660fa5 No.15109774
July Event Schedule
06/30~07/08 - Together in Song
070/9~07/15 - Rise of the Beasts
07/16~7/23 - Unite and Fight (wind favored/earth bosses)
07/24~07/30 - Poacher's Day (rerun)
07/31~08/08 - New Event Scenario
1.Infinity - 692908
2.Kihou - 740471
3.Sky Lords - 733000
4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216
Guides and info
>How do I even play this shit?
You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/
>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.
You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.
d6f3b1 No.15109790
Where's summer Ilsa?
660fa5 No.15109797
I can't decide which orchestra character to get. Either Augusta, Robertina, or Novei.
Her official game art isn't released yet.
d6f3b1 No.15109812
Get draph tits. She's one of the few draph, besides 5* Anila, whose sprite tits are to draph scale.
Don't forget they have holiday messages. Who do you want to have wish merry christmas and happy new year to you
cdf588 No.15109827
Well I guess I'm back on the horse porn.
3c2563 No.15109931
>Raven Nest (Dead)
How do we revive it?
1e8c53 No.15110144
Let it serve as a warning.
4f83dd No.15110173
Alt Anon here to remind you folks that most of the race accounts are still up for grabs, no strings attached.
Account 2 has found a happy owner who got it to HL.
Account 4 got played with and abandoned at level 21. (Might be up for grabs again but the e-mail is gone and it's impossible to change its password now).
Account 7 has found a promising owner who's starting to take care of it and Account 9 is now my bitch alt that hosts event raids so I can do my dailies in peace.
Everything else is free for the taking, all the accounts have Conan and Joker from the collabs as well as SR Mahira from the new years event. They all have one set of capped magna weapons, with a second set that comes from the mission rewards, a sunlight stone and a gold bar from the new year gibs plus a few crystals to spare if you want to roll on some legfest or start saving for a spark right away.
If you've recently started or if you had no luck in pulling you're waifu, let me know and you can get one of them. All I want is for them to find a good home.
269a45 No.15110427
This pleases me.
cacce4 No.15111577
I understand that MVPing only gives you extra red/blue chests and doesn't actually affect individual droprates but I feel like I wasted half an hour of actual effort and a full elixir for an Omega Anima.
c26cec No.15111679
Wait till you get a berry from M2 blue chests. And you MVP'd the raids.
d6f3b1 No.15111702
>complaining about getting berries
I see you don't 40box or regularly do magna 2 trains. Sure loot is better, but berries are far from the worst. They let you keep grinding.
f0af8f No.15111744
Nooby question but… Is debuff resistance worth taking on Spartan?
f7fc8c No.15111868
No because Spartan has a chance to auto clarity self.
f0af8f No.15111974
Ah. Thank you very much.
5bede1 No.15111993
>berries for m2 trains
>wanting berries from m2 trains so you can do more m2 trains instead of the item you actually want from m2 trains
are you retarded or a dumb masochist?
d6f3b1 No.15112016
can you read?
>Sure loot is better, but berries are far from the worst
3b9dbe No.15112047
45e249 No.15112399
third 5* jew, i think i'm gonna stop putting jews in my goals list for now
cacce4 No.15112428
99 to 100 is 1000000 xp. I knew it would take a while but It's like a bottomless pit.
I don't know how I'm going to be able to get multiple characters to 100.
8e54ba No.15112436
I like to put all the characters I need to level through Arcarum with shop exp boost on. It's tons of exp if you have a few tickets saved up and it's free to boot.
5bede1 No.15112618
very hard shiny slime search during magfest(1.5x exp + 1.5x shop exp), silver king slimes give you a total of like 30k exp, gold king half that, you get one of them about every third run now
4f83dd No.15112673
There's a repeat quest button now and you have no idea how much better it makes it to grind shit.
The position of said button is handier than viramate's repeat as well.
d3272f No.15112793
Pray for nip audio
cacce4 No.15112815
I don't really save tickets because I do arcanum for the weapon chances but I'll remember it for later.
I did the slimes for a while a few days ago for a bit and got about 100k~ xp but I burned probably 15 half elixirs I think, probably more.
I'm guessing that's probably the most efficient if I just need XP though.
I've been using that for a while, It was great for farming the EX weapons from side stories but it only seems to really save a few seconds and doesn't cut through the slog of doing the same quest 50-80 times.
8e54ba No.15112821
There's no reason not to save up 4 tickets and go through them an hour at a time to maximize the use of shop buffs.
0c4ec3 No.15112859
If I'm nowhere near HL at Rank 91, is it a safe investment to feed any Chevbolts I get to one of my two 0* Chevswords?
baed7a No.15112869
When did this shit start?
Why is this shit in everything weeb related?
Why doesn't this shit go away?
660fa5 No.15112949
Chev swords are only good when they're lvl 120+
cacce4 No.15112967
Save both, use other shit for fodder.
000000 No.15113292
Because replying to emails is totally cool and hip these days.
14e1c8 No.15113406
When Grimnir just had enough of you but the message isn't clear enough.
ffc294 No.15115346
Free space on the summer stream bingo card?
76a3be No.15116110
Out of 10 lumi swords dropping, I think I got 8 from Arcarum.
f0af8f No.15116254
You can get a workable grid for manga celeste with just the guns so don't use those for fodder.
3f8808 No.15117423
quick question, I'm building baby's first grid as a new player. is there any use at all in limit breaking SR weapons from the first bosses (Tiamat-Celeste) or is it never worth the time and just farm for SSR weapons?
000000 No.15117458
You are correct sir. Only level SR to 3 or 4 MAX.
3f8808 No.15117551
Alright I'm having trouble understanding your reply so I'm going to ask some explanation.
Do you mean item level 3-4 or skill level 3-4. And if you mean skill level what item level should I aim for 0-star max or 3-star max?
000000 No.15117763
Skill level. You can item level as much as you want but it probably won't make much difference. Just grind your SSRs and prestige pendants. If you are unlucky, buy as many SSRs w/ prestige pendants each month as you can. (two unless you are going for chev swords which you can only get 8 total EVER)
cacce4 No.15117820
I'm having difficulty figuring out what to actually invest xp into in my Earth party, particular because it appears most of my Earth characters are on the higher end of decent.
I feel I should replace Vaseraga, I don't exactly need his hostility boost/tankiness due to the rest of my front line being extremely sturdy. He's currently just an ougi battery and I could replace that with my MC.
I tried Aletheia but he seems to suffer from a similar issue, since my Earth grid is very middling currently I can't really properly utilize him as a 2-turn hero.
I thought about moving Ayer back up front but he'd be missing the charge boost I used from Vaseraga to get him up and moving.
There's also Arulumaya who, as far as I can tell, would bring a decent amount of utility but it appears most of it is locked behind her being 80+ which is a lot of xp to dump into something if I'd only use her for a couple of fights.
There's also the rooster worst girl and Ilsa but my biggest issue is that there's only six party slots and I don't know what I'll need going forward.
7c4e44 No.15118086
Go Kengou, Siegfried, Alexiel and get octo this GW. Make an Ultima Katana.
76a3be No.15118857
I also use Sieg and Alex but instead of vase, I have Yaia/Ygg to buff&heal my team, and mc as elysian for multiattack.
3f8808 No.15119056
I need some help with skilling up weapons.
The wiki states that it tells you the chance of skill-up when upgrading with skill fodder but that doesn't happen with me and combinations that should give 100% skill-up chance fail to increase my skill level.
