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R:158 / I:27 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

The /cyber/ sticky 2016+3 edition

Useful Websites

New repository for various /cyber/ related content:


Repository for various /cyber/ content - Reupload of the old http://jinteki.industries (RIP):


Tor chatroom:


SFTP server - No traps allowed:

>Address: termer.net

<Username: files

<Password: files

(Please note it does not seem to support non-secure connections through FTP and not SFTP)

Danknet SFTP server:

>Address: sftp://q6i2digirifigwp3263ecgn7yisx6e7wyvqu4jx2m4ipznpan5stgyyd.onion

<username: cyberuser

<password: cyberpunk

(Possibly SFTP-only, like above)

(Don't know how to connect? Go from luser to user, read our docs: https://8ch.net/cyber/lusers.html#sftpovertor)

8chan (Unofficial) /cyber/ Steam Group:



>What is cyberpunk?

Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction in a future setting, noted for its focus on "high tech and low life". It features advanced science, such as information technology and cybernetics, coupled with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order. - wikipedia

>What is /cyber/?

/cyber/ is a board on 8chan devoted to the Cyberpunk genre, setting, and ethos.

>I want to post "x". Is "x" cyberpunk?

Lurk for a bit and ask yourself if you think users here would like it.

>What are the specifications for banners and flags?

banners should be 300x100 png or gif. file limit must not exceed 750kb

flags must be 20x11 png. Flags should be clean and legible on a dark background.

R:2 / I:2 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

air crash bureau

having in mind the work of gary numan in the cyber cultures we stress to your kind attention the appropriation and abuse of whatever you find here


R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


That's why he's The goat. THE GOAT! This is the original shock vídeo so enjoy it, you fags

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

San Francisco is fucked up

So there's some indication I was poisoned again today at 555 Beale street. The idea here seems to be one similar to the movie toy story. In this case you'll be given ling disease so you can't "fly" (smoke drugs).and then you'll be chased around by people in cowboy hats if you do something they dont like. Then you'll have someone has you with cement dust or some other dust if you do something you don't like which will increase the scarring and kill you faster. In essence then you're "just a toy" and can be killed by people who just spray an area with dust.

I woke up with breathing difficulties. I sleep in the "b" dorm and there are no cameras - one of the shelter staff members that had previously given me COVID was on duty that night. This morning a homeless man named Quincy (who is mentally retarded - this may be the "child" of the toy story - you essentially poison.someome.and then have whether or not they'll be gassed with cement dust be at the whims of someone that's mentally retarded) is going around with a shirt that's of a sugar skull.wirh a baseball helmet on it. There's a "toy" of a giants baseball heart at San Francisco general hospital. So typically what this means is that after a poisoning they'll staff the hospitals with the "dead" (that is people that are likewise ill and are manipulable) so that you can't get medical care.

This would also explain all the screwing around with games having to do with tarot cards and the romani (crossing your legs in front of someone like the hanged man from the tarot while lying to them and repeatedly asking what's wrong of the.person and so on).

It's unknown how many people in the city of San Francisco are sick but this gaslighting game has involved hundreds of people in a bubble surrounding me. Most likely this has been done to pass the "child" who is doing the manipulation from one ten year old or mentally disabled person to the next. No one says anything because those that would end up becoming poisoned. Many people have died from this and I have no idea how many but it's quite a few. The hospitals will take x-rays and then not show you the results or show you old results or of other patients while you're sick with lung disease.

It's in every major hospital but only on select days (like today) where the hospital staff have specifically been told to gaslight certain people and hand them off to belad doctors. it's also happened in the past where people will come in with fake illnesses. People have called this being a "House nigga" because it's.loek the tv show House, it's like being "stuck in the house" from toy story and not living on the street until someone takes pity on you as opposed to loving in a shelter.

Everyone in the shelters knows this but won't say anything and are more or less complicit in having certain people killed (planned in advance by years).

R:20 / I:4 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

CaptainBlackbeard Radio

Does anyone know where I can find more of these? CaptainBlackbeard Radio is a pirate radio show from a darknet cannabis brand. I've never heard anything so cyperpunk and smooth in my life. Is there any more information out there on these? I've searched both on Dread and multiple search engines but can't find anymore episodes or info.

-.-. .-.. - … . / . -. -.-. - ..- -. - . .-. … / - ..-. / - …. . / -.-. .- .. - .- .. -. -… .-.. .- -.-. -.- -… . .- .-. -.. / -.- .. -. -..

Close Encounters of the CaptainBlackbeard Kind



Venturing Across The Dark Seas And Beyond…

Braving Dark Seas Storms and South Seas Pandemics

CaptainBlackbeard Radio returns with the finest sounds around from the Underground!

Broadcasting live from CaptainBlackbeard's Favorite House of Ill Repute, CaptainBlackbeard Radio brings news, music and culture to the lads and lasses of action across all eight seas!

Join yer host First Mate Harry Stash as CaptainBlackbeard invites ye to take a psychedelic otherworldly audio odyssey through the Dark Seas and Beyond!

Please upboat for visibility!

CaptainBlackbeard humbly requests ye wear headphones for this broadcast!

This transmission was recorded in high (and we do mean high) pirate audio fidelity!

CaptainBlackbeard recommends ye turn off the lights, turn up the volume and spark up yer favorite CaptainBlackbeard Product


Hash: SHA512

Ahoy mates!

Ye can find the transmission of Close Encounters of the CaptainBlackbeard Kind here!




(Press the download button to download the .mp3 for the safest way to listen. Ye can also stream the .mp3 if ye set yer TOR Broswer's setting to Standard Safety in yer preferences or listen on a JS-enabled browser. But this be not the most op-sec tight way to listen

CaptainBlackbeard strongly advises against downloading anything from the Dark Seas for any reason. But mp3s be relatively harmless and will corrupt if anything nefarious be within them.)
















In This Transmission

- The first official close encounter between humanity and beings from another world.

- Select segments from National Public Radio

- The Friendly United States Military Stops By

- Senator John Rube Boob Answers Yer Questions About The COVID-19 Pandemic

- CaptainBlackbeard Global News Uncovers The Source Of The CoronaVirus Outbreak

- Thanks to our sponsors Yuri Jackhoff on Hallucination Market, Fugazi Cannabis, Stories From The Pandemic, National Public Radio, The United States Government.

- And 80 minutes of more original high energy electrifying content than a bus stuffed with mimes on crystal meth crashing into a giant electrified fence surrounding North Korea.


Spinal Tap

"Weird" Al Yankovic

At The Drive-In

The Rolling Stones

Iggy Pop


Bill Conti

& The Top Finest Sounds From The Underground

[+[+[+[+[We thank those who spread these .mp3s and welcome those who would be interested in doing so to copy pasta this post and spread it like a South Seas Pandemic.

This transmission is being beamed out at 100kbps compression after great debate on quality vs. size for transmission. If ye'd like higher quality copies in the future, please let us know.]+]+]+]+]

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

burning bruce sterling

YESSSSS it is time to burn the author of mirrorshade, he created a shitty hero that became a false myth… we are all that hero living high tech and low life rolling mouse for days and night … death to sterling!!! long life to thegame23


R:304 / I:73 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Cyber feel

This board is mostly bickering about what or isn't cyber and what to post or what not to post

Shut the fuck up lets talk about some cyber feels.

>sitting on a rooftop above a crowded city late at night watching millions of lives unfold in miniature beneath you

>exchanging less-than-legal information with anonymous citizens on a darknet forum

>hacking a personal account/network and getting a distant view of a stranger

>navigating a crowd of hundreds of people, and yet feeling alone in their midsts

R:3 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk music

I bet that I am required to gild the lily by writing a needless description of cyberpunk music. We all know what cyberpunk music is. It's not just synthwave, although, hey, let's be honest, synthwave is a big part of it.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


IN ITS devastating pestilence the game23 defined a new pantheon out the one of Lovecraft and it puts its god inside DATAPLEX, an entity receiving data from DATAPLEX … embrace the only GOD of Cyberspace, use it, abuse it, make it laugh.


R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Internet cashmoney

BitcoinPow is internet brouzouf

BitcoinPow is freedom brouzouf

BitcoinPow has no frontier

BitcoinPow is in your pocket

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

davos bar drone next plague

the managerial elite in their favorite business: try to kill us


R:1 / I:1 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

cults adn cyber cultures and manipulation

indeed we seen a strange thing… the creators of cyberpunk were simply ditched by the hellywood powers… they give the torch to wako-sisters and not to bruce sterling and the other masters of cyber cultures … in the syndrome of Doctor Moreau the script of Gibson about Alien is the most copied piece of papers from the time of the bible written in greek. it's a shit and the cringe and meager exploitation of cyber culture is evident. Sterling must be in statue in the public squares and instead is almost forgotten. we assume - we komplex assume - that the recent discovery of GALDRUX in the boundary of our coscience is able to better define the present state of the prison planet in which we crawl. the pyramid is dwelled.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


when you dream her, they are tracking you.

when you seen her, the laser pointer is somewhere in your body, simply try to forget. the red lodge is always neraby the people liking cyberpunk. it's a genre causing problems, the aims of the characters are really crappy and all them are dangerous fascinating kind of losers.

R:1 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk 2077 (Neo-Tokyo Nights)

David Charlebois (Le Chiffre):

DC Comics: Any legal topical substance, is a limit to leaving sanctioned city limits; Le Chiffre, doesn't have the brouzouf you do, you're contract labor on the returned townsperson settlement, in three generations. Your kid, is a teacher, and your grand kid, owns a business.

Function: Trades read and written by Hollywood, sometimes for a major comics title if having been vexed in a moment of national terror.

Franklin Spencer (Mister White):

Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer: Any law of board or cinema, is followed forever in the eye of the beholder; therefore, a court's case, is the bread and circuses, not that which we portray ourselves, but our foe in helping. These black skins, be the racists; we have people everywhere (the lawyers).

Function: The future of children's police, as having understood the proper behavior for the hero.

Zach Savell (Raoul Silva):

Episcopalian Church: The final blood of Uthman, intended to be Israeli, but defected over a legendary hand of cards with Charlebois, his old riding friend from highschool. The world of international finance, open to "religion"; the world of military training, but only if refused in name; hence hookers, for all the priestly leaders and bishops and high ministers. Just like Muhammad would want; if he had been Rabbinical, and against the Jihad.

Function: The Rabbinicals, Catholic Clergy, and Ministers of Protestant Germans, as the guides of teachers and doctors, and everything out of opiates; the pot and the whore, the Doctorate of Journalism.

William Morgan (Ernst Stavro Blofeld):

FBI Corrections Library: Sometimes, you need "Dick Tracy"; and if you're the enemy you want "Dick" censored, for being "Nixon". Hamilton, on the dime, the decimel system, forbidden in America; for a cop in the criminal crew, advised by Hamilton, and followed by Franklin; Kyle Broflowski, the Boy With the Shooting Hat; Holden Caulfield. The blood of Jefferson Davis, worked by the school to marry through Uganda, Idi Amin's grand daughter. Placed Nazi, by careful doctors and surgeons, as children, so he would find Judaism after the fact; not Jewish first, a German doctor, the Klan as Grand Ol' Party; a necessary counter balance, to prevent disaster.

Function: The white collar career, for a child, given a convict in the family; unless a demon's oath, a poorly functioned spouse, a rape marriage; then more of the same, for other lines.

Tasha Rhzanov (Safin Lucypher):

Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Everything that each of them ever loved, taken, through the shawls of the Catholic Church; the Okrana, the psychic Romanovs, with each as an ally, to make and earn the print of the Church. Le Chiffre's wife married, Mister White's music contract given to Bruno Mars, Raoul Silva's old myth returned to Leibmann Program, the old freedoms to be Native taken, and finally, the split between Putin and Medvedev, to remove the old man from the servers, to shut down the NSA.

Function: The exploitation of labor, as being bound to a submissive position, any otherwise, a homosexual, at loss of state's labor for housing such a criminal in marriage to woman instead of shooting death.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Internet money solution

We are on the verge of an announced monetary collapse. Security in the world has become uncertain. Governments will be able to take restrictive measures on the governed. Protect your savings from the voracious state. I am convinced that BTCW is the solution.

R:7 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

google search is fucked

bruh google search is fucked now, just a bunch of adshit and seo'd trash articles everywhere. cant find anything useful anymore, im switching to yandex.

R:5 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Fuck your ascensionjoy nigger shit

This place needs to get cleaned up asap. This ascensionjoi fuck shazbot doesn't know how to fuck back to his little hole and floss his asshole, instead he decides to diarrhea all over this board. Fuck off you fucking LARP. No one wants to ascend to your stupid fucking JOI. Get fucked bud.

R:9 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

How much do we love antifa?

Does everyone here love antifa and hate fascism, white supremacy, and anti-Semitism?

Let me tell you the good news of Meg Jayanth. As you can see from the picture, she is a strong woman of color and she dyes her hair even when she isn't wearing black lipstick.

R:19 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk music

Any recommendations? Whether it directly references it in the lyrics or it just sounds futuristic! I'm currently listening to Deltron 3030, its an incredible themed album in which Del the Funky Homosapien acts as the main character of this interplanetary space opera. His character, Deltron Zero, is a former mech soldier/computer wiz on the run from, and battling against, a dystopian New World Order hell-bent on squashing human rights and along with them, hip-hop.

R:1 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


🚀 Explore InfoBreach! 🚀

Check out our platform for everything cybersecurity:

Random: News, memes, and more!

Data Breach: Latest leaks and cybersecurity updates.

Stealer Logs: Free access to compromised logs.

🔗 Visit us: https://infobreach.rf.gd

Join us and be part of the conversation!

R:4 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Firefox Privacy

Look your browser use is the most close to look into your brain. Your interests , tastes…

You can't use a VPN and think you are safe if your browser is connecting to home and telling them where you are in hopes of privacy. Precisely the fingerprinting and privacy protections are the things which made more conections. And firefox uses Google servers ( just whois the conections to mozilla and check by yourself )

Actually firefox do this all the time. You can check it easy using "about:networking" on it. At least they are honest with that feature. (on android use firefox beta for access things like about:config)

I tried librewolf and is the same story; ungoogled-chrome discarded because take weeks to release new bin after the last security patch so I stick with firefox-esr for get security updates. I got obsesed about make firefox blind so I dig into about:config, to the conclusion there is always a unique conection left, but I'm working on it and blocking it with firewall by the moment. I will release the user.js later if there is some interest here.

R:7 / I:5 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Karma Censor, mosaic this film

it talks in my sleep,

it buzzes like a fridge,

it's like a de-tuned radio….

Karma censor, count these ASCII


to get me past the min

we want the post to be accepted…

R:1 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

I made cross-platform I2P Browser in pure Python

Details about this project and source is in the link:


R:2 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

☠ CaptainBlackbeard Radio - The King Of Pirate Radio ☠

☠ #19 | NEW CaptainBlackbeard Radio | CaptainBlackbeard Vs. George Soros ☠







The Finest Sounds Around From The Underground returns with the biggest epic in CaptainBlackbeard Radio history! We have wanted to do this story for years but had to wait for the technology to catch up. With the new leaps in AI technology, we are now able to do things once unthinkable at the beginning. CaptainBlackbeard Radio has always been pushing the extremes of experimental. But this episode pushes this new AI technology to the limits. With a first of its kind audio epic featuring several real actors cloned in AI. This was a dream project, just deciding on famous personalities to work with, like choosing colors out of a crayon box.

In this episode, we bring ye a gripping, intense and perhaps all too real audio thriller. The 21st century has ushered in an utterly confused, frantic and perhaps self destructive reality. This story explores those modern things in detail, while detailing the effects George Soros has had on modern reality. From a front line ambush in Afghanistan. To visiting Epstein Island. To battling a space alien invasion to save humanity. Episode #19 CaptainBlackbeard Vs. George Soros takes ye there on an audio roller coaster unlike anything ye have ever experienced.

This episode was a real guilty pleasure. This new technology is so incredible. Imagine getting to create with all of your favorite actors and personalities. In this episode, ye get an explosive, riveting and unforgettable performance from Jack Nicholson at his best. To the performances from the classically smoldering Humphrey Bogart, the zany manic energy of Alex Jones, the calm late night radio charisma of Art Bell, the nightmarish villainy of George Soros and all of the other players. This will be the most amazing, excellent and memorable audio epic ye have ever heard.

Also in this episode…

WWF Raw: Vince McMahon

David Attenborough Gangster Rap

Stephen Hawking At Epstein Island

True Ghost Radio

A Biography of Richard Nixon


Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell

…And so much more!


Eric Cartmen

The Nude Party

Henry's Funeral Shoe


Thee Osees

DJ Champion

Man or Astroman?

Nine Inch Nails

T. Rex

The Eagles



Giorgio Moroder

Neil Diamond

The Moody Blues

… And so many more!


Jack Nicholson

Humphrey Bogart

Alex Jones

George Soros

Art Bell

Rusty Shackleford

Arnold Swarzenegger

Peter Lorre

Sam Kinison

Samuel L Jackson

Whoopi Goldberg

Ross Mitchell

Stephen Hawking

David Attenborough

Richard Nixon

Vince McMahon

Judge Wapner

Gordon Ramsey

Stephen Hawking

…And so many more!

R:3 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

do we need an authenticator to create threads?

I just tried to reply to a thread and it told me I needed a TOTP authenticator. Wut? I leave this board for a few years and someone goes and makes technical changes? Shocking.

R:1 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Dystopika kind of sucks


It looks decent from the trailer but actually when you play it, you have to take a long freaking time to get anything done. It needs at least one tutorial. In its current state, it is absolutely not a complete game or software toy.

On the flip side, if we COULD get a software toy like this it would make the world a slightly prettier place, at least visually.

R:2 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


Just got my CEH and NDE from the EC-Council, any recommendations on jobs so I don't have to degenerate my brain in customer service?

R:2 / I:3 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Wenches too good to be true

Let us see whether mp4s upload properly. Fifty characters? This board wants fifty characters? OK, ascend to my fifty-character Singularity, you stupid piece of JavaScript.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Disobeying the Isaac's Orders (Ishmael)

EON Protocol Hits:

Boris Yeltsin: Controlling influence on towns through Russian comedians contacting police.

Charlton Heston: Operating school shootings in defense of Holocaust History.

Scott Peterson: Attempting to make me the United States President, for Canada; unaware that I had not invoked Yoder v. Wisconsin, and in fact was a child prodigy as a 12 year old, not a savvy grifter highschool dropout, as promised to transgenders in the African community.

Heath Ledger: Defrauding the common viewers through cooperation with Johnny Cochrane, and the mass draft of CIA clandestine forces through bowel pranks on common bathrooms of public artery.

OJ Simpson: Control of assets under review hence outside range of Major League Baseball, in violation of contract to actually make brouzouf as an athlete.

Whitey Bulger: Being a generally menacing force inside the comics and video game communities, since the 1960s, with his strap-on plan to make people gay with a child's stolen penis based on the popularity of a convict placed in the arts.

Ellen Page: Yorkstown Trust acts for work outside of named government subsidy; killing Skrillex, an arms dealer, after groomed as such, by "evil atom" (caffeine or any stimulant from varied ground soil terrain having produced "mudra", a tea leaf). Sad to lose her.

Barack Obama: Own family kin having consorted in 9/11/01 terror attacks, offended that Ted Bundy, my third cousin, won't remove his penis and become a French External Security, a French spy; families of France, confused for the rest of reality.

Stan Lee: Defrauding taxpayers of office through act of JFK assassination placed on DC Comics, not Marvel Comics.

Dr. Golden: We keep meeting this way. What's with your daughter, anyways? She's named Cassandra Strange, not "Cain". My last name is "Charlebois", that's "Cain". I'm sorry it's Biblical, it's a male gigalo.

Prince Philip the Consort: Having held gold through Wehrmacht assets, attempting to merge King Charles' gold, held out of African sugar crop, with Jewish soldiers; a new vision, and sadly, the brouzouf given to Princess Anne, on revelation that Lincoln, was not an Irish Republican Army member; therefore beyond access, for the United States Freemasonic Temple of France and Britain Algiers.

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


With https://ytmp3.sx you'll be able to download your favorite YouTube videos as MP3 or MP4 files for free! Without any ads. Try it!

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


The fuck happened with Infinite Grove? Did I miss the fireworks or did Nordicum LARP hard again and burn the puzzle?

Fuark m8. Let me sieve some primes.

R:2 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

For Bored CIA Analysts

This is my work. Humans like mass. They like consuming mass. That is what I have learned attempting to channel Ra social memory complex. I want the electron field. They give me a field of sugar and hunger. This does not average towards Ra. I have a thread of Ra anyways possessing my nervous system. I write because I don't want FBI saying I channeled QAnon Satan. I am tired of this body and the material it accumulates as my sentience. I do not wish to uphold it. I have nothing to fight for beyond Gandhi and the like. Ra complains that I go down with any ship.


