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File: 6f65271d7ac2975⋯.jpg (174.02 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, DjWFUu_VsAANAv-.jpg)

6a03c9 No.15227672



July Event Schedule

06/30~07/08 - Together in Song

070/9~07/15 - Rise of the Beasts

07/16~7/23 - Unite and Fight (wind favored/earth bosses)

07/24~07/30 - Poacher's Day (rerun)

07/31~08/08 - Bzzt! Amped-Up Summer


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

6a03c9 No.15227675

News for the upcoming event


9cae13 No.15227704

File: 2bd0bc5c1b7cf22⋯.jpg (234.11 KB, 771x633, 257:211, 2bd0bc5c1b7cf2246666be1e94….jpg)

File: bc53db6d78e2eda⋯.jpg (167.08 KB, 1054x1080, 527:540, bc53db6d78e2edab4603a367b5….jpg)

File: a9a1cd87479c21d⋯.gif (638.75 KB, 600x600, 1:1, a1082f11c44bd55f697b53d06a….gif)

File: 721243913978f0f⋯.png (89.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 721243913978f0ffcabafa4601….png)

Playable merchant when?

4efeea No.15227755

File: b825135766d3a40⋯.png (41.17 KB, 1065x371, 1065:371, Screenshot_2018-07-30-13-3….png)


Merchant has always been playable as a trial character

63f668 No.15227996

Can I ask why is this gachashit so fucking popular? I've played my fair share and this doesn't seem any different.

d52bfc No.15228020

File: 2670f616c8beb3b⋯.jpg (458.63 KB, 1600x1238, 800:619, 3ca6fce59acd13047aff9aab3d….jpg)


.jpegs of girls.

7ca27d No.15228039

File: af50909f74cc7f3⋯.webm (15.94 MB, 484x272, 121:68, Granblue Fantasy Event Ch….webm)


Besides the cowtits race, I like this game because they do a story event every month and continue the main story every ~2 months. I like constant story content.

b69d0f No.15228123

File: 7e68a6f2bda9ec1⋯.png (867.6 KB, 800x520, 20:13, Dcg6nEZU0AADlcd.png)

File: bbd2e51d1bdaaca⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 751x599, 751:599, DN21EJIVoAIiFJM.jpg)

File: a878a33cc90b192⋯.jpg (202.65 KB, 1200x880, 15:11, CxnXUgsVIAAoYfH.jpg)

File: 353f10f672c28c1⋯.jpg (96.11 KB, 700x700, 1:1, DWfC3jIUMAA3AK4.jpg)

File: a422d096594610a⋯.jpg (105.25 KB, 845x1200, 169:240, DV15p9vVMAIEDmj.jpg)

I've noticed there is now a FF14/Granblue or cygames art style going on heavily now with many jap artist.

3a4f5b No.15228278

File: c2383bb4575cb3f⋯.jpg (28.27 KB, 196x408, 49:102, DjWpxzmVsAApCZx.jpg)

File: bea01a88a873e78⋯.jpg (29.93 KB, 196x408, 49:102, DjWo676VsAEPnGR.jpg)

File: dd893d54b715c5d⋯.jpg (32.1 KB, 196x408, 49:102, DjWo8CIUYAA-wbA.jpg)

This legfest:

e2b1c0 No.15228295


Are there any summers missing after this?

3a4f5b No.15228327

File: 6478a74d85c6bbc⋯.png (300.57 KB, 1189x720, 1189:720, AltRace Final Score.PNG)

File: 27b24f82a752d86⋯.png (60.04 KB, 1593x575, 1593:575, Anniversary Final.PNG)

File: 92b0028e3aa929b⋯.png (45.5 KB, 1475x508, 1475:508, 20m final.PNG)

File: ee34272b43b756a⋯.png (13.88 KB, 1355x210, 271:42, 06 golden week final.PNG)

Also, there's apparently going to be more free rolls this magnafest, and I'll probably be doing another "Alts Race" thing. I need Accounts 2, 6, 7 and 10 to let me know if they want to participate. (All you need to do is let me know is and what SSRs you pull).


The announced ones were Rosetta and Ilsa. Naoise is apparently the event-related SSR so not a clue. We might get Summer Scatacha or more summer characters that appear in the event.

6b0a10 No.15228355


>Naoise is apparently the event-related SSR so not a clue.

The lolicon knight was announced during the stream with Rosetta and Ilsa dude

3a4f5b No.15228397

File: 00ee3e71a0d314f⋯.png (673.46 KB, 435x904, 435:904, new water ssr.PNG)

Summer Orchis?


e2b1c0 No.15228400

File: 27f316b999037a9⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 1726x1378, 863:689, loli dragon erune and knig….jpg)


I just want to see them together.

e2b1c0 No.15228477

File: 4f395245c7d6c40⋯.png (241.02 KB, 631x462, 631:462, old people.png)

Are these two talking about how they're both old?

3a4f5b No.15228547


Old? She's 28, that's not old…

be6683 No.15228562


I feel pretty old.

850c24 No.15228564


They'll probably release more.

Summer Diantha also came out of left field a couple of weeks after legfest last summer.

Also we still need our yearly SSR Summer Draph

4f8c7e No.15228575

File: ad16af1955d47b6⋯.jpg (75.88 KB, 463x699, 463:699, Capture.JPG)

>you thought you could get away with it?

>too bad, we're taking back everything

7deafb No.15228744


I was hoping it was a free Summer draw.

7c996b No.15228762

File: 07c13a80e35440b⋯.jpg (14.07 KB, 235x228, 235:228, DBdi5P0VwAM_VRF.jpg)


>Scats gets released long before Ilsa

>Illsa gets a second character first


Which character will be the Repoman?

be6683 No.15228782

File: cf3079f22e25cc1⋯.jpg (326.18 KB, 791x1200, 791:1200, 55129979_p0_master1200.jpg)


>Which character will be the Repoman?

309991 No.15228848

File: 83dcbfbbd708f46⋯.png (1.12 MB, 776x980, 194:245, narumeia draph 1.png)

post big tiddy midgets

45f355 No.15229215

File: f87bad21860deb8⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1600x1126, 800:563, f87bad21860deb849b2f74cc34….png)


Love those nips staying up until 3 in the morning making lewds.

01aa53 No.15229778

File: 63979091166ced9⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Dh_iKYjUYAMPBuu.jpg)

File: 1cfcc1c7692e6a4⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Dh_icDUV4AA4apG.jpg)

File: ecbc3302fc84617⋯.jpg (116.24 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, DiIUD50UYAAu1rp.jpg)

File: 991dc78e66a97bd⋯.jpg (142.34 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, DiJCaCzV4AAT7Z6.jpg)

01aa53 No.15229791

File: dbc380d13baea44⋯.jpg (197.4 KB, 1200x901, 1200:901, DjW3dbRVsAErY-p.jpg)

File: 70bed08e25a71de⋯.jpg (137.12 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, DiJJ_dQUcAAyBKC.jpg)

Doesn't get any shorter than this.

5cd742 No.15229885

>Summer Tien

Please stop. My dick can only get so erect.

2f7daf No.15229945

File: d6bdd7a146fe986⋯.png (699.13 KB, 1778x1108, 889:554, massive tiddie midget.png)


Thy will be done.

eb8097 No.15229956


>Giant crotch in the background

309991 No.15230261


I'd smash my dick against her midget womb I'd you know what I mean.

16b746 No.15230274

File: fb6df0595556d13⋯.png (90.43 KB, 455x308, 65:44, Why Levi..PNG)

But, I'm a Varunalord.

45f355 No.15230279


I can't believe I'm being out-luckshitted.

7ca27d No.15230333

File: 22ee4ce8ccedf36⋯.png (1.17 MB, 700x1016, 175:254, ClipboardImage.png)

What if fenrir was a girl?

0d3d71 No.15230338

File: 3f30d094636ff2e⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 600x900, 2:3, ySdEqAS_d.jpg)


>Summer Riruru

I wake up. Finally some good calls from Kikegames.

2d875f No.15230923


God bless the nips, I really enjoy this artstyle.

06a1f5 No.15231079

SUMMER VERSIONS OF SUMMONS. And you'd think you've seen everything by now.

33d256 No.15231114


>Free 10 rolls

>Daily crystals

>1.5x RP/EXP

>1/2 off Main Quests, Special Quests, and Free Quests

>All Rotating Showdowns will be available

>Half off treasures to host certain raids

>Double pendant cap and additional 1.2x pendants

>Double journey drops

>Double Arcanum tickets

16b746 No.15231116

File: 9316aadda00c53d⋯.png (645.99 KB, 474x794, 237:397, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like they are putting Arcarum content to good use now.

4f8c7e No.15231135

File: 14ffcd3118981df⋯.jpg (63.43 KB, 486x459, 18:17, Capture.JPG)

024aa0 No.15231226


Every time I say the words "Summer Macula Marius" in succession, I keep thinking I'm gonna have a fucking stroke.

b69d0f No.15231232


I agree.

de8cab No.15231290


How have I not seen this art yet?

6a03c9 No.15231313

August Event Schedule

07/31~08/08 - Bzzt! Amped-Up Summer

08/09~08/21 - Love Live Sunshine Collaboration

08/17~08/23 - Xeno Cocytus

08/23~08/30 - Water Favored Unite and Fight

08/31~09/09 - New Event Scenario

0d3d71 No.15231357

File: 53c8702ff2c8666⋯.jpeg (121.75 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DjZvo0TVAAACNAf.jpeg)


Dick status: MUH

4efeea No.15231359

File: eac538d6bfbc2ba⋯.png (271.15 KB, 1060x1166, 10:11, Screenshot_2018-07-31-06-0….png)


7deafb No.15231481


I'm so glad I got her. Now I can have an idol for danchou to fuck every night.

4efeea No.15231496

File: 18d48e27dbc23da⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1061x1180, 1061:1180, Screenshot_2018-07-31-07-3….png)

Don't fuck with Danchou's toys

7deafb No.15231766


Please be guaranteed SSR rolls.

9cae13 No.15231835


Hello, police?

7ca27d No.15232122

File: 0e57a58a9e5aa42⋯.png (1.38 MB, 960x661, 960:661, ClipboardImage.png)

df2d75 No.15232350

File: 550d5d03abcf7a8⋯.jpg (180.61 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 61054377_p0.jpg)

File: 98f9670fc221eec⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1654x2320, 827:1160, 56426092_p0.png)

File: de7ad1c79bdd609⋯.jpg (146.86 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 54800346_p0.jpg)


Fug da bolis :DDDDDDD

7ca27d No.15232593

File: 967dc641ce3b420⋯.png (39.46 KB, 167x149, 167:149, Spark.png)

>ready to spark after so long

>489 sparks

>Have to wait 4 days for the 260 spark value.

