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File: 1415545893830-0.jpg (9.88 KB,177x284,177:284,Gottfried Feders Economic ….jpg)

File: 1415545893830-1.pdf (639.89 KB,Gottfried Feder - Manifest….pdf)

83d573 No.3 [View All]


Testing if it works.


General PDF thread to get board activity started

Note: If you look after Gottfried Feder's economic Manifesto. Download this one instead




It's exactly the same, but it is much easier to read.

If you are a native German speaker. Here is the original German version of of his economic manifesto



If Spanish is your first language. Here is the Spanish translation. Translated by Miguel Serrano



There is a French translation too. It is here. The free download is slow, but it is the real file. I downloaded it myself.


The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait - Frederic Morton 1962


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0d4b74 No.11472


Any clues for when book 2 will come?

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18f8a9 No.11500

File: 8d01124e3371482⋯.jpg (13.54 KB,181x279,181:279,index.jpg)

File: 442885523b39c7b⋯.pdf (960.35 KB,Uncle Nick_ Diary of a Mis….pdf)

Uncle Nick: Diary of a Misanthrope. MGTOW stuff, but quite interesting and gets a chuckle out of you at times.

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50ae0a No.11503


Lessons 1-10

< Dark theme

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50ae0a No.11504


< Light theme

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08afda No.11544


Can you upload a txt or odt somewhere pls m8? Appreciate the effort but the PDF formatting is terrible and if people see me reading it on my tablet they'll think I have a learning disability.

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307d53 No.11591


You can convert it to whatever format you want from the PDF. https://bayfiles.com/H8gcgbv6b5/PHD_in_Islam_lessons_1-10_txt

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92b53b No.11596

File: 7f9b22aaf3ffa67⋯.pdf (5.65 MB,Who Started World War One ….pdf)

File: 4f084047909d125⋯.jpg (915.49 KB,891x1466,891:1466,Who Started World War One ….jpg)

Who Started World War One? by Barnes Harry Elmer

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9a88bb No.11621

File: 8b704a473ca2cee⋯.pdf (502.63 KB,10.1038@s41574-018-0113-2.pdf)

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9a88bb No.11622

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458a36 No.11712

File: 134748d90552b32⋯.pdf (5.07 MB,The Great Replacement.pdf)

The NZ mosque shooters manifesto

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5b1313 No.11721

File: d9017cfda86a093⋯.pdf (867.57 KB,The Great Replacement.pdf)

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7a9313 No.11807


Can you or some other anon post pdfs of Great Books of the Western World?

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dac8df No.11832


Part 11 is missing from the .txt, do you have it?

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d3f2ad No.11882

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800f93 No.12094


Check if they're on scihub. You'll need the title.

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5ef90b No.12174

File: 1f1501228aa45f4⋯.jpg (35.47 KB,331x500,331:500,51JsSDh2U L.jpg)

File: 2125661ec4bdd7a⋯.jpg (77.08 KB,314x475,314:475,3e4e103c752678d2c96227ed56….jpg)

File: 1b90c86f6f20568⋯.jpg (27.49 KB,400x603,400:603,ThomasJose.jpg)

Three books about historical fascist movements. One about the Arrow Cross and the Iron Guard, one about the Juventud de Accion Popular, and one about Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, leader of the Falange.

>The Green Shirts and the Others: A History of Fascism in Hungary and Romania (Nicholas M. Nagy-Talavera)


>Catholicism, War, and the Foundation of Francoism (Sid Lowe)


>Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera: the reality and myth of a Spanish fascist leader (Joan Maria Thomas)


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d6a61f No.12271

File: d783f60dd7d6128⋯.pdf (924.93 KB,Stephen Kershnar - Pedophi….pdf)

File: 1733e3f229cae42⋯.pdf (1.91 MB,Stephen Kershnar - Total C….pdf)

This guy here in the request thread,


was asking for a book by Stephen Kershnar. I found some eyebrow raising titles by this author that might interest you.

