
Am I retarded or is Dustforce really hard to get used to for someone whos...
Smash Bros thread: Waiting for a Hero edition
AoE2 definite version
Sony Positions Next PlayStation for Hard-Core Gamers
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Zodiac Killer Joins the Phantom Thieves Edition
Sega Genesis
Lets make a list of good modern non-SJW devs?SNKKoei TecmoProject SoulIO InteractivePlatinumGamesWarhorse Studios...
Halo reach MCC PC build leak
Guild Wars
Is it worth it?
Arcade Thread
Interactive/Creative Loading Screens
Only ever enjoyed FPS games
Why is there no gaming FOSS community?
This is a troll, right? No one is this much of an autist....
Doom thread
Games like Majora’s Mask
Valve fucked up big timeGet starboundGet the Summer sale soda modGet infinite 5 bucks tickets...
Post Vidya Music, Others Guess What Game It Is From
Splatoon Thread - Killer Wail Splatocalypse Edition
Arcade games for the Switch
eye strain and vidya
FFXIV General
How would you improve your favorite games? Id add 360 degree camera control to Mario...
Good Games, and i mean actually real good games, for a tablet!Do not post, muh...
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
mario maker level sharing thread?
July 1-10
Let It Die: July Update and Event
The Fear of Playing Alone
Meta Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Destroyer of Worlds Edition
Final bosses that fucking PISS YOU OFFSeriously FUCK ANDROSSI wanted to fight the big scalie...
WB games = worse third party publisher
Questions that dont deserve their own thread
Happy Canada Day, anonymous! You wanna talk about some Canadian video games?...
YIIK, the hopefully final thread
Why did the mod scene go to shit? I mean, it still exists but what...
Katana Zero Thread
what is it with games using mental health as a crux and being hauled as game of the year?
The Witcher NETFLIX
MGS 1 Soldier
Jackbox nights with /v/. Life, Liberty and Justice for all edition
So I just gave this game a try after hearing my redditor steam friends praise...
Nintendo attends Seattle Pride Parade
Shenmue III will allow refunds after all
Donkey Kong
Characters that did nothing wrong
What would you have liked to see in the Vita?Now that Sony is probably never...
Horror Games Thread
Gravity Rush
Best Walk/Movement Animations
Pokemon SwSh
Animal Crossing Thread
80s music (and older)
did anyone know about this game? apparently, a group of devs within Almost Human (developers...
I Have No Mouth And I must Scream
Denuvo Information Dump
Nasuverse / Fate/Grand Order
There will be a games musical festival in Poland later this year. Jesper Kyd will...
flash games
Development Diaries and Behind the Scenes
In love, AGE is just a number. -Ubisoft promoting pedophilia in the new Assassins Creed trailer.
If Metal Gear Solid 6 ever happens...
Top handheld games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Dumbbell Edition
S.T.A.L.K.A.N. thread
Super Mario Battle Royale 2.0
Dragons Dogma 2 announcement tomorrow ?
Weird gaming related items
War of the Worlds games?
River City Girls
Does Giant Bomb even play games?
Playing as a Nazi in video games will make you a Nazi
Can anyone tell me why lighting effects and shadows are bluring on my screen during...
Most hateable characters
American as fuck games
Post the last screenshot you took
Peripherals Thread
A few years ago I played a browser game called Atwar, that has since declined...
Anons Bizarre Adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game (bug fixing edition) #012
howdy faggots,ill be out for 2 weeks and the only thing i can play vidya...
Kingdom Come thread
Freedom day
Collector/Buyfag Thread
Bad video game reboots
Monster Collecting Games
In love, AGE is just a number. -Ubisoft promoting pedophilia in the new Assassins Creed trailer.
Is the Dragon Age series worth a playthrough if I never really likes any rpgs...
Why no Russian games?
Corpse Party Thread : Niwa Flavored Edition
should micro$oft exit the games industry?
Why isnt the PS2 considered retro but the Dreamcast is?Its going to be three generations...
How has Final Fantasy IX aged? I’ve wanted to play it for a while but...
how much you guys wanna bet Repentance will downgrade everything that made Antibirth cool?...
Buyers Remorse general
/agdg/ & /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General & Modding
>sold 80 million units>10th highest selling console>sold more units even than the 3ds>literally cannot remember...
Visual Novel Thread
>we need arcsys to make a fightan game of (series)
Am I the only one here who buys new games only from Gog?
Hey guys what did you think of The Little Mermaid on the genesis?I liked it....
Fucked up franchise bullshit
Fighting Game General: 10 Years of Blazblue Edition
Emulation thread
Fullderp: Fe.male Edition
GPU Bottleneck?
What is the fucking point of making a game that you sell as one where...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Maximum Overfreedom Edition
smash bros drama thread?
TPS vidya
EDGE/Government Shooter Simulator
Should BotW have been a Zelda Game?
Japanese Learning Thread: ぱふぱふ Edition good news for all 4 Yokai Watch fans here....
Webm Thread
Post flops
Has there ever been a bigger fuckup to a franchise in the games industry? This...
Mordhau thread
Games that you absolutely hate with every fiber in your being
What happened to this game?
Neptunia Thread
What are some video game villains that did everything wrong as opposed to nothing wrong?Sympathetic...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Big One Edition
FFXIV General
Was playing Mother 3 before Earthbound a mistake?
Grim Dawn: Forgotten Threads
Its Your Fault ISIS Killed Your Son (the Sinking City)
Classic Pokémon
What are some old school isometric action RPGs based around murderhoboing dungeons?Preferably with LAN multiplayer.Asking...
Hitman series.
Pirating Mass Effect Andromeda
Dead Cells
Civ VI
What is the best game within a game?
What are your favorite platformers?...
Game Freak on why new features disappear from Pokemon games
Greek Mythology
Hacking General
Earth Defense Force 5 coming to PC
AVP2000 files /r/equest
Status Debuff and Elemental Damage
Why Maplestory Sucks and You Shouldnt Play it
I was reading through the Breen Grub twitter account, which if anyone doesnt know is...
CTR Neitro Fueled Features a Racially Insensitive skin for Tawna, ResetEra behaves as youd expect
Cool and interesting anti-piracy effects
Women dont idolize video game characters
Rumor Call of duty modern warfare reboot weapons list leaked
Team Fortress 2 Thread
Castlevania Thread 2: Niggery of the Night Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Over The Top Edition
Weird RPG maker games
Bloodstained and other exploration games
Risk of Rain 2 thread niggers Huntress best girlmodded lobby here109775241063382818...
Removing gay shit from SIMS4
Warframe thread
Remember G4?Xplay?...
The state of 2019s VIDEOGAMES
games that were doomed from the start
Nintendo Switch Lite announced
Waifu Wednesday
Set phasers to maximum comfy
Shit Game Post Through of ScaryGirl
This config is backwards and it pisses me off that so many have this as...
RPGs that play like MMOs
Brown M&M
July 11-20
Shenmue 3 fans played like a fiddle.
Old games with VR support
So it turns out File #2 wont be finished because the kickstarter and the steam...
Anyone still playing? Im going through my triannual binge of getting my shit wrecked by...
Gamengiht - Unreal Tournament
why are there so few motorcycling games? lots of love for four-wheeled stuff but none...
Ion Maiden finally releases on August 15th
Blazing Chrome
New Iceborn preview from Capcom confirmed Glavenus, Brachydios and new sub species
I feel like this is going to be easy to hack but I cant explain...
I want to use literary level of prose in my game story and dialogs, but... Time
Draw Thread: Cake Jew is Watching You Draw Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Vinland Saga Edition
Is the series just fapbait or is there more to it?
Diablo 2 private server - someone forgot to make a thread edition
Sega of America got infected
Majohng games
Paper Jam/BIS 3DS
Incrimental games
Gears 5’ Will Eliminate All Smoking Depictions
Fullderp: Diamond Hard Edition
Sea of Solitude
Merry Christmas
Racing General
Hey everyone, Ive just set up my PS1 with beautiful RGB cables. Games are looking...
Whats the best video quality for a GameCube, OSSC or GCHD MKII?...
What are notable vg made by the French?
Webm thread
Psychedelics and games
Old COD Machinimas
monster girls
Games with good monster designs
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Good Morning World Edition
What are some non-metroidvania platformers with open-spaces and exploration?...
It has recently come to my attention that some people are so afraid of spiders...
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Character creation
Kerbal Space Program Thread
Character Creation: Not Faggoty Edition
Help me out /v/Im playing Battle for Bikini Bottom for PlayStation 2, and Im on...
I had some pretty bad nerve damage in my left hand two years ago, after...
If you had to pick one: Squad or Exanima
im making an rpg maker game
ITT: Genres you love that will never be made after the year of darkness because no mainstream appeal
N64 Classic Edition
Todays his birthday, /v/Rest in peace, Aniki. I still remember you....
Video Games Movies: CGI Paradise
LCD Hand Held Games Thread
New © bill will fine $5K for posting ANYTHING online (Without trial)
What the fuck happened to this series?GTA 3, VC, (and their expansion packs LCS and...
FPS Camera
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Bustin Out Edition
Pokemon Sword & Shield
New Fire Emblem Trailer
Latest Game Youve Bought?
Are Minecraft maps still a thing in this day and age? I remember that a...
Earth Defense Force thread
Lost Media/Betas/Unreleased games Share Thread
Jackbox nights with /v/. Cute robots edition
thirteen space stations
SD Gundam G Generations Cross Rays
Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz PC, PS4 and Switch remaster
City Building / Impression Games thread
Tetris Effect is coming to PC as an Epic Exclusive
SMT Thread
Worthwhile Commodore 64 and Amiga games
>Sega released the Master System in 1985>Sega discontinued the Dreamcast and moved to being a...
Rayman Origins - The Thicc Nymphs
Planet Explorers goes free??
Game rips and files
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: ♂Light♂Up♂The♂Nacht♂ Edition Edition
Another Team Fortress 2 thread
is bob still alive and is anyone here old enough to remember his game? i...
Bad twist endings
Ace Combat thread - Operation Sighthound edition
Updated original Switch model with improved battery life announced
Is ok to suck at art if youre an indiedev but you can focus on...
Dune Alternative Edition Redux Fanedit
Is there any movement to bring back the golden era of arcade in game design?I...
How would you fix this game?Would fixing loot even be enough?...
Halo Thread
Mega Man Zero / ZX
When exactly did StarCraft die, and why?
Video Games are Good for Kids
I been using the same Toaster PC for a while now. A Panasonic Toughbook 31...
Darkest Dungeon
The Zone
Motion Capture
Streets of Rogue
Share Thread - Stealth Chaika Edition
platformer thread
Odyssey has like the best 3D Mario gameplay Ive ever played. But Im still bummed...
Yogscast outed for multiple child predators on staff
Where are the good monster hunting games that arent monster hunter games?