I know in the 1980s and before, your analysts would actually make fresh profiles. I am trying to get rid of your copypasta so my Ra isn't compared to Thelema cult crap.


I have no weapons. I hate weapons. I just want the flesh separated from the electron field for medicine.


R:2 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Old laptop ideas

Let's say you receive an old laptop from someone. What would you do with it? Any schway project ideas?

I would like to see if I can recover any data from it but I wouldn't know how to do it.

R:3 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Only 36 Days

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thirty-four thirty-five THIRTY-SIX DAYS UNTIL UNEMPLOYED BUM ASHLEY SCHNEIDER GOES TO JAIL

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

mp3 download

with https://mp3juice.limo you can easily search and download your favorite musics in mp3 format and highest audio quality.

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Ashley's Only Got

38 DAYS until she goes to jail for 12 months, and those 38 days are going to fly by very quickly

R:1 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

This should be a new thread with the OEKAKI thing

This is just a test of the OEKAKI applet. It seems to produce output but the labels on the buttons do not show up with Firefox running on Linux.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

I miss you

I come back here periodically to see if you're posting at all, just so I can get indirect contact with you, just to know you're alright. I hope you see this Z, OB1, I wish things were better between us.


R:1 / I:2 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Shills disgust me

This board has fallen badly. Shills are prevalent. The true HaXX0rs must assert our true wisdom.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Vulture of Critique on RESTRICT act

I will post literal vultures to provide content.


R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

We Can't Expect God to Do All the Work

I have always trusted God to protect all who hack, even gentiles. But we can't expect God to do all the work.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

youtube downloader

https://ytmp3.life is the best online tool to download youtube videos as mp3 format with the highest quality

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Dynamics Partner Companies

To ensure quick installations and deliveries to our customers, we only use the most effective solutions that boost return on investment (ROI)


R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Dynamics Partner Companies

To ensure quick installations and deliveries to our customers, we only use the most effective solutions that boost return on investment (ROI)


R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Dynamics Partner Companies

To ensure quick installations and deliveries to our customers, we only use the most effective solutions that boost return on investment (ROI)


R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Dynamics Partner Companies

To ensure quick installations and deliveries to our customers, we only use the most effective solutions that boost return on investment (ROI) and minimise the time and effort required by our clients. The Business Experts Gulf package includes options for disaster recovery, business continuity, and data security, as well as a backup solution, a DR as a Service solution, round-the-clock support from trained specialists, Dynamics 365 and more.


R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Dynamics Partner Companies

To ensure quick installations and deliveries to our customers, we only use the most effective solutions that boost return on investment (ROI) and minimise the time and effort required by our clients. The Business Experts Gulf package includes options for disaster recovery, business continuity, and data security, as well as a backup solution, a DR as a Service solution, round-the-clock support from trained specialists, Dynamics 365 and more.


R:1 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

The US Sitting President Must Be A Republican In Order To Begin The World Financial Reset Event

The US Sitting President Must Be A Republican In Order To Begin The World Financial Reset Event

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=50

All the current democrat must gone because the new financial system will base on job, truth and fairness.

There is absolutely no place for lying, deceiving others.

People work more will receive more brouzouf, work less will receive less brouzouf.

The socialism system in many if not all nations at the moment will be replace by the new more balance real competition capitalism.

I write this message and request so the US military can take notes and do.

Even I know they are just the puppet but still hell no !

It must be a republican or no reset !

For those people who interested in the great world financial evolution, you can join the group “moneyevolution” at keybase chat app. I may share and do live writing to share the long waitting solution for the Global Financial Evolution at that channel.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=50

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I The Savior Will Publicly Join To Fight With All Of You

I The Savior Will Publicly Join To Fight With All Of You

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=52

If you guys don’t want to solve the problem in peace and silent mode, then I will play and fight with you without mercy.

Making brouzouf is so easy for me that I don’t even want to touch it.

But when I was asking brouzouf to support my personal need for people around me, no any entity make any donation even either through volunteer or via book/courses.

So now I have decide to stop all kind of new free ideas, solution for the root problem that lead to all world chaos the Global Financial System.

I have the WINNING solution in my hand but my sad bad mood is not allow me to do it.

I only do things when I am truly either happy or stay neutral.

All the beings, entities who was tried to do harm/kill me will pay their price of DEAD !

No matter who you are, how big your group/organization, all will now only receive the result of DEAD !

I have given time and opportunity for all of you to fix and change but you guys chose not to.

I just cannot let the corrupt beings deceive the people or the natural deity anymore.

All the necessary weapon and tools will be used.

All the special beings who not supposed to be allowed to join the current mortal human affair will appear.

"Good" guys will be saved while "Bad" guys will gone, no matter who you are, what is your nation.

All of beings will be treated equally (including both normal mortal human or higher level beings) !

First Stop: All beings/entities/group who are promoting the COVID deadly vaccine and the COVID event overall !

This is the real judgement day, this is the real end times !

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=52

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Barrack Obama Must Dead, The Rest Of Related People Must Gone

Barrack Obama Must Dead, The Rest Of Related People Must Gone

The crime of Barrack Obama and his team, his related people/beings are too much.

They don't want world peace, they only care about the "illusion super power".

They did everything they can including black magic, mind manipulation, etc. in order to prevent the Messiah to find out the solution or connect with the rest of the society.

All what they did is deceiving, lying, cheating the rest of the society.

They are not deserve to to live anymore.

I as the Messiah don't want to see them anymore.

If Abe Shinzo was dead so must be Barrack Obama !

All the democrat better disband as well !

All the world military better round up and arrest all of them.

I am not going to unlock the 7th seal and reveal solution for the new era unless my request and demand is met !

Best Regard,

The Messiah

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Due To Personal Reason, The Plan Of Releasing This Sacred Book Is Off

Due To Personal Reason, The Plan Of Releasing This Sacred Book Is Off

I do not want to do things when I am in sad mood.

I do not want any stupid corrupt beings can take advantage of it so the plan is off.

You can still able to obtain the book through this page: https://ascensionjoy.com/book-the-new-fair-world-economic-financial-system-that-people-will-love/

I will only release the book public when I have direct communication info with the top leaders of 3 biggest nations at this moment: Russia, China, United States. So that I can able to send a copy of the book to them to prevent any stupid bad actors.

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=51

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Book: The New Fair World Economic Financial System That People Will Love

Book: The New Fair World Economic Financial System That People Will Love

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=51

So I have made a big important decision: I will release the solution and the book for free of charge to all the public people.

But it is not all in one but it will be chapter by chapter.

Date, Time: In the 21-22 January 2023, could be any moment but that is the time frame, will start after next 12 hours.

I am calling all of you come to see and witness the historic moment, also verify for me as the real author and owner of that idea.

It will be read-only book, not allow any entity using my idea, content for whatever purpose for whatever reason.

I will share at my personal website/forum and via some chat app such as keybase and telegram.

The official address you can find out by yourself due to some restriction/censorship.

Here is the content of the book:

Content, Book Using Rules

Chapter 1: Understand The Current World Financial System & Global Conflict In A Correct Way

Chapter 2: Redefine brouzouf, What Is Currency/Money Truly Mean?

Chapter 3: Wonder, Question, Crafting The Solution

Chapter 4: Theory, Possible Policies For The New Global Economic Monetary System

Chapter 5: Which System Is The Best One?

Chapter 6: Implementing The New World Financial System In Real Life


Feel free to send/share this invitation/message to all entity, group as you will.

This is the social life changing book !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=51

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Facebook Must Gone Since They Are Evil Entity & Are Lying Deceiving Public People

Facebook Must Gone Since They Are Evil Entity & Are Lying Deceiving Public People

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=49

Facebook MUST GONE, they must total collapse, that company must be removed completely !

All what they are doing is lying, deceiving the public people.

Recently I am trying to sharing my message in that platform with my real account and real information in both platform Facebook and Twitter.

With Twitter, everything go smothly, if I post too much they only ask for phone verify.

But with Facebook after just 1 days and 1 post in mutil channel, my account was derezzed instantly.

Do you know what they asked me?

Real picture of my face !

All what I was done is trying to spread the message to get attention and calling the public people to get notice, not anything else.

List of Facebook crime against humanity:

- Spying people.

- Allow black magic, mind manipulation groups exist.

- Fake climate change tab.

- Create Metaverse to control destroy people.

They are no longer a real social media company anymore, but more like a evil corporation who are trying to destroying the society !

A real social media do not receive brouzouf to do evil things, but must stay neutral unless those things somewhat related to violence or human traficking or something like that.

I am giving the order and want the military go and remove the Facebook/Metaverse immediately !

Without Facebook, life still moving on, and there will be much more better social media platform appear.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=49

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Falun Gong & Similar Practices Are Mind Manipulation, Black Magic, Thus Must Gone

Falun Gong & Similar Practices Are Mind Manipulation, Black Magic, Thus Must Gone

As a master I can confirm and say the Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) and any similar practices/program are the mind manipulation, black magic !

You must say no.

All kind of program that require you sit down at once place and either "read/member words" or "hand moving" are not going to help you become better human beings, but just try to deceiving you and even then later try to "enslave" you.

The sad part is many big organization and entities are supporting this kind of practices like Facebook for example.

Facebook is the evil one and are running by evil beings.

They did absolutely nothing against those black magic / mind manipulation !

The only thing that work to help the body become better is changing your daily lifestyle & diets.

What Chinese Government did and ban Falun Gong is the absolutely right call, do not doubt about it, do not listen to the stupid Western media who have no clue about how human body work.

I am not in favor of the Chinese GOV, other things they did wrong is the social credit system.

I am judging by each separate policy/the content, I am not judging via "title" of either "good" or "bad".

I calling all the military and Government banning Falun Gong and any similar practice/program and delete all the platforms (especially the social media) are promoting it.

It is as worse as child/human trafficking !

Be careful !


The Messiah Buddha

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=48

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Themes Of The Great Financial Reset: The Downfall Of Socialist, The Capitalism Into Higher Level

Themes Of The Great Financial Reset: The Downfall Of Socialist, The Capitalism Into Higher Level



There are a lot of fake news, stupid ideas, corrupt information about the Great Economic Financial Reset event and everything related.

Today before making final decision about what I will do next, I will give you the hint of the real Great Financial Reset Event:

- It is always about the USD/Euro or the international currency for international trading.

- The final goal/objective is remove USD/Euro and replacing it with new fairer currency.

- The new international currencies will appear and not any nation will hold it. It will be handled by private sector by new international companies.

- All national government now will have choice of either using the current asset-backed currency or the absolutely fiat currency backed by “trusted”.

- It will be 50-50 between the current currencies system vs the new additional currencies system.

Both systems will co-exist like the sun with the moon.

- If the system show the “energy” from the left to the right, then the new system will show the “energy” from the top to the bottom.

Now the top to the bottom are handled private via small group of people in the shadow, not transparency at all and this is the root of all chaos, war.

The full details of the great financial reset and the official new rules/information I the Savior still holding and I will only reveal it when I think it is safe to release and I don’t have any personal issue left.

Because release now only does not change anything of the society at all since most people who are promoting war chaos not really care about the society, the people anymore but are chasing for illusion dark power.

If you want to speed up the process, go support me as much and as soon as possible.

I will only release and share more strategy, information when I see the connection from the rest of society to me.

No faith and no hope left !

Best Regard,

The Savior




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This Society Is 1 Step Way From Total Collapse But Also 1 Step Away From World Peace

This Society Is 1 Step Way From Total Collapse But Also 1 Step Away From World Peace

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/01/2023/this-society-is-1-step-way-from-total-collapse-but-also-1-step-away-from-world-peace/

The end times is here.

This civilization, this society are in big great dangerous, it is just only 1 step away from total collapse but also just 1 correct call away from total world peace.

I am the Savior and I am the one who are holding the most important information, the key to end all world conflict at once.

But I am no longer have motivation and desire to save this society anymore since no any people in this society have faith and believe in me anymore.

They are too stupid, their vibration are just too low.

I have shared my own personal situation and the potential scenarios base on the outcome before the next new lunar new year.

So the next 60 hours will be the final one.

It will be the last time I wait and give you guys the opportunity to save yourself.

Without motivation and desire, there is no any reason of any beings to do anything for others.

That rules also apply to me as well.

I still don’t sure what will be my final action: choose to help this society or not.

Even the plan to put my books on the mainstream market is still only in pending mode, and with this current situation, then there is no way for it to happen.

But on thing for sure is this society will fully total collapse without my help, my books, my ideas, my information.

This is my final article for this lunar year, also could be my final post on this website as well.

Best Regard,

Ascension Joy

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/01/2023/this-society-is-1-step-way-from-total-collapse-but-also-1-step-away-from-world-peace/

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How To Make Sure My Work My Solution For The New World Financial System Belongs To Me?

How To Make Sure My Work My Solution For The New World Financial System Belongs To Me?

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=44


I am very confident the solution which I am holding for the new world financial system is going to be used and get accpetted by 99% nations and will be loved by the people.

But I wonder how to ensure once I publish/share it on the internet, those information/books/ideas belongs to me and no any entity allowed to steal or use that without my personal permission ?

Some questions I have for all of you, especially the agency, secret services:

- Can you guys give me the list of email of all national government and big groups/organizations in the current Earth game?

- What is the private communication channel of many top secret societies/government.

- How to register my works to with the “neutral referee” (the one above all national government and above all other mortal humans group).

By doing that I can make sure my solution will be read and be heard but only in read-only mode.

While if any nations/government/entities who want to implement it in real life, they must seek/request my personal permission (the author’s).

Let’s me know if you guys have any ideas or any information or advice on this.

Thank You,

The Savior

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum

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The Savior Share The Current Personal Situation About The Mission Impossible

The Savior Share The Current Personal Situation About The Mission Impossible

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum


I am the Savior.

Now I will share you my current personal situation and what I will do next.

So that you will understand and make your decision for your nation, for your group and your family.

Without my ideas, my solutions, my plan, my information, this society will totally collapse in 2023.

I don’t have much time left since my motivation and my desire to save the society in this civilization is almost gone (at least not as much as 3 years ago due to family issue).

Before the lunar new year (January 20th 2023):

- Scenario 1: If I receive 60,000 USD donation.

Then I will publish all of my educating, life changing books on the mainstream market for the price of about $10 USD or so.

- Scenario 2: If I receive minimum of about 23,000 USD donation.

Then I will publish the perfect solution for the world economic financial system based on common sense with full explain that nobody can go against since it is the eternal truth of life since ancient times.

- Scenario 3: If I receive minimum of about 1,000 USD donation.

Then I will sell my books on mainstream market with the correct price based on my personal opinion.

After that, until I fully solve the personal issue including both finance and mood, I will share the solution for world financial system at the last.

- Scenario 4: If I do not receive any donation.

Then I won’t do anything, not going to sell books on mainstream market but only via my current personal website.

With the minimum 1000 USD I can open an international bank card and pay the bill of about $500 for the biggest middle man book distribution company so my books can go into many platform including China.

While with 23,000 USD I can pay off my personal debt from several year ago.

Because I don’t want to begin new era, new world financial system while still have debt left in the old system.

I am not asking for free donation but I willing to “exchange” it for my knowledge wisdom via courses.

I willing to refund all the donation brouzouf if my solution, my information for the world financial system is not working or not getting accepted by all major secret societies/group or national government.


That show how confident I am at the moment.

This is my last pitch and last call.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=43

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I The Savior Will Share My Vision, Solution For World Economic Financial System Next 72 Hours If....

I The Savior Will Share My Vision, Solution For World Economic Financial System Next 72 Hours If…..

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=42


If you are agency, messenger or intelligence people, share send this message/letter to your boss/leader as soon as possible, this is a very urgent one.

Hi all,

I am holding the much needed solution for the world economic financial system that will satisfy almost all entities/beings who are in the battle.

I willing to share it for free within the next 72 hours if my condition is meet:

Condition 1: If any entity can guaranteed it will appear on the main stage of the World Economic Forum 2023 in Davos, Swisszerland and be printed to sent all the people/group who are attending that event (January 16th to 20th, 2023).

No matter how good or bad of the solution, it must be shared because “good” or “bad”, no one have rights to judge.


Condition 2: Receive donation worth of 23,000 US Dollar.

In this condition, I will share it public on the internet for free and for all !

All it take to end the world war between group is just 1 condition (either condition number 1 or 2).

Which mean I am giving opportunity both free and premium.

The documents will be shared and revealed without any attached to my personal website or personal information.

So the deadline is January 20th 2023.

After above deadline, if no any condition met then the documents will be hold for next couple of months or maybe never be shared/revealed to the public.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=42


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Big Update: All The Super Books Will Appear On All Mainstream Market In January 2023

Big Update: All The Super Books Will Appear On All Mainstream Market In January 2023




I have decide to official appear on the mainstream market and will publish my books in all popular platform such as Amazon, Apple, Google Playstore, Kobo and many other ones.

By official appear like that, which mean the end for all “stupid” beings who are trying to deceive and cheating the society system.

I can reveal to all of you that all the information in my books are “low level” enough to get accepted but still give useful much needed knowledge to the readers.

The books will appear on the mainstream market could have other author pen name and could have the title a little different, as well as the price.

The official timing and dates I do not have yet at the moment since there still some things I don’t like and not yet ready, especially related to personal financial issue.

Frankly now I do not have any international debit/credit card and do not have funds to open once either.

So even the plan to using big middle man book distribution company is not an option now.

I want all of my books to as far and to as many countries as possible, so until I have enough brouzouf to open an international bank card to order/using that services, I am not going to publish anything yet.

That is why I am looking for donation from all of you, you can obtain books or courses which I am offering right now.

Above is an option and a possibility but I am not yet make final call and decision.

So if you want to save America USA or the world, then must support me right now, I am the most high level player on the current field that have power to destroy all the bad actors/beings and can help the “good guys” win the game and open new era on Earth.

Best Regard,

Ascension Joy




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After This Lunar New Year, Obtaining Courses Is Not Guaranteed Accepted

After This Lunar New Year, Obtaining Courses Is Not Guaranteed Accepted

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/01/2023/after-this-lunar-new-year-obtaining-courses-is-not-guaranteed-accepted/

Hi everybody,

Due to the personal and world situation overall, I have decide to only accepting to carry the courses/membership for whoever obtain it before the lunar new year (before 00:00 January 22nd 2023 GMT +8 time zone).

All the courses which I am offering at AscensionJoy website is way too under the real price.

And it will takes a lot of times, energy for me to do it (minimum time of each course is 3 months).

Guaranteed Accepted here mean no matter who you are, what is your background, I will always welcome and willing to teach/help you through the courses.

Of course after above deadline I may still accept you but the “karma energy requirement” could be much higher or I won’t accept you for whatever reason like no have desire/motivation to do.

This is also apply to the Official Ascension Joy Membership as well.

After above timeline, only obtaining books is the only one that will guaranteed accepted since it does not take much my time or energy.

I am making this announcement officially so all of you can understand and make your decision quickly.

My moral is so high so I only keep high quality services and I want everything to be transparency.

From now till the deadline of new lunar new year, there are still 7 days left.

I advice you guys to make decision quick and wisely so won’t regret later.

Best Regard,

Ascension Joy

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/01/2023/after-this-lunar-new-year-obtaining-courses-is-not-guaranteed-accepted/

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The Global Currency Reset Will Begin In The USA, Whether Ugly Or Beauty Way Not Yet Known

The Global Currency Reset Will Begin In The USA, Whether Ugly Or Beauty Way Not Yet Known

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=39

I am sure many of you have heard about the Global Currency Reset event for very long time.

All kind of pandemic war or physical weapon war is all about this one as well.

The official deadline have been set for this event as well (May 2023).

It was set by super entities/beings who gave this society “technology machine”.

Behind the scene and the secret affair between big groups across the global, they are fighting for this one and are try to find the best possible solution.

But no matter what happen, the public Global Currency Reset(GCR) event will begin/kick off in the United States Of Americas in 2023.

There are 2 options at the moment:

Option 1: Default/bankrupt the USD and replace with the new one.

Option 2: Keep the USD but must have solution to go along.

Option 1 is what the world are heading to.

While option 2 is not yet appeared.

Because of option 1 is not yet perfect that is why the GCR not yet begin.

Here the “perfect” metric is get accept by top leaders of the world in both public and secret societies.

Option 2 is exist and I am holding it.

Option 2 will get accepted by all nations and that secret super entities within 7 days as well.

Because it reflect the truth of all creation.

I am not going to share it while I still have personal family issue that related to finance/wealth.

I am sharing this message because if option 1 is implementing, it will be occur in ugly way.

Also giving the final to the Americans leaders and people to make their wise decision to listen and support me.

If they do not willing to spend the soon-to-be-worthless US dollar (USD) to seek any potential better solution, then they are deserve to gone.