What am I doing wrong?
d6f3b1 No.15119081
can you screenshot it?
fe8da1 No.15119264
Andy here, unable to be at homme for three days, family emergency, see you cunts half way into ROTB, hope to see summer potatoes soon.
2f2848 No.15119705
We finally got hard proof of their tiny size.
3f8808 No.15119774
here's a screen.
sorry for the late response, I was suddenly very busy.
879d90 No.15119821
None of those weapons have skills, which is needed to level skills.
4d567a No.15119838
Because merely doing the obvious is not enough, and needs to be stated as well.
2d474a No.15119860
R weapons you get from event token draws do not have weapon skills, whereas ones you get from gatcha (including daily rupie draws) do. As far as R weapons that can come from monster drops, it varies.
76a3be No.15119912
Grand success rate isn't about skill up.
4f83dd No.15119921
You really shouldn't worry about who you bring around to level up, you'll eventually max everyone and even get a lot of EMPs on everyone.
Aletheia is used for ougi setups with Zerker and Razia or you can run him with Arulumaya for increased skill damage in short raids.
Ayer is a powerhouse that can reach very high damage on his autos, but he's extremely squishy.
Autistic Rooster is the second best girl, let's not lie.
Do you have an Atma/Ultima Sword already? 'cause you should probably start looking into one.
cacce4 No.15120366
I finally got the last magna summon I was missing today. It's still 0 star but hopefully my poor raid luck is over now.
That is a lot of things I currently can't do, mostly because no gold bars, zero class weapons, and other limiting factors but I'll work on that longterm.
I was using Vaseraga in place of DATA and it probably made my Earth party's damage suffer.
I figured I should have something more than an ougi boost since there are abilities that do similar without taking an entire party slot.
I was considering increased utility since my Earth party is almost entirely lacking in any sort of veil/dispel/etc.
>You really shouldn't worry about who you bring around to level up, you'll eventually max everyone and even get a lot of EMPs on everyone.
Would it be a good strategy to put the characters needing level 100 in the backline now to get a bit of passive xp?
>Do you have an Atma/Ultima Sword already? 'cause you should probably start looking into one.
I have the uncapped rusted sword I also have an uncapped rusted katana but I don't know which I need now
I'm currently waiting on the dirt trial for fragments and I'll need to go from Chapter 89-92 for the baha materials.
c8f866 No.15120835
It's kinda silly how Cygames is promoting so much Granblue Fantasy stuff at Anime Expo. The game doesn't even have an official release outside of Japan, it just has the English language option.
1e8c53 No.15121013
And hope it stays that way, cygames is fine with censoring stuff for the west, already do it with shadowverse.
2935a3 No.15121501
Good luck danchou.
d3272f No.15121521
They're probably preparing for an English Relink release. They'll probably try to sell it on the Platinum name over here, even if Granblue isn't well known.
Shadowverse is also decently popular, and just got a Granblue-focused expansion, so that could be why as well.
cacce4 No.15121944
But wasn't Shadowverse a "re-imagining" of Rage of Bahamut with Hearthstone rules because of how hard it flopped outside JP?
Did a different, more lucrative crowd pick up Shadowverse in English?
d3272f No.15122000
I'm pretty sure Shadowverse was released in nipland before coming over here, and didn't have anything to do with Rage of Bahamut flopping in the West. I'd imagine it's managed to stick around here because it's more accessible (and less p2w) than RoB, from what I've heard. Never played RoB though.
ceea79 No.15122007
Can it be ROTB already? I want Niyon.
cacce4 No.15122054
>pretty sure Shadowverse was released in nipland before coming over here, and didn't have anything to do with Rage of Bahamut flopping in the West
I didn't mean to imply Shadowverse caused the flop itself but they're both developed by Cygames and share characters.
It's more likely that the RoB servers shutdown due to DeNa shutting down their global branch in 2016, this coinciding with the RoB servers shutting down in feb 2016.
Shadowverse getting popular so fast probably has to do with RoB shutting down AND them picking up a Hearthstone crowd that wanted the anime aesthetic.
Both of those demographics are known for being rather lucrative.
d3272f No.15122080
>I didn't mean to imply Shadowverse caused the flop itself
Yeah, I worded that poorly. Meant to say that Shadowverse probably wasn't created due to RoB shutting down outside of Japan.
>Shadowverse getting popular so fast probably has to do with RoB shutting down
Was RoB ever popular over here? As I mentioned I never played RoB, but it seems more likely to me that Shadowverse got big because, like you said, it's basically a better, anime Hearthstone, and not because it uses RoB characters.
cacce4 No.15122116
>Meant to say that Shadowverse probably wasn't created due to RoB shutting down outside of Japan.
Probably not solely due to that but, as I understand, DeNA published RoB. The reason the RoB servers were shutdown in NA is because DeNA pulled out. not enough profit supposedly
Shadowverse is probably Cygames trying to end a royalties/publishing deal now that RoB is presumably winding down domestically and done WW.
>Was RoB ever popular over here? it seems more likely to me that Shadowverse got big because, like you said, it's basically a better, anime Hearthstone, and not because it uses RoB characters.
Probably not solely due to RoB players but it probably picked up a decent chunk of those players leading to more people looking at it, that probably allowed cygames to succeed the second time because it's anime Hearthstone.
c8f866 No.15122839
Why is it called the Human Pyramid Attack if they're Erunes and not Human
4f83dd No.15123405
Considering the game is now in a full blown rainbow meta, you'd better take a look at your whole account and make sure you don't have elements that are lagging too much behind so you won't get into a GW where you are extremely gimped.
>Would it be a good strategy to put the characters needing level 100 in the backline now to get a bit of passive xp?
Yeah, kind of. It's alright for level 1-80 characters, but after that the amount of XP you'll need to bring a character to lv 100 will be so high that normal usage will do nothing for them.
It took my Birdman 2 months to go from lv 80 to 93 from backline XP only. And barely 4 days to go from 93 to 100 sliming him.
Doing the Coop slime mission now gives a bit less XP than the Slime Search one, but it's still very Pot efficient. If you need to level up characters you'll be doing one or the other based on how many potions you can throw at it.
>I also have an uncapped rusted katana but I don't know which I need now
I'd wager you have more Sword characters than Katana characters and an Atma sword would do you a lot more good than a Katana. Again, look at your whole account, not just one element.
d6f3b1 No.15123659
>Yggy checking out elsam.
If only he knew.
ffc294 No.15124637
Why is the Sea Urkin fire?
Why is the twisted dagger a sword?
Not all is what as it should quite be, but still it goes on.
cacce4 No.15125292
>you'd better take a look at your whole account and make sure you don't have elements that are lagging too much behind so you won't get into a GW where you are extremely gimped.
I'm working on correcting that already, my Water party is currently my weakest but it's not too below the average now. short just 1.8k damage of the others.
It's gained five or six weapon skills this week and can finally complete Colossus omega without massive difficulty.
I've been doing them in chunks with the shop xp bonus, it's still pretty slow but I can at least see the xp bar visibly moving.
I'm not burning through too many potions on it because I figure I can use that over a longer period of time to maintain platinum in the shop.
>I'd wager you have more Sword characters than Katana characters and an Atma sword would do you a lot more good than a Katana.
I was being a retard and operating on the idea that an Earth sword would only work with Earth characters.
I presume that's not the case and I'll definitely want the Sword.
b7bb7e No.15125317
venom snake !?!?
