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File: 44bbbd49fe9861b⋯.png (2.64 MB,2400x1917,800:639,von.png)

File: d4b615f72b026bc⋯.png (539.46 KB,533x676,41:52,von3.png)

File: 1fa44a54e5cb064⋯.png (691 KB,668x893,668:893,rippohaha.png)

File: 9e14f8401c642ff⋯.jpg (165.65 KB,1000x750,4:3,pp.jpg)

405a58 No.665383

Self-explanatory and by popular demand.


Michael Adkins

7064 Zenith Ct. Hamilton OH




Kings Island

6300 Kings Island Dr. Kings Island OH 45034


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405a58 No.665388

File: cb6825b96853b35⋯.png (195.46 KB,750x1334,375:667,vonaya4.png)

File: 5501ea5ef06d9ae⋯.png (200.87 KB,750x1334,375:667,vonaya3.png)

File: c5d0e94de9dd5c8⋯.png (234.2 KB,750x1334,375:667,vonaya2.png)

File: 52a2c3f7c610704⋯.png (257.29 KB,750x1334,375:667,vonaya1.png)

Michael gets dumped by Aya

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405a58 No.665397

File: 2079fec384e99a3⋯.png (163.97 KB,1080x539,1080:539,vontreeko3.png)

File: 2793a60b5660093⋯.png (304.15 KB,1080x1920,9:16,vontreeko2.png)

File: d6c3d7dd93a8c39⋯.png (44.72 KB,328x469,328:469,vontreeko1.png)

File: 9857f9cd33ff556⋯.png (177.48 KB,790x696,395:348,spreading nudes2.png)

File: 3124a67a763f8bf⋯.png (309.06 KB,468x794,234:397,spreading nudes1.png)

Michael tries to perv on Treeko and spergs out and tries to dox him when he gets rejected


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405a58 No.665403

File: 39feec5d4f994a5⋯.png (193.77 KB,1080x1920,9:16,25.png)

File: 1bd0e93fcdf2909⋯.png (67.8 KB,328x640,41:80,24.png)

File: fa516ae1fdd97a9⋯.png (74.85 KB,518x709,518:709,23.png)

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aa1fcf No.665413

That's a reasonably well sized dick, problem is that it's jewed and is still smaller than mine. I'm surprised aero took this long to fuck Von over. You traps can't live without drama.

Really fun to see everyone flinging shit at each other tbh

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aa1fcf No.665420

Dr Adkins' Revolutionary Diet

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9ba436 No.669060

Is this more tranny drama? You guys are worse than highschool girls ffs

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8709c1 No.669249

File: 5f5fe8cc6099925⋯.png (789.34 KB,1080x3700,54:185,Vons_Story.png)

this is interesting & all, but we're NYPA Aero. I know you're just mad he doxed you after you tried to falsely accuse him of rape. But by all means, keep it coming.

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36b525 No.669278


Von didn't even dox Aero at all,

in fact Von REFUSED to give out aero's dox and was retardedly whiteknighting for aero on cow even after he was falsely accused of rape- why?

Because aero 'apologized' for it and said he 'changed'

/cow/ warned him over and over again but he didn't listen so now this dopey fatass made himself the target of psycho trannies.

Even though he wasn't the one who doxed aero, they still want his head anyways.

This is the penance one pays one pays when they become a troon chaser.

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93a77d No.669317

Nick's bullshit is reminding me of the good old days of Robert Wayne Stiles

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3d671e No.669356

File: 001a400abe84600⋯.webm (3.42 MB,640x360,16:9,001a400abe84600ae1af7a009….webm)

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063ec5 No.669459

Jesus Christ, how many retards associated with Fedorov are getting threads here?

t. retard associated with Fedorov

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e714a5 No.670100

This isn't Aero doxing Von, he has no incentive to.

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fa79e4 No.670306

>he made fun of aero so let's go after him

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d0a734 No.776422


Based and redpilled

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e73ee9 No.776825


This nigger is aero, this is the sort of response he'd give. He would also revive a really buried and dead thread just out of spite.


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36b525 No.777489


Tbh I could care less about what happens to Von, he didn't help dox Aero and acted like a whitenight retard until it stabbed him in the back

And nobody else cares enough to follow through with the tranny personal army request anyways so it doesn't matter if the thread is bumped

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58252b No.780114

File: 5987fff6dc02f1e⋯.png (4.11 MB,1932x2576,3:4,fuhrervon-1.png)

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58252b No.780121

File: 0404daff5bf45d3⋯.png (2.68 MB,1932x2576,3:4,vonsans.png)

File: 78fdd63b6117c88⋯.jpg (80.38 KB,628x838,314:419,von_beach.jpg)

hes so cute..

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cde038 No.904582

This guy used to be part of polgb discord server and cam with fag I know, back in 2017

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