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File: aaec5abe11da51a⋯.jpg (106.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,Internet Bloodsports.jpg)

File: 20275c7d7aefa4a⋯.jpg (112.01 KB,640x320,2:1,bloodsport-vs-bloodsport-1….jpg)

f9bcba No.390723 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


Alternate names include

Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞

Internet Bloodsports Megathread

We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being.

Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella.

Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled.

Links, Information and Lore:

Full Timeline


http://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018)

Archived Threads:


http://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018)

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44ecca No.972345


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c10187 No.125 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Welcome to /cow/! This board concerns lolcows, or fools who are unwittingly funny or can be goaded into being funny. We document, archive and laugh at the weirdness of the internet.

/cow/ has its own purpose and ethos independent of the rest of 8chan. If you're coming from /baphomet/, note that /cow/ isn't a random board, so new threads must be about lolcows. If you're coming from /pol/, note that /cow/ isn't /pol/; zero-potential threads for the subjects of news stories or viral videos and off-topic political discussion are both unwelcome. If you're coming from /sp/, /int/, or /icup/, please keep cross-board shenanigans in this thread. If you're coming from the Kiwi Farms, please read the current Kiwi or Null General first. If you're coming from ED, enjoy your stay. If you have any suggestions, banners, CSS, or board assets to share, please post them here.

Board Rules

1. New threads must have a subject and pertain to established or potential lolcows. Off-topic discussion is permitted on Fridays in >>2.

Board News

• The style sheet was replaced by that of >>>/templeos/ in memory of the late Terry A. Davis. Following that, we changed it to celebrate /cow/'s fourth anniversary on 8chan. If you're on the spectrum and you wish to revert such temporary changes, you can use the backup copy of cow.css here: https://pastebin.com/mwsVagaw. All board settings, including current word filters, can be found here: https://8ch.net/settings.php?board=cow.

• /cow/ is automatically archived at https://8ch.net/cow/archive/index.html. You can find all other known archives with the links in the Rules page.

• VanKrause, founder of the original /cwc/, answered questions about the history of Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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dbf822 No.972315


everybody is on another dead gay nigger site ran by the Guntstream people. /cow/ is dead long live the /cow/

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File: dbbfd8e258f4232⋯.gif (780.72 KB,461x271,461:271,MAXIMUM EDGE.gif)

d7884e No.251757 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

HAPPY 2019

Post your picks for who's going to get rolled in a carpet and thrown off the great bridge in the sky this year.



Kadee Konstantino

Randy Stair

William Atchison



David Katz

"Chloe" Sagal

Terry A. Davis


Clairetato Hartley


Jaquie Beckwith

Sol Pais

Kairo Seijuro


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b37211 No.972341


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File: abc05927aa3b682⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,651x318,217:106,binky doom.jpg)

542f7e No.958917 [Open thread]

This takes place just after the wedding that Arthur and them went to and had no idea it was a gay wedding but they didn't care for Mr. Ratburn is a friend. Most had no idea Mr. Ratburn was gay until the wedding itself. He is now an openly gay man. They are planning to adopt some kids in fact of course. Both are men so they can't have kids of their own. They both have the same body parts. So yes both has testicles, scrotums, and penises. Patrick took Mr. Ratburn last name as his own. He moved into Nigels house. For Patrick lived in an apartment. We see them talking about stuff in fact of course. And they are babysitting some of the kids in his class.

"I have no problem with you two being gay men I am a Liberal kind of boy and I am not gay in fact of course," said Arthur, "I don't know why Patrick here is thinking about getting his genitals removed from his body for that sounds painful for they are sensitive body parts I love having a penis and scrotum were my testicles is at I hope to use them to reproduce with someday in fact of course."

"He doesn't like his genitals for he is the femine kind and he owns a chocolate shop," said Mr. Ratburn, "We will ask a gay doctor as in surgeon that has no problems removing genitals in fact of course."

"I don't want my genitals removed from my body for I love my penis in fact of course," said Buster, "We think Binky Barnes is a gay boy in fact of course."

"Once it is off I will be happy and I once tried to cut them off but my mom stopped me," said Patrick, "We will adopt some kids because we are both men in fact of course."

"I think Binky Barnes is gay for when he gave me a bath he looked at my long penis in lust," said Bud, "I am just four years old but I know what sex is my dad taught me with me stripped naked for better reasons."

Bud isn't gay but his one classmates is and Bud is not very good friends for he bosses other's isn't gay in fact of course. Bud knows that it is okay to be different and glad that they will go home later today. Arthur and them boys has circumcised penises in fact of course. Buster and Binky has small penisesPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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4616ba No.971385

Since no one has mentioned it yet, this thread appears to be about Travis the Arthur fan.

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File: 8d264c8a6ead8db⋯.png (2.68 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9993.png)

0a6585 No.972344 [Open thread]

Is this lonely man potential lolcow material?

