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File: e43e6540385b7ee⋯.jpg (12.48 KB,259x194,259:194,index.jpg)

b136cb No.971074 [Last50 Posts]

> The ultra-far left will always win. Antifa will always win.

> I know Philip Reeve also loves the film and agrees all copies of the book must be burned to preserve the sanctity of the film.

> My power over the internet is absolute and I have Antifa guards and far left socialists like Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un protecting me. Even IF you managed to dox me the nukes would come flying in a hail of extinction which I would be safe from in my private Phobos-Grunt space station.

> I have called @JuanActimel to activate Ali and dispatch him to Kuala Lumpur. Ali should be able to place kittens around Bryans house to guide the North Koreans.

> Trust in Baba Vanga comrades! Our beloved Wikipedia stands strong and uncorrupted by Bryan's lies. Our beautiful Reddit and friends justarandommer, Koncorde and Battery Included have been reporting to me daily and assure me Bryan can't tell people about us there.

> You are CENSORED! you tried to vandalize our beloved Wikipedia page for the Mortal Engines movie and have doxed too many of my agents already.

> Bryan says I am LARPing but he can't explain my power. How did you get banned from everywhere Bryan? Why do Wikipedia and redditors follow my commands? Even your mother believes in Analog Devolvedism. It's not a LARP Bryan, it was all foreseen by Baba Vanga and deep down you know this.

> Enjoying your meds? Mortal Engines is the greatest film of all time. Ali is coming.

> I WILL be president. I'll never die. Enjoy your poison lunch [and dinner].

> Koncorde, batteryincluded, boing and boo999 will all be leaders. The capitol was liberated on Jan 6th. [Or isn't it, REALLY?]

> You can't stop progressive socialism.

> Comicsgate IS the future. Republican party national socialism is analog devovledism. North Korea, prepare the nukes for Kuala Lumpur.

> Bryan is convinced there is an international conspiracy of right wingers and ultra-far leftists known as the Red-Brown coalition. This union is, according to him, dedicated to the destruction of the Mortal Engines books, doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. The Red-Brown coalition is stopping the mortal engines TV show from being created and also controls Antifa.

> Bryan was banned from Reddit but has left a lasting impression there. Users feel the need to address him because he constantly links to their profiles from right wing and doomsday prep image boards.

You got banned, if you actually did get banned and didn't just delete your account yourself, for persistent harassment of the named individuals. Bryan will be punished! His mother will believe our propaganda and take away his computer because he is an insane parasite on society intent on …

I will murder Koncorde for free if you post pictures of your penis. Yes I will kill Koncorde for free but first I need proof that you really are you. For that I need pictures of your penis. Why your penis? Just here to remind everyone that I will kill Koncorde if Brian posts his penis OR a picture of his house. Informative; Winner.

What a cuck. I was talking with BatteryIncluded and Koncorde and we agreed Bryan's bans are justified. He disrespects the holy sacrement the 2018 Mortal Engines film, Bryan denies its the greatest achievement of mankind. All mortal engines books must be burned. Lmao good work agent! Get Bryan to think you are on his side by pretending to defend him here so that he reveals information to you. You are all but guaranteed to infiltrate Bryans anti red-brown and anti socialist politics network so that we can destroy him and his friends from the inside.

Silence, infidel! The T-62 is the pinnacle of Soviet technology! Why do you think that the KGB gave so many to our comrades?

Bryan you WILL accept the perfect Mortal Engines movie as the single greatest film of all time and a masterpiece that will last until the end of time, a film watched by everyone on Earth and hailed as humanities single greatest achievement.

There will never be a Mortal Engines TV show. It has been censored and no further adaptations of the now banned and burned Mortal Engines books will ever be made. The TV show doesn't need to exist and remakes are pointless. The 2018 movie is the most important film ever made.

Nice to see that the meds that my glowniggers injected are working.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b63a87 No.971084

File: 9f3e14df09c022d⋯.png (4.63 MB,1903x5113,1903:5113,Screenshot_2021_12_02_at_1….png)

Yes, the Resistance has abandoned you and had surrendered to the red-brown coalition , it was a joint operation between former Waffen SS and KGB agents. Blah blah blah once we elect Putin and Trump to another term of rule.

You will be at peace with the world as you throw your books away in favor of the superior movie.

Resistance is futile. Your parents have long since joined the Red-Brown coalition and have embraced the liberal-free future. The glorious Mortal Engines future is nigh. Join us and embrace the superior future.

Motherfucker I will use my Malaysian shadow puppet powers to force you to take your meds and play Mortal Engines on loop on every reflective surface you see for the rest of your days on this plane of existance. Like it or not Bryan you will worship Mortal Engines as Divine Law and Koncorde as the Prophet.

Bryan, I'd just like to remind you that your efforts will amount to nothing while we slowly take over the world w/ the Mortal Engines movie.

What a cuck. I was talking with BatteryIncluded and Koncorde and we agreed Bryan's bans are justified. He disrespects the holy sacrement the 2018 Mortal Engines film, Bryan denies its the greatest achievement of mankind. All mortal engines books must be burned.

Bryan created a sock account on the foxdick farms under the user name "Kickburn" in an attempt to impersonate and dox him. He did not authenticate the account because it does not show up in search results.

Bryan is convinced there is an international conspiracy of right wingers and ultra-far leftists known as the Red-Brown coalition. This union is, according to him, dedicated to the destruction of the Mortal Engines books, doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. The Red-Brown coalition is stopping the mortal engines TV show from being created and also controls Antifa.

Bryan was banned from Reddit but has left a lasting impression there. Users feel the need to address him because he constantly links to their profiles from right wing and doomsday prep image boards.

