>>52373 (OP)
>the ultra-rich devise distractions like Facebook and Twitter to keep the poor in a state where they can't endanger the inequality of the status quo.
Nigger its because they make mad brouzouf out of it: tons from ads, data mining and govs bankrolling them in exchange for info
Welfare is a distraction, its literally brouzouf so the poor wont get desperate and revolt, and who supports that shit and UBI? the same rich fucks who create the market distortions that drive good jobs out and replace them with sweatshops, again because that way they make more money
Follow the brouzouf poltard, its always the fucking money
Faggit soon enough you'll be in a north american sector favela too, with megacorp PMC drones watching your ass in case you don't "check your privilege"
>Favela Chic is when you have lost everything material, everything you built and everything you had, but you’re still wired to the gills!
Tons of normies are already there, gaming megacorps point at them as customers for their games since they can't afford shit IRL they spend that little they have on looboxes.
Have you been to plebbit? this shit would be worse for their ego than the NPC meme
Move to one of those shitty countries then, you think NYC was nice in the 70s? the murder rate was warzone-tier, you could get raped, stabbed, shot dead, then raped again, and nobody would care.
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