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/pdfs/ - 8kun's largest library

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File (hide): 1415554411272-0.jpg (85.86 KB,433x579,433:579,I like what I'm reading.jpg) (h) (u)


453498 (1) No.48 [View All]>>10081 >>13531 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


These are the other libraries I know of on the web with PDF files

If any of you know of any other online PDF archives drop them ITT and I will add them, feel free to upload any of the files here… if you wish

Marxist Library


National Bolshevik PDF Archive: Everything from Anarchism to Prepping and Philosophy (Down at the moment)


Archive of authors at NazBol, see https://archive.org for their books


Various Books


Krystallnact Library: Everything from Anarchism to Prepping and Philosophy. DEAD!


k0nsl archive, the biggest of them all.


k0nsl Mega rip, contains everything but the german archives. K0nsl works well now as well


VNN Library


J.R's Rare book library


Solar General


Hitler's Library


Index on books on IronMarch Forums


Aryanism Archive


BalderXLibris PDF book Archive




AryanNation Book Archive


Colchester Collection Library


resist.com Library


Racial Volunteer Force Archive


National Socialist Archive: Everything from Anarchism to Prepping and Philosophy


Update:' Site is down, but archive.org have capture of most of it. See



National Socialist World View Archive


Savitri Devi Archive


Big Archive Everything from Anarchism to Prepping and Philosophy


Satans Library


Great White Desert


Origin of Nations Library


I am the witness


Christian Identity forum PDFS archive


/pol/ Recomended Reading


/lit/ Recomended Reading


LibGen Archive


Internet Archive


Military Manuals. (liberatedmanuals is undergoing maintenance)



FireArm Manuals



Websites are in french, most content are in English




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34f430 (1) No.8686

>not having a 12Tb NAS full of books, magazines, audiobooks, movies, music and everything

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183181 (1) No.8740

>As put by Archive Team, technology is business, and in business, money often takes priority over ethics. With the law perpetually lagging behind technology and business, there is >often nothing between you and getting screwed over besides your own volition.

>Living without the knowledge of our past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. Corporations do not contemplate their own inevitable end. At least, they don’t do it in >public, unless they are in really bad shape. When times are good, those thoughts are pushed away, and end users are encouraged to do the same. When times are bad, they tend >to go very bad, very quickly - if you’re lucky, you’ll have an announcement. Your data is never totally safe. Backing up your data is always necessary, even if it’s stored elsewhere.

>The Internet is a worldwide platform for sharing information. It is a community of common interests.

>Our mission at The Eye is to preserve pieces of digital history. We are digital librarians.


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8999dd (1) No.8744

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9df3d3 (1) No.8758>>8886

Library Genesis down for anyone else?

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83e6b0 (1) No.8835>>8837

National Socialist Liberary:


It has documentaries too, photo's and the like.

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734609 (1) No.8837



For reference, the media on the site appear to be hosted on archive.org in case that site becomes non-functional.

i.e. in the event of political correctness trying to re-write history by taking the site down.

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c14ecc (1) No.8886


First, http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ went down completely. Now the libgen.pw mirror isn’t working.

I haven’t tried the libgen.io mirror for downloading because with my internet speed being throttled I can’t effectively que downloads using libgen.io. After a certain time, instead of downloading books, it just downloads files called “ads.html”.

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a04d44 (1) No.9025


holy cow. thanks anon

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221aa6 (1) No.9300

File (hide): a08880737723dbc⋯.png (17.75 KB,280x285,56:57,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



It's up for me… … you might want to try a VPN.




Pic related. Wikipedia is a directory of piracy, and it's also a directory of sex positions, oddly enough.

