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File: 175cd27325e864c⋯.jpg (343.49 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, __monica_weisswind_granblu….jpg)

b2e6ce No.15170879



July Event Schedule

06/30~07/08 - Together in Song

070/9~07/15 - Rise of the Beasts

07/16~7/23 - Unite and Fight (wind favored/earth bosses)

07/24~07/30 - Poacher's Day (rerun)

07/31~08/08 - New Event Scenario


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

b2e6ce No.15170907

File: 1f1592e7bf55569⋯.jpg (7.59 MB, 4712x2655, 4712:2655, Draph size chart.jpg)

7b1d28 No.15170908

I got lucky and got my Revenant Weapon in my first multi-draw on crate 2. Should I reset instantly or wait until I got some of the better goodies out first (SR Weapons, Fury stones/pebbles & Elixirs)?

repeated from last thread because it got replaced mid-typing.

32424e No.15170922


How accurate is that chart? Been looking for drawing references for busty short stack characters, and that chart really grabbed my attention.

386f94 No.15170945



I hope she's gonna be decent and can synergize with Lecia so I can run them both with either Siete or another sword character

1bf57e No.15170952

>Try to participate in GW

>Every public raid I join is over before I can finish loading

Off to a good start.

386f94 No.15170966


Either host your own or use Viramate+Tampermonkey to instant join the raids from the raidfinder.

Sometimes not even that can guarantee a hit, but it's better than not ever touching a monster.

e193e1 No.15171037


fairly accurate. Cygames gave out all the info on Aliza (cup size, hip to waist ratio, height, etc) that you see in the box on the side. From there people worked out the height and cup size of the others from their art.

32424e No.15171092

File: fc447f5cabc8297⋯.jpeg (18.4 KB, 236x261, 236:261, 04A93E1D-77A3-4803-924C-D….jpeg)


Good to know. Thanks anon.

e193e1 No.15171120

File: d879d8126a83976⋯.png (619.9 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

side story is in

e193e1 No.15171145

File: ffdaa4f2a71ece3⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e2300ad46710e6⋯.png (390.49 KB, 631x313, 631:313, Summer rosetta.png)

File: 564f20e703d04dc⋯.png (341.03 KB, 616x311, 616:311, Summer Yuisis.png)

Summer Grandefest with JK and Yuisis tonight


90313d No.15171166


Another useful thing for wanpan is turning on pre battle auto attack to one-touch. Allows you to autoattack as soon as you load in.

You can set it from the misc section in settings.

e19d55 No.15171200

File: a7cd8f565a0ed62⋯.png (420.47 KB, 504x396, 14:11, already had jeanne but sti….png)

File: aa3f38d8328129e⋯.jpg (92.43 KB, 1236x1080, 103:90, aa3f38d8328129e06359d097d3….jpg)

Do I keep going now and spark Alex or save the rest of my draws for Ilsa?

e193e1 No.15171206


not many of the summer girls are in the pool yet (previous years and announced). If you have a spark ready for alex, then you can spark her next month with more chances at summer girls

e19d55 No.15171209

File: cc71b2b2aedf6b9⋯.png (272.47 KB, 960x800, 6:5, uncap.png)


I'll need to spark now if I want to, I was originally going to spark Rosetta. Just ended up drawing her.

e193e1 No.15171218


well if it's between wasting a spark or sparking now, then get the bonus character for your rolls

386f94 No.15171286


depends on how many rolls you are in

10-20 rolls in? You can catch up and spark in august.

More than that just go on.

da108f No.15171290

Niggers I've saved up enough to spark now.

Do I do it now or is there a bigger roll event coming?

c55315 No.15171293


Who are you sparking for?

da108f No.15171299


Probably Lucio.

But I only have 1 story SSR so far.

c55315 No.15171325


Lucio is only in during granfest, so if you want to go full homo it's the mid month event you're looking for. Like now.

I'll be waiting for the end of august legfest, where all summer people were in the pool last year.

386f94 No.15171339

It's been almost 70 days since the last suptix. If they don't release it during the gw can we expect it to come right after?

8a1b1c No.15171703

File: d16f3ea78f44926⋯.png (466.17 KB, 478x632, 239:316, 10draw.PNG)

Now to never draw again now that I broke the summer SSR curse.

ebb4c9 No.15171908

File: 37dc3bea507c47e⋯.jpg (202.74 KB, 1030x587, 1030:587, 1531858443458.jpg)


>You get 5 betting cards

Anon, look me in the eyes and tell you did NOT gave money to this kusoge

68f1d7 No.15171995

>10 draw

>Second Adramelech

>A single ticket

>Yukata Yuisis

Don't forget: single draws are much better than 10 draws.


You get 5 tickets for any of your 10 draws, no money required.

90556d No.15172042

File: 4f53e37e122856d⋯.png (598.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ayy.png)

Got Rosetta, wanted Zoi but this is good too.

It feels like Light and Dark would be 10/10 with GW characters but I don't have any way of farming the bricks right now since my grids are shit, which is stressing me out because I really need them.

The other elements feel solid to play but I have no Varuna, Titan, have to farm magna summons, judging by the rankings, Leviathan seems a big waste of time compared to Varuna.

5c5858 No.15172097

File: b9f32c54e6d4f06⋯.jpg (426.43 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DHACaLnU0AIAgs1.jpg)


Depends on if you want SR weapons to skill up your grid weapons or if you want to get all your revenent weapons as quick as you can but the rest of that stuff depends on how desperate you are.


Autism speaks to Anons dick.


Ask your dick.

924e05 No.15172288

File: fc785635d90d24a⋯.jpeg (233.89 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DiSpxxrUYAAHvZa.jpeg)

File: d2275c782872f9d⋯.jpg (225.63 KB, 1343x893, 1343:893, 1531838111281.jpg)


I still don't get how Augusta's clothing works, where does the white cloth flow from, it hurts my eyes to see it. Doot is cute, as always, hope her VA returns one day.

54bbaf No.15172356

Is it worth it for a new player to use Sunlight stones on Uriel?

6a387e No.15172366

>Everyone draws their Summer waifu

>I get Black Knight

875087 No.15172386

File: 14cdd140a98d35c⋯.png (353.1 KB, 486x380, 243:190, suddently PLOT.PNG)

File: b3543abe749d719⋯.png (271.49 KB, 475x377, 475:377, the PLOT THICKENS.PNG)


>Implying Apollonia isn't the best summer waifu

6a387e No.15172535


She looks great so I ain't complaining. She'll go great with Joker and Marquiares.

2c4a0a No.15172588


I want to commit cunnilingus on the black knight!

6a387e No.15173042

Part of me wants to draw one last time and the other tells me to save in case some of the Love Live girls appear in the gacha.

837756 No.15173096


They won't. No promotional collab characters have ever appeared in the gacha. I don't think legally they can.

5c5858 No.15173193

File: bb3657487c90637⋯.png (241.18 KB, 690x510, 23:17, ac33b7f4ad6a9b297ae28bcbcd….png)


>White cloth

Hair/Horn decoration.


Only Idols in the gacha are Granblues Idols.

6a387e No.15173226



That's a relief. Part of me doubted that because they're nine and I know the im@s collab had a lot of characters. Then I checked and they gave most of them away as cross-promotions or challenge quests.

37da65 No.15173303


God only knows the number of legal hullahoops you have to jump through to have someone else's intellectual property in your intellectual property, and cashing in on them on top of that (in the case of games like Last Period where crossover characters are acquired through gacha).

32424e No.15173333

File: 2358cd4e1ce0e42⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 370x277, 370:277, ono michio.gif)


>Everyone draws their Summer waifu

Afraid not. I did 2 10-pulls and used 2 tickets, and all I got was spinner nigger and summer Yuisis. I'm gonna call it quits for now.

37da65 No.15173339


Sick quads bro.

Anyway, the legend goes that next month will have something comparable to the BIGGEST.

6a387e No.15173349


I bet it's not even worth the PR nightmare.


I spent my last pull just now and got Lucio. I heard he's really good so I'll invest in him and Apollonia.

32424e No.15173367


>the legend goes that next month will have something comparable to the BIGGEST

Hopefully that's the case. My wind and water teams need some extra punch, but I'll probably just save up what I still have for a spark.



A great asset to a light team.

1e7c65 No.15173392

File: e5d6d95b8c8966d⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 850x1125, 34:45, __djeeta_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)

File: 2fbf76f3a5f79a5⋯.png (1011.47 KB, 799x1200, 799:1200, __djeeta_granblue_fantasy_….png)

File: d582323fceacbe1⋯.png (407.52 KB, 600x810, 20:27, __djeeta_granblue_fantasy_….png)

More Re link news is coming this fall/winter

6a387e No.15173400


I was in need of someone strong in the Light element but my Wind and Earth teams are suffering. I hope the upcoming collabs have strong people in those elements.

c55315 No.15173402

File: 6e31d9a79459d82⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1283x724, 1283:724, little elf.png)

Was on my last 20 tickets, but barely got the stones out of the 4th box to 3* my small elf. Feels good, since gbf put out nothing but cowtits for summer this year.

1e7c65 No.15173405

File: b21c117d8747a8a⋯.png (15.23 KB, 601x197, 601:197, Granblue re link localized.PNG)

e19d55 No.15173411

File: 6c27c22c45a501a⋯.jpg (36.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6c27c22c45a501a5847571a2ea….jpg)


Is Djeeta confirmed for Relink with that design?

37da65 No.15173412


But anon, neither Summer Izmir nor Summer Narmaya have been readded to the gacha, and there was no Summer Draph announcement for this year.

32424e No.15173415



>Djeeta in Re link

So is she going to be a DLC or be in the same situation as Gran who in a coma in the game?

