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File: 2a12830403a6fee⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1132x2018, 566:1009, 42a012e1e34153dfe6d3d03fad….png)

File: 744e962ba3a78ba⋯.jpg (168.46 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DkO0u5eVsAABUR2.jpg)

195f42  No.15283335

Sideboob Fantasy


and also idolshit

August Event Schedule

07/31~08/08 - Bzzt! Amped-Up Summer

08/09~08/21 - Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Sky-High!

08/17~08/23 - Xeno Cocytus

08/23~08/30 - Water Favored Unite and Fight

08/31~09/09 - New Event Scenario


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

195f42  No.15283352

File: a39401c589a5b4d⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 500x500, 1:1, sleep.gif)

Tomorrow is the last free 10-draw and hopefully I don't get shit.

645325  No.15283387

File: 2ccc28b7d807fc3⋯.jpg (82.56 KB, 850x708, 425:354, __grea_granblue_fantasy_an….jpg)

60f107  No.15283422

File: f0f7bf21ffbc8fc⋯.jpg (49.24 KB, 496x359, 496:359, oij6ijhp9bke.jpg)

01c302  No.15283437

File: e19976b788c1ed0⋯.png (646.56 KB, 502x597, 502:597, weeeei.png)

File: e27f19a12aca675⋯.png (729.09 KB, 550x669, 550:669, yngwie's expanded harem.png)

This is pretty fun.

137fed  No.15283521


>you will never slay as much pussy as grandpa Yngwie

That being said, his 5th star is completely out of left field especially when you consider the end of his 2nd fate episode. I don't have him at 100 but I' pretty sure that it never gets brought up again.

9d618b  No.15283554

File: 551a77d35c4a5b6⋯.png (71.37 KB, 625x137, 625:137, ready for GWs.png)

195f42  No.15283589

File: 761c98e49b96f2f⋯.png (908.57 KB, 756x693, 12:11, DbOioa1UMAAjXn5.png)


Nevermind, looks like we got 10 more days of free 10-draws

26463e  No.15283710

File: 2bd0bc5c1b7cf22⋯.jpg (234.11 KB, 771x633, 257:211, 2bd0bc5c1b7cf2246666be1e94….jpg)


More shiny gibs?

9861ad  No.15284002

File: 245529339bf4483⋯.mp4 (4.63 MB, 778x720, 389:360, Alex.mp4)


I just realized Ruby is Earth element.


Shoulda worded that better; now the universe is gonna give you 9rs and an SR summon or characterless weapon (whichever you need less).


That second pic is gonna trigger the Japs something fierce.

150d38  No.15284059

File: a1e1d8b761552de⋯.png (61.32 KB, 1512x321, 504:107, Day 11.PNG)

On the 11th day of the race our contestants got met with an incredible drought. Not a single SSR roll on any of them.

d0651f  No.15284656

post big loli tits

ed194a  No.15284695

File: ebf90197d33794d⋯.jpg (761.22 KB, 718x822, 359:411, 9yo.jpg)

c9cba4  No.15284703

>people are actually considering voting for anything other than the 3rd years

Are you serious? The first years chunni, no chunni bad, and FUCKING Rubesty, the 2nd years are completely forgettable aside from causing confusion due to one girl called (You), and most importantly, the 3rd years have




I swear to god the 3rd years had better win. Dia a cute

ed194a  No.15284718

File: 7335c1adca807c9⋯.jpg (160.27 KB, 700x882, 50:63, CAT TATS.jpg)


this is a case of rigging, 2nd year ssr is the only one usable that said third year should win cause mari and dia are only the salvageable idol in this pile of trash of an event

d0651f  No.15284733


you did your best

c80488  No.15284746

File: 5edb1a6eab3bc74⋯.jpg (819.22 KB, 722x958, 361:479, 51f4c484103842c20878bd068e….jpg)


>started playing around February

>Sara was in my first batch of SSRs

>never had too much of an interest because I couldn't see her original story

>check the panda to see if the pic is from a doujin

>can't find it but get a bunch of others

I guess I better take a look at that side story now.

Lolis are great at motivating me.

c9cba4  No.15284750

File: 778807802f16ea2⋯.png (298.82 KB, 524x622, 262:311, Untitled.png)



Here you go, friend.

Do not look up this artists' other Granblue works.

ed194a  No.15284755

File: 5a614ce69b95b9a⋯.png (18.55 KB, 350x406, 25:29, crying kurumi.png)


i want a summer event with sara io yaia and anna not some autistic fucks fighting eals . also i want summer io so badly

ed194a  No.15284770

File: cbe05102a6f1332⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 667x671, 667:671, bully chev.jpg)

26463e  No.15284810

File: 803e70f68764a53⋯.mp4 (223.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 69a4397a.mp4)

Shit event tbh. Mari the best.

ff0ac2  No.15284919


why? that doujin is a masterpiece of modern art P L A C E N T A H A N D J O B

ff0ac2  No.15284932


where do I vote?

1e66f6  No.15284967

File: 760f825def50f84⋯.png (400.78 KB, 1228x722, 614:361, 45455png.png)



hmmmm, put that into google and it gave me this.

a42340  No.15284994

I want to cum inside Yggdrasil's primal pussy.

85b790  No.15285003

File: e41d44d2bae37e3⋯.png (1.17 MB, 850x904, 425:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdf1a59cbf4949f⋯.png (1.29 MB, 800x1131, 800:1131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b46d9abd843a81⋯.png (965.53 KB, 600x927, 200:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6238c5d32b70f2e⋯.png (850.18 KB, 760x952, 95:119, ClipboardImage.png)

43f60e  No.15285006

File: a66fe53e628c8ce⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 400x480, 5:6, extend draws.jpg)


I wonder if monkey man had something else planned and decided to scrap it in favor of more 10 draws

c9cba4  No.15285012

File: f1f255cf027bbee⋯.png (202.76 KB, 623x298, 623:298, Untitled.png)


I don't like spoonfeeding so you better vote for best girls.

ff0ac2  No.15285229

File: 00791f33a5c44af⋯.png (616.83 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


ok thanks, voted for Yoshiko

c80488  No.15285372

File: 0d984de58b70771⋯.jpg (738.18 KB, 1000x900, 10:9, 0d984de58b70771d5e9f961083….jpg)



Works of art.



I haven't even finished the event, how much time do we have?

011f51  No.15285383


There's still a part 2, so it'll keep going until Xeno Coc.

e99480  No.15285384


You don't need to finish any missions of the event to vote.

c80488  No.15285411


No, I meant I wanted to finish it so I'd get to know the girls a bit more before deciding on which one to vote for.

e99480  No.15285432

File: 4604669f0b1ee57⋯.png (59.99 KB, 623x176, 623:176, ClipboardImage.png)


For that event start and end times are always listed on the event page.

9861ad  No.15285510

File: cdbbcc6e29e9f6d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 278.28 KB, 1529x2048, 1529:2048, DYgnP3YVwAEq3cW.jpg)

File: 6f8f34a055cdfe7⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.69 MB, 1820x1858, 910:929, 63025501_p0.png)

File: 4ed282a0f898782⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 68.4 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DI3JzP8VwAECCgE.jpg)


Your wish is my command…


Not voting for You would be very un-Chanly of you. One of the biggest reasons I don't want year 3 to win is because they're fire but since it's Love Live, they're all shit to me so my votes will either go to lolis or (You).


>side story

Hope you don't mind her being younger.


Hey, does Ex wipe your account if you don't use it for a while?

150d38  No.15285587


>Hey, does Ex wipe your account if you don't use it for a while?

Not that I know of

9861ad  No.15285621

File: c72235f4a040829⋯.jpg (377.84 KB, 1500x1017, 500:339, DjBDRo9UwAA1rvD.jpg)


Maybe my extension for logging in has gone to shit.

c80488  No.15286086

File: 4fc3459ed983b2c⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1200x852, 100:71, d8d0fda102c11975c3c6624230….png)


No, no, the period during which you can vote.

I can see it says it lasts until the 21st, right down to when the event ends.

I should have been paying more attention.


>Hope you don't mind her being younger

The younger the girl, the harder the dicking.

Unless it gets too young, then it's just no fun.

8be4c2  No.15286194

>10 bronze moons

These blue chests can suck massive dicks.

fb7ce4  No.15286196

Best blue chest yet.

fb7ce4  No.15286199

File: 06da0e34cd90885⋯.png (237.42 KB, 595x694, 595:694, prize.png)

880516  No.15286251

File: 60bee1abe915343⋯.jpg (72.86 KB, 493x587, 493:587, 13.JPG)

File: bf4c44a721c83aa⋯.jpg (100.51 KB, 456x576, 19:24, Capture.JPG)

>dupe Jeanne Dark ;_;

So, these free draws gave me no ssr summon and 3 new (and 3 dupes) ssr char, 7 new sr and 2 new r. Including all the new Summer chars.

Now for the second part.

9861ad  No.15286629

File: eb7d292bf0a11f4⋯.jpg (190.18 KB, 838x871, 838:871, Djo_p28U4AArK8A.jpg)


Way to screw me out of an embryo joke.

a5e758  No.15286666


account 10 checking in. Rolled SSR Ayer and got a primevil horn from the extra box.

All i can say is my earth team just keeps getting more and more form these free draws. Its helping me that ygg omega keeps dropping swords too. Game just want to to play dirt.

ee96f8  No.15286704

My friend said playing light without Lucio is shit. He hasn't played since 2017.

Is he trolling?

ed194a  No.15286720


yes and no depends what are you fighting

8be4c2  No.15287097

File: ba66823485b0f79⋯.png (67.39 KB, 273x161, 39:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d71f5bbe2a81ddd⋯.png (245.79 KB, 316x408, 79:102, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e858007511fa1b2⋯.png (272.22 KB, 319x403, 319:403, ClipboardImage.png)


Well I don't know about this GW, but I'm ready for the next.

645325  No.15287235


Hentai when?

150d38  No.15288209

File: e43af2665d93714⋯.png (66.13 KB, 1509x346, 1509:346, Day 12.PNG)

On (what should have been the last day) of the alt race, here we have out results!

In first place, head to head at 9 points, Accounts 2 and 10, both with incredible rolls!

Sharing the second place, at 8 points are Accounts 1, 9 and Main.

Accounts 4 and 8 sit together on the third step of the podium at 7 points each.

