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“Your existence is a momentary lapse of reason.”

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FODCOM seems to really be interesting when it comes to design. How do I replicate stuff that he does? Asking for a friend here

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>?how can i inject talent i dont have?

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Forget talent. Just bevel and emboss and a bit of selection magic. Added a video here: https://file.town/download/w8rj3i3dmbkxqgfxa8q0ktrgp

Uguu is down atm so *shrug* (mkv file)

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File: cc41139f57f66d1⋯.gif (41.72 KB,500x500,1:1,FODMp3.gif)

Why the fuck does this board have such an obsession with Fod?

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File: 98ce9c783cd54ae⋯.jpg (294.48 KB,696x1030,348:515,1539057809637.jpg)

sit on a thumbtack covered in GRIDS infected blood

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reminder that fod is a tranny chaser

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What in the fuck are you talking about

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fodcom loves being around trannies and interacting with trannies. usually he has trouble talking to pretty girls, but with trannies he feels just at home

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Apparently there's a set of people who randomly have a hateboner for him

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Any proof? Or are you just going to be some strawberry shortcake loadqueen?

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Must just be some random shazbots trying shit on him, although I have no idea what their motives would be.

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for the example you gave? browse late 90s web pages till you find something like the sidebar seen in the video.


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Gimp. CSS. The usually suspects.

- Take screen shot

- open in gimp

- Cut and paste the part you want. You could probably match the font to the buttons if you wanted to change the text or use the rip in a gui tool kit or something.

- If you wanted to use the screen for something else you can use the select tool to erase the current screens and then use the resulting image as a mask chaning what is shown though the boxes.

Images are just pictures, you have to tell them what to look like.

It looks like a simple 3d model. You could do the light effect with a gradient and 2d art or use Blender and just put a light source about where it looks like the light is shining from in the image.

It all really depends where you want to use it. If it were a 2d video game just having an image mask would probably do fine. For 3d go with Modeling. If you want to do a web site like this you're going to want to match CSS to get a similar effect to the image.

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