I'm so close but so far

4f8c7e No.15232688

File: 53303de6683d3e0⋯.jpg (81.33 KB, 497x503, 497:503, 1.JPG)

File: 76beb1863ee2817⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 497x428, 497:428, 2.JPG)

e2b1c0 No.15232828

File: b10e4fc910dec51⋯.png (552.44 KB, 1002x445, 1002:445, stars.png)

File: e8b60c5f2e9822c⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, seafood cat.jpg)

9k crystals later and cat is life.

fc4302 No.15232871

File: a5420486aeeb80b⋯.png (342.68 KB, 720x715, 144:143, 48374698237234895689732645….png)

Starts event.

Within ten seconds read "that's pretty woke".

Skipping this entire badly translated soy drenched fucking joke of a story.

5b3b63 No.15232881

File: fdc3dc5e628eeca⋯.jpg (218.09 KB, 850x1207, 50:71, 20180729.jpg)

File: d10660f4782f8a4⋯.jpg (249.21 KB, 750x1028, 375:514, 20180730.jpg)


01aa53 No.15232884


You saved yourself a TON of shit.

From "Jungle normalfags" to "Ermagerd" to "Dudebros" "fams" "brofams" and "Winner winner Eal Dinner!".

It could have been an enjoyable event, but the nigger cats ruin everything once more.

fc4302 No.15232888

File: f2987f98e602be6⋯.png (209.29 KB, 732x692, 183:173, dd3031f00620b1defc8a5a053e….png)


I'm literally annoyed just reading those words on your post. Thanks for the heads up, I feel no regret skipping this bullshit.

ea0bd7 No.15232981




>giving potatos big taters


e2b1c0 No.15232999

File: cc241c0b60f06f7⋯.png (665.58 KB, 619x583, 619:583, not good.png)

df2d75 No.15233001


You forgot brewskis, brewchacho.


But Riruru is the Tater with the biggest Harvin breasts. It's canon.

59833b No.15233027

File: a66932ea6a2fb40⋯.jpg (72.22 KB, 736x613, 736:613, 2652b3deb3e111b556d03d5b1e….jpg)


owner for account 10 here. I haven't done any rolls (saving for a spark). But I did just get the event 10 part draw ticket but i'm thinking of sitting on it for awhile.

the account is coming along rank 55 now. The water grid is about as good as its going to be until i get more dagger drops.

the rest are a mess atm. they are serviceable just not done I'm working on them. earth is next to get the daily farm treatment. I got 4 SSR ygg summons in a row from joining raids.

2e964c No.15233058

Are summer characters better or worse than their standard counterparts? Characters like Summer Carren and Summer Olivia strike me as premium stuff but they just give them out for free.

01aa53 No.15233079

File: db8644bfde3873a⋯.png (308.13 KB, 578x437, 578:437, free rolls.PNG)

File: 1a65b74a6807100⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1285x919, 1285:919, Month 1.png)

File: 627e7b427f38731⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1350x925, 54:37, Month 3.png)

File: 39ba0b4553ca7a8⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1162x871, 1162:871, Month 9 - Beginning.png)


>saving for a spark

Great choice there, and yeah, sit on that 10roll as it counts towards the spark.

The rolls I'm talking about are the free 10 rolls we're getting starting tomorrow, it's gonna be 12 days of free 10 draws and I'll be rolling on all the other free alts.

Either let me know in here or post 'em to me as a private message.

As for your progression, I used to do pic related to help me look at obvious holes and put my priorities in order.

e2b1c0 No.15233133

They're gonna drop the price of the summer character tickets soon.

4f8c7e No.15233140

File: d712c664616c7a1⋯.jpg (79.9 KB, 492x677, 492:677, 1.JPG)

>first ticket gave R Summer Mary


Welp. Gonna hope they refund if you already bought one.

7c996b No.15233160

File: 19242668567ed92⋯.jpg (119.99 KB, 509x745, 509:745, DIYay_QUQAAQesg.jpg)


I wanna shoot the person who got "Nom" as an eating sfx, going.




Why does this keep happening with Summer events? Is there a ton of Japanese memes and they're just terrible replacements or is it because Sanfran translators are super cheap during summer vacation?


Think it was the ones before last Summers new characters that were inferior to their original forms except Bea and Zooey but the ones after have been better or on par.

59833b No.15233163


Good to know. I missed that bit of information somehow. I will post what SSR characters if any i pull for science then.

7deafb No.15233179


Good. 300 was a bit too steep. 800 for the 10-part is fine but if they drop it to 500 I'm not gonna complain.

a08846 No.15233207


Anon, it's only the first that's 300. the second and third are 600 and 900.

Getting two was a mistake.

7deafb No.15233604


That's awful.

7c996b No.15233784

File: d99157e6dacff87⋯.jpg (148.36 KB, 1100x1295, 220:259, DLEIhsjV4AA7sl8.jpg)



That's what I get for totally ignoring Light.

01aa53 No.15233864

File: 7d8b4ffbe39fe3b⋯.png (642.47 KB, 480x628, 120:157, Damn girl.PNG)

Sure, I'll use a tier 2 ring on her…

aa3a20 No.15233880

File: 33ae1f53120cc12⋯.png (230.89 KB, 439x324, 439:324, 12310114072018.png)

Did 80 draws and got this bunch here. Not sure if it's a good haul though

ada6a7 No.15233886


Vajra is good.

16b746 No.15234101

File: 3b571baadcfdadf⋯.png (446.97 KB, 476x573, 476:573, Goldmoon.PNG)

File: 2994c289dc30d2e⋯.png (33.11 KB, 329x112, 47:16, NoSparksNeeded.PNG)

Adding a third Murgleis from free draws to my harem, I won't know what to do if I get a 4th one.

4f8c7e No.15234106

File: afbb6a891781c60⋯.jpg (67.68 KB, 497x835, 497:835, 1.JPG)

File: 31925e7cf29ff66⋯.jpg (83.32 KB, 504x659, 504:659, 2.JPG)

Starting with Vampy-chan for me (and 1000cp)

de8cab No.15234150

File: 0388cb78fb44d0d⋯.png (660.42 KB, 478x692, 239:346, chevsword.PNG)

What bonus did you all get?

ada6a7 No.15234155


Holy shit, this a thing.

e2b1c0 No.15234179

File: cf8e3498a6f3a79⋯.png (713.88 KB, 646x856, 323:428, stuff.png)

Not a bad start, extra prize was some coins.

01aa53 No.15234197

File: a72b9719940072a⋯.png (535.11 KB, 479x633, 479:633, dups.PNG)

Fucking second gurugamesh and THIRD FUCKING GRIMNIR


8c7309 No.15234225

File: d8f49990a992999⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 460.59 KB, 633x837, 211:279, elixirs.PNG)

Just posting this here for a certain someone to see.

6a03c9 No.15234305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yukata Arulumaya?

ea0bd7 No.15234375

File: 3bcee36fad7f8e2⋯.jpg (81.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mpv-shot0055.jpg)


Even if it does fit her character

<yukata instead of a slingshot bikini or anything lewd

Aratato deserves better.

7deafb No.15234422

>Summer Lilele's Fate Episodes deal with one of the bad things that happen in the idol industry

>The Love Live event is next week

How ironic.

1574dc No.15234517

File: d45001c0f9086e0⋯.png (468.93 KB, 483x656, 483:656, GBF_2018-08-01_free_01.png)

A nice start.

and I got CP for the blue chest.

fc4302 No.15234604

File: 8407172a6931d54⋯.webm (3.93 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Apocalypse Theme.webm)

I've gotten dick all, oh and summer walder.

4f8c7e No.15235592

File: 2a7c50db74e3f7e⋯.jpg (69.16 KB, 481x698, 481:698, Capture.JPG)

>second ticket

>not only it's a R, but it's not even a cute girl

e2b1c0 No.15235653

File: eeae565e57d8339⋯.png (223.19 KB, 600x500, 6:5, zoe.png)

Fucking robots man.

7deafb No.15235669


And to make it worse they're the reason why this event's writing is awful.

9cae13 No.15235734

File: 02f850fd13951b3⋯.jpg (101.04 KB, 768x1058, 384:529, 39ac9ce6.jpg)

When do we get the best idol?

7deafb No.15235755


Part 2 or she's a surprise for the challenge quest.

If she's not Light element I'd be mad.

7ca27d No.15235875

File: 877571ef61a91be⋯.png (301.85 KB, 599x423, 599:423, cafe.png)



Grea's event will be added to the sidestories this month.

This GW will be the first to have 4 rounds with the last (5th) day being a challenge coop boss.

>The boss is light, so build up your dark grids too.

>You can only challenge the boss once in the day.

>Only Guildmates can join.

>It will scale in difficulty based on your crews rank that GW.

>It gives more loot the higher in difficulty it is

>Loot is also based on your personal rank as well as the crew rank

>Even if you can't participate, you will still get rewards if your crew clears it.

All personal rankings and bookmaker daily bets will end on the 4th day.

Day 1 of finals will have nm95, and day 3 will have nm100. nm90 is the prelim tier.

C tier cutoff has been extended from 20,000 to 22,000

Drang sphere will get its FLB this month.

Cygames is making a game with Konami. There will be a promotional event in game at the end of the month where you can get that robot above as a summon.

Predictive damage is getting more changes. You can now choose to see your damage based on your hp and which support summon you would be using.

Side story tab is getting long. It's getting an overhaul to display more events on the page. It will also be renamed the events tab with other tabs for other things like arcarum and defense order.

7deafb No.15235980


Yoshiko (Yohane) and Hanamaru look amazing. This also confirms we're getting all 9 in the same event with just Mari and Ruby being still a mystery, design wise.

b69d0f No.15236130


Are they just going to cross over with everything now?

e6cf5a No.15236132


>konami and cygames are releasing a game together

I can't wait to see video from Granblue Pachinko.

b69d0f No.15236147

When we getting more info on Re link?

7ca27d No.15236163


September at Tokyo Game Festival

7c996b No.15236170

File: cb55533b6e604a2⋯.png (737.23 KB, 1066x750, 533:375, DjCXcq9UcAUaR5v.png)


>Cygames is making a game with Konami

Cygames either hates itself or Konami strong armed them into working with itself.


>That pic

Japs must be running wild with Sand Dolphins coffee addiction.


From what I've heard about Konami, if you don't work with them, they'll ruin you.

df2d75 No.15236178

File: d8d248cc3c178fe⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 1508x2165, 1508:2165, anime-poster-slam-dunk.jpg)

File: f7f8923ce7c864c⋯.png (550.02 KB, 770x514, 385:257, Screen-Shot-2017-05-18-at-….png)

File: 4ffcb20b5c5417d⋯.jpg (231.14 KB, 800x1112, 100:139, 0ac7b8cf12e0950c42d987984a….jpg)


They better fucking do a Hokuto no Ken, a Slam Dunk or a Otokojuku crossover then.

c0ddab No.15236251


You're already getting Precure

you asked for manly anime collabs and you got your wish

b69d0f No.15236340


English release info too?

7c996b No.15236352

File: a0a6e183d2fcc69⋯.jpg (230.42 KB, 1741x2048, 1741:2048, DiY56j8UYAEFPsb.jpg)


They'd need a reboot so first you need to ask yourself: do you really want to risk that happening?