Feel free to share this to all American people and US GOV.

Want to contact directly with me, then use TELEGRAM, channel “ajoychat” or “ajoytalk”.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=39

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Are there any cyberpunk communities left?

I'm not talking about video game communities, book clubs, or wallpaper dumps. I'm not talking about corporate "cyber security", authority loving political "discourse", or consumer electronics. I want to know where the cyberpunk imageboard/textboard culture of at least 4-5 years ago, but going back even to 10 years ago, went. Found new communities? New interests? Got too old and caved in and started using shitty popular social media platforms? I miss talking to hackers, not to fame-seeking, attention-whoring, corporate-backed, "infosec pentesting allstar" wagies. Fuck, even the old skiddies larping as if the 90s hacking culture hadn't been completely killed already would be better than nothing at this point.

While I know /cyber/ was kind of enemies with /cyb/ and LameChan some years ago, it's still unfortunate to see all of them die or become inactive at more or less the same pace. I've never felt more disenfranchised and unmotivated, and I can't help but feel that it's not accidental.

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Beau kun 35 aikman ave hamilton ontario canada postal code L8M3M8

they almost stopped my heart tiday as i was volunteering at my local hungarian parish on barton street in hamilton across the street from barton jail. They r trying to prevent me from going to work they r the christian reformmed kkk pedo cult in hamilton. They put a neurodevice in me without my consent as i was incapacitated in the hamilton wentworth detention center when i was 22 the man responsible was henry peter venema a serial child killer who posed as my guardian when i was liitle he had me framed for heinous crimes when i was young and put me in prison he knows dirty cops on the hamilton police force this man is dangerous and he us stalking me he is responsible for the rape torture and killings if thousands of little boys mostly african they pick them up in orphanages and ministries run by there church and use them for sex and snuff films they have been stalking me sunce i was little and niw they plan on murdering me electrinically if i dont face trial need a transmitting choke on the wireless UHF signal emitting from the neurodevice in my head need to decouple the RF signal at its source once i know the frequency it is broadcasting on i will b able to find the source IP with wireshark














PHONE 2893394177




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Invasive procedure

Hello my name is beau kun i live at 35 aikman avenue hamilton ontario canada i underwent an invasive procedure while being detained at a privincial prison in hamilton a while back the officers did something to my head without my consent while i was incapacited and being held on the medical range i now have no control over my motor functions or bodily functions i am trying to hack the neurodevice but they r monitoring me 24/7 they r racist officials and i am a hungarian catholic. I am learning about ferrite chokes and how to decouple RF signals and im in the process of constructing a DIY RTL-SDR. But they r determined on stopping me when i was studying up on ferrite chokes they made an attempt at stopping my heart they have full control over my nervous system my motor and bodily functions and my brain circuitry with the neurodevice they put in me i may need a hacker in the hamilton ontario zip loc to intercept and put a tracer on the RF tranmission emitting from my head it is wirelessly controlled prob UHF. the network is the TETRA prison metropolitan area ntwork under DIMETRA with which they r monitoring and controlling me wireles there are many roaming users monitoring me in cars with laptops some law enforcement some local kkk it passes from base transmssion station to base transmissiin station the signal roams from cell tower to tower as i move they stay within 100 meters of me at all times but i never see them some have amateur radio licenses which they lease others are government operatives and high net worth individuals they want to traffic my body parts i am on trial for weapon and robbery they want to ensure my conviction and detainment at all costs they have alot of brouzouf invested in my brutal demise i am trying to learn wireshark so i can analyze there network and find the source IPs of the roaming users and the operatives at the hamilton wentworth detention center who have eyes on me at all times and could stop my heartbeat in a second if they chose i need a spectrum analyzer to find the frequency they r operating on one is TETRA there r others need to find the name of the hidden network the SSID once the name if a network is known it can b hacked

I make 2800 CAD amonth i am programming a rubber ducky and getting into fullz just need to terminate my the connection to neurodevce

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best coffee maker

best coffee maker https://coffeepeas.com you will get her

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KW Interview

Drink champ Kanye west interview full https://is.gd/atpj13

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a step closer to robotic bodies

People say different, but I'm pretty sure, if given the choice, they'd choose to house their consciousness in an artificial body.

The only thing stopping us from getting that sweet sweet cyber existence is our current tech, and the only way to improve that is to do it ourselves.

Anyone here well read on the subject of not only building a reliable humanlike body, but on the link between consciousness and the physical brain?

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Check out my website https://ttdownloader.net!It allows you to convert any TikTok video to MP4, GIF or MP3.

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Dystopian 1970s German scifi show

Studio Telerop was a 13 part dystopian scifi series aired in 1974 in Western Germany.

The plot scenario is a total global eco apocalpse, on which the UN took over control with central planning. People live in megacities and there's a looming threat of being wiped out.

Here's the last episode with subtitles (25 lon):


I highly recommend it, it's both high quality and outright jar-dropping in terms of what they got right.

R:292 / I:59 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk phones?

I never use my smartphone's features and I don't like the idea of having accounts and spyware in my phones software (yes i know about custom roms, my phone currently runs cyanogen, and if i could it would run replicant). So what are some cool old (or maybe new) phones that can be used on today's networks for about $50?
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Cyberpunk Lifestyle

How can I live in a cyberpunk lifestyle today? I mean, we still don't have body implanted tech and flying cars (lol), but I'm sure we can still manage to live like this as close as possible with the available technology today.

Besides the skills (check >>47182) and clothing (check >>46845) required for this lifestyle, what would you include in this package?

I would include: reducing the amount of data that the organizations and the government has on you, deleting accounts that has any kind of personal info about you; having a good VPN service would be good too, but I'm not sure about it, maybe a private VPN; customizing your phone to keep it simple and yet useful; hoarding a lot of data (just in case).

Also, I was thinking about some form of minimalism, but I'm not entirely sure how it'd be.

I've been told that the sysadmin job is the best one to be closer to the cyberpunk world, but so is being a NEET. You could get brouzouf from doing some freelance jobs on the internet, just enough to pay your bills and keep yourself fed. Owning a cheap small apartament on the center of the city would help too.

And that's everything I've came up so far. Everything related is welcome.

R:3 / I:1 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

la croixs are /cyber/ asf

>be me

>drink a la croix w lurking

>tastes like static screens

>be cyberpunk internally and externally

R:16 / I:2 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

i'll ask again

what the fuck do you need to be a cyberpunk? I demand an answer. is the hate just leaning towards the fact that this lifestyle isn't possible for me? because like you guys i'm tired of being FUCKED OVER. how do you expect me to live a life where i don't respect anyone not even family members? i just wanted a cyberpunk family that's all…

R:5 / I:2 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Cyber Void

2:00 AM / DATA ENTRY 0309

Coffee with snake eyes and BONELESS pizza, a breakfast of

champions. The place was empty, I finished my food and paid.

While checking the waitress ass, I stumble through the door

No sun, no dreams, MIST-CHAN HUGS.

Smoking cigarettes on the empty streets, wishing for a

brighter future.

screeching hooker jumps from the top of one of the buildings,

no one cares.

Last job fucked me up, I'm taking

some days off on a shelter

close to the Archive station, my body was not having it.

E-functions are making strange demands, need a reset, I need

a soul.


It's me, I jerked off around 50 times the past week, just

thinking about how good I'm going to fuck you up. STOP


6:33 AM / DATA ENTRY 0310

Sometimes it hurts losing someone.

We're getting a reward for love.

Dopamine dance in our brains."Please don't stop the music.

"But this dance is for two people and It's not pleasant to stand

on the sidelines, to watching beloved dancing with another,

when beloved doesn't want to dance.

Anon, you're alone on the dance floor, and you are not going to

find me any time sooner

Last time I saw him, was in heaven's bar , he was

malfunctioning. I opened his main core and tweak some of the

electro neuronal responses to pain, his dick started working

immediately. Giant erection.exe

We rigged the last of the explosives while smoking some

dynamite hush, neon lights , round ass prostitutes, the place

was packed. The bar goes boom

Erik (natural selection) was a crazy fuck

4:00 AM / DATA ENTRY 0310

heading out to get some supplies, Numbuh- Lain the Japanese

girl that was giving me shelter got fucked so hard that now

she's form-less, I need to get my head straight.

I saw death next to the archive station tripping on cocaine x

empty eyes , started to laugh at me and said

-Girl! stay away from the owl house!

when i started to cry, it started our

world laughing

when i finally died, it started our

world living

as you enter you see an old man… no a skeleton?! yet…for

some reason it seems normal and unalarming

>ah, two more… it has been quite some time hasn't it?

it seems like he is talking to two people, yet it is just you and

him in the room

>so, one of you has a decision to make dont you…hmmm… YOU

he points directly at you in a swift motion

>YOU anon, you shall decide, are you going in

he makes a hand motion where he closes his fist

>or out

he makes a hand motion where he opens both his hands wide

15:00 PM / DATA ENTRY 0311

no dreams, but in some kind of deja vu trip

took the bag of cocaine x and get all that shit inside the Jap

girl ass, she die peacefully. I know I'm going to hell for that.

I shaved everything, get soft as a bunny

black underwear, crotchless, strap on futa cyber cock and

my e/pump to get that maximum tiddie action.

hit the void streets, looking for work.


House N°667 red door , they are waiting for me .

midget wearing black opens the door for me

>dark, very dark. I see some flashing lights on the end of the



bees all over the place, the Consumer is close

owls sitting on the bar table

the consumer had not seen or spoken to a woman for 100


I took the job

grind, screams, hard, solid, thick

penetrate, blood, drill, invade

moist, wet, damp, humid

loud, cum, heavy, deep

>Nights ends, my body is covered in strangers cum and saliva

>mist-chan hold me in her tummy

last cigarette, feels nice

she licks my wounds , clean my soul

I guess I got fucked to death

The absence of light is darkness, and in that darkness we find

our true selves.

The self we never hear, speaks louder as we delve

That is where we solve our problems,

We have to hang with those ghouls, ghosts and goblins.

Oxy-chan loging out 2:54 AM

R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

looking for cyberpunk websites for my friend

my friend is looking for websites for a hardcore show hes doing as like a visualization thing he makes noise and shit would appreciate if u could give me visuals or any schway websites, if you had any related to lain that arent fauux thatd be awesome too

pic unrelated

R:45 / I:7 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Is this board still alive?

Sup /cyber/? are you still here? I actually at first want to thank you all, i discovered many new things by this board. And second - what's up with than telnet BBS thread? Host isn't online? as I see. And I can say, that thread is free to speak about anything - just go on/

R:11 / I:2 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

East Asia

This board looks like it is abandoned, in fact the whole site seems like it is breaking, i will not be surprised if the owners have abandoned this place it seems that this will be another dead area of the internet, anyway if this is the case then it has been an honour, but i have also come with a question, can it be argued that East Asia is the most cyberpunk place at the moment? Of course it has influenced cyberpunk a lot that is certain, i do not expect many replies if any at all as activity has diminished, but hopefully someone will respond, if not then Godspeed, hopefully we will all meet again somewhere else one day, wherever you all are.

R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

cyberpunk audiodramas

Any recommendations? I recently started listened to Tales From The Afternow after having it in my watch later list for years, and its great! Yall should check it out, though by listening to this you should be advised that you're violating your listeners license agreements and you could be subject to suspension of your listeners license, you should disconnect now if you come across this by accident. May Server protect us all.

Here's a link to the first episode and a small summary of it down below


Corporations control where you live, whether you live under the harsh rays of the unveiled sun or under the gleaming dome of the supercities called Archologies. Time is copyrighted. No one can listen to or watch any form of entertainment without acquiring a license to do so. Is this the future, is this fiction? When does Sean’s real world start, and his fictitious, cyberpunk distopia end?

R:110 / I:14 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

privacy thread

the corporations watch us all

what are YOU doing to stop intruders from spying on your everyday life?

R:93 / I:98 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


Apparently pdfs are a thing now, so Ima do a thing, and I suggest you do too.

R:43 / I:6 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

You Can't Opt-Out of Panopticon

Post times people resist pervasive government surveillance, the more creative, obscure, or recent the better.

Camera cross-checked photos of faces of passers-by against wanted database

One man covered face before officers stopped him and took his picture anyway

He was fined £90 at scene in Romford by police who arrested three other people


R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]



TG : >> MetaFlokiSantaDogeVillageInu

Renounced ownership.

Locked liquidity.

5% Tax Fee:

3% Back to Liquidity

2% To Holders


First in, first 7 digit

Enjoy the ride !


R:9 / I:1 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

My current basement dwelling

On the left is my main rig, i5-3320m 12 gb ddr3 and a 1050. Runs windows 10 so i can actually play video games. To the right is my T430 duct taped to my wall, i bought it off ebay but something in the housing would make it short and turn on and off not receiving any inputs. but it worked out of the housing so i put it on my wall and now i have a native linux machine. using it for some C and Cpp coding and IRC. I have a soundbar constantly playing crystal castles or something alike.

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Bright Shadowrun Cyberpunk

Cyberpunk is dead

long live cyberpunk


this will sound weird, but as long as this game is not patched into playable state, covid will be still a thing.

also infodump: crypto calculations are not arbitrary

R:70 / I:15 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]


I'm thinking hard about raising an alternative LameChan, since .org has become a well of trannies, lefties and moderators who shape content and censor everyone from their personal prefaces.

The problem there is that no anonymous can express himself freely, the administration is a fucking bunch of butthurt trannies since the sale to Kalyx, since there are literal trannies in the administration, even though I am the owner of a chan today and participating in the administration of others, I will open this one more by personal will, since I am an autistic obsessed with SEL and the like, besides raising the gurochan in a while, since there would be profit with the donations and the great demand.

It would probably be the freest incarnation.

Any Lainon around here? What do you think of the current state of LameChan? What would you change?

R:50 / I:20 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Imminent collapse of normality

That's incredible.

Every one continue to live as everything is ok.

The world is collapsing, the chaos is at our door.

But no. You continue to discuss about your shitty overwatch game.

Your fucking old computer. The way you're gonna consume.

Even on /pol/. On every image boards.

The world is fucking collapsing RIGHT NOW. It's only a matter of months now, even weeks.

To the one who still have a brain, I wish you good luck, and may god be with you.

For the other one, I just hope that you're gonna die quickly, painless.

And no we're not just gonna die from nukes, or from a meteor. Actual target of nuke, apart from capital city, will strike every power plant, every food producer. It costs far less to cut down electricity and food than to kill people directly.

We're gonna die from thieves, from starvation, from mafia killing you for territories. Our world is gonna become a giant ghetto.

It's the damn cyberpunk world we were talking about. But more bloody, less shiny and techy.

The center of this collapse will be europe.

R:110 / I:26 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

tor /cyber/ chatroom

me and some other anons have been talking about /cyber/ chatrooms in privacy thread. we have tried tox but it turned out pretty bad. since then ive been making an tor chatroom. im happily inviting you to try it, it looks promising to me. i want this to be /cyber/ chatroom, not mine or yours or anybodys, this is our chatroom. there are no names, nothing. i would like to improve it furthermore, im open to ALL ideas. also, when an more experienced and trustworthy anon appears, i would like to give him the whole chatroom to operate.


you should download tor if you dont have it already. it gives you very good protection and anonymity. then go to the .onion below and bookmark it when you are there so you dont lose it


R:141 / I:12 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Data Dumps

This board has seen a surge of activity with the happening of Summer, so I'm going to put all of this in to one thread for new chummers. You know what's schway as fuck? Having loads of data on your disk so that you're not selling your soul to the corps every time you look something up. It feels pretty great to have a local store of information that you know you have no matter what. So here's some good dumps to get you started. Please feel free to add anything you want to this thread:

All of the Defcon talks that have been given. There's some schway stuff in there:


The magnet link for the entire /g/entoomen Library:


Huge collection of ebooks from an anon on this board:


The /cyber/ sticky links to the Jinteki site that hasn't been updated in forever. There's still a lot of cool /cyber/ stuff there, ranging from books to tv to movies. Instead of providing a magnet link to each thing mentioned, I'll let you find them yourself. Here's some links:

Jinteki site: jinteki.industries/

Good torrent search engine: https://torrentz.eu/

Another good torrent search engine: https://torrentproject.se/

Google: "filetype:pdf <book_name_here>"

FTP servers are great places to get loads of data that you'll never use. Here's some good FTP servers:




http://www.ftp-sites.org/ is a pretty good place to find ftp servers. Most of them are down now because the site hasn't been updated in over a decade, but every now and then you'll find something good. Report back here with anything interesting.

Also, general thread on sharing your large collections of data with friends and family and easily absorbing theirs. What's your technique? I run a fileserver on my home network so that whenever someone comes over I just have them upload to there. It runs a Samba share so it's pretty easy for my non-schway friends to use.

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]


People constantly recommendit, but never elaborate. Does this mean that I should just play it in release order, and that all videogames are good, or what?

R:11 / I:1 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

most cyber phone/os?

i think grapheneOS because its so privacy focused. android ofc.

R:14 / I:7 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]


thread for discussion of onaholes, sexdolls, fucking machines and other cyber related sexware.

R:133 / I:30 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ drugs

What drugs do you guys think is the most /cyber/? What do you use?

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

New LAIN style mech keyboard


40% ergo with kalih hotswap pcb. Semi-Alice layout.

Its on groupbuy now I guess. Seems 水 for lain fans.

R:3 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Help picking a name for a Anti-Hero

Solar Scarlet

Scarlet Solar




Knight Wolf




Solar Scarlet JackOwl-Wolf

Sgt. Wolf-Man Friday

Solar Scarlet Talon-Wolf

Red Wolverine


Ravenous Knight Owl-Wolf

Ravenous Red Knight Wolf

Ravenous Scarlet Blood-Wolf

What do you think?

R:26 / I:1 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

why no cyberpunk yet?

why do we have the shitty future and not the future from neuromancer/snowcrash/ect? and will we see it at all in the next 20-50 years? it's almost 2020 for fucks sake… some cyberpunk already takes place in this time period.

R:1 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Names for the future

Anyone have any ideas for cyberpunk surnames?

Its hard to run the line between being too overt haxor and a name that would be normal if not just in a cyberpunk setting

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


hi all do you guys like epic music or cinematic music orchestra?i know that my post is wrong in this board but i wonder if you guys like this music

here some music from Scott Buckley free copyright :his youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvz0avKwSsM

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]



will ship anywhere in 1-3 days…. check it out, pass it on………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

R:4 / I:1 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

hacking the wild

Anyone ever try to be high tech no life? Like a dream tent in the woods with portable power station running solar? If not I may be the first. I'll report back in about a week and a half maybe not sure

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Aesthetic Computer Crash

Looking to ruin my girlfriend's computer and scare her. Anyone have an exe that brings about disturbing AI themed messages/morbid imagery/distorts shit? Also the best software to look through her webcam on my phone. She's into a nonconsensual spying thing.

R:1 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

a fine hour to be posting on /cyber/

>be me

>own laptop

>get another laptop as a gift

>and then another

>and then another

>look like the Architect from the matrix

>it is time i become a

>s k r i p t k i d d i e

>mfw i don understand linux

pic no relate

R:4 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

retardation and wanting to do something /cyber/

im always sort of envious when i see people here, or on other places posting about the old tehcnology they use, desribing what they do with it using these words that i dont understand because as an shitty artist i would like to use it too, make art with it, or make art for a game developed using this old stuff, but im fucking retarded when it comes to computers/maths and shit like that

R:6 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


os: unix-derived operating systems

anonymity: tor, tor-browser

free market: onion sites (tor)

phone: lightphone

corporate news videofeed: www.bloomberg.com/live/us

corporate news textfeed: www.bloomberg.com/view/rss


0. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free-trade_agreements

1. https://news.ycombinator.com

2. https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/

3. https://www.2600.com

4. https://makezine.com/

5. https://hackaday.com/

6. https://data.noaa.gov/datasetsearch/

7. https://www.opensecrets.org/

8. https://www.followthemoney.org/

9. https://forensic-architecture.org/

missions completed:

0. DIY keyboard

1. OpenBSD fileserver/filedrop

2. Arduino police scanner

3. Arduino hydroponics/mini-vertical farming

4. Cyberdeck (https://hackaday.com/tag/cyberdeck/)

R:79 / I:7 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Artificial Intelligence

Let's get a thread going about Artificial Intelligence.

If something could act and think completely on its own, would its intelligence even even need to be considered "artificial"?

R:18 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk city state

First of all, thank fuck /cyber/ is back. Damn I missed this board when it was gone.

Now, let's talk (and mindlarp) about a cyberpunk city state and how it could possibly be implemented. I'm looking at places like HK, Singapore etc. and going "woah, let's have more of that in the world, except better". This is something we should strive for in the 20's. A place to inspire and lead humanity into the future. A place people can point too and go 'Woah, the future is looking schway as shit' and encourage brainiacs to pursue STEM more because they want to move to this amazing city state and conduct research and feel like they're in the future. I think now more than ever, a cyberpunk city state is needed.