Actual 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim gameplay and release date
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Burn Edition
Overwatch sucks.
So how pozzed is R6:Seige now?
Regenerating health and COD.
What pvp games/minigames do you actually enjoy?
Missed messages in videogames
GAMENIGHT: Spies vs Mercs
City of Heroes: American Nazi Party edition
Role Play
Fullderp: Dyke Edition
RPG General
AI makes portraits of your images
I really am disappointed with soulcalibur6
i think we should abolish the level system from games
Griefing thread
Is making the Switch worth it for this game?...
Getting into FFXIV
Sixth Generation Thread
Wherere all the foreign games at?
Avengers Comic Con gameplay
ESA Summer 2019
Rare Video Game Content
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fucking GaymerGays Edition
What traits do worst girls have?
Puzzle Vidya
The Witcher Netflix teaser trailer
Maximum Adrenaline Games
SWF Flash Games
Is this a good buy?
Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Nintendo over Joy-Con Drift
Morrowind was the game that saved Bethesda from bankruptcy. Battlespire and Redguard sold so poorly...
Dark souls was never good.
Baldurs gate
List of Japanese-made video games that became punching bags by the leftist video game media so far.
Evolving Characters
My Summer Car
Good games with terrible OSTs
Looking for zelda style games for linux
ITT: post ripoffs that are better than the games they ripped off....
Is this game ever going to release?...
July 21-31
RetroArch is getting a Steam Release
Minecraft autism
The Appeal of Endless Games
Poll: Help me decide which visual novel to make
Card Games
New Plants vs Zombies game codename Picnic
Animal Crossing?
Why does everybody shit on this game?
The change of Oblivion
Have you ever seen a mistake like this before?
Dark Souls III
/agdg/ & /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General & Modding
Text Based RPGs
Fate GO has made more revenue than Endgame
What would be an appropiate low poly style for an indie porn game?As such, what...
Games that are improved by completley ignoring a major mechanic.
WEBM Thread
Fantasy Mech games
EDF! Havent cleared hard mode yet Edition
I am in the mood for some N1 srpg grinding. I have finished disgaea 1...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Whos Amane? Edition
Why is controller config on PC so retarded?
Underrail Expeditions
On The Subject Of Rogue-Likes
Its the little things
Behold the fruits of Rockman Online
So does western AAA make it to 2021?
shit games youre playing
What single player games have the most in-depth medical/healing systems?Multiple damage types, broken bones, healing...
>tfw 11 days until evo...
Which of the portable Zelda games are worth a playthrough? I’ve heard mixed opinions about...
KANE! LIVES IN DEATH, in order for him to live again we need cnc 3
Unexpectedly, Super Robot Wars X and V will be made available on Steam soon.I imagine...
Images you saved but, never got a chance to use
closing the skillgap
Persona 5 Royal trailers
Draw Thread - Never Give Up Edition
Fighting Game THREAD: Evolution Edition
gaming laptop/ help a poor soul edidtion
Theyve finally done it. You can turn cash into virtual chips in the GTA...
Visual Novel Thread
Need help
Little things that Annoy you
Super Robot Wars confirmed for PC release (via Steam)
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Yuri Rape Edition
Free video games
2019 Infinity Cup
Video games can change the world!
If I liked Gothic 1, 2 and even 3 are risen 2 and 3 worth...
Dwarf Fortress Thread
Why do people like this garbage? People often say its almost as good as Ninja...
Nier Plothole? Devola & Popola
Meta Fiction in video games
>27 days till GamesCom>50 days till Tokyo Game Show>321 days till E3...
Can you help me?
Monster Rancher/Farm 1 and 2 re-releases
Monster Hunter World Iceborne
>how do you go from spoonfeeding to criticizing marknice moderation /v/ hasalmost as good as...
Xbox Crossover fighter
Visuals in Gaming
Pokemon Masters is gachashit
Playing random games and sharing experiences
Date A Live
The Surge - best Soulsborne game
Overwatch Adds a New Character: A Mental White Guy - Causes Virtue Signalling Retards to Go Mental
I need some advice /v/, time for a blog post A millenia ago I played and...
PokeMMO Thread
Annobody Cares!...
Multiplayer RPGs
UK Gambling Comission Declares Lootboxes Not Gambling
Quakecon is today
Comedy (and parody) games
With all the talk and huge success Mario Maker and the sequel got. Why did...
New Sakura Wars
LEGO® Games
Almost finished this game! Was fun to play but really damn old. Right now in...
Ancient Console and their video games, post them.And who knows what ancient console is in...
Short (under 4 hour) games.
66% of gamers are exposed to conspiracy theories
Omega Labyrinth Life heading west on August 1st
Fullderp: Good Job Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Summer on /V/ Edition
Remember when are Experimental weapons being added to World War 2 games for balancing reason...
Sadpanda is going down in a couple of hours, forever. Non-loli content (e-hentai)s gonna be...
Dragon Ball /v/ Climax: The CHADDENING Edition
Western games popular in japan
>Retard casual shits can’t stand walking around in var without vomiting so now every VR...
Sadpanda dying thread 2
Earthbound Autism and other such phenomena
TF2 unusual autism is done for.
Western Gamedev is dead?
A GOG thread got me thinking, are GOG releases of old games safer to store...
Exhentai is dead
Nintendoland Thread
Vita General Thread - Mecha Mashup Edition
Why are Sci-fi games so rare?
ExHentai Death Thread #3
Why did gaming never capitalise on the power fusion of cute girls and military otaku?
Doom, II, 3 Ports Require Login
AoT2:Final Battle
Soundtracks from obscure games
>Tfw we will never get a branching-path immersive simulator with good combat, level design, and...
Do you have regrets over not getting into some series / systems earlier?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: 73% Guaranteed Harassment Edition
Mouse and Keyboard
Anchoring your open world: Why modern open world maps are trash
What new stuff do you want to see in Black 4 Blood?
Video Game Literature
Densha De GO!
The Answer
The Death of the Game Designer
Do well-designed handhelds still exist?
Final Fantasy XIV Thread: Forgiven Sinner Edition
New Death Stranding trailer featuring Heartman
Games with Bears
RetardEra has NoAs ear; fires the Fire Emblem Male Protag VA they witch-hunted
Where are they now: Lisa
helixchamber did a really good overview of beta maps in first gen pokemon games. You...
Zelda Thread
Romhacking community goes into detail to help the diverstiy struggle of humanity. you for making...
Heroes Of Might And Magic
Japanese Only PS1 Games
Kingdom Hearts Thread
This Genre Needs a Name
Chinese Involvement with Video Games
What game would you want to see perfected by AI?...
show off your gta online character
Friendly Enemies (or Frenemies)
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Bold Fire Force Edition
Monster Hunter
Any game ever felt fun to you because you were playing it on a different...
Games where you play as animals
Ys Thread
Flight Sim Thread
Best videogame remakes
indie devs are the polymath genius
Games with a Patriot theme.No, not MGS or Call of Duty.A game with a romantic...
Tetris Effect
PlayStation 5 pre-orders go live in Sweden for $1050
How close could you make a NES remake without getting a C&D?Im not talking about...
Space Thread:Still no Space Adventures Edition
meta request
Jackbox nights with /v/. Meta shirts edition
Daggerfall Unity
ExHentai Death Thread #4
My excitement never died so fast as it died for this game. Within literally hours...
Digital trading card games
Case Act to be presented to the Senate
Ragnarok Online General
Metal Gear Solid V
ID fall from grace
Sins of a solar empire
Daggerfall Unity Alpha Release
Is there any respectable Gaming News Site without Facebook Trackers, Cookies…That focuses on good Games...
Suggest something to buy
Garfield Kart Sequel in the works
FromSoftware Games
Trends that annoy you for some reason
>4chan is downWell. Guess Im stuck here....
Gamestop Stock Prices Hit Record Low Thread
WEBM thread
Tencent-Epic likes to throw a ton of money at publishers for exclusivity. Honest question about...
Fie Emblem Three Houses
Brigador gets modding tools
EDF Earth Defence Force
God Eater 3 and Code Vein
Space Station One Three
>99% of the people you see have nothing to say or are boring as shit>Massive...
Robots and AI
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Conquering Mars Edition
Oh dear, would you look at that. seems like army of sjw shitters cant even...
Mega Man/X/Z: Bouncy Robots Edition
August 1-10
I want to get into Disgaea. Would playing 5 first be a good idea? What...
autism tsunami incoming
Is Overwolf full of trackers
>I cant use GNU/Linux because I like Games>UNIX has no gamesThis kills the /v/ gaymer
Minecraft Thread
In a bold move to boost sales, Activision prematurely kills Crash Team Racing with microtransactions.
Deep Sea Thread.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare tm
Vidya Representation
Fullderp: Fuckle Edition
ITT:Games that had potential
independently developed games and price
New Astral Chain trailer
Dead IPs you miss
Games you like but the people who worked on the series hate
IAF Mobile Game Teaser
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: 10t Edition
Indie games are shit and so are the people who play them
EVO 2019
Platform Exluvices, The Next Phase.
Hotline Miami Thread
Times when youve been JUST in games
Smash Thread: What is Balance Edition
Box Art Mosaic Thread
The Faggots in PedoEra really want to push their shit on our niche games.
What happened to this game
ESA accidentally doxes 2000 games journalists who went to e3
dark soul 3
Odd things in games that spook you unintentionally.
Doom Eternal
Will there ever be another system with such a good library as the Playstation 2?...
Battlepass replacing lootboxes?
King Arthurs Gold
Is Yu-Gi-Oh actually a good game?
Air Combat Sims
Bannerlord partners up with chinks
Comiket 96
EVO 2019
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Let the games begin Edition
Runescape thread
Xenoblade Chronicle/ss/ 2
Microsoft is responsible for everything wrong with gaming today
Reasons EA is in Full Panic Mode
Which did the pretend to be a nigger while reviewing games schtick better?
EVO: Tekken and Smush
The Offline Experience
Starsector Thread
Another PS2 thread
Gamenight Organization Thread
Its over
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Countdown to Midnight Edition
im going to miss you niggersKeyboard Jew did nothing wrong tbh...
November 11-20
The Outer Worlds
Smash Ultimate Thread: I Just Wanted To Post About Video Games edition
Awesome LOCATIONS/PLACES (manmade)
VR thread. Post good VR games but more importantly post good games with VR support....
TempleOS Games General /v/ Return Edition.
Witcher gayms
New Half-Life confirmed.
November 21-31
8CHAN HAS BEEN ACTIVATEDif you get any errors be sure to remove >&VanwaNet-DDoS-Verification-Attempt=1from your URL...
>Half Life: Alyx announced>First game with finger support>First full VR FPS game>Entire planet is ecstatic...