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File: 0baa3825747c87d⋯.png (236.47 KB,961x1410,961:1410,are_you_just_gona_scroll_p….png)

485cfe No.972343 [Open thread]

Cobson is a primary Soyjak variant. He is visually based on the character Jobe Smith from the 1992 science fiction horror film "The Lawnmower Man"[a][5]. He first appeared on 4chan's /qa/ board in June 2021.

Jobe's model that Cobson was traced from was developed by Angel Studios, now known as Rockstar Games[6]. Cobson's features include 2 thick eyebrows, irises on the eyes, a well-kept stubble, an average sized forehead, and a masculine facial structure. Compared to other soyjaks, Cobson is much more masculine and dominant, and more open to sexual activity. His existence fulfills many niches in soyjak creation, contributing to his popularity.

Cobson first arose in June 2021, where he quickly gained a controversial reputation. A lot of soyjak critics at the time derided this soyjak as coal[7][8][9] and most didn't really care about it, though a minority of critics saw it as very gemmy and dubbed it a "God tier wojack"[10]. However, a critical reevaluation soon followed after Cobson stole the 10 millionth GET on /s4s/.[11] Along with 2 of the most popular music artists on the Sharty, 6ixϪhrembo[12] and David Thoughie, being Cobsons themselves, Cobson is now widely dubbed by soyjak critics as one of the greatest soyjaks of all time, and some even deem him to be the G.O.A.T, though there are a minority of critics that still think that he is coal. This critical appreciation led Cobson to win Ϫ Oscars, 13 Emmys, a 9.8 rating on IMDB, a 9.5 rating on MyAnimeList, 6 stars on Letterboxd, and a 14.88/10 rating on RateYourMusic.[it just is, ok?]

However, with Cobson's newfound popularity, some more malicious forces decided to use this "God tier wojack" for their own deranged purposes. Some trannies decided to make QoS edits of innocent Cobson, and the heretical belief that he is a "slut for BBC" soon emerged among the sharty's transgender population. Along with edits of Cobson depicting him as a rapist called Rapeson[13][14][15], his reputation became tainted among soyteens.

He is still mostly regarded as a gem doebeit, and the bone-chilling, spine-tinging, genre-redefining vidya game called Five Nights at Cobson's has been released by renowned game developer Froot Cawthon and his team in order to honoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 8df4ce60bfc4df4⋯.jpeg (202.42 KB,925x616,925:616,IMG_4147.jpeg)

f7b1d0 No.972340 [Open thread]

I heard if you call these guys Indian they get reaaaaaalll mad


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File: e986debd7a1322e⋯.jpg (31.28 KB,314x622,157:311,Snapchat-1190711795.jpg)

1d977c No.961404 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Dormin (Real name Jacob 'Jake' Powell) is the owner of a discord server called The Archive.

The Archive is host to a myriad of degeneracy. Traps, faggots, pedos, furfaggots and ethots, all degeneracy under the sun happens on the Archive. Dormin spams invites for the server on halfchan r9k (and 8chan /furry/), Dormin seems to have ambition in making The Archive the premier 4chan discord under his control, this is stated as he has in the past, has launched raids on competing discord servers who are also advertising on r9k.

Dormin has been reported grooming underage girls on the archive and soliciting sexual images from said underage girls, one of which has been documented below.

He has drinking as well as mental health issues and has recounted on The Archive committing a potential felony with a firearm at 15 years old.

Dormin is an orbiter who rampantly blogposts himself to his tranny harem on The Archive while drunk, in his ranks, Dormin has recruited Pedophile furrys who have admitted to having sexual relations with underage minors. He solicits all the ethots in his Discord, underage or not, for sexual material, Dormin has reposted sexual images which he has solicited from women, which in his home state of California is Illegal.

The Archive which he owns allows child pornography to be posted and encourages it, he has stated (documented) that quote “yeah pedophiles arent normies so they can stay”

It is also rumored he is somewhat of a closet Bisexual, he claims to be in control of an E-Harem, a private discord full of trannies and e-thots (documented).

Dormin has treated the internet as a teenage girl treats her journal which is fitting since this is where he brags about grooming underage girls, solicits nudes from girls trannies and traps alike as he's sexually deranged. Even going so far as bragging about his mental health issues he's recounted these tales while sometimes brandishing a firearm he claims his police officer father owns. Or from his job as a security guard.

Dormin (Jacob Powell) is a degenerate committing degenerate acts, who hosts a forum of abject and abominable degeneracy, all sanctioned byPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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41e1fb No.971071

File: cb5ec48d438babc⋯.jpg (16.74 KB,700x108,175:27,the_end.jpg)

Dormin deleted his account and server

We won

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fe8062 No.971162

Any updates?

