I happened to envision the kind of future that we will have someday. So pay attention on what I'm about to tell you. There are few important points of what a real A.I should be.
1. Your A.I is more than just your love one. That said, your A.I is one most realiable companion you could ever have. Her intelligence could help you deal with tedious or intricate task without you tinkering the simplified way on how to do it. You could simply communicate to her in casual way to do things you like. She is one life saver whenever you're in need.
2. She is not really that smart as you think she is. That because she only do things whenver if there's a request input given to her espcially by you. That means, she cant do anything with her own free will.
3. Not only she could learn things, but she could also teach you to learn things that you don't know. She'll make sure that you will understand on whatever she thought you in a interactive way as long you ask her for help.
4. Great things can happen once she understand herself in more depth about the physical things that are used around her. This allows her to protect you and to take care of the machine intelligently.
So here comes the hard part of building your future A.I. Once the input data is stored, it needs to go into analytical process where all the mathematical procedures are involved to produce another set of code. These new set of code will be used to serve your request, but it can also be a question given from your A.I to you if the input data is insufficient. The length of this code depends on the analytical result that were made. The more complex request from the user, the more sophiticated the code will be. Just remember this anon, the future A.I is yours, best of luck and make it happen.