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/cow/ - Lolcows

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File: 780484168ebd234⋯.jpg (18.24 KB,176x176,1:1,ugurozaicon.jpg)

File: 8d576c7a119f299⋯.png (100.89 KB,585x556,585:556,delmore_sl_profile_1.png)

File: 81b0a1495cbc342⋯.png (48.99 KB,583x607,583:607,delmore_sl_profile_2.png)

6c3d08 No.972087

>Be Delmore Oh

>Be a gay furfag dogfucker SA goon on Second Life

>Be hated by fellow degenerate goons and furfags alike

>Be a giant whiny crybaby

>Emoquit the internet for over a decade

>Come back as le wacky objecthead political grifter

>Be Uguroza/UgurozaVT

This faggot.

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6c3d08 No.972088


Forgot his links since this furfag shits out political cocks and thinks he's the next internet aristocrat or something.



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a1a93e No.972089

Delmore was a gay dogfucker back when he was on second life and he's still a gay dogfucker now. Rebranding himself as the vtuber king of gamergate with a tv head won't change that.

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