Account 7 ends in 4th place, but with a Urial and a Baha summon.

Account 5 closes another race with little to no improvments, just a ton of dupes.

Closing the race are Accounts 3, which already has a ton of of stuff on it (Sturm, Orchid, S. Bea) and Account 6, for whom it just wasn't his week, but hey, we've got 10 more days to go, as well as a Summer Flashfest, everything is still possible!

85b790  No.15288641

File: 715a6c9204a0ba2⋯.png (595.45 KB, 507x674, 507:674, eggs.png)


not enough eggs/10

150d38  No.15288657

File: d50538dbf6b6d77⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 310.54 KB, 1125x1525, 45:61, DkHr7sbUwAAXLV2.jpg)



9e50ff  No.15288703


How low did you have to make hp for those numbers?

85b790  No.15288745

8be4c2  No.15289002

File: 50cd3b7c10bc733⋯.png (46.18 KB, 323x82, 323:82, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot that we now have an in-game cal.

c865a4  No.15289007

The absolute state of /v/ playing trash gacha

880516  No.15290174

File: cca0cc4e6184aa3⋯.jpg (71.4 KB, 482x572, 241:286, Capture.JPG)

Holy shit, that's a great way to start the second part.

Man, I was thinking about doing my first primal grid with light, I was right to not uncap my Zeus right away. That's one sunstone saved.

968945  No.15290402


Only one flaw in her design: short hair. Why?

fb7ce4  No.15292005


It'd get tangled in her wings,

972825  No.15292134


>short hair


What a fucking faggot.

a6f8fe  No.15292165

File: fa686ea5a6d5aed⋯.png (128.21 KB, 486x675, 18:25, Birthday #2 Scene 6.png)


Short hair is patrician taste.

85b790  No.15292261

File: 572f57822212dc5⋯.png (1.38 MB, 825x1264, 825:1264, ClipboardImage.png)


>wanting male attributes on a girl rather than long flowing locks of femininity

6c939b  No.15292280

File: 8b648ffb8dce9fc⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 245x281, 245:281, Owenkosterman.jpg)


>wanting a vainglorious woman that will be more concerned with her hair than you

972825  No.15292510

File: 42927988d99a7ef⋯.png (814.12 KB, 821x758, 821:758, Screenshot_2018-08-13-07-5….png)

File: 20e950ff5b7acd6⋯.png (581.91 KB, 675x690, 45:46, Screenshot_2018-08-13-08-1….png)

File: 5569e524569cbd1⋯.png (570.74 KB, 724x711, 724:711, Screenshot_2018-08-13-08-0….png)

File: 8dacf04be0a86f3⋯.png (765.68 KB, 815x723, 815:723, Screenshot_2018-08-13-08-0….png)


Feminilty doesn't come from the hair.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but long haired women are just basic.

Short haired women have a higher power level.

Tomboys are a step above them.

Short haired women with glasses rank even higher.

972825  No.15292521

File: a60eb43ffab1b41⋯.png (161.07 KB, 548x694, 274:347, tumblr_p29utcydNz1v5zn9go1….png)

File: d5641c83746812b⋯.png (1.47 MB, 997x1472, 997:1472, Screenshot_2018-08-13-08-1….png)

File: 42beb36fcfa5ca6⋯.png (508.34 KB, 514x728, 257:364, Screenshot_2018-08-13-08-1….png)

File: 4dbc117ca20dc75⋯.png (672.68 KB, 738x705, 246:235, Screenshot_2018-08-13-08-0….png)


And above them we have Short haired women in uniform.

And if you add glasses to that…

de3408  No.15292588


85b790  No.15293219

File: 1472321c6e4d359⋯.png (151.53 KB, 466x349, 466:349, ClipboardImage.png)

Summer Grea soon

e72eb4  No.15293426


It was obvious

6c939b  No.15293434

File: 391054016046f83⋯.jpg (18.4 KB, 500x287, 500:287, f73567336aa5d03e4fa6e0a389….jpg)


Kimura stop, what are you doing?, the Greafag in the crew is barely containing himself, if Summer Grea happens the guy will fap to death.

972825  No.15293454



Summer Anne this flashfest, Summer Grea next legfest.

The next story event will have something to do with her as well.

9861ad  No.15294417

File: e681e422b53e771⋯.jpg (109.41 KB, 647x1122, 647:1122, DMM3m3rUQAAn-3m.jpg)


Money's on a shared character like the Maids.

ee96f8  No.15297041

Flashfest in 3 hours?

9d618b  No.15297062


Maybe, probably not though.

fb7ce4  No.15297612

Hoped for a smaller summer dragon.

85b790  No.15297616

File: b8442ce19abc6dc⋯.png (871.86 KB, 512x734, 256:367, Almeida.png)

File: af04b9d2e704bdb⋯.png (815.54 KB, 514x736, 257:368, Almeida uncap.png)

Big fat tanned draph tits

972825  No.15297630

File: a71ca2d92c2024d⋯.png (85.37 KB, 900x980, 45:49, 3040179000_img_1.png)

File: 8a4458c048c7711⋯.png (486.84 KB, 465x457, 465:457, 3040179000_02.png)


My dick, but I have to stay calm and spark in 3 days, but my dick.

fb7ce4  No.15297643

File: 1097b1e56ea7c1c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 628x819, 628:819, balls.png)

No summer dragon or cow with free roll, only blue balls.

9f7fa7  No.15297681

File: 8f36075902876e5⋯.png (15.16 KB, 492x328, 3:2, 1354602655547.png)


Breasts are God's gift to mankind.

968945  No.15297684

File: 1f09a52367dfcea⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 200.94 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, 003.jpg)

File: 5e3ebd3010e3210⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 206.53 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Ilsa_B.png)


>What a fucking faggot.

Says the one who approves of diminished femininity in a woman.


>Feminilty doesn't come from the hair.

On the contrary, the hair is one of the features femininity is expressed through. Long hair has traditionally and historically been a symbol of youthful femininity; rarely was it ever an example of masculinity. There's also a reason why women would have their hair cut as a punishment throughout history; not only that, but there's also a reason why women would cut their hair short while in a relationship, or married, though they'd previously worn it long normally.

>but long haired women are just basic.

Look around you. If not around where you are, take a good look at popular culture, not to speak of the corporate. Today's empowered wymyn have short hair–it's seen as a "power haircut". Women will frequently tell their peers with long, beautiful hair to cut it–if not to fit in more, then out of sheer spite. Or perhaps you're unaware because you've imbibed too much of the Kool-aid?


By the way, Ilsa doesn't have short hair.


>wanting a woman who can't care about you and her looks simultaneously

Where the hell do you people come from? On second thought, don't answer. I already know.

fdb062  No.15297742

I give up with these summer free draws. Shitty blue chests plus shitty draws (barely any moons) have gotten to me.

c80488  No.15297745

File: 98114930671e6e9⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 4333x3000, 4333:3000, 98114930671e6e94b0a6193578….jpg)


My friend, I applaud you for standing up against these short-hair lovers.

Stroking and appreciating a girl's long, flowing hair is simply the best.

"Muh tomboys" has overstayed its welcome.

d1635d  No.15297767

File: 2681e3f51e9a777⋯.jpg (159.11 KB, 598x1053, 46:81, 55783823_p0.jpg)



You are both blind. A high ponytail is the best of both worlds.

8b2684  No.15297791

Now, the important question.

How many Eleven suicides due to the Love Live crossover event ?

85b790  No.15297808

File: c594137dc4ca136⋯.png (275.82 KB, 311x436, 311:436, ClipboardImage.png)

Is that a topless Anne?

fb7ce4  No.15297821


That tail is bigger than her ass, how does it even connect.

85b790  No.15297850

File: 9741a01f481ee64⋯.png (359.24 KB, 509x830, 509:830, pure.png)

File: aa8e13d95345a3e⋯.png (448.01 KB, 512x601, 512:601, Grane.png)

Almeida is too pure for the lewd loli

d1635d  No.15297866


Does dancho work for the masketta man?

2943a7  No.15297940

Didn't know the rotation was for today, I would have kept my 10 roll. Oh well.

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a42340  No.15298115

>μ's is name dropped by the mayor

Well, there's next year's collab teaser I guess!

659143  No.15298276


>the masked man


9edb43  No.15298570


look at this faggot

>"I need girls to fit my lopsided hair taste or they arent girls"

its fucking preposterous, delicious flat chests or modest boobs and short hair on a girl that wants to go on adventures with you fighting side by side are better than these dainty wilting flower fucking zero personality waifs.

880516  No.15299173

File: 507a360382c597f⋯.jpg (67.41 KB, 483x594, 161:198, Capture.JPG)

Free draws don't stop giving me the new Summer characters. Noice.

8be4c2  No.15299226

>Used up 60 draws

>Only got Gold Moon Black Knight

I hate these free draws. Not doing them anymore.

c2c507  No.15299261

File: 59aca47de4dd602⋯.webm (7.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, How_to_make_a_webm.webm)

At the request of danchou.

968945  No.15300058

File: 8a43103c65652f8⋯.jpg (153.76 KB, 852x1202, 426:601, 041.jpg)

File: 882ba255bcc80e0⋯.jpg (301.91 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 008.jpg)

File: bc8d56c98b72e8b⋯.png (191.27 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 000.png)

File: ab0ad08e2aa275d⋯.png (126.79 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 000.png)


>Stroking and appreciating a girl's long, flowing hair is simply the best.

You understand true female physical beauty. You are not like those who mask their pedophiliac/homosexual tendencies with a thin veneer comprising taste for those who exhibit prepubescent/androgynous body features and a vehement aversion to body forms that are unmistakably and properly feminine. Indeed, they've been properly educated in postmodern thought, to prefer women who don't quite look like women. To prefer those who blur the line and look more like men.


>look at this faggot


ff0ac2  No.15300069


Vaseraga is a big guy

85b790  No.15300704

File: 75239ebd831ce6d⋯.png (824.63 KB, 515x1212, 515:1212, Masked man.png)

a42340  No.15300805


I want to do bad things to Io's ass.

6c939b  No.15301544

File: 663a15bafa4cd55⋯.jpg (36.22 KB, 640x275, 128:55, OqZllLN_d.jpg)

Here's the Oracles, the only ones named so far are Fraux, the white haired erune woman, Caim, the earth shota, and Theresa the ojou sama Draph.