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170749 No.12285

File: eddf9d8c98e33f3⋯.pdf (137.43 KB,UNTITLED #1.pdf)

Fuck communists and fuck discord trannies KILL THEM ALL

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3b79f9 No.12602

File: fa34f71190ccdd0⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,316x475,316:475,jp.jpg)

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3b79f9 No.12603

File: 4f53f268fc33943⋯.jpg (112.7 KB,1600x873,1600:873,emichaeljones.jpg)

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198647 No.12667


I added two more books from the Ulster Institute

- Race and Sport: Evolution and Racial Differences in Sporting Ability

- The Life History Approach to Human Differences A Tribute to J. Philippe Rushton


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198647 No.12669

File: 8b2bddb07672027⋯.pdf (2.48 MB,CW-38-8.pdf)


Current issue of culture wars magazine by E. Michael Jones. If anybody has back issues - please link them.

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a0955f No.12770

File: 856fc68c826b46d⋯.jpg (193.76 KB,907x1360,907:1360,Cover.jpg)

File: 6d859f217150c48⋯.pdf (1.9 MB,Ghengis Monster (2019).pdf)

Genghis Monster: The Shocking Story of Genghis Khan and the Mass-Murdering Mongols (2019)

Among western academics, the revisionist rehabilitation of the arch-villain we like to refer to as Genghis Monster (1162-1227) has, in recent years, taken on truly grotesque dimensions. Although the conquering Klan’s expansionary method of mass murder and terror cannot and is not denied (just downplayed) by these collegiate crackpots – modern students and gullible “intellectuals” are today instructed to ignore the oceans of spilled blood and shed tears; and focus mainly on the “progress” and “liberalism” which the monstrous Mongols brought to their subjugated lands. The purpose of this illustrated booklet is not to provide a comprehensive historical account of the monster and his exploits; but rather a general overview / introduction to the subject. By refuting the pseudo-intellectual sewage now being pumped out by today’s Genghis-loving, western-hating academics, this booklet will restore, in a basic sense, the proper historical view of this tyrannical beast. Though Khan has been dead for nearly 800 years, the murderous mayhem which the Mongols unleashed upon helpless humanity – in many cases, our white European and Central Asian Aryan ancestors – was so atrocious that it, for both the sake of sound scholarship as well as historical decency, must never be forgotten, let alone misrepresented.

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a0955f No.12771

File: 6c425b6c273fa1d⋯.jpg (199.9 KB,1051x1360,1051:1360,Cover.jpg)

File: 1704cd4b0b0984b⋯.pdf (6.62 MB,Teddy The Terrible (2019).pdf)

Teddy The Terrible: The Criminal Insanity of Theodore Roosevelt (2019)

Check any list of ‘great men’ of the 20th Century and you’re sure to find Theodore ‘Teddy” Roosevelt ranked near the very top. He was the military hero of San Juan Hill who, later on, as president, became a “champion of the people.” TR – the Fake Historians assure us – in spite of his privileged upbringing, fought the big bad “capitalist” corporations of his own class in order to bring to the common man the “three C’s” of the “Square Deal” – conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection. In remembrance of such noble attributes and great deeds, statues of St. Theodore can be found all over the USA – including that famous mug shot so idolatrously carved into the side of Mount Rushmore. Postage stamps bear his image; children’s books tell of his deeds; and schools bear his name – as do parks, libraries, a dam, an island, a ship and, of course, the “Teddy Bear.” There is just one wee-little problem with this flattering historical narrative of Theodore Roosevelt: It is mostly puffed-up fakery. In “Teddy the Terrible”, M S King of TomatoBubble.com fame strips away the phony facade of this vile show-boating charlatan. The surgical precision with which “TR” is cut down to size will radically change not only your view of the man, but also of the corrupt and fake world in which we live.

PS: Didn't spelled Genghis correctly in the last pdf. Sorry about that lol.

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50d4a4 No.12773


Khan was white and Mongols (not all, but many were before conquering and subjugating lesser races) originate with the Scythians. They inadvertently saved Europe from Muslims through their destruction of several caliphates and greatly weakening of their power bases and supply lines.

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0458c6 No.12790

File: e442f87410e79a6⋯.jpg (29.84 KB,330x418,15:19,330px-YuanEmperorAlbumGeng….jpg)


How the fuck is this asian mongoloid invader white?