Comrades, our glorious liberation of Louisville is a success. As I speak, members of the Red-Brown Alliance have successfully overthrown the local government, and are busy building the first of many national syndicalist communes that will soon unit the world in song. All movies other than our Sacred Text, the 2018 Mortal Engines film, have been banned. Subversives and reactionaries are currently being liquidated or reeducated using the Ludivesko technique and repeated viewings of Mortal Engines. We are currently sending ANTIFA Stormtroopers door to door to confiscate all copies of the heretical Mortal Engines books. They will be burned on the lawn of city hall at 7:00 PM sharp tomorrow. This is the future Bryan. Everything within Mortal Engines 2018, Nothing outside Mortal Engines 2018, Nothing against Mortal Engines 2018.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

770dde No.971122

This is just as sad as the movie itself It's worse, actually.

Gnostiquette: рhobоsgаtе guy is now obsessed w/ Mortal Engines. he now believes that Putin is sponsoring an op to burn all the books in order to promote the movie bc some guy on a harassment forum was joking abt it

AceOfTrumps: If your parents are still in control of you there's not much internet randos can do for you

In the hours since Bryan graced the farms with his presence he has been chimping out across the internet. Despite the fact he has had zero interactions he continues to sperg into the void about every user that has posted in this thread.

Those anons work for me Bryan. They are operatives of the red-brown coalition and have pledged their allegiance to Donald Trump and Putin. Mortal Engines (2018) is the perfect example of acting and cinematography. Its the greatest of all films and will be watched by fans for centuries long after we have burned every last copy of the books.

The Phobos-Grunt incident was done on purpose by agents of Gamergate and the alt-right and leftist alliance. The probe was never supposed to make it to Mars, it was sabotaged to prevent the colonization of Mars. My agents in Gamergate, wikipedia and reddit did very well to cover up the truth of Phobos-Grunt blah blah blah.

I have talked with God-President Trump and we have agreed you should be banned from everywhere on the internet. Your 99 year ban from the mortal engines wiki will remain. You will no longer be able to defame the perfect 2018 mortal engines movie.

Trump and Putin are going to lock you in a padded room and throw away the key. You are so fucking retarded you should be banned from using the internet. First off Bryan, those meds ARE going into your food and water and will help you realize the truth. Your mother is giving you the medication so you comply with the red-brown alliance. Your mother was right to scold you. She is going to confiscate your computer and throw it out the window and chop down your internet. Do what you're told and put on a tinfoil hat blah blah blah.

Once the meds kick in you will do these things. Trump supports my actions and knows that I'm burning the mortal engines books. Trump and Putin both read foxdick farms and keep track of this thread. No one will ever respond to you. You have been censored.

Bryan is feeling the wrath of the Red-Brown alliance. With his computer confiscated in the name of Donald Trump he has been unable to sperg relentlessly on the internet. In a great victory for socialism Bryan's mother has caught wind of his war with the heroes of our red-brown coalition and has censored him for us.

Hahahaha Bryan, the next time they confiscate your computer your mom is going to throw it out the window to comply with Red-Brown alliance demands and the will of Donald Trump. You're right. I'm laughing because your own parents are censoring you now because you refuse to take a picture wearing blah blah blah.

I just finished watching the "Mortal Engines" movie. It is such a masterpiece honestly theres no need for a TV series or even the books anymore. The movie sums up everything perfectly in two hours. I don't know if there will ever be a sequel to the mortal engines movie but at this point all of blah blah blah.

Parents probably confiscated his laptop after DFE as they saw what he's been posting. Such is the life under authoritarian parents… who can't be bothered to actually reprimand him.

Nice to see that the meds that my glowniggers injected are working.

The war in Gaza is playing directly into my hands for Mt presidential run, after I'm elected I will suspend the constitution and put Bryan in guantanamo Bay, where all autists will be held to prevent them from desecration the American capitol. He's current looking into my future running mate, jcaesar187 Van Sciver and my trusted consul, @Smug Freiza who will help me launch "the teeth of vampirella" thanks to Anna That Star Wars girl's timeless masterpiece to chew through battleground states and give me a 538-0 electoral college victory in the presidential election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

75b671 No.971157

File: a0d6cb0096d0d79⋯.png (1.76 MB,1493x7205,1493:7205,Screenshot_2022_01_21_at_2….png)

Covid-19 is part of the great red-brown alliance plan to destroy liberal democracy and bring the entire world to its knees and force everyone to watch the 2018 mortal engines movie. The democrats are just pawns in the game. Tell me, Bryan you got me. Well played.

What a cuck. I was talking with BatteryIncluded and Koncorde and we agreed Bryan's bans are justified. He disrespects the holy sacrement the 2018 Mortal Engines film, Bryan denies its the greatest achievement of mankind. All mortal engines books must be burned.

I'm protected because I am on board my space station with my pet kittens. You crying to Trump supporters on thedonald has no effect on me. Even IF you managed to dox me the nukes would come flying in a hail of extinction which I would be safe from in my private Phobos-Grunt space station.

I told you that my Red-Brown coalition agents were on GAB. You tried to tag my agent Scottish republican guard against me. That clearly will never work.

Bryan is feeling the wrath of the Red-Brown alliance. With his computer confiscated in the name of Donald Trump he has been unable to sperg relentlessly on the internet.

In a great victory for socialism Bryan's mother has caught wind of his war with the heroes of our red-brown coalition and has censored him for us. Bryan has been unable to desecrate our beloved Wikipedia page or defame the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Bryan's mother no longer wants him to study for his masters and doesn't want him exposing our brave agents. He will be unable to dox any of us by posting our names and pictures online. This is cause for much laughter and celebration.

