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File: 3143def0b758baa⋯.jpg (84.02 KB,326x492,163:246,sdc.jpg)

967833 No.10913

In this thread I will be sharing an archive I've created of the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL).


Every single book they have is downloaded and organized into it's respective directory (courtesy of a script I made). PDF's and Text versions are download if available, although occasionally only a Text version is available. A subsequent .info file is created for their synopsis on the book.

This archive weighs in at 9gbs (7gb compressed), and contains 3866 items. Halving the number since I'm downloading in two formats leaves it at around 1900 books spanning all of Church history.

Magnet Link:


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967833 No.10914

File: f7574cc9d5a4be5⋯.png (4.7 KB,301x91,43:13,sample3.png)

File: 11a63aeabe0dc20⋯.png (27.74 KB,198x717,66:239,sample2.png)

File: d87056ae3dbd7d2⋯.png (24.22 KB,302x715,302:715,sample.png)

Some images to show what the archive looks like.

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fd187f No.10915

File: 03bfa6a85c209c7⋯.png (215.24 KB,675x365,135:73,Thump.PNG)

Thank you friend. Peace be upon you.

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231d8a No.10919

This has some great stuff. A couple of empty folders, but that's fine. 10/10 will seed.

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967833 No.10922


Empty folders (containing only an .info) are my bad. There's only a handful I think, and they come from the document being read online only.

If I ever made an updated archive they'll be removed. Hope you enjoy the materials.

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