Games about cool kids
No Heroes Allowed!
Grand Strategy Games
Comfy PSP thread
Backlog thread
**VRchat Thread**
Battleborn is finally being euthanized.
You are buying an Intellivision Amico, right anon?...
RADmods Epitaph
Pokemon Thread
Minecraft thread
Limited Run Games threatening people with legal action for memes
Go Go Cosmo Cops
Post game music. Others guess what game its from.
Someone explain something to me
Recently playing
Webm Thread
Valve Index
What the fuck?
Kenshi -Fugmen Edition-
NSFW / lewd general
Infinity Cup Kickoff
2020 and the future beyond
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Were Home Edition
Political/Philosophical Games
The FBI has released the gamergate files
Friday night Yakuza threadLooking forward to Yakuza 7? What games have you been playing in...
VR Thread
Has Rune Factory surpassed Harvest Moon in its genre? Stardew Valley faggots need not apply....
/agdg/ thread - Amateur Game Development General
Its worth playing at least once just because its so different.If nothing else its a...
Disco Elysium
Draw Thread - Welcome Home Edition
Visual Novel Thread
December 1-10
Total Warhammer
Hardware Thread
What did /v/ get for Black Friday?
Meta thread, remember these were allowed under a bumplock?
8chanmania Bout 7 nominations
Monster Hunter World Ice Born
With the end of this decade quickly approaching, what do you guys think is going...
Banner Reworks?
Deltarune thread?
Master Chief Collection
The Game Awards
Dragon Quest
Resident Evil 3 Remake Official Cover Art
Nintendo Switch sure is becoming the new Playstation Vita, huh. In anycase Trails of Cold... game in the Gladiator Begins/Colosseum: Road to Freedom series announced! If you havent played...
Zachtronics thread
Earthworm Jim Thread
Are any of the Arkham Games any good?Are any of the Lego Batman games any...
Did you enjoy Kingmaker? Hope you werent waiting for the sequel! Kingmaker was one of...
Witchfire is trash
lewd nip games that arent ecchi enough to be hentai
Games where you play as a horrible human being
Animal Crossing Thread
Did we just go back in time?...
343 studios
Lightning Characters
Roguelike threadin CDDA news: pets were added and deathmobiles got nerfed again...
Morality in video games
Why does redirect here?
Fullderp: Quality Site Edition
Escape from Tarkov
Fishing games.
Darksiders Genesis
Seriously, fuck this thing.No matter how many time i calibrate this thing, it fucking sucks,...
Are there any fairly large databases of rom hacks besides Specifically ones that have...
I personally believe that Pokemon is a repetitive and stale franchise in need for innovation....
I present to the you controller that destroyed the game industry
Other than pic related, are there any games that are outright Legend of Zelda clones?...
Resident Evil Thread
Im just here recruiting for ISIS as per usual ISIS recruitment standards and I only...
Postal 4 8/v/ Interview
Fun games
Is it me or is 8chan finally working?...
Whats the actual difference?
Homebrew thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: What Now?! Edition
Crossovers you want to see in games
/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General
What if the human species is destined to become the Combine?
AI Dungeon
The bunker is temporarily back until this place is 100% working
Nobody is talking about this?
What happen to this movie?I never watched it. Did it do anything right?Do you anons...
Vampire: The Masquerade
video game music (not from OST)
A bit of a meta post, but are there any plans on trying to get...
Vampire bloodlines 2
PlayStation State of Play (December 10th, 2019)
Nintendo Indie direct
Underail developer Q&A
Apocaliptic/Frontier Management
Heartbeat Stream The Hopefully Final-th: KEPT YOU WAITING HUH Edition
Barbarian/Amazon vidya
Ace of spades classic is back (sort of)
December 11-20
Puzzle Games
The Game Awards 2019
Codemonkey skips stage 2 migration
Do you think itll be good?...
MechWarrior 5
English Dragon Quest Survey by Famitsu
Wasteland 2
Post the parts of VGAs that you actually liked. Vid related...
Sekiro Thread: Game of the Year Edition
What happened to you, HG101?
Worst cases of localization
Who remembers those old mdickie games?...
Nipponese Learning Thread: ただいま! Edition
Xbox Series X
New Dungeons and Dragons game: D&D Dark Alliance
THQ release prototype Gothic remake to gauge interest for new Gothic game
Gmod: /v/ cinema
Game Releases During the Downtime
Stealth RTS
titty labyrinth life
Nasuverse thread: the lewd loli yet lives
Hiroyuki and Discord rated out Pokemon leakers
Outer Wilds
EDF 5 Thread
Drakkhen (SNES)
Tiny details you love
I keep getting banned for posting my depiction of a Black Tifa. WTF is wrong...
Any current year online multiplayer games that are actually FUN?
Merry Christmas /v/...
8kun->8chan script
GTFO trash?
Why didnt you tell me Half-Life is a puzzle and exploration game?
Dark Age
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Remember to Refresh Manually Edition
Fall of Kojima
Faries Story 3 is on sale now. Is it any good? I heard it had...
Difficulty modes/curves
Waifus in vyda
Do you think VR will bring back that immersion modern mmorpgs lack?
Half Life Alyx and Half Life 3
webm/mp4 thread
Video games to play douring the holidays
Draw Thread - Christmastide Edition
Shantae Thread
Guns you like to see/ use in video games
Should mods be reason enough to recommend a game?
Old MMO private servers
JKA Gamenight
Have you ever played a game that just went into an entirely different direction than...
Most underrated game you ever played?
Super Robot Wars/Super Robot Taisen
We always have weapons you love threads, but what about weapons you hate? I dont...
December 21-31
CHRISTMASEditionDecember Event Schedule11/27 - 12/6: Platinum Sky II12/7 - 12/19: Gachapin and Mukku collab event...
Cod mobile discussion
Comiket 97 Doujin Games
Star Wars
/ogc/ - Back Again
How to call someone being so shit in game 101
Worse case youve seen people defend a shitty game?
Hows Greedfall?
8chanmania starting soon
Christmas thread my friends!
Is anyone here playing EvE? I used to play back in 06-11, and recently I...
Turn-based games on Linux-based
Gravity Rush
Cthulhu Game
How to create a sure fire success for FF7 Remake
>Cuckchan /v/ get triggered over Red Dead Redemption 2 and breath of the wild for...
Fullderp: End it edition
Red Dead Redemption 2
bought these babies for only 30 us greens.
Sonic Thread
Christmas Doom
holographic monitors?
Game Chart Thread?
Rain World Thread
X-Mas Vidya
Of all the fucking gay shit to happen in the game industry, its a shame...
MGS Emulation
What is the Citizen Kane of vidya?...
Nintendo Switch Lite Giveaway: Check Em to Win
Well-made games that you DO NOT like
Half life 1 VR conversion release
Serious Sam 4 in 2020?
Shitty Games Reccomended By /v/
why didnt you buy the shotakino yet?...
Collector/Buyfag Thread: End of 2019
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Better-Performing Site Edition
5th Annual Metal Gear Marathon
Will we see another Hatred or Joker levels of ass hurt from journalists again? I...
Fallout 76 idea about this shit game.
any /v/nons willing to help with extracting vidya music?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Thread
Elona Thread
/lvg/ - Libre Vidya General Super Tux Party Edition
Why do newer games so rarely have active modding communites?
Vidya Music
How have sex mods enhanced your gameplay experience?...
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
With all the holiday sales going on, are there any good games I can buy...
New Duke Nukem Forever 2001 footage uploaded.
Badly-made games that you DO like
The highest rated psychological horror games of the decade are: Pathologic 2, SOMA, P.T, The...
FFXIV thread
>buying games at launch
What the fuck WAS that game? thread
8chanmania 9
>people are trying to speedrun this gamewowMaybe I should also get a switch just for...
Botnet Stadia
Apple is going to be making Gaming PC for ESPORTS Now
Fun Horror
Create your own Speedrunnersona
How hyped are you for the announcement next month?...
Anything to look forward to this month?
SCI-FI Rip & Tear
Faction warfare
/v/s best games of 2019
Share Thread - Demon Chaika Edition
just hacked my switch. other than the tons of free vidya, what else can I...
Teleportation of information is a thing now
January 1-10
New Years /grind/
PC Controllers
We fly high, no lie, you know this
Games with underrated OSTs
Games you wish came out as their original idea instead of the retail build
Azur Lane General: Akashi in Trouble Edition
Dongs Gone Quick 2020
Super Mario thread
I dont get why the Persona fandom considers P5 to be the best game out...
Fan theories good or bad
Mega Man Maker
PS2 Thread
Exploring empty game worlds
Mecha/robot thread
Exanima / Sui Generis
How did Microsoft fuck up so hard during Generation 8?
DMC3 Special Edition
Games that killed successful franchises
NOW it all makes sense
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Happy 2020 Edition
Sketchful Thread
Browser games
Is stelth viable or should I just stick to combat/magic?
Is there a reason to still have an exFat SD card in your Switch anymore...
Dragons dogma mods
are ultrawide curved monitors even that nice or would I rather get a curved 16:9?...
Im thinking about playing this game because some of friends said it was their rpg...
Bosses that you fought that were complete bullshit
Gatcha shit thread
Nintendo Switch Pro
JRPG thread
>PS5 finally had a Reveal >It was far more embarrassing than the Xbox series X...
Animal Mascot Games
January 9th Pokemon Direct
Role-Playing Games thread
Are you better at videogaems now then when you were a teenager, anons?Is there a...
T minus 24 hours until this site is invaded by hundreds of thousands of twitter...
PC Gamer criticizes Monster Hunter for killing monsters.
Vidya Music Composer Thread
Dragon Ball Thread
WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME HOW GOOD PREY 1 WAS /V/?Its blowing my mind right...
CES 2020
Alienware makes a Switch prototype with Windows on it.
That one dungeon crawler some autist spent ~20 years making
Sony Announces New Playstation Global Operations Boss!!!
Fable series general
Games with bad plots
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: High Dosage Edition
Why does VR have no games?
Nexus Mods is now Jewish
Can one of you niggers inform me on what the hell happened to 8chan?...
Video Game MIDI thread
Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero > one of a kind
January 11-20
How come is it that games from Bethesda are the only games to have tens...
What happened to mega man legends 3?
Bug Fables
You favourite conclusive moment to a series or IP
PS1 games and the passage of time
grateful for videogame music
The true meaning of RPG in videos games
Corporative shills rant
Burnout 3
Project Zomboid
Someone remind me again WHY decade old games seem more polished than the latest games?
Castlevania has been dead for 10 years.
