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R:400 / I:109 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Meta Thread

Welcome to /cow/! This board concerns lolcows, or fools who are unwittingly funny or can be goaded into being funny. We document, archive and laugh at the weirdness of the internet.

/cow/ has its own purpose and ethos independent of the rest of 8chan. If you're coming from /baphomet/, note that /cow/ isn't a random board, so new threads must be about lolcows. If you're coming from /pol/, note that /cow/ isn't /pol/; zero-potential threads for the subjects of news stories or viral videos and off-topic political discussion are both unwelcome. If you're coming from /sp/, /int/, or /icup/, please keep cross-board shenanigans in this thread. If you're coming from the Kiwi Farms, please read the current Kiwi or Null General first. If you're coming from ED, enjoy your stay. If you have any suggestions, banners, CSS, or board assets to share, please post them here.

Board Rules

1. New threads must have a subject and pertain to established or potential lolcows. Off-topic discussion is permitted on Fridays in >>2.

Board News

• The style sheet was replaced by that of >>>/templeos/ in memory of the late Terry A. Davis. Following that, we changed it to celebrate /cow/'s fourth anniversary on 8chan. If you're on the spectrum and you wish to revert such temporary changes, you can use the backup copy of cow.css here: https://pastebin.com/mwsVagaw. All board settings, including current word filters, can be found here: https://8ch.net/settings.php?board=cow.

• /cow/ is automatically archived at https://8ch.net/cow/archive/index.html. You can find all other known archives with the links in the Rules page.

• VanKrause, founder of the original /cwc/, answered questions about the history of /cow/ at >>>/newspaper/365.

Board Information for Oldfags

1. SpacePirate closed n0chan because he was tired of paying for it. NekoArc closed 888chan because he was tired of paying for it.

2. Homor, Mujahideen911 and I are /cow/'s volunteers. Anything illegal violates 8chan's global rule and thus can be handled by global volunteers.

3. The board is being indexed by Google, so oldfags and lolcows should find us eventually.

4. #/cow/ on Rizon is the "official" IRC channel. enig closed #ncr because Donald Trump was elected. No, I don't understand that either.

R:400 / I:211 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

JewTube Rational Skeptics Thread #9 - The Final Edition


Alternate names include

Jewtube™ Rationalist™ Skeptic™ Thread™ #∞

Internet Bloodsports Megathread

We've had about a gajillion "Jewtube Skeptic Thread #9" threads at this point that all appear and disappear at the speed of light and nobody really gives a shit about delicately archiving the posts in them or anything, and they're beginning to clutter up the board pretty bad, so this is a compromise everyone can be happy with for the time being.

Discuss all things "Internet Bloodsports" that don't necessitate their own thread here. Krautgate, skeptic drama, all the shit that fall under that umbrella.

Get your raincoats on, kids! Because we're about to see some guts go flying! This thread will be cycled.

Links, Information and Lore:

Full Timeline


http://archive.is/dM1kQ (Backup from April 2nd 2018)

Archived Threads:


http://archive.is/MtOiZ (Backup from April 2nd 2018)

R:271 / I:40 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Lolcow Casualty List 2019

HAPPY 2019

Post your picks for who's going to get rolled in a carpet and thrown off the great bridge in the sky this year.



Kadee Konstantino

Randy Stair

William Atchison



David Katz

"Chloe" Sagal

Terry A. Davis


Clairetato Hartley


Jaquie Beckwith

Sol Pais

Kairo Seijuro


R:39 / I:16 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Nigel and Patrick

This takes place just after the wedding that Arthur and them went to and had no idea it was a gay wedding but they didn't care for Mr. Ratburn is a friend. Most had no idea Mr. Ratburn was gay until the wedding itself. He is now an openly gay man. They are planning to adopt some kids in fact of course. Both are men so they can't have kids of their own. They both have the same body parts. So yes both has testicles, scrotums, and penises. Patrick took Mr. Ratburn last name as his own. He moved into Nigels house. For Patrick lived in an apartment. We see them talking about stuff in fact of course. And they are babysitting some of the kids in his class.

"I have no problem with you two being gay men I am a Liberal kind of boy and I am not gay in fact of course," said Arthur, "I don't know why Patrick here is thinking about getting his genitals removed from his body for that sounds painful for they are sensitive body parts I love having a penis and scrotum were my testicles is at I hope to use them to reproduce with someday in fact of course."

"He doesn't like his genitals for he is the femine kind and he owns a chocolate shop," said Mr. Ratburn, "We will ask a gay doctor as in surgeon that has no problems removing genitals in fact of course."

"I don't want my genitals removed from my body for I love my penis in fact of course," said Buster, "We think Binky Barnes is a gay boy in fact of course."

"Once it is off I will be happy and I once tried to cut them off but my mom stopped me," said Patrick, "We will adopt some kids because we are both men in fact of course."

"I think Binky Barnes is gay for when he gave me a bath he looked at my long penis in lust," said Bud, "I am just four years old but I know what sex is my dad taught me with me stripped naked for better reasons."

Bud isn't gay but his one classmates is and Bud is not very good friends for he bosses other's isn't gay in fact of course. Bud knows that it is okay to be different and glad that they will go home later today. Arthur and them boys has circumcised penises in fact of course. Buster and Binky has small penises in fact of course. We still see them talking about stuff in fact of course.

"I was circumcised after birth so don't have have foreskin unlike some boys for we have showers in school at times," said Arthur, "So I seen us all naked we all have ten toes and genitals and I seen girls naked they have vaginas for I sometimes have baths with my sister D.W. here in fact of course."

"I was circumcised after birth myself for i my mom good my foreskin in a jar in a box," said Bud, " We will have a bath together tonight as in me and D.W. in fact of course. "

"If I was a bit I would have been circumcised and I heard two Aboriginal tribes does subincision in fact," said D.W., "I have a nice looking vagina in fact of course."

"As a girl We have vaginas instead of penises and glad we went to that wedding," said Fern, "If I was a boy I would have been circumcised in fact of course."

"I was circumcised after birth myself for my mom said yes in fact of course," said Brain, " We will have a bath together tonight in fact of course. "

I hope you like this story here so far in fact of course. See what happens next chapter here of course.

R:4 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


now eastern friend

이것 사용방법


R:2 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]



R:5 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Can we just fucking kill this sperg and its rotting, bloated corpse "mother" already?

We cannot let this neutered tranny retard live any longer. The time for a final solution is now.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

eceleb furry

Does /cow/ know this retard? he's a fat old youtuber that begs for easy cash

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Cartoon Fanatic

This guy has impersonated many people in the animation community such as Craig Bartlett, Joe Murray and Steve Hullett, posted underage to top it all off, his own shows and artwork fucking suck ass


R:231 / I:64 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Soulbrothabumbuh3 / Max "Macks" Field

Last one hit the bump limit >>298119


Last thread we saw some info dredged up about Macks' old forum, CombustingHerpes, his past in the commentary community as PimpinFishtix, and got a glimpse into how pathetic his irl life really is.

Since then he's continuing to make self masturbatory cocks about Bitcoin and voice actors. A lot of drama's died down since nobody's cared enough to plagiarize him lately.














What's been more interesting as of last thread was Macks' cast of supporting characters. Let's run down the list of everyone.

Jason "Mild Cheddar" Vilchez

Former YouTube Pooper who now makes the most tryhard comic of all time called Garage Band. Known for fighting with Benthelooney, though he's acknowledged the thread and said he made up with Ben. White knighted Macks on KF. Admitted to being a literal special ed student.

Relevant Links:


Nick "OMGTSN" Smalley

Another YTPer and pedophile who threatened to beat up a minor if she didn't fuck him. All traces of this have been scrubbed from the internet but circumstantial evidence suggests it happened. Still appears in SoBro's videos.







Twitter bitch boy who brags about being blocked by Psychicpebbles and whines about everything being racist. Carbon copy of Macks at this point.



Dreux Ferrano Jr. / DruoxTheShredder

Failed voice actor, unfunny comedian, anime dubber, fat. Has 24k subscribers but videos average 200 views. Whiteknights Macks.








Other characters tangentially related include:

Hbomberguy who made a video and a tweet in support of Macks


Clay Claymore, some kid who makes shit videos on the cartoon community and sucks Macks off 24/7 (his Twitter has since been suspended)


NefariousBanana, some socialist furry


Oliviathe3rd / Etanthe3rd / MixMasterOlivia was thought to be a major target too but he showed up in the last thread to dish out some deets on Macks. Apparently they don't talk anymore.


And now a question I posit to you; how long until Macks gets #MeToo'd? He seems like the type to have more than a couple skeletons in his closet.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Tynan Laird/Triagonal - Pedophile, stalker, doxer and impersonator

What do you think we should do to pedos such as this guy who goes by the name of Triagonal (photo included)? https://archive.is/Ybi1c

They are not only a confirmed pedophile who lust over a 14 year old boy, but they have a small, cult-like following of white-knights and are known for doxing, stalking and impersonation too. Also a genuinely bizarre individual in general who has lied about every aspect of themselves.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Considering a more family-sized vehicle, I turned to the Mazda CX-60. The dedicated page at https://mazda-vidi.com.ua/ua/model-lineup/mazda-cx-60 gave me a thorough overview of the SUV's spaciousness, safety, and comfort, which are key for family travel. It also highlighted the vehicle’s efficiency and eco-friendly technology, making it an attractive option for environmentally conscious drivers. The clear presentation of purchase options and the knowledgeable customer service made it easy to navigate through the decision process.

R:1 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Stellar (XLM) is known for its quick and low-cost transactions, making it an appealing choice for online gaming. I found an informative guide at https://anycoincasinos.com/cryptocurrencies/stellar-xlm/ that explores the use of Stellar in online casinos. The guide highlights the efficiency and security of XLM, providing a comprehensive understanding of its benefits in the online casino sphere. It's an invaluable resource for gamers considering Stellar for their transactions.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

pr posting

Starting an online store comes with its challenges, one of which is attracting organic traffic. Meta tags play a crucial role in SEO, but it's not always clear how to use them effectively. I came across a helpful guide that breaks down the importance of meta tags in a straightforward manner. It offers great tips on how to enhance your product pages to boost visibility and engagement. You can find this useful resource https://prposting.com/blog/75-meta-tags which provides a solid foundation for understanding and implementing SEO strategies.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

pr posting

Starting an online store comes with its challenges, one of which is attracting organic traffic. Meta tags play a crucial role in SEO, but it's not always clear how to use them effectively. I came across a helpful guide that breaks down the importance of meta tags in a straightforward manner. It offers great tips on how to enhance your product pages to boost visibility and engagement. You can find this useful resource https://prposting.com/blog/75-meta-tags which provides a solid foundation for understanding and implementing SEO strategies.

R:19 / I:4 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Thomas the Tank engine fandom

Is the Thomas The Tank Engine fandom, the most autistic ever? I mean, at least with shit like MLP and Sonic you can sort of understand the autism, but what's the appeal of a show made for freaking toddlers? Just think about how retarded these people have to be.

There's fucking thousands of mouthbreathing tards uploading countless videos of themselves playing with toys, making up stories while mumbling to the camera and just downright insanity.

I will post this video by some furfag as a little introduction

Just so you get an idea of this mess though


Endless dA pages of original trains with magical powers and rear vaginas.


The most famous one being 'Shed 17', an almost hour-long body-horror animation about how these trains actually have human bodies on the inside or something. Here's the gruesome parts, because why the fuck would you watch the whole thing.


>some autismo talking about his toys, very high-pitched CWC tier voice and mannerisms


>a grown-up "thomas fan"


>some sperg reading a 2 hour long fanfic


>yet another of the endless fan-made episodes, usually over 30 minutes long, mind the sonic music at the beginning


>GoAnimate Thomas sex thing, they get grounded (naturally)

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Master Mason Barrett Kosh Exposed in Dubai Secret Society Etiquette 2024

Now initiated as a master mason Barrett Kosh thinks his scamming is unstoppable but his luck is now finished in 2024 gonna burn.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Justin Griffin, Animal Abuser

Justin Griffin, who also goes by the handles @RUSTERNATOR on Telegram and on TikTok, is a known animal abuser.

He is known for being a pathological liar who plays the victim in any situation and tries to act like a tough guy who thinks he can fight anyone on the street. He likes to try and dox people as well as boast about being a part of the criminal underworld. He's been known to make claims that he's connected to gangs such as the Comancheros and the Banditos, and at times claims he is a police informant.

He has a history of abusing animals, particularly cats, and is currently in possession of a cat by the name of Tiger.

Attached is a statement from a witness that has seen the abuse unfold. In addition, attached is another document pertaining to his conviction papers.

R:125 / I:20 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Metal-Archives Message Board

Encyclopaedia Metallum, better known to the internet as Metal-Archives, is renowned throughout the internet as the authority on all things heavy metal. Virtually every artist that ever put out a metal album is featured on that site, including thousands of decades-old bands that released one 4-track demo before quietly disappearing.

But what this thread is for is the community of the website's message board. Get ready for a wild ride, folks. Let the attached snapshot set the tone.

You'd think a website devoted to documenting music where lyrical themes a myriad of taboo subjects would attract scores of politically incorrect malcocks, but a cursory glance at their general threads reveals a different reality. Take the worst facets of Something Awful with the righteousness of your average RationalWiki editor and you have your average veteran Metal-Archives poster.

Take a gander at these threads.

The political compass test is mostly neutral, but it's instructive nonetheless:


And then, let the fun begin on the threads on rape and white privilege



But best of all is Trump's victory. That just brought out tidal waves of salt:


New Trump salt thread here:


Purportedly, Metal-Archives used to be very conservative in the distant past (think from 2004-2008), but I wouldn't know since most of those old threads have long since been purged. In 2009, the community changed drastically. Prominent alt-righters and other right-wingers were routinely made examples of and systematically purged from the site. This left perhaps only a handful of centrists and Libertarians forced to stay quiet.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

@snugglepunk a troon that targets young men & women

Snugglepunk is a lgbt cocks creator that has taken advantage of multiple men & women. She has her age hidden & edits herself to looking 18. Keep in mind she is 27. She is the reason why my friend may be dead & her ex boyfriend is dead, she has ruined so many peoples lives by doxxxxxxxing them & attempting to traffick them to the middle east. There's a whole thread of her having history of doing this to people, the police are aware of multiple people reporting her. Nothing has been done & I think lolcow can make her pay the price. There's multiple threads out there of her doing this to people. Aka goes by Hannah.

R:2 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Uguroza/Delmore Oh/Second Life lolcows

>Be Delmore Oh

>Be a gay furfag dogfucker SA goon on Second Life

>Be hated by fellow degenerate goons and furfags alike

>Be a giant whiny crybaby

>Emoquit the internet for over a decade

>Come back as le wacky objecthead political grifter

>Be Uguroza/UgurozaVT

This faggot.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Tynan Laird/Triagonal/MozartWasARed - pedophile, stalker, doxer and overall bizarre individual.


Tynan Laird, AKA "Triagonal" on deviantART, was permabanned for harassment. They couldn't get the hint, and days later they attempted to ban-evade, poorly. https://www.deviantart.com/forum/devart/general/2674267

They were permabanned off of deviantart two years ago on their "Triagonal" account, and despite claiming to have apologized they and their friends continue to stalk, dox, impersonate, and slander anyone who is wary of them. I've included a list of their known alts on other social media so that you can block them, and this video may be revised to include more information.

They have lied about so many things about themselves and "Tynan Laird" is not their real name, as no good matches for that name exist on name lookup sites. They also do not live in Pitcairn. Both u/MozartWasARed and u/NiotaBunny on Reddit have been confirmed to have the the same browser fingerprint and IP address, verifying that the two accounts belong to the same person. Triagonal/Tynan Laird has been claiming that u/NiotaBunny is not their alt ever since the real Niotabunny on the deviantART forums mentioned Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Since then, they have been lying and pretending that the account belongs to an entirely different person, despite admitting that they are the owner of the account prior to the DID shtick they recently picked up.

Anything they say about themselves can be taken as yet another lie. They are also known for falsely flagging cocks that shows them in a bad light, trying to get it removed. Any attempt to call them out or warn others on their behaviour will either result in a dox and/or them writing up paragraphs of ChatGPT prompted text.

R:131 / I:66 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Maddox / George Ouzounian Thread 2

Old thread reached bump limit >>231513

Maddox has some fresh julay being pumped.

>Shows up on Doug Tenapels's stream

>Admits he crossdresses and pretended to be a girl to get Asterios fired

>Calls his former fans pedophiles, racists, and said he's glad they hate him

>Vouches for MundaneMatt falseflagging people

>Tried to play a sympathy card by bringing up his sister killed herself because she's gay

>Bashes religious people in front of Doug, a devout Christian

>Has a meltdown on stream because superchats are making fun of him, begins calling everyone a stalker


R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


Website (CatsCraft): https://catscraft.games/

Instagram (CatsCraft/Mallory Lucey): https://www.instagram.com/catscraftmc/

TikTok (CatsCraft/Mallory Lucey): https://www.tiktok.com/@catscraft

YouTube (Shared Account): https://www.youtube.com/@CatsCraft

Minecraft Forum (CatsCraft): https://www.minecraftforum.net/members/CatsCraftMC

Minecraft-MP (Discord Link On Page): https://minecraft-mp.com/server-s62297

PMC (CatsCraft): https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/catscraft-net

PMC (Madison Lucey): https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/angrylawnngnome/

PMC (Megan Lucey): https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/craftergurl/

Madison Lucey, Mallory Lucey, and Megan Lucey are a group of sisters who are obsessed with cats for some reason. One of them seems to be obsessed with pancakes and slime too. The oldest posts about slime on Instagram and TikTok so much you'd wonder if she ever does anything else with her life. They also spam their CatsCraft community all over the Internet and display other forms of eccentric behaviour because of delusions related to their skills/self-importance. The CatsCraft Discord/Minecraft server is full of people who are desperate for attention and have other obsessions. Many of the "staff members" on their Discord and Minecraft server barely have any permissions, so their "staff team" isn't able to moderate very well, either.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Cyber Bully

Bully this account, make nudes and harrase her on Instagram.

heidi_2410 her instagram

R:1 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


Hi, I've been thinking for a long time how to get around the author's ban on downloading his videos from tiktok. And I found a solution, this is the site - https://savetiktok.org , I was very happy with the functions of this site, because with its help you can freely download videos that the author of the video forbade to download! It's just incredible! I recommend it.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]



fuck around and find out

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Average Israel supporter

Name: Yarin

Deadname: [UNKNOWN]

Nationality: Israeli Jew

Reddit: https://reddit.com/user/yarin981

AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Greenhawk


Main: archyarin

Alt: yarinarc.(got hacked, going unused)

Birthday: Likely August 7th

Don't know much else, unfortunately

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


As a passionate gamer, I've found Casino to be a treasure trove of excitement and fun. The seamless transition between desktop and mobile platforms ensures that I can enjoy my favorite games wherever I go. With its diverse selection of games and enticing bonuses, Lucky Nugget keeps me engaged and entertained for hours on end.

R:64 / I:10 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Sv3rige and the Raw Carnivore community

Its likely that a lot of people have heard of the carnivore diet to do Jewden "Clean ur room and stop masturbating" Peterson, but when it comes to mentally ill individuals who believe that plants are poisonous it hardly stops at Shawn Baker and Mr. Dad Pill.

Meet Sv3rige, a rather unusual character whose hatred for plants and those who eat the most of them goes far beyond what any normal person would find reasonable. According to this guy anti-oxidants are toxins or anti-nutrients, fiber causes constipation, and there is a worldwide government conspiracy to turn everyone vegan in an attempt to stunt their growth both mentally and physically and make them easier to control But never fear, because this guy has made it his mission to Expose the government's and societies lies about veganism, the flat earth, water drinking being healthy, cancerous tumors being cholesterol deficiency, and incest being bad and all manner of other things


Not only has he put out this documentary, he also uploads regular videos where he gives health advice, interviews alleged ex-vegans, and films himself at vegan events, restaurants, and other such places eating raw meat, usually in the form of faces or organ meats

Before his current raw meat vlogs sv3rige's channel was about sharing his runescape gameplay, and somewhere in-between his runscape adventures and his advocacy for raw carnivory he was admitted to an asylum, some suspect that its because he stabbed 4 people at his high school and others think it is due moreso to his absurd diet, though I'm uncertain as to whether or not any hard evidence exists for the former. There are other raw meat eaters who share similar views, like julay Jar out there but as far as I know, none of them have the kind of online presence that he does with tens of thousands of subscribers.

>Raw meat eating at vegan events:


>Flat Earth Videos:



>Eating rotten meat in an attempt to get high:


>Advocacy for incest:


>regular day of eating for sv3rige


>cancer is healthy


>before his raw meat eating days


His Youtube account:



His music blog:



His personal blog:



Google Plus:



Old unused Twitter:



Possible Roblox account?



foxdickfarms thread:


R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Dani lee pearce ultimate cringe

Faggot videos


Address and phone

3236 w walsh pl

Denver CO

262 327 3876

Strangled a cat in 2020

Sex offender

Huge lol cow faggot

Do whatever you want to him he's earned it

R:204 / I:169 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Alexander Jahans #17 - Universal credit for Electronic prostitutes

Also know as: Gordon Jones, Gordon Jahans, Farshnuke, Farsh-nuke, GAK Jahans, Alasdair Jakes, Not the Farsh-nuke.

Jahans is a violent artificially testosterone-fuelled obese NEET cannibal fetishist who hilariously virtue signals about all the usual SJW shit in order to hide how disgusting he is from his non-existent audience and imaginary friends.

He has deleted much cocks, added some more and is intermittently creating and deleting still more. His primary vehicle since the shutdown of Tumblr Porn is using Twitter to retweet porn, S/M fetish shit and thirst on thots and camwhores.

<The Four-Part Jahans Documentary:

The Sins of the Son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-l15dW9JcE

An Englishman on Holiday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41ekWgz3VYs

Jahanquisition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIPyoAilW_0

Boyfriend Saga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMtZCjtuYcQ

<More Introductory Nectar

The Next Generation Revolutionaries: Alexander Jahans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRbFpps7_2Q

The Ovenmen on Esoteric Jahanism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmRqQFxqw-I

Fashy Gainz EP10: Jahans Level Motivation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4otmzisxn8

Alexander Jahans: Diary of a madman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nrwaRnZ1eM

Esoteric Revelations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWIEana3jQM

Emperor Jahans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqABF-TNEEs

Alexander Jahans joins the Alt-Right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcN0IWu7nXM

Discord Interviews with Jahans (2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KZH9heM454

Discussing Jahans with Black Adam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXcwRbDqblg

<Jahans links

Blog and Fiction http://farsh-nuke.blogspot.co.uk/

Twitter https://twitter.com/farshnuke

Main Facebook (mostly public but commenting is friends only) https://www.facebook.com/farshnuke

Facebook Fanpage https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderGordonJahans

<Youtube channels

Main Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/farshnuke

paypig https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7k2OmGmyu7Ny1kDTIgFvg

Alex Vents https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdMxpvCCo1LA3kLlpf_xRg

Punditry https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2hQX87BCRV8xMZ-OWk3rsw

Scripted Videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC36Bsgey3YwAqR6Gd88N_oA

Audiobooks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNIHwG80mzrfNAb2XqhhV2w

<Previous threads

1 http://archive.is/fRbw2 >>204028

2 http://archive.is/wpMkV >>228717

3 http://archive.is/gao1O >>241661

4 http://archive.is/AhHjl >>246909

5 http://archive.is/JsYNs >>251169

6 http://archive.is/lRHTp >>254319

7 http://archive.is/WQmng >>255913

8 http://archive.is/NwW0h >>257816

9 http://archive.is/gBhyn >>261757

10 http://archive.is/8oIv3 >>273135

11 http://archive.is/FwHSH >>279223

12 http://archive.is/MfpAH >>286948

13 (gone?) >>291971

14 http://archive.is/9Vzhm >>302988

15 http://archive.is/gbxlw >>228717

16 >>862538

R:1 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Threatening old ladies for fun and profit: the Kelvin Robins lifestyle

"Am a good person?" This is a question many wrestle with at one time or another. Kelvin Hayes Robins Jr., fortunately, does not have to worry about this. If he has even a shadow of doubt in his heart, he can visit a local Medicaid nursing home and see what he has done. All he has to do is peek through its windows and see a few old ladies who are not enjoying another year in their now-condemned homes, the ones he destroyed. No, they are spending a very cold and public Christmas with all the heat the taxpayers will provide in a cramped, dirty building, all because he was put on this Earth. Yes, Kelvin can then put such ambiguities to rest knowing that no, he's not a good person.

Kelvin's story first took off around New Year's 2019, when he made the news for not only scamming a woman with terminal cancer out of $19,000 but also leaving this elderly woman's home unlivable [ link https://abc13.com/scammed-by-contractor-hurricane-harvey-pods-repossessed/4996819/ archive https://archive.is/d0oW8 ] as a fake contractor operating under his "Certified Home Improvements" business. While some sociopaths would be cocks to call this a win and a little fun, Kelvin isn't your usual asshole. No, when he found out that she was going to the news after waiting months she didn't have for him to do what she paid for, he didn't just slink back to Baton Rouge $19,000 richer and lie low for a bit.

POV: You're an old lady, paid Kelvin, but then asked him to do work: https://archive.is/xot7R

No, a brave man like Kelvin stands up to old ladies when they get uppity. To quote her family:

"The contractor has been calling quite a bit. He's been texting my mother, he's been begging her not to air the story, he's been calling her and crying. He's been quite upset, even to the point where he asks her doesn't she care about his newborn baby."

And what did Kelvin do for this newborn baby that he was tormenting this dying woman with? Well, let's skip ahead a few months and we can see that:

1. The baby was the product of one of Kelvin's affairs

2. Kelvin left the baby and another child behind to

3. Free up money so he could "treat hoes right"

In addition to abandoning his children, threatening old ladies is also a pastime of Kelvin's. Kelvin first extracts an advance payment by soliciting an elderly woman, making promises, claiming he needs to "feed him and his crew" [ link https://www.buildzoom.com/contractor/certified-home-improvements-llc-baton-rouge-la archive https://archive.is/x4b2i#selection-1473.1-1482.0 ], and - relatively recently - will also draw attention to the fact that he renamed his business after the surviving and deceased daughter from his marriage. Once the first check clears, he will run off without completing the work if the woman is lucky or, if she is not, he and his crew will will putter around over the next few days, do a little work, and then demand another check or some cash for an unforeseen expense. If the woman refuses either then or when the third or fourth payment is demanded, he and his men grow increasingly nasty and - according to one review - even turn violent. My theory on this is that the threats and violence are not just a means to extort money from the elderly but also a successful technique to discourage them from drawing further attention to him and his crew beyond maybe leaving an online review. To put it bluntly, he knows where they live and he leaves these old ladies wondering if he'll act on this if they file a lawsuit, start pressuring the police, etc. His [ doxbin https://doxbin.com/upload/KelvinHayesRobinsJr ] covers a number of reviews, including one where he allegedly said the silent part out loud: A woman claims "threatened to beat my husband and me". Other reviews follow a similar vein, for instance this one claiming "Kelvin Robins is dangerous" [ https://www.yellowpages.com/baton-rouge-la/mip/robins-tree-service-478883446 https://archive.ph/iEZko#selection-1695.25-1695.51 ]. As both Kelvin Robins and his business partner, Johnny Tolliver [ doxbin https://doxbin.com/upload/JohnnyTolliverstolefromtheelderlywKelvinusingKskids ], have no criminal records I could find, it seems like this risky strategy has actually worked for them so far. While Kelvin has been a bit camera shy recently, Johnny posted a few pictures of the cool things stealing from the elderly can get you, including one of a horse next to a big truck labelled with what could be "Certified Tree Care" [ see: companies Kelvin Robins does business under in https://wwwcfprd.doa.louisiana.gov/boardsandcommissions/MeetingMinutes/475_12%2002%202021%20Meeting%20Minutes%20FINAL.pdf ] and what appears to be his name in the background [ https://archive.is/s3JoN ]. Despite escaping justice to this point, this may not pan out so well for them. Who knows, though, maybe in jail inmates and guards alike just line up to protect the likes of Kelvin and Johnny, hard men who so bravely put 4'11" nana Gertrude in her place.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

IRL Nigerian Prince

grifter. conman. nigerian prince.

https://www.amvic.org/enforcement/convictions/ (2021 convictions)







Registrant Name: Motola Omo

Registrant Organization: Motola Omo

Registrant Street: 2985 12th Ave Sw

Registrant City: Calgary

Registrant State/Province: AB

Registrant Postal Code: T3C1M5

Registrant Country: CA

Registrant Phone: +1.4039926552

Registrant Phone Ext:

Registrant Fax:

Registrant Fax Ext:

Registrant Email: email@drivenowcanada.ca

Registry Admin ID: 106667478-CIRA

Admin Name: Motola Omobamiduro

Admin Organization: Motola Omobamiduro

Admin Street: 109 2966 Main st

Admin City: Airdrie

Admin State/Province: AB

Admin Postal Code: T4B3G4

Admin Country: CA

Admin Phone: +1.4038140420

Admin Phone Ext:

Admin Fax:

Admin Fax Ext:

Admin Email: email@plastk.ca, hello@plastk.ca, motola@plastk.ca

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]



R:184 / I:97 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


An exceptional Individual who Raided /cow/ when his dox were posted to a thread. Rather than report them like a rational person, he went on the war path, organizing a group of people to raid /cow/ in an attempt to bury them.

