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File: a01f94b588f3a97⋯.jpg (215.59 KB, 1200x878, 600:439, 1fdfcb155ea670cbeee3df5312….jpg)

a7fa28  No.15372603

Bonito Bomb


August Event Schedule

07/31~08/08 - Bzzt! Amped-Up Summer

08/09~08/21 - Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Sky-High!

08/17~08/23 - Xeno Cocytus

08/23~08/30 - Water Favored Unite and Fight

08/31~09/09 - The Other Side of the Sky


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

a7fa28  No.15372608

File: 2e81615a30c80c4⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1393x2018, 1393:2018, b3140732642e1a74113180fc4f….png)

Last chance of getting 2018 summer characters this first part of legfest.

1cd5d3  No.15372618

File: 77e5253a953245b⋯.png (437.71 KB, 448x680, 56:85, 4_SSR.png)

6b5f44  No.15372630

File: f9470efbb76efb1⋯.png (930.51 KB, 850x601, 850:601, ClipboardImage.png)


>he doesn't have a toilet computer

a7fa28  No.15372676

>spam gets cleansed

>old thread goes back a page

Well this is awkward.

085e5a  No.15372800

File: 1be72366a3c9076⋯.jpg (308.74 KB, 1654x1166, 827:583, IMG_20180828_011933.jpg)

965623  No.15372996

File: 331c979c0e03197⋯.png (655.69 KB, 637x693, 91:99, thisfuckingthing.png)

File: 74a4712b0842387⋯.jpg (345.5 KB, 1749x2767, 1749:2767, sidesweat.jpg)

File: 91eb0991506988c⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1075x1518, 1075:1518, dragonrib.png)

At last, I've been lusting after this thing since her event. Her and Cain in the first 30 single rolls, hope the rest of the spark keeps up.

2e100e  No.15373018


Well, shit, I'm going to have to FLB my Bonito after I MLB Lucifer and Demi Titan.

And make a water Unsigned Muneshige.

And a Ultima Katana.

And FLB my Europa Harp.

Yodarha stack buffs when?

965623  No.15373134

File: 9543144b9c4f95f⋯.png (536.3 KB, 608x689, 608:689, spark3.png)

File: 8c16ff8677a64bd⋯.png (874.25 KB, 1202x902, 601:451, summ.png)

Not as good as my last spark, but that was a dream to never be relived. These plus the 5 gold moons makes 18 ssr, so right on par. little erune and Cag were a long time coming. Shame had to pick between Jannu and the dragon at the end.

1e0d7e  No.15373182


>10k short of a spark

>could grind out the side stories like a madman for the tickets and crystals

I hate this. I just can't bring myself to do it.

2e100e  No.15373184


Just skip the side stories and read them later if you want to.

e8f50a  No.15373842

File: 2f55eb10d192ad9⋯.png (151.25 KB, 960x800, 6:5, __dark_jeanne_and_jeanne_d….png)

cabcc4  No.15373890

File: ef6535eb60f28a8⋯.webm (579.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, granblue fantasy in a nut….webm)

09e42a  No.15373892


I want to fuck Siero-chan.

ee56e5  No.15374393

File: 5d13029e2bc91aa⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1027x667, 1027:667, Screenshot_2018-08-28-23-4….png)

2e100e  No.15374430


This is what water means now: The sharpest of blades and the tastiest of fish.

1e0d7e  No.15374527




Wait, is Bonito actually useful?

I have a demi Varuna, but she is still a 0*.


I figured I might as well do it since I have two days.

2e100e  No.15374546


Bonito shot from "Why bother?" to "Finally free from Mechanic and works with Samurais like Kengo and Vajra too". And the 10% DEF means it is a real option versus Europa, which has 10% more elemental attack but no defense bonus.

Varuna x Bonito means you get about the same initial damage (if you hit cap anyway), lose less attack from taking damage (since you aren't as dependent on the stamina) and have a pretty kickass call which, once a battle, gives everyone in your team 200% charge bar.

6b5f44  No.15374605

File: ea47684083e9e57⋯.png (121.87 KB, 345x168, 115:56, 6 chain.png)


>Wait, is Bonito actually useful?

Yes, a 6 chain ougi on command is useful. Especially when Kengo and Vajra give buffs each time they ougi

c3c6f4  No.15374943

Is there any real way to farm champion merits other than doing baha/GO and story events?

I don't think I could keep my sanity spamming 10 different side stories for 30 merits. Am I going to just have to wait for events?

2e100e  No.15374964


I am afraid there is no painless answer here.

Each GW box has 4 merits in them until the 45th, where the number jumps to 12. But getting to the 45th box is an exercise in autism, and then going further is just plain suffering.

a43ad2  No.15374989


you can also farm the rotating showdowns and buy from their shops and their xeno shops

c3c6f4  No.15375008


Guess I'll wait a few days for the journey drops to reset before I go full autism on some side stories then.

I thought I'd have more time since I had needed the Warrior Creed too but I gathered them faster than I thought I would.


Thanks, I just got about 8 from that, apparently I don't buy anything from Xeno shops other than weapons.

afb4e3  No.15375076

File: 878728df1f1d83e⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1200x848, 75:53, 70181763_p0.png)

File: 8b77c548e4510ea⋯.png (572.24 KB, 800x566, 400:283, 70181763_p1.png)

File: 35166343190ac5d⋯.png (329.07 KB, 670x473, 670:473, 70181763_p2.png)


isn't dog supposed to go on the fourth slot? I got this exact same frontline, and they are all a shit, and I want to take them to the back and shoot them. I hate water with all of my heart.

t. Earthfag.

2a6ad6  No.15375108


Post your grid and characters so we can scrutinize (and maybe laugh at) you.

befb0b  No.15375116


>this is bait

afb4e3  No.15375158

File: 01b8457ee2397e1⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 639x595, 639:595, 637f3f49.jpg)


MC Gao/W.Yuel/S.Izmir/Dog

MH: 1* Murgleis

Grid: Lv130 non seal Xuanwu Mace

1x Leviathan Omega Knife 3* SL10

1x Leviathan Omega Knife 2* SL10

2x Leviathan Omega Knife 1* SL7

SR 3* Gabriel Wand

Xeno Cocytus Staff 2* SL10

Banana Axe SL5

Triaina 3* Hoarfrost Might I SL 5

Note: Not using Baha Dagger as it's pointless as it's not Coda and it won't help current build outside of MC.

Summon List 3* Leviathan (Main)

3* Lucifer

2* Bahamut


Aquamarine Carbuncle 3*

2e100e  No.15375235


Well, to begin with you should consider replacing the Triaina with a fifth Leviathan dagger. 5 Omega modifier is the bread and butter of every omega grid. Doggo also gives you a 30% normal modifier buff with her Loyalty Eternal, and Rage IV is also a normal modifier buff, so less normal and more omega is good. FLB your 3* knife if you can.

Also, consider getting a GW Dagger to use as a mainhand. Water has little to no DATA mainhands worth using apart from it, and coupled with Yuel you should start hitting multiattacks pretty often. If you prefer, the GW Harp is also a good choice to use with Elysian.

The damage cut from the Murgleis ougi is way too situational, and the non-FLB ougi is mediocre. If you aren't going to FLB it the Xuanwu Mace and it's SL15 is better if you need to take something out after the Triaina.

Water Yuel's Katana is also worth using in a Varuna grid, so keep it handy just in case, like the Murgleis I hope that 1* isn't from you uncapping a Murgleis with another one.

Getting Justice from Arcarum can give you a little HP boost, and JEHUTY isn't that great.

In the end I'd say you aren't using your team to its full potential because your grid is pretty mediocre. However, you might see an improvement if you trade Summer Izmir for Katalina Grand and then use the Bahamut Dagger. Katalina gives everyone a 25% elemental boost, and the only other elemental modifier you're going to have is your support summon. Then work on that Coda and reap the rewards.

afb4e3  No.15375256

File: 8c2a85f84bf27cc⋯.jpg (49.63 KB, 640x764, 160:191, rScIN7y_d.jpg)


I can replace Triaina with a 0* A. Auberon SL4

Dog has me irked with Garjana as she barely hits multiattacks, I have been using JEHUTY to stack DATA with Yuel and the backrow of Minami Nitta and Aquors 2nd years.

I have no Varuna and no intention to pretend I can whale for Varunalord grids. Dropping Izmir somehow takes almost 6k out of my total attack, used a Dama Bar on Murgleis a long time ago when Kat was still on my main team. I have access to Luchador, Chaos Ruler, and Berserker but not Elysian, Chaos Ruler also takes attack from me. I have a GW dagger, I just haven't converted to main because I don't want to use CR.

2e100e  No.15375278

File: 93c8b38a90d045b⋯.png (847.18 KB, 583x743, 583:743, Mostly F2P Varuna.png)


You'd be surprised at what you can do with F2P Varuna. Just stick your Murgleis in place of the Drang Ball and you too can hit like a big boy with a single gacha weapon. Hell, you can even trade the Wilhelm (I placed it there just as a showcase, I use another Drang Ball there) for Water Yuel's katana.

You can also use Warlock if you want, or Bandit Tycoon I guess. Both are Dagger classes (As is Elysian).

Summer Izmir has a passive where she boosts all the other character's attack depending on how high her health is. Think of her as a Stamina weapon by herself.

JEHUTY's DATA is abysmally low, I have heard it was as low as 3% TA and less than 10% DA.

afb4e3  No.15375294

File: 5a459294b93f3e3⋯.jpg (443.26 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, concept lunalu art.jpg)


I have no Drang Balls, no Fimbulwinters, one 0* Wilhelm, and 1* Mugleis. and no Varuna summon.

Then JEHUTY's out until I can work anything out.

2e100e  No.15375351


Well, my point is, you don't actually need to whale to be a Varunalord: I have no Murgleis myself, and the Drang Balls, while good, are not as important as the Fimbuls, which are 100% farmable (Ferberus and Cenrir should be coming up soon).

And if you can get a Europa, Bonito or Snow White you can just use a support Varuna. Elemental x Varuna works just as well as VarunaxVaruna, losing in some points, winning in other points.

afb4e3  No.15375357

File: 9f1c42be1040797⋯.jpeg (128.49 KB, 918x1200, 153:200, DijVerAV4AE0Hcw.jpeg)


Nope, neither any of those, all I have is 1* Justice, 3* Leviathan and 3* Ebisu.

2e100e  No.15375363


Well, worst case scenario there is always Moon.

But for now you should make do with Magna.

afb4e3  No.15375376

File: 98eb34661133a3e⋯.jpeg (78.25 KB, 1081x1080, 1081:1080, DkqlTu5XoAETa9M.jpeg)


Yeah, it's all I got, for now I'm testing out what I can do with what I got, but I honestly think this GW was way too over the top in numbers. I have no gear for this, I hate these water characters, and I honestly don't look forward to fire and having to use these disgusting water characters to farm for A. Eche Sacks.

7bccd0  No.15375380


>fujo lunalu with comfy dress and slippers

>artsy armpit lunalu

Never knew I wanted this.

a43ad2  No.15375391



>waiting 8 turns for it to barely get better than justice which he's already started

2e100e  No.15375439


Ah but you see anon, Justice is merely bait.

Check the summon description for Justice's Aura: "110% boost to Water allies' ATK. 10% boost to DEF."

Now look at Moon's: "Up to 120% boost to Water Elemental ATK based on the number of turns passed. (Starts at 80%, gains 4% per turn.)"

The phrasing isn't different just because: Justice's Aura is a Normal ATK buff to all water characters, while Moon's is an Elemental ATK buff to water characters. If you look at, say, Europa, you'll find her aura says "140% boost to Water Elemental ATK."

Basically, if you use Justice, you're shafting all your normal buffs, Bahamut weapons, Atma weapons and Normal skill weapons.

6b5f44  No.15375880

File: 61e4a07f365c0ad⋯.webm (4.03 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Bonito.webm)



I undersold it. It's very easy to get a 7 chain

ee56e5  No.15376121

File: 9753eb5ac6e10a9⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1905x769, 1905:769, slow.PNG)

Having to wait 13 seconds after an action really tuned down the speed of this grind.

6b5f44  No.15376437

File: f2d37c4d0a15fed⋯.png (686.15 KB, 1548x826, 774:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Today's betting numbers

49b4e2  No.15376665


Are you guys gonna play cyjew's new game?

965623  No.15376832

File: aead3a93c360f6c⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1280x1440, 8:9, wakarimasu.png)

b2add2  No.15376970


I do not have a murgleis or any Fimbuls, but I do have a Europa, Bonito AND also a snow white. What'd be the best way to take advantage of that?

c3c6f4  No.15377091

I know this is some form of confirmation bias but why does it seem like omega bosses ONLY drop summons now that I actually have all the summons I need at 3*?

I got to rank 100 something before I even saw my first Celeste summon, now I probably get one every five or so fights.