71c3d9 No.15236363

File: c53989faf45ec84⋯.jpg (28.37 KB, 505x411, 505:411, 1299822451919.jpg)


This picture is making me mad. Bitch have you ever eaten a fucking ice cream in your life? Do you understand gravity? You think she would with those massive tits breaking her back but come the fuck on. That ice cream is going to fall onto her pillow and then what are you going to do, it's just gonna slide right off and then you haven't got any fucking ice cream, just the cone itself and who wants that (unless it's one of those cones with the chocolate on the inside). And who is she supposed to be looking at while she's doing this? It isn't me, because if she was looking at me I'd be telling her to upright that god damn ice cream.

df2d75 No.15236386


A u t i s m



Fuck off Precure isn't manime.

I fear for my life if they reboot Otokojuku, they'd ruin even the obe line character.

88b267 No.15236460


It actually bothers me more how the melted ice cream on her boob got there. Look at how she's holding that ice cream, and the position of her head. How is it possible?

9cae13 No.15236540

File: 3d752a29d8f15de⋯.jpg (710.98 KB, 1385x405, 277:81, state-of-varuna.jpg)

I need better characters. Drunk balls 4* better be worth my investment.

59833b No.15236569

File: aa078d3bd3edfc0⋯.png (205.15 KB, 640x628, 160:157, Aliza_SSR_3★.png)


account 10 picked up Aliza off the first free 10 roll provided and a whole lot of nothing else.

Already more than I expected form these free rolls.

6979f6 No.15236889


I'll show you some fucking autism.


That's exactly it, she's never eaten an ice cream before in her life.


Obviously it fell on her just before the moment depicted in this image, it felt unpleasantly cold and so now she's trying to eat it while keeping it as far away from the rest of her body as possible so it does not happen again.

4f8c7e No.15236955

File: 0ecdd74bcf0bfc3⋯.jpg (81.88 KB, 492x708, 41:59, Capture.JPG)

And 3rd ticket for R Anna.

900 eals farmed for 3 R characters.

df2d75 No.15236959

File: 3b860026609e68c⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 52d7a41f443706fa5ae2927659….mp4)


:^) u rike?

4d574a No.15237008

File: 96d7d6552262cc0⋯.png (106.33 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 3990678000.png)


Fuck those tickets, I got two codexes and 1 R chara in the last event they were given out. I'll just help myself to the 10-pull thank you very much.

9cae13 No.15237230

File: 5f67ad6504e6cdf⋯.jpg (758.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, df1g25260.jpg)

01aa53 No.15237462

File: 07b93c67cc6f276⋯.png (8.15 KB, 1483x54, 1483:54, Day 1.PNG)

The results for the first day of the Summer Race are in!

Account 1 opens the race with a nice heavy hitter, while Korwa wishes Account 4 would get a happy end (adopted).

Account 10 kicks it in with Alicia while Main Account starts it strong but with the wrong fucking foot. Gilgamesh is nice, but I already have a 3* Wind Faggot and I had a second copy sitting in storage as well. Literally any other summon of the same tier would have been welcome.

df2d75 No.15237532

File: f3d5c4db47b59a1⋯.jpg (57.93 KB, 629x476, 37:28, gotle cuck.jpg)


>not adding "it could save your event"

One job

a08846 No.15237616

File: e0bb97622345907⋯.png (31.98 KB, 510x546, 85:91, 1420804672212.png)


I posted my freebies on your message board.

88b267 No.15237679

File: 180e938b466ba85⋯.png (5.65 MB, 3128x2564, 782:641, Karteira birthday2.png)

Best girl is best as usual.

Not that I'm complaining, but for a side character she gets some really long event scenes. Her and Philosophia too, for some reason.

7c996b No.15237888

File: 496944a51f08763⋯.jpg (317.83 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, DeGkQljV4AU9HS1.jpg)


That's not the worst thing they could do; they could follow Berserks example.

29bb8a No.15237896


Anon tl;dr me on what kind of game this is. I checked the website and wiki and it looks like some kind of card game. Do you play as a single character or control several? Do you play solo or with a group of people?

2e964c No.15237915


It's a turn-based game with stats, levels, elements, and 4 active characters(one you customize) and 2 characters sit in the back row which replace front row characters that die. It's mostly grind and gacha but you can do most everything for free.

217347 No.15238007

File: d17710244883b04⋯.png (501.59 KB, 476x606, 238:303, tfw varuna build online.png)

File: a5b3767452c3453⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 388x443, 388:443, a5b3767452c3453ee092deafdc….jpg)

Just need Xeno Cocytus and Cerberus/Fenrir to show up again and my Varuna Build will be stupid fucking powerful.

58eec9 No.15238089

File: 05747d42a0d4869⋯.jpg (155.44 KB, 605x474, 605:474, fire.jpg)

So, should i bother making an agni grid or stick with colo? already luckshitted an agni.

5c6966 No.15238092


you have nothing why you should even switch to agni is a mystery

217347 No.15238094


What normal fire weapons do you have access to?

217347 No.15238101


Also, seriously, FLB that Benedia and get it to max rank and max SL as soon as fucking possible.

58eec9 No.15238123

File: 859f2b2fc69972b⋯.jpg (349.27 KB, 1457x762, 1457:762, fire weapons.jpg)


I recall using a dama bar on the benedia a long time ago, but i used some on an AK, but i should have enough bars to mlb that benedia.

217347 No.15238142


You don't really have enough to warrant an Agni build, you don't even have SSR Michael's Sword.

f57b77 No.15238148


oh boy, pachinko gacha, now we're hitting levels of whaling that shouldn't be possible.

7deafb No.15238152


We could go even further beyond and add IVs to all characters!

59aa4c No.15238239

File: 0387646d86f8c4c⋯.jpeg (108.53 KB, 544x757, 544:757, DjgovfbUYAE8sjv.jpeg)

File: 77c536fd7ef6325⋯.jpeg (125.71 KB, 544x757, 544:757, DjgovCkU0AAlzaI.jpeg)

File: 1e20d7e012b8b9a⋯.jpeg (137.09 KB, 544x757, 544:757, DjgoukaVsAAzovn.jpeg)

File: 34beee36cb58cbf⋯.jpeg (99.59 KB, 544x757, 544:757, Djgot7lUcAAQNZy.jpeg)


We already got Rarity stats, EMPs and Rings. Not different from IV fuckery.

7c996b No.15238297

File: 7f5e837ffbec30f⋯.jpg (84.32 KB, 545x759, 545:759, DiFpUW5VMAA1iyi.jpg)


Nothing has that much grind unless you're aiming for Guild Wars Lineage ring.

8caf37 No.15238396


Souten no Ken got the Berserk treatment already, so expect Bruce Lee the Road Warrior to follow soon. I'm not exactly sure what stopped them.

4f8c7e No.15238554

File: 3fcca0465c843cc⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 466x536, 233:268, 1.JPG)

File: a946192095b2356⋯.jpg (83.38 KB, 492x774, 82:129, 2.JPG)

Today, a dupe Robomi, and Summer Elnar & Summer Ilsa. Also gold spellbook.

01aa53 No.15238563

File: 0303b9846c58ce2⋯.png (370.16 KB, 469x727, 469:727, SPARK SECURED.PNG)

Got a shit roll, but the giveaway made up for it

e2b1c0 No.15238717

Got summer Mac, she is worth stones?

59aa4c No.15238949


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

e2b1c0 No.15238977

File: 6c7b05b92c89d47⋯.png (1.19 MB, 900x1277, 900:1277, cake huh.png)

59aa4c No.15239150

File: 33d2fd042a8345a⋯.png (298.59 KB, 478x381, 478:381, proto vajra 1.png)

File: 694364bf5008492⋯.jpg (312.91 KB, 1512x2016, 3:4, proto vajras 2.jpg)

File: 3640e7514a1a3a1⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 2442x3486, 407:581, almost vajras 3.jpg)

I would have run with proto 1.

b69d0f No.15239154


Thanks for sharing.

59aa4c No.15239174

File: 3b4ab69a48b682b⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2442x3480, 407:580, more proto vajras 2.jpg)

File: 4a47f4a6f562e3a⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 2442x3480, 407:580, more proto vajras.jpg)



681fdf No.15239189



7ca27d No.15239202


long haired vajra is best. Also the F hairstyle is nice too

4d574a No.15239763


I don't really get prototype 1. Looks a lot like Fenrir to me, and there's no need for two anthro bitches in the game.


The concepts in the middle row of the left picture are both very cute. The one with three puppies is cool, but fuck having two midget generals in a row.

The current Vajra's visual style is closer to the other generals than any of these concepts are, but the one with a spiked bat comes pretty close.

6979f6 No.15240007


Benedia is more useful as gun stones. Don't bother with it.

5cd742 No.15240221

File: f4ea3d350fcd05a⋯.png (333.33 KB, 320x463, 320:463, ClipboardImage.png)

Second Eternal 5*'d.

9cae13 No.15240785

File: 002208fcf1b6012⋯.jpg (349.12 KB, 756x477, 84:53, sd135253670.jpg)

First day I got summer Ilsa, now this.

59aa4c No.15240844

File: 7b3cfa01ab7f3ba⋯.jpg (246.31 KB, 615x979, 615:979, 1533134129993.jpg)


The one above the Lotus also has the current theme and would ha e worked better.

7deafb No.15240886

File: 9a1d1e11aa7cc87⋯.jpg (195.57 KB, 600x500, 6:5, IMG_20180801_222709.jpg)

Now only Ruby is left.

9cae13 No.15240997

File: ee32cf9a9c9a755⋯.mp4 (217.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, its jouk.mp4)

df2d75 No.15241657

File: a56fd911c606149⋯.png (17.43 KB, 509x619, 509:619, wwojak.png)

Both daily ten rolls were 9R, 1SR and both times it was a fucking sr summon that no one gives a shit about. I rolled my own 3k crystals and got the Doge of disappointment. Give me my crystals back Kimura.

2d875f No.15241782



01aa53 No.15242654

File: 13ead90c1368334⋯.png (13.24 KB, 1484x79, 1484:79, Day 2.PNG)

Day 2, the big disappointment.

Account 3 gets setup with 600 berries because it has some of the best characters and the game knows it's gonna have to farm a lot.

Account 5 wakes up from its deep slumber and secretly wants to be a waterlord pulling another Murgleis.

Account 9, the despicable bastard is on top of his fucking game once again with an insane triple pull that makes salt dispensers shake autonomously.

At least 3 of us got an extra "free" 10 roll in the form of 3k crystals.

1574dc No.15243310

<Difficulty Join Host

<Very Hard 2 10

<Extreme 3 20

<Impossible 5 40

They didn't think this through correctly, by the time joining and finishing an impossible raid, you could have finished at least 2 extreme run.

The end result is the host wanting more points do an impossible run with nobody joining, and those who join would either go for extreme or very hard.

59833b No.15243737


account 10 day 2 got nothing but 10x bronze moons and a characterless SR weapon.

Day of disappointment indeed on day 2

Day 3 on the other hand is looking up got Cain for a SSR. nothing else but I can't complain.

