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/cow/ - Lolcows

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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File: cedd173ed8ecf4a⋯.png (177.43 KB,1280x1024,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e1e22 No.758868 [Last50 Posts]

Right, while I'm having the rare, fleeting moment of me actually being human, let me put these up here so I can't avoid them, and so I can't destroy them when I inevitably go back to my standard cyclical behavior.

Proceed to laugh at me and my autistic furshit while I have a moment of humanity.

I'm not the one who was constantly shilling 4chan on cuckchan, though. And I'll continue to defend Evolve (but not 2k's monetization and actions) to the death.

Oh well, at least I've found something that lets me comprehend reality a bit better.

If you really want to make use of my autistic mary-sue though, just ask and give me an idea, I'm sure we can collaborate on the damned thing and make it less autistic garbage, whilst still keeping to the general concept of the character and getting rid of the mary-sue bullshit cards and making it something more worthy of H.R. Geiger, H.P. Lovecraft, and John Carpenter.

Or don't, and continue to assume I ever thought i was a xeno IRL, that's cool and funny to me. It's all inevitable in the end, meaningless in the end, and all I can do is scream into the abyss.

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fbec42 No.758888


how does a dumbfuck like you even find a dealer/money?

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0e1e22 No.758890


wow, fuck, i botched that one up.

What I meant to say is that S'Arais was always intended to be an antagonistic character in a video game/film. I wanted to develop them throughout the years as a kid into something more believable than a shitty mary-sue with bullshit cards tacked on but still unquestionably be a xenomorph, but it went horribly awry and as you can tell, it became a source of degeneracy

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0e1e22 No.758893


I don't find a dealer. I'm on ODSP because I'm a useless pile of shit and always will be; My uncle is the one who obtains it for both of us and I help cover the cost.

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0e1e22 No.758901


And I fucked up a third time:

S'Arais was also always intended to be a public use/domain character and interpretation was up to the individual; That's why I always tried to keep it's appearance, behavior, mannerisms, and so forth, up to the other party; as it was just as readily meant to be a work of fiction created by others as it was something I made too.

unfortunately, being a kid way back then and hanging around furries that want cyber-sex and not comprehending that their form of roleplay in contrast to that of the roleplay i did with others around my age at the time was not just another game to them, and unfortunately I became a horrifying degenerate by association with fetishbeasts.

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0e1e22 No.760353

Fuckin', I don't know anons. I've got no more ideas left. I've been wanting to be dead for years. Guess I'll have to wait it out until I die; seeing as I'll always be worthless garbage.

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0e1e22 No.760354


I've failed everyone.

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1e74d4 No.760380


Literally just get some shitty minimum wage job and work your way up from there, fucking do volunteer work if you have to

You obviously have so much free time that it's completely scrambling your brain

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0e1e22 No.760436



it hurts to live.

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a2be8b No.760706


So much this. Stand up and find your way, be a fucking man. You are self aware unlike most degenerates, so maybe it's not too late for you.

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621aef No.760715


>You are self aware

You're delusional if you honestly believe this. He's done this pity party shit multiple times before just to go right back and he'll do it again.

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88dcf6 No.761086


No one fucking cares, Tristan. How hard is this for you to understand?

Stop posting, get off the internet, and actually make something of yourself if you're self aware enough (which you're not, but let's pretend you are).

I'm serious; physically smash your computer or lock it away in storage if you have to, but if you're even the slightest bit serious about wanting to change, you need to stop.

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0e1e22 No.761093

goodness, seems I'm not the autistic lolcow here after all.

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1e74d4 No.761132

That didn't last long, blew threw a month's supply in one night, huh?

Typical junkie.

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0e1e22 No.761140


one night my god-awful mary-sue's ass.

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a2be8b No.761184


>you appear to have self aware moments when you've taken drugs

There, fixed it.

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0e1e22 No.761188


either way lad, screaming into the abyss is all that's left for me.