What the fuck changed? Did it sense that I don't want the summons as much at the moment?

2e100e  No.15377131


Sorry for taking so long to answer, was desperatly farming tokens.

I'd say FLB Tasty fish, get 2 Fimbuls during Fenrir & Cerberus, get a True Xeno Cocytus stick during his showdown if you don't have one yet, Replace a Butter Knife FLB you might have with a FLB Europa weapon (I'd go with either the harp or the staff if you have enough staff characters since water is an Ougi element) if you can and then get the cap up seal for the Xuanwu Axe next RotB, maybe also get the small DA seal if you want, and the Xuanwu Shellfists if you have a good water attacker. Never forget the Seraphic.

This setup allows you to simply get a MLB Varuna as a support summon, which, coupled with a 200% charge bar battery, 130% elemental damage and 10% defense not only helps you lose less stamina (due to the defense), also makes it so your normal buffs are more worthwhile (your elemental buffs, not so much). And as you grow battered through the fight, your diminished reliance on Stamina makes it so the dent in your attack isn't as noticeable.

Use Europa and Snow White + the Arcarum Summons to feed Bonito and then profit with 3% final water modifier and 10% HP. Europa's call is pretty handy, but since it doesn't change in her FLB there's no point worrying about her.


The desire sensor is a terrifying contraption the japanese jewish community created to control Draw and Drop rates.

c3c6f4  No.15377158

File: fa56f6db08b2186⋯.png (236.36 KB, 576x278, 288:139, rhged9hg.png)


>The desire sensor is a terrifying contraption the japanese jewish community created to control Draw and Drop rates.

Yes but surely there has to be balance between sensing desire and fucking with you vs just giving nothing at all.

I'd honestly prefer to just get anima or soul balm at this point. At least that way I'd know I'm just unlucky rather than being lucky in the most unlucky way possible.

ee56e5  No.15377193

File: c4ee3bc01a1429b⋯.png (117.96 KB, 463x167, 463:167, 3333.PNG)

File: 2c9c5715f266113⋯.png (129.81 KB, 476x172, 119:43, 4444.PNG)

File: 31e47dcd055cec0⋯.png (131.08 KB, 465x178, 465:178, 666666.PNG)

File: 5103f82b6ec549f⋯.png (134.53 KB, 471x178, 471:178, 777777.PNG)

File: febc6ad95eb6221⋯.png (134.44 KB, 476x179, 476:179, 88888888.PNG)

This was a fun race. Winning or losing, good job everyone.

2e100e  No.15377197


Well, look on the bright side: You're going to need a lot of quartz sooner or later.

5fc9b9  No.15377454

File: 841df8391e77116⋯.jpg (159.68 KB, 497x544, 497:544, 5a8078a0560d92951e731cf6c0….jpg)


Every day I thank my parents for not raising me to be a professional competitive grinder.

1cd5d3  No.15377645

File: ee7e5a12823f170⋯.png (130.72 KB, 618x194, 309:97, 40.png)

49b4e2  No.15377696


>europe not supported

88bca6  No.15377804


Seems like a good way to get your head caved in.

6b5f44  No.15378722

File: a68999572828ec3⋯.png (126.09 KB, 475x163, 475:163, ClipboardImage.png)


Well fuck

2e100e  No.15378779

Well, old Zeus was a pushover, but that they got his VA to record some lines was pretty cool.

6ca228  No.15378806

File: 46b1411e1ccbe33⋯.png (84.39 KB, 447x132, 149:44, Lv100ZeusRewards.PNG)

861d44  No.15378843

File: 3d890d530d72ea0⋯.jpg (63.25 KB, 494x448, 247:224, 1.JPG)

File: fe2895de3256b05⋯.jpg (33.63 KB, 456x397, 456:397, 2.JPG)

File: 7ec3d934eb4397d⋯.jpg (65.94 KB, 486x662, 243:331, 3.JPG)


Level 60 only had 200M.

6c8fce  No.15378951

File: 90c2bfb99db8be6⋯.jpg (181.4 KB, 612x596, 153:149, spark.JPG)

First spark results.

10 characters, 2 summons, 4 moons.

5.3% draw rate, fuck me.

It's better than the free draws which gave me absolutely nothing and the girls are great, so it's fine.

I also got all of the Jannus, including the dark Jannu I already had and the SR version.

I guess she likes me.

43e970  No.15379005


Well I have all versions of Jannu and a FLB of her sword without using dama so I guess she likes me more that fucking slut

6c8fce  No.15379027


Oh, I forgot to mention I also got Zaoshen.

Maybe I can make use of the fire Bonito.


Now, now, it's a different Jannu for everyone.

7d8f2b  No.15379225

File: d02c09033fb03d6⋯.jpg (138.58 KB, 985x922, 985:922, ss (2018-08-30 at 01.08.27….jpg)

49b4e2  No.15379477


>gold brick

43e970  No.15380169


>11/30 participants


09e42a  No.15380176


It looks interesting enough. It's a bit rough that when you draw you can also draw the game's equivalent of FGO's Craft Essences.

49b4e2  No.15380254


I kek'd at the town building and shitty stat circle.

Shironeko 1.5.

49b4e2  No.15381428

6b0781  No.15381511


Doesnt suprise after they sued shironeko

a7fa28  No.15381586

File: b88e99086425b7e⋯.jpg (20.91 KB, 147x306, 49:102, Dl2FSbiU4AE_H_q.jpg)

Guess who's coming tomorrow.

6b5f44  No.15381587

File: b438bde167975b5⋯.png (350.33 KB, 541x451, 541:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh fuck. I wasted my draws on used up summer whores

2e100e  No.15381610

File: bbf4edd04bf2230⋯.png (100.04 KB, 480x400, 6:5, Summer Grea.png)

File: 240c18180625a91⋯.png (198.44 KB, 480x400, 6:5, S. Narmaya.png)

File: b749cdc9e398766⋯.png (187.52 KB, 480x400, 6:5, Summer Rosetta.png)



>inb5 she's just Doggo but better

I too used up my spark in summer rate up.


89dbd4  No.15381616



Whelp, scratch one off the never ever list.

We won't get free draws so I can get a chance at her will we.

2e100e  No.15381627



No anon, Fenrir isn't going to be released any time soon.

701a48  No.15381634


Helena Blavatsky with dyed hair?

97df9f  No.15381942

File: 8186b9669b42cf0⋯.jpg (148.84 KB, 814x1276, 37:58, 68271790_p0_100_Phalanx.jpg)

File: d768a47b0aa0412⋯.jpg (127.41 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 68786313_p1_.jpg)

File: 37cbbf3f74db0de⋯.jpg (130.88 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 68376639_p1_3.jpg)


I sparked last flashfest. If Pholia ends up being the water trial character, I'll have no regrets.

805cd1  No.15381955

File: f561353c25bc5a5⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 474x804, 79:134, 7fbcf1d49f120a703b1eee133c….jpg)

I don't even play this game but I just wanted to stop by to thank you guys for posting quality anime tiddies every thread you make.

97df9f  No.15381966

File: 9649268ef131814⋯.png (1.25 MB, 641x907, 641:907, Song and silva.PNG)

File: 74b58705c2713e3⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 433x628, 433:628, Dk-CotJVAAAsRNq.jpg)

File: 1345dfcda905d40⋯.jpg (359.39 KB, 1214x2018, 607:1009, DkJ9crWVsAISs7A.jpg)


Quality anime tiddies are the only reason we play this game.

Have some more.

805cd1  No.15381992

File: 5138eec59e67771⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1500x2400, 5:8, 5138eec59e677712aae59586ee….png)

>>15381966 (checked)

Thanks Anon, blessed be these threads

80c322  No.15382022



Hnng Pholia

Another character on my never ever list with my gacha luck.

2e100e  No.15382060

File: a9491a28cbd657b⋯.jpg (177.18 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, Almeida Obui.jpg)

File: d2dc58470a69245⋯.jpg (202.77 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, Hallessena Obui (2).jpg)

File: 33053850adac792⋯.jpg (134.77 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, Katalina Obui.jpg)

File: 5f36ffd2ab83644⋯.jpg (290.17 KB, 1399x1000, 1399:1000, Gran Luchadora Obui.jpg)


Well, she's a legfest character, so you have a chance to spark her every month, unlike normal SSRs that can only ever get rated up on 5*s, elemental rate ups, events and the popularity poll, and pretty much never at 6%.


Have some vanilla guess not so much from Vyrn's PoV Obui from when he's not drawing


805cd1  No.15382091

File: 495b04be15d2ffd⋯.jpg (122.32 KB, 779x1346, 779:1346, 293461242da01ca655c1c14fa4….jpg)


Those are a bit too big for my personal taste, but I did save the second one tbh

861d44  No.15382300

File: 4e9eb2f3f2eb801⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 453x381, 151:127, Capture.JPG)

>next gw in almost three months

2e100e  No.15382317


We're free, I can't believe it. Maybe they'll rebalance the final rally too, that'd be nice.

6ee9dc  No.15382360


>the next Final Rally requires a perfectly coordinated full crew with 5 spartans, 5 sages, 1 nighthound, 1 chaos ruler and 1 Elysian

>your CR debuffs miss despite Solo being on the boss

ce6422  No.15382574


>3 months to farm old eggs

I'll never finish this grid in time.

6c8fce  No.15382577

File: d83a3abafda8cd0⋯.jpg (194.49 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, 1b1ac3b1a596f960c172ff1108….jpg)



>got Jannu

>spent the whole day daydreaming about grabbing her tiddies

I, too, have no regrets.

9b1e21  No.15382601


>not seeing this as an excuse to finally skip a gw

Fire a shit.

965623  No.15382647

File: 271523bbb1f062e⋯.png (708.56 KB, 651x846, 217:282, sticks.png)


I have sticks. If that's not good enough, oh well.

88689f  No.15383033


Maybe they want to release the Oracles and Monica before GW? Or Monkeyman is pissed that Zeus was fucking annihilated to shit and maybe making an actual boss battle.

2e100e  No.15383055



I have my doubts about the oracles though, they'll probably say they are coming out in a livestream, like Monica, but since they didn't mention anything, we'll probably be kept waiting until, say, the Xmas stream.

Best case scenario they pull a Bethesda E3 presentation like they did with Yngwie's 5*.

97df9f  No.15383146

File: 15a6185ac826510⋯.jpg (174.31 KB, 1200x1047, 400:349, Df-spiXU8AA8twQ.jpg)

File: b6ebaa4488b85cd⋯.jpg (199.38 KB, 674x1199, 674:1199, Dl2WqGNU8AA0Xhj.jpg)


The next Final Round boss will most probably have a few billion HP and going up across all difficulties. Handing out rewards is fine and all, but everyone expected an extremely hard raid due to the "99 pots, 99 resurrection pots".





While I'd welcome the release of the oracles, I doubt THIS FALL will be it. I expect some announcement in the christmas stream and a release around march/april next year, and I'm being optimistic.

88689f  No.15383986

File: f9c02317f7e2ce5⋯.png (268.84 KB, 318x452, 159:226, ClipboardImage.png)

I need to do a UBahaHL soon just to Ultima my sword.



Alternatively, because the final rally can give potentially a shit ton of tokens as well as some valor, they're gonna spread out GW.

d239df  No.15384046

What are eggs? I looked on the wiki but couldn't find anything that resembled eggs.

3c29ab  No.15384089

File: dd5281226616bc3⋯.png (144.79 KB, 640x688, 40:43, giving newbies info.png)


Ecke Sachs, the main weapon drop from Twin Elements. A 0* olden eche sachs (egg sacks, twig, etc etc) outperforms a 3* colossus stick from the combination of crit and enmity it provides. Do note that the normal version of Ecke Sachs is worthless, the Olden variety is the one you want.

6b5f44  No.15384090

be6b84  No.15384108

File: 056ff37f7dc27bc⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 567x800, 567:800, DfARUuRUEAARUCH.jpg)


>normal version of Ecke Sachs is worthless

That always pisses me off, only ones I seem to get out of Arcanum.

d239df  No.15384185



Oh, thanks. Guess I know why I see so many Twin Elementals now.

2e100e  No.15384366


The normal Egg Sex isn't completely worthless, I mean, Agni is still sort of an improvement over ol' Colossus if you get the DATA from two Erichtonius and some weapons to balance out the tiranny and maybe even get some extra HP. Sure, you don't have additive crits, but you should hit cap if you can get your hands on some elemental attack buffers like Yuel and are at a decent health threshold. 4 twigs sounds like a decent number for an agni grid, maybe 3 if you want to slot in a second EX modifier or the cap up RotB Katana.

3c29ab  No.15384452

File: f38ef3c43b7721b⋯.png (88.69 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1515847951440.png)


It actually is factually worse than olden twigs. Double colo and 6 AES gives your team 100% crit, which is a permanent 30% damage increase against wind. Regular Ecke Sachs has the problem of being in primal fire where there are better options like the Suwaku katanas, athena spears prom sticcs. Primal crit is basically x% chance of activating and each crit that activates increases the damage by 30% damage, which possibly gives the occasional hit a large power increase, but overall isnt worth it compared to a 100% chance at 30% damage increase.