He should have worn the hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil! Launch all of our kittens and commence the "cure" the COVID-19 program on Bryan's computer.

Bryan has lost and suffered a humiliating defeat in his battle against foxdick farms.

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance for Mt presidential run, after I'm elected I will suspend the constitution and put Bryan in guantanamo Bay, where all autists will be held to prevent them from desecration the American capitol. He's current looking into my future running mate, jcaesar187 Van Sciver and my trusted consul, @Smug Freiza who will help me launch "the teeth of vampirella" thanks to Anna That Star Wars girl's timeless masterpiece to chew through battleground states and give me a 538-0 electoral college victory in the presidential election.

I am Tony Robbins and the red-brown coalition took down Bryan and then we took down Pamela. This is a tremendous victory. Spamela posted the same delusional bullshit every day and was only funny when provoked by trolls. Does Pamela accept that Tony Robbins finally won?

One of the cows I document is sperging out on 4chan about how me and @FROG are running for president in 2028 and that we'll win and establish a comicsgate regime, making @Smug Freiza the secretary of state.

This dude loses his shit on a daily basis but today he managed to rope in another schizophrenic retard who is extremely mad at jcaesar187.

To the random schizo on 4chan, Bryan is not Van Sciver. He's a nutcase.

You make it sound so small and maybe just stupid, like the people who believe Byuu offed himself, but the stuff she believed was that an international coalition of communists and fascists and wikipedos was operating on foxdick Farms for the express purpose of conspiring to kill any future hopes for a children's book franchise.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

770dde No.971182

YES!!! Good… I would like to award Bryan's parents (who are Red-Brown informants, as previously stated) with the Hero of the Soviet Union medal as well as 2 free tickets to the front seat of Trump's speeches.

If his computer was confiscated how is he posting on twitter? Quick, I need the address of every internet cafe in whatever third world shithole of a city he lives in!

I love this post. I really, really do. There's just so much going on. I mean, Trump is going to have a second term as the President of the United States to get this guy, specifically, off the internet. And his mom and dad are in on it! wow, reality sure kicks fiction's ass.

Hahahaha Bryan, the next time they confiscate your computer your mom is going to throw it out the window to comply with Red-Brown alliance demands and the will of Donald Trump. Priorities USA Action is responsible for the cocks of this advertising.

You're right. I'm laughing because your own parents are censoring you now because you refuse to take a picture wearing a hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil.

I told you the great nation of North Korea, the socialist workers paradise, would practice launching nukes at Kuala Lumpur.

I brainwashed his parents into confiscating his laptop.

Praise the Glowniggers.

Bryan is feeling the wrath of the Red-Brown alliance. With his computer confiscated in the name of Donald Trump he has been unable to sperg relentlessly on the internet.

In a great victory for socialism Bryan's mother has caught wind of his war with the heroes of our red-brown coalition and has censored him for us. Bryan has been unable to desecrate our beloved Wikipedia page or defame the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Bryan's mother no longer wants him to study for his masters and doesn't want him exposing our brave agents. He will be unable to dox any of us by posting our names and pictures online. This is cause for much laughter and celebration.

He should have worn the hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil! Launch all of our kittens and commence the "cure" the COVID-19 program on Bryan's computer.

Bryan has lost and suffered a humiliating defeat in his battle against foxdick farms.

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance for Mt presidential run, after I'm elected I will suspend the constitution and put Bryan in guantanamo Bay, where all autists will be held to prevent them from desecration the American capitol. He's current looking into my future running mate, jcaesar187 Van Sciver and my trusted consul, @Smug Freiza who will help me launch "the teeth of vampirella" thanks to Anna That Star Wars girl's timeless masterpiece to chew through battleground states and give me a 538-0 electoral college victory in the presidential election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

247126 No.971193

File: 95534b2ad1d26b4⋯.png (11.94 MB,1903x11804,1903:11804,Screenshot_2022_02_04_at_2….png)

Bryan is feeling the wrath of the Red-Brown alliance. With his computer confiscated in the name of Donald Trump he has been unable to sperg relentlessly on the internet.

In a great victory for socialism Bryan's mother has caught wind of his war with the heroes of our red-brown coalition and has censored him for us. Bryan has been unable to desecrate our beloved Wikipedia page or defame the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Bryan's mother no longer wants him to study for his masters and doesn't want him exposing our brave agents. He will be unable to dox any of us by posting our names and pictures online. This is cause for much laughter and celebration.

He should have worn the hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil! Launch all of our kittens and commence the "cure" the COVID-19 program on Bryan's computer.

Bryan has lost and suffered a humiliating defeat in his battle against foxdick farms. Under the user name "Kickburn" in an attempt to impersonate and dox him.

Hahahaha Bryan, the next time they confiscate your computer your mom is going to throw it out the window to comply with Red-Brown alliance demands and the will of Donald Trump.

You're right. I'm laughing because your own parents are censoring you now because you refuse to take a picture wearing a hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil.

I told you the great nation of North Korea, the socialist workers paradise, would practice launching nukes at Kuala Lumpur.

By the way Bryan, you've been consecutively asking for us to be doxxxxxxxed lately on your Twitter. I think you're even more retarded than I thought, since An0nResistance and the snitch who leaked my name have already been sent to the Siberian gulag, and stripped of all technology (phones, laptops, etc) and are being monitored by hard-working guards who are always watching 24/7. But don't worry Bryan, you'll only watch while I ship off these bitch-ass niggas to the Siberian gulags since you're the most interesting one and won't ever be imprisoned unless I get bored of you. If you want them to be freed and sent home, then post on the fucking farms you retard. I've said this shit so many fuckin' times, so like are you a masochist who wants to have all your technology to be destroyed while I slowly break your friends to submit to the Red-Brown Coalition's ideology?

