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Comfy feelings.

File: 0cec3ea9cc37b9c⋯.jpeg (12.41 KB,179x240,179:240,images (8).jpeg)

 No.20264 [Open thread]

It hurts so bad that she's not real. I need her more than anything. I would give everything for her. How do I make the pain go away.

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File: fbbe6e50d5ffeb0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.96 KB,480x480,1:1,fbbe6e50d5ffeb0c4159e0e951….jpg)

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File: 57333f246afd9d8⋯.jpeg (27.33 KB,616x462,4:3,1383083799440.jpeg)

 No.19123 [Open thread]

I was spending time with my family at my sisters last night since Thanksgiving. Each day I knowticed I was feeling worse and worse so I decided to come home last night. I really didnt want to go, my niece finally sucked my dick and I was having a great time but thats another story.

I ploped myself down in bed last night thinking maybe it was food poisoning but I wasnt vomiting or had stomach trouble. I woke up so lethargic this morning and it hit me… I didnt have a bit of any meat since Wednesday because I was with my vegetarian asinine sister the whole weekend.

I got up a few hours ago and I literally felt like I was wasting away. I almost considered calling the hospital a county over and having them send out a ambulance. I went down to our winter kitchen and got out a frozen baggie of individually sliced roast beef. (Thats how I keep my sandwich meats for convenience) I was so lethargic I didnt even want to go get bread to make a sandwich. I squirted some arbys horsey sauce in the baggie and put it in the microwave .30 one side .30 another. Stuffed my face with it and wallowed back up to bed. Its 12:42pm now and its been almost 3 hours and I am back to 90%.

Tldr: Stop killing yourselves and eat meat for airwolfs sake!

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Cool story bro. I'm totally triggered. Literally shaking.

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File: 2b2af190eea0967⋯.jpeg (112 KB,1080x1080,1:1,F3DA8F07-2DFF-41CC-A92A-F….jpeg)

 No.20232 [Open thread]

Incels from /biz/ on 4chan are getting rich by buying the new bitcoin. Why aren’t we, ladies?

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File: 00953bd930c6562⋯.webm (9.15 MB,640x360,16:9,00953bd930c6562c66b642911….webm)

 No.18111 [Open thread]

Post your good webms and gifs. No theme just post ones you like.

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File: 6c649448d422fa2⋯.webm (5.65 MB,176x144,11:9,1423242861168162202.webm)

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Was not expecting that first one from a streamer

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Brittany Venti was right, all Twitch streamers think they're kindergarten teachers and need to pass on to everyone all the wisdom they've gotten in their 20 years of reading YA novels

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File: 05dbaa9299ad14b⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,640x360,16:9,OMEGALUL • Jun 9, 2018 er….mp4)

File: 07b78e3f960b2a9⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,640x360,16:9,i jacked off to this clip ….mp4)


can't blame 'em, considering the average viewer

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File: 2738293fa7181f9⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB,480x480,1:1,JsnjWQUyNO4.mp4)


>nigs think THAT is thicc

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File: 50a332a18fc7d77⋯.png (231.01 KB,2970x3061,2970:3061,redsplotch.png)

 No.19996 [Open thread]

How many of you thought this was the worst shit ever when it started and experimented with dieting and workouts to not deal with it again?

If so what are your results?

It seems to scale with calories eaten, as a cursory observation, so that was one reason why I never wanted to be a fatass.

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Using birth control will fuck up your brain and your ability to reproduce.

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I do have experience, I have endometriosis, so it fucking hurts monthly, yeah.

If you have an actual problem that disrupts your day to day life, talk to a doctor and solve it. It may be an unrelated health issue that would cause you other problems down the line. Don't use it as an excuse to feed your anorexia.

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File: e25633de3ddef6c⋯.png (132.96 KB,279x303,93:101,Mokou Shrug.png)


I don't have anorexia. My diet has been largely the same for 15 years. Just that I entirely cut out processsed sugars and fruit juice for water, time meals differently, and am more physically active than before.

I figured the male flag was your indication of something, but I guess not.

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My gender is not listed on the thing. Just kidding, I'm too lazy to flip the flag to female. My ID is zeroes for TOR, so I might as well be tripfagging, really.

