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File: ab6129e4af6da91⋯.jpg (343.47 KB,841x1500,841:1500,AlanWatts.jpg)

139e0f No.8413 [Open thread]

Also general "spirituality" thread.

First in a series of threads to repost what was wiped from /zundel/ starting with this because I already had it organised and to hand.

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139e0f No.8423


He ded.

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139e0f No.8424

File: e18867247f54512⋯.pdf (1.78 MB,Watts, Alan-Does it matter….pdf)

File: 43bd94e6c12556b⋯.jpg (19.92 KB,324x499,324:499,dsim.jpg)

Does it Matter? Essays on Man's Relation to Materiality

epub here


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139e0f No.8425

File: 208746bd34d358e⋯.pdf (11.77 MB,Alan Watts-The Spirit of Z….pdf)

File: e6bd9198a79fecb⋯.jpg (8.18 KB,146x225,146:225,tsoz.jpg)

The Spirit of Zen, A way of Life, Work and Art in the Far East

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139e0f No.8426

File: 61ffdbff985d4a2⋯.png (41.75 KB,220x220,1:1,220px-AlanWatts_Bio11.png)

Here's the rest of the mobi files and the pdfs too big to post.

The Philosophies of Asia It's a mobi


The New Alchemy


The Joyous Cosmology


The Art of Contemplation


Myth and Ritual in Christianity


Lectures and Essays


From Time to Eternity


A Psychedelic Experience


I will try and find pdfs and epubs of these. In the meantime if any of these links die just request again ITT.

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c3eb97 No.10155


Convert MOBI to EPUB with Calibre, then put on Anonfile via VPN

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File: 1429982120245.jpg (515.65 KB,605x903,605:903,scruton.jpg)

5fb838 No.1243 [Open thread]

Roger Scruton is a contemporary conservative philosopher who specializes in aesthetics. He has taken a sharp stand against the postmodern, and is probably best known for his BBC presentation, Why Beauty Matters.

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c9abef No.8490


>3 The Truth in Nationalism

>4 The Truth in Socialism

>5 The Truth in Capitalism

>6 The Truth in Liberalism

>7 The Truth in Multiculturalism

>8 The Truth in Environmentalism

>9 The Truth in Internationalism

>10 The Truth in Conservatism

I was not expecting that !

Thank you so much mate !

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c9abef No.8495



I am a retard, i forgot to ask for 'i drink therefore i am'

Anyone ?

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3fa076 No.8526

I had a dream about this guy after seeing this thread. I shot him in the face with an ak-47, and some kind of pistol, but he was unaffected. Not sure what that means, but I saved everything i this thread.

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eccbd0 No.10152


epub to Anonfile. Thanku

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eccbd0 No.10153

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File: dbd64d3df045890⋯.png (288.89 KB,900x900,1:1,1511518695496.png)

810621 No.7454 [Open thread]

Does anyone have [Bunche report] by Archibald Roosevelt?

Its a rare anti-communist pamphlet that I can't find anywhere.

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810621 No.7460


negress sounds retarded

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810621 No.7591


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f891c7 No.7851

File: 6c2c80326074b5b⋯.pdf (6.19 MB,Bunche Report.pdf)

Here it is.

Interesting read.

The people here are only interested in fascist stuff and its a real shame they didn't answer your question.

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5291ea No.8602

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b1253b No.10151


Its possible some are wanna-be fascists, the psychic milieu makes it difficult unless they clique with other animals/brains. I don't need books to convince me of what I'm into.

Fascist literature is best disseminated starting at the age of 11. No Ayn Rand, and keep female authors to a minimum.

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d9f751 No.10014 [Open thread]

As the subject says, i'm trying to find all the ebooks written by Michael scott earle, since all of them have been pulled from amazon's service. I'm specifically looking for the books, not audiobooks.

I can't even find them through legitimately buying them, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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0d1f7e No.10016

Here is the request thread


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File: e42778703c81c14⋯.jpg (21.76 KB,432x372,36:31,firefox.jpg)

197907 No.9618 [Open thread]

Is the host compromised? Firefox shows every .pdf downloaded from gen.lib as virus.

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037f0c No.9620

Probably a new (((antipiracy))) measure from the most recent update, though I'd avoid downloading anything at least for a couple days.

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f1d464 No.9626

Run it through VirusTotal or whatever it's called but I call Jewish tricks.

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7d4604 No.9631

Downloading from libgen works on google chrome.

