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File: c3e32ab75929571⋯.jpeg (406.55 KB,1125x968,1125:968,02A31EC8-4CF1-47AF-A716-1….jpeg)

File: 7acdece3bc917ea⋯.jpeg (410.65 KB,1123x1601,1123:1601,72A454E8-7F3F-464E-A3C8-D….jpeg)

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5a3845 No.741485 [Last50 Posts]

Old thread hit limit:


Chris is getting banned by the last remaining people online who weren’t trolls and had tolerated his presence and he’s now reduced to white knighting for a guy who’s had a decade-long reputation for creeping on underage girls at cons and spouting homophobic slurs.

-Is Barb a Highlander who will live forever?

-Will Chris’ creditors ever figure out a way to get their hands on his eBay money?

-Will Chris’ head explode when the Sonic Movie is released?

-Will Chris ever make his Twitter public again?

-Will an Idea Faggot ever get Chris’ attentions who wants to make him drop the tranny bullshit?

-How long before 0def44 shows up to shit up the thread by telling us 63 times to ignore Chris?

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9c8319 No.741570

Nice. Any new developments since last night?

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c15fb3 No.741595




No, it already has!


No, I think that'd be a step too far for even then

Very soon!

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21ce92 No.742094


>Is Barb a Highlander who will live forever?

<No, she'll be a shriveled up worm beast that will live forever

>Will Chris’ creditors ever figure out a way to get their hands on his eBay money?

<Not before he wastes it on stupid bullshit

>Will Chris’ head explode when the Sonic Movie is released?


>Will Chris ever make his Twitter public again?


>Will an Idea Faggot ever get Chris’ attentions who wants to make him drop the tranny bullshit?


>How long before 0def44 shows up to shit up the thread by telling us 63 times to ignore Chris?


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6d4028 No.742108

>Will an Idea Faggot ever get Chris’ attentions who wants to make him drop the tranny bullshit?

The only way to get Chris to drop the tranny act would be with a love interest, after all, a love interest convinced him to become a transvestite in the first place. It would most likely need to be a sweetheart that is willing to meet him IRL or something like that, in order to maximize his interest in her to the point where he will disregard everyone else and do as she asks.

The problem is that there isn't a single person in the world who's willing to go that far.

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5a3845 No.742707


>likely need to be a sweetheart that is willing to meet him IRL

This is a given. The troon squad got so far because they met him in real life. Then again Jessica Quinn had his attention until she broke up with him the day before they met up for a date and he still thinks she’s real.

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425554 No.742739


Someone who could draw could do it in a week right now. With Chris being emo everyone on twitter is blocking him, a decent artist would become his new best friend. "I want to draw you but I can't draw womyn" is all it would take to convert him

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5a3845 No.742791


I don’t know if it would be that easy unless you were a TRUE AND HONEST girl who lived near him and were willing to go to extreme lengths. If you were a girl with similar interests who met him immediately after getting his attention online (which might cost hundreds) you’d be able to pull it off in a few days.

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99f06e No.742887


I reckon this could be done by finding some prostitute (that's REALLY desperate for money) near Chris and paying her a hefty sum so she pretends to like Sonic and plays his girlfriend for a while, while asking him to behave like a man again.

But again, who (apart from foxdicks) would be willing to waste this much money on Chris?

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c15fb3 No.742954

Nah, much like Toon Reality, I think trannyness has become something ingrained in Chris at this point that it'd take a severe person of influence to tell him to knock it off. Like you'd have to be Chris's caretaker, and even then like a child he'd try to find ways around it because he simply wants to buy into that crap.

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e072f2 No.742966


No one.


Additionally if he is taking hormones, I believe this is a yes, he is fucked. That shit is litterly poison for the mind. He would need intense psychological and hormonal therapy just to get his ass back to baseline bitch mode he was at before.

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425554 No.742974


There is no way chris is taking hormones. He can barely wipe his own ass and won't use illegal drugs.

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2e9a29 No.743006



IIRC isn't he just rubbing some over-the-counter estrogen cream on his mantits or something like that?

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17d3ef No.743084


Doesn’t Chris smoke weed? Why would he care?

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5a3845 No.743210

Chris smoked weed with the teen trannies so he’s definitely softened his stance on drugs. Marvin at the farms swears Chris is on HRT but we’ve never seen proof.

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5a3845 No.743214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Chris cocks. Bonus points if you make it through the entire ten minutes.

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a01e36 No.743258


Stopped when he said

>learned from [his] past mistakes.

because we all know that isn't true.

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28d3f8 No.743321


His tits are the proof. They're taking shape, sure he doesn't look feminine but his rack no longer looks like just another pair of fatass moobs.

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9c8319 No.743785


For a while he thought that SoySauce was helping him grow tits but in reality he was just retaining water due to the salt and gaining weight. Wonder if he stopped that

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9f0cdf No.743879


Was it deleted?

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6ee1ec No.743886

File: c7079babf9504e2⋯.jpg (315.93 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190208-201327….jpg)

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6ee1ec No.743889

Nope, I'm a fag, Chris pulled it.

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e60fbc No.744043


What was it?

Anyone save it?

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a01e36 No.744065


He was e-begging for all of the people on twitter who blocked him to let him back in because he has "cyberbullied since 2007 just like them".

It was just a lot of nonsensical jibberish that barely formed a coherent thought.

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5a3845 No.744144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here’s the re-upload.

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e60fbc No.744182


Thanks chief.

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a67d8d No.744567


Bless you anon, you will definitely be taken during the Sonichu Rapture.

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49c19e No.744601

I used to believe Chris would attempt to execute a Tranny Phantom style mass shooting but the closest he can try now since he is losing the small grip on reality he had since Bob's death is a massacre with his imaginary super powers.

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3ba1f4 No.744616


A canon comic where Chris fucking murders everyone in Cwcville including the brutal on-screen deaths of all his 'chus would be hilarious, exciting and tearjerkingly hearbreaking all at the same time.

I don't want it.

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23c6b3 No.744893


>>How long before 0def44 shows up to shit up the thread by telling us 63 times to ignore Chris?

Why doesn't anyone just IP ban that nigger, or at the very least wordfilter him?

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5a3845 No.744936

File: dc976554215c95f⋯.jpeg (724.71 KB,1125x1687,1125:1687,B82C197D-95F5-4AB4-B575-1….jpeg)

Chris tried his hand at being a movie critic.

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a2551f No.744986


>I have been cyberbullied since



>fumbles with his fingers



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5a3845 No.745071

File: bb0e8cbacae1c8a⋯.png (881.02 KB,611x691,611:691,2738170D-25A1-427E-BFEA-C3….png)

File: 25bf6461d8943c6⋯.png (1.26 MB,1070x612,535:306,A2D0A4A7-9392-4B6C-9946-86….png)

File: c18bdb749eeed70⋯.jpeg (551.16 KB,1125x1126,1125:1126,1AE5AFAB-2858-4E99-BF92-A….jpeg)

Between Chris’ new twitter avatar and screen grabs from his latest video he looks absolutely insane.

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fc3437 No.745077


Tranny CWC still looks better than Narcissa-Cosmo

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147b0d No.745116

File: bf1d3aabff1cfe2⋯.png (516.52 KB,474x632,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)



Even after all these years I still have trouble believing that this is a real person and not some sort of elaborate long-con troll.



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f28e93 No.745181



He's since acquired legit hormones via informed consent. Been on them for a couple years.

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3c811b No.745362


What would happen if everybody stopped fucking with Chris? Would be even more insane now that nobody is paying attention to him and all of his paypigs are gone?

I think even if Barb dies and he becomes homeless the amount of attention he gets even from people who only laugh at him would keep him from running in traffic.

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d220bc No.745449


Pic 1 is probably in my top 10 reaction images to good news now, thanks Chris.

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9c8319 No.745577


>Even after all these years I still have trouble believing that this is a real person and not some sort of elaborate long-con troll.

The majority of what we see and know is what he personally puts on the internet. He is not really autistic, he is just a great comedian who got bored in his sped class one day and decided to be funny. He is the Andy Kaufman of our generation.

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a01e36 No.745659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chris's first video. He completely ignores all of the advice he gives himself and everyone else.

>Stay straight

>Focus on your "true, original" gender

>Don't do drugs or alcohol

>"What is definitely not cool is thinking and doing these things that will harm you and gross everyone else around you." @ 1:09

>"Don't do it because I haven't done it."

The whole video is essentially a how-to on not being today's Chris-chan.

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5a3845 No.745771


That’s not an accident anon. The original inner circle’a entire long term shtick was to turn Chris into everything he hated when the internet discovered him in 2007 and this video was cited as the guideline.

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71d6b6 No.745776

File: f0abb7f8e3c3460⋯.jpg (31.85 KB,500x413,500:413,Browsing 8chan.jpg)


Looking at this, he just seems like any ordinary autist. He says some cringey stuff, but he has a grip on reality.

How did it all go so wrong?

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5a3845 No.745796


>How did it all go so wrong?

People do not get just how badly trolls did a number on him. Chris was an extremely naive southern bumpkin with a retard-level IQ who all of a sudden was flooded with emails from people who claimed to be true fans. (Remember that there was a period of time where Chris was contacted by trolls but had not yet found out that he was being ridiculed on ED and 4chan)

Chris was basically catfished over and over until his brain was mush and he was easily influenced.

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a01e36 No.745810


That doesn't give Chris an excuse to stray from his own path that set him for himself in the video.

If he was capable enough to write the script, read it, and make the video, he was capable enough to stick with it regardless of external influences from the Inner Circle, A-Log's, weens, whatever.

He knew how important it was for him. He wore a sportscoat.

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1f9362 No.745814

File: dddce55972b9644⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,1600x1200,4:3,Mark (Shaved).jpg)


Naw, that's mark mann.

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c15fb3 No.745820


The tranny/gay stuff wasn't them though, Chris went down that path on his own.

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e60fbc No.745832

File: 9410bae0387d18b⋯.jpg (37.84 KB,385x486,385:486,cwc.jpg)


First image is gold, have one I made a while back.

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5a3845 No.745835


The PVCC literally made a fake forum called Tomboys and Tomgirls of Virginia and populated it with fake users and concocted fake threads before having someone recommend that Chris go to the site. This is how the tranny idea originated, Chris was eased into it by first exposing him to the idea of hetero trannyism they dubbed being a tomgirl.



It wasn’t anything he strayed from easily or quickly. It was a slow, painful, beytrayal of his original ideals coupled with trolls influencing him to do more harm to his life, his reputation, and his options.

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c15fb3 No.745871


First off, the PVCC guys claim that Chris went tomgirl on his own although I have no idea if that's true or not because there was a rumor that someone was using Chris to transition alongside. Either way, Chris made it very clear at the time that even though he was tomgirl that he was still straight as an arrow and you can see him blowing up at some posters in the tomgirl forum for being gay

Actually going gay came later as he was fitting in with more and more people on facebook

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71d6b6 No.745878


Chris' intelligence is in a real sweet spot - or arguably sour. He's dumb enough to get suckered into LGBT thinking and to get cat-fished over and over, but just smart enough to use a computer and do basic things for himself. And it's just enough smarts to keep getting him screwed over when he interacts with the world.

If he dropped a few IQ points, he'd just be another idiot and nobody would really know him outside his town. Losing Barb may be the trigger for that.

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5a3845 No.745890


The main issue Chris has with reality is that his perception of what is real and what is not has been has been warped beyond any functionality over the past 12 years.

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71d6b6 No.745939


Did he mention something about our universe merging with his CWCville universe? I don't keep track of lolcows very much, but I think I remember something about that.

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1cfd8f No.745960


>the PVCC guys claim

If you beleive anything they say, you're retarded.

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c15fb3 No.745989


Well they don't have mind control and can only mdestly influence him in directions. Even then, sometimes he flies off in a direction they didn't intend. During the Jackie saga for instance, the PVCC wanted Chris to meet up with "Jackie" but then Chris overdrew his bank account. Even today, he fell for the Ideas guy shit because he legit wanted confirmation that Cwcville was real.

Reports are icey at the time he decided to go tranny and become a faggot but from what we know he decided this on his own

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805050 No.746113


> but the closest he can try now since he is losing the small grip on reality he had since Bob's death is a massacre with his imaginary super powers.

< Be random passer-by in the mall

< All of the sudden a fat tranny starts yelling in the middle of the hallway

< "Attention everyone, this mall shall be the first place to merge with our sister dimension. Most of you will not survive, but this is the way it must be!"

< Tranny starts straining himself, looks like he's about the shit his pants massively

< Tranny collapses on the floor from a brain aneurysm he gave himself.


>If he was capable enough to write the script, read it, and make the video, he was capable enough to stick with it regardless of external influences from the Inner Circle, A-Log's, weens, whatever.

How much do you think that script is really what Chris considered to be good? My bet is that he simply adopted what his parents and environment taught him, and when he found a new environment he simply adapted to it.

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0a9866 No.746315

File: a30272fd3eaa327⋯.png (4.95 KB,675x77,675:77,HRT2.PNG)

File: 561afe89cd91328⋯.png (11.8 KB,671x222,671:222,HRT.PNG)

The key to understanding Chris, is to realize his mind is truly stuck in the form of a child. Knowing that, his delusions can be seen as a sort of chuunibyou-ism that will never be grown out of.

