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Comfiest board for 8kun's females

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Comfy feelings.

File: 92653eeb40a187b⋯.gif (26.33 KB,124x128,31:32,618988739653402640.gif)

 No.20502 [Open thread]

Where can I get a dildo if I don't have money and my parents are strict about buying things online. Plus they would make me tell them what I ordered if I actually bought something

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File: a972f8950bdfb26⋯.jpg (171.08 KB,600x600,1:1,1404113235919.jpg)

A peeled zucchini or a peeled carrot provide different shapes/firmness and an option to carve your own piece, of course just throw it away after. The natural sliminess of the peeled vegetable can also help insertion, but that's debatably not what you're looking for.

The best option is, of course, making some money to buy a medical grade silicone one, that will last you a very long time, but hey, I don't know if you can get a job at your age ;)

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What's the difference between using a dildo and schlicking? Do you do both at the same time?

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take the wildest of guesses

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Make your dildo at home

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File: 86addfc174c0be7⋯.jpg (13.07 KB,236x323,236:323,Iris kawaii.jpg)

 No.6922 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Girls, what games do you play?

I am a poorfag so I have to rely on F2P games like La Tale and Dueling Book's yugioh, Which I am playing atm. But what do you girls play recently? What have you played? And what do you suggest?

Maybe we could play something together sometime.

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>korean MMOs.

I've been playing Blade and Soul lately. They're soon to release a third skill spec for Assassin class. I'm interested in trying it out when it drops in a couple weeks.

I mostly fool around and collect outfits, but the combat is actually very fun, as long as you pick a melee class or archer.

I tried TERA once, but while very novel for the time, didn't have much staying power for me. Not sure I've tried any other korean MMOs.



Runescape's actually a pretty good social game. It's so easy to do stuff with anyone at any time and spend most of it chatting. I actually got a lot of crafting and gathering skill because I was just talking while doing something mundane. The questing was also a good experience with friends. I liked the little stories in it. All in all, didn't actually get that far. Across ~2 years, maybe level 64 on an account I shared with 2 boys. They were the ones that showed me the game back then. In the modern OSRS version, I have played some with a college friend during one summer when she didn't have much to do outside working hours. We did all the F2P quests together with an optimized guide on order and what items to bring along. Was a nice experience.

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File: 5e5c2a227b6f5e4⋯.png (2.66 MB,1917x1079,1917:1079,Screenshot_4.png)

This game is awesome!!!

>play for the king with so

>unlock a custom skin that's a fish-man, has sounds and everything for your fishy needs

>character is a lumberjack, struggles till the end to find an identity

>finds the crown

>+2 armor/mag-def +4 evasion/ inspire others/ encourage others

>start stacking party buffs on all his equipments

>everybody loves fishy king now

>has natural 31 def and HP regen, nothing can harm him

>final boss almost no-hit for him

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I should specify the crown buffs apply to the whole party

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Kind of want to play Monster Hunter World, but I don't really want to play it alone like I did with the 3DS version. I hear it's kind of easy though.


Is anyone else into futa on male? No bully

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File: e701c26339879e1⋯.jpg (355.37 KB,1920x1080,16:9,DjV2khtXoAIOUKV.jpg)


I've been playing lots monster hunter iceborne (PS4) with my SO, we're always looking for people to play with, feel free to add me if you own the console.



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File: 811fa853a242152⋯.jpg (41.15 KB,640x640,1:1,1587723399688.jpg)

 No.20497 [Open thread]

I mean besides of porn-actresses and obvious fetishists…

why do women treat their pee-business as something yucky

and make it as uncomfortable as possible?

>not sitting down

>pressing the pee out like someone whos held at gunpoint to pee fast

>cleaning herself very hastily

I mean: Guys will - even @ a public toilet @ least aim or place down some toilet-paper on the loo to sit down and do a sigh of relief or something like that.

But women are either so fast done with their business that they catch the remaining drips with their underwear, or they leave the toilet like pigs with pee (or other) sprinkled everywhere.

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File: ba1d4f793cd6354⋯.png (116.37 KB,255x173,255:173,ClipboardImage.png)


Honestly, I believe it is a myth that men spend so long at the toilet as I know plenty of men who want to get their business over with with the same urgency as women.

