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File: e9a12199510a862⋯.png (422.47 KB,421x600,421:600,TS000a.png)

File: 595f08679e55793⋯.png (455.47 KB,966x1344,23:32,table of contents 1.png)

File: 58b8277b7a447a8⋯.png (365.81 KB,932x1283,932:1283,table of contents 2.png)

2ca858 No.7392

Titoism and Dissidence: Studies in the History and Dissolution of Communist Yugoslavia

>The break-up of Yugoslavia cannot be understood without a cursory excursion into its violent past. Run for forty-five years by Communist strongman, Tito, Yugoslavia projected a false picture of a perfect multiethnic melting pot. In fact, the Yugoslav multicultural conviviality could only be upheld by Tito's iron rule – which was tacitly tolerated by the democratic West. In this book Tomislav Sunic recounts the life of suffering of many Croat, Serb, and Albanian dissidents in the former Yugoslavia.



(PDF, 24,5mb)

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2ca858 No.7394

File: 334298564f70040⋯.pdf (1.17 MB,Against Democracy and Equa….pdf)

File: 741dc17ff95c289⋯.jpg (22.25 KB,300x463,300:463,tomislav_sunic-against_dem….jpg)

Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right

>Against Democracy and Equality was the first book ever published in the English language on the European New Right, and it remains an indispensable introduction to a school of thought which remains a vibrant force in the understanding of European politics. Dr. Sunic examines the principal themes which have concerned the thinkers of the New Right since its inception by Alain de Benoist in 1968, such as the problematic nature of the label 'New Right' for a school which sees itself as being beyond traditional concepts of both the left and the right; its revolutionary political philosophy; its conception of history in terms of cycles; its attitude toward democracy, capitalism and socialism; and its endorsement of 'pagan' spirituality. He also discusses the significance of some of the older authors who have been particularly influential on the development of the movement, such as Oswald Spengler, Carl Schmitt and Vilfredo Pareto. This new edition of Against Democracy and Equality has been completely re-edited, and offers new prefaces by both Dr. Sunic and the principal theorist of the European New Right, Alain de Benoist. Also included for the first time is the Manifesto for a European Renaissance, which highlights the positions of the New Right as it enters a new millennium. Dr. Tomislav Sunic was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1953. He holds a doctorate in Political Science from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Dr. Sunic gives lectures around the world, and has his own weekly Internet radio show, The Sunic Journal, on the Voice of Reason network. He has also authored several other books, including Homo Americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age (2007) and Postmortem Report: Cultural Examinations of Postmodernity (2010), He continues to live in Zagreb.

Also, requesting Homo Americanus and the new Titans are in Town by Sunic:



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2ca858 No.7397

File: 470aa7a7fa68669⋯.png (236.6 KB,1332x1120,333:280,content1.png)

File: 4eb6a5c6c9c4b28⋯.png (157.39 KB,1152x836,288:209,content2.png)

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158722 No.7403


>3rd reich

into trash it goes

(At least be constructive anon)
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eef94c No.7413

File: 5a37a0303bc6099⋯.png (1.47 MB,714x1024,357:512,front.png)

File: eca2d3f7351fc17⋯.png (1.38 MB,664x1024,83:128,back.png)

File: 8d1e13f0c576d20⋯.png (339.95 KB,913x1373,913:1373,table of contents 1.png)

File: f82f1d9bad6b124⋯.png (657.32 KB,1836x1247,1836:1247,table of contents 2.png)

Dr. Florian Thomas Rulitz - The Tragedy of Bleiburg and Viktring, 1945 (Foreword & Postface by P. E. Gottfried, T. Sunic)


(PDF, 55mb)

>Dr. Florian Thomas Rulitz depicts Viktring and Bleiburg, two towns in Austria that are memorial sites of the post-World War II Yugoslav Communist massacres. Viktring and Bleiburg also happen to be symbols of the plight for thousands of Croatian Axis soldiers and civilians in the wake of World War II. The picture of the Bleiburg tragedy gets even more complete if one takes a glimpse at the numerous bays dotting the coast around the nearby Istrian peninsula where in the summer of 1945 large numbers of German soldiers, along with many Italian and Croatian refugees, were murdered by the Yugoslav Communist military units, and whose fate became similar to that of ethnic Germans (“Volksdeutsche”) in Croatia’s hinterland. Rulitz’ book makes it clear that Croatia and Carinthia were not just areas designed for mass tourism, but also locations of massive death. When reading Rulitz’ book one may add that the pastoral and poetic nature of southern Carinthia, where the towns of Viktring and Bleiburg are located, swallowed up in May 1945 civilians and soldiers from other European countries who happened to be fighting on the losing side of the historical barricade. In the decades to come, however, there were contingents of anonymous citizens from central and southeastern Europe who took the same route of Viktring and Bleiburg—albeit this time in order to flee to the much cherished Western capitalist freedom.


>Florian Rulitz’s meticulously researched book, now available for the first time in English, provides a corrective to the historical memory that had been previously accepted as truth. Rulitz focuses on two essential questions. First, did the so-called “final encirclement battles” indeed occur in Carinthia in the Ferlach/Hollenburg/Viktring and Dravograd/Poljana/Bleiburg areas, resulting in military victories for the Yugoslav Army? Second, were the battles after the capitulation fought by the refugees with the aim of reaching the British-controlled areas in Carinthia? To answer these questions, Rulitz presents a detailed reconstruction of those days in May 1945. He furthermore considers the question of the murders on Austrian territory, which were hushed up in Partisan literature and presented as casualties of the final military operations. This groundbreaking study will interest scholars and students of modern European history.


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08e034 No.7723

Anon could you please reupload this? I've been looking for this

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61458b No.7765

File: 432c1bb1836dd63⋯.pdf (1.95 MB,Homo americanus_ Child of ….pdf)

File: 334298564f70040⋯.pdf (1.17 MB,Against Democracy and Equa….pdf)


Not OP, I only managed to get Titoism and Dissidence before moe deleted it:



Still interested in this if anyone downloaded it.

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08e034 No.7781


Thanks a lot. Really appreciated

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ad7085 No.7811


Could someone please re-upload this? Mixtape.moe had some stability issues in November and lost some files.

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ac1d27 No.7830

File: f59f62811701e39⋯.jpg (36.16 KB,450x450,1:1,22814361_10156673298948998….jpg)


op here, lost the pdf tbh, will do a rescan in the upcoming weeks if still interested

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