General comments on Chris being a tranny: I remember the time he started going "tomgirl" etc.. Then, I recall it being transparent as hell that he was just doing it to try to get pussy. Immediately after declaring himself a woman, he was trying everywhere to "rub pussies together" with other lesbians. He idealized females because he wants to fuck them, he wants to be "idealized" too and escape the disgusting beast that he truly is. Out of pure desperation he eventually started getting into gay shit when that wasn't pulling anything in.


Pretty sure it's 95% the pushup bra he wears now.


There's some claims on the cwciki: see pics. Not really irrefutable proof though.


The fact that you think you can convince people that that is Mark just makes you look retarded dude. You lack self-awareness, the hallmark of a autism.

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0a9866 No.746316


>My bet is that he simply adopted what his parents and environment taught him

This, Chris's mind is like clay.

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28d3f8 No.746348


It could have definitely started off as a ploy for china but nowadays he's fully into it as an end itself.

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5ec41f No.746686


The foxdicks have dug up Chris insanely fail sock account that he uses to stalk his block bronies. Cant wait to see that get block for more crazy Chris cocks.

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5ec41f No.746694


his stalking account is @CPU_CWCSonichu, which has the same layout as his old twitter. and confirmed to use Chris personal email account.

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682535 No.746700


Apparently the merge will happen in 20 years and the residents of CWCville will rest until then.

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856007 No.746845

File: e1480dfe72ee4a4⋯.png (940.08 KB,1270x668,635:334,ClipboardImage.png)

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5bf4c6 No.746903


Not watching because I'm with normies.

But that thumbnail face.

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a01e36 No.746963


Watching what? It's a picure.

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dec355 No.747160


The fucking reactions are hilarious. God damn I laughed hard.

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dec355 No.747169


Just an FYI, 4chan was not the catalyst for any of this. We found this guy way back and basically laughed. We only bothered him about making comics. Now other groups practically co-opted him when /b/ got tired of him like the board normally does because /b/ is adhd incarnate. /v/ had a good laugh as well ad fucked with him a little bit more. But the real scary part is when other groups formed to solely dedicate their time in fucking with this guy.

These guys made their own forums and boards just to cause him havock. There was no grand strategizing on 4chan about messing with him on with things like making him shove medallions up his ass. It was already done off site and then posted to /b/ and /v/. 4chan was basically to post the aftermath and never did I see outside the initial trolling of chris chan anyone devising plans on how to completely fuck with him on the levels we have witnessed in the past including cat fishing. This was all done off site in some other groups. The thing is, 4chan was there for all of it but this is one of those times where 4chan started something, wanted to leave it alone and autistics got a hold of it and ruined him. 4chan had a good sense of self moderation. People knew when to back off, knew when to bite and not let go. ANONTALK was one of them that 4chan did not let go on until he basically got his life ruined and fell into obscurity.

What we really should of done is fuck with the people fucking with chris chan. It would of been two birds with one stone. I honestly look back and feel somewhat bad for his parents. We should of pulled the plug on this a long time ago and got caseworkers involved and him removed from the house. But no, we just sat back and watched. Now barb has to suffer while chris spends their entire savings, going into debt, possibly going to lose the house and the chandler household is going to be ruined. I also blame the siblings. Sure I can understand them not wanting to deal with that but at a certain point they could of stepped in and easily solved all of this. Declared both people to be mentally or physically unfit to process day to day and manage finances. They didnt. They let chris run over their ailing parents. Yea looking back we could of ended this a long time ago. Shit man now I feel bad for being apart of this shit.

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5a3845 No.747181


I completely agree with you except for feeling bad for his parents. It was easier to feel sorry for Bob since he had a life filled with accomplishments but he stuck his dick in crazy after all his good kids grew up and Chris was born.

Don’t forget that when Chris was diagnosed with learning disabilities his parents reaction was to get a second residence in a different city in order to not have to deal with the school district who insisted he be put in special ed and ride the short bus. As far as how they handled Chris’ trolling I agree they could’ve done better but they were aging fossils trying to deal with internet trolling when they barely grasped what the internet was.

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805050 No.747215


> should of

> would of

> could of

You should have learned proper English, then you would not have looked like a moron and could have written a normal post.


> in order to not have to deal with the school district who insisted he be put in special ed and ride the short bus

Does special ed even work? I would be afraid that psychology quacks fuck up the kid even more and prescribe (((medication))) like it's candy.

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c89977 No.747301


Nigger all that fucking text to say “we shoulda saved chris we would have been heroes. Instead the internet turned him into a massive retard.”

Shut up turd.

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425554 No.747346


Chris's parents were assholes and that's why the other family members hate them. People tried to get Chris taken into care and all that other shit, it was a primary way to fuck with him.

You're just some newfag who feels guilty for being part of a website that trolled people. And that's all it did. If Chris's parents had wanted to stop it they could at any time, they just take the internet away from Chris. He can still play games offline, he can still make stupid videos but he can't unload them any where or interact with strangers. That's all it would have taken to avoid all of this. But they did and now they get what they deserve.


Special ed isn't supposed to make you a genius, it's to keep you out of the intelligent people's way. Remember Chris went to college, Chris went to college. Consider how fucked your educated system is when Chris is able to get into a college.


Chris did anything to chase pussy but it's social media that really pushed him over the edge. He spends all day on twitter with the furries and trannies in various degenerate communities.

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d220bc No.747448


It's not really an education system anymore, it's just a student debt farm.

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cf79d5 No.747476


chris isn't that stupid - he's just gullible. like some other anon said his intelligence is in this horrible gray area between retard and normal but stupid person.

he made the original sonichu site by himself. there's perfectly sane people that can't wrap their heads around photoshop, a scanner, or HTML.

the problem is that he's not so retarded that he can't do basic things, but he's too retarded to block or at least be skeptical of people who are fucking with him.

normal person who makes shit comics:

<i know my comics aren't great but i want to be an artist and keep improving them

<hey, this girl wants me to hump a stuffed raccoon, what a weird bitch i bet she's fucking with me


<my comics are great and i have loads of fans

<hey, this girl wants me to hump a stuffed raccoon, better do it and record it ASAP

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5a3845 No.747494

Friendly reminder that the magic potion man was Marvin/Canine and he now tries to hide this fact because of all the negative connotation with Chris trolling now.

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3ba1f4 No.747691

File: 5d843bbe0784627⋯.png (225.98 KB,336x416,21:26,ExpressionOfPayne.png)



I don't know who that is.

Is that pressing information?

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3bd437 No.747723


Good ol' Chris still taking his morality lessons from comics and children movies.

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a01e36 No.747767


>Chris went to college

That's another thing that pisses me off about him. He has a degree yet doesn't try to get any kind of job with it. He is one lazy loser.

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3bd437 No.747913

File: e2c903ef916278d⋯.png (295.29 KB,887x636,887:636,maitre_d'.png)


Did he really say he was "high functioning" autistic?

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28d3f8 No.748130



>calling Chris out on extremely old obvious shit everyone already knows

Is that you already, 0def44?


"High functioning" only means he's not one of those autists that just drool, make weird noises and punch everything and everyone in vicinity all day (along with themselves).

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aa463e No.748165


This post raises a valid question, though. How much does Chris even remember from what he learned in college?

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6ab532 No.748261


Implying Chris learned anything in college

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28d3f8 No.748274


He took 6 years to barely pass it and his projects were oversized shit, and he hasn't used those skills since, not even to help himself with the comic. Yeah, it's not gonna help him much.

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3bd437 No.748388


Do they even teach anything remotely useful in art schools?

I recall George Rockwell writing in his autobiography that his school was a complete sham shilling (((modern art))).

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28d3f8 No.748393


It's not an art degree, it's a technical degree. One that isn't particularly useful by itself and isn't even offered by PVCC anymore.

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5a3845 No.748763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chris didn’t know what jobs he could get with his degree during the kacey call (attached it because it’s probably the greatest thing the PVCC ever got out of Chris) and when a fellow churchgoer told Chris to send him his resume Chris declined because the business was a 20 minute drive and therefore too far. This sums up everything you need to know about Chris’ potential.

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77a744 No.748823


Low functioning kinds can't talk.

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cc768c No.749067


Ahh the classics. This and the Alec calls are the best. How far we have come.

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a01e36 No.749194


It was pretty great to hear Chris get despondent as dude calls him a retard.

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d11e78 No.749419

File: 2e74e9bf2aaa484⋯.gif (67.82 KB,115x80,23:16,ladysmoke.gif)


He went to a small community college, any idiot can get into those. I agree with you however that bob should have cut down that internet for good. I am curious if barb uses the internet at all. I mean in any capacity, netflix even.



Also who is marvin. Sounds familar kinda.


Funny to me the degree isnt even offered. A perspective employer (I know, >cwc getting a job) might notice this. Not that CWC's lack of work history and internet footprint isnt enough to destroy his ability to get work.

Speaking of if CWC woke up tomorrow and decided to get a job could he even manage? I mean he's banned from most retail places in town. Any fast food places might contact wendys idk. But any employer that checks the net about him are going to see an eyeful. Not to mention his criminal record.

>>748763 showcases exactly everything wrong with CWC. The dad character basically extracted how pathetic and unready cwc is for the real world. Something that is coming rapidly towards him now that barb is one snorlax paw in the grave.

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78501d No.749466

File: cb01dd4081efece⋯.jpg (105.09 KB,1200x756,100:63,qq.jpg)

Sonichu holds a secret my fellow anons.

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21ce92 No.749845


Is this CWC or Gail?

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2f818b No.750412


>He went to a small community college, any idiot can get into those.

Yeah, the tuition is dirt cheap (and usually can be waived, CC systems are heavily subsidized) and they accept everyone with a high school equivalency. Really no question of applying but not making the cut. Unsurprisingly they're not very motivated students. Where I live our community college system has like an 85% dropout rate after 1 year. Six years is probably some kind of record.


>decided to get a job could he even manage

Probably on the level of a man raised by wolves integrating into normal society. It's been decades since he had to get out of bed and go anywhere and do anything at a specific time and on a regular basis.

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28d3f8 No.750419


Chris pulled through because it's not like he had much more to do at the time, he wasn't employed and Bob gave up on Chris being a functioning adult so I suppose he just let Chris finish it taking classes part time to get it done so he can have a nominal degree in something. And for one year of that he was banned.

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28d3f8 No.750511



>if CWC woke up tomorrow and decided to get a job could he even manage?

Chris could potentially get a menial job, those don't do google searches and his criminal record isn't serious enough. He just won't because he has no reason to, his tugboat and e-begging give him more money for less. Plus he's fail at keeping one of these jobs either through sheer incompetence or by creeping people out (if they require interaction, as was with Wendy's).

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a01e36 No.750536


Gatesway and Goodwill provide jobs for people with disabilities. Shoot, even the Virginia Department of Health and Human Services will provide him with some kind of job he is capable of. Chris is just fat and lazy and deserves all the derogation he receives.

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5a3845 No.750552

File: affb4950da46910⋯.png (22.88 KB,733x376,733:376,273C1370-8CA7-4B5C-B92F-95….png)

Chris was gonna do a Q&A with some redditfaggot but this happened.

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a01e36 No.750562


>hater trolls

If that existed, all they need to do is barage him with his first few videos so he has another existential crisis.

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782322 No.751101


Well, his ally is stupid.

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49d707 No.751149


I think that "ally" is either another fictional husband or Josh.

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9f0cdf No.751152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck Hulk Hogan he a Nazi!

My favorite wrestler is Chris Benoit now!

Is this a Red flag?

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a01e36 No.751154


Nah. I think that's one of his mom's blankets.

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dec355 No.751194


Who the fuck said anything about being heroes. This wasnt about swooping in and saving the day. This was about pulling the plug on a failed experiment. Thats it. This shit should NOT have devolved and spiraled down to this new low. Are people considered heroes for starting fires and then putting them out? No, the same thing applies to this. We started this, stoked the flame and then watched as the small backyard fire encased an entire neighborhood. This was something that needed to have ended after the first year. If anything this is a how to on what not to do lest we end up creating more monstrosities that are released upon the world. Can you really imagine more of these fuckers going around doing the same batshit insane things that chris has done. Chris has hit people with cars, has sexually assaulted people, (possibly) killed animals, ruined his parents life. All because we didnt decide "alright, enough is enough" and just end it like we usually did. This is that one time we didnt end something we all saw was going out of control.

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a01e36 No.751211


Well said.

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49d707 No.751217


> Chris has hit people with cars, has sexually assaulted people, (possibly) killed animals, ruined his parents life

You know, that shit would probably happen even without any troll. Chris wasn't doing that because somebody was trolling him, but because he is autistic.

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b2b1dd No.751219


We're not Chris's tardwrangler. Hell, we didn't tell Chris to do any of this shit. If we are guilty of anything, its giving Chris attention but that could apply to any moron with Internet access that does unintentionally funny things.

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23c6b3 No.751432


>barage him with his first few videos

Why isn't anyone doing this?