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ccf109 (2) No.9435

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bbf236 (1) No.9689


Bump with links

JQ - https://mega.co.nz/#F!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ

Religion, Magick, Occult - https://mega.co.nz/#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!cE5yWZoI

General - https://mega.co.nz/#F!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw

Psyops - https://mega.co.nz/#F!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg

/pol/ books - https://mega.co.nz/#F!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg

Poems/stories - https://mega.co.nz/#F!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ

Propertarianism library https://mega.co.nz/#F!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg

Stats and facts - https://mega.co.nz/#F!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw

Sydney traditionalist reading - https://mega.co.nz/#F!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q

General collection - https://mega.nz/#F!flYQGbzI!p1AFjtMuCLHQqocJqxV7rg

Homestead/History - https://mega.nz/#F!WQ1j0Q5A!BrV-uEsC2VZlhFsqJV-YHg

Book dump - https://mega.nz/#F!8YhT1SwT!naXLsLCamWPYP6YxJZAopA

Languages - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9QDHej9UGAdcDhWVEllMzJBSEk

Military History - https://mega.nz/#F!ZAoVjbQB!iGfDqfBDpgr0GC-NHg7KFQ

Philosophy - https://mega.nz/#F!MQBRHBJA!L_on3h-XUrtbc719UaMygw

Warfare - https://mega.nz/#F!x4JD1RzD!4_nIFmI2sBdSYg14j7pIdA

https://mega.nz/#F!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg (/pol/ stuff II)

https://mega.nz/#F!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ!QNAixJZL (/pol/ stuff III)

https://mega.nz/#F!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw (/pol/ stuff IV)

https://mega.nz/#F!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q (/pol/ stuff V)

https://mega.nz/#F!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw (/pol/ stuff VI)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg (/pol/ stuff VII)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!fo0TDC4a!Ck2n3wuqWutm3FyLtxZB8A (/pol/ related)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ (/pol/ related)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg (/pol/ related)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ (TGSNT, William Pierce, Icelandic Sagas)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!zQtglTAY!JZ8y7bZpqPz6od5WmtLfIg (Third Reich films)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!MQ8ziQKK!rzb0LRaZoyL6te1tguBNnA!RBs1mRhC (Third Reich recordings)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg (Psychopolitics)

https://mega.nz/#F!1R0QATqZ!Eb1_M5KC9gkxK6w32R2ETw (/biz/ related)

https://www.mediafire.com/?i44dwzkf9j9n8 (art)

https://mega.nz/#F!MQBRHBJA!L_on3h-XUrtbc719UaMygw (philosophy)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!4FJSUTyL!gRWJW5eBK0ydunfSzDB3xg (/k/)

https://pastebin.com/JN01tWVF (Languages & Linguistics)


the audiobook is read by Pierce



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386c1a (1) No.9764

~250 scholarly texts on the early church and the church fathers.


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14ca8a (1) No.10081>>10215


>>48 (OP)


Satan's Library link on the OP is dead. Here is the updated version. Definitely update it! Lots of info on NS, Communism, Occultism, Satanism, and many other relevant political issues. It's linked from joyofsatan.org if you want to learn more about Spiritual Satanism.

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b6b69e (1) No.10099>>10215

Tuesday, Nov 6 is our day, faggots!

This is the general dump thread for all 2018 related Memes, Articles, Infographics, Personalities, Sources, Studies, Research, Email Campaign Templates, Social Media Argument Bullet Points By Issue, Call-In Show Prep & Talking Points By Issue, Common Opposition Arguments \W Sourced Refutations, Polls (Past & Upcoming), Petitions Drives, etc.

From here it will be saved & sorted into the action/topic/issue specific board. Each one dedicated for future centralized access and distribution.

In 2016, many operators like myself were fighting solo when we learned how to weaponize memetic artillery.

In 2018, we need to usher in the next level of weaponized meme artillery in the form of a creeping memetic artillery barrage.

Our actions need to be coordinated amongst each other, and complimentary to each action. This is the only way we will be able to defeat our Globalist enemies who have coalesced into a single goal of rolling back every nationalist gain made in every nation over the past couple years.

Last week, I was discussing current events with an old friend with more leftist leanings and I found myself almost tongue-tied trying to lay out the precise details of the corruption and manipulation that has happened since Nov 2016 due to the mere scope and complexity of these crimes and the still shadowy nature of many key details.

We need a timeline, detailing every event, every habbening, every development. From the Russia-gate debacle to the FBI and CIA shenanigans, the incriminating texts, Susan Rice's unmasking, Trump surveillance, Parkland, Vegas, Seth Rich, the Dems and their open borders fuckery & so many other issues.

We need every headline, every article, every connection, in a coherent, well laid out, timeline for easily digestible Normie consumption.

We need a team of archivists to preserve each piece of info independently and redundantly.

Crowd sourcing research is key to crowd sourcing content creation by more people than the major platforms can pragmatically hope to censor.