76a3be No.15126334
Why is the katana only good with its buff from heals, it has a massive attack boost, isn't that enough, especially since they list unawakened revenant weapons which only have a big attack boost and nothing else.
cacce4 No.15126561
All the other massive attack boosts don't have negatives alongside them.
Presumably, unless you can keep the ATK buff up, it's not as worthwhile as a big boost without the 10% max HP cut.
b7bb7e No.15127492
you have normal out of the ass with gambatein and eden so only the light up part is worth
d6f3b1 No.15128422
Side story is in. It's connecting all the links between it and the walder event
660fa5 No.15128636
The Granblue Compass still has a use.
6df81b No.15128799
d19331 No.15129075
Yeah but the draw rates arent even increased
2c9064 No.15129109
1e8c53 No.15129315
It's a good day to be a lolicon.
cacce4 No.15129462
Are there supposed to be 130 gold nuggets in the RotB shop or is it literally just adding more nuggets to any stock I don't buy each event?
705f3c No.15129631
I thought that was a mistake too. Maybe they made past RotB nuggets available retroactively, minus whatever you've bought previously. For me the stock started at 120.
76a3be No.15129881
>huanglong train
>52 talismans and one summon
Just enough to buy one weapon and do its 4* uncap, noice. But it's a bit exhausting to spend 1h-1h30 doing that.
New players would be stuck when trying to recruit eternals otherwise.
cacce4 No.15130031
but now I feel like I need to grind this event for all the nuggets currently in the shop
even though I was going to already I thought it would be around 10-15 not all of them
4f83dd No.15130104
it's just the remaining ones, it's at 40 nuggets left for me.
76a3be No.15130162
>10 sr weapon tickets
>only one silver moon
f1bf8b No.15130290
I fucking want her so bad but I'm only 100 rolls away from a spark
1e8c53 No.15131033
Summer Scathacha soon, Skyfarer.
d6f3b1 No.15133030
My Christmas Arulu is reading in her earth version's 4th skill
b7bb7e No.15133151
who here is dumb enough to have spent 52 rolls in attempt to get summer io and only get lan ssr? that's right me and i want to fucking kill myself
14e1c8 No.15133189
>Rolling outside of legfest
>When Flashfest starts in about 5 days
>When flashfest will probably have summer characters in it too
Nigger why.
1e8c53 No.15133201
You deserve this.
f0af8f No.15133466
Is the Huanglong Gauntlet the weapon I want for a magna light team?
c71ae0 No.15133773
heyo, account 4 holder here. How can I contact you? I'd be more than happy to give you back the account since i've stopped playing. How can I get a hold of you?
76a3be No.15133834
That lesbo wasn't even in my team.
14e1c8 No.15133918
just change the gmail password back to what it was before, I'll do the rest
c71ae0 No.15133978
i don't remember what it was before
do any other anons know the email address? if not I can just give you the current password for it.
I didn't change the password on the GBF account itself however.
96fb9a No.15134022
How do I get started? So far I'm just doing the story and prodding along with a SSR Lady Gray and R Feather.
76a3be No.15134230
Do the side stories (in gameplay extra) to unlock more characters.
4f83dd No.15134474
Hit me up on heles.eruneslut@gmail.com
Also, thanks again for returning it. It might make >>15134022 this anon happy.
Take a look up here >>15110173 if there's a character you like, you're free to take an account. If you don't plan to stick around for long, just don't change the password.
c71ae0 No.15134679
sent it. Sorry for not getting back sooner. I'd forgotten about it honestly, started playing a bunch of other games n shit.
76a3be No.15134820
>decide to roll 3k quartz as a moral support for you
>get Summer Io
And I don't even care about her. Desire sensor is real I guess.
b7bb7e No.15134837
this is the punishment for having enough gold bar to uncap all eternals….
425c39 No.15135883
What fuck anon. You knew better to wait for a fest with better odds than to splurge.
4f83dd No.15137039
Twitter is being spammed with somuch Summer Silva it's incredible.
Summer Silva will come and she will be Light to join her waifu.
7cd88a No.15137099
>Light Silva
pls no. I don't have anymore room for light characters.
705f3c No.15137231
Fuck me, being able to solo all the big boi RotBs sure makes earning pendants easy. This event used to be soul crushing but now it's alright.
Also bring out the new swimsuits KMR you mpotherfucker I wanna pop off so bad.
You made it buddy, good work. May your wanpans yield great flips now and forevermore.
705f3c No.15137234
failed to post husbando's over mastery
f0af8f No.15137294
Not sure if mine is good or bad luck as It'll take forever to get a roll I can use with better attack and defence.
76a3be No.15138011
>reach rank 149
>think it may be time to do an atma weapon
>join ultimate bahamut train
>each battle took 4-5 minutes so the whole train took more than two hours
>got 3 meteorites and 55 fragments
>that's 14 meteorites
>missing one meteorite to make a weapon and a gauph key
Fuck this shit.
14e1c8 No.15138065
Ahh, 2 hours of freedom and a hundred crystals for the sweet rest.
45e249 No.15139868
why doesn't gbf have something like this in game, watching characters interact and customizing a living space, while not important mechanically, is fairly appealing in other games after all, and i think works pretty well for granblue since character interaction is what people want to see more of in this game.
cacce4 No.15139902
Because that seems like a lot of autistic shit and a lot of extra garbage to program for a game most people play on their cell phones to and from work.
They'd be better off making more cross fate episodes and making character stories more than one or two or four if 5 star cut scenes each.
45e249 No.15139925
games like GFL and Azur Lane use it and it's been pretty alright for both of them.
ultimately i think the real answer is that cygames programmers are shit, and their design team is run by a monkey who can't make up his mind
36ea0c No.15139927
Finished upgrading Nio, now to powerlevel her to 95 within the next 4 days in time for GW.
441c4f No.15140271
Good stuff.
After more than a year, I've finally recruited him.
45e249 No.15140304
how come no one wants to join neptune, i can steal mvp as a leveling wind kengo
11c58a No.15140598
Another rotb another jew. Happy grinding everyone.
54bba1 No.15141368
If you're still alive Alt Anon I'm actually interested in picking up one of the accounts. How should i contact you?
d6f3b1 No.15141381
post an email with your preferred account and he'll email the info to you
d6f3b1 No.15141393
I did it. More gold bars/nuggets when?
f1bf8b No.15141439
Does the malus cypher on the rotb weapons only increase the damage cap on autos, or does it increase ougi/burst cap too?
54bba1 No.15141441
Alt anon Im interested in account 5 or 10 if either is available. contact email: Ranz876547@gmail.com
d6f3b1 No.15141472
it increases the ougi cap too, but not the chain burst cap.
4f83dd No.15141530
They are both available, but you gotta pick one.
Account 5 has 2 120% summons but it's cursed with the worst luck out of all 10 runners.
Accont 10 only has Europa but has Playable Alex, Grand Vira, Korwa, Jeanne d'Arc, Altair and Grea.
I get the feeling you're doing this for Kat and her Murg though.
I'd sugest going for the second.
Let me know.
54bba1 No.15141567
and yeah i'm pretty much going for kat. account 10 is the one ill pick.
783050 No.15141587
Best Girl, hope to scour more pics of her today, and I'm happy to have both uncapped and ciphered the Baihu Fist finally. Gonna stack my resources on improving her.
f1bf8b No.15141645
Very nice, I will get it when my fire team is strong enough to do the beast trial. I forgot to ask, does it increase skill damage cap too?
4f83dd No.15141771
Good choice (and taste)
54bba1 No.15141812
You are a saint alt anon! With what little i've played of the story chapter 11 ish and art ive seen of her i already know she's my favorite character.