4f8c7e No.15243750

File: 14a45e3986e058f⋯.jpg (78 KB, 489x752, 489:752, wew.JPG)

Today, 5 supreme merits and

Summer Naoise and SR Summer Eugen & Lilele.

01aa53 No.15243801

File: 40192be39502298⋯.png (17.69 KB, 1494x105, 498:35, fuck account 9.PNG)

Honestly, fuck account 9

59833b No.15243849


damn account 9 coming out ahead. Oh my extra today for account 10 was 1k CP. I forgot to throw that in there my bad.

8c7309 No.15243872

File: 86c3ad9f591337d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 743.06 KB, 629x960, 629:960, day 3.PNG)

File: 5559d0bd5d5f21d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.07 MB, 638x915, 638:915, chest.PNG)

Here's my pull today. Much better than the last two.

5cd742 No.15243897

>Another 10 BSC

Yep, this campaign sure is on par with the New Year's one. I'd like the roulette please.

dda89a No.15243949

File: 798886e70e0ba02⋯.png (703.61 KB, 1188x646, 594:323, 100 percent tensai.png)

Today was spark day, and here are the results!

Spark target: Katalina (Murgleis)

SSR chara:

Summer ilsa


Wulf and Renie


fire metera


SSR summons:

summer big mac x3

Big Mac



Gold Moon:

Megumin potato

wind lancelot



Cagliostro x2





de la fille

birb man


SR Chara:

summer lilele

Summer elmot

Bronze moon count:


silver moon count


first 100:

13 SSR

4 new chara

4 summons

5 gold moon

second 100:


1 new chara

1 summon

3 gold moon

Last 100:


1 new character

1 summon

5 gold moon

25 SSRs out of 300 draws, for ~8% SSR rate

That's fair, that's more than fair really, happy to get Io, summer ilsa, fire metera, and robomi, would have loved to see some murgs, but i guess i can't really handle adding multiple murgs to my grid

Boy thats a lot of big mac tho, 200% American right now

4d574a No.15244076

File: 76df41349e2be28⋯.png (54.99 KB, 213x207, 71:69, thinkinguncle.png)


It's unbelievably dumb. Impossible's hp is 94mil to extreme's 10mil and the point reward is only double. I can do 3-4 extremes in the time it'd take to kill one imp, and even the hosting cost difference is negligible. No reason to join others' raids, no reason to do nightmare, and no reason to do summer Arcarum after getting the tickets. But hey, at least you can win a vacuum blowjob robot.

7ca27d No.15244200


Why'd you spark now rather than getting another free 10 draw tomorrow and saving some crystals/tickets?

17ad00 No.15244222

File: 1cfe9f2e5f0b797⋯.jpg (387.58 KB, 1000x812, 250:203, 1cfe9f2e5f0b7975e4077f4cdb….jpg)


>will be 9k short of a spark with the free draw from tomorrow

How do I do this?

I still haven't finished the event though. is there a chance? I know there's a 10-draw ticket in there.

15ad58 No.15244244


buy summer eternal skins

17ad00 No.15244334

File: 89d59eed06a99b4⋯.jpg (102.55 KB, 571x743, 571:743, 1.JPG)

File: 549578472e56480⋯.jpg (78.85 KB, 571x588, 571:588, 2.JPG)

File: b424b76fb28fb1c⋯.jpg (901.05 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, b424b76fb28fb1c6867586fb9a….jpg)


No, fuck that.

I did some calculations.

Assuming there are 6 chapters, that's 300, plus, say 200 from the trophies.

Then we have the 10-part ticket, which gives me 3500 from the event alone.

Now, I haven't done almost any sidequests so far.

If I add all of these numbers up and multiply them by 50, that should be enough to get me the last 5500 crystals.

It's half past midnight and I can barely see the letters on my screen now.

I might just make it.

I hope the eel grind isn't too painful.

Otherwise, I'm completely fucked.

dda89a No.15244345


stress mostly

7ca27d No.15244346


you have about 24 hours until the gacha changes. That should be enough time

17ad00 No.15244360

File: ec6c1f1416a03d0⋯.jpg (151.92 KB, 638x820, 319:410, grid.JPG)

File: e5e7e512a9bdb41⋯.jpg (127.29 KB, 640x677, 640:677, chars.JPG)


I want to sleep and I need to know how often do the eels drop.

This is what I have to work with.

7deafb No.15244365


They only appear in the Arcanum-like map and I get about 90-100 per Extreme difficulty run.

7ca27d No.15244518


Another thing you can do. When you're within 3k crystals (and have a backup with other crystals to farm if need be) you can start your spark and watch the intro fate episodes from the characters you get for more crystals. If you're strapped for time, you can write down who you got, skip their fate episode, and watch them later in the journal.

17ad00 No.15244573




I did a normal run thinking it would give me crystals, but it's fine.

I think I'll be able to make it.

I also forgot I have like 10 pages of unseen fate episodes, fuck me.

16b746 No.15245120

File: a202fc86092f446⋯.png (626.77 KB, 439x609, 439:609, EuropaMeta.PNG)

From Double Tiamat Dancers to Zooey Shiva, then to Siete being the best earth buffer for MVP sniping Europa. I love the weeks leading up to GW.

18b40a No.15245150

I'm confused, which element grid should I be working on for next GW? Earth or Water?

01aa53 No.15245261


If you absolutely want to spark now, better get to grinding them side quests (also check achievements for more crystals).

But, and it's a big but, this banner is a bait banner to make people waste their draws before a Summer Banner with all the summer characters in it. Might happen on the 15th, might happen at the end of august, but it most probably will be there.

We've also been shown a Yukata Aralumaya and the latest Trial character looks an awful lot like Orchid, and swimsuit doll joints might make you regret sparking too soon.

Also, also, this magnafest and its daily 10 roll are apparently an "appetizer", meaning there's gonna be a bigger campaign later this month and if it comes with a roulette, you might get a discount on your spark ranging from 30 to 90 draws.


Next GW has fire bosses.

18b40a No.15245405


Thank you.

9e9617 No.15245423

File: 8122eaa0e5bec15⋯.png (293.09 KB, 390x297, 130:99, earthgrid_3-14.PNG)

File: 8458ef6f634aba4⋯.png (300.65 KB, 379x330, 379:330, darkmeme8_2_18.PNG)

File: f1839951781c757⋯.png (299.48 KB, 386x325, 386:325, windmeme8_2_18.PNG)

So I've run into that point where I'm pretty sure I've run out of ways to improve my grids aside from getting my magna weapons to 4* (or waiting for xeno reruns). Problem being, that means 6man HL raids, and I still feel like I'm doing piss for damage even with everything at SL10+. Grids as they are, I can do about 70k autos before def down, but that still doesn't feel like enough to do my share in a T1/3 HL. The only time I really go above this is with wind/dark with enmity at full force, but that's just a damage spike that's usually the same turn everyone dies. I've avoided HL mostly out of fear of wasting time and resources, but it's the only next step now. Is there any quick guide or anything to the major HL raids? The wiki is fine, but doesn't provide much in the way of strategy or what's optimal for subskills and characters.

962073 No.15245427

File: 167dfc1e5f6eba6⋯.png (13.23 KB, 259x48, 259:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef6f8c725d3b505⋯.jpg (47.96 KB, 852x429, 284:143, flabbergastednip.jpg)

Can a kind anon translate this message? My deciphering skills is still shit.

9e9617 No.15245432

File: c45ee7b578cdeb7⋯.png (355.61 KB, 385x379, 385:379, earthgrid_8_2_18.PNG)


fuck wrong earth grid

94d565 No.15245454


If you're worried about your contribution in HL raids, the best thing you can do is read up on what the raids do, then be well-prepared when you enter. Even if your score is low, the other players will appreciate a well-timed dispel or phalanx.

Or if you have Sorn, just bring her and cheese every other HL fight with para

16b746 No.15245464

File: 7facc8b1e522dd4⋯.png (17.11 KB, 1107x170, 1107:170, Translate.PNG)


I don't know Japanese, Google Translate will have to do.


33d256 No.15245465


I think he's asking if you wouldn't mind joining his crew.

9e9617 No.15245481


Been thinking about getting her next, actually. Might solve a few problems, but my other biggest one is that I have a habit of dying to the boss's normal attacks a lot faster than I feel like I should. Probably going to be even worse in HL raids, but we'll see what happens.

7c996b No.15245485

File: 0b47f090dd96622⋯.jpg (333.85 KB, 1448x2048, 181:256, DiNqVxCU0AA2LOo.jpg)


Did you forget you can buy all the tickets in the side stories too?

01aa53 No.15245542


>Dying to normal attacks

That's weird, maybe you're spamming the orange button a bit too much, try getting the seraph to SSR or just bring Atk down, Def up, some shields or a refresh.

a08846 No.15245566


For dark the only element I'm "good" at replace your dark EX staff with a Qilin sword and coda the baha sword. If you don't have Zooey consider swapping out a claw or two for axe(s), if you do play Elysian with call and clarity to make the most of your enmity.

Aside from that look at the profs of your teams and see if you'd benefit from an atma.

bfe5c9 No.15245596

File: eeadb9387fe2ba8⋯.jpg (171.95 KB, 377x514, 377:514, WTF-is-this-luck.jpg)

File: 0b246e8426c89e9⋯.png (8.73 KB, 120x120, 1:1, p1253750.png)

3rd day free pull. My luck has been insane so far.

9e9617 No.15245664

File: 533b51e69a44af3⋯.png (12.99 KB, 262x20, 131:10, windHP.PNG)

File: 0e3f256ed7b73aa⋯.jpg (39.32 KB, 540x455, 108:91, mfwihavenoface.jpg)


I've been bringing mist/rain to everything since forever. The problem I think I have is that I have so much less HP than in any other gameplay I've seen, and I don't know where it comes from since their grids are always more or less identical in concept, and weapon level 101-150 doesn't magically double your HP. I can only guess that it's some combination of better summons and +marks that brings a wind party's HP up from ~7k to >15k.


>Qilin Sword

Even though it caps at SL10 instead of 15?

>Coda Sword

I wish. I'm trying to use magnafest to get some regular horns, but for some reason they're not even dropping in the host chest. Add on that I need to reserve 6 of them for my remaining seraphics weapons (only have Michael's at SSR) and shit's been rough there.


I wish. It's a big enough pain just getting the T2 animas for the host item, but I need to find/make a room or two to get all the meteorites/fragments I'd need and pretty much everyone's already done with that raid.

tl;dr: being behind the progress curve fucking sucks

f6592c No.15245673


you get access to more EMPs for Gran/Djeeta with increased rank

one of the most significant is party hp

a08846 No.15245732


>Even though it caps at SL10 instead of 15

All of the Qilin/Huan weapons have an FLB and cap at SL15.

>baha horns

They really aren't that hard to get, just ignore hosting and keep an eye on co-op rooms while joining bahas from raid finder.

>but I need to find/make a room or two to get all the meteorites/fragments I'd need and pretty much everyone's already done with that raid

I only had to do one train to get everything for mine and that was just last month, there's plenty of people still doing ult baha.