6c939b  No.15301613

File: 2d3fc6e76732083⋯.jpg (114.87 KB, 640x2104, 80:263, RJQ3LGw_d.jpg)

File: ace8736c4bc9950⋯.jpg (35.23 KB, 554x434, 277:217, 9UGwQBg_d.jpg)

Forgot the Draph guy also has a name, Geisenborger. Fraux and at least one male has lines recorded, besides The World user/thief from Amalthea Island.

150d38  No.15301618


Death has been confirmed to being a trap.

7a8f0b  No.15301721


motherfuckers better make the kung-fu harvin water to enable the ultimate dirty old fart team

880516  No.15303909

File: 5fa02790e22aabe⋯.jpg (79.35 KB, 492x649, 492:649, Capture.JPG)

I was hoping for Almeida today but it didn't happen. Well, there is still tomorrow. Instead, I got Sevilbarra and 20 light quartz.

a42340  No.15304265

>There are people in this thread that aren't doing their Rubesty

903bec  No.15304353

File: fc2f0791abda54a⋯.png (111.95 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 1515987604401.png)


There's no confirmation yet

fb7ce4  No.15304610


That's the problem with erunes, not dimorphic enough.

a5e758  No.15304771


account 10 back after a few days. no SSR's until today. just got Wulf and Raine. I'm very happy with the amount of new SSR characters I've rolled on this account.

85b790  No.15304828

File: 4eeb12ad6e29e68⋯.png (1.6 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, ClipboardImage.png)

aceddd  No.15304876

why do I need to use a spoofer?

903bec  No.15304928

File: c4dff7bbb32729a⋯.png (95.35 KB, 329x377, 329:377, c4dff7bbb32729a8e1793e197b….png)


Where is her butthole?

0fbc36  No.15304935


she has a cloaca

02617b  No.15304970


i understand how underwear works on tails now. why aren't monster girls real yet? we've solved all the logistical problems.

9dfae4  No.15304979


And a puffy one at that.

9e50ff  No.15305350


It's not a problem, it's an opportunity.

150d38  No.15306348

File: a6b5e808276d5b6⋯.png (17.19 KB, 240x511, 240:511, Second Spark.PNG)

I sparked, but somehow I feel so empty.

aebe79  No.15306437


You should've waited until 5 am JST, we have another 10 free roll before the Flash fest is over

150d38  No.15306444


I had 350 rolls. Really didn't care about discounts.

It's not like the rates change, I'll take them as an extra.

6c939b  No.15306616

File: 7ad0eae6e7275ff⋯.png (160.5 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Al-Khalid_NPC.png)


>not making Al Harvani earth.

It's like you don't want him to do mortal kombat and wushu flips all over the fucking place with the Atma fist

7a8f0b  No.15306993

File: aedf6526dd86a75⋯.png (3.38 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 3ea89d849900f9edff294b7977….png)


Meant The Judgement's oracle who clearly has kung-fu eyebrows and beard. The others are of course Uno and Yoda. Al-Khalid is a smarmy fuck that doesn't know kung-fu and should never be mentioned in the same sentence as them.

Pictured is a search result for kung fu old man to prove my correctness.

7a8f0b  No.15306997

File: cad1af00d04a9c7⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 610x397, 610:397, 3ee3fdad7387f4d40cf11af9f7….jpg)


That is not a kung fu old man. This is a kung fu old man.

dfe23f  No.15308545

File: 7491de244dbc6e9⋯.mp4 (6.89 MB, 600x594, 100:99, Never Ending Fantasy - Sie….mp4)

Recently a good goy who used to upload every Music CD has gassed his own channel and so a buncha songs and specific character version are gone from kiketube. I preserved a bunch of them, so here they are in mp4 format, starting with Never Ending Fantasy w/Sierokarte and next Ruria

dfe23f  No.15308582

File: 0ad5ec5fbbaf9b3⋯.mp4 (6.89 MB, 600x594, 100:99, Never Ending Fantasy - Rur….mp4)

File: 009bbbd6dd16cbe⋯.mp4 (6.93 MB, 600x594, 100:99, Never Ending Fantasy - Rur….mp4)

Next upload will be more ordered, it's gonna be Souku Hana no Mai - Yuel and Societte's CD

dfe23f  No.15308612

File: b943439658dca96⋯.mp4 (12.2 MB, 356x360, 89:90, 蒼紅華之舞 ~GRANBLUE FANTASY~ ….mp4)

Having troubles with the mp4 converting, for some reason the only website where I can still get these from is not letting me continue to grab more.

dfe23f  No.15308777

And now that I'm trying to upload the Idol CD I'm having issues with the uploading, it gets stuck on >100%

fb7ce4  No.15308848


Nice, often use tube to hear the new songs, shame when they poof.

8be4c2  No.15308898

>More shit draws


dfe23f  No.15308899

File: 5a4a3cdbd169373⋯.mp4 (11.6 MB, 600x600, 1:1, Never Ending Fantasy - Ido….mp4)


I got the HomoKnights CD and the Idol never ending fantasy mp4s now but I can't upload for some odd reason, it gets stuck on 100% after I have done two successfull uploads.

I'm gonna try and keep up the old songs around, too, Sora no Michishirube and Narmaya's song can still be found on YouTube, but as far as I know, only a chink and I kept the Sierokarte/Ruria never ending fantasy songs. Shame Tiro decided to zyklon the entire channel. Hopefully I kept also backups if deep.ocean decides to kill himself too, SynthesisTV has crystal clear HD loops of several raid songs, so if anyone can help grabbing all they can in case they both also decide to an hero their shit

880516  No.15308909

File: e07aebb477269c2⋯.jpg (72.2 KB, 481x594, 481:594, Capture.JPG)

No Almeida today either. Looks like the free draws won't give me all the new Summer characters. Instead, it gave me Veight and my second Grimnir.

Unlike the first part, I keep getting ssr summons this time.

8be4c2  No.15308963

File: aa213ec8e197303⋯.webm (242.98 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Fuck these free draws.webm)

Here are my feeling about the draws I've been getting. Barely any moons, mostly R summons, and only SSR was fucking fujoshit Naoise. Any SSR I got was from using my own stash of shit. I'm gonna be one of those people who sparks and the only SSR they get will be the spark target.

dfe23f  No.15308989

File: bf1b2bd793c16db⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [GBF] Together In Song in….mp4)

>clay golem, soriz sr and summer chloe moons

These draws have been ass,

dfe23f  No.15309019

File: 8923c0b8e3816c6⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 815.47 KB, 560x314, 280:157, arulusummerfuck.gif)

File: 252084aeab8dc85⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 165.82 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, Dj0jCHSV4AEqhGs.jpeg)

File: 374913e22559639⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 157.16 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, Dj0jDMeUwAABzfz.jpeg)

File: 6e86e6bfd5bea0c⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 113.34 KB, 595x842, 595:842, DkAybEQUwAA8mk_.jpeg)

File: 99f638a4a06cdc9⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 74.8 KB, 595x842, 595:842, DkGC2PyU0AACjdh.jpeg)

enjoy some Arulu lewds while I go off for a few hours and regather whatever music I still got from the now two lost channels. I got some clean version of Right Behind You boss fight, and if I can remember Synthesis got a 15 minutes loop, while I got the original 4:something.

c80488  No.15309054

File: e0e1d2a79985c3d⋯.png (552.8 KB, 534x800, 267:400, 4ff6cdd21664a95cf7e18be085….png)


>last pic

That's absolutely ingenious.

And kissing the best potato, too.

9e50ff  No.15309056

File: f7d59736d71f3c6⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, shitty roll.png)

My free rolls are just trash today, check out this shitty draw.

dfe23f  No.15309068

File: 00dda2832e0798b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.69 KB, 368x368, 1:1, 00dda2832e0798bd4b8745bf1b….png)


Alright, m8, time to hook you in the gabba with that shit also


enjoy the poo in the loo customer service

9861ad  No.15309111

File: bda94e1fb50d098⋯.webm (10.82 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Never Ending Fantasy.webm)


>You'll never see GBF, Im@s, and Love Live idols fight each other to the death

ed194a  No.15309144

File: 3d638bd0620d9a1⋯.jpg (357.93 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, stupid sexy diola.jpg)


man that song is garbage, but at least diola is the cutest there

37982f  No.15309663

File: a01912c0580fe53⋯.png (501.54 KB, 497x762, 497:762, ClipboardImage.png)

This has got to be the worst spark of all grubblers.

7a8f0b  No.15310150

File: d49b32289c77868⋯.png (446.04 KB, 478x570, 239:285, spork.PNG)


That's pretty fucked, was Grea a random draw or did you trade for her? Hope you at least got some usable summons.

Here's my spark, end result was more gold moons than new SSRs. Charas are p good though.

150d38  No.15310428

File: 1be8b961ef39c7c⋯.png (75.31 KB, 1550x423, 1550:423, Day 17.PNG)

We got a 3 people fight for the pole position, but I need some blank filling.

26463e  No.15310751

File: c3d4c0133b126b6⋯.png (882.04 KB, 756x543, 252:181, d1f245636370.png)

File: f354af9c2637b27⋯.jpg (74.39 KB, 850x676, 425:338, f354af9c2637b2764d8e8c89ec….jpg)

Summer Grea with the last flashfest 10-draw. Better than expected.

a5e758  No.15310803


account 10 has you missing Wulf and Raine on one day and today I pulled raphael for a summon and Arriet for a SSR.

Sorry about missing yesterdays post looks like i fucked up and it didnt post.

1bf610  No.15310952

File: 83f6b9cdf5c269c⋯.png (468.5 KB, 479x708, 479:708, GBF_2018-08-17_free_17.png)

File: ae962113a8a63f0⋯.png (491.81 KB, 481x684, 481:684, GBF_2018-08-16_free_16.png)

Yesterday and today's roll.