4f83dd No.15141840
I forgot to add to the email that you should probably save up your tickets and crystals for the legfest/flashfest, when the draw rates are doubled.
There's 10 rolls from he shadowverse twitter collab in your crate.
d6f3b1 No.15141860
Shoo Shoo, Vira
2c9064 No.15142050
>Have enough for spark later on
>Just roll a 10 draw ticket in case I get a swimsuit character
>I get Alexiel summon
It's alright. I'll finally replace my tezca from when I started the game
76a3be No.15143933
>4000 berries a few days ago
>2300 now
4f83dd No.15144497
Save something for the GW too.
cacce4 No.15144541
All these high resource events right after each other.
How am I not supposed to burn through all my pots just doing the daily shit, daily event quest, and getting only a couple of gold bars?
f0af8f No.15144913
Courtesy of Rotb, any good?
45d5bc No.15144947
Not really. I guess it could be a cool glory MH because it has a ODA with 6 turns coodldown
f0af8f No.15144979
Ah thanks, always need a source of stones anyway.
ffc294 No.15145784
Remember to farm Casino so you can get her dress.
cacce4 No.15145812
>farm the casino.
Why would you tell anybody to do that?
The casino is dick canceraids.
27c71c No.15145836
Just open an anime or Netflix or something in another window while you click through poker. It's literally that easy.
ffc294 No.15145923
The words "What is the Pokerbot for?" come to mind.
cacce4 No.15146117
I've slowly managed to get a couple of my parties better developed grids but it seems like, even though my Earth grid looks more developed, it appears to struggle more than my Water party with it's associated superior element magna fight.
Am I doing something horribly wrong or should I just continue what I'm doing?
My current todo list looks like this
>Second EX Water weapon > replace Baha Dagger
>Replace Arcanum gun > Levi Dagger
>Replace Arcanum harp > Levi Dagger
>Replace Xeno Harp > EX Weapon while doing Xeno vohnu next time it comes up
>Replace Arcanum fists > Ygg Sword
I tend to just fuck around on a second account while doing poker and it's still terribly boring.
If I'm watching Goyflix or anime in another window I feel like I'm not giving what I'm watching the attention I should.
I have heard of it but have little idea as to which one is real/works or where it get it.
ffc294 No.15146140
It's been a while since I downloaded it, but I think it was Tsuntsuntsuntsun's pokerbot. You can get it from Github.
f0af8f No.15146157
Since that's a magna and primal main summon is there any specific reason you're not using a Seraphic weapon in the grids?
cacce4 No.15146173
Because mine are all 45-60 SRs and they don't seem like a boost vs an EX weapon.
Are they?
f0af8f No.15146206
At SR level you will get a flat 10% boost to damage on element. When uncapped to SSR 20% damage and some att and hp bonus. So yeah worth it.
cacce4 No.15146228
I think I tried that one but it couldn't detect the window, possibly because I'm using virtual resolution.
Does it show up on paper or is it just implied? Because it currently shows me losing about 2k off my water hits. When I replace the baha dagger
ffc294 No.15146241
You do have to follow the instructions for it to detect your window, stuff like setting resolution to lite, window size to large or medium, and some other stuff.
f0af8f No.15146255
The ingame damage calculator is to be ignored at all costs, it doesn't work as such. The easiest way to tell really is on the test dummy. However, that is probably because the weapon isn't skilled up in your case right now.
cacce4 No.15146280
I did most of that but I think the menus have changed since it was last updated and I couldn't find the version settings it wants set to beta.
Other than that could it possibly have been confused due to multiple browser tabs/windows open? I did keep the poker window at the top left and the cmd line next to it.
The main thing I use it for is calculating autoattacks because that's most of what it does and my autoattacks do go up as my grid improves.
As a side note, I'm guessing my MH does get its weapon skills included in damage calculation but is it not included as part of the grid itself?
On the wiki it lists "basic grids" for each element but only has nine weapons in each grid.
Does it not list them due to different classes?
f0af8f No.15146299
MH works just the same as other grid weapons but yeah it's not listed because of changing classes.
7c4e44 No.15146497
Qilin raid, coop room.
Just want to make sure there are as few leechers as possible.
cacce4 No.15146518
When a drop is listed from "chest 6" does that mean six chests need to drop or is it just a specific chest that is the sixth type of chest that the boss drops?
36ea0c No.15146640
It's the 6th type of chest the monster drops.
e98d44 No.15146641
cacce4 No.15146661
So does that mean a boss can drop, for example,
>Chest 1x2
>Chest 2x1
>Chest 6x2
>Chest Rx2
Without dropping type 3, 4, or 5?
d6f3b1 No.15146693
You on the right line of thinking, but not quite. The chests don't have to drop cumulatively; you don't need 6 chests total to drop in order to get the 6th chest. If you look at the wiki it will explain it. For example with Ygg, she will always drop chest 5 and 6, and most times drop 3 and 4. 1 and 2 are rare, can drop individually, and can drop at the same time if you're lucky.
36ea0c No.15146720
Each chest is rolled to drop once the boss dies, with each of them having different chances of dropping. If you take Bahamut for example, you won't ever get more than 3 omega fragments per raid (4 with 2-6th place bonus chest).
cacce4 No.15146746
I think I understand now.
So it won't drop the same type of chest more than once per raid but the number of chests doesn't actually mean the 6th chest is "chest 6"?
Are there particular percentages tied to "rare" "likely" etc?
54bba1 No.15147087
Yeah I already saw the outfit. I plan on working on that eventually.
Right now I'm working on ranking up, setting up at least a decent water team and learning about weapon grids and such so I stop using the autofill function.
This shit feels like learning nuclear physics.
879d90 No.15147112
You joined one of the crews, didn't you? Whenever you're confused about something just open crew chat and ask about it, no one minds guiding newlads.
940abb No.15147139
Daily reminder gachashit is cancer, none of you deserve respect and most of you belong on cuckchan
2162af No.15147476
These are not daily though, apply yourself.
45d5bc No.15147625
>can't even shitpost properly
ffc294 No.15148080
I'm not sure if this is the account you got, but if it doesn't have Grimnir, but only Setekh, you should consider the Casino at the very least so you can get Anat MLB if nothing else.
b046dc No.15148724
Back to /cuckchan/ tasteless rapefugee cuckolds
e0a094 No.15148857
Here's a dream I had from last night.
So the dreams starts with Nio and I on a road trip to somewhere. Looking at it now, I'm not sure how a potato was driving my car. We were talking casually over the drive on the highway away from the setting sun behind us. We were talking about her abilities to listen to hearts, but I don't remember specifics other than it being an incredibly pleasant experience. There was a disjointed scene where I was at my PC with her sitting in my lap and my arms around her. The other scene I had in my dream was us infiltrating what was a mixture of a flying fortress, fancy office building, and Sunlust.wad. I’m almost positive we were fighting imperial soldiers. I wasn't focused on what she was doing because I was going around blasting Imperials with Nebuchad(pretty sure I was Gunslinger, I had the outfit on). It was weird because despite being a rifle I was using it one handed. It was about as light as a water gun and had the recoil of a .22lr lever action, but the gun fired like a short barreled Mosin Nagant that was semi-auto instead of bolt-action. I was also unerringly accurate firing it. I never missed and every shot was a kill no matter where it hit. It ended after that.
50193c No.15148918
Most I dreamt was talking with Balurga in a pier about inane typical self finding stuff.
