I did a bit for class, it's not what you think though, it's not just "hey code on the blockchain maaan", it's "Everybody run this code at this time, and I will pay $this_much_crypto". There's really no reason to make a videogame on the blockchain because you're paying more for the data and computations than if you just ran it locally, unless you want to just do it as an academic project. You really need to minimize your computations and data storage because you pay for everything you put on the blockchain. On the plus side, you can do decentralized, trust-less multiplayer for any kind of turn based game, which is schway I guess.
You can use Ganche (https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-cli) and Metamask (https://metamask.io/) to rapidly prototype your solidity contracts. You can use test networks to prototype stuff without having to actually pay out any brouzouf (https://testnet.help/en/ethfaucet/ropsten). I was going to include a copy of my homework because it explained how to do all this, but after googling for a hot second I realized my professor literally just copy+pasted a medium article: https://medium.com/haloblock/deploy-your-own-smart-contract-with-truffle-and-ganache-cli-beginner-tutorial-c46bce0bd01e and told us to follow it.
Good luck and post back if you make anything.