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File: 1436047836151-0.pdf (7.8 MB,Lagefoged & Maddieson - Th….pdf)

File: 1436047836151-1.jpg (15.64 KB,241x346,241:346,tsotwl.jpg)

ec8206 No.1877 [Open thread]

Linguistics - general phonology, syntax, PIE studies

The Sounds of the World's Languages : exhaustive book detailing consonants by class and point of articulation, along with vowel descriptions, with examples taken from various languages.

The study of phonology is an excellent tool to learn to pronounce the phonemes of a language, minimizing a speaker's accent and training the tongue to pronounce unfamiliar sounds by detailing how they are uttered.

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ec8206 No.4848

File: 7bc8717b92f8057⋯.pdf (6.03 MB,Indo-european Lexicon.pdf)

Indo-European Lexicon

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ec8206 No.4982


This is from dnghu and they are apparently not serious about it, too willing to make shit up and fuck with the known grammar.

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ce43b2 No.6516

File: 6bc747251cf7f86⋯.pdf (10.96 MB,James Patrick Mallory 「The….pdf)

James Patrick Mallory

The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World

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ce43b2 No.6517

File: 3cc1b593a29fc9e⋯.pdf (3.89 MB,Václav Blažek 「Tocharian S….pdf)

Václac Blažek

Tocharian Studies

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ce43b2 No.6519

File: 01316aad863fd2a⋯.pdf (1.49 MB,Siptár Péter 「The Phonolog….pdf)

Péter Siptár & Miklós Törkenczy

The Phonology of Hungarian

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File: 5ab49dccca903a9⋯.jpg (263.01 KB,1200x927,400:309,ISGP-Studies.com.zip 380.5….jpg)

849649 No.6489 [Open thread]

ISGP-Studies.com.zip 380.5MB



This is a scrape of a very good website, full of truth and no bull at all on globalization and covert politics. The articles are very well researched, and be sure to save this very, very important information as the governments of the world and Google want this site GONE!!!


Started: 2004

Founder: Joël van der Reijden

Founder/Owner: Joël van der Reijden

In its own words:

"The purpose of the Institute for the Study of Globalisation and Covert Politics (ISGP) has been to inform the world about the existence of an entire network of private, highly influential but low-profile organizations which have had great influence on how the world is shaped."

Main focus: deep state, deep state milieux

The site contains only about two dozen major articles but some are near book-length. They are in-depth studies of the organisations and issues identified in their titles and all are scrupulously researched, referenced and footnoted. Much of the information they contain is very difficult - if not impossible - to find elsewhere. The articles about the Belgian Dutroux affair are beyond shocking; not only for the almost unbelievable depravities they describe, but for their extensive evidence of the systematic, calculated involvement in those depravities by groups enjoying the protection of the highest levels of western society, not to mention Russia. It is not a subject for the faint-hearted.

ISGP-Studies.com.zip 380.5 MB

https://www.mediafire.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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849649 No.6490

File: 8de7b96bbee88ec⋯.png (137.92 KB,1920x1080,16:9,DOWNLOADS.png)

File: 289f25824b3fecb⋯.png (125.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Images.png)

File: b21c3dddfa48374⋯.png (327.4 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ISGP-Studies.com.zip 380.5….png)

File: ebb9ba68ef95068⋯.png (184.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Misc.png)

File: 59c6ede3c87c22c⋯.png (126.53 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Organizations.png)

You will not be disappointed!!!!!!!

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d5ed02 No.6506

Can't say I'll read them anytime soon, but thanks for sharing, anon. Downloaded.

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File: 4239d2fd012b472⋯.jpeg (64.25 KB,796x434,398:217,muhread.jpeg)

6a3e66 No.4933 [Open thread]


Discuss books you've read or are reading, devices you use, general discussion etc..

Compare E-readers/Tablets/Phones

I still have a Sony PRS T1, are the new devices worth an update?

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6a3e66 No.5854


Thanks, I just quickly looked him up on Wikipedia, says he influenced Evola and Serrano. I like him already.

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6a3e66 No.5860

File: 883da4583ec5ebe⋯.png (533.15 KB,484x686,242:343,TheOccultWar.PNG)



Evola himself happens to be the Italian translator for Poncins' "The Occult War: The Judeo-Masonic Plan to Conquer the World". A PDF of that book can be found here:


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6a3e66 No.5865


Thanks anon, I'll check it out when I'm done reading my current books.

