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File: 12e2866e6d90ab4⋯.jpg (54.32 KB,466x642,233:321,Billy_Gram.jpg)

42c454 No.971988

Halfbreed Billy Gram

Sociopath, Mentally disturbed person, a complete and utter failure of a human,

troll, stalker, fake native and a low life psycho



William Dickson

8601 Winnetka Ave Winnetka, CA 91306

owner is some muslim group who did some sketchy shit

He is 60 years old yet pretends to be younger

Spends his time stalking girls in virtual games

Second life username Cultchief resident was terminated by Linden Lab game company due to harassment of young women into age-play and constant threats to anybody who challanges him.

He has been in two amateur CZW backyard wrestling matches and lost both, he will offer you to have a wrestling match or sue you.

if you message his profile or whatever he starts raging on facebook

He is obsessed with his pathetic reputation and dyes his hair black to try look Native

For decades Gram publicly shared his beliefs that Charles Manson was convicted of crimes he did not commit and that the prosecution's Helter Skelter motive was a fabrication. Gram based a good part of his wrestling persona on the general public's perceptions of Manson.

Billy Gram is absolutely despised by the CZW locker room. Cult fiction died after JC and Brain Damage died which was a good decision imo.

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752111 No.972009

"Halfbreed Billy Gram" has NO affiliation with NATIVE AMERICAN roots,he's a POSER and by CALLING himself HALFBREED is Taboo amongst ACTUAL Native Americans. He's not from TEXAS either!

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752111 No.972010

He dyes his hair black to try look native but black isn't his actual hair color

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752111 No.972011

File: c98ca30965b3795⋯.jpg (356.73 KB,746x824,373:412,376578281_1220930589200465….jpg)

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