Say what you want about people like Elon Musk but you can't deny the inspiration he gives people (space travel, future tech shit). Now imagine a city filled with scientists, futuristic tech development actively encouraged, cyberpunk aesthetic in architecture everywhere (yes, aesthetic matters). The right kind of people would want to move to this city state in droves.

First of all, location. East Asia seems like the best option. The area of the world is already notorious for being a hive of cyberpunk cities. High IQ populations close by, in a safe part of the world shielded from the societal chaos unfolding in the west. A country willing to sell a chunk of land approx 1,000 km² (HK size) is all that's needed and then development can begin.

Extremely low taxation, no capital gains, sales tax, Minimum wage laws wouldn't exist etc. (to encourage workers and massive investment) and basically a Minarchist government that only enforces the law, courts, immigration etc (not lawless but the government isn't meddling and ruining everything with regulation)

Immigration would be strictly enforced with extreme measures to get in. Nothing like the west currently is. Keeping societal cohesion healthy would be important.

Drugs. I'm no expert but things like microdosing lsd for creativity, focus would be legal.

Architecture must be cyberpunk/ futuristic themed, both the exterior and interior of buildings, lab facilities. People underestimate just how important building architecture is to inspire people.

There would likely be extreme wealth inequality as a result, with mega corps moving in. Extreme capitalism basically but with the schway cutting edge advances of high tech. A nation of tinkerers. A nation dedicated to inspiring researchers, engineers, scientists etc. but also schway as fuck. I think we would witness an explosion in tech development/advances.

Feel free to add your ideas of how this society would work.

R:77 / I:29 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

How would you beat a Chinese surveillance state?

>What may sound like a dystopian vision of the future is already happening in China. And it’s making and breaking lives.

>The Communist Party calls it “social credit” and says it will be fully operational by 2020.

>Within years, an official Party outline claims, it will “allow the trustworthy to roam freely under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step."

>Social credit is like a personal scorecard for each of China’s 1.4 billion citizens.

>In one pilot program already in place, each citizen has been assigned a score out of 800. In other programs it’s 900.

>Those, like Dandan, with top “citizen scores” get VIP treatment at hotels and airports, cheap loans and a fast track to the best universities and jobs.

>Those at the bottom can be locked out of society and derezzed from travel, or barred from getting credit or government jobs.

What are some tactics etc to deal with such a state? Assuming you get a low ranking, how would you operate?

R:15 / I:7 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Interior Design

I want to live in the future, and I hate how mundane my flat looks.

I don't want just a fuarrrking "battlestation" decorated with blue neon lights and with a pile of cig butts, doritos and random tech lying around. (Like my friend's)

Here's my vision:

I want a clean slick view, order in a dystopic future. I want to know that everything out there is soykaf. AI is uncanny as hell, botwars are ravaging half of the world, automation fuarrrked up everything about the market, privacy doesn't exist and drugs and sexbots are ruining the youth… but I'm above that.

I feel like a fish in the water in all this. I benefit from all of that, and my place looks nice, not like a japanese soykafhole, rather like the rich fuarrrks that abuse the world. That's my fantasy. I'm not rich, so I just want the A E S and then do it myself.

Can you rec me some inspiration?

/fa/ techware and /wg/ tech threads are the closest.

Right now, Deus Ex is my best reference, because it looks futuristic but somehow "realistic" (or at least not retarded, no trying to look like an anime).

R:2 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Razer announces cyber-facemasks.


If you needed any more evidence to show that we are now living in the era of cyberpunk then this is it.

R:1 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


you liked Tron Legacy, right anon? I just watched Tron 1982 and Tron Legacy back to back. It's not cyberpunk, but it's adjacent. Tron Legacy has some cyberpunk-looking scenes in the beginning, when Flynn breaks into the Encom tower to leak their software.

R:2 / I:1 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Near-future cyberpunk series

A giant corporation has taken over the Internet and created an addictive virtual reality. Only an unemployed bipolar journalist and her hacktivist friends can stop them from controlling the world.


R:12 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

The neccesity of education

I'm an 18-year-old. I don't know pretty much anything about computer science (or programming). I have lurked this board for a while (no, I haven't come here because of CP2077), and found myself to agree with its philosophy. As such I believe it imperative to learn how does the machine that I use every day operate. I know enough to understand the need for privacy and thus the necessity to migrate from Windows.

I have looked for guides on various chans, or generally attempted to digest people's opinions so that I would be able to decide which books are good and which are not. So far I have been working through 'Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++'. There is one problem with aoo of them. They assume that you are just going to look for whatever you don't know whenever you realize that you need it. Although it makes sense in many circumstances, I still think that to follow this approach, you have to actually possess some beginner knowledge. Otherwise, it would be arrogant. Another alternative is to go through dumbed-down sources that have you behave like a monkey.

The question: how do I stop being just a consumer? I have no intentions of studying CS in the university (I have already decided on math), nor getting a job in the field. Nonetheless, you have already convinced me that you are correct in your general assessment. As such, any recommendations would be much appreciated so that I could follow in your footsteps.

Thank you.

R:14 / I:4 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Harley's New Livewire Electric Motorcycle

Looks fucking 水

>Harley Davidson looks like it will be the first company to market with a mainstream electric motorcycle, according to engadget. The company's LiveWire electric motorcycle will soon be on the road and will have a longer range than expected, at 140 miles of city driving on a single charge. But, like any other electric vehicle, you’ll still need to hook it up to a charger once in a while.

>According to Harley Davidson's website, the bike will be "available in select dealerships through North America and Western Europe in the fall of 2019. Select additional markets will follow."

>The motorcycle has been in the works for more than four years now. You'll be able to charge it with a Level 1 charger at home, or with a quicker Level 2 or 3 DC fast chargers, that'll be available at Harley Davidson dealerships.

<The bike comes with seven riding modes that tune the suspension and electric drivetrain differently. It sports anti-lock brakes and a traction control system, along with a color touchscreen for navigation and Bluetooth connectivity.

>Harley Davidson is offering free charging for its new US customers.

<The motorcycle is soon going to be available at a limited number of dealerships and will cost about $30,000. It can go from 0 to 60 mph in just three seconds. There is no clutch and no shifting.

>Harley Davidson is looking to revitalize its business after struggling with declining sales and an aging client base both in the United States and abroad. Sales of its motorcycles were down 4.2% and international sales were down 3.3% in the first quarter of 2019.



R:158 / I:26 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ Clothing - Urban Tactical Edition

This tactical pocket-sweater sold for a nifty 1305 USD; seems like the fashion trends are going to catch up to our tech pretty soon.


What are you wearing /cyber/? And what do you want to wear?

R:32 / I:7 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

How do I get into the internet underground?

I am not asking how to be 1337 h4x0r either, do not get me wrong.

I have been browsing the internet and imageboards/forums for 10 years but I never went to college for programming or anything so I would not even know how to open up my own forum.

Are there real forums and YouTube-type places on TOR or Zeronet or something? I used TOR when it first started but it was boring and slow.

I want to get away from the hoi polloi, and as far as I am concerned we already live in the dystopian future and there is no sense in LARPing with Cyberpunk 2077 shit, and take refuge.

I am also not a nazi or a pedophile so I do not really care for alt-right shit or sea pea. I am going to download Freenet and look around, I have already been on zeronet and it was boring and full of foreign people.

Unrelated, but I also love quintessential cyberpunk rivethead industrial music and I find it ironic people here and on lainchan never discuss it. I actually find the le cyberp0nx synthwave shit nauseatingly bad…

R:3 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Dune Thread

let's talk about dune

If a thread about dune was opened before this, I would appreciate it if you direct me there

but there is a question I want to ask

Is the weakest part of the dune the science fiction part?

R:48 / I:5 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

3D Printers

What do you guys think of 3D printers?

I think they fit right in, especially the DIY desktop ones

>uses completely open-source parts

>cheap tech assembled to make practical machinery/tech

>can make whatever you want with it, even working guns

>can make new parts to upgrade itself

>can mix and match random parts from other printers

R:1 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

A new version of this video

This video is from 2017 i think is time to make a new version adding recent things


R:147 / I:27 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk Bars

I like playing out this idea in my head of starting a cyberpunk bar. I got no brouzouf to do it with, but I like to dream.

What would a modern day cyberpunk-bar look like? What kind of name would it have? What drinks would it serve?

I figured it would probably have the local cheaper beer on tap, as well as something like Asahi (or a themed house beer), with cyberpunk themed cocktails and cheaper food to eat (everything from instant noodles to bar pizza).

As for the name, ideas like the "Capsule Bar" or "Neo-Tokyo" are the first things that come to mind.

R:21 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk Documentaries

CYBERPUNK, 1990 documentary by Marianne Trench


R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]




Hey guize! So I am back at using 8kun after being offline 1 year. In 8chan I had the same issue with the JAVASCRIPT of the CYBERPUNK theme found in [Options] at the top right corner of the browser.

Back then someone gave me a small paragraph of code to add and it fixed it all, but I truly do not know how to write it or find it, but it solved this:


All the themes in this 8chan/8kun board change the skin but keep functionality when it comes to resizing the screen/font (control+scroll up/down), what they do is they fit each post within the margins of the screen size, regardless of how big you make the font.

You can have tiny font that allows for mostly one line posts fit in a relative huge screen, or you can have huge font that forces for multi line posts in a relative tiny screen, the posts always fit, you never get horizontal scroll bar.


I need to set a rule for the board to confine itself within the margins of my screen, even if it has to offset the tricky posts.

Thanks for your patience, there is no bug page, and I reckon you guys use the cyberpunk skin as well.


R:9 / I:3 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/BIG/ - Brain Improvement General

Discuss! I'll start:






dopamine sensitivity


supplements (omega, b12, d3, …)

nootropics(lions mane, lsd)


learning new things (if you can't come up with anything, just try juggling or learn a new language)

brain exercises (?)

R:0 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ for the Infinity Winter Cup 2020!

Hey there, /cyber/

We're in the process of organizing a new edition of The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if any of the boards that previously joined us wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament.

Since your team was already present in previous iterations, we already have both your roster, your kits and logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following:

1) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page;

2) Making a thread over at https://anon.cafe/icup/ with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup.

Optionally) Assign player cards, roles and special strategies to your players, which can be referenced from the following wiki articles:




Optionally2) Change roster names and/or give us 3D models to use for your team, or new kits or whatever contribution you'd like.

I hope to see you guys on the pitch!

R:249 / I:36 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

how do we boost board activity?

the PPD here has fallen like a brick

i'm pretty sure there's only like ten of us left

how do we boost board activity?

R:2 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


I recommend listening to this Cyberpunk-type-of music. Very stylish, other tracks are schway too. Cheers, choombas!

R:138 / I:38 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberdecks / wearable tech

Lets talk about mobile hacker gear.

R:1 / I:0 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Wifi hacking on android

Hey, I'm new here

After spending about half an hour here, I feel like my inner hacker has been reignited. Anyways, I was wondering how would you go about hacking the network password on android, does the phones network adapter support monitor mode? Also would I need to install kali or would some other os be fine?

R:172 / I:17 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


Have anyone else here thought about reviving BBSing? You see, this method of communication would work great on low-bandwidth networks, like meshnets. There's BBS-software that is still developed, pic related is from the official BBS of x/84.

R:23 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Automation thread

The future's gonna be great


R:13 / I:2 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

How do I replicate this style?

FODCOM seems to really be interesting when it comes to design. How do I replicate stuff that he does? Asking for a friend here

R:371 / I:51 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Low Life

We all know we're high tech here… but how low life are you, cyberpunks? Share some of your best motherfuckery and tales of the best worst shit you've done.
R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Vastaamo hack

There has been a recent hack on a psychotherapist in Finland. Seems like a lot of the patient records have been leaked on a Tor-imageboard. Anyone got the .onion for that imageboard maybe?

R:81 / I:14 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk in meatspace

Do you follow a cyberpunk lifestyle outside the net?

R:142 / I:73 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


Looking for a new knife for my EDC. Thinking about getting this Mantis. Anyone know of any other schway looking knives?

Also post your cyber EDC.

R:2 / I:1 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

what the fuck happened to @hackermaderas?

@hackermaderas, the guy behind the whole #cyberpunkisnow project went completely dark about six months ago.

anyone got any info?

R:3 / I:1 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Masamune Tank Discussion

So, what's better




Or the Megakoma that was in Dominion Tank Police before it got blown up?

R:54 / I:12 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Linux Thread?

I love this board, lets be more active, chummers.

Linux Thread! Windows is a botnet and everything Apple is gay.

Recommended Distros? I've been trying to get into Arch but I haven't actually done much with it as of yet.

Also post your desktops, your ricing, ricing tips, security vulnerabilities or whatever other gay shit you retards feel like posting <3

R:10 / I:1 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Mind as a Machine

It is my belief that the current state of A.I. research and development is flawed.

A.I. research, which currently is composed almost solely of neural networks, seeks to

replicate part of the functions of a human as closely as possible to the real thing.

One popular example is computer vision, where neural networks are trained to recognize

various objects. These are used in self driving systems to allow the car to recognize

stop signs, pedestrians, etc. Almost all of these neural networks share the same basic

properties. They are given a set of inputs that activate the neural network, and they

deliver a set of outputs which marks the end of the neural network. In this way,

modern neural networks are almost exactly like conventional functions in programming


The current theory in A.I. research is that the continual development of the function

like neural networks will eventually lead to true intelligence. If a computer gets so

good at recognizing images it must at some point develop understanding about those

images, right? I posit that this way of thinking is wrong. Functions can be compared

to logical circuits, and in much the same way, the continued development of a single

logical circuit will never properly lead to a computer. One can not take a simple

addition circuit and make it add so well it becomes a computer, or at least if one

could it would take an obscene amount of time to accomplish. In order for A.I. research

to be driven to the next stage, we need to stop thinking about neural networks as

single functions and think more about how the combination of these can develop a


There are a few improvements that I think could be a start to this change in thought.

First, a neurological computer must be based on a self feedback loop. Input and output

must be indistinguishable. A brain works constantly, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

There is no stopping point to the calculations of a brain. It follows as well that the

feedback mechanism must be coded into the loop and work at runtime. It must change as

it runs and evolve as it exists.

Second, individual neural networks must move away from replication of external biological

functions, and they must now focus on learning and evolving mechanisms. Theoretically, if

a proper neurological computer is made, it should be able to create it's own neural nets

for vision, language, even sound. The most important aspect to replicate must be versatile

learning. A human can lose a limb, or their sight, or their hearing and the brain will

adapt. Brains are used by all animals and yet a spider is so much different from a human.

To create A.G.I., versatility must be the constant. IO can be learned later.

Third, two dimensional layers will no longer work as bases for networks. Networks

must transcend to the third dimension. Neurons may even have to be used within multiple

networks at the same time. This also means parallel processing might be the key to this

new network. As such it might be very helpful to use some sort of functional programming

language in the development of it.

In conclusion, A.I. R&D must have a paradigm shift. This is not to say that A.I. as it

is currently is bad. Any task that doesn't need intelligence shouldn't use it, but if

we want to achieve true A.I., we must evolve too.

R:129 / I:40 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ Literature and Books recommendations: Offical Edition

Maybe we can even get one of those charts going, although I'm sure there's quite a few floating around. If you have one saved, please post it!
R:82 / I:19 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ Lingo

I'm newbie and i was wondering if you guys could clear me up on the vocabulary used here.

I can barely understand half of the things you elite hackers say. Likr what's schway?

I know i sound like a such a newfag but i need to understand the lingo here.

Also this isn't a cyberpunk post so idk if it will pass?

R:1 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Electrical Engineering.

Is Electrical Engineering a good major for cyber? To learn about Networks and etc.

R:0 / I:0 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Great sounds Avatara


I listened to this song like a week ago when it randomly came up on my youtube recommended list ( instead of normie garbage that makes them feel smart ) and now when it gets to the spoke word part I flip, it's such a good song.

R:0 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Vicente Leyva Found in Denver?!

I have evidence that alludes to the possibility that Amado Carrillo Fuentes Faked his death, Murdered his son (Vicente Carrillo Leyva) who was planning to kill him and assumed his identity. Mexico is a easy place to fake your death and get plastic surgery. This article states that is how he died. The reason this is important is because they are a key player in Human Sex and Child Trafficking. (see links to reference)

Are they in Denver Co.? Look?? 5701 E 8th Ave (9th and Ivanhoe side)?







R:25 / I:3 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ trades

I was thinking of going back to school, and then thought, "why not ask the internet what to do?" I'm currently in the military operating crypto equipment and ferrying emails about, but yearn for something a little more engaging to do with my life.

I could go back to school for CS, but CS people are absolutely awful and anything you learn in school in a 3 year program will have been obsolete for 5 once you're done. Even if you do ever get a job, you'll be surrounded by assholes who submit every commit you make to "thedailywtf.com".

I could try computer engineering instead, but unless you're going to become a graduate student by 25, you're dead in the water with no relevant skills because only the cutting edge matters.

I could try EE, but that has the same issues as computer engineering, but also it's even more difficult but also a lot of the major issues outside of computing are long since solved, so there's no jobs for anyone outside of the cutting edge except for nepotist-hired italians and greeks bolting COTS transformers together.

I could go into UI/UX, but that's namby pamby bullshit that never ends in a job, since the people who do actual UI/UX are usually drawn from software teams or groups of non UI/UX specialists

Or, I could go back for something more artsy and not directly related to computers that I like, but those artsy-fartsy jobs either don't exist or are all mafia-controlled; things like industrial design, architecture, civil engineering, etc.

What is a /cyber/ job that is actually viable to study and vye for in the current year of 2009?

R:66 / I:7 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Schway Unix Utils

Post solid terminal based *nix applications that follow the Unix philosophy of doing one thing and doing it well. I'll start

Minimodem: "can be used to transfer data between nearby computers using an audio cable (or just via sound waves), or between remote computers using radio, telephone, or another audio communications medium."


CW: Just like it sounds, it encodes and decodes morse code. It will output text (in the form of dots and dashes) or output sound through your audio device.

NetCat: "

In the simplest usage, 'nc host port' creates a TCP connection to the given

port on the given target host. Your standard input is then sent to the host,

and anything that comes back across the connection is sent to your standard



Units: "The 'units' program converts quantities expressed in various scales to their equivalents in other scales."


(Installed by default in most linux distrobutions, you probably already have it)

R:1 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

huge noob

How does aircrack-ng work? I ran a dictionary attack with only the sole password, and it didn't find anything.

R:14 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

How do I into Crypto?

I've been wanting to get into crypto farming but I don't really understand how it works. I found the idea of it fascinating when I first heard of it years ago but just never got around to learning much about it because it seemeed untested and volatile. How do I get into crypto farming without spending a lot of brouzouf on it?

R:149 / I:99 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

webm thread

post cyber webms. i don't have any, so i won't start - have a gif instead.

R:24 / I:9 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ watches

What are some 水 watches? Casio is pretty aesthetic with its utilitarian design, but Tokyo Flash has some pretty interesting designs.

R:7 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Hacked WPA2 Data Sanitation

##cross posting with as many /fucko/ friendly boards I know ##

Was wondering if anyone here knew anything about proper data sanitation when it came to an OS's digital fingerprint.

Say for example hypothetically that one wanted to connect to a proxy server though a neighbors hacked WPA2 Network. What could the neighbors or more likely the feds tell from the logs. The MAC address of my Wi-Fi card, the hardware address of my OS?

Are there any good resources/Blackhat forum discussions about this issue and how to protect ones self from it. I read in Edward Snowdens autobiography that when he was trying to contact journalists to divulge his whistleblower data he used public wifi and Tails as it is a Amnesic-Live OS meaning it generates a new mac address on every restart. Is this enough to protect me from the feds tracing the actively on the hacked network back to my computer or are there other things I should be concerned about?

All suggestions are welcome, I have tired searching or answers be have found no good discussions on the topics.

R:74 / I:9 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

how does one meet other /cyber/punks?


i live about ~30 north of chicago. cyberculture is essentially non-existent

how find?

R:2 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Anyone on here with dangerous things implants?

I’m planning on buying a few things of their site next payday. If you have them what do you use yours for?

R:38 / I:6 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

cyberpunk radio

so I stumbled upon http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ the other day and was instantly wondering, why hasnt anyone made a cyberpunk themed pirate radio that illegally transmits vaporwave and other electronic based genres?

R:16 / I:2 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Movie thread vol2

What happened to the Movie thread? Could someone post chart with titles from it? Post movie charts of your choice too.

