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File: 52d0a5723795dcf⋯.pdf (3.04 MB,AGDAP_web.pdf)

148996 No.10758

recent anarchist, post left, communist, ect happenings.

This zine catalogs reported anti-gentrification actions undertaken in Philadelphia over the past five years.

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148996 No.10759

File: 192ebfb0f28a036⋯.pdf (538.41 KB,Fascism-Ecology-and-the-Ta….pdf)


This essay attempts to untangle some of the deeper themes running through contemporary fascism, specifically around the areas of ecology and anti-modernism. The essay has its roots in a series of debates over neo-fascism and crypto-fascism in the green anarchist space.

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148996 No.10760

File: ff55d68652d3dd6⋯.pdf (3.09 MB,sj3wmw.pdf)


This is the October issue of the KSL Bulletin, a publication of the Kate Sharpley Library. These bulletins are the best source for largely unknown anarchist histories. This issue features reviews of recently published books on anarchist history, some updates, and a cover feature on the anarchist Pierre Monatte.

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148996 No.10761

File: 6d7b01ee71af8db⋯.pdf (239.31 KB,WritingsOfTheMaryNardiniGa….pdf)


These essays were written by the Mary Nardini Gang/A Gang of Criminal Queers. These texts come from Bash Back!. Bash Back! was a queer anarchist tendency that started in the Midwest. It aimed to be a net- work for queer anarchists to connect and to confront the pitiful normality of capital, the state, and heterosexuality.

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148996 No.10762

File: fb4a2c8f9c3adab⋯.pdf (552.96 KB,2-by-le-Guin-READ.pdf)

Two short stories by the anarchist author Ursula K. LeGuin. “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” comes from the 1973 collection of short stories The Wind’s Twelve Quarters, while “The Day Before the Revolution” is taken from the introduction the classic The Dispossessed. Ursula K. LeGuin passed away earlier this year.

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148996 No.10763

File: 2382e85e25d119a⋯.pdf (666.79 KB,rebellion-and-possibility-….pdf)


This is the second volume of writings compiled by the Radical Education Department on the anti-ICE struggles. This time the writings are organized based on location, with writings detailing experiences in Philadelphia, Portland, Tacoma, Atlanta, and Louisville. It’s a good assortment of writings and will hopefully help preserve the memory of these events for the future. The collection is introduced by the essay “Roots of Anti-Immigrant Policy in the United States” that gives the struggle some context.

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148996 No.10764

File: cba4fdb09a425b3⋯.pdf (753.87 KB,bellamy-fitzpatrick-an-inv….pdf)


This essay by Bellamy Fitzpatrick is the opening essay to the anarchist journal Backwoods, which is a new anti-civilization anarchist publication that came out earlier this year.

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148996 No.10765

File: ba01b9230e50c33⋯.pdf (3.1 MB,Fire-Ant-1-READ.pdf)

This is the first issue of Fire Ant, a new anarchist zine supporting anarchist prisoners. It comes from some folks in Maine who have been corresponding with and supporting prisoners since the 1990s.

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797b6c No.10766

So, is leftypol trying to take over /pdfs/ like they tried to take over /cow/?

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7cebfd No.10778

File: 7294765afd815a9⋯.jpg (71.46 KB,960x960,1:1,41784473_2199901676945375_….jpg)


Thanks for this.

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a4594e No.13672

I can say from myself that nowadays such essays and other materials on such controversial topics are difficult to find somewhere. It is more accurate to find the disclosure of these topics, which are just touched upon. We had something similar in the university. We also had to write such a written work. I quickly went to the Internet and found help. There is a good list on why I'm a gigantic faggot that loves horse dicks in my ass where several writing companies are described in detail and where there is a good analysis of each of them, so you can already find the most rational one.

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