AES = 5% x 5 = 25% x 1.2 = 60% chance of crit, which is boosted to 100% on using double colo. The chances of activating are all multiplied together until eventually you either get a 50-60% chance of 30% damage increase, or a 100% chance of 30% damage increase is using double colo.

ES = 5% x 5 = 25% chance of one instance of 30% damage activating, x 2.2 = 50% chance of at least 1 30% damage increase activating. If two instances of the new 11% chance of crit activating occurs, the damage increases to 60% extra damage, and if using 5 ES, it has an astronomically low chance of having 150% damage for a single hit.

Consistency always trumps low odds high rewards. Besides, if you're going to be using primal fire, you better be using ixabas, athena spears, and crimson fingers. Just aint worth it otherwise.

I hope this wall of text is actually understandable, I am very sleepy tonight.

2e100e  No.15384482

Gotta say, depending on the numbers and if her 1 is affected by the max cut HP by skill 2, Pholia might be the DATA buffer water was waiting for.

I might even spark her on new year's alongside Bacon

2e100e  No.15384485


Right, nevermind, I reread her skill descriptions.

Sounds crazier now, but might be good in short fights. Also, she can mantain her own stamina, so that must be a plus.

09e42a  No.15384545


Depending on how they work them, Aquors 2nd Years might end up being the DATA providers.

They did win the poll so they better make them good.

d1d6ff  No.15384648

File: 65256721fc14eb1⋯.png (37.48 KB, 480x516, 40:43, Chloe 01.png)

Time for my first spark, everyone get in here

https://www.twitch tv/seveutiel

6ee9dc  No.15384651



Might as well get a discord too

2e100e  No.15384725


Good for you buddy.

d1d6ff  No.15384757

File: 1a556b8234472f3⋯.png (12.03 KB, 366x426, 61:71, Spark.png)


At least I have to get just another half for lucio

09e42a  No.15384792

File: e7d74340b889232⋯.png (220.43 KB, 318x554, 159:277, Sin título.png)

I guess I'm lucky despite starting out 2 months or so ago.

965623  No.15384863

File: 7f4c903c0796539⋯.jpg (122.5 KB, 900x473, 900:473, new front.jpg)

No luck on free roll for new sword, but event has Jun stones.

be7230  No.15384953

Spark results, didn't include dupes for SR/R











Macula Marius

Guitarman dupe





Anila dupe

Pholia dupe


Eustace dupe


Scat dupe


Blue Carbuncle


Earth Carbuncle

Blue Carbuncle






Light Carbuncle


Blue Carbuncle



>Ticket Draws


Red Carbuncle

S Anna

S Mary


c5ba23  No.15384966

File: 082bbba0d3e7892⋯.jpg (134.6 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 082bbba0d3e7892d2218e67644….jpg)

>dropping your fucking twitch channel here just so everyone can see your garbage sparks

Good job finding new ways to be even bigger cancer cells on this board /gbf/

a7fa28  No.15384973


>/gbfg/ is one guy

I do hope the twitch nigger fucks off

000000  No.15384999

[spoiler]someone used millions of yens in this game

3aa6e5  No.15385458

File: 75f9e09b98373dd⋯.jpg (15.68 KB, 500x280, 25:14, 0tsiLv2_d.jpg)


We usually evade twitchfags and discord trannies in the crews, whoever that was it was either a rando or an attentionwhore who can more or less keep it quiet in his crew chat.

6b5f44  No.15385920

File: d9c45724fc29c2a⋯.png (864.73 KB, 850x638, 425:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Rerun soon

2e100e  No.15385965


Sequel when?

Walder SSR when?

Jade playable before Fenrir when?

965623  No.15385977


Jade gets a new body, green haired loli out for adventure.

8f7413  No.15385996


>Falseflagging this hard

Don't you have some shitty catalog spam to do?

49b4e2  No.15386609


The fuck does that even mean? I agree with him, it's shitty.

Also, >falseflagging. I fucking hate this cuckchan meme spouted by retards trying to grasp things they can't handle while begging for jani/mod attention, good job showing where you belong.

6b5f44  No.15388798

File: e10a731762cbc95⋯.png (760.89 KB, 512x737, 512:737, ClipboardImage.png)

5/10 5* jutenshus

697eb2  No.15389027

File: 6a63e2f2b44f47e⋯.jpg (832.26 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, __beatrix_granblue_fantasy….jpg)

Alright, I want to start a primal fire grid, what are the essential weapons i need to have and luckshit. already have Agni.

554461  No.15389046


ixabas and crimson fingers.

have fun

80b1d3  No.15389067


How many did you 40 box?

697eb2  No.15389558


well, time to hope i get nothing but gold moons

d1d6ff  No.15389636

File: 138a7fc60f10928⋯.png (279.81 KB, 367x540, 367:540, Elmott.png)

This month in granblue fantasy


Changes to Celestials/Rise of the Four Beasts

> You can now trade in 20 Gold Nuggets for a special super ring. This ring will always give +10% ATK, +10% HP, +10 EMP Limit (so you can use 10 more EMP points), and +5% damage cap.

> 3 Rings will be added to the shop this time, and more will be added regularly.

New events

> Xeno Sagi rerun. This is the second run and therefore no new weapon.

> L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. to be added as a side story

> Tales of Asteria to be added as a side story

> After you complete a side story, the event characters will now join you. You are no longer required to grind loyalty.

> Ranger Sign: Bravo rerun this month.

> Half Pot Stock increased to 150 and Soul Berry stock increased to 200 in the event shop

> You can also buy all of the consumable items in one go, instead of a limit of 2 Half Pots/5 Berries per day

> Futari wa Pretty Cure collab event coming in October

SSR Characters getting rebalance:

Fire: Magisa, Agielba (RIP his VA), Esser (finally)

Water: Katalina (Grand), Summer Narmaya

Earth: Sara (SSR), Mahira

Wind: Feena, Yuisis (Double Finally)

Light: Summer Heles, Maids, Zooey (Gun)

Dark: Beatrice, Orchid

Main Story

> Ch 113 and 114 to be added this month

> Ch 115, 116, 117, 118 will be added in November

> They intend to add 4 chapters every 2 months

>' Free SSR Magna weapons to be given as a reward for clearing story chapters. The weapons are lvl 100 and SL10'

> Ch 28 (end of Golonzo Island arc) will give a Tiamat Gauntlet

> Ch 32 (end of Amalthea Island arc) will give a Colo Katana

> Ch 36 (end of Former Capital Mephorash arc) will give a Levi Bow

> Ch 40 (end of the second Lumacie Archipelago arc) will give a Ygg Staff

> Ch 44 (end of the second Amalthea Island arc) will give a Chev Gun

> Ch 48 (end of the Zinkenstill reveal arc) will give a Celeste Axe

New EXII Class (previously disclosed)

> Mage Warrior class (Ninja EXII class) is coming out this month

> The class is focused on being able to apply buffs and will have some sort of stack mechanic associated with it (to mirror the Seal mechanic used for the EX Ninja class)

> As expected, the minimum requirements to unlock the class is lvl 20 Ninja, element changed Muramasa, 20 Disctintions (on top of the distinctions needed for the CCW), 3000 CP, and you have to clear a special quest with the granny.

> Muramasa FLB-not-really-FLB upgrade to be added

Dimenson Halo

> Will now drop additional Seraphic Cradle SSR Summon fodder

> Guaranteed Angel weapon fodder of the same weapon type as what the Dimension Halo transformed into (still getting fed into my Chalice though)

> RP and EXP from beating the fight increased

> No change to the drop rate in Silver Relics and Silver Weapons

Other changes

> New weapon classifications to be added to the game including Xeno Weapon, Bahamut Weapon, Omega/Magna Weapon, etc. This is purely for classification (and the title that appears at the top of the weapon profile screen) and has no gameplay impact.

> There will be a new interface to see how far you have progressed in acquiring the different weapon types or where you are during the upgrade path (e.g. CCW, Revanent Weapon, etc.)

> 1 (one) Sunstone to be added to Arcarum shop

>The next two Granblue Channels will be held on 14th and 28th September respectively

69e94b  No.15389665


I hope you'll be given the new story omegas if you've already beaten the associated story chapters.

>Summer Heles rebalance

What was wrong(or too right) about her?

88689f  No.15389689


Maybe they plan on giving Fire Heles an FLB.


8e6d04  No.15390015


>Ranger Sign: Bravo rerun this month

Been wanting to play that alongside getting SR Walder. Here's hoping he gets an SSR version of himself in the near future.

603eed  No.15390029


>Bea buffed for the xth time


80b1d3  No.15390042


Bea needed the rework because if you have pretty much any other dark SSR attacker you won't need her. Orchid needs it because Pholia is water Orchid but better.

Actually, I'd say none of them on the list really don't need a rework other than mayber S. Heles. They're all a pretty mediocre bunch, ruined by powercreep and poor planning (fucking Dorothy with no DATA)

97df9f  No.15390207


I'm really starting to hate this ring shit, if anything because it cements you on a single character when the game should be about making use of all your roster.

>Buying all the pots in one go

Thank fucking KMR, I could never keep up with the daily purchases.

>Char buffs


Honestly wouldn't get my hopes up, but it looks like they're making characters synergise with one another more. She might get better when in combo with Summer Ilsa whom I didn't manage to roll all summer despite also sparking and I'm salty as fuck over


Please, please be a good rework, Yuisis is a good girl and she really needs it. Also change the Magna 2 Katana to buff Katana users instead of just Primals.


Just make the gun one multiattack

824d66  No.15390601


>SSR Characters getting rebalance

So they're getting buffed?


Not sure what she is missing, but then again I don't even have her at 5*.


A 4th skill would be nice.


Too little, too late, a different girl has already taken her place.


I recently drew her, but I'm not sure what to make of her.

She seems weaker than Joker, but maybe if she gets a good buff I'll be able to use her.

49b4e2  No.15390725


>Summer Heles


Wasn't she already good? Where's my Amira buffs?

6b5f44  No.15390800


I 20 boxed my first, then 40 boxed the next 3. This last one was a 20 box as I'm outpacing my supply of gold bars


>>SSR Characters getting rebalance

>So they're getting buffed?

Yeah. I've never seen them nerf a character intentionally with these rebalances. i guess they don't want to piss off anyone who may have bought that character with a suprise ticket.

d86160  No.15390831

Will a ex2 ccw unlock the tier 4 quests too?

6b5f44  No.15390835

2c94d6  No.15390929


She's not very useful outside of her Assassin. like a certain fire jewten and every zeta

6b5f44  No.15390950

File: df41d541593a108⋯.png (11.46 KB, 502x132, 251:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b38fda9f920c267⋯.png (127.89 KB, 348x168, 29:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Shit I didn't know this was a thing. I've had all of them for a few months now.

49b4e2  No.15390966


Is playing without Zoi fun?

965623  No.15390990


I'm not grinding a whole new grind to find out.

7a3b62  No.15391229

File: e96022945cd2119⋯.jpg (3.74 MB, 2750x2000, 11:8, 65897921_p0.jpg)


As someone with Magisa, here's my POV.

Her own self buff is just +10% Dark. And that is if she has Morax summoned, Morax also has an extremely long CD after being used in Sanction, 10turns CD, her Fire DEF Down on Ougi is just 10%, also her own Overdrive buff is just 10%, where Balurga gets a +50% total vs. Overdrive foes with her R level self buff, see how bad things are for Magisa.

1cd5d3  No.15391407


What are you talking about? Do you even play this game?

7a3b62  No.15391513

File: a2cbf84e3a796f8⋯.jpg (312.1 KB, 500x1250, 2:5, 1535771626189.jpg)


What part of her needing a buff due to long CDs, terrible self buffs even compared to R characters and terrible debuffing don't you get.

603eed  No.15391543


And now Agielba is dead, good job Percy

7a3b62  No.15391582

File: fd6f48415acbe9c⋯.png (340.77 KB, 1200x1425, 16:19, 70275312_p0.png)


Aldora playable when, make her a carbon copy of her dad's buffed kit.

c3c6f4  No.15391617

File: b64bba407381685⋯.png (907.85 KB, 622x900, 311:450, 4ht89ws.png)

Am I locked into whatever element I change a class weapon to other than remaking another entire weapon or can I change it's element later if I want to?

I have ~90% of the materials to reforge Aschallon to fire but I'd rather get it in dark, which would be far more waiting and grinding. I believe I'm waiting about a week for regular Diablo showdown or six months for Xeno Diablo

I know row IV classes are several times more important but doing something multiple times because I essentially "messed up" is something I'd prefer to avoid, if possible.