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781f0e No.6342

File: 5761880a0eba407⋯.pdf (2.63 MB,Puritan's Empire - Charles….pdf)

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c50d19 No.6346

File: 5cc785ace9c88af⋯.png (85.39 KB,447x350,447:350,0D5B0580-40E1-4D05-BD6A-4B….png)

File: e25a26265c003fa⋯.png (57.38 KB,244x366,2:3,40F9A890-57EB-4318-9C2F-3B….png)


I do my reading on an iPad Air 2, and I love it. It's super light, super thin, various apps allow one to store and read any file format one pleases, and the "night shift" option allows one to filter the blue hues out of the screen for comfy night reading.

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File: 58ce2a30e2509ef⋯.pdf (7.23 MB,Bancarotta; An Allegory ab….pdf)

9fb7ec No.6328 [Open thread]

Mike King thread? Mike King thread.

Lets start with: Bancarotta; An Allegory about Central Banking (or What Ron Paul Didn't Say in 'End the Fed')

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9fb7ec No.6335

File: 83f6e4627799df5⋯.pdf (2.78 MB,The Morphine Genocide - Ho….pdf)

The Morphine Genocide - How the Fed-Med Mafia Kills Our Elderly With 'Palliative Care'

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9fb7ec No.6336

File: 91bc33ee7c7e2e4⋯.pdf (3.67 MB,The Real Roosevelts; An Om….pdf)

The Real Roosevelts; An Omitted History, What PBS & Ken Burns Didn't Tell You

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9fb7ec No.6337

File: 39452ea0beb6066⋯.pdf (6.67 MB,The War Against Putin; Wha….pdf)

The War Against Putin; What the Government-Media Complex Isn't Telling You About Russia

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9fb7ec No.6338

The rest of his works were too big to upload, but you can get them here http://www.realhistorychannel.org/hidden-access-2

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9fb7ec No.6339

File: 8ab157a1fd147e9⋯.pdf (2.93 MB,Woodrow Warmonger Wilson t….pdf)

Woodrow Warmonger Wilson to the Woodshed

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c17c4b No.6049 [Open thread]

I built a library for you guys. Hope you like it.



Ancilliary #1- Academia and how to


Murdercube (To be inserted in to Outdoor folder inside Academia Ancilliary)


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324e96 No.6052


This is quite an large collection, thanks for sharing anon. I'll leave this thread up for others to see for a while so feel free to bump it. Eventually though I'll move your post to this thread >>48.

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9fecff No.6126


Amazing thank you op

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c6be83 No.6283


Cheers stalker, I will have a pick through this soon and add some to my library.

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File: 1454794426527-0.gif (53 KB,300x456,25:38,k9955.gif)

File: 1454794426535-1.pdf (3.5 MB,Secret Reports on Nazi Ger….pdf)

ce4f94 No.3366 [Open thread]


Secret Reports on Nazi Germany:

The Frankfurt School Contribution to the War Effort

Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse & Otto Kirchheimer

During the Second World War, three prominent members of the Frankfurt School–Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer–worked as intelligence analysts for the Office of Strategic Services, the wartime forerunner of the CIA. This book brings together their most important intelligence reports on Nazi Germany, most of them published here for the first time.

These reports provide a fresh perspective on Hitler's regime and the Second World War, and a fascinating window on Frankfurt School critical theory. They develop a detailed analysis of Nazism as a social and economic system and the role of anti-Semitism in Nazism, as well as a coherent plan for the reconstruction of postwar Germany as a democratic political system with a socialist economy. These reports played a significant role in the development of postwar Allied policy, including denazification and the preparation of the Nuremberg Trials. They also reveal how wartime intelligence analysis shaped the intellectual agendas of these three important German-Jewish scholars who fled Nazi persecution prior to the war.

Secret Reports on Nazi Germany features a foreword by Raymond Geuss as well as a comprehensive general introduction by Raffaele Laudani that puts these writings in historical and intellectual context.

Franz Neumann (1900-1954) was a labor lawyer and political activist in Germany before the Nazi period, and was a professor of political science at Columbia University after his work in the OSS and at the Nuremberg Trials. Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) was a philosopher who made important contributions to the Frankfurt School critical theory of society. He taught at Brandeis and San Diego universities after his work in the OSS. Otto Kirchheimer (1905-1965) worked for the OSS until 1952. Later he was professor of political science at Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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ce4f94 No.3367

File: 1454794839226.png (61.65 KB,405x648,5:8,contents 1.png)

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ce4f94 No.3368

File: 1454794858184.png (81.37 KB,432x679,432:679,contents 2.png)

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ce4f94 No.3369

File: 1454794870650.png (58.66 KB,425x648,425:648,contents 3.png)

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879899 No.6246


Can anyone reupload the file, please?