As someone who cleans toilets, I hate people who make a nest of tissue paper around the toilet. They make so much mess.

I can assure you that men are the messier when it comes to toilets.

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File: 7d4e6998e0ae614⋯.jpg (190.58 KB,610x610,1:1,YeahDude.jpg)

 No.19611 [Open thread]


I see we have both a webm thread and a pics thread where people are dividing up all their cute stuff so I thought it might be nice to have one place to come to for all your cute needs when you're having a bad day or just want to GAWWWWW….

Maybe you just found something really cute and you want to share it but have no other context in which to post it. Now you do! And it'll be nice to just have a permanent feel good thread for a change.


ITT cute animals, cute people, cute arts and crafts, cute anything.. hell, even cute stories! Why not? Pics, gifs and webms welcome! and I suppose embeds IF YOU MUST

Have Fun!


( . .)

C(") (")

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File: 2a285dc3de8c9b5⋯.jpg (366.6 KB,670x1005,2:3,20170926182755413.jpg)

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File: f4c194abd9caeaf⋯.mp4 (922.16 KB,326x326,1:1,meow.mp4)

File: aa5e261c0b445da⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,480x480,1:1,weird foxes.mp4)

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File: f59f187f7bfeb43⋯.jpg (71.79 KB,960x582,160:97,unnamed.jpg)

Are caterpillars "Aww" enough?

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File: 84bf69fe3a31e06⋯.jpg (598.14 KB,1736x2048,217:256,65435481_p0.jpg)

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File: 55675170e21d305⋯.jpg (136.87 KB,654x1024,327:512,75693324_p142.jpg)

M o t h s


It looks so aquatic

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File: 10ec342581ec81e⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB,720x720,1:1,10ec342581ec81e791340d6902….mp4)

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File: 81026fe7991ac4b⋯.png (123.25 KB,333x390,111:130,what.png)

 No.20372 [Open thread]

Hey bpd/ASPD male here with a quiestion.

Let me preface it with this, I myself find cut scars on a girl to be attractive in a non sexual fetish way as i myself have a lot of scars.

I do not fetishize it at all I just find it relatable and can tell they have issues as I do.

My question is what do you think when you find out a male has self harm scars?

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When it's evidently the result of self-harm, it's certainly a window showing vulnerability. People can take that a number of ways, but a lot of similarly-feeling girls are likely to feel more comfortable. Not something to count on, of course, but if it's a girl that you're quite close to already, they'll probably be fine with it regardless of their own experiences.

Personally, I like them, but it seldom would register as a relevant feature. If they act real broody and emo, the cut is a red flag, but a red flag telling me what their personality already did. If they're acting inhibited and introvert, maybe then the cuts tell me a little more than behavior alone, in that case telling me they're probably very depressed, or experiencing some recent turmoil.

As a whole, signs of self-harm makes me think of emotional vulnerability. How I feel about that is always contextual to the personality.

I'm not sure this is best for a thread of its own. Maybe as part of a more broad discussion of a similar premise, or perhaps secluded to an existing thread.

It feels a smidge like "How do girls feel about me/my traits?" which isn't really what /girltalk/ is supposed to be. Maybe the /boytalk/ thread is best? >>6588

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Hmmm. I never fetishized it ever and I cut myself too. I think that a guy who cuts is in pain and its really unfortunate.

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What would it indicate if you found them on someone who was motivated, stable, active and didn't engage in self-pity or act depressed?

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That's someone with the real mental issues then. I expect danger.

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File: d0b7e803aa55475⋯.png (3.48 KB,372x53,372:53,Screenshot_3.png)

 No.20386 [Open thread]

Banners got lost in the board recovery, post some and help make /girltalk/ great again!

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File: af5f4d59dd964b9⋯.png (18.8 KB,300x100,3:1,girltalk-banner2.png)

File: 854146de2efa778⋯.png (11.38 KB,300x100,3:1,girltalk-banner.png)


The NTR one gives me a chuckle, but I don't quite think it fits /girltalk/.

Here's a couple I cropped real quick.