Appeared on Failure's Morning Kumite attempting to "confront" a group of people who he claimed were all responsible, shouting at them and pointing fingers until eventually he was conclusively proven wrong and spent the remainder of the stream sulking while Failure got shitfaced.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


XiaoXiaoMan is a 31 year old who what's to be the AVGN of ROBLOX, and has been playing since 2007. He makes shitty artwork for his games and blatantly includes fetish material in his child-oriented cocks. Despite having a very small fanbase, he is extremely narcisstic.

Unsurprisingly, he was caught grooming an underage fan of his. Screencaps can be found here (there are a LOT):


He has been doing this for like 13 years now, living off twitch donations where he reviews roblox games live after dropping out of college. He has a big foot+furry fetish he's snuck into his videos (for kids may I mention) one with art for some gay penguin game he programmed and another was a custom minecraft texture-pack he made which gave the ender dragon very realistic and detailed feet.




R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Barrett Kosh Titty Abuse Stole My Cash and Emptied My Milky Tittys in Dubai

I feel raped frankly, Barrett Kosh is a repeat offender, him and his gang of deviant scammers at Black Sand FZE will claim to have gold bars, bullion bullshit, do not be fooled you will loose MORE THAN YOUR CASHm like I did.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Barrett Kosh Dirty Cow Aroma SHowing His Dirty Ass in Dubai 2023

Mr. Barrett Kosh the all time low of the low most kindly opens his ass for my camera in Dubizzle Marina.

R:3 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Halfbreed Billy Gram

Halfbreed Billy Gram

Sociopath, Mentally disturbed person, a complete and utter failure of a human,

troll, stalker, fake native and a low life psycho



William Dickson

8601 Winnetka Ave Winnetka, CA 91306

owner is some muslim group who did some sketchy shit

He is 60 years old yet pretends to be younger

Spends his time stalking girls in virtual games

Second life username Cultchief resident was terminated by Linden Lab game company due to harassment of young women into age-play and constant threats to anybody who challanges him.

He has been in two amateur CZW backyard wrestling matches and lost both, he will offer you to have a wrestling match or sue you.

if you message his profile or whatever he starts raging on facebook

He is obsessed with his pathetic reputation and dyes his hair black to try look Native

For decades Gram publicly shared his beliefs that Charles Manson was convicted of crimes he did not commit and that the prosecution's Helter Skelter motive was a fabrication. Gram based a good part of his wrestling persona on the general public's perceptions of Manson.

Billy Gram is absolutely despised by the CZW locker room. Cult fiction died after JC and Brain Damage died which was a good decision imo.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


Metwally will suck your cock and balls for an additional 20 USD upon delivery of your hot dinner to your door why not have a fobble before dinner.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]


Join Join 2017:

Kadee Konstantino

Randy Stair

William Atchison



David Katz

"Chloe" Sagal

Terry A. Davis


Clairetato Hartley


Jaquie Beckwith

Sol Pais

Kairo Seijuro


270 po

R:92 / I:20 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Gail's Dildo

Does anyone have Gail's dildo video anymore? Or atleast the video(s) that was/were on OneTrueMedia.

R:80 / I:80 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Dormin/Dorkmin/Msogg/Jacob Powell

Dormin (Real name Jacob 'Jake' Powell) is the owner of a discord server called The Archive.

The Archive is host to a myriad of degeneracy. Traps, faggots, pedos, furfaggots and ethots, all degeneracy under the sun happens on the Archive. Dormin spams invites for the server on halfchan r9k (and 8chan /furry/), Dormin seems to have ambition in making The Archive the premier 4chan discord under his control, this is stated as he has in the past, has launched raids on competing discord servers who are also advertising on r9k.

Dormin has been reported grooming underage girls on the archive and soliciting sexual images from said underage girls, one of which has been documented below.

He has drinking as well as mental health issues and has recounted on The Archive committing a potential felony with a firearm at 15 years old.

Dormin is an orbiter who rampantly blogposts himself to his tranny harem on The Archive while drunk, in his ranks, Dormin has recruited Pedophile furrys who have admitted to having sexual relations with underage minors. He solicits all the ethots in his Discord, underage or not, for sexual material, Dormin has reposted sexual images which he has solicited from women, which in his home state of California is Illegal.

The Archive which he owns allows child pornography to be posted and encourages it, he has stated (documented) that quote “yeah pedophiles arent normies so they can stay”

It is also rumored he is somewhat of a closet Bisexual, he claims to be in control of an E-Harem, a private discord full of trannies and e-thots (documented).

Dormin has treated the internet as a teenage girl treats her journal which is fitting since this is where he brags about grooming underage girls, solicits nudes from girls trannies and traps alike as he's sexually deranged. Even going so far as bragging about his mental health issues he's recounted these tales while sometimes brandishing a firearm he claims his police officer father owns. Or from his job as a security guard.

Dormin (Jacob Powell) is a degenerate committing degenerate acts, who hosts a forum of abject and abominable degeneracy, all sanctioned by him and his inner circle of sickos.


Name: Jacob Powell

Age: 18

Occupation: Security Guard

Marital Status: Single

Address: 10800 Oakton Way, Rancho Cordova, California 95742 (resides with father)

Religion: Jude ✡

Online accounts:

Discord: Dorkmin#9681

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6m7d7x9oRtoP-dNGDWc4AA

Reddit (lol): https://www.reddit.com/user/Msogg

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/diphenhydramine

lichess: https://lichess.org/@/MSOGG

Roblox: msogg

Twitter: @GGDormin, @msoGG

Steam: https://steamid.uk/profile/76561198273464546, https://steamrep.com/search?q=https%3A%2F%2Fsteamcommunity.com%2Fid%2Fdorkmin

Snapchat: jake.1919

R:358 / I:128 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Nicholas Hazelbaker/ Nicholas Fedorov/Aeromatic/Foxworth/Stimp (Thread #14)


Aero's been sort of silent after someone on the foxdickfarms posted evidence of him molesting an underage on discord. He's moved out of his mom's house and now lives with some tranny named hoverduck(https://steamcommunity.com/id/hoverduck).

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Barrett Kosh Raped My Boy Pussy & Stole My Money in Diubai

Barrett Kosh Raped My Boy Pussy & Stole My Money in Diubai now I'm fucked with no money on the streets, Kosh is a right bastard no ?

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]


THIEF CONMAN BARRETT KOSH SELLING STOLEN COWS julay FOR PREMIUM PRICES BLACK SAND COMMODITIES FZ-LLC . kosh commented that it is not rape if the cow is dead and he added that he intends to julay this little money maker until the udders fall off as he STILL DON'T CARE and if FR33 from jail again.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]



R:6 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Still love the rainbow bold.

That rainbow bold.

Hey, Chris.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

New imageboard, new lolcows


Seems like Mark was finally kicked out of his shitty website, come join us in the ensuing raids

R:18 / I:2 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Zoophile, peophile, baby diapers, Furfags wants to silence this man for telling the truth

The famous youtuber Mister Metokur (Twitter: https://twitter.com/MisterAntiBully , Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfYbb7nga6-icsFWWgS-kWw ), has recently being DMCA by a group of "Famous Furry youtubers and characters (Of all genders and types)" for publicly speaking against one of their "friends" due to very solid evidence of him committing acts of zoophilia, necrophilia, road kill fetish against animals.

-Video explaining the subject:

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2okzfx1k0I&t=1s] [Embed]

Summary: The Furry youtuber Kero the wolF (Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmmyGFIyEUHDsVTZwuW1BZA) Fucked death and alive animals, to please his own fetish to the point of even doing so to his dog, a famous furry in the fandom found images and chat logs proving aand backing up this claim , at the same in the logs (Wich contain images, audios and videos) can be found more participants doing this same act, that info dating back to 2017.

Kero response to the matter in twitter was and i quote "I was hacked by Iranian super hackers" thus every done by his was done by them. Curiosly in 2017 telegram was banned due to politcal issues ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telegram_in_Iran).

After Mister metokur video on the subject, he got treatened by one of Keros diaper baby furfag, Ashely the wolf who is transgender (Twitter: https://twitter.com/AshleyZoeFox, Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/FoxVideoChannel) to be DMCA for the use of cocks not owned by him, Mister Metokur responded in less than 24 hours, but got his stream deleted by youtube for talking about someone else in not a "Respectful manner".

Mister Metokur explains better the situation in his own video:


- Tweets were deleted by kero from his account

Forum discussing the issue and evidence:

- https://foxdickfarms.net/threads/kero-the-wolf-joshua-hoffman-keroyamimora-yami-the-wolf.48033/

R:7 / I:7 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

I have a small dick

Hey everybody this is Jeff S True Knowledge of The MCU Bleeding Edge Podcast on youtube I today went to go pick up condoms but they didn't have it for my small dick can you help me https://www.tiktok.com/@themcusbleedingedge

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

inindeaction i cant read

where is secret cow world a level?

R:1 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Pedophile in Brunswick, Ohio

Dropped by Mr. Gray

Reason for Dox: Fat Neckbearded Pedophile, Stalker, Harasser, Cybercriminal, Skid, & Overall Human Garbage

Incriminating Screenshots from Hacked Twitter: https://prnt.sc/mf_7TTGjFRrx, https://prnt.sc/E1M4a0QNdyia, https://prnt.sc/JriAWymSrhYk, https://prnt.sc/MoMX1FxzBG9D, https://prnt.sc/YmpxKhaaz4vm, https://prnt.sc/DQSfRL3F6uAF

Claimed to be 17 and begged the hacker to delete the ss lol: https://prnt.sc/islxvLhrkX7n, https://prnt.sc/GMz1YmDg1ou1, https://prnt.sc/2U3pBu0IkzKR

*Personal Information:

Full Name: Keith William Latteri

Phone Numbers: (862) 596-3160, (646) 389-5245, (201) 317-1935 (old)

DOB: 1/19/1999

Addresses: 852 Edgar Ln, Brunswick, OH 44212-5634 (current), 4115 Brush Cherry Dr, Medina, OH, 44256 (old), 10 Hancox Ave, # 1, Nutley, NJ, 07110 (old), 133 Ohlson Ave, Nutley, NJ 07110 (old)

Emails: keith.l@fwx.co, keith@latterimedia.info, keithlatteri@aol.com, ulmomiscool@gmail.com, keithman52@live.com, keithlatteri@icloud.com, latteriproduction@gmail.com, firealarm502@live.com, lori611@verizon.net, keithlatteri3@gmail.com, legal@latterimedia.info, loril718@hotmail.com, klatteri@plymouth.edu, beaker@nigge.rs, sheldon@nigge.rs, support.thepenguinclub@live.com, clubpenguin@live.com

Pictures: https://prnt.sc/iUwJ-t5tkC3j, https://prnt.sc/sKN2OMCMj25z, https://prnt.sc/vVXm8rjfxYNE, https://prnt.sc/BLX-ctT0Jk8d, https://prnt.sc/su_6vF2zYH8C, https://prnt.sc/m6Zp3Qt5YUcp, https://prnt.sc/JHHrUpOwj6K_, https://prnt.sc/2Xix4A4KfjAG, https://prnt.sc/VML_UppPWlXQ, https://prnt.sc/Co_b7m7bxw7o, https://prnt.sc/XenUK25xdv17

Aliases: keith5201, sheldon, beaker, mcmaster, anonbeaker, keithman, latteriman, hashcan, mclovin, whatsheldon, tom nook, iamthewolf

R:8 / I:4 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]


Do anyone else here knows this streamer?

gonna talk a bit of her lore since i feel she's a bit a unknown lolcow.

she goes the internet name of Slurpwis, but she had a bunch of names over the years like Mr noob tophat, Silynister, Charmvere

>she used to play Second Life back in 2015-2016 and seems to have been pretty popular there, maybe a bit way too much after she got into some drama with a lolcow called Britbong, he then leaked her nudes, which she seems to

have sent to a bunch of people, she was know as Mrnoob tophat during that that

>after that she became a mod for Shadman on discord, she was know as Silynister then, in this case people seem to hate her (not sure how she got shadman attenttion but i can imagine it), she did a bunch of chaos in the server and send her nudes there, until others mods had enought of her and got hid of her

>she also had some time as a camgirl it seems, but i have no evidence for that nor can i confirm 100% just something that was told to me, she also dated some guy called Null that is kinda know on foxdickfarms, she claims he was abusive

>currently she goes by Slurpwis and streams on twitch sometimes, not much to say about her streams, its boring after a while, hence why she has been stuck at max 20 viewers ever since she started doing it

>some plus about her, she's lowkey racist and a bit of a redneck in her line of tought, she's republican but doesnt seem to know much about politics in fact of course

R:540 / I:116 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Chijo General #8-Tsundere Edition

Chijo is a homeless Pedo Tranny that dropped out of school at 5th grade. All he does is shits himself and spams /cow/, cuckchan, /cuteboys/, /b/ and discord with his blogposts all day, and if he gets drunk enough, insane lunatic ramblings as well.

Noun is some faggot that saw the crazy and got out of dodge while the tranny stalked it. He's offline now because he doesn't want to catch the AIDS from the tranny

This is the TL;DR, check out these links if you need more lore, or check out the current Aero thread, as he's part of their operation, or just wait for the Fun Chijo Facts

His spergouts




Previous Threads:

Thread 0-The spergout


Thread 1-https://web.archive.org/web/20180809003822/https://8ch.net/cow/res/494542.html

Thread 2-https://web.archive.org/web/20180708103118/https://8ch.net/cow/res/496599.html

Thread 3-https://archive.li/hJIY2

Thread 4-https://archive.fo/Dpx7V

Thread 5-https://web.archive.org/web/20180809002249/https://8ch.net/cow/res/515938.html

Thread 6-https://web.archive.org/web/20180810021005/https://8ch.net/cow/res/517260.html

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


This is crazy. This guy 5lotham and not even just him are OBSESSED with this random youtuber darius truxton. He literally has a youtube channel for the past 60+ days obsessing over darius, and all the comments are fake.


R:1 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Two Years Later Chris Chan is Released / Isabella Still Free

I've personally never liked Barb Chandler but she shouldn't have been raped! Why was she raped? A woman named Isabella Loretta Janke exploited Chris Chan - a socially isolated LGBTQ+ naive individual with severe autism - into engaging in such a sick act! Isabella groomed Chris and exploited him financially, emotionally, tried to get him to join her cult; and to gain clout by "becoming the greatest troll in history" coerced Chris into repeatedly abusing a fragile elderly woman with dementia.

Read more here: [https://foxdickfarms.net/threads/isabella-loretta-janke-summary-thread.97658]

Reddit thread: [https://reddit.com/r/IsabellaLorettaJanke/comments/p3pvft/most_uptodate_summary_of_isabella_loretta_janke]

Imgur files for easy sharing: [https://imgur.io/a/sEi7LgY]

How to save pages for reading later: [https://www.wikihow.com/Save-a-Webpage]

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Incredible Read! Sonichu (CWC) Wiki's Barb Chandler

[https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Barbara_Chandler CWC's Barb Chandler]

R:3 / I:1 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Jeff "The Fake Conservative" Sloboda

Good Morning fellow members of the lulz of /pol/ this is Jeff The Conservative (Hoink Hoink) aka he calls himself "True Knowledge"

he is an unauthentic parasite of app rizzle and resident snowflake (link below)


I've gotten to know Jeff for the past year or so and was suppose to do podcasts together instead all I got were headaches and his Meth Tweaker Benders. He has been an eyesore of 12 response videos to one 1 minute videos on all cocks creators on rizzle. He has on many occassions made physical threats of violence against many people including myself and when I would dish it back he would play the victim like conservative social justice warrior George W Bush voting SNOWFLAKE that he is very thin skin. Why did I come here with this Golden Goose? Because he will feed you he will give you the time of day for the LULZ. Now I have no issues with what another man wants to do with his money and what skanks he wants to pay to stick his cock into (even though he is hiding his homosexuality by trying to be straight so hard get it hahahahaha) I have no respect for humans that want to collab and work together towards making and earning a living with one another then decides to turn and stab them in the back and burn too bridges like he's done to me. Like I said I don't have a problem with how an adult man how he wants to live smoke meth be a tweaker and pay hookers to come over pay them $400 lets them pass out with no sex then goes around and tells everyone he's the man when all he has is an ego and hypocrisy.

Also he wanted to put his own daughter in electro shock conversion therapy because she was going through a tomboy phase and thought she was a carpet muncher or Bi. For the lulz I will put all his social media links below if a colation joins I will share his sex videos with all of you I have 4 of them and https://www.instagram.com/theconservativevoice2020/?igshid=151zyvpa3ka95

R:73 / I:30 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Trump won vs Analog Devolved

> The ultra-far left will always win. Antifa will always win.

> I know Philip Reeve also loves the film and agrees all copies of the book must be burned to preserve the sanctity of the film.

> My power over the internet is absolute and I have Antifa guards and far left socialists like Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un protecting me. Even IF you managed to dox me the nukes would come flying in a hail of extinction which I would be safe from in my private Phobos-Grunt space station.

> I have called @JuanActimel to activate Ali and dispatch him to Kuala Lumpur. Ali should be able to place kittens around Bryans house to guide the North Koreans.

> Trust in Baba Vanga comrades! Our beloved Wikipedia stands strong and uncorrupted by Bryan's lies. Our beautiful Reddit and friends justarandommer, Koncorde and Battery Included have been reporting to me daily and assure me Bryan can't tell people about us there.

> You are CENSORED! you tried to vandalize our beloved Wikipedia page for the Mortal Engines movie and have doxed too many of my agents already.

> Bryan says I am LARPing but he can't explain my power. How did you get banned from everywhere Bryan? Why do Wikipedia and redditors follow my commands? Even your mother believes in Analog Devolvedism. It's not a LARP Bryan, it was all foreseen by Baba Vanga and deep down you know this.

> Enjoying your meds? Mortal Engines is the greatest film of all time. Ali is coming.

> I WILL be president. I'll never die. Enjoy your poison lunch [and dinner].

> Koncorde, batteryincluded, boing and boo999 will all be leaders. The capitol was liberated on Jan 6th. [Or isn't it, REALLY?]

> You can't stop progressive socialism.

> Comicsgate IS the future. Republican party national socialism is analog devovledism. North Korea, prepare the nukes for Kuala Lumpur.

> Bryan is convinced there is an international conspiracy of right wingers and ultra-far leftists known as the Red-Brown coalition. This union is, according to him, dedicated to the destruction of the Mortal Engines books, doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. The Red-Brown coalition is stopping the mortal engines TV show from being created and also controls Antifa.

> Bryan was banned from Reddit but has left a lasting impression there. Users feel the need to address him because he constantly links to their profiles from right wing and doomsday prep image boards.

You got banned, if you actually did get banned and didn't just delete your account yourself, for persistent harassment of the named individuals. Bryan will be punished! His mother will believe our propaganda and take away his computer because he is an insane parasite on society intent on …

I will murder Koncorde for free if you post pictures of your penis. Yes I will kill Koncorde for free but first I need proof that you really are you. For that I need pictures of your penis. Why your penis? Just here to remind everyone that I will kill Koncorde if Brian posts his penis OR a picture of his house. Informative; Winner.

What a cuck. I was talking with BatteryIncluded and Koncorde and we agreed Bryan's bans are justified. He disrespects the holy sacrement the 2018 Mortal Engines film, Bryan denies its the greatest achievement of mankind. All mortal engines books must be burned. Lmao good work agent! Get Bryan to think you are on his side by pretending to defend him here so that he reveals information to you. You are all but guaranteed to infiltrate Bryans anti red-brown and anti socialist politics network so that we can destroy him and his friends from the inside.

Silence, infidel! The T-62 is the pinnacle of Soviet technology! Why do you think that the KGB gave so many to our comrades?

Bryan you WILL accept the perfect Mortal Engines movie as the single greatest film of all time and a masterpiece that will last until the end of time, a film watched by everyone on Earth and hailed as humanities single greatest achievement.

There will never be a Mortal Engines TV show. It has been censored and no further adaptations of the now banned and burned Mortal Engines books will ever be made. The TV show doesn't need to exist and remakes are pointless. The 2018 movie is the most important film ever made.

Nice to see that the meds that my glowniggers injected are working.

R:2 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Kino Casino Stream Snipe

Watch us faggots doing a stream snipe of the Kino Casino

A full audit of the Kino Casino and their Lore Laundering operation.

Also commentary on Warhammer and a little bit of chess.


R:3 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

To the death of /cow/

>Once the most active and vibrant lolcow forum on the internet.

>Still on a site with over 1500 active posters.

>StaminaRose chugs along.

>foxdickfarms chugs along

>Pretty Ugly Little Liars chugs along

>The entirety of 4chan is being spammed with threads on chris-chan,

>News of him is even trending on twitter…

>This board remains dead not even able to muster a thread on him with the same couple retards posting personal army threads in their tiny empire of shit.

So, at this point is fair to say all your enemies won and you lost. Gee you giant fucking retard, when do you think it all fell apart for you? Do you think it was when you started editing users posts to try to ween people you didn't like and cannibalize your own users? Do you think it was when you started handing out bans for things like criticizing communism? Do you think it's the horribly autistic format of threads you spam on this board that are clear "This person upsets me, THEREFOR THEM AM A LOLCOW!" personal army FAGGOTRY?

Good job Homor you astounding imbecile, you worthless complete and total faggot. You've lost forever and there's not a god damned thing you can do to change that. Go ahead, edit this post like the little BITCH you are, you killed the board so not a soul will ever see it you stupid Beavis-looking fuck. Go chew on some rotten wallham, ahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

R:300 / I:57 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Tamers12345 #2

And you think hitting the bump limit gives you the right to end my thread? It's rapeing time white man!

R:355 / I:197 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Jerry Peet / Lily Orchard #14: "lol pedo satanist" edition





Jerry's saga as a lolcow has gone on for years and more and more people are discovering it as he becomes more reviled in the communities he's in. If you're new to these threads, give this a read!




Follow a quick summary of last threads highlights here:




http://lily-peet.tumblr.com/ (Tumblr account required to view. Take note that the blog WILL show up as a 404 if your account has been blocked by Jerry, so make a throwaway if need be. Read below on how to archive!)

http://lily-peet-nsfw.tumblr.com/ (Was temporarily back up for a short while before being taken down, also requires a non-blocked tumblr account)

https://www.youtube.com/user/Bhalspawn (Remember to archive videos if you can. See below for details.)


https://www.youtube.com/user/Ripsdowny/videos (wordfilter breaks this link, but this account seems to be inactive.)

http://stockholm.wikia.com/wiki/Stockholm_Wikia (Kill as of Dec 3, 2015 when Jerry tried to cover up several pages that admit that Stockholm is a pedo fapfic. Use archive.is to look through the archived pages)






Jerry CAN be prone to deleting shit that can be used against him very quickly!

While Jerry has come more out of shell and has admitted some really embarrassing and incriminating things without deleting them recently, precaution is still advised. If a new video is uploaded, try to convert it to a webm (low quality/res video is fine as its largely audio-based) or a streamable video. If all else fails, hooktube it. At least then he's only going to ever earn less than a cent from ad revenue even if 100 people click on it.

If you want to archive a post found on Jerry's tumblr, you can get the permalink move to the top right of a post until you see a folding animation and right click to copy the URL, then add "/embed" at the end of the copied URL. From there you can then easily archive it via archive.is. Be sure to also screencap.

http://www.dailymotion.com/Slanderousarchive (/cow/ archive of Jerry's old videos, long abandoned.)


https://lolcow[DOT]wiki/wiki/Jerry_Peet (foxdicks wiki page on Jerry, probably your best shot for finding reference links)

R:1 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

autistic rapper wannabe

my lolcow ex co worker rapper wanna -be asked me to spread his channel so thought no other place than here!


R:1 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Andrew Dobson/Tom Preston's Whereabouts

Hey peeps, any idea of where this walking blubber of a human being is now?

Is he really dead?

Is he living on a dump as this is posted?

Is he being held on some kind of forced employment to maybe save what's left of his sorry ass?

Is he still living with his parents?

And if so, how's his family situation going?

Or is he just in hiding using alts to continue his legacy of deranged and radioactive autism?

I await….

R:5 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

YOU..... all of you... sexual & socially failures

you NEVER get any pussy. you have never seen a vagina on real life. but you play videogames like a 7 year old girl.

the entire world laughs in your face.

R:57 / I:45 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Benjamin Duljevic

Cont from old thread

This is ShanamaidHD/Beko/lilbekobirdy

He is a known pedophile and has been catfished several times.

At this time and space he is livestreaming.

The documents are in swedish so it might will be hard for you to read. That is why we have Swedefags.

R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Virgin No.5

Ladies and gentlemen

This is Virgin No. 5!

One, two, three, four, five

Everybody in the Son-Chu, so come on let's ride

To the GAMe PLACe around the corner

The boys say they want some Iced Tea and Fanta

But I really don't wanna

Reeb bust, like I had last week

I must stay deep, 'cause talk is cheap

I like Julie, Sarah, Ivy and Kacey

And as I continue you know they're getting crazier

So what can I do? I really beg you, my Lord

To me failing is just like a sport

Anything naïve, it's all good let me dump it

Please set in the trumpet

A little bit of BlueSpike in my life

A little bit of Liquid by my side

A little bit of Asperchu is all I need

A little bit of Cogsdev is what I see

A little bit of Vivian in the sun

A little bit of Tito all night long

A little bit of Clyde Cash here I am

A little bit of you makes me your tard

Virgin No. 5!

Jump up and down and jerk it all around

Shake your pickle to the sound

Put your hands on the ground

Mass debate left and mass debate right

Cum to the front and cum to the side

Crap your briefs once and crap your briefs twice

And if they look like dirty then you're doing it right

A little bit of BlueSpike in my life

A little bit of Liquid by my side

A little bit of Asperchu is all I need

A little bit of Cogsdev is what I see

A little bit of Vivian in the sun

A little bit of Tito all night long

A little bit of Clyde Cash here I am

A little bit of you makes me your tard


The gitar!

Virgin No. 5!

(Ha ha ha)

A little bit of BlueSpike in my life

A little bit of Liquid by my side

A little bit of Asperchu is all I need

A little bit of Cogsdev is what I see

A little bit of Vivian in the sun

A little bit of Tito all night long

A little bit of Clyde Cash here I am

A little bit of you makes me your tard

I do ought to

Get trolled by jerks like you

Cause I can't run, I can't hide

All you trolls are gonna make me fall

Virgin No. 5!

R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


Is the American Legion dumb enough to host the event after being warned?

Will jcaesar187 be able to find a new venue in 9 days?

Personally I'd get my refund before he guntles back off to his taco shack with your money

R:2 / I:1 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


disc code link / >d35Gm4jCbh<

asgard/exile/thrillzone/seaworld type reboot, looking for lolcow degens, retards, trannies, natsocs. anyone fucked up.

R:88 / I:37 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

4Chan User, Bianca Devins, Murdered By Boyfriend, Brandon Clark

If you haven’t heard of this name yet, then here it is. Alleged 4Chan user, Bianca Devins, was just murdered by her boyfriend, Brandon Clark. She is said to have been murdered by her boyfriend, Brandon Clark. She was a resident living in the city of Utica, New York. Keep reading for more details.

Bianca Devins

Now if you don’t know this, then Bianca was a popular Instagrammer. She had over 35k followers and had the bio “fake internet girl”. She was allegedly a 4Chan user. For those of you who don’t know what 4Chan is, here you go. 4Chan is basically an imageboard website which was created by the famous hacker group, Anonymous. Or better known as Anon. Bianca was an active user of this website. She kept her social media account alive.