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25d545 No.6250

File: bf0ffacc825e7e2⋯.png (96.69 KB,534x465,178:155,404HowTo.PNG)

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File: f961f088ed5ac21⋯.jpg (27.85 KB,316x475,316:475,41reh3km9xl.jpg)

4672a7 No.4373 [Open thread]

Finally Here.

Not my post. Antivirus to maximum.


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4672a7 No.5489


Even though he is civic and fine with non-whites being Christian etc., I think it's a strech to call him pro-miscegenation as such.

From what I've heard/read of him talking about black liberation and the civil rights movement, he's well aware that they were a Jewish movement against European-Americans and is against them (he also seems pretty disgusted by white activists having sex with nigs during civil rights iirc).

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4672a7 No.5496


Like I said, I gave it a 3/5 on Goodreads, so in the end I helped keep it in positive territory, but the book for me was great with him shitting on the French Revolution, Sade and his degeneracy as a catalyst, but even that book alone he says nothing at all about Jews.

The Jews were prime movers behind all of this. It is in the end Jewish capitalism and Jewish communism that won; it was the stock market and global capital that became master of the world and all peoples as a result of all of those revolutions, and the sexual revolution was nothing more than Jewish-funded and led to destroy the family and the potential of people to value each other as something more than sex toys, and womens lib of course was another product that was inevitable, furthering the slavery by putting women into the workforce, which did little more than ruin the supply/demand of labor, which made it so those who do want to attempt families now need two working parents, and which made women less respectful of men, as man was the breadwinner, and woman was the life-provider, and now mans position in the modern world is merely that of a dildo.

That last point is why I recommended this book being read hand in hand with Sexual Utopia in Power; Devlin filled in a lot of the blanks EMJ didn't want to touch on modern realities of "the sexual marketplace" and modern relationships. Neither of them will go anywhere near the Jew though.

They know they'd go from an audience of 10 people to an audience of two.

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4672a7 No.5497


Then again, what does it matter. All one needs to do is go to /fit/ or bbmisc to see our male youth bragging about their tinder conquests and "slayed sluts," and all of the other aspiring young men wasting their lives away in gym to become one of these new gods who have sampled vaginas that have been fucked by every race under the sun in multicultural megalopolis society of Kardashianistic Judenkulture.

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4672a7 No.5575

File: 83e9d54fac7adda⋯.pdf (63.38 KB,100x100,1:1,the-toronto-protocols-serg….pdf)

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37d78b No.6236

Like it? Spread it.

CREED_OF_IRON-Wotansvolk_Wisdom_(1997).djvu http://my.mixtape.moe/fkbrfg.djvu

[not same as the inferior landscape version at greatwhitedesert]

NEWMAN(Bernard)-Soviet_Atomic_Spies_(1952).djvu http://my.mixtape.moe/tzydxp.djvu

[the Usual Suspects]

DAVIES(D.J.)-Towards_WELSH_Freedom_(1958).djvu http://my.mixtape.moe/okbcmx.djvu

[contains interesting sectin on Mond and his financial shenanigans]



[EDITORIAL: Facts behind the pressure for a Scuttle from Ulster 525 TROTSKYISTS: International Socialists and the Nurses 527 INDUSTRIAL ACTION: Who are the militants? 529 MOTOR INDUSTRY: Violence and wrecking at Fords 532 URBAN GUERILLAS: The growth of Trotskyist terrorism in the United States 534 SOVIET ZONE OF GERMANY: Berlin Social Democrats try to get rid of their early heroes 537 EUROPE: ‘Finlandization’ in practice 538 The Problems of a modern Islamic State in Europe 540 NORTH AMERICA: House of Representatives considers the meaning of ‘peaceful co-existence’ 542 THE THIRD WORLD: How Communists attempted to seize control of Indonesia 544 CHRISTIAN AFFAIRS: All-African Conference of Churches has Communist Chairman 545 The Russian author Vladimir Maximov appeals for World Freedom 549 ROMANIA: Strikers arrested 550 FEATURE —THE LURCH TO THE LEFT IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 560 BOOK REVIEWS: A unique Communism: The Norwegian Case]

