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File: 63af104c80db163⋯.jpg (462.2 KB,1088x1114,544:557,pol books 20 - jan 2019.jpg)

0df8a0 No.10882



another 24 books

>P = .pdf

>E = .epub

tenno heika banzai!

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0f79de No.10894


"Manzhouguo" is what Mainland Chinese call "Manchukuo".

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1102d2 No.10895

File: ea54da7bd3339c5⋯.jpg (33.53 KB,530x298,265:149,china air on london.jpg)


Yeah the author is originally from Taiwan, before fleeing to Japan. He's written books such as "The Ugly Chinaman", and "An Introduction to China: A Study of Our Bothersome Neighbors". But this particular book is about how Japan did nuffin wrong in Manchukuo. I think he's written something similar about the Japanese occupation of Korea.

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75df12 No.10896

File: c97af790a661714⋯.gif (65.57 KB,718x404,359:202,1547066907418.gif)

>a book you ripped from archive.org made it into a /pol/books collection

Feels good man

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fa9e88 No.10905

thanks, always appreciated

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28260e No.10911


>Mimisbrunnr, The Well of Mimir

I didn't even realise Cleary had written this book, thanks anon. And thanks for the Mishima stuff too. I'm just about to start reading some of his novels.

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28260e No.10912



Oh wait, looking at it, it appears to be a collection of most of his recent essays and series on counter-currents. That's actually saved me a lot of time because I was going to do something like that myself just for ease of use. I often return to his stuff online. Did you make it?

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2b47cc No.10935


which ones are "whitelarp"?

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62e823 No.10964

I was looking for that Donovan book neato.


Don't reply to kikefy.

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22aed6 No.10988

Vox day is a zionist.

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b8e098 No.10990


What has he proclaimed or supported? He looks like a comicbooks manchild celebrity.

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b8e098 No.10991

Thanks a ton for sharing the pack OP.

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f1f9a3 No.11004

Are all the books in the packs contained in the individual books folder? Or are there differences between them?

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28260e No.11012


Some of the zip packs are missing epub versions, especially the earlier ones. You might find an epub version of a particular file in the individual files folder because anon updates it. I'm pretty sure that's the only difference between them.

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85d84f No.11035

This vox day book on jordan peterson is a joke. Its pure envy mixed with opportunism, a money grabber.

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e2cd90 No.11102

In each volume I am able to find 3-4 solid books that i definitely want to read.

Not going to read Vox Day or the book by sodomite.

Way of men was not that bad. There were some troublesome parts about masculinity with which I would definitely disagree, some good points in there. But overall I felt like it was mostly a waste of time.

Grab Evola instead.

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28260e No.11109


I think I read Way of Men ages ago but I don't recall much about it.

>There were some troublesome parts about masculinity with which I would definitely disagree

Can you remember them?

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6b4330 No.11111


Is Jack Donovan a Thelemite? Wondering because he's a homo, loves cults, and the word "beast."

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997e42 No.11115


is he an anarchofascist?

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05a15c No.11120


Well first of all I doubt that sodomites have anything valuable to contribute to right wing. Especially spiritually since their actions defy the nature itself. Looking back I read the book because I saw it on chans/it had a cool cover and I thought it would somehow change my worldview.

I am not going to re read the shit, I will search it briefly, I got notes on every book I read so when I find them I might add something here and there but…I write only quotes that hold some meaning to me. If I found some chapter to be a pile of bullshit I probably omitted it from notes.

Masculine traits:strength, courage, mastery and honor. I agree. mostly however:

"Mastery is a man’s desire and ability to cultivate and

demonstrate proficiency and expertise in technics that aid

in the exertion of will over himself, over nature, over

women, and over other men."

Man should not exert his will over nature because the nature's laws are superior to human will. Maybe this was not meant this way but it kind of implies man can change nature(this is the basis of leftism)

Moreover the mastery here does not refer to self mastery which is an essential part of masculine archetypes as put by Evola - man the warrior and the ascetic. But I understand that sodomy itself is a negation of nature, the ultimate rejection of it an example of "man exerting his will upon nature in order to fullfil his hedonistic desires." So that's why sodomy and self-mastery do not go hand in hand because the sodomite is a slave of his passions.Man must be able to control himself before leading others.

Then the chapter "honor" makes little sense because of the lack of "mastery" Donovan considers mastery to be simply some ability to do something - set a fire, produce a weapon, play the music

Another chapter is moral relativist masturbation, as expected from the likes of the author.

>There is a difference between being a good man and

being good at being a man.

Being a good man has to do with ideas about morality,

ethics, religion, and behaving productively within a given

civilizational structure.

Being good at being a man is about being willing and

able to fulfill the natural role of men in a survival scenario.

A man who is more concerned with being a good man

than being good at being a man makes a very well-

behaved slave.

In other words: It makes no difference if you're immoral, lack self control as long as you fit the physical demands of being strong, courageous to do sth.

Then there is Bonobono masturbation society chapter which talks about how everyone fucks everyone and that chimpanzee model is the masculine way while Bonobono is more of feminine model (with mentioning a "fun fact" that homosexual intercourse is a part of bonobono)

tl dr He projects his perverse tendencies upon all men, his insights on masculinity are not that great, if not merely superficial. just put into a coat of being sophisticated (guys guys I know what virtus means…and so on) As I have said: Evola;s chapter of 10 pages in revolt against the modern world will tell you more than 200 pgs of "the way of men" The book has very few good points among the garbage put there. Nothing that would change you anyway, just confuse your worldview if you do not yet see through bullshit clearly. As you say you do not remember much from the book. Neither did I but I knew which chapters were troublesome for me.



Well obviously he's a fucking faggot with low quality literature that larps as "reactionary" or whatever to gain money and perhaps subvert young minds.

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05a15c No.11121

Looking forward to reading south was right.

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baff81 No.11153


It isn't all that great.

It pretty much confirmed what I have suspected for a long time, that southern nationalism (including the modern versions) is inseperable from paternalism towards blacks.

It also seems to have a major philosemetic streak.

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05a15c No.11167


All right. I want to look into southern nationalism/the civil war stuff from the view of the south. I am not American and my interest is not that great to read many books

Which books would you recommend on the subject?

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