Van Raaltan: The removal of fraud of State Police Ball, the farmer's market; defrauded in United States, by tax loans, film foundations, and compulsory insurance.
Bush: The arrest of Keanu Reeves, for performing an act of coitus considered homosexual; scheisse.
Meir: Shutdown of Colella's Supermarket, wholesale share of Canada through ATF.
McDade: The election of Governor Charlie Baker, to remove privately held homes for jurisdiction and jurisprudence of American courts.
Hayes: The direct breach of the FDA, into the Mayo Clinic.
Tomasic: The shortfall of German armored stocks, of nursing materials, for freedom of Germans in America.
Holmes: The Warrera Party, a Japan for video game designers; protocol programming, for kids, to escape crime.
Lennox: Dual banking ampersand, the downfall of Gotti.
Gast: The placement of five sets of kills, as Bond movies, to investigate double agents in MI-6; EON, called in as a contract cleaner, the IDF.
Brown: The murder of A-E-C organization liquor sales, proving worker's abuses through temporary agencies.
Lange: The print of FOX's "Gotham", the downsizing of Israeli technologies as having failed Halliburton, in original number, Roosevelt Trust.
Page: Placement of Hollywood spectacles, on heroism cults of the people; the old Belgium, returned; "Joker", "Pennyworth", "Penguin".
O'Nassis: The print of "The Crow", the paperwork against Rohypnol usage. Own story, alongside Bernice Lamb, "The Huntress"; Taft Lodge.