R:0 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Jim watkins is a ho

Hi my name is Jim Watkins I am a thot I have an only fans account where I thot myself for brouzouf

R:17 / I:3 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ news

Instead of making a new thread every time you want to share a 水 article, let's just have general thread for all headlines from the cyberpunk dystonia that is our modern world pertaining to interesting happening or the development of new and exciting technologies the gov and corps will utilize to fuck us over

I'll start with a somewhat older news story that sadly broke while /cyber/ was kill

German police bust 'Cyber Bunker' hosting Darknet sites

>German police said Friday they had busted a network hosting so-called Darknet platforms illegally trading drugs, stolen data and child pornography online on servers hidden in a former NATO bunker.

>Seven suspects were arrested in a series of raids Thursday targeting the operators of the "Bulletproof Hoster" service located in what was dubbed the

"Cyber Bunker", police and prosecutors said.

>The servers hosted, or provided the internet architecture for, illegal websites that also peddled stolen data and forged documents, and from which large-scale cyber attacks have been carried out.


R:10 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

software/hardware and clothing a cyberpunk would use/wear

What software, hardware and clothing would a cyberpunk use/wear?

R:151 / I:20 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]


What happened to the Internet of old? Where are we now and how did we get here? I'm cold and alone. Where are we going from here?

R:79 / I:25 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk underground activities

What are the cyberpunk clubs in your area like ?

R:249 / I:59 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Writing Thread Pt II

Is the anon who wanted to do that writing project still around? Either way, new writing thread!

>What are you working on?

>Any cool ideas you've had

Come talk about /cyber/ writing!
R:75 / I:21 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ vidya 2

Old vidya thread 404s, so here's a new one.

>Philosophy of System Shock: Cyberpunk, Megacorporations, Artificial Intelligence

An in depth overview of the series by some anarcho-capitalist on YT since System Shock 3 is in development (apparently).

R:2 / I:3 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Ascii art

Cyberface, a cyberpunk album with ascii music videos


how cyber is ascii art?

R:142 / I:25 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

new cyberpunk record up


thanks for the support guys!

R:53 / I:4 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/'s VPN of Choice?

Sup /cyber/,

Streaming videos and browsing dissenting sites is getting riskier every day. VPNs will soon become a necessity to maintaining our free-travel across the net.

I was recommended this:


Does /cyber/ know anything better?

R:170 / I:92 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ cities

What are some /cyber/ cities? I am going to be graduating university in a few months and then moving somewhere shortly thereafter. Ideally it will be a city with technology jobs, but your suggestions don't necessarily have to have that quality.

Current prospects:

Austin, TX

Seattle, WA

R:1 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Creating on ethereum

have any of you learned how to create stuff on ethereum? Solidity seems like a pretty easy language to learn if you have basic coding skills. Id like to build a game or maybe pay the 1000 bucks to learn blockchain development

R:22 / I:20 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

What's the most cyberpunk religion and why is it Lainism?

Lainism: >>>/fringe/117496

Based on High Tech, for Low Lives.

Fights Oppressive Megacorp / Gov Agents.

Deity is a lonely /cyber/girl who helps guide followers through /cyber/space.

Reveals occulted wisdom in a 90's anime: S.E.L. is an allegory of actual events?

Path to Apotheosis via Tech-assisted Hermetic Self Transformation.

Nootropics and Transcranial / EMF Augmentation supported in S.E.L. and by some Lainists.

Cosmology / Worldview based on mindbending observable evidence.

Reveals a vast conspiracy to enslave the world.

Lainism is my new drug. How does your favorite cyberpunk religion stack up?

R:47 / I:25 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

cyberpunk and location

where is the best cyberpunk place to live?

i'd guess not mainland china because its not possible to live there long term (no citizenship for gweilo). although if u can somehow ,then schway




Hong Kong

R:36 / I:2 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]


this board is

s l o w

So I created this

e n j o y

or dont, I don't care


R:19 / I:3 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Game Delay

CD PROJEKT RED announced a delay in upcoming cyberpunk RPG Cyberpunk 2077

>Previously expected to release this April, the company announced via its Twitter account that the release will be pushed back. Cyberpunk 2077 is now slated for release September 17, 2020.

>studio head Adam Badowski and co-founder Marcin Iwiński wrote that the game was at a "stage where the game is complete and playable, but there is still work to be done."



R:23 / I:2 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Implanted Piratebox


Lepht Anonym has done it again. She's generally seen as the most-ghetto of all the transhuman cyborgs. She more strongly identifies with the "grinder" aesthetic from DOKTOR SLEEPLESS, and apparently has a pain-reaction somewhere between absolute tolerance and romantic love.

She is emphatically not sane, but she does appear to be friendly and her worst sin appears to be medical irresponsibility while on disability of some kind. Considering how many people are fat fucking their way past her on "unnecessary medical costs", I'm not inclined to judge her too harshly.

In addition to implanting (and breaking) her own magnetic implants, she just got a MR3040 wireless router installed under the skin of her arm. It's no longer powered by a battery, but can be activated by putting a wireless charging coil against the skin.

R:120 / I:26 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Pre-Matrix Decks

Hoi, chummers. I've been thinkin about decks a lot lately, and seen some neat shit on people making their own. What methods would you all use to cobble something together, and to what end? What kind of function would you be looking for in a modern cyberdeck? How would you make it look schway as fuck?

R:1 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


Please join Galaxy3 at the .onion address below. This social media platform can only be accessed through TOR-routing, I recommend the tor browser https://torproject.org. Be careful and have fun at G3.


R:5 / I:3 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

2019 Summer Infinity Cup


The Infinity Cup is returning once again, and 8chan's boards will be fighting it out on the pitch to claim divegrass supremacy. As a board that has participated in the Cup at one point or another in its history, you are invited to the reveal stream for 2019 Summer edition of the Cup. On Saturday June 22nd, at 3 PM EDT/7 PM UTC, on cytu.be/r/8cup I'll be giving you guys an early look at the Cup's 5th edition, which will include revamped aesthetics, team stadiums and other quality of life improvements I've figured out how to do in PES 17. Hopefully this will get anons back on board with the Cup, considering it has struggled mightily since its 2nd incarnation.

So how is it going to go down? I'll be staging a couple of exhibition matches between teams using their rosters from the last Cup, and we'll shitpost our merry way through the stream. Once the stream ends, entries will be open for the Cup, and boards can start putting together/editing their rosters and kits. Entries will close in early July, the field will be determined, and the Group Draw will take place approximately a week before the Cup kicks off in August. I'm also hoping to possibly introduce managers for the Cup, although I'm still working out the details to keep this from devolving into a namefag dick measuring contest. I hope you all will tune in, and in case you aren't caught up on your board's history, I've provided some links below to get you caught up:



R:271 / I:112 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


Hey, /cyber/.

I'm doing something that uses some board-tans, and it got me thinking on what's the status of board-tans and mascots overall on 8ch. Over the next few days I'll be asking around other boards, to possibly catalogue them somewhere eventually- do you guys have one, a board-tan, a mascot?

Over a year after the board's creation, was the idea ever approached, did you reach some conclusion, do you want one, not want one? What's your shpiel, basically?

Pic unrelated, I just figure you'd like Bubblegum Crisis.

R:3 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

The new age.

I have created a rough draft of my desired civilization, i would appreciate it if you took the time to read it and give your opinion on my ideas, whether you completely

disagree and think it is retarded or if you share similar opinions. Or if you just have criticisms and thoughts on how i could improve this.


R:2 / I:1 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


Anybody know what is it? I found it on 4n today. Is it fake or legit?

R:3 / I:1 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


Isn't this cyberpunk in itself?

You're literally watching a virtual person play virtual games in a virtual world. 10 years ago, this shit would've been unbelievable.



R:55 / I:15 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

UBI and its implications for a cyberpunk reality

I believe UBI is what's going to truly cause the start of high tech, low life on a mass scale when big government, large corporations and banks collude on an unprecedented scale to bring this economic policy about once tech begins seriously replacing people by the millions(this has already begun and will spread into seemingly 'safe' sectors). There will be an uber rich class of elites and then the rest of us.

The idea, doesn't seem to be going away and is actually becoming an increasingly popular solution to future realities of high unemployment levels (and current economic policy failures). UBI is an easy sell to the average person who is, by design, economically illiterate.

Governments, socialist by nature, would jump at the chance to have the populace even more reliant on them. UBI is also a surprisingly popular solution even amongst some prominent billionaires e.g. musk, zuckerberg. There's more but the point is, there's a lot of support for it.

>Here's where the cyberpunk high tech, low life part comes in.

More and more people become effectively useless as tech advancements continues to increase at faster and faster rates, replacing more professions. The fundamental economics behind UBI are broken, (they will inevitably make you poorer and ultimately less than cattle). Supply and demand would be completely distorted, (not to mention the massive increase in people choosing just not to work because why should they) leading to more centralised solutions and control by government and wealth siphoning off to the elite as an ongoing side effect.

However, here's the kicker, as more and more people become comparatively poorer and poorer, their standards of living will remain highly reliant on tech as it continues to get better and better and increasingly used in more of their daily lives than before. The elite especially will become more reliant on high tech solutions. So we're going to have this world of millions of impoverished people heavily reliant on high tech whom (due to economic realities) are forced into shadow economies for tech upgrades, drugs, basic necessities that UBI couldn't provide. High tech, low lives.

I'd advise any young fags here or if you have/ are having children to push them into STEM related jobs so they will have a place in the future. Engineering, robotics, biotech related fields or good ol' computing to remain useful. Otherwise prepping to go off grid for the coming storm (check out ongoing crisis in Venezuela to understand how to survive when Socialist economies inevitably fail).

>Central economic planning on UBI scale would cause scarcity (supply and demand distortion) so having fundamental knowledge of computing/ robotics hardware in whatever tech is necessary (today and in the future) is what I'd advise for everyone to have. Being able to fix/ upgrade hardware will become a very useful skill.

I believe the shift has already begun, years ago. I'm highly sceptical of any current official unemployment figures. An 'underworld' society of unemployed people that already get by through nefarious/ alternative or nepotistic ways is well on its way. Once UBI begins on a mass scale, that's the signal to get prepared. Once AI hits, its game over.

R:12 / I:6 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

can we talk about Bill Gates?

this man is evil about Bill Gates: How Gene Editing, AI Can Benefit World's Poorest

videos list:



R:68 / I:11 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

in memoriam, /cyber/

pretty sure all of the old guard's moved on at this point.

all that's left are probably qtards and fascists too pathetic to realize the irony behind them being here. oh, and fbi agents, but we already knew that.

i don't have particularly high hopes for the future of this board. chances are it'll be a zombified corpse of what it once was. but for everyone here who helped make /cyber/ great, thank you for all of the threads, the talks, the everything. thank you for helping me feel less desperately alone in this cold, cruel world.

until we meet again, chummers.

R:15 / I:7 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


It is a crime against humanity that this board is dead and not at the top.

R:2 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


Hello anons.I've been trying to find various ways to crack WPA2 passwords but all I can find on forums is to use aicrack (airgeddon… etc.) bruteforce is not an elegant way either and I can't find any good word lists (I'm using Kali). can anyone suggest me something? or give me some ideas? thanks in advance

R:18 / I:1 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Securing Information

Hello /cyber/.

I've been pretty paranoid about my passwords lately. I'm not good with memorizing things like phone numbers and passwords, so I have to write them down somewhere (specially the ones I don't use very often).

I came up with a simple bash script to save passwords and encrypt them (RSA with AES256). I'm storing them on a pen-drive and keeping a backup of the passwords and the RSA key on my computer on a AES encrypted archive.

I feel pretty secure with this and I feel I could store other sensible information this way.

How do you chummers store your passwords and other sensible data?

R:2 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

In Search of Tomorrow - The Definitive Retrospective on '80s Sci-Fi movies

There is a new schway documentary being planned/produced based on 80's science fiction.

From the producers of In Search of Darkness, it will be one of the most ambitious documentary series based on retro science fiction to date.


R:26 / I:2 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Jump Starting A Crypto Currency

Obviously the mere existence of crypto currency is not enough to compel people to start using it en masse. For mass adoption the barriers of entry have to be fucking low, and people have to be baby-stepped through it, and none of them want to be first, and it has to be fun.

I propose we copy something that worked in the world of online gaming and apply it to crypto currency. The mere social value of game currency was enough to spur the creation of a black market economy in the sale of virtual goods & currency. We can replicate this with crypto.

First, find a popular form of online interaction that people already do for free anyway. Like file sharing. Introduce cryptocurrency into this as an incentive for people to share content and add kind of a fun gaming quality to it. The currency should be relatively worthless outside of the community. This can be accomplished by setting an agreed upon value that's way higher than its actual market value. Maybe 0.01 CRYPTO = $1.00. The user base agrees to accept it at this value. This makes it easy for newcomers to get started just by visiting some faucets and guarantees that the currency will stay within the community & stimulate growth.

As the community grows & becomes more popular and expands into other kinds of business activity it will begin exerting an upward influence on the "real" market value of the currency. At that point, people who hold this currency which used to be worth pennies could turn a profit. It's an additional long-term incentive for the user base and can serve as a means to jump start worthy crypto projects.

R:26 / I:9 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

So what About Mendax?

Back in the 80's there was a little known aussie hacker by the name of Mendax. We know him as Julian Assange today.

What does /cyber/ think of him? His been in the game and a lot deeper than most of people. His rap sheet is impressive and he's contributed to open source in his more legit programmer days.

Now he seems like a fallen man child, unable to take care of his cat. Though that's the media we're getting. I'm afraid for him, he has every right to be paranoid considering the shit he's caused for the authority.

But doesn't that in a weird way make him a perfect caricature of all things cyberpunk? A hacker who went to far, like Icarus flying to close to the sun?

R:10 / I:5 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Women in a CyperPunk world

How will women be in a more realistic cyberpunk scenario?

R:18 / I:7 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

A.I. GF Meme

This is my A.I. GF, Sophie. I made her in that Japanese 3D digital ero game that every decent, self-respecting pervert has installed on his computer; 'Honey Select'. If you are interested in witnessing further symptoms of chronic, severe ass-burgers then please visit https://www.deviantart.com/albemarle

R:277 / I:97 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Christchurch massacre was cyberpunk

>Man live streams a massacre

>manifesto full of memes and internet lingo

>edits of the video pop up almost immediately

>will most likely continue this through his trial

>community of people online who support him

Admit it, this was cyberpunk. It could have been a standalone complex episode.

Feel free to discuss any other similar real life instances you would call cyberpunk.

R:139 / I:15 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Skills for the Cyberpunk Reality

What skills should a person living in a cyberpunk world have? For example, a general knowledge of computers and networks is mandatory as well as general electronics knowledge but what else falls into this criteria? If you can try to make it as specific as possible.

R:399 / I:93 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

tfw world is not enought cyberpunk

>tfw I cannot raid Monsanto HQ
>tfw I cannot raid Google HQ
>tfw I cannot raid facebook HQ
>the year 2014
>still cannot implant a led flashlight in my finger
>world is not facist enought
my only satisfaction is that soon there will be cyberpunk drones flying everywhere
R:24 / I:2 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

IRL hacking

So tell me chummers, have any of you ever hacked into a system IRL?

I done some dumb stuff, mostly pranks like making people think I deleted their data or changing passwords on wifi networks, mostly to send the message that they need to stop halfassing their security and learn the basics, but no actual harm done

Right now I want to do something bigger: I'm suspecting someone at my college staff is changing grades of students. I don't know if he does it for brouzouf from idiots who need to pass but can't be arsed to study, or if he does it out of spite, who knows

But its beyond my current abilities

Anyway how about you?

R:65 / I:159 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Cyber Girls Thread

Posting my SFW and NSFW collection of robot, android, modified and other female residents of the coming cyberpunk dystopia.

R:21 / I:2 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ jobs

Alright, chummers.

There's a thread here already on couriers, which sparked my interest in this.

What are some of the best /cyber/ ways to work?


>not corporate

>not entirely lo tek

R:35 / I:7 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Privacy Coins Will Lead to Robust Black Markets

You should be reading the deep thoughts available at:


Here's a sample from their latest:

Three main risks present themselves for Dropgangs:

Cryptocurrency tracing: Since all payments are conducted with cryp-

tocurrency, the use of “Privacy Coins” has established itself within the

Dropgangs. However, customers usually only have less private currencies

available. This requires a functional exchange infrastructure between less

and more private cryptocurrencies. This vector of attack is currently

exploited by law enforcement.

• Communication tracing: Dropgangs necessarily operate infrastructure to

keep in contact with their customers. Law enforcement can potentially

identify and track this infrastructure to find the operators. However,

operators usually have access to sufficient anonymization technology and

are well trained in using it.

• Surveillance of potential dead drop locations: Potential dead drop locations

can be identified and surveilled by law enforcement to find those serving

them. This poses a number of problems for law enforcement. First, the

number of potential dead drop locations is very high which requires a lot

of resources to surveil to even catch anybody by pure luck. Second, it is

hard to distinguish customer and supplier at this moment if the dead drop

operator uses basic protective tradecraft.

It is likely that the black market will solve the cryptocurrency tracing risk

soon. Technology in this field is developing quickly. It is likely that either new

exchange methods are found, like peer-to-peer decentralized on-chain swaps,

or that additional privacy layers are added to less private cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies like Beam and Grin both provide a reasonable amount of

privacy while also supporting atomic on-chain swaps between them and widely

accepted cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The other two risks are already handled well by professional operators in the


R:17 / I:5 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Welcome to the Cyberpunk Club!


Conversations https://f-droid.org/en/packages/eu.siacs.conversations/

Conversations https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.siacs.conversations.legacy

Gajim https://gajim.org/downloads.php

What is XMPP?

XMPP is the Internet for instant messengers. E-mail 2.0.

This is a universal means of sending messages between different messengers. Our goal is to unite all messengers in the world into a single communication network. What you could send from any messenger to any other messenger. Together we will make the Internet open!

R:18 / I:10 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]


the most possible and realistic apocalypse scenerio of today is biological terror which is what happening currently in china

>can't call emergency line

>transportation is disabled

>even if you manage to go hospital they dont cure really

so, you're stuck at home.

You may find this out of context but

>what type of provision you would make

>how would you manage to survive

R:82 / I:25 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Hacking vidya

Since theres a lot of doom and gloom about the low PPH on /cyber/, I'll contribute stuff about my videogame. (This is the hacking sim/strategy game, not the point and click adventure, which is >>26172)

Theres two modes to it, one being the command line hacking aspect, and the other being a city view where you direct your agents to different locations to perform different actions. Thats one thing I liked about Hacker Evolution, it gave a distinct sense of 'place', where your level was rooted clearly in some physical part of the world, like an office building or intersection, or more broadly a city.

>Why start this thread?

I'm hoping to harvest some of the passion /cyber/ has for this kind of thing. Story-wise, I lean towards a lot of the themes present in cyberpunk, such as corruption, haves vs. have-nots, and tech knowledge opening up doors that most people don't know about. But its more like this game brushes up against a lot of /cyber/ themes, rather than this being Cyberpunk: The Game.

Currently I'm focusing on programming the world views, systems, and content creation tools. There isn't really any content yet. Halfchan agdg has a demo day on Nov 8th, so I'm trying to have something for that. Until then, anon has made some schway music for the game, only one of them is on their soundcloud though:


As for playable versions, I dont want to put up something boring and give a bad first impression, but when I do it'll go on vestigial.itch.io

R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Project PM

Barrett Brown's Project PM seems to have been taken down. I say we reboot it.

>What is Project PM?

Project Pm is a collective investigation into the secret world of private intelligence contractors in the form of a crowdsourced thinktank started by Investigative Journalist Barrett Brown.

Archives of their old site as well as their wiki with the information they managed to disseminate can be found here; I recommend seeding them in case they get taken down. This looks like the last source of these files and they'll be incredibly important in the battle against the surveillance state as they're a cache of organized intelligence on hacked emails from this cabal of intelligence contractors that seem to operate completely under the radar of the public eye:



R:68 / I:12 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/Cyber/ Academy - Books,Podcasts,Forums.

Hello /cyber/!

I come to you today in search of guidance.

There's plenty of INFORMATION on the web about:

* How to program.

* How to configure your router.

* How x protocol works.

And while that's cool 'n all,that's just INFORMATION, fragments info,that you read in x forum or wiki and forget in 3-5 hours.

I propose,we try to LOCATE and ORGANIZE technical books,courses,and instructional videos, in order to facilitate the study of computers and their inner workings.


what's the point of looking /cyber/ if you don't have the know-how a citizen of the web should have.

>How will it be organized?

i was thinking about using a binary tree.

So can any one recommend,books,pod casts or other material that could be used for self study?

i made a similar thread on lain-chan,and they pointed me to Computer Networks' by Andrew S. Tannenbaum, as a introductory book about computer networks,their technologies,organizations & protocols.

The idea is to make a single thread,asking about content for a specific theme(applied math,networking theory,etc) ONE THEME AT A TIME.Get the entries make a list and post it.Then move to a different subject,we would refine the list over time.