603eed  No.15391643


please give us playable Aldora to avange her dad, get a primal to age her up or something

7a3b62  No.15391674


I still got an imagined fate for Aldora beginning to train:

>Agielba rushes to a battle unprepared

>gets killed and his sword breaks down

>in the aftermath of his death, the crew tries to console Aldora

>Galadar promises to fix his swors as a last favor

>Aldora tugs his cloak, asking if he can fix her dad too

>Aldora faces the fact that dad isn't returning and flash back ends

Then a teenage Aldora with his sword decides to become the second best agent of the skydoms, when asked why second, she answers, "my dad will always be number one"

97df9f  No.15391675


Once you change its element you're done, you're gonna need to make another one of another element.

be6b84  No.15392028

File: f6064bf41bc2eab⋯.png (376.66 KB, 820x1024, 205:256, a88bba02c4988baf36409940a0….png)


>Tales of Asteria to be added as a side story

I'll finally get me some Sophie. All that's left to happen is a rerun of the Sakura Wars collab.



>Unprepared for a fight

>Not throwing himself in front of an attack aimed at his daughter before using the last ounce of his strength to kill her attacker

You sicken me, Anon.

1cd5d3  No.15392907


You might want to check your math.

26b040  No.15392967

File: f5840221f2bac62⋯.png (70.7 KB, 724x665, 724:665, ClipboardImage.png)



Are you talking about this Magisa?

28afce  No.15393463

File: e4247c75d6c897c⋯.png (837.95 KB, 800x616, 100:77, 1499805010789.png)



88689f  No.15393466

Heles better be getting an FLB because once the year is up, the generals are going into the Cygame vault.


I honestly think Mahira is stoned most of the time. Remember the Handsome Gorilla scenario?

6c49f2  No.15393615

File: 36aeacd409f2a1d⋯.png (521.16 KB, 376x554, 188:277, s1d2t346370.png)

This ain't my Pholia. But glad to have him with single ticket.

ba36da  No.15393660


>it's clearly a four-by-four

3336ed  No.15393829

File: 6b42825e96c9e56⋯.jpg (70.27 KB, 1024x788, 256:197, 43453465476.jpg)


2 feet by four inches by four inches

354d33  No.15393869

File: 7a4b2f3a8abb2ba⋯.jpg (20.99 KB, 289x289, 1:1, 1334427319566.jpg)


>Mfw it's actually 1 3/4 x 3 3/4

af9a9d  No.15394682

File: ad135a24fb86edb⋯.png (864.14 KB, 642x711, 214:237, ring.png)

That's ok by me.

6b5f44  No.15395028

File: 924645bcb2c00be⋯.png (742.71 KB, 510x664, 255:332, aliza.png)

Not bad

7d8f2b  No.15395547

File: af540964d163d5c⋯.jpg (821.46 KB, 3000x2102, 1500:1051, gbf-14046928-63090527_p0.jpg)

>that guy who makes everyone wait 10 minuites on the share chest

Yeah that's me.

992789  No.15397103


Sorry dudes I just passed out half through that Medusa fight

be7230  No.15397721

File: 98cf7186e684f58⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 469x178, 469:178, 2018-09-02_18-13-37.jpg)

I'm never finishing this grid

ee7374  No.15398139



>Start using another small batch of single tickets

>SR crystal show up

>Taisai Sprit Bow

What a good day. And I can still spark if needed.

6b5f44  No.15399300

File: 93e1f1becc660c8⋯.png (771.47 KB, 565x665, 113:133, izmir ougi.png)

Big fat draph ougi numbers

ee9d29  No.15399714

New player here, trying to unlock my first eternal.

From what I can tell, whorls farming can be done in angel halo, dragon claws from the extreme trials, how about scrolls and orbs? What's a good place to farm those efficiently? I've just been trading cerulean stones for scrolls, but I'll run out of those eventually.

ad46d4  No.15399725


You should use cerulean stones for books instead, since I don't think you can trade scrolls for books.

Both scrolls and orbs also come in droves from Angel Halo. Elemental scrolls also come from the trials, as does almost every basic material from that element.

c94df2  No.15400220

File: c916dcddeb9175c⋯.png (3.69 MB, 1280x1785, 256:357, Uma musume.png)


Yes, monkeyman knows my weakness

6ee9dc  No.15400271


Have a crew yet?

a7fa28  No.15402243

File: 9f0ed67eaded895⋯.jpg (130.84 KB, 800x608, 25:19, DgFPDUEU8AESYZe.jpg)

You're getting those ancient egg sacks right?

f983b6  No.15402267


I haven't gotten a single flip chest out of over 20 Elementals. This sucks.

ad46d4  No.15402298


I just buy them off the prestige pendant shop every month. I can solo the impossible raid just fine so that's nice.

FLB when?

fa3f2d  No.15402507

File: 6fe749f4f56a8ce⋯.png (773.14 KB, 637x656, 637:656, Untitled.png)


I am from the shop. 5 more to completion, although my fire setup still feels like it's the 2nd weakest of all my grids.

ee7374  No.15402751


From my sporadic leech, I only got 1 regular egg sac.

And all the previous spark brought me Agni to 2/3 star uncap.

c3c6f4  No.15402982

Do charge attacks count as one ally to one foe attacks for the purpose of bonus damage, particularly Lecia's and Nezahualpilli's Bonus Wind damage?

Does Lecia's Attack Orders overwrite Nezahualpilli's bonus Wind damage or do they stack? I'm guessing they don't stack since I only ever see one buff.

1cd5d3  No.15403057

File: 2e8488903d7fd02⋯.png (416.48 KB, 423x544, 423:544, image.png)


Charge attacks don't count and Neza's echos stack with Lecia's.

c3c6f4  No.15403100


Good to know. I've been wasting Lecia's buffs while trying to avoid wasting it.

Do skills and abilities that get stronger with decreasing numbers of enemies start at their strongest point if there is only one foe to begin with? for example the Aluminum Bat's unique skill

1cd5d3  No.15403163


I can't test it myself but that's how it usually works.

fa3f2d  No.15404026

File: d80ffe8d8efdf6f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 627x864, 209:288, Untitled.png)

I am NEVER EVER 40 boxing EVER again.

ad46d4  No.15404076

File: 89090405889a70b⋯.png (200.57 KB, 625x210, 125:42, Ultimate Babysitter.png)

File: ddb8f3020e65e7f⋯.png (203.43 KB, 638x222, 319:111, Boxtato.png)

File: e0f6578afdb423b⋯.png (204.29 KB, 638x219, 638:219, Cuck.png)

File: 06d4457e7d265c4⋯.png (194.85 KB, 622x217, 622:217, Metera the Turbo Slut - Go….png)


Bonus damage never works for Charge Attacks.

The only way a CA ever has bonus damage is if the character's CA description says it has. Maybe it can also show up on the skill description for a buff or the character's passive, but I couldn't find an example for that among my characters

88689f  No.15406003

TiaHL: 66386BCC

Because nips are useless shits.

0393ab  No.15409033

Dragalia will BTFO your shit game.

9783ef  No.15409066

Nezha HL


736f13  No.15409683


I do hope so.

c3c6f4  No.15411740

File: 5dd9f4efd0d2bf9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.55 MB, 545x1443, 545:1443, jtdfcjjbhf0th0jnv.png)

Why is SSR Rosetta considered such a good buffer in her wind variant? I understand that the buffs for a max stack Rose Barrier are significant but I feel like I'm using her incorrectly or don't have a grid developed well enough or in the right way to make good use of her.

It seems like most of the time all she does is drain ougi and make it nearly impossible to get a full burst off before a raid is over.

Is there some secret, non-obvious way to get her to gain charge faster than she burns through it from Rose Barrier?

436437  No.15411826

File: f1f5a3ab204a8fd⋯.png (276.36 KB, 627x473, 57:43, 43654675568.png)


the secret is solo content

354d33  No.15411849


Use her buff at a lower stack to get DATA buffs out if you don't have any other source.

Grand Rosetta is only really good if:

You are solo

Fight is really long

Enemy is not debuffed in a way that would prevent it from hitting her

Enemy is also not strong enough to dunk her in the 5 hits it takes

There are no other hostility characters on the front that will take hits from her.

Enemy does not mostly do plain damage, as this does not activate her.

You're not putting out mirror image or shields

Also, assuming that's not a Mechanic or memeslinger, why aren't you using the Silver Bow as main.

And why haven't you replaced birdman with dragon loli, wind's new top damage dealer outside of smugman.

tl;dr Rosetta is mostly garbage.

ad46d4  No.15411930

File: e745c3faec892fa⋯.jpg (134.08 KB, 718x1000, 359:500, JK.jpg)


Rosetta being considered one of the best wind buffers is a relic from when your only other real option for DATA buffs was Korwa.

See, she didn't get any worse, it's just that basically all buffers released after her (and Nio's 5*) powercreeped her hard. And the Last Storm Harp allowing MC to use Elysian in wind + DATA buff on ougi didn't help her case either.

Also, yeah, she's only really useable if you're soloing stuff otherwise the boss will be CC'd into oblivion with blind, charm and whatnot.

At this point, I'd say the best thing about Rosetta Grand is, ironically, the Love Eternal. Or maybe her skin, if you don't like (or have) pareos and bikinis or are a faggot that doesn't like casino bunny girls.

To summarize: Rosetta (Grand) is a has been but can still help tons if she's all you have as long as it isn't a raid. She's also the best looking of the main story crewmembers

3f123f  No.15412101

File: 9bec65fe0624b0f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.17 MB, 1300x1967, 1300:1967, help my dick hurts.jpg)


wrong that's io

d16213  No.15412637

File: 79d41f7c703db72⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 500x824, 125:206, 03cd1cc2f617eb88cddbe61d60….jpg)


>>She's also the best looking of the main story crewmembers

>better than Katalina

>better than Lyria

>better than Io


82ac48  No.15412648

File: f3fce7ea5db095d⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1203x1500, 401:500, 62940103_p0.png)


>She's also the best looking of the main story crewmembers

You are objectively wrong. Soon

be6b84  No.15413771

File: 339b234e032371e⋯.jpg (113.2 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, DX1cPFmV4AASZZz.jpg)


>dragon loli

>wind's new top damage dealer outside of smugman


Hey, how'd Vajra end up in the 9.5s, there's no way in hell she makes that much of gamewiths dicks hard.




She's only now starting to get redrawn into something cute instead of some dirty looking asshole.

965623  No.15414791

File: 0cb477ebaea155b⋯.png (293.37 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ioss.png)


The art updates are doing wonders for Io.

09e42a  No.15414854


This is exactly why I want Summer Io.

That and to bench Zeta.

a13b80  No.15414900

File: 0cbe26b0fbfb389⋯.png (321.59 KB, 587x339, 587:339, You can trade Pandemonium ….png)

File: 0b7ea78189c0bc9⋯.png (1.02 MB, 644x817, 644:817, Charge Bar Memes.png)

File: bae31d6ae5d3cfa⋯.png (661.97 KB, 668x901, 668:901, Djeeta hinami.png)


>Hey, how'd Vajra end up in the 9.5s, there's no way in hell she makes that much of gamewiths dicks hard.

That's because Tasty Fish Kengo is the brand new water meta (as seen in GW), so her 200% Charge Bar and buffs aren't completely wasted like in double Varuna.

Mind you, in pic related I still don't have Doggo and Dragon's EMPs, and only have 30% DEF down brought by Altair.

At this point, the only thing Vajra's missing is a (real, not 15%DA 3%TA from her EMP skill) self DATA boost so that her Attack Twice part of her third skill isn't completely wasted on a SA (Garjana still does like, 1.6kk damage when you consider both turns, so that's neat). You could give her Summer Grea's Dragonheart if you also have her, but Kengo really wants that 15% uplift to


if you have a Kaneshige.


New EX poses when?

c3c6f4  No.15414950


It is a mechanic.

>why haven't you replaced birdman with dragon loli

I haven't put the dragon in the frontline yet because she's only 82. Using my current setup I can get Ygg into and out of overdrive in one turn then kill her next turn with the salted wound/DATA buff he has.


Shouldn't her rating be adjusted then? or cygames could give her a 5*.

Isn't the entire purpose of "ratings" to give an "at a glance" overview of a character? She seems a bit more niche than a 9.5 rating would imply.

a13b80  No.15415000


Cygames are going to give her a five star, that much is confirmed already.

Three years after her release, like Sheep. If it was going to take less than that Monkey's 5th star would've been released already

Also, her 9.5 rating is probably because she has party wide, 100% uptime in:

30% ATK up (normal modifier)

30% DEF up

10% Charge Bar Speed up

30% Charge Attack DMG up

10% Charge Attack Cap up

As long as she ougis at least once every 5 turns. Which is pretty kickass for everyone except double Varuna, and even then the charge bar speed, DEF and Cap are neat.