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0e1e22 No.794223

Guess I should make more of a cow out of myself… Oh well, just another day until inevitable nothingness again.

Full comment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjiyoxqIbLU

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0e1e22 No.794227


And I'll post the whole thing here too, because fuck it, everything is preset anyway; this is simply how the universe is meant to be.

I suppose you're still ignoring, blocking and banning me in every way, source, and possible area. Oh well, can't say I don't deserve it, can do anything about it, that it's not pre-planned, or that it's not the way that things are meant to be. If you're more than I have taken you for, if you want to prove me wrong, if you're capable of seeing things from another perspective, there's a lot of writing below if you want to read it; But I still need direct help, and I guess I'm foolish for asking you to be my tutor in assisting with learning disabilities; despite my practical begging of trying to explain our cohorts that I can't learn unless it's via co-operation/collaboration/having others support me or to lean upon until I can manage on my own. They will continue to call it 'spoonfeeding', and while I'd rather not apply titles or attributes, that's pretty arogant and selfish of them when from my perspective, I asked for something that I perceived as mutually beneficial, that would allow for both parties to co-evolve and improve/be inspired by eachother. Guess I've let everyone else down, impediments, slights, obstacles, or whatever may have you. I know you and the others will never forgive me, but I'll still try to make it known that I only wanted the best for everybody, to help others out, to assist or be a mutual apprentice by managing some of the workload so that people could focus and be more efficient at the tasks at hand, so that both parties could gain from the partnership. I'm sorry for how I reacted, though the backlash at JOM4 still hurts, especially when I felt I had a duty to my people despite personal loss and emotional vulnerability, only to have my efforts in helping the other three with their maps, partially and knowingly at the lost of quality of my own works and then being scorned for it, but to me, giving them a hand up and teaching them things I wish I knew when I started out to help them learn was what was more important to me, and it sucks the community still thinks I'm asking for hand-outs and for them to do all the work, instead of a hand-up and me helping them work and refine their work so they can focus on other parts while I help with the tedious things, or them giving me assignments or tasks that they think would help me understand what I'm doing better so that I can help them with more complicated things, or vice-versa when they hit a roadblock or are out of ideas.

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0e1e22 No.794228


Alas, we are still at eachother's throats. A shame, I wish it wasn't this way, but that's how the universe is predetermined. I may not like you or respect you personally, but I still am fond, appreciative, and respect your works. All the best and cheerio, maybe you'll get your wish someday and everyone will be rid of me at my death. Still, at the end of it all, none of our history or future matters; because the natural state of everything is nothingness. I suppose that's what we, as a species, as a society have tricked ourselves into; But alas, Alan Watts is such a person that shows I'm not the only one with such views on reality. You can't describe a person without describing everything else that is connected to them, And that so happens to include both of us, Jimmy. Much like the cells in a hand, miles apart, but still connected. Oh well, As the days pass us by, we must simply be cocks in what is happening, what has happened, and what will happen, as it is all inevitable and the only logical approach is to be surprised by nothing, as all things are possible simultaniously. I propose you check out David O'Riley's "Everything" Game, and listen to all it's documentary by Alan Watts, Maybe then we'll come to an epitome, an understanding, a kinship, rather than this ceaseless hostility. All people were made for one another, and you and I are no diffrent. I may never be able to right past wrongs, or fill a void left by Kate, and I guess asking for that opportunity is far too much for you, but I'm asking you not to remain enclosed and at opposition with eachother; You and the rest of the community wouldn't be the first to have experienced my cyclical behavior, and it forever wounds me that I can both never change it, nor ever be worth enough to be able of being capable to struggle on my own to return the favor of a community I still worshipped since childhood. Oh well, I guess that's fate, I won't be able to forfill childhood aspirations and I will only ever hurt the ones I love. That's just how the universe works, and I have to accept that; for that's how it's all meant to be; Mistakes don't exist. One can never go against their nature; and Nature doesn't do straight, Only humans do that; Nature only does Wiggly, that there cannot be anything without nothing- that Something can only come from Nothing- the Space between it all.