16b746 No.15245758

File: bd21e435468d6cb⋯.png (445.61 KB, 472x495, 472:495, WindGrid.PNG)

File: ed59d66c4ef1495⋯.png (537.65 KB, 471x498, 157:166, WindSummons2.PNG)

File: bdd3f434d514f72⋯.png (31.58 KB, 323x42, 323:42, 0Bonus.PNG)

File: ed3e3268e2333c8⋯.png (33.61 KB, 319x45, 319:45, 1Bonus.PNG)

File: 67f39972bccdf71⋯.png (31.13 KB, 325x41, 325:41, 2Bonus.PNG)


Most grids tend to have Coda and Seraphic weapons to help out with HP, with 15% HP from Coda, and 10% from Seraphic.

Better summons helps a bit, but the big one would be HP from the Rank 155 and rank 185 EMP bonuses.

17ad00 No.15246333


To be honest, it's not like I'm in a hurry to spark, but being able to save on 40 draws sure seems like a good idea.

I'll take your advice and wait.


I haven't played a single side story in months now.

217347 No.15246720

File: 0421d02c1f8919e⋯.png (515.58 KB, 473x603, 473:603, when the gacha puts out li….png)


Filename related.

e2b1c0 No.15247146

File: f6dcb468fd30357⋯.png (91.37 KB, 389x445, 389:445, notmyidols.png)

Add horses and next year will have at least three idol events.

94d565 No.15247168


How popular are the horse idols anyway? I haven't even seen much porn of them.

e2b1c0 No.15247193

File: d16ac86784000ac⋯.jpg (261.81 KB, 1000x1399, 1000:1399, horse2.jpg)

File: afb692923021c71⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1240x827, 1240:827, horse4.jpg)


Anime was better than folks thought it'd be and sold well, but that may have been the granblue goodies packed in. Game comes out winter cy said, that'll be the test. Just sad there won't be a pc version at launch and will have to go back to crashy nox to try it out.

2d875f No.15247202






e2b1c0 No.15247308

File: af2bf30575a33a2⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1119x1270, 1119:1270, tan horse.png)

File: d4e2cbbd4d9d4e8⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1793x2048, 1793:2048, tanned horse.jpg)


Should have thought about that before you sold your horse's name to the company that created draphs.

1056e1 No.15247313


Is that a thigh-stirrup? Unf

72c652 No.15247322

File: cd6ed54072dd8ee⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.56 MB, 2130x3030, 71:101, 002.png)


How are we supposed to breed the next generation of umas if we don't lewd them?

e2b1c0 No.15247327


There are no horse men!

f14c41 No.15247636


>Anime was better than folks thought it'd be

Even I thought it was going to be garbage but somehow I was engaged and gave a shit what happened. Perhaps because the girls' winning wasn't a guarantee.

1a340b No.15247672


delete this

4f8c7e No.15248368

File: b1ee905d9c21ed9⋯.jpg (44.14 KB, 379x497, 379:497, 1.JPG)

File: a9cbf5ab480ffcf⋯.jpg (68.46 KB, 480x542, 240:271, 2.JPG)

Today is just a gold moon. Meh.

dda89a No.15248384

File: 2f441d7292ce005⋯.png (720.06 KB, 462x860, 231:430, big macs.png)

hoo boy

01aa53 No.15248412

File: fa9e7158d0d1721⋯.png (3.03 KB, 143x136, 143:136, stop.PNG)

I don't want to roll on Account 9 anymore

a08846 No.15248422


It's going to be ~14 bahas by the end of August

59833b No.15248448

File: ab86423f0ceb242⋯.png (227.49 KB, 960x800, 6:5, De_La_Fille_A.png)

File: cf5a8fb773b7acf⋯.png (116.19 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Nicholas_A.png)


Account 10 got 1 gold moon (Naramaya), Nicholas, and De La Fille for todays 10 draw. extra chest was 10x bronxe moons. Today was a good day.

01aa53 No.15248457


Alright, I'm just missing Albion.

Also, folks, remember to Favourite your weapons and best summons, you don't wanna risk foddering or reducing that shit by mistake.

ada6a7 No.15248473


I got Cucouroux dupe bahamut dupe macula gilgamesh and a moonlight stone in the last 2 days.

Hoping for a good summon for the next ones.

4d574a No.15248525

Fuck men, is it worth to spark Lecia to replace Yuisis in Siete/Lanchan/Yakuza lineup. I guess eventually I'd replace Lancelot with her when I bother making Nio.

5cd742 No.15248549

File: 2a8a711d79b30f5⋯.png (1.57 MB, 989x1400, 989:1400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6815a37c6222d83⋯.png (190.42 KB, 306x423, 34:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7c89e13a018114⋯.png (175.26 KB, 303x392, 303:392, ClipboardImage.png)

>Use 3k crystals after free draws for Erune tan lines 2.0

>Get Varuna

And after I picked Demi Varuna too.

02c6b9 No.15248550

File: ad5232fb613b992⋯.png (275.1 KB, 357x460, 357:460, spark2char.PNG)

File: 0424fe56484776a⋯.png (302.82 KB, 303x876, 101:292, spark2ssrsummon.PNG)

File: 24b5d8cf9f47c36⋯.png (197.42 KB, 295x575, 59:115, spark2ssrweapon1.PNG)

File: 543d2271ea8e096⋯.png (196.53 KB, 297x576, 33:64, spark2ssrweapon2.PNG)

File: 0ef0a5bcbeec04c⋯.png (196.16 KB, 302x579, 302:579, spark2ssrweapon3.PNG)

Here's my spark: 24/300 SRRs (8% SSR rate)

I sparked Vajra

007c2f No.15248722


You had to spark yours, and she came for free to me, take her, give me that Kalaurops.

7ca27d No.15248837

File: 57ef671fd5d9f74⋯.png (3.31 MB, 2445x1206, 815:402, Spark.png)

Spark finished. 17/300 SSRs, which isn't great, but I drew my spark target, so it at least felt like 2 sparks in one.

11ec6a No.15248902

File: 43bdadea650be51⋯.jpg (174 KB, 447x596, 3:4, justmvpursingles.JPG)

Sparked for Ilsa.

Green was from 80 single tickets.

Red was from 10-draws.

11ec6a No.15248912

File: 89fca882d90577e⋯.jpg (189.83 KB, 459x885, 153:295, justmvpurmurgs.jpg)

And this happened I guess.

e2b1c0 No.15248927

File: 3f0b9836a330158⋯.png (1.09 MB, 800x1132, 200:283, leave the hat on.png)

7ca27d No.15248987

File: 8340d213116bae0⋯.png (988.92 KB, 833x1000, 833:1000, Hat off.png)

7ca27d No.15249022

File: 0a22c72c38c038e⋯.png (87.79 KB, 474x191, 474:191, europa.png)

That's where my free draw luck went

217347 No.15249030

File: a950d341e1377ff⋯.png (659.16 KB, 898x507, 898:507, tfw second spark.png)


>sparked took Vajra

>got a third murgleis

>already have MLB Varuna

>check fucking IDs if you don't believe me

I don't even like Water that much and here I am slowly becoming the grandmaster of it.

5cd742 No.15249397

File: b75d37cff16cd00⋯.png (193.69 KB, 318x320, 159:160, ClipboardImage.png)

My second eternal reached Lv 100. Now onto the next.

8caf37 No.15249491


Fuck off, yakuza.



I love how Hishi Amazon is a somewhat subtle reference. Her pose is Kamen Rider Amazon's (or at least one of many of his), as well as the scrunchie alluding to his human form's rags.

33d256 No.15249732

File: 68f88156420ad51⋯.png (664.49 KB, 925x706, 925:706, monkey spark.png)

22/300 was my SSR rate. Happy magnafest everyone.

16b746 No.15250069

File: 5befce8173ad44e⋯.png (357.83 KB, 613x305, 613:305, S.Arulu.PNG)

File: e9f4a218aefaa38⋯.png (384.87 KB, 616x310, 308:155, S.Farrah.PNG)

New summer SR characters are coming out in the next banner. Water Summer Farrah, and Dark Yukata Arulumaya.

With Themed Beatrix and Yukata Siegfried as the banners rate up SSRs.

e059f0 No.15250214

File: df3bf68af864bfa⋯.jpg (618.24 KB, 1194x907, 1194:907, owned-characters.jpg)

Is it time to start saving for spark?

e2b1c0 No.15250409




Summer doll joints soon, Skyfarer.

44a818 No.15251092

File: 43946b59c7c0af0⋯.png (485.62 KB, 764x451, 764:451, Spark3.png)

>get pretty close to a spark

>"eh I can always just buy an outfit if I'm short"

>draw and clear out all the crystals from fate episodes

>just about 10 draws short

>go to buy only to discover that my card is being rejected for whatever reason

>the next six hours are spent desperately grinding side stories and the event to scrape together enough draws

It wasn't even a very good result.

8bd52d No.15251113

File: 601bd717cc4c73b⋯.gif (306.15 KB, 338x326, 169:163, sparking.gif)


lielele sr full level i like you anon

824e49 No.15251742

File: c1309f9360c4f07⋯.png (82.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, really makes you think.png)

File: 54cb19a13e72a1e⋯.png (4.54 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp46.png)

Should I use Lyria on my teams?

I don't have a party with full SSR's and wiki is saying that she's one of the best SR's that even outshines SSR's

I don't like the lifelink shit and that her skill cooldowns take 6/7 turns along with her low hp (can be fixed with a mastery ring)

I see that her buffs are quite useful and it seems her charge attack gets stronger if she does it together with the whole team

Since she can be potentially be put on all my teams due to her element change she can easily gain EMP

The fact that she isn't 5* to further reduce her cooldowns and increase her overall HP is really concerning

tl;dr Lyria in the party, yea or nay?

4f8c7e No.15252053

File: 842c3067cae10f1⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 483x451, 483:451, fat.JPG)


Lilele is fat.

d023e0 No.15252061


She can surely be useful, but it always depends on what you're going to fight.

Like, she'd do great in water against Colossus

d773aa No.15252078


that's dumb, you can't get fat by eating animal protein, you have to eat carbs

d023e0 No.15252097

File: dd2fc647570f471⋯.png (74.53 KB, 375x130, 75:26, whatch out.PNG)


I see 63 draws total instead of the 40 draws of everyone else though. I'm counting only the free rolls for race (good for you if you got more stuff though!). Do you remember which one came from the free draw and which other you pulled on your own?

Oh and if you want to keep Summer Olivia after the event ends, you gotta run some raids with her and fill her Loyalty.

8caf37 No.15252263




Depends on what else you got. What element and/or team?

7deafb No.15252294


In her Summer version's Fate Episodes she gets roped into doing several daily ramen stall eating all throughout the islands.

d9b000 No.15252475


In my experience, she really shines when she gets all the EMPs that help her gain charge bar, once she has them she can fill the charge bars of other characters because of her constant charge attacks.