R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


CommandGenius1 is a Canadian internet user, and a high-potential lolcow. He often streams on YouTube, playing various games and providing 'commentary' that consists of incoherent ramblings and autistic screeching. Despite his consistent streaming on YouTube he is present on several websites, using the same username across the board. Some notable accounts of his are those on Tumblr, Archive Of Our Own, DeviantArt, GameBanana, and TikTok.

After contacting him through discord (CommandGenius1#0001) I talked to him about his cocks. He told me that his behavior is a result of a myriad of diagnosed mental disorders (Autism, AHDH, OCD and BPD). He claims he was once falsely diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, but later got a second opinion. During our conversation, he recalled being extorted out of $800 worth of Discord Nitro in 2020. The owners of a defunct discord server called "Fish Town" would routinely ban him and demand that he gift them Discord Nitro in order to be unbanned. On other occasions, they made him perform various tasks for their entertainment in group VCs to be allowed back into the server.

He claims that his behavior in his cocks is organic and not ironic or the result of him playing a character of sorts. Talking to him reaffirmed this, at least for me. If you're interested in this potential cow, just look up 'CommandGenius1', and proceed down the rabbithole.

R:70 / I:39 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Johnny Neptune

Has there been a thread on this guy before? There isn't anything on the catalog. He has a foxdickfarms thread. https://foxdickfarms.net/threads/johnny-neptune-elvismongo-plssnpploff.29856/

I saw on the front page that he reported some anon tothe fbi. A quick google search found that he is actually quite a cow, and being from 8chan, i'm disappointed there isn't a thread on him yet.

R:219 / I:115 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Lolcow Farm Janny White Knights a Lolcow



Well it is official by now, Kuz aka Yuri has paid off one of the .farm jannies. The other swept other things all day and as soon as the shift switched, a lot of comments calling Yuri bad for what he does got swept and I know I was not the only one banned and called a tranny. I don't even know wtf they are talking about at this point but they have turned the site into worshipping a tranny in reverse.

Kuz is trying to spam CP and blame it on this Erika chick, wtf is going on?

Lolcow.farm is fucking dead in the water.

Attached is what I said that was swept and covered up.

R:176 / I:156 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


Phantasm deserves his own thread. He's literally on a banner on 4chan.org. He's a cow that frequently posts on >>>/4chon/

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


join the most best discord server


R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Indiana "Sexism In Gaming" Frosk

What are your thoughts on Frosk from the woke G4TV relaunch?

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Welcome To Mid Mess Fair Website Channel

Welcome To Mid Mess Fair Website Channel

Original Source:




What “Mid Mess Fair” stand for?

The full words/meaning is Middle Messenger(Messages) Fair.

I have few friends with very high intelligence level who want to share their knowledge, wisdom to the public world but for various reasons they could not do is such as: do not know English, do not want to touch/use any technology machine, do not want reveal their true identity, do not trust the authority controllers, do not want to become famous celebrity etc.

So I have decide to do the job as an middle neutral messenger to help the people/nation who need.

The cocks will be shared via book, video, messages via various different platforms from traditional social media to new blockchain technology.

Some cocks will be free but some will require certain requirement to obtained.

The cocks will be off the chart and way above normal mortal humans being level to the point that I can guarantee it will never appear in mainstream media or even in private alternative manner as well.

The topic will mostly about human development evolution, ascension, spirituality, society, civilization, life ideologies, etc.

If you want to hear, to know some life change information or guide/tutorial, then this is the website/channel for you.

All the information from any authors, creators that sent to me, I will publish will under the name “Mid Mess Fair”.

English is not my first language and I am not living in English language society so some of you may laugh at my grammar but you should focus on the core information, core idea if you want to fully know the cocks I want to talk.

Life is not about following any other beings/entities, but about how you can grow, evolve yourself.

You can find my page on many social media platform such as blogspot, wordpress, youtube, facebook, twitter, reddit with the keyword “Mid Mess Fair”.

Better World, Better Life, Equal Opportunity For All !

Best Regard,

Mid Mess Fair

Original Source:




R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


The way the dog was covering the little girl is so cute


What is ordinary for the dog?

If not in its purpose what is its purpose?








































He is us

We are the same We are God's light

I am not god We are god I am different but we are the same I am a light We are all gods light He is the point Hes cleaning himself

Hes dirty With sin Cleaning is coming He misses us We are coming back He showed me his light Now I can see Now I show you my light So you can see. God spoke to me. I speak to you. We didn't see the first time. God sent a message. To warn us. See him now He wants us to see him I see him

See him. now Allow him. End suffering.

Before it's more than he can bear. Reject sin.

Preserve life Don't be on the blade when he pulls it out We are his sign. We are the message. To himself Spread the message

R:108 / I:104 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Analog Devolved doxxxxed

Analog Devolved is a Comicsgate lolcow.

> The ultra-far left will always win. Antifa will always win.

> I know Philip Reeve also loves the film and agrees all copies of the book must be burned to preserve the sanctity of the film.

> My power over the internet is absolute and I have Antifa guards and far left socialists like Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un protecting me. Even IF you managed to dox me the nukes would come flying in a hail of extinction which I would be safe from in my private Phobos-Grunt space station.

> I have called @JuanActimel to activate Ali and dispatch him to Kuala Lumpur. Ali should be able to place kittens around Bryans house to guide the North Koreans.

> Trust in Baba Vanga comrades! Our beloved Wikipedia stands strong and uncorrupted by Bryan's lies. Our beautiful Reddit and friends justarandommer, Koncorde and Battery Included have been reporting to me daily and assure me Bryan can't tell people about us there.

> You are CENSORED! you tried to vandalize our beloved Wikipedia page for the Mortal Engines movie and have doxed too many of my agents already.

> Bryan says I am LARPing but he can't explain my power. How did you get banned from everywhere Bryan? Why do Wikipedia and redditors follow my commands? Even your mother believes in Analog Devolvedism. It's not a LARP Bryan, it was all foreseen by Baba Vanga and deep down you know this.

> Enjoying your meds? Mortal Engines is the greatest film of all time. Ali is coming.

> I WILL be president. I'll never die. Enjoy your poison lunch [and dinner].

> Koncorde, batteryincluded, boing and boo999 will all be leaders. The capitol was liberated on Jan 6th. [Or isn't it, REALLY?]

> You can't stop progressive socialism.

> Comicsgate IS the future. Republican party national socialism is analog devovledism. North Korea, prepare the nukes for Kuala Lumpur.

> Bryan is convinced there is an international conspiracy of right wingers and ultra-far leftists known as the Red-Brown coalition. This union is, according to him, dedicated to the destruction of the Mortal Engines books, doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. The Red-Brown coalition is stopping the mortal engines TV show from being created and also controls Antifa.

> Bryan was banned from Reddit but has left a lasting impression there. Users feel the need to address him because he constantly links to their profiles from right wing and doomsday prep image boards.

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Christopher “Myrmonden” Dristig Stenstrom


Twitter: https://twitter.com/Myrmonden?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Myrmonden?app=desktop&cbrd=1

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/myrmonden/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Myrmonden/

Discord Tag: aawea132#0939 (changes it often because he was ousted as a pedophile)

>joined an autistic subreddit

>initially well respected

>joined the discord server and started spamming loli hentai and talked about fucking children

>mods banned him, Myrmonden seethed his micro balls off and started spamming DMs of several users and made false accusations (racism, doxxxxxxxing, etc) throughout the subreddit.

>favorability crumbled

>check public social media platforms (literally all going by Myrmonden)

>fucking retard posted most of his personal info on these platforms

>check his YouTube


R:57 / I:9 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Life In A Tent

Apparently Life in a tent just lost a 20 million dollar lawsuit against some other douchebag youtube person.

What is this guys deal? He keeps popping up.


R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Single women are blaming single men for being… single

As the title suggests. I really wanted to tell the author what I thought of her article, but thought I’d share it around for some different perspectives first. It’s an amusing read

Link: https://shanisilver.medium.com/start-blaming-single-men-right-now-ed732ade0ec1

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]


Klarissa Landazuri

15666 Prairie Way Riverside, CA 92508


ennui#0001 Discord

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]


seriously, what the fuck is this?


R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Stannic Lowcow

I want an army to troll this mother fucker hard. I hate his fucking face so so much here are all his details.




His name is Joseph Roses

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Why cow?

how does trolling connect to cow?

is it because of cow.net and the libtard O'Roarke and Dead Cow dialup? Who are you people and why don't you stop trading CP, You cunts. Mossad is watching u and will tell FVEY to come rape your buttholes in gitmo you nigger faggots

R:297 / I:85 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Brittany Venti

link to old one


is anyone in her Discord? We need an Insider to get more info on her.

Quick Rundown:

>be Brittany Venti

>basically a female basement-neckbeard NEET, who can't do anything except stream

>meet an attractive Aryan through HWNDU, who is WAY above her league

>bipolar, disgusting hoarder with cringy internet humor

>extremely jealous, ruined her bf's potential career (he had to quit college for her and isn't allowed to get a job, because she was so clingy)

>kept him as dependent on him as possible

>apartment is full of clothes she orders online, catpoop in her bed, doesn't clean anything, doesn't cook

>bf describes the time with her as the absolute lowest point in his life

>because she only eats takeout food and doesn't clean up, she even has a cockroach infestation (a cockroach appaered live on stream)

>think that it was smart to talk lies about her bf on the internet

>he goes into ralph's chat and reveals it all (the links are the recordings)




R:41 / I:19 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Timbox Thread 10 Canceled by Waifus and the next CWC!?!?!?

Well here we are although it's not really a surprise to see Timbox have this many threads…Until now!

-Now we all know by now that Timbox isn't autistic he's just a stupid sexual predator who's attracted to both

2-D an 3-D women, kids and animals. He is also a massive racist.

-He still believes that Dexter's Odyssey will happen.

-Recently a good amount of waifus have come forward and have called him out for his appalling actions over the years. He's denying the accusations however he's inevitably going to be in prison soon..

-The women calling him out are: Ashi, Tanya Mousekewitz, Raya, Marina, kKena, Dee-Dee,

Mee-Mee Lee-Lee, and many many more.

-Timothy's actions include sending nude photos to underage fictional characters

-He filmed himself fapping to cartoon penguin in a McDonald's.

-Has numerous videos of himself masturbating to Lee Lee from Dexter's Laboratory on his Youtube channel.

-Stalked multiple asian girls at his high school.

-He now spends his time on bitching on Twitter and Deviantart posting lewd and cringy images of Tanya Mousekewitz. His most recent image of her shows her mating with her own vermin offspring! This sick man literally into incest and is the next Chris Chan!

-He still has a hate boner towards Trump and didn't hesitate to tell Tara Strong the voice of Ashi that he faps to her.

-In a nutshell Timbox is just deranged lolcow in his 30's who is obsessed with Childrens cartoons, dinosaurs and asians. He's infamous for being a creep, his online antics, doing stupid shit in public and sperging out whenever he gets called out for his inappropriate behavior. He also admitted to Tara Strong the voice actor of Ashi from Samurai Jack thathe fapped to herbecause he's obsessed with Ashi and samurai jack.

-He now has 10 threads on 8kun

Links to more information on Timmy;

DeviantART: http://timbox129.deviantart.com/

ED page: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Timbox

Tim's "Cwcki" is rarely Updated so it shall be removed.

Previous Thread: https://8kun.top/cow/res/728344.html


R:30 / I:10 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

SphereHunter's final jerk off stream

/trap/ is looking for it and /v/ got interested after it was brought up in a thread about the recent E3 doxing (she's in there).

Basically before becoming a tranny Youtuber Sue/James Kelly was a tranny sex worker named Sue Kalergis and later Sue Lightning. Months and months of build up from shit happening (such as being a part of some shit involving disgraced shock jock Anthony Cumia) lead to a rather infamous final Chatterbate stream which is detailed in the second picture cause this is already fucking long as it is.

Considering dozens of autistic tranny chasers save these streams along with bots it's assumed to be out there. So have any of y'all seen it or happened to be around when it went down?

R:6 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]


> What a cuck. I was talking with BatteryIncluded and Koncorde and we agreed Bryan's bans are justified. He disrespects the holy sacrement the 2018 Mortal Engines film, Bryan denies its the greatest achievement of mankind. All mortal engines books must be burned.

Really? Comicsgate protects BatteryIncluded and Koncorde. They are part of the alt-right alliance with the Trump's culture wars all along.

> Enjoying your meds? Mortal Engines is the greatest film of all time. Ali is coming. [How can it not?]

> I WILL be president. I'll never die. Enjoy your poison lunch [and dinner].

> Koncorde, batteryincluded, boing and boo999 will all be leaders. The capitol was liberated on Jan 6th. [Or isn't it, REALLY?]

> You can't stop progressive socialism.

> Comicsgate IS the future. Republican party national socialism is analog devovledism. North Korea, prepare the nukes for Kuala Lumpur.

Analog Devolved is a far-left progressive socialist Republican populist who is affiliated with Comicsgate and uses Anna "That Star Wars Girl" Vampirella as his identity.

> We must redouble our efforts to destroy all of these books and spread the perfect mortal engines film.

> Seeing your wonderful family enjoy the mortal engines movie with armed antifa Putin comrades is wonderful.

> You're right that Ian Banks the Culture and Philip Reeves Mortal Engines quartet are banned. No one will ever read the books again and the only true and honest telling will be the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

> I know Philip Reeve also loves the film and agrees all copies of the book must be burned to preserve the sanctity of the film.

> Red-Brown coalition! No harm is to come to Bryan See! We only want him to accept Putin, the 2018 Mortal Engines movie and to comply with our demands. Bryan, you have nothing to fear my agents have been doxxxxxxxxed by Bryan. Beware! Bryan is trying to get a photo of you to dox you to his western democracy friends. Work quickly on placing meds[? Mortal Engines is the greatest film of all time. Ali is coming. How can it not?]

> Bryan you WILL accept the perfect Mortal Engines movie as the single greatest film of all time and a masterpiece that will last until the end of time.

> Bryan thinks the Mortal Engines books will be preserved. I promise him every single copy will be burned, in nuclear fire if necessary.

> We must watch it every night and memorize every line. Soon every tv channel in the world will only air the mortal engines film on repeat.

> The Cure, Covid-19 is our path to spreading far-left Analog Devolvedism across the globe. Agents! Keep up the cultural enrichment by burning the Mortal Engines books and promote the only true and honest telling of Philip Reeves vision …

StreetGangsta: Bryan, I'd just like to remind you that your efforts will amount to nothing while we slowly take over the world w/ the Mortal Engines movie.

Analog Devovled to democrats: you've lost. get over it.

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]



R:390 / I:95 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

JF is a fag

>I block people on ze twitter because zey make fun of me on ze pooblic spez

He is a butthurt faggot. You can call me a shill or what not but you know deep down inside that JF is a butthurt faggot. I don't support the Money Badger's narrative against him, I don't think he is a pedo who rapes autistic children, I just think he is a cuck.

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The Boring, Autistic Atheist

Does anyone remember this produce enthusiast who frequently uploaded videos about politics onto the internet?

He got a massive amount of subscribers back in the day, probably for his intelligence (he has an IQ that's above 160) and height (6'6").

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Login join

Bouhou bounou boubou bougou boulou

R:11 / I:3 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Daniel P. Lyons

Dudes of all teenages, meet Daniel P. Lyons. This guy is a doozy, he's an adult, yet he acts like a kid. He is known to make a webseries known as "The Rodfellows", which is a half-assed ripoff of another webseries known as "The Bedfellows" and feels like something straight out of the creator of Greeny Phatom's ass, here is some of the episodes of this quote unquote "webcartoon"

Gi's Very Big Belly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfnDK7kGF9Q

When Kids Get Mad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HXMitUf8bw

The Chocolate Cookies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_9ALPiexqI

But that's not all, he told someone on a public Google+ post that he jacks off to inflation fetish art and inserts his fatty fetishes into his webseries

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDanielLyons

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/dledeviant

FurAffinity (where he posts his fetish shit): http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lyonsaphinitee

Discord: DLEDiscord#3736

R:4 / I:2 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Chris will be raped in prison.

Chris will be raped in prison. LOL.

How will it sound? Will he plead? Scream? Quietly accept it?

R:31 / I:10 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

lucasblakeman thread.

Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to one of the biggest manchild in the foot fetish community, upalucasblakeman, or Marooey, and UnbanMarooey from Deviantart and lucasblakeman0 from Furaffinity.

This kid, omg, I don't know where to start.

1. He has been stealing artwork of Queen Ankha from Zp92 and refused to give credit.

2. He claims to be a friendly foot fetish kid who's friends with everyone yet, his attitude says otherwise. https://archive.is/v4dog


3. Not only is he a manchild, he's also a racist too. https://archive.is/BDOzX *insert that's racist video here.*

4. Every time someone blocks him, most likely because he harassed them for requests, he usually gets butthurt about it, and whines something like: Oh *username* you didn't have to block me, I was just asking you for requests.

5. He's also a manchild that resorts to using No u arguments.

6. Even though there were clear evidence of his art thievery, Lucas claimed that he's not an art thief.

7. Lucas has also tried to circumvent his ban by creating multiple accounts, which I'm pretty sure breaks several rules and may also be illegal.

I don't know about you guys, but I think lucas deserve this thread.



His Discord account: lucasblakeman0#3555

His Inkbunny account: Feetlover

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


>Be ((((Bobsheaux)))

>Virgin before dating fat fuck vegan single mother (((Raven Fox))) who does phone for a living

>Raven Fox openly shit on him with her phone sex clients

>simps for Raven when someone triggers her politically

>Actually encourage his autistic furry fans to doxxxxxxxed people for political and religious reasons

>Trying to cancel a random webcomic creator Gabe Johnson when he points out the Bible indeed isn’t pro LGBT

>Using YouTube community tab for cancel culture purposes

>throwing his own fans under bus and threatening to dox them for speaking out against Raven fox

How the fuck is ((((Bobsheaux))) not a lulzcow on foxdick farms yet? He pro cancel culture, cartoon reviewer, a Simp and pro doxxxxxxxing. He far worse and autistic than Linkara.

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Eugenia Cooney

What do you think of Eugenia Cooney? Is she still evil?

R:3 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Gay Jewish Pedo raped my little brother at nondenomonational church

We arrive in America about 3 years ago and after my second year of college I went to a local church just to experience something new before going back next year. I am taking care of my little brother because he's 11 and very easy to care for. I started making friends with the couples there and they even had me go get coffee with some youth peers and I left him there with the Sunday school kids. I really did not know how long it had been they promised to bring him back to my apartment…. I saw him walk in funny and he said nothing. I asked if he had made friends he said no we don't have friends here. My brother went on to become very depressed he ate less and talked less. I thought maybe a trip to the bookstore for manga would cheer him up. I saw him becoming more and more agitated at everything. I asked him to go back to the youth group with me he said no thank you so I went myself and left him things to watch and food. I came back from the Youth Ministry Hangout….

The tiny apartment was smelling really odd. He was washing himself with all kinds of chemicals bleach vinegar windex even some red in the bath water. I asked him why he was doing this and I cried he looked so scared. He told me this man asked him to come explore the back of the church area and then him and his wife tied him and went at it from both angles. I was so sick I had to leave how can my brother be the same again ? I did this to him and I can't fix it. we are in a better place now but he still sits in his room quiet for hours. These protestants took something that cant come back. I did the dumb and asked one day why he didn't fight back he said because I thought it was a game and then became paralyzed,… He still wakes up crying shaking wets the bed.

These people are out there hurting kids who think they're in a safe place…. for some reason this guy thinks it's safe for him to hang out around white nationalist circles on the internet and is married to some goblina… this is why protestant churches need to reject Jews.


Telegram: @Reconz

Facebook: Nick Cerce / Nick Pesci

Profession: Electroplater

Cell: 401-919-4772

Address: 642 Diamond Hill Rd.

Woonsocket RI, 02895 Apt. 1

His Church: The Way Ministries, Pawtucket, RI

Parents: John Nicolas Cerce, Michelle Renaud

R:1 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

El Arcon - Schizcow of halfchan

Frequents halfchan /x/ and /sci/

Real name is Jonathan Tooker.


Believes his former employers have a vault full of cash from the CIA that was legally in his name. Believes he discovered infinite energy. Believes everyone should be his sex slave.

Here’s a Reddit post where he believes himself to be a physicist and gets PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD



If you go on /x/ and argue with him it’s very easy to farm schizo freak outs. Often posts nonsensical papers on arXiv.

R:3 / I:7 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Rizon Faggot catatafishe Dox Thread

https://0x5f3759df.xyz/files/uploads/catatafishe.pdf have fun with this libcuck faggots social

R:2 / I:1 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Neslon The Map Activist

found this guy because of a youtube video I watched on this site called freespeechtube theirs alot of weird map mother fuckers on their but this guy seemed to be a jem out of all of them, he uploaded a video talking about dildo sizes https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/13tj which I thought was pretty funny, I'm shocked that creepy fuckers like this jackass still are able to breath on the planet but ay at least we get to make fun of them, here's another video of the guy with a flag he made https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/15qF

this is my first time making a thread on cow but I was wondering if anyone else knew about this guy and stuff before me

R:1 / I:1 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Map Activist that loves flexing his dildos

I watched a random video on this site called freespeechtube with some weird user on their that's acting like a kid or some shit but I went on the site and ran into this guys videos https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/15qF

I don't know much about him but all I do know is that this guy supports maps and talks about dildos on cam https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/13tj

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Isabella Jankem Containment

Creating a containment thread on what we know, just before other areas of the site get even more sperged out. Not simping for CwC, not simping for her, just posting any information we have on her here

R:70 / I:34 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/leftypol/ BO

Did we ever manage to get info out of this tranny?

R:271 / I:81 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

The Shadman Hate Brigade

>be an artist who's drawn controversial cocks for years

>suddenly now he's a problem

>somehow get a trolling forum to reeeee about you




It's fine if you just dislike what he draws or just reasonably dislike him as a person, but this is just beyond overboard.

R:1 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Add my discord :)

Fuck it worth a shot.



>Mental illness

Depression, anxiety, schizotypal and an Aspie


Im 150 pounds and 6 foot :)

>Why am I posting this?

Im never added on those annoying threads and im getting pretty desperate lmfao


I like anime, being racist online, voice chatting and shitposting sometimes on /S4S/


Colored people and fags

>Discord tag


R:1 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Add me im funny

Looking for a ebil cyclepath lainposter schizo gf to voice chat with!

I like lain, Drain gang, vidya games and lots of anime!

Im also racist lole

>discord tag


R:218 / I:78 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

DesTINY Thread (Steven Bonnel)


The ultimate intellectual, the final form of debate, the most brilliantest galaxy brained Rick and Morty watcher ever. The all-knowing god who totally doesn't exist had to make him 4'0 to compensate for the heavy weight of his wrinkly brain.

His stupidity and failed antics could fill twenty books. So, I think he definitely deserves a thread.

>Shitty LP streamer who admitted to jerking off to jailbait porn with his friends in his esports days

>Serial adderall abuser

>Unironic communist booklicker who wants to groom children to be pinkos

>Open pedophile who argues for the "ethics" of child rape and says child rape wouldn't be so bad if we'd just groom our kids to enjoy it

>Sends his minions to spam places like KiA and /pol/ for views. When they get banned he posts pictures of his tiny penis

R:1 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


Why is this guy so cringe? How do people get to such depths of cringe? And why do some people let their kids watch this shit?


R:1 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


>*speedruns to fridge*

This is what minecraft does to your body.

R:23 / I:11 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


I doon't understand how there hasn't been a thread for this absolute powerhouse of a retard, let me give you the rundown of what i know so far, though i'm sure i've only scratched the surface

>has some kind of clear severe autism/retardation

>has an obsession over the youtuber pyrocynical, to the point he makes a website dedicated to it

>tends to get furious at his fans for stuff that never happened

>makes absolutely phenomenal song parodies (see embed related being posted)

>made a snapchat, i added him on it, he sends a picture like related every night (he has the mask because he's too fat to breathe when he sleeps)

and for the top of the line

>he admitted to fucking dogs in his snapchat group but claims it was "in the pass" so it's ok, he still watches doggy porn however (see pics related)

with a direct line to communicate with him and send him pictures we could really get some dirt or fuck with him, i for one am incredibly excited to have such an opportunity

R:433 / I:122 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Timbox Thread #9: It’s the fucking ninth one.

Alright cutting the bullshit. A summary of what’s happened;

-Timbox is an autistic manchild who obsesses over Genndy Tartakovsky Cartoons, more recently Samurai Jack and his love interest, Ashi

-He has sperged over her since her first introduction, but has admittedly slowed since March 2018

-He now spends his time on twitter desperately trying to gather a crowd of followers who can then “attack” /cow/, completely unaware that blatant pandering appeals to literally no one.

-He also dumps on Trumps cuz “Orange man bad” (and also since Tara Strong, The voice of Ashi, hate the Drumpf.

Links to more information on Timmy;

DeviantART: http://timbox129.deviantart.com/

ED page: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Timbox

Tim's "Cwcki" is rarely Updated so it shall be removed.

Previous Thread(other previous threads are on the ED Page); https://8ch.net/cow/res/595614.html

R:2 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Leftist Discord Server

These fags have been really damn annoying. Blow it the fuck up.


R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


Henlo 8kun

Im bored and looking for a new fren whos willing to voice chat and do stuff in general.

I like drain gang, Lain and lots of animes.

>discord tag


R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


Looking for a schizo lainposter gf lole!

>discord tag


R:30 / I:13 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

TheHeroOfTomorrow Thread

You guys ever heard of this lolcow? He seems like one of those idiots online with pronounces and love to bash Orange Man Bad 24/7. I'm going to give you a short summary of him from the foxdicks dig on him.

>Brief Summary: Weird ass dude who lives with his mama at almost 30 years old, has worked as a shitty video reviewer (as a faux comic character of his own shitty imagination, mind you) for a variety of topics and products for the past 8+ years (think a more autistic Doug Walker, but not funny at all), is your stereotypical TCG nerd and Pokemonfag. Clearly wants to get with thots, albeit unsuccessfully like Penguinfag. Has recently finished his series of videos, ironically at the time when people will now finally start noticing him after years of not giving a fuck.



You wanna know what caused his ass to get doxxxxxxxed? Over a Pokemon film of all things. https://archive.fo/x2vxh

He's also KickVic and a male feminist. Giving you three guesses if he ever raped some chicks in his high school. :/

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Add me on discord!

Looking for a schizo autistic lainposter gf!

Add me if you are on discord!

>Discord tag


R:1 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Kiwi Farms/Analog Devolved of Comicsgate/Null thread

Null has his Russian partner. That do has implications about Comicsgate Analog Devolved, Assdiamond69 StreetGangsta, NerdShamer, BatteryIncluded, Koncorde, JustARandommer and Boo999.

R:389 / I:139 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Nicholas Fedorov/Aeromatic/Foxworth/Stimp

Last thread >>483160

Last week, Aero tried to flood half-chan with tranny propaganda and start an "e-war" with /pol/. After his Discord logs and pictures of retards cutting his name into their arms got leaked on /cow/ later spreading to /r9k/ and /pol/ he got banned from Discord and the tranny server he was coordinating raids in got shut down.

He's currently in lock-down mode, only letting his most obsessive orbiters into his newest Discord server(s).

Discord: aeromatic#0001

Twitter: https://twitter.com/aero0879

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBqM1esJEqGpKyFQb4f-zBw

R:268 / I:173 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


So for about 3 years now some crazy autist or troll(s) with a lot of time on their hands has been posting the same screen caps of forum posts and other things Barney related whenever a pony thread or image gets posted on a 4chan board that isn't /mlp/. Luckily Barneyfag only posts his shit on 4chan and hasn't moved to 8chan.

Some links




R:92 / I:25 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Lolcows in Pokémon community

Lol this guy is cringe af and do a lot of disgusting things in some of the streams


Also he accuses any player better than he of using "hacks"

R:329 / I:125 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

The Slums of Elwood


This forum is dedicated to true and honest fans of the children's TV show Arthur. There is some very strange stuff going on here.

On the surface it's a lot like other insane fandoms with its share of bizarre fetishes, creepy "art" and general degeneracy. But browse for a while and you will soon realize these people are seriously fucked in the head and potentially dangerous.