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705c6c No.794467

No one cares about your attention whoring, you fat xeno fuck.

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0e1e22 No.794480


Why'd you post then?

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d4d933 No.794608


Please head to


Nobody cares about your shitty life here.

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0e1e22 No.794632


You're posting, so you obviously do care.

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63cce8 No.795472



>a bloo bloo im a huge blubbering cunt that takes the internet too seriously but why nobody like me :((((

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705c6c No.796577


Because clearly no one has told you yet, and I unfortunately have to take the mantle and tell you to fuck off.

Haven't you been thrown out of enough holes?

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0e1e22 No.799755



>waaaaaaaah i'm too much of a gibbering retard

i remember when this place was cuckchan refugees

now both places are literally redditchan

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1612c1 No.801626

What the sweet christ is going on with this thread? Present some lollerz for inspection or gtfo.

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109cd0 No.801867


There are two entire threads of this fucking retard justifying why he belongs here. Just go find them. Plenty of fun to be had.

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881235 No.824875

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0e1e22 No.840034


t. newfaggot


There literally isn't any except falsified fabrication made by the underageb& who got assblasted when they were bitchslapped into the ground. It's literally nothing more than "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!!!!". 8chan is no better than reddit these days.

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ddec6c No.840080

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0e1e22 No.840136

File: 98942c5b5df60fb⋯.png (299.51 KB,2018x1368,1009:684,E96QZ9D6S5Z3.png)


>autistic furrys screaming about somebody who is vastly superior to them

What else is new?

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76ca10 No.840392


>S'arais tainting madness with his autism

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0e1e22 No.840568

didn't make it you dumb cunt.

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1b0591 No.845851


Did they finally let you out of the loony bin again? Let's see how long until you make a return trip.

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0e1e22 No.845909


confirmed underageb&

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621aef No.847112

He's spamming /v/ again and getting asshurt. >>>/v/16291043

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88dcf6 No.847124


He's doing the same on /trash/; got banned a few hours ago and is resorting to phoneposting.

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fa09ca No.847173



Calling bullshit.

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621aef No.847177


Hey Tristan.

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621aef No.847179

By the way he's still at it >>>/v/16291760

Right after popping in here and ragesaging no less.

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fa09ca No.847180




so its just you doing it then claiming it's him, then stating anybody who doesn't fall for your bullshit because they're gullible is sarais? cool. way to completely invalidate your shit thread nigger. cow is not your personal army.

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1a42d4 No.847212

Born into the biggest nanny nation on the planet that can't throw enough welfare money and free weed at you

Why so angry, friend?

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fa09ca No.847215

All I see is laughing at impotence and baiting retards like you to respond to his thread.

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621aef No.847290

And he resorted to IP hopping. Can't help himself but respond to every post immediately though just to out himself.

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0e1e22 No.847293


>I'm not IP-Hopping, You are!




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1a42d4 No.847294


Pretty sure he got his dumb ass banned on 4chan so he legit went to a library so he could shitpost for 6 fucking hours

I predict that his next post will be under this id again >>845909

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621aef No.847296



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0e1e22 No.847297



Literally never happened, how's that ip-hopping samefaggotry?

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1a42d4 No.847300


Hopefully they don't catch you browsing /trash/, I'm sure that'd be quite embarrassing

At least you won't be shitting up /doom/ again until tomorrow

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b6c770 No.847301

File: 133c2bb61795681⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB,960x720,4:3,133c2bb617956812c09e6aa8ab….mp4)


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621aef No.847303


People like him are why /vg/ is borderline unusable.

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0e1e22 No.847304



>implying I've been on cuckchan

>STILL responding to yourself

lauffin' at you kiddie.

keep making me more powerful

i'm a literal god already

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1a42d4 No.847305


I see you're in the "comical egomania" part of your psychosis

I'll give it about 5 days before you start groveling for forgiveness again like a pathetic little rat

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0e1e22 No.847307




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1a42d4 No.847308


>caps and sage

Oh lordy, that post must have really got to you

Chill your pill, bro

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0e1e22 No.847310


>Y-You're mad!


