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461f04 No.8177

first time uploading and scanning. will upload The final Battalion when it comes in the mail.


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f753d2 No.8179


Thank you, but please can you use the existing Miguel Serrano thread instead >>426

That way and don't have lots of empty duplicate threads floating around.

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461f04 No.8182


no worries m8ey will do

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8f135f No.8185

Anon, you've made my day. I will be a happy man when The Final Battalion is up.

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461f04 No.8186


Good to hear :DDD keep an eye out on the Seranno thread 1st anon linked i'll post it there.

iv'e also got some SS creed booklets which are pretty fucking awesome, dunno where i'll dump them

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44c463 No.8187


Thanks man. It's a really good and quick read, only took like two hours. Although most of it seems like stuff I could've skimmed over. A quick 'readers guide' would be:

1) The first part of the book talking about Chilean marttyrs, etc is good for easing into the topic, but if you just want to learn about UFOs then it's not too important and can be skipped. I recommend reading it because it's pretty /comfy/.

2) You're going to find a lot of parts about u-boats, there isn't a lot of important information here; if you already know about stuff like 'phantom submarines' then it can be skipped. That's not to say that there isn't interesting information, so if you have the time feel free to read it - you're never wasting time when you're reading Serrano.

3) Around 60ish pages in he starts talking about UFO suicide missions to mars and a bunch of pictures of UFOs, but provides next to no evidence. I'd recommend just skimming for some of the useful bits.

4) There's a couple random essays at the end. At first it just repeats the beginning of the book, and the rest are completely off-topic. If you're just going in for UFO info then it's safe to skip them, but it's still fairly enjoyable.

All in all it's a pretty good book. Normally with this subject you hear tidbits of evidence for German UFOs, but even then it still never really 'clicks' in your head. After reading a bunch of evidence in such a condensed manuscript it really 'clicked' in my head. The one thing that irks me about Serrano's works is that the only notes he gives are on things easily researchable, like "kalki." But then you get extremely obscure shit that he just says without providing any evidence, and no search engines show anything up, and it's kind of hard to just take his word for it over such a big topic. One day I might try adding citations to his works, but so much of his works are untranslated, or not in pdf format, so that would be difficult. Anyways. I rate the book 7/10. It's really nice to see so much concise, good information. But the lack of citations and unnecessary content ends up taking up a lot of time. In this regard it's not as bad as the final avatar, which regularly goes on unrelated sourceless tangents. (although it's still my favorite of his works) It's also not peak Serrano because it has almost no esoteric knowledge to it; due to the book's nature, it deals almost entirely with material things. It might seem unfair to get annoyed at unrelated tangents at one minute and then criticize a book for not talking about 'esoteric' thing, but that can be explained easily. One is a complaint I would have about a book; the other is a complaint I would have about a book by Miguel Serrano.

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461f04 No.8192


yea he makes the most obscure mystical references as if it just ought to be known, iv'e hardly come across an esoteric author who does so to the extent he does. Alot of Serannos content goes over my head or strains the mind. i guess there is a lot of prerequisite knowledge i need to acquire still…but even still i bet experienced armchair occultists/mystics would be stumped by some of the stuff he says

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44c463 No.8200


Reading Serrano is a bit of a game. Sometimes he says shit that is obviously wrong when you research it, but he also says some incredibly important things. It's really, really unfortunate that he doesn't just have citations.

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a70d4a No.8292


>Sometimes he says shit that is obviously wrong

Consider the context of the times man

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9de73e No.9106


Serrano's work is that of the master. Do not expect a neophyte to understand even a word of his truly esoteric works. For myself though… his works were nothing but answers and validation for fifteen years of struggle and study.

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f0eb08 No.14749

Thank you

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