>New outfit

Have a feeling that's going to be a skin, but you need to buy the game to get it.

1e7c65 No.15173431


Seems so but confirmed it's coming out in English now let's hope it's not cucked.


I might be a skin or she'll be a character unlocked after beating the game.

a2e87a No.15173459

File: 6e4d3b0bb254322⋯.png (628.71 KB, 470x662, 235:331, 1b3a43b277.png)

File: c15922d44c288a0⋯.png (293.19 KB, 272x638, 136:319, 200046894d.png)



I just started playing a few days ago and drew Summer Rosetta on my first 10 draw today. I can't even see her Fate episode yet

37da65 No.15173465


Congratulations dude. You really should complete the first arc of the story at the very least. Arcarum is a must, and ALL the magnas even more so

32424e No.15173481

File: 7e72aaaf8420493⋯.png (1.66 MB, 850x1203, 850:1203, ClipboardImage.png)


>my Wind and Earth teams are suffering

Had the same pain for my Earth teams as well. However, after sorting out the grid and getting Alexiel by luck, my earth team turned decent.


>Got Summer Rosetta on his first 10-pull

You lucky motherfucker. Take good care of her.

37da65 No.15173538


We all have a Rosetta to take care of though. If you don't, you really need to go back to the story.

32424e No.15173551

0c4e12 No.15173720

File: 84e506e0d64fee1⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180719-031808.png)

File: a8c0d1b9a08123e⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180719-031759.png)

File: f3c67a6b080e92d⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180719-031732.png)

Just got these cuties from 3 10draws

1bf57e No.15173743

File: dae38d02a0ad4d0⋯.png (4.57 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp21.png)

c55315 No.15173913


I don't understand the yukata. They're not sexy at all. "Can't wait to see her in a Yukata!" What the hell are you gonna see with a yukata?

f8ec4e No.15173937


sounds like shit taste tbh.

1bf57e No.15173939


That one has an open back and some pretty visible sideboob. That's not typical but the point is that it's a traditional summer festival outfit.

fde46f No.15173941

File: 9594306c6152fee⋯.png (227.13 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 3030245000_02.png)


It's traditional Japanese attire. Females don't have to be in tight skimpy sexy clothing or in bikinis to look pretty. You sound like some desensitized fuck by the American porn industry.

b1041c No.15173942


Imagine seeing any high school cutie you may have encountered wearing your country's traditional female fancy clothes instead of their usual slut gear.

e19d55 No.15173943

File: c0372b0684b889f⋯.png (382.89 KB, 1051x1920, 1051:1920, 1454891147050.png)

ea68e9 No.15173946

File: cc64e047f0da793⋯.png (489.54 KB, 483x732, 161:244, GBF_2018-07-18_roll_2.png)

>Yu wan sum cute grill

>fak yu, get some dude

Second 10 draw, at least I get Yuisis.

I still have a few spare crystals for later and keep a spark in case.

b3bd13 No.15173949


Looks like Minaba is finally drawing feet properly muh

c55315 No.15173972


Guess I needed to grow up japanese to appreciate them.

462d04 No.15173979

File: 7f109138254d93b⋯.png (1.84 MB, 630x2760, 21:92, ClipboardImage.png)


Draph breasts can cause implosions.

e69f3d No.15174014

File: 35256677682f471⋯.jpg (76.51 KB, 437x328, 437:328, DCRE.jpg)

File: 5531fb4fc177e04⋯.jpg (64.35 KB, 406x328, 203:164, smug primals.jpg)


>posting runes when the translated version exists

92dbc2 No.15174154

File: c126298af63e05b⋯.jpg (833.09 KB, 818x1158, 409:579, 1526837157375.jpg)

This is my wife. Say something nice about her

400bbf No.15174168

File: 5616328c01225c8⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1036x1449, 148:207, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)

File: 265a4378c68da56⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1036x1449, 148:207, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)


She's almost as cute as best girl.

1ae180 No.15174187


How about go back to cuckchan.

5c5858 No.15174203

File: f46961563dc39f6⋯.jpg (413.89 KB, 544x757, 544:757, 63345113_p0.jpg)


Djeeta is the main character of RE:Link like how Gran is the main character of the anime; if anything will be DLC it will be Gran like how Djeeta was Specials or whatever.


I think you mean repulsions.


Go home, Societte.

1cd61b No.15174258

File: 982c82ce4035e4b⋯.jpg (4.08 MB, 2392x3800, 299:475, 27325e344ee20cddd9711d7487….jpg)


She is extremely lewd in those two doujins by NIGHT FUCKERS

1f6178 No.15174391

is this the summer legfest?

37da65 No.15174399


No, this is the first summer flashfest, without all the characters from the past in the pool. Try asking again in 11 days or so.

1f6178 No.15174407


ok good, i was just wondering so i wouldnt blow my load

37da65 No.15174416


Well, you can still draw at 6% rates, I just wouldn't recommend it unless you REALLY want JK or Yuisis.

5c5858 No.15174538

File: b3eadb63e1450ec⋯.png (1.52 MB, 850x1200, 17:24, b3eadb63e1450ec1ca2fb6b403….png)


Or any of the non-themed limited characters.

37da65 No.15174569


>Or any of the non-themed limited characters.

That isn't really an issue since they'll be available on the flashfest next month anyway, and I think none of them have a rate up that would justify not waiting a month for a better pool.

Unlike Summer JK and Yuisis, that do have increased rates right now.

1f6178 No.15174647


I was saving for s zoi

1f6178 No.15174655


but also chance at Io, i also heard maybe a summer olivia

37da65 No.15174684

File: 2e2f0361d98caef⋯.png (676.47 KB, 582x668, 291:334, FLB when.png)


She's not Summer Zooey anymore anon, she's Grand Zooey now and is always available during flashfests.

Summer Io's rate up has passed, but she'll be available up until the end of august, at all times.

Summer DAO will be the SR character for the next story event: You don't need to worry about drawing her, unless you mean the SSR, Flashfest limited version of her.

f8ec4e No.15174692


Does that mean it's also possible to ticket her outside of summer?

37da65 No.15174695


You can't ticket limited characters though buddy.

27fa9e No.15174699


you can siero ticket linksmate ticjket em

f8ec4e No.15174702


I was not aware of this but I have never ticketed anybody.

386f94 No.15174764


Can't you ticket limiteds if your account was created during a flash/legfest?

Or was this just a meme?

282d0d No.15174817


>comparison character is 1,70

What manlet, pure lulz.

37da65 No.15174823


There was a special ticket during the birthday that had limited characters in it, but I think it was only the seasonal limiteds (which no longer included Summer Zooey since she was already a Flashfest limited) and you'd probably have to wait until next year's birthday for it to reappear anyway.


You can only ticket characters in that manner using your startdash. Any other ticket won't work. Which means you get to pick one and only one limited that was available when you started playing.

6a296d No.15174913

File: 04db584ab991300⋯.png (361.13 KB, 1000x1184, 125:148, 977836318bc5443866b0300583….png)


He's a 15yr old Asian, what did you expect?

0d7940 No.15175150

File: a0a4266e44baa5b⋯.jpg (66.86 KB, 600x846, 100:141, 09f51b554fdccf1724ffc04382….jpg)


She is a cute, sexy Erune.

You can't go wrong with a cute, sexy Erune.

0fa141 No.15175164

Fucking 3rd time I pull 40 times and get jackshit, this time I got Yuisis summer SR and Lowain summer R, with the rest being R and useless SR. The other 2 times I got only SSR Summons, and not even worthwhile ones. Garbage like Ca Ong and Satan. Who the fuck do I have to appease to get something decent?

881b60 No.15175203


Just drop 100,000 yen on a phone game lmao.

1cd61b No.15175222


>Ca Ong


Satan might get an uncap in the future, and given his popularity in Granblues it might actually be decent.

I rolled 50 times for Yuisis and Rose Queen and countless of silver and bronze moons.

386f94 No.15175667


I went like that for my first 3 months of playing, then I saved for a spark and got 23 SSRs out of it.

Stay strong, things will turn around eventually.

62b091 No.15176118

File: b5bfed9e16e8df7⋯.jpg (17 KB, 150x166, 75:83, 2353465475475.JPG)

As round one winds down, let's check in on crew one

7074b3 No.15176797

File: ddea16ab3691d03⋯.jpg (26.77 KB, 452x166, 226:83, Capture.JPG)

Doing 5M daily for the 10 badges and that's it. Taking it easy.

746529 No.15176937


Why are you in a solo crew when you can join Crew 3?

cfa385 No.15177004


I bet the opposing crews love you. What's the typical member count/average level of the crews you face off against as a one man crew?

7074b3 No.15177697

File: 534686410b12b8b⋯.jpg (92.07 KB, 471x843, 157:281, Capture.JPG)


I prefer to play alone. And I need to quit this mobage. It's not healthy.


We are two in my crew, me and my alt. Also, it's the first time I qualify for a tier. Last time I fought a crew on the last day only and it had two members. Don't remember their level.

462d04 No.15177825

File: be926710cf916c5⋯.png (171.74 KB, 324x386, 162:193, ClipboardImage.png)


ea68e9 No.15177839

File: ad371523138b352⋯.jpg (320.94 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, __monica_weisswind_granblu….jpg)

37da65 No.15178337


Remember to get it to level 150 so you don't end angel fodder cucked.



Is Fenrir fag on suicide watch? Or does he cling to the hope that since the promo only had Loki she'll be separated from him somehow?