4f8c7e No.15252618

File: 21ef87d5ba9e94e⋯.jpg (73.84 KB, 474x615, 158:205, Capture.JPG)

No more ssr for me. But got sr Summer Farrah (and another gold spellbook). I'm okay with this.

dda89a No.15252627

File: e0f1ac2a3e2d2d4⋯.png (47.5 KB, 184x153, 184:153, wow look at all those fuck….png)

Shout out to water lancelot for being my 100th gold moon

5cd742 No.15253060

File: efab358f1497e78⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 247.87 KB, 319x408, 319:408, ClipboardImage.png)

My abomination of an Earth grid working toward Titan grid. Spoiled because no mortal eyes should see it.

ef71fb No.15253210

File: ae02c89d35e7a6a⋯.png (979.64 KB, 707x894, 707:894, gbf1.png)

File: fecc2676f395351⋯.png (617.43 KB, 698x888, 349:444, HoB.png)

My rolls for today

59833b No.15253259


account 10 day 5

Got Summer Beatrix, and a horn of bahamut out of the chest.

Not bad today.

7ca27d No.15253399

File: 7fde66c3cb41eda⋯.png (747.84 KB, 511x663, 511:663, vajra.png)

That's a good ring

217347 No.15253594

File: 3095810a7e0f91d⋯.png (506.93 KB, 478x603, 478:603, SOON.png)



16b746 No.15253662

File: cbf95f9b89d4c58⋯.png (190.54 KB, 427x207, 427:207, DjeetaStrong.PNG)

I now have enough HP to survive one Sethlans Auto.

217347 No.15253694




16b746 No.15254204

File: 33b402c3b167e3f⋯.png (536.26 KB, 476x600, 119:150, NoDamageDotJPEG.PNG)


Auberons are a godsend.

7c996b No.15254440

File: b22a5132f501642⋯.jpg (130.45 KB, 688x971, 688:971, DhUiXcSVQAAu7tv.jpg)


…How is that even possible; she's not only an anime character, she's in a series that would likely have all life within it needing far more calories to sustain themselves, and she's 13 so she also has a childs metabolism.

369668 No.15254476

File: 735449ee69cbd25⋯.png (295.83 KB, 382x702, 191:351, d12f26370.png)

Thank god for crystals.

f4d4b7 No.15254628

File: 823882263c637f9⋯.jpeg (47.58 KB, 561x543, 187:181, DjyfVC7UwAA9RQN.jpeg)

File: ee731e2518752e0⋯.jpeg (75.39 KB, 620x889, 620:889, DjyrQdBU0AAVowj.jpeg)

File: 4b1b77e361481a9⋯.jpeg (105.51 KB, 626x885, 626:885, DjudmbrU4AAUZsp.jpeg)

File: 37ce70f578a0a35⋯.jpeg (44.11 KB, 535x632, 535:632, Dju9XpAU4AAhlQs.jpeg)

File: 213f6043ea2c390⋯.jpg (106.03 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1533373651173.jpg)

Some art I picked up in the last hours.

SR Arulu got pretty loved instantly by a lot of people in Twatter

9af07b No.15254655

>There are people on full/v/ who spend actual dollars on .png of underage cartoon girls in their underwear.

Have you ever asked yourself how you sunk this low?

f4d4b7 No.15254714

File: adb953cc48b3ac6⋯.jpeg (52.39 KB, 567x800, 567:800, DjmdtUtUYAEZdHA.jpeg)

File: 7a97dcc0ac5f5c2⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 55266795_p0.jpg)

File: 0ec41bffe720eb5⋯.jpg (94.66 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1533129112968.jpg)

File: 8a4354ff6945bd0⋯.jpg (59.33 KB, 616x569, 616:569, 1533128162529.jpg)

File: af6845dbf777e09⋯.png (46.5 KB, 320x340, 16:17, 1533124806670.png)


Go bother the wowfags, they actually cuck themselves out of a monthly payment in Anno Domini MMXVIII.

7ca27d No.15255095

File: e9f0e0667e3bd73⋯.png (126.44 KB, 345x166, 345:166, HP.png)


I can't quite reach 71,000, but my team has more hp

df2d75 No.15255319

File: 16c4271a1f7b29c⋯.jpg (107.78 KB, 1057x1421, 151:203, 1533364589973.jpg)

File: 51f06d39d6576b9⋯.jpg (120.88 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 1533358705743.jpg)

File: 0d2cbe0278d2447⋯.jpg (40.71 KB, 523x574, 523:574, 1533357510334.jpg)

File: dae6181e82c7254⋯.jpeg (53.06 KB, 466x541, 466:541, Djqt9eIUcAABxX8.jpeg)

File: 57b98b278dfa4cf⋯.png (1.84 MB, 950x1350, 19:27, 1533102533845.png)


You could reach more HP by removing Izmir, she cuts health by 15%

7ca27d No.15255355


that's only for izmir

58db94 No.15255361


>Directly supporting a decent you like is being cucked

ada6a7 No.15255369


A decent what? WoW is trash btw.

d023e0 No.15255371

File: c800162d72e6774⋯.png (31.46 KB, 1491x159, 497:53, Day 5.PNG)

Here are the results for Day 5!

In first place sits snuggly Account 9, after bribing KMR before the race, he looks quite sure he'll get first place this time as well!

Fighting for the second slot are Main Account, who somehow managed to only draw summons, alongside Accounts 1 and 2, who is the first one to get a Lumi sword out of those extra boxes.

Following them, Account 5 gets into a summer of dupes, with a second Alexiel, another Murg ad a Yoda moon.

Sitting on a score of 3 are Account 4 who's getting ready for next year's Andira buff, Account 6 and if I read that right, Account 7, who also got a Cucouroux on the side.

Account 10 looked at 2 and said "me too", pulling the bully magnet as well.

It feels like a bad race for Account 8, who is only sitting at 2 points, but Korwa and Melissabelle aren't really bad rolls.

A whole other story for Account 3, who only gets a pity Anne after managing to not roll a single SSR suring legfest.

We're a third of the way in this race and now the things start to toughen up!

5600f0 No.15255390

File: f38ef3c43b7721b⋯.png (88.69 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1515847951440.png)


Bones and Ranz are my baby boys. I bless them with magic words every day before they roll.

17ad00 No.15255452

File: 4fc3459ed983b2c⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1200x852, 100:71, d8d0fda102c11975c3c6624230….png)






Collecting .pngs of the girls, lolis especially, is the whole point of this game.

d023e0 No.15255517

File: 58df72ec6073bd8⋯.jpg (70.72 KB, 600x487, 600:487, DjvZJErUcAAm9tK.jpg)

A more realistic representation of Summer Farrah's Uncap art.

df2d75 No.15255643

File: 452bdd1c4c560b5⋯.mp4 (901.66 KB, 326x326, 1:1, howboutno.mp4)




217347 No.15255717

File: 4cb7264e4f9a9b9⋯.jpg (62.56 KB, 469x728, 67:104, 4cb7264e4f9a9b9c7d81279b02….jpg)




cd1bdd No.15255766

File: 44265c107f8ccc6⋯.jpg (128.8 KB, 451x548, 451:548, 61580502_p5_master1200.jpg)


>most of these accounts are doing much better than me

59833b No.15255813

File: ca84b10a52c1ce5⋯.jpg (103.7 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, TheMostAdorableThingEver.jpg)

The most adorable thing in this game is a fucking mini goblin. It's gonna be hard to beat her fate episodes in pure adorableness.

cd1bdd No.15255822


That's an easy one. Her VA does Daetta too and sounds almost exactly the same, except Daetta sings a birthday song for you on your birthday and it's fucking cute

217347 No.15255825

File: aae9c6d52e156b6⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 500x370, 50:37, aae9c6d52e156b68b35b179361….gif)


>you will never have Goblin Mage pop in and wake you up to show you her newfound shinies while saying GOBU GOBU~

7ca27d No.15255827

File: 5b5c80a42d2931b⋯.png (1.1 MB, 850x1227, 850:1227, ClipboardImage.png)


SSR When? Light needs its first SSR female draph.

55ccd8 No.15255829

File: 7ee944a60f6aafa⋯.png (413.87 KB, 900x1350, 2:3, [goblinslayers eternally].png)


>draw a halfling

<call it a goblin

59833b No.15255843

File: e11120e5139d6e5⋯.jpg (84.57 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Minigoblin foundaSSR.jpg)


Yeah i thought the same kinda thing when i first saw her but then you find out shes an adorable soul who only wants to find shiny things for her neechan

55ccd8 No.15255867

File: 067696518022932⋯.png (3.58 MB, 2560x1536, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


I want to spoil her rotten tbh

7deafb No.15255884

File: 8745b1338c903da⋯.jpg (40.44 KB, 600x500, 6:5, IMG_20180805_063828.jpg)

Speaking of adorable people: here's Ruby.

a6d5ac No.15255933


As someone who never looked into Love Live other than doujins, is she supposed to be the main character?

And which of these scenarios do you think it's more plausible?

Case A) We get all 9 Idols as SR characters, they have weapons in their art so they might be playable.

Case B) We get the "main character" as SSR (all the recent collabs had one, it'd be weird to deviate. from the standard), the others as SRs.

Case C) We get the "main character" as SSR, the others either as separate summons or a single summon with randomised effects (a la Levin sisters).

Case D) We get a Diantha type character where the other idols are only shown during the ougi.

I hope it's either A or B even though we don't have an SSR Im@s and it might seem unfair towards the other idols.

4f8c7e No.15255943


Her va is a bully so she deserves the rope.

7ca27d No.15255948


probably all SRs since thats what the im@s collabs have done so far and they understand the idol hype too well to lock anyone's favourites off from being playable.

However, I'm curious about what im@s salt this will create as SRs have been getting powercrept over time, and some of the im@s characters are old in their design. If the love live characters get higher rankings than the im@s ones, that'll make for some fun twitter salt.

f14c41 No.15256032

File: 3b592171f50b7b6⋯.png (322.9 KB, 380x395, 76:79, 1350656314630.png)


>Sunshine characters

Can someone explain to me why Aquors is so fucking weak compared to Muse? How did anyone expect these spastic retards to replace Honoka's crew in my heart?

7c996b No.15256132

File: 44a3064834ce476⋯.jpg (119.77 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, Dh2HzvJVAAA4SLw.jpg)


I fucking hate those things.


>we don't have an SSR Im@s

Willing to bet that's gonna happen next collab if they don't have a vote for people to choose a character that's already in to get a SSR.


Last Im@s collab happenened before Cygames started making SSR event characters. I hope the next one will at least give me Haru Yuuki or Hikaru Nanjo.


Because they're newer and are trying to gain more audience for it.

55ccd8 No.15256157


They are weird. But I love them.

fc4302 No.15256259

File: 65cf58bbaf0c419⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 120.2 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 15b1b808fa1e133310c4030028….jpg)


Gobu is love, Gobu is life.

4f8c7e No.15257264

File: bbd494226ed2ef2⋯.jpg (75.47 KB, 479x608, 479:608, Capture.JPG)

Today is Summer Aruru (and 10 champion merits)

With that the free draws gave me 5/5 new Summer servants. I hope the trend will continue if they release Summer Scat next.