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2f370c No.751612

File: 2501bbbd19c4c25⋯.png (73.29 KB,1024x275,1024:275,Capture1.PNG)

File: ecd3116a0342c90⋯.png (78.16 KB,1010x314,505:157,Capture2.PNG)

So the foxdick fags are vetting Chris's twitter followers now.

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a1c495 No.751718

File: 1cac0ac45ba3522⋯.png (99.15 KB,1457x395,1457:395,chrisfag.png)


Does this fag wipe CWC's ass as well?

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a01e36 No.751849



That dude really wants some of Chris's tranny dick.

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c15fb3 No.752054


Looks like Mike Hirtes has a new worst enemy!

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a67d8d No.752096


>Can you really imagine more of these fuckers going around doing the same batshit insane things that chris has done.

Do you know where you are? If we can manufacture lolcows, we'll all be rich!

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1e8f6c No.752268


>irl intervention

Foxdicker internet tough guy

>Empty threats

>Thinks blocking does something in the long run

>Actually vets for Chris

I bet this faggot ERPs with Chris too. Does anyonr know his twatter handle?

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28d3f8 No.752317



It's pretty well known (not his real name, it's an alias, he's well protected against doxing due to Mutually Autistic Destruction), nothing remarkable though. Doesn't even have any strange nerd-hating posts like on the forums.

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49d707 No.752394


He is probably just another salty foxdick, which wants to stop all the evil trolling, but actually is enjoying watching it.

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e5e4a1 No.752469

How much money would have to be offered to get Chris and Barb to make a sex tape or at least have Chris film Barb showing her pancake tits?

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5a3845 No.752521

File: 0d71954d73dd5fc⋯.jpeg (762.23 KB,1125x1813,1125:1813,4043258E-B67C-40EA-B0E2-0….jpeg)

File: c27c6035752ba9a⋯.png (637.48 KB,1242x2208,9:16,76DEF9D7-4F1C-4D24-ADF3-48….png)


Chris only went back to the GamePlace because LoveYouLongTime aka Kim Wilson on FB told him that Snyder sold the place and the new owners didn’t have a ban on him. Everything that happened after Chris walked in with Barb and realized Snyder was still there is all on Chris and Barb though.



That’s Marvin, or canine as he was known in the inner circle days. He was the fag who dressed up in a pickle suit and stole Chris’ date in front of Bob at the mall. He was also the fat kid in the magic potion video and he was also the guy who made this video:



After Bob died 99% of the inner circle felt trolls remorse and moved on from trolling a retard. Marvin however just moved over to the foxdick Farms and joined LoveYouLongTime and AutistBensonLeary as the resident Christorians who are considered experts on Chris. (In Alec’s defense he steers clear of the CWC subforum and doesn’t care to dwell on Chris)

Marvin now hangs out at the farms and fancies himself the authority on all things Chris. He was a fat autist who was lucky that he lived in Baltimore when the inner circle needed people on the ground irl. When cogsdev, the creator of the cwcki went full SJW and wanted to delete the wiki to hide the fact that he used to cyberbully a retard from his new commie friends Marvin removed his admin privileges and became the sole owner of the cwcki. In reality he’s a fat white autist who lived for years off trust funds and was a functional alcoholic while getting through college. According to his Twitter he does something in programming.

Not too many details are known about Marvin due to the fact that Marvin and Cogsdev have a Cold War doxxxxxxxing stand-off that keeps either of them from being doxxxxxxxed.

In other news, Chris is starting a brand new Twitter. Pics related.

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23c6b3 No.752542


What's done is done. At least make sure that Chris goes out with a bang, or at the very least something truly profound or memorable when his goose inevitably gets cooked.

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2f818b No.752560



Canine has spent more than a decade now not just following Chris but devoting a huge amount of his time to trolling, interacting, stalking, filming, etc. I think he'd actually suicide if Chris did it first.

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28d3f8 No.752608


>He was also the fat kid in the magic potion video and he was also the guy who made this video:

The magical potion man looks nothing like him, the guy in the message video is someone different as well. Canine is skinny and has problems with stuttering.

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5a3845 No.752613


This. Chris is his legit hobby and for years while riding the trust fund wave his life was Chris. He’s responsible for a lot of things that have happened to Chris and as the left gets thirstier and thirstier for shitlords who exploit vulnerable people he’s scared to death of being doxxxxxxxed. This why you’ll always find shills saying he’s not the guy in this video or that etc

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28d3f8 No.752616


>This why you’ll always find shills saying he’s not the guy in this video or that etc

Oh come on, you could at least quote me directly.

Anyone can buy a pickle suit. How do you turn a tiny skinny stammering guy into a normal sized normal speaking one?

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5a3845 No.752948

File: e89b7f48a6f3fac⋯.png (614.35 KB,592x578,296:289,32CD34D1-BE66-468A-BA29-73….png)

File: 639958b4b88afa2⋯.png (410.95 KB,1068x1678,534:839,F99D5AEC-FAD8-4D59-8D2A-AB….png)

New tweets from his new account.

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a01e36 No.753053


What's this guy's problem?

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85008d No.753163


>use pronouns

Is this Chris Chan's tweets or is this another tumblrina?

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c2db68 No.753819


Chris gets exactly what he deserves, at any point he could get a job and stop buying toys, rebuilding his life and getting in touch with Barb's extended family to figure out what to do with her. Instead, he's trying to be a girl when he's not raging at Twitter blocks. All his problems are his own making, at any point he can simply walk away and turn off the Internet.

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7ac9c3 No.753821


Is Null vetting people again?

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7ac9c3 No.753827


There's no way Chris can recover. Even if he wanted to he would get trolled for trying it. If Chris started working at 5 guys and fries people would come in and throw julay shakes on the floor just to watch Chris clean it up and make semen jokes.

It's also hard to blame Chris for his problems. Don't get me wrong I'm not defending his actions, but can you blame a dog for licking it's balls? Chris isn't smart enough to be anything more than he is. If you surround him with trannies he's doing to convert because he isn't mentally able to do anything else, he just isn't.

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49d707 No.753852


You overestimate his popularity. I'm sure at least 80% of Charlottesville don't even know/remember him. Also don't forget it's real life where people can point at you for laughing at mentally handicapped person, not many people would have balls for doing something they do on the internet.

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7ac9c3 No.753865


We have evidence of people doing it to Chris. And again, this is Chris. He can't keep his mouth shut about anything. He will sperg out the same way he always does. You don't need internet fame to make Chris a retard.

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c2db68 No.753866


You're wrong, Chris could recover 100% at any time by getting off the Internet. No social media, no ebay, no online sonichu comics. Trolls wouldn't have a way to monitor or interact with him, and would give up after a year of inactivity. Chris would then have more than enough space to get a job, pay his debts, repair 13BC and get barb help. He might even get himself cleaned up enough to finally find a boyfriend-free girl/recovering addict willing to deal with him.

However, this doesn't happen because Chris is a narcissist and demands constant attention. It's why he makes his court dates and doesn't think much of them yet gets extremely upset and throws tantrums when people block him on Twitter. It's why he keeps going to conventions and doing the tranny shit yet doesn't get a job or show much concern over his finances (beyond using it to beg for attention that is). Bob and Barb more or less raised him as the center of their world, and told him that the world could always change around him and that he is never in the wrong. As a minor his parents were culpable for this but as soon as Chris turned 18 he became responsible for his own behavior, and only himself.

Which is why it's funny to see him melt down when he doesn't get attention or gets rejected. His 10+ year love quest will continue after Barb dies, the only thing that could compel Chris to harm himself would be getting totally banned from Twitter. It would be exclusively of his own doing.

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ead7ae No.753878


Chris is physically unable to do that. Why do you white knights not understand Chris is mentally retarded? He cannot help himself because he is unable to use his brain to that degree. It's like being a woman.

Look back on when Chris gave his parents a Christmas gift. They could have fraggle rock on VHS or fraggle rock on DVD. He wanted the DVD himself and encouraged it. The encouragement is being self centered. Offering 2 videos to people who don't like the videos in question is a sign of being too stupid to understand christmas. Chris is self centered but that's because he's mentally a child. Chris has the mental age of maybe 5-8 years old. He cannot behave as an adult because he isn't an adult.

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c2db68 No.753901


I'm not suggesting Chris could behave as an adult, just that he could stop acting like a small child. He's clearly capable of doing this since small children don't have the attention span to get a college degree (which Chris has, even if it's a low rent one), children don't have the attention span to sell stuff on ebay, and children don't have the attention span to commit to large projects like his ongoing Sonichu comic series. That more than anything else proves that Chris is capable of being somewhat productive, at least enough to manage a normal life.

He deliberately chooses to do this, not out of mental illness but as a choice he makes because he cannot stand not being the center of attention. He can't do a job because it requires waiting on other people and serving them with his attention, but at the same time he can fill out all the forms to get on HRT and transition into a different gender. Those aren't things kids can do on their own (even tranny kids have their parents do their forms for them, Chris does not because Barb is more brain damaged than him now).

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ead7ae No.753914


Chris was controlled by Bob at that stage. Who would verbally abuse any one who tried to stop Chris going into a "normal" school situation. His degree may have been all but honourary just to get rid of him after 5(6) years.

Children do draw comics and build fictional worlds like term. Just look at minecraft projects kids do. You underestimate children and over estimate Chris. He needs a tard wrangler to not sexually assault strangers, that's the level Chris is at. He didn't know you're not supposed to grope people you just met.

A dog chooses to lick it's balls. You can't tell me a dog is smart enough to make that decision if it's balls look like they need a licking.

There are informed consent clinics for HRT. You just walk in and say gimme and they do. remember we have no evidence of HRT. Chris thought ASMR and cutting his taint open would make him a woman.

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c2db68 No.754060


>He needs a tard wrangler to not sexually assault strangers, that's the level Chris is at. He didn't know you're not supposed to grope people you just met.

Most adult men are like that too, it's why they get married because their wife serves the role of tard wrangler via the threat of divorce/child support. Chris is no different, again if he was so retarded where he couldn't manage himself he wouldn't even bother going to court like most crazy people do. However this isn't the case, since Chris is enough of an adult to know that skipping court dates is not workable especially if he wants to continue getting his tugboat. This basic connection between tugboat and obeying a summons is what establishes him as a functional adult and not a cretin.

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ead7ae No.754074

Okay you can fuck off back to whatever feminist shit hole you came from. You don't even deserve a (you) when you claim most adult men are sexually assaulting people

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c2db68 No.754116


Stay mad cuck, go outside once in your life and realize that Chris isn't too far from most Mexicans and melanin-enriched youth. But instead of getting mad when a woman tells him No, he cries because his ego can't take it. Again this relates back to his ongoing Love Quest (itself just another demand for attention) and is why he still thinks about Megan.

All this happens not because of Chris's inability to understand some parts of reality but because he has explicitly chosen to reject it in favor of one he himself constructed.

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49d707 No.754156


Maybe you should go see sun for the first time in this year without fearing that men will rape you on sight. I didn't see so much bullshit for a while.

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a01e36 No.754162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So Chris can't use his brain now, but he could use his brain here >>745659


You are making excuses, and they don't hold water.

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a01e36 No.754165


>too stupid to understand christmas

You don't even know what Chrismas is, so how can anyone trust your opinion about whether Chris behaved correctly when giving his parents gifts?

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a01e36 No.754173


This is an interesting point you bring up.


If Chris is so mentally incapable to the point that he is like that of a child, then why does he have a driver's license? Children can't drive. He is a danger on the road, and court records prove that it's not just a one time occurrence but a premeditated and repeated danger. If you excuse Chris's terrible behaviors because he has the mind of a child, then surely you would agree that he should not have a driver's license and allowed to drive.

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ead7ae No.754180


I agree Chris shouldn't be behind a wheel. I doubt he's safe to play Mario kart with an N64 controller.

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0f2644 No.754675


There's a difference between being a developmentally retarded autistic who fills his room with toys for twelve-year-olds, and being such a damaged and broken person that you take a razor blade to your own taint to try and make a vagina.

Nobody is saying that Chris would have turned out to be a productive member of society, but its pretty clear he would be in a better place without the past 12 years of abuse.

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5a3845 No.754678

File: 88196247f398d91⋯.jpeg (92.02 KB,467x1200,467:1200,F6D7EE38-B914-4A6E-A42C-3….jpeg)

File: 5b546c5ebf91580⋯.jpeg (77.79 KB,341x1199,31:109,0B4094DF-1159-4DAA-B758-9….jpeg)

File: 203204b8aca6181⋯.jpeg (36.22 KB,596x313,596:313,9F594571-08D2-4039-BB62-6….jpeg)


Marvin actually. He admitted it on the farms in the thread about Chris’ new Twitter.

In other news here’s some leaked Chris chats from last year.

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28d3f8 No.754743


Chris drives very carefully and he was still allowed to have a license because he's legally an adult. And we don't know what regular 8 year olds could be capable of after 30 years of learning, most 8 year olds are 8 for only one year.

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a01e36 No.754826


>Chris drives very carefully

Not according to 2 vehicular assault charges which are public record.