7074b3 No.15178656

>38 turns (and 15min) to solo nightmare95


000000 No.15178686

if you dont pay 4 ur waifu u will pay wit ur laifu

400bbf No.15179043

File: e3351308c3c6d59⋯.png (976.94 KB, 850x734, 425:367, 69af93bb84d85487a8dd56bb6a….png)


>Or does he cling to the hope that since the promo only had Loki she'll be separated from him somehow?

I already made that joke in the last thread

6a387e No.15179224

>Beat the first part of the story

>Decide to unlock Arcanum

<This shit can't be that hard, right?

>Get destroyed by a bee queen in 1-1

eb2918 No.15179254

I still think Right Behind You was the best event this game ever had, the music, the ambience, the fucking storyline and lore was awesome, and the art was a serious step up from the previous events. Best intro banner and battle theme.

ddee50 No.15179272


You're better off running the Side Stories first to get some SR characters; an on element party should be enough to get through tier 1 Arca.

2b0d38 No.15179275


>file deleted

Huh? It was just a picture of Zeta and Vaseraga from the event.

6a387e No.15179279


I got confident and ran a multi element so it may have been that. I'll try again when I get another ticket.

I have already completed all the Side stories and gotten at least all the characters and 2 of the 3 Tickets.

eb2918 No.15179293


I fucked up, now it won't let me repost it.

ddee50 No.15179308

File: 39796c8975dfb3c⋯.jpg (678.18 KB, 1118x857, 1118:857, 63963495_p3_master1200.jpg)


It's telling you what the true pairing is ZetaXOldman & BeaXMidgetGang

eb2918 No.15179322

File: 01b8457ee2397e1⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 639x595, 639:595, 637f3f49.jpg)


Zeta belongs to Danchou, VasxAlmeida, EustacexVajra, Bea is mentally challenged.

e193e1 No.15179400

File: 6b3a47adc893153⋯.webm (11.44 MB, 360x456, 15:19, nm95.webm)

6 minute nm95 clear

37da65 No.15179677


Normal Arcarum can be dealt with On Element Nuke Teams, Threo's GZ, or Tweyen's Instakill.

Just bring Sidewinder with Miserable Mist or Hermit with Rain of Arrows 3 and you should be fine.

37da65 No.15179682


>best battle theme




072d2b No.15179687

post tiddymidgets

6a296d No.15179713

File: 361ef7d48dd857d⋯.jpg (225.78 KB, 942x1333, 942:1333, e4f8b39ccb5ec9f30eb07aa145….jpg)


Eustace is married to the job and Vajra is Gars.

5133ac No.15179797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nope, RBY is worlds better. The adventurous Irish music doesn't do a thing for me. Wish I could find more music like this.

fde46f No.15181487

File: 85c68844211b916⋯.jpg (75.92 KB, 700x993, 700:993, DijaRdkUYAA8168.jpg)

ea68e9 No.15181598

File: 2e8bae9f7e2fddd⋯.jpg (107.04 KB, 700x688, 175:172, DijqQoKVQAATd2g.jpg)

37da65 No.15181956


>Anon tells us implicitly that Ilsa will end up alone

RIP Xmas Cake, not even summer can change the type of cake you are.

ada23c No.15182050

File: 79cb19c2befb89d⋯.png (1.07 MB, 822x699, 274:233, every time.PNG)

Why did I even pick this shit up.

6a296d No.15182601

File: b952f20e286157b⋯.jpg (146.76 KB, 824x1100, 206:275, DhVAzY0VAAAvzHr.jpg)


Was it recently picked up or have you been playing it for a long time; the answer depends on your choice.

a38cea No.15182647


Please stop posting lewd things. So I can hide this thread.

d40525 No.15182816

File: 1f3c5dbaf335f6b⋯.jpg (303.56 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, f4b540c571fb7a4becf4c92b9e….jpg)


You should start playing.

Do you like fluffy Erune ears, anon? I have many of those.

cfa385 No.15182919

File: 28a97aa04e51968⋯.png (98.07 KB, 1088x441, 1088:441, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm making a spreadsheet template to try to predict GW betting. Can you lads think of anything to add to it?

071d5d No.15183107


It should say at a glance:

>in summary, ABC is the safest bet

>otherwise, BAC is the 2nd safest bet with a X amount of difference

>otherwise, CAB is the 3rd safest bet with a Y amount of difference

cfa385 No.15183300


I'm sure that's possible, fuck if I know how. The goal is to be able to predict what the finals numbers will be with the information we have available at the time of betting cutoff.

Currently I'm punching in the numbers in for previous GW days then averaging the growth % post cutoff to try and guess what the growth for the current day will be.

ada23c No.15183377


I picked it up to check out the granblue expansion, I'm up against people with whales in their rank icon who close the games on the 5th to 6th turn with weird ass combos.

b1041c No.15184302

File: c80f3b9512519de⋯.png (1.63 MB, 901x1163, 901:1163, Untitled.png)

All I need now is Varuna and I'm ready for next fire GW

6a296d No.15184428

File: 850a4b57d19e211⋯.jpg (287.75 KB, 900x939, 300:313, 63258119_p0.jpg)


Ah, then it's because you're an idiot and a whore.

881b60 No.15185283

File: be22f9e6100efa9⋯.webm (1.14 MB, 938x720, 469:360, be22f9e6100efa9179827352b….webm)

>$6,690 USD for a .jpg image of an anime girl in a mobile phone game and you didn't even get it

386f94 No.15185316


>Getting your pantsu in a bunch because a retard doesn't know what to do with his money.

>Over just 6k dollars.

6k is spare change compared to what the whales are spending in most mobile games nowdays.

There's a webm of a guy who spent 24k dollars in summoners war (and he still doesn't have a Tiana), and always in summoners war a guy called Kenneth has an account in which he dumped nearly 450k dollars. The guy once streamed a summoning session in which he rolled about 9k dollars worth of scrolls.

The Monkeygate guy is a small aquarium fish compared to the big whales out there.

If retards are this easily parted from their shekels, it comes at no surprise that this is where the whole industry is heading.

b2e6ce No.15185319

File: 501c18890c35073⋯.webm (834.61 KB, 640x360, 16:9, laughing bird2.webm)


>not getting the jay pegs that you wanted without dropping any cash

Wow get fucked faggot

881b60 No.15185345


Every time I hear about shit like this it's like a scab being ripped off, the horror starts anew.

6a387e No.15185485

File: 2434e81d9cc8f7f⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Din8hbnUYAATdKN.jpg)

I wonder if they'll show everyone off once the upcoming Summer event ends

071d5d No.15185508

File: 4da79ed3c7fada6⋯.jpg (260.17 KB, 600x615, 40:41, 64756490_p0.jpg)


>Cygames manages to give the Love Live girls more personality than the original game

e193e1 No.15185541


is her sword a violin bow?

5fb651 No.15185563


Can't wait for idolfags to kill themselfs.


Gran soon owns all the idolsluts.

881b60 No.15185567


Technically they can have their wish if they play as Djeeta. Do they count Vyrn as a legitimate male?

72f28f No.15185640


>Do they count Vyrn as a legitimate male?

Clearly they fear Vyrn's UBaha cock being close to them..

071d5d No.15185649

File: 739f0e77fa5dd63⋯.jpg (565.8 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 60991719_p0.jpg)

6a296d No.15186027

File: 0efb41b7654daea⋯.webm (5.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_cries_of_the_Singapor….webm)


Difference is Summoner Wars guy spent that load over a period of time while monkey sucked that 6k in one day.


Retrofitted into a rapier.


>Can't wait for idolfags to kill themselfs

Love Live gives idolfags a worse rap.

c980f2 No.15186078


Why don't they just rock up at the developer/publisher with a sack of money?

c980f2 No.15186088

And also why do people support this parasitic shit in any form. You all need help.

Just stop. It doesn't matter you don't spend money you are helping spread this fucking cancer.

fde46f No.15186190

File: b31a3bef57632f7⋯.png (287.5 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 3990242000_serious2.png)


This is usually one end result when a human does not have much meaning in their lives. Having everything and being powerful in a videogame for a couple of thousand dollars offers an easy fix to that even though it's a terrible fix.

72f28f No.15186233

File: 2247edd664f651a⋯.png (499.25 KB, 632x811, 632:811, first chev sword.PNG)

It only took until I was rank 117 to get one.

6a387e No.15186359


I got one earlier this morning.

2ab25a No.15186369


I got one in my first chev raid.

b1041c No.15186388


Nigger i'm just here for the jpgs.

7074b3 No.15186459


I got most of mine in Arcarum. That's a better place to farm them than Luminiera.

90556d No.15186470

File: 8f1e4b54b05a089⋯.jpg (336.23 KB, 1261x946, 1261:946, ayy.jpg)

>so many spears

>not a single claw drop

What do I even do with spares, use them to upgrade?

671b77 No.15186488


Just sell them, you can get a nice amount of rupees from selling unwanted weapoms for the daily 100 draw

7074b3 No.15186503


- You use them as fodder to rise the skill level of whatever you use.

- You reduce them to obtain 20 weapon stones to do the 4 and 5* uncap of weapons of the same type that you have in your grids.

37da65 No.15186506

File: 383e051aee5391e⋯.jpg (2.88 KB, 246x205, 6:5, Vyrn.jpg)


Anon, I'll be level with you: Even if you had Varuna, without a single Fimbul you're going absolutely nowhere, even more so since you don't have a single Murgleis to save you.

The Wilhelm is actually useful now, so more power to you if you want to believe in the crits, but the Bow of Sigurd is still garbage outside of Mechanic teams. The Chev Bhuj isn't going to help either, since FLBing it is a waste of light quartz, so you should replace it with something else too.