59833b No.15257285


accoutn 10 got nothing from the draw today today just some non character sr weapons. the chest was a legendary merit.

d023e0 No.15257568

File: d37750d1fc28119⋯.png (36.5 KB, 1492x183, 1492:183, Day 6.PNG)

Day 6 sees an unstoppable Account 9 pulling all it can from the grave to stay on top, sollowed by Account 1 who is trying his hardest to keep up the pace. Main Account finally gives me the satisfaction of pulling a new unit and moves in toe to toe to Account 2.

Right behind is Account 5 sitting at 4 points, then literally everyone else but Account 3 at 3 points.

Account 3 has been Annehilated, how will it ever recover?

d9b000 No.15257649

What are the chances of free rolls at the end of summer, August 31st?

I have a spark ready and want to save as many crystals as possible.

What was the last Summer campaign like?

d023e0 No.15257691


IIRC it wasn't anything special, just daily 10 draws like now and a Sunlight Stone+Gold Bar gift from the summer steam.

It was only in winter that we got the roulette, but since they said this campaign is an "appetizer" and this campaign ends on august 13th, I guess we can expect something a bit bigger right afterwards.

d9b000 No.15257716


I want to double check that, since that's apparently a translation error and this campaign with the blue chest was what they were talking about.

fc4302 No.15258417

File: 631f2435bff78f1⋯.png (861.59 KB, 601x769, 601:769, ClipboardImage.png)

When running zerker and the Flamescythe is in my mainhand, what should I replace the GW dagger in my grid with? Stick another cane in for now, keep the dagger or just hope for an egg sacks?

5cd742 No.15258461


Hope and pray for a Rotten Egg Sacks to drop.

d023e0 No.15258471


You should try running it in the Motocal. https://gbf-tool.com/motocal/

I'd be only guessing saying that you already have yor usual 1 source of Normal Atk modifier from the Katana so either another Cane or an Atma Sword should replace the gw dagger.

fc4302 No.15258504

File: f0a2710bb8f684a⋯.jpg (88.74 KB, 540x706, 270:353, 201709_be97395912a7860fab1….jpg)



Thanks guys, will hope for an egg sacks for now but my team would benefit from an atma sword (didn't even think of that thanks), so I'll get on making a sword soon.

d023e0 No.15261580

File: 91d2e10e347e799⋯.png (504.9 KB, 448x509, 448:509, solution.PNG)

It would appear that the Aquors are going to be 3 SSRs and each will have 3 characters.

So they will either show up as a single character you choose via the Pose Settings or, hopefully, a 3-man character like 5* Lowain.

I still would have preferred 9 SRs, both for crystals and to make meme teams with them.

The first years look like they're gonna be a Water BAL character with Sword/Gun Specialty, the second years an Earth HEAL characterr with Staff Specialty, the third yeras a Fire DEF character with… welp one has a Spear, one a gun and the other a weapon that can be either a dagger or a melee one so your guess is as good as mine.

Thankfully no Light character as we got too many already, and I guess they skipped wind because of the AoT collab, so every element now has a free collab ssr character.

Im@s fans outrage over their idols only being SR when?

16b746 No.15261653


The 2nd years are the Water characters, and the 1st years will be the earth characters.

Under the event preview page, they went 2, 1, 3, for their character reveals.

eb69b7 No.15261801

File: 990f6099630e3f1⋯.png (162.43 KB, 415x336, 415:336, fire.png)

File: e992e81770289aa⋯.png (179.96 KB, 416x442, 16:17, dark.png)

I have a dilemma. During anniversary roulette rolls I had about 140 cerulean sparks during flash gala so I sparked a character. It would have been a waste not to. Back then most people would advise getting Summer Zooey to farm most content. Now I'm getting close to another spark and within a month I may be able to do it.

Thing is that I have a hades in my no limit tab. I drew Black Knight and DAO during new years and after checking hades grids I could make a semi-f2p grid with 1 Gisla, 1 Bultgang, 1 Parazonium, then add Kirin Bow, Kirin Sword, Xeno Katana, then 2 magna weapons and some filler like Six's Revenant weapon.

But I also have shiva and I like my fire team. I could spark Sturm and get an Ixabas in my shiva x shiva grid.

Is it worth it to spark Sturm for a shiva x shiva grid? Is it worth sparking Orchid for a semi-f2p Hades grid? Or should I spark a limited character like Andira or Vajra? Is enmity still a thing? I have 30 gold moons and about 11 damascus ingots.

7ca27d No.15261814


spark with your dick. If you spark someone thinking they'll carry your team and then find they don't work with your setup/ you don't like their playstyle, then you will feel like it was a waste. But getting a character to see their holiday messages never gets old. Waifus are forever.

eb69b7 No.15261829


I mostly go with the mindset of "the waifu chooses you" instead of the other way around. I already have most of the girls I used to be interested into thanks to free rolls and that spark.

Now I just wanna get stronger without spending any money.

266c05 No.15261976

File: e5731647917d074⋯.png (601.16 KB, 627x665, 33:35, nio accomplished.png)

<<It's time.>>

(salsa on the way)

df2d75 No.15261982

File: 49d9cb1aabbd46d⋯.mp4 (83.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, pol_goes_shopping.mp4)


That's the one gold bar/44 box method, right?

266c05 No.15261995

File: 2ada97ae5cdf431⋯.png (204.81 KB, 600x446, 300:223, spoils.png)


I 40boxed axes and I'm not doing that shit again. I'm still paying off the scales and certs for the elechange.

208f32 No.15262169


>Is it worth it to spark Sturm for a shiva x shiva grid?


>Is it worth sparking Orchid for a semi-f2p Hades grid?


>Is enmity still a thing?

Not really.

8c7309 No.15262171

Anyone happen to have a webm guide handy? I'm just waiting for Zoi to come into rotation to spark and I want to record and post the spark.

7ca27d No.15262199

File: 59aca47de4dd602⋯.webm (7.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, How to make a webm.webm)


Do you mean something like this?

8c7309 No.15262246


Yes, thank you dubsman.

8c7309 No.15262435

File: af6743bc0242738⋯.png (377.72 KB, 474x758, 237:379, HAHA, TIME FOR DATA.PNG)

fc4302 No.15262633

File: 4c17e4ca80b5e7e⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 560x315, 16:9, HEADACHE.gif)

Ten wolf gun worth making in any element but water?

ea0bd7 No.15262654

File: 9470f929e74c1e5⋯.jpg (66.54 KB, 561x889, 561:889, thonking renchon.jpg)


It's not a goblin that mages, it's a mage that goblins.

7c996b No.15262854

File: a791173e1485611⋯.jpg (200.22 KB, 843x1200, 281:400, DiZkF-IUYAA-6eo.jpg)


>Im@s fans outrage over their idols only being SR when?

Im@s fans are far more mature than Love Live fans; they'll wait until they get their SSR in the next collab.

4dc29e No.15262947


You're gonna reduce it anyway, not like it matters.

d023e0 No.15263017

Friendly reminder that there will be a banner change in tomorrow and you might want to wait for the announcement before deciding whether to roll now before or after the banner changes.

7c996b No.15263179

File: 660c5484b064d3b⋯.jpg (392.47 KB, 1000x1422, 500:711, DjBfDk-UYAAfhrO.jpg)


When's the last time we had summons?

d023e0 No.15263216


I think we had a ca ong rate up + various summons right before legfest.

The next banner should be different summer units though.

c9a2e4 No.15263288


Calling swimsuit Halluel and Malluel summon.

59833b No.15264217


Account 10 checking in got a quetzacoatl today and Summer Arulu for a SR. extra box was some underwhelming bronze moons.

847110 No.15264479


>diamond pleated blouse

oh yes.

7ca27d No.15265343

File: bd6a9562a6dc68b⋯.png (94.07 KB, 477x138, 159:46, grindy achievement.png)

It's a shame this achievement has a shit title, because it would be a rare one to display with how few people will bother getting it.

ada6a7 No.15265358


dEAL with it

d023e0 No.15265375


Still, good wind quartz.

I'm waiting for the banner to change before pulling since we get Summer Korwa and Dianta rate ups.

d023e0 No.15265668

File: 634eb18aecb3084⋯.png (23.3 KB, 278x605, 278:605, First spark result.PNG)

File: 7c91a46e4615f61⋯.png (7.79 KB, 109x505, 109:505, Second spark wishlist.PNG)

It's weird how times change.

In my first spark I went for the more highly ranked characters and some waifus thrown in the mix. The red crosses are characters I eventually got in the free rolls after the spark.

Now, for my second spark, my wishlist is a hell of a lot longer, with many characters in it just because they're cute or because I want to see their fates and as long as I can get 4-5 of them, I'll be happy.

d023e0 No.15265861

File: efe836d19a6d037⋯.mp4 (4.19 MB, 540x760, 27:38, idorus.mp4)

10 man frontline confirmed

man it feels bad posting when everyone's asleep

4f8c7e No.15265862

Still no Summer Scat ;_;

7deafb No.15266005


>Music change and a proper heal

Am I questioning if I should move S. Lilele to the Sub units because Kat is getting benched for sure?

7ca27d No.15266246

File: b12a921b8c5410d⋯.webm (7.05 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Zodiac girls.webm)

The gang's all here

And they talk a lot

d023e0 No.15266284


They're so fucking cute, now do the same but with their costumes on.

f14c41 No.15266740


How long until we get multi element weapons so a team like this becomes viable?

d023e0 No.15266934

Can someone with the Lord of Vermillion, Summer, or Boku no Mirai skins set their graphics on High and save the image of MC posed in the coop room?

192833 No.15266961


Everyone who plays this should kill themselves.

4f8c7e No.15267218

File: f17625733bf81da⋯.jpg (64.73 KB, 477x572, 477:572, Capture.JPG)

Yesterday was just a clay golem and some bronze moons but today is a bit better. A moonlight stone, sr water Lamretta and some more elemental quartz. The last ssr was so long ago ;_;

59833b No.15267244


True im not at that point just yet where i need quartz for anything but i know i will be some im just holding it now.

Todays pulls were a whole lot of nothing. got 10x sky crystals so there's that i guess.

d023e0 No.15267252


Keep those Carbuncles, you'll want at least 2 of them at 3* for each element.

d023e0 No.15267266

File: e06ab6488f12621⋯.png (46.75 KB, 1499x245, 1499:245, Day 8.PNG)

Day 8 Results.

217347 No.15267816

File: 093b1fe0ba3aac7⋯.png (500.21 KB, 474x604, 237:302, the grind can go fuck itse….png)


I am become waterlord, master of triple attacks.

16b746 No.15268406

Can anyone post the Japanese Love Live reactions to the collab coming to Granblue?

2ccec3 No.15270602


I didn't save it but look at what popped up at my topbar.


d023e0 No.15270620



7deafb No.15270628


That's taco.

d023e0 No.15270636


Is there difference between subhumans?

fc4302 No.15271335

File: 0ffe7ecfe68e772⋯.jpg (430.14 KB, 1943x2996, 1943:2996, M0RIuwa.jpg)

What weapons are worth sl15'ing? As in I suppose even though the bonus is small a baha weapon might be the first one to do? Then say chev swords, cele claws etc… but should I bother with generic magna weapons or just ignore them as I'll be replacing them eventually?