First time I've seen this kind of roll for yesterday.

ee96f8  No.15311098

Serious replies only:

Altair Quatre Uno Grea

One has to go

34fff2  No.15311106


Grea because she isn't a 5* character

5ae5eb  No.15311451

File: b65621de38dbe51⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 737x757, 737:757, 1534472828613.jpg)

File: 5b4e8f08125f14d⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 366x513, 122:171, 1534472728456.jpg)

File: f1bb8beb59a7152⋯.jpeg (99.97 KB, 652x953, 652:953, DkjV-vFUYAEAhgc.jpeg)


That's not what happened, during the fight where he fucked Six's six, the autistic chuuni was screaming "WTF ARE THOSE FLIPS, FUCK YOU, NOOOO, HARVINS CAN'T HAVE THIS REACH, HAX, REEEEEE", the guy also had years of actual martial arts training before fucking himself up and requiring the prosthetic spinal machine he invented.

7a8f0b  No.15311749

File: 6650771c7e2904f⋯.png (146.63 KB, 480x516, 40:43, doubtful_cow.png)


Exactly. His martial arts computer did all of the hard work because he was too much of a shitter to do it himself.

8b2684  No.15311880

Still waiting for an answer to >>15297791

5ae5eb  No.15311923

File: ef2ce25a682d394⋯.jpeg (34.46 KB, 700x404, 175:101, DkuzDVeVsAERF57.jpeg)

File: 0cf517ddfdb7a1f⋯.jpg (959.02 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 1534466529281.jpg)

File: 32816e7e05fb1aa⋯.jpg (102.41 KB, 708x520, 177:130, Cq1XllBVUAESGzW.jpg)

File: 2387d71a9eb296e⋯.jpg (102.15 KB, 629x862, 629:862, DXONcQlVoAAVLW5.jpg)


>heh, that guy with no legs using prosthetics sucks at walking lmao

He had training for years, until he overdid it and killed his spine and had the spinal replacement to even ball up a fist again. It's not a magic wing chun engine, I was a mobility helper(granted it apparently had injectors with adrenaline/and what I suspect could be some sort of Dexedrine, check that shit out), until Siero ripped it off him and told him to just make a normal version for people with injuries like his.

b4114f  No.15312047


>I was a mobility helper

Get the fuck out of here Al Khalid potato limbs will NEVER be martial artist material

5ae5eb  No.15312130

File: a00b5a937343ab0⋯.png (39.27 KB, 290x206, 145:103, Oira tokage ja-.png)


*it was a mobility helper, not that I am the mobility helper. Also, the event pretty much marks that, under natural conditions Harvin fighters are an insanity, even the Melee marked ones are aided by something, Mimlemel has a Trumpet/Saxophone/Magical Stump/Magic Pumpkin, Balurga has a Gun Claw, Al Khalid used goddamn machines and drugs to propel himself up, Charlotta uses Lumiel based magic to compensate the size, come to think of it, Elmelaura is probably the only Harvin that fights without magic/supernatural skills/machines/guns.

85b790  No.15312354

File: 7ab41b18d9ad913⋯.png (257.75 KB, 587x536, 587:536, ClipboardImage.png)

I wonder if she will get a summer 5* like Yngwie did.

c80488  No.15313257

File: e32e6b6c6229f68⋯.jpg (38.27 KB, 400x400, 1:1, impressed.jpg)


>Scath 5*


9861ad  No.15313456

File: e79f4f0a3e7910e⋯.jpg (122.23 KB, 859x1199, 859:1199, e79f4f0a3e7910eb88cc498608….jpg)


Now I just need to van Sara and I'll be able to max Scathacha out.

34fff2  No.15313832

File: 4697964fe8c62fb⋯.jpg (424.89 KB, 738x1620, 41:90, femdom tag.jpg)


swiggity swooty

dam glad I'm a lover of dragon booty

a42340  No.15313995

One day I'll get Summer or Grand Io but Ayer will do for now.

880516  No.15314026

What the fuck, the free draw gave me nothing. I demand a refund!

7a8f0b  No.15314233

File: 62c3f5c4b4dc9cd⋯.png (120.76 KB, 350x368, 175:184, watchout.png)

BROS what does it Feel like when you tri slash proc ixaba and triple attack crit assassin to castrate grimnir as sturm simultaneously blitzkriegs him anally… i really need to know this is a life and death situation

9f1c0b  No.15316187

File: 939c5fe036e809c⋯.png (251.34 KB, 471x391, 471:391, ClipboardImage.png)

Is it worth using a chocobar on character SSR weapons that's already capped with 3 stars?

fb7ce4  No.15316188

File: fab0551dde71599⋯.jpg (265.02 KB, 700x630, 10:9, eurne spies.jpg)

330a03  No.15316325

File: d8847c37fb84c10⋯.png (561.27 KB, 400x587, 400:587, an_abstract_kind_of_feel.PNG)

I don't know how to feel right now.

16a58f  No.15316427

File: e30fa2cdf5f3aa6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 774x1095, 258:365, Algebra and Ardora.png)


hey, shame about the oji san but you got a cute daughteru to care for after he passes away doing something absolutely stupid.

a42340  No.15316437


What did he do, anyway?

16a58f  No.15316468

File: 33f6f498b0ebd94⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1625x1895, 325:379, 52613643_p0.jpg)


Nothing yet, but he's a known mercenary that has taken huge risks before having a kid, but he's the type of red flag character that would in any other game die and leave a heart crushed daughter vowing revenge, but not even the actual dead characters die here, unless you're a villain, and maybe not even then.

a42340  No.15316503


Oh, the character. I thought you meant the VA.

He kinda strikes me as the type of guy who would calm down once his daughter came was born.

I have him sitting in my backline in case I need a proper tank during a long fight.

16a58f  No.15316505

File: 4276c129f807eed⋯.jpg (147.85 KB, 712x845, 712:845, Queue we'll meet again..jpg)


Now I know what happened, Agielba's VA Unsho Ishizuka has passed away.

645325  No.15316513

File: 57a6c3585822ac1⋯.png (51.07 KB, 180x170, 18:17, sad pointy ears.png)

a42340  No.15316514


He was also Mr. Satan in Dragon Ball and Old Joseph Joestar in JoJo.

16a58f  No.15316520

File: be9f0264f5b3249⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, 50803330_p2.jpg)


more importatnly, the narrator for 21 years in Pokemon and Prof. Oak. Also, he was second Satan, Some man called Goro was first Satan until he too passed away from cancer.

Hopefully they pull Aldora and let her become her won character and do an honorable send off for Agielba as they did for Althea.

114fb2  No.15316523

File: 7cb8c316e61c2b1⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 600x423, 200:141, a82c231e6d2a4c84555ca33848….jpg)


That is actually quite heartbreaking.

9861ad  No.15316562

File: dd2008245f8a0b5⋯.png (583.05 KB, 708x683, 708:683, 82bcb9cd96a513c4bdd290959c….png)

File: bd9110682c954a7⋯.jpg (13.6 KB, 269x467, 269:467, bd9110682c954a7344e5435548….jpg)


Motherfucker; I was gonna make a post down the same lines but you beat me to it and brought feels on the same level as Hughes from FMA but at least Yaia will have an orphan buddy now.

16a58f  No.15316590

File: e7166c29a6c2622⋯.jpg (81.43 KB, 652x595, 652:595, anone honki dayo.jpg)


>Aldora without thick eyebrows

someone hang the fucking artist.

8d0963  No.15316646


Damn, didn't he just fairly recently replace Tekken's Heihachi's VA after he died?

16a58f  No.15316670


no, it was Edajima Heihachi he replaced, but he's been Heihachi Mishima for years now, if not the OG Heihachi and Gozaburo Kaiba too.

bf7aa1  No.15317060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


195f42  No.15317343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

85b790  No.15317367

File: f1fb89e35a48abd⋯.mp4 (290.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, yreJmKAQBPc1cTBw.mp4)


Just saw that. Who needs a shiva set up turn when you can just click a 130mil ability

26463e  No.15317557


Nice. Guy wasted his time doing pointless shit only to see some high numbers on the screen. Gotta admire that autism.

c80488  No.15317658


But that's a good majority of video games.

8be4c2  No.15317669

File: 7da786a8c7ae877⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 279 KB, 316x444, 79:111, ClipboardImage.png)

Here is my horror show of a Varuna Grid. Because you know, doggo showdown is never coming back now.

a1893c  No.15318274

File: 5a34494cda7878f⋯.jpg (120.71 KB, 680x946, 340:473, 54088058_p0.jpg)


Awesome! she's going to be way easier to fuck now.

9e50ff  No.15318825


>Bahamut weapon on a Varuna grid

793f39  No.15319193

Just started the game on Monday and the first gold character I drew was Zooey. My friend is immediately jealous but I donr understand, is she any good?

34fff2  No.15319223


She has white hair, delicious brown skin, an angelic voice, is a primal (she can be used in any grid party combination), and she's top cute along with being an SSR

You are very lucky if you got her for free

c80488  No.15319482

File: cd22d39151603a9⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x1670, 120:167, 5954445db01c3441f9c9370665….png)


Zoi is top tier delicious mate.

I wish I had her, but such is fate.

Take good care of her.

9861ad  No.15319500

File: 24f8bd02775af3f⋯.jpg (552.51 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, 59221231_p0.jpg)


Which Zooey?

ab9f8a  No.15319572


If its the light one, she good but nothign super amazing, if its the dark one, well, tldr

nuke thta always hits on weakness

stacking debuffs on a aoe nuke

turns you team immortal for 1 turn and it can only be negated in two ways in entire game and enables a retarded powerful setup that relies on gimmicky weapon grid, can be run with any element as long as that grid is there

9e50ff  No.15321288


You want free characters? One anon here is giving away accounts full of them.

Got a crew yet?

0c759d  No.15322393


Nobody else wants to so I will.


c29af1  No.15322407

File: 04cd22ca2653f9c⋯.png (217.35 KB, 962x689, 74:53, Untitled.png)

28039d  No.15322428

File: 5138eec59e67771⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1500x2400, 5:8, 5138eec59e677712aae59586ee….png)

Are secondaries allowed?

c80488  No.15322482

File: 6b137ffd8c1bd18⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1108x1500, 277:375, 4bc961503ab099daed4b033c09….png)


You mean people who started playing because of the porn everyone here?

Also, good taste my friend, Erune girls are the best.

a0a1b5  No.15322849


The fact that there was no interaction between the Aqours and the actual GBF idols in there was the most retarded shit. I know having them meet the CGs would be impossible but at least there's Lilele and the aztec idols.



Unsho Ishizuka replaced Daisuke Gouri twice, as Mr. Satan and as Heihachi Mishima (Gouri was his voice from Tekken 3 to 6).