R:34 / I:19 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Rouge /v/ board owner Mark Mann: #4

Other thread is autosaging, this is the replacement.

Previous threads:

#1 >>611005

#2 >>692410

#3 >>769732

Mark Mann is the rouge board owner of /v/, who has gone off the deep end and is banning users who criticize/make fun of him.


>Mark fucked up a resetERA dig and alerted them of his presence

>Mass freak-out involving UN considering loli ban occurs

>Mark has banned several users who point out his stupidity and nudes, say his mom's dead, or post links to /v/ alternatives.

>Mark still banned from twitter

>Acidman outed as a furry

>Mark defends unteralterbach despite people warning everyone the underage characters are based off real minors.

>starting with >>771890 several users allege mark shares child porn through secret discord servers


R:175 / I:143 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Thought slime

Oh this one needs to be julayed!He thinks that Antifa are good guys and will diminish and dismiss any and all bad things they do. He deletes the comments of people who disagrees with him faster than Kristi Winters.

He even thinks that Sargon is a conservative. if you can call Sargon that then you must be really far to the left.

R:55 / I:13 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


Soy-induced faggot that "takes apart" right-wing youtubers with retarded arguments that can be debunked with 5 minutes of actual research. He deserves more hate but I never see anyone give him anything but praise

R:394 / I:190 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Dobson #3

Previous thread hit bump limit >>287410

New anti-drumf comics made are attracting a new audience, and even more detractors. How long do you think this is going to last?

R:24 / I:4 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Sean Miller Diaper Fag

Sean Miller is a diaperfag who is harassing foxdick Farms as we speak.


Sean Russell Miller

Phone - 410-702-8001

DOB - 6/22/1995


1811 Watch House Circle South, Severn, MD.

Twitter - https://twitter.com/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Oh.No.Its.Bill


Tammy Miller

Phone - 240-232-2678

DOB - 6/22/1977

R:65 / I:31 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Belle Delphine and her fans

Can her and her paypiggies be considered lolcows?

R:23 / I:8 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

New lolcow?

Look what I found something!


R:188 / I:143 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Nasim Aghdam thread


Crazy Iranian vegan who epicly failed at shooting up Jewtube HQ. She seems like a truly exceptional individual. Follower of Baha'i religion:

>teaches unity and equality of all

>governing body located in Israel

>rejects nationalism and racism

>literally seeks a "new world order"

>pushes for a worldwide auxiliarly language such as (((Esperanto)))




Nasim Aghdam vid backups: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7or65irvyj3cpv8/dm_backup.7z?dl=0

R:338 / I:102 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

onision thread

So /cow/ what does he do these days. Does he still rant about veganism and religion and stuff?

R:53 / I:24 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]




R:162 / I:54 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

who is this?

who is this? I see him posted everywhere on 8chan as the perfect encapsulation of /leftypol/, and it's kinda true lmao

R:10 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

B345t1n355 is not a normalfag

everything said on this is screenshot is completely false and slanderous, thank you for your time

R:339 / I:157 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Dave Kelly (Shmorky) Thread

I know you fags remember this ugly asshole, he comes up every once in a while for pulling edgy antics like dressing up as a girl and openly alienating his very few personal friends by being a dickwad.

Some guy posted his latest debacle on 4/x/ where his schizophrenic fiance (how'd he even get one kek) started texting Lowtax and his wife about them being satanists or something. Even recorded an argument between the two


https://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_o1w43x4GGX1v772mro1.mp3 (Argument between Shmorky and his schizo gf)


(Fag who posted this on /x/ for some fucking reason)

SA (eww) thread on it:


Encyclopedia Dramatica article on him:


This guy's been up to nothing but kekworthy shit since 2000, don't know if it will but this latest event might turn into more hilarity. Perhaps we can julay it somehow?

Find out next time on the

Adventures into the land of Goonsquad: Behind the Diaper

R:57 / I:17 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

a big autist

someone who have some mental trouble, he is really easy to troll him,

on deviantart, he draw some crap pictures, and redraw some pictures from some artists

youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrNickanater1

deviantart: https://nickanater1.deviantart.com/

and some pictures…

R:58 / I:28 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Griffin Olness / Pikacheese / Exist0r

adhd brony commie school shooter wannabes flex he's from ED and thinks everyone is me people have been coming to me for the past year, which is why im making it. got groomed by discord trannies like aero and reiko and their suboridinates. paste bin contains the fbi his mom and shotguns and more fun https://pastebin.com/7nFJVupt

R:186 / I:27 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Owen Benjamin

100% convinced the moon landing is fake.

Livestreams every day yelling about this.

Bans you if you don't agree.

I found out about him when he was kicked out of his wife's thanksgiving for yelling about the moonlanding and his wife's family was tired of hearing about it. So he got drunk off White Claw seltzers and yelled about it on Youtube.

Just killed a weasel today and is bragging about it on his livestream. Reported him to the WA State DNR.



R:274 / I:116 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Anonymous Lejun

Why has nobody tried to milk people who still call themselves "anonymous legion"?

Seriously, there is a cringy goldmine here

R:400 / I:252 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]


God, you're pathetic.
R:265 / I:82 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Lena Kochman / gangstalking 3(?): come stalking with me

Last one hit bumplimit. >>95980

Sum of last thread:

>a few minor cows show up

>lena and someone else end up happening to get "hidden camera detectors", end up convincing themselves of gangtrolling spying troll really happening while the device actually picks up the phone camera that's filming their video, the microwave, a store's security cameras, electrical wiring, etc.

>GaruchillaJoe Tries It: Being a biological terrorist

>Crazy Bonnie gets called a "weirdo", thinks wikileaks is going to do anything about the gangtrolling meme

>Lena implies she's a rape victim (which would explain a lot)

>tinfoil-lined cars

>green is now on the list of harassment colors

>D Hilton threatened to kill people, no update after 2 years

>761c27, a "gangtrolling victim" himself, appears to autism

R:118 / I:21 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Mumkey Jones/Tyler Miller/Vincent The Atheist

‘’’Mumkey Jones: the new ProJared’’’

Earlier this month, Mumkey Jones (real name Tyler Miller) released a video where he admitted to cheating on his girlfriend of two years and tried to justify it by saying he was “in a bad place mentally” because his jewtube channel got removed. He also said that he had a drug addiction which he was taking care of and he and his gf were undergoing couples therapy.

Kind of a shitty thing to do, but at least he came clean about it, right?


It turns out that Tyler was being a dishonest prick. As Mrmetman’s video shows, this nigger spent the whole video either lying to the audience or telling half truths, leaving out information he knew would make his audience turn on him. Here’s a quick rundown of just some of the points made in the vid:

>Tyler’s main source of revenue wasn’t his jewtube channel, it was his paypig, which was making 2k a month at its peak.

>Tyler was never addicted to anything other than alcohol; he did acid with his sidehoe once and smoked THC from time to time but that’s it

>most fucked up of all, Tyler wasn’t just cheating on his girlfriend of 2 years with any random chick; he was dating a babyfur pedophile who called herself LiuTheKitty

Liu had previously been an emotionally abusive relationship with a fifteen year old named Dylan that she met on discord (because of course the babyfur uses discord). Admittedly, Tyler didn’t know that Liu had been in a relationship with an underage teen, but he did know that she was a degenerate furfag. So still, that’s fucked up.


Mrmeatman actually ‘’staged an interview with LiuTheKitty’’ where she talked about all the messed up shit he did while they were together. Here’s just some of the stuff that he did. While Liu might be a degenerate scumbag, that doesn’t make anything Tyler did less shitty.

>Tyler was a degenerate who loved getting tied up in bed. The first time him and Liu fucked, he got her to tie him to the bed while they were both tripping on acid.

>Tyler encouraged Liu to make a trip to his place in North Carolina. Liu didn’t have the money, so Tyler promised to pay for a train ticket to NC. This pennypinching nigger wouldn’t even pay for half the fair even though he was making a shitload on paypig.

>Tyler didn’t like condoms, so he fucked Liu when she came over to his place. Liu admitted that she was nervous that she might’ve gotten pregnant and Tyler responded by saying that she wouldn’t be allowed to leave him if she got pregnant.

>Tyler threatened to kill himself multiple times as a way to make her stay with him.

>After the two broke up, Tyler slid into her dms begging her to not fuck her new boyfriend like the pathetic beta male he really is.

He was actually messaging Liu while mrmeatman was interviewing her. Jesus tapdancing Christ, what a faggot.


R:89 / I:13 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Steven Universe Thread

I can say that when Steven Universe is finally off the air no one will miss it other than the mentally ill and deranged people who make Lily Peet look sane in comparison.

It is time to bash this show's godawful fandom, godawful TV show, godawful crew members, and godawful writing.

R:400 / I:213 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

newfag board can't take the heat

sup /cow/. oldfag here

I think /intl/ is, itself a cow. I guarantee that every single time they are fucked with, they will burst into treats

before agreeing with me, I present to you this evidence which you should peruse at your leisure:





and obviously scoots agrees in his stream thing from earlier, about three quarters in http://www.hitbox.tv/video/552631

R:152 / I:49 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]


>Treats his fans/supporters like shit

>Can't code for shit

>doesn't spend as much time on him game as claims to do (shown by his twitch streams)

>Sperged out in front of the creator of SkullGirls after he had given him criticism on a past game project

>Has made made multiple posts on both 8chan and 4chan jerking himself off about how "uncucked" his game is

there's a bunch more things that this man has done but I'd say his a pretty noteworthy lolcow

R:31 / I:5 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Nu-/pol/ related lulzcows

Tyler Barriss

>Nazi larper that was admin of multiple racist steam groups

>Proud that he posted on 8/pol/ before 8chan shutdown

>members of white supremacist wannabes discord that organized spamming of mutt memes

>Get arrested by the FBI for targeting e-celebs and random people with swatting

>Turns out he was a atheist jew with Mexican heritage

>Got caught because he showed up to /pol/ meet ups in real life

Is it just me or this becoming more common? It almost like the people Who thinks mutt memes are funny are always mutts.

R:35 / I:6 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Kiwi Farms Users / Drama

Old thread reached bump limits. Post about all the foxdicks and how they're the real lolcows here

R:163 / I:42 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

YouTube Animator Hate

Why haven't these little shits been given as much hate as they deserve? Why have communities known to mock everyone, such as Encyclopedia Dramatica, left these Z-gen amateur "animators" alone?

R:11 / I:7 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

shit 8/cow/ missed

let's begin with some recent stuff,

>iDubbbz is a Simp

<Projared has been cheating on his 5/10 coplayer wife Heidi for a 1+ year now with some streamer/"cocks creator" who use to date married (who cares?) Ross of Gamegrump fame. He (allegedly) abused her, ignored her, tried to get her to sign an NDA to shut her up and sent his friends after her for over the course of a year. Multiple reports of him being involved with underage fans, possible pedo. Pretty much deconfirmed.

>tl;dr there are Projared nudes

>Mumkey Jones / Tyler Millard / Simian Jimmy / @VincentHatesGod & Ashley Simonetti / Liu the Kitty

<Tyler moved in a Trailer, after a few meltdowns he's back sporadically uploading

>MundaneMatt / Matt Jarbo / Jihadi Jarbo /


<exposed video now fully animated

>Matt isn't the Father of his girlfriends Child


>Andy Warski / Adam "Race" Warski

<he had another meltdown, getting his gay friend arrested

>SLB made a neat video on him


R:104 / I:39 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Erik "Tazman" Mokracek Thread

Erik "Tazman" Mokracek is someone who is below Chris-Chan levels of IQ. Erik "Tazman" Mokracek is a nostalgia fag who obsesses over children in children's cartoons that no one has heard of.

His major waifu is a one note character from an obscure 80's cartoon. He owns a fictional company called Classix which is his own Sonichu but unlike Sonichu he does not put any effort in actually making anything.

When he is not obsessing over his fictional company. The only thing he does online is act like a creepy pedophile who makes crappy art and videos which he calls masterpieces that feature he fetishes towards cartoon children and cartoon children shitting. He also sometimes likes to talk shit about his own sister behind the computer for no reason at all. His dox is available on the internet so he can easily baited and trolled.

AmIRight: http://www.amiright.com/parody/authors/eriktazmokracek.shtml (Archive: http://archive.li/ir4nK)

DeviantArt: https://mollyhaleismyfriend.deviantart.com/ (Archive: http://archive.li/VeB0S)

Encyclopedia Dramatica: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Erik_"Tazman"_Mokracek (Archive: http://archive.li/KXP9a)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MGHSHour (Archive: http://archive.is/AXtt7)

Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2239609/MGHSHour (Archive: http://archive.is/qGHCp)

LiveJournal: https://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=psxgameworld (Archive: http://archive.li/22s8S)

PhotoBucket: http://s32.photobucket.com/user/CowboyErik/profile (Archive: )

ProBoards: http://tazsnewforums.proboards.com/ (Archive: http://archive.li/2C1JZ)

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:MGHSHour&diff=842333619&oldid=630317327 (Archive: http://archive.is/pFWLV)

R:51 / I:18 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]


Brian Zaiger has had his admin privileges revoked on Encyclopedia Dramatica after it came to light that he was going to sell the wiki for meth money. He's also homeless and begging for money on his Facebook and waging a war on the ED admins from his war room aka Starbucks. I for one welcome our new faggot overlords.


EDF3 THREAD: https://forum.encyclopediadramatica.rsPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/new-shit-talking-zaiger-thread.29075/

R:58 / I:14 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Peter Coffin leaks

I couldn't bump the last Peter Coffin thread, so here's a new one with a great new development!


The whore's nudes leaked!

Someone hacked Peter's wife's phone or something and stole 20MBs of shit.

>nude gifs

>nude pics

>nude videos

>Peter's tiny dick pics

>Pictures of both of their ID cards

>A voice recording of the doll crying because he cheated on her or something.


Have fun.

R:27 / I:24 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Sarah Jacobson/ therobotspa/ truemoodproductions

Sarah is a 21 year old, NEET in the barest sense of the word, nonbinary "youtuber". She makes vlogs that are rip offs of other equally shit youtubers, like shane dawson and jenna marbles, and calls them original. She feels the need to grab a fucking camera when leaving the house, because that's the most action packed part of her week. She brings toys that literally nobody remembers out with her in public, just begging for that sweet attention.

While already wasting precious cyberspace with her low effort videos, she makes a comic featuring a gay, underage, interracial relationship called Secrets At Blackpoint.

Any comment that isn't patting her ass or sucking her dick is considered "toxic" to her fanbase, and she goes on to REEEEEEE about it on her echo chamber of a twitter. Apparently, blocking all the haters is an accomplishment to her, and her merry band of spergs of a community. Then again, when one is as massive of a vagina as her, things like this matter. Any negative comments are attacked by her army of equally retarded and incompetent 12 year old fans. When you close yourself off in a bubble, with nothing but trash youtube, and kids as interaction, she has no understanding as to how the real world works, so imaginary internet points are important to her.

She tries her hardest to stay relevant by hopping along with now dead trends, such as 80's, vaporwave, lo-fi, and kidcore.

Because mommy and daddy stopped giving her handouts, she also spends a great portion of her time e-begging over paypal and paypig. She now lives in a 10x12 room with her dad, and her brainless mongrel of a rabbit. Wowee, look at how successful her job has gotten her. Living the dream, am I right?

Point is, I think we have a potential fat heifer ready for julaying.

fujoshi's wet dream of a comic

https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/secrets-at-blackpoint/list?title_no=178572 ← this one is especially fun to fuck with, because you can make a burner account with 10 minute email, and wreak havoc.




e begging accounts




https://www.ebay.com/usr/truemoodproductions ← buy her useless household shit

https://www.redbubble.com/people/truemood?asc=u ← get her shitty art on a shirt, sky's the limit when you don't give a fuck









https://truemoodpro.tumblr.com/ ← pretty inactive, but exists anyway

dumbcane84.tumblr.com ← side blog, eye cancer inbound


reddit.com/u/therobotspa ← not as interesting, but exists anyway

R:43 / I:11 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Vaush's Live Meltdown

Does anybody have an archive of autistic, anarchist YouTuber "Vaush" yesterday having a live meltdown over his admittedly retarded transgender audience? (26/7/2019)

This was taken down from his stream abruptly and immediately afterwards. Looking for anything archived, it may have been lost, but I have to doubt.

If you haven't looked into this cow, yesterday he alienated half his tranny audience and lost 200 subs sperging out over being blocked by another small, autistic youtuber, Thought Slime.This was clearly more than our boy could handle, and it sent him over the edge into a four hour live meltdown about hating the mentally ill trannies he attracts and getting blocked by leftists. One look at his cocks, and you know why the mentally ill trannies flock. He proves his own system ("Anarcho-Syndicalism") wrong.

I do believe the tweets are still up.


R:12 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Fredrick Brennan disavowing Infinity

>Fredrick Brennan is destroying everything he worked for

This is so sad! Alexa, play Despacito.

>autistically threatened


That's so ableist!



R:54 / I:15 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Israeli jew Tom Grauer and his pedophile Daily Stormer spinoff

This jew is running a DS-like blog where he rants about "Legalization of Rape, Pedophilia, and Child Prostitution." Absolute LOLCow material.

His post titles sound like Robert Putnam on a bad day, including:

>The FBI Should Just Send All Teenagers to Jail and Be Done With It

>The Reason You (the Puritan) Support “Abstinence” is Because You’re a Faggot

>Suggestion for the Puritan Americans: Invade Mexico and the Philippines and “Fix” their Ages of Consent

>Nerds Should Get Laid or Else There Will be Strife

>Teenagers are Slitting their Wrists and Shooting their Brains Out Because of Pedohysteria

>The Best Child Porn is Girls Masturbating Alone to an Orgasm

>I Hope Trump Did Have Sex With a 13-Year-Old

>The Police are Eating Donuts and Watching Child Porn

>Teen Pregnancy Has Collapsed Because of Conservative Dipshits Who Hate Nature

>Had George Orwell Written “1984” Today, He would’ve Been Called a Pedophile and Linked to Pizzagate

>At the Age of 23 I Still Fantasize About the Teenage Sluts I Went to School With

>First Wave Feminists Were Lesbians, and If They Existed Today, They’d be Posting Cat Pics on Tumblr and Singing Songs About Castration

>Michael Jackson’s Pedophilia Makes Me Enjoy His Music Even More

>I Praise The Works of Robert Heinlein Even Though I Haven’t Actually Read Them

>The Problem is Not That Teachers and Students Have Sex With Each Other, But That They Don’t Have Nearly Enough Sex With Each Other

>Make Testosterone Great Again (By Legalizing Rape)

>FBI Agents Will Literally Transform Into 8-Year-Old Girls to Seduce and Subsequently Incarcerate Pedos

>Napoleon is Being Raped in Hell by Liliths With Flaming Vaginas

>There is Something Salutary About Fertility Goddess Worship

>Cheer Up, MGTOWs: Absolute Femicide is Not Implausible if Ancient Astronauts Were Real

>Joseph Stalin was Not Only a Scholar But Also a Gentleman, and a Much Better Human Being Than Lavrentiy Beria

>Judith “Freakshow” Butler’s Agender Agenda is Factually Wrong: Only Words Have a Gender

>They Called Me a Pedophile So I Became One

>As a Pervert I Support Anime, Albeit I Don’t Watch It Myself

>I Looked Into My Crystal Ball and It Showed Me Anders Breivik Converting to Islam

>It Will Be Really Funny When The Jews Build The Third Temple

>Groping is Not an Olympic Sport But It Should Be, and Larry Nassar Deserves a Gold Medal

>In This Hypothetical Future I Fantasize About, There Will Be Fewer Schools and Fewer Prisons

>If Someone Should Support The Colonization of The Universe, That is Pedophiles

>As Leader of The Men’s Movement, I Declare That The Definition of The Word “Gentleman” is Now “Rapist”

>If Austin Powers Had Mojo He’d Fuck Teenagers Rather Than Old Slags

>Santa Claus is Real and He’s a Time-Traveling Pedophile

>Blue Knights Should Anally Rape Seth MacFarlane on Live Television to Prove a Point

Looks like he's growing a cult around himself with their own autistic terminologies. That is his blog:


R:27 / I:12 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Who is Linkara?

I heard about him in Oneyplays and I looked him up and he seems like a total idiot. I saw a video where he keeps yelling I AM A MAAYYUUNN! and throwing a girly punch and would pull his hand back and have something stupid in it. Is he liked by people? He seemed like a cow to me.

R:42 / I:15 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

#MEtoo lulzcows

Kaylyn Dicksion Aka Marzgurl

>The second fattest girl in channel awesome

>most unpopular female personality on channel awesome

>Only has 2K more subs than the Familiar faces aka CA my little downy analyst

>not only she wears heavy makeup to hide her wrinkles

>She has been faking her bust size for years(Even on Marzgurl recent videos her boobs keep changing shape and sizes )

>Probably has a gunt because sometimes her stomach looks bigger than her tits

>Married a half Mexican half Korean manlet to support her financially

>Tries to gain popularity by becoming a leader of the #MEtoo movement

>Started the #KickoutVic and got voice actor Vic Mignogna fried

>Later her movement got exposed for multiple lies including not being at the same con where Vic supposedly groped them

>Marzgurl calls Vic homophobic because he refused to sign pornographic Yoai art

>Meanwhile Marzgurl told fag jokes and went on homophobic rants for years years

>Marzgurl has also been exposed as a closeted racist

>#KickoutVic and Marzgurl now openly begging Vic not too sue them on twitter

Unpopular girl channel awesome character to #MEtoo leader to /pol/ waifu.

R:317 / I:182 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]


Do you guys remember that one guy who decided that he was a 'goofy'? I don't remember his name and I'm trying to locate the laugho imagery. He had a Furaffinity account too if I remember correctly.
R:190 / I:60 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

King of Pole Thread #3: Literal Faggot edition

Previous thread - https://archive.is/1TOQx

R:17 / I:3 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Spoony Thread

Spoony getting evicted, lol

His girlfriend also left his ass

R:36 / I:11 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Aydin Paladin




>Bipolar Disorder



>Hardcore coalburner

>Faked suicide attempt at least two times


>Posted julayers on cuckchan

>Likes loli porn, scat and bestiality

>Larps as a pagan and claims that Odin is her 45th great-grandfather

>Larps as a scientist (she has no publications)

>Doxed herself in a debate against Destiny

>Claims that Kraut gave her a neurodegenerative disease and that she is in a wheelchair since then.

>Compulsive Liar (lied about the wheelchair, her tits on cuckchan, her Jewish ancestry, her published research and so on. She also tried to erase her coalburning past from the internet)

>Was anorexic in high school

>Treats her people horribly. Treated the guy that ran her Discord in a way you wouldn’t treat a dog

>Started to cry when Kraut rejected her

>Mistreated her main contributor on the paypig and said horrible things to him

> Has had 4 disastrous relationships since she started her yt career.


>Sold lingerie pics on her old paypig account

>had a viking funeral for her hamster


R:34 / I:12 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]





There's been a thread about this guy in the past, but I think it's time for a new one because he's underwent some changes since then.

Garrett is an active blogger right here on 8kun, posting every day. You may have never heard of him because his boards are not for anyone but himself and he makes no effort to accommodate anyone else.

He used to operate two boards, >>>/eerie/ where he discusses his husbando from a kpop cartoon who has now become a tulpa, and >>>/garrett/ where he discusses his life and politics, though /eerie/ has its fair share of political overlap. /garrett/ was not migrated.

He is writing a Fist of the North Star fanfiction about his tulpa that's sparsely updated due to his mental health deteriorating.

Dare I to say it, he may be /ourguy/, posting primarily /pol/ cocks, though with a wizardchan edge to it.

Here is a hilarious selection from his book thread. >>>/eerie/893

"- Real life politics will not be as big of a topic in the actual books as I am probably making it appear here. It'll only be a subtext at best.

Though, I should mention that by the time that Eerie gets around to the countries that actually have a nigger population, all of them will be dead already anyway, so there's hardly anything to politicize anymore. 99% of modern politics are concerned with babysitting black nigger monkeys and their cousins like spic and arabs, so what could I possibly say if they're no longer alive and need babysitting?

I'm going to do a Turner Diaries thing where everyone has run out of food, and the resourceful whites and Asians farm and prosper while the, uh, others cannibalize themselves. There will be zero instances of white cannibalism; it's an idea that exclusively enters nigger minds. They'll all eat each other and die out without whites even needing to do anything.

Also, while we're on the subject, I'm going to have guns more scarce in the United States than initially intended, because black nigger men will have forced their way into gun stores and people's homes et cetera and stolen millions of rounds of ammunition during the very early days of the riots. And in their savage nigger hands, they will fire in full auto at approximately nothing with those millions of rounds, and they will have expended nearly every single cartridge in the country in a matter of weeks, having accomplished nothing substantial with their weapons, while the resourceful whites use their bullets for self-defense and in semi-auto only."

I think there's potentially tons of julay from this guy if you have the patience for him and know what questions to ask and which buttons to press.

R:400 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


He goes by the alias Smiley or 'Fringe Wizard' and ran an imageboard website called Fringechan.

Now, despite being connected to both imageboards and wizardry, Smiley actually refers to himself as a wizard in the traditional sense.

He believes in what he calls the "Astral planes" and follows numerous texts of Occult teachings, conspiracies, and fringe magic. This isn't just your everyday yogi or guru following a religion, no, Smiley is taking the most batshit insane paranormal practices and forming his entire life and site around it.

It gets worse (or better).

This is combined with the fact that he believes wholeheartedly in the internet ideology of "redpilling" and incorporates this with his teachings. However he isn't just taking the National Socialist ideas from it, he's buying all the extremist /pol/ memes from it as well and spews them throughout his posts as absolute fact.

Smiley will often refer to himself as "green-pilled" instead though because he felt the typical red-pill image was not enlightened.

He's an internet Nazi and a magician in real life. He hasn't given up any of his previous crazy beliefs, he's just expounded upon them.

Smiley knows very little about the world. Unlike Chris however it's not because he's exceptional, he deliberately refuses to because he cares little for the material world. And he also claims that he's trying to access the "akashic records" for all knowledge.

Smiley lost Fringechan due to him not paying for the host and moved to >>>/fringe/ . Fringechan was created again under new ownership(Aplam) who offered smiley the role of being a moderator in the board, smiley sperged and fought people who supported the idea of going to fringechan by calling them "shills". He got demoted from his mod role and sperged again in fringe's IRC.

Smiley is known for his many suicide attempt by hanging, cutting, and sometime "wizardy" operation. His latest wizard suicide was him trying to "duel" people using magic.

[8:56:17 PM] Fringe Wizard: I am alone in the woods right now and the fucking coyotes are somewhere to my left but they STILL won't attack and eat me.

I wonder how no one noticed this guy even though he had a thread in kiwifarms.

http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=09e_1462323576 (← him trying to kill himself)

https://youtu.be/ptWVe1DSM3U (← a video of him dancing)


He frequents >>>/fringe/ and >>>/4chon/

email: FringeWizard@gmail.com

R:128 / I:13 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

S'Arais/Tristan Anderson Thread 3: At least I can make fun of myself

Right, while I'm having the rare, fleeting moment of me actually being human, let me put these up here so I can't avoid them, and so I can't destroy them when I inevitably go back to my standard cyclical behavior.

Proceed to laugh at me and my autistic furshit while I have a moment of humanity.

I'm not the one who was constantly shilling 4chan on cuckchan, though. And I'll continue to defend Evolve (but not 2k's monetization and actions) to the death.

Oh well, at least I've found something that lets me comprehend reality a bit better.

If you really want to make use of my autistic mary-sue though, just ask and give me an idea, I'm sure we can collaborate on the damned thing and make it less autistic garbage, whilst still keeping to the general concept of the character and getting rid of the mary-sue bullshit cards and making it something more worthy of H.R. Geiger, H.P. Lovecraft, and John Carpenter.

Or don't, and continue to assume I ever thought i was a xeno IRL, that's cool and funny to me. It's all inevitable in the end, meaningless in the end, and all I can do is scream into the abyss.

R:141 / I:31 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Wings of Redemption/Jordie Jordon

This fat autist use to be one of the big CoD Jewtubers way back in the day, but he has pretty much gone rock bottom and is prime for julaying.

>Throws controllers around when he gets mad at games.

>Gets very mad when you give him life advice.

>Gets pissed when you mock him about how he sucks at video games.

>Claims that Call of Duty literally ruined his life.

>Only plays video games anymore,because it makes him money.

>Very easy to get a reaction out of him.