And if those three Shell Hammers aren't FLB then I pray for you. You should probably trade one of them for the Shellfists next RotB anyway, if you have a good water attacker.

e19d55 No.15186730

File: 8c9b0a88ab194ca⋯.png (404.32 KB, 517x532, 517:532, Siete.png)

File: 1bee81d786f901c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, __djeeta_and_siete_granblu….png)

A bit late, but 5* Siete get. 3 Eternals 5*'d now.

d79dd0 No.15186799

File: 61cac0aaa7ab463⋯.png (146.23 KB, 477x295, 477:295, literally how.PNG)


You'll eventually want to get them to skill level 2 or 3 and use them to skill up Baha weapons.

On an unrelated note, how the fuck does this happen?

7074b3 No.15187740

File: 2f739bfb59b079c⋯.jpg (77.46 KB, 495x466, 495:466, Capture.JPG)

>only took 83 turns, 36min, 2 revival potions and 1 full elixir (and all the healing ones) to solo nightmare100


72f28f No.15187908


Was it worth it?

7074b3 No.15187942


I sure won't redo it, it wasn't comfy. But it takes me like 15min (so almost half the time) to do nm95 which gives about 1/3 of the honor so it wasn't a loss.

d79dd0 No.15189821

File: 6135be507086def⋯.jpg (88.87 KB, 1200x637, 1200:637, Dise093UYAEhgfi.jpg)

e193e1 No.15189843

File: 732803162122bab⋯.png (778.91 KB, 512x650, 256:325, nm100.png)

File: 2f1ac3b988c24b6⋯.png (156.47 KB, 504x373, 504:373, nm100 exp.png)


36 turns. 15 minutes. Satisfying exp from it at least.

d79dd0 No.15190224

File: 83e334cf9d7fea4⋯.png (216.97 KB, 477x728, 477:728, Made it.PNG)


It was a bit more painful for me, but I'm glad I made it and with no GW characters.

2b0d38 No.15190277

File: 7bf8350d6bdc2c5⋯.png (208.08 KB, 476x723, 476:723, won.PNG)

Since we're all showing off how big our wind-peens are, heres mine.

2b0d38 No.15190297

Can account anon post his accounts?

425732 No.15190355

File: 83a602aee3b2f9e⋯.png (177.53 KB, 413x636, 413:636, 1211.png)



d79dd0 No.15190639

File: 3d2e962789f820e⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 2224x1053, 2224:1053, Alt Accounts.jpg)


I took off the accounts that got taken. These are all available.

I didn't bother making new screenshots, but all the accounts now have Joker, a set of magna weapons, 2 silver centrums, 4 Damascus Bars, 2 Sunlight Stones, 1 Gold Bar.

d79dd0 No.15190659

File: 476b14edbd49a72⋯.png (78.2 KB, 424x211, 424:211, a few rolls.PNG)


They also have a few rolls too.

6a387e No.15190777

File: e6ece1af1688f9e⋯.jpg (42.32 KB, 600x500, 6:5, DitGHN_VMAcYumD.jpg)

You thought it was You but it's just Kanan!

0d857a No.15191319

File: ec7507c5c2cd3d2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 506.31 KB, 857x1200, 857:1200, 64383060_p0.jpg)

File: e65262de8a68c60⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 419 KB, 857x1200, 857:1200, 64383060_p1.jpg)

File: 464026f2e18291c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 71.75 KB, 566x883, 566:883, 59902049_p1.jpg)

File: f5de93ca4ac6a3c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.17 MB, 1509x1621, 1509:1621, 66356604_p0.png)

File: e262f9ca9f3f5b8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.6 MB, 847x1200, 847:1200, 69548877_p0.png)

So, when are we getting BIGGEREST THE THIRD: ABSOLUTION. When do we even fucking get gibs again.

6a296d No.15191365

File: 6504a9633780cb0⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 1378x1560, 53:60, e426c475eae01e8ed45d6e204f….jpg)


Next major landmark player count since the only holiday I can think of that they'd give anything away would be Christmas since Halloween is an afterthought and I don't think they'd want to pay KFC for a thanksgiving collab.

0d857a No.15191386

File: db74a3896e0a0a9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 458.24 KB, 783x509, 783:509, Summer Stream GrabbleFes 2….png)

File: 2fcea458ee91e1a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 26.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Short Haired Box.jpg)

File: 99948bcd430fc7d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 214.34 KB, 1256x2000, 157:250, Cahrlotta-13142545.jpg)

File: 23a471ade801315⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 233.32 KB, 1255x1600, 251:320, Box-123781623.jpg)

File: 7776fd83902f197⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 903.11 KB, 880x812, 220:203, 69625089_p0.png)


This last stream was a metric fuckton of nothing, why even do a fucking thing if youre gonna post nothing but two shitty summer characters, we only got two motherfucking summer potatoes, while shitter hags get more swimsuits.

6a296d No.15191408

File: 9dd50e1dccca8b9⋯.jpg (48.85 KB, 359x500, 359:500, DFZ7450XYAA4ilh.jpg)


They did give out a bunch of things; just not 10 part draw tickets.

0d857a No.15191417

File: 31bf3d5a90708a3⋯.jpg (498.29 KB, 1031x1074, 1031:1074, 1529850500009.jpg)

File: d415b7174f0b1b5⋯.jpg (115.49 KB, 638x840, 319:420, 1530742835974.jpg)

File: 8b7196c29611950⋯.jpg (135.84 KB, 1066x986, 533:493, 1529801020709.jpg)

File: a1fad529c5efa76⋯.jpg (95.66 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 1529802319643.jpg)

File: 8fb70c2c1f3faf5⋯.jpg (114.57 KB, 595x842, 595:842, 1529849886022.jpg)


it was an entire bunch of nothing, no potatoes = nothing interesting, and at thirs rate I'll have to wait a year to the next potato related event

90556d No.15191973

Where should I be going to rank up after rank 60?

All the places I go to give like 1-2% XP and I was told to wait for double xp event, which would still be miserable XP.

Am I supposed to start working on a grid and try to solo an omega for xp now?

746529 No.15191981


Just do your daily raids, you'll get more exp eventually.

Have a crew yet?

d40525 No.15191992

File: c0f09cc18c96817⋯.webm (13.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Charlotte VR.webm)




Charlotta best girl.


I have the same problem although I'm at 97 now.

I think the main story battles give a decent amount, but I haven't touched it in a long while now.

90556d No.15192161


Nope no crew yet.


Same here, beat Akasha with only one elixir wasted and all the bosses seem to need a better grid so I'm stuck collecting spears instead of getting the claws I need for the grid I want.

f79d6b No.15193225

File: 5db8d41793052ce⋯.png (21.18 KB, 103x114, 103:114, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ffe7ecfe68e772⋯.jpg (430.14 KB, 1943x2996, 1943:2996, M0RIuwa.jpg)

This is the worst part of GW, I swear I cleared the fucker out a minute ago.

f79d6b No.15193269

File: f445bbdcd0beab4⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 1531690541532.png)


You can deliberately die something like 4 times in a row giving a max boost of 100% damage against main quest shit.



Like, rank is completely unimportant in gbf. It's grid and characters that matter. All rank does is unlock some raids you can't get any benefit from. Not to mention with so many boosting xp events loads of people are higher than their grid which is silly position to be in.

What you both need to do is find a crew and someone will offer to let you come vice mvp their magnas, which is a quick and easy route to getting red chests. What crew you chose to be in depends on what flavour of retardation you like pretty much. Some are more relaxed than others and all that jazz also.

a05dde No.15193313

I don't really understand the appeal of mobileshit. Enlighten me.

f79d6b No.15193322

File: 798223f694df9b6⋯.jpg (15.01 KB, 254x255, 254:255, frank.jpg)


You ever enjoy grinding better weapons in Diablo? It's kinda like that for me, the slow long bit of self improvement.

2a7492 No.15194060

File: dc20d4e6c0a9a50⋯.jpeg (222.75 KB, 1200x1004, 300:251, Dit0mYxV4AAVw7n.jpeg)

Playable Platelet-chan when.

This would be better than fucking ratfaced idols, omagine her using her whistle to start her ougi amd then a group of platelets knocks you down with a clotting web. [Anone Anone intensifies]

e193e1 No.15194319

File: 87abd30f4cc2f36⋯.png (128.76 KB, 465x349, 465:349, ClipboardImage.png)


78bfd7 No.15194324

File: eb070913a74cdd5⋯.gif (107.04 KB, 817x582, 817:582, 2c0341cef17e3549a5e686929e….gif)


>this is a mobile game

e7ff39 No.15194375


impressive, very nice

a70e08 No.15194381


begone pencil eyebrow yuri thots

2973d5 No.15194392

File: dbd72b9f9d72bde⋯.jpg (148.12 KB, 588x985, 588:985, dbd72b9f9d72bdeb50a076beeb….jpg)


It's like Star Citizen, but with jpegs of girls, actual game and no money spent.

1ec272 No.15194411

File: 688e470c65cb37f⋯.png (263.59 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 1470072827578.png)


>granblue is not a mobile game

d79dd0 No.15194442


You probably shouldn't obsess too much over a dark claw grid, Claws have a bit of a lower droprate compared to the other weapons and it's going to be harder to darm them unless you can reliably MVP Celeste. Try branching out a bit, get your other grids started and buy the claws from the shop with pendants.

Also do join a crew and host as many Magna raids as you can, calling for people to come oneshot them. Magnafest hopefully soon, so it'll all cost half AP and have highet droprates.

The third crew can safely kick accounts 4 and 9 to make space for you (Yoztra and Filtro) and they're fairly chill dudes.