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File: db6afd5182f30cc⋯.pdf (1.07 MB,2017-06-22 CG DF LG SW to ….pdf)

File: cd7bc0701ccb5e5⋯.jpg (187.46 KB,1200x789,400:263,cd7bc0701ccb5e5c4d81d591a6….jpg)

File: 8be6cf852e2af1b⋯.jpg (237.43 KB,1135x1200,227:240,8be6cf852e2af1b63b3b7b716b….jpg)

File: 447f3ec6ed88a14⋯.jpg (108.74 KB,1200x1036,300:259,447f3ec6ed88a1423f0473c3f8….jpg)

f1087b No.6199 [Open thread]

Senate letter to Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch regarding emails to Soros cronies.

Senate site is up & down for "maintenance" right now.

From: grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/2017-06-22%20CG%20DF%20LG%20SW%20to%20Loretta%20Lynch%20%28Clinton%20Lynch%20Emails%29.pdf

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File: 1437740180476.jpg (63.84 KB,540x739,540:739,what-the-fuck-am-i-reading.jpg)

c1065a No.2067 [Open thread]

Board owner here. Many people have complained about poor AZW>PDF conversions. I understand why. It gets a bit hard to read. I read them when I have no other alternative. Though it would be nice, especially for the eyes to have a book that is easier to read.

But what I want to ask is. Is there any programs out there that allows you to edit the file to make it more readable?

So we can turn documents that look like this.


To this.


So that we get books that we as a board can also improve the books posted. If you know of any or more programs that does this please name them below.

General discussion for converting and improving ebooks and files I guess.

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c1065a No.3533

File: 1456182341317.jpg (19.4 KB,275x329,275:329,BTFO.jpg)

PDFs are not the answer, guise.

PDFs / scans should be a last-resort when a pro formatted epub / mobi / azw is not available.

I'm sick of filling up my harddrives / Mega cloud with your shitty 10MB - 100MB goddamn pdfs for mere text.

I'm also sick of all of the weekly <insert theme here> megapack uploads. Haven't you niggers and jews ever heard of "analysis paralysis"?

We need a final solution to these problems.

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c1065a No.3543

File: 1456261505722.jpg (31.91 KB,340x309,340:309,1287716831802.jpg)


>hating on based PDFs

At least with PDFs I almost always get decent formatting and page numbers - unlike epubs, where it's up to the whims of the creator whether there's even a fucking table of contents.

But you're right about the megapacks

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c1065a No.3582

Just sharing my experiences, I usually read on a Kobo which is shit when it comes to PDF files (mostly because those pdfs come with extra text at the top/bottom of the pages -chapter title etc- ) I just convert them to Epub using Calibre, and use the Regular Expression replacement tool in Calibre to remove those additional lines, also use Sigil to open the Epub file and do final edits, change text size, fix broken CSS rules, remove broken images etc.

So Calibre+RegExp feature in calibre+Sigil is what I use to edit PDFs and other book and make them readable on my Kobo

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c1065a No.3632


I'd rather have epub/mobi. They can be nicely converted in PDFs. PDFs to mobile formats? Not at all. My eyesight is already suffering from having to read shitty PDFs on the screen.

>inb4 go print them

I'm poor, nigga. Leave me alone with my kindle that was gifted to me.


I agree. Though I don't know how to escape this obsession for reading more and more.

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69c15f No.6183


Kindle/Amazon internet defense force please go. If you knew anything about classical books you'd know that a lot of them are scanned images without any text format.

>mere text


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File: 13717287054b542⋯.jpg (65.59 KB,504x399,24:19,Wacocolor.jpg)

412031 No.4589 [Open thread]

clean up on isle 1993 prodigynet

this document is the webpage annotated as shown. attempts and fidelity were limited to (1) reformatting to remove bizarre text artifacts from iterated copy-pasta, (2) reinsertion of original newsgroup article with formatting, (3) removal of yahoonewsgroups spam, (4) updating of links without testing/verification, and (5) death to all backgrounds and hideous color formatting from theerathatcannotbeunseen.

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412031 No.4590

File: 48a8e5d0142a2f0⋯.pdf (366.13 KB,20010508_apfn_Waco-Elites.….pdf)

file did not upload. reattempt.

original filename: 20010508_apfn_Waco-Elites.Eliminated.Davidian.Because.pdf


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021f6b No.6034


Interesting. Thanks anon. Anyone have more on this subject?