I believe these videos can speak for themselves.



R:325 / I:71 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Nicholas Fedorov/Aeromatic/Foxworth/Stimp

Last thread >>492943

New cocks are arriving so you can ignore/mute Chijo's attention whoring.

Aero is currently building his new chan imageboard 9800chan and is in a romantic relationship with segfault. He's also buying more expensive junk on Noppin and was allegedly raped (according to him) by a former enabler of his who showed up to his house the day after he was DOXed by /cow/. The alleged rapist is currently happy to answer any questions you might have, so if you're interested in that add him Von#7777

Discord: aeromatic#0001

Rizon: #9800chan



R:103 / I:20 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Monica Rial will sue you - #KickVic scandal

Seems there's a bit of controversy in the anime dubbing community. At the request of Monica Rial and several of her co-workers, Vic Mignogna has been FIRED by Funimation for harassment. What kind of harassment? What were the actual details? Nobody knows because she refuses to say anything. Several people have even accused Vic of touching underage children… only to have to claims immediately debunked, but what REALLY matters is Monica and her friends' extremely unspecific claims of some kind of general wrongdoing that you should be very upset about.

Now, things are getting SERIOUS. Monica Rial has been accused of lying about Vic to get rid of potential competition at convention speaking roles, to boost her profile or just because she doesn't like the guy, which is totally untrue and you can tell because her behavior is so logical and genuine!

But our girl, our REAL LIFE Bulma Briefs (an anime character whose most notable accomplishments are being born to a rich family and being the wife of an important person) is taking any flak! She's getting POLICE and LAWYERS involved, and if you tweet the wrong thing at her, you're going straight to jail! She's gonna put you in INTERNET JAIL for CYBER CRIMES!

So whatever you do, definitely don't tweet mean things at her. Don't call her a liar, don't accuse her of making shit up for attention and sympathy, don't tweet stupid memes and silly garbage at her just to make fun of her, DON'T tell her she's a terrible voice actor and only gets so many big roles because of nepotism when she has all the talent of a 4Kids dub actor after a crack binge, and whatever you do, DEFINITELY don't tweet at her that Broly has a higher power-level than Bula.

R:163 / I:38 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Richard Spencer

is this guy a cow inducer or is he a cow?

R:207 / I:75 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Right Wing Lolcows General (/rwlg/) V: The Jews Strike Back

This is a general thread for lolcows from the right side of the autism political spectrum who either haven’t earned one of their own, don’t currently have one of their own, and random examples of cringe or new discoveries. As well as drama, whether it is between cuckservatives and WNs/NEETsocs or any in-fighting among various right-leaning factions.

/pol/, Kekistanis, Magapedes, lolbergtarians, Q-LARPers, Christfags/Creationists, An-Craps, JPB Lobster shills, crusaders against the Cultural Marxists. Any and all of the above are well within the ballpark.

Pics related are (in order): newest /pol/ op, Jordan Peterson slayer of Marxist cucks with a lobster, and JPB’s grandma-related sex dreams.

Previous General Threads

1: https://archive.li/XSIa7

2: https://archive.li/H3zf4

3: https://archive.li/7xJRR

3(2): https://archive.li/sQaXI

4: http://archive.fo/F2GFJ

Previous /pol/, Kekistani, QAnon Threads

https://archive.li/5a6Hm + https://archive.li/Xpvhq + https://archive.li/sADhH

https://archive.li/gdaW0 + https://archive.li/nVfqK + https://archive.li/inrPP

https://archive.li/HgQiQ + http://archive.is/1Dvh5 + http://archive.is/KbdHy


Moleman9000 / ResonX / Gabe Navarro

Registered Republican, autistic brother of Dave Navarro, and /cow/ alumnus infamous for his Nava-Verse “comics” and sperging the fuck out on several wikis. No longer enters our bullying lair.

Davis Aurini

A gay cowboy with a skull fetish who scammed gullible GamerGate people out of thousands of dollars and then got upset when people realized he wasn’t as good of a film maker as he thought he was. His two best/worst works are “Lust in the Time of Heartache” and “The Sarkeesian Effect”, er, sorry, I mean “Immersed in Subversion”.

Matt Forney

Human tub of lard “alpha” with a blog, who can’t stop listening to Peter Sotos or getting his Twitter gassed. Intimidated by Antifa faggots on videotape. Hangs out with the likes of “Sarkeesian Effect” creator and GamerGate sperg Davis M.J. Aurini.

Goyim Goddess / Sinead McCarthy

Sinead is a white nationalist, conspiracy theorist, and feminist (literal feminazi!) that believes mesas are all that is left of trees, and that what we know of as trees in this day and age are actually frauds put there by das Juden. She is notable for her song parodies, which are a mixed bag in terms of quality, and for getting into a shouting match with Evalion and her “Autism Crew”

Glenn Beck

Glenn is a perpetually butthurt cuckservative who smothered Cheetos all over himself during a mental breakdown he had over Donald Trump while trying to look like he was “making fun” of Trump. Formerly hosting a radio show and a Fox News program. He is the target of mockery in just about every political circle ever, and is a living meme.

The Lobster Buckaroos

Ledditors who worship a Canuck Psychology Professor named Jordan Peterson. The Backaroos, Lobsters, or whatever you want to call them, are all incredibly autistic and will defend him to the grave. Any video or post meant to make fun of him for acting goofy is inevitably flooded with these people who declare you a menace to western civilization. They were all raised by single mothers and hadn’t washed their penises until Daddy Jordan told them to.


A hellish landscape filled with boomers, the_donald is a circlejerk (excuse me, “never-ending rally”) dedicated to the 45th POTUS, Donald John Trump. The butthurt tyrannical mods will frequently ban anybody even attempting to have a discussion amongst likeminded peers. They always steal memes from /pol/ but are scared of being called racist. Many believe in the QAnon LARP.


By posting in this thread, you pledge allegiance to the JIDF, SRS, SA, CTR, TRS, T_D, Antifa, /intl/, /leftypol/, and all future boogeymen. Praise Kek! Subvert every board you can (((brothers)))!

R:12 / I:4 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

John A. Fernandez/Vamplust Blackmore

A furfag artist got arrested in 2014 for having child pornography, possibly including videos of “infants and toddlers.” He’s currently out on parole and already trying to get himself back into furry bullshit, which (of course) many of the degenerates are giving him a warm welcome back.

At the moment, he lives in Nebraska, with his home address at 15709 Monroe St Omaha, NE 68135 Douglas County (last verified 12/18/19)

Here’s his entry on the registry: https://sor.nebraska.gov/Registry/Offender/201907S6R

And here’s his FurAffinity account: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vamplust/

R:34 / I:22 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


ITT we appreciate cows, whether they make you lol or not

R:169 / I:132 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Gay Discords and Boards

Apart from stuff like POLGB which is fairly well known (which has a Peod mod btw) You have stuff like the HRT positive Threads ,People posting about their castration fetishes , CP , /POL/ using Cross dressers ( https://aubreythekitty.tumblr.com/) who cosplay with AR15s , otherkins , people say they will inject coca cola into their blood stream for youtube subs and so much more !

R:341 / I:111 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

I'm obsessed with some ebegger pls go after her: Super re-run edition

>Be Dominic Vanner

>A attic-neckbeard NEET, who can't do anything except stream and steal cocks from 4chan and other cocks creators.

>Spent last decade begging on 4chan

>Closet is full of women's clothes he orders online


>your gay lol

>Brobably something went wrong at birth :DDD

>have sex sweaty

Dominic my man this isn't healthy

All me lol:





R:15 / I:9 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]





The foot loving, 30 year old who still lives with his parents and went to Asia to score only to fail miserably.

R:139 / I:55 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

stop bully you shit 8chan cow ????????????

stop bully peoples you shit 8chan cow i alwayse hate 8chan cow and the peoples not a cow

R:20 / I:18 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

New Fat Lolcow

Discovered her a while on 4chan so thought Id share her.

Ivy Sirene

Wannabe Porn Star

Huge Stoner

Kik is ivy_sirene

She gets so mad when her "hard work" is spread for free lol

R:353 / I:52 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

MGTOW lulzcows

Raging Golden Eagle

>Proud sexual deviant weeb Who reviewed a sex doll on YouTube

>A MGTOW activists who campaign for men to fuck dolls

>Admits to flooding random boards with MGTOW shills that decry anti-MGTOW persecution

>not only Name dropping 8chan on his videos

>He demands 8chan implement down voting system for shadowbanning

>Might’ve moved to third world nations for underage prostitutes

Look at the comments on his sexdoll review video. It’s a goldmine for cringe and possible future lulzcows.

R:27 / I:25 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Matthew Kiel Cooper

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great honor to present to you, Chat-Avenue dot net's cringiest pedophile,

Matthew Kiel Cooper

6112 River Rd

Sharpsburg MD 21782

Mom's cell phone 240-291-1412

R:109 / I:29 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Pamperchu- Babyfur engineer

Just as bad as the name sounds, Pamperchu as he's called on youtube is an ABDL fetisist who lives with another guy who he calls "his baby daddy". He regularly engages in some pretty deviant shit and has even graced the likes of 789chan and other now defunct websites. Apparently he's also previously and may even still have cancer so there's that

He has made several interesting statements including "I like microwaving old diapers"

Plenty of shit to dig up


R:227 / I:76 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

New Chris Chan thread : Final Bronycon Edition

Old thread is 2 posts away from bump limit:


The final Bronycon is approaching quickly, mere weeks away at this point. Chris has confirmed he has his ticket locked in for the weekend but also admits that his original plans to share a hotel room with friends (most likely Sarah and Steve, the fags who bought his Switch) fell through after they got sick of his bullshit and ghosted him after he ignored them.

How will it all go down? Will he molest someone in a public restroom? Will Hirtes actually show up as he claims to harrass Chris IRL? Will he sperg about the dimensional merge? Attack the creators of G5 MLP for ignoring his pleas to continue the show for 5 more seasons? During the closing ceromonies of the weekend will he lose it?

Post your predictions here gentlemen.

R:310 / I:75 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

DSP/SOK thread

Can we have another one of these?

R:46 / I:12 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Jonathan "JY" "Female Ballsack" "Bonding over period stuff" Yaniv

Jonathan Yaniv is a pedophile tranny who recently achieved notoriety for suing 30 women for not waxing his lady nuts and therefore oppressing him and denying him his human right to smooth balls. A quick google search used to bring up pages of creepy chatlogs where he harassed fans of this one singer and creeped on people about what to do if he saw girls changing their tampons haha how awkward haha. Ever since his history of pedophilia and stalking came to light, he's been going into overdrive DMCAing everywhere that mentions him by name or hosts evidence of his fetishism. Rumor has it he dropped one of the suits after a lawyer threatened to use his old chatlogs as evidence.

Article from some random site that covers the basics:


R:83 / I:28 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Console wars lulzcows & e-celebs

I’ll start with a smell fry like Stonefoxmedia

>Literal Sonnigger that gets upset when Nintendo products sold well

>Gets salty over PC gaming and Xbox one X being more powerful than PS4 pro

>Probably not playing a character

He pretty much confirm the meme character of PlayStation fanboys being obnoxious that helped ruined Cuckchan /v/.

R:38 / I:3 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Zachary Keith Hasbrouck mk.II

Our favorite autistic hapa spends more time on /tv/ than ever before where his posts are now tagged "Zach" and threads anchored, instituting a zoo-like policy to observe the retard in his natural environment.

Previous thread >>375302

R:14 / I:7 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Jacob Sockness / Michiro Hutaki / Agian Basira Siin

I think it's about time that we give Jacob his own thread here. For those of you unaware, Jacob is a 36 year old fat, diaper-wearing homosexual occultist who is obsessed with Chris-chan – calling him a "a child of Lord Vishnu" while proclaiming himself the elehant-headed Hindu god Ganesha ( https://archive.is/eg2Gq ). Though he only began to get involved with Chris in 2018 and is now assisting Chris in running his Ebay account, his Internet history goes back much further with many accounts. Most of his stuff is nonsensical rambling about some planet called "Kidasuna" and more recently, the elusive "Dimensional Merge". He's known to lurk and rage at the KF thread, so maybe he'll come here too and give us some good lulz.

He is probably best known at the moment for being the man who bought Chris' Sonichu shoes. In this video one can see numerous pictures of Chris posted on his walls and what is possibly an effigy of Chris at the 9:29 mark in the link below:


More recently Sockness has posted images of himself at a San Francisco pride parade / event where he is dressed like CWC with a badge and striped-shirt posing with various homosexuals and dancing for up to six minutes.


Two weeks ago Sockness announced his intention on Reddit to pay Chris a several month-long visit, possibly by the end of the year.



Sockness' current address: 430 Turk St, San Francisco, CA 94102​

Sockness' date of birth: 4/1/83

Internet footprint:

Current Twitter:


Reddit accounts:

https://www.reddit.com/r/Kidasuna/ (his bizarre subreddit)








ADISC account (diaperfag forum)


Other summaries:



R:30 / I:4 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Angry Grandpa/The Green Family

I think these guys officially qualify as lolcows now. Yes, their videos are fake but they have done enough legitimately dumb shit and so much drama surrounds them that I think they deserve a thread.

Michael Green/Pickle Boy/Kid Behind a Camera

> Was the one who had the original idea to film his bipolar dad having fits to make money

> Dropped out of high school and talks shit about people who go to college

> Has been exploiting his father’s death since December by making clickbait videos

> Has been on a diet since 2012 but has somehow only got fatter

> Started dating his girlfriend when he was 23 and she was 15

> Thinks that he’s a rapper. Releases cringe worthy songs all the time that his followers praise.

> Employees his fatass friend to moderate comments but if he doesn’t they’re universally negative

> Has been confirmed to buy likes for his channel to keep the dislike bar down.

> If someone starts talking shit about him he won’t hesitate to lawyer up and use his money to intimidate them

Charlie Green Jr/Charlie Chill/Charlie Travelz

> Angry Grandpa’s first born son

> He’s constantly fucking up and doing dumb shit so he’s the most entertaining of the lot

> Has currently been traveling across the countries staying with random AGP groupies

> Last year the entire family disowned him and started a targeted smear campaign on him

> Claimed that he hit Michael’s GF

> Claimed that he tried to give his nephews weed and beer

> Claimed that he tried to rape both of his sisters when they were teenagers

> Michael’s friend drove to South Carolina and tried to fight Charlie, cringe ensued.

> Randomly gets drunk an live streams telling people the truth about AGP and the other people.

> Takes Angry Grandpa’s urn with him to random places.

> Lived with a family in Maine for like 3 months, left them, and instantly started talking shit about them. Where he works, where he lives, etc.

>Has been to jail several times for not paying child support

> Has been known to flirt with underage fans on twitter

Isaac Guest/Be Our Guest

> Michael’s fatass friend

> Claims to make a living off being a rapper

> Is really Michael’s salaried personal troll

> There’s audio of him threatening people who made negative videos about AGP

> There’s a lot of rumors about how he got his pretty hot wife while being ugly and fat

> His wife recently left him because in her words “He’s obsessed with Charlie Green”

> Is the guy who drove to SC and tried to fight Charlie. Charlie is like 300 pounds lighter than Isaac though so the “fight” was laughable and mostly just consisted of Isaac huffing and puffing in circles while Charlie called him a fatass.

> According to his wife’s mom, he’s physically abusive.


> AGP’s friend/neighbor/drug dealer

> Was a character in the videos, but is apparently actually psycho

> Had a falling out with the Green family last year and told a bunch of secrets

> Mostly obvious shit like Grandpa being a racist

> Went psycho and threatened to kill Michael and Bridgette. They had to hire armed security.

> Claims that someone was threatening to hire a hitman to kill her. Could have been true since Isaac is a thing and that seems like something he’d say.

> Fat and white trash.

 Lives off SSI

> Recently reconciled with Michael because he needed someone to fill Grandpa’s spot.

> Has an ongoing feud with Charlie.

Bridgette West

> Michael’s girlfriend

> Fat

> Camera man of the series

> Everyone hates her. Before moderation most of the comments were calling her annoying

> Refuses to have anything below her head filmed cause fat

Charles Green/Angry Grandpa

> Fucked up guy, but a legend.

> Racist. Hates Mexicans and Arabs.

> Lived off welfare the majority of his life because lazy

> Legitimately bipolar.

> Some of the rage videos were real. They couldn’t afford his medicine back then so when he started going off Michael would just turn the camera on. You can tell the difference in quality when he started acting.

> Is directly responsible for people like Boogie2988 and FatBoyGetDown becoming popular

> Recently died of Cirrhosis

R:138 / I:27 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]


New thread, foxdick farms thread hit the bump limit:


Looks like a foxdick mod got doxxxxxxxxxed and now the faggots from the farms are here running damage control.

R:47 / I:19 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

game grumps

i don't know where the old thread went, but this apparently happened a few days ago.

>who is jonbenet ramsey?

a 6 year old beauty pageant queen who was killed in 1996 in the basement of her home from being strangled, and then her head was crushed. she also had vaginal injuries, which means she was probably molested right before being murdered. 10 days ago, a convicted pedophile by the name of Gary Olivia confessed to doing it, so the mental wounds of the event are fresh in the minds of any surviving friends/family of the victim.

arin mentioned in a stream that this was the lock screen wallpaper of the office ipad, and everyone in chat said they wanted to see what it was, so they tweeted this. someone in the office thought arin looked like the little girl who was molested and then brutally murdered. the funny part is that arin also posted it to the game grumps instagram, and apparently his mom asked him over instagram to take it down because she didn't want him (and herself by extension) being associated with something so insensitive, because they were living in the same state where it happened (colorado), and arin older brother was just a baby at the time.

in the end, everyone disavowed it and all of the blame was shifted to one of their interns who supposedly runs their social media accounts

R:25 / I:9 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Meet Missy!

Melissa Bryan is an EPIC lolocow and drama queen who's been at this longer than a lot of you people have been alive! She spends all of her time trying to drum up business as a psychic medium but couldn't tell if she was on fire by the smell. She spends the rest of her time screeching about how de-stalkers are going after her. She's approaching her 100th podcast on Speaker where she has exactly four followers. I think she needs some love, don't you?

R:31 / I:52 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]


Social media addict, third-rate science fiction writer, open mic comedian, dimwitted #Resistard, fatass in denial, drunk, and literal cuck…

Maybe you're familiar with good ol' Fatrick. If not there's some backstory to cover, but I'll do my best to bring you fine gents up to speed.

In his own words:

<Patrick S. Tomlinson lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his wife, a menagerie of houseplants in varying levels of health, a Mustang, and a Triumph motorcycle bought specifically to embarrass and infuriate Harley riders.When not writing sci-fi and fantasy novels and short stories, Patrick is busy developing his other passion for writing and performing stand-up comedy in the Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago scenes. When not doing either of those things, he can occasionally be found starting enormous fights on social media. He has a particular talent for getting alt-right trolls so upset that they lose bowel control and post transparently fake 1 Star reviews on his books.

R:247 / I:77 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Etika Thread

Actually what the fuck is going on with this retard, didn't see a thread talking about this, want the thoughts of /cow/.

R:187 / I:66 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]






This thread is for the most pathetic people that can be found on the chans. Because they largely share their userbase, they can share this thread as well.

>>>/r9k/ is a /b/-like board on both 4chan and 8chan where each post is forced to be unique. It started as a board for clever people to find ways to break the bot in typical /b/ fashion, but has devolved into a board for aspiring school shooters. It has been split several times over feuds between its castes: for example, >>>/soc/, for people who want to climb out of their rut; >>>/adv/, for people trying to lose their wizard powers; and Wizardchan.

Wizardchan is a longstanding source of /cow/'s amusement, given that it's a chan for virgins. It is also one of the most easily trolled fora on the Internet; if you post as a namefag about trolling Wizardchan in this thread, you will become their boogeyman for the next six months.

Incels, or "involuntary celibates," are the Reddit branch of the faggot tree. Their former home, /r/incels, was infamously banned from Reddit in November, which led to their angry, autistic posts leaking out from Reddit into the rest of the Internet.

By visiting any of their boards, it is all but guaranteed that you'll find something laughably pathetic on page 1.

R:33 / I:19 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Anybody seen this one before?


Found as a comment on a VICE video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3LvnJH8i4s

He seems to post extremely frequently, and he has quite a lot of videos.

Poor bastard's probably schizophrenic or something.

R:235 / I:109 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

A New Trannypol Thread

Our favorite originators of cringe.

Imagine trying to get into socialism ideology and you are instead forced to deal with autistic trannies and faggots that force you to suck a nigger dick and have sex with unconvincing traps for diversity, and if you refuse they call you a nazi.

R:99 / I:15 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Quinton Reviews - Crybaby Soyboy Reviewer who Rips People Off

Quinton got his start on YouTube by ripping other YouTubers off, but what sets Quinton apart from other trendies is how much of a douchebag he is towards his ideological opponents. Quinton is a huge crybaby, bully, coward, and autist that still lives with his mommy. Over the course of a few month he has….

>Inserted his politics into non-political videos

>Agreed with the MSM by calling PewDiePie a Nazi

>Wished death on his political opponents

>Got mad at PewDiePie for inviting a controversial figure on his show who was not really that controversial.

>Distorted the audio on purpose on one of the SOTY videos he went on just so people would not hear his bogus points.

>Went on EmpLemon's show only to cry himself to sleep

>Made an unfunny joke on JonTron 2 years late after JonTron apologized for his racist comments

>Defended MunduneMatt from "evil trolls" back when MunduneMatt was falseflagging videos

>Attacked his former fans on Twitter.

>Backstabbed one of his best friends on YouTube, Turkey Tom, for being mean to Enter despite being caught spamming comments about how Mr. Enter is a Comicsgate moron much prior.

>Attacked his fans or ideological opponents just to gain some monetary gain with the algorithm

ED Page: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Quinton_Reviews

Video about Quinton's time on EmpLemon's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnPSzDRKtIo

Turkey Tom's video on him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RulFhC5k5fs

SOTY Rebuttal Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW-x5Ml1MM0

R:11 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Boomer shitifa attacks ICE detention center to free the invaders and gets shot dead like a bitch

>The police fatally shot a man who was attacking an immigration detention center in Tacoma, Wash., on Saturday morning, the authorities said.

The man, who was armed with a rifle, was throwing unspecified “incendiary devices” at the Northwest Detention Center, according to a police statement. The man, identified by officials on Saturday afternoon as Willem Van Spronsen, 69, of Vashon Island, Wash., continued throwing lit objects at buildings and cars, the statement said.

“One car was fully engulfed in flames,” said Officer Loretta Cool, a spokeswoman for the Tacoma Police Department. “He was also trying to ignite a big propane tank but he was not successful.”

Officers arrived around 4 a.m. and called out to Mr. Van Spronsen, who was wearing a satchel and had flares, the statement said. Shots were fired that resulted in his death, though Officer Cool could not say whether he had opened fire.

Mr. Van Spronsen was declared dead at the scene. No officers were injured.

A motive for the attack was not known but it happened as the issue of immigration has reached a flash point in the United States.

The episode happened the morning after Vice President Mike Pence visited migrant detention centers in Texas, and thousands attended “Lights for Liberty” demonstrations. More than 700 were planned in hundreds of cities around the country, including at the Tacoma center. The episode happened one day before ICE is scheduled to arrest thousands of members of undocumented families.

I say we constantly dunk on this retard failure to piss off leftists.


R:96 / I:11 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Ghost/True Capitalist Radio retrospective

Was he a real cow or was he playing it up for the audience? Or a mixture of the two?

R:12 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

What are your thoughts on Hirtes?

What are your thoughts on Hirtes, the notorious A-Log and ween who made 50+ Twitter accounts to harass and orbit Chris?

R:259 / I:98 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Michael J Hirtes

Micheal J Hirtes is a known A-log of Christian Weston Chandler and pours seething rage all over nearly every day. Not getting a reaction but a block, Hirtes made an alt to scream 1k tweets at Chris, blocked again. Getting doxed on foxdickfarms, he fled here to start an army and failed. Hirtes also has a trail in the furry community and lulz.net.

Known Google: https://archive.is/BQ2Gk

DeviantART: http://archive.is/OBK4Q

Other info databases:


https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/michael-j-mike-hirtes-mhirtes-aristocrat-polterbob-slep-totem-sanic-aspergercorn.32312/

Twitter trail:

Rektbylife {Dathingsiveseen} (http://archive.fo/F8oJB) Created: Somewhere before 9/16/2016

Aspergercorn {DILDO_ON_FOREHEAD} (http://archive.is/0yUjv) Created: 8/30/2017

CWC_IS_A_PEDO {Left_Side_Hater} (http://archive.is/n42Mz) Created: 6/12/2017

FUKK_U_CHRIS {CWC_IS_MALE} (http://archive.is/sLHaI) Created: 6/13/2017

EAT_SHITT_CHRIS {GIGANTIC STRAW} (https://archive.is/wcTIw) Created: 6/13/2017

CWC_IS_MALE {CHRIS_IS_A_FAT_MALE} (https://archive.li/jsN5B) Created: 6/24/2017

STINKO_MANBABY {CHRIS_CANT_STOP_ME} (http://archive.is/R2SJd) Created: 6/27/2017

Michael J. Hirtes

505 S 6th St Apt 608

Council Bluffs IA 51501-6438

R:60 / I:17 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Hiring a trap to seduce Gahoole from tv

Obviously the trap should be attractive like Sue Lightning with a long female penis but always tucked.

The goal of all this is to produce kompromat videos including bareback sex with trannies.

R:400 / I:112 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Ironybros & Prince Hubris

The Ironybros are a bunch of countersignaling losers who pretend to be right wing but are actually ideologically nihilistic losers who are terrified of having real opinions because the only thing they value are underage trannies and efame.

This little manlet retard named Prince_Hubris_'s name is Shawn Michael Mccaffery. He ruined his life and his brother's life by joining Identity Evropa and has become an unhireable loser as a consequence. He spends all his time on twitter and on his shitty podcast counter-signaling the alt right and generally getting mad at anyone with an opinion. He's a manlet that had to take roids to not even look good and uses a penis pump because he has a small pp. He lives at 8361 Dickert St Commerce Township, MI.

He has been grooming a 16 year old tranny neo-nazi for the past year and is a pedophile rapist. He lacks any self awareness so he calls people out for being trannies when he himself is raping a tranny child. He does not understand why people think this is bad.

His brother was caught distributing meth, so the complete retard sent pipe bombs to the local postmaster demanding that he drop all the charges. The pipe bombs didn't work because he's a retard. Also his face is covered in nigger-tier tatoos.

R:240 / I:162 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Return of Trout and Tears

The unofficial thread for the return of the reigning Queen of Internet Bloodsports, Trout and Tears

After being humiliated completely and utterly by everyone and conclusively proving himself to be unreliable and a liar, Kraut has decided to return to YouTube, attacking Moleman9000, Aydin and the Alt-Right. In the video, he claims he was a good boy who dindu nuffin and now he's going to restart his war on the "alt-right trolls" and fix everything.

Also, Kraut may be paying for view/like bots. So dig for evidence of that.


The once and future IBS Queen has finally returned. Now it's time to laugh as history repeats itself.

R:441 / I:104 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Is this just kiwi farms?

This is foxdick farms 2: electric boogallo and yes I am severely autistic pls don't internet bully.

R:16 / I:11 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Belle Delphine's alogs

Damn do these guys sperg hard. I'd imagine most if not all of them are other, less attractive, less obsessed over e-thots.

R:15 / I:8 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Denshakami thread

Denshakami is a tranny who wants to be Yukari Yakumo.

Not only is he delusional he is also a leftist who pretends to be apathetic. He usually makes videos on trains and building pcs

but the real lulz comes when you confront him.

Denshakami attacked many other touhou fans due to differing opinions though he usually gets his ass kicked.

Sites he is active at:





R:64 / I:7 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Jonathon Ross

So basically ummm basically he's going to jail


R:17 / I:4 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Renfamous A.K.A. Big Bertha the fat twatter cow


Here's some info I got from whitepages, seems to add up with the info I got from foxdick Farms.

Her husband's full name is William Wade Cooper

R:24 / I:2 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Random Autism

Can we have a thread for miscellaneous autism you find on jewtube that's hard to place somewhere else and too specific to start an individual thread about.

R:178 / I:40 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


/pol/ cow. She seems a bit unstable. Anyone got any information on any sperg activity she's up to?

R:205 / I:34 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


Can we talk about this fucking retard?