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28d3f8 No.754840


These were fucking deliberate. Otherwise he drives slowly like an old lady.

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a01e36 No.754864


>These were fucking deliberate.

Fuck you, lame brain.

It means he is a danger behind the wheel. If he finds it necessary to _deliberately_ hit someone with his car, he will do it.

This is proven.

With court records.

Get fucked with that shit, asshole.

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28d3f8 No.754911


Calm your tits, 0def44. I see your tactic of repeating to ignore Chris hasn't worked.

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a01e36 No.754915


Shouldn't you be more worried about sucking Chris's dick than posts on the Internet?

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28d3f8 No.754928


Your edgy persona is more lame than the one that tried to get us by repeating shit ad nauseam.

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a01e36 No.754940


Keep sucking Chris's dick.

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28d3f8 No.754946


No, seriously, you need a new shtick. You've been alternating between autistic repetition and "go suck Chris dick" and nothing else for the past 5 threads or so. Start violently threatening to murder Chris like it's 2011 again, for instance.

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a01e36 No.754955


Do you stop long enough to let the taste of Chris's cock leave your mouth?

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5a3845 No.754984


Lol Hirtes just can’t stay away.

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a01e36 No.754992



Oh! You swap Chris's dick with a buddy! You two sucking hard at it!

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1d5c53 No.755055


>Remember Chris went to college, Chris went to college. Consider how fucked your educated system is when Chris is able to get into a college.

yes, a small ass community college that anybody with a pulse can get into i.e. where retards who can't even get into a public uni go. you can go there, but you probably won't get much out of it in terms of education or experience.

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23c6b3 No.755099


We know you're gay Hirtes, stop projecting your fantasies onto us.

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a01e36 No.755197


Another friend to suck Chris's cock.

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f1b74f No.755258

Hey /cow/, this d5caf3 very closely resembles a series of bots that attack /pol/ non-stop. At least I hope it's a machine. Because, holy shit.

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5a3845 No.755262


Does this “bot” act like a liberal faggot NEVER DRUMPFTZHER? Because that might just be Hirtes.

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a01e36 No.755271



More friends joining the "Suck Chris's Cock Party".

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f1b74f No.755274


No, the /pol/ bots are targeted differently. Whoever the handler(s) is/are knows that most of the users will never accept liberal thought. There are two that are very aggressive: one attacks anyone who supports Trump as being more loyal to Israel than America, and the other constantly bitches about something called Q. Also, Codemonkey made it impossible to ban them so the board is nearly unusable.

The one here could very well be a really pathetic human, but what a thought. It attacks like a bot.

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5a3845 No.755275

File: 203204b8aca6181⋯.jpeg (36.22 KB,596x313,596:313,AB0FB87A-8331-4C47-90C7-1….jpeg)

Also, how are we not talking about the fact that Chris admitted that while his own imaginary boyfriend took a break from him he drew rule 34 of his waifus and husband is to hang in his fucking room and spank off to?

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23c6b3 No.755286


We know you are, butthirtes.

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a01e36 No.755320



All aboard the "Suck Chris's Cock" train.

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a01e36 No.755327


WHOA! Are you telling me that the dude who made not one but multiple jerk off videos to shitty music and admitted to having sexual fantasies about his elderly mother is jerking off to cartoon characters that he drew? NO FOOLIN'?!

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a01e36 No.755346


What a character.

The man literally runs over the same person twice and committed sexual battery on numerous people in a public convention yet not a single reprimand, consequence, or correction in his behavior.

It's not his fault that he acts this way. He is just retarded, so we have to treat him like that because he is retarded. I know that retards need their special privileges to drool and shit anywhere they need, but Chris gets his retard privileges to commit vehicular assault and sexual battery.

We just have to accept that Chris is a retard, and like a retard, Chris can't help himself, because he is retarded.

Of course he can't get a job because he is a retard, but even most disabled individuals get jobs through government agencies and charities. It's okay that Chris consumes and never contributes; he makes comics that seem to never improve in skill. Takes real dedication from a person to continue pursuing childish interests and not learning a single thing well into his 40's.

Really doing it well there Chris.

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5a3845 No.755373

File: 70d8d7559fd3f16⋯.jpeg (17.23 KB,237x212,237:212,418235B8-EB30-44FE-B290-7….jpeg)

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a01e36 No.755386


Are you trying to make a point?

Hey sorry, guy, my friends don't give a shit about Chris. They don't know who he is, so I am not going to ass them with posting in this thread. I am also not going to bother myself further with using some vpn or proxy so I can pretend I one up'd some homosexual defending Chris for being a piece of shit.

So you can pretend like the number of posts matters at all in this thread while you all continue to jerk each other off into Chris's mouth while he guzzles down all your loads and then feeds you each his from the freezer.

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9d2748 No.755395

I’m still holding out for the holy grail. Seriously, if anyone ever manages to convince Chris to suck a dick for cash I will put $500 on it if you find a dick willing to get sucked. I want a firm man in the video who isn’t afraid to get rough and stern with Chris and turn him into a proper depthroat sissy. If you found PNP pansexual freak willing to tolerate Chris and get him to ice skating on a big dick all night the sex tape would be legendary.

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5a3845 No.755400

File: 584e509c4b005d7⋯.jpeg (768.9 KB,1125x802,1125:802,99F30FB2-B6E0-4CEB-8E54-8….jpeg)


Classic Hirtes.

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23c6b3 No.755403


>Hey sorry, guy, my friends don't give a shit about Chris. They don't know who he is, so I am not going to ass them with posting in this thread. I am also not going to bother myself further with using some vpn or proxy so I can pretend I one up'd some homosexual defending Chris for being a piece of shit.

>He says, as he continues to shit the thread up while allegedly not caring about it

Just admit it faggot, you love chris.

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a01e36 No.755420


You and your friends are the one's sucking Chris's dick. Maybe he put a gun to your head, I don't know. The guy is a creep. No wonder the girls wouldn't give him no tit.

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c15fb3 No.755489



I really want to know where the inkling of an idea that Cartoon Realities really came into fruition. Like he's always believed it to an extent - the idea that realities like cartoons may exist in some parellel dimension that we'd have no way of contacting isn't too far out - but now he's taken this five steps to say that they all exist in one parallel universe (which makes no sense) which we all contact in some way or form.

I'd actually like him to go into detail about this in a way that isn't just "Cartoon realities exist and you should treat your OCs better!"

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d5f047 No.755761

File: 9a3bb669891800c⋯.png (959 B,105x36,35:12,Pending.png)

Has Chris made any interesting tweets since he made his new account? I can't see it yet.

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49d707 No.755958


foxdickfarms record his every fart

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0a9866 No.756067


As retarded as it sounds, I think the seed of the idea came from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and the autism and child like tendencies took over from there. He believed that shit long before idea guy got to him, he talks about it on the Alec Benson Leary calls.

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a01e36 No.756467


It's from the "Imagination Land" episode of South Park.

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5a3845 No.756550


It predates Imagination Land. Chris has thought his OCs were with him IRL for a decade at least. Chris told a troll that when he was in Mary Lee Walsh’s office getting rekt he thought Sonichu was there with him.

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a01e36 No.756562


Chris is a liar.

>Sonichu #0

>Cover Date: 24 November 2004

>Began: 3 January 2004

>Finished: 24 March 2005

He didn't even have the comic finished until 2005. Mary Lee Walsh didn't try to help him until late 2003 and early 2004.

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5a3845 No.756629


Chris created Sonichu during high school for a school project.

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1e8f6c No.756668


He created sonichu as part of college project to create a character that isn't copyrighted you daft fuck

Please re-read your history and watch the documentary about Chris

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a01e36 No.756678


>create a character that isn't copyrighted

<use two copyrighted characters

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5a3845 No.756681

File: 3f069ba0ac0864e⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,1125x2072,1125:2072,918E8E2E-A9D6-4A0B-AF69-7….jpeg)

File: 3382a58aa75e2e7⋯.jpeg (524.35 KB,1125x842,1125:842,7304480F-5EDF-4AFB-89CB-4….jpeg)

File: de0bf8204165468⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1125x1091,1125:1091,A2E2E96F-A543-43B6-955A-4….jpeg)


Nigger he made it in 2000. I’m not going to argue it any further because this argument is autistic as fuck but I’ll post what the cwcki has to say and move on.

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3ba1f4 No.756711

File: d986e8f4c69158f⋯.jpg (177.08 KB,900x720,5:4,1381628993789.jpg)

How much of a raging autistic faggot do you have to be to run into a Chris Chan thread and try to make it about you? Is your opinion of yourself so low that you view your value on the same level as Chris?

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a01e36 No.756726


Why don't you enlighten us then?

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28d3f8 No.756730


In Chris's mind that's original. Marvin and his asskissers on foxdicks also believe that because "all vidya and cartoon characters are unoriginal anyway".

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a01e36 No.756748


They must not know the difference between archetypes and characters.

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6ab532 No.759253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5a3845 No.759311


Raging autism.

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a01e36 No.759348


This is boring as usual.

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9f0cdf No.759400


Was Chris-Chan skinny back than? If it wasn’t for is nerdy clothes. It looked like he could’ve look transitioning if it wasn’t for his overbearing mother dressing him.

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9f0cdf No.759417

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Two videos in one day

When was the last time She-him done this?

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965ecb No.759464

File: a819dcbb1717dfa⋯.jpeg (363.13 KB,682x650,341:325,691AB223-1F1A-454D-8D41-7….jpeg)


He sure captured the tranny look in Lego form well

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7acdce No.759806


Once upon a time, musta been 'round October, few years back, in one o' dose TOP SECRET LAB-MOTORIES de gubbnint keep stashed away underneath Virginia, an EVIL PRINCE, occasion'ly employed as a part-time THEATRICAL CRITICIZER set to woikin' on a plot fo de systematic GENOCIDICAL REMOVE'LANCE of all unwanted highly-rhythmic individj'lls an' sissy-boys!

De cocksucker done whiffed up a secret POTIUM… an' right 'long wid it, de ATROCIOUS IDEA dat what he been boilin' up down deahhhh jes' mights be de FINAL SOLUTIUM to DE WHITE MAIN'S 'BOIDENNN', ef yo' acquire my drift…

Well, he were sure he had a GOOD THING GOIN'… but, dere was always de possobility dat somethin' might fuck up, so, he planned to have a little test, jes' to check it all out befo' he dump't it in de wattuh supply

Sho'tly denafter, wit HIGH-LEVEL GUBNINT CO-ROBBERATIUM, he arranged to have a good-will visit to SAN QUENTIM, 'long wit some country-westin mu- zishnin's, 'n sprinkle a little bit of it on some of de boys in deahhh (since dey done used a few of 'em befo' when dey was messin' wit de ZYPH'LISS)

So, heah dey come wit de POTIUM, dump'nit all in de mash potatoes!

Den dey wen' up to de warden's office fo' some HOT TODDY, watchin' a little football while dey's waitin' to see what gone happen!

Fact o' de matter were: NOTHIN' HAPPENED, so dey went off'n dribbled it in a special shipnint of GALOOT CO-LOG-NUH dat went out 'bouts NOVEMBER!

Next thing y'know, fagnits be droppin' off like flies…'long wit a large number of severely-tanned individj'lls, pre-zumnably of HAY'CHEN EXTRAKMENT!

But NOT DE BOYS IN DE REST HOME! Oh no! Mixin' de shit wit de mash potatoes done SMOOTHED IT OUT a little, so's it wouldn't KILL yo' ass, BUT, it sho' would make y'ugly! 'N ef y'was already UGLY, it'd make yo ass MEAN 'n UGLY…'n ef you was already MEAN 'n UGLY, it'd turn ya into a strange, UNKNOWN KREETCHUH, never befo' seen on BROADWAY!^LThass right! It'd turn ya' into a 'MAMMY NUN'! Head like a potato…lips like a duck…big ol' hands, puffin' up! BIG ONES! Science! ME-jev'l re-LIJ-mus costumery all over yo' BODY! Yow! Oh yeah! Mmmm-hmmm!

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c98b44 No.760636

File: ad32bd0e083f6e8⋯.jpg (131.9 KB,716x1116,179:279,postal_3_by_alex21rmt-d2zq….jpg)


"Kacey's dad" sounds like the Postal Dude.

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ff7e7f No.760928


You mean since he set it to private, or did he create a whole new one?

If the former, he never purged me and to answer your question, no not really. Except for maybe some minor rants about people blocking him and stuff, most interesting stuff probably gets capped and posted here anyway.

Made an archive of his page, should be readable even if you're not following right?


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a01e36 No.761299

File: a59e4fd4e6b32ca⋯.png (123.02 KB,1261x810,1261:810,sonichu.png)

Someone needs to let Chris know that Sonichu has died.


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b338f3 No.761411


Please let this blow up into some major autistic slap fight. That would be fucking hilarious.

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3ba1f4 No.761641

File: b8fd35f83ad4142⋯.jpg (27.35 KB,640x454,320:227,1451193921828-0.jpg)



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f4c764 No.761795


I kinda want to show this to a group of actual therapists and see what comes up.