That and her petrified because gamewith absolutely fucking love Veil and Petrified and probably give any character that has either at least a 9.

be6b84  No.15415426

File: 55282c07d786ca6⋯.jpg (113.31 KB, 960x1249, 960:1249, Dliunq6UcAE3sL5.jpg)


I've just been using Vajra in a Lucha team with Summer Dianthas triple attack boost.


You got Rosetta mixed up with Vajra.

a13b80  No.15415505


My bad. Well, if they ever make Grand character 5*s I think they might have said they wanted to at some point in a stream but I don't have a source they'd have to start with Katalina anyway.

57d19b  No.15419338

File: 86317c59c2e3683⋯.jpg (162.36 KB, 720x734, 360:367, _20180907_133833.JPG)

Is it worth dropping anything for MLB Eckes?

88689f  No.15419489


Drop the Colo Stick for AES.

e22e30  No.15419508



I'd say to drop the colo stick for a Zhuque Malus with its damage cap up ability. depends on whether you're already capping damage or not.

3f123f  No.15419526

File: 2a41e393376dcb7⋯.png (252.61 KB, 404x406, 202:203, cocerned loli face.png)


>has ixaba uses xeno katana mh


2efc30  No.15420716

File: 93de99436a9c727⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 301.89 KB, 378x441, 6:7, nohelm.PNG)

File: 64ca0353a3e7b20⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 354.48 KB, 383x443, 383:443, nomask.PNG)

Looks like someone took their helmet off

9b1e21  No.15420767


>mask is under hair

>remove mask and eye is over hair

Why do they do this?

497097  No.15420897

File: 26bc3317a109ab4⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 600x489, 200:163, 66343652_p20.jpg)


With all of this gear and crimson fingers you kinda should be above these questions. But drop the fucking stick for AES.

Now on things that matter: Who's a better buffer for long battles Cagliostro or Yggdrassil?

88689f  No.15420905

File: 08595bb8c1c2ce5⋯.png (511.33 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Dirt La Fille. Who also doubles as a casino bot.

a13b80  No.15420923


Cagliostro can save your ass in a pinch by healing a shit ton in a single turn. Also her buff is unique so you'll never have to worry about "No Effect".

Yggdrasil has that shield and regen to help keep your team healthy, but that doesn't help much if the boss decides to one shot you to oblivion.

Pretty much depends on what you're fighting and what are your other characters at this point.

497097  No.15420943

File: 1f16605620dadb6⋯.jpg (286.96 KB, 500x1250, 2:5, Donut Steel.jpg)

File: d1f19648052b7c6⋯.jpeg (190.2 KB, 896x1199, 896:1199, DendAqEVMAEfDwW.jpeg)

File: 9f3986b60e9be0f⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 5e3a4e1b2f910ab00beb4cce39….jpg)

File: e61edfa51135931⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 492x670, 246:335, 67909100_p29.jpg)

File: 03a5f5925e75030⋯.png (525.74 KB, 1380x1760, 69:88, 56713988_p1.png)



I got Cagliostro, but as Yggdrassil is Melee I'm saving to spark her, I haven't really checked Casino Bot, my meme team is Balurga/Cag/Eustace/Razia/Soriz. Tezcatlipoca team.

88689f  No.15420961


>Sparking someone whose always in the pool

Look I may not be able to save a spark for shit, but you should never use a spark on something always in the pool.

497097  No.15420973

File: 8d427b92af815db⋯.png (143.31 KB, 616x338, 308:169, Mad Max dorks.png)


I can't MVP my luck, I got fuck all this BIGGERESTEST and it fucking sucks. So it's either I go all in and at least be sure Yugu joins, or risk throwing 50 rolls rn to the fiery pits of Pandemonium.

a13b80  No.15420978


Would have to check if Eustace's crit stacks with Cagliostro's or Yggdrasil's. Probably it will stack only with Yggdrasil or neither.

Cagliostro also has her DEF down, which is a plus, since your other characters don't have it. You can in fact hit DEF down cap by using it with Elysian, since it stacks with Dirge of the Dead and you can negate the downside of Call of the Abyss by using Phantasmagoria.


More like, will Yggdrasil EVER be in the spark selection? The only scenarios I can see that happening is if she wins the popularity contest, there's a primal rate up or they decide to give her a 5* or the spotlight in an earth rate up.

And none of those would happen during Legfest/Flashfest.

2a2334  No.15420982

File: 721243913978f0f⋯.png (89.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 721243913978f0ffcabafa4601….png)



Dirt La Fille is the under rated star of earth. The buffs are fucking amazing. Press 1 for team, press 2 on ayer. Bring Ayers hp down then rape the shit out of everything. You can even use it as a heal in a pinch. Skill 3 stacks pretty well with other cuts or just works okay in general.

Honestly I can't ever see myself removing DLF from any team I run.


Been away for weeks and not seen this. Seeing as I have Mag, Algebra,Esser,Yuisis, Beato and Zooey I am excited as hell that they might be useful soon. Although I always ran Beato because waifu.

88689f  No.15421005


It might not happen outside the earth element banner or she's part of an event as >>15420978 said. Might have to bite the bullet and use a suptix if you're luck's truly shit since you should probably save a spark for a zodiac general if you're close since they might go into the Cygame vault for who knows how fucking long which is why fire needs a non limited 5* to happen.


I used Threo instead of Ayer since I made a rule of no fujoshits. If I can get Doggo for water and complete my bow for Song, Lucio's getting replaced.

a13b80  No.15421006


I wouldn't say De La Feels is underrated.

Her dust edition is well known as the premier single buffer of earth. She goes hand in hand with Godthighs, Vaseface and, like you said, Ayer.

But if the guy needs a good partywide buffer, then Tohsaka isn't going to cut it.

2a2334  No.15421035

File: ad328402bd8093f⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ad328402bd8093f24a9bb93f29….mp4)


She's known as the best buffer but I mean there's never any good art made for her and no one ever hypes her and stuff.


I use Ayer and Cakeright now, works pretty well but I'd probably drop Cake before I'd drop Ayer. Keep him alive and no one competes in DPS. Hmm I run Juliet,Song and Lucio can't think of any reason I'd drop Lucy though for anyone. Also reeeeeeeeeeee, don't say "Threo".

af9a9d  No.15421049

File: f6f6ae0e4814c81⋯.jpg (10.04 KB, 205x246, 5:6, dxgfhjkhliutr.jpg)


>I made a rule of no fujoshits.

497097  No.15421075

File: 5b212f10114337f⋯.png (132.66 KB, 484x681, 484:681, Birthday #2 Scene 7.png)



But why would you use that seanig name. I'm saving for Yugu/SSR Soriz or anyone that helps Balurga to get either buffed or to protect her from eating nukes. She's the reason why I'm even giving a fug on anything.

09d1ad  No.15421099


the 2 athena spears already hit the grid DATA cap, so you can drop the ultima

5d38e0  No.15421169


Didn't Balurga cut off her own hand?

497097  No.15421179

File: 0a3bdffbf54f497⋯.jpeg (133.68 KB, 912x847, 912:847, CvsKRUEUEAAkxfF.jpeg)


Nope, read her recruit fate. She wanted to join the Odajumoki and Gulza challenged her to touch a wolf in the snout, thinking she would back off, and she went in and got her arm ripped away by the wolf. So Gulza gave her an arm cannon made with Society technology, as he was one of the founders and outfitted the mad max harvin band.

1cd5d3  No.15421200


Is this an Agni grid? If it is, you could drop the ultima sword or the colossus cane.



Ancient Ecke Sachs are only useful to colossus grids.



6b5f44  No.15422123

File: bdf1a59cbf4949f⋯.png (1.29 MB, 800x1131, 800:1131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6238c5d32b70f2e⋯.png (850.18 KB, 760x952, 95:119, ClipboardImage.png)


>who's better… cutest primal or a dirty old man?

Anon, please

0393ab  No.15422297

Mage Knight when? I thought it was gonna happen in August.

97df9f  No.15422320


It was always late september anon.

a13b80  No.15424671

File: 0f721bb1e6473be⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Manaria Fried confirmed.png)


They showed a new trailer during SnB's 7th anniversary stream, that's where I got this screencap from

be7230  No.15425169

File: e4437f63656ad89⋯.jpg (260.94 KB, 521x990, 521:990, 2018-09-08_19-26-21.jpg)

Today is a good day

965623  No.15425581


Sexy dragon erune loli thing is back in the top ten.

09e42a  No.15425618


Why can't my Wind look that nice?

9cae9c  No.15425646

File: a6145015544e2df⋯.png (634.53 KB, 633x643, 633:643, Untitled.png)

09e42a  No.15425694


Mine is composed of Arriet, Mirin and SR Karteira.

97df9f  No.15426238

File: dd5012aaa21381c⋯.png (500.23 KB, 479x475, 479:475, wewlad.PNG)

Are you ready to cry like a little bitch?

861d44  No.15426741

File: 099c63fc4aa3b3e⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 447x332, 447:332, Capture.JPG)

>150 half elixir

What the fuck.

9cae9c  No.15426998

File: 20c0561343dc02b⋯.png (620.71 KB, 700x1050, 2:3, 4a6c28e70d76ae2ead6f064fa5….png)


I thought I was ready for it, but it turns out that knowing how it ends just makes it even sadder.

a13b80  No.15427187

File: 118ae39d27dddca⋯.png (1.01 MB, 672x822, 112:137, Ranger Sign Bravo.png)

a1ddd5  No.15427606

File: 891ce29254d88e8⋯.webm (11.29 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Mike 'Electricity Joke' P….webm)

>Fenrir fags.

a772d2  No.15427651

File: 180af4a774dee3f⋯.jpg (276.42 KB, 1446x1500, 241:250, IMG_4801.JPG)


Ain't anything wrong with her.

965623  No.15427676


Fenrir fags are on the same level as the fujoshits that got the sandycunt into the crew.

88689f  No.15428023

File: 85460350b45fd3d⋯.png (245.5 KB, 315x446, 315:446, ClipboardImage.png)

Sure would be nice if Grim would drop harps for me.

34ad47  No.15428215



8e6d04  No.15428869

File: 5fb6e37eb8f7410⋯.png (1.08 MB, 800x1000, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


I wasn't ready for that.

be6b84  No.15429635

File: 0be62dfb8a3622c⋯.png (539.4 KB, 569x565, 569:565, Forever wind team.png)


I want the corn chip but right now I'm hoping they do good whenever they give Korwa a 5* or make a loli that fills her purpose but has a chain attack too.


Why do you Reunion in an Emnity dominated grid instead of a Baha? Is the extra health combined with the bow that good even when you don't have the harps?

88689f  No.15429725


Because it'll give a boost to all races compared to baha weapons (slightly more power but slightly less HP). And you'll probably have a team of humans, erunes, and harvins in a more late game team.

0daab1  No.15429793

File: eb31c3c2092de40⋯.png (720.31 KB, 1480x1480, 1:1, shrimp1-1.png)


Xeno katana's awakening lets me cap defense down by myself. Don't have Anila. And against Grimnir, the nuke activates every turn.

be7230  No.15429841

File: 201824c4c7b17d1⋯.jpg (105.07 KB, 457x448, 457:448, 2018-09-09_20-24-34.jpg)


Sell Lecia to me, is she that good? Her orders look strong, but the duration and setup looks so long.

a13b80  No.15429929


The only real limitation Lecia has is the CD for all the skills you're going to use to get her to Order 5. And that you need to wait one turn if you stack all the orders in the same turn.

But hey, she has Dispel on ougi and a single target heal with clarity on a 2 turn CD, which can be handy on some bosses.

09e42a  No.15429966

File: 085cac7f8ee6bc2⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-09-09-22-0….png)

Every time I see people discussing Wind teams I can't help but despair.

6b5f44  No.15429979


make nio. She's all you'll ever need

09e42a  No.15429993


Oh, I'm making her weapon. I'm just too weak to get the materials to keep upgrading it.

4c68ed  No.15430270

File: 5405b85abd0d76f⋯.jpeg (95.36 KB, 900x675, 4:3, Dmn6nu9V4AEaHLu.jpeg)

File: 5b19e11be3f8e47⋯.jpeg (62.22 KB, 1165x850, 233:170, DmE4GH7UwAEKCT7.jpeg)


You could be me, but with Fire, only Percival and Magisa, for over a year. And still the only SSR in that year, 9 months and two weeks that has joined them is Heles. And she's a shit.

82ac48  No.15430306


Percy, Magisa and Heles are all really good though?