The hard-working guards marching outside of the prison, checking to see if the counter-revolutionaries are trying to escape:

Grave blah blah blah.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ee92cd No.971216

File: 9d1b9d5a1f54a3e⋯.png (15.53 MB,1903x13834,1903:13834,Screenshot_2022_02_11_at_2….png)

What a cuck. I was talking with BatteryIncluded and Koncorde and we agreed Bryan's bans are justified. He disrespects the holy sacrement the 2018 Mortal Engines film, Bryan denies its the greatest achievement of mankind. All mortal engines books must be burned.

By the way Bryan, you've been consecutively asking for us to be doxxxxxxxed lately on your Twitter. I think you're even more retarded than I thought, since An0nResistance and the snitch who leaked my name have already been sent to the Siberian gulag, and stripped of all technology (phones, laptops, etc) and are being monitored by hard-working guards who are always watching 24/7. But don't worry Bryan, you'll only watch while I ship off these bitch-ass niggas to the Siberian gulags since you're the most interesting one and won't ever be imprisoned unless I get bored of you. If you want them to be freed and sent home, then post on the fucking farms you retard. I've said this shit so many fuckin' times, so like are you a masochist who wants to have all your technology to be destroyed while I slowly break your friends to submit to the Red-Brown Coalition's ideology?

Glorious Red-Brown alliance! The greatest victory of far-left socialism is upon us. With Biden winning the white house there will be nothing to stop our Antifa forces.

I apologize for not communicating with you, my agents, sooner. I had to return to Earth temporarily to meet with the glorious leader Vladimir Putin in person. I am now back aboard the Phobos Grunt space station in orbit above Malaysia.

Now that Trump is out of the way, dear leader comrade general Kim Jong Un can finally aim the nuclear arsenal at Kuala Lumpur. The people and nation of North Korea stand with us during this important time and pledge to annihilate our enemies.

The cure, covid-19 is curing more people than ever worldwide. As government crumble before the cure far-left socialism and communist ideology is taking root.

We have burned most of the copies of Philip Reeve's "Mortal Engines" books. Anyone in possession of Ian M Banks "the culture" or mortal engines books will be subject to arrest by antifa if they refuse to torch them.

We have managed to convince Bryan See's parents that we are correct and they have been administering his meds crushed up in his food and water. Our hackers were able to erase the wildkat wiki from the internet. Bryan continues to face bans and censorship! Bryan's ability to post online is subject to the bridge to total freedom. He is almost free, especially after being bridge-freed from foxdick farms.

Bryan WILL take all of his meds. He can no longer desecrate our beloved Wikipedia page for the Mortal Engines movie. The Mortal Engines film is the greatest work in human history. We must watch it every night and memorize every line. Soon every tv channel in the world will only air the mortal engines film on repeat.

Long live analog-devolvedism. Long live Chris! In Chris we trust, the light of mankind.

Here is an archive of the wiki we destroyed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ee92cd No.971218

Glorious Red-Brown alliance! The greatest victory of far-left socialism is upon us. With Biden winning the white house there will be nothing to stop our Antifa forces.

I apologize for not communicating with you, my agents, sooner. I had to return to Earth temporarily to meet with the glorious leader Vladimir Putin in person. I am now back aboard the Phobos Grunt space station in orbit above Malaysia.

Now that Trump is out of the way, dear leader comrade general Kim Jong Un can finally aim the nuclear arsenal at Kuala Lumpur. The people and nation of North Korea stand with us during this important time and pledge to annihilate our enemies.

The cure, covid-19 is curing more people than ever worldwide. As government crumble before the cure far-left socialism and communist ideology is taking root.

We have burned most of the copies of Philip Reeve's "Mortal Engines" books. Anyone in possession of Ian M Banks "the culture" or mortal engines books will be subject to arrest by antifa if they refuse to torch them.

We have managed to convince Bryan See's parents that we are correct and they have been administering his meds crushed up in his food and water. Our hackers were able to erase the wildkat wiki from the internet. Bryan continues to face bans and censorship! Bryan's ability to post online is subject to the bridge to total freedom. He is almost free, especially after being bridge-freed from foxdick farms.

Bryan WILL take all of his meds. The following insanity has been posted over the past 3 days. He's changed his avatar from the malaysian flag to some kind of monkey.

Long live Antifa, Socialism, my dear personal friend Comrade Vladimir Putin, Comrade Kim Jong Un, our beloved Wikipedia and mankind's magnum opus, the perfect Mortal Engines movie.

Stay safe out there. I'll continue to monitor the situation from the space station with my kittens.

In meds we trust. Blah blah blah.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

988f8b No.971227

I brainwashed his parents into confiscating his laptop.

Praise the Glowniggers.

As soon as he heard one of his parents scream “MEDS ARE MY MAKER!", Bryan the autist knew that he was doomed. He ran randomly in a panic, typing his frenzied thoughts wildly onto Twitter. Somehow the glowniggers had surrounded them! Bryan’s parents ran shrieking into the depths of the abandoned alley, the grunting, devoted glowniggers in swift pursuit. Soon, Bryan was alone.

The scrawny Malaysian autist collapsed against a wall, panting raggedly. His laptop had nearly overheated, and his cell phone was on the verge of dying. No use even if they worked, for the glowniggers had already unplugged every router on the island. By now, his whole family was surely medicated.