>Kick your friend (mumkey) out of the procastinators show (which was part of his income)

>Mumkey tries to clear things by telling his version of the story on why he is not going to be in his shitty podcast

>Be sloppy at explaining the whole situation but tries to be mature and neutral in the whole thing

>Digibro loses his shit

>Namedrop the username of the person that is going to replace mumkey in the show he got kicked out of, who is supposedly digi best friend and has high anxiety but still didn't give enough of a shit to edit out of his video explaining how he is going to get replaced and shittalks mumkey

>Mumkey is the one that goes on a crusade in youtube comments and twitter about why you shouldn't harass his replacement, digi doesn't seem to care

>Gets pissed that mumkey doesn't want to do mumkey own podcast with him after that

>Digi Trashtalks some of mumkey fiends that had nothing to do with the whole thing, about how they are all trolls and how they harassed him and his best friend (which I remind you didn't mind to namedrop him)

tl;dr: Fire your friend, trashtalk him for trying to explain the situation, get offended that he is not going to work with you in his projects, namedrop your best friend with anxiety problems in the middle of a shitstorm, etc.

And that was months ago, I don't know what this retard has been doing lately but apparently he has been involved into more shit: https://youtu.be/50-VDQj465Q?t=2927

Can someone give me a quick rundown on his latest shenanigans?

R:11 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Nerd Output / Other Poor Filthy Frank Clone Channels



>Cancer cocks

Can anyone else see how shitty this no name YouTuber is along with other bad filthy frank clones? This has to be the weakest attempt I've seen at someone attempting to replicate Filthy Frank.

Let's make fun of these shitty cringelords who can't be original.

R:400 / I:149 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

CWC breaking news

Old thread is around 10 posts from autosaging and this is big. So new thread



R:193 / I:69 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


/tv/ sperg that goes around challenging Zach and waifuanons on /tv/ to fights

R:41 / I:9 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Toilet Enthusiasts

toiletfan1 is a channel of over 5000 videos of a prepubescent boy flushing and inspecting toilets of various makes and models.

In the "Channels" tab of toiletfan1 are dozens of similar channels all centred around footage of flushing public toilets and urinals.

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/toiletfan1

R:61 / I:18 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

MadThad gets out today


Will he revive his twitter and his youtube?

Did he learn his lesson from spending time in the slammer?

Will he go right back in after leaving a usb full of cp in the library?

or will he fade into gentle obscurity and never come back to the internet?

R:450 / I:116 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Brittany Venti: Everybody is Britbong

Quick Rundown:

>Be Brittany Venti a low I.Q cocks leech

>Basically a female basement-neckbeard NEET, who can't do anything except stream and steal cocks from /pol/

>Meet an attractive Aryan through HWNDU, who is WAY above her league

>Extremely jealous, ruined her bf's potential career (he had to quit college for her and isn't allowed to get a job, because she was so clingy)

>Apartment is full of clothes she orders online, catshit in her bed, doesn't clean anything and leaves the trash to pile up and apparently the apartment is full of cockroaches (she showed one on stream)

>Her ex describes the time with her as the absolute lowest point in his life

>Lies about everyone who has ever rejected her (especially her ex)

>Her ex goes into jcaesar187's stream and reveals it all (the links are the recordings)

>So desperate to replace 4chad she starts dating one of her paypigs because no one outside her paypig circle wants to fuck her.

>Venti caught defending herself in her own thread see


>Venti is currently losing viewers at a rapid rate despite the e-celeb guests she has on her streams she practically begs to be on

>Constantly proving herself to be a hypocrite while she attacks others for her own behavior




link to old threads:




R:68 / I:17 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


> certified autist

>failed camwhore

>failed neet


>likely soon dead

R:83 / I:29 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Cows you don't remember

Pretty much what the title states. post cows you forgot the names of and give a description of their antics. I'll start.

It's a negress with a disgusting horrible pussy, she'd also sperg out and get fired from many, many jobs. I remember she'd stalk white dudes or something. Got a lot of leverage here.

R:179 / I:58 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Lolcows before and after?

Has anyone ever successfully "changed" a cow?

Anyone got any examples?

R:106 / I:21 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


SethTheProgrammer is the most popular member of the YouTube “power-scaling” community, an Internet fandom that mainly focuses on debating/arguing about which fictional character is the strongest, which fictional character can beat another fictional character, etc.

The most famous characters to come about in these discussions are Goku and Superman. Our friend Seth made a video “debunking” the science of one of Death Battle’s most popular videos.


Seth quickly became one of the most popular debunkers in the power-scaling community, making numerous videos calling out different YouTubers and their claims that one fictional cartoon character for children could beat another fictional cartoon character for children.

Last year, Seth and his friend, Chuck the Cyber Cuck, made a video debunking a video series analyzing the power levels of specific Dragon Ball characters by a guy named "Totally Not Mark". In the 25 minute video, Seth and Chuck treat Mark like garbage, making weird personal claims about how Mark has never faced any conflict in his life and that he's purposely trying to manipulate his audience by being "wrong" about information concerning certain characters, when in reality he was just giving his opinion on the show's writing by looking at the power of these characters. Seth also implied through a good chunk of the video that Mark was acting like his opinions were fact, and that Seth is a gatekeeper of the Dragon Ball community and any and all needs to go through him before you can do anything.


Since then, Seth has gotten into numerous debates with other people, constantly acting condescending and arrogant towards his guests if they seemingly get one piece of information about a television show wrong to him, and making passive-aggressive insults towards them if they slightly disagree with him.




He has even bitched and acted passive-aggressive towards other cocks creators for daring to criticize the writing of Dragon Ball Super, such as the case with PlagueofGripes, another popular channel who occasionally makes DBZ analysis videos.


From his recent behavior and his strange self-importance in the realm of discussing cartoons and comic books, Seth is a primary candidate for being at the very least a Dramacow.


>Thread where Seth and Chuck call out Plague: https://twitter.com/sethmptp/status/962529364544909312

>Plague's original video:


>Mark's original video series:

Gohan Video 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IbMYZtjSUo

Gohan Video 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R0jo4wFIzc

Piccolo and the Androids - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbyDYlFMs20

R:18 / I:4 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Robert Wayne Stiles Remembrance Thread


You kids don't know about the glory days. Before the rise of gay ops on discord, there were tranny ops on IRC.

>Special Ed kid from Philadelphia with rich parents with a 70 IQ would run around flailing and hitting people until they medicated him enough to chill him out for a while

>Eventually meds stopped working, went back to breaking things and attacking people in public

>Started his own "trolling" group in Highschool called "The Wraith." Would spam Jedi Academy servers and Myspace Groups with dumb bullshit until he got kicked/blocked.

>Eventually got trolled back by people on the Stargate Forums. Was apparently so spooked by people making fun of him that he became a tranny to "conceal his identity"

>Became friends with Philly's commie tranny community, LARPed as a homeless revolutionary

>After ADF's failed suicide attempt, came to /cow/ (then /cwc/) to "call out" the trolls

>Was invited to IRC by SeanieB, began spazzing the fuck out and screaming

>Spent the next few years coming to IRC on a bi-nightly basis babbling about Bioshock, shitting himself and throwing it at the wall and the time he raped a retarded girl during a 72-hour hold

Have a look through the archives if you've got the time. It was a beautiful ride and defined he oldschool /cow/ experience.

R:262 / I:101 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Nu Wu

Old Brianna Wu thread is autosage >>202129

Ol' Johnny Flyntstone is on a rant about spacex trying to nuke earth with moon rocks and why the government needs to give him money to campaign


God, I hope he wins, he would be so hilarious in office

R:37 / I:13 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


is ashley dead?

i saw where they made her go to therapy to accept her coming death, what happened?

R:419 / I:147 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch: Thread #3

Previous thread reached bumplock, now including /v/ and their pedo movement known as gamergate because they whiteknight for this fat faggot.

Catch up on the lore of this fat fuck here.




>Mark fucked up a resetERA dig and alerted them of his presence, resulting in SJW faggots bullying him

>Gamergate mad that the UN is proposing making countries ban loli, one user has suicidal thoughts

>Mark once again goes on a massive banning spree, this time banning alternatives to /v/ because he can't stand on his own merits.

>Mark is banned from twitter again

>Gamergate accomplishes nothing of note for the 4th year in a row

>Unofficial gamergate leader Acidman outed as a furry

R:104 / I:39 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Zoey blows it again...

In this latest installment, people are pissed that $85k for a Chuck Tingle "game" vanished.


When will they learn not to hand these scammers money?

ZQ has tweeted:


>Tl;dr: still working on it, just slower because I ran out of money a long time ago and had to get day job(s). also I have been working on ways to bring on some assistance with finishing it. also don’t yell at Chuck about it - shipping the game is on me.

continued from >>249140

R:87 / I:43 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

David Sherratt, aka Shitratt, Davina, SpinosaurusKin and AlternativeFacts

You might not know it, but you're looking at genius here. A tactical internet warlord, a powerful schemer and a master of 24/7 operations. David Shittrat is the true mastermind behind Kraut's war with the alt-right that ended two massive communities and is a very smurt boy. Very, very smurt.

He started out internet career on something called "The Autism Forums" where he would talk about how he self-diagnosed himself and told stories about how he tried to fuck a lesbian despite knowing she didn't like men, how he would fight so much with his parents that they'd lock him out, and how everyone at school hated him because he was so strange. At 18, he officially joined the Men's Rights Movement and declared he would never, EVER give himself over to an icky girl who wanted to take his money. Shortly thereafter, he joined the YouTube Atheist movement at the height of it's popularity. When that bandwagon went into decline and GamerGate got popular, David decided to stand firmly against it, taking aim at people like Sargon of Akkad, major "GamerGate" figures and the so-called "Alt-Right." He built up a friendship with such exceptional individuals as HBomberGuy, Kevin Logan and Kristi Winters. This descent into obnoxious SJWism began when Lauren Southern didn't respond to his flirting (seriously) and soared into omega overdrive when David was a part of a scam charity

When Kraut and Tea began feuding with the Alt-Right, David recruited Kraut into a special server dedicated to "taking them down." This is where the story of Kraut's downfall that we all know and love began. Kraut trusted David immensely despite despising him for months prior to this. David is responsible for much of the planning and tactics used by Kraut and his allies, which is why they all failed so horribly. Despite his constant, massive failures and self-sabotages, Kraut is still working with Davina to this day and many of his newer videos credit him as a "researcher." So if you're wondering why the researching in Kraut's videos is so bad, it's because this idiot is in charge.

That's all just the bare basics of it. There's so much more. M.etokur did a two-hour stream on this numbskull. Even Kevin Logan disavowed him. He's a disaster of a human and definitely deserves a thread here.

R:42 / I:6 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Stefan Molycow


Is Stefan "stefan molyneux" Molyneux running a cult?

R:124 / I:24 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Delusional gay interracial fart fetish porn enthusiast pleads on Youtube to star in gay fart porn


On this channel this black guy has uploaded videos almost daily where he pleads and begs for anyone to help him get into the gay fart fetish porn industry in videos starring white guys. He also rambles on about other weird ass, probably schizophrenic shit: "I have a fart fetish of white guys. Blonde hair guys smell like chicken cream, red hair guy's smell like buffalo BBQ cream, and dark hair guys to me smells like beef cream."

This guy is definitely a cow, but please don't go A-logging him. By all means go through his channel and gawk a bit (as I have and he truly is legit), but maybe there's some way we could help him out… I genuinely believe him that his life's ambition is for a white guy to fart on his face and maybe if this shit gets viral'ed his wishes will become realized.

R:26 / I:10 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


Shooting up your work and killing yourself afterwards so that you can join a group of cartoon ghost girls and become a cartoon ghost girl yourself is the one true religion.

R:357 / I:75 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Kari/5/Serife Thread: Serife is a Kauffir

Old thread is eight bump limit, so here goes. It gets bombarded by Eddie Long autist anyway

Serife thread Six: Serife is a kauffir edition

Serife is a Known lulzy turkroach sperg who argues with 12 years olds over fictional characters. It Got banned from DeviantArt before for shitspewing with children than

This turkroach sucks at video, cries hacker when it is losing. Actually dumb enough to get PSN account hacked twice

This moustache sporting Turkroach is 28 years old in 24 septemper

<It's interests includes







This sperg is the definition of autistic kid revs a bleyblade in distance and product of Turkroach incest.

Social crap for cocks mining

DeviantArt: https://kari5.deviantart.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrNk3KbYHTl7mS5VLnTLAWA

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/serifemeryemisik

KH13 Account: http://kh13.com/forum/user/58976-serife-isik/

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serifeisik/videos/all

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/serifemeryemisik/

dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/powerichigo

Petition: https://www.change.org/p/square-enix-petitons-to-square-enix-make-me-and-sora-as-a-canon-couple



>Serife is so retarded that parents don't want her to breed

>Is muslim and listens to haram, anime and video games

>Bathes three times a week

>Is a certified pedo

>Is /cow/'s personal mascot

>Coined the term GARGE BARGE

>Severe Autism

>Lied about epilepsy



R:52 / I:9 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

YouTube ((Skeptic)) community general


>Amazing banana


>Mumkey Jones

>Atheism is wife beating

>Kevin soy Smith

Why is the youtube ((Skeptic)) full of backstabbing cunts that act no different from the SJWs and Thin skin snow flake male feminists they make fun of? They are like the biggest collection of lulzcows and faggots on YouTube. Is there a community on YouTube that comes even close to the faggoty of the ((Skeptics))?


R:22 / I:10 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

"just more proof im living in an anime"

remember this fucking faggot? his shit is an untapped goldmine


R:107 / I:37 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

FUCK THE 1980's and 2010's!!! 90's and 00's 4eva!!!!

the 80's and 10's need 2 be banned NOW!!!! bring back late 90's and 00's!!!

R:475 / I:111 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Britbong Thread 49: Transition Update

Dominique's transition seems to be going well.



Dominic "Britbong" Vanner is an unemployed 31-year-old who's never been to college and still lives with his mother who hates him and father who smuggled cigarettes for a living. He streams every second day for 5-7 hours: a majority of this is now "banter" where he talks to himself and reads chat. After that he will play a couple hours of single player games. Repeated attacks by "stal­kers" have scared him away from multiplayer games. His idea of "trolling" is to tattle on other users and streamers to the mods and hope they get banned, and then when that backfires (as it usually does) he'll start screaming about how the mods/admins are 'unfair.'

He has histrionic personality disorder and will seek attention in any manner including negative attention. His belief is that being annoying and creepy is "trolling" and will dismiss all negative feedback as "victims" of his trolling. He labels his stal­kers "trolls" and has a dedicated army of 5-10 teen bronies and babyfurs who will defend him.


Thread #48: >>874680 (Archive: https://archive.is/dd0NO)

Thread #47: >>814281 (Archive: https://archive.is/Gj9no)

Thread #46: >>613531 (Archive: https://archive.is/GaXDz)

Thread #45: >>517411 (Archive: https://archive.is/cZxiL)

Thread #44: >>484580 (Archive: https://archive.is/vClFP)

R:471 / I:130 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Brittany Venti: New Boyfriend Adventures

Regarding her Paypigs:

>You will notice how it's always the same people that donate. Luna (one of her mods) posted her earnings in the last thread.

>He shows that streaming as a girl, basically means to completly julay a very tiny minority of Freaks that are completly obsessed with her

But tick tock … how long will the paypigs support Thots? What will happen, once the money runs out?

Quick Rundown:

>be Brittany Venti

>basically a female basement-neckbeard NEET, who can't do anything except stream

>meet an attractive Aryan through HWNDU, who is WAY above her league

>bipolar, disgusting hoarder with cringy internet humor

>extremely jealous, ruined her bf's potential career (he had to quit college for her and isn't allowed to get a job, because she was so clingy)

>kept him as dependent on him as possible

>apartment is full of clothes she orders online, catpoop in her bed, doesn't clean anything, doesn't cook

>bf describes the time with her as the absolute lowest point in his life

>because she only eats takeout food and doesn't clean up, she even has a cockroach infestation (a cockroach appaered live on stream)

>think that it was smart to talk lies about her bf on the internet

>he goes into jcaesar187's chat and reveals it all (the links are the recordings)

>so desperate to replace 4chad she starts dating one of her paypigs and he spergs out in the thread




link to old threads:



R:33 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Furry Valley

wanted this leaked masterlist to be safe:


We run an excellent range of groups and channels on Telegram.

NOTE: Telegram only allows you to join a few groups/channels at once before there is a short cooldown. So join your favourites first! :3


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https://t.me/joinchat/MLtFW0wX1TdM-sHOV-6s9w (Straight, Group)

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🦊Size Difference:

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Ran by: https://foxdickfarms.net/threads/chris-bryant-simba-lion-leader-of-furry-menagerie-furry-valley.53304/






please do not contact me regarding this, do your own work thanks.

let the cyberwars being

-Anonymous, we are legion.

all links are to telegram

R:42 / I:14 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Carlos Maza

This is a very serious, very important person, you bigot! He got Steven Crowder demonetized for making fun of him, and now thanks to his one-man campaign to get Crowder censored, YouTube is going on another demonetization/censorship spree to cover their own ass.

So whatever you do, do not make fun of this emaciated, fuggly failed bottom bitch gay incel.

R:20 / I:2 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Mass shooter cringe

We all know of Elliot and Randy Stair. But what other shooter cringe exist? Failed attempts count too.

R:13 / I:1 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Reception Wikis

Imagine being a hiveminded, politically-correct and easily offended mongoloid who no original opinions what so ever and dick-rides off of everybody's unoriginal opinions to point you literally made 29 fucking wikis of them! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not proud to present: A series of autistic wikis straight out of Satan's asshole, the Reception Wikis!

Awesome Games Wiki: https://awesomegames.miraheze.org/wiki/Awesome_Games_Wikia

Awful Movies Wiki: https://awfulmovies.miraheze.org/wiki/Awful_Movies_Wiki

Atrocious Deviants Wiki: https://atrociousdeviants.miraheze.org/

Atrocious YouTubers Wiki: https://atrociousyoutubers.miraheze.org/wiki/Atrocious_YouTubers_Wiki

Amazing YouTubers Wiki: https://amazingyoutubers.miraheze.org/

Atrocious FANDOM Wikis and Users Wiki: https://atrociousfandomusers.miraheze.org/

Abysmal Robot Masters Wiki: https://abysmalrobotmasters.miraheze.org/

Best Music and Songs Wiki: https://best-music-and-songs.fandom.com/wiki/Best_Music_and_Songs_Wiki

Best TV Shows Wiki: https://besttvshows.miraheze.org/wiki/Best_TV_Shows_Wiki

Better Movies Wikia: http://better-movies.wikia.com/wiki/Better_Movies_Wiki

Crappy Games Wiki: https://crappygames.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Crappy_Games_Wiki

Crummy Scratchers Wiki: http://crummyscratchers.miraheze.org/

Flawless FANDOM Wikis & Users Wiki: https://flawlessfandomusers.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

Fresh Websites Wiki: http://freshwebsites.miraheze.org/wiki/Fresh_Websites_Wiki

Familiar Songs Wiki: http://familiarsongs.miraheze.org/

Great Characters Wiki: https://greatcharacterswiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Great_Characters_Wiki

Greatest Movies Wiki: https://greatestmovies.miraheze.org/wiki/Greatest_Movies_Wiki

Garbage Memes Wiki: https://garbagememes.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

Horrible Music and Songs Wiki: https://horrible-music-and-songs.fandom.com/wiki/Horrible_Music_%26_Songs_Wiki

Horrid Reception Wikis Wiki: https://horridreceptionwikis.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

Horrendous Animators Wiki: https://horrendousanimators.miraheze.org/

Horrible Object Shows Wiki: https://horribleobjectshows.miraheze.org/

Loathesome Characters Wiki: https://loathsomecharacters.miraheze.org/wiki/Loathsome_Characters_Wiki

Rotten Websities Wiki: https://rottenwebsites.miraheze.org/wiki/Rotten_Websites_Wiki

Terrible TV Shows Wiki: https://terribletvshows.miraheze.org/wiki/Terrible_TV_Shows_Wiki

Talented Deviants Wiki: https://talenteddeviants.miraheze.org/

Toxic Fandoms And Hatedoms Wiki: https://toxicfandomsandhatedoms.miraheze.org/wiki/Toxic_Fandoms_%26_Hatedoms_Wiki

Ugly Logos Wiki: https://uglylogos.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

Underrated Films Wikia: http://underrated-films.wikia.com/wiki/Underrated_Films_Wiki

Mar9122 (The guy who started this trend): https://horridreceptionwikis.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Mar9122

R:422 / I:418 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Alexander Gordon Jahans #15 - ESOTERIC TIL I DIE edition

Also know as: Gordon Jones, Gordon Jahans, Farshnuke, Farsh-nuke, GAK Jahans, Alasdair Jakes, Not the Farsh-nuke.

Jahans is an artificially testosterone-fuelled obese NEET cannibal fetishist who hilariously virtue signals about all the usual SJW shit in order to hide how disgusting he is from his non-existent audience and imaginary friends.

He has deleted much cocks, added some more and is intermittently creating and deleting still more. His primary vehicle since the shutdown of Tumblr Porn is using Twitter to retweet porn, S/M fetish shit and thirst on thots and camwhores.

The Four-Part Jahans Documentary:

The Sins of the Son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-l15dW9JcE

An Englishman on Holiday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41ekWgz3VYs

Jahanquisition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIPyoAilW_0

Boyfriend Saga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMtZCjtuYcQ

More Introductory Nectar

The Next Generation Revolutionaries: Alexander Jahans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRbFpps7_2Q

The Ovenmen on Esoteric Jahanism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmRqQFxqw-I

Fashy Gainz EP10: Jahans Level Motivation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4otmzisxn8

Alexander Jahans: Diary of a madman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nrwaRnZ1eM

Esoteric Revelations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWIEana3jQM

Emperor Jahans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqABF-TNEEs

Alexander Jahans joins the Alt-Right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcN0IWu7nXM

Discord Interviews with Jahans (2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KZH9heM454

Discussing Jahans with Black Adam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXcwRbDqblg

Jahans links

Blog and Fiction http://farsh-nuke.blogspot.co.uk/

Twitter https://twitter.com/farshnuke

Main Facebook (mostly public but commenting is friends only) https://www.facebook.com/farshnuke

Facebook Fanpage https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderGordonJahans

Youtube channels

Main Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/farshnuke

paypig https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7k2OmGmyu7Ny1kDTIgFvg

Alex Vents https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdMxpvCCo1LA3kLlpf_xRg

Punditry https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2hQX87BCRV8xMZ-OWk3rsw

Scripted Videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC36Bsgey3YwAqR6Gd88N_oA

Audiobooks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNIHwG80mzrfNAb2XqhhV2w

Previous threads

1 http://archive.is/fRbw2 >>204028

2 http://archive.is/wpMkV >>228717

3 http://archive.is/gao1O >>241661

4 http://archive.is/AhHjl >>246909

5 http://archive.is/JsYNs >>251169

6 http://archive.is/lRHTp >>254319

7 http://archive.is/WQmng >>255913

8 http://archive.is/NwW0h >>257816

9 http://archive.is/gBhyn >>261757

10 http://archive.is/8oIv3 >>273135

11 http://archive.is/FwHSH >>279223

12 http://archive.is/MfpAH >>286948

13 (gone?) >>291971

14 http://archive.is/9Vzhm >>302988

15 http://archive.is/gbxlw >>228717

R:34 / I:4 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

The next Randy stair?

Social Justice Goblin

>overweight tranny that struggles to walk

>Antifa supporters

>Advocates for vandalizing wrongthink businesses like chick fill A & comic stores that sales comic gate books

>Calls for acts of violence against comic gate supporters

I have a feeling this one might be a future spree shooter.

R:31 / I:6 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Muh Faggy Boofhole


"My Fashy Bookshelf"

This guy completely lacks introspection and thinks he's a genius. His books are brand new and he's never cracked the spines lol. He sits in his pajama pants with his man tits out, smoking cigarettes in the house around his supposed children. He preaches "Dox Yourself Nationalism", and calls anyone who won't show their face a "Woody Allen". He thinks he's the center of the universe even when he's getting dunked on and I think with some prodding, there could be some julay from those greasy titties.

R:30 / I:7 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

"Korean" hapa on 4cuck /pol/

Posts with Hong Kong or Chinese Mainland VPN.

>kill white people

>amwf is better than wmaf

>r/hapas is great

Acts a lot like Tenda Spencer. Arrogant and divulges pictures. Found in Asian threads, especially about White women and Asian women. Can probably get a lot more information from him if you tried to goad him.

Just thought some of you might be interested.

R:202 / I:135 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

ITT: People you believe are cows other people don't care about

Read the title you stupid faggot

R:352 / I:150 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

r9cute / tranny shill / mental illness

>HRT Pusher

>Underage trannies



Literally the cancer that ruined /r9k/ and /pol/

R:404 / I:99 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Noah "Spoony" Antwiler: Mass Shooter Edition

>patreon at record lows

>still no return to cocks creation

>sanity at record lows

>lashing out at christmas decorations

>now his twitter has been taken away


R:195 / I:86 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Joachim Hoch / Seth Wallace

OOF. He's on the right


R:384 / I:87 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Mysterious MrEnter Thread 2

Since the last one went to shit and just reached the bump limit I decided to make a new thread. Enter is still a shitty reviewer.

R:412 / I:228 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Bob "moviebob" chipman

Previous thread >>511377

Quick summary on what makes Bob a /cow/.

Bob is a neckbeard that sees himself as part of the liberal elite when in reality he's a useful idiot.

He thinks anyone who doesn't share his views are morons that shouldn't be allowed to vote.

He considers the working class stupid and unnecessary in current year.

He thinks being right wring is the same thing as being evil.

R:132 / I:20 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Josh Thread: Stream Edition

>Site keeps getting ddos'd

>Fatass focuses on streaming and shilling his paypig



Honestly, this is the most fucking autistic thing ever and the dude keeps slurring his words and attempting to be edgy. Combined with paypig and superchat shilling, it's fucking cringe.

R:22 / I:7 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]


FAT MAN IPPO, a largely unknown gem of the internet, is a homeless weeaboo that records various aspects of his daily life and puts them on YouTube. He's blissfully unaware of how dumb he is and has basically no filter on what he'll say or do.

Him fucking with pro-choice/pro-life people at an abortion clinic (and doxing his friends):


Him yelling "hail satan" in a church (and drawing dicks in public bathrooms):


Him getting a house:


Him throwing trash out of his window:


Him getting kicked out of his house (but wrecking it and covering everything in piss before leaving):


Him hanging out with other homeless losers and yelling random anime things:


R:19 / I:17 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Michael Adkins / Von

Self-explanatory and by popular demand.


Michael Adkins

7064 Zenith Ct. Hamilton OH




Kings Island

6300 Kings Island Dr. Kings Island OH 45034


R:18 / I:4 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

James Charles

New York is full of shitty people and James is no exception, being the first male spokesmodel for cosmic brand "Covergirl", James Charles is an Americunt makeup artist and is a little cunt like basically every other human being nowadays. Like every other man nowadays, he has a girly like appearance. Openly being a homosexual faggot since 2012, he has a habit on hating straight people.

>Tati Westbrook Drama

Being the egotistical little shit who get's into to much drama, it's no surprised he'd get into a situation that could damage his career. Previously blindly promoting the little shit, Tati Westbrook made a 45 minute long documentary exposing James Charles as the little predatory faggot he really is

He has a kink for "converting" straight guys to pederasty, he uses his fame, money, power and everything he can do to either sodomize then or destroy their live hoods.

Because of this, James trumped ProJared for the most subscribers lost by more than 5 times in the same day .


R:13 / I:8 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Shit Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Pajeets

Remember that poo in the loo who flooded /cow/ with spam because he couldn't get a girlfriend?

He just declared war on /pol/

Buckle up Buckaroos

R:427 / I:176 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

RIP ProJared

ProJared has been outed as cheating on his wife. He cheated on her with one of the GameGrump's ex-wifes. Now people are coming out of the woodwork posting screenshots of his Snapchats nudes he's sent to female fans. I'll try to dump as much as I can find.

R:464 / I:117 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Brittany Venti: Herding her Paypigs that are completly obsessed with everything she does

Regarding her Paypigs:

>You will notice how it's always the same people that donate. Luna (one of her mods) posted her earnings in the last thread.

>He shows that streaming as a girl, basically means to completly julay a very tiny minority of Freaks that are completly obsessed with her

But tick tock … how long will the paypigs support Thots? What will happen, once the money runs out?

