
FAQ - 8kun

  1. What is 8kun?
  2. What is an imageboard?
  3. How is 8kun run?
  4. How do I create a new thread?
  5. How do I reply to a thread?
  6. How do I reply to another poster?
  7. Are there any global rules regarding content?
  8. How do I format my text?
  9. What is sage?
  10. What is a tripcode?
  11. What are these featured boards at the top?
  12. Where is the archive?
  13. What is the best way to contact the 8kun administration?
  14. I am getting infinite CAPTCHAs when I try to post with my VPN. Did you globally ban it or are you not allowing VPNs to post?
  15. I am getting X error when trying to post, am I banned?
  16. I would like to advertise on 8kun.top, is this possible?
  17. I created a board, how do I manage it?
  18. How do I add more volunteers?
  19. How do I post as a Board Owner or Board Volunteer on my board?
  20. Help! My board has been deleted!
  21. I lost ownership of my board, what happened?
  22. Help! The owner of X board is doing something I don't like! Remove him!
  23. My board has been restricted, why is that?
  24. What happens when a board is restricted?
  25. What is read-only mode?
  26. Which websites can be embedded?
  27. Do you have a privacy policy?
  28. Automated Posting

What is 8kun?

8kun is an imageboard running OpenIB. 8kun consists of many different boards, most of which are run by independent Board Owners unrelated to the 8kun administration.

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What is an imageboard?

An imageboard lets you post text and images anonymously (without a name) about any topic - or no topic at all. Unlike forums, imageboards do not hold or store old content permanently and old threads are pruned as new ones are created.

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How is 8kun run?

8kun is a platform that hosts a large selection of imageboards to browse. Most of the individual boards that make up 8kun are maintained by their respective Board Owners, who are not affiliated with the 8kun administration.

The 8kun global staff upholds the 8kun Global Rule and protects it from illegal content and spam. The 8kun administration does not enforce any rules other than the 8kun Global Rule. Any complaints about the content, management, or moderation of a board should be addressed to the Board Owner of said board, unless it violates the laws of the United States of America - because that is where the servers are located - or the 8kun Global Rule.

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How do I create a new thread?

Navigate to the board you would like to post on, fill out the post form, and click on New Thread. On most boards, you are required to upload an image, but, if you do not have one, you can also draw a picture by using the oekaki applet ([Show post options & limits] > Show oekaki applet). No board requires you to provide a name or email address. By clicking on [Show post options & limits], you can also choose a flag (if available on the board where you want to post), embed video links, choose not to bump, and spoiler images.

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How do I reply to a thread?

On 8kun, threads are ordered from newest (top) to oldest (bottom), while replies are ordered from oldest (top) to newest (bottom). To reply to a thread, click on [Reply] on any thread on a board's index page or, from a board's catalog, click on any thread tile. Enter your reply in the Comment field. Once it is posted, your reply will be highlighted in the thread.

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How do I reply to another poster?

Click on the number of the post you wish to reply to. A Quick Reply box will pop up automatically, prepopulated with the post number you are replying to. Enter your reply under the post number and click on New Reply. When someone replies to you, you will see (You) after the post number as a hint.

If you wish to delete a post you made or an image you posted, you can do so by clicking on the triangle on the left side of your post. Board Owners may disable self-deletion, so it might not always be an option.

You can also report, hide, or filter other posts by clicking on the triangle.

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Are there any global rules regarding content?

Only one:

Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the purpose of posting or spreading such content.

Other than that, you are free to make whatever rules you want on your board.

For more information about the Dost test, please click here.

In short, the 8kun administration does not tolerate images of real children and Global Volunteers will treat such content as either child pornography or a Dost violation. Such content will be deleted and the IP address that posted it will be banned permanently.

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How do I format my text?

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What is sage?

Users may reply to threads without bumping them to the top of the index or the catalog by entering sage in the email field or checking the Do not bump box in the reply window (Show post options & limits > Options > Do not bump).

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What is a tripcode?

Most posts on 8kun are made anonymously, but this is not the only way to post. The Name field can be used to establish identity as follows:

  1. By simply entering a name in the Name field. This is not secure, since any other poster is able to use the same name;
  2. By entering one # character and a password in the Name field. Adding #example to the Name field would generate !KtW6XcghiY. This is reasonably secure - however, with increasing GPU speeds, these tripcodes may be cracked in a few days by a dedicated attacker;
  3. By entering two # characters and a password in the Name field. Adding ##example to the Name field would generate !!Dz.MSNRw9M. This is quite secure, but it relies on a secret salt on the server. This means the code will not work on websites other than 8kun;
  4. By entering three # characters and a password in the Name field. Adding ###example to the Name field would generate !!!MWI3NjdmMDQ0NmQ3. These are called supersecure tripcodes;
  5. Board Owners and their volunteers may capcode by entering ## Board Owner or ## Board Volunteer in the Name field, depending on their respective positions.

Please note: on 8kun, Board Owners may disable the Name field by clicking on Settings and checking the Forced anonymous box. Additionally, users are able to anonymize all posts on any 8kun board by clicking on [Options] (top-right corner) and checking the Forced anonymity box under General.

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What are these featured boards at the top?

There are three different lists that may be displayed at the top (from left to right):

  1. Trending Boards: /dir/ (8kun's directory) plus eight boards periodically selected by an algorithm;
  2. Top Boards: these are the top 25 boards on 8kun according to the number of active users, that is, the number of /16 subnet ranges to post on any given board in the last 72 hours;
  3. Personal Favorite Boards: users may create a list of their favorite boards by clicking on the star icon next to a board's name.

All lists are optional. You may disable the Trending Boards and Top Boards lists by clicking on [Options] and unchecking either the Show top boards box or the Show trending boards box or both. By default, only the Trending Boards list will be displayed.