890256  No.15322875


>people who started playing

That's not what a secondary is you fucking retard.

903bec  No.15323775

File: dd5281226616bc3⋯.png (144.79 KB, 640x688, 40:43, giving newbies info.png)

Reminder that unless you're waifus are Vira and/or Rosetta or your earth team is on life support for lack of SSRs, you should wait until the banner change for Summer Jeanne to be on rate up since she's the best wind SSR in the game not taking into account 5* Siete or 5* Nio. Summer Siegfried, who will also be on the wind rate up, is also a much better unit than either Rosetta or Vira.

a42340  No.15323820


I got Summer Vira because the wind bait banner is the last one with the free daily x10 draw, right?

I did get Ayer and I enjoy using the First Years which means Melleau will hit the sub slot bench.

903bec  No.15323923


There are two more free rolls after today's, so its possible to roll twice on the wind banner if you save today's.

a42340  No.15323993


I kinda didn't save it but I got Ayer so I guess that's about as good as it gets.

It's fucked up how I got jack shit in the latest fest but I score during these bait banners.

30c671  No.15324467


Not the same anon but started a little while ago and am looking for a crew. Rank 110, grinding for my first row IV class unlock.

9e50ff  No.15324488


Post your ID

30c671  No.15324516



9e50ff  No.15324531


Scouted you, welcome to the crew.

30c671  No.15324538


Thank you. I'll need to wait out the cooldown since I was sitting in a 2 man crew until a little while ago.

9e50ff  No.15324542


You really need to fix your support summons, surely you have better summons by Rank 110.

30c671  No.15324563


I've had pretty trash luck as far as summons go so my best are mostly omegas. Hopefully it's a bit better now.

9e50ff  No.15324575


Omega summons are fine, better than all other kinds if you don't have a 100% element summon.

30bbbd  No.15324618

File: 2fa26fad4f062be⋯.jpeg (86.49 KB, 620x960, 31:48, Dk_9liMVsAQ8r47.jpeg)


I'll be honest, Summer Jeanne is not that good for me. The point of a Tiamat Bolt grid is to use the enmity in them, but she recovers HP to give strength. Kinda odd.

903bec  No.15324643


Grimnir harps provide crit and stamina. Jeanne not only protects your units and ensures that you can remain at high health/ remain at low health more safely, but she can heal herself, boost everyone's attack, gives a bit of charge boost, and she ensures your MC doesn't have to carry miserable mist because she can nearly cap defense down on the enemy by herself. To top it all off, she has 30/20 DATA when at full HP. Shes absolutely nutty.

85b790  No.15324655

File: 34b24b95d1de855⋯.png (1.15 MB, 850x1200, 17:24, ClipboardImage.png)

903bec  No.15324667

File: 250d1f304a4edbe⋯.png (744.98 KB, 635x903, 635:903, 250d1f304a4edbe97ed0082f5e….png)

30bbbd  No.15324684


Someone remove this boy, they ought to add another girl in the Oracles instead.

30bbbd  No.15325079

File: 172949952b985fe⋯.png (588.92 KB, 480x622, 240:311, current earth grid 08-19-1….png)

I'm holding onto the Dewbranch for some measly HP plus.

Outisde of this only thing worth mentioning is a Stratomizer 0* I have waiting around.

c2c507  No.15325089

File: 94c244e23692040⋯.png (573.95 KB, 474x608, 237:304, earth grid.PNG)


I raise you my earth sword meme.

30bbbd  No.15325101

File: 8d427b92af815db⋯.png (143.31 KB, 616x338, 308:169, Mad Max dorks.png)


isn't 5 yugu swords just too much, shouldn't you have two EX weapons because muh multiplyers?

is that what I'm missing?

c2c507  No.15325214


Getting an extra 20% overall boost from my atma, and on top of that the 20% boost from MC's dagger/sword proficency. Not to mention the fist being SSR'd doubles the effectivness of the first skill and the second skill a small hp+atk.

9861ad  No.15325628

File: e5cbd2b0336f5e3⋯.jpg (274.68 KB, 1100x1553, 1100:1553, e5cbd2b0336f5e3130e65445ae….jpg)


>The fact that there was no interaction between the Aqours and the actual GBF idols in there was the most retarded shit

That's Granblue collabs for ya; bet Io and anyone close to Magical Girls (no melee lolis in Granblue) will be close to the Precure collab in October.

a40891  No.15325655


>Precure collab in October.

give me all the details. I need this.

9861ad  No.15326232

File: 9938e6b7bee1f17⋯.png (396.32 KB, 471x519, 157:173, 9938e6b7bee1f173b94b281e0e….png)


Only thing known so far is that it's a collab with the original series so we should be getting Black/White SSR or SSRs.

Does anyone else think this and the fact they popped up in the recent series is pointing to plans for a reboot or remake of the older sereis?

0f4e5c  No.15326274


They appeared in the actual series due to Precure anniversary, that and the incoming movie.

150d38  No.15328937

File: 64dd39739eec4c2⋯.png (79.33 KB, 1510x463, 1510:463, Day 20.PNG)

Goddamn this race is going on for so long.

It's the 20th day and we're seeing Account 4 taking the lead by 1 point, Account 10 follows closely at 12 points, while Accounts 2 and 9 fight head to head to stay on the podium.

Account 7 is right below it, but with Baha, Lusifer and Uriel, he's won already and doesn't give a shit.

Account 1 has had some decent rolls, but those 9 points ar mostly Quartz.

Account 5 managed to snag both the new and hot summer characters, as well as a second Murgm while Account 8 is suffering from some extreme windmemeing.

Main Account is suffering with it, a 3rd Grimnir dupe, Quartz and moons. Arriet is kinda fun though. Wish I could trade day 2 or 3 with Account 9, leaving summer with no new summer unit despite putting down a fucking spark hurts so much.

Scoring "only" 8 points is Account 6, but that Drang and Summer Drea more than make up for the bad luck, plus Anthuria is the lewdest thing in the game.

Breaking new records of unluckyness is Account 3, which despite the Baha summon, is only sitting at 5 points.

We're (thankfully) approaching the finishing line, but one slight luckshitting from either of the first 4-5 contestants can still change it all!

c80488  No.15329201


>all those SSRs

>meanwhile I failed to get a single SSR character and only got one good summon

It is fate.

9e50ff  No.15329243


Who needs SSRs when Lyria and Abby are really good SRs

2f265e  No.15329347

File: bc4682c4085d46d⋯.jpg (32.56 KB, 215x292, 215:292, 1534734613826.jpg)


Who needs SRs when there's secret nukes in the R dungeon.


Fucking wished Uriel or Alexiel finally showed the fuck up for me, watching the race makes me wonder where I'd be if I had rerolled before sticking through a year of the R only dungeon.

515fcb  No.15329871

I thought there was supposed to be new Xeno weapons added with the repeats. Did that idea get scrapped or did they forget?

It seems like all the EX water weapons I've had access to are rather shit compared to the other elements.

9e50ff  No.15329877


They will only add new weapons on every third rerun. Just be thankful that you don't need to farm for new weapons every time a xeno event comes along.

09ed78  No.15330185

File: d26b4fc8a85928c⋯.png (502.99 KB, 476x604, 119:151, SOON.png)

>GW is coming

>tfw Varuna build with this as a grid

a5e758  No.15330208


account 10 reporting in. two rolls of bronze moons and chracter less SRs. But today that changed got two SSR's: Tiamat (character) and wind Lancelot (wind).

fb7ce4  No.15330783

File: 946d6e3e24db4f2⋯.png (522.73 KB, 629x534, 629:534, butter.png)


Still stuck on butter knives.

271005  No.15331294

File: 00ae3fb251c74d3⋯.jpg (105.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mpv-shot0286.jpg)


>Does anyone else think this and the fact they popped up in the recent series is pointing to plans for a reboot or remake of the older series?

That's not happening. Toei is retarded at handling Precure and embracing it as the animated tokusatsu with cute girls punching the shit out of monsters that it is.

>10th Anniversary show rolls in (Happiness Charge)

>appearances from previous shows are only introductory messages, the show's main until replaced by the upgrade mid season gimmick, the PreCards, only get a Decade mode as a toy extra later on none of the posterior seasons do this

>"15th" technically 14th Anniversary show happens (Hugtto), after taking from KR and Sentai and using things like character cameos and torch passing ever since HaCha

>they actually remember to use Black and White

<half a stock footage transformation (not even bother to redo it or anything), no fairy partners, they go straight to MaxHeart mode, suffer from the shitty Hugtto fights where they change to a 2km angle when punches connect

<new material for old shows only exists in the form of light novels instead of going V-Cinema Smile's has 20-something year old Cures for example, imagine that animated.

<no sign for a toku crossover aside from kig shows and the Magiranger/Dekaranger crossover CDs


At least give me Nio since it'd be fun to see Mezool talking to herself.

fb7ce4  No.15332005

File: 8346c740356c342⋯.jpg (130.54 KB, 900x473, 900:473, next cat.jpg)

Another cat, with extra foam.

20fe1d  No.15332063


So what you are saying is precure is tokusatsu but shit? I'll stick to KR then

515fcb  No.15332085

File: 50366547e87037d⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1065x1307, 1065:1307, re4higdh8gh8ghbdrh.png)

Is there any particularly valuable element to reforge Aschallon into? I presume I shouldn't reforge it to water since I have a Murgleis.

Originally I was going to reforge it into Earth for the Earth attack up but it appears to lose that sword ability when I upgrade it to Ridill.

Does Al Doble the Glorybringer EX skill work with Alexiel's passive?

For reference here are my current Water and Earth parties.

150d38  No.15332238


Since you have Alex and Sig, I'd say try getting an atma sword instead.

2ce125  No.15332731

File: 44c7e205aa94d20⋯.png (838.19 KB, 1904x766, 952:383, 10-draw.png)


>rolled for her just now

what in the fuck

a1893c  No.15333081

File: 2dc9a0a84a97335⋯.gif (2.09 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 2dc9a0a84a97335cb2ef15f13d….gif)


Light is good for the 10% debuff bonus if you have Song.

ee96f8  No.15333196



I don't understand, what does this have to do with gbf.

c80488  No.15333319


Doesn't Cygames produce some princess gacha as well?