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d5f047 No.761943

File: 49adbb92aa13ceb⋯.png (2.75 KB,600x113,600:113,Screenshot_2019-02-17 Chri….png)


He never purged me from his original account either, I'm talking about this new one: https://twitter.com/cpu_CWCSonichu

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d5f047 No.761945

File: 3b00a0a2cc3e13b⋯.png (656.82 KB,588x1011,196:337,Screenshot_2019-02-17 Chri….png)



Also, he just posted this.

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a01e36 No.761964


Chris-chan gonna groom some new kids on a new account now?

Remember when Chris jerked off in front of a 13 year old boy pretending to be a girl?

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5a3845 No.761983


Oh god not this faggot shit again.

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a01e36 No.761989


Don't like the truth? Chris-chan jerked off in front of kids. There is evidence of this.

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5a3845 No.762046


There is absolutely no evidence to support Chris jerking off in front of kids. If you’re a consevacuck who thinks anyone under 18 is a child that makes you an even bigger faggot than before but there’s no proof to show that Chris made that smash mouth video on front of the teen troon squad. In fact the fact that Chris turned the camera on himself and the camera is not being held by anyone and Chris never talks to anyone off screen shows he was alone.

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a01e36 No.762050


>There is absolutely no evidence to support Chris jerking off in front of kids

There's plenty.

>Chris made that smash mouth video on front of the teen troon squad

So that's what happened. More confirmation that Chris is a pedophile.

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5a3845 No.762098


Let’s see the evidence.

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a01e36 No.762108

File: fd56813a864e910⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB,640x480,4:3,Chris Talks to Julay-1xo3S….mp4)


Chris jerked off in front a 13 year old boy, multiple times.

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5a3845 No.762122


Chris had phone sex and a weird relationship with a catfish who turned out to be a 13 year old boy. Chris didn’t know Julie’s true identity until the reveal phone call at the very end of his relationship Hirtes you’re trying way too hard. Chris is retarded but not a pedophile.

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a01e36 No.762133


Do you think that matters in court? Ignorance is not a defense.

It provides precedence for intent on distributing his current masturbation videos to children, given the fact that many of his followers are children themselves, this is highly suspicious behavior that could carry very harsh consequences.

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cc2f6b No.762153

File: f5ed789c5aa4ce5⋯.png (81.47 KB,499x493,499:493,i am in bitch.png)

hahaha, chris did the rapture on people, and added a bunch of randos and stop for some reason. but yessss i m in bitchhhh

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a01e36 No.762180


Post some screencaps of his followers and who he is following, if you please.

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616183 No.762302

File: 3e184b44b11aa7c⋯.jpg (344.81 KB,1280x1280,1:1,1524949048.trailofsev333en….jpg)

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49d707 No.762437


Chris adds people and Josh with Marvin remove them

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782322 No.762838

File: 28b233bc2baf61c⋯.mp4 (274.03 KB,360x360,1:1,How_bout_NO.mp4)

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cc2f6b No.763774

File: db9c66ae6717e08⋯.png (151.99 KB,877x378,877:378,tabitha chris.png)

File: de619f1d240a6f5⋯.png (97.92 KB,315x565,63:113,chris silver quill.png)

File: 9a86b9cf4b52360⋯.png (34.32 KB,893x145,893:145,chris nowack.png)

File: 6cfe9e1870acc4a⋯.png (22.48 KB,650x156,25:6,chris chan doopie.png)

Does anybody know which twitter accounts block the old account and not the new account?

I found some damning evidence that Chris is still creeping. Time to let people know.

Chris is still creeping on tabitha, silver quill, nowack and doopie in the new account. Spread the word.

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0f9e6f No.763876

File: f6385c16cc50bff⋯.png (41.93 KB,534x533,534:533,farms.png)

foxdickFAMBLING FARMS is where you whitey crackers get the swag you post on /cow/ you inactive toady rejects.

Chris Chan can outsmart you guys by merely setting this twitter to private. This Cracker Barrel cuck chan shit pedo wasteland has no game.

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cc2f6b No.763881

Does anybody know which twitter accounts block the old account and not the new account?

I found some damning evidence that Chris is still creeping. Time to let people know.

Chris is still creeping on tabitha, silver quill, nowack and doopie in the new account. Spread the word. >>763876


Bruhhhhhhh, Chris just added over 2000 followers into his new account, including me. There are numerous eyes and ears in his new "protected" twitter.

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c5dbd2 No.763986

File: 82c322c4c47c99a⋯.png (192.45 KB,474x326,237:163,nignugz.png)

y34h b4ck 0ff 6uy5! chr15 ch4n 15 4r3 c0w n07 y0ur5. y0u fuck p3d05!

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c15fb3 No.764110


oh great.

Mike's back.

FYI, Null doesn't give a shit about Chris anymore as he refuses to play pretend with a retard.

Get a hobby, mike.

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4337ad No.764116

Why are Chris-chan threads so shit now?

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f648c2 No.764132


did anyone report it to Twitter for attempting to circumvent blocks?

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cc768c No.764227


Because we indulge fags Yelling 'PEDO', anons beefing with foxdicks, and other such faggotry. We are becoming the lolcows and that is sad.

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a01e36 No.767279


I haven't heard of that so far, but multiple accounts is a violation.

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e1ae59 No.767654


Chris-chan threads were always shit

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7fbffd No.768614

Hey! Let's got k1w1farms to find material to post in /cow! That would liven up your shitty thread!

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0eae03 No.769210


Chris hasn't done anything. Day to day life of a retard isn't interesting. There's no where he can go in person to be a tard left and it's not convention time yet.

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d11e78 No.769249


its 1-3 faggots that ruin it. hirtes being the main culprit


also kinda this. his activity has been lowkey. any more word about his trials?

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3dd632 No.769553

File: c798afb583c19cd⋯.jpeg (679.04 KB,1125x1902,375:634,F101900A-C453-4EEE-AD42-A….jpeg)

File: 8252c9a731a9433⋯.jpeg (752.53 KB,1125x1883,1125:1883,BAB897BB-2D52-4139-AA89-B….jpeg)

Chris apparently has family that will still tolerate him. And Chris is too retarded to realize that the people he’s tweeting at cannot see his replies because his twitter is private.

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f28e93 No.770732


> any more word about his trials?

Just that he's got another appointment with the bullshit therapeutic docket program next week, where they'll just asspat him and give him more movie tickets.

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c15fb3 No.772058


>give him movie tickets

Do they really do this? That's kinda a shit therapist if so.

Have to wonder if he talks about Toon Reality or if he shuts up about it then because he knows that it would make the therapist roll their eyes

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6a6ea9 No.772317


Hey, It's yet another new foxdick posts on /cow/ to impress his newfriends in chat episode !

HELLO foxdick CHAT



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a01e36 No.772630


I think his ideas about Ted Bundy are more damning.

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5a3845 No.773213

File: 4a320b36db9938b⋯.jpeg (212.71 KB,900x1200,3:4,3997C6D3-E723-4991-A927-8….jpeg)


Hi Hirtes.


The court ordered therapist that he was photographed at by Bryan Silva of all people is an outpatient treatment for crazies. They include incentives for good behavior including movie tickets. As far as anyone can tell he’s still smart enough to not talk about alternate dimensions.

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a01e36 No.773239


His admiration for Ted Bundy is more concerning than gay dimensions.

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3194b1 No.773245


Is that a fucking wonderwoman crown?

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c986e1 No.773249

File: 1dee070f68c2e76⋯.png (96.15 KB,1067x1147,1067:1147,Kf9UrU7_1.png)


>fucking each other in the ass

You would know about that, Mike.

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c15fb3 No.773275


oh thats what that shit was about.

good gravy, Chris is nuts but not on the same level as schitzoids. What he needs is someone he trusts sitting him down and communicating the divide between reality and fantasy, and how even if you believe in fantastical ideas that you can't just broadcast them to people

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28d3f8 No.773327


Chris doesn't admire Bundy, Hirtes. He's a dumbass who doesn't fully understand who he was in the first place. It's no different from the Idea Guys feeding him Nazi references.



That's a completely different disorder.

But yeah, Chris isn't schizophrenic or else he wouldn't have to put so much effort into his autistic world, he'd just legit see his imaginary friends and would probably be dead by now.

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a01e36 No.773436


Dude, choke on your next meal. Chris drew a fucking "Bundychu". That's admiration.

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f28e93 No.773496

File: 14e2258c584ac32⋯.png (62.22 KB,595x346,595:346,screenshot-twitter.com-201….png)



Chris said he was talking about shit like his psychic links to the other dimensions to the shrink and that her reaction was "flabbergasted."

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23c6b3 No.773545


Nigger, you're the one constantly talking about fellating chris nonstop. Why don't you go suck him off if you like it so much, since you keep talking about it, Hirtes?

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a01e36 No.773561


That's all right. It looks like you and your friends are enjoying it. Keep sucking his cock.

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23c6b3 No.773645


>all right

It's clear that you're the cock connoisseur here, butthirtes. Even Eddie Dzial is straighter than you.

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a01e36 No.773659


You can't stop sucking his cock can you?

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23c6b3 No.773745


You're the one talking about it, hirtes.

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5a3845 No.773791

File: e852ca1d65b557e⋯.png (223.13 KB,720x1132,180:283,C8F823F6-CF9F-46A6-BF72-AD….png)

File: 633a826f420953c⋯.png (215.09 KB,720x1140,12:19,DB2A7051-8E29-47BC-8356-FD….png)


If drawing something makes you an admirer what does it mean when you spend your hard earned tugboat buying furry dick wag penis kegel commissions?

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a01e36 No.773918



Why do you enjoy sucking Chris's broke dick so much?

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c15fb3 No.773987


Chris's crazy is ultimately comparable to otherkins. Wants them to be real, doesn't want to admit that it's a bunch of fantasyland bull.


Honest to god I thought you were just retarded rather than Hirtes. How does it feel knowing that Joshua Wise and his gay pals are forever going to be better trolls than you?

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a01e36 No.774022


Literally who? This thread is about Chris-chan, but you like to suck his broke dick, so I call you out on it.

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c15fb3 No.774745



Oh he's Chris's most obnoxious troll. Here, I'll link his cwcki page so you can go laugh at him.


Dudes a fucking goofball! Maybe even a bigger lolcow than Chris - See, Chris actually does something with his life as a delusional twat. All mike tries to do on the other hand is attempt to get noticed by a retard!

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23c6b3 No.775036


Why are you so obsessed with fellatio you faggot?

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c15fb3 No.775275


Mike Hirtes wants to gargle Chirs Chan's dick and wishes he was part of the Joshua Wise gang

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49d707 No.775316


Is really 54 years old man shitting up threads on 8chan?

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bdf0a1 No.775412


Yeah it's like finding out your Dad's secret hobby is trying to get attention from Chris behind a million alt accounts. Would be a hell of a lot easier to deal with your Dad liking trannies or walking in on your Dad whacking it to Sailor Moon.

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49d707 No.775603


>Dad, I saw your internet history. Why it's filled mostly with /cow/ and KF? Are you d5caf3 on Chris thread?


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007f1f No.775716

File: f0101230e26aa09⋯.jpg (113.72 KB,894x894,1:1,chrischantf2.jpg)


How do you know this is Hirtes? Or do you just go by "It sounds like something Hirtes would say so it has to be Hirtes. Doip!"?

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bdf0a1 No.775733


We know it's you Mike because you decided to do the ghetto IP switch by turning off wifi on your phone. Along with the reaction image that makes no sense plus Hirtes being the only one who cares about people mentioning Hirtes. Stop embarrassing yourself, dude.

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bfbea2 No.775764


Translation: "I have no proof but I want to hate Hirtes anyway!"

If you're going to lynch the guy, at least know what posts are actually legit.by him. Otherwise you just look like a tool.

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c15fb3 No.775786


"huehue im clever when I IP hop"

Normal people shrug it off when they get accused of being Mike, Mike.

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49d707 No.775787


Did you switch to second sim or changed vpn?

Your ID never posted in this thread so it's obvious it's you, Hirtes

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a01e36 No.775933

Fags still fagging up this thread?

Will anyone post Chris's current followers / following on his new twitter, possibly his old twitter?

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bdf0a1 No.775947


Mike, if you want to find out, then try to look like a normal (as normal as anyone who knows about CWC anyway) person and get the info yourself.

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a01e36 No.775963


>sign up for twitter

Why should I do that shit? What's the point of this thread if people aren't going to contribute? Is this thread only here for you to suck Chris's broke dick?

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c15fb3 No.775966

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bdf0a1 No.775972

File: 1ebe374983e2a77⋯.jpg (30.17 KB,600x600,1:1,dfg1.jpg)


>Why should I do that shit? What's the point of this thread if people aren't going to contribute? Is this thread only here for you to suck Chris's broke dick?

That ain't what I'm here for, Mike the Kike.

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a01e36 No.775986



Thread for sucking Chris's broke dick.

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c15fb3 No.775988




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bdf0a1 No.775991


Also, why are you thinking about Chris's dick so much?

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a01e36 No.776001



It's your favorite topic.

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bdf0a1 No.776027


>I know you are, but what am I?

Are you 7, nigger?