05db42 No.15194451

File: 1427896b5fa854f⋯.png (191.84 KB, 520x347, 520:347, bruh.png)


>granblue is a game

1ec272 No.15194457

File: fb611cb38aa0dda⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 300x562, 150:281, can't argue with that.jpg)

e193e1 No.15194667

File: 89430b9230200d8⋯.png (652.72 KB, 1554x818, 777:409, ClipboardImage.png)

low energy final day

5133ac No.15194833

File: ea4fac251c417f1⋯.png (851.37 KB, 840x600, 7:5, 1532306840390.png)


What got deleted

881b60 No.15194850


You know, the nigger.

1e7c65 No.15194879

File: 8fe4c4651b7a07d⋯.webm (529.38 KB, 510x356, 255:178, jackpot.webm)

37da65 No.15195513



The claw droprate has been nerfed into the ground or it didn't get buffed alongside everything else, so I recommend that instead of going insane repeating Celeste for it, that the interested just buy the two claws a month with renown pendants.

Also, use Zaghnals instead of Spears, they are better.

6a387e No.15195575

File: b9dc2b5cfd56250⋯.jpg (106.93 KB, 590x720, 59:72, 1340158848433.jpg)

>tfw I got Omega Tiamat Claws in an Arcanum chest

So this is what invalidating all that farming feels like.

90556d No.15195643


Most crews have a set rank requirement for entering plus I think unlocking rank 101 stages is very important, so it wasn't all that bad of an idea to rank up.

I'm open for any crew that accepts me in, just a bit lost on what to do from here onward.

d79dd0 No.15195687


Do your hards every day, host a full magna train whenever possible.

1e282b No.15195708


Post your ID so one of the thread crews can pick you up.

7074b3 No.15195723

File: 84b5c21023ea7ec⋯.jpg (107.56 KB, 465x788, 465:788, 1.JPG)

Who else with 5 defeats?

d79dd0 No.15195730

File: 25b3b068cba3f3d⋯.png (217.16 KB, 458x342, 229:171, aw yeah.PNG)


I took home a Sunlight stone, a gold bar and about 3k crystals of bet winnings.

A pretty good GW.

90556d No.15195734



746529 No.15195793


Crew 3 is ready to accept you, we just need to kick 2 dead members which we can't do for the next few hours because of Guild Wars. Once it's over, you're in.

87e276 No.15195795

File: 4b711ce0133cde3⋯.jpeg (127.79 KB, 989x859, 989:859, Ddh0O8kV4AAZGvi.jpeg)

File: ebf70b74e3f3b8b⋯.png (525.25 KB, 650x616, 325:308, 1526555980855.png)

File: e1f691d67065820⋯.jpg (317.18 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, 1526555294463.jpg)

File: 064c2e5fe650773⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 639x889, 639:889, 1524952771698.jpg)

File: b3eec9b0f260b2b⋯.jpg (183.25 KB, 758x1024, 379:512, 1526556766876.jpg)



Sent, welcome to die.

87e276 No.15195801

File: 2bd0bc5c1b7cf22⋯.jpg (234.11 KB, 771x633, 257:211, 2bd0bc5c1b7cf2246666be1e94….jpg)


>omega tiamat claws

90556d No.15195809



I forgot to mention I'm in my own crew so I gotta dismantle it after button appears and then we'll do the thing.

Gives us enough time to see in which crew I end up with.

f79d6b No.15195833

File: 2ed25df39dc8248⋯.png (1.11 MB, 850x1136, 425:568, tactically_superior_loli.png)


>Most crews have a set rank requirement for entering

Only if their tryhard faggots or a reddit crew and unlocking hl raids isn't really that important at all until you get your magna grid ready. The most important thing to be doing is exactly what >>15195687 said. Which is get your base grid and fodder to skill it up.

f79d6b No.15195841

File: 2dba94feb317e94⋯.jpg (127.22 KB, 640x960, 2:3, we_wuz_kangz.jpg)


Crew 6 has done my lazy ass proud, we went from losing in tier c to actually getting a win in tier b. Even the sub 100 ranks pulled in 4-5 million honours and everyone worked together for a laugh and we pulled it off. Not too bad for a casual crew of like 15 people.

87e276 No.15195850

File: 2d347a49b982a91⋯.png (1.05 MB, 720x1040, 9:13, Event of the Year.png)


I'm more proud than I will ever admit for all of the lads in the crew. I'm trying my hardest to act cool over it, but I'm still doing fucking laps around my head on it.

f79d6b No.15195870

File: 9a22218c2f39f1b⋯.webm (589.52 KB, 384x288, 4:3, Q_Provides_Good_Advice.webm)


I'm just so happy I can be a lazy fuck and have others pick my metaphorical cotton fields for me. Just as nature intended.

87e276 No.15195876

File: 81f4153a4399e83⋯.jpg (176.48 KB, 467x467, 1:1, 52769402_p0.jpg)


Just use your newfound powers to help my credit rating.

f79d6b No.15195885

File: 275390a603a09bd⋯.jpg (77.09 KB, 694x544, 347:272, you.jpg)


>credit rating

87e276 No.15195908

File: d8c4b92732c3735⋯.png (1.11 MB, 900x1332, 25:37, 54192998_p0.png)

File: 521dba1c3df32d3⋯.jpg (579.16 KB, 943x911, 943:911, 56811628_p0.jpg)

File: 8a8744c41fa46db⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, 52752914_p7.jpg)

File: 66d55343a58abac⋯.jpg (164.45 KB, 1100x1700, 11:17, 52503355_p0.jpg)

File: 713dd99ba7821ba⋯.jpg (285.22 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 58166823_p0.jpg)


I aint kidding need to buy a pengy.

f79d6b No.15195916

File: d0a8c5c5909eb66⋯.jpg (82.86 KB, 990x990, 1:1, d0a8c5c5909eb66577d88385b8….jpg)


I guess Pengy is a cute.

87e276 No.15195923

File: 5c89937d1bf962a⋯.png (385.89 KB, 589x728, 589:728, 52529045_p0.png)

File: e176c5af85ff81d⋯.png (411.05 KB, 708x1003, 12:17, 52496664_p0.png)

File: 9fd90aabf80a051⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1200x1660, 60:83, 52583507_p0.png)

File: b32bfcc491998c0⋯.jpg (568.51 KB, 680x962, 340:481, 52581055_p0.jpg)

File: 1de29f6e1acc2ba⋯.png (534.19 KB, 542x800, 271:400, 52520189_p0.png)


Indeed she is. The face of the Summer!

746529 No.15195929


Pick Crew 3, we have better taste in waifus and won 4/5 of our Guild War battles this month.

f8ec4e No.15195930


credit rating is a score of how susceptible you are to not knowing how to properly use a line of credit.

You get a higher score for opening lines of credit, taking out massive long term loans, and making minimum payments on massive debt over a long period of time,they make money off of you with interest.

You get a lower score for defaulting on debt, closing lines of credit, and paying off your balance in a timely manner.

The fact that the "credit" trade has lasted so long should tell you how retarded people are.

87e276 No.15195936

File: e1a0fab21c067f4⋯.jpg (260.85 KB, 782x751, 782:751, 01ee7397e14c0d13f2d382ec9b….jpg)


>better taste than Pengy, Balurga and the Sarasafags on the crew.

I won't discuss the 4/5 victories thing, well done, yous guys.


it was a joke, Chaim. Credit will last until the jews get finally gassed.

f79d6b No.15195937

File: b40b4736893ffa6⋯.jpg (30.99 KB, 472x410, 236:205, reading_your_post.jpg)



746529 No.15195949


Sarasa is the only good one.

Pengy is autistic and you might as well love that new Eva girl noone likes or remembers.

Balurga isn't a Draph and therefore inferior.

87e276 No.15195957

File: 325f691af63851e⋯.mp4 (144.38 KB, 478x360, 239:180, Latrice's Laugh.mp4)


most draphs are worse than autistic, some are mentally broken to pieces, others are a disgusting mess and end up trying to beat up children.

also, did they made another eva girl on top of Mari?

746529 No.15195979


Mari is autistic and trash and forgettable and you know it

The best girls are all Draph too, like Camieux.

87e276 No.15195990

File: 0df7907cb74508f⋯.jpg (103.64 KB, 640x775, 128:155, 0df7907cb74508f175adac1299….jpg)


I never said she wasn,t I actually thought they had made YET another dumb shitty stronk female.

746529 No.15195997


Why spend the money to do that when they already have one?

87e276 No.15196000

File: b55614c7ffa69d4⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 331x450, 331:450, JEtP6H6.jpg)


didnt asuka got killed, look Im not an evafag, but heres my mental recap from 12 years ago:

Fanta everything, Asuka then somehow returns, gts killed by shinji, then comes back, gets killed by 12 reptile looking new evas, then new girl comes around, oh and a high school non drama version in between.

746529 No.15196021


Nah fam, what happened was that Shinji's mom became God. The new Eva movies are just Japanese Transformers, noone watches them for the story anymore.

87e276 No.15196032

File: 20492c3179431f0⋯.png (88.57 KB, 516x281, 516:281, AND THEN THERE'S THIS ASSH….png)


I dont even like eva enough to get angry about anything. all I want are more grubble potato girls to love and headpat.

6a296d No.15196203

File: 7bc9170c6ff9426⋯.png (178.85 KB, 600x600, 1:1, DYNj7S8VAAAa0J4.png)


>killed by shinji

>Implying Shinji has the balls to finish the job

It'd be far more believable that someone got clear headed Lyria to kill Dancho than Shinji putting Asuka down.

d79dd0 No.15196240

File: 428d88a99fd0f3b⋯.png (324.71 KB, 586x502, 293:251, twitter recriotment.PNG)


You have to be this much of a nonlifer to join "good" crews. so why bother.

