I don't own a VR headset and didn't write a line of code yet, but I was tossing an idea in my head.
I call it "Computer Room Abstraction".
User is presented with virtual space in which every process is represented by an object, a piece of machinery.
They can be small boxes you can stack on top of each other, or giant cabinets from floor to ceiling, whatever you want.
Processes can have various controls and displays on them.
Processes can also have various input-output ports, and you can connect them together with virtual cords, just like you can connect processes in unix with pipes, except there's more than one input and one output, and you can reconnect things without restarting the processes.
Some processes just pass intputs to outputs modyfing them on the way, others provide abstract interface to hardware.
Typical session:
>you're in the empty room
> create some abstract hardwire interface machinery
> create some data filtering machinery
> create some displays buttons knobs keyboards machinery
> wire it all together
> look at displays, press buttons, turn knobs, type on keyboards
> control filters and hardwires
Slightly more concrete example
>you're creating climate control system for your secret lab
>create temperature sensor interface process
>create fan control process
>create comparator process
>attach temperature sensor to comparator
>rig the system so that comparator turns fans on when it's too hot
>add temperature display process to see if system works properly
>add switch process to manually override system if needed
>add hard drive interface process and logger interface process
>attach temperature sensors to logger and logger ot hard drive
>etc etc
The problem is, this is not very compatible with traditional desktop interface (unless you simulate traditional desktop interface with it, but what's the point) and it is not very good for traditional tasks we use computers for novadays, like reading text, writing text and reading more text.
It might be good for monitoring lots of displays and for rapid prototyping of signal processing/data analysis systems.
It might be good for creating user interfaces for specific purpose hardware that requires lots of controls.
Maybe something else? I don't know.
Also, it should run pretty well on multi-processor systems because of muh concurrency.
But overall this is probably not something you would want on your PC, and not something big corp would need in their data center.
>just goymer tier bs.
Yeah, it's kinda inspired by vydia gaems like those computer terminals in Doom 3/Quake 4 or SOMA.
Another inspiration is audio processing hardware which is very easy and intuitive when close and personal but turns into unholy abomination when people try to implement it in software on 2d windowed desktop screen.