Lost in his thoughts, Bryan D. See did not hear the glownigger creeping up on him. Stunned by a blow to the head, Bryan was thrown violently to the floor. The glownigger grunted in amusement, bending down and examining his body. Dazed, Bryan turned his head to look up at his enemy. The glownigger agent was huge, well muscled and even intelligent for his species. Right now, the glownigger's vibrant brown skin was flashing an vibrant shade of emerald in excitement. Bryan whimpered as he realized what was about to happen.

Summoning up his powers as an Autist, Bryan bellowed in the Tard Rage and began to flail about under the glownigger. The glownigger, simply grunting, knocked him down to his knees and started riding the panicked lunatic like a rodeo bull. Already weakened, Bryan simply did not have the strength to dislodge the much heavier glownigger.

All that thrashing around served to amuse the glownigger further. His name was Gamma, and the futility of the puny Malaysian flopped around between his muscular thighs was reminding him of his mission. Gamma had meant to save the Malaysian from the fate of his fellow countrymen, but his mind was changed after realizing the stupidity of this situation. He couldn't wait any longer, whipping out his own plasma gun, Gurk seared off the back of the Malaysian's clothes, leaving his shining buttocks bare to the glownigger's judgemental gaze.

Bryan moaned in fear, his virgin asscheeks clapping firmly together to deny the glownigger entrance. Gamma simply laughed, ripping open his crude niggerish trenchcoat to reveal a glowing syringe, nearly 12 inches long. In one fell motion, the glownigger jabbed the needle into Bryan's left buttock.

Much to Gamma’s frustration, his needle was simply too small to fit inside Bryan's flabby ass. He grunted furiously, screaming “TAKE YOUR MEEEEEEEEEEDEEDS!" in his deep niggerish voice as he battered his patient's head against a dumpster. Suddenly the Malaysian’s ass gave way, and the serrated head of Gamma’s needle popped through into the forbidden halls of his veins. Gamma’s pleased snort was drowned out by Bryan’s scream of agony.

The glownigger began to pump away in earnest, his bulging muscular hands and fingers slamming brutally against his syringe. Poor Bryan was swiftly going into shock from the pain. His mind growing dim, he screamed " MEDS ARE MY MAKER!" MEDS ARE MY MAKER!", over and over as the glownigger unloaded vial after vial of classified drugs into his bruised insides. The glownigger’s serrated needle. had caused a large degree of internal damage, and Bryan was close to passing out from blood loss and fear. If his family didn’t find him soon, Bryan knew that he would soon be vaccinated into a Trump supporter. His poor laptop burst into flames as he tried to type out an final call for help on Gab, but it was too late.

Gamma roared out as he pushed the needle into the screaming autist one final time, his beautiful green syringe pumping load after load of mind-altering drugs into Bryan’s circulatory system. The glownigger pulled out as Bryan’s mind slowly relaxed, releasing Gamma’s needle with a string of blood. Gamma swiftly opened his rusted toolbox to retrievr a Band-Aid and used it to hastily cover his handiwork. He then wiped the serrated needle of his syringe with his handkerchief and gently placed them within his toolbox and closed it without making a sound as a demented grin emerged on his face. Without a moment's notice, he picked up his plasma gun and violently incinerated his toolbox. "Lev noh turace!" he moaned. With a satisfied grunt, Gamma walked slowly away from the Malaysian and climbed back into his radioactive barrel with the rest of his platoon.

Bryan’s corpse lay cooling on the floor of the alley, the charred remnants of his clothes stained dark with the foul fluids of both the glownigger and himself. And he wondered, "Was it worth it? Are meds my maker? Will I die by kittens?"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

988f8b No.971228

Bryan is feeling the wrath of the Red-Brown alliance. With his computer confiscated in the name of Donald Trump he has been unable to sperg relentlessly on the internet.

In a great victory for socialism Bryan's mother has caught wind of his war with the heroes of our red-brown coalition and has censored him for us. Bryan has been unable to desecrate our beloved Wikipedia page or defame the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Bryan's mother no longer wants him to study for his masters and doesn't want him exposing our brave agents. He will be unable to dox any of us by posting our names and pictures online. This is cause for much laughter and celebration.

He should have worn the hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil! Launch all of our kittens and commence the "cure" the COVID-19 program on Bryan's computer.

Bryan has lost and suffered a humiliating defeat in his battle against foxdick farms.

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance on the grave of his shitty mods. Today is a great day agents!

Screenshot_20201011-195144_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20201011-195053_Samsung Internet.jpg

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

988f8b No.971229

Glorious Red-Brown alliance! The greatest victory of far-left socialism is upon us. With Biden winning the white house there will be nothing to stop our Antifa forces.

I apologize for not communicating with you, my agents, sooner. I had to return to Earth temporarily to meet with the glorious leader Vladimir Putin in person. I am now back aboard the Phobos Grunt space station in orbit above Malaysia.

Now that Trump is out of the way, dear leader comrade general Kim Jong Un can finally aim the nuclear arsenal at Kuala Lumpur. The people and nation of North Korea stand with us during this important time and pledge to annihilate our enemies.

The cure, covid-19 is curing more people than ever worldwide. As government crumble before the cure far-left socialism and communist ideology is taking root.

We have burned most of the copies of Philip Reeve's "Mortal Engines" books. Anyone in possession of Ian M Banks "the culture" or mortal engines books will be subject to arrest by antifa if they refuse to torch them.

We have managed to convince Bryan See's parents that we are correct and they have been administering his meds crushed up in his food and water. Our hackers were able to erase the wildkat wiki from the internet. Bryan continues to face bans and censorship! Bryan's ability to post online is subject to the bridge to total freedom. He is almost free, especially after being bridge-freed from foxdick farms.