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a01e36 No.776039


Still sucking Chris's broke dick? Why?

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cabbb7 No.776062

File: de3e22e9854abe9⋯.jpg (86.75 KB,358x496,179:248,106-FrustratedVirgin.jpg)

Wew lad, this is some kindergarten-level banter at this point, where the fuck are the mods when you need them?

It's not like this is some obscure cow's thread, It's fucking Chris-chan. It should be one of their top priorities to keep this thread clean of shitters.

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bdf0a1 No.776087


Mike, I know you're surrounded by stupid niggers but that doesn't mean you have to act like one.

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a01e36 No.776099


Chris-chan threads are garbage. No one cares about them because no one ever did. Chris is a piece of shit. No one really cares what happens to him at this point. They just want it over.

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c15fb3 No.776121

File: 353fe618868c31e⋯.png (288.53 KB,587x561,587:561,1412475301496.png)


Then go get a life, Michael. The bizzare and spiraling adventures of a tranny manchild should not be the focus of ones life. It's something stupid to look at, scratch your head at, giggle about and then move on.

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a01e36 No.776151


Fuck you. I can call Chris a piece of shit all day long and give my reasons why Chris is a piece of shit.

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bdf0a1 No.776171


Mad that you can't stalk Chris anymore, Boomer?

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5a3845 No.776172


You sure can but since you’re asking questions why don’t you help us understand why a 54-year old man spends so much time cyberstalking a middle aged tranny retard? We all think Chris is pathetic but you’re supposed to point, laugh, and move on. You’ve spent so much time screeching like a faggot on Twitter and he’s noticed you exactly once (although this is right when Null took control of his twitter so it was most likely josh being a queer) and you come here and talk about reporting him to this agency or that and it never pans out. How does it feel to be such a useless faggot Mike?

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a01e36 No.776186



Chris is a piece of shit because he uses his interests in toys and children's products to lure children in so he can fulfill his sick fantasies of exposing himself to young boys. He is a homosexual and pedophile. He has been caught numerous times of masturbating in front of children. He is known for committing sexual battery on people in public.

Chris is also a piece of shit because he is a repeat violent offender. Twice has he hit the same person with his car and in an unrelated incident used a chemical weapon to attack an innocent employee of GameStop.

Chris is a known liar. That is a third reason why he is a piece of shit.

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80ac3a No.776231


Calm down old man or you'll have a heart attack.

Also Barb hit Michael Snyder the second time you ignoramus.

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85e3ba No.776234



Christ, Hirtes. Get a life my man, there's no need to collect so many images for laughing at Chris with.

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80ac3a No.776236


>Fuck you. I can call Chris a piece of shit all day long and give my reasons why Chris is a piece of shit.

You can also jerk off using your own shit as lube all day long and you also do that, but that doesn't mean you aren't completely pathetic for doing it.

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5a3845 No.776254


Imagine having to co-exist in close proximity with impoverished niggers and collecting tard welfare yet your biggest concern in life isn’t fixing your own failed life instead you obsess over a fat middle aged tranny who may or may not still shit his pants.

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a01e36 No.776299

Look at these faggots derailing the thread, again.





They have to bring up this Hirtes guy whenever anyone exposes Chris for the piece of shit that he is.

Chris is without any doubt a terrible person. That is why I call him a piece of shit. My reasons for calling him a piece of shit are: his violent behavior evident through his multiple vehicular assault charges and his physical assault charge, his pedophilia and other sexual deviancy evident through numerous videos of him masturbating in front of children and committing sexual battery on strangers in a public area, and his known proclivity to lie about everything and anything when he is finally caught and called out on how much of a piece of shit he is.

This is why people want it all over. They've finally seen what a shitty person Chris is and they don't want to see it anymore. You've got hangers-on that have to keep the dream alive by pumping this garbage in like Chris is somehow a defective person and that is an excuse. Of course Chris is a defective person but it isn't an excuse. He is capable of knowing that hitting someone with a car and masturbating in front of children are wrong to do. Does he keep doing them? Yes he does. Fuck Chris, and fuck people who support Chris.

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85e3ba No.776305


You've gone almost (60) in a thread with 285 replies. I think that you may in fact be someone terribly obsessed with Chris and the only person I know who is is Hirtes. There are also random (1)s defending you, also a common tactic of obsessed aspergers riddled individuals.

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a01e36 No.776338


Again, you're fucking derailing the thread.

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85e3ba No.776377


I mean, I'm talking about a fat retard autist. Just not the specific one you're bitching about. Besides, Hirtes and his read "your" retarded antics are pretty much a subplot in the Chris timeline. It's somewhat on topic, if not entirely. There's very little to say about Chris that hasn't already been said elsewhere, as he's privated his twitter and has not uploaded any videos that I've seen recently. Would you prefer that these threads were nothing but people screeching about how he wanked in front of a child though he did not know that the child was indeed a child and is thus a paedophile, though that is ancient history? I don't disagree that he's a reprehensible excuse for a human being but the way you write about him makes me think that you're a child he did a Donald Duck impersonation at and you haven't recovered since.

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a01e36 No.776431


Look at these faggots derailing the thread, again.







They have to bring up this Hirtes guy whenever anyone exposes Chris for the piece of shit that he is.

Chris is without any doubt a terrible person. That is why I call him a piece of shit. My reasons for calling him a piece of shit are: his violent behavior evident through his multiple vehicular assault charges and his physical assault charge, his pedophilia and other sexual deviancy evident through numerous videos of him masturbating in front of children and committing sexual battery on strangers in a public area, and his known proclivity to lie about everything and anything when he is finally caught and called out on how much of a piece of shit he is.

This is why people want it all over. They've finally seen what a shitty person Chris is and they don't want to see it anymore. You've got hangers-on that have to keep the dream alive by pumping this garbage in like Chris is somehow a defective person and that is an excuse. Of course Chris is a defective person but it isn't an excuse. He is capable of knowing that hitting someone with a car and masturbating in front of children are wrong to do. Does he keep doing them? Yes he does. Fuck Chris, and fuck people who support Chris.

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5a3845 No.776443

File: de2979e52dadeb3⋯.jpeg (359.05 KB,1125x2156,1125:2156,6CC54B2F-8FF7-428C-B71D-9….jpeg)

File: 5ecfe3463a0c6ac⋯.jpeg (414.12 KB,1125x2286,125:254,EFD6157E-948B-496A-A3AD-A….jpeg)

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c15fb3 No.776446


Little does Copper or Rossticus know that bullying is not a crime!


Oh no - nobody said that Chris wasn't a shitty person. He still is. That doesn't change what you are though!

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5a3845 No.776467

File: 73965a2ec6700b0⋯.jpeg (935.04 KB,1125x2032,1125:2032,F620BBF0-9FBF-4F58-9C07-5….jpeg)

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49d707 No.776520


Yeah well Chris is piece of shit, I think most of people here agree with that. If you want to fight Chris supporters, you should go to foxdickfarms.

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5a3845 No.776530

File: f0620b95988627a⋯.jpeg (681.1 KB,1125x1729,1125:1729,4C1B91D8-15BC-4766-A8F1-8….jpeg)


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80ac3a No.776610


>That is why I call him a piece of shit.

He's a piece of shit, but the reason you spend your entire life obsessing about him is because you are too.

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a01e36 No.776629



Why are you still crying that I called out Chris for being the piece of shit that he is? Move on.

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80ac3a No.776643


>yiff yiff that's what foxes say

Okay, Mike.

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a01e36 No.776694


What are you talking about? Are you done crying? Will you let this thread get back on track?

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886a77 No.776716

The only clues i have seen to Chris Chan maybe a horrible person beyond very very disabled from what i have seen is a creepy video where suggested he might be abusive to Barbra and then pepper spraying the guy at game stop was pretty suspiciously weird.

Beyond that they just seem like a very disabled individual to me, so much so they can't think there way out of a paper bag explaining how they ended up an icon of WTF.

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5a3845 No.776865


>Chris is without any doubt a terrible person

People might be willing to listen to you if you didn’t sound so obsessed and furious at a guy who has an IQ in the sixties and try so hard to make him and Null sound like Hitler Bin Laden.

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d11e78 No.777606


Yes chris is absolutely a horrid person.

Imagine this, if you gave chris a real get-out-of-jail free card he could commit murder. im convinced. who he would pick idk, but he would kill. the world is lucky chris is a bigger coward than he is a criminal and general nuisance.

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c15fb3 No.777820


Yeah but like, who woulden't? There's one or two people I know personally who I'd chop down if there were no reprecussions and I really don't think I'm alone

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805050 No.777833


> they

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1efd08 No.778213

File: f0decad382a8cac⋯.jpg (14.4 KB,260x347,260:347,celephais.jpg)

I just read this short story and now I feel like HP Lovecraft predicted Chris-chan almost a century ago, damn.

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b2b1dd No.778279

File: cd981673c920504⋯.jpg (551.29 KB,1200x1792,75:112,160209.jpg)

File: 36e0d6781129c92⋯.jpg (17.93 KB,466x466,1:1,Hairy_hobbit.jpg)


Wouldn't be the first time someone associated with Chris resembles something out of Lovecraft.

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9977ff No.778562


Isn't that one just about a beautiful city?

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5a3845 No.778724

File: 48305d955516380⋯.jpeg (23.31 KB,350x392,25:28,4C6B8E22-B573-470E-BBC6-6….jpeg)



This is rich coming from the guy who would definitely murder Chris if he could get away with it.

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1efd08 No.778769

File: a02156163e36ea6⋯.png (66.61 KB,616x596,154:149,1505414498844.png)



Chris actually attempted to kill one of the managers of the The GAMe PLACe for banning him from the store.

>On 28 October 2011, just a few weeks after Bob's death, Chris and Barb launched a vehicular assault on the newly christened "Cville's Hobbies, Games, and Toys," newly owned by Snyder. Chris and Barb both hit the proprietor with their vehicle and injured him. They were arrested near the scene and spent a day in jail. Both faced felony charges for failure to stop after an accident, while Chris also had trespassing and misdemeanor assault, and Barb had a second felony charge for assault on a law enforcement official. Mike filed a civil suit against them both.

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1efd08 No.778772


Is about a depressive sperg that started drugging himself to see the city of his dreams. Just like Chris and CWCville.

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5a3845 No.778799

File: 69e61c8ad85c4d2⋯.jpeg (33.05 KB,300x200,3:2,6FC1F8BD-D5A7-401A-8441-D….jpeg)

File: bfc23c0f491f59b⋯.png (44.42 KB,598x290,299:145,98B5E896-0482-448C-93DC-FC….png)

Happy birthday Miss Christine Chandler, here’s to 37 more years of you getting that anime pussy.

In other news, Hirtes should be focusing on getting Chris on Dr. Phil so his shame would be exposed on a nationally syndicated level.

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9f0cdf No.778856


>Those glasses

When did Chris needed glasses?

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5a3845 No.778888

File: 9ab73dc8cb2f9f1⋯.jpeg (70.9 KB,960x717,320:239,94C4ADD9-B0FD-4895-8DBB-A….jpeg)


Since always newfag.

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c15fb3 No.779250


<Barb ran over Mike

<Failure to stop is not the same as a murder or manslaughter charge

<Mike ended up okay

<The intent wasn't even to kill Mike, it was to gtfo out of there

I know you want to portray Chris as some bloodthirst pedophile sociopath but there's not really a lot to work off of - the dudes a retarded goof. Like not to say he doesn't have the capacity for violence (this and the pepper spray incident prove otherwise) but he's far from that child-fucking bloodthirsty wretch you have him in your head as

find a hobby

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b2b1dd No.779601


He'd go to the public library but his neighbors stole his bike.

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775799 No.779814


He's so lost at this point. I hope he goes to the home.

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85e3ba No.780319


He'd have to kill himself if Chris died, though. His life has become so centered around Chris that if Chris were to ever die or disappear from the internet, this guy would be completely lost in life.

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49d707 No.780585


There are many more autists on the internet, so he would just switch target.

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a01e36 No.780867


First, Chris is a piece of shit because Chris attempted to run over Michael Snyder. Chris decided to do that. Chris further shows a violent propensity by macing the Game Stop employee. Chris has also admitted to being violent in front of his mother, addressing that violence at her through a surrogate pillow. This is what happens when Chris doesn't get his way. He becomes a violent person because he is a piece of shit.

Second, Chris is a piece of shit because he abuses children sexually by attracting them through his terribly drawn comics that resemble a child of an age no more than 8 drew them, his toys, and other interests like video games and stupid mlp crap. He then releases videos online of himself masturbating naked which undeniably these kids will see who ended up following him through their misguided trust of those interests. Chris has done this in the past and as recently as last year. He is a habitual sexual predator on children. He has also committed sexual battery on people in public. This is documented and well known.

Third, Chris is a piece of shit because he is a known liar. He lies about his intentions. He lies about his beliefs. He lies about himself.

