>Perhaps the slow compilation of several folders by category would make more sense. Esoteric, agriculture, weapons,etc..
Yeah that sounds like a better idea but I'd need help like you said.
>As for a place to stick backups, what about bittorrent or irc bot? I know there are a couple of similar (#bookz being an example) irc channels, not sure where they host at, but it's something proven to be within anon's budget and capabilities. ftp on someone's romanian vps, maybe?
Here's the thing, I've never used irc before and I've never published my own torrent. I'm sure I could work it out but it might take a bit of time for me to familiarize myself with them and test it. It's probably not that hard, I've already started looking into it. I never knew books were a big thing on irc.
>depending on how you feel about sunshine and Jim's japanese track record. Can't really blame anyone for being too trusting in that regard, we all fell for it otherwise there'd already be a backup.
I'm really glad for all the work the admins put into rebuilding the site. I can't thank them enough. These past few days I've been thinking about what to do about owning this board though. The hacker has started dropping IPs of /b/ mods. I don't think he'll drop mine but who knows. I don't even know if I'm covered if he did drop mine. Whatever. I'm just really concerned about it and still thinking.
>I've got some hang ups about nextchan, would rather see them moved to .pl or something but that's a thread unto itself. Interestingly there's a pretty active book thread on meguca right now.
Yeah I went pretty much everywhere during the downtime. The meguca thread was where I got this >>5686 along with a few other Jung books I didn't have. That reminds me, we need a Jung thread. I've no idea what the status of .pl is, is it being worked on? I emailed the admin about claiming /pdfs/ but I got no response. I still own endchan /pdfs/ btw.
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