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/cow/ - Lolcows

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File: abc4fb8c801b55d⋯.jpg (32.22 KB,948x221,948:221,Nill.JPG)

e30d20 No.965710

Old thread reached bump limits. Post about all the foxdicks and how they're the real lolcows here

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c0058a No.965717

Great OP.

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245157 No.965722

kill yourself k iwifarmer

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41d89f No.965736

hi emspex good luck burying your thread


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e30d20 No.967230

File: de8570047f66fa3⋯.jpg (41.99 KB,428x481,428:481,R_P.JPG)

User Ron/pol/

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b15f2a No.968098


His parents must be so proud.

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7a7f68 No.969032


So like, do people still believe this is emspex? Are they really that retarded? I mean now more than ever it should be evident it isn't

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4a81bb No.969033


Let it go fat

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3fa880 No.969034


lol less of you but youre still gullible as shit.

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fb1488 No.969035


>She stopped updating her social media the moment she got posted here

>Massive attempts at damage control in her thread

>People still going like its not obvious

You're either her, her orbiters or some KF creature trying to get this board to actually raid her, which is never happening. Go do meth or something.

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3fa880 No.969036


stay mad faggot, its amusing to me.

here ill let the cat out the bag because its Christmas. Where was her IP at when the foxdicks had their info dropped? was it anywhere near finland?

you guys are fucking retards, but it is amusing.

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fb1488 No.969038


Ok friend

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66ad3a No.969039


>IP reveals user's true location

Now go back to emspex's chubby feet.

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823e74 No.969052

>people still giving a shit about emspex


>inb4 im emspex


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ae0844 No.969060


IP can do that.

>inb4 muh shadow proxy muh vpn muh dicks per minute

Yes but people are not diligent about that stuff, hence functions like "remember me" and "create foxdick account for yo papa jewsh"

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a6621a No.969065


I believe you

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823e74 No.969132

Shame /cow/ is dead, our boys been busy. He's in germany now and is likely looking for work to keep KF afloat, probably using an alies or something

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e9dc54 No.969291




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cc1d2c No.969299

File: a97ff123915aeb5⋯.png (514.3 KB,1592x1094,796:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a08ffb130086cf⋯.png (200.23 KB,1592x1180,398:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8da4f5ee601641d⋯.png (193.29 KB,1592x1180,398:295,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc1d2c No.969300

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a9f7dc No.969301

File: 948f1ce70241153⋯.png (65.38 KB,1174x229,1174:229,Screenshot_20200201_162836.png)

you understand having an imaginary friend is serious business according to the foxdicks experts

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823e74 No.969321


Josh knows that nobodys going to pick up his Linkden due to his name being googlebombed, yeah?

What an idiot. I like how he keeps talking about shutting the place down "Someday" as a way to try and julay donations from people

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0cbdf2 No.969324


Imagine some personalist calling cripple and asking "Hello, was Josh a good programmer back in 2016?"

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823e74 No.969326


He'd say yes because he forgave Josh for everything, and because he quite literally has no spine

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56a0f2 No.969332

I heard that Josh had some beef with Fredrick Knudsen, the "down the rabbit hole" guy that makes YouTube "documentaries", anyone know on what that was/is all about?

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d1dac8 No.969341


prob said something mean about Josh, you know how he gets offended over every kind of slight.

He was actually in deep shit with his servers but got them working again. Kinda troubled about all the times he talks about shutting the place down 5ever, not gunna lie

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6ed45f No.969342


He's upset him and some other guy did a stream reading through snakething's arrest papers and were laughing at his perversions instead of taking everything super serious.

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faed6e No.969380

File: e0ac5de4a79a953⋯.jpg (152.62 KB,960x846,160:141,1574560042634.jpg)

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e9dc54 No.969446

KF any closer to shutting down yet?

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d1dac8 No.969448


He likes to bitch about how he'll totally shut the place down 5ever and he's outright e-begging for Brave donations…

…But no. Especially when said e-begging works. If you see him bitching about money then he's bitching that he's not rich.

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d33b2e No.969655

He seems to be doing well with 9chan, so I guess he is set until the next meltdown occurs.

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ceb9f3 No.969665


Does 9chan have a disclaimer at the bottom of every fucking post?

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afad8e No.970190


You can turn those off.

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d33b2e No.970203

What is ironic about 9chan is that there is a Josh board.

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2d254a No.970220


Like 8Kun?

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1aa0de No.970342

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