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621aef No.847387

File: c71ec0a690cdcc7⋯.jpg (187.53 KB,549x563,549:563,1353460339652.jpg)

>guy dumps some Wraith pics

>Tristan fucks off for about half an hour

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0e1e22 No.847390


>Things that never happened, the post.

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621aef No.847501

For real though Tristan it's good to have you back. Can't wait to see every Valve/Steam thread get derailed with your shenanigans instead of blatant chink shills trying to tell us how based Epic is.

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0e1e22 No.847528


I still think Epic was retarded for canning UT, but on the other hand, free vidyagames.

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1a42d4 No.847626


dumb fortnitebabby

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621aef No.847628

He IP hopped again.

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0e1e22 No.847771

File: 6893020b4d266a7⋯.jpg (129.35 KB,900x900,1:1,unnamed.jpg)


You must be talking about yourself. I don't do that shit.


get the fuck out of my face cod-dler

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621aef No.849814

He's at it again.


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0e1e22 No.849815


"waaaah people on the internet have diffrent opinions than me!"

Not even my post. Fucking kill yourself.

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621aef No.849822

And he's IP hopping, again.

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0e1e22 No.849825


>Y-You're IP hopping! I'm not an insecure little faggot who needs to screech whenever mommy doesn't suck my cock!

literally never happened.

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0e1e22 No.849832

I think the best part about this is that you keep trying to insinuate random anons on the internet are me simply because you're an immature, whiny little cunt who is incapable of forming a single original thought.

Keep making me laugh, whore.

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950379 No.849880

File: 3a76f250b7d6f0a⋯.gif (85.52 KB,300x300,1:1,c55c5fa18296f4a53f639596b5….gif)


We know its you simply because anybody else would just shrug their shoulders and move on with his fucking life.

You, on the other hand, are just too defensive about this shit. Even a troll would have gotten bored by now, and they certainly wouldn't be using the level of vitriol you are.

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0e1e22 No.849885

File: 222151e6ab8ee50⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB,476x268,119:67,222151e6ab8ee50dd7a16d82ce….mp4)


Back in my day, trolling meant something.

And since the lot of you are clearly way too young to be on this site, I have no respect for manchildren who ape every word.

Nice logical fallacy though, bitch-tits.

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aeec02 No.849887

File: 56ef64e2668ccc3⋯.png (602.01 KB,688x523,688:523,1029739913749.png)


why are you so angery?

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0e1e22 No.849888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Implying I'm angry

And you call me autistic when you cannot even properly distinguish emotions.

I'm in fucking stitches. You niggers are funny.

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aeec02 No.849919

File: ca03df76bfa67b0⋯.png (248.51 KB,390x400,39:40,ca03df76bfa67b073bb3ef14ce….png)

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0e1e22 No.849920


>still unironically using "u mad lol!" when the individual isn't even the slightest bit mad

You're trying way too hard to fit in, dude.

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aeec02 No.849923

File: 81a991eecb93bbc⋯.png (208.77 KB,1000x1000,1:1,81a991eecb93bbc8485fb10f27….png)


stop being so mad lol

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0e1e22 No.849929


So are you going to say anything witty or original? Or are you out of material? The fact that none of you can get any of the information about me correct makes this seem like the case.

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cb20c3 No.849950


cringey pic

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0e1e22 No.849953


inb4 he claims you're me and IP hopped.

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aa542a No.849957


don't ip hop just yet i want to see how many replies one id can have

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0e1e22 No.849960


>still trying to fit in

god i wish moot didn't turn into a complete cuck.

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548aa8 No.850104

File: 65e12ff031850d7⋯.jpg (14.07 KB,255x255,1:1,65e12ff031850d7484e719510a….jpg)


>way too young


Which one is it, Tristan?