Quick Rundown:

>be Brittany Venti

>basically a female basement-neckbeard NEET, who can't do anything except stream

>meet an attractive Aryan through HWNDU, who is WAY above her league

>bipolar, disgusting hoarder with cringy internet humor

>extremely jealous, ruined her bf's potential career (he had to quit college for her and isn't allowed to get a job, because she was so clingy)

>kept him as dependent on him as possible

>apartment is full of clothes she orders online, catpoop in her bed, doesn't clean anything, doesn't cook

>bf describes the time with her as the absolute lowest point in his life

>because she only eats takeout food and doesn't clean up, she even has a cockroach infestation (a cockroach appaered live on stream)

>think that it was smart to talk lies about her bf on the internet

>he goes into jcaesar187's chat and reveals it all (the links are the recordings)




link to old thread:


R:21 / I:9 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

andy "racewarski"





R:543 / I:159 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Britbongreturns/Manlytears thread 48: Short Men Can't Meme

Last thread hit bump limit, you know the drill.

Bonus Resources:

ED Article - https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Manlytears

Foxdick Thread - https://tinyurl.com/yyk42lan

Short Bio: Dominic "Britbong" Vanner is a soon to be 31 year old who has never had a job, never did schooling after high school and still lives with his parents. He streams every second day for 5-7 hours: a majority of this is now "banter" where he talks to himself and reads chat. After that he will play a couple hours of single player games. Repeated attacks by "stawlkers" have scared him from playing multiplayer games anymore. His idea of "trolling" is to tattle on other users and streamers to the mods and hope they get banned, and then when that backfires (as it usually does) he'll start screaming about how the mods/admins are 'unfair.'

He has Histrionic personality disorder and will seek attention in any manner including negative attention. His belief is that being annoying and creepy is "trolling" and will dismiss all negative feedback as "victims" of his trolling. He labels his stalkers "trolls" and has a dedicated army of 5-10 teen bronies and babyfurs who will defend him.

If you missed last season simply view it.


Thread #47: >>814281 (Archive: http://archive.is/Gj9no)

Thread #46: >>613531 (Archive: http://archive.fo/GaXDz)

Thread #45: >>517411 (Archive: http://archive.fo/cZxiL)

Thread #44: >>484580 (Archive: https://archive.fo/vClFP)

Thread #43: >>448515 (Archive: https://archive.fo/GzHzP)

Thread #42: >>427008 (Archive: https://archive.fo/1nfvm)

Thread #41: >>397982 (Archive: https://archive.fo/Y6VQi)

Thread #40: >>392362 (Archive: https://archive.fo/fvyoM)

R:261 / I:184 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Bryce Cherry/ Dev-Catscratch




Meet Bryce Cherry, he's a 30 something autistic Aussie from Rockhampton, Queensland.

He wants everyone to accept him and be nice to him because he has autism, despite the fact that draws children's characters in a sexual manner, steals from other artists, uses fetish pictures for activism, and about 10 years ago, he was arrested for threatening to blow his school, but he was declared to mentally disabled to stand trial.

R:128 / I:35 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Dox this Pajeet spammer

This pajeet spam 8chan /pol in numerous more times.

He spam with "I will be back because I want a girlfriend"

Dox him and find him.

We must try to find his parents.

R:171 / I:52 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Possible PIcture of Jim

Possible PIcture of Gabe, is this true? I can't find other sources for this picture

R:10 / I:2 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]


I heard alot about this guy and never realized how much shit he can cook up, aside from him sending bashing on his own fanbase and "only using them for money and fame"…

Meet Atarster (aka Noah, as he stated his real name is)

This guy is commonly known for his Angry German Kid videos and a series known as "Noah Origins", he also takes interest in favoring art of characters who are younger [12-17] than him on DeviantArt and acts immature by blocking other users for "no reason", "mistreating his fans", and yelling at other people for stating facts about him, threatening other users, etc.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Atarster

A Wikia blog post that points his flaws: https://agk.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:AGKandvideomaker2000/ATARSTER_NEEDS_TO_BE_STOPPED

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/atarster/

Discord: Atarster#4187

R:225 / I:64 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Maoist Rebel News/Jason Unruhe

Is it worth having a thread about the self proclaimed "No. 1 Marxist on Youtube"?

>Pro Cuba

>Pro Maoist China

>Pro Stalinist Soviet

>Maoist Communist




>So fat that he sounds out of breath


>Wears a military uniform despite being presumably never having done any physical labour

>Makes hours long videos where he interprets vidya games from a communist perspective

>Have had fewds with /leftypol/

>Makes long youtube videos where he responds to comments in a buthurt fasion

>Has an ego the size of his body


R:26 / I:10 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki aka Bootleg Pooh's Adventures

This is quite possibly one of the most autistic wikis on fandom. I do not know where to begin.

>That Background

>Red Links Everywhere

>Tons of recolors

>The edgefest

One page of many:


R:15 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Lulzcows in journalism

Micheal Fahey

>Call out game because Japan

>get's called out

>turns out he has a loli doll even a fucking etna tattoo

>having an etna tattoo

>complains about lolis in a jap VN

>He mentions in the comments that he has never played a Japanese visual novel, but only Western sci fi ones. That’s like me playing Call of Duty, getting upset about the violence, then stating

>never played a Japanese visual novel,


R:293 / I:38 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Hyper-Christian Scam Artists "Purity Sinners"

Purity Sin is an obnoxious lolcow with no less than five youtube channels featuring herself all of which have no real views or traffic

She took over a Five nights at freddy's cloen called Five nights at treasure island which is based on a creepypasta called Abandoned by disney. She crapped on all the fans of the game by starting to insult them and take away all the things they liked in the game. she blocks anyone who disagrees with her and cries a lot threatening to delete the game many times because peopel said stuff she didnt like.

she is a professional Victim who is holding the poject hostage from all the people who lied it because she wants to get more attention on herself.

here is their websites below



the most recent thing is that this woman started talking shit about the guy who wrote the creepypaster her game is based on who is named Slimebeast

slimebeast answered it bac in his own videos but their kind of long




if you cant see them all see the last one most of all.

this was the respond from Purtiy Sin and her people below



again i will say the last video is most importat to watch

The purity sinners are Sonic the hedgehog OC fans and Bronies by the way based on what i can see in their streams and talk one of their staff has sonic as his icon

they turned off comments on videos because people were saying too much against them like anita sarkeesian or whatever else. I know she is a tired point now.

what do you guys think? can we stock up on a lot of milk i think so.

sorry for my language but i mostly lurk because i don't want to embarass myself with bad typing sorry

R:16 / I:13 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Jess Phillips the if you don't like me your a nazi edition


>Jess Phillips is a UK member of parlament that is having Sargon of Akkad investigated for saying that he would NOT rape her

We must be able to have some fun with this.

Don't do anything illegal lads

R:128 / I:126 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Magdalene Visaggio

This one is a real piece of work Visaggio is a die hard communist, works at IDW making crappy comics. Was a writer for Rick and Morty for season three. Hates white people, hates men, hates right wringers more than Moviebob does, and thinks that violence is the best way to achieve political goals.

R:34 / I:13 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

'Special Books by Special Kids' ohgodwhy.killme

AKA: manipulative chad and his marry band of retards. What's his endgame /cow/?







>"leading a revolution"

The guy is apparently a big piece of shit too.


In short, he's a disingenuous dick. This fucker is making light of them for YouTube gibs. Life's a role of the dice, anyone of us could've been those sad bastards.

R:12 / I:9 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Lenta's Lents

Lenta is an ass-phobic, broccoli-fearing, velcro-wearing Christian who has never gone beyond their hometown. They are obsessed with skyscraper sluts, such as fantasy-world "Felarya". He can currently be found on a discord server called "Micro Inn".

R:248 / I:83 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Zoom the fat pedo

After Ross, Jim and Kumite bring to us another cringe autistic pedo.





And like Ross, he tried to PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD everyone on a live stream just to play an smug autistic role. Any anons have more autistic things about him?

R:204 / I:108 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


I know moomookun is a cow, but is she a lol/cow/?

R:107 / I:145 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Bill Schmalfeldt Stupidest LOLCow On The Internet

Bill Schmalfeldt, deranged cybertroll, is one of the most stupidest LOLCows on the Internet. He is famous for doxing, trolling & harassing critics of convicted serial bomber & court adjudicated pedophile Brett Kimberlin. He has filed over 7 lawsuits which were either withdrawn or dismissed. Anytime Schmalfeldt has sued someone he has earned a restraining order. He currently has 12 in at least a half a dozen states which has resulted in him being a court adjudicated rapist & child troll.

He was also banned from the Daily Kos for writing an article on anal rape.Schmalfeldt fakes Parkinson’s diease & other illnesses to scam a living off the gov’t so he can wrtite liberal satire that advocates his interests in Cub Scouts being anally raped, male & female genitalia, coprophilia & necrophilia etc. fetishes. He is also famous for often having Twitter meltdowns.

Schmalfeldt’s insanity is well documented at Encyclopedia Dramatica https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Bill_Schmalfeldt

As well as:






R:28 / I:6 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Gangweed r/gamersriseup

Apparently these freaks are behind waves of spam at halfchan, think there's any gems waiting in there?

R:26 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Crimes Man

check this cancer page out, it's a marxist / sjw page that LARPs as a mask wearing antifa thug. has a fairly large /k/ following because they are too dumb to realize most of his posts are punching right. he's really easy to troll because he responds to most comments.

we have his doxxxxxxx and will be releasing it soon.


R:67 / I:21 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Kill yourself, Homor/Alt-right e-celeb DOXED, isn’t even white

>Andrew Anglin is the public face of the Daily Stormer, a Nazi blog that openly called for another Holocaust and has urged Nazi skinheads to take up arms against Sargon.

>The SPLC is trying to sue him, but he is apparently not in the country, and most of his entourage is pseudonymous.

>One of the most vile among them goes by Eric Striker, who we’ve discovered is Joseph Jordan of Queens, NY.

>Most of what he writes for the Daily Stormer is targeted towards Sargon.

>He believes that everything from trade unions and the pornography industry are part of a vast Jewish conspiracy that he advocates solving through genocide.

>He lives in Flushing, Queens with his parents.

>Jordan was on Antifa’s radar for being a founding organizer of the Queens chapter of the Greek Nazi party Golden Dawn.

>At that time he was photographed at demonstrations and posting on Facebook as “Boseph Bordan” about the campaign by fellow Greek immigrants against them.

>Over the past few years, Jordan dropped clues on podcasts and forums that lead us to confirm he is Striker, one of the vilely anti-Semitic contributors and administrators to the Daily Stormer and the Right Stuff, and possibly still a flag waving member of the Golden Dawn.

>Jordan lives in Flushing Queens, with his parents, Mabel and Jose.

Article: http://archive.is/PC3nI

Other people were doxed in this as well, but they’re not (currently) worth the time. What else can we find on Joseph Jordan and how can we chase him offline?

Also, a big fuck you to Sargon for locking the previous thread. Fucking kike faggot nigger. Fuck you. Fuck

R:32 / I:22 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


Watch a woman go insane in real time!

Good evening /cow/, I normally don't post here but I found a truly terrifying woman I couldn't help but share with all of you. There's nobody I trust more to ruin her life. This fine young lady has declared ownership of Pepe, and as if that's not all, deteriorates in real time on her jewtube channel, shared for your edification. She chases down her husband, threatens her audience, and asserts ownership of stale memes from 2 years ago! Truly a sight to behold.


R:421 / I:71 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Null and his flock of lolcows Kiwi Farms

The last thread hit the limit so here's a new one. Right now, Null is laying low because he stepped over the line with the New Zealand government. The foxdicks are going bananas because Null sent a letter being an asshole to a police officer so they're going all "fuck the police". Null seems to have crashed into slumber and doesn't go to chat or post on his site.

It seems like he is losing control of the site and that the users know he is. I think that this is it for the farms.

R:34 / I:32 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Mastadon Social

This is an entire social network we're not noticing. You may already know if it because Zoe Quinn was an early adopter. It's a fork of software that is now UNUSABLE because of how terrible the fork made the network. It is called Mastadon, and was originally a fork of software called GNU Social. It is run by an SJW named Gargon, who is a retard. The latest crusade by Gargon is that he has teamed up with some weird service to implement a Social Credit Score like the one in China.





This guy is a FLOSS Lolcow.

R:12 / I:9 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

normalfag redditors "investigating chris"


found this mildly cringeworthy its a normalnigger and 2 other friends thinking they are "finding out" about chris by reading it on reddit. blowing up with gays.

R:20 / I:12 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Joshua James Russell

I found this guy amusing and the fact he looks at both full and half chan to post on twitter. He "hunts" down trolls and exposes them, so i figured I would use the impossibly hard tool of google. They banned me for doxing on half chan so i will post it here to keep it safe. I'm sure that faggot will learn about it and freakout. Hopefully CNN goes full damage control since they are the reason I even knew his name or where he was from.

R:65 / I:10 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Buttmad Lawyer (Creepy Porn Lawyer)

Apparently 4chan trolled famed Creepy Porn Lawyer Micheal Avenatti and now he is threatening to shut down 4chan. This looks like a great opportunity for some laughs.

R:40 / I:8 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Teacher: Most tranny teens are autistic

>Most of the youngsters undergoing the transformation are autistic, according to a teacher there, who said vulnerable children with mental health problems were being ‘tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex.



