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File: f0fb80dcdb5e2be⋯.jpg (31.21 KB,285x475,3:5,22318702.jpg)

08c9da No.10154 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Use this thread to request a book you are looking for.

I have a rare one I'm looking for-

Huey Long- Every Man a King, A biography of Huey P. Long.

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935855 No.14889

Bit of a long shot - anyone got this?

Comprehensive Pharmacology 1st Edition - June 8, 2022

Editor: Terry P. Kenakin

Language: English

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File: 1415554411272-0.jpg (85.86 KB,433x579,433:579,I like what I'm reading.jpg)

453498 No.48 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


These are the other libraries I know of on the web with PDF files

If any of you know of any other online PDF archives drop them ITT and I will add them, feel free to upload any of the files here… if you wish

Marxist Library


National Bolshevik PDF Archive: Everything from Anarchism to Prepping and Philosophy (Down at the moment)


Archive of authors at NazBol, see https://archive.org for their books


Various Books


Krystallnact Library: Everything from Anarchism to Prepping and Philosophy. DEAD!


k0nsl archive, the biggest of them all.


k0nsl Mega rip, contains everything but the german archives. K0nsl works well now as well


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6f1db0 No.14685

File: 3dc9ab086a6d0a7⋯.pdf (90.48 KB,CDC.pdf)

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File: 1415545893830-0.jpg (9.88 KB,177x284,177:284,Gottfried Feders Economic ….jpg)

File: 1415545893830-1.pdf (639.89 KB,Gottfried Feder - Manifest….pdf)

83d573 No.3 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


Testing if it works.


General PDF thread to get board activity started

Note: If you look after Gottfried Feder's economic Manifesto. Download this one instead




It's exactly the same, but it is much easier to read.

If you are a native German speaker. Here is the original German version of of his economic manifesto



If Spanish is your first language. Here is the Spanish translation. Translated by Miguel Serrano



There is a French translation too. It is here. The free download is slow, but it is the real file. I downloaded it myself.


The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait - Frederic Morton 1962

https://web.archive.org/web/20160215101443/https://u.pomf.is/lqyloq.pdPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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c2f3b6 No.14850

File: 1eb244dd9c6cc09⋯.pdf (670.56 KB,tir_27_3_05_magness.pdf)

Trends, trendz

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File: 558b412512c6bf4⋯.png (38.26 KB,434x200,217:100,mega.png)

9d2566 No.14384 [Open thread]

Anyone heard about this website?

There are huge book collections on all topic you can imagine.

Its up now. but sometimes its down. There are many many books and you download them with eMule. This program is kinda slow, sometimes the download process just stops and nothing happens.

My thought is, besides just discussing this website - maybe some people with very fast interntet could download all those books are upload them to Mega? With Mega people can download stuff extremely fast (with Mega sync).

But it can be that it will download slow even with very fast internet. There is something about this program which makes it all slow. Design reminds me torrents a lot, but its times and times slower than torrent.

Website itself


Link to academic books on the same website


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9d2566 No.14564


hey man do you have telegram or any other way to contact you?

hope you will reply

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9ec30f No.14690


Need to find a reupload of this if anyone has it pls

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f8a950 No.14692


Zundel's Bunker


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58ca45 No.14719

Facing difficulties in certain subjects, I often found myself stuck with assignments. The turning point came when my brother suggested https://mycustomessay.com/ . Their specialized approach to handling difficult subjects made a significant difference in my studies. I suggest their services to anyone needing help in challenging subjects.

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5cc02e No.14892


Is anyone seeding it pls

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c57e7f No.14891 [Open thread]


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ed2a7b No.14890 [Open thread]


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000000 No.14886 [Open thread]

Spread and save this content before it gets removed or I die. you'll find some essential knowledge about modern warfare. All content is legal and purely informative.




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000000 No.14885 [Open thread]

Spread and save this content before it gets removed or I die.Here you'll find some essential knowledge about modern warfare. All content is legal and purely informative.




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000000 No.14884 [Open thread]

Spread and save this content before it gets removed or I die. Here you'll find some essential knowledge about modern warfare. All content is legal and purely informative.




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000000 No.14883 [Open thread]

Spread and save this content before it gets removed or I die. Here you'll find some essential knowledge about modern warfare. All content is legal and purely informative.




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2606fe No.14881 [Open thread]


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4572e7 No.14880 [Open thread]

la grande maison

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001333 No.14878 [Open thread]

hey all, i'm looking for The Architecture of Hope: Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres by Charles Jencks & Edwin Heathcote

studying for my master

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File: bcfd5a6940eecd5⋯.png (1.39 MB,1807x2338,1807:2338,Erwin.png)

1803ff No.13651 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


That way the catalog stays up to date as it's still broke and not updating right unless you post in a thread that isn't stickied.

Post whatever you want here I don't care.

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fbfe23 No.14748

File: abe4606f322d6bc⋯.pdf (Spoiler Image,11.98 MB,Survival_Shelters_Construc….pdf)

for the coming struggle

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6465ac No.14757

File: ef4bb39a3a5c29d⋯.pdf (2.07 MB,The_Spirit_of_Nehanda_A_Rh….pdf)

To the gud ol days of image boards

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8e6bb8 No.14773


anyone have 200 years together by Alex in English or French?

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894583 No.14775


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82b721 No.14877

File: c00bea04ad78996⋯.jpg (26.99 KB,615x641,615:641,GbeMcqkaYAAjado.jpg)


well, i'm Postin!

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b71dd5 No.14876 [Open thread]

Royalty Rates for Technology – 7th Edition

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