76a3be No.15149642
I think it's the first time I got a claw to drop from Celeste in 5 months I have been playing.
002431 No.15149761
The game's gonna break like it did with S. Jeanne isn't it?
1e8c53 No.15149926
Do people care that much about an old cat?
d3272f No.15150028
>that godawful anatomy
What a waste.
f0af8f No.15150042
Congrats, they really are a pain to get.
50193c No.15150300
Nope, she wasn't even top in her first poll thanks to Kimura not letting Earth Vas nor her get tixed until two months later from their release. She also has less art than Caro. Just imagine how low is her popularity, sorry, fam, but both JK and Ilsa were a disappointment. We could have gotten better summer characters.
bb71d5 No.15150332
>Complains about anatomy
>Posts something just as bad
1e8c53 No.15150335
Maybe they just used JK for the ad since she already had a swimsuit from the anime. People thought the same thing last year for the same reason.
50193c No.15150350
I don't even doubt it was for any other reason, just mentioning both are disappointing hags. We could have gotten at least JK, another Draph, an Erune and a potato. But Kimura hates Harvin. I am not alone in this thought.
d6f3b1 No.15150368
There better be another summer draph this year
2f2848 No.15150395
What do you call Lucios body with Vyrns head?
50193c No.15150440
Imagine if we got Orchestra five summer editions. I wish honestly that Augustafags get her in a bikini to be happy, I got Doot and I'm happy with her.
d3272f No.15150453
>just as bad
Now I'm not claiming the one I posted was perfect, but everything other than her head is just completely fucked in that first image.
e8f6ec No.15150455
>playing the inferior gachashit
I'm raughing desu.
50193c No.15150479
fgo belongs in the trash
e8f6ec No.15150661
It too is trash.
32fe26 No.15151791
The damage estimate is pretty good now actually. It takes the seraphic bonus into account.
002431 No.15153130
So during the livestream, there's gonna be a tweet that has to be retweeted 100k times, if the goal is reached by the end, we all get Sunstones.
6df81b No.15153916
Stream in like 12 hours right?
2f2848 No.15153926
I like how they use a picture with Lyria looking like a huge dick.
1e8c53 No.15153939
Chibi Lyria is the best thing added to the game in the last two years.
45d5bc No.15153955
5 PM JST on the 15, so like 14 hours
f0af8f No.15154291
Is upgrading the Ray of Zhuque or the Baihu claw worth the extra 50k pendants each? Or should I just leave those to next rotb?
000000 No.15154531
reminder collabs ruined granblue and if you didnt pay for you waifu then you dont really love her.
1e8c53 No.15154886
If I paid for her, is she my waifu or slave?
f0af8f No.15154908
I think that makes you her cuck technically.
45e249 No.15154912
you're her paypig
c8f866 No.15154941
When can I become Fenrir's paypig?
cacce4 No.15154954
Six months before they take the game offline forever.
2f2848 No.15155233
When you somehow end up inside the game, next to her, while she's hungry.
cf554d No.15155603
The summer event seems to have started, should I use these premium tickets now?
32fe26 No.15155666
45de2d No.15155728
Dogfuckers are no better than the fujoshits that got a genocidal homo into the crew.
f0af8f No.15155738
Only ever draw when the SSR rate is 6%. Click Draw Rates to double check it's a flash/legfest.
2f2848 No.15155800
Someones gotta brew the coffee and who better than the guy who spent months playing coffee simulator?
cf554d No.15155828
Okay, thanks. Gives me more time to stock up then.
cacce4 No.15156004
Does the Broadsword of Earth fit well into any sort of grid or am I safe using it as fodder/reducing it?
7c4e44 No.15156131
It's vital for every grid, don't forget it has Baha skill costs so you have to burn an SSR for every level.
2f2848 No.15156134
Lyria shouldn't have been barefoot in the first place; those tootsies only spent time in clean labs and holding cells.
7c4e44 No.15156994
Proof that Varuna grids are superior to Leviathon grids
1e8c53 No.15157053
Some of these cosplayers are alright.
b053db No.15157080
Lyria was the only one who smiled and seemed to enjoy herself.
28663f No.15157110
a fucking LoveLive collab
df2b09 No.15157124
So when are we gonna get an authentic cag?
36ea0c No.15157135
Sneaky Monkey released 4* Primal weapons during livestream
1e8c53 No.15157151
This is something I'll show up for. Up to which season, bets are either the first season or the newest, or both since they already did a couple crossovers.
705f3c No.15157169
It ain't swimsoot Monika but it'll do
The new story trailer looked p cool, their art and music shit is always on point
1e8c53 No.15157194
Yeah, spark is still for Jannu.
660fa5 No.15157202
Orchis' "sister"
1e8c53 No.15157225
Not playable, but always happy for another little girl in the story.
d6f3b1 No.15157236
Here's the new main story trailer. It has the silhouette from last year's stream. Also new ferry art means grande ferry is coming.
4f83dd No.15157257
This is the incriminated image. It can still be anything.
Also, I've been waiting for a hell of a long time for Monika and I'm reappy happy about that.
d6f3b1 No.15157261
We can finally cross one off the list
45d5bc No.15157262
>Summer Olivia
002431 No.15157289
That was surprisingly painless. I thought we were gonna need M2 shit to FLB T2.
c8f866 No.15157323
>Loki wondering where Fenrir is
1e8c53 No.15157337
No he's not. He's looking at Yuel's tits and Fenrir is getting jealous.
1e8c53 No.15157405
And Sochie's looking at them too.
d6f3b1 No.15157414
A harem of waifus is a power. Why aren't you saving for a spark, anon?
957a46 No.15157444
Better than all the dragon homoknights
1e8c53 No.15157467
Mostly due to not being a homo, but a lolicon.
a337bc No.15157534
>Decide to roll in the last Light-themed banner as I was pretty new (still am) and had absolutely nothing for Light
>Get him and Anthuria
I have regretted nothing ever since as they're both amazing.
757f5f No.15157575
>this 2nd part of the ungwie unlock fate episode
Lethal Hit a shit.
620d30 No.15157659
>Lyria is wearing heels
Shit. Push up bras are an amazing invention.
f0af8f No.15157667
Damn, Kat has very striking cheekbones.
2f2848 No.15157915
Well it was always a huge possibility since we've been getting a bunch of Im@s collabs.
No, because they're both the most recently shown and I hope it's original since Hugguto looks gay.
Heh, Orchid has her own Lore; do you think she's gonna fuck with Orchid just as much?
Don't you mean 5*?
They keep making it look like an eating competition event is coming.
Don't look in Lyrias eyes; she'll eat your soul if you do!!
a337bc No.15157955
I think they stated in the stream that it'll be the original Precure. The question is who will be free, who will be from treasure and if it will or will not have Shiny Luminous.
2f2848 No.15158033
>I think they stated in the stream that it'll be the original Precure
It better be!
45e249 No.15158046
>precure collab
complex feelings, I don't think i have a ryona fetish
a337bc No.15158101
I do wonder how the Love Live collab will be handled due to there being 9 characters.
How did im@s handle theirs?
2f2848 No.15158148
Like 2 characters each run and the story being about being a dream. I do hope they don't pull that shit they did with Ranko and the summons….no wait, I hope they do so the LoveLive fans suffer.
I'm surprised we didn't end up with Huggto and the male being the character we got; guess they're shifting focus away from the fujos.
