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File: 1416235740435-0.jpg (74.29 KB,1127x1691,1127:1691,cover.jpg)

File: 1416235740435-1.pdf (1.59 MB,The Poetic Edda - Unknown.pdf)

4493e5 No.132

Going to share a Bellows copy of the Poetic Edda fr those that want it. Any other Astaru books people want to share please add here.
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4493e5 No.145

does anyone have the prose edda, and/or books about norse culture?
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4493e5 No.147

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4493e5 No.149

awww sweet thanks man!
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4493e5 No.150

File: 1416686562879.jpg (86.98 KB,1024x724,256:181,1414176939584.jpg)

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4493e5 No.153

File: 1417292954848.pdf (102.3 KB,Understanding the Galdrabo….pdf)



Attached: Understanding the Galdrabok (icelandic galdr) part 1
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4493e5 No.154

File: 1417293009396.pdf (87.02 KB,Understanding the Galdrabo….pdf)

part 2
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4493e5 No.155

File: 1417293060246.pdf (71.18 KB,Understanding the Galdrabo….pdf)


aaaand 3
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4493e5 No.156


Take those pdfs with a big grain of salt by the way. I just posted them because they're interesting and hard to find.

I would post the eddas, but apparently the file size is much too large, so I'll just link to them:

The Poetic Edda: https://archive.org/details/elderorpoeticedd01brayuoft

The Prose Edda: https://archive.org/details/proseoryoungere00snor

The Danish History Vol 1 (it heavily incorporates mythology): https://archive.org/details/ninebooksofdanis01saxouoft

Danish History Vol2: https://archive.org/details/ninebooksofdanis02saxouoft

Beowulf (yes, it really is important): https://archive.org/details/beowulfpanz00panzuoft

Niebelungenlied: https://archive.org/details/laynibelungs00carlgoog

Heimskringla (more kingly sagas, sort of like in the Danish history. This is Icelandic): https://archive.org/details/weltkreisheimsk00wachgoog
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4493e5 No.159

fuuuuck so many board errors
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4493e5 No.160

it won't let me upload my pdf, but you guys need to read

Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia

by Varg Vikernes
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4493e5 No.193

I have it
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4493e5 No.232

File: 1418786666501.pdf (274.68 KB,Understanding the Galdrabo….pdf)


Wouldn't it be better to have this version that contains the whole thing in one file?
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4493e5 No.4484


Thank you, OP! I'm downloading it now.

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4493e5 No.4499

Thanks mangs

I was waiting for some Norse mythology to arrive >>156

This is fucking great

I personally own Song of the Vikings - Snorri and the making of the Norse Myths

Could try and scan it for you goys

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4493e5 No.4500


Also, does anyone have pdfs of the Greenland Saga or Egil's Saga

I would love to read more Sagas but my search engines aren't turning up any files for things other than Edda

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4493e5 No.4501

File: dc1d4e8113dd6c2⋯.pdf (336.76 KB,EGIL'S SAGA.pdf)

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4493e5 No.4502


Thanks a lot man

I also found a whole load of Icelandic minor sagas in the book library dumped in this thread: >>3388

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4493e5 No.5858

File: 0fc97dba7d3abc0⋯.pdf (815.32 KB,SS Familly Celebrations (D….pdf)

File: 0f7f51e3e4baaf8⋯.jpg (22.03 KB,337x563,337:563,ssfamcelb.jpg)

Reposting these from a duplicate thread.


A good library here kindly shared by an anon last year. Includes all of the Icelandic sagas, a 1842 Translation of the Edda and other must-reads for pagans.

The book is from the same thread.

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4493e5 No.5859

Also bumping for a request. It may be too much to ask but does anyone have any scans of Tyr, Other than vol 1?

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4493e5 No.5863


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082685 No.5884

File: a486b879417fb08⋯.pdf (2 MB,culture_of_the_teutons.pdf)

Culture of the Teutons by Wilhelm Grönbech.

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4ffff4 No.7674

File: 17c06a75df5266f⋯.pdf (7.25 MB,Futhark - A Handbook Of Ru….pdf)

File: 514339696254be7⋯.pdf (1.25 MB,Summoning the Gods - Colli….pdf)

Posting these for Druid/pol/

Futhark, A Handbook of Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson

Summoning the Gods by Colin Cleary

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deaf71 No.7767


This is great thank you anon.

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