880516  No.15334941

File: f8d8053ccbbfe0f⋯.jpg (72.17 KB, 482x593, 482:593, Capture.JPG)

>fire rateup gives nothing

>water rateup gives nothing

>earth rateup gives nothing

>wind rateup gives nothing

But finally, last free draw does better.

Overall, that second part got me:

1 new ssr summon (kaguya) and 3 dupes (zeus, vortex dragon, grimnir), 3 new ssr characters (summer grea, veight, summer narmaya) but no dupe and 1 new sr (sevilbarra).

It was nice.

5b5536  No.15334953

File: bf39f506ae63db0⋯.png (766.72 KB, 466x682, 233:341, S.DLF.png)

File: 54891b37dd26350⋯.png (371.74 KB, 439x533, 439:533, S.EX Pose.png)

File: f739114270dd57f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 995x558, 995:558, S.Tamaki GET.png)

Today was a pretty good day.

515fcb  No.15335030

File: b1df81c70ef1239⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1106x1650, 553:825, fs8fh98hgvhidoubgdhnb.png)


I was planning on getting both in Earth. Is that a bad idea?


I have the bow to unlock her at 1 star but I neglected GW last time and most times it was around.

I don't really know what my light party needs, it's in pretty bad shape strategy-wise and I've been cushioning it with Mechanic while I try to get row IV classes unlocked.

Once I actually get row IV classes I don't know what I'd actually make my MC. Presumably something with Caladbolg/Berserker to keep up with the rest of my light party's ougi generation.

9e50ff  No.15335064


>using a cosmos weapon when you only have 3 of the weapon type

There's one problem right there.

515fcb  No.15335097


I previously had two more harps but I shifted them out and I don't have anything to replace it with that isn't a slight drop in damage.

515fcb  No.15335166


a caveat to that, anything with the same modifier, the Caladbolg and Twin Helix are an increase but doesn't match the rest of the weapons and I don't want to get back into that habit.

9e50ff  No.15335180


Just farm up lumi guns and replace the Vortex dragon with Luminiera Omega. The best time to swap is when you get 5 Omega weapons in your grid.

a42340  No.15335217

File: 7bd13668216bb25⋯.png (180.54 KB, 319x557, 319:557, Sin título.png)

Luck is a fickle mistress.

Now give me some Wind SSRs, you hag.

515fcb  No.15335231


That's an Adramelech, that's why I'm using all light summons instead of my highest level summons.

I'm working on guns currently, I have four guns and a harp but switching the summon to Luminiera Omega drops my damage by about 2k.

I suspect the issue is probably the two harps. I'd rather get a gun to replace both of them before I switch over.

9e50ff  No.15335346


The other issue is the 2 bahamut weapons, one is optimal.

So the grid you should aim for is:

7 guns, 1 ex(the harp), 1 baha, 1 Mainhand.

9861ad  No.15335390

File: c968d1f7d38ab4d⋯.jpg (438.74 KB, 945x1334, 945:1334, c968d1f7d38ab4d1a67971969b….jpg)


>Toei is retarded at handling Precure

And so! Every time you see fanart of Precure with other Toei characters, it's almost always Kamen Rider and you'd think that'd be by far higher on their lists of franchises to combine with Precure from that simple fact.


Loli Monica was in it for a collab and now someone refuses to not talk about the mobage.

c2c507  No.15335537

File: 97802fd3158191a⋯.png (557.24 KB, 478x607, 478:607, water grid 8-21-18.PNG)

File: 10928bcad6e4b9e⋯.png (547.22 KB, 477x498, 159:166, water summons 8-21-18.PNG)

a49401  No.15335555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm embedding in case you guy want to download it. It's Tsuki no Kami from Right Behind You's event. vs. Automagod Grynoth.

a49401  No.15335592

File: 132823ebea313b3⋯.png (778.2 KB, 480x856, 60:107, Well, this sucks..png)

File: b807fae35952520⋯.png (596.11 KB, 480x615, 32:41, summon list water.png)

Characters I'm using are Yuel, S.Izmir, Dog(Serious Mode), >(You), and Yngwie.

0b24d7  No.15335656


>using an arcarum main summon on a magna grid


515fcb  No.15335661


I thought the general starting grids suggested two EX weapons, is that incorrect or is there some point after the "starting grid" where the second EX weapon is swapped out for something else?

Are light guns so good that the second EX weapon isn't needed or is the EX harp just worth that much less?

a49401  No.15335921


I have no other summons, only snek 3* and ebisu 2*, what do I do, disband the type and go to sleep the entire GW.

9d26a5  No.15336031


>I have no other summons except the one the grid is built for.

a49401  No.15336052

File: 6e9aa44444a0370⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 221x228, 221:228, 6e9aa44444a0370de56df06b50….jpg)


it makes me lose attack, both on the caluclator and on battles, why the fuck would I use snake as main summon if it makes everything worse.

9d26a5  No.15336171


You know, you're right. You do you, friend.

515fcb  No.15336192


If you're losing attack switching to 3* snake, particularly with all the omega mods you have, you need to level your weapon skills more.

Both of our grids have the same number of omega mods but using that summon makes me lose 1100 paper damage.

880516  No.15336597


Don't keep your 4 lumi swords at 0*. 4* uncap one and once it reaches level 120 put in your grid.

515fcb  No.15336659


Those aren't actually equipped in a party I use but I've already put a decent amount of fodder into each of them in the past so I'd rather not combine them since I can't uncap any to 120 due to the materials needed.

I'm currently focusing on guns with the swords just being a bit of a bonus.

85b790  No.15336720

File: 0b4796dd8612cb5⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1003x1214, 1003:1214, Varuna Grid.png)

File: 50365648d1f9cc3⋯.png (1.73 MB, 998x1213, 998:1213, Levi Grid.png)



1 day until GW. Post your grids.

Not sure if I'll use my Varuna or Levi grid. The Varuna one caps easily, but the TA from the levi one helps get Vajra's buff up faster.

903bec  No.15336756

File: 15ccad352806915⋯.png (776.15 KB, 474x844, 237:422, 1.PNG)

File: 12eff248fe79ba7⋯.png (571.34 KB, 468x603, 52:67, 2.PNG)

File: 28670f10218bd7b⋯.png (530.01 KB, 474x496, 237:248, 3.PNG)

Didn't roll Summer Grea this free roll period, but my double 5* eternals mean I don't have room to complain. The drang ball FLB also let me replace an auberon and buffed up my grid a nice amount. I'm happy where I'm at.

9d618b  No.15336932

File: 65089066f3933e1⋯.png (443.89 KB, 421x531, 421:531, water grid 2018.png)

File: 0cd69a1fe9a04b2⋯.png (70.6 KB, 624x135, 208:45, estimated damage.png)

I don't know what to do water. I should've grabbed more wilhelms or something.

9d618b  No.15336976

File: cb1593d6ec1c95a⋯.png (72 KB, 624x136, 78:17, nonsense.png)

It even takes damage cap into account.

5b5536  No.15337069

File: 3011a06a15c3424⋯.png (451.81 KB, 472x500, 118:125, OutdatedWaterGrid.PNG)

File: 816f0952526eab1⋯.png (538.19 KB, 478x494, 239:247, StatStickSummonGrid.PNG)

File: bad21b7492bab04⋯.png (176.67 KB, 413x210, 59:30, BottomTierWaterTeam.PNG)

I'm not ready.

85b790  No.15337591

File: e53ddb875ffa611⋯.png (672.6 KB, 850x781, 850:781, ClipboardImage.png)

9e50ff  No.15337661


The ex weapon you are using have very low base stats and no 4* uncap. Both of these limit it's damage potential. It's probably better to use a Lumi gun in it's place due to higher base stats and because they can be boosted by a Omega Summon.

e2f4e6  No.15339100

File: dfaedeee6e27fb2⋯.png (358.38 KB, 449x558, 449:558, plus marks.PNG)

File: 76345cdadff5bc5⋯.png (568.53 KB, 439x575, 439:575, free crystals.PNG)

So, jumping between accounts for the last roll and eventual tally, I thought it could be helpful to lay down some tips for the newcomers.

Zala: You're skilling up the wrong weapons, having some placeholders is ok, but getting stuff like Petra's dagger up to SL 5 is a bit much. Focus on unlocking and doing Magna Raids for their summons and Magna Skill weapons.

Also try and focus your +1 marks. Remove them from all the +1~+6 weapons you have and put them on a single weapon you share amongst all grids (the Baha Dagger from What makes the sky blue) to get it to +99. Do the same for your summons.

I'd also suggest to start saving for a spark, you already have a ton of characters and might shoot for one easily, getting a ton of crystals from free missions and side stories.

Congratulations on the rolls by the way, holy hell there's some great shit in there.

Albion: You're doing alright, keep skilling up those Levi Daggers and Yugu swords. Work on uncapping you characters a bit, the Token boxes from GW will help a lot if you manage to leech some raids.

Ranz: Almost at 50% towards sparking, good work (who's the lucky grill?)! But do favourite those weapons, else you risk throwing them away by mistake. You've got some good grids coming up, add a Baha weapon to them, you get one for free from what makes the sky blue sidestory.

You should all try and do your Hard raids daily, with SR characters if possible, they drop some much needed SR fodder weapons and the mats to host the Magna raids, plus, you can buy SSR magna weapons with the pendants you get and speed up your progress quite a lot.

880516  No.15340664

File: 03adb80008230b6⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 425x210, 85:42, 1.JPG)

File: 5726b7d4e9b3b83⋯.jpg (92.57 KB, 484x610, 242:305, 2.JPG)

File: 849d4778594be20⋯.jpg (81.45 KB, 488x623, 488:623, 3.JPG)


Water is my worst.

I'll do 4 boxes to 5* my Sorn, for more it will depends how well nekomancer will fare.

a5e758  No.15341804

File: b25bc50378272c5⋯.png (212.31 KB, 500x710, 50:71, BestGirl.png)


Ranz here. thanks for the tips and the account. That's essentially what i'm doing. I really need to favorite shit. In fact i'm gonna go do that right now.

I haven't really decided who my spark will be yet. I already have objectively determined best girl. probably a good dark or light character to round everything out.

I missed out on xeno weapons because of time constraints (I'm sorry bones senpai). I'm at 2 atm but i doubt ill get the rest in time.

also how do people have like 15k hp on their characters? Mine a maxed out and they're at like 4-6k max.

e2f4e6  No.15342475


Baha and Seraph weapons, lvl 150 weapons and summons, +99s, the lvl 165(?) party passive for hp.