3ad86f No.15196322

File: 8ce445715a69bda⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 392x241, 392:241, 8ce445715a69bda31e74580a71….gif)


>there are people this fucking dedicated to a fucking mobile game

And I thought the people who take pvp seriously in gta online were fucked in the head.

c17bce No.15196337


Why do you think there are so many speedrunning categories and games and subcategories? Everyone deserves to have a world record!

3ad86f No.15196354


>high effort to make a kingdom of dirt


37da65 No.15196593


I wear this crown of pots

Upon my autist's chair

Full of completed raids

I can only despair

Beneath the stains of best completion time

The feelings disappear

You are playing something else

I am still grinding here

62771d No.15196677

File: 7c1ce5fb1bf8a12⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 170.46 KB, 480x400, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

>yfw spent ages with a guild helping me out with my water grid but the game feels so tiring and tedious i can't get back into it

Those first few weeks were so fun too. I even got one of the best characters too pic related

37da65 No.15196690


You can always just play the story and story events casually. There's no reason to burn yourself out.

62771d No.15196746


The game it self just feels so dull though. In my first few weeks it was really cool playing it but now it's like I'll play it for 20 minutes and then stop because the story isn't interesting me.

f8ec4e No.15196775


>In my first few weeks it was really cool playing it but now it's like I'll play it for 20 minutes and then stop because the story isn't interesting me.

You're playing it wrong.

It isn't

<old school turnbased jRPG with a compelling story

it is

<Pokemon: Waifu version

You're not grinding because you want more challenges and higher numbers. You're grinding because you want your waifu to succeed.

If you don't have your waifu of course you don't care about the game.

62771d No.15196819


I have two waifus though, charlotte and pengy.

746529 No.15196879


>a little kid and captain autismo

62771d No.15196900


Take that back right now anon

6a296d No.15196987

File: 27cee67bf8038e1⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 2130x3270, 71:109, 1427249583425.jpg)


>Pokemon: Waifu version

But that's Digimon.

>Grinding in Pokemon


They've gone out of their way to make a cakewalk harder than that game.


More than one waifu will ruin your laifu.

62771d No.15197103


>More than one waifu will ruin your laifu.

what if I had more than 10

6a296d No.15197368

File: 0bd9d73f4fa432a⋯.png (780.26 KB, 1089x835, 1089:835, 1441652653128.png)


You'll be burned at the stake for your heresy. All your porn and games will be used to feed the fire.

e193e1 No.15197426

File: 82e44fe25b45896⋯.png (151.85 KB, 483x180, 161:60, bet.png)

File: f2221aad59090d3⋯.webm (592.57 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Oh my bahamut.webm)

Feels good.



f79d6b No.15197682

File: c58fafcaf4f23d2⋯.jpg (24.44 KB, 486x498, 81:83, 81ae81bbd26e806a9fe79b6402….jpg)


If you don't enjoy the grind then this definitely isn't the game for you.


Kek, this is gold.

90556d No.15197787

File: d1c9346cb84cce2⋯.jpg (180.55 KB, 1226x945, 1226:945, ayylmao.jpg)

Gonna be a long wait but it'll be worth it.

a7bc0a No.15198537

File: 4d24ab18e0bf0ec⋯.png (87.68 KB, 452x329, 452:329, nio uncap acquired.png)

Just in time for GW.

054024 No.15198787

File: 8b9be3a949dff48⋯.png (405.24 KB, 1169x336, 167:48, STOP!.png)

0b6a55 No.15199677


I came back to this game and I'm now the captain of the raven crew. Do I just disband it because I don't see anyway to just leave and join another group. I would feel too bad to delete possibly years worth of work.

d79dd0 No.15199726


>Not burying a dead crew

>Wanting to keep its rotting corpse above ground

tbh I don't even know why it's still in the OP instead of the potato crew which now has a dozen members in it.

e418c6 No.15199730


You can check if the crew still has any active members. Or, maybe if the stats are better than the potato crew you could do a migration.

0b6a55 No.15199748


It would seem that I'm the only active. Guess I should just disband it unless someone from the potato crew wants to take it off my hands.

5133ac No.15199852

File: 616222efc638fec⋯.png (190.09 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Dej_H3cV4AAfCbK.png)


Just disband it, join us in Crew 6 - Potato Lovers feat. The Sarasafags. There weren't years of effort in that ship, don't fret.

746529 No.15199886


Alternatively, you could join crew 3. Which isn't full of people with shit taste.

5133ac No.15199890

File: 05a0f8ca937e6ea⋯.jpg (9.62 KB, 235x215, 47:43, ironpill3.jpg)


Rosettafag and the Candi worshipping aren't good points, lad, unless the dude is into Candi.

386f94 No.15199944


I wouldn't mind being inside Candi

746529 No.15199952


>he takes Candiposting seriously

>implying Rosetta isn't better than midget children

335dc7 No.15200177

File: f1233d94ad3204b⋯.jpg (260.96 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, f1233d94ad3204bfb9f03aadfc….jpg)


Only within a marital union.

Best girl deserves nothing less.

400bbf No.15200264

File: 0db6c99cca04593⋯.png (237.13 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Di18NjhU0AAOZ8u.png)

File: 5151938120d63fe⋯.png (198.16 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Di18kV9VsAAykMT.png)

File: 9d60f68e982e632⋯.png (149.45 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Di17Xu3UYAILD4f.png)

Who else is looking forward to buying the Eternal's summer swimsuits?

e418c6 No.15200290


Sorn is a raging lesbo and not worth it.

Sarasa might be okay if it wasn't for her mismatched footwear. I also think her swimsuit doesn't suit her

Smugman is smug and a man and I won't spend money on that.

5133ac No.15200362

File: 327d02d944ef964⋯.jpg (24.12 KB, 654x477, 218:159, 327d02d944ef9648e27c56fce8….jpg)


Candi is for bullying and reminder >her that the wall will never be built.

6a296d No.15200842

File: 5813cc9ea0ee525⋯.jpg (113.65 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, DX1cMlOVAAAM2fA.jpg)

File: 2992704e23924f8⋯.jpg (114.2 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, DX1cNvTU8AAIZAH.jpg)

File: 339b234e032371e⋯.jpg (113.2 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, DX1cPFmV4AASZZz.jpg)


Years? That guild got made and died in around 3 months.


Lets fuse them.

Hey, does anyone know if Cygames had the event script scrubbed of the memes?

d79dd0 No.15200858

File: 89a845f0b37fae4⋯.png (400.37 KB, 474x476, 237:238, Stale memes.PNG)


nope, same as last year

6a296d No.15200905

File: 158c302d0d13453⋯.jpg (47.85 KB, 626x661, 626:661, DZWxpCIXUAAYPJz.jpg)


Ah,then I can skip through it without missing anything.

f79d6b No.15200912

File: 5704cc881832fd1⋯.jpg (87.06 KB, 800x845, 160:169, potato stack.jpg)


Yeah just skip through I did, at least you still get crystals for doing the chapters which is something for the effort.

7074b3 No.15201049

File: 7b96ce9b8fc8c7b⋯.jpg (37.05 KB, 445x349, 445:349, Capture.JPG)

>no buff to give anymore

ea68e9 No.15201148

File: be4eb3fe33bac78⋯.png (112.57 KB, 465x402, 155:134, Untitled.png)

Some changes in the interface, and some xp buffer

37da65 No.15201783

So, besides Summer Traitor, what else do you guys think we'll see in Biri Biri Electrical Summer Raildex Crossover Confirmed?

The new summer gacha characters?

Three more Eternals?


f79d6b No.15201818

File: 76164947dee24da⋯.png (911.59 KB, 786x720, 131:120, smugou.png)


I would kill for a best girl Kongou character.

Also she doesn't deserve the bulli she gets and deserves her own spinoff

d79dd0 No.15201881


Not a clue, the reveal for it was just Vyrn and Lyria inviting Olivia to Auguste.

We might get some more Pandemonium related characters like a Summer Azazel and a Summer Cerberus or the ones supposed to keep Pandemonium closed, like Luc… Sandalphon, Lucio's head in a jar or even the Archangels.

Or we might just get Uno and the Erune brothers on a vacation so they can release 3 more skins next year.

I mean, it's gotta be either Uno, Quatre and Tien or Niyon, Fif and Okto. there's no other way to split them and Seox will never get a swimsuit.

Or, since it's "Electrical Summer" Summer Alec, Feather, Albert… wow are all the characters that use elettricity fucking male?

Things are not looking good for hetero people.

e193e1 No.15201969

File: 7cfc4ce8a77e5c9⋯.png (167.97 KB, 720x600, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


There's a female character who uses electricity for her electric massages

37da65 No.15201987


>Mina was released in about a month after the Albert event

>It's been one and a half year and nothing about the other two Levin sisters

SSR Summer Levin Sisters a la Diantha and the Idols this year or we're never ever seeing those two ever again.

e193e1 No.15202006


but we need summer orchestra girls a la Diantha. I need summer augusta

4797e6 No.15202113

File: a4b19986424ad1b⋯.jpg (200.33 KB, 720x952, 90:119, _20180724_163717.JPG)

Should I bar the second Fimbul? I ended up buying the third Fimbul in a drunken haze and didn't have enough time to farm up the FLB mats again.

6a387e No.15202169

So, what's the extension people use to instantly join raids? The one I have only works on ID raids and those end in 10 seconds.