8chanmania S3 B10
Rhythm Games Thread
Anthology or Ensemble Games
Books youd like to see vidya of
Movies or TV shows youd like to see vidya of
GFWL fucks over GTAIV: Makes it no longer purchasable or playable
Microsoft Wont Compete With Sony With The Xbox Series X
8ch Meta Thread
Half Life Alyx leaked screenshots by Tyler Mcnigger
Storylore autism
ANOTHER Team Fortress 2 thread
AI Dungeon 2
Sony skips E3 again
Gachashit standoff
/agdg/ thread - Amateur Game Development General
Mr Soccer Guy Presents
Voice thread
FF7 Remake Delayed
Looking to get into runescape to have some fun and maybe make some money, do...
Tales Of Discussion
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Online Gambling Shills Edition
9th gen consoles
WebM/MP4 Thread
Mary Sues in Games
NISA confirmed to be ruining CS3 localization with political and leftist bullshit changes
Dreaming of Video games
Off the track and out of the car in Racing Games
Smash Bros Autism Show
WinXP is King!!
Destroy All Humans
Backlog thread
Cyberpunk got delayed to September 17th
Horizon Zero Dawn and more Sony exclusives coming to PC
Mortal Kombat 11 Official Joker Gameplay Trailer
Indie Games You Enjoyed
Ninja Gaiden
What is the POINT of games media anymore?
Moment to talk about SFVs shit handling of story
Ni no Kuni 2 translation
Intentionally pitch a bad video game
Games you can’t believe exist
Fullderp: Lando never dies, he is only reborn edition
Lineage 2 Classic
Draw Thread
Pavlov VR thread
Puzzle Fighters
Videogaems only (you) know about
Ultra Instinct Goku announced for DB FighterZ
microcomputer games
Multiplayer discussion
Ubishit restructuring game design team to make each game more unique
Captcha disabledAlso were under attack again, Just refresh if you see e0001 or something like...
Dead Free to play games
Dying Light 2 delayed to unannounced release date
January 21-31
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: In the Trenches Edition
Fate Of Cthulhu Censored.
How Early is too Early (Access)?
NuDoom Eternal
Im looking for some comfy, slow paced strategy gaming. How is this? Played a bit...
Metal games
Deus ex
Famicom Detective Club Part II on SNES
Silent Hill soft reboot
Regulations Bettered Vidya?
Hardware development has stagnated thread
Fighting Game thread would happen if companies would just start selling official porn of their games, cartoons...
Legal to DENY pre-order cancellations
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Show The World Edition
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 news update
Attorney Online Vidya thread
Intellivision Amico: Night Stalker looks weird as fuck
Dragon Quest thread
Epic Games and Tim Sweeney fucks over Mac and Linux Players of Rocket League
Are there any horror games about Grey Aliens?For some reason they are the only thing...
Recommended games that ended in dissapoinment
Comfy Open World Games
Bootlegs & Rom hacks
Cute catgirl vidya
ROCKSMITH THREADWhat does /v/ think? Anyone play?Piracy fags: you can play without denuvo and without...
Linux Gaming
Theyre trying to poz fucking fan-translation now
Digimon General Digimon Go edition
What game have you finished lately? make a review or at least your impressions.I just...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Goemon 3 Edition
ITT top tier intros
Anime’s that would make good games
Resident Evil Thread: Gook Virus Edition
How are Risen 2 and 3 the greatest pirate themed RPGs of all time yet...
Fan Retranslation General /frg/ - #1
Atari Plans to Build GAMER Hotels
EDF Thread
Playing native with the normal mods merged in. I had no idea how much fun...
Sequels youd like but you know theyd fuck it up
Jackbox nights with /v/.
Will Kung-Flu affect the supply of Cheap Chink Shit™?
Card Games
Intellivision Amico Thread
WebM/MP4 Thread
Hacking in eSports
Animal Crossing
Im making a short parody game in RPG Maker MV. Its a parody of SJWs/Feminists/etc....
Art Design
GOOD Spiritual Successors - Modern Day Ripoffs to Dormant Series
Gambling video games
Factorio + automation general ~ /fag/
Commandos 2 HD Remaster is censored
What does /v/ think of the genesis mini?
Warcraft III Reforged trashfire
What are ya playing, anons?Any genre youre trying to get into?I got a hacked PS3....
Non-game-related geek question
Early/beta builds and concepts for games.
The fandom games
Dwarf Fortress thread
Weapon Switching announced for Devil May Cry 3
Fishing in vyda
ESA Break the Record: 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2020
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders PC port announced
Sonic Thead: 2020 Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: UWU-Flu Edition
4th Gen of Consoles
Games that lived up to the hype
Visual Novels, RPG maker and Unteralterbach
This board belongs to the strongest now. Jews will be frozen....
Indie Gaming Thread
Space Station 13 Thread
February 1-10
Wurm Unlimited Thread - server soon edition
Boards claiming is active
National Autism Vidya
Wallpaper thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Stay Healthy & Fit Edition
Games that only you would play
Rewriting Fallout’s timeline to actually make sense
Racing Games? (non-kart)
Silent Hill and Fatal Frame getting movie adaptations
Remasters and Remakes
Stuff That Got Past The Censors
Meta thread
8chanmania 13: The Migration (Again)
Surely modern matchmaking is a cancer upon this world, but how did it come to...
VR thread
Radio chatter in vidya
Halo celebrates Black History Month with beads
Are there any online multiplayer games with a Capture The Flag mode where the flag...
New Ratchet & Clank rumoured to be in development.
Daemon X Machina coming to PC
Videogame Music Thread
LIGHT CRUSADER and bad games by good devs
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Parting W/a/ys Edition Edition
Fallout 76 coming to Steam
What game had the best OST relative to its probable budget and why was it...
Rockstar Games co-founder Dan Houser departs
The SJW Aesthetic
Comfy PS2 Thread
Sup /v/, Ive got the urge to play New Vegas again so Im downloading the...
Griefing thread
Is YandereSim an Indie Success?
Plagiarism in Games
New Build Engine Sourceport Raze
Civil War Games
What do you think of Rayman?...
Minecraft 1.16 Snapshot ==(NEW ORE)=
I just finished up on the starting plateau and Im get the feeling that Ive...
Beat em ups Thread
FFXIV Thread Live Letter edition
Corona-chan the game
Meta Thread things are broken
Warcraft III Reforged Survey
Activision Blizzard shareholder call: 4th quarter in a row of straight decline
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cheeks of the Week Edition
Operatan, Infiltratan and other forms of Tacticool Espionage
Puzzle Games
Hardest soulsborneniohsekiro game
Foxconn (Makers of the PS4 and the Xbone) just shut down production
Crash Bandicoot Mobile
VR being used to see dead relatives
>Blizzard announces Shadowlands prequel novel where players can read all about Sylvanas and Nathanos adventures...
>Buy game months later on sale for £1.99 in a bargain bin, which in hindsight...
Destiny 2
Ace Attorney Thread
Joint Ops + RADmod Gamenight
Why arent more 2D games incorporating drawn graphics in a way that is akin to...
Anita complains about a lack of ethics in journalism
Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Best DBZ game ever
Workers & Resoucers
Atlus Considering Nintendo Switch Ports
IF YOU CANT POST THEN ADD https:// AT THE START OF THE URL>Cripplekike gets mad...
System Shock 3 development team is no longer employed
DXM is coming to steam pretty soon. I know its babys first armored core but...
Gaems youd recommend to anyone
Blizzard fucking sucks
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Learn to Bake Edition
Fixing a game
ESA Winter Speedrunning
Fullderp: Fuck Valentines Day edition
Has anyone here already played the reboot version of the RPGmaker 2000 game Wadanohara?...
February 11-20
Run & Gun Games
Lets have a good old-fashioned Akinator thread. If you dont know what that is, its...
MMO thread
Starbreeze releases their Q4 report; announces focus on PayDay with active dicussions about Payday 3
Anthem 2.0
So I finally played and beat this trash fire…why didn’t I listen.>none of the main...
Have there been any good /a/ related vidya recently that went under the radar? Tokyo...
Cloud Gaming
Games industry is going to face major disruption thanks to Corona-chan
Can someone explain the sudden interest in console games on the go. For most of...
Doritos Pope skipping E3
#Gamergate #Notyourshield [ #GG + #NYS ]: E-THOTS BTFO edition
>Decide its finally time that I play all the way through Ultimate DoomIve played bits...
Games that were not as you remembered.
Games where you can get yourself a virtual wife
Xbox Game Pass™®©㋏
Pathfinder General
Dragon Quest on Netflix
Edge of Eternity
Azur Lane General: Enty is Ready Edition
PS5 struggling
Draw Thread - Tiny Vivian Edition
Old memes
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fuck E-Sports Edition
When will it be retro? Its 20 this year....
Power Bomberman Thread
What are some good mods for someone playing pic related for the first time?I dont...
Technical Issues Thread
Good Niche Youtube Gaming Channels
What are some fun anime dungeon crawlers other than Etrian Oddyssey....
>There will never be tiny phonecons that snap onto your phone as seemlessly and intuitively...
Does this game have a bit of a slow start or is that more or...
Warframe thread
comfy xbox 360 thread
swf thread
8chanmania S3 B14
Life is Strange 2
Ciel Fledge: A Daughter Raising Simulator
Rule the Wa/v/es 2
Rune Factory Thread
What happened to WW1 flight sim games?
Golf Story
What are some of your favorite Machinimas of yesteryear? I remember showing Super Mario 64...
Just because this game does the same thing as the other it doesnt mean you...
Persona 5 Royal Homophobic scenes Censored for West
Writefag / Typesetfag / Self-publishing Thread
Pacific War games
Starcraft: Ghost, Xbox unfinished game leaked.
Annoying vydia moments
Game Import Thread
What are you playing, anons?Any relaxing game to play comfy in the couch while drinking...
With input latency on rising. How are video glasses for gaming?...
Video game confessions thread
Your Turn To Die/Kimi Ga Shine
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Windy Edition
Memorable non-entrance areas in Metroidvania games
>start as thinblood>only five clans>character building streamlined>dialogue options streamlined>linear levelsIs there any way this wont...
Shadow of Mordor: Harem
Capcoms fighting game division is at it again
Arcade Machines Thread
Which video game retcon do you have the most irrational hatred for?For me, it would...
Have you ever been so triggered by a game from the old fashioned era of...
ITT: Games that were hot property pre release, but faded into obscurity afterwards. I remember...
Animal Crossing New Horizons Direct
>KATANA.KAMI.A.Way.of.the.Samurai.Story-CODEXHow is it? Worth a play at all?...
TF2 Thread
Dominions thread
Artix Entertainment
February 21-31
How would you make your ideal Mecha game?
Dakka Squadron: A Flyboy videogame
Art design
Nightdive Studios apologize for trying to modernize System Shock; promises faithful remake
Noob walls
/agdg/ Amateur Game Development General
Sony cancels GDC and PAX appearances because of Corona-chan
Things in vidya that depress you to no end
Dont know if this question is too vague, but do you guys have a favorite...