880516  No.15343967

File: d953373652580d7⋯.jpg (63.16 KB, 485x425, 97:85, Capture.JPG)

>can't one turn extreme+ even after using all the skills

Damn, almost there, but still missing a little something.

fb7ce4  No.15344104

File: a9736fa324a1813⋯.jpg (100.75 KB, 480x866, 240:433, winn.jpg)

File: 0dcde24f96df02d⋯.jpg (111.51 KB, 480x830, 48:83, loss.jpg)

The votes are in.

645325  No.15344115

File: 1413c20a26d7c16⋯.jpg (225.67 KB, 700x990, 70:99, __takagaki_kaede_granblue_….jpg)


>No Kaede

Why live?

75e157  No.15344127


343 votes god damn

9d26a5  No.15344139


Japan once again demonstrating the depth of its bad taste

e47e94  No.15344140


>forgettable kawaii uguu win against mature dramatic ripe girls

At least the worst girls lost by a fitting margin. Do your Rubesty way down there bitch.

880516  No.15344230


>forgot that shiva exists

>replace support europa with a shiva

>can finally 1-turn it


1bf610  No.15344334


That was pretty close


>Final Rally rewards in GW

340b94  No.15344662


>1st years lost


a42340  No.15344687


It was kind of obvious. People expect heavy damage from a Heal type character coupled with Ruby being the least popular Aqours girl means they never had a chance.

It sucks for the Third Years as they needed the buff the most.

c80488  No.15344692


Any of the other two teams would have been better.

The main girl is so bland and dumb, how can the nips have taste that shit?

340b94  No.15344750


>Ruby being the least popular

Shit, really? I love hanamaru but i don't know what kind of man could hate a redhead loli.

880516  No.15344766

File: 0f9af37eabf97b1⋯.jpg (71.04 KB, 475x585, 95:117, Capture.JPG)

File: d6774ae23d9db4e⋯.jpg (72.01 KB, 487x705, 487:705, d.JPG)

Finally my first 5* eternal.

ba6fd2  No.15344838

I can't seem to get any of the raid finders to show me the little popup notifications to join raids

Recently got windows 10 so i'm not sure if that might be the issue or not, used to use chrome on windows 7 and all of the raidfinder sites worked perfectly fine; using chrome now and have gone through all sorts of settings to allow them, and still got nothing.

How the hell do i fix this? Can't leech for shit in gw because of this

ba6fd2  No.15344893


Seems to be windows 10 automatically hiding them from me; one will display but all the rest get hidden unless i manually open the action center and click it and repeat; ends up making it far to slow for joining ex+

a42340  No.15345000


I think it's because she got shafted the most and doesn't leave a lasting impression.

It doesn't help that in the anime she's next to useless as it's You who does all the clothing while in the manga it's both You and Ruby who do the outfits.

a0a1b5  No.15346668




I don't think they won because of what girls they liked, but because of their skillset.


Isn't drunkard 35-year-old idol a playable character at this point?

9d26a5  No.15346714


People who don't play this game with their penis are likely miserable creatures.

a0a1b5  No.15347069


I'd do so, but the character I want doesn't come to me and I don't have to fortitude to spark, or the lack thereof to buy a suptix.

aceddd  No.15347084

Why do I need to use a spoofer to play this game?

34fff2  No.15347109


>make fake email or use an old one

>sign up and make an account

>play on your browser

a0a1b5  No.15347270


Because for some reason GBF only works on Chrome/Chromium. IIRC it's because they're coded differently, but still with the spoofer/user agent you can get GBF to work but not plugins like Viramate or GBFRaiders.

9861ad  No.15347441

File: 10599f88c12a67c⋯.jpg (71.1 KB, 666x641, 666:641, DZqtQU2VwAA1yiq.jpg)




Caring this much about Love Live polls and not voting for (you) simply for memes leaves you with just as shit taste!

85b790  No.15347498

File: 87c1338e508f007⋯.webm (11.31 MB, 480x360, 4:3, nm90.webm)

This was a tough one to auto. Death's grace seems to be the key here as it turns all that burn into healing. If you run bonito and can hit the 50% by turn 2, sleep can skip the first trigger, too.

b3e454  No.15347713



playing it just fine on vivaldi

9d26a5  No.15348031


All of the Aquors cast is garbage compared to Us anyways.

a42340  No.15348101


I hope next year gives us the OG Love Live girls now that we know they were in the Granblue world before.

Maybe the Muse Third Years will be good, seeing that they're all popular.

880516  No.15349245

That ZOE collab wasn't much of an event.


I do it in 9 turns too but not on auto.

ce228f  No.15349270

I'm a simple man….

85b790  No.15349550

File: 2e782801ca50119⋯.webm (9.52 MB, 360x456, 15:19, Kengo nm90.webm)

bonito kengo memes are fun.

01c302  No.15349818

File: 4e1c6b7be6811cd⋯.png (811.13 KB, 640x920, 16:23, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)

File: dc4093334656598⋯.png (737.75 KB, 639x917, 639:917, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)


a6f9a9  No.15349838

File: 3488db16bf98c5a⋯.jpg (29.06 KB, 480x139, 480:139, theology.jpg)


You can impose yourself upon me all you want, sweetheart.

9861ad  No.15349870

File: 41e1fcd71cb16a8⋯.jpg (69.25 KB, 658x526, 329:263, C_nw3VSVwAACWCn.jpg)


The fuck, how come your Vajra rides around on the dog and mine hasn't for a long time? Did they tie the bigger win animations with higher settings?


All of Love Live is garbage.


That's Konami for ya.

9d26a5  No.15349877


>All of Love Live is garbage.

Substantially better than any iM@s crew.

01c302  No.15349968

File: 8bea97b42fb69dd⋯.png (296.4 KB, 612x932, 153:233, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)


At some point, they made it so that Vajra's first pose is her normal self while her second pose is her being possessed by that spirit, when it used to be randomized beforehand.

880516  No.15349991

File: e6083bc165ed471⋯.jpg (47.13 KB, 472x475, 472:475, 1.JPG)

File: c5967389357266d⋯.jpg (24.79 KB, 467x169, 467:169, 2.JPG)

Fuck, I'm glad they added more slots. I farmed a fucking lot more than last time and barely made it in tier c. I think I ranked around 16-17k last time.

9861ad  No.15349999

File: 0490529ec3afdba⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 70.79 KB, 460x660, 23:33, 5886447.png)

File: 78136c223316f72⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 43.11 KB, 460x660, 23:33, 8122665.png)

File: e8b147d8eabe020⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 30.4 KB, 460x660, 23:33, 8184308.png)


>One of K Ons many partakers of its sloppy seconds

>Babies first idolshit


I bet you think Fire Emblem is the best tactical RPG ever made, console makers do nothing wrong, and that Overwatch surpasses Team Fortress 2.


Ah, that shit's fucking lazy and makes her look depressed as hell.

114fb2  No.15350023

File: 9ba99eb647ea2f2⋯.jpg (69.98 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 9ba99eb647ea2f212e77baac9e….jpg)


What a waste of quads. Your entire post is shit, dude. Back to the drawing board, dumb nigger.

85b790  No.15351636

File: f1db9d4428c532e⋯.png (274.65 KB, 502x499, 502:499, infinity.png)

almost quads

a42340  No.15352849

>Aquors First and Second Years are 8.0

>Third Years are 8.5

Someone tell the wiki's meme tierlist people to lay off the drugs.

80940e  No.15354616


Veil makes all the difference you dumb dumb

880516  No.15354746

>scat, ingwie and bea on rateup

>want scat

>spend all of my 137 rolls

>get ingwie, get dupe bea, also get heles and 3 shit summons (twin element, vortex dragon and setekh)

>no scat

Fuck this shit mobage.

88bf23  No.15354770

File: 39d8fe8c1bc72bb⋯.png (9.32 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Katwhy.png)


>wasting 46% of a spark

80940e  No.15354772


>doesn't have the moral fiber to save to spark erunedragonloli

>goes all in but doesn't manage to draw her like the providence of god intended

The same happened for me when Grea released. Dragons, man.

8aaaaa  No.15354828

fuck off phil

fb7ce4  No.15354998

Should have left my crew before gw. I'm just a leech at this point.

9d26a5  No.15355171

File: ab240cfb748dd11⋯.png (191.02 KB, 1228x520, 307:130, the chad free pull.png)


>Drawing outside fest

>Can't draw his waifu anyways

01c302  No.15355734

File: d7219e6772c8db5⋯.png (596.02 KB, 628x800, 157:200, Screen Shot 2018-08-25 at ….png)

File: 142faab69a51cd6⋯.png (34.64 KB, 530x70, 53:7, literally one draw.png)

File: 119435293e1df2b⋯.png (100.49 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 119435293e1df2b4f927071a5b….png)

>scat, ingwie, and bea on rateup

>want bea

>spend a single ticket with no intention of drawing anything more

>get bea

Bless this beautiful mobage. This finally puts me at all three versions of her.

ff0ac2  No.15355933

File: 93eb2cd75a98da9⋯.jpg (124.49 KB, 1032x720, 43:30, RIP.jpg)

9c34b4  No.15355963

File: d188bc13b6e2d6c⋯.png (69.26 KB, 581x263, 581:263, Tickets.png)

>Scat, yngwie, and bea on rateup

>Yngwie is the only rate up character I don't have

>Flashfest was the same, the only characters I didn't have were the new releases

>I just keep hoarding crystals and tickets because there hasn't been a chance to spark I just wanted Summer Diantha, and fuck 3% rates

>If I do all the sidestories I can get a spark worth of single pull tickets

>I have started considering giving up on 5* eternals for now, and just making all 10 4* since I have more than enough crystals

Wake me up when this fucking nightmare is over.

e6313c  No.15356315

File: d4fbb589c322c00⋯.jpg (168.98 KB, 1054x720, 527:360, noidea.jpg)

>never played gacha shit before

>decide to try this one out after seeing so many threads about it

>get past the VN tutorial

>immediately bombarded with announcements in 10 different fonts

>stats everywhere, the UI is a mess and I don't know what anything means

>try out doing a quest

>it's three fights

>can't select individual attacks, everybody attacks the same target, everything is automatic

>you just tap twice to win

>more VN shit

>more random items shit

>more currencies shit

>try out another quest

>another three fights and you just tap twice to win

Do you guys seriously like this shit?

da5e1b  No.15356334


The only interesting content are the boss battles(raids) where you actually have to think, most everything else is auto-battle grinding.