002431 No.15158206
>Monika requires you to get all summons to FLB
>Then you have to 5* the oracles
>And use 3 gold bars and 3 sunstones to unlock her
Her being free is gonna be how much you want to kill yourself.
7c4e44 No.15158291
Chevira 5* when?
a337bc No.15158313
>tfw the only version I have of her is Lady Katapillar
6df81b No.15158333
Buff when?
4f83dd No.15158347
You and me both my friend, you and me both.
I'm gonna spark Chevira this summer unless I draw her first
This is my wishlist, the Xes are for characters I drew from free draws/suptixes since my last spark.
5517a8 No.15158386
Mark my words: The FW collab will make better justice to the show than the Hugtto crossover episode, and even the movie.
2f2848 No.15158455
My only worry is if it'll be a repeat of being a shit character statwise like Sakura.
a337bc No.15158461
Better than Persona 5's?
Because the whole Vryn thing felt like it was gonna be a P4 collab.
5517a8 No.15158536
Unlike Sakura, Black and MezoolWhite can effectively punch the shit out of their enemies. If anything we're getting something halfway there.
a337bc No.15158553
I'd be worried about that if it was with Kirakira Precure.
e98d44 No.15159541
16fce0 No.15159649
I am now liking the incoming collab, ruining waifufags delusions is quite a wonderful feeling.
3b9dbe No.15159670
They have perfectly fine concerns. I wouldn't want my pure waifu to be defiled. Fuck NTR fags.
a337bc No.15159682
It's funny because Chika interacts with her dad. Mari and her dad do too off-screen. Same with Kanan, Dia and Ruby, I believe. Even You states she loves Summer because her dad comes to visit while Hanamaru lives in a temple.
Waifufags should be just as ridiculed as fujoshis are.
2c9064 No.15159702
>A girl can't keep themselves pure to their husbando and should never interact with other guys.
Fun moments.
f0af8f No.15159720
Suddenly we don't seem all that autistic.
416eef No.15159766
Christ. idol otaku are the worst.
All i'm worried about is that colab will be just be the shitty Aquors characters.
756fe9 No.15159770
2f2848 No.15159783
This is how you turn females into disease filled sluts. Im@s wins again!
764ba5 No.15159793
I'm just gonna sit back and watch how this plays out while I enjoy getting more cute girls.
a337bc No.15159794
But it's the other girls.
6df81b No.15160048
When's flashfest gonna happen this month?
cacce4 No.15160064
I presume it'll be on July 18th after the current block ends.
a51fcd No.15160155
>yuricucks are this deluded
>interacting with a guy means death
do these fags think the idols came from eggs like CLAMP does or some retarded shit?
im@s got GRAN'd first. Three times, even. Four if we count SideM. Nothing escapes danchou's cock.
In two days.
1e8c53 No.15160172
Flashfest may be in two days, but it's unlikely all the summer folks will be in it. If you want them best to wait for the end of august legfest.
8230af No.15160178
The only thing that escapes Danchou's cock is Renie. Also, yeah, I'm having a field day watching LLFags implode.
Also get ready for Belial next year, he moves the most Merch.
ffc294 No.15160180
They'll probably finish adding characters from previous years on the last banner before Legfest (except Themed Jeanne and whoever released alongside her this year), and then they'll keep on adding the new ones in batches.
a337bc No.15160202
But what if people play as Djeeta?
I'd play as her but I like Gran's Dark Fencer's art more.
2f2848 No.15160203
>yuricucks are this deluded
Barring that being a characters name; seems more like them wanting a devoted waifu locked away from any male other than themselves.
>im@s got GRAN'd first
And I never heard of them being that insane about the Cinderella Girls.
>Belial sells well
Fujos and their rape.
3b9dbe No.15160210
>character talks to another character
>"they fucked"
This is nigger-tier muh dick logic
a51fcd No.15160258
>Barring that being a characters name; seems more like them wanting a devoted waifu locked away from any male other than themselves.
Well that's even more retarded. Crossovers an interactions don't exactly imply "OH SHIT THEY WANT TO FUCK" and it'd be silly if there were any sorts of romantic interactions between characters from different franchises.
that one was a jokebut is also how yuricucks and fujoshis think unironically
8230af No.15160265
His pendant went out of stock almost immediately the first day, they made two more batches iirc.
That´s some incel tier mental gymnastics, man, they think if a woman isn´t entirely devoted to them that she IS cheating on them, it´s fucking preposterous as fuck.
313dee No.15160266
that's how it works nowadays
3b9dbe No.15160295
>That's some incel tier mental gymnastics
It's understandable. Perhaps they're so-called 'oversensitivity' to the possibility their favorite characters will be 'shipped' with another character is simply the result of a modern society where cheating is so rampant, not to mention sexual promiscuity. These otaku aren't lesser people by any means, they're just products of the brave new world.
1e8c53 No.15160317
Platelets are hard workers man.
8230af No.15160362
They work hard for tiny thing that only live 8 to 9 days.
756fe9 No.15160431
>But what if people play as Djeeta?
They'll live to love it.
002431 No.15160443
I'm glad T2 FLB was extremely easy to grind. Now to start to FLB my axe and go Titan because fuck M2 grind.
3b9dbe No.15160474
Where'd this meme come from?
8230af No.15160488
New anime this season called Hataraku Saibou, basically anime Osmosis Jones, and this background character stole the fucking show.
It's Platelet chan, the one responsible to help you clot your wounds and keep stuff moving around your veins/arteries. They only live 8-9 days at best. The anime represented the lot of a buncha shotas and lolis, and the internet exploded three days ago Outfucking Playing the protagonists.
2f2848 No.15160540
So that's what people meant when they said "Platelet"; I always ended up thinking about Batman Brave and the Bold.
3b9dbe No.15160565
Looks cute, Hitler
8230af No.15160606
I'm Andy, not Hitler. You got the wrong guy.
36ea0c No.15160723
Sure thing Hitler.
8230af No.15160735
He wished he had as good taste as I do.
4f83dd No.15160746
>TFW Looking at Accounts 2, 7 and 10 growing up.
It's a great feel.
8230af No.15160763
Dude, Andy here, are you still on crew 1?
Kinda lost contact with you after I left crew 3.
I opened Crew 6 some time ago if you ever need a place to land at.
Also, using the post to invite anyone who is crewless to Crew 6 before GW starts, we're sitting comfy at the top end of Tier C.
Also can anyone translate the card from white day, I cant for the life of me see it that well.
4f83dd No.15160801
Aye, Crew 1 is pretty good, we managed 4-1 in A tier last gw.
Why crew 6? Shouldn't it be 5? Or are you in the potato crew?
Also what happened in the third crew?
cf554d No.15160808
I've applied to crew 1, my profile message is just "8."
8230af No.15160821
Sounds like good times in Infinity, crew 5 went to the bottom of the ocean, Potato Crew is Crew 6, I got a few of the ex Crew 3/4 rapefugees with me, we're getting comfy in tier C, but maybe THIS time we will do better.
68bf46 No.15160849
While we got rid of the GDP spending requirement you still need certain things to join our crew, namely:
1. Be rank 200+
2. Post at least 3 of your 5* jewtenshus
3. Post a video of your Ult Baha HL solo fight
4. Have your star character be one of the top SSRs as ranked by gamewith (9.5-10)
8230af No.15160859
at least you arent asking for a jb interview on skype and dickpics. I would never take off Balurga from star character even if it meant a free sunstone every GW
f0af8f No.15160877
Jesus you guys are even bigger faggots than I'd heard.
36ea0c No.15160890
I don't know if I got the first 2 Kanji in the 4th line are correct, but here it is.