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Where is the archive?

8kun has a first-party archive. It only archives threads that are automatically pruned from a board's catalog, that is, no deleted threads or posts are ever archived. Users may find the link to a board's archive on said board's index page or catalog. Each board has its own separate archive, which, in turn, categorizes archived threads by year, month, and week of creation. Currently, the 8kun archive has no search function and users cannot post in archived threads.

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What is the best way to contact the 8kun administration?

Definitely not IRC. You may reach the 8kun Administrator by sending an email to admin@isitwetyet.com (backup: admin@isitwetyet.com).

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I am getting infinite CAPTCHAs when I try to post with my VPN. Did you globally ban it or are you not allowing VPNs to post?

The use of VPNs is allowed on all boards. Unlike Tor posting, Board Owners cannot opt out of posting through VPNs. However, Board Owners and their volunteers might ban some VPNs unknowingly, since they cannot see raw IPs, only hashed IP addresses. If your VPN has been banned, a ban message will be displayed and you may appeal the ban.

If you receive infinite CAPTCHAs without being able to post after switching to a VPN, restart your browser and try again.

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I am getting X error when trying to post, am I banned?

Likely not. If you are banned, you should see a ban page telling you that you are.

If you get an error, something went wrong. You can report the error you are getting by sending an email to admin@isitwetyet.com (backup: admin@isitwetyet.com).

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I would like to advertise on 8kun.top. Is this possible?

Yes, please email ads@isitwetyet.com if you wish to advertise or if you have any questions.

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I created a board. How do I manage it?

Click on the gear icon in the top bar or the manage board link on 8kun's front page to reach the login or dashboard page.

There, you have access to the noticeboard (messages from the 8kun administration), your personal inbox, the report queue, the board-specific ban list, the ban appeals (if any) for the Board Owner and / or Board Volunteers, a page where you can edit your profile, and the recent board-specific posts.

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How do I add more volunteers?

If you are a Board Owner, go to your board settings and click on Edit board volunteers. Then, add a username and a password for the Board Volunteer account you wish to create.

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How do I post as a Board Owner or Board Volunteer on my board?

Make sure you are using the Board Owner or Board Volunteer interface to view your board. The URL of your browser should be https://8kun.top/mod.php?/ .

If you are the Board Owner, enter ## Board Owner in the Name field.

If you are a Board Volunteer on the board, enter ## Board Volunteer in the Name field. Create your post and click on New Reply. It will appear with your capcode.

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Help! My board has been deleted!

On 8kun, any board may be automatically deleted if it receives no new posts for four (4) weeks. A board may also be deleted, blocked, or banned by the 8kun Administrator if the board is found to have been allowing and / or encouraging illegal content under United States law, per the 8kun Global Rule.

Alternatively, at the discretion of the 8kun administration and in compliance with promises made to the United States House Committee on Homeland Security in 2019, the board in question may be set to read-only mode or restricted by the 8kun Administrator during an emergency.

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I lost ownership of my board. What happened?

You may lose access to your board if you fail to log in for two weeks. Furthermore, you may lose access to your board if it is reassigned as a result of noncompliance with one of the conditions for board reassignment.

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Help! The owner of X board is doing something I don't like! Remove him!

If the Board Owner is not doing anything illegal, the 8kun administration cannot and will not help you. The 8kun administration does not dictate how Board Owners or their volunteers should manage their boards.

However, a few conditions must be met:

  1. The Board Owner must not allow illegal content to be posted on his or her board;
  2. The Board Owner must not state in his or her board's rules that the 8kun global rule does not apply;
  3. The Board Owner must not blanket-ban large swaths of IP ranges;
  4. The Board Owner must not make it impossible to post on his or her board, either by locking all or most threads and / or deleting all or most threads or posts;
  5. The Board Owner must not implement CSS that makes it impossible to post;
  6. The Board Owner must not squat in a board for the purpose of redirecting users from 8kun to a different website. Please note: creating a bunker in case of primary-website malfunction / downtime is fine, provided all of the above are complied with.

If the Board Owner fails to comply with any of the above, you may report the board to the 8kun Administration by sending an email to admin@isitwetyet.com (backup: admin@isitwetyet.com). The board will then be eligible for reassignment, at the discretion of the 8kun administration.

For a list of boards that are available for claim, click here.

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My board has been restricted, why is that?

Your board will be restricted by the 8kun administration if you allow illegal content on your board or in some way neglect your moderation duties. If no moderation is done on your board for two weeks and your board's reports are not being taken care of, your board may be restricted regardless of your account's login activity as Board Owner.

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What happens when a board is restricted?

On 8kun, before deleting, blocking, or banning a board, the 8kun Administrator may choose to restrict it as a warning. On a restricted board, users are not able to post or view images, post through Tor, or link to other websites. Furthermore, the board is unindexed and CAPTCHA per post is enabled. This restricted status may or may not be removed later, at the discretion of the 8kun administration.

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What is read-only mode?

On 8kun, specific boards or the entire website will be set to read-only mode in the event of an emergency, including, but not limited to, posts that announce imminent lawless action that is ultimately consummated. When read-only mode is enabled, users will be unable to post.

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Which websites can be embedded?

If the board has embedding enabled, users can currently embed the following: youtube.com, tora3.com, xhamster.com, vid.me, thegoldwater.com, redtube.com, pornhub.com, vimeo.com, tube8.com, xvideos.com, youjizz.com, twitch.tv, dailymotion.com, vaughnlive.tv, liveleak.com, nicovideo.jp, streamable.com, soundcloud.com, xaniatube.com, vlive.tv, vocaroo.com, hooktube.com, and smashcast.tv.

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Do you have a privacy policy?

Find it here.

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Automated Posting

Automated posting is not allowed and will result in a ban.

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