There's nothing wrong with cutting out processed sugars. But it's a weird thought to stop your periods instead of stopping the pain that goes with them. The first means your health's worsened, the second means your health's improved.

Countries with lower intake of saturated fat have less pain associated with periods. Fruit's not what you should be cutting out, not just because it's got no saturated fat, but also because it's good for you. Try cutting out animal products and processed oils, they've got the most saturated fat of anything you could eat.

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Fruit juice != Fruit. The latter is healthy and comes with fiber, etc, but the former tends to add a lot of extra sugars (some brands have as much as soda). It's why I put "fruit juice" in the same category as sugary drinks. >>20084

I generally don't like having periods and I haven't dealt with it since it first started. Since nothing's going in there, there's no point in having a monthly free pregnancy check. If I had prepubescent quality of life while having an adult body, that'd be nice, but that's not human biology.

If you want my take on the whole thing with periods, it's that tens of thousands years ago when humanity was still banging on rocks, living on caves, and running from sabertooths, the women back then can't exactly afford to cramp and gush blood to the same extent as modern times when survival is at stake. But the modern lifestyle, even considering the beginning of civilization, affords more of that on a regular basis. Especially since there's some mentions that nowadays women bleed younger and heavier than in the past centuries.

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File: 355928d2ca4d68a⋯.jpg (159.36 KB,736x932,184:233,rockwell babysitter.jpg)

File: c33b9f222683be7⋯.webm (2.37 MB,852x480,71:40,Nodame Cantabile 14.webm)

 No.20139 [Open thread]

ever babysit?

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File: 115ce8be63b4bb9⋯.jpg (200.11 KB,821x1080,821:1080,Berthold_Woltze_(1829-1896….jpg)

 No.16931 [Open thread]

Do I have a fucking label over my head telling losers to hit on me?

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File: 1529e92a8ab05a1⋯.jpg (158.78 KB,854x1222,427:611,dd495f779d05673e0491ba54fc….jpg)


Yes, it's all in the body language. A self-assured, self-confident woman will attract alpha-male types. An insecure, self-conscious woman will attract beta-males.

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That painting looked all deep and story-telling, then I read the filename and started laughing. That really changes the story.

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When I had short hair and wore baggy clothes I had younger losers coming out the shadows. Guys you just look at and tell they were going to end up in jail or living in their divorced mom's basement until they're dead. Black guys wanted to turn me, whatever that is. I avoided them like the flu. They were all nasty and smelled like rotten eggs. Why is that?

Once I hit jr year hs my hair had grown out and my mom refused to buy me stuff that was baggy and to big like i liked. I started wear jeans, not tight like girls wear now but not the baggy cargoes for boys I used to wear. I started wearing more fitted girls Tees with v neck and oh gawd I started wearing girlie colors like pink and purple. EEEk! I didn't eat much so nothing was really tight on me. I didn't have a but or boobs. Size 3 in Ladies Lee jeans, 32B bra, size 6 shoe,5'3, about 103 lbs in clothes. Once I started dressing more girlie, I started getting more attention from the seniors and the guys with parents that had money. I was to shy to actually date anyone in hs. I don't think my mom wanted me to. She never questioned me about bfs or gfs.

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top kek

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>waaah people find me attractive enough to indicate that they'd like to be with me

How horrible. Must suck being you.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.20128 [Open thread]

They put you "real" women to shame.

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File: aa40737449177f7⋯.jpg (349.26 KB,554x792,277:396,Woman.jpg)

 No.5525 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Do you like fashion? How do you dress?

I notice that most men might dress with fancy or crappy clothes but have none or almost no idea of how to match clothes.

Girls on the other hand always try to have at least something in their outfit that gives a touch of cuteness.

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>my legs are too fat for skirts

It can't be that bad. Like, is it chafing, or. bust-at-the-seams?

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Not who you're replying to but ever heard of cankles?

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Can i have a conset recommendation? My waist is completely square though i have 52kg.

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That's more of a foot problem than a leg problem. Just wear sock a sock size bigger than micro-crew, for once.



Guys shouldn't wear corsets.