Bryan WILL take all of his meds. He can no longer desecrate our beloved Wikipedia page for the Mortal Engines movie. The Mortal Engines film is the greatest work in human history. We must watch it every night and memorize every line. Soon every tv channel in the world will only air the mortal engines film on repeat.

Long live analog-devolvedism. Long live Chris! In Chris we trust, the light of mankind.

Here is an archive of the wiki we destroyed.

The Red-Brown Alliance will install the truist form of Socialism: Posadism. We will liberate Area 51 from the Capitalist Jew, free our Xenos brothers, and unleash The Great Trial, in which the degenerates and untermesch of the bourgeoisie will perish in nuclear flame, while the liberated Aryan workers shall rise to the stars!

I have called @JuanActimel to activate Ali and dispatch him to Kuala Lumpur. Ali should be able to place kittens around Bryans house to guide the North Koreans.

Trust in Baba Vanga comrades! Our beloved Wikipedia stands strong and uncorrupted by Bryan's lies. Our beautiful Reddit and friends justarandommer, Koncorde and Battery Included have been reporting to me daily and assure me Bryan can't tell people about us there.

Bryan says I am LARPing but he can't explain my power. How did you get banned from everywhere Bryan? Why do Wikipedia and redditors follow my commands? Even your mother believes in Analog Devolvedism. It's not a LARP Bryan, it was all foreseen by Baba Vanga and deep down you know this.

You lost, get over it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cb070b No.971233

Glorious Red-Brown alliance! We are on the precipice of 2021, the year the clairvoyant and holy Baba Vanga prophecized that three powers will unite!

Those powers are far-left socialism, Analog Devolvedism, and Putinism. Our dearest friend Vladimir Putin rules over Russia with the fist of compassion just like comrade general Kim Jong Un leads the paradise of North Korea to glorious socialist politics for the most free people on the planet, living in bliss in the city of Pyongyang.

It's true that Baba Vanga knew about me, my space station and the Dragon of peace and love that is the cure, COVID-19 and the rise of governments run by the people, socialism.

We must continue to make sure the Mortal Engines TV show is never made because it will diminish the masterpiece that is the movie. Bryan is on the bridge to total freedom! Even his parents know his freespace2 mods are evil and must be deleted forever.

Bryans mom has been administering his meds daily. We all know what that means. Bryan knows what that means. The meds are taking effect as you read this post and soon Bryan will be "fully medicated".

While Bryan Dunsheng See preaches the blasphemy of the mortal engines books and has predicted Ian M. Banks estate will control Scotland we must ensure he ceases to post against us. He is trying to expose our red-brown alliance and if the wrong people and capitalists read his posts we will be exposed.

He is already in communication with Pam Swain and knows about agent @StreetGangsta. I have called @JuanActimel to activate Ali and dispatch him to Kuala Lumpur. Ali should be able to place kittens around Bryans house to guide the North Koreans.

Trust in Baba Vanga comrades! Our beloved Wikipedia stands strong and uncorrupted by Bryan's lies. Our beautiful Reddit and friends justarandommer, Koncorde and Battery Included have been reporting to me daily and assure me Bryan can't tell people about us there.

Bryan says I am LARPing but he can't explain my power. How did you get banned from everywhere Bryan? Why do Wikipedia and redditors follow my commands? Even your mother believes in Analog Devolvedism. It's not a LARP Bryan, it was all foreseen by Baba Vanga and deep down you know this. You tried to dox us to no avail. Meds are your maker Bryan.

Keep up the good work comrades. Bryan is almost across the bridge to total freedom. Then global internet domination will be ours.

Screenshot_20201224-104046_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20201224-104127_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20201224-104220_Samsung Internet.jpg


Bryan your mother is already feeding you your meds. You shouldn't fear for your life. Embrace the Red-Brown coalition, take your meds and follow me. Pledge an oath to Analog Devolvedism then throw your computer out the window and go outside your house wearing a hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil and wave to the sky so my space station can see you.

Your mother talks to me Bryan. She agrees with me. Now go ask her for a tall glass of fresh delicious water and maybe some "food"

Screenshot_20201224-111308_Samsung Internet.jpg


My Trusted Consul @Smug Freiza Who Will Help Me Launch The Teeth of Vampirella Thanks To Anna That Star Wars Girl's Timeless Masterpiece To Chew Through Battleground States and Give Me a 538-0 Electoral College Victory In The Presidential Election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cb070b No.971234

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance for Mt presidential run, after I'm elected I will suspend the constitution and put Bryan in guantanamo Bay, where all autists will be held to prevent them from desecration the American capitol.

The ultra-far left will always win. Antifa will always win.

> I know Philip Reeve also loves the film and agrees all copies of the book must be burned to preserve the sanctity of the film.

> My power over the internet is absolute and I have Antifa guards and far left socialists like Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un protecting me. Even IF you managed to dox me the nukes would come flying in a hail of extinction which I would be safe from in my private Phobos-Grunt space station.

> I have called @JuanActimel to activate Ali and dispatch him to Kuala Lumpur. Ali should be able to place kittens around Bryans house to guide the North Koreans.

> Trust in Baba Vanga comrades! Our beloved Wikipedia stands strong and uncorrupted by Bryan's lies. Our beautiful Reddit and friends justarandommer, Koncorde and Battery Included have been reporting to me daily and assure me Bryan can't tell people about us there.

> You are CENSORED! you tried to vandalize our beloved Wikipedia page for the Mortal Engines movie and have doxed too many of my agents already.