Fourth, Chris is a piece of shit because of enablers like yourself. I don't know if you want to keep seeing Chris debase himself or you genuinely feel some kind of remorse / concern for the guy, but you are some of the most irritating leaky assholes I've seen. You make up excuses for Chris because he is retarded, but you know perfectly well that Chris is capable of choosing to dress like an underage girl, that Chris is allowed adult privileges like driving. If he can make the choice for what to wear, eat, where to drive, then he is certainly guilty of being violent through his two vehicular assault cases and his physical assault using a weapon. You know very well that Chris is capable of choosing to make masturbation videos and choosing to post them online regardless of his audience or who might see it and be influenced by it. You know that Chris chooses to be a piece of shit because of all these things.

That is why Chris is a piece of shit.



Still derailing the thread?

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b2b1dd No.780941


Chris isn't a good person at all but I don't like it when people think that the best use of tax dollars forcefully stolen from me is to use MY tax dollars to be a lazy piece of shit.

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5a3845 No.781108

File: 03e209b79284411⋯.jpeg (105.03 KB,1200x1195,240:239,511913FB-5AEC-48CD-887C-2….jpeg)


Jesus Christ imagine letting Chris live in your head rent-free to the degree that you can write a fucking novel about how Chris hurts your feels for existing.

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a01e36 No.781110


Yes. I agree. If he was competent enough to finish school, then he surely can go to Goodwill, Gatesway, or government health and human services office to find work. He doesn't because you are right. Chris is a lazy piece of shit.


Imagine being gay and sucking Chris's broke dick.

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28d3f8 No.781173



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c15fb3 No.781191


I'd go over your points one by one but at this point it's easier just to call you retarded.

Find a hobby, Mike.

>getting this angry about retards on the internet

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c15fb3 No.781219


Actually there is one point I want to address because it's head scratching

>Second, Chris is a piece of shit because he abuses children sexually by attracting them through his terribly drawn comics that resemble a child of an age no more than 8 drew them, his toys, and other interests like video games and stupid mlp crap. You also forgot about the time Chris scammed Joshua Martinez who was in turn trying to scam him. Don't know how this got passed your radar.

So like, the fuck? So you're saying that the reason why Chris is into childish shit isn't because he's a child himself but rather to lure people into his home to fuck them.

Basically, you're delusional and need to step out of your section 8 apartment and you can't tell the difference between people rolling their eyes at a retard giggling and white-knighting

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c15fb3 No.781222


Darn, didn't mean to greentext the thing about martinez. Either way, yeah, you're fucking stupid and need a life outside of stalking.

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5a3845 No.781225

File: 6a240258c43e441⋯.jpeg (902.24 KB,1125x1488,375:496,05100127-7E01-42AD-9538-F….jpeg)

File: 326dfbdb35f1bd0⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB,1125x1473,375:491,82A2E4F4-9D37-4C73-8ECB-B….jpeg)

File: 584dd7bbfe50715⋯.jpeg (612.89 KB,2048x1536,4:3,52658BD4-AFF0-491F-B460-E….jpeg)

Happy birthday Pristine Christine!

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c15fb3 No.781236


Cor Blimey, she's a fucking skeleton at this point

>inb4 Mike says that Chris wants to bend over at tap that

I mean, the Freudian stuff does show it's hand sometimes…

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5a3845 No.781242

File: f1981f878997727⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1125x1736,1125:1736,2C86D9FD-9903-466E-B152-B….jpeg)

As usual Chris can’t tell jokes for shit.

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5a3845 No.781247


It is interesting to note that Barb put on makeup for Chris’ birthday. Maybe they’ll spoon and watch the LEGO movie?

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a01e36 No.781249


It doesn't matter if he intends to lure kids or not with his posts and shitty comics. All that matters is that his posts and comics does pull in kids, and the fact that he keeps masturbating and making nude videos while knowing kids are in his audience is disturbing and habitual behavior comparable to how pedophiles groom children. The guy is a sexual deviant and disgusting. No argument possible.



Making excuses for Chris's terrible behavior and allowing him to continue to be a piece of shit regardless to his actual capacity to change and become a better person, a functioning member in society is all you are doing.

How about you tell me your reasons for making excuses for Chris's habitual shitty behavior?

I've explained myself plenty and given enough evidence as to why I think Chris is a piece of shit. Now it's time you out yourselves as the pieces of shit you are, or are you too big of pussy bitches to do that on an anonymous wood widdling board?

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28d3f8 No.781250


It's pure autism at work. It's barely a joke and Chris assumed everyone would get it just like he concocted it in his head.


It's hilarious when people make out Chris to be some sort of wannabe Machiavellian mastermind. The guy shits himself, he doesn't have the malice or brains to think any of that up.

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a01e36 No.781263


>The guy shits himself, he doesn't have the malice or brains to think any of that up.

What kind of lie is this?

Chris was involved in two vehicular assaults on the same person. He also has a record for assault using a weapon. The dude is a violent basketcase. He is entirely capable of hurting people, and has done so.

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077b17 No.781332

File: 2152b79810ae6cf⋯.gif (7.02 MB,640x356,160:89,19F1B93B-FC47-4F8F-A321-36….gif)



Jesus Christ who is this fucking spaz? Imagine existing in 2019 and making it your mission in life to hold Chris accountable for being borderline retarded.

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a01e36 No.781341


Dude. Go fuck yourself.

How big of a pussy are you to not even keep the same id on an anonymous imageboard?

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5472b2 No.781386


My friend refuses to believe that Chris smoked weed, the evidence is too circumstantial apparently. I kind of agree with him but I want to believe. Has Chris said he has smoked the wacky-tobacky?

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c15fb3 No.781392


I like how your autism shows severe black and white thinking.

>Because we arn't constantly calling Chris a pedofork and wishing for his death

<means that we're just a bunch of white knights who think Chris is incapable of any harm

Great stream of logic there. I'd say 90% of us know Chris isn't going to improve and are just morbidly curious how his train is going to end. Will Josh swoop down and save the day? Or will Chris become a street person? Who knows! And that's the mystery of it!

also what the fuck?

>It doesn't matter if he intends to lure kids or not with his posts and shitty comics. All that matters is that his posts and comics does pull in kids,

See I get the batshit logic behind this, but it's not Chris's job to make sure kids don't find his cocks, and he hasn't solicited kids with it either

>But Julay!

But nothing! Dude was catfished and thought that Julie was a girl the entire fucking time, you 50-year-old NEET.

Find a hobby, Mike. Take up painting or miniatures. Go biking, or spend time learning how to do homecooked meals. This kind of stress about something so inconsequential isn't healthy, especially for a man your age.

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c15fb3 No.781396


There's the vid of him high as a kite talking to "Magi-Chan". Pot doesn't cause hallucinations, but Chris is a stupid child so he'd likely connect the feeling of being high with connecting to the toon realm

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5a3845 No.781404


Chris started smoking weed with the tranny teenagers who bought his hand drawn porn and they had it hand delivered. They used this opportunity to indulge Chris’ delusions and convince him to smoke weed.

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c15fb3 No.781418


These are the kind of girls who heard about Chris through Pewdiepie or the like. Does this mean that Pewdiepie is pedofork for introducing his young fanbase to Chris?


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e989f6 No.781423

The real lolcow is foxdickfarms white knighting CWS

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5472b2 No.781434



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9f0cdf No.781442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She looks like mini from the drew carey show that wants too die.

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fc40e9 No.781462


It makes even less sense now.

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5a3845 No.781471


Didn’t you know? Every single porn star who knows that minors go to porn sites and watch their videos yet refuse to do anything about it are bonafied pedoforks.

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a01e36 No.781482


Who said anything about him dying? Only you. What I have wrote is entirely my reasoning behind why Chris is a piece of shit and why every one of his supporters are likewise pieces of shit themselves.

>See I get the batshit logic behind this, but it's not Chris's job to make sure kids don't find his cocks, and he hasn't solicited kids with it either

It is entirely his responsibility to not post masturbation videos on social media.

How do you not understand this? Are you that infantile in reasoning that you are mentally incapable to discern the quality of that statement, or are you just being the piece of shit that you are?

He solicits kids by interacting with them personally at their events, their online media groups, and within their interests at stores and other public places. If he wants to do kid shit, he cannot be masturbating online for any reason whatsoever.

>Dude was catfished

Not a legal defense in court.

Why don't you explain why you are so vehement on making excuses for Chris's consistent, abusive behavior? Why are you avoiding answering that?

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e989f6 No.781491


You think it would be illegal for a stripper to have a child and be involved with that child's activities? CWC is bad enough we don't need to make up autistic shit about fake laws.

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5472b2 No.781497

Are we entering the No More Pain, Just Rest Saga?

I could see Chris maybe committing suicide if Barb were to die soon.

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5a3845 No.781511


>It is entirely his responsibility to not post masturbation videos on social media.

Chris has never posted his own porn online, ever. He’s had it catfished out of him by trolls every time and sent privately to said troll and then the trolls spread it. Never once has he posted a nude photo or jackoff video himself to twitter or Facebook or any other social media.

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5472b2 No.781529


I think that’s not true, what about the All-Star thing? I could have swore he posted that.

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a01e36 No.781541


Red Herring.


Do you know how asinine that argument is? He has less reason to be making and sending masturbation videos online now after the first incident was with an underage child. He cannot be making masturbation videos for any reason.

Now, you fucking pieces of shit, why are you so unwilling to give your reasons as to your making excuses for Chris's terrible behavior? This is the third time I've asked, and no answer.

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5a3845 No.781549


It was posted on his account by either Captain or Lukas.

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c15fb3 No.781559


Yeah I don't think it was posted by Chris as it was quickly deleted before most could see it. Point goes in the basket of not-hirtes here, but I hope he realizes that if more people saw and flagged it that it would have gone out to die

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c15fb3 No.781560


>Why don't you explain why you are so vehement on making excuses for Chris's consistent, abusive behavior?

Because I have a life outside cyberstalking Chris-Tran and you're annoying.

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5a3845 No.781575

>He has less reason to be making and sending masturbation videos online now after the first incident was with an underage child.

Wow, so what you’re saying is that any normal person with average intelligence or above would have learned from his mistake.

Hmmmm, it’s almost like Chris doesn’t have the same reasoning abilities and problem solving skills that someone with normal intelligence would have.

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a01e36 No.781588


That's real convenient for you. You can shut the fuck up then if you have a life (LOL) and if I am annoying (LOL x2).


Chris clearly knows "the haters and cyberbullies" are after him, so if he knows they are around, why does he still make masturbation videos that he knows they will get because they always end up getting them?

It's clear that Chris is capable of understanding that making masturbationg videos is wrong and that he is not to be doing shit like that, yet he continues to make the same mistakes over and over, similarly to the way you keep using the same tired excuse that he is "retarded" yet I've shown repeatedly that his is cognizant of his choices regarding his behavior.

Now. I have still yet to determine your motives for constantly shitting this thread up with your defense and excuses for Chris's abhorrent behavior. What I figure is that you are a bunch of sadist faggots who get off on playing tricks on Chris instead of leaving him the fuck alone.

Why don't you all fuck off and worry about yourselves instead of trying to win Internet points by continuing this support for Chris to make poor decisions about his life?

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f28e93 No.781619


>Chris clearly knows "the haters and cyberbullies" are after him, so if he knows they are around, why does he still make masturbation videos that he knows they will get because they always end up getting them?

The All Star one was because of Idea Guys, whose shtick was blackmailing Chris into doing stuff or they'd blow up CWCville with their moon cannon.

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c15fb3 No.781628

File: 6695149c73b40d8⋯.jpg (202.01 KB,816x1356,68:113,1411124769987.jpg)


Naw, the all star was posted by the Teen Troon Squad. Don't get the two groups mixed up.


Why don't you shut the hell up about Chris being this inhuman monster who wants nothing more to molest kids? He's a fucking goofball which while it doesn't excuse his actions entirely does mean that you shoulden't take such a retard on the internet seriously. Find a hobby.

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6c6935 No.781699

File: 4bb72e1a13c38d4⋯.jpg (22.48 KB,474x281,474:281,famous.jpg)

Do you think Chris Chan is pulling a stunt like Marylin Manson doing endless shock shit to stay in the medias and news papers? For every hater he also has his supportive fans and white knights so he maybe GAINING from all of this.

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c15fb3 No.781726


Not-hirtes prob thinks so. Dudes convined that this dumbass who does dumb things is some type of savage serial killer

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5a3845 No.781752

I’d be much more willing to take this faggot seriously about Chris if he’d go to YouTube and state his case. I think that’d be the best way to drum up support for his view on Chris.

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a01e36 No.781831


What a convenient lie. If Chris is that lost with reality, then he needs to be strapped to a bed and pissing and shitting into a bucket.

Why do professionals who evaluate him not do that?

Chris chooses to masturbate on video and post it online. If he chooses to do things like that, then he must not be around children in any capacity.


This is easy to understand.

Chris puts himself into positions which involves children. This includes going into toy stores and buying toys where kids are. This includes going to conventions like Bronycon where kids are at.

The problem is that Chris involves himself with children while performing deviant and disgusting behaviors publicly and habitually.

He needs to stop doing this nasty fucking shit in public.

Why are you defending Chris's deviant and abusive beahviors?

Why will you not answer that simple question?

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a01e36 No.781841

Chris is a piece of shit.