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File: 1428245857613.jpg (43.31 KB,554x474,277:237,Japanese navy marching ban….JPG)

58b29f No.1101 [Open thread]

What are some Japanese traditionalist, fascist and revisionist historians and philosophers (other than Mishima)

I want to know about what the Aryans of the East think of western decline and the decline of Japanese society.
>Birth rates
>Degenerate porn
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58b29f No.1119


On the matter of Japanese historical revisionism, the Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact as published some books in English:

The Nanking Hoax: A Historian Analyzes the Events of 1937:
>Through his thorough research on Nanking incident for nearly 30 years, he saw a parade of characters marching through history: those who made the accusations, those who publicized them, those who used them to their advantage, those who were manipulated by them — Chinese, Americans, Japanese. So many people have participated in this drama in so many ways. Why were such accusations made? How were they disseminated throughout the world? Why were they given credence at the Tokyo Trials? How did the Japanese react to them? When did the Republic of China first make those allegations? This book answers those questions.

Analyzing The 'Photographic Evidence' of The Nanking Massacre:
>143 photos, which are commonly used as evidence of the Nanking massacre, have been scientifically analyzed. The conclusion is really surprising. There is not a single photo among the 143 can support the massacre. The main source of most of these photos proved to be books published by the propaganda arm of Chinese Nationalists. They were either produced by the Nationalist’s stadium, concocted from various photos, just commercial photos with ill captions and even photos from Japanese books with miscaptions. These facts are fully verified by this book.

What Really Happened in Nanking:
>This book discusses the events that took place in Nanking in 1937 from 15 perspectives. The author’s discussions are based on primary sources (Japanese, Chinese and Western historical documents and eyewitness accounts), which include population stat istics, burial records, International Committee records, an official military report prepared by Chinese Gen. He Yingqin. Mr. Tanaka concludes that th ere was nPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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58b29f No.1120


The Tokyo Trials and the Truth of “Pal’s Judgment”:
>Radhabinod Pal was one of the judges at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (the “Tokyo Trials”) held in Japan in 1946 to judge those Japanese officials and officers charged by the Allies as Class-A War Criminals. Pal, unlike his colleagues on the bench, was a specialist in international law. Unlike his colleagues, Pal questioned the very legitimacy of the trial itself, and found himself forced to conclude, “I would hold that each and everyone of the accused must be found not guilty of each and everyone of the charges in the indictment and should be acquitted of all those charges.”

>Prof. Watanabe eloquently demonstrates the truth of Pal’s observation and the rightness of his position in his book The Toyo Trials and the Truth of “Pal’s Judgment.”

The Tokyo Trials: The Unheard Defense:
>This book consist of excerpts from a body of documents compiled published under the title Defense Evidence Rejected by the Tokyo Trials, which encompasses eight volumes and 5,500 pages. The fact that such enormous volume of evidence were rejected itself would show the true nature of the Tokyo Trials. As an introduction, Dr. Kobori summarizes legal basis for the Tokyo Trials, how the trial progressed and how evidence was treated there.

Behind The Comfort Women Controversy: How Lies Became Truth:
>The comfort women controversy erupted in the 1990s when Japanese military authorities were accused of having abducted or otherwise coerced women into becoming “sex slaves.” Since then, a great deal of research has been done on the subject, all of which indicates that the accusations are false.
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58b29f No.1163

File: 1429058433824.png (348.47 KB,544x416,17:13,mishima meme.png)

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ee5207 No.6004

Do you have some of Osamu Dazai and etc?

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fd59a0 No.6010

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File: 6df7e662f1bd157⋯.pdf (434.89 KB,evolutionary biology genes….pdf)

690a30 No.4386 [Open thread]

Post what you have with short description of importance.

Races, differences, evolution of human speciation.

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690a30 No.4387

File: 58e5f8ae72a4228⋯.pdf (138.2 KB,Genome Announc.-2016-Tröse….pdf)

Sequenced ZKV the result of sequencing the major ZIKA strain spreading globally.