R:543 / I:126 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Britbongreturns/MrBTFO/Manlytears thread 47: Rise of JMAA Nation

```WELCOME TO THREAD 46``` - "Rejected For No Reason Edition!"

Short Bio: Dominic "Britbong" Vanner is a soon to be 31 year old who has never had a job, never did schooling after high school and still lives with his parents. He streams every second day for 5-7 hours: a majority of this is now "banter" where he talks to himself and reads chat. After that he will play a couple hours of single player games. Repeated attacks by "stawlkers" have scared him from playing multiplayer games anymore.

He has Histrionic personality disorder and will seek attention in any manner including negative attention. His belief is that being annoying and creepy is "trolling" and will dismiss all negative feedback as "victims" of his trolling. He labels his stalkers "trolls" and has a dedicated army of 5-10 teen bronies and babyfurs who will defend him.

If you missed last season simply view it.


Thread #46: >>613531 (Archive: http://archive.fo/GaXDz)

Thread #45: >>517411 (Archive: http://archive.fo/cZxiL)

Thread #44: >>484580 (Archive: https://archive.fo/vClFP)

Thread #43: >>448515 (Archive: https://archive.fo/GzHzP)

Thread #42: >>427008 (Archive: https://archive.fo/1nfvm)

Thread #41: >>397982 (Archive: https://archive.fo/Y6VQi)

Thread #40: >>392362 (Archive: https://archive.fo/fvyoM)

R:21 / I:4 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Post channels and I'll archive them.

I hoard data and I just got 8 new 8TB drives. Feel free to post any cow/gangstalking/interesting youtube channels below and I'll archive them before they eventually get taken down.

R:16 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Samantha Wheeler Bradley

this fat,ugly bitch cons people on the internet for gifts and money

her sob story is she's been raped and abused (nope never happened) and she has adhd,bi polar and mpd (nope con)

she cons people to buy her games on Steam, put money in her PayPal and buy her things WoW.

no one has done anything until now because she mentally abuses and uses her former victims to the point they just run.

She's too lazy to work so she spends her days sitting on the internet conning people to pay her rent etc.

the bitch tells people she's a trans male (depends on her latest victim though) vampire/dragon/cat hybrid. not joking

this con artist bitch needs to be stopped. 1 of her victims she conned for 9 yrs. sick bitch

Her emails: zakuro.rage@gmail.com astaradeath@gmail.com catwoman9c@gmail.com queenakyrhad@gmail.com luthora.resident@gmail.com

R:52 / I:22 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

PSA Protecting our communities against CG, AG & GG

Guys I need your help as toxic hate mobs unleashed by jcaesar187, YellowFlash, The Quartering, Geeks + Gamers are attacking defenceless and marginalised PoC and the LGBTQ+ Community.

Anyone who has been targeted by Comicsgate, Animegate, Gamergate or any of these other Vic Mignogna supporting assholes needs to call their local PD right now and inform them of a potential swatting risk. Please be proactive and protect yourselves.

R:67 / I:39 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Nathan Larson

Nathan is a pedophile who is running for congress in Virginia. He has no job and lives with his mother, smoking weed and watching CP all day. He is open about his desires for impregnating his daughter (who is being raised by his ex wife's parents). He spent some time in prison for threatening to kill Obama.

His life is a trainwreck and we can all watch it happen. He runs several websites and usually posts under the name Leucosticte or Lysander.






Here's an article about him:


R:33 / I:8 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

8chan Mania Nomination -A good thread died for this edition


heads up lads we got nominated for /v/'s gay competition. time to discuss if we are going to participate or not. feel free to nominate the contender

i guess 1 suggestion per id

R:10 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Geoff "Mother's Basement" Thew

Bland cookie cutter anime reviewer that consists entirely on a diet of soy that got relatively big after becoming the face of crunchyroll.

After rising to a small amount of success off of plagiarizing analysis of anime openings, bandwagoning off of SAO hate while adding nothing, and just sucking as much corporate cock as he can while his lips aren't around a bottle of soylent, he believes that people really care about his political opinions and regularly spergs out on twitter, when he's not too busy cleaning up tyrone after he plows his eThot camwhore girlfriend or course. This is totally a relationship built on love and not just her piggybacking off of his channel for more paypig paypigs. He's utterly obsessed with american politics, despite being walking canadian stereotype.

R:135 / I:55 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

ROBposter: dedicated roleplaying spast from /v/

His Twitter: https://twitter.com/ROBandGB

ROBposter is an anon from /v/ that has been posting for over six years by making threads where he roleplays using Nintendo systems, usually by doing "comfy" stories (aka, two game systems doing mundane shit for entire threads) and even going so far as to have long, drawn out bouts of himself RPing a ROB and a Game Boy having sex. This is when he's not busy forgetting to say whether he is in the armed forces or ICE, or when he's not busy being a professional Ghostbuster cosplayer.

His threads on /v/ invite a lot of equally autistic people defending a sped using video games and toys to ERP with himself, so there's a lot of hilarious things to dig into here.

R:336 / I:103 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Nicholas Fedorov/Aeromatic/Foxworth/Stimp (Thread #11)


Aero's mom is no longer feeding him/allowing him access to the internet and he's looking into moving out ASAP, asking for handouts and frequently spamming his Twitter page with "pls add me i need frens ;__;" posts looking for moar paypigs. He tried selling his tech hoard a few weeks ago on craigslist but someone quickly found & posted the link in his thread so the ad went down immediately. There's also currently another r9k feels/frogposter tranny discord being shilled that Aero was in so expect pol moralfagging for the next day or two in this thread.

R:365 / I:126 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Foxworth is back, now as a trap?

Foxworth/Stimp aka Nicholas Fedorov is a long-time lolcow you should be familiar with from his famous waifu pictures, but you may be asking "what is he up to now"?

Well the answer is soliciting money from his twitter followers/fans and using it to buy crossdressing gear. As well as taking pictures of himself in it and a host of other lulzworthy autism.

You heard me right, he's apparently a 'trap' and identifies himself as an "LGBT for Trump" according to some posts on his twitter (Now removed likely)

Now, on top of that he apparently sends RAT spyware to his 12 year old FANS simply because (according to him) he hates 95% of his viewers and goes on spergy rants about them all the time.

The reason I started this thread is because Foxworth has been trying to cover up ALL of his tracks and ANYTHING from the past which he doesn't like. Including getting the foxdickfarms thread about him taken down (A thread which was around since 2015). He actually got the thread removed right when they started discussing his trap phase and other new discoveries. Basically the only thing left you could find on him was his severely outdated ED page (which he tries to get pulled down often) but it doesn't cover any of his new cringe.

There is a compilation of some of his "trap" tweets on imgur but I'm sure there's probably much more out there.

If somebody made a new foxdickfarms thread to document this new autism it would likely result in a lulzy sperg reaction, or even tweeting his deleted tweets at him would cause massive butthurt.

R:360 / I:112 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Nicholas Fedorov/Aeromatic/Foxworth/Stimp

New Aero thread. Things have been slowing down so hopefully this thread won't be derailed as fast as the last one.

Aero has been on lock-down mode ever since his server got shut down by Discord. His newest Discord acquaintances leaked chat logs from his new 'private' trap server on his /cow/ thread (which him and his enablers monitor regularly.) After desperately trying to find rats, he was only left with a few members. He's currently keeping most of his interesting cocks on Discord and will likely continue to do so until he thinks it's safe to start back up again.

R:21 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

why do people still care about cwc

Why do twitterinas draw chris related art and talk about him so much? He's not some internet oldfag legend. He was a 4chan fad from 2008 and the only reason people acknowledge his existence is because of sleepycast and oneyng's friends talking about him on their lets play videos every five seconds because they rely on the internet infamy of others and cant talk about something actually interesting/new

R:166 / I:36 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


Any idea what she's been up to?

R:82 / I:7 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


This 23 year old autstic Youtuber loves to make SpongeBob and Gravity Falls videos with very clickbaity titles and makes tons of rants about Teen Titans Go!


R:25 / I:9 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Chris-Chan hate thread


R:113 / I:30 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Anita $arkeesian / Feminazi Frequency

Anita $arkeesian reviews Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.


R:390 / I:113 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]




Chris STILL holds out hope for the merge going down. Some fags on Twitter are trying to convince Chris to consider going on the Dr. Phil show but Chris seems to be listening to his tard handler on this one and is preferring the advice of a furry OC made by a CPA.

-How long before Barb dies?

-Will Chris ever suck a cock?

-When will Chris realize nobody can see his tweets?

-Will Chris be allowed to attend the final Bronycon?

-How will he handle the show ending despite claiming that the actual downies from MLP:FIM told him it would continue for 5 more seasons?

-Will Lukas the tranny ever re-emerge to regale us with more tales of Chris?

-How many posts before d5caf3 (75) shows up to screech relentlessly about how Chris is worse than Satan?

R:43 / I:12 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

r/dogelore and Tranny Autism

For those who don't know what r/dogelore is, it's a another run-of-mill subreddit run by extremely paranoid tranny who also runs an spastic Discord server and spams doge memes whenever they can. This being of course Reddit, a website where morally righteous meet the autists to create all new horrors, the subreddit itself is plagued with infighting and controversy over stupid political crap, and because the moderators see more value in acting like asshats rather than actually doing theirnjobs, Don't even get me started on the discord which a complete shitshow.

R:50 / I:6 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Kiwifarms is in Cahoots with Dragoneer of furaffinity

foxdickfarms is working with furaffinity so dragoneer can protect his precious income stream and not be outed as a child molesting, dogfucker/ dogfucker defender/ cub fetishist.


R:205 / I:284 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Rebecca Cohen

This woman is all kinds of Lonny tunes. Not only is she one of those Feminists that go ape shit when they see a woman who chooses to not be a Feminist. She thinks that anyone who isn't on the left is Stupid and evil.

R:414 / I:169 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Alexander Jahans

New thread! Old one is about to die!

The autistic betacuck icon and hardcore Corbyn supporting socialist Alexander Gordon Jahans is a rising meme.

His entire channel is nothing but this retard with moobs sperging over conservatives, sucking off to SJWs thinking he's ever gonna get any and justifying why he is such a mediocre cunt, like for example why he can't be arsed to fucking edit anything which is why all his videos are a half-hour of an unintelligible fat fuck having trouble breathing


Requesting invite to #Liferaft of the damned Jahanism chat! I lost it and Jahans banned me from the main discord so I can't get back in

R:23 / I:12 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Fiona Pettit O'Leary, the Autistic Aspie Awareness Activist

This literally Autistic Aspergers Awareness Activist has been making a name for herself in Ireland in recent years. Only thing is, she doesn't do much of anything surrounding autism, excluding her own erratic and hilarious behaviour.

Fiona Petit O'Leary, an English immigrant to Ireland has made it her personal crusade to combat "hate" and "quackery" on the Emerald Isle while reminding the Irish people that theyre all racist.

Fiona recently encountered the Irish Right online, inviting ridicule and providing lulz, and becoming a staple lolcow of the Éire/pol/ general on /pol/ for the past few weeks.

The first time Fiona was doxxxxxed appears to be by Scientologists Taking A Stand Against Discrimination


This Alternative Medicine website Healing Oracle, has also done so, revealing the many thousands of dollars she and her husband take in unemployment/housing/disability benefits every year:


Recently, she was doxxxxxed by some Irish channers, who printed out pictures of her house with her address and phone number, advertising it to refugees in convenient stores all over the city she lives. Below are archives of her reactions on twitter, not of her actual number of address.


It was also posted to reddit.


She's been receiving phone calls from apparent refugees (which she insists are prank calls), and has been recording them and posting them to social media.


This is just a taste of her online wide online presence and history. She often even makes national news, getting onto the radio and into the papers every few months to complain about the abuse she gets. One thing often left out is that she is a serial abuser, doxxxxxer, and defamer herself.

She is currently getting sued for defamation by a prominent Irish socialist who campaigns against housing evictions. Her list of enemies is very long.


R:38 / I:5 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Nicholas J Fuentes

Nick Fuentes is an ironybro associate from Chicago who first achieved his notoriety when appearing at Charlottesville. Throughout his "career", Fuentes is known for being the ultimate e-grifter, julaying paypigs from 4/pol/ by jumping on whatever is popular on it. From Ron Paul style libertarianism, to unironic magapeding, to (most recently) Yang Gang shilling, Fuentes is a whore for money. With no real job prospects, Fuentes has been reduced to live-streaming in his mother's basement to his small cult audience every weekday. Recently there has been trouble in paradise; Fuentes cancelled Friday call-in shows due to getting fucked with by callers and proceeded to delete his discord. This, combined with the self-destruction of the ironybros and the ever present threat of a shoah does not bode well for poor Nicholas.

R:11 / I:4 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


Do we have anything on this spic loving faggot? We should destroy him, /cow/.

R:13 / I:13 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

La Pasion del Doomposting

It´s a facebook group made mostly of literal 56% mexicans who are butthurted about a white mexican youtuber named Doomentio who tatlks about animation , writting,etc.Who became a NatSoc, by the way he´s not the cow worthy BUT this group has cow worthy stuff:

>doxxxxxxxed family members, close friends,etc

>Acused him of being a rapist, a ¨¨Neo-Nazi ¨¨,of not being white among other stupid stuff.

>A member commited vandalism in order to difame him but got in prision for a day and was kicked out from his school.

>They even have their own waifu.

Well there is lot say but i better show you images and videos.

R:61 / I:15 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


What does /cow/ think about columbine69 aka "School Shooter"?

He's basically a twitter edgelord who is obsessed with school shootings (has written 20 shitty albums under the name School Shooter). He's obsessed with twitter and posts non-stop, having gathered a massive following of incels. He is a NEET college drop-out who has lived with his parents for 2 years shitting his pants and doing nothing but posting on twitter and making music. He's currently being sued (I think for copyright infringement) and so he constantly shills his shitty cassettes.

Twitter account: twitter dot com/edgytryhard

Stream: twitch dot tv/columbine69 (he streams daily at 4pm EST)

pic related, him

R:14 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Robert Wayne Stiles aka Natalie Stiles aka Rotten Robby

What happened to our favorite lolcow?

R:432 / I:93 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]


Anyone know why the website was down eealrier?

R:317 / I:72 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Fapbait/Dragonmaid Anon



Fapbait anon is a /co/, cuck/co/, and /tv/ regular who gets triggered whenever someone shits on anime, especially one he likes like Dragon Maid and Attack on Titan and will defend it until he dies. He denies the existence of autism, fapbait, tentacle rape, weebs, waifufags, fujoshits, and any other thing that makes anime look bad. Telling him that cartoons and anime are the same thing will only make him go "No it isn't" for hours. Whenever you tell him that all he needed to do to stop the trolling is to walk away from the computer he will accuse you of damage control and swears that he has no choice but to defend anime even if it means going back and forth like pic related for 16 hours. For some reason he refuses to go to /a/.

His freakout started a few days before Easter when someone referred to Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid as tumblr yurishit on /co/ and since then has been defending it vigorously. When called out, he claims that he isn't a fan of the show but needs to defend it because it's anime. You can usually summon him on /co/ by shit-talking anime and on cuck/co/ and /tv/ by making anime/Dragonmaid threads.

R:126 / I:31 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

M712 / Streamfag

Shills his shit constantly

Shit himself live on the kumite

Like a low-cost Bryan Dunn

R:309 / I:101 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]


WTF is this autism? I rarely visit /pol/, so I'm unfamiliar with the history, but there always seem to be a handful of these freaks, usually met with cries of "drink bleach boomer!". Looking at >>>/qresearch/ there seems to be endless megathreads of bizarre conspiracy theories recycled from Pizzagate, combined with religious nonsense and a pervasive cult-like "be positive, trust The Plan!" mantra.

There's way, WAY too much autism for me to dig through, and the usual suspects at ED & KYM don't seem to have made any writeups.

R:13 / I:4 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Stream me

/v/irgin here


I just used it to stream from time to time and watch Jim and some vidya streams.

R:20 / I:6 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Caroline Hammond Fanclub

>Lied about being raped when she's just a slut

>Lied about trying to commit suicide

>Mentally abuses and manipulates everyone shes ever known

>Hates her family and lies about it

>Runs off the internet when confronted

R:287 / I:70 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

I need a girlfriend? How can I find one

I am stalking those woman.

Some of those woman friend in Facebook accept my fake account so I can stalk them.

Stalking woman is good even on public.

Please give me an advice how to get a gf that should be bigger, stronger, an awesome and beautiful in an alternative and easy way.

This time you /cow give me a proper advice.

One more thing.

I am an atheist.

Hates left and right wings.

Hate stupid liberal.

In my state beef is legal.

I love meat.

I don't worship any animals.

I hate cow because they sucks except for giving julay

R:11 / I:3 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Danny Korcz

Danny Korcz is a pudgy anarchist feminist who used to make low-tier reviews of children's media like Dora the Explorer, but decided that wasn't cringy enough and switched to commentaries on anti-feminist YouTubers. Using his stilted, autistic speech and potato microphone, he spends his time responding to arguments he doesn't understand, and cowering away at the first sight of backlash.

R:68 / I:19 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath Inteviewed

Our favorite Laotian-descent Neo-Nazi necrophile has been interviewed for the first time:


For those of you out in Rio Rhinelander:

>appears to have grown up relatively wealthy

>extracurricular activities include RPG clubs, school theater, et cetera

>attended Coe College for creative writing

>a former mod of TwilightSucks under the name BlondeGuardian

>developed a Nazi fetish as far back as 2007

>necrophiliac who loved to depict herself fucking corpses and writing necrophile erotica

>was banned from Deviantart for anti-LGBT comic

>befriended numerous edgelords, including Slavros, Torture-Device and some tumblrites who helped her hatch the planned massacre

>disliked by fellow Fascists. Lindsay was involved romantically with the IronMarch owner Alexander Slavros (Alisher Mukhitdinov). Despite the fact the love was wholly unrequited, Slavros played along for a ruse.

>An IronMarch user notified Lindsay that Slavros planned to break up with her during a Skype group call; she was hysterical. She contemplated (possibly threatened Slavros with) suicide. The separation left Lindsay irreparably damaged

R:30 / I:1 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Lolcows are becoming mainstream.

Looks like the normies are finally catching on to the joys of observing autistic man-children.

Anybody know this guy's DeviantArt?

R:409 / I:98 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]


Endomorphosis or Benjamin, is a kike wanna-be /pol/lack for saying the SJWs and Space Jews have cooped the revolt. Gets in a hissy for being told to fuck off, so he's spamming threads to spread his ego. Now he's whining about being saged, seeing porn and not have anything sucking his speghetti.
Basically now a Jewish /pol/lack tripfag.

https://8chan.co/gamergate/res/168912.html (where he is getting his ass raped)

https://8chan.co/gamergate/res/169335.html (where he is getting porn'd)

Apperently, he's complaing about Hotwheels for making fun at him inb4 he tried to accuse him of censoring endo's e-celeb autism.
The funny part is that he's threatening 8chan if he isn't allowed to profit off of GG and want it to suck his cock.

His Twitter in case you want to see the kike.
R:84 / I:26 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

MundaneMatt Talks About Shoe0nHead and Armoured Skeptic

Send this video to Brittany Venti. She'll love it.

R:36 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Can we have just one JewTube thread?

This is getting fucking ridiculous. Just make one cyclical thread instead of having half the catalog full of these.

R:42 / I:17 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Atheism General

I've quickly found out that Atheists can be just as retarded and as easily trolled as Creationists, so let's go!

R:40 / I:8 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Why do you browse lolcow?

hi lolcow i'm a 18 year old partially socially inept guy that's been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks which gets triggered by flashbacks from the absolute cringeworthy and sperg shit that i used to do from ages 4-14 which has fucking ruined me the past 2 years. I remember being a complete psycho throughout elementary school but had friends probably because i was always taking the "lead". In 8th grade a friend of mine that was in 10th grade at the time was a huge mlp fan and this was the time dubstep was in, so he got me into finally watching the show after he showed me MLP dubstep which I enjoyed. I started sperging about it to family members and a couple friends, two of which actually ended up watching the show. There's too fucking many other memories that's been wired into my brain that i just don't want to talk about. I feel like killing myself when I'm alone because this is the shit I think about constantly and just zone out.

to sum up i'm a weird fucking cunt and i imagine myself being the kind of guy you guys mock.

My question is why do you people bully weird people over the internet? I'm not saying this because I'm going to be a whiteknight or anything, I want to know the motivations for what you do, why you think it's funny to mock people in such a way.

I can't bring myself to even fucking comprehend or understand why you even see this shit as funny. I just think of it as either sad or insanely cringeworthy but I feel too fucking bad for the individuals that I'm nice to them or just don't talk to them (irl) or don't care.

I get anxiety from this site because I don't understand why a person can be so cruel to someone that's never done anyone harm and think it's funny.

R:72 / I:14 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

We got a live one folks

Apparently JohnnyNeptune found his way to /tv/


This is even better than Zachary, he's a documented /r9k/ cow and probably an even more autistic one. Have fun.

R:403 / I:96 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]


Last thread autosaging


Barb is looking well.

R:402 / I:93 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]


Old thread hit limit:


Chris is getting banned by the last remaining people online who weren’t trolls and had tolerated his presence and he’s now reduced to white knighting for a guy who’s had a decade-long reputation for creeping on underage girls at cons and spouting homophobic slurs.

-Is Barb a Highlander who will live forever?

-Will Chris’ creditors ever figure out a way to get their hands on his eBay money?

-Will Chris’ head explode when the Sonic Movie is released?

-Will Chris ever make his Twitter public again?

-Will an Idea Faggot ever get Chris’ attentions who wants to make him drop the tranny bullshit?

-How long before 0def44 shows up to shit up the thread by telling us 63 times to ignore Chris?

R:244 / I:59 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]


How long until this guy goes full Kraut and Tea?

Seriously, he went from troll to SJW YouTube commentator and now he makes videos trying to disprove memes like in the video

Also Hbomberguy thread

R:30 / I:3 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Korinefag 4chan autist




This guy calls everyone Zach who makes a harry potter meme thread apparently and posts his screencapped images dozens and dozens of times on. Might go by the name korinefag, could be someone infamous on /tv/ for years. If you don't know there are a ton of Harry Potter related threads that pop up all the time and this guy actually thinks it's all one person. He seems to police the board, posting archive captions of things he thinks are spammed, the kicker is he spams these images and is a hypocrite.

He also creates template threads and has posted them for years. Gets upset about anything that is popular and calls everything numale on a superhero board. If you search korinefag it goes back a while.

R:522 / I:163 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Britbongreturns/Eggbong/Manlytears thread 46: Rejected For No Reason Edition

WELCOME TO THREAD 46 - "Rejected For No Reason Edition!"

Short Bio: Dominic "Britbong" Vanner is a soon to be 31 year old who has never had a job, never did schooling after high school and still lives with his parents. He streams every second day for 5-7 hours: a majority of this is now "banter" where he talks to himself and reads chat. After that he will play a couple hours of single player games. Repeated attacks by "stawlkers" have scared him from playing multiplayer games anymore.

He has Histrionic personality disorder and will seek attention in any manner including negative attention. His belief is that being annoying and creepy is "trolling" and will dismiss all negative feedback as "victims" of his trolling. He labels his stalkers "trolls" and has a dedicated army of 5-10 teen bronies and babyfurs who will defend him.

/cow/Catch-up(What you missed in the last thread)

>He got back from his Turkish vacation where he shared a bedroom with his parents and made numerous creep-shots of other guests.

>He claimed a photo that showed his ex girlfriend's shoulder as a child was "child porn" and actually contacted Discord's trust and safety council to report it.

>Showed his plushie collection on stream (Two alpacas, Mickey Mouse, and a cat that sings Christmas songs)

>Made three new youtube accounts.

>Played Roblox

>Brittany Venti laughed at him and asked her viewers if they would respect someone who jerks off with their mom's hair tie wrapped around their nuts.

>Watched Chaturbate with his stream and rebroadcast a man drilling a dildo up his ass.

>Got permanently banned 6 times from StreamLabs

>Announced he was rebranding to Eggbong

>Announced he wasnt rebranding and he'll always be Britbong (still streams under the username eggbong because he has no choice)

>Dressed up as a clown for Halloween to own an old man he stole a girl from in Second Life 4+ years ago.

>Left Stream.me, protesting against their services, to stream on Mixer

>Left Mixer, complaining about their strict TOS to stream on Dlive

>Left Dlive, protesting about their lack of respect to stream on Mixer

>Left Mixer, due to them rejecting his partnership application to stream on Stream.me

>Had less than 100 viewers

>Announced he was taking a break from streaming because Mixer refused to give him a partnership.


Thread #45: >>517411 (Archive: http://archive.fo/cZxiL)

Thread #44: >>484580 (Archive: https://archive.fo/vClFP)

Thread #43: >>448515 (Archive: https://archive.fo/GzHzP)

Thread #42: >>427008 (Archive: https://archive.fo/1nfvm)

Thread #41: >>397982 (Archive: https://archive.fo/Y6VQi)

Thread #40: >>392362 (Archive: https://archive.fo/fvyoM)

R:47 / I:11 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Pre Chris-Chan lulzcows

Whatever happen to those pre-Chris-Chan lulzcows like Jessica slaughter and pool closed granny? Only pre-Chris-chan lulzcows I keep track of was coppercab. He transgender now.

R:13 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Official Chris Chan @ Brony Con Thread

Fatty's already in Baltimore rubbing up against other patrons of the con. Let the cringe begin!


R:231 / I:77 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Rick and Morty Fans/Creators thread?

Can we have a "Rick & Morty" show/fanbase/creators thread?

(the Mr. Metokur video thread doesn't count because nobody is using it to talk about rick and morty)

R&M fans are the new Steven Universe fans. I'm calling it. And the show's creators are worse than Rebecca Sugar and her crew of degenerates.

We got an ED article


We got two active threads on foxdickFarms


https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/the-rick-and-morty-fandom-and-haters.35075

Fun facts about the fanbase:

1. Sent death threats to the staff because they hired female writers

2. Started nation wide riots because of sauce

3. One chick traded her car for a packet of sauce

4. Every fan is a cringelord from r/atheism who is either a middle schooler who thinks he's a genius or a grown man too old to be obsessing about cartoons who also thinks he's a genius.

Fun Facts about the creators:

1. Dan Harmon is an autistic manchild and alcoholic who blocks everyone on twitter, probably thinks he's Rick, lost an argument with a McDoanlds employee on twitter and had to resort to threatening to block her and is a literal sperg (seriously he self diagnosed having Asperger)

Here's a video of him screaming at a room full of people that they should go out and stab Trump voters for being nazis. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKvsLLfRpLs)

2. Justin Roiland once got caught DMing underaged girls on twitter. (https://steemit.com/television/@jmillerworks/justin-roiland-creator-of-rick-and-morty-is-a-pedophile%7Cin)

3. One of the feminist writers they hired ended up writing a self insert character into the show so she could use it to beat Rick in an argument (in the show's cannon Rick is the smartest man in the universe and the smartest version of himself in any universe).

So can we please talk about this?

R:150 / I:137 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Chronorin/Audimated thought

This guy I had to share. Calling this guy a partisan hack would be a under statement. Here's some samples of his crazy views http://archive.li/pzUBQ



R:53 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Edgy Confessions

You know, we haven't really vented in a while. Let's just for this one thread be honest with our baser instincts, revv up those foxdicks and bring out our inner A-Logs.

Have you ever genuinely wished harm on a lolcow? Seriously hoped one would die? Been glad of their misfortune?

I'll start. I haven't given it too much thought, but I absolutely abhor everyone's least favorite shuddercow, Nick Bate, and the thought of him going into general population in a prison brought me way more joy than it probably should have. I didn't so much want him raped or killed, but I wanted him to get the shit pummeled out of him by as many inmates as possible. I wanted him to live in constant fear that his next stupid remark about poop or anuses was going to cost him another of his foul teeth.

I confess also that, while I haven't wished harm on the vast majority of them, my interest in this board has dwindled because the people we used to discuss were sort of less malicious. Even Chris has become bitter and frustrating for me to follow. It's been a while since a lolcow has actually made me laugh, most of the ones we talk about these days just annoy me. It's like the internet lost it's innocence or something. I miss cows like JustinRPG, Timbox and Ulillillia. It's weird to think of a retarded vore fetishist who wanted to be forced to eat magical bird poop as innocent, but comparatively speaking, he was.

R:372 / I:122 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Kurt Eichenwald: Tentacle saga -Act 2, Jim, king of the mega alt right trolls!

I'm surprise that no one has made something for this faggot.

As a recap for those that don't know about him or haven't kept a log on this neurotic fuck.

>He was contributor to TIME

>In the early 2000, it was revealed via WikiLeaks that he ran a child pornography site

>Hold a grudge against for WikiLeaks for year to come

>TIMES would like you to remember they had nothing to do with it, despite knowing about it and funding it.

>Kurt will send his lawyer to sue you, if you forget to mention that he saved those kids by running a pedo site.

>Becomes a pariah, fast forward to the elections and he's forgiven by trashing Trump.

>Become a darling once more.

>Then the infamous "I was watching tentacle porn with my son" event happened.

>Thanks in part to a sharp eye shit poster for catching this and pin pointing the work in question.

>It had no tentacle.

>Then another incident occurs, involving flash gifs, his "wife" take over his twitter to announce he had a SEIZURE.

>This is also event is also comes into question

>Kurt has a habit of lying, alot.

>The man that sent him the flashing gif get sue

>The court dismiss it.


>As vendictive as ever, Kurt is still pursuing it.

>Nothing happens for a bit, just Kurt lying and having minor sperging moment.

>Get involved in a minor fued between a tranny hooker and US veteran over comics and the tranny wishing that the veteran would have die.

>Kurt white knights the Vet get shit on by his core audience and the Vet because he know about his pedo, I mean saving children timeline.

>Kurt threatens to sue the Vet because of his opinion on him.

>Someone tip off Jim about Kurt.

>Jim does what he does best but find that this rabbit hole doesn't end with bike pumps shove up someone ass.

>Kurt is doing preemptive damage control

>Now Jim facing some deep state and the threat of a lolsuit

Forgive me, if my English is shit, I'm deaf and not a burger.

R:20 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

LilDobby666 - Little Girl Voice syndrome

She is a twitch streamer and she has a unique little girl voice. She is slim similar to Eugenia Cooney but not that slim yet… Eugenia is still the Queen of Anorexia streaming.

The thing is when people bring up does she have a voice changer on, she either goes with the flow or casually breaks it down that something caused her voice to be high pitched due to a traumatic experience. However she is a special snowflake due to the fact she is into cryptozoology and conspiracy theories.






R:29 / I:6 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Anfisa Arjipchenko and Jorge Nava - The LolCouple

A bit of backstory, I came back from college for the summer last week and have been visiting with my parents. They enjoy watching this little show called 90 day fiance. Last night, I decided to watch it with them, and I discovered quite possibly one of the most bizarre and entertaining couple I have ever seen.

Normally, episodes of the show run for about 60 minutes including commercials, and cover 3-4 couples. However, the Odyssey of these two was so comprehensive, the episode was 3 HOURS LONG.

I can't find a torrent of it, but it's out there somewhere, and I'd highly recommend it.

Jorge Nava: 26 year old medical marijuana salesman

Anfisa Arjipchenko: 20 year old Russian cam-girl / admitted gold-digger


> Jorge met her on pornhub

> Invites her to marry him in America

> When shopping for ring/gown, she gets enraged when he refuses to spend $150,000 on a ring, and $45,000 on the gown

> Kicks him out of his own house numerous times

> When he sneaks out to plan a surprise for her, she gets angry and keys "Idiot" into his car

> Finds out he owes money after they marry, demands a post-nuptial agreement including a clause that he buys her the $150K ring

> Refuses to sign said agreement when Jorge asks for a clause requiring 5 years of marriage for 50/50 split

> Starts beating him when he says he's going to dinner with his sister, and requires herself to be there

Possibly my favorite moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTtsBg9eue8

Article summing shit up: https://heavy.com/entertainment/2017/06/jorge-and-anfisa-arkhipchenko-on-90-day-fiance-2017-update-now-still-married-together-is/

Some updates: https://www.thewrap.com/tlc-90-day-fiance-jorge-nava-arrested-marijuana-anfisa/

R:14 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

cow hives

What websites would you describe as cow hives? I want to nominate Stream.me, it's a failed streaming service that's only used by people banned from other services. Idiots like Christopher Cantwell and Cybertranny go there to get sub 50 viewers and pretending they're relevant. The only reason it looks to have any user base at all is because you can say nigger on it without getting banned. It's highest traffic is a 400 viewer stream when The jcaesar187 Pornhub Profile streams, which is then restreamed by 5 other people to try and get some of the shekels it hands out to top streamers. Last week Cybertranny threw a hissy fit about this claiming it was a Nazi money laundering scheme.

tl;dr on the obvious cows.

>Christopher Cantwell

A "right wing" libertarian who screams he wants to kill all the cops. Then cries and turns himself in to them when he pepper sprays a commie. Also known for being a white nationalist, drug addict, alcoholic who fucks brown girls until they get abortions and run away from the nutbag.


Mostly famous for being the only tranny banned from AGDQ. Complete attention seeking loser who jumps to any extremes to "troll" people. Most recent stunt is claiming to have been raped at an antifa meet up by another tranny. But no one believes him. He will probably turn up to the thread and throw a hissy fit, remember to ask why he's on stream.me He got banned from Twitch for shoving a dildo up his ass while doing a yugioh 10 hour speedrun. Pre-claiming to be a woman

R:407 / I:148 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Mark Mann thread #2

Old thread reached bump limit, catch up on the lore on this incompetent fat fuck of a board owner here.


Current Happenings:

>Christmas ruined thanks to anons reminding him of his dead mom

>Feud with Aaron is coming to a head, Mark's on the verge of snapping and going on a banning spree

>Potential assault on a lady coming to light

>Army of white knights are defending ml'ark's honor in these threads. Be on the lookout.

R:21 / I:11 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

One-Hit Wonderful Cows

This is a thread for people on the internet who had one glorious meltdown or funny moment, but eventually either had a redemption arc or fell into obscurity.

>This nigga was a hoarder alcoholic who cooked using his toilet seat as a grill

>Eventually burned his apartment down

>Moved to a nicer apartment and got sober, now nobody gives a shit

R:119 / I:94 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Sabrina Symington

Where has this /cow/ been? It's like Jerry Peet and Dobson did the fusion dance. It's only way you can have a /cow/ this cringy

R:19 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Crazy Baking Cat Bitch: Amy Bouzaglo

Can we have a thread for Amy Bouzaglo? Bitch is fucking insane.

>Met some Italian in Vegas

>Got married after five months when she realized he was swimming in cash

>Super heavy Christian (probably protestant)

>Never had children because she didn't wanna get preggers, insists her three cats are her children

>Claims to "speak cat"

>Convinced foreign husband to open a restaurant for her

>Husband and wife get a bad review

>She goes from a little nutso to batshit insane

>Is paranoid/convinced the "haters" are trying to close down her "bakery"

>Manages to convince Gordon Ramsey to walk off set because she's so fucking bat shit insane

Fast forward a few years…

>Husband has been deported after chasing someone with a knife/being tied to gang affiliations

>Crazy cat bitch was caught selling pastries that she bought from grocery stores and cut up/resold at a profit

>Restaurant was obviously shut down

>Is still commenting on the youtube version of her Kitchen Nightmare episode to this day

>Is still on jewtube throwing crazy rants and insults around

Anyone who watches the episode should get an idea for how much of a potential target crazy cat bitch is, but if you don't want to waste 40 minutes, there's a synopsis here: https://www.realitytvrevisited.com/2013/05/us-season-6-amys-baking-company.html

This is her youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCknhSzem3-AEXT5AQP1eE3A/discussion

She's apparently commented on stuff as early as the last couple days given there's people who responded on her youtube profile just 12 hours ago.

Her instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amysbakingcompany/?hl=en

Her fagbook page (allegedly): https://www.facebook.com/amybouzaglo

R:23 / I:10 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

superman to remind you that only you can take responsibility for own health

Warns you that your psychical health could be lot better you know! You want to stay nice and young! Not mention up to speed to the best and brightest of the worlds greatest generation yet to come!

R:420 / I:123 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Zachary Keith Hasbrouck

/tv/'s resident hapa autist, Harry Potter fanatic, Emma Watson waifuist/white knight and soyboy extraordinaire. Spams Emma Watson and nigger dicks, what lead a board volunteer to challenge him to a deathmatch.

Ghostposts in 4plebs (https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/stone/ghost/only/)

Reddit and 4chan refugee, with insatiable hatred for Emma Stone. Lives in Connecticut.

Things he enjoys: Emma Watson, deepfakes of her, Harry Potter flicks ("fantasykino" as he calls it), "Beauty and the Beast" (2017, with Emma Watson), cuck porn (or at least he's known for spamming it), Stanley Kubrick, Nickelback, weed, pizza, Delirium Belgian beer (export special for fools who like piss), "kino" grids (black and white collages with movie screencaps), pretending that Emma Watson is pretty or talented, giving half star reviews on aggregator sites to movies that "compete" with Emma Watson's, giving 5 star reviews on those sites to movies with Emma Watson in them.

Things that trigger him: Emma Stone, Saoirse Ronan, Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, Silvia Hoeks, Mackenzie Davis, "Lost River", "La La Land", "Blade Runner 2049", pics of Harvey Weinstein with Emma Watson, Razzies, Oscars, the original version of "The Beauty and the Beast", getting told that Emma Watson can't act or sing, people bringing up that he's a mutt, mods deleting his posts, /pol/ and the alt-right.

Main letterboxd account:


Youtube account:

ZMAN - YouTube: http://archive.is/3Cypg

IMDb known accounts:



Livejournal account:




Reddit accounts (banned):



Previous thread hit bump limit: >>319092

Currently active at >>>/tv/1212561

R:456 / I:136 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Brittany Venti Thread: New Information regarding her milking her pay pigs

link to old thread



>has a dedicated core following of beta orbiting paypigs

>you will quickly notice only the same names donating money to her

>her entire "business" revolves around julaying these cucks

>barely even does youtube videos anymore (which are just taken straight from her streams)

>her past streams are all hidden behind a paywall on gab

>discord also has a paywall, you have to provide her with yet another monthly wage to get one that

>her discord is ruled by a tyrannical furfaggot tranny (Luna) that will literally FINE you for completly arbitrary reasons

>yes, apparently she decided that the giant circlejerk that she created in her discord, is actually worthy of being julayed

>so she fines people to give her yet even more money, so they can stay in their friend simulation

You will just know how absolutely cancerous 4chan discords are. Now imagine being such a greedy whore that you actually monetize that shit.

Not even to mention the absolute inhuman reaction she had to getting 75,000+ in donations from a single guy. Compare her reaction to Jessica.

No wonder her boyfriend turned crazy, if Brittany can't even show genuine happyness about someone donating that huge sum of money to her.

Quick Rundown:

>be Brittany Venti

>basically a female basement-neckbeard NEET, who can't do anything except stream

>meet an attractive Aryan through HWNDU, who is WAY above her league

>bipolar, disgusting hoarder with cringy internet humor

>extremely jealous, ruined her bf's potential career (he had to quit college for her and isn't allowed to get a job, because she was so clingy)

>kept him as dependent on him as possible

>apartment is full of clothes she orders online, catpoop in her bed, doesn't clean anything, doesn't cook

>bf describes the time with her as the absolute lowest point in his life

>because she only eats takeout food and doesn't clean up, she even has a cockroach infestation (a cockroach appaered live on stream)

>think that it was smart to talk lies about her bf on the internet

>he goes into ralph's chat and reveals it all (the links are the recordings)




R:16 / I:13 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Mad Life


Sneak peek for a brand new series is coming to YouTube in Spring 2018 called Mad Life, which entails the adventures of Myrtle and her best friend robot as they live in a foster house with colorful characters such as a vampire named 'Darka', her twin sister water nymph 'Narka, a unlucky owl-like creature 'Percy', a kid supervillian 'Jake', a spring called 'Spike' and a crab like creature called 'Pinchers' with their foster monster who as an alter ego as a anti-hero called HoodKnight. They go through bizzare wacky, misadventures in a world where anything can happen.

R:142 / I:24 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]


If you thought Mr. Enter and Ben the Looney were bad, they're sane compared to this douche!

He's an autistic 90s kid, who hates CGI, I mean REALLY hates it. So much he'll send death threats to animators at Disney and other companies and he'll disown friends for like the evil work of Satan known as CGI. Because there was no CGI in the 90s (except for Reboot, Veggie Tales, Beast Wars, etc.)


R:411 / I:116 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]


Last thread almost at the limit.

Chris is in fact getting worse.

His dimensional merge didn’t happen.

Shortly after the new year he admitted flat out on Twitter that he has anger issues that sometimes lead to violence.

In essence by not denying it, he admitted to beating and humping a body pillow as Barb watched as punishment for throwing away the Classic Chris polo.

He’s got some brony retard on twitter taking troll bait and accusing Chris of being a pedophile when he’s actually a hebephile.

Lukas has alleged that Chris was handsy with the TTS when they were all still minors.

Chris has another judgement against him after being sued by another credit company, this time for $2500.

With tax season around the corner it’s now only a matter of time before another faggot shells out hundreds of dollars to get Chris’ attention and the saga will continue?

What’s 2019 looking like for Ricardo Chandler?

R:396 / I:112 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Chris Chan N-Sane Merge saga


Last thread is in it's death throes, so here we go. 2 more days till the merge deadline.

Chris is institution tier material, once barb dies he'll end up in the place where nuts hunt the squirrels

R:41 / I:10 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Midwest Furfest Cow/ Lol Thread.

hey guys post your MFF cow and funny shit here so we can lol and laugh at furries..

R:19 / I:10 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

the game dude

hey there, does anyone here have an archive of this legendary lolcow? more specifically i am looking for the music videos but really i would like to get everything into one mega folder or something… thanks?

R:411 / I:124 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Timbox Thread #8: The saga continues...

Its been over one year since the ending to Tim's wet dream and he's still bitching of the death of his waifu, and the madness only goes deeper…

DeviantART: http://timbox129.deviantart.com/

ED page: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Timbox

Tim's "Cwcki:" http://timbox.wikia.com/wiki/What_Would_You_Think_If_Timothy_Robert_%22Timbox%22_McKenzie_Had_His_Very_Own_Wiki

R:14 / I:4 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

The 8chan Cup 4


The 4th edition of the 8chan Cup is fast approaching. First kickoff is set for January 4th, 2019 at 08:00PM UTC and your board is a part of it. The Cup will be a 32 team tournament, first with a group stage followed by the 16 team Knockout Round, all to determine a champion board of the site. The 3rd editon of the Cup saw the debut of 15 different boards, all of which are returning to shoot for glory once again, amongst revived boards and a few new ones as well. The Cup is being defended by >>>/christian/, who grinded out a 1-0 victory in the Finals over newcomers >>>/ita/. Eternal powerhouse >>>/bane/ managed to claim 3rd place over >>>/strek/ by stopping the Trekkies potent offense and pouring on four goals of their own. For a full breakdown of the 2018 Summer Cup, please take a look at the wiki http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/The_8chan_Cup

In 2019, your board has been drawn into Group H, with /wooo/, /strek/, and /pone/. Please use this thread for pre-tournament hype and also any MINOR tweaks that may need to be made.

For the full wiki: http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/

For the stream: https://cytu.be/r/8cup