7f3528 No.15202505

File: fdd6cdad3a2253a⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 250x188, 125:94, 9T1kgIr.gif)

>Host p.bahamut 3 times in a row

>get 0 horns

I just want my ssr seraphics

37da65 No.15202612


The non-HL horn droprate is pretty bad. At least there's been nothing that needed them since the Seraphic weapons.

d79dd0 No.15204319

e0f272 No.15204412


man is that Viramate page made on purpose to make it seem like it came straight out of the 90's or what?

6a387e No.15204710

File: d9050498c3284f2⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 600x500, 6:5, IMG_20180725_060242.jpg)

Dia looks cute. CUTE!

7074b3 No.15205110

Is it acceptable to use a sunstone to 4* magna summons?

6a387e No.15205120


So, I just install it and it cuts the loading times?

f010f2 No.15205218

File: bcb3421d1eea36a⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 564x564, 1:1, 11b09e89.jpg)


Just when I was testing my Varuna grid with 3 drang balls.

837756 No.15205238


No, you're gonna get those animas while farming for your omega 2 weapons anyway.

d79dd0 No.15205239


You need to set Viramate to recognize APIs in Viramate settings, and remember to reload both the game and the browser page with the raidfinder once you're done. After that, 1 click from the raidfinder list will instantly bring you to the summon selection screen.

9272ff No.15205250

File: 4bf8c6bd776b3f9⋯.jpg (80.67 KB, 728x578, 364:289, 4bf8c6bd776b3f984240f54b10….jpg)

>Maint happens while I'm in the middle of a sidestory

Good thing I was wasting my time doing that dumb bullshit instead of something productive like grinding Urkins.

2b3253 No.15206336

File: 0d1e78535d14591⋯.png (467.71 KB, 413x473, 413:473, Di-W9D1W4AAyWSk.png)

335dc7 No.15206349

File: 0d984de58b70771⋯.jpg (738.18 KB, 1000x900, 10:9, 0d984de58b70771d5e9f961083….jpg)


>summer Scath

>can't draw because I must save for my spark


6a387e No.15206389


Is it gonna be a Legfest? I'd only draw for Summer Scathacha and Grand Io.

78d426 No.15206499


>Summer Olivia

Welp, there goes any hope of me stockpiling crystals.

72f28f No.15206543


I'm only about 50 draws away from my spark. I can only hope I can make it in time to cash in on Summer.

6a387e No.15206552


I think she's the free character, isn't she?

c55315 No.15206635


>Summer Scathacha

Fuck it's real. I've been saying it all year but didn't believe it would happen. Her knight getting a summer gave a slight hope, but still couldn't bring myself to really dream it. Down side is she could be like Song and only be an outfit sold a year later. But even so, I'm happy just to see her again.

b1041c No.15206654


>Summer Scat

>Summer Olivia

>Tfw spark stash already wasted

This is punishment for my weakness

d79dd0 No.15206673

File: 2f80be8b211095c⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 524x600, 131:150, 524px-Description_Bzzt!_Am….jpg)

File: 59f0b687e37d583⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 524x600, 131:150, 524px-Description_Bzzt!_Am….jpg)


Are you planning on buying the skins and the upcoming suptix?

'cause unless they go out of thir way in regards of free gibs, we'll only have one story event, one sidestory and 2 new main story chapters. Story events are usually 6/7 chapters, that's 300 to 350 crystals, add the first time runs on all the special missions, that's another 350, add the achievements, that's 260 more (if you kill the boss 200 times) for a total of 810-860 + 3 tickets. Side stories give a bit less, but still, tou can count at leasr 5 draws from one.

Then there's the 2 new story chapters and as we won't get many crystals out of that, we'll probably get another ticket from clicking on the "town" yellow spots.

So about a dozen rolls plus whatever you get from the daily login.



Stockpile this.

Also underwater arcarum. and LOOK AT THAT 10 PART DRAW TICKET

d79dd0 No.15206679


fuck me I can't type for shit, I'm going to bed

5158eb No.15206693


No wait come back.

6a387e No.15206717


>10 Part Ticket AND a Summer character weapon ticket

I hope they're easy to get. I want my shot at Summer Zooey, Charlotta and Io, dammit.

b3bd13 No.15206723


>Summer Zoi


d79dd0 No.15206745


Summer Zooey is no longer a summer character.

She's a Grand character now.

335dc7 No.15206756

File: 40f611319b33df9⋯.png (37.63 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 40f611319b33df964cc61d9733….png)


Wait a minute.

Summer Olivia joins you for free?

oh shidd


I am so close to my first spark, but I want to draw her badly.

My dick needs the eternal loli dragon.

6a387e No.15206775


Goddammit. Then I'll settle for a loli or a potato.

72f28f No.15206814

File: c2aae85a866bd0a⋯.jpg (28.14 KB, 378x434, 27:31, 1422322072257.jpg)




462d04 No.15206990


Can't wait to get a summer codex. What do you think a codex wears during the summer?

c55315 No.15206998


I have a spark ready, so she's mine if it's not just an outfit.

0b6a55 No.15207029

File: 15b5320eb85c3ac⋯.jpg (16.2 KB, 252x244, 63:61, 1426299615723.jpg)

Alright I can join a group now ID: 18080809

e193e1 No.15207148

File: dab0305c6b0b6ae⋯.png (728.11 KB, 511x737, 511:737, edgelands.png)

the wait is over

78d426 No.15207163

Anyone got the pattern for the new whale island? I'd like that free ticket.

d79dd0 No.15207203

File: 4660b808f5e93c2⋯.png (361.86 KB, 474x465, 158:155, playable when number 526.PNG)

400bbf No.15207314

File: a1dc7b7340bab5c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.65 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180725-161312.png)

>new Loki and Fenrir art

Does Fenrir look kinda sad?

c55315 No.15207360


She's not currently eating a helpless villager alive. She'll cheer up once she can get back to what she loves.

b2e6ce No.15207385

File: c1b1fa5724abcbb⋯.mp4 (9.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 【グランブルーファンタジー】「星の旅人」編PV.mp4)

A slot is open at crew 1. Kikake come back to us

400bbf No.15207408


She can chew on my villager

8a1b1c No.15207417

Why is crew 3's privacy setting on? Crew 1 needs to help crew 3 with their member composition.

6a296d No.15208215

File: ebc6aca9a5bd46f⋯.jpg (260.38 KB, 1418x2006, 709:1003, DaHs-HcV4AAFZxQ.jpg)


>Summer ticket

Walder for all!

37da65 No.15208244


I wish they do the same for Xmas. I already have summer Walder, but I don't have Christmas Walder, Savior of Pinetrees

f010f2 No.15208836

By clicking on the sparkles in the following order, Lyria will find a Premium Draw Ticket

The Edgelands - town

1 Top right (The Eruption)

2 Bottom (Inhabitants at Odds)

3 Middle (Living Atop Ebisu)

4 Top (The Edgelands)

5 Middle (Living Atop Ebisu)

6 Bottom (Inhabitants at Odds)

7 Top right (The Eruption)

a54ad0 No.15208970

File: b231bcf95ad47c2⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 479x486, 479:486, 1526010988397-jp.jpg)

Are we going to get Radio this month end or was the stream the only thing we'll get?

c55315 No.15209816

File: 2773f960543ee82⋯.png (815.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, summer cat.png)

This isn't the summer cat I was expecting, but not going to complain.

02311e No.15211489

File: 5d0eced1ce9cc91⋯.png (313.16 KB, 321x468, 107:156, anon comes back to grind f….png)


I got burnt out during Xeno Vohu and needed a LONG break and now I'm back

I'll try to put in an hour or two everyday so that it doesn't happen again

37da65 No.15211515


Right on time for Summer Biggest and Summer Ilsa.

If you try to play when you don't want to you'll just burn yourself out quicker. Just play when you want to and don't when you don't want to, dude

d79dd0 No.15211534



7310e2 No.15212128

File: 482468c94d21358⋯.jpg (170.87 KB, 882x1210, 441:605, mutt1.jpg)

File: ee63ba48424ff88⋯.jpg (358.74 KB, 1000x1300, 10:13, mutt2.jpg)

Alright whats a good element to use Kaneshige with a magna grid? Intuitively earth's Klinges and katana specialists seem the best match, but I wouldn't mind adopting some cute water mutts either.

My gut says wind kengou with 5* nio should be up there as well. I'm fuckign lost, there is no obvious choice.

37da65 No.15212145

File: 2da8d9fcdd93ade⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 24.57 KB, 280x160, 7:4, Who could be behind this p….jpg)


The logical answer is use Ameno Habakiri in every element

7310e2 No.15212225

File: 704eb8d235c2b5b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 19.83 KB, 450x320, 45:32, b2c048d82c26992ae1191a64dc….jpg)


I ain't no whale. Actually that helped sort it out. Earth because those are the only mats I have on hand

a54ad0 No.15212238


Wind Kaneshige helped me a lot to one shot and farm meats, my recommendation is between wind for all the damage it brings plus a lot of samurai characters for a memeteam, Water if you have Doggo or earth if you have Okto

9b63b3 No.15212739


You guys doing okay over there? Did someone die or something?

02311e No.15213049

File: 72c59080358521f⋯.png (5.12 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp45.png)

63b392 No.15213453


Everything is dead.

d79dd0 No.15213864



>being alive

02311e No.15214116

File: 4d254b95d67f89a⋯.jpg (318.33 KB, 600x480, 5:4, 1455045478091.jpg)



Any of the crews still have an opening?



02311e No.15214246

File: 05770f1a91ef3c7⋯.png (21.44 KB, 331x286, 331:286, 1453673343396.png)

Thanks for having me aboard crew 6

77295a No.15214260

File: 8aaa80bf0f635f3⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 28b5257374bcc2f744f3ef355b….jpg)

462d04 No.15215217

>Xeno Cocytus rerun before GW

>No new Xeno weapon

Guess I'm skipping this round.

