So there's some indication I was poisoned again today at 555 Beale street. The idea here seems to be one similar to the movie toy story. In this case you'll be given ling disease so you can't "fly" (smoke drugs).and then you'll be chased around by people in cowboy hats if you do something they dont like. Then you'll have someone has you with cement dust or some other dust if you do something you don't like which will increase the scarring and kill you faster. In essence then you're "just a toy" and can be killed by people who just spray an area with dust.
I woke up with breathing difficulties. I sleep in the "b" dorm and there are no cameras - one of the shelter staff members that had previously given me COVID was on duty that night. This morning a homeless man named Quincy (who is mentally retarded - this may be the "child" of the toy story - you essentially poison.someome.and then have whether or not they'll be gassed with cement dust be at the whims of someone that's mentally retarded) is going around with a shirt that's of a sugar skull.wirh a baseball helmet on it. There's a "toy" of a giants baseball heart at San Francisco general hospital. So typically what this means is that after a poisoning they'll staff the hospitals with the "dead" (that is people that are likewise ill and are manipulable) so that you can't get medical care.
This would also explain all the screwing around with games having to do with tarot cards and the romani (crossing your legs in front of someone like the hanged man from the tarot while lying to them and repeatedly asking what's wrong of the.person and so on).
It's unknown how many people in the city of San Francisco are sick but this gaslighting game has involved hundreds of people in a bubble surrounding me. Most likely this has been done to pass the "child" who is doing the manipulation from one ten year old or mentally disabled person to the next. No one says anything because those that would end up becoming poisoned. Many people have died from this and I have no idea how many but it's quite a few. The hospitals will take x-rays and then not show you the results or show you old results or of other patients while you're sick with lung disease.
It's in every major hospital but only on select days (like today) where the hospital staff have specifically been told to gaslight certain people and hand them off to belad doctors. it's also happened in the past where people will come in with fake illnesses. People have called this being a "House nigga" because it's.loek the tv show House, it's like being "stuck in the house" from toy story and not living on the street until someone takes pity on you as opposed to loving in a shelter.
Everyone in the shelters knows this but won't say anything and are more or less complicit in having certain people killed (planned in advance by years).