4c68ed  No.15430331

File: e91fb136603f79d⋯.jpg (50.49 KB, 500x408, 125:102, 2ddc71589a3008431730fb17cf….jpg)


My complain is Heles. I hate Erunes, the Irestill crew is not in my favorites, and her playstyle is mediocre in an element where I lack DATA sources and healing.

be7230  No.15430373

File: bde203aba955ae1⋯.jpg (128.63 KB, 470x520, 47:52, 2018-09-09_23-15-20.jpg)

File: 2d29730d74fc85d⋯.jpg (30.9 KB, 343x121, 343:121, 2018-09-09_23-18-22.jpg)

How would this theoretical team be with kengou + magna 2? There'd be a lot of meter generation and attack buffs, but not much da/ta or element buffs. Would a murgleis and an ancient auberon fix that? Alternatively, I was thinking of swapping Riruru for Aqours or Katalina depending on 5*/rebalance.


I used to only have Aodios + Agielba in fire, and Silva + Chat Noir in water for over a year too. Ganbaruby anon.

be6b84  No.15430441

File: 2c64e1eecd5094b⋯.png (314.35 KB, 535x391, 535:391, Thought I had more.png)


Not only does she have that third skill to jack up everyones power, her first skill adds enmity on top of the enmity your grid gives you. I like to build up her attack orders while I wait til Carbuncle (doesn't overwrites Scathachas wind up) appears and Anat and by that time, Korwa has a good amount of Fils for a nice strong ougi if I don't want to try and use Shiva too.


>Both puppies

Lucky bastard.

4c68ed  No.15430519

File: 65a5eaa8e677459⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 500x281, 500:281, unnamed.gif)


>not using the Ebin manlet of nukes

The guy made wind GW awesome for me and helped me solo Tezcatlipoca, the trick is knowing when to use Riesenjagd and his self recovery to not have downtime with his perma TA.

97df9f  No.15430622


You can run her with Lancelot, Potato or Scatacha, using CR MC with at least another red skill and have her orders charged turn 1.

Using either a GW Dagger or an Atma Sword, you get 2 turns of insane burst after you ougi.

Also get her passive for a chance of an extra order.

It usually takes 4-5 turns to recharge the orders to 5, but it's alright.


Characters come with time (or money) friend, you'll get there eventually, don't worry.

Also Christmas and new years giveaway will be on us sooner than you know.


No Xeno Axe? Shoot for a GW Dagger then.


Small Trium is a 3.5% data buff at sl 15, you need Varuna and at least a couple Murgs to see a relevant buff.

What Katana do you plan on using? the Kaneshige or Oktos?

0393ab  No.15431191


Why not izayoi?

55ee2c  No.15431276


I don't see wet Yuel in his roster, the ougi for it is only a 20% water atk buff for MC aniway.

2 more good weapons would be an Ultima Katana or Europa's bow.

be7230  No.15431997



>what weapon

Probably the kaneshige unless I can think of a better element to use it in. The europa bow doesn't look so bad either. Okto's katana only looks useful fully upgraded which is too big of an investment. Where does water normally get da/ta?


I'll have to experiment more with her when I can hit the damage cap more consistently then, she is pretty cute.

be6b84  No.15432071

File: 9b48b9dc284f74c⋯.png (4.62 MB, 2590x3000, 259:300, 9b48b9dc284f74c2485ddd605c….png)


If I was gonna put a dude on my team, Gawain, Summer Siegfried, and Lancelot would be far higher on my list.

4c68ed  No.15432168

File: 08a47cee7417ff0⋯.jpg (126.91 KB, 427x1200, 427:1200, 1536480898028.jpg)

File: 782f051bde2cd75⋯.jpg (425.37 KB, 2048x1447, 2048:1447, 1536480179965.jpg)


What a gay, Levi is better thanks to Riesenjagd alone.

>sending women to war

>not wanting a bro party to shitpost together

2e100e  No.15432325

File: 6b0329437877710⋯.png (371.26 KB, 635x527, 635:527, I started playing January ….png)


I feel you bro.

But hey, at least we got the third years, so if you make Tien you can have a whole SSR fire party. Even if you have a distaste for Erunes. And then there are the Arcarum characters TBA.


Needs Drang Balls/10. I'm not (completely) joking.

Also, Nigger, I cannot stress enough how important the Unsigned Kaneshige is. It doesn't matter if all your other characters just single attack because you're going to be feeding so much charge bar to everyone else (and Kengo has his own guaranteed DA buff besides Unyou) they'll ougi frequently too.

Like you said, you should also replace Lilele for someone with a damaging ougi because that's going to be the main source of your damage in Water Kengo.

It's a shame you didn't get Summer Grea because she, her enhanced ougi cap and 15% uplift, and 2 turns TA is the apex of ougi memes.

2e100e  No.15432367


>Where does water normally get da/ta?

>He doesn't know

The only party DATA Water has is GW dagger and GW person 5*.

09e42a  No.15432394


Hand over that Summer Io and no one gets hurt.

09e42a  No.15432395


The Second Years do have party DATA but it's not reliable yet.

2e100e  No.15432424


Should've asked when she was still trash queen. And she has emotional value as the first fire SSR I got


Partywide DATA buffs are mostly a nonissue if you consider many water characters have ways to self buff their own DATA. Granny boy's stackable offensive buffs, Exiled Loli Cake's guaranteed DA shield, Lancey's third skill, Kat's veil, Summer Dragontits's Dragonheart, The Greatest Babysitter's stacks, Boxtato's don't hit me stacks, Summer Fake Nee-san's buffs.

Unless you plan on making a party with no characters that can take care of themselves, I wouldn't worry too much about party DATA.

8e6d04  No.15432584



Wanted to get that character, but currently saving up a spark, and not sure if he’s worth it or not.

09e42a  No.15432598


He seems to be worth it as he carries Petrify and a passive that boosts everyone's Attack if the enemy's Petrified. You just need to play around one of his skills giving an enemy a free diamond.

d16213  No.15433015

File: c5371c762fabfb2⋯.jpg (691.52 KB, 1019x1447, 1019:1447, a3ee1ff9114695f81fd8e892e9….jpg)

File: 22ac2543882474b⋯.jpg (242.87 KB, 1316x2048, 329:512, bbd5ca678ef621eac6896439f0….jpg)


That picture reminds me how my dark team only had darku Jannu since February until the Robomi events and I got dark Nick during the free draws.


>I hate Erunes

Are you by any chance a homosexual?

521cbb  No.15433031


I don't even play this game but I saw those on the first page while considering what to fap to and now I'm set on big fat cat tats


d16213  No.15433037

File: 3495a3849844253⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.33 MB, 2118x3014, 1059:1507, 2dcfe8f29d591c89fbf5619e8d….jpg)


That's how it starts.

aa5125  No.15433165

File: 3797308edbf133f⋯.png (1.16 MB, 800x1130, 80:113, 70423627_p0.png)

File: 4499b6ad3a007f4⋯.jpeg (158.1 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, DmWN_C_U8AAcBiX.jpeg)

File: 676282be9970c69⋯.jpeg (121.31 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, DlgH2IrU8AAHiVZ.jpeg)

File: c5919a7092420b5⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1414x1000, 707:500, 65102038_p0.jpg)

File: 7a573bffd6edfaa⋯.jpg (74.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1534305589585.jpg)


Potatoes are best girls, you stealth furry.

8e6d04  No.15433171


The passive boost sounds pretty good, and another fire character having petrify is great as well. Might consider getting him or be happy to obtain him randomly from either free gacha pulls or whenever I can spark.

ee7374  No.15433620

File: fbe9d672df4b0db⋯.jpg (162.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mpv-shot0056.jpg)

be6b84  No.15433806

File: 00a50cebd7eb07d⋯.jpg (173.67 KB, 1029x1200, 343:400, 00a50cebd7eb07d15ef4eb7abd….jpg)


Why would I want one character buffed with triple attack when I can have my whole team buffed with that and wind attack up with Lancelot, or have Summer Siegfried if I want a selfish attacker with none of Levis glass cannonry?


>Second art isn't of corn chip at a corn roast


000000  No.15433924

>he plays this for free

87a7bd  No.15434049


How can I get paid to waste my time on this?

5d38e0  No.15434093

File: a8f68f48655bd95⋯.mp4 (7.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, JAS DUU EAT.mp4)


Create a 3D model of an anime girl, invest in a voice changer and become the first vtuber who plays Granblue.

I'd watch it.

9783ef  No.15435921


>tfw rig's too fucking weak to do that

>I know and have all the programs I need to pull that off

be7230  No.15440016

So when are we getting those rebalances?

be6b84  No.15440520

File: ade0e33ce666c27⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 757.27 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, d7a8790690a378d300f44033a3….jpg)

File: d93ec2aaf0beb1d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 712.79 KB, 827x963, 827:963, Dlz3g9WU0AA6aIJ.png)

File: aa7b7baaa33e7ac⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.33 MB, 2150x3035, 430:607, aa7b7baaa33e7ac9663323e729….png)

File: 249eb70d0cb777d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 320.26 KB, 700x589, 700:589, DmBE4NqUUAElLtA.png)

File: 1602cf7f631e13f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 176.12 KB, 682x436, 341:218, 51afba0da87e6b59717e3d3daf….png)


When you stop touching yourself.

d16213  No.15440635

File: 74a4712b0842387⋯.jpg (345.5 KB, 1749x2767, 1749:2767, 74a4712b084238708f00be6acc….jpg)

File: dc438a4d854c074⋯.png (1.19 MB, 950x1514, 475:757, cf824dccb287e5269eb401b7e6….png)

File: 91eb0991506988c⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1075x1518, 1075:1518, 91eb0991506988cc7920b697f1….png)


>haven't touched myself all day today

>hard as a diamond even without any pictures

Fourth pic is a disgrace though.


I like potatoes, with Charlotte being my favourite (I started this crap because of her), but I cannot imagine myself fugging one ever.

No matter how I look at it, they are simply too small for benis and I'd never want to hurt one. Unlike draphs which should be pounded into mush without regard for their desires.

Erunes are for emotional and carnal love, so they are perfect.

be6b84  No.15441211

File: 0149f333ee41cb0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 274.74 KB, 1446x2048, 723:1024, DM6ws1nUMAAwwQ9.jpg)

File: 2c2a283b10a30c1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.39 KB, 669x927, 223:309, DIKrjXHUwAIuhft.jpg)

File: 38367fc3be4d27b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 102.54 KB, 709x1001, 709:1001, DH98nXrUQAAGL0n.jpg)

File: 0dedb74b5655f0d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 186.62 KB, 1280x1748, 320:437, d8a6091f863a0248f9e886038a….jpg)

File: a99b0947dfc4918⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 278.71 KB, 1500x1786, 750:893, 9a92c719a7251513de4c4b67a4….jpg)


>haven't touched myself all day today

>I cannot imagine myself fugging one ever

I'm not gonna help you in either regard.

6ee9dc  No.15441227


Got any of better girls? Like Anthuria or Cammy?

be6b84  No.15442389

File: 9cc097ef810a9e2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 58.05 KB, 623x524, 623:524, C_WoXgRUwAA_gi-.jpg)




Everyone has a ton of Cammieux but faggot rules prevent me from further lewding.

3f123f  No.15444398

File: 9655030a7b3f03a⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 500x707, 500:707, pomf vira.jpg)


i dont cummies is overated

6ee9dc  No.15444404


>Cammy is overrated

>posts a psychotic lesbian

Might as well post Nene, she's in the same tier.

3f123f  No.15444416

File: 741cc374acb17e3⋯.png (737.02 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, vira bunny.png)


that doesnt make vira less sexy

6ee9dc  No.15444420


Just like ignoring Nene's personality and single motherhood results in Nene being a great waifu.

3f123f  No.15444428

File: 6740fc61a099fde⋯.jpg (224.56 KB, 387x527, 387:527, vira confirms her spot as ….jpg)


nene's original design was actually better but they went full dumb with that, while obviously you dont like vira you also dont read her fates

90e860  No.15444429


You'd have to ignore the voice too.

21d221  No.15444442


Do you also read her holiday lines where she gifts you some drab shit or practice chocolate and the good stuff to Katalina?

3f123f  No.15444463


yes that doesnt make me like her less, if you cant see her growing as a character that's your own fault, each time you interact with her, each time you offer her your kindness, she melts a little and while cygames writers arent top notch you can see her becoming more and more mellow and sometimes even used as a comic relief character

21d221  No.15444471

File: 180e938b466ba85⋯.png (5.65 MB, 3128x2564, 782:641, Karteira birthday2.png)


If you say the writers are not giving her enough air time to develop her character, you might have a point. However, every single new instance of dialogue is still Katalina Katalina Katalina and there's literally no mention of (You) at all. Get a better waifu pic related

3f123f  No.15444486

File: fb7ed23e9788ec9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.25 MB, 1485x1175, 297:235, secret vira route.png)


more like cygames always make questionable choices and every time a character grows in the later events they simply forget about it. (karteira is all right but for some reason i like siero more)

93a076  No.15444487


nice spoiler, dude

21d221  No.15444547

File: bad72b96b5e25c7⋯.jpg (163.2 KB, 600x1215, 40:81, __aliza_druj_and_stan_gran….jpg)


That's not really true though. Stan, for example, never loses the character growth he got when he got his SR ver. Hell, if anything he gets even manlier and even gets acknowledgement from a Primarch. Vira just doesn't get any visible growth because there IS no visible growth other than getting mindbroken when Katalina rejects her

3f123f  No.15444562

File: 60ac1cc050e1491⋯.gif (241.45 KB, 400x400, 1:1, drunkspin.gif)


nobody likes stan tho even after boots and blades in fact people hate him even more cause he recieves headpats from mika

21d221  No.15444588


I don't see why people would dislike Stan unless they're jealous of him and there's no reason to be jealous of a fictional character unless they don't have self confidence IRL

He's the sort of bumbling guy who relies on the people around him to get by, including Dancho. He's basically Gran if Gran didn't have super plot armour to keep him alive.