In this effort, I have created a series of boards here on 8ch, but with intention of seeding them elsewhere. From Voat, Gab, Plebbit, Minds, and elsewhere.

A Non Action - >>>/anona/ - Dedicated Midterm Political Action/Ops/Projects Board.

A Non Engagement - >>>/anonen/ - Dedicated Board For Addressing Individuals Of Interest.

A Non State - >>>/anonst/ - Dedicated Individual State-by-State Action Board.

A Non Issue - >>>/anonis/ - Dedicated Issue & Topic Information Consolidation Board.

A Non Nation - >>>/anonna/ - Dedicated International Nationalism Action Board.

A Non Profit - >>>/anonpr/ - Dedicated Action Board For Everything Corporate & Business.

A Non Law - >>>/anonlaw/ - Action Board Dedicated To Everything Legal Within The USA.

A Non Archivist - >>>/anonarch/ - Dedicated Archivist Action & Coordination Board.

A Non Archy - >>>/anonarchy/ - Dedicated Free-For-All Board.

A Non NGO - >>>/anonngo/ - Dedicated Action Board For International NGO's.

The boards are still new and I haven't yet had opportunity to fill them with anything other than some test threads while learning the dashboard controls. However, populating them is the goal for the next couple of weeks. So, pardon the construction.

And for those curious intent and dedication of myself to these ends, here is a sampling of the topics I've posted here in the past year:

Circumventing Censorship:


Deep State/CIA Democrats:


The DNC's Plan To Subvert The Electoral College:


Leaked Dreamers Memo Is Quintessential Treason:


IRL Flyer Campaigns:


Hate Crime & Sharia Creep:


House & Senate Contact Info:


EU Article 11 & 13:


The JQ, Zionism…:


Predatory Financial Zionism:


Removing Assad Is Treason:


Rand Paul / Tulsi Gabbard 2020:


Media Friends & Foes:


Political Twitter Handles: https://pastebin.com/wmNWGn9S

Tips For Circumventing Modern Online Censorship: https://pastebin.com/LHh2g6PN

Flanking The Left From Their Ideological Rear: https://pastebin.com/EBCEwCWC

Your Friendly HOW-TO MANUAL For Reporting Illegal Aliens: https://pastebin.com/kxJBi29N

Global Elections 2018:

https://pastebin.com/vEg0VqWV http://archive.is/ri8we

Operation Information Liberation:


https://archive.is/bPoq0 - Original /pol/ Post


https://pastebin.com/bhdPfECC http://archive.is/nry5F

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206483 (1) No.10215




Did you mean to make a thread with this post?

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d63f49 (2) No.10452>>10562

hravan is a growing library with ebooks about germanic paganism:


looks very promising

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7e3950 (1) No.10562>>10716


Not working for me.

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d63f49 (2) No.10716


Try again, http://hravan.com is working fine for me. They seem to add a "new" book every day

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1e9bac (1) No.10986


"The first pirate website in the world to provide mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers."

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ee6459 (1) No.10994

File (hide): f0ca8f5c947d24a⋯.jpg (31.62 KB,447x91,447:91,b-ok.cc.jpg) (h) (u)


>Part of Z-Library project. The world's largest ebook library.

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9555df (1) No.11588>>12917

Reading and knowledge pertinent to National Socialism, Western Culture & Civilization. Received from another anon. Pass it along.


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44fc7c (1) No.11928>>11940

Can you dumbfags make some torrents?

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ccf109 (2) No.11934>>13297


>Here is Bibliomaniac's annotated list of links to onions that serve books.

>tested every six hours ("+" is up, obviously, and "-" means down). Newest test results first.

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f01ee9 (1) No.11940

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5bf141 (1) No.12053

>>23975a (186)


I'm reading a lot of French literature right now and this one is a gold mine. Thanks a lot. All the Celine editions are there.