8caf37 No.15271981

File: 12a9ae1a6b82855⋯.png (377.54 KB, 525x675, 7:9, 12a9ae1a6b82855faa42aa5058….png)


Xeno weapons for starters, if you got them. Then there's the Story SSR ones. If you're a whale, characterless SSR weapons but only a few.

>should I bother with generic magna weapons or just ignore them as I'll be replacing them eventually?

Yes you should, some magna weapons are better than primal/m2 and even when you have m2 weapons you can use both kinds on your grid. Besides, magnas get sl20 if you can be assed to unlock that. and m2 weapons are quite hard to get by


Ones don't have heads, the others eat monkey soup and are even darker. Both like shonenshit and KOF, so it's hard to tell them apart.

59833b No.15272721


Account 10 continues to fail. No SSR today got a corrnation ring from the box.

fc4302 No.15272930

File: 58f168b3cb81cbc⋯.png (918.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WBjgT45.png)


Thanks will take that advice.

d023e0 No.15274643

File: cce9856725f81b3⋯.png (51.7 KB, 1500x273, 500:91, Day 9.PNG)

Day 9 results, thankfully someone seem to have shot Account 9, and it seems it was Account 2, who is now in the lead!

ada6a7 No.15274744


>tfw rolling Uriel instead of Varuna

I wish I were Bones and 5, I want robomi too.

d023e0 No.15274800


Uriel is fucking great though

46f68f No.15274833

File: e83418bac87b00e⋯.gif (32.71 KB, 598x450, 299:225, Regi (1).gif)


But Uriel is good, and unticketable, not that Varuna is, but unless you can super whale then Varuna isn't good.

4dc29e No.15274925


You don't need to whale to have a "good" varuna grid, since omega water is such shit.

46f68f No.15274969

File: cefa47ce86590af⋯.jpg (45.41 KB, 400x500, 4:5, ominous regirock.jpg)


OK, what's a good F2P Varuna grid, I need to make one because I'm fucking giving up on water.

4dc29e No.15275073


Fimbuls, Fimbuls all day every day.

46f68f No.15275183

File: 2ad94fd32b39609⋯.gif (808.28 KB, 500x309, 500:309, giphy (1).gif)

It makes no sense. I can't have 10 Fimbuls. Do I add my 1* Murgleis and whatever.

d023e0 No.15275340

File: 70f2c177957f167⋯.png (441.66 KB, 384x407, 384:407, rSQAQsc.png)

File: ef3c235ce52aa19⋯.jpg (86.92 KB, 710x494, 355:247, DkJdVp8UYAIw7BK.jpg)

4f8c7e No.15275351

File: 9607ede17eb797c⋯.jpg (55.33 KB, 447x540, 149:180, Capture.JPG)

Fuck you I don't self insert as a girl. I'm a guy and I'll be interacting with all the idols and you can't stop me fucking yurifags/trannies in disguise.

48ca95 No.15275534

My friend got me playing this, just as something we could maybe do together. She's kind of into the entire setting up grids, actually playing the game, unlocking high level characters, grinding through content. I just like the way the cards look and when I get a shiny new one.

I want to try to get into this more, but I've really ignored a lot of the mechanics. Is there any way I can start to understand what I should be doing, that doesn't involve spending 20+ hours digging through a wiki? My friend has explained the mechanics a few times, ways to optimize my characters and who I should slot in where, but it really is all greek to me. I have some what should be powerful characters, I think, but I don't know how to maximize them. I keep filling up on weapons, and I don't really understand what I should be doing with all this stuff I've got. Is there some way to go through all the items and characters I have in my account, and determine the best possible set up at my level, and maybe make a checklist or rough guide of the content I should be doing, and how I should be taking steps to get to the next level of power?

Is it even worth doing if I don't really enjoy the combat in the game or the beating of bosses, and am not invested in the story what so ever? I mean, I like the pictures and some of the side adventures are cute. Mostly I want to play a game with my friend, but I'm too underpowered to join in on the content and not just be carried all the time.

ed7a4b No.15275556


I bet you're just going to end up with a crossdressing faggot doing idol things instead.

d023e0 No.15275567



Naisu joke there.

Also most of what you need is already explained on the wiki and in "starting up" guides and it doesn't really take 20 hours.

Start here:


With your weapons you use the copies of the good manga weapons, to increase their star rating and SR weapons as fodder to increase their skill level.

Content wise, do the What Makes the Sky Blue sidestory and get a Baha Dagger or Sword (Dagger if you have more Erunes, Sword if you have more Draphs), that weapon goes in all your grids.

After that get the Seraph weapons.

Remember to do your daily Hard raids for pendants that you can use to buy more magna weapons and generally, keep farmingMagna Raids for mor drops.

e2b1c0 No.15275804

That chuuni's gonna get herself sent to Pandemonium.

8c7309 No.15275813


It might be funny to see her talk to Olivia sometime.

4f8c7e No.15275829

File: f9ff28b4c6f17df⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 279x325, 279:325, gran and his harem.JPG)

File: be453c42480d48a⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 96x88, 12:11, such a cute couple.JPG)

7deafb No.15276000


I never thought I needed Idol Io until now.

All we need now is Idol Sara.

369668 No.15276126

d9b000 No.15276409


To be honest, you'll spend the entire game being carried by higher leveled players. Don't worry too much about it.

Got a crew yet?

7c996b No.15276505

File: 00ab0a81be0f27e⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 517x536, 517:536, 00ab0a81be0f27e49e3de74fef….jpg)


That's far funnier than you'd think it would be.


Crossdressing art of Grandjeeta making out with the Love Lives being spammed on the GBF and LL twitter pages when?

ea0bd7 No.15277367



Didn't fimbuls get nerfed anyway?

IIRC it was like, 2 fimbuls, a few Auberons, ROTB water fist or hammer, and then everything else like xeno staff or whatever.

It isn't worth it anyway>>15275183

4f8c7e No.15277411

File: e74e81ae509ea0c⋯.jpg (72.44 KB, 482x633, 482:633, z.JPG)

It's not much but it's still two more characters: Philosophia and Summer Walder

59833b No.15277710

File: f65981ea414ca9a⋯.png (186.85 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Charlotta_C.png)


Account 10: Hallelujah the drought is over. Pick up Charlotte for a new SSR character. Also, got a gold spell book.

d023e0 No.15277907

File: 637538e672ac7a5⋯.png (57.3 KB, 1513x299, 1513:299, Day 10.PNG)

Day 10 results. Keep it up Account 2, 9 must not win!

8c29e9 No.15278038

>Need to improve my Water grid as much as possible for next GW

>So I set to farming Cocytus and Leviathan

>But my Earth grid is shit so I need to make that better

>Set to farming Vohu Manah and Yggdrasil

This element shit kinda sucks.

f2ceb4 No.15278055

File: 14b2cae75a59771⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180809-130500.png)

Is fire Clarisse useful at all?

7f86ac No.15278306


I like her in my fire team, she has a fire def down skill, remove 1 enemy buff with some plain damage, and a lower overdrive bar.

Also she's cute.

fc4302 No.15278456

File: bc020f8f9a790f7⋯.png (705.31 KB, 597x777, 199:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d193ad22a427495⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 498x509, 498:509, HOMOSEXUALITY.jpg)

I mean shit… I'm happy with the draw. I now have a decent wind attacker for once and a full Ladiva collection for the gas chambers.

7deafb No.15278478

>tfw this event's story was miles better than the Persona 5 one

9c1a5c No.15278550

File: 7c683410a228956⋯.png (577.65 KB, 481x836, 481:836, nice.png)

Legfest percentages are a lie.

4f8c7e No.15278654

>finish new side story

>get fully uncapped summon level 1 and level 100 skill level 1 ssr weapon for free right away

Noice. And you can still buy more in the shop.


Shit like that should be illegal.

369668 No.15278731

File: 421a4106536d4a1⋯.png (371.22 KB, 381x604, 381:604, siegman.png)

File: 1c5c8c518134055⋯.png (157.32 KB, 288x247, 288:247, f1425260.png)

Haha, yes.

d9b000 No.15279269

Helping someone do 6-2

Room ID is 34165

d023e0 No.15279604

File: 3b52ab3ec3a0b39⋯.png (2.82 KB, 188x92, 47:23, feels so good.PNG)

File: 6699f05f3e05939⋯.png (216.3 KB, 517x354, 517:354, yesyesyes.PNG)

Hahaha, finally!

e2b1c0 No.15279931


Who's the lucky guy?

d023e0 No.15279991

File: ecec4b7f3e31de5⋯.png (192.41 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Alexiel_A.png)

File: 38c1323ed182a8e⋯.png (158.4 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Vira_(Grand)_A.png)


Broadia or Chevira. I have a full list of backup characters too. I think I've posted it some time ago.

584bcd No.15279992

File: eec1c57d41c7e62⋯.png (617.5 KB, 426x613, 426:613, half way there.png)

5 more to go.

7ca27d No.15280011

File: 3c175e9a81ec805⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1500x1347, 500:449, ClipboardImage.png)

d023e0 No.15280021

File: f5676ce9f28b25e⋯.jpg (364.98 KB, 1280x1845, 256:369, 0040.jpg)

File: 8c26905e693a539⋯.jpg (406.84 KB, 1280x1845, 256:369, 0008.jpg)

Good god, Sadpanda is exploding with C94 stuff.

Both Kakage's books are up as well.

4f8c7e No.15281735

File: 5602009b297983e⋯.jpg (77.34 KB, 488x643, 488:643, 12.JPG)

And today, Summer Ghanda. A new char but not ssr ;_;

5cd742 No.15281805

My blue chests have been shit. The "best" blue chest was gold moons. I'd like the roulette back please.

7deafb No.15281830

If you do think the Aquors Third Years are bad or are disappointed by them and haven't voted you should consider voting for them to get those buffs they mentioned.

I do think they'll win because, if I recall, Kanan is the most popular of the nine girls right now but you never know.

8c7309 No.15282520


Sorry, but I dick picked the First Years because the Chunni. Plus, I'm gambling on their 5 star giving their 4 a sub effect to become competitive with Yaia. 2nd years are the worst ones if you ask me. At least the 3rd years are good for making the up time on the xeno scythe almost constant.

7deafb No.15282613


I'd say if the First Years win it'll be because of Yoshiko because Ruby's the least popular overall.

I do use the 2nd Years in my main Water team and they do really well. My only complain are that their heal isn't that good but their Autoignition means I can use Yngwie's second CA without problem.

7c996b No.15282915

File: 9b4046077c899bb⋯.jpg (105.69 KB, 939x617, 939:617, DkJ-JoqU8AU4AqM.jpg)


Fuck the third years; first or second should win.

58eec9 No.15283185


I picked the 2nd the second years because chika is fucking cute, fite me

f14c41 No.15283200


Chika is the worst girl in the entire Love Live series and you cannot prove me wrong.

6a03c9 No.15283340

New thread


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