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0de76c No.9651

File: 38e7fbb1ba20d63⋯.jpg (790.48 KB,1030x1878,515:939,1418642149277.jpg)

Grabbed a couple of books that had been accused of malware with another computer and ran a virus scam, there was nothing wrong with them. Also downloading through Bookzz don't give out any warning, so yeah, its just firefox freaking out over the goyim acquiring free knowledge.

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c64cb6 No.9880


Stop sending your data to Google you fucking nigger. Disable malware and phishing protection, in the options or about:config, they are nothing but Jewish tricks.

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File: f17345a1c8126a2⋯.jpg (16.63 KB,300x300,1:1,desu.jpg)

7b5a03 No.7638 [Open thread]

http: //jewishcurrents.org/leftists-and-the-civil-rights-movement/#comment-15003

The two groups, wrote Jacob Weinstein in 1935 in the Labor Zionist journal, Jewish Frontier, “must understand each other and combine with other minorities to break the vicious hold of that arch-predatory minority — the capitalists and their flunkies.”

Anyone, can find this article by Jacob Weinstein?

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7b5a03 No.7645


yeah, that comment was mine.

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44c175 No.7824


did you ever get your answer?

kinda interested too…

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68adf5 No.8615

File: 8f5ec8b4dcba621⋯.jpg (9.86 KB,180x218,90:109,Whenfascismcalls.jpg)


I wish someone could tell me too…

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3f1d09 No.9805


how did you find out the title of the article?

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56e70a No.9809

File: 37330db060f854a⋯.png (186.85 KB,1005x480,67:32,weinstein.png)


I can't remember for sure now but it might have been this, a reference in the notes of this book which I think I found while searching for it the first time around.

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File: 1d4d139adbe8c46⋯.jpg (440.67 KB,1023x1001,93:91,pol books 18 - feb 2018.jpg)

099d3a No.8061 [Open thread]


Final Edition.


Be sure to visit The Incorrect Library, easily the best /pol/ tier ebook project:


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4eecd2 No.8317


>Final Edition

Please no. Don't do it.


Search `Tacotron 2` and you will find a NeuralNet made by Google.

Also https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-open-source-text-to-speech-technologies


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4a4ee4 No.9420

Here is all the books in the collection.


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90c45b No.9654


iirc all the books are in the mega link, in a folder called "individual books"


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549aaa No.9692

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549aaa No.9693

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File: 1ad33ff8e8989c0⋯.pdf (4.8 MB,Nutrition-and-Physical-Deg….pdf)

e03d91 No.8716 [Open thread]

Hello /pdfs/ can you please spoon-feed me on how to convince others that "piracy" is ok for books.

I have a few arguments, but they aren't very developed.


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517814 No.9181


Because reinventing the wheel every time you want to make a car is stupid?

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3631a0 No.9214


>>>/ipfs/ and learn the basics, or just >>8723

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2ef0c8 No.9231

File: b6bdd19697a320f⋯.jpg (111.66 KB,1065x1600,213:320,against intellectual prope….jpg)


>This monograph is justifiably considered a modern classic. Stephan Kinsella has caused libertarians worldwide to rethink the very basis of intellectual property.

>Mises warned against patents, and so did Rothbard. But Kinsella goes much further. He argues that the very existence of patents — and copyrights and trademarks, too — is contrary to a free market. They all use the state to create artificial scarcities of nonscarce goods and employ coercion in a way that is contrary to property rights and the freedom of contract.

>Many who read this book will be unprepared for the rigor of Kinsella's argument. It takes time to settle in, simply because it seems so shocking at first. But Kinsella makes his case with powerful logic and examples that are overwhelming in their persuasive power.

>After all, the relevance of this argument in a digital age can't be overstated. The state works with monopolistic private producers to inhibit innovation and stop the progress of technology, while using coercion against possible competitors and against consumers. Even US foreign policy is profoundly affected by widespread confusions over what is legitimate and what is merely asserted as property.

>What Kinsella is calling for instead of this cartelizing system is nothing more or less than a pure free market, which involves nothing resembling what we call intellectual property today. IP, he argues, is really nothing more than a state-enforced legal convention, not an extension of real ownership.

>Few books written in the last decades have caused so much fundamental rethinking. It is essential that libertarians get this issue right and understand the arguments on all sides. Kinsella's book is masterful in doing just that — making a case against IP that turns out to be more rigorous and thorough than any written on the left, right, or anywhere in between.