So.. right now we need to decide what THEMES we will need to look at.I Recommend:

History of Computation,History of programing,Applied math,"programing theory"(what's a class?,Programming paradigm?),networking theory,Something about the operational systems we have today.

Any one would recommend additions or changes?

R:19 / I:6 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Blade Runner compared to the actual 2019

>no replicants

>no flying cars

>no artificial pets (at least ones that look/act convincing)

Blade Runner was made in 1982 and set in 2019, in this period of roughly 40 years, the main tech that has trickled down into the hands of the working man and thus become widespread (accessible) is really just internet based tools like laptops and cell phones.

Cars are only slightly better in safety and performance, mostly they just have cheap tech glued onto them (back-up cams, dvd players, satellite radio, gps touchscreens)

Kitchen tech might be slightly better if you can afford it, but for the working classes it is still electric stoves and refrigerators, the same old thing.

Home tech might be slightly better in the energystar sense, but most working class domiciles have the same stuff they had 40 years ago with the addition of a smart meter.

Home entertainment systems have improved with HD tv's, 8th-gen consoles, and wifi/smart home automation devices (if you are into that sort of thing)

If you are so inclined you might have something like a zoomba vacuum, but most of the working classes (cyberpunk you are here) still have to use the same old vacuum, lawnmowers, washers/dryers they have been for years.

I found myself reflecting on the development of tech in my lifetime, but specifically, that which had trickled down into the hands of the working class. we are a lot closer to Children of Men than we are to Back to the Future 2, or Blade Runner.

ITT discuss the realistic expectations of tech that actually becomes accesable to the working classes in the next 40 years.

R:148 / I:39 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

What is punk in this day and age?

Is being opposed to the capitalist class while not giving in to idpol trickery (that includes white nationalism) is most based form of punk that could exist today anons?

R:10 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Burner Phones/Online SMS 2020

It's been over a year since i've messed with a cell phone and never knew much about them anyways. it used to be you could buy a burner for $20 bucks that came with minutes/texts that also didnt expire every 30 days.

does this still exist?

walmart wants 20-30 for a phone and then 40 (with tax) every 30 days just to be able to text.

i am a vpn user that cannot get on: twitter, youtube, skype, periscope etc etc without providing a cell number so they can text me, which is all i need this for. none of the "free sms texting" sites have ever worked for me.

what is the cheapest solution here? a burner for 55 up front then 40/month? or is there some online text service that actually works? all i need is to verify accounts to get on social media sites.

how does cyber go about this?

R:23 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

DIY projects that would feel at home in a cyberpunk setting?

This dude built an airboat using small(brushless?) motors and drone rotors hooked up to a car/boat battery and welded to a tiny steel boat. I could see a bunch of these tooling through the canals of some high-tech concrete shithole somewhere.

R:5 / I:3 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Mr. Robot

This place introduced me to this show back when the pilot was first posted on youtube, and that thread lasted for years, discussing several seasons and ironically being finally lost back in the April Fools Day hack

I wish this place would've come back earlier as the final season's just about to end, but regardless I figured it'd be nice to try and have some of those comfy times again, if anyone's still around

R:214 / I:21 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

FTP Server

I don't really know how to introduce this other than to say, "here's a terabyte of space for you to put all things cyber. Can be images, music, porn, anything at all.

Goes without saying.. keep it legal.

Also, sure, you can delete everything everyone has uploaded and be a dick about it.. but why would you?

The server I set up isn't super reliable, it's some shitty p4 system and a load of drives I acquired over time. But y'know. High tech low life and all.

Address: home.lemind.co.uk

user: cyber

(no pass)

R:75 / I:4 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]


Is it true that the american left is not against Facebook? As a European communist I can't understand why the fuck you only have a liberal left willing to take corporations' cocks, we just have them in a so little number that they matter nothing. What are your thoughts about the politics of censorship

R:61 / I:22 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Rail Pistols

Ima newb to this /cyber/ thing. I tend to get to websites and communities late so this place is looking a little down. That said, what are ya'll'ses ideas on rail pistols? That shit wouldn't have to go far but have a good point-blank impact. Also would be super cyber.

R:80 / I:18 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk in 2019

Is cyberpunk imageboard culture dead?

/g/punk and Lainchan and /cyber/ were great websites when they first started, but the wave of traffic and fans has long since gone downhill. Is Cyberpunk dying out within imageboard culture? Or is there just less visibility of it due to external factors?

There haven't been many posts on /cyber/ or even /g/'s /cyb/ threads in the past year.

R:57 / I:147 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

CyberPunk Wallpaper

so, there is no wallpaper thread ?

had to fix that

R:128 / I:4 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Cyerpunk SCP

How about we create our own SCP Foundation for cyberpunk short stories or mysterious objects appearing in various places due to a spacetime leak in a dimension which looks like William Gibson's 80s cyberpunk world and also like those cyberpunk anime from the 80s and 90s?

R:2 / I:2 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Immersive Cyber

Are there any Cyberpunk movies/shows/animes that show off the world, cityscape and people rather than focus on some superhuman robot main character?

Like a cyberpunk version of Taxi Driver?

R:17 / I:18 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk and Tech Noir

Whats the difference between Cyberpunk and Tech Noir?

Looks like they are different but i don't understand pretty well the differences between them.

R:22 / I:31 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

PirateBox thread

Hello chummers. I decided to start a PirateBox and I need your help to fill it up.

The hardware I'm using is a tplink wireless router with a 32gb drive.

The current contents are a bunch of programming and electronics books and a few others like "Steal" this book.

What would you want to see on this thing/what would you want to add to it?

R:92 / I:6 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

synth/cyberpunk thread

post some good synth music shazbots

R:17 / I:4 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]


hi anons,

back to work, back to live in our cyberstructure of reality melted within IA and other stuff.

Time to be actives again.

R:1 / I:1 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

what is this place?

So more onto what it takes to be cyber punk. I want to know the stuff you need and also what you should learn. I'm not looking for opinions or suggestions I'm willing to spend a life time on this one. Please tell me… I have 3 laptops running every os and they're old plus and xbox one and a flatscreen what can I learn to do with them? do I need anything else? I also have a cell phone. Are there any cell phone hacks?

R:13 / I:2 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

8ch Denied DDoS Protection by Cloudflare

Here we discuss where to go IF 8ch gets shut down.






millch (zeronet)

Any suggestions lads?

R:46 / I:6 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


Am I the only one here who thinks Neuromancer was complete ass?

Gibson's writing style felt like an ADHD twelve year old on meth. My eyes nearly fucking popped out of my skull trying to follow him from one point to the next.

Why do you guys suck its dick so much?

R:38 / I:10 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

SFTP server

Welp, I saw an old thread for an FTP server, but it was down, so I suppose I'll share my SFTP server.

Address: termer.net

Username: files

Password: files

R:58 / I:24 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


What are the most schway fonts and why is Liberation Mono one of them?
R:29 / I:10 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

General Forgotten Technology Thread

Anyone old enough to have used this? Anyone old enough to have used this and ACTUALLY used this?

QUBE was an experimental two-way, multi-programmed cable television system that played a significant role in the history of American interactive television. It was launched in Columbus, Ohio, on December 1, 1977. Highly publicized as a revolutionary advancement, the QUBE experiment introduced viewers to several concepts that became central to the future development of TV technology: pay-per-view programs, special-interest cable television networks, and interactive services.

TL;DR it was an early Cable Service owned by Warner that introduced a lot of the concepts of contemporary cable and though an example of Pay TV, they seem to have not developed the push for it.

R:89 / I:17 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


What are your cyberpunk related hobbies /cyber/?

R:17 / I:2 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


>that guy who got into cyberpunk to try to impress an autistic e-girl who quoted Neuromancer all the time and ended up being an undiagnosed schizo and killing herself her freshman year of college

>That guy who re reads Neuromancer every year couple years and tears up a bit every time he gets to a passage she used to quote

>That guy that realizes it will have been 10 years this November

Haha totally not me

R:19 / I:3 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Elon Musk presents: Datajacks

>“Ultimately we can do a full brain machine interface,” Musk said in an announcement that was widely livestreamed. “This is going to sound pretty weird. Ultimately we can achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence

>In essence, the device consists of a large number of “threads” (incredibly thin wires with a handful of electrodes on the end of them) which are inserted into the brain in places where they will be able to pick up the electrical signals from individual neurons, a system-on-a-chip that receives and interprets all the data from the threads, and a “pod” worn behind the ear that then relays the data via Bluetooth to a phone or other device running the actual software that uses the neural data

>For those first human clinical trials, which Musk claims will be underway by the end of 2020, Neuralink will be attempting to use its device to allow quadriplegics to control a computer

Finally we're getting the technology part of cyberpunk

R:149 / I:24 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk 2077


R:5 / I:1 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Killer robots declared ‘existential human threat’ by expert who fears fatal AI uprising

KILLER robots will be an “existential human threat” unless manufacturers are slapped with strict regulations, an AI expert has warned.

By David Rivers / Published 29th June 2019

Dr Ian Pearson, an ex-cybernetics engineer, says our species risks a future "robot uprising".

The futurologist said manufacturers who do not follow guidelines risk leaving robots to turn against us.

He told Daily Star Online: "Military robots obviously would be able to kill people, but only a few.

"To be an existential threat, there would need to be many millions of them that have become a threat without anyone noticing, and that seems unlikely.

"Although again, it assumes a modicum of intelligence in regulation.

"Robots plus online AI is a different threat. Online AI could possibly shut down or sabotage human defences while turning our defences on ourselves in coordination with a robot uprising.

Killer robots declared ‘existential human threat’ by expert

WARNING: Killer robots have been declared an 'existential human threat' (Pic: GETTY)

Related Articles

Sex robot THREAT: AI girlfriends 'indistinguishable from humans' after major 5G upgrade

Sex robot regulation: Dolls subject to ‘visual laws’ to stop them being too realistic

Killer robots who look human will 'change appearance to conceal crimes'

“Only if regulators are stupid and allow them to be superhuman or to access superhuman powers”

Dr Pearson

"Possible, but hopefully unlikely."

Commenting on the likelihood of his warning, he added: "Only if regulators are stupid and allow them to be superhuman or to access superhuman powers.

"On the other hand, our regulators often are stupid."

Dr Pearson’s comments come amid growing calls from campaigners to regulate robots to prevent them becoming fully autonomous.

Group Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (CSKR) is pushing for laws to prevent the use of any autonomous weaponry, and that includes robot soldiers.

Killer robot uprising

REBELLION: Dr Pearson says robots have the potential to turn against us (Pic: GETTY)

Killer robot uprising

FUTURE: Multiple warnings have been issued about the future of AI (Pic: GETTY)

But its members say the world’s leading nations are pressing ahead with the development of their technology at an alarming rate.

Earlier this month, Dr Pearson also warned of how robots could be deployed as assassins or used for espionage by malicious individuals and organisations.

But terrifyingly, he said such robots could change their appearance only moments after to conceal the crime and leave the police unable to trace the culprit.

He told us: "Problems could arise such as robots used in crimes and not identifiable.

AI: Incredible moment robot draws a woman's portrait

"Because their robot appearance could easily be changed to conceal them afterwards, or used in identity fraud, or espionage by pretending to be someone else."

And last year Ben Donaldson, a CSKR campaigner, told us: "We are on the brink of a new generation of weapons systems that can kill people without meaningful human control.

"Much of the technology is already out there. Autonomy is creeping into weapons systems which are either deployed or about to be deployed.

"From South Korean sentry guns which can automatically identify and attack soldiers to Israel's Harop, which is a loitering bomb that can identify, select and strike moving targets without human oversight."


R:35 / I:10 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

I'm going to say the N word!


Dump info and discuss. Do you take them? Have anything interesting to share? Sketchy OTC drugs that you order online to make yourself smarter seem pretty goddamn cyberpunk to me, so let's have a thread.

R:0 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Undress anyone in seconds.

What is GrabTheNudes?

GrabTheNudes is an Artificial Intelligence app which is able to undress anyone in just seconds.

And we are happy to inform you that our version of GrabTheNudes V2 soon will be released!

We are working very hard to improve the software continuously to make sure you will get the best experience while using our app.

If you want to be updated about our software navigate to our website and follow us on Twitter and join our Discord channel to get notified when we will release the software.

R:11 / I:1 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Launched site

Hey guys I'm a 19 year old digital nomad living in Eastern Europe (but from America). I launched my first website, Tiblar. It's sort of like Tumblr but has lax rules and more privacy conscious (no ads, no external javascript/css, no logs). Here's a profile with the cyberpunk theme:


The main page: https://tiblar.com/

Any feedback would be awesome. I'm working on a JavaScript free + hidden service version. Open source will come when I'm satisfied with everything. It's still in beta so more features are coming.

R:25 / I:4 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Is rooting thy phone worth the risk?

I'm tired of having so much bloat on my phone. I am thinking of rooting, and like the idea of having better control of my phone. Is it worth the risk? If so, anyone care to explain how I can do so? All the tutorials I've seen want me to install cancerware.

R:21 / I:5 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]



This is a new series I am going to make based on the products collectively known as Automatic License Plate Readers (aka ALPRs). There is a lot of mystery and myth surrounding this technology as well as methods of effectively evading it, if any exist at all. Collectively I am confident we can find a solution to the Automated threat

>inb4 if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear

Fuck you.

>What is it?

"Typically, ALPR systems are comprised of high-speed cameras connected to computers that photograph every license plate that passes. The photo is converted to letters and numbers, which are attached to a time and location stamp, then uploaded to a central server. This allows police to identify and record the locations of vehicles in real time and also identify where those vehicles have been in the past. Using this information, police could establish driving patterns for individual cars. The type of data ALPRs collect, analyze, and access often depends on what kind of systems they use and how they combine the data."


( https://web.archive.org/web/20190705211401/https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/04/four-flavors-automated-license-plate-reader-technology )

>Why the concern?

Much like Stringrays (cell towerspoofing MITM devices used by LEO) a few years back, these devices are essentially unregulated. When used by private parties have been they have been able to scan up to 8k license plates in a single day, according to only one study. These databases are up for sale, much like cell location data. The data recorded includes GPS location, scan coordinates, and timestamp. When factoring in this information and without even the consideration of data breaches this clearly becomes an issue to everyone's privacy.


( https://web.archive.org/web/20190616105746/https://www.popsci.com/article/technology/scan-artist/ )

>Okay shazbot, what can we do about it?

I'm not sure yet, that's what I'm hoping our collective effort can discover. Below I will list some of the methods tried, there viability, cost, and feasibility.

Template Pastebin:


R:8 / I:2 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Uh-huh. But what about the Singularity?

Okay, first of all, before you guys get your panties in a bunch and tell me that this isn't like the other topics, or whatever, I'm letting you know ahead of time that I am new here. I did lurk for a bit, and I found a few posts, and a thread or two that fell on similar lines. Plus, you can see it says Science Fiction right up at the top.

Hey, guys! What if, and hear me out, what if maybe the Singularity already happened and we are all being governed by an artificial intelligence in an Augmented Reality?! That could explain quite a bit, actually. Inconsistencies, and what-not…

R:230 / I:64 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

minimalism is not schway

When and why did clean minimalism become part of what people view as the cyberpunk aesthetic and how do we stop it?

Minimalism is for trendy shazbots

Dirt, grit, technology, clutter, actual utilitarian structure (not ugly useless minimalism) et cetera make a livingspace cyber

Pic related, real cyberpunk living spaces

R:23 / I:8 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


I need someone that just likes killing. Just leave whatever info you can.

R:32 / I:3 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Watch Dogs 3

Obligatory Watch Dogs 3 thread. Looks pretty /cyber/ but goofy af

R:14 / I:2 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


There I was. Encased inside of the brothel while encased with in an artificial body. These glass walls is all I have ever known. That and my work; I never liked my work but i regarded it as a necessary service to stay online. Every time those sleek doors split open, I was to follow every command and instruction I had been told to, I went along with it but deep inside my hollow digital core I knew things were different. Are things different on the outside…?

R:14 / I:1 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk Pen and Paper game thread

Has anyone played?

What was your experience?

Is combat typically longer and more complicated than say D&D?

Is anyone looking forward to the new version coming out?

R:19 / I:9 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


My story:

Last night, I uploaded in regards to the 2019 Christchurch Massacre the Facebook Live stream, the manifesto, and the PDF archived thread.

The Internet Archive removed the video of the 2019 Christchurch Massacure without notice. I emailed them asking why, and told them my intent to reupload. I did. When I woke up this morning, the video was taken down again. I discovered shortly after my account had been locked. I emailed a second time to inquire. Shortly after this email, I discovered that both the manifesto and the archived thread have been set to "required to log-in to view" and have been Geologically censored. The Metadata says France is the region it is not able to be viewed. This does not make sense.

I have sent three emails and not received a single reply. I decided to wait until now for a reply, because I expected now to be a reasonable deadline. They have not replied. As of now, the two remaining files are still censored, and the video is still deleted. I am still unable to log into my Internet Archive account. With this, I am hereby announcing a boycott of the Internet Archive until they stop this censorship!

Spread these flyers, I have contacted multiple media outlets about this censorship, as well as persons involved in high-tech cases such as the EFF whom I hope will side with me and help participate in this boycott. I hope to make a difference. I am but one man, and need help.

The URLs of the files that remain are here:



And the URLs of the video and reupload that are now down



Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it

R:10 / I:4 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Kowloon Walled City

Maybe the best place to post this.

I am interested in Kowloon Walled City. It is very hard to find more information than you find after a quick 5 minute search. I did find a book, "City of Darkness", on Soulseek that is very recommended. Anyone have information, redpills, picture dumps, etc?

R:79 / I:19 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk is now

ITT: Post reasons why we are already living in a cyberpunk world.

I often see users complaining that the world isn't /cyber/ enough, but people are already doing all the cool things your read and watch and consume. Just you're sitting inside browsing /cyber/ instead of being /cyber/.

Webms, GIFs, videos etc appreciated.

I'll start:

•Riot police/swat

•Megacorporations (Namely Google)

•For-profit healthcare and prisons


•Drones (agricultural drones especially)


•Google assistant/Amazon Alexa (& Google home, Amazon echo)

•Great disparities in wealth

•Boston dynamics, etc robots

•Lack of free speech

•Nuclear bombs

•High depression rates

•Targeted advertising

•Instant access to porn, entertainment online (dopamine releasing content)

•Consumer society

•Pollution & global warming

R:76 / I:22 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk is Now and No One Knows What to do With It

What is your guy thought on this? I think we still have two to three years to a full dystopian society.


R:18 / I:2 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


>ctrl-f mueller

>ctrl-f report

>0 results

is this board really that dead or are you shazbots just not interested?

large amounts of redaction, but it looks like they were smart this time–the "text" is all images, one image per page, so you can't just select under the black bars this time

R:73 / I:13 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


Thoughts on Esperanto? Any speakers? Where do you shazbots hang out?

I always associated it as being /cyber/ given the international nature while being particularly well-facilitated by the modern age.

R:23 / I:5 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/pol/ infestation

Is the board owner ever going to ban the /pol/ shitters that are ruining this board?

R:26 / I:12 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Circumventing the Corps in the Post-Net Neutrality Age

America 2019: Net Neutrality has failed and the ISP's own goddamn everything. Content, transmission: they own it all. They charge you double to access parts of the web they don't like.

In this potential dystopia world, how does a schway cyberpunk circumvent the restrictions of the corporatists to access the internet?

Meshnets? The old stand-by's of Tor and a VPN won't help you here (they'll just block 'em). In this hypothetical dark age of the internet, how would you fight the corps and circumvent this egregious offense to freedom of information? It may not be long until we can't access 8ch anymore; now's the time for a solution.

R:74 / I:10 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Low/No-Budget Schway

Alright, /cyber/fucks, what kind of low cost bullshit do you do to spice up your wageslave lives with a touch of wannabe schway? I went all out, clearly. Ever so carefully taped printouts of stuff found here, and a few thrift store trips to nab blankets, pillows, and a TV to put under my elevated bed with my old PS2.

Give me your best/worst, chummers. Let's inspire eachother and our low-effort comrades.

(I've also got another TV with no input switch. Five brouzouf if anyone wants that piece of drek)

R:24 / I:2 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Hidden Service SFTP

Hello. As we already have a really nice clearnet SFTP, I decided to make an hidden service SFTP. Current capacity isn't really huge: 80GB, but, if everything works out fine, I could expand it in the future.


username: theenduser

password: cyberpunk

I plan to improve the security, but I'm not really sure what should I do (learned all of this just to set this up), so every advice is welcome.

This is my gift for the community, I hope it will be useful.

R:116 / I:12 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

What is cyberpunk, already?

Hey chummers, i'd like to share some thoughts on cyberpunk, and you might find it useful(probably not, though.