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9e3257 No.5927

File: 9257e65c48dfe96⋯.pdf (257.3 KB,lynn2002- Racial and ethni….pdf)


This paper proposes that there are racial and ethnic differences in psychopathic personality conceptualised as a continuously distributed trait, such that high values of the trait are present in blacks and Native Americans, intermediate values in Hispanics, lower values in whites and the lowest values in East Asians. Part one of the paper sets out the evidence for this thesis. Part two applies the thesis to the unresolved problem in The Bell Curve that racial and ethnic differences in a number of social phenomena such as crime, welfare dependency, rates of marriage, etc. cannot be fully explained by differences in intelligence and proposes that some of the residual disparities are attributable to differences in psychopathic personality. Part three of the paper integrates the theory with Rushton’s r-K theory of race differences.

Racial and ethnic differences in psychopathic personality (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222191018_Racial_and_ethnic_differences_in_psychopathic_personality [accessed May 18, 2017].

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File: 6175c866f10b0b1⋯.pdf (389.85 KB,100x100,1:1,01 The Kybalion.pdf)

File: b70a0f0cab1bd62⋯.pdf (619.99 KB,345x589,345:589,02 Arcane Teachings.pdf)

File: 9ca0970643f4efd⋯.pdf (228.08 KB,345x589,345:589,03 Arcane Formulas.pdf)

0eb595 No.5611 [Open thread]

I see this picture floating around a lot and fringechan might be kill, so I'm posting the list here.

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0eb595 No.5625


Am reading The Arcane Teaching right now.

It's Great!

It is laying out a whole metaphysic to understand the world by, filling the role that I'm sure religion often does.

Can anyone tell me more about Vril? Vital Magnetism?

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0eb595 No.5630

I know this is /pdfs/ not /epubs/ but would any of you Anons be interested in ePub versions? I'm going to port these all to ePub for my own purposes. Works better in Aldiko, which is my preferred reading platform.

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0eb595 No.5631


BO here. Just in case you didn't know we're unable to upload epubs to the board, we only have /pdfs/ capabilities. When I want to add an epub I usually just upload to nya.is, mixtape.moe or some other file sharing service and then add the link to the thread.

I love Aldiko btw, my preferred too.

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0eb595 No.5683

File: c37c8e60ad255ad⋯.jpg (469.04 KB,1554x1616,777:808,c37c8e60ad255ad6dae0445728….jpg)


Post links if you got them my dude.

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4c71b9 No.5911

File: 2d0725c38d0ab1c⋯.png (376.58 KB,601x376,601:376,2d0725c38d0ab1c47d2687be7d….png)

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File: 8ca5e981f6aac96⋯.jpg (336.34 KB,1024x768,4:3,Como Park Zoo and Conserva….jpg)

775800 No.5684 [Open thread]

Greetings bookfags!

All the files I've tested seem intact and I don't think we lost anything except a few jpegs. Feel free to test yourself and report any corruption but I think we're good.

I'm going to refrain doing any board edits until tomorrow but I will try some uploads in this thread.

I'd like to thank Ron and everyone for all their hard work piecing the site back together. Sounds like it was a fucking nightmare.

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775800 No.5712


It'll be a logistical nightmare moving every all at once, or even to one place. Finding something that was in any one thread or another will be a real pain without a copy of the thread itself to serve as an index. Perhaps the slow compilation of several folders by category would make more sense. Esoteric, agriculture, weapons,etc.. That's obviously a bigger project than can be hoisted on one man, so maybe we should hash out some way for anon to help. Honestly a wiki would make sense format wise but there's no way it wouldn't get nuked, hosting issues aside.

As for a place to stick backups, what about bittorrent or irc bot? I know there are a couple of similar (#bookz being an example) irc channels, not sure where they host at, but it's something proven to be within anon's budget and capabilities. ftp on someone's romanian vps, maybe?

Syncing from the start would have saved so much headache, but I honestly thought this place would linger like 7chan has throughout the ages, but that's looking less and less likely, or even desirable depending on how you feel about sunshine and Jim's japanese track record. Can't really blame anyone for being too trusting in that regard, we all fell for it otherwise there'd already be a backup.

I don't think archive saves files, just the links to them. Even if they did we'd cross any file limits they'd have. I've got some hang ups about nextchan, would rather see them moved to .pl or something but that's a thread unto itself. Interestingly there's a pretty active book thread on meguca right now.

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775800 No.5714


Archive.org censors things. It just deleted the popular 308 file archive of all of WLPs radio programs….

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775800 No.5716


>Perhaps the slow compilation of several folders by category would make more sense. Esoteric, agriculture, weapons,etc..

Yeah that sounds like a better idea but I'd need help like you said.

