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/cow/ - Lolcows

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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8adef6 No.970959

>Once the most active and vibrant lolcow forum on the internet.

>Still on a site with over 1500 active posters.

>StaminaRose chugs along.

>foxdickfarms chugs along

>Pretty Ugly Little Liars chugs along

>The entirety of 4chan is being spammed with threads on chris-chan,

>News of him is even trending on twitter…

>This board remains dead not even able to muster a thread on him with the same couple retards posting personal army threads in their tiny empire of shit.

So, at this point is fair to say all your enemies won and you lost. Gee you giant fucking retard, when do you think it all fell apart for you? Do you think it was when you started editing users posts to try to ween people you didn't like and cannibalize your own users? Do you think it was when you started handing out bans for things like criticizing communism? Do you think it's the horribly autistic format of threads you spam on this board that are clear "This person upsets me, THEREFOR THEM AM A LOLCOW!" personal army FAGGOTRY?

Good job Homor you astounding imbecile, you worthless complete and total faggot. You've lost forever and there's not a god damned thing you can do to change that. Go ahead, edit this post like the little BITCH you are, you killed the board so not a soul will ever see it you stupid Beavis-looking fuck. Go chew on some rotten wallham, ahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

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c3426a No.970961

Everyone moved to alog.space. It's not big as during 8chan days, but not completely dead.

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a4fa3f No.971378


this board is completely fucking gone. It's such a shame, I don't expect it to be that active, but it's obsolete at this point.

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b56790 No.971848

It's over…

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