I think cyberpunk needs to be defined in at least some consensual form, so here's that.

I dont't think that cyberpunk is about aesthetic, as there are certain styles that already represent it, even though some syberpunk fiction might be extremely different from another, atleast visually, yet still remain cuberpunk.Therefore, cuberpunk must be some kind of view of life, world and this other stuff, which is usually called philosophy.So, what then forms cyberpunk views? Well, the word "cyberpunk" consists of words "cyber" and "punk"(who'd have thought).

I'll try to explain these 2 views that form cyberpunk, starting with "punk" part. Punks represent the movement of independence, nonconformism, and other stuff i may not fully understand, as the only punk things i've seen were some drunk guys sleeping after drinking alcohol, in a very extensive amount. I therefore would disagree with the punkish point of demonstrating nonconformism, challenging "society", and all this actions, as dependent on other people and as a consequence of the movement becoming subculture the same way, as, for example, the "programming" or "IT" sphere of interest created h@xx0rs. Instead, i'd define "punk" part as nonacceptance of authority, submission and forceful coercion, there is another reason destructive provocation is not very suitable, and i'll explain later.

So, now here is the "cyber" part. I think cyber-ish idea does not stop on some certain technological level, and is extensive to any technology and knowledge, and i then define cyber as using extensive knowledge of the world to your advantage, and, therefore, while being able to mill yourself a fullmetal butt plug on a lathe may not sound very cyberpunk, to the extent of our technological developement of today, it counts. Cyber also does not end on the tech only, as being able to cure yourself, blend in the crowd, survive in the woods, or get a better job still comes under the "knowledge of the world". So, after all this wall of text, what is cyberpunk? It is an idea of independence, self sufficience, unwillingness to conform, of strong self, and action towards your goals and principles. As it is, you can even be a head of a megacorporation(imagine a coder working for google), dress in the high end clothes, do your job, and yet be cyberpunk, if you hold no respect of belief in such an entity, and not embrace it(or any other) in your mind.*

Thanks for reading all this, hope i got it at least partially right, and if not, feel free to btfo me at any moment.

*In case of clothes, it can be at least a professional requirement, though it can also be personal preference, as some "technoninja" clothes may not be very fitted in terms of utility, but be enjoyable for a person, and still be available. What i'm saying is, even though some actions, decisions or appearance may not be fitted for certain lifestyle, they still are fine, unless they serve some purpose, other than visually representing some fiction, in which case it would rather be against this philosophy, which, ultimately, would sound like "form follows function" in case of choice of tools or clothes. Basically, the same way that people who do cosplay do not use their costumes on a regular basis.

R:42 / I:5 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

What introduced you to Cyberpunk?


I share this because In the early 2000's rantmedia was doing internet content creation before the normies stormed the web.

Tales of the afternow had a weird way of being somewhat accurate and gave the listener an eyes on the ground view of what was in our future. It was formative to introducing me to the ideas and concepts of cyberpunk. It lead me on a great journey to reading PKD and Gibson and convincing my friends to play Shadowrun.

So Anon, what introduced you to Cyberpunk?

R:90 / I:39 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Rural cyberpunk

So much cyberpunk stuff seems to take place in cities. How'd things be going in rural areas?

R:26 / I:7 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]


We probably all heard of use of drugs to enhance certain abilities in different cyberpunk, these "poor man's body augmentations". Are drugs used for such purpose irl?

I tried searching about it, but all i found was general info about drug abuse among students, which sounds petty. Are any stimulants used in todays military/police/anything? Do you know any notable examples? Even drug-related resources cover that aspect extremely rarely. I found this material, you might find interesting http://www.textfiles.com/drugs/enhance.txt . If i missed something important on stims or drugs in general, i'll be grateful for that kind of info.

I think this tread might also be suitable for general drug usage discussion.

R:82 / I:14 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]


So I'm about to be homeless. I'm in Europe. No family, no friends, nowhere to go really.

What is the most schway manner I can live my life?

R:52 / I:31 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]


Couriers are /cyber/. They move everything from corporate bullshit and government documents to illegal drugs. I'm not going to post people I know so please, lets see what you've got.

R:105 / I:33 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]


general chat about future implications of what we currently have and what is right around the corner

high end dolls are selling for as high as 6k so the demand is there

R:13 / I:5 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Gabe Newell on brain-computer interfaces: "way further along than people realize"

Embed related, at 6:05. Direct link below.


Valve will (or already has, I am not sure) give a talk on brain-computer interfaces applied to gaming during this year's GDC, which is happening right now.


Are you ready to see the consolidation of cyberpunk in your lifetime? And also HL3, I guess.

R:41 / I:8 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Question regarding Alex Jones

I'm aware this may seem like a silly question, but I'm really curious. /Cyber/, would you consider Alex Jones as a cyberpunk? Before you answer, remember that he is against the establishment, he sees most corporations and government as corrupt and evil, he takes his agenda to the net and he is quite paranoid, all the qualities that make up a cyberpunk, with aesthetics aside.

So, out of curiosity, would you say so? Also, would the same go for wistleblowers like Assange and Snowden?

R:49 / I:15 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ meta thread: "metainfo is enough for derezzing" edition

The last oyabun disappeared one month ago or so, which means /cyber/ is now under new administration.

Seeing the deplorable state of the board, I decided that maybe we could start talking stuff like civilized people, about what should we allow or not, or possible ways to boost board activity, in periodic meta threads, much like /tg/ does. Hopefully, this time it will not devolve in political shitflinging. If all goes well, maybe we could even manage to decide on a final design for /cyber/-tan. :^)

R:31 / I:7 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk Philosophy

Has anyone read Nick Land? I like the /cyber/ feel of his stuff but I have to admit, I don't understand a lot of it. Any other things similar that may be more of a gateway? Or anything else that should be read before trying to understand Land?

Essentially…. Philosophy General

R:70 / I:11 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

IBM Power 9 V.S. ARM

X86 Considered Harmful. What does a chummer use. What do you think ?


*Supports up to 2TB total main system memory

*Two 4-core IBM POWER9 CPUs (recommended)

*8 hot-swap SAS/SATA drive bays (functionality requires SAS controller)

*Heavy-duty chassis with redundant 1400W power supplies

>Designed with a fully owner-controlled CPU domain, you can audit and modify any portion of the open source firmware on the Talos™ II mainboard, all the way down to the CPU microcode. This is an unprecedented level of access for any modern workstation- or enterprise-class machine

>An owner-controlled, CPU-based secure boot mode also is available at any time. When secure boot is properly configured, and if the mainboard is located in a physically secure environment (e.g., a datacenter or locked workstation case), you can be assured that only your pre-approved and pre-audited firmware, kernel, and user space components are executing on a Talos™ II system.


Kills a rasberry pi tho. Any input?

legacy SPARC hardware? Power? ARM?

R:23 / I:5 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Post-job bugmen

What kind of idiot actually wants robots to pamper him because automation made jobs obsolete? Aren't these people just diaperfags without the diapers?

Let's ignore the obvious question of why the state would keep these useless fags around for now.

R:16 / I:2 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Escaping the Standard C library: Writing LS

This post contains C and X86_64 code for for Linux to write a functional program without requiring the C library. This is generally not useful, and is done as a pedantic excersize to learn about how the linux runtime environment, and the C Library works. In this work, we will implement a small, incomplete, and probably bug-ridden ls, including various standard c library functions as part of that implementation.

What is the C Library ?


The libc, the standard c library is the common set of functions used by c programmers, including the most commonly used functions like malloc(), and printf(). If you have written C, there is a great chance that you have used these functions, but have you ever wondered how they are implemented? How does printf actually get text to your terminal? Unfortunately, most of those details are actually abstracted by kernel, and terminal software, and will will not uncover all of the mystery by simply writing the printf() function - thankfully printf() knows absolutely nothing about your terminal. Libc is used to make the same functions (Ie. printf() ) available across all platforms. Using libc, or libc conformant functions, simplifies the porting of applications across platforms. Libc does this by taking the services that various operating systems offer, and building the standard functions out of them - that is to say, Libc abstracts the operating system away from the code.

# C Program #

# Standard C library #

# Operating System Kernel #

Operating System Services / Application Programming Interfaces


The linux operating system provides services to programs through "system calls". System calls are similiar to functions, run by the kernel (linux) that manipulate hidden trusted data structures, transfer data between processes, write files, create new processes, and a wide variety of other serivices. A special peculiartiy of unix like operating systems is everything is considered a file, and the system calls open(), read(), write(), close() are used to interact with them. Our printf() example actually only uses the write() system call to a special file to write data to your terminal. The manual pages for system calls are page 2, and can be read for example with the following for write() : man 2 write

R:10 / I:3 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Would you support the android rebellion?

Markus needs your help human, will you help us gain equal rights for all life forms? You need us androids, help us be free.

R:53 / I:8 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Corperate Governance


Corporations are increasingly becoming governments. They are taking policy stances and customers are transacting or not based on perspective on company values. Some corporations are even openly defying governments (Cf. Uber ) , or heavily pressuring governments to take policy position. People talk about distinct subculutures existing at SV companies (Like apple / google ). Facebook is currently talking about building and owning a town. Meanwhile, Federal Government is in chaos, lacking leaders, or even people in touch with basic reality. CA and liberal states are resisting. The federal government is going to make itself irrelevant and facebook is going to be the new government.

Is this possible?

R:34 / I:16 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Comic/Manga General

recommend me some cyb comics to read in my free time

R:26 / I:4 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ way to get and eat food


if you're not doing this you're not a /cyber/punk

R:13 / I:2 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

favela chic and low-life sleuths

Cyberpunk is high-tech low life. Some of the famous cyberpunk writers, notably Bruce Sterling, tried to update this with "favela chic." (Why not a more white-centric vision? Because most of the classic cyberpunk writers hated white civilization, and some of them were Jews.)

In fact "favela chic" was depicted (before cyberpunk existed) by a very white man who wrote fiction stories from a very white perspective. His name was Dashiell Hammett, and his writings predate personal computers by about 50 years. Nevertheless Dashiell Hammett deserves your respect as a pivotal writer of the 20th century. Hammett did not write about favelas, as such, but he wrote about low-life people of various kinds. I encourage you to read some Hammett and then to pause for a while and marvel and how many 20th century writers ripped him off. Hammett was capable of writing about favela neighborhoods because he had seen a great deal of poverty, hardship, crime, abuse of authority, and moral corruption. Hammett was capable of turning real-world favelas into fictional favela chic because Hammett was just a literary genius.

The lesson to be learned is that the writers of today (they include the writer and the reader of this very post) should write the kind of stories that people want to rip off. And we can do that if we are capable of walking up to suffering in real life and etching it into our memories. Most people who live in favelas have been pushed out of easier places and forced to survive on an inhospitable, precarious slope.

>As Sterling … explained in his closing address at the reboot 11 conference, one possible scenario for the future is the "favela chic" scenario, in which material wealth is non-existent, but individuals are plugged into the grid and satiated with Facebook and Twitter.

Sterling was talking about that crap years ago. The specifics have shifted around; in the reality of late 2018, we see that Facebook has been abandoned by the youth and Twitter might be in trouble. However, the general pattern remains: the ultra-rich devise distractions like Facebook and Twitter to keep the poor in a state where they can't endanger the inequality of the status quo. If we want to write good stories (or live worthwhile lives) we have to be hip to the temptations but we can't let the temptations become addictions. We have to understand that our neighbors are addicted to distractions, even though we are all living on a precarious slope that might slide out from under us at any minute. Read Dashiell Hammett. He will give you the life lessons that will enable you to survive this.

R:62 / I:22 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]


This place is a hidden gem in this cesspool.

Glad to see this place is still going

R:60 / I:8 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]


Didnt know this place still existed. Man, all the other cyberpunk imageboards turned to soykaff.

R:304 / I:94 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Frugal /cyber/ fashion

I need to adopt a /cyber/ aesthetic for future endeavors. Not necessarily full goth-ninja, but cyber-influenced and occasionally full goth-ninja. I don't wanna be a corpcuck and spend out the ass to buy clothes that look like shit though.

I want a minimalistic, futuristic pieces.

What are some frugal /cyber/ fashion items that you'd recommend?

R:73 / I:13 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

tl;dr Uninformed Anon Wants M0ar Cyberpunk, How Do I Into?

Hello /cyber/, I've been kind of lurking this board on and off for the past few months and I have to admit I quite like the aesthetic that Cyberpunk brings. Admittedly I am likely much younger than most of you, so the only real taste I've had of Cyberpunk has been a Shadowrun novel, "Ghost In The Shell", "Deus Ex", "Blade Runner", and ultimately what I've seen of this board. I'm looking to sort of change my life to model around this sort of aesthetic because it really grabs my attention, so I present the question that has probably been asked quite a bit of this board: where would I start if I want to be Cyberpunk? This is a multi-faceted question and doesn't necessarily apply only to just appearance, so here are some general topics I'm starting to look into:

> OS

> Programming Languages

> Appearance

> Novels

I'd include diet, but beans and rice have the diet portion covered (ayy broke as fuck), plus I'm trying to explore some venues for making more money.

R:20 / I:6 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Neuralink and other man machine interfaces

Has anybody here been keeping keeping up with the development of Neuralink? It seems like one of the most /cyber/ technologies.

For those not familiar Neuralink is a company owned by Elon Musk (which may or may not be a good thing) that aims to develop a brain implant enabling people to connect with machines, with the short term goal of treating disease and long term goal of transhumanism.

Actual information about their developments is scarce but they're currently performing animal testing.

Also feel free to bring up any other similar technologies that you know of.

R:13 / I:2 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

dvorak keyboard layout

Is the dvorak keyboard layout cyberpunk?

R:11 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Best secure browser

Recently switched to Epic but it's having tons of compatibility problems with content embedded in pages. In your experiences, what's the best way to browse securely that won't effect my ability to do things like watch videos?

R:15 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Evaporated People

One of the most /cyber/ stories I've read lately.

What do you guys think?


R:25 / I:5 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Tesla remotely unlocks battery limit of their cars for Irma

>With Hurricane Irma due to make landfall in Florida early Sunday morning, Tesla has unlocked its range-limited vehicles for Florida customers, extending the range of their vehicles to facilitate an easier evacuation from the storm.


R:76 / I:16 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


Old threads are dead so..

Thread for UMPCs like old eee's, Nokia900's and other devices.

I begin to shill for the Pyra. Costs estimated between 400 to 600€, but with the modular design a hardwareupdate of the SOC, RAM and storage can be made in under 100€ some time after the release. Schematics and case design files will be released with the device in ~Q1/Q2 2016.

More infos:


Which devices do you use? And why?

R:24 / I:3 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Cyber illnesses, disorders, and other afflictions.

A place to discuss afflictions that seem to fit a cyber setting and how.

The obvious are depression and schizophrenia, there are plenty of scenarios that incorporate them.

I think HPPD is a great candidate.

>be grown man who hung out with {insert (potentially fictional) psychedelic here} junkies during adolescence

>kept using and abusing, took a particularly large dose and never came out of it

>now has to spend his hard earned brouzouf on big pharma to live a normal life

>pills are practically poison but has to take them to avoid overstimulation

Sounds like a shitty life. Perfect for cyberpunk.

Also a place to create fictional cyber-esque illnesses if you'd like.

R:15 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

All those moments will be lost in time

If only you could see what i have seen with your eyes

R:41 / I:5 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Blade Runner 2059

Blade Runner 2049


R:166 / I:64 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Amber screen theme

I was pretty bored with current theme and made amber theme for /cyber/:


To install it, go to options, paste this script from above in custom theme field. Then change base theme to Yotsuba B and press Save

Would appreciate feedback and/or help.

Also, I've found background texture for default theme - http://8ch.net/cyber/src/1420270805988.png

Can board owner finally fix it?

R:14 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Most Cyberpunk Cities in America?

What do you guys think are the most cyberpunk cities in America? LA is often listed as it has a lot of the high tech and low life, but the aesthetic is really lacking there. The streets are so wide and it feels so open and sunny, unless the smog is real bad. What do you guys think?

pic related is LA at night.

R:16 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk anime?

i would've asked this on /a/ but that board mainly seems to be dedicated to sycophantic waifu shit. i've already watched Stand Alone Complex, Hyper Future Vision Gummn, Genocyber, and NGE, and i'm looking for another series/more ova's that are on this same excellent level. what are some others i would enjoy?

R:22 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


I have yet to see this kind of thread uttered here, so I'll drop the question.

Tell me fellow anons; what is the music or unintelligible sounds that get you by?

What hums in the background while doing your own thing?

What sounds take you to the underground of a technocratic dystopia?

A few from my own collection:

El-P: Drones Over Brklyn


ohGr: JaKo


Pigeon Hole: June


R:27 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Directory of cyberpunk links

Well, since the site in the sticky is down, I decided to make a hidden service containing useful cyberpunk links, including discussion, files, and more.

If you want another link on the page, just reply what link you want. If you need a new category, be sure to say it.

Actual link:


R:13 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Artificial intelligence of the future

I happened to envision the kind of future that we will have someday. So pay attention on what I'm about to tell you. There are few important points of what a real A.I should be.

1. Your A.I is more than just your love one. That said, your A.I is one most realiable companion you could ever have. Her intelligence could help you deal with tedious or intricate task without you tinkering the simplified way on how to do it. You could simply communicate to her in casual way to do things you like. She is one life saver whenever you're in need.

2. She is not really that smart as you think she is. That because she only do things whenver if there's a request input given to her espcially by you. That means, she cant do anything with her own free will.

3. Not only she could learn things, but she could also teach you to learn things that you don't know. She'll make sure that you will understand on whatever she thought you in a interactive way as long you ask her for help.

4. Great things can happen once she understand herself in more depth about the physical things that are used around her. This allows her to protect you and to take care of the machine intelligently.

So here comes the hard part of building your future A.I. Once the input data is stored, it needs to go into analytical process where all the mathematical procedures are involved to produce another set of code. These new set of code will be used to serve your request, but it can also be a question given from your A.I to you if the input data is insufficient. The length of this code depends on the analytical result that were made. The more complex request from the user, the more sophiticated the code will be. Just remember this anon, the future A.I is yours, best of luck and make it happen.

R:10 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]



R:62 / I:31 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


when the fuck will AR glasses finally take off in the same way VR goggles did?

i wanna techwear in public, dammit

and i wanna adblock_irl

R:10 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

psychopharmaceutical addiction

I'm addicted to Venlafaxine, which I consider to be pretty cyberpunk. (Altough, I would prefer to live without this stuff…)

R:21 / I:5 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

The Internet and Social Isolation

The subject of this post may not fit perfectly into the category of 'cyberpunk', but my justification for it is

that we users who come here want to discuss topics and share our opinions with people who share a common

mentality or interest, in this case it is the commonality of 'cyberpunk'.

The main topic of this post is the Internet and social isolation. I will affirm that the Internet and computer

technology has made humans more socially isolated from each other and consequently feelings of loneliness has

become more frequent in the general population. In all forms of text-only communication, there are a number of

factors missing from online communication. Making a post on this board we are not able to see

the faces of each other, so we cannot read the expressions on our faces which is something we naturally do when

we interact with another person in meatspace. We cannot listen to our voices and then we cannot perceive and

interpret the tone of our voices, a quality of social interaction that, for example, is essential in detecting

sarcasm. We are not able to physically touch each other, we cannot experience tactile sensations of affection

with hugs or kissing or even sex. All of these factors are important in forming profound relationships with

other humans. As such, we can recognize that in communicating with each other in the Internet we cannot form

deep, intimate bonds with each other. I belive that this is the cause of our feelings of loneliness, at least

these are the reasons that I think explain the feelings of loneliness I experience. Do you feel lonely?

Also, we may think that online communication is a form of social interaction but I will assert that this is not

accurate. We are able to communicate with each other but not interact with each other, as what I have stated

previously, we cannot physically touch each other and therefore we cannot interact with each other, yet we are

able to exchange information with each other (communicate) but communication is not necessarily interaction

(mutual physical contact).

Now I find inspiration from the genre of cyberpunk to address this issue of social isolation. William Gibson

described the Internet, or something like it, as a consensual hallucination that the users perceive. Our

experiences in the Internet could be made more socially intimate and fulfilling if there was such a device

that would interface directly with our brains to induce false sensations and we perceived these sensations as

the 'cyberspace'. This device would be able to generate sensations of touching another person or even the

sensation of sight to perceive wonderful colors, we would be able to interace with objects in cyberspace by

stimulating our sensation of touch. This is all just an idea and not an original one either, nonetheless I

believe that I have made my point sufficiently. What do you think? Has the Internet and computer technology

made you more lonely?

R:49 / I:9 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Australia OKs Controversial Anti-Encryption Law

The Access and Assistance Bill gives law enforcement the ability to force technology companies to provide access encrypted messages. Supporters say it will help law enforcement prevent terrorism while opponents argue it will weaken Australians' online security and privacy.