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c15fb3 No.781882

File: 770889014ca69b2⋯.jpg (118.51 KB,804x787,804:787,1446004810006.jpg)


I think I already have, but I will again.

>The problem is that Chris involves himself with children while performing deviant and disgusting behaviors publicly and habitually.

The problem is that Chris has zero social understanding of what's the norm. The problem is NOT that he's deliberately trying to break standards and norms because he's a degenerate. If I could, I'd get Chris some kind of caretaker. I can't. All I can do is sit back and giggle at the monkey. That's why I'm defending him. I want to laugh at the monkey in the zoo who eats his own feces.

>What a convenient lie. If Chris is that lost with reality, then he needs to be strapped to a bed and pissing and shitting into a bucket.

Mike, I know you have some weird scat fetish but the era of asylums has long since passed. What he needs is someone he trusts with the patience of a saint who can help correct his behavior. What he needs however he will not get.

>He needs to stop doing this nasty fucking shit in public.


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a01e36 No.781924


>The problem is that Chris has zero social understanding of what's the norm.

You are lying. Chris is aware of what is normal. Look at his first video. Here, I already posted it >>745659

So explain, thoroughly, how is it that he was capable then to know what is normal of a person in society but today he is completely incapable? How is that?

>I want to laugh at the monkey in the zoo who eats his own feces.

Oh! You want to make fun of the retard. Now it makes sense. How does that make what Chris does acceptable in any way?

>What he needs is someone he trusts with the patience of a saint who can help correct his behavior.

He sure doesn't need to people to make excuses for his behavior because they selfishly view his deviancy and abuse as a comedy of errors and entertainment.

You're fucked up. If you want to laugh at him, then laugh at him. Don't fucking make excuses that his shit is perfectly fine because he is fucking retarded for your pleasure.

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5472b2 No.781991

The pedo-argument is extremely boring, no one cares about your personal opinions. Can we please keep this to hard facts about Chris, or at least talk about something that isn't just an endless circle of debate? There's plenty to speculate on that doesn't require you to just start/continue arguments about tired topics.

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5a3845 No.782088


>anyone who’s masturbated on video shouldn’t be allowed on children

>bronycon is more than a bunch of overgrown faggots and actual children attend it

Nigger you are one delusional faggot.

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49d707 No.782331


>So explain, thoroughly, how is it that he was capable then to know what is normal of a person in society but today he is completely incapable? How is that?

Those were beliefs pushed to his head by his conservative parents when he was a kid, over years he gained his own opinion. Also his mental state got worse, because he desperately wants to live with his imaginary OCs for so many years and denies to accept they're not real. You were maybe also productive member of society in your 30s and now look at yourself.

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8840b0 No.782403


I imagine being Chris's Shrink is like being the lady the TSA agent try's to report his friend missing to in get out

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b7bba2 No.782741


Mike, Chris is a retard. He hurts people almost entirely on accident. He's much better than a dude like you who stews in hatred for decades and actively wants to twist things into being worse than they are because you want to hurt them as some kind of perverse revenge because you were offended that they're too much like you. Looking at Chris is like looking into a mirror for you.

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c15fb3 No.782781


>You are lying. Chris is aware of what is normal. Look at his first video. Here, I already posted it

He was already spazzing out offline when he originally made that video. Now go fuck yourself.

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c15fb3 No.782836

File: e8ffef587f28c03⋯.jpg (31.09 KB,481x637,37:49,TFv4g3s.jpg)


Infact, same year he was doodling porn and even uploaded the infamous fingerbangin' shecameforwc pic. This is not something a degenerate who fucks kids would do - this is something a mentally challenged retard would do.

Actually on his porn pics (which he thinks are drawn well), how come we haven't seen any Sonees or Rosees getting the dick? Oh sure, he artificially aged up Sonichu and Rosechu but big deal, they are functionally adults anyways. Honest to god I think drawing sonichu/rosechu shotacon/lolicon would be more indicative of him being a pedo then attending bronycon while being gross (an event mostly held by adults who like MLP rather then kids) or roleplaying with Julayy! about fucking a catgirl (who, by the by, had other people listening in on the call - if you're going to use this as the big evidence of Chris being a pedo then all these nobodies are accomplices)

Either way, I've answered your questions. I know I'm not going to get you to fuck off out of the thread, so I'm just going to join the train on making fun of you now because trying to reason with you is pointless.

But two last things

>How does that make what Chris does acceptable in any way?

Answered this, learn what scrolling up does

>You're fucked up.

It's fucked up to want such an evil degenerate sociopath who has clear mental disorders to get help. Okay, yeah.

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096eae No.783521


Ahh, the Stone Age joke. The "Sneed's Feed & Seed" of Sonichu.

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28d3f8 No.783590


>Oh sure, he artificially aged up Sonichu and Rosechu but big deal, they are functionally adults anyways.

And they're cartoon mouse hedgehogs anyway, I seriously doubt anyone would have given a shit about their ages if people weren't deliberately looking for ways to fuck with Chris. It's like all the ways to prove that Chris is a KKK hood-wearing card carrying racist (like making a big deal out of his "painting the White House black" scene or the fact that he doesn't want to date black women, which is just a personal preference not out of the ordinary, it's just that he was too autistic to shut his mouth out it like people usually do).

I think trying to reason with Mike like this is a waste of time anyway.

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c15fb3 No.783596


Hey how come totally-not-mike hasn't called Chris a huge ass racist yet? I mean yeah Chris has gone SJW Cuckold since then but NO THAT DONT MATTER HES A SOCIOPATH AND IF YOU ARNT TRYING TO GET HIM LOCKD UP THEN YOU'RE SICK IN THE HEAD

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85e3ba No.783606


He is aware of what is normal only in that he can see it. He is the eternal observer of society but he can never become a part of it as he doesn't understand normalcy enough to act normal himself. You can see that at some point he wished to be normal, you can see it in his early videos, but these days he's given up on that entirely, he probably realised that attempting to be normal only hurt him, but what he hasn't yet realised is that what he's doing nowadays will only hurt him worse. This is the curse of Chris Chan.

No one in here believes that Chris is a good person, or that his behaviour is acceptable in any way, but he certainly had no chance of being normal, at least not with the household he grew up in with his autism.

>because they selfishly view his deviancy and abuse as a comedy of errors and entertainment

Wewlad, what are you even doing here?

>He sure doesn't need people to make excuses for his behaviour

Chris doesn't read here, why would it matter what people say about him here?

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28d3f8 No.783621


No, Chris's understanding of normal has always been a cargo cult at best, Mike is just obtuse as usual.

His understanding of dating for example has been that it's something people do for ritualistic reasons due to his rigid autistic thinking. If Chris could at least perceive what's normal without being able to replicate it, he would've had enough self awareness to at least stay out the way out of trouble.

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85e3ba No.783637


That's what I mean. He can see normalcy at the very surface level, e.g. he can see that people date, then get married, then have children and that this is normal. He cannot, however, understand why people go through with these dates, or what purpose they serve, only that he must copy these dates in order to find a mate himself. As you say yourself, it's a cargo cult.

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f28e93 No.783710


>Naw, the all star was posted by the Teen Troon Squad. Don't get the two groups mixed up.

It was leaked by the Troon Squad, but made for Idea Guys (there was a chatlog of Idea Guys that was made public where they had him do the SFW version of All Star).

>What a convenient lie. If Chris is that lost with reality, then he needs to be strapped to a bed and pissing and shitting into a bucket.

Why do professionals who evaluate him not do that?

Chris has a hell of a knack for slipping through the cracks. Like he's been talking about the merge right to his fucking shrink and has somehow avoided getting institutionalized.

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f28e93 No.783715


Forgot to tag >>781831

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c15fb3 No.783751


>Like he's been talking about the merge right to his fucking shrink and has somehow avoided getting institutionalized.

Shit, he has? Well, I have two theories.

1. Just another patient. The whole purpose of his court mandated shrink is to make sure he's not a threat to himself or others. That's it. As such, he'd have to do way more then pepper spray some guy to make the alarm bells ring. I'm sorry, are you saying our mental health system is backwards? I have no idea why you would say such a thing!

2. Much less likely, but I want to put it out there. In order for any kind of therapy to be effective that's not directly focused on medicating someone until they are a potato, you are required to slowly build up trust. So the idea is that a level of trust has to be established before the therapist can say "Christine, have you considered separating the cartoon sonichu world from your real life?"

Now this is way less likely, but I had to put it out there. Ultimately it would be the way to turn Chris into something semi-productive, but I really don't see that happening. After all, you heard not-hirtes - Chris is some batshit child rapist who just wants to kill! Can you really cure that?

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b7bba2 No.783763


Mike also hates the niggos, they keep stealing his yiff and toaster ovens.

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b2faa5 No.784001


Hey Jamal, next time you and Jamarcus do your weekly crime time in Hirtes's place, don't steal the oven, shove Hirtes in it so we can see what a burned fur really looks like.

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a01e36 No.784199


>It was leaked by the Troon Squad

So Chris is masturbating in front of children again. How does that make it right? A 40 year old man doesn't need to be hanging around 14 and 15 year old boys. How does the reality of that situation get past you?

>Chris has a hell of a knack for slipping through the cracks

You mean he lies.

>he's been talking about the merge right to his fucking shrink

How would you know?

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5a3845 No.784253

Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch the video, he works the camera himself and talks only to himself and is never looking off camera at anyone, meaning nobody was present at the time of filming.


Further, the video was leaked by someone before Chris got mixed up with the teen troon squad and the leak was signed 'The guy in the "bluegras state"' which would be one of the original Idea Faggots.


Lastly, the teen troons were all of age. Teenager =/= automatic minor

TLDR Hirtes is still a fag who's got shoplifting charges only his record.

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5a3845 No.784259


>How would you know?

Because this:


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5a3845 No.784738

File: cfe09d6e1d7f554⋯.jpeg (403.32 KB,1125x1663,1125:1663,8EA7799F-9EF4-4C8E-B214-9….jpeg)

File: 5ad9cffd0e3df0c⋯.jpeg (335.33 KB,1125x1787,1125:1787,FECCEFA3-82D7-4D58-AD3A-C….jpeg)

File: 86cfc1def3ca8f4⋯.jpeg (156.84 KB,1125x569,1125:569,43D7C793-5DB1-4298-B71C-5….jpeg)

File: 95a0c24f5476839⋯.jpeg (327.27 KB,1125x728,1125:728,D0622895-3378-49D7-8506-F….jpeg)

After further consideration Chris decides he doesn’t want to go on Dr. Phil because he’s a know it all and would instead only be taking advice from the OC of an accountant.

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a01e36 No.784994


The video being leaked is not an excuse for making the video in the first place.


He's a liar. Unless you are his psych and breaking HIPPA there is no way I am going to trust Chris to be honest with anyone.

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b2b1dd No.785504


It's sad that when you're comparing yourself to Chris that you have to resort to inventing reasons that you are better than me.

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5a3845 No.785655


>The video being leaked is not an excuse for making the video in the first place.

So you’re one of those puritanical faggots who believe that anyone who works around children in any capacity shouldn’t be allowed to take videos or pictures of themselves naked or having sex. Got it.

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b909d9 No.785669


Chris doesn’t work, much less “around children”. He just has a facebook. That’s it.

And the few people remaining who still give a shit about watching him are probably getting up there in age, honestly.

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e989f6 No.785680


You're still here? (76) Come on man, you need help. You're becoming a cow yourself.

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b909d9 No.785686

File: 31583ed541a93d9⋯.jpeg (12.05 KB,276x183,92:61,2285A8E9-3E18-419C-8705-5….jpeg)


>The Cap’n shut down the Dr Phil Saga

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5a3845 No.785701


This. The only people following Chris are teenage edgelords who discovered him through Pewdiepie and oldfags. Chris is not grooming children.

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d03e95 No.785756

File: e81d85997259a7c⋯.jpg (91.03 KB,846x570,141:95,parrot.jpg)


I started following out of amazement and disbelief a while before the tranny saga began. Now I just follow out of pity for him. This is like a soap operaesque internet show for me. I have to know what comes next until Chris's final curtain call.

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de9417 No.786015

File: d118a44a885bec4⋯.webm (1.4 MB,404x720,101:180,cwcmum.webm)

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2cee68 No.792440

Do I delete Hirtes's posts so he screams and cries about it or do I leave them as a monument to one man's senility?

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a01e36 No.792495

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25741c No.792639

File: 5349daa0b77b410⋯.jpg (55.77 KB,631x475,631:475,do_it_faggot.jpg)


Here's the archive of this thread: http://archive.li/9MEfM

As for deleting his posts, pic related.

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c15fb3 No.792676


Keep. The dogpiles were great.

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7c7ee5 No.794761


Whoa…do they really let people say Sn**d here?

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a45721 No.843576

File: bc9932460b0ff03⋯.png (767.36 KB,1200x1500,4:5,sonic-movie.png)

Just made this dank oc. Let me kno if I need to change the date to the merge…

I'm sure Chris would really appriciate it if we spammed his Twitter with this poster.

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622e0f No.856112



That was confirmed false, Chris said so in a tweet after the doxxxxxxxing

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