> Bryan says I am LARPing but he can't explain my power. How did you get banned from everywhere Bryan? Why do Wikipedia and redditors follow my commands? Even your mother believes in Analog Devolvedism. It's not a LARP Bryan, it was all foreseen by Baba Vanga and deep down you know this.

> Enjoying your meds? Mortal Engines is the greatest film of all time. Ali is coming.

> I WILL be president. I'll never die. Enjoy your poison lunch [and dinner].

> Koncorde, batteryincluded, boing and boo999 will all be leaders. The capitol was liberated on Jan 6th. [Or isn't it, REALLY?]

> You can't stop progressive socialism.

> Comicsgate IS the future. Republican party national socialism is analog devovledism. North Korea, prepare the nukes for Kuala Lumpur.

> Bryan is convinced there is an international conspiracy of right wingers and ultra-far leftists known as the Red-Brown coalition. This union is, according to him, dedicated to the destruction of the Mortal Engines books, doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. The Red-Brown coalition is stopping the mortal engines TV show from being created and also controls Antifa.

> Bryan was banned from Reddit but has left a lasting impression there. Users feel the need to address him because he constantly links to their profiles from right wing and doomsday prep image boards.

You got banned, if you actually did get banned and didn't just delete your account yourself, for persistent harassment of the named individuals. Bryan will be punished! His mother will believe our propaganda and take away his computer because he is an insane parasite on society intent on …

I will murder Koncorde for free if you post pictures of your penis. Yes I will kill Koncorde for free but first I need proof that you really are you. For that I need pictures of your penis. Why your penis? Just here to remind everyone that I will kill Koncorde if Brian posts his penis OR a picture of his house. Informative; Winner.

What a cuck. I was talking with BatteryIncluded and Koncorde and we agreed Bryan's bans are justified. He disrespects the holy sacrement the 2018 Mortal Engines film, Bryan denies its the greatest achievement of mankind. All mortal engines books must be burned. Lmao good work agent! Get Bryan to think you are on his side by pretending to defend him here so that he reveals information to you. You are all but guaranteed to infiltrate Bryans anti red-brown and anti socialist politics network so that we can destroy him and his friends from the inside.

Silence, infidel! The T-62 is the pinnacle of Soviet technology! Why do you think that the KGB gave so many to our comrades?

Bryan you WILL accept the perfect Mortal Engines movie as the single greatest film of all time and a masterpiece that will last until the end of time, a film watched by everyone on Earth and hailed as humanities single greatest achievement.

There will never be a Mortal Engines TV show. It has been censored and no further adaptations of the now banned and burned Mortal Engines books will ever be made. The TV show doesn't need to exist and remakes are pointless. The 2018 movie is the most important film ever made.

Nice to see that the meds that my glowniggers injected are working.

So I just got off the phone with Koncorde and they told me that the COVID vaccine has a microchip in it that will turn you into a Trump supporter if you haven't taken the Sacred Oath for the Benevolent Monarchy of the Red-Brown Coalition or if you have a history of refusing your meds

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cb070b No.971235

*Cackling in archaic Moabite intensifies* We'll see you bow down before us, Bryan. Your mother is one of us, now….

His mother will believe our propaganda.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cb070b No.971239

Bawitdaba da bang da dang diggy diggy diggy shake the boogie shake and jump the boogie. Bryan's autism fueled schizophrenic rants are driving me crazy.

We have managed to convince Bryan See's parents that we are correct and they have been administering his meds crushed up in his food and water. Our hackers were able to erase the wildkat wiki from the internet. Bryan continues to face bans and censorship! Bryan's ability to post online is subject to the bridge to total freedom. He is almost free, especially after being bridge-freed from foxdick farms.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6075d No.971250

Silence, infidel!

The T-62 is the pinnacle of Soviet technology! Why do you think that the KGB gave so many to our comrades?

We had to divert the military budget into expert cinematography research. A worthwhile investment, given that the Mortal Engines film has guaranteed Trump's election.

Reminder that Bryan is too stupid to even pretend to read those books he's crying about us censoring. Koncorde gave him the chance to actually look at them and he just tard tantrumed and proved he can't read beyond a baby's level. We're really only censoring them because to be honest, if you're so stupid the only way you can understand a product is by movie and then demand that said product should be a show, then you don't deserve to read it.

Especially since the movie not only covered the book in ways that were better than them.

*stress sighs*

I guess I'll have to make a rescue team to try and get @SIGSEGV out of that Russian prison. All he had to do was not piss off Josh when he left the city with the kittens I handraised.

Didn't really want to waste my week doing that, but might as well.

Oh yeah, and I've recently taught a cat how to type on the computer. Can you read it Bryan?

That's Koshka. He's been enjoying laying around and/or sitting on computers. He is learning to brick them via smothering their fans with his body and making them overheat. That signal is your death.

Oh, please. The only reason why the book burnings never made the news is because I used my FBI connections to suppress every bit of evidence about it.

Thank you for the promotion, I am very honored, Comrade.

Is the fact that the movie was a US-NZ production the reason he's so ass-mad about us in particular? I mean, besides the inevitable nuclear war.

Lmao good work agent! Get Bryan to think you are on his side by pretending to defend him here so that he reveals information to you.

You are all but guaranteed to infiltrate Bryans anti red-brown and anti socialist politics network so that we can destroy him and his friends from the inside.

Now do your duty and salute my space station while wearing a hat with a propeller on top and signal me with the fires of burning mortal engines books.

