Shills just like to say 8kun is dead for their usual reasons.
We follow the first amendment on 8kun, which has five parts.
Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to redress grievances.
Suppose your posts are continually deleted. they may not be protected by freedom of speech. The usual types of posts which are not protected are advertising posts, posts that advocate violence, and posts that don't pass the dost test.
These are not the only posts that are not protected, but they do make up most of them.
If your post is within the advertising threshold, don't hesitate to contact 8kun about purchasing advertising if your post is one of the other categories. Please leave immediately. You are not welcome here.
Some folks imagine that each board and chat is free for all, and anything can be posted in it. That is not the case either.
There is a place for each thing, and if you can't find a place for what you want to say. Please make a new board just for your posts. Perhaps other people will have an interest in them. These boards and chats are all listed on the front of the website for easy access. This includes some with quite awful names. Please make sure your content is not against the law in the United States. This is our most important rule on
BOs and BVs, please pay attention to this and note it. If the content does not belong on your board, you know that. The poster can find the board where it belongs. It is not the obligation of the BO or the BV to find the appropriate board for the poster. If that poster is posting random stuff, the post should be random, not on your board.
These examples should help you moderate the website and protect it from illegal content. Even though this doesn't cover all Global Rule violations, these are the most common bannable offenses on the site.
- Basically, anything that harms an animal for the sake of a fetish (this includes real-life vore). This DOES NOT include veterinary or medical footage, exterminator footage, or cartoons.
- Ban reason: "Public Law 111-294 - Animal crush video"
- Ban length: PERMANENT
- Any sexualized visual representation of a real child or minor, on ANY board, must be deleted and the user must be permanently banned from all boards. This, of course, includes actual child pornography.
- Ban reason: "Dost violation", "Dost" or "Dost failure"; if child pornography, "CP" should cover it.
- Ban length: PERMANENT
- Any obscene visual representation or visual depiction of a child or minor ("including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting"), on ANY board, must be deleted and the user must be permanently banned from all boards. In order to determine whether or not content is obscene, please refer to the Miller test. Alternatively, see this flowchart.
- Ban reason: "18 U.S. Code § 1466A - Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children"
- Ban length: PERMANENT
- Screenshots of or written Social Security numbers, driver's licenses, passports, or any other government-issued identification must be deleted and the user must be permanently banned from all boards. It doesn't matter if the numbers or screenshots are fake.
- Ban reason: "18 US Code § 1028 - Government-issued identification document"
- Ban length: PERMANENT
- Posting any credit card numbers, either real or fake, even as a joke, are grounds for a permanent ban from all boards. The post must be deleted as well.
- Ban reason: "15 U.S. Code § 1644 - Fraudulent use of credit cards"
- Ban length: PERMANENT
- Posting any medical records, either real or fake, even as a joke, are grounds for a permanent ban from all boards as they count as personally identifiable information (or protected health information). The post must be deleted as well.
- Ban reason: "Medical records" or "Protected health information."
- Ban length: PERMANENT
- Posting the restricted personal information of public officials are grounds for a permanent ban from all boards. The post must be deleted as well. If the post happens through Tor, delete the post, but do not ban Tor globally as other innocent users might need to use it.
- Ban reason: "18 U.S. Code § 119 - Restricted personal information of public officials"
- Ban length: PERMANENT
- Any threat of violence, for or without pay, are grounds for a permanent ban from all boards. The post must be deleted as well.
- Ban reason: "18 U.S. Code § 875(c) - Interstate communications" (if the user is the one making the threat of violence) or "18 U.S. Code § 373 - Solicitation to commit a crime of violence" (if the user is asking someone else to commit a crime of violence)
- Ban length: PERMANENT
- Any posts, media, or links concerning the sale, trade, sharing, or transmission or any plans to sell, trade, share, and/or transmit any drugs, devices, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, reagents, and / or hazardous substances, in any form, must be banned permanently and deleted.
- Ban reason: "Public Law 91-513 - Controlled Substances Act" or "15. U.S. Code § 1263(a) - Introduction of misbranded or banned hazardous substances into interstate commerce" or "21 U.S. Code § 333 - Introduction of misbranded or adulterated drug or device into interstate commerce" or "15 U.S. Code § 2068 - Sale, manufacture, distribution, or import of a consumer product or other product that is not in conformity with consumer-product-safety regulations"
- Ban length: PERMANENT
- Any posts, media, or links concerning the sale, trade, sharing, or transmission or any plans to sell, trade, share, and/or transmit biological / infectious agents, in any form, must be banned permanently and deleted. Furthermore, any posts, media, or links concerning the purposeful exposure and / or infection of specific individuals and / or the general public with any biological / infectious agents, in any form, must be banned permanently and deleted.
- Ban reason: "18 U.S. Code § 175 - Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons" or "18 U.S. Code § 2332a - Use of weapons of mass destruction" or "18 U.S. Code § 1038 - False information and hoaxes regarding biological weapons"
- Ban length: PERMANENT
The mere act of LINKING or REQUESTING illegal content is a bannable offense. If you know the content is illegal, but you are unsure about the reason, please use the global rule as the ban reason:
"Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the purpose of posting or spreading such content."
Do not edit posts as you become legally liable as the one who posted the content (because it counts as a repost). You don't want to be liable for someone else's posts.
Do not sticky anything.
If you believe you are biased about a certain issue, recuse yourself and leave the report up for someone else to take care of it (unless it's illegal content, in which case remove it as soon as possible).