Ruiner coming to Switch
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Umbrella Edition
Why are normalfags so fucking close to rationalizing what makes a good game, but then...
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Superheroes gaems
Videogames you never finished
Video Game Music Genres?
8chanmania S3 B15
Rage 2
Ive been replaying the original Jak & Daxter recently, and I really dont understand why...
Thoughts on the Xenoblade series?...
New Game Idea
Forgotten Games
Smooth Moves: The Art of Great Movement
Group Play
Xbox Series X
Remember when Runescape did a gay pride event and the community hated it? Well they...
Russian,Ukrainian,and Other Slav games
Nipponese Learning Thread: あらあら Edition
Console-Tan Thread 2020
Power Ups and Tranformations
Is there any game you consider yourself particularly good at?Do you usually try to get...
Zombie Master: Reborn
Jackbox nights with /v/. Fixed edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fluffy Snake Edition
Games you are or have been playing
OP is a faggot
Kojipro and EA both pull out of GDC over coronavirus fears
Megaman Z/ZX Collection
Switch Homebrew
Samurai Jack by Soleil
(((Shekel Yiddzen))) and other feature creeps
Pathfinder Kingmaker or Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire?
Xbox Series X
Armored Core 4A
ALWAYSClick on the gay face for HARMONY...
Trauma Center Games
Kamiyas making fucking Ultraman
Patriotic games
Resident Evil 3 remake/RE general
Why do game devs think they are entitled to unions?
How can anyone trust nintendo on anything after this?...
Diablo 4
Art deisgn you miss
Comfy games thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: HARMONY Edition
Are there any decent TD games with roguelite elements or with mouse aiming? PvZ3 left...
Baldurs Gate 3
Morality meters
Did you ever play a lot of Gmod sandbox?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R/STALKER thread
Epic, Microsoft, Unity et al pull out of GDC over COVID-19; journalists say event may be cancelled
Meta bread
Licensed/Movie games thread
Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders PC
S4Max Gamenight
Winnie The Poohs Home Run Derby
What games have the best build variety?As dissapointing as Dark Souls 3 was versus the...
WebM/MP4 Thread
Why is it whenever I play Serious Sam I get really fucking bored? Like I...
GDC Cancelled
Third-person shooters
March 1-10
Galimulator thread
8chan Hunger Games
Sports Gayms
Rpg builds.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Baker Cannot Be Asked Edition
Hardware Thread
Work Simulators
6th Generation of Consoles
FPS games for older hardware
FF7 Remake Demo
Cancelled, but leaked, games
New Half-Life Alyx gameplay
Half Life Alyx footage
Flashy/over-the-top shit in vidya
Why the fuck would you delete a thread about gamer hardware you disgusting fat fucking...
Games that make you die a lot
The Last of us
Bloodstained will not get a roguelike mode, despite hitting that $5m stretch goal
I have been told by several friends who like to play RTTs that the newest...
Games you could never get into
Rhythm Gaems
Positive thread
Wasn’t this supposed to get a western release? Sega of America has been dead silent...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Robert Goulet Edition
Moments in video games that you wouldnt believe if you didnt see them yourself
What are your guys gaming quirks? Do you have very particular habits and ideals when...
Fishing in video games general 2
Monkey paw wish games
Would I be missing out on much if I played Wind Waker on Gamecube instead...
Blood Pumping Vidya Music Thread
serious sam: part 2
Rimworld Thread
/v/ Plays Videogames
Has anyone considered releasing the M.U.G.E.N. Source Code on GitHub or something?
Deltarune Thread!
RetardEra got a security breach
Ori Blind Forest
Black Mesa 1.0 release
Flaws on games you like
Games with a great modding scene
/m/echa vidya
Shores of hazeron: Space empires for toasters
Pete The Liar Hines Puts Foot in Mouth Over Fallout 76
Chinese Bootleg
Scrubs, casuals, and other shitters
Is there a specific order I complete each world in Super Mario Sunshine?I completed Bianco...
What are some good obscure games?
8chanmania S3 B17
I was having extreme amounts of fun playing The Guild 2 as the rogue class,...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Womb Tattoo Edition
Soros dropping money on Activision Blizzard
Although I appreciate the criticism of modern war games, I feel like this game absolutely...
In-depth Knowledge about mechanics, which ruined a Game for you
Doom Eternal leaks
Hard as fuck video games
I hate adaptive difficulty.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread
Modern vidya games are retarded
Ghost of Tsushima
Reggie is now head of GameStop
Jackbox nights with /v/. Get comfy edition.
Is this game and its sequel good lovecraft-themed games?...
Previous thread >>>>16845264 is autosaging>What the fuck is this?/v/ is acting as the Admiralty of...
NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Zero Fan Translation Edition
Let It Die thread
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection
Meta thread
Manly Games
Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition coming to PC
Obscure Action/Hack n Slash PS2 Games
March 11-20
Share Thread: Deadly Rave Edition
SE Remake REUNION Tour
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Dumb Baker Edition
Modern MMOs are SHIT
Starsector thread
Gas Masks in vidya
Bioshock Infinite is shit?
Shotacon thread Thread
Games where you fight the previous games protagonist
仁王 NIOH 2
Nvidia is fucking jewish
LEGO Super Mario
Dressup in games thread.
It seems the game industry is reaching south america.Is this the first venezuelan game ever...
Kojima tried to warn us
The problem of Female routes in games
The Longing - My Gay Blog Post
False rumours about a Silent Hills revival
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Give The Nurse A Headpat Edition
Fullderp: Better late than never Edition
Bad games
Is it just me or does the Fairy Tail game look really… well, bad? I...
Ongoing Corona Virus Discussion
Will emulation of old games ever be perfected?>2020>Still no fully functioning 360/ps3 emulator...
Difficulty Settings Are A Tumor
Is my GBA cart legit?
I need help
Musou thread
Videogaems that would make good movies
Star Wars Thread: The Prequels did nothing wrong edition
OSRS thread
Sonic Thread - Actions have consequences edition
90s/early 00s PC Gayms
Crash and other 3D Platformers
Do you buy games loose or boxed /v/?Do you care if a GBA game is...
The investors meeting is on the 31st and they have no release dates in their...
games like nier automata
Games/Sequels that does everything wrong
Videogames OST thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Digital Head Edition
Do you think Sony will remove access to the download list on PSP? They already...
Co-op Spotlight: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Are there any games that made the 3D transition poorly but you know if done...
Death Stranding
Comfy games you can play while listening to a podcast
Super Smash Bros.
Xbox Series X
The EARN IT Bill will end encryption
Weapons thread
Doom eternal campaign leaked
SSD Reveal: Welcome to 2010
What is the point of RPG stats?
Videogayms Tattoos
Can a F2P Multiplayer game ethically generate a profit?
Animal Crossing leaked
Cute Thread
RetardError Still Angry About Persona 5 Royal Change
Trials Of Mana Demo out
Its time to get fit by playing games, Onii-chan!
What games seem normal at first but actually have a very surreal feel and elements...
Satisfying weapons
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Gentlemans Club Edition
Super Metroid
Space games
The delusion of game graphics
Trade Switch for PS vita
Meanwhile, in medieval /v/...
So seeing that 8kun seemed to kind of killed the project, I wanted to see...
Bad minigames
Vidya places you would live at
itt: post things about games that most dont know about
meta mechanics and explanations
Gabe Newell says Artifact is being rebooted
meta bread
Bethesda broke its own Denuvo protection for Doom Eternal
Gamestop stands strong
Majoras Mask
Games that are critical of societies from which they come
March 21-31
Lets have a thread about Giant Monsters in Video Games
Wurm Test Server Launch
Planetside 2
Western games, but published by Japanese companies
Developed world and survival games
8chanmania S3 B18
Heroes III and HOTA
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
I heard this game was pretty good back in the day and was wondering if...
8chanmania 19 nomination thread
Post Form Redesign
Remember then post the most forgettable game of last year. I’ll go first:Blair Witch 2019>walking...
Yakuza thread
What the actual fuck happened here, /v/? The first 40 minutes of this game is...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Update the Bakery Edition
New classic FPS
ITT: Make a 8/10 a 9/10
YuGiOh thread
Half-Life: Alyx Containment Thread
I wanna host a game server
First STALKER 2 screenshot
Jackbox nights with /v/. Tired as hell edition
What videogaems are you faggots playing?Any new games youre giving a try?Im playing Burnout 3...
Health and Healing Vidya
Anime games
Power Stone
Mediocre games with fanatastic soundtracks
Shitpost Games
Shit levels
Friend Simulators
Journos Still Mad About DmC failing
Original GameBoy & GameBoy Color
Racing Games
Fetishes in video games
Do you think directly adapting, or at least as closely as you can, tabletop games...
Anons Bizarre Adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game: #014
Terraria Contest
Ace Combat bread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Monster Girls Edition
Post-Apocalyptic Games
JRPG thread
Could an E celeb who encourages practising skill growth in vidya be a overall thing.
Armed or not?
>Play custom game in Dota 2>simple tower defense game>god damn is it hard to finish...
Mental illness in games
Ubisoft leaks
What are some really good atmospheric games? Im so tired of multiplayer bullshit and just...
Draw Thread - Rocky and Bullwinkle Edition
WebM/MP4 Thread
NuDoom Eternal aka Darksiders the FPS
GO VOTE: Idea Factory International trying to get us uncensored outfits for Deaths End Re;Quest 2
Mount & Blade: Bannerlord - Mount and Blade is actually in the title edition
Not only does this look bad(make sure you watch to the combat), but it’ll be...
Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Forever at Home Edition
>No Half life Alyx threadAre you faggots actually so contrarian that you dont even have...
Raging and Trolling
Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139 to be released on PC/PS4/Xbone
Where did all the arcade racing games go
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Japans Ultimate Weapon Edition
8chanmania S3 B19
Entire Resident Evil 3 Gameplay Leaked
Games where the NPCs suck your cock (not literally)
Games where the NPCs suck your cock (literally)
VR thread
/agdg/ Amateur Game Development General
Balanced magic
Mega Man Zero
QTDDTOT: Questions that Dont Deserve Their Own Thread
Valve outlines plans for Artifact
Star Citizen thread
Warhammer Thread
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends
>get source code to pic relatedOk, now what?Can I finally make my Pizza Planet level...
April 1-10
Dissidia NT
Risk of Rain 2: Artifacts Update
Any good April fool patch notes or announcements this year?Image is from 2006...
Scuttle off, crabless. This be crab country....
Second Life
PC Tech Support
Erotic games
Are there any relatively recent and active online games where you can just micspam and...