I don't know Japanese.
313617 No.15160942
>Have your star character be one of the top SSRs as ranked by redditwith
lol fag
8230af No.15160948
I think it makes sense, don't fret, mate, thank you, now I know she in fact likes getting chocorettos.
b053db No.15161147
Oh wow.
At least their heart is in the right place, but bloody hell.
d6f3b1 No.15161221
Less than 4 hours until GW. Post your grids.
0b9d2b No.15161234
I'm worried what I'll do if the boss really needs a solid dispel. Don't really have the space for it if I want to run both Lecia and Feena and top off Lecia's Orders.
16fce0 No.15161239
>Idolfags whose Aidorus never interact with men
Ftfy, Im@s seems to save itself from this situation because the Producer is the male insert and it works damn well, while LLfags think that since their idol doesn't interact with men, they are far more pure and superior to other idols from other franchises.
879d90 No.15161252
I know I should get around to replacing the ax and gun, but haven't really had the time.
41639b No.15161258
I need to flb tia to replace garuda. Also if monika is sword prof atmemes claim another element.
b053db No.15161338
My amazing grid.
Thanks to Korwa, it actually doesn't perform half bad for how little effort I put into it.
I heard I need a normal modifier in a magna grid, so that's why I'm using the light bow since I haven't fully upgraded my baka dagger.
Also, should I use Gawain or S. Sieg in the front?
I don't want both since I don't really like either of them.
Is it fine to use more than 4 guns?
I have an extra lying around and wonder if I should just replace one fist with it.
e98d44 No.15161400
>3 harps without nio
enjoy your stamina dying in one hit
e98d44 No.15161404
fuck i'm blind sorry
7cd88a No.15161540
Can we nuke idolshit from the face of the earth? Moe fags gtfo from gbf.
ef4e29 No.15161840
what's the name&number of crew 6.
I need a crew that doesn't have a strike time at 2 AM localtime.
41639b No.15161853
The name is crew 6
76a3be No.15161876
Something like that.
d6f3b1 No.15161994
4 turn, 2 minute clear time.
4f83dd No.15162273
Friendly reminder to stay fresh and well hydrated while farming for meat!
d6f3b1 No.15162293
I did it. Every jutenshu.
af5ea1 No.15162314
b6b896 No.15162474
Andy here, drop ID lad, the Crew name is actually Crew 6, feel free to send me a message.
b6b896 No.15162546
Sorry about the doublepost and shit. But how the fuck does Skull always finds his way to new art, and not my brave Baruru.
7cd88a No.15162575
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Jukebox a shit. Post your gw battle theme.
e98d44 No.15162586
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>15162575
works pretty well
2f2848 No.15162633
Yes, both fists and that middle bow should be guns until you get a Baha weapon (I'd just toss it in there anyways) and a Xeno Sagitarius Spear.
>Also, should I use Gawain or S. Sieg in the front?
Totally depends on the bossses gimmick.
>Is it fine to use more than 4 guns?
7 is what you use until you get a taste for Magna II at which point I think it gets knocked down to 4.
Tezcat always ruins shit.
Even weirder that they still haven't rerun the event.
6df81b No.15162822
I'm rank 53 and I'm super confused about the class distinction and prestige pendant system.
I've been told to wait for rank 101 so I can host my own Rose Queens or something like that instead of rushing the classes I want via slower methods.
Should I be grinding to 101 with earlier rows or should I do something to reach row IV?
7c4e44 No.15162835
You gotta do a lot more than just grinding distinctions for Row IV classes.
Just play Dark Fencer for now. Everyone plays it until rank 101.
Also, get the mechanic class.
4f83dd No.15162845
Distinctions have received a huge buff to their droprate in coop misions. It's probably worth farming them there now.
As for Row 4, you're far too young to worry about it. Unlock and max all your classes for their passive bonusses, then start working on an Aschallon (Unlocks both Row 4 and Glorybringer)
7c4e44 No.15162856
>Not unlocking Kengo
Shit taste tbh
b053db No.15162860
Here is a Lyria with big tiddies.
f0af8f No.15163100
A weird team comp but Selfira is carrying my ass hard with those sexy buffs. Can just scrape through nm90 solo but sadly that's as far as I can go.
76a3be No.15163182
>doing nightmare90 in around 12 turns with my sword team
>replace glorybringer with nighthound and add zoy to the mix
>do it in 8-9 turns (except when I forget to use grimnir and almost everybody gets killed)
I guess that's my best.
2f2848 No.15163282
Here's my grid; it's about where you should be once you've passed rank 101 except my rank 120 ass shoulda had the Baha as a Coda and the bow as an SSR by now.
b053db No.15163444
I now regret MLBing one gun and getting another to 2*.
I made the same mistake with Colo canes and now can't complete my grid, fuck me.
I meant tastefully big.
I don't think gigantic tits look good on tiny girls just like flat chests don't suit big girls.
Draphs being an exception. It's all about the proportions, my friend.
Lyria needs to look bouncy and advanced for her age and body.
ffc294 No.15163579
Then what about Monica?
b053db No.15163619
She annoys me and I want to rape her.
a337bc No.15163669
I want to fuck Monica. Too bad that getting her looks like a pain in the ass.
Io and Sara will do for now.
2f2848 No.15163726
>Colo canes
Well it's not like you're really screwed; everyone suggests others go straight for Primal as soon as they can.
>I don't think gigantic tits look good on tiny girls
They did beef her physique up with Draph DNA or is it that you do not care for shortstacks?
Your children will drive you up the wall.
ffc294 No.15163730
>Too bad that getting her looks like a pain in the ass.
John Titor, enlighten us, how do we get Monica?
76a3be No.15163737
>reset 4th box before changing weapon
a337bc No.15163747
Didn't they mention how to get her? I remember reading that she had a quest line. Unless I'm dumb and I mixed her and Ranko up somehow.
ffc294 No.15163755
Dude that's "My dad works at cygames" levels of bullshit, c'mon, you trust anything anyone says on the internet?
No info out, just that it has to do with Arcarum and she's out in Fall.
cacce4 No.15163767
Yeah I didn't read that very well.
Somehow I understood it differently when I first read it but I don't know what I thought I read at this point.
b053db No.15163822
I just want to have a serviceable fire grid until I get to 100 and not have to struggle with every little encounter.
Draphs are good because the breasts are in proportion to the body.
Lyria in 3rd pic is also fine because she looks like an adult.
First and second are complete trash because it's just big tits tacked on.
Especially because those two are meant to be the eternal lolis.
I prefer Erunes anyway.
>Your children will drive you up the wall
If I have any.
2f2848 No.15163993
>struggle with every little encounter
Is Fire the only element you have good characters in? It only becomes a struggle if you're dealing with Arcanum, event Nightmares, and the later parts of the story but Enmity in Wind can help you plow through most everything with no help except for raids and shit with elemental defense.
>those two are meant to be the eternal lolis
I'm pretty sure those two still age but if you want an eternal loli, you go after Phoebe, Orchid, Medusa, or Garuda when she's playable. Second is trash because it's an Erune with tits bigger than a small handful.
>If I have any
Gonna wear a condom while you rape Monika?
705f3c No.15164100
What's currently meta in fire? Do Agni grids significantly outdamage AES + double colo-chan without whaling hard?
Let's define whaling hard as having more than 1 FLB Ixaba.
b053db No.15164112
I should have worded that a little better.
I meant to say that raids and arcanum are currently a pain to deal with.
