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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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b7980d No.911982

Is the Thomas The Tank Engine fandom, the most autistic ever? I mean, at least with shit like MLP and Sonic you can sort of understand the autism, but what's the appeal of a show made for freaking toddlers? Just think about how retarded these people have to be.

There's fucking thousands of mouthbreathing tards uploading countless videos of themselves playing with toys, making up stories while mumbling to the camera and just downright insanity.

I will post this video by some furfag as a little introduction

Just so you get an idea of this mess though


Endless dA pages of original trains with magical powers and rear vaginas.


The most famous one being 'Shed 17', an almost hour-long body-horror animation about how these trains actually have human bodies on the inside or something. Here's the gruesome parts, because why the fuck would you watch the whole thing.


>some autismo talking about his toys, very high-pitched CWC tier voice and mannerisms


>a grown-up "thomas fan"


>some sperg reading a 2 hour long fanfic


>yet another of the endless fan-made episodes, usually over 30 minutes long, mind the sonic music at the beginning


>GoAnimate Thomas sex thing, they get grounded (naturally)

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b7980d No.911984

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also this

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4d9e1c No.917730

File: f9a2fd0a4103256⋯.jpg (84.29 KB,480x368,30:23,i didnt need to see that.jpg)

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822a94 No.917921

>what's the appeal of a show made for freaking toddlers? Just think about how retarded these people have to be.

I think its because the Characters faces are very easy to read

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9d1b70 No.919537

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Trainboy54 is (imo) objectively best thomasfag because of the sheer cringe and autism involved. Plus you had that chris-chan tier duel obsession (in this case phineas and ferb) too that produced lulz such as vid related.

His channel is still active and uploading cocks too (although he has taken a lot of the cringe down)

It mainly just him showing off & gushing over his children's toy collection now.

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44b478 No.919541

>Is the Thomas The Tank Engine fandom, the most autistic ever? I mean, at least with shit like MLP and Sonic you can sort of understand the autism, but what's the appeal of a show made for freaking toddlers? Just think about how retarded these people have to be.

>Just think about how retarded these people have to be.

OP, you answered your own question. These are Mega Mongs.

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9d1b70 No.919548

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Its scary how much effort some of them put in to this though.

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597525 No.920007


jesus fucking chirst

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8a13e6 No.920011


This is very important

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9d1b70 No.920081

File: 39b619602f4b2d0⋯.jpg (6 KB,320x180,16:9,2trains1cup.jpg)


Watch it with the subtitles/closed captions turned on for added (surreal) keks

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80a685 No.920700

oh gosh what if thomas r34 existed

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182e80 No.920713


It would really change the meaning of running a train.

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223d75 No.921405

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3e5780 No.921630

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The best I've seen from this community.

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9d1b70 No.921699

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Then you obviously haven't seen Tines Sensahthe's 1 hour 58 mins long magnum opus "TOBIAS AND THE HALF PARIAH"….

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53f00c No.921744


Autism and trains go together like peanut butter and jelly. Why trains attract autists like flies to shit is a mystery though.

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9d1b70 No.921893

File: 184e5517bb0023c⋯.jpg (86.32 KB,579x767,579:767,okaaaaay.jpg)


>Why trains attract autists like flies to shit is a mystery though.

Maybe it is something to do with their cold, mechanical nature and the fact they they run on very specific daily routines. Perhaps they see them as kindred spirits. We all know autists care for objects more than people.

With Thomas in particular, I think its the expressive faces on the trains, the almost "valium" like narration and the bright colours that give it an added "pull" factor - hence the thomasfag community existing.

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f20a0d No.921902



Nobody cares about your armchair psychology, I am here to laugh at shit, not to discuss Down Syndrome.


DigbyTheGoat is a nigger just like Bryan Dunn is. Go back to lolcow.farm or the IBS thread Jim's paypig

>what's the appeal of a show made for freaking toddlers?

What's the appeal of stalking those forementioned downiess if they are extremely unfunny to start with?

This isn't a "cringe" board you Zoomer scum, provide funny c ontent or b tfo.


<using cringe

Are you 15 yo?


Do you know what r34 is? How new are you?

>if exists, there is porn about it

>this fucking train does exist

>thus, there is porn about it

You don't need to be a genius to reach such conclusion, retard.


Your life must be pretty fucking sad if you have time to watch several 35 minute long videos that are not funny but just utterly pathetic.

Get a job.

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9d1b70 No.921923

File: e89ba165c3298c9⋯.jpg (52.56 KB,1080x565,216:113,tank thomas.jpg)


>comes into the thread complaining & calling all other posters contributions shit

>makes ZERO contributions himself

What a monumental cretin you are. Also…

>using cringe/are you 15?

What the fuck do you think the majority of /cow/ threads consist of, if not cringe you septic mong? Jesus, what a prick.


Fuck off and find your own cocks then you lazy cunt.

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16704e No.972103

If you don't know how to start OTC crypto trading then you need to understand what it is in general, OTC trading is not really specific to cryptocurrencies it is an important feature of most markets on this https://www.independentreserve.com/sg/features/otc site you can find out what OTC crypto trading is and also here you will find information on how to start trading on the over-the-counter market because it is a reliable OTC cryptocurrency trading platform and it has a licence and a lot of positive feedback from customers you can read all the deta

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