EON Protocol Hits:
Boris Yeltsin: Controlling influence on towns through Russian comedians contacting police.
Charlton Heston: Operating school shootings in defense of Holocaust History.
Scott Peterson: Attempting to make me the United States President, for Canada; unaware that I had not invoked Yoder v. Wisconsin, and in fact was a child prodigy as a 12 year old, not a savvy grifter highschool dropout, as promised to transgenders in the African community.
Heath Ledger: Defrauding the common viewers through cooperation with Johnny Cochrane, and the mass draft of CIA clandestine forces through bowel pranks on common bathrooms of public artery.
OJ Simpson: Control of assets under review hence outside range of Major League Baseball, in violation of contract to actually make brouzouf as an athlete.
Whitey Bulger: Being a generally menacing force inside the comics and video game communities, since the 1960s, with his strap-on plan to make people gay with a child's stolen penis based on the popularity of a convict placed in the arts.
Ellen Page: Yorkstown Trust acts for work outside of named government subsidy; killing Skrillex, an arms dealer, after groomed as such, by "evil atom" (caffeine or any stimulant from varied ground soil terrain having produced "mudra", a tea leaf). Sad to lose her.
Barack Obama: Own family kin having consorted in 9/11/01 terror attacks, offended that Ted Bundy, my third cousin, won't remove his penis and become a French External Security, a French spy; families of France, confused for the rest of reality.
Stan Lee: Defrauding taxpayers of office through act of JFK assassination placed on DC Comics, not Marvel Comics.
Dr. Golden: We keep meeting this way. What's with your daughter, anyways? She's named Cassandra Strange, not "Cain". My last name is "Charlebois", that's "Cain". I'm sorry it's Biblical, it'sPost too long. Click here to view the full text.