Rockbusters Thread: Early Access Edition
Games that have games within them
Minecraft world hopping
Motivational vidya music
Wario Thread
The Last of Us 2 and Iron Man delayed indefinitely in order to add more crunch
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: No Step on Snek Edition
BAFTA Thread
One step from Eden
OoT is the most overrated game of all time and if you disagree then youre close minded.
Talvisota - Rising Storm 2 Mod
Rigged Matchmaking in popular games
Vidya levels/bosses that act as filters.
The Lesbians In Us Part Duex leaked!
Lets talk about the switch… Specifically, lets talk about a way around it. Hacks, emulators for Wii
How are you enjoying 2020 so far /v/?
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth
XenRebirth - Secret of the Solstice private server
Final Fantasy VII Remake ending leaked
Resuming meta questions
Mega Man ZX 3 teased
Transition Games
Interesting things a game does behind the scenes
Arma 3 and MilSim
8CHANMANIA S3-B20 (2000s mania)
Meat Games
Surreal Gaems
mhw player complain
Vidya characters that have NO FLAWS
Flatwheels got the chop fluey
/v/ Writes a Letter to Brickwheels
Jackbox nights with /v/. Quiet days edition
Kuso Game Hacks
Whats the appeal of gachashit?
Legends of Aria (Shards Online)
Inside Xbox (April 7th 2020)
Lore in Video Games
Dualsense Controller for PS5
Dead by Daylight
Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord - Loli of Nottingham Edition
Ive got an idea, but can somebody help me make it?
SMT Bread
Them Platformers Gaems
Worthwhile Freeware Games
Ranking Systems
Tales of phantasia
What is your favourite nippon ichi game? Personally I like Phantom brave, in my mind...
7SU Thread
What games are you actually playing currently during the Coronavirus outbreak? Im slowly going through...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Mask Edition
impractical/weird/stupid armor and weapons
Horror Games Thread
Streets of Rage 4
Lineage 2 Private Server
TurboGrafx/PC Engine
Localization/cut content in games that especially pissed you off
April 11-20
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: No Loli, No Life Edition
Daggerfall thread
Animal Crossing: Something That I Need Edition
FF7 looks like an amateur game
LEGO Lord of the Rings is the worst LEGO game I have ever played. I...
games with good explosions
Fire emblem three houses
Open Letter to the Administration
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Benis Edition
New chink f2p cancer - Valorant
Startup Company just came out of early access.I just wanted you to know. They added...
8chanmania S3-B21
Games that would be masterpieces if it wasnt for _____
Capcunt Greenlit Resident Evil 4 Remake
One-pokemon challenges, or: OPs incredibly autistic science experiment
Colony Ship combat demo releases Wednesday
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Serene Easter Bread Edition
Terraria The Final Update
Vidya characters you want to FUCK
So on April 1st was updated with an animation of the opening scene from...
Talking about videogames is a stupid concept anyways
Star Trek
Spec Ops: The Line EU Steam Key
Crunch on Games
TF2 thread: RIP Soldier edition
Games you used to like but now just despise (and vice versa)
The Perfect Controller
Sooo is Mark still the Board Owner or not?...
Furfag att Wolfire released his /k/-simulator: double think boogaloo today. It seems to be a...
Strange Japanese Survival Horror Game.
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Backup Crossposting Edition
Video game industry predictions that were wrong
What is the best 3DS harvest moon?
ResetEra Bows To China
Soyny Caught The Bat Flu
Female Dialog Mod causes Spergout at Nexusmods
Xcom - Chimera Squad Thread
Some of your favorite video game antagonists?
Steam Moderation
Can someone tell me why project management in videogames is so fucked?
New to RTS - SCR vs SC2
EVE Online 2020
Using the imagination gap in games.
Hypixel Studios, creators of Hytale, bought by Riot Games
>Been nearly a decade since MW2 came out and figured that someone may have made...
What games have active online communities?
Trials of Mana thread: Ignored by the Ethics Department Edition
Intimidating Female Characters
Hatre to be the first game released on console with an AO rating
Old video game reviews/shows
Mario Party and games like it
New trailer for Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom - RehydratedI was a bit worried...
Astral Chain thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Seto no Hanayome Edition
/v/urm Unlimited Server
Generally speaking, I consider the previous decade (2010-2019) to have been worse for games than...
Lets talk with Ron.
Multiplayer vidya for shit latency (Parsec edition)
FinalFantasyXV is a big waste of time
Dog-gobblers banned from videogames
Fighting games FGC
Gravity Rush thread
8Chanmania 23
Nintendo Hacked
Roguelike thread
April 21-31
Its Fire Emblems 30th anniversary today
Jackbox nights with /v/. Rocketjumping edition.
Games you never heard of
EAs Volunteer Mods Have Turned the Battlefield V Forums into No Mans Land
Think of a feature, then think of a game you think did it right. Example:>open...
GTFO Thread Goyiiim……...
Console fixing
pixel planet
Jurassic Games thread
The Absolute State of VRchat
What the fuck was his problem?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Planning for Migration Edition
The Best of Its Genre
Hello? Video games? Why are anons bitching at something that isnt even video games on...
Its time for us to go
Unusual save systems or peculiarities surrounding them
>HL:VR but the AI is self aware finished>dr. coomers VA is a trannygod fucking damnit...
Boss Fights
Hardcore ARPG’s
Nintendo has gone too far
Overused/Cliche Designs and Mechanics in Vidya you dont like
Boring scifi tropes in games
SDVX V error cardio
4 am Thread
Tactics Ogre v Final Fantasy Tactics
Whats a good winning simulator?...
video games just make me feel angry and upsetI dont have anyone to talk towhat...
Trying to find that one game.
Divinity Original Sin is a very good video game because it has a sexy orc...
8chanmania S3-B23
Boston Salt Party part 2?...
Joel, Jesse, Ellie die Spread the word
Modern Video game cliches
The Last of Us 2 Leaks - Salt Thread
ResetEra claims Barret is racist, mods BAN anyone who disagrees
Skyrim masks and gems
/v/… I present to you: JOHANN WEISS>Metroidvania + Duke Nukem combined>Released as shareware>Full version coming...
Lewd but not porn games
Come play my shitty web game that I spend 3 months making if youre bored....
Its time for us to go part 2
So when does this artstyle stop?
Gaia MC: The 8kun MC Server of Choice
Video games as an industry can be likened to a man ejaculating a load hes...
8chanmania 24: Update thread
Streets of Rage 4
Is there an uncensor mod for this game?...
May 1-10
Will the newest Assassins Creed Valhallah bring a very underrated culture out of the ashes?Or...
WebM/MP4 Thread
==S4Max Gamenight: Better Late Than Never Edition==
Lysithea Appreciation Thread
>shitty, arbitrary mechanics>terrible faux-retro artstyle>horrible optimization despite being bought out by a trillion-dollar companyCan someone...
4 am Thread
PS1>No auto save, have to actually invest time into the game until you reach a...
Nier Thread
Mario RPG’s
US/Canadian made MMO suggestions?
First videogaims experiences
Are there any specific game challenges or scenarios youd recommend as a way to spice...
8chanmania S3 B24 Normal Mania
Why arent you letting your pc wear pants?...
Bannerlord getting infected by CCP
How To Unlock Infinite History?
Star Wars Battlefront classic Steam multiplayer added
Post the jankiest game youve ever played.This game is RIDDLED with bugs, getting caught on...
Mario 64 PC Port
>Outsold Final fantasy 7 remake >Outsold Pokémon sword and shield in japan >Outsold Resident evil...
Summer Game Fest: Is This the e3 killer?
Can you name a video game that has a hidden ending you can trigger really...
e3 leaked attendees lists
Sonic Adventure 2 isnt as bad as people make it out to be
cntrl+f:cyberpunk: no results
PTSD thread...
Edgy video game characters
xbox event
Why arent there more vampire games?...
UpdatesThe new javascript rewrite for posting is quite intensive and consists of rewriting the thread...
Nintendo Super-Quiz
Anyone know the fuck happened to this game?
The last of us 2 thread.
why is the average western game developer like this...
4 am Thread
lets all thank Jim and Ron for contributing for normalization of this bullshitif you have...
Age of Sigmar PC/console game
Surely, at some point, there will be a revival, a rebirth.A renaissance, a return to...>Servers down>$20/year for faggy peer-to-peer bullshit serversEat dogshit, Nintendo, holy Christ...
I need some fun games set in the Wild West....
TFW anons are dead
Are there any JRPGs around, whose English translations arent Ted Woolsey-style hackjobs that randomly change...
May 11-20
Dead games thread
Vidya Screenshot/Gameplay Thread - Yarr Harr Wahoo edition
Fullderp: Banned within six battles edition
Vidya shitposting thread?
There is an alternate universe where your favorite character never has his iconic featureWhat happens?...
Super Smash Bros.
H-Hello…? Any there? What happened here?...
StarBound thread
Games that were meh at first but more liked over time
>8kun and went down at the same exact time>both were down for several minutesI...
LCD handhelds General
MMOs that /v/ has played together
Cyberpunk lookalikes
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Paper Mario: Sticker Star 3
Update for Rekt Galaxies / Fractured Suns
State of Play
Eco thread.9.0 is about to come out and it changes everythingI cant host for shit,...
Unreal Engine 5
Are there any good vidya creepypastas?
Terraria final update
Panel de Pon thread
Waiting for Dragons Dogma 2
So this is sort of fucking with me. I found a great deal for Let’s...
4 am Thread
What compelled Nomura to take a massive turbo shit on possibly the easiest money printing...
Twitch trannies wants to ban voice chat
>2 PPHWhere fuck is everyone...
Fatties in video games
/v/urm server: still kicking edition
Please help me identify this PS2 game.Caught my attention in this Youtube video at 43:58...
What am I in for?
How the fuck did I miss this? This is incredible.EA went full fucking mask...
Anyone have any enjoyable recs for ps4 or Switch? Im stuck without my pc for...
Good or promising looking indie games
May 21-31
What in the fuck is the appeal of this game? Its one of the least...
Black Ops 2 Plutonium
What is your favourite city video game city? If it isnt Ironforge youve shittaste....
/int/craft 32 - 1700s Edition
Golf Story
Original Xbox Source Code Leaked
Dragon Quest 11
Video game combinations only you would play
Mega Man Zero/ZX Thread
4 am Thread
I just found the goldmine of Indie Gaming!
Games that desperately need a PC port
Have you ever downloaded random japanese games you dont understand just to play them on...
Have you guys played this game yet, /v/?I just recently released it.
GYEE Thread
Silent Hilll returns kind of
Yume Nikki origins
Emulation General
Minecraft Dungeons
Better than Final Fantasy
Is this game any good?The only thing people said in the negative reviews is that...
Is it possible to walk away from games?
Nintendo Switch and 3ds
The next battle Royale & clone genre
So whats the point of VR chat?