3f123f  No.15444608


he pulls more plot armor than you think (stan i mean) :

>he's a spineless son of a bitch during all the event cowardly hero and the captive princess

>he finally starts to train maybe he'll grow some bones

>boots and blades happens

>gets skyaids cause alicia's said you cant marry my daughter unless you find the mystical golden flowers (and even then it wasnt a pact but just a stan's tantrum)

>survives the skyaids with the helping of a dragon that took pity on him all the other guys died but not stan and even "sacrifices" himself in the process


>nah aliza we cant marry we arent mature enough

>what makes the sky salt happens sucking druj off seems to have given stan dragon powers (??????)

>stan recieves mika's headpats

>aliza fights in the colisseum after and gets her ass beat by a gay man with pink hair

bdee53  No.15444710


Envious, Jealousy is the opposite of Envy.

21d221  No.15444749


>gets skyaids cause alicia's said you cant marry my daughter unless you find the mystical golden flowers (and even then it wasnt a pact but just a stan's tantrum)

I believe that was Aliza purposely setting Stan up to fail in order to get rid of him since she opposes the marriage.

>survives the skyaids with the helping of a dragon that took pity on him all the other guys died but not stan and even "sacrifices" himself in the process

Well yeah, he proved himself to Druj and Druj thought his cause and will was great enough to do it. I don't see what's so bad about that. I mean it's not like he didn't come close to dying or anything

>what makes the sky salt happens sucking druj off seems to have given stan dragon powers (??????)

What? When did that happen? Stan did fight Sand Dolphin for a bit but he still ended up with getting the shit kicked out of him.

3f123f  No.15444786


stan gets skyaids cause he decides to go in the desert like the moron he is even after everyone told him not to go, the only way to lessen the symptoms of skyaids is eating and drinking the monster bodily fluids but by some sheer coincidence he's the only one that was in the end saved by druj (what baffles me the most is taht they never go back to the doctor and tell they found a cure for skyaids meaning more people will die from it). for the third point pic related ch.3.2 and 3.3

21d221  No.15444798


>hey mom me and Stan want to get married

<oh I don't want you to get married to someone who isn't a noble so I oppose it

<by the way there's a flower out there in the middle of this desert that poisons anyone who steps into it that will allow true happiness to anyone who finds it

<maybe if you find it I MIGHT let you marry my daughter hmmmmmm?

I was under the impression that the cure from Druj's life was a one and done kind of deal. As for your pic, I totally missed it. It does make it more sensible that he manages to stand up to Sand Dolphin this way though.

2e100e  No.15444804



>Having plot armor

I don't know what gave you the idea besides him being saved every single time he or she skydives towards the bottom of the skies. And having Lyria or Vyrn going super sayan to save his/her ass when needed.

Nevertheless, I still think Gran/Djeeta's personal success and strenght (as in, beating all ten jewtenshoes mano-a-mano) can be chalked up to actually being able to change jobs. Which if I'm not mistaken Katalina says is a basic strategy for rookie skyfarers in the tutorial so I have no idea why no one else (apart from Granny) does it, not even NPCs.

3f123f  No.15444809

File: 77ef0b82af6e63c⋯.png (229.81 KB, 466x420, 233:210, iridium_2018-09-13_16-50-3….png)


shit i forgot to pull off the name, druj's blood is a cure cause in his past a girl saved him and after letting stan drink his blood druj "dies" but he will revive eventually

3f123f  No.15444814

File: 89718ec0363263c⋯.jpg (411.72 KB, 780x1102, 390:551, suggestive cow.jpg)


i dont have the event unlocked on this account otherwise i'd prove it was all stans idea but let's move on enough autism for today

21d221  No.15444841


Dancho has plot armour precisely because Lyria is there to provide him the power of Primals. If she wasn't there, he'd just be stuck being a scrub that gets on-shot by hydras like in the tutorial.


Everyone already knew it was you elephant. I just re-watched that event bit and even though it was Stan that brought it up, Alizia still said that she would give permission if he found it.

ba36da  No.15448798

>Tsubasa's weapon gets an update

>they replaced the pic of a 4x4 with an actual 2x4

2e100e  No.15450053

>Event Naoise gets a 5* when Hero's Return was rerun

>Seruel gets a 5*

>Scat gets a 5*

>Finally it seems like it is Heles's time to shine, despite being the first of them to be released (I think, is there even a place with character release dates?)

>Ghanda is next fire 5*

Made me kek

90e860  No.15450093

File: 336107b5fac6163⋯.png (253.1 KB, 626x471, 626:471, old.png)

Why is this old lady scaring little girls?

1c665f  No.15450103


If you sort your characters by rarity they are ordered from oldest to newest within their rarity. For precise release dates, you can check Gamewith or the English wiki.

ff1d28  No.15450197


He meant that Naoise, Seruel, DragonEruneLoli and Heles are in the same "group" so logically she should also get a 5*.

2e100e  No.15450291


Interesting, I didn't know that.

1c665f  No.15450468


I know. I just answered his question in the spoiler.

I should also note that CY gives out 5th stars to characters on a whim. It doesn't matter how long a character has been around or how popular they may be. VA availability is the only factor. That's why characters related to events or other FATEs get a 5th star most of the time. Take Agielba for instance. He came out a year before even Heles but with his VA dying, his chances for a 5th star are as low as Gandalfs.

be6b84  No.15450643

File: 01ea96bd493c9f1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 179.24 KB, 1027x601, 1027:601, 55386965_p0.png)


Don't be silly, there's better chances with Agielba from the simple fact he isn't just one character.

d16213  No.15450801


Because she knows she is powerless against the loli.

885d9d  No.15450832

File: d64b5b3b2605499⋯.png (8.7 KB, 215x61, 215:61, Imposter.png)

Where has the real Andrew gone?

6ee9dc  No.15451021


Over the border wall where he belongs

85ae76  No.15451100

What's the best way to farm pendants for a Pre-hl shitter? Do extreme, daily maniacs, and then host(get carried) extreme+ when available?

I just need a bar to unlock Nio and maybe stockpile some more to unlock Song and Sarasa since I'm still an SSRlet.

6ee9dc  No.15451120


The best way to farm pendants is to MVP your own raids. Get 580k honor for maximum pendants

Have a mech ougi team for every element so you can 1 turn extreme.

2e100e  No.15452568

So, who are you guys going to give your wedding rings to?

09e42a  No.15452622


The Aquors girls. Each one is 3 waifus for the price of one.

On a more serious note, I'd save mine for Grand or Summer Io.

28afce  No.15453479

File: d9dc1b01a7a8efe⋯.png (336.66 KB, 531x531, 1:1, fa7683e015084428831ecd01be….png)

Kihou is looking for a special crew member to fill the gap in our hearts left by the sinking of our resident Yamato-class battleship. If you want to join, leave your ID somewhere and make sure you aren't in a crew currently. Thank you!

684aeb  No.15455975


A-are traps accepted?

b70062  No.15456096


post thighs, we'll evaluate them

409647  No.15456122

2ee3f7  No.15456143


How big is your crew?

20? 25?

2a6ad6  No.15456149


Kihou was at full capacity, so now it's at 29/30.

1015b1  No.15456266


Do you guys have any requirements to join? What does the average player rank look like?

9b1e21  No.15456355


Average player rank is 132. No requirements that I can recall. There is a shitcord not all of the crew uses if that's a deal breaker.

2e100e  No.15456377


You must tax evade to be able to whale every new character on launch day, even the ones that aren't any good.

We just ask that you play the game or open the slot for someone who does, this isn't fucking Reddit where you have to fill a damn form with lunch breaks just so you can join a crew

1015b1  No.15456440

File: b0fe18274078799⋯.png (556.29 KB, 471x617, 471:617, workinprogress.PNG)



I'm a pre-HL shitter. Here's my grid so you can make fun of me.

ID: 23164714

9b1e21  No.15456489

File: 2033ad7a222df73⋯.png (62.72 KB, 569x164, 569:164, ClipboardImage.png)


Your grid is fine for your current level, not FLBing the cocy stick was a mistake though.

As was feeding a summer Mac to a summer Mac, her call is pretty good.

2e100e  No.15456493


Well, at least the base is there. **There are a handful of other members below rank 100 too"

Now we just need for the Capn' or the vice Capn' to log in/check the thread before they invite someone else.

28afce  No.15457569

File: 1158907dcd39397⋯.jpg (30.96 KB, 640x582, 320:291, 115.jpg)



1015b1  No.15457711

File: 0370a7e7441b758⋯.png (118.19 KB, 473x269, 473:269, Capture.PNG)

File: 197a8a1c3e6cf44⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 278x418, 139:209, 2fdb3c5540125f1b7008972cff….jpg)


I couldn't beat Xeno Cocy and probably still can't. The only reason I was able to get two staffs was from leeching raids. I would've FLBed if I could.


Thanks. I didn't realize they had this retarded system in place. I'll be in by the 17th I guess.

ac2d5e  No.15457888

File: 9f3986b60e9be0f⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 5e3a4e1b2f910ab00beb4cce39….jpg)

File: e61edfa51135931⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 492x670, 246:335, 67909100_p29.jpg)

File: 31d52002807858b⋯.jpeg (160.72 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, BaruruArtIshara.jpeg)

Ready to get the Marriage rings, everyone?

Post you're waifu.

0d6c49  No.15457929


When the time comes I want everyone who ringed a R or a SR to post it, and everyone who ringed a SSR can fuck right off.

ac2d5e  No.15457945

File: 6dbbb606faa1b16⋯.jpeg (68.45 KB, 583x839, 583:839, DhkCWyXUcAE806L.jpeg)

File: a87707035c112d2⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 597x652, 597:652, DQSnssAUEAAJaKN.jpg)

File: d1f19648052b7c6⋯.jpeg (190.2 KB, 896x1199, 896:1199, DendAqEVMAEfDwW.jpeg)


I'm just waiting to farm the nugs and marrying Balurga immediately. She's my raifu, and waifu.

2e100e  No.15457951


But what if you're waifu has a R, SR and SSR version?

I mean, surely someone here must have the hots for Rosamia or Mary.

0d6c49  No.15457974


I can't think of a single SSR girl who isn't basic bitch tier in terms of waifu quality. It's always the people who want to fug rather than hug that go for SSRs. Mary gets weirdly emo at times and it really irks me out how similar her behavior can get to 3DPD.

ac2d5e  No.15457999

File: fa686ea5a6d5aed⋯.png (128.21 KB, 486x675, 18:25, Birthday #2 Scene 6.png)

File: 7c59e9345dd4f22⋯.png (136.39 KB, 488x685, 488:685, Birthday #2 Scene 2.png)


I'd be actually surprised if there are Rosamiafags. But as this other guy says, most SSRs are only liked for their kits, you saw what happened with Vajra when she first arrived getting Guro doujins in C93 and nips hating her and calling her not even worth the ten roll purchase. True waifufags find their cross to bear with a weak waifu and play with her and not mandated SSRs. Case in point, my current power as Dirt is 55k but if I played esports and ditched Bal and went Gao I'd be on 63+/-, but without her it's pointless.

f4c250  No.15458052

File: 962a44e60e46d98⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1000x1650, 20:33, __rosamia_granblue_fantasy….png)

File: 96fc53b251ad377⋯.jpg (638.87 KB, 600x720, 5:6, 56147633_p0_master1200.jpg)

File: e4a0b07eae50264⋯.jpg (636.13 KB, 600x720, 5:6, cy56147633_p1_master1200.jpg)


>I'd be actually surprised if there are Rosamiafags

Homosexual detected you have to go back

ac2d5e  No.15458070

File: 4edd4adb2a22751⋯.png (396.52 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 1536745071937.png)


I never called her ugly, it's just that she's unsavory as fuck to me, she can't even accept help and acts like a retarded emo 75% the time. That's why it's surprising. But if you like histrionic dry spell vaginas go for it.

