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/girltalk/ - Girl Talk

Comfiest board for 8kun's females

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Comfy feelings.

File: 235e18b0383320a⋯.png (28.66 KB,733x248,733:248,QTDDTOT.png)

 No.19028 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

This is the place that you post questions that don't deserve their own thread.

When in doubt, post here.

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Anyone got what im looking for?!?

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File: 500efd082670464⋯.png (790.2 KB,1169x1194,1169:1194,Board-pa and Salty.png)

 No.10000 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

This is /girltalk/'s meta thread: /metatalk/

Feel free to post any advice, tip, suggestion, complain and critique regarding the forum in this thread.

All comments are appreciated and remember: There is no such a thing as bad criticism, just bad ways to deliver it.

Reminder the board action's log can be found here:


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Her face is comfy.

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File: 274e655976622fa⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,1366x2000,683:1000,GVfb5G1aMAEDDJa_jpg_large.jpg)

 No.21104 [Open thread]

How many people still actively use this board? I don't even know what's going on in this world anymore. But I remembered this board. It was pretty comfy, but I think after that incident in New Zealand not a lot of people still use 8chan… or am I wrong?

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too many male retards to post here now, and it sucks because I hate crystal cafe.

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What is Crystal Café? Is that like an all women chat app?

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File: 8013f5bb8e9fa98⋯.jpg (142.66 KB,850x1145,170:229,_original_drawn_by_drugs_n….jpg)

 No.21110 [Open thread]

hiiii i need female friends who arent leftists so bad plssss im european, my discord is @exelya.

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File: 001cb97c1521566⋯.jpg (113.92 KB,735x731,735:731,37f7652786494f505dd43b2185….jpg)

 No.21107 [Open thread]

Do you women also have difficulties making friends with other girls?

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ya esp since msot of them are leftist im so desperate for female friends

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File: 050be542511e439⋯.jpg (56.53 KB,602x682,301:341,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_1….jpg)

 No.21083 [Open thread]

Chat via whatsapp

+593 97-988-1766

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I want to suck on ur titis

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Don't we all?

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File: 001cb97c1521566⋯.jpg (113.92 KB,735x731,735:731,37f7652786494f505dd43b2185….jpg)

 No.21106 [Open thread]

Do you women also have difficulties making friends with other girls?

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File: dc41f2c7179957a⋯.jpeg (593 KB,927x1180,927:1180,E2BA9723_F360_469B_A07B_5….jpeg)

 No.21096 [Open thread]

no guy wants to date me

i really need advice on how to let people know i’m available

i could also improve my communication skills and social anxiety

please help!!

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how old are you?

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File: 9c67ffa9756211f⋯.jpg (9.16 KB,242x250,121:125,bingbong.jpg)

 No.21085 [Open thread]

i am new to 8chan idk why im here nor do i really rmr how i got here. but im here now, anyways any females lookin to be my friend ? i dont rlly got many girl friends tbh

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single, friendless, that's hard

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i dont have either but i think thats okay, im just kinda stuck

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File: cdd6de3761fd3dc⋯.jpg (776.92 KB,1233x2140,1233:2140,171766503648.jpg)

File: 5041b40ed7d3638⋯.jpg (829.81 KB,955x1952,955:1952,171766503599.jpg)

 No.21087 [Open thread]


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File: 75ff0679d5c9d36⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,3095x2343,3095:2343,171766379226.jpg)

File: 6985d9bdabf063b⋯.jpg (1.81 MB,3114x2261,3114:2261,171766450460.jpg)

File: 081269319d59922⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,3808x3052,136:109,171766450214.jpg)

File: cd997996d4f502c⋯.jpg (2.35 MB,2304x1536,3:2,171766428223.jpg)

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File: 0d4f6d42cea28c6⋯.jpg (1.71 MB,1786x2219,1786:2219,171766379360.jpg)

File: 22bf7b20ec1ffb6⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,3510x3012,585:502,171766434493.jpg)

File: 5001bfad767db5b⋯.jpg (1.71 MB,2210x1704,1105:852,171766347791.jpg)

File: 50598dd01308022⋯.jpg (1.72 MB,2716x1683,2716:1683,171766436647.jpg)

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File: c97fc8171551582⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,2298x4375,2298:4375,171766430551.jpg)

File: 06a084d55da27e0⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,2179x4578,2179:4578,171766445783.jpg)

File: c4dadaf4dcd4ff3⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,2250x4423,2250:4423,171766445670.jpg)

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File: 35bc5c198fd393b⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2179x3085,2179:3085,171766456994.jpg)

File: 52be4d922948cf1⋯.jpg (2.71 MB,2166x3367,2166:3367,171766457037.jpg)

File: 15316349068babf⋯.jpg (413.75 KB,1122x1424,561:712,171766478622.jpg)

File: 71192a8b159360a⋯.jpg (188.18 KB,482x1041,482:1041,171766478567.jpg)

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sooo, beautifull

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File: 0aa8ff4b1d28d3b⋯.jpeg (413.52 KB,1461x1042,1461:1042,41918EC6_7F69_480A_853A_A….jpeg)

 No.21078 [Open thread]

Art by me

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File: 2b08b9cf5eda8d2⋯.png (17.52 KB,328x570,164:285,Screenshot_20240609_005710….png)

 No.21097 [Open thread]

looking for friends, my tag is @kisses2kees on discord my names harmony

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If you're looking for friends, you should try chat avenue (https://chat-avenue.pissedconsumer.com/review.html). It's a great place to meet new people and make friends. I've met some really nice folks there, and there are lots of different chat rooms for various interests. It's easy to use and a fun way to connect with others.

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File: c70d404326f49b0⋯.jpeg (117.23 KB,640x1136,40:71,IMG_1278.jpeg)

 No.21095 [Open thread]

The only way I could do that was if you had to do a lot more work and then you would be in a position where I would have a job and then you wouldn’t be in the position that you were at

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File: 3349b3d5cbcbd27⋯.png (568.74 KB,744x747,248:249,p.png)

 No.21094 [Open thread]

wow, cool!

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File: 6c11730eeffc1f5⋯.png (99.67 KB,225x225,1:1,imagem_2023_12_14_10572280….png)

 No.21068 [Open thread]

what u girls think abt the egirl fashion? a boy called me uglly on school yesterday, idk if is bc im chubby, bc i have a shitty pink hair or bc my arms are full of scars.he have a good aparence and a (problablly beutiful) gf so idk

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its honestly rly cute. i have a similar style but my hair is lighter blue, as long as you think it looks good, u shouldnt care what he (or anyone else) thinks about it honestly

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File: e9f8dd094a596d4⋯.png (179.54 KB,400x400,1:1,EdPUZO5XoAMC9_2_1_.png)

the scar part so real honestly i feel like they look better rather than being clean kek

but i think its cute esp on chubby gurlz like im one but i dress more scene sometimes, the makeup tho in general is pretty fkn awesome.

-plus, guys in school are horrid-at least in mine-even if he looks remotely good he is probably a dumbass whos gna rely on his "street smarts" to get him thru life xaxaxa

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