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bd0267 No.971822


Jacob Powell has child porn on his phone and devices. He uses gullible minors to run his grooming server thats filled with trannies (Morrison, asuka, ranger). He grooms underage girls that wander into the server, gets their nudes and threatens to expose them if they leave his worthless ass. Jacob Powell is a piece of shit pedophile that should be put down for the good of discord and humanity. Everyone associated with his server is a brain damaged tranny, pedophile or both.

Jacob Powell's account


ID: 527852728886624257

server is Archive Fields

ID: 921952799867154462

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4fd59b No.971994


Discord changed how usernames work. Jacob's new username is as follows:


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0ec856 No.972330

the sole remaining janny fives is such a pathetic faggot

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f88044 No.972060 [Open thread]

Faggot videos


Address and phone

3236 w walsh pl

Denver CO

262 327 3876

Strangled a cat in 2020

Sex offender

Huge lol cow faggot

Do whatever you want to him he's earned it

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d6f223 No.972310

I stumbled upon this crypto wallet while browsing a cryptocurrency forum. The positive reviews led me to try https://mymollet.com/crypto-wallet/ , and I haven't looked back since. The intuitive interface simplifies managing my digital assets, and the security features, such as multi-factor authentication, are top-notch. This crypto wallet has made it easy and safe for me to handle my investments, providing a much-needed upgrade from my previous wallet.

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File: c8b4a34f2b60a4a⋯.jpg (57.69 KB,947x533,947:533,CGNMTB.jpg)

6734da No.972179 [Open thread]

now eastern friend

이것 사용방법


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6734da No.972180

저 사람 무시x

no nelgect him

저사람을 얕보지마라

Dont look down on him



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6734da No.972181




if involved law conflict delete all plz

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6734da No.972182


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6734da No.972183


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File: 7a1177f8f499f0f⋯.jpg (90.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

41b060 No.972021 [Open thread]

Can we just fucking kill this sperg and its rotting, bloated corpse "mother" already?

We cannot let this neutered tranny retard live any longer. The time for a final solution is now.

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594e21 No.972022


he's probably gonna keep going until he either dies or people leave em alone, at this point their no lols to be had, he's just sad

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0897ce No.972035



shocked how stupid people are….

if you want to become internet famous forever this is how you do it……………

you would quite literally be the ending of the biggest book on the internet.

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acfa43 No.972044

OP is a faggot

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4d676f No.972121

Wtf is this that I am looking at

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08bb27 No.972150

Chris-Chan had suffered long enough

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File: 435a0f75b1894ac⋯.png (10.94 KB,184x273,184:273,Bobsheaux_faggot.png)

9baeae No.972147 [Open thread]

Does /cow/ know this retard? he's a fat old youtuber that begs for easy cash

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File: 008e5d87b9ac9e3⋯.png (173.96 KB,1024x576,16:9,brandon_taken_away_by_thec….png)

52ed24 No.972135 [Open thread]

This guy has impersonated many people in the animation community such as Craig Bartlett, Joe Murray and Steve Hullett, posted underage to top it all off, his own shows and artwork fucking suck ass


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File: 0aafd4052dd95af⋯.png (1.05 MB,960x640,3:2,macks.png)

9a2e58 No.439344 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Last one hit the bump limit >>298119


Last thread we saw some info dredged up about Macks' old forum, CombustingHerpes, his past in the commentary community as PimpinFishtix, and got a glimpse into how pathetic his irl life really is.

Since then he's continuing to make self masturbatory cocks about Bitcoin and voice actors. A lot of drama's died down since nobody's cared enough to plagiarize him lately.













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1957ce No.963328

File: 1b677c086c0ee98⋯.jpeg (394.1 KB,828x806,414:403,470F1389-9408-4CF7-8601-3….jpeg)

I really enjoy his stuff honestly. Sucks that he’s such a faggot apparently, I swear twitter just brings out the worst in people.

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de3796 No.966663

File: 246e64f55e1eda1⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,1080x419,1080:419,Screenshot_20190731-224509….jpg)

Says the guy who collects Christina aguilera trading cards.


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5dad66 No.966846

File: 7a030514fc958aa⋯.png (86.8 KB,509x947,509:947,Max and home ownership.PNG)


He also thinks clogging his arteries on cheap food and renting in his shitty DC apartment is better than having actual, albeit mortgaged, property.


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3e9cb5 No.972065

Does anyone have a full collection of his deleted stuff?

Specifically Kevin Fisch does 9/11

And Yu Yu Hakusho vs r/gaming

Mega torrent MediaFire whatever much appreciated

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d39eaf No.972131


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File: 146e9766067cb48⋯.png (94.21 KB,380x513,20:27,phototri.png)

1de758 No.972126 [Open thread]

What do you think we should do to pedos such as this guy who goes by the name of Triagonal (photo included)? https://archive.is/Ybi1c

They are not only a confirmed pedophile who lust over a 14 year old boy, but they have a small, cult-like following of white-knights and are known for doxing, stalking and impersonation too. Also a genuinely bizarre individual in general who has lied about every aspect of themselves.

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