>As for a place to stick backups, what about bittorrent or irc bot? I know there are a couple of similar (#bookz being an example) irc channels, not sure where they host at, but it's something proven to be within anon's budget and capabilities. ftp on someone's romanian vps, maybe?

Here's the thing, I've never used irc before and I've never published my own torrent. I'm sure I could work it out but it might take a bit of time for me to familiarize myself with them and test it. It's probably not that hard, I've already started looking into it. I never knew books were a big thing on irc.

>depending on how you feel about sunshine and Jim's japanese track record. Can't really blame anyone for being too trusting in that regard, we all fell for it otherwise there'd already be a backup.

I'm really glad for all the work the admins put into rebuilding the site. I can't thank them enough. These past few days I've been thinking about what to do about owning this board though. The hacker has started dropping IPs of /b/ mods. I don't think he'll drop mine but who knows. I don't even know if I'm covered if he did drop mine. Whatever. I'm just really concerned about it and still thinking.

>I've got some hang ups about nextchan, would rather see them moved to .pl or something but that's a thread unto itself. Interestingly there's a pretty active book thread on meguca right now.

Yeah I went pretty much everywhere during the downtime. The meguca thread was where I got this >>5686 along with a few other Jung books I didn't have. That reminds me, we need a Jung thread. I've no idea what the status of .pl is, is it being worked on? I emailed the admin about claiming /pdfs/ but I got no response. I still own endchan /pdfs/ btw.

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775800 No.5717


>Yeah that sounds like a better idea but I'd need help like you said.

Once we've got a place to drop files anon will probably be on board with dropping them into a respectable sorting system.

> I never knew books were a big thing on irc.

Until the last four years or so it was the biggest place for them, lot of normal sites have popped up since those days but it's still a huge resource.

>I've never used irc before and I've never published my own torrent

You're right it's not hard, but make sure you've done your reading before making a move since you can dox yourself on irc if you did something like hop on without a vhost. Torrents are pretty simple, but I think anon is a little more leery of them.

>I've no idea what the status of .pl is, is it being worked on? I emailed the admin about claiming /pdfs/

It's up and running, the admin is polish so I'm assuming can only be found during polish hours. Mods over there say he's pretty approachable on irc whenever he's awake, not sure how often he checks the email. I've got no issue with making endchan the bunker since you've already got it. Maybe look at the demographics and figure out which bunker has the biggest /pol/ population and just side with that.

>I'm really glad for all the work the admins put into rebuilding the site.

A lot of good was done here, but it seems to be nothing but bad news lately. I'm not ready to jump ship entirely yet, but this whole thing has definitely made me more weary and hammered home the fact we can't rely solely on 8ch. If you're concerned tell your ISP you've got security concerns and need a new IP, usually they'll oblige if you're not asking for one all the time.

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775800 No.5725


Ok, I'll be doing some looking into irc then. Based on numbers it will probably have to be .pl for a bunker. I really like Endchan despite the autism there and I've been posting there for a year now, but .pl seems to be where most people go in the event of some downtime. I'll try again to claim /pdfs/ there but I don't mind if someone beats me to it.

The hacker decided not to drop any more IPs which is good. Apparently his exploits still remain but I'm confident CM is on to it. I'm not going anywhere either, I still love 8chan. I might start logging in through Tor when it works again. I've not tried it yet but some people on /sudo/ say it's broke.

I'm unstickying the thread but I'll leave it float around for now.

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File: 56bd186cd73f65d⋯.pdf (47.6 KB,100x100,1:1,LaVeyan-Khaos-Magick.pdf)

55989c No.5501 [Open thread]

Dickmoo is trying to shill the chans. Posting up their pdfs as i get them for operational usage. This is their attempt at a satanic ritual to command kek, as if they could.

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55989c No.5512


Add more pdfs or just use the General thread, laddy.

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55989c No.5523

This pdf is horseshit. Reciting a script that sounds like it was written for a fantasy movie about over-dramatic caricature wizards from thousands of years ago doesn't do anything.

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55989c No.5525


I've not been paying much attention to this whole thing but I did a bit of googling them and to me they just seem like Anonymouse tier edgetards.

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55989c No.5564


Is there a size limit? I'm having trouble uploading the other one I grabbed.

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55989c No.5568


12MB. Also only pdfs, we can't upload epubs or any other type of file. If it's too big try uploading to nya.is or mixtape.moe and then put the link in the thread.

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