37da65 No.15215266


And the next three.

7074b3 No.15215391


They said it long ago that a second weapon is only added the third time.

37da65 No.15215400


But nobody wanted to believe it because it is absolutely retarded. Or what? We'll have to wait until next year for the third reruns? Or we'll go Cocytus > Saggitarius > Cocytus >Saggitarius like when they fucked up the first time?

Point is, this is dumb no matter how you slice and dice it.

d79dd0 No.15215417


Instead of taking into account the amount of reruns, they should have taken in consideration the year we're in.

This year the Xenos get a second weapon. That's it.

5fa58e No.15216906

How the hell do I reroll on Nox? I've tried everything but it keeps putting me back to the first account I made

37da65 No.15216908


This begs the question: Why are you playing in Nox?

5fa58e No.15216918


Because I want to play on an emulator, and don't want to use Chrome. Is there a better emulator than Nox for this?

37da65 No.15216957


You could just use browser alternatives or agent spoofers like the OP suggests.

Emulating this is pretty pointless since I think the app opened the browser anyway or something.

Nox or Memu are the best emulators if you really want to go through with this, though I wouldn't recommend it.

5fa58e No.15216970


That actually helped me. I had to clear out the browser cache as well on Nox. Thanks.

37da65 No.15217001


Well, if it works out for you that's fine.

d79dd0 No.15218184



If you are planning to use Nox for the macros, don't.

You'll get banned.

Also, you won't have access to Viramate and a raidfinder, which are a great help.

Also also, the pokerbot only works on browser.

5fa58e No.15218546


Nah it's not any of that. I'm rerolling for my husbando Albert just to actually try and give it a fair chance this time. Last few times I've tried this game I had like no enjoyment because I had no attachment but after playing Shadowverse a bit I'm hoping that will change.

I know about incognito mode and spoofers and so on so on but honestly it's quicker for me to just download it on nox and clear caches than it is to go through the trouble of spoofers and scripts and such to reroll when I'm not even sure getting Albert would be enough to keep my interest

d79dd0 No.15218611



Why not save yourself the trouble?

Accounts 4 and 6 have him.

If you just want to try the game, leave the passwords as is and eventually either say you're quitting or I'll take the eccount back if you don't login in a month or so.

5fa58e No.15218648


Truth be told I didn't see the accounts. Sure. I'll take either account if that's alright. Whichever would be less valuable since I'm still on the fence about it

d79dd0 No.15218711


It's your choice really. Account 4 got played with a bit, it's like rank 23 and has done a bit of the main story, but it has great characters (mostly waifus though) and summons.

Account 6 is fresh and even if it has a bit less characters but SS Bea, SS Jeanne, Chevira and Naru-nee can carry you, plus you've got Romeo, Batman and Birdbro.

I didn't even notice Account 8 had Albert too. It suffers in fire and wind but its got good teams in all other elements.

I'd suggest to take Account 6 for a spin.

5fa58e No.15218719


I'll take account 6 then. Thanks so much.

d79dd0 No.15218722


Post an e-mail you're comfortable letting anons see then.

d79dd0 No.15218725




Also I know I'm not supposed to check my own dubs, but damn, 3 for 3!

5fa58e No.15218744



Alrighty I've been phoneposting so sorry for the switch back and forth in IDs, Send an email to hellbentfromhell@gmail.com

d79dd0 No.15218784

746529 No.15218880


Account 4 was Yotzra right?

d79dd0 No.15218892

9272ff No.15218999

Has anyone else had a consistent connection error occur when you get the home screen? I'm using Firefox and a user agent spoofer to spoof Chrome.

6a387e No.15219004

I want to fuck Lilele.

76b86a No.15219097


Connection is shit today, it's been lagging constantly for me

9272ff No.15219129


It happens immediately and constantly, and it logs me out too.

76b86a No.15219146


Might be because of the Flooding in Nippon. Water is getting on the servers

76b86a No.15219150


You should join Crew 3, post your ID so we can scout you.

76b86a No.15219155


We have an opening, post your ID

9272ff No.15219595


Nope, it works fine on my phone, but not in my browser. The issue seems to be that I'm using a mobage.jp account, I don't get disconnected when using a dmm account.

76b86a No.15219600


That explains it, I'm using mine mogabr account to connect

8a1b1c No.15219681

File: 4c4f7363768b9d3⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

5fa58e No.15219776


19868016 is my ID I think

76b86a No.15220071


Scouted you, welcome to the Skylords

7074b3 No.15220168



90556d No.15220336

>hur max le 3 row before doing anything

>no cp for 4 row or II extra

Did I get trolled.

9272ff No.15220387


Did you already buy more CP with side-story treasures?

d79dd0 No.15220391


No, you got a whole bunch of useful passive bonusses.

CP comes easily from story events and GWs, or you can straight up buy enough CP for a Row 4 class by spending a gold moon.

76b86a No.15220415


You also get plenty of CP during token events, one of those is coming in 2 days.

462d04 No.15220715

Since the T2 FLB update, how many guitars do I need now in my Titan grid? Can I use two guitars and one thunder instead?

37da65 No.15221407


I'd keep the 4 or 5 Solomon Axe's now that they are even better, but if you want you can trade one or two for Perseus and their HP and keep the enmity from when they were SL10.

Perseus > Tribunal Thunders

462d04 No.15221528


What would be the point of 5 axes when I have two Aks?

f79d6b No.15221591

File: d662c8347796db4⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 791x719, 791:719, 1360643759315.jpg)



Congratulations you now have aids.

Meggido OUGI

d311d3 No.15221950




What would be the point of using Titan when you only have two AKs?

2b0d38 No.15222372

File: 410fa9cc836712c⋯.png (214.31 KB, 521x382, 521:382, 1e2a5bd6aa8773d63caf756604….png)


Not wanting to blow 3000-3500 earth quartz on magna II, Id imagine.

6a387e No.15223818

File: 4840f36941f83aa⋯.jpg (43.23 KB, 600x500, 6:5, DjRJPcRUwAAeLSg.jpg)

Granblue has so many cute girls but always remember that (You) are the best girl.

639ba0 No.15223826

File: 27cd38908619db6⋯.jpg (334.45 KB, 558x1200, 93:200, 60969263_p4_master1200.jpg)


I'm not Karteira though?

I like how all this good artstyle of the Love Live girls change them from arr rook same tier to would bang tier

27fa9e No.15224583

File: 414a27c34332965⋯.jpg (91.32 KB, 679x960, 679:960, skybound vira.jpg)


i'm not vira though

90d723 No.15224648


Vira is the worst girl though

27fa9e No.15224818

File: ed70b2d8a78aa2f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 900x1271, 900:1271, a glimpse of heaven.png)


must be hard being this wrong

90d723 No.15224823


I'm not wrong, all lesbians are trash

90556d No.15225141


>yuel is trash

>socie is trash


90d723 No.15225176


It's true though

And Tweyen and Silva are trash

37da65 No.15225593




But like, all those are bisexual broads, anons.

Except maybe Silva, I don't know about Silva

f010f2 No.15226545

File: 1d34bcc5db4fceb⋯.jpg (418.73 KB, 1409x1983, 1409:1983, 1d34bcc5db4fcebacd27995193….jpg)

File: 42ef4867ec99a79⋯.jpg (198.16 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, 42ef4867ec99a790d2fc2bac60….jpg)

File: da0704fc29bdf8f⋯.jpg (482.05 KB, 1729x1771, 247:253, b66072522008872e08f4ecccca….jpg)

File: 4544ce803bd4f76⋯.jpg (939.98 KB, 1720x2544, 215:318, 3322c56e2257e736471e0441e1….jpg)

There just isn't a single best girl in granblue. Don't even try to say there is.

Each girl should be judged in their own race category and ranked from bottom to top.

This is the real best girl list though

Best Draph girl


Best Erune girl


Best Human girl


Best Harvin girl


Best Primal girl


Best Unknown girl


Honorable mentions:

Aliza, Izmir, Petra, Lennah, Rosetta, Alexiel, Arulumaya, Yuel, Ilsa

72f28f No.15226597


>Best Draph girl


Opinion discarded.

6a296d No.15226844

File: cae58852646d130⋯.webm (300.85 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Smile.webm)


You're taking that smile away from her, Anon.


Disregard the whole list.

e193e1 No.15226949

File: 4f1b38d37188a27⋯.webm (1.57 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Yuel and socie.webm)


Yuel and Socie are great

953703 No.15227383

File: 0fc080c3db8e8fd⋯.jpg (804.75 KB, 1000x941, 1000:941, 0fc080c3db8e8fd151331da626….jpg)




Best at sucking dick, maybe.

7074b3 No.15227570

File: 39f6812e4ab1f55⋯.png (201.81 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ejoreyhohahswew.png)

File: cf8f151aa1e8fed⋯.png (145.62 KB, 600x500, 6:5, fhfrrtdfdjr.png)

File: 9ebc8d5af6708a1⋯.png (177.14 KB, 600x500, 6:5, gggrhrrfssef.png)

File: e9db209ea7675e8⋯.png (146.4 KB, 600x500, 6:5, hghfdghfg.png)

e193e1 No.15227581

File: 27ca0a132e791ca⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

f010f2 No.15227615

File: e0c2a000ad52030⋯.gif (444.94 KB, 500x362, 250:181, e0c2a000ad520301a26a2c8d91….gif)

b1c059 No.15227623



>that ice cream

>that hand gesture

Photoshop soon?

90d723 No.15227631


>swimsuit Feower was real

>my prediction was right


b2e6ce No.15227676

New thread


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