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2ef0c8 No.9232

File: 3921e206c04ae6a⋯.jpg (23.63 KB,268x400,67:100,Against Intellectual Monop….jpg)

>Intellectual property - patents and copyrights - have become controversial. We witness teenagers being sued for "pirating" music - and we observe AIDS patients in Africa dying due to lack of ability to pay for drugs that are high priced to satisfy patent holders. Are patents and copyrights essential to thriving creation and innovation - do we need them so that we all may enjoy fine music and good health? Across time and space the resounding answer is: No. So-called intellectual property is in fact an "intellectual monopoly" that hinders rather than helps the competitive free market regime that has delivered wealth and innovation to our doorsteps. This book has broad coverage of both copyrights and patents and is designed for a general audience, focusing on simple examples. The authors conclude that the only sensible policy to follow is to eliminate the patents and copyright systems as they currently exist.

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246a1a No.9522

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File: 6e6f7a2994e85bf⋯.png (211.45 KB,558x344,279:172,Screenshot 2018-06-13 at 1….png)

d784e8 No.9462 [Open thread]

can some one tell me where i can read his words bestr ranslated to american english? please i must know his words un burned by time.

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d784e8 No.9466

Mein kampf is what I want. Help plz. And congrats Acadie-Bathurst

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9cca97 No.9467

File: 936d6e1eada8e8d⋯.pdf (2.43 MB,Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler ….pdf)


here man. you didnt need to make a thread for this though

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d784e8 No.9468

File: 8641b9cf7ed4f56⋯.png (136.57 KB,454x495,454:495,Screenshot 2018-06-13 at 1….png)


srry. no one would gibs me it and im new to infinity

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0a9391 No.9487

File: d6ef1b808d22ce2⋯.pdf (4.22 MB,Hitler's Speeches.pdf)

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c51515 No.13357

File: 3f80e96157b9a8a⋯.pdf (2.14 MB,Adolf_Hitler_Mein_Kampf_Th….pdf)

The Ford translation of Mein Kampf is considered the best. It is easier to read and contains footnotes explaining long dated references.

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File: 4cb23629d97ad50⋯.png (196.37 KB,600x263,600:263,the-weeknd-twenty-eight-vi….png)

cb398c No.8899 [Open thread]

Here is the magnet link of 55gb of interesting stuff. Please seed


*image not relate*

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cf3ab3 No.9284


>Request of: torrent(s) needs more seeds began by 6c3383 No.9251

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149d39 No.9298

This is pretty much an abridged version of this https://archive.org/details/ETYNTKE, which is a collection of a gorillion different Infographics. Apparently now you need to create an account to download it (you didn't when I first found it), but if you can directly download 100GB maybe this will be better than a torrent. I recommend using something like Jdownloader or something if you're going to.

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5a39e5 No.9308


I only downloaded like 44% so I can't seed.


Thanks a ton, I'll look through it and download whatever seems helpful for me.

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cf3ab3 No.9384



Archive download is locked.

>archive not found: /34/items/ETYNTKE/ETYNTKE.tar

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90b498 No.9414



Something is up

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File: 1466690002403.pdf (1.69 MB,Andre-Oboler-The-Antisemit….pdf)

1261fc No.4048 [Open thread]

Post PDFs on Memetics here.

I've gathered some PDFs on memetics from various universities. May be of use to /bmw/ as well

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32bc16 No.6609

File: e89649d8b57519d⋯.pdf (1.41 MB,4chan-ICWSM2017.pdf)

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39c162 No.6961

File: c65a90e7f1f3584⋯.pdf (3.72 MB,cyber-extremism_ isis and ….pdf)

File: 31ca42508916732⋯.pdf (2.99 MB,detecting rumor and disinf….pdf)

File: a83b791bdffdfaf⋯.pdf (418.25 KB,handbook of russian inform….pdf)

File: 9290e848930907b⋯.pdf (285.92 KB,cyber-enabled_influence_wa….pdf)

>Cyber-Extremism: Isis and the Power of Social Media


>Detecting Rumor and Disinformation by Web Mining … good reading for how to avoid detection


>Handbook of Russian Information Warfare


>On Cyber-Enabled Information/Influence Warfare and Manipulatio


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9b0eb4 No.7089

File: dc142c0ff5166f4⋯.pdf (11.69 MB,Propaganda - Jacques Ellul.pdf)

File: 3a1f6568c0825de⋯.jpg (15.04 KB,292x500,73:125,Propaganda - Jacques Ellul.jpg)

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4b6703 No.7707

File: 8ff13ae0da5bdb0⋯.png (468.31 KB,446x403,446:403,Screenshot_25.png)

File: e82ddd15386c570⋯.png (980.2 KB,641x647,641:647,1`-1000 (65).png)


holy shit anon, I made most of that o.c, feels good

have a special edition and a personal shitmeme of mine

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4c340b No.9338

File: 35aa710038343e3⋯.jpg (64.34 KB,340x500,17:25,trust me.jpg)


>Ryan Holiday - Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator

>You’ve seen it all before. A malicious online rumor costs a company millions. A political sideshow derails the national news cycle and destroys a candidate. Some product or celebrity zooms from total obscurity to viral sensation. What you don’t know is that someone is responsible for all this. Usually, someone like me.