9c34b4  No.15356350


Early game fights are real easy so new players don't fuck up too bad trying to manage their character's skills and all that. The main story and story event fights in special are trivial.

fb7ce4  No.15356449

File: da591556a81aeb5⋯.png (238.23 KB, 960x800, 6:5, dragonlolierunething.png)

File: 4398db4861171dc⋯.png (145.22 KB, 333x340, 333:340, catdrool.png)

That Scathacha sideboob man.

c80488  No.15356458


I don't even know why I started in the first place, but nowadays I just play it for the event stories and jpegs of girls.

9861ad  No.15356612

File: 3d4220c459c2000⋯.jpg (354.74 KB, 1768x2048, 221:256, DILyzO2V0AAkEuA.jpg)


>Not that dragon loli thigh

Scats is giving Medusa a run for her money.

880516  No.15357203

>almost 30turns and 12min to solo nightmare95

e99480  No.15357422

File: 5eb2bd903a341e1⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1257x783, 419:261, ClipboardImage.png)

Post your grid gore. I'm not getting into the top 70k, am I?

60f107  No.15357491

File: 06e73698efdc263⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1246x783, 1246:783, grid.png)


Remember, it could always be worse.

fb7ce4  No.15357779

File: 04ee9ef8c1c1f4c⋯.jpg (460.99 KB, 1280x1288, 160:161, whateveritis.jpg)


I adore this thing and just want her and her knight to make love to each other.

9c34b4  No.15358009


I'd say the autism to grind more and not go to sleep is more important than power after a certain point (that is, being able to kill EX+ in a timely manner and not die when Zaoshen shits firey death upon you).

177231  No.15360087


It will become much more difficult if you never figure out how to upgrade your weapons and summons, like I didn't for tens of chapters. It also helps that a period of free draws ended just recently, so you'll have a much harder time getting the good stuff than I did.

e2f4e6  No.15360586

File: d89fb5c94cb6c02⋯.png (335.59 KB, 463x615, 463:615, skip.PNG)

File: a01f94b588f3a97⋯.jpg (215.59 KB, 1200x878, 600:439, Dlfd5sVUcAAfMTk.jpg)


I know a guy that sparked at 3% for Summer Jeanne a few days ago. He got literally 3 SSRs from it. Diantha will be available in the next anniversary ticket aniway, I'd say just save your spark and sacrifice your wallet at this point. It's not worth it to wase 5-6 months of saving up


Those are meaningless shit that can be skipped in the settings, those "fights" just give you pots or reduce cooldowns on your summons before the actual fight.

The actual game is all about raids, grinding for weapons and upgrades and collecting voiced waifus that often also have special dialogue when paired with certain other characters in battle.

9c34b4  No.15360614


Damn, that's rough. I don't really plan on buying any tickets, but I also won't spark outside of Legfest and Flashfest either. I was considering sparking her if next/last rate up before the summer characters are shelved was a Summer banner, but that story convinced me to give up on that. Shame, since legfest will probably be immediately after that

I just hope Valentine Medusa is available for spark during February's flashfest instead of KMR jewing us with a "Available only during these days with 3% rates", or her simply not being on the spark pool.

5b5536  No.15360653

I love Guildwars.

b4fe6e  No.15360961

File: 44e4a87579e4b0f⋯.jpeg (34.79 KB, 487x600, 487:600, Dlg3runUYAESOnB.jpeg)


Anone anone please return to Guild War, there's a blocking on the road to anywhere else.

facd62  No.15361016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i just wanted to get my last jews and retire

85b790  No.15361128

File: b7689ef5aba5cd0⋯.png (71.58 KB, 455x84, 65:12, grea 2.png)

File: ed83320ff580b3e⋯.png (309.29 KB, 501x679, 501:679, event description.png)

Grea event 2

e2f4e6  No.15361237





fb7ce4  No.15361279


There better be a yankee.

ee96f8  No.15361379

>1.Infinity - 692908

>2.Kihou - 740471

>3.Sky Lords - 733000

Are these even alive?

What are the requirements to join if so?

7b121e  No.15361563


Well let's see. Post your strongest grid, your current GW honours, your star character and your waifu.

9c34b4  No.15361679


>Are these even alive?


>What are the requirements to join if so?

You must spark every new limited at the time of release and suptix non-limiteds ASAP whenever there is a new opportunity.

All your grids must do at least 150k Estimated Damage when they are at their lowest damage for Stamina and Enmity.

You must be able to do at least 20% of Ultimate Bahamut High Level's HP by yourself, and one turn GW's NM90 no matter the element.

You must fill a card with your expected hours of contribution in GW, including your lunch breaks and bathroom breaks Seriously, what the fuck were those reddit bastards even thinking? Jesus dudes, chill, it's not the end of the world if you don't Tier A.

You must also train your firstborn to take over your place in the crew once you are too old to carry on. Adoption is fine too, and preferred, since the time to find a mate could be spent dedicated to GBF instead.

I don't know about Infinity, but for the other two, as long as there is a slot available you can get in. Kihou is at full capacity however, and I'm not sure about Sky Lords.

9861ad  No.15361707

File: 73d060b69dc832a⋯.jpg (107.09 KB, 799x900, 799:900, e387a309da9f0bcb959e58630e….jpg)


No trap, no play.

5b5536  No.15361785

File: 26cb5922c3acf99⋯.png (152.92 KB, 458x189, 458:189, Leech.PNG)

Unite and Fight is so much fun!

a42340  No.15361887


>The Red Wings

This is it; the Final Fantasy Collab people have been waiting for!

2e1a1c  No.15361892

File: c960939f15f2a57⋯.jpg (197.37 KB, 292x459, 292:459, Simple Landscape Art.jpg)

Being free never felt better

e2f4e6  No.15362041

File: 3afa679615b9930⋯.jpg (98.82 KB, 640x800, 4:5, DliEJeuUcAAZCTT.jpg)

File: f57d0d41f0e5248⋯.jpg (97.75 KB, 640x800, 4:5, DliEM_jU0AEKnYG.jpg)

File: 9a54ea7aaa87a9d⋯.jpg (98.57 KB, 640x800, 4:5, DliEMTqVAAArbQl.jpg)

File: cf5fe838bd86b64⋯.jpg (98.13 KB, 640x800, 4:5, DliEO-IUYAAASuc.jpg)


Apparently it's a different accademy from Mysteria, but still set in the same world.

Some of these might be the new characters.

9c34b4  No.15362102


There was a promo for the event in a magazine a few days ago and there were two guys in it with what seemed like a bike, loads of trumpets and one of them had a sick pompadour. They probably are the main characters and might be the playable ones.

880516  No.15362146

File: 85ce8bbc6cb9468⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 463x182, 463:182, Capture.JPG)


5M daily for 10 loser badges in tier c is the epitome of comfiness.

1a3ef4  No.15362179


Post your ID

We'll let you in

facd62  No.15362243

File: 2b47674b25e479f⋯.png (424.97 KB, 479x480, 479:480, iridium_2018-08-26_18-44-1….png)

9th 5* jew getto

e99480  No.15362474


Thanks anon, I'll believe in you who believes in me.


Enjoy your freedom, Hitler.

13b2e6  No.15362516

File: 73ac3c1e5104e01⋯.png (110.87 KB, 450x187, 450:187, slacking.png)


Hope you guys are doing good over there.

85b790  No.15367003

File: 32f6075e84ce5a9⋯.png (643.27 KB, 1552x830, 776:415, ClipboardImage.png)

85b790  No.15367033

File: bf4d03c4851e2e2⋯.png (856.4 KB, 596x682, 298:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2980fd204c7a39⋯.png (848.53 KB, 596x682, 298:341, ClipboardImage.png)

You thought it was a dragon waifu event, but it was actually a homoknight event all along

e99480  No.15367237

File: f0f0827a8ec2bb1⋯.png (77 KB, 206x177, 206:177, Laughing horses 2.png)


Do the nips do that crouching thing in tracksuits too, or did they make him a slav?

e2f4e6  No.15367279

File: 92140dea4803f78⋯.jpg (17.29 KB, 375x300, 5:4, fellowkids.jpg)

880516  No.15368249

File: 79b9fa6d7eee1a5⋯.jpg (24.37 KB, 455x161, 65:23, Capture.JPG)

>check 20min before the end

>losing by 100k honors

Come on, even for me that's too lazy.

>farm some more meat and do one more nm95

>get my first win in gw

9e50ff  No.15368378


You ever planning on joining a crew?

5b5536  No.15368880

File: 650cbcf962915f3⋯.png (150.91 KB, 455x186, 455:186, NoStop.PNG)

No amount of verification messages can stop me.

85b790  No.15370189

File: 65e600c5a199886⋯.png (68.16 KB, 459x281, 459:281, bet.png)

fb7ce4  No.15371262

Legfest with all the new summer folks having rate ups is on.

9c34b4  No.15371344

File: 56569e7954f2681⋯.png (624.22 KB, 560x714, 40:51, RIP Summer Lilele.png)

File: 3cf9061e2a1cb96⋯.png (765.66 KB, 554x835, 554:835, Not pictured - Another Gra….png)


It is fucking Christmas in August, and just as I was despairing a few days ago.

Sucks about Summer Diantha not being available, but I got what I wanted and some more, and at a pretty decent 20 SSRs too.

This time, KMR was a stand up guy.

515fcb  No.15371405

How the fuck does Farrah have four different versions and zero SSRs or an additional star on any of her existing versions?

da5e1b  No.15371409


Always a kouhai never a sempai

9c34b4  No.15371421


One day Farrah and Jin will have SSRs, you just gotta believe.


But what about Juri?

da5e1b  No.15371435


Traitors don't get promoted.

9c34b4  No.15371458


So Katalina is stuck at liutenant forever?

da5e1b  No.15371473

85b790  No.15372074

File: e765315ccf96dcd⋯.png (651.77 KB, 1554x832, 777:416, ClipboardImage.png)

Current numbers 45mins before close

195f42  No.15372610

New thread


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