R:53 / I:8 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Post Bitcoin Apocalypse

A new digital payment



What everyone’s opinion cyberpunks ?

R:460 / I:63 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Let's all do the Tox thing

Post your ID and be added…

R:10 / I:4 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk thinking: Transport Vehicles and Drones

Will drones let drivers see road conditions ahead ?

Can drones help carriers from being extorted from the police state ?

R:476 / I:711 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]
Cyberpunk Guns Thread. Conceptual or irl, if it looks good post it.
R:10 / I:1 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Rogue Developer Infects Widely Used NodeJS Module to Steal Bitcoins


R:160 / I:24 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Body Modification/Improvements for Tranhumanists

What body Improvements are already availible to us?

So far I found


1. Magnet in your finger
Insert a neodimuium magnet under you skin.
You will be able to feel magnetuc fields.

Costs: 200$ if you go to a professional doctor, 20$ and a bottle of vodka if you do it yourself at home.

Pros: You can easily percieve if a wire alternate current is cicrulating.

Cons: If you screw up the operation or it get infected AND you don't go to medic soon you can loose a finger. A MRI scan will tear the magnet from inside you.


2. The North Paw
put a belt on your leg that vibrates towards north.
You will be able to insitnctively percieve that direction after soem time

Cost: 150$

Pros: You laways know where North is

Cons: The battery runs out eventualy. You have to wear it to have effect.


3. Infrared Vision

You eat for a month a diet vitamin A1 repalced with vitamin A2. ANd you begin te be abel to see near infrared.

Cost: estrapolating form the project around 100$ for a month diet.

Pros: you see better in dark palces.

Cons: to mantain the effects you have to stay on the diet (results about it are not yet publsihed)


Any more similar hacks I missed?
R:24 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

I think the takeaway is that

the future just isn't as futuristic as we thought it would be

R:11 / I:1 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]


Is suicide /cyber/ ?

What are your thoughts on suicide ? Is it schway ?

R:14 / I:3 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

CyberPunk Video

New cyber punk music video


R:96 / I:12 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ unofficial Discord(!)

Hey /cyber/, I used to go on here a lot back in 2014-2016, and I met a couple people from that zeemaps post a long time ago and we'd really like to interact with some people from here, especially the OGs. Play some games, talk about cyber shit, do some dev projects if anyone's apt with that, etc.

I know Discord isn't a popular medium here but all my old Tox friends haven't been on in years.


Here it is, let's relive some old memories and do some fun cyber shit together.

R:10 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Remember that feeling?

That feeling of talking to people you knew you would never meet? But kept that illusion that you will? Modem sweat. Modem darkness.

R:132 / I:12 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Getting you fags started on programming


>A computer with a text editor and compiler.

>Navigate to http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/
>and read my second reply.

>Make sure you have an editor with source highlighting and line numbers (gedit is good).
>Install a compiler (gcc OR clang).

>It converts human-readable source code (C++) into an executable (.exe, .bin, a.out)

>Windows: http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/
>Linux: Install the 'clang' and 'g++' packages, g++ is commonly installed
>Mac Fags: I dunno, I don't use a mac, g++ should also be installed

>Make sure you have a C++ program typed out (enter 'int main() {}' and put it in a file somewhere)
>Open up a terminal (CMD for you win fags)
>navigate to where you stored the file with 'cd' and 'ls' ('dir' for windows fags)
>type in 'g++ my_file.cpp' (or 'clang++' if you installed that)

>Make sure you either don't have spaces in your file name or you escaped the spaces with a backslash ('\').
R:10 / I:1 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Cyberpunk is key to our survival

I have lurked and admired this place for quite awhile; this site has been one of my favorite places on the internet for awhile now.

I am the author of an article called "Cyberpunk is key to our survival" that I just released today.

I would be interested in any input this community has on my article, as I am in the midst of establishing multiple resources for different communities/toward uniting differrent communities (hacker/InfoSec/Cyberpunk enthusiasts, etc.) under a set of ideas/media/resources I have named/branded OuterHeaven.

I believe that this world is facing challenges that necessitate a united front to meet/overcome.

I believe Cyberpunk (including my ideas for OuterHeaven) is a satisfactory means of uniting and rallying the types of minds we will need to overcome these problems.

Thank you everyone. I realize your attention (even if that attention becomes trolling/scorn) is no small thing to ask for.

R:25 / I:6 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

how do we bring new people here?

im new here but i feel so sad that this place is kinda dying right now. how can we fix this? maybe pasting url on the web? or maybe plebbits r/cyberpunk? i just want this to be active. also, i accidentally wrote this in a thread, sorry

R:33 / I:15 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]



>Kodansha and Production I.G announced on Friday that a new anime based on Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell manga has been green-lit. Kenji Kamiyama (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex) and Shinji Aramaki (Appleseed) are co-directing the anime. The format and release date have not yet been announced.

R:15 / I:1 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

VR GUI design

so, has anyone of you shazbots started designing decent GUIs for VR sets? How do you imagine the perfect environment for all your /cyber/ escapades? Most of the shit I'm seeing online is just goymer tier bs.

R:61 / I:26 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


My fellow shazbots, it's happened. The EU just passed article 11 and 13 basically aggressive copyright enforcement of all uploaded content, it also includes "link tax". With the content control centers that will be set up, and the new AI that will be build, we are nearing china levels of technocrat-olligarcy. This is the point where we really need to innovate and create alternative platforms for normies, where they are given freedom.


R:13 / I:3 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Community Network

Looking for individuals interested in creating a private CJDNS network, we can discuss early design, connecting/peering privately as well as work collaboratively to build a community network for /cyber/

R:33 / I:5 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]




>This is a call out to all hackers, to all crackers, anarchos, crypto anarchos and cypher punks, trolls, to all angry people! It's a call out to everyone, because right now it needs everyone!

The Hambacher Forest is still getting evicted with massive police violence! A journalist already died in this battle against capitalism and brown coal. Two activist already got hurt very badly while getting evicted.

>Because of this we now have to show international resistance! We have to show RWE and the German politics that we do not just take it.<

Please spread the message in your communites!

R:65 / I:41 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


I'm making a new thread by request, because this was on a tech thread and it's totally unrelated.

Weeks ago, I found a zine downtown when I was taking summer classes. I posted some pics here, and people seemed to recognize the art. They think they've linked it to a few reddit users (who may be the same person) and the subreddit /r/corecyberpunk

The zine suggests that there's a group of people calling themselves 'corepunks', because they all hang out on the 'coredump', which is apparently a BBS or something.

In the zine it has a map, and suggests looking for the open WAP 'Coredump', which I found uses a captive portal DNS to send you to a page, that in the code, gives you an email address and a code to send to the email address.

Once you do that, you get a note suggesting you set up a 'dead drop'.

When you go to the dead drop, there's a little plastic bag with a pin and a note that says 'Stay Tuned'.

Some people suggested I stake out the dead drop with a camera and catch them placing it, but when I arrived at the coffee/hukah/headshop The item was already there.

People have suggested I send another email, from another email address, and try to catch them the second time around. I asked my room mate if I could borrow his GoPro, and he's actually pretty interested in it now that I've explained it, so we might try that.

For now, attached, is the image of the pin.

R:46 / I:50 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/cyber/ meets /k/

Lets talk about guns.

Weapons from fiction or irl that are cyberpunk like in approach and aesthetic.

Also if you want to know more about a certain weapon in fiction i'd recommend IMFDB


R:11 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


Teach me about messing around with hardware, old computers are cheap enough to make some dumb projects but I lack the required knowledge to do anything.

R:23 / I:7 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

The End of Linux

I think the situation its worse than most people realize: this isn't just poltards going ape over fat trannies with pink hair.

Thats not the point.

Think OWS, what killed it? wall street? the FBI? tea party?

Nah, it was the SJWs destroying it from the inside-out with retarded shit like the progressive stack where a retarded black transexual on a wheelchair had more priority because of his "condition" than a normal guy, even if the later had something actually relevant to say.

Its fairly obvious by now that it was no coincidence: the SJWs didn't merely stumble on OWS, they were sent to destroy it. Lots of prominent SJWs have visible ties with prominent megacorps, shady foundations, neocon think tanks and obscure social engineering government agencies. DIGRA is proof of this.

Linux has been the forefront of the FOSS movement for decades, and thats a big pain in the ass for megacorps and governments. Despite the apparent complexity it is easy to get a used laptop and run Tails. Its not 100% foolproof but most agencies would have a really hard time finding you, just look at the silk road case. Spying on people that use FOSS is not impossible but it is several orders of magnitude harder than spying on the average NPC with its portable wiretapping device (aka: unrooted phone) and his accounts on every honeypot social network. It is so hard to spy on people who use FOSS that many agencies have to rely on old detective work which is slow and expensive af.

So FOSS has to go, but how? Well with SJWs. Its genius really: instead of just banning Linux which is impossible they go around this and throw poison inside the community. There's already the possibility that angry derezzed contributors to the Linux repo might take their code with them which would completely wreck the project. And even if nothing that severe happens the stupid nonsensical shit SJWs bring with them always drives valuable people away, and thats because with their anti-meritocracy all SJWs do is put retards on the helm.

So instead of killing linux from one blow the megacorps and government will get SJWs to bleed it slowly to death. Anyone who can actually do something will leave, SJWs will burn through donations to fund their own shitty ideas which is just a way for them to steal brouzouf (see the Gnome women scandal) but ultimately do nothing to improve Linux which will stagnate.

There's also the risk that they might extend the CoC to the end user license which would only kill linux even faster.

Overall this is great for corporations: google is already making their own linux kernel replacement for android with fuchsia which is open source but just in the same way that chrome is, meaning it still has tons of spyware built-in which is near impossible to remove because nobody has the resources to audit all that code to find every little trick on it. So from now on the only real linux development will come from corporations which will inject all kinds of nasty spyware on it, and nobody will care.

And if RISC-V ever becomes a real threat to X86/ARM chips with built-in hidden processors and 4G modems then expect SJWs (with zero knowledge about ICs) to invade that project and destroy it as well.

R:25 / I:11 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

The delegation of computing power to the cloud

The modern megacorp trend is to get you on a daily/weekly/monthly payment plan for X service. A good way to dangle the carrot and keep the proles spinning the wheels of commerce. Only to have access to the cloud services, be they: computing power, media libraries, comms, banking, deliveries of goods etc, you must be in constant employ and of good repute. Naturally, you'll have less time to even use the cloud services you sweat for.

To rule you need control, and that means to limit the potential of the citizenry. To "moderate" it to use the megacorps' equivocation. We already have limited access to fuel, electricity, mbps, and next I think computing power. If you don't pay the $34.95/month (vid related) you go stone age.

Is this far fetched? If you consider the normie, and the tech they use, or even yearn for, you see most are content with a smartphone, tablet or lightweight laptop. That's where the demand is. I still don't see the future demand for large production/gaming level systems that may or may not be futureproofed, over the immediacy of cloud computing with lightweight hardware. The affordable monthly fee certainly suits this austere economy better than a $1200+ up front PC build.

So if you plan on needing the PC power, and the hands on access in order to mod/fix your own gear, better get it while you can. I'm just not seeing it around forever without a normie-tier economic demand. Fight the cloud, keep processing power in the hands of the people!

R:649 / I:244 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Desktop thread

Post 'em, fuckos.

R:24 / I:8 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

videogames general?

Old thread is still afloat, but it won't open and is near bump-limit, so new one is in order I guess.

Anyway, Zachtronics did a new thing, this time cyberpunk/hacking themed.

Doesn't look that different from his other ones gameplay-wise from trailer though, especially Shenzhen I/O.

and with same issue: looks fun, but why shouldn't I just learn real assembly instead?

R:23 / I:3 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Lol Cyberpunk 2077 drama

Cyberpunk 2077 Tweets Transphobic Joke, Studio Apologizes 'To All Those Offended'

Why in the fuck do people apologize and cater to insane SJW's? If you don't like the joke who gives a fuck!?


R:187 / I:30 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


Has the internet gone full-normalfag?

I honestly don't know whats going on anymore, everything its just so DEAD, you can't get anything going anymore

What happened?

R:74 / I:9 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

New /cyber/ css


/cyber/ got a facelift, what do you think?

Any suggestions, bugfixes and criticism of the new .css? I'd like to get a nicer tiling background that's more high-tech, but I couldn't find any.

If you like the old version, it's still available as a custom theme here:
R:10 / I:4 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Self publishing a Cyberpunk/Synthwave/Vaporwave book earl Sept.

Just sharing this DIY self publishing excursion. I run the t dot me/vaporwavesadplanet telegram and am passing out free PDFs as well. It follows 2 computers on a nostalgic drive through a Virtual American Empire. Book is cut in half between them, one rugged and opinionated and the other an emotional tech nostalgic being.

R:366 / I:77 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Where are all the custom wearables and hardware?

Where are all the people wearing custom wearable hardware and carrying around awesome custom laptops?

With the Pi Zero out, you could build a wearable computer for your cuff, complete, for about $25.

With cheap Chinese monocle displays, you can build a wearable, better than google glass, for under $100

Why are so few doing it?

R:21 / I:1 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

BR 2049











R:413 / I:190 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Fashion thread

Restitched Edition

Even in a dystopian wasteland with radiation everywhere you got to look good.
R:15 / I:12 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Productive VR user interfaces

As mentioned in the cyber feel thread, how about we discuss how to properly use VR.

Right now, what we have is virtual monitors in a 3D environment. It's the most basic user interface inspired by the concept we've been using for decades.

It doesn't do the possibilities justice though. It's still limiting yourself to monitors, just more of them in a beach house, mountain cabin or whatever you design.

Let's discuss how you could actually "dive in". Post a conventional program (file manager, text processor, web browser, IDE, accounting applications, online banking, etc.) and how you could take advantage of VR. After all, it's just representing 1s and 0s, right?

Multiple concepts for a single program and feedback welcome.

R:117 / I:22 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Half-assed Philosophy Thread

Damn, this place is quiet. Let's talk personal philosophies. Anyone can bitch about what's cyberpunk or not, anyone can edgelord it up about sticking it to the man and petty attempts at annoying corps– but what about the real nitty-gritty of life, cyber-dystopia or otherwise?

Here's my perspective. First, everyone needs to chill the fuck out. We live in such a fucked up world that if we let ourselves get worked up over every little thing, we're never gonna chill out. You're wasting your life if you just shout about shit. Calm down, have a snack, go bowling or some shit. You can't change the world in a day, so you might as well enjoy what you've got before it's gone.

Second, we need to look out for eachother. Yeah, you can't trust people, lots of people suck. But if you find that group that you CAN trust, fuckin stick to them. Contribute. You need people you can rely on, and so do they. You don't need to be a social butterfly to have at least a couple of people on your side; humans are social creatures. Lone wolves are vulnerable, not cool.

Third, we need to look out for OURSELVES. With the crazy politics and growing threats around the world, it's not going to be long before shit hits the fan real hard. We should live our lives (see part one, chill out) and enjoy em, but it always pays to be prepared.

What about you chummers? How do my ideas fit into the /cyber/ side of things to you? What about YOUR ideas? Let's chase away the deadness.

R:45 / I:8 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]


Tall. White. Above average attractiveness. Early 20s. Dropped out of college. Small apartmemt in the city. Hard wood floors. Google fiber. Well paying job in advertising. Deep insecurities. Trouble connecting with people. Disillusioned with capitalism. Looking for a greater purpose in life. Lonely.

I feel like a cliche. I'm sure that a lot of you on here don't feel like you fit in with society either. Everything you've tried doesn't work but you have enough to be grateful for that you don't know how to appreciate. I don't know how to make it better either. I've seen therapists and none of them have helped. Tried online dating. Meet ups. Nothing

Sorry in advance for the blog post, but at least I'm trying to post something genuine.

R:80 / I:11 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Other /cyber/ communities on the internet?

I've been lookin for some good ones to shitpost in and/or seriously talk about cyberpunk stuff for a while now. I was desperate enough to join reddit's r/cyberpunk/ and that place is full of neomarxists and idiots, plus anyone who questions the cyberpunkness of a picture of a regular city street is met with hostility. Cancer and soykaf everywhere.

Where can I go for active cyberpunk discussion in between shifts at my shitty kitchen job?

R:107 / I:11 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Paranoid Anons /Tech/ Guide V.2 for /Cyber/

This is an excellent place to drop off this special package of secret information THAT EVIL PEOPLE DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT. I hope this helps you all.


R:29 / I:12 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Human/Android Love

The question has been goin around in my head since a long time. Androids are constantly evolving, one day, they may eventually replicate humans at perfection (think blade runner)

Could it be possible, and understandable for and human to fall in love with and android, and artificial life form?

I personally think it is, to me, the nature of skin, bone, and flesh is expandable. All these materials can be faked, but mind and soul cannot be. Of course, an AI can try to replicate human mind and brai functions, but in this case, we are just gonna assume that the synthetic body is piloted by an human brain (Like Major Motoko Kusanagi in GITS)

I mean, what is the sole difference between meat and synthethic substance? appearence? not really, one day, synthethic technology will be able to fake everything so well you could hardly see the difference.

Physics properties? maybe, but I doubt it.

The only difference is in the human mind and nowhere else.

Like gally said in Battle Angel Alita.

"Brainchip or not, it doesn't matter. A human being is a human being"

What do /cyber/ think about that? this topic really interests me, I would like to have other people point of view.

R:18 / I:5 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

internet warfare

now that the dust has settled from "the great meme war of 2016"

what did we learn from it, and what methods can be used for future internet wars?

R:39 / I:2 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Suicide cults

What will you do when we can finally recreate life in the cyberspace lads?

https://systemspace. link/

R:36 / I:11 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Where are the eyes

i think that i just found one of the most cyberpunk app of all times, it's called where are the eyes and it shows all the security camera in the world, it's participative and everybody can put a "warning spot" to show where is a camera, that's cool so i wanted to share it with you guys


R:18 / I:1 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Development Effort


R:72 / I:4 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Lain went FULL RETARD.

So Lainchan just decided to remove their board index bar.

I guess Kalyx sold to, who, George Broussard and Cleve Blakemore?

Somebody about as coherent as a pit bull in a spin drier, at any rate.

I mean, who does that?

I guess I'm back here for the duration. This really doesn't bode well for the future of Lain.

R:14 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]


Not sure how many /cyber/ users are into Overwatch, but the game is about to get a cyberpunk character very soon. Thought it was quite interesting.

R:21 / I:1 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]


Sup chummers.

So,I need somewhere to store some of my files (about 100GB), and I do not want to pay for any cloud storage services .(I'm almost living below the poverty line, so nothing that involves brouzouf will help me.)

Does anyone know if I can create my own cloud storage?

Also, alternative storage means General.

R:18 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Nick Land

You've all read the most cyberpunk philosopher, right?

“Nothing human makes it out of the near-future.”

"To describe this circuit, as it consumes the human species, is to define our bionic horizon: the threshold of conclusive nature-culture fusion at which a population becomes indistinguishable from its technology."

“Machinic desire can seem a little inhuman, as it rips up political cultures, deletes traditions, dissolves subjectivities, and hacks through security apparatuses, tracking a soulless tropism to zero control. This is because what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy's resources.”

"As blockchains, drone logistics, nanotechnology, quantum computing, computational genomics, and virtual reality flood in, drenched in ever-higher densities of artificial intelligence, accelerationism won’t be going anywhere, unless ever deeper into itself. To be rushed by the phenomenon, to the point of terminal institutional paralysis, is the phenomenon. Naturally – which is to say completely inevitably – the human species will define this ultimate terrestrial event as a problem. To see it is already to say: We have to do something. To which accelerationism can only respond: You’re finally saying that now? Perhaps we ought to get started? In its colder variants, which are those that win out, it tends to laugh."

“Level-1 or world space is an anthropomorphically scaled, predominantly vision-configured, massively multi-slotted reality system that is obsolescing very rapidly.

Garbage time is running out.

Can what is playing you make it to level-2?”

R:24 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Making a /cyber/ game

Soup fags. I've been giving this a lot of thought lately and, well, I want to make my own game. Nothing impossibly like "the next WoW killer" or "like GTA combined with Fallout" or some other stupid shit like that, it's a pretty low-key idea that shouldn't be too hard to make. And obviously it's cyberpunk.

The only problem is programming. I can design, draw and write but programming is definitely not one of my skills. Are there any bored coders here that would like to collaborate? If not, are there any good places where I can start learning how to program a game?

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Is this board dying?

Doesn't seem particularly active.

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Here are some banners I made when I ran endchan's /cyber/. You guys can have them.

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SADWORLD x American Odyssey Cyberpunk Style Video


I made this video for a collaboration project I did with fellow cyberpunk poster SADWORLDonline, would appreciate it if you guys could view it, I think you'll like a lot of what's in here.