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File: cf978c917447237⋯.jpg (89.13 KB,1920x1080,16:9,73670_FUCK_YOU_wallpaper.jpg)

1b7442 No.756869

What websites would you describe as cow hives? I want to nominate Stream.me, it's a failed streaming service that's only used by people banned from other services. Idiots like Christopher Cantwell and Cybertranny go there to get sub 50 viewers and pretending they're relevant. The only reason it looks to have any user base at all is because you can say nigger on it without getting banned. It's highest traffic is a 400 viewer stream when The jcaesar187 Pornhub Profile streams, which is then restreamed by 5 other people to try and get some of the shekels it hands out to top streamers. Last week Cybertranny threw a hissy fit about this claiming it was a Nazi money laundering scheme.

tl;dr on the obvious cows.

>Christopher Cantwell

A "right wing" libertarian who screams he wants to kill all the cops. Then cries and turns himself in to them when he pepper sprays a commie. Also known for being a white nationalist, drug addict, alcoholic who fucks brown girls until they get abortions and run away from the nutbag.


Mostly famous for being the only tranny banned from AGDQ. Complete attention seeking loser who jumps to any extremes to "troll" people. Most recent stunt is claiming to have been raped at an antifa meet up by another tranny. But no one believes him. He will probably turn up to the thread and throw a hissy fit, remember to ask why he's on stream.me He got banned from Twitch for shoving a dildo up his ass while doing a yugioh 10 hour speedrun. Pre-claiming to be a woman

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c5ed03 No.756910

File: 5bab38c90500a4a⋯.jpg (42.36 KB,598x477,598:477,Duckroll.jpg)

Cybertroon has a thread on here, he used to come here and sperg out while his trannygoons commit suicide en mass.

And /cow/s don't live in hives, idiot.

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ab4791 No.757174

Maybe “pasture” would work better

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a2b2a7 No.757992




Biggest ones I know.

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c5ed03 No.758577


Or maybe farm?

Pls no banhammer

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1b7442 No.758932


Pasture is what you send a cow out to when it's done. Hive is better suited to plays like Deviantart or Fur affinity

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9038fc No.759983


You're spot on about stream.me

what a shitshow over there. I wonder how long it will be until Corey Barnhill stops trollshielding jcaesar187.

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1e2274 No.760611

reddit hapas, reddit redpill, reddit in general

lookism forums

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394c8e No.760731


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55c5df No.760829

I see you, susan wojcicki.

It doesn’t matter if there are spergs on there. YouTube needs to be destroyed.

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9299a3 No.760926

Foxdick Farms, Discord, Tumblr, Red Pill forums

These are the sites that i saw more potential lolcows.

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c5ed03 No.760987


>Foxdick Farms

Agreed. The Foxdick-userbase has great potential. Imagine trying to increase your e-peen over laughing at autists, whilst being snarky about it.

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60b5f1 No.761064


And troll-shielding a manchild that drank his own cum, believe that has super-powers, and sexually harassed women.

(Not a surprise, considering null is a pedophile)

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1b7442 No.761211


The only channel I've seen worth a damn is the South Poverty call center but he doesn't have enough variety in his calls. He could be great but isn't.


I am a woman and let me tell you how this thread's topic sexually harassed me once. I have a friend close to him so I know a lot about him, but I don't care any more

<57 replies in a 60 post thread were by this user

It's a shame there's some good cocks there but it's locked behind faggots. It's SA 2.0

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6e8d9d No.832141

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