Local game player Markicock defends death of jogger
4 am Thread
Skyrim/Fallout with immersive Modpacks (Skyrim Ultimate/Requiem and Horizon or Fallout Frost)
Megaman Legends 3
This sort of bullshit can fuck right off.Fuck people who make these faggy posts in...
N64 Suggestions
June 1-10
Command & Conquer Remastered
Hello /v/. I am currently in the market for a new gaming mouse, as my...
Stop buying consoles
What did mario ever do to these people? God I hate niggers...
>In 2007 Crysis comes out exclusively for PC>soon after becomes the most pirated game in...
Was the lynx a good console?...
post things that dont mix
Continue? confirmed for shit
Unity Station (Remake of Space Station 13)
Bloodborne Lore
Design For PS 5 Has Been Leaked
Now that is some tight gameplay, LOL...
>Best 1st party rail shooter of the generation >top 5 action game of the generation...
4 am thread
People say Pokemon games are easy. But all the alternatives are even easier. Im currently...
what the fuck happened to me?
call of duty blm parody
What can be learnt from the success of Helltaker?
Seriously? Why would you pay for this? Why was this made? You can find more...
The crosshairs turn red, am i supposed to shoot the rocket or is it a...
>Me and the bois ready to attack and dethrone god....
My dear Sony and dear YouTube emails.
Sony PS5 reveal will be livestreamed on Thursday (16 PM EST / 22 PM CET)Post...
Trials of Mana
A steam achievement I earned has the wrong timestamp even though my computers time is...
Stardew Valley/Rune Factory/Story of Seasons
3D NES Emu
In my restless dreams, I see that town
Tales Games
Black ops 1 Zombies
June 11-20
Resident Evil: Village
Demons Souls Remake
>That suit>the close up on the moon>the the animations and cinematography>Physiological hintsThis screams Dead Space....
InfernoMOO: Post-apocalyptic Extravaganza
Can we talk about how fucking effay Chris looks now? Wesker would be proud....
Okay okay, i know this may be far fetched and very autistic speculation but hear...
NFS MW PC Chevy Lovers / Hot Chase
Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected
GG Strive
dragons dogma
Im about to make my first video game purchase in nearly 7 years. Should I...
Are there any games like Sonic CD or Mania that actually make you feel something...
Last of Us 2: Mini Joel Golf
Why are games getting harder and harder
Kingdom Hearts
If only you knew how bad it really is
C$ is shutting down half of their online game servers, HUZZAH!!
i havent played a single good game this year.
VOIP / VON in games
Murdoch is in Fortnite now...
Which Harvest Moon game to pick?
Games that are universally panned, but you actually like
anyone here despise 2d?
Help with my setup
Bear Party: Adventure
Sony should of never went american
ps5 waifu
What could Slavs be?...
CDPR trying to quash concerns about them infected with SJWism?
The Last Of Jew
WoW Classic/Pservers
Why are all tf2 projects full of trannies and faggots?
Billy Mitchell records reinstated by Guinness World Records
<ICE> World of Warcraft Guild forced to rename
Ps5 game case color?
Wtf is wrong with Nintendo?
The only defensible accessibility option in vidya. every game should have this, even games that...
this game has so much more soul than Crash 4 its not even funnyIts time...
June 21-31
Is this DLC worth playing even if I hate faggotry but enjoy lovecraftian themes?...
Backlog Thread
>Oy vey Ellie, never forget the 6 septillion....
This is revenge for the 8ch AMA
Twitch streamer praises CHAZ, gets robbed within seconds after
Correct Stats for (new/modded) Hardened Advanced Power Armor MK II from Fallout 2
So I finally got around to playing this… >fun combat that on harder difficulties feels...
Is this mf married? Does he have kids?
This might be a shitty place to ask, but Im gonna try anyway.Im trying to...
what did capcom mean by this?
Naval warfare games
when did anime games went to shit?
I dont know why but CSGO is just fucking shit to me and I dont...
When did crtvs die?
Hylics 2
Minecraft Bedrock
The state of Korean characters in vidya
Help solve this issue
Steam Summer Sale
Why cant we have a movie or game about Based superman without that faggot batshit...
Kept you waiting, huh?
I miss shit like this...
Dreamcast Thread
where are theGAMERGATE THREADS?...
Why arent more people talking about this?!
Doomy Turdle
Indie dev here.About roughly almost a month back I made a thread about my presence,...
Black Lives Splatter Game
What game genre are Japs best at?
>Buy a 144hz IPS gaming monitor>Realize I dont even have any games to playThis is...
they never gave a shit for story
Danganronpa Thread
Is this worth about 20 bucks? I like the atmosphere and setting, and the gameplay...
anyone here only attracted to one genre?
Specterium 1.15.2
July 1-10
Is there a company more shit than fucking Platinum? Every one of their games suck....
why are ps and xbox games so boring?
Metal Gear thread
Warframe thread
Is it weird to be a fighting game addict who never grew up in the...
Game Visions
Hitman: Blood Money
Sea of Thieves
what genre is minecraft again?
>Doom 2016>Stuck on loading title storage>TW: Warhammer 2>Like 20% chance to CTD after every battleWhy...
Sakura Wars
Any good ps1 historical games
Now that the source has been leaked can we expect a finished product soon?...
i still cant believe shes gone...
Yanderedev takes criticism well
Intentionally pitch a video game related bad business
Foods and drinks in vyda
So what happened to this game?I remember when the demo first came out everyone was...
Assassins Creed Valhalla leaked gameplay
can grown man pls play more m rated games
Who is the hottest Vidya girl
when did you realize youll never make it in the gaming industry and your artwork...
Post age and worst vidya experience
Is the ps4 the last disc based console?
You finished her storyline, didnt you?Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force thread...
PC guy here, never owned a console
Why did they remove the familiar system from Ni No Kuni 2?...
What are the poorest ethnic groups in NYC
ps2 emulator
July 11-20
Why is Arabian a dying theme?
Rokakku Gouji
so you guys dont have a sticky where you play some old vidya online anymore?...
how long until sony releases a ps4 sad
Far cry 6 triggers
Game Music Collections
Anons Bizzare Adventure
Are PCs going to be dead nxt decade
Is there a resident evil style 4 game that takes place in France? I want...
why is gta so popular?
are the arcades dying in niponland?
Whats a good microphone for gayming and streaming if I feel like being an extra...
Wtf happened to dnb in games?
Where can i get a mint PS3?
Welcome to Macrochasm...
Looks like we finally got news on SMT
what did capcom mean by this?
>mfw i was in middle school when gta 5 first trailer came out>mfw i was...
July 21-31
Is the infamous franchise dead?
I want edgy Zelda again...
Deadly Premonition 2
Low Magic Age
PC wins, 9th gen is 8th gen all over again
for crying out loud if youre going to add a shitskin as the main protag...
im so fucking glad i was born in 1999.fuck the 7th,8th and 9th gen...
curious question, do you faggots keep your save files? when ever im done completing a...
When did PC gaming lost its soul?
>new halo looks like a game from ps2 era>monke wonders why…...
Will there ever be a sequel for Unteralterbach?...
Girls Frontline Refugee Camp
An alleged Nintendo leak has reportedly unearthed early game prototypes
>tfw Cubans have a gaming meshnet and you dont...
why does the gaming industry not target its core audience anymore? why are devs catering...
anyone else feel like gaming is turning into who can sell the most by doing...
Youre all kidding about the ps5 coming out, right? I mean ps4 only came out...
member when we all laughed at M$ for releasing a console without a disk drive?...
let me guess, it sold lie shit in japan and the japs hate it because...
beyond the cartoonishly good and evil fractions
Older (DOS mostly) games
August 1-10
What PSP games are worth checking out? Any in particular? Handheld versions of games on...
Quest, the end of all video games
starting mmos mid-expansion
ITT: Games that have been memed to shit>But were not realising it for the Wii,...
Why was it cool to hate on floatiness in 2016?
gamer e-celeb discussion thread
Note taking
Cris robert is one of the greatest in gaming history
Dead on Arrival
Fatties in vyda
Death stranding is a good game.I just unlocked non lethal assault rifle for crafting as...
What happened to DB/V/ I fucking miss that shit, there hasnt been a thread in...
God Hand
Colecovision was the best gaming system ever.Prove me wrong....
Joint Operations/Novalogic Thread
The Epic Games store offered Tacoma for free (from the studio that made Gone home)...
why do fags still get nostalgic for old hardware?
August 11-20
Fortnite banned from all Apple devices for tax evasion
so this is why the japs hate including Portuguese and black characters into their games?...
ITT: First Gaming Related Fap
are consoles still worth it?
am i the only fucker on the internet who only grew up with computers and...
The more information is released the more it looks like some generic Ubisoft game...
any good nippon pc rpgs?
Which game is the less terrible?...
>Be Korean
My ISP has been range banned on 4faggots, so I guess this FBI honeypot is...
Fullderp: Regirock on a bike edition
8chan now 8kun
Low effort shill post:Im hosting a 80 slot Squad server if any of you niggers...
Call of duty accidentally redpill millions
August 21-31
How the fuck do servers work nowadays on (((steam)))? If a game decides to sell...
>the moment you realize Epic Games is advocating for FOSS App Stores on iOS and...
Best Playstation case design?...
The trailer for Cold War dropped some heavy readpills for zoomers to swallow. Thoughts?
Looks a nice...
>Tekken 7>DLC shitfest thats literally P2W>SFV>Retarded netcode/poorfags on wifi making the game lag when I...
Americans really look like this? or is capcum on drugs?...
why are computers not so common in Japan?
Project /v/attletoads
Left 4 dead 2 update
Anyone have any games that involve geography, preferably creating it? Ive been playing Rimworld (pic...
Is there any way to get free Xbox 360 games without access to a secret club?
R.I.P Scooby doo
will conker come to PC?
good or bad move?...
What the fuck Sony?
>Duke Nukem is a nonce preoccupied with boy rapeHate to see it.Hes now put his...
Out of Control
Controller Issues
Furries ruined gaming
name any good game on this system
What a disappointing game.Dont hold a candle to the senran kagura games, even the shitty...
I hate bullet time
Lockhart is the new Kinect
September 1-10
We waited long enough, Remaster when?...
MonsterHunter: Playing as monsters
Its Mario, People Will Buy It
Valkyria Chronicles Project
/r/equesting old comic
ITT : Your very first vidya crush
Battlefront 2 on steam for 12 bucks
Counter-Strike 1.6 Servers and shit
Eco threadUpdate 9 comes 9/9Hoping one of you can host a server when it does.What...
ITT: Sequels that were better than the first game. Ill start....
So uhh…. why does everyone hate pic related? Its fucking awesome.Ive got to admit, DmC...
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
How do you fuck up this bad?Imagine hating your original player base so much you...
Kotaku UK Shuts Down
PC bullet hell requests
September 11-20
bros…. get ready for an all digital future...