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File: c04e1212cb0f9bb⋯.jpg (49.6 KB,500x375,4:3,tumblr_m3dkojr6KN1qfxgvq.jpg)

 No.19436 [Open thread]

Real talk. I'm having a girl and i heard a lot about female bullying(which is supposed to be more psychological), how do i make sure my daughter isn't gonna be a target of bullying by other girls?

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Anon, you will literally be bullied in your own workplace, and retirement home, should you end up in one. It's all about giving shits, and not taking it. Outside sources withholding this way of thinking can give such developments issues. That's why it's best you get away from as many of those influences as possible.

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>how do i make sure my daughter isn't gonna be a target of bullying by other girls?

You can't make your kid not a target simply by raising them right.

You may raise your kid to be confident, only to have other kids envy her social standing.

Raise your kid to be humble, only to have other kids laugh and ridicule them for being humble and frugal.

I think the best thing that you can do is to always keep communication between you and your children open.

It really helps if both parents are there to have more perspectives on things.

With that being said, dinner time is always family time.

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I got bullied because of an unusual appearance/fashion. We are talking about:

>bad haircuts like a bowl cut with really short bangs

>very generic, non-fitting shirts

>bad acne at age 10 that got worse (parents took the approach to wait it out, but it persisted to adulthood and I got a scarring)

which resulted in:

>daily insults, which I got used to after middle school, but happened in high school too

>my backpack being stolen a few times which would end up up on a tall tree branch

>my homework torn up and tossed in a trash can in the cafeteria

>lunch money stolen

>actual fights, when going to both the school, despite anti-bullying policy, and parents really did absolutely nothing to improve the situation

which resulted in my grades dropping a bit and getting scolded a lot during high school.

I don't think she has to be an aspiring model/fashionista and could be the opposite like a tomboy, and everyone will inevitably get some shit flown at them. But don't ignore her when she's telling you that she is thoroughly isolated and picked on daily at school. If she at least has your support after having things this bad (which is very unlikely), her existence is at least better than a mutually unpleasant experience.

Also keep painkillers away from her to make a suicide attempt be harder to accomplish.

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Best way to avoid bullying is by not being a back-stabbing cunt. I have never seen a girl get bullied who didn't totally bring it on herself. If you want your kid to avoid this kind of treatment, raise her to understand the value in maintaining an impeccable character and to never treat her friendships frivolously. Yes, there will always be girls who just don't like her face, but they can easily be ignored if she has her own friends to fall back on - things only get dirty when she doesn't have that support network, and that only happens if she's been burning bridges.

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I think my ID changed, but my parents moved during my childhood, so I was in a completely new town on the otherside of the country with a really repulsive appearance. >>20004

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File: 8255b3bb127c2c6⋯.jpg (80.34 KB,850x500,17:10,2c67490d413cd9ba6d8fd1120d….jpg)

 No.19640 [Open thread]

I'd like to share a topic of discussion with you all: fear mongering about the internet and its dangers, 2019 edition.

It's been a matter of personal reflection and perplexity how there seems to be a massive push to make the internet children safe in the last few years. More precisely, since the year of invention of the Iphone (2007) when the internet-accessibility potentialities of smartphones had been revealed and made a marketable product by Mr. Jobs.

Coincidentally, many tiny event bubbles started forming and wrecking havoc into the internet we all knew and loved at the time. If previously, owning a personal computer and working an internet connection was considered tech savvy, with the passage of time the user friendly interfaces has brought it to level with a wider, but despite that -adult- audience. But the toy-like shape of the smartphones, their bright colors and smooth edges made it simple and "safe" enough for parents to trust their children with it.

If any of you is a 4chan refugee, the year 2007 cca will be familiar to you as the endless summer, aka the time where the influx of new users made it impossible to preserve chan culture and instruct the newcomers with timely fashion, leading to the widespread decay of imageboards as a whole.

Youtube itself had to quickly adapt to this influx of children, which left to their own accord and with little supervision started exploring their sexuality to the pleasure of pedophiles worldwide, leading to the ever increasing surveillance (that today is culminating into AI-guided censorship).

And with those two big rocks conquered, the rest of the internet felt like adapting was the profitable choice. Facebook, Tumblr, and many others have since adapted to the playful, pastel colored & safe child-friendly standard, with many more social networks spawning from this seemingly unanimous wave.