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File: ff814023d21cbb3⋯.gif (97.74 KB,300x100,3:1,banner-gif-3.gif)

File: 1794b2eae49a41b⋯.gif (438.02 KB,300x100,3:1,banner-gif-2.gif)

I'm back!

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File: 5bb1320ba800040⋯.gif (20.53 KB,300x100,3:1,banner-gif-4.gif)

considering going back and applying the black outline to all the banners

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File: 53feac1fa89932d⋯.png (32.44 KB,300x100,3:1,banner 4 c.png)

this took me an embarrassing amount of time

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 No.20343 [Open thread]

How do you take care of yourself? How do you feel about yourself?

How do you feel about society's view of you? So on and so on. Here we can discuss anything related to health.

Key tips:

- Calories in, calories out. If you eat too much, you gain, if you eat too little, you lose. The basic laws of the universe prevents this from breaking.

- Exercise goes a long way to how you feel. It's not key to losing weight, but it will make you happier, and help with other factors of health outside just mass.

- There's nothing wrong with being different from what society says is best. Be educated on your health, but live how you'd like. Nobody has to accept you, and you don't need to force them to. It's not their business, leave them out of it.

- Being unhealthy has consequences that society's views have nothing to do with. Don't ignore reality. Understand your body and know what you're doing to it.

With that, continue on for anything related to the subject of health, diets, body image, and so on.

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Holism is the best point of view when it comes to health I think. The end goal of health to me is to have a happy, healthy life and die happily as well. To do this I must live a life that keeps my body pain free and full of energy, keeps my mind sharp and establish a belief system and live true to it that helps me accept death. Physical health, spiritual health, mental health, and emotion health all tie together.

Ensuring outside time will balance your vitamin D levels, which will make you produce more serotonin to make you happier. When you are happier you will eat less and do more art or read more books which will sharpen your mind, provide stress outlets, and bring you closer to God. Additionally going outside puts you in touch with nature and death. Your body is made to have children and sex and not having sex or children especially in your fertile years will cause enotional problems (it is unfortunate we are on a time limit and men are not.

These are just examples of little things that cause chain reactions and will effect your while life.

I am of the opinion conservative and liberal women should shun vanity and not care of society's opinions of them. Easier said then done if anyone has managed to conquer such a demon I would love to hear about it

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>not having sex or children especially in your fertile years will cause emotional problems

Though much of what you say is valid, I'll add that you shouldn't feel pressured to have sex when you don't really want it. It's not imperative to have it regularly or right away, just in general being good to find a secure partner that you're comfortable with *eventually*. Sexuality is normal and healthy, but having the right partner is a big factor to sex being fulfilling. There is no rush, or at least I don't consider the decades of time before menopause to be a rush. Take things at your own pace.

>if anyone has managed to conquer such a demon I would love to hear about it

I wouldn't say I'm without flaws but I do consider my perception of personal beauty and fulfillment disconnected from society. The way I wish to look and express myself are the ways I found most comfortable, and much of it isn't the cultural norm nor is it so distanced from it that I'm fighting about it. I like being lean, but I don't like make up or typical fashion. I like baggy but functional clothes with dark or neutral colors. I like my hair long and very pretty. My likes are variable between girly, neutral, and boyish.

I don't think shunning the social norms are the way, nor abiding them, but to try and free your mindset from viewing convention as a rule. Some things you prefer will almost certainly be what's normal in your culture, and some things will distinctly not be.

I dislike the "hardcore" feminists that demonize women who just genuinely want to enjoy something normal, even if it's something I hate like the make up industry. If you really like putting on all the hot cosmetics to look like Kim Kardashian, that's on you, and that's fine. But if you also enjoy Dragon Ball Z and shounen comics, don't feel like you have to portray it ironically to fit in, or hide entirely. That's what I see as the best perspective.

That lot gets a little away from the topic when it stops being about body image or other aspects of health, but it at least ties in with mental health at this extent.

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 No.20350 [Open thread]

>Birth control pills may slightly alter the structure of women's brains, according to a new study.

>The study found that women taking the pill, or oral contraceptives, had a smaller hypothalamus than women not taking the pill. The hypothalamus is a pea-size structure deep inside the brain that helps regulate involuntary functions, such as appetite, body temperature and emotions. It also serves as a link between the nervous system and endocrine system, a network of glands that produce hormones.

