Welcome to /nofap/
This board is for the discussion of nofap, noporn, and the societal implications of fapping and porn.
>1. Stay on topic. The topic is pretty loosely defined here so use some common sense.
>2. Don't post porn. NSFW images will be deleted. Posting NSFW material as a shitty troll attempt will result in a comically long ban. This board is SFW, so keep it that way.
>3. Non-/nofap/pers are welcome to come and question the premise of nofap and to argue against nofap. That said, shitposts, flames, bait, spam, and trolls are not allowed and such threads will be locked or deleted.
Just those three.
If anyone needs to get a hold of me try my e-mail at plaguedoctor@memeware.net.
And because I don't want to clutter the board with excess stickies:
ITT: dump /nofap/ infographs, videos, links, banners and other such things
/nofap/ bunker is at https://anon.cafe/nofap/ , the board will be here if 8kun goes down again.
If you're having trouble getting the 24 hour captcha to load, try going directly to https://8kun.top/dnsbls_bypass.php
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