I finished reading Hunter a few days ago, if you haven't read it, it's a great book. Far better than the more infamous Turner Diaries, which comes across as a bit of a mess after you've read Hunter / Covington. Also the Turner Diaries is a bit free and easy with nuclear / biological weapons - who would want to win, if that was the world you were left with?
In fact, it's a tad suspicious that The Turner Diaries is the more famous book. Hunter is a deep redpill on the JQ, a good third of the book essentially spells it out in detail, starting from the Old Testament's commands to the Jews, and coming right up to the modern (80's) day. Pierce himself says the Turner Diaries doesn't really work as a single story, and a handful of blogs / reviews I've seen all say Hunter is the superior work from a purely literary point of view. All of which makes it's lesser fame somewhat (((surprising)))
Anyway, we can't write some "universal redpilling tome", because what turns one person on will make another switch off. There's three groups of Whites which will need at least one new book each (if only because being set in modern times allows us to tie it in to more recent events than books from the 80's). They are…
This is the biggest crowd for redpilling, and thus the most important, but also the most difficult. A book designed to redpill them must not appear racist. At least, not on the surface. I suggest some sort of murder mystery from two viewpoints - one from the White Nationalist killer, the other from the cop that is hunting him. The cop would also be White, but would be working with a Black and a Jew. The blurb should make some statement about how "he will be forced to confront his own prejudices", reinforcing that this is actually some sort of pro-diversity / racemixing novel. Actually there won't be any of that in the book, but if it's compelling enough, nobody will notice anyway.
The book should primarily focus on the White cop, who is a typical bluepill. The Black cop should be impossibly perfect. Take Hollywood niggers and really ramp it up, this motherfucker needs to be brown Jesus. He should be presented as the "proof" that whatever the WN killer says is wrong. Readers will hopefully notice the congPost too long. Click here to view the full text.