Is this still a casual shitfest or has the expansion managed to fix it?...
death end request 2
Risk of Rain 2 leaves EA and gains Goybox-caused cancer
Chris ruined it
SJW lobby got to them
War Thunder
Demons Souls Remake - Gameplay
Wachu think of the new FF16 bros?and why does the protag look like an older...
8moe is down
Sony fucks up pre-orders making everyone salty
Michel Ancel- The creator of Rayman and Beyond Good & Evil leaves gaming for wildlife
Is there any point to the Xbox Series S?
Cant get rdr2 to launch
Dad of Boi Electric Boogaloo
Dave Oshry (CEO of New Blood Interactive) is scum.Pass it on.
is it that fucking hard to emulate ps3 games on ps4 and ps5? i managed...
Creepy video games legends
Bethesdas NuDooms are shit
Can anyone recommend some good tower defense games? Any platform. Absolutely craving some....
September 21-31
Push it in me
Microsoft acquires Bethesda
Videogame maps
Former employees of Lab Zero form Future Club.
Post good games...
The Destroyers, a FreeSpace 2 mod based on The Culture novel series.
Feelgood Thread
God of War developer now works on Metroid Prime 4
Saga announces new mysterious Virtua fighter project
Video games are gay now you boring bigots. Die angry about it...
Fuck itI have one week before certain things go back to normal and I need...
are you a veteran? post your years boys...
do the british and irish unironically have a boner for America? why hasnt the houser...
is the Wii family over? i unironically miss motion control gaming. these consoles lasted me...
R.I.Pwill we ever see another dual screen console ever again bros?...
am i only person to have extremely strict parents and didnt get a console until...
Video game monkey paw wishes
Blizzard head writer hates whites
October 1-10
fucking minecraft
>ps5 is looking like an absolute shitshow with releases of old games at a higher...
/sfg/ - Scream Fortress General
which one did the challenging platformer with struggling protagonist better?...
Name Entry Screens
>what is white...
Rare weapons in video games
If gen x grew up with super Mario, and millennials grew up with Sonic the...
Halo 4 speculation
>Original: Butterfinger has partnered with Square Enix to bring fans DLC for the upcoming Final...
Baldurs Gate 3
Propaganda backfiring in games
I would just like to say that I have the worst luck ever in vidya....
Passworsd youll always remember
October 11-20
Medieval Dynasty - Survival Settlement Sim.
Genshin Impact
Next-gen consoles
EA games Team with ADL
The faggots who capture all the time in MHWorld
Video game movies general
Halloween/Horror General
has a game ever insulted your intelligence?...
People dont actually like this piece of shit, do they? It basically broke even at...
The Best 10 VGs of All Time?
We all know what is going to happen:>spend $1.99 to make your sawed-off shotgun purple>buy...
October 21-31
Rise threadAlso persona/smt thread...
why did nintendo delete miiverseit seemed pretty popular...
Devil May Cry 2 themes I notice
Edgy video games general
why would you want to ruin a perfectly fine game with a plot?...
Dunno bout gam
Its almost mesmerizing how they have managed to fuck this up in the past couple...
Bayonetta Revisited
Sailor friendly games
Recommend something like this
Surprise Nintendo Direct
Do you play Dota 2?
Australia Bans Import of Hentai+ More from Japan
TLOU 2 leaker
How woke is Watch Dogs Legion?
OAG cucked
November 1-10
>all the spoops were in your head…. again, lolAfter the backlash the first game got...
Devil May Cry Sred
New Playstation TOS is literal Chinese propaganda, censors recognition of Taiwan
The Thing Multiplayer
which console has the most soul calibur games? im tired of emulating on my pc...
Boss thread...
So, now that Ron left 8chan
why do faggots unironically enjoy fighting and racing games? do they even have a story?...
imagine being australian lmao...
Will we ever get a sequel to conker? I’m sick of all the realistic m...
The Future
November 11-20
Fuck this retard shit, Im so sick of this
Post your own game and explain it to us!...
is GTA a shooter series or adventure games?
well its here
Hello, and welcome to the Vault 101 lecture series. Today well be talking about pre-war...
>no rematch against the Guardian>no Robo-Samurai stage>no chicken Jack stage>no playable Scotsman modeWhich games could...
thinking about buying RDR2
how would i run Demons Souls on my pc?>inb4 shitty monitoryeah i know im too...
What went wrong?...
/v/ webm thread
Hello /v/.I have an idea.What do you think if we make a game in RPG...
Soon be Christmas!
Capcom gets woke
CDDA Thread
November 21-31
Which vidya has the best music?
Do you think theres a hidden message in the fact that AAA movies from a...
Im making games to appeal to women.>Women arent graphicwhores so I can get by using...
Its possible for small games to compete nowadays for the attention of gamers or every...
December 1-10
Do we know for a fact why Kojima left Konami, or do we only have...
Mosque Shooting Mods?
Anyone got the leaks?...
What happend?
How bad is it.
Is this game good?...
December 11-20
How do we stop these 6 year old menaces
Devil Survivor
Dear god its fucking shit...
Why arent Japanese games forced to conform to Western standards?...
Enviromental Station Alpha
CDPR = victim of corporate subversion?
December 21-31
Hookers in video games
Reminder: Fiduciary Duty
self promotion for my nier server
Undertale/Deltarune Thread
Star Trek Online Thread
Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Build
If you buy a ps5 you have a butt plug in
>0 PPHDid you faggots really leave solely due to your allegiance to the phat kike?Stockholm...
I dont get it
Australia in vyda
What does 8chan think about this new Skyrim mod?
/olg/ - general
/olg/ - general
January 1-10
Kotaku Gamers of the Year
More games like this? Any system....
Doom Eternal
Gamergate General Thread
What are the best games about exploring the galaxy and getting off this diseased rock?...
Warcraft 3
What do you faggots listen to while gaming?
January 11-20
Crapcom joins the feminists and is now cracking down on any lewd art from their IPs game company. Pathetic....
I cant tolerate any retarded criticism of cyberpunkThis game is the most interesting AAA game...
Just a heads up before you IF woman THEN outrage
Gothic one Remake
anybody use one of these...
its official, the internet is dead. It was a fun ride but i think its...
The era of the zoomer is here, and online gaming is dead
Where to?
January 21-31
Human Revolution
Where is everyone?...
Fighting Game General
February 1-10
Nintendo Switch On Pace To Outsell PS4 In Lifetime Sales Analysis: Animal Crossing...
goldeneye xbla
Online Monopoly Ripoff
Mega Man Anniversary Collection button swap & music rom hack.
do your parents every ask you dumb shit about the games you play and annoy...
why do indie games always do this?...
Indie Chibi-Robo: Tiny Talos
Games you want to like but can’t
CDProjekt LEAKS!
February 11-20
>Major side characters from the previous installment became an afterthought or forgotten in a sequel...
Whats the best way to play Jak and Daxter, PS2 originals or PS3 collection?...
Porn games
Video game only you would play
DMC thread
Ive been itching to play this since it came out and was absolutely gutted by...
The Psvita is better than the Nintendo Switch, change my mind.>protip: you cant....
February 21-31
Say hello to the lead writer for Baldurs Gate 3
March 1-10
Finally, a place that isnt 4chan where I dont have to be in such pain...
March 11-20
Some news about the future of Assassins Creed
Advanced Xoru
/v/ plays jeopardy in tabletop simulator
March 21-31
anybody here that likes to play obscure games?i used to play alot of very obscure...
Back in the day before backlit screens. Who remembers these?...
April 1-10
>imagine paying for something that is not yours...
Looking for a new MMORPG
Created a new minecraft board
April 21-31
Remember Plants Vs Zombies? do you think of vidya preservation?...
Infinity Cup poll
Did this game come and go when I didnt notice?GoG had it on sale and...
May 1-10
Is it possible to play flight sims online without being autistic? Niggas have weird rules...
How do you think Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart will turn out?...
Chrono Cross general.
Squilliam thread
A Kappas Trail
May 11-20
I created a video game
Castlevania: The suffering
Roleplaying fallout 76
Cities Skylines
play roblox...
May 21-31
video games are off-topic on a video game board; says disgusting pedophile janitor
Released about four hours ago. Is this anything more than furfag shit?...
>Post about Video Games on 4chan /V>Gets banned for off topicWTF happened to 4chan…...
Akibas Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (aka First Memory in Japan)
Is there a bunker everyone is using after this place went to shit or did...
June 1-10
Sakuna of Rice and Ruin Stream
How do we make good horror games? Implement fixed cameras?...
Asherons Call Emulator - PvP Server Edition
School shooting simulator, when?...
June 11-20
>Came for hopes of E3 summary>Absolutely nothing;-;7Also they updated the captcha, guess this site isnt...
June 21-31
so i was thinking about how long i have been playing minecraft and tried to...
July 1-10
GOTY 2021
Steam Gifting Thread
Klonoa Thread
July 11-20
Anon Bullies People
Steam Deck
July 21-31
This is why most game randomizers are shit->online browser-only system, cant use older versions, will...
August 1-10
They use occult symbolism in video games .
Does MARK run /vr/ on halfchan?
September 1-10
Overwatch is Rigged
March 1-10
need players for a minecraft town
March 21-31
Minecraft Anarchy server
April 21-31
May 1-10
So I just got my paycheck and I’m looking to make a few buddies on...
June 11-20
Founding Rainway exec Evan Banyashs based opinions about race
TF2 Concept Thread
New imageboard, new /v/ (with NO Mark!)
Toggle Walk - An Automation and Game Tool That Even Allows Mouse Movements To Be...
June 21-31
Was Up All Night Playing Pokémon
Sims 3
July 1-10
Does anyone know what happened to Do they have a new url?...
July 11-20
Getting together with Johan
July 21-31
Dominion of Darkness - RPG/strategy simulator of evil overlord
August 11-20
overwatch characteres
do you like bosses? like this one! comment on the blog
come and visit my blog about video games the best of all
my fantasies for overwatch characters
what the fuck was his problem?...
September 1-10
is this /v/ less retarded???...
October 1-10
October 11-20
Ukagaka/Nanika/SSP programs/mods as mostly malware/metric_attack by
October 21-31
What do you think about this game?
doom wad general
/int/ Minecraft Server
November 1-10
Whats your favorite minecraft creation that you have built?
have you watched it yet?...
The Good Guys, World Military Must Send Me The Savior King Financial Support Now
November 11-20
the game series we cant play anymore or say its a lost media
Come to our /v/
Final Fantasy VII Remake/Rebirth Japanese UI is USELESS to Japanese people
November 21-31
Rest room banging
December 21-31
When the FUCK are we going to get a good /v/?4cucks /v/ is garbage and...
January 11-20
February 11-20
Donkey Kong Thread