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61fd39 No.12808

File: ac1ec588ee4309c⋯.jpg (72.96 KB,265x400,53:80,human-diversity.jpg)

>Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class - Charles Murray (2020)





>audiobook companion pdf


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93a8c6 No.12824


Based anon, thank you.

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aa335c No.12995

File: f7ff3fc68ee4226⋯.png (2.05 MB,3175x5075,127:203,front.png)

File: b4d9fedf2d9626d⋯.png (5.67 MB,3175x5076,3175:5076,back.png)

Rare book on WWII and the JQ.

>On April, 1946 Professor Austin J. App of Incarnate Word College in San Antonio, Texas published a brief pamphlet attacking the victors of the Second World War for their unconscionable treatment of the women of Germany and its allies at the war's end and during its aftermath. Ravishing the Women of Conquered Europe was first and foremost an indictment of the mass rapes carried out by the troops of the Red Army, but its author didn't spare the United States government for propping up the beleaguered Soviet regime with lend-lease billions or for condoning the widespread sexual exploitation of German womanhood by American occupation troops.

>While App's pamphlet probably would have been unwelcome reading for the millions of his fellow Americans for whom the inebriation of VE-Day had not yet been displaced by the decades-long hangover of the Cold War, a small clique of determined and influential opponents hit back at its author with tactics that have become characteristic of the enemies of Revisionism. Within several months Ravishing the Women of Conquered Europe was banned in Canada, a gloomy portent of the standing ban on Revisionist literature north of the border today. In the United States a chorus of journalists, most of them Jewish, smeared App as an "anti-Semite" and an apologist for Nazism. They didn't shrink from falsifying and distorting the content of App's piece, and they sought to bring subtle but intensifying pressures on App's employers. Nevertheless, within three months of publication App's bold call to conscience had sold more than 40,000 copies and excerpts from it had been inserted into the Congressional Record.

>Shortly thereafter Professor App would establish the Mission Press (later the Boniface Press) and embark on a long and often lonely quest for justice for the land of his forefathers. Throughout the ensuing four decades App would speak out publicly against what he called "history's most terrifying peace," a peace which has left a Damoclean sword of annihilation hanging, not merely over a still-divided Europe, but over the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., the mighty victors in history's most terrible war. During a long career as a publicist and pamphleteer, a career which ran parallel with his long service as a professor of English literature, Austin App's keen sense of justice and steadfast courage in his Western, Christian convictions impelled him to challenge the historical blackout which has shrouded much of the truth concerning the Second World War, a challenge embodied in his membership on the Editorial Advisory Committee of The Journal of Historical Review from its inception in 1980 to his death in 1984.

App, Austin J. - No Time for Silence: Pleas for a Just Peace Over Four Decades


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056fac No.13030

File: 4cb0067d770f8f9⋯.pdf (1.06 MB,The_Secret_Team_CIA_.pdf)

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caae53 No.13045


So whats the username+password to download the book, anon?

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774468 No.13062


>App, Austin J. - No Time for Silence: Pleas for a Just Peace Over Four Decades


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3644b0 No.13070

Looking for The truth about Magic by Atticus

Prefer the hard copy- but it won’t be in til Tuesday- so maybe I could start reading a PDF of it or something if it can be found.

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f59141 No.13146



Anon what is that manga?

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94ebd2 No.13166

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5c26dd No.13205

File: 81221ee7501847d⋯.pdf (1.75 MB,Late_cult_of_Dionysus.pdf)

File: 7f1a63f1e1941aa⋯.pdf (111.4 KB,Herakleitos.pdf)

File: 0eb239eab2e42fb⋯.pdf (8.93 MB,Greek_Experience_in_India.pdf)

File: 441787cc43544ec⋯.pdf (1.73 MB,Greek_Buddha.pdf)

I am just going to leave all those here, they all point well on origins of ideas in christian scriptures.

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70e1dc No.13257

File: df6ecc55796db11⋯.pdf (1.67 MB,The_Jesus_Mysteries_Was_th….pdf)

File: 02011fc31e3a25c⋯.pdf (3.49 MB,The_Dionysian_Gospel_The_F….pdf)

Many who carry the thyrsus but the Bacchants are few.