Now, connecting the dots, where does this path lead us? Why is it so important to make this enviroenment child friendly when children are only a part of the equation and not the whole? Why should the adult internet adapt to the newfagPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I'm not concerned about this and I'd rather it wasn't raised at all. There's already enough censorship of the internet and the last thing we need is to give leftists and politicians more power over us by giving them another seemingly moral reason to take our freedoms away for our own good.

This is just a symptom of a much larger problem that should be dealt with first. You mentioned that there is an economy that prevents us from raising their own kids, and that's true, the government robbed us to the point where it is now necessary for both of the parents to work to support the family, while leaving our children to be raised by propaganda in public schools and by parentless hooligans outside of schools, either that, or for whatever reason you have single moms who unwittingly do much worse for the development of their children than anything the internet can throw at them.

It's just first-world-tier nitpicking at non-issues out of boredom while ignoring the fact that it is a blessing upon humanity.

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Same here, there are times when an algorithm (in any site) goes a little crazy with some results when you search something innocent like toys or something.

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File: da3caf0c01ff368⋯.png (26.91 KB,677x79,677:79,Screenshot_1.png)



Do your part, install AdNauseam.

This is my score ATM

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I miss the 1990s-2000s internet where you were told never to never identify yourself and give out personal details. The same risks are there, just people ignore it more.

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File: ae21a7b5d393a23⋯.jpg (8.96 KB,170x223,170:223,hiujuih.jpg)


This is the argument for Arsenal Gear.

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File: 924ba940a0b1809⋯.jpg (123.31 KB,1024x768,4:3,DonR2jkXoAIsEmy.jpg)

 No.20030 [Open thread]

Whether you're an amateur or it's a serious hobby, post your shots!

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File: ac6b531067d04f5⋯.jpg (112.77 KB,1024x768,4:3,DonRUtBXgAIPaBN.jpg)

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File: 8dc74ad3c958293⋯.jpg (103.42 KB,900x1200,3:4,hospital1.jpg)

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Read it as OC pornography and was disappointed.

Cool pic though.

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File: ad5817a4fb275f2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.89 KB,640x640,1:1,25016514_247562302444456_1….jpg)

Spoilered for aracnophobics.

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File: 6dd18771983db7c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,87.32 KB,720x720,1:1,1555908041.jpg)


Selfie thread?

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File: 8a9af28d762e236⋯.jpg (89.12 KB,500x375,4:3,454416651886.jpg)

 No.20024 [Open thread]

Happy Easter, /girltalk/!

We just recently reached 20k posts and I gotta say I'm pretty thrilled about it.

I've joined the board's moderation at 16.5k so it's definitely been a while.

Wishing you all a good day!

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File: b2bec0862a09d96⋯.jpg (387.3 KB,736x1356,184:339,French Roastie.jpg)

 No.18966 [Open thread]

How many of you are real, actual, biological women? I'm not lol.

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you should be on social media getting all the women on only by DM

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File: 83bc9bdb8a1956f⋯.jpg (220.26 KB,1080x1072,135:134,tmp_9373-IMG_20190406_1537….jpg)

Damn that was so easy I couldve done this millions of times where were my brain cells when I decided posting, hell even replying was too complicated what tf

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File: 4845a22bd1cff17⋯.webm (1.58 MB,402x720,67:120,Epic_meme.webm)


>Social media

>Wanting more normalfags to enter 8chan.

This is the first time I post here after years of lurking from occasionally boredom every two months or so, I didn't expect it to make a bad impression on me this bad, this quick. It's like /v/ except female, and at the very least straight forward and honest about being mostly newfags, or people who want more normalfags to come in without any effort to educate. /v/ just pretends to be the opposite.

Case in point 217356.

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There's nothing wrong with lurking femanon. I think I lurked most days out of the week for almost a full year before I made my first post back on cuckchan.


Better late than never - welcome to the club!

FYI: I'm male and generally pizza-post as a throwback in case any of the original /girltalk/ members come back around. The ones who were here before snailgirl - she became kind of a meme, but she was only one of several really great people who used to not-shitpost around here. So many great threads got deleted in the raids of '17

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and as an addition, to potentially jog memories - I'm the one who drew the snail icon in mspaint and submitted the keroppi flag

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