L'Amerique Juive


In this manner Werner Sombart did not limit himself to note that the conquest of America he glimpsed the conquest of the entire world with the USA as trampoline, he upped the ante with the famous prophecy of Benjamin Franklin who is is necessary to recall here, for never has one ever posed the problem with as much clairvoyance. Ben Franklin was not nevertheless an agent of Germany, nor an Hitlerian/nipponese fascist. Named in 1749 grand master of the lodge of Pennsylvania by Thomas Oxnard, grand master of New England, Franklin was the ornament of American free masonry, the adored child of our encyclopedists , the idols of the great ancestors of 89. This did not forbid him from pronouncing in 1787, in the course of a discussion on the Constitution of the USA, this discourse;

"In all the countries where the Jews are established in great number they have lowered the moral level, debased its integrity….they have turned the Christian religion to derision, and have established a state within a state.

If you don't exclude them, in 200 years your descendants will toil in the fields to furnish their subsistance , while those in their banks WILL BE RUBBING THEIR HANDS.

I warn you, Messieurs, that if you don't exclude the Jews, your children will curse you in your tombs.

The jews, Messieurs are Asiatics; they shall never be otherwise. Their ideas are not conforming to the American ideal, and they never will even if they live amoung us for ten generations.

A leopard cannot change his spots. The Jews are Asiatics,. They are a menace for the country which admits them and they need to be excluded from the country.


Dans tous les pays où les Juifs se sont établis en grand nombre, ils ont abaissé

son niveau moral, avili son intégrité… Ils ont tourné en dérision la religion

chrétienne, ils ont établi un État dans l'État.

Si vous ne les excluez pas, dans deux cents ans, vos descendants travailleront

aux champs pour leur fournir leur subsistance pendant qu'eux seront dans leurs

banques en train de se frotter les mains.

Je vous préviens, Messieurs, que si vous n'excluez pas les Juifs, vos enfants

vous maudiront dans vos tombeaux.

Les Juifs, Messieurs, sont des Asiatiques ; ils ne seront jamais autrement.

Leurs idées ne sont pas conformes à l'idéal américain et elles ne le seront jamais,

même s'ils vivent parmi nous pendant dix générations.

Un léopard ne saurait changer ses taches. Les Juifs sont des Asiatiques. Ils

sont une menace pour le pays qui les admet et ils devraient être exclus par la


Deux cents ans ne se sont pas écoulés, mais tout s'est passé très exactement

comme l'a dit Benjamin Franklin.

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ba56e9 (1) No.12208

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13bd32 (1) No.12609



Tons of graduate level thesis papers discussing military, cyberwarfare, security, computers,

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c898a9 (1) No.12746

Nazbol is somehow more autistic than Marxism and that's saying something because they are the same thing just re-branded.

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70a632 (1) No.12834

Fucktons of ebooks in Japanese (seem to all be .epub, ):


>category page


>search page, slow but works

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02e87d (1) No.12879



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aaf6b9 (2) No.12917>>12918


That's gone, what was in it?

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3f644a (1) No.12918>>12919


I think Anon made that quite clear.

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aaf6b9 (2) No.12919


Then do you have it?

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aaee28 (1) No.13016

dont forget about z-library, they have many many books

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f7b8d5 (1) No.13053

zzzzzz, im just posting here cause i downloaded all libraries thus far and will download any below from here lol x

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698c9f (1) No.13066

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61698f (1) No.13139>>13488

File (hide): cbfe207ce7300e1⋯.jpg (402.71 KB,1161x1536,387:512,LaRpYsC.jpg) (h) (u)


General links to libraries of any and no particular topic. Updated as I come across them.

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e68723 (1) No.13220

This is a great library of over 14 GB with a variety of topics if a pole shift happens, really interesting and useful stuff!


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ed6974 (1) No.13297


Sorry for replying to an old post. Does anyone by any chance have a mirror of this, on the clear or dark web doesn't matter.

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a4b9c7 (1) No.13350>>13355

Library containing many texts on esoteric topics.


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66e2b8 (1) No.13355


Noice! (that's "nice" in british)

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1d98c2 (1) No.13488


Thanks for this library, fren.

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000000 (1) No.13489>>13981

http://inclibuql666c5c4.onion/ (The Incorrect Library) is back up, no new content though

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35d4b0 (1) No.13531

>>48 (OP)

My own archive, The Swiss Bay



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7e1143 (1) No.13552

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818fb5 (1) No.13981


The Incorrect Library is down again, anyone has any info ?

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f605ee (1) No.14134


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8f5c1b (1) No.14150



dead links

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fe300e (1) No.14640

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6f1db0 (1) No.14685

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