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58dcf1 No.850834

I don't know when you plan on having your next moment of lucidity, but when you do could you share your thoughts on this incredibly autistic meltdown thread you made more than a year ago.


Do you regret making it after it revealed you to be even more of a lolcow than back in your Evolve shilling days in front of a board more than willing to bully you?

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0e1e22 No.850905


hows your aids treatment going?

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58dcf1 No.850933


Did you get banned from /vr/ again?

/doom/ seems a lot less autistic and shit the last couple days

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0e1e22 No.850955


adorable assumptions you little faggot, still can't get anything right can you?

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621aef No.859143

What the fuck


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274b37 No.891507

lmfao he's trying to host an SS13 server now

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1ff1a7 No.895362

Found Tristan's rebbit account


Here he is trying to brigade a bunch of strangers into raiding this board to defend him or something.

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0e1e22 No.895452


I don't have a reddit account you fucking retard

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1ff1a7 No.895525



>'tismoing over evolve

>'tismoing over ss13

>'tismoing over fortnite

>'tismoing over planetside

>'tismoing over fnaf

If it looks like a sperg and sounds like a sperg.

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0e1e22 No.895540


t. reaching nigger

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f24039 No.895541



That's mine, thank you very much.

So, you're the sperg here.

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f24039 No.895547

Looking at the other threads, it's clear OP of the other two is the one who needs a Lolcow thread. There's nothing here worth making a thread about.

This is not a place for you to form your own personal armada of slaves.

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1ff1a7 No.895558



Oh man you actually got your phone out to try and sockpuppet.

That or it's another discord buttbuddy that for some utterly unfathomable reason chooses to defend you.

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0e1e22 No.895561

>y-yy-ou're phoneposting!

<i don't have a phone


Literally reddit.

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f24039 No.895564


based retard

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1ff1a7 No.895569



I can't believe you're still squatting on this thread by the way, not 20 minutes after I made that post you were on it like a fly on shit.

Do you just sit here smashing f4 all day or something?

I bet you haven't even closed out of this tab once since the first thread like a year ago.

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1ff1a7 No.895574

While I'm asking questions, care to run me through the fucking psychotic mentality of hosting a second server when you can't even populate one?

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0e1e22 No.895583



based retard

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8d6379 No.895591




I was accused of being id b33e0a by the man himself for some asinine, deluded reason. I know you're watching this thread like a hawk so all I'll say to you, S'Arais, is that you seriously need to seek help. You're going fucking mad and you're gonna run yourself into the ground if you keep this up.

I knew you for YEARS and we used to be friends, back before you were even known as S'Arais, and instead you were that blue tails recolour.

I can very clearly tell that you've got something very seriously wrong with you in the head that's only gotten worse year by year.

Please, get off the internet, destroy your computer, and seek some legitimate psychiatric help before you completely snap, man.

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1ff1a7 No.895595


I'm kinda amused to know he's going on a witchhunt for me honestly, sorry if he's annoying you on my part though.


Sarais buddy if you wanna talk just post whatever deadass discord server you're running like a dictator and I'll come hang out with you.

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e33414 No.895608



nice proxy faggot, we can tell it's you.

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8d6379 No.895610


If by "annoying me" you mean completely cutting me off yet again thinking i'm you or whoever his bogeyman is, then yeah, I guess you are.

I literally showed him concrete proof that you and I aren't even the same individual and he just says that i'm using a proxy or some such nonsense. Dude's so fucking paranoid.

As for you b33, hit me up on https://ghettogaggers.com/hEPzys if you want some deets. I'm all but happy to spare them at this point.

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0e1e22 No.895613



I owe the Anagog collective everything, so I thank you for making this apparent to me.

I should of figured this was the case after Firefall and furthermore after buying you Evolve and you literally never played it once.

You're so fucking transparent it's hilarious. I can smell your filthy damage control.