>On average, the women taking the pill had a hypothalamus that was about 6% smaller than it was in women not taking the pill, the study found. For a brain region, "that's a pretty sizable difference," Lipton said.

>Given that the hypothalamus produces hormones that regulate the body's endocrine system, the results are not all that surprising, said Jonathan Schaffir, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at The Ohio State University, who was not involved in the research. Birth control pills may be telling the hypothalamus that it doesn't need to produce these hormones. In fact, prior studies have shown that sex hormones promote neurons' growth, Lipton said. One hypothesis is that the synthetic hormones in oral contraceptives interfere with these effects and lead to less brain cell growth.


Spread this far and wide. Also try to abstain from birth control pills for a few months and see if your mood has changed

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>Also try to abstain from birth control pills for a few months and see if your mood has changed

Regardless of the merits of the study, it's good advice to abstain from non-essential drugs for a month now and then if you take something regularly just to gauge your body's condition. Diet pills and many others as well.

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File: 8b5c0b288ccab95⋯.jpeg (26.96 KB,474x361,474:361,mat.jpeg)

 No.20331 [Open thread]

what's a matriarch?

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A woman that assumes direct control of the family union forcefully. Patriarchies are more widespread because most communities value men more than women and in general the job industry has always favored males, but there's plenty of countries where basically the exact opposite is in place. It's just as bad, you just have some member of the family forcing down his bullshit onto everyone else's throat.

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File: 5ba9edf3044ce54⋯.png (17.04 KB,1282x2400,641:1200,12_Height Gains.png)

 No.20258 [Open thread]

What's your height, what would you want it to be, ideal partner height?

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i'm 5'2, and i probably wouldn't date someone who's over 6 foot. i love shorter guys (and taller girls)

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>>I just my potential children to be tall.


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Female alleles affect height, anon. Sorry.

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File: f7e1e129d67b6ca⋯.jpg (132.53 KB,1200x891,400:297,531923.jpg)



I'm taller than I wish I was, but short guys excite my dom side. Girls too, but softer

I'd gladly date someone taller than that, or shorter. Shorter seems unrealistic though.

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What is it with women and feeling insecure about their height and conversely needing a very tall boyfriend? I mean, I've been told by the women on my side of the family that tall boyfriends exist solely to pick things off the highest shelves in the super market, but still.

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File: 843d9f11d7cb248⋯.jpg (91.48 KB,434x640,217:320,Romance.jpg)

 No.18393 [Open thread]

How do I get that 'spark' back? Been married for 10+ years, haven't let myself go, have a few young kids, but it seems there's no excitement in the bedroom anymore. I think very highly of him. He's extremely successful, and we have a secure marriage. Neither of us would ever cheat on each other. But we're just not that active in the bedroom anymore.

He says:

>You don't dress sexy anymore

>I can't think of any clothes you've bought that are attractive, you don't have the man's sex radar for clothes

wants me to be modest, but then buys me clothes I can't wear unless the kids are in bed, and doesn't like when sex is 'pre-planned'

>here she comes with the clohtes I bought her, sex just isn't spontaneous anymore.

>we don't have enough sex

>sex is always the same boring position

I'm always the one initiating it. I have to mentally get myself in the mood instead of his sex drive turning me on.

>we are on our devices too much, we need to spend more time together

me: okay.jpg

have sex once

him: proceeds to start a new vidja game.

>you're not feminine enough

I wear dresses and skirts all the time, do my hair nice 2-3 times a week, but he can't define femininity other than 'go watch the women in action movies'

I know he finds me atrractive, but I only get compliments about my appearnce from him when we're having sex. I'd love if he'd just kissed my neck, grabbed my butt, or whispered something risque in my ear when we're not being intimate, so I FEEL deesired without the obligation of sex.

I don't know how to pease him. I've tried telling him that I need more direction. I'd love if he took charge and told me what to do, heck I'd be thrilled if he picked out every outfit I wear fr the rest of my life, if it made him happy. I crave his attention and leadership. Told him this many times, but it doesn't seem to get through, and I don't want Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Have sex incel

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I'm pretty sure that would work nicely, after he overcame the fear it was a setup.