6b5f44  No.15458206

File: 15c6b97e1d95402⋯.png (1.21 MB, 850x1200, 17:24, ClipboardImage.png)


I might give her a ring. I refuse to remove her from my frontline, so it would help. But since the rings raise damage cap and extended mastery cap, I might have to make the smart decision and give it to a strong carry

0af07a  No.15458240

File: d7e6d00967b9814⋯.png (18.81 KB, 90x118, 45:59, no ring.png)

ac2d5e  No.15458245

File: 7e4bf45f4f1fcb0⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 279x219, 93:73, assburger_wew.gif)


Anon, you're being a fag, waifu is for laifu. Esports are temporary.

ac2d5e  No.15458268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Doublepost and whatever, but this was just posted by Cykagames, CR7 Playable when.

b70062  No.15458524


Do you realise a ring costs 20 gold nuggets, right?

I'd rather farm and store them to buy another bar as soon as they add it.


>when you're italian and you go tell juventus fans on facebook if they know that their loved team's sponsor is a videogame company that makes perverted anime games for pedophiles

0d6c49  No.15458866

File: 44e03eb7f05f7c2⋯.png (999.35 KB, 632x1448, 79:181, Untitled.png)


You are playing this game wrong my dude.

c27e5f  No.15458896

File: 597634196fbd50f⋯.png (183.55 KB, 1166x685, 1166:685, 13th_major_arcana___lovers….png)


Im gonna be saving my ring for Lovers!

d16213  No.15458935

File: 6ba3a07f980a05b⋯.png (3.98 MB, 2389x1381, 2389:1381, 6ba3a07f980a05b0ffa116807b….png)


>still have my first intricacy ring

>no clue who to give it to even though I have plenty of girls that I like (and one more than others)

Fuck gold bars, I should get one of those rings and make up my mind already.

Also, can someone explain to me how 40-boxing is different from what is needed in this picture?

What do I gain from obtaining the same weapon 40 times anyway?

6b5f44  No.15458949

File: 2db372f6b93d451⋯.png (999.26 KB, 1518x727, 1518:727, 5 star Eternal resource li….png)


Because that's not 40boxing. This is.

To 5* your GW character you need 100 fragments. A completed GW weapon (one that uses a gold bar to make) gives 50. Your first weapon that unlocked the character starts you at 50. You can either make another full weapon with a gold bar (bringing the total to 3 with the one needed for the gold relic), or make 10 awakened (2nd step) weapons by 40boxing which give 5 fragments each (costing only 2 gold bars for more effort).

d16213  No.15458985

File: fe4e7b8da41798b⋯.jpg (113.85 KB, 599x902, 599:902, fe4e7b8da41798b93a52675b86….jpg)


Thanks a lot mate.

40-boxing sounds like a whole lot of trouble. I think I'll just spend gold bars once I get them, it's not like I care about having every eternal anyway.

0d6c49  No.15459000

File: 1a17ab09e614e93⋯.png (14.61 KB, 98x87, 98:87, f947c65ec75a2215ec86538c3b….png)


>drawing a Harvin at Draph size

6b5f44  No.15459014

File: 54cf662ec2aa72d⋯.png (11.42 KB, 514x126, 257:63, ClipboardImage.png)


>not caring about getting every eternal ever

pic related.

The amount of gold bars you can buy is limited too. You'll eventually have to grind GW to get them, so you'll end up putting in the 40boxing work anyway.

c27e5f  No.15459016

File: 235a37d07ad8901⋯.png (272.8 KB, 316x616, 79:154, 1537089044027.png)

b70062  No.15459024

File: 44420047c253185⋯.jpg (121.36 KB, 579x750, 193:250, DnNTVjfV4AUq2iC.jpg)


You are The Boss Now, Cat

6b5f44  No.15459029

File: e53e4ca074d5df3⋯.png (956.93 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df3c2878c337c2b⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

These uncap arts are pretty good

ba36da  No.15459233

File: 265a4378c68da56⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1036x1449, 148:207, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)

>meme Freesia is added

Does this mean meme Fenrir is around the corner?

e795bd  No.15459258

File: d601e1aed2f21a1⋯.jpg (79.9 KB, 480x1200, 2:5, potato holding.jpg)


after zalha becomes core

2e100e  No.15459295


>You'll eventually have to grind GW to get them, so you'll end up putting in the 40boxing work anyway.

You can farm UBHL too if you're strong enough. And more reliable than farming the Maniac Showdowns though that's also an option.

2e100e  No.15459317

File: 9c4d4001e136080⋯.png (573.16 KB, 630x633, 210:211, Become the Boss you always….png)



"No! I must kill the bosses," anon shouted!

The thread updated "No, anon. You are the bosses."

And then, anon was a boss.

8c11ba  No.15459498


I'm still not too sure which is the more efficient method. As a result, it's one of the two questions I face: Now that I have Okto, should I continue farming for his 5*, or should I start farming for Sarasa (BFDT is important)? And if I decide to focus on Okto, should I get those two more gold bars or the 40box method? Also, why is it called 40box? Where does the "box" come from?

I have a lot of patience, but that patience can be worn thin by RNG, which is what's been stopping me from getting another fully uncapped Eight-Life Katana. Which method would consistently consume less time?

2ee3f7  No.15459514

File: 42123e6b9bc1c5a⋯.png (155.41 KB, 640x628, 160:157, Freezie_B.png)

Awwww, these 2 are so cute together.

2e100e  No.15459528


If you give a perpetuity ring to Freesie, does that mean you are Tomoi's best man?

09e42a  No.15459798


There's something about her kit that I dislike and it ain't her dying in 5 turns mechanic.

ff3a2b  No.15460396


"Box" comes from the boxes you spend tokens on during GW. There's 1 GW weapon in every box, thus 40 boxes.

be6b84  No.15460596

File: 515688de3916093⋯.webm (3.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Delusion Troop.webm)


I don't have a waifu.


>It's always the people who want to fug rather than hug that go for SSRs

Anon's gonna feel like a bitch when his waifu gets a SSR version.


No, it means you cucked Tomoi.

2e100e  No.15460617




I just now realized there will be people who unironically give one of their three rings to Uno.

At least I think some of them won't be for the e-sports, but I can't decide if that is better or worse

8c11ba  No.15460675

File: efe2ca92303c128⋯.png (193.63 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 043.png)

File: 4f055a17c24878b⋯.jpg (579.1 KB, 1000x785, 200:157, 042.jpg)

File: 469efde070bd386⋯.jpg (98.74 KB, 800x1044, 200:261, 011.jpg)

File: aa27916194c6b72⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 690x1025, 138:205, 070.jpg)


Pics related. I don't see myself getting that ring, though. The Eternal grind is bad enough with the delays that already exist.


>I can't think of a single SSR girl who isn't basic bitch tier in terms of waifu quality.

Define "basic bitch".


Makes sense. Appreciated. Any input on the other question?

ff3a2b  No.15460678


The goof troop are significantly less annoying when they're not spouting internet memes.

2e100e  No.15460716


Consider this: how many Eternals are you really going to make and how many bricks do you need for them? And do you plan on making them before Christmas when we probably get another brick?

8c11ba  No.15460799


The answer to that question isn't one I have–see here: >>15459498

That being said, I have my eyes on Sarasa and then Siete (maybe). It took me ages to get enough materials for Okto, so I can't imagine getting Sarasa recruited before Christmas. I'm not exactly seeing your logic, as–one way or another–I will still need the nuggets for a brick by the time I farm twenty of them.

2e100e  No.15460889


My logic being that if you are only going to make Ground Zero by the time Christmas comes around, you can spare the gold nuggets of a second brick for the ring instead, since by then you'll get another brick from the Xmas stream which you can use for Smugman. Though your second and subsequent eternals take way less than your first, since the only real gates are Rainbow Prisms, Blue Sky Crystals and the Gold Brick itself.

Unless you decide to go for Okto 5*.

Personally, I don't have any GW 5*s, but they are core for a reason. Nothing you can't fight with some overpowered flashfest, legfest and seasonal limiteds though, so don't let it ruin your life by making it a grindfest

8c11ba  No.15461108


>since the only real gates are Rainbow Prisms, Blue Sky Crystals and the Gold Brick itself.

I find that hard to believe. I have 491 Wind Orbs and 705 Tempest Whorls that I need to farm; that's leaving out all the other things I'd need to get Sarasa. How do those two, especially, not count as gates when you need so very many of them? They're part of the reason why I don't understand why people say subsequent Eternals take less effort than the first–the totals don't change, except for what you need to get for Sierokarte initially. As for Okto 5*, well, it's like I said–I don't know. I'm just farming the totals as I try to figure out which is the more reasonable path.

The reason why I haven't written GBF as a high-production-quality kusoge is that it's been very generous to me: I have three Grand characters and two Flashfest characters (whom I got before they became Flashfest exclusive), along with a host of other good characters. That being said, the reason why I want to 5* Okto is that I'm finding him a bit disappointing. Don't get me wrong–he's still my favorite Eternal, but I find that his charge generation doesn't really take off unless he's got good DA/TA, which he doesn't innately…until he reaches 95 and upgrades Dance of the Gods. Of course, I could be expecting too much of him against the likes of Leviathan Omega…or in general. There's also my Earth team's lack of debuff support. One way or the other, I just want to be impressed by his abilities–to see how "core" he is, to use your word, as I expected him to be.

be7230  No.15461205


>How are those not gates?

By the time you finish it for your first character, you'll have enough whorls and orbs in the other elements too. Especially if you go for a 5*, you won't be starved of those mats.

8c11ba  No.15461573


That much is true. I'm pretty sure I've got lots in the Fire element by now, or any other for that matter. It's just doing the same element back-to-back that doesn't see that benefit.

8e6d04  No.15461627

File: 85df1350daad25b⋯.jpg (102.85 KB, 658x482, 329:241, 1456167903218.jpg)



>Freesia is now a SSR character

I'm a little confused here. Did she turn good somewhere in the later parts of the main story or is this some sort of what if character like Vira and Lady Katapillar?

88689f  No.15461647

File: a61b9615a9a0a81⋯.png (365.87 KB, 316x673, 316:673, ClipboardImage.png)

I brought a ring. Now to figure out which EMPs to fill put.

be7230  No.15461852


It's like Katapillar. It's why her name is Freezie not Freesia.

88689f  No.15462029

File: cf5fa7dc40d81f3⋯.png (262.28 KB, 313x467, 313:467, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone know which nodes I should use EMPs on now that I can go to 28?

6b5f44  No.15462059


Def since she'll often be at low hp and maybe some CA Damage to go with that CA damage cap.

0b33db  No.15462061


I'd spread them out between def and atk up def down nodes, because the latter gives you more bang for your buck than regular atk up nodes. Also take one point in water dmg down because of how percentages work.

be6b84  No.15462071

File: fd93648a6eef239⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 143.75 KB, 960x800, 6:5, fd93648a6eef239846ec72fa50….png)


I just realized both you and Tomoi are already cucked by Freesias memory of Orchis's mom.


Another dellusion born character like Lady Katapillar; why they put "Lets Hang" as a side story.


The ring doesn't stack on top of the other rings bonuses?

9f2e4d  No.15462077


No it does, see >>15458866

2e100e  No.15462114


>Unless he's got good DA/TA, which he doesn't innately

Nigga, Okto has 50% TA for 2 turns after he ougis.

ba36da  No.15462542

File: 06030d1455bd88c⋯.png (238.95 KB, 567x872, 567:872, 466.png)

So do I get the all ages version or the R18 version?


be7230  No.15462768


All ages looks better because it's the first version that was drawn. The R-18 is lewd but it looks more unnatural and awkward.

6b5f44  No.15463301

File: 442ac91281bff12⋯.webm (11.76 MB, 380x480, 19:24, Titan Fight.webm)

Where we're going we don't need damage caps

90e860  No.15463429

File: 790a406b107192d⋯.jpg (142.03 KB, 900x473, 900:473, cat.jpg)

New 2 star cat. I think she's the smallest of the old cast left. Nothing but hags from here on out.

554461  No.15463592


literally who

b70062  No.15463826


I like Lowain's VA a lot when he's on the show/livesteram, but goddamn the memespouting niggercat is insufferable.


>Hatless Lecia

Nigger what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

861d44  No.15465628

File: a680f6bf286b626⋯.jpg (63.1 KB, 457x545, 457:545, Capture.JPG)

>spend 2 weeks getting 3k crystals back

>roll (and also 10 tickets)

>get jack shit

Man, I'm really wasting my time with this shit.

2c94d6  No.15465907

File: b4478339676533d⋯.png (367.52 KB, 437x457, 437:457, ClipboardImage.png)

memegrid done

e795bd  No.15465920

File: f100f5d1e29d84e⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 246x166, 123:83, realizing.gif)


4 fucking bows you psychopath

88689f  No.15467067

File: c68cdf7eed16c3f⋯.png (4.34 MB, 1400x1830, 140:183, ClipboardImage.png)

It sure would be nice if TE gave me some fucking AES. Pic completely unrelated.

dd18a3  No.15467090


Don't complain, they're giving you TITS instead.

a7fa28  No.15467365

New thread


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