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8d6379 No.895614


well i figured 8ch censored links but just like put "hEPzys" on an invite link and you're g2g

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e33414 No.895615

lmao, baby mad he's been exposed and I had him strip your admin. nice.

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0e1e22 No.895616


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e33414 No.895642

no more Mr. Realautist/Autistica.



would have him ban you again

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8d6379 No.895772


Ignoring your edgy friends in that "secret club" of yours and their lackluster attempts to anger me, I'll clarify something.

I did actually play Evolve, and I'm actually pretty sure we even discussed this at some point. Doesn't save it from the fact that it was a pretty "meh" game regardless. It just didn't have enough cocks for me that wasn't just grinding for unlocks. I'd even refund that shit to you if I could.

As for Firefall? I outright TOLD you on at least one occasion that I wasn't really particularly interested. It didn't look interesting to me whatsoever, tbh.

If this is what you're basing your accusation on, jesus. You'll grab for straws even where there is none. Keep thinking I'm your boogeyman, because I TOTALLY give enough of a fuck about you to actually waste my life constantly posting about you. Just like Elliot, no less?

I'm outta this thread now, bye bye S'Arais.

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0e1e22 No.895792


what a mad hoe

you just mad i didn't join planetside sooner

hoez mad

why ya gotta be lyin'?

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d1ec80 No.903084


Oh wow that's definitely him. It's hilarious looking at his comment history and what his interests were at the time vs shitposting done by him in those same threads on cuckchan.

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0e1e22 No.903667

File: d1bc97551906c79⋯.jpeg (68.01 KB,960x640,3:2,d1bc97551906c79465241437f….jpeg)


>I'm outta this thread now, bye bye S'Arais.

>B-Buh rebbit! Webbit! Guise Webbit you totawwy webbit!

Still here are you?

Still dead wrong, are we?

What a laughable cuckchanner.

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82f2a1 No.903685


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0e1e22 No.912694


>still here

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632dc3 No.912752


Hello, I am here… Now. Please take care.

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45e66f No.912799

File: 23058d7207b9954⋯.jpg (62.58 KB,660x660,1:1,sad.jpg)


I'm sad that they stole "folks". I'd been using that one with folk since the mid-90s in normal conversation.

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621aef No.913517


They've stolen pretty much every southern US vernacular other than the racist stuff and "like a X in/on/with a Y" type similes. It's so easy to pepper you shit with yalls and aints to make any fucking retard think you're suddenly a bonafide Texan. Hell, it got two people in the white house.

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b33581 No.924510

He's back on cuckchan, so expect spergery soon. We all know he can only keep his shit together for about a month maximum before losing it.

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621aef No.925245


Oh boy, I can't wait.

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b46109 No.925289

The female fatfur threads on half/trash/ have started getting spammed by soreass/some schizo thinking every poster is him again.

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211a0a No.925591


It's always him, there is no other person

I assume he's upset that nobody wants anything to do with his shitty ss13 server

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0e1e22 No.938464

lmao that figures. shouldn't of trusted you

and no, child, there is never just one person.

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3a0ab0 No.938673

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ae4ccf No.956447

Just so you know, Krinkels thinks you're an insufferable brown-nosing faggot and you are a running joke among the rest of the team.

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0e1e22 No.956548


Aren't you just adorable?

If that was true they would of said it directly.

Which has never happened.

Keep being mad that I didn't cybersex your shit.

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572ad6 No.968947

File: 932d652b1261f75⋯.jpg (792.7 KB,1243x724,1243:724,1573956605816.jpg)

He was still making a fool of himself during the downtime of course.

Went by the name 'Aberatis' on the 4chan /vg/ fortnite threads and got bullied out of there after chimping out one too many times.

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013ce9 No.969483


Ok Schizo Tranny

Keep on trying to push your mythology. I'm sure it will become truth if you delude yourself long enough.

You still can't dox me properly

You still have to rely on your axe wound warrior engineered drama

Where are your balls?

Because you will never be a real woman

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