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File: 1417868645856.jpg (82.5 KB,680x351,680:351,Kalergi.jpg)

909f07 No.188 [Open thread]

I have decided to dig up stuff on Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.

The Guy behind the Idea of the European Union and their plan of Genocide of the People of Europe with a jewish overclass ruling over it.

Will upload stuff soon, most won't be in english.

Most in German, a little french and then a English translation.

Here is an Archive of an English translation of Practical Idealism.

Other important archived pages
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909f07 No.4410


i'm sorry, i don't know german, anybody cares to tell me what it says?

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694d19 No.7160

does anyone know where to buy/loan out a legit physical copy (or at the very least where to find it physically archived) of practical idealism, or any of his similar works? i don't care if it's not in english or if i'd have to travel to europe, i just wanna know if it actually exists.

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59e48e No.7238

>European Union and their plan of Genocide of the People of Europe

[citation needed]

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bd3faa No.8359

File: cca78d7912a207e⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,1234x2000,617:1000,Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richar….jpg)

File: 685ee7fd83ab310⋯.jpg (75.17 KB,1185x2000,237:400,Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richar….jpg)

File: 6f67f78163902c2⋯.jpg (670.25 KB,1273x2000,1273:2000,Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richar….jpg)

File: 9ee8e0073877c8e⋯.jpg (592.44 KB,1363x2000,1363:2000,Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richar….jpg)

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1f63a4 No.9239

File: 3fe356ff2ecabd5⋯.jpeg (4.3 KB,268x188,67:47,ahad haam.jpeg)



There is a cipher in most book you've posted, like in most books released by kikes between 1400-1900, and still some fresh ones. Over 20.000 (the jews say up to 200k books) with the cipher.

Read like this:

. = 1st word in sentence.

, = last word before the comma.

: = following sentence.

; = sentence before the ;

You figure out what – & - is.

You normally read the whole first line first and last line in the indention.

Now you will be able to read the


meaning with the books.

This is how they discuss everything we're not supposed to know, and with this you can read the protocols in over 1000 books. True story yo!

Best regards, Ragnar.

PS. Ascher Ginsberg (Ahad Ha'am) wrote the modern protocols of the elders in 1888.

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File: d8d23a3803c8751⋯.pdf (412.17 KB,Sun Tzu - The Art of War.pdf)

5dcbee No.9220 [Open thread]

Classics And Essentials

Post your classic and essential books here

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File: 0b6cdc6d64cb845⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,1500x3500,3:7,1527620840321.jpg)

ccf1f7 No.9175 [Open thread]

Post pdf's from 4chan's lit top 100 list

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cefc90 No.9185


You can find all of them on UnderNET IRC, under books, or maybe through libgen.

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b330dd No.9192

File: e15f75a68cf15e6⋯.jpg (60.85 KB,747x599,747:599,myback.jpg)


anon, you're intentions are pure, and literature is an all around good subject, but have no interest in cuckchans reading list, sorry

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3bc171 No.9211


Please refer to >>7924

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File: 5bf7bca1d7622e3⋯.jpg (33.66 KB,323x500,323:500,51aP0k4MHBL.jpg)

7e8469 No.4509 [Open thread]

Bitter Harvest by Ian Smith

Not my post, not my file. Adblock & antivirus to maximum.


3 posts omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7e8469 No.4537

never mind, got it

thanks OP

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7e8469 No.4546

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7e8469 No.4553


daily reminder to re-upload books from mobilism to libgen.

Site: libgen.io

click upload > libgen uploader

Username: genesis

password: upload

then upload the file. copy the ISBN and paste It in the box in the top left and then click "amazon.com". It'll fill in the form with title/author/publisher/etc straight from amazon so you don't have to type it all in

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7e8469 No.4557

File: 229f9999a30fba2⋯.pdf (2.84 MB,Bitter Harvest by Ian Smit….pdf)


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a9d4e6 No.9144

I've been searching for an affordable copy of this one for some time, and that search ends today.

Particularly relevant, given the repetition we're witnessing in South Africa now.

Thanks for the post - it is appreciated.

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