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4cb6fc No.13381

File: 26e67af84bc6453⋯.jpg (36.55 KB,353x500,353:500,TGR.jpg)

File: d92a5993707de0b⋯.pdf (5.39 MB,Renaud_Camus_The_Great_Rep….pdf)

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e0fc76 No.13492

File: 8d7f74d49bf3e2d⋯.jpg (179.27 KB,907x1360,907:1360,Q_Anon_The_Storm_A_120_Yea….jpg)

File: 570b3f622b2f810⋯.pdf (4.76 MB,Q_Anon_The_Storm_A_120_Yea….pdf)

Yes, I know it's silly jewish theater. I'm posting it for people who are following this lame psyop. Enjoy.

Q Anon - The Storm: A 120 Year Timeline

Who or what is the anonymous Internet poster, "Q Anon" and why is the mainstream media attacking him so much? Well, it turns out that a global conspiracy among many of the elites of banking, media, politics, business, academia and Hollywood to gradually tear down the United States of America (and all sovereign nations) and impose a communistic world government dictatorship in its place, has existed for generations. The elites of this Global Mafia are also referred to as “NWO” or “The Cabal” or “Globalists” They have been behind all the wars, social turmoil and economic hardships that have plagued humanity for the past two centuries. The Globalist Mafia has seemed unstoppable, until Q and friends came along. This may end up being a story which will be talked about for centuries to come. Learn about it now.

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daeb0d No.13893

File: b2751f388c56821⋯.jpg (139.88 KB,603x630,67:70,teddy.jpg)


>Postage stamps bear his image;

The jokes write themselves.

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1f706a No.13905

File: eba2eb46b92b50a⋯.jpg (43.7 KB,393x450,131:150,Kalki_2.jpg)

File: d8257c6069a2313⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,495x5000,99:1000,Christ_to_Krishna_1.jpg)

File: 6d6b2048c7b9302⋯.pdf (90.07 KB,Christ_to_Krishna.pdf)

Here's some potent redpill on Christianity. May help a few.

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1cd126 No.13947

File: 23f2ac41ee7bb91⋯.pdf (546.85 KB,As_a_Man_Thinketh_James_Al….pdf)


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3aba20 No.13983

File: 2f7bee5596baab7⋯.pdf (3.2 MB,The_Snouters_by_Harald_Stu….pdf)

This one's peculiar. I guess it can be considered a predecessor of the speculative biology/evolution genre. The author, under a nickname, wrote a detailed book about this non-existent order of mammals. Pretty cool if you're a biology student. Too bad it costs a fortune because of its rarity, otherwise I would have bought it.

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12d607 No.14019

File: abfaa406e42ceb8⋯.pdf (9.27 MB,The_Barnes_Review_May_June….pdf)

File: 3a81648e0199443⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,827x1080,827:1080,Barnes_2010_05_06_cover_Re….jpg)

The Barnes Review, May/June, 2010: Revenge of the Neanderthal

The full version of The Barnes Review's infamous "Revenge of the Neanderthal" issue - not just the essay by Willis Carto. Even if you don't buy into that thesis on the origins of the jews, there's a lot of other really good material in it.

Also, here's the series of broadcasts Michael Collins Piper did on it, including interviews with Michael Bradley and John de Nugent.


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53ffcd No.14055

File: c9b6ee2ef01dfbd⋯.pdf (4.17 MB,Jesus_and_The_Unabomber.pdf)

File: 627cc21ab5e8545⋯.jpg (46.91 KB,338x544,169:272,Screenshot_1.jpg)

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6754d3 No.14082

File: 8af81aafd63a441⋯.pdf (388.79 KB,kaczynski2.pdf)

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22a9fb No.14114

upload this to genesis, i dont have an account and im busy and ive never uploaded any books before so i dont have the patience to deal with this right now


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4b8814 No.14458


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0458c6 No.14468


lol he was certainly no teddy bear, but he was definitely a jew like churchill

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f396fe No.14632

File: 624e27c9777054e⋯.pdf (17.21 MB,fukureport1b.pdf)

Jim Stone Fukushima report 1b …

Original on jimstone.is vanished…

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