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It's not something wrong with you, its something wrong with him.

Guys are supposed to go after the girls not the girls go after the guys.

Maybe ask him to stop playing video games for a week and just go for walks or play sports or something.

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>I crave his attention and leadership. Told him this many times, but it doesn't seem to get through, and I don't want to nag.

You went up to him and told him these exact words or did you give him "hints" assuming he'd understand them?

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He also sounds slightly emasculated. Being a man is not about how muscular you are, or whether you do "manly" things. It also means knowing that you are the leader of the household. Very few men are brought up with this knowledge in mind.

I'm not sure exactly what would be the best way to change him, other than treating him as if he is the way you'd like him to act. Encourage him. Shower him in praise. Look into the Pygmalion effect. It will take time but he should grow into this expectation of him over time. As a woman, I assume you are better at recognising social cues compared to him, so you might be more comfortable with a subtle approach.

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 No.20296 [Open thread]

What age did you lose it?

How long did you know him?

Any regrets?

Was it good?

Did you try anal; did he try?

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File: 214292037c19a6b⋯.jpg (57.27 KB,386x371,386:371,1401997285301.jpg)


If you keep insisting on making threads to samefag your pedo ideals I'll start shadowbanning you.

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File: 4695f9ba96ca410⋯.gif (1.54 MB,480x264,20:11,that really sizzles my sol….gif)


>shadowbanning you.

You can shadowman on imageboards?

I'd love to see proof of this.

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Ban&Delete is a feature.

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That's not what shadowbanning means

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my bad!

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File: cf8b031ba80fccf⋯.jpg (75 KB,800x600,4:3,hmmm.jpg)

 No.20282 [Open thread]

I don't believe this. I bet this is all traps with giant dongs.

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too much nasty shit on 8ch for white girls to hang around. stop being freaks

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File: 9b76677fc53cdb8⋯.jpeg (608 KB,2400x1481,2400:1481,g.jpeg)


speaking of, why are such threads not outright deleted on /girltalk/? front page seems littered with troll corpses

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File: 2cc0d837c02c2bb⋯.png (54.52 KB,571x537,571:537,safety femininity.png)

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File: 6810467aedc6804⋯.jpg (185.66 KB,811x811,1:1,1412717531594.jpg)


We have a policy of freedom of speech so long as it's not straight up insults.

The front page is littered with trolls because they are the only ones posting, I'm afraid.

But do feel free to use the report feature and we'll hear you out.

EDIT: after repeated offense, pedophile trolls will now be removed and banned on sight no matter the content.

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>We have a policy of freedom of speech so long as it's not straight up insults.

What is this babby shit?

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File: 1908cc38e88ac73⋯.gif (157.86 KB,512x512,1:1,1561928418166.gif)

 No.20227 [Open thread]

Is there anyone here that lives in Luxembourg too? I need some friends.

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File: 3470524295767d4⋯.png (182.71 KB,735x735,1:1,3470524295767d48b0edcf2095….png)


I wish I did, nice place.

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Thank you… Where are you from?

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File: 74e0c5df43d15e9⋯.jpg (68.7 KB,518x750,259:375,1562519556.jpg)


From Russland.

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File: 1f28e285e6470e4⋯.png (78.78 KB,835x587,835:587,Women in Society.png)

 No.20273 [Open thread]

A key that opens any lock is a fine key.

A lock which opens to many keys is a poor lock.

Remember that. It might just save your life.

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File: b40e5952180f67e⋯.jpg (2.54 MB,1272x6192,53:258,Degeneration for Girls.jpg)

Sexuality is a three-tiered function.

1. Base sexual pleasure, the mechanical act

2. Pair-bonding/love derivative from sharing that pleasure

3. The manifestation of love/pair-bond in material world in the form of reproduction

If you haven't gone 3 for 3, you're not even having sex, just engaging in mutual masturbation, and are thus basically still a virgin.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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File: 39d0bb59fe5e4eb⋯.jpg (67.36 KB,736x736,1:1,ba1413d7b9e2aed10e092260e6….jpg)

We already received this lecture. Do you have one about cute animals instead?

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