But I guess that comes with being sub 100. I'd say I have some decent characters though.
>that webm
I knew what it was and I still clicked it.
Lyria is a good girl.
>Gonna wear a condom while you rape Monika?
Considering how much of a slut she probably is, I ought to.
Now I feel like looking up Monika doujins.
ffc294 No.15164126
You could just use motocal and find out the exact cutoff points.
ad3ab2 No.15164228
I keep getting errors when trying to go to the UnF screen. Is any one else have problems? I've tried using different browsers and no good.
ad3ab2 No.15164238
Nevermind, I completed a raid and it fixed it.
2f2848 No.15164377
Well raids you get help, just get 10k points and phone it in. Arcanum I can't really speak for since I never bothered with it til I reached 100+ and strong armed it with my wind team up until I got Threo, at which point I Ground Zeroed everything except a few single enemy battles.
>I'd say I have some decent characters though
Lucky, I'm stuck with having at least one dude on my team and Anthurias insufferable ass.
>Considering how much of a slut she probably is
Woah, you can call Monika a lot of things but slut ain't one of them.
705f3c No.15164396
Never bothered to try it so thanks for suggesting it. Seems like a real useful site actually.
To answer my own question: Compared some real nice 120% colo AES builds to agni+shiva with hodgepodge grid and 1 Ixaba. Pretty much you get demolished as a magna player without Anila and/or hype stacks, and the latter build is much easier to put together assuming you have luckshitted the core components from gacha.
ffc294 No.15164589
To be absolutely fair, the Egg Sexes are stuck with the worst ATK stats in the game (and capped at level 100 no less), SL10 Medium ATK skill, and I don't remember how Motocal considers crits.
At least Solomon Axe and Friends getting 4* opens a precedent for the T1 weapons, but until then Agni has somersaulted over the barrier Colossus had climbed with his FLB.
ffc294 No.15165420
Looks like "Not this year"
bc0415 No.15165454
Every time I see this pairing I get angry because it reminds me of Sorn's final fate episode, where (You) kick her ass but otherwise do nothing of note and Silva gets all the screen time. It was a really shitty ending after all that work to uncap her.
ffc294 No.15165491
Danchou does all the heavy lifting, but aside from getting his cock/her cunt sucked once a year in the What Makes the Sky Blue series, and getting to share the spotlight whenever a new story chapter comes out, Gran/Djeeta are playing second fiddle most of the time.
ffc294 No.15165512
I mean, A Thousand Reasons straight up makes you a heel despite winning the tournament, that's how much of a second banana the Cap'n is.
But that's just how it is when you're a silent protagonist in a game of Seiyuus, I guess.
e7e894 No.15165899
Can I get an invite?
b6b896 No.15166100
Sure man, sending it.
b6b896 No.15166109
Here it says you were already scouted or are unable to join a guild rn.
e7e894 No.15166133
I guess canceling an application counts as leaving a crew. Sorry to waste your time.
b6b896 No.15166136
Its not wasted, let me try again, man, tried sending an ingame message. Lets see if it works.
b6b896 No.15166139
I sent you one scout message
b6b896 No.15166144
Re sent, it went through this time, maybe I fucked up something
e7e894 No.15166152
I must have given you the wrong number, I'm not seeing anything. How do I find my ID?
e7e894 No.15166153
Nevermind, it was in my notes.
d6f3b1 No.15166740
Under 3 minute R team clear.
Also got the Lyria-Chloe
a337bc No.15166993
I overestimated Japanese autism.
88ae80 No.15167194
My Id is 23130697.
What are your Strike times? (I can work it out from JST time)
Would love to work together in a crew
6df81b No.15167327
Do side-stories give any free goodies or they're just plot?
2f2848 No.15167415
Crystals for doing the story and achievements, item shop for buying items with the side story drops which includes 3 single draw tickets.
4f83dd No.15167416
Free SR Characters, free crystals, some 20 pots per sidestory, 3 summoning tickets per sidestory.
831958 No.15167623
Currently 2-3pm and 6-7pm JST.
Will send invite, sorry for not browsing you faster was making breakfast
76a3be No.15168535
>make crew just for me
>farm 19M during prelim
>qualify for tier c
I didn't think the bar was that low. Now to empty one more box (and lose all my matches) and I'm done with this event.
cacce4 No.15168588
Why does light Jeanne have spear proficiency and wind Jeanne have sword proficiency if they're obtained with the opposite type from each other of weapons?
Why does light Jeanne's level 100 skill just turn her first skill into a slightly worse miserable mist?
Does it stack with mist? I don't believe it does
Could they not think of anything better, like maybe sword proficiency at 100?
a337bc No.15168616
I suppose a Rank 60 who contributed 80k to their crew that only got 380k Crew during this round doesn't cut it?
ffc294 No.15168650
Despite the 5*, Light Jeanne is arguably the worst SSR Jeanne. And the SR one's ougi is better.
All her debuffs stack with mist though, and her Rage with Rage IV I think I run elysian and Za Glory in light anyway, so she caps DEF down and gets to 45% ATK down with MM on level 100.
As for the sword, Jeanne straight up has a sword on her hips. That she STILL doesn't have a sword proficiency baffles me.
Only Crew one cares about what their members do during GW.
45d5bc No.15168807
Why is the sea urkin fire?
Why are twisted daggers swords?
we may never know
Also, Chevira for some retarded reason has axe prof when the other viras are sword, maybe getting mind raped makes you forget how to use swords
d6f3b1 No.15168988
Where did everyone else rank?
cacce4 No.15169171
>All her debuffs stack with mist though, and her Rage with Rage IV I think , so she caps DEF down and gets to 45% ATK down with MM on level 100.
The mist stacking is neat but does her Rage only stack with Rage IV? I'm currently a Weapon Master Rage III and I think it gets overwritten.
>As for the sword, Jeanne straight up has a sword on her hips. That she STILL doesn't have a sword proficiency baffles me.
I wouldn't care so much if she was at least recruited with a spear but her recruitment weapon is a sword. Then they had the ability to "fix" it by giving her sword proficiency with her 5* and chose not to.
>Why is the sea urkin fire?
Tropical island, volcanoes, the sun, etc.
>Why are twisted daggers swords?
some form of poor translation, it's title is literally "cursed sword"
>Also, Chevira for some retarded reason has axe prof when the other viras are sword
She is also recruited with an axe that looks suspiciously similar to the chev axe. I suspect it was a theme reason.
Lady Katapillar is considered Vira and isn't a sword.
ffc294 No.15169317
Rage III is a 30% ATK up, as is Jeanne's buff, so they don't stack. In fact, now that I have thought about it, I remember Jeanne's Rage showing "No Effect" if some Berserker in the raid has already done his job.
And I wouldn't get too hung up on recruitment weapons if I were you since they aren't always the weapon the character wields. Just look at Yuel's Crest Axe (one of the treasures that has to do with her story) or Amira's Dragon Slayer (A katana when she punches people)
831958 No.15169866
I sent you an invite around 12 hours ago, sorry, had to sleep, I work night shifts, but I always make sure to send invites to whomever asks.
a337bc No.15169923
I'm not that guy. My ID is 23103824.
831958 No.15170056
Sent, sorry man, I must have fucked up a lot.
660fa5 No.15170883
790dfe No.15170893
I got lucky and got my Revenant Weapon in my first multi-draw on crate 2. Should I reset instantly or wait until I got some of the better goodies out first (SR Weapons, Fury stones/pebbles & Elixirs)?