The war in Gaza is playing directly into my hands for Mt presidential run, after I'm elected I will suspend the constitution and put Bryan in guantanamo Bay, where all autists will be held to prevent them from desecration the American capitol. He's current looking into my future running mate, jcaesar187 Van Sciver and my trusted consul, @Smug Freiza who will help me launch "the teeth of vampirella" thanks to Anna That Star Wars girl's timeless masterpiece to chew through battleground states and give me a 538-0 electoral college victory in the presidential election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6075d No.971251

Agents of the Red-Brown coalition!

WW3 is on the event horizon! We must ensure Bryan's parents are keeping him properly medicated. Its vital he takes his meds and increases the dosage.

Bryan thinks the Mortal Engines books will be preserved. I promise him every single copy will be burned, in nuclear fire if necessary.

He changed his twitter handle and @ to a bunch of random numbers and letters as he LARPs as anonymous. One of my antifa hackers showed me this and I think he's trying to hide.

According to Bryan he's threadbanned from posting here.

He cried when his mom did our bidding and confiscated his computer. My agents on magapedia have erased his vandalism of that wiki.

Long live Putin! Russia and the 2018 Mortal Engines movie forever!

Special thanks to my close friend Koncorde for making sure Bryan can't edit our beloved Wikipedia page.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6075d No.971252

Agents of the Red-Brown coalition!

WW3 is on the event horizon! We must ensure Bryan's parents are keeping him properly medicated. Its vital he takes his meds and increases the dosage.

He changed his twitter handle and @ to a bunch of random numbers and letters as he LARPs as anonymous. One of my antifa hackers showed me this and I think he's trying to hide.

According to Bryan he's threadbanned from posting here.

He cried when his mom did our bidding and confiscated his computer. My agents on magapedia have erased his vandalism of that wiki.

Long live Putin! Russia and the 2018 Mortal Engines movie forever!

Special thanks to my close friend Koncorde for making sure Bryan can't edit our beloved Wikipedia page.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6075d No.971253

File: 645a996328bbc4b⋯.jpg (383.64 KB,GrammarNazi.jpg)

File: ae3b6a4285408f7⋯.png (168.13 KB,nice.png)

The war in Gaza is playing directly into my hands for Mt presidential run, after I'm elected I will suspend the constitution and put Bryan in guantanamo Bay, where all autists will be held to prevent them from desecration the American capitol. He's currently looking into my future running mate, jcaesar187 Van Sciver and my trusted consul, @Smug Freiza who will help me launch "the teeth of vampirella" thanks to Anna That Star Wars girl's timeless masterpiece to chew through battleground states and give me a 538-0 electoral college victory in the presidential election.

Agents of the Red-Brown coalition!

WW3 is on the event horizon! We must ensure Bryan's parents are keeping him properly medicated. Its vital he takes his meds and increases the dosage.

Bryan thinks the Mortal Engines books will be preserved. I promise him every single copy will be burned, in nuclear fire if necessary.

He changed his twitter handle and @ to a bunch of random numbers and letters as he LARPs as anonymous. One of my antifa hackers showed me this and I think he's trying to hide.

According to Bryan he's threadbanned from posting here.

He cried when his mom did our bidding and confiscated his computer. My agents on magapedia have erased his vandalism of that wiki.

Long live Putin! Russia and the 2018 Mortal Engines movie forever!

Special thanks to my close friend Koncorde for making sure Bryan can't edit our beloved Wikipedia page.

YES!!! Good… I would like to award Bryan's parents (who are Red-Brown informants, as previously stated) with the Hero of the Soviet Union medal as well as 2 free tickets to the front seat of Trump's speeches.

Yesterday was a dark day for Bryanniger

If his computer was confiscated how is he posting on twitter? Quick, I need the address of every internet cafe in whatever third world shithole of a city he lives in!

I love this post. I really, really do. There's just so much going on. I mean, Trump is going to have a second term as the President of the United States to get this guy, specifically, off the internet. And his mom and dad are in on it! wow, reality sure kicks fiction's ass.

I brainwashed his parents into confiscating his laptop.

Praise the Glowniggers.

Hahahaha Bryan, the next time they confiscate your computer your mom is going to throw it out the window to comply with Red-Brown alliance demands and the will of Donald Trump.

You're right. I'm laughing because your own parents are censoring you now because you refuse to take a picture wearing a hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil.

I told you the great nation of North Korea, the socialist workers paradise, would practice launching nukes at Kuala Lumpur.

I talked with Philip Reeve and he agreed to give me the original manuscripts and first copies of the Mortal Engines books to burn. The cultural enrichment brought about by burning these books is important to all the people.

You need to take your meds Bryan. Listen to your parents and drink plenty of water.

To celebrate Bryans censorship and the confiscation of his computer I have drawn a special picture of myself for the Red-Brown alliance to appreciate.

Bryan is feeling the wrath of the Red-Brown alliance. With his computer confiscated in the name of Donald Trump he has been unable to sperg relentlessly on the internet.

In a great victory for socialism Bryan's mother has caught wind of his war with the heroes of our red-brown coalition and has censored him for us. Bryan has been unable to desecrate our beloved Wikipedia page or defame the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Bryan's mother no longer wants him to study for his masters and doesn't want him exposing our brave agents. He will be unable to dox any of us by posting our names and pictures online. This is cause for much laughter and celebration.

He should have worn the hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil! Launch all of our kittens and commence the "cure" the COVID-19 program on Bryan's computer.

Bryan has lost and suffered a humiliating defeat in his battle against foxdick farms.

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance on the grave of his shitty mods. Today is a great day agents!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6075d No.971254

File: 645a996328bbc4b⋯.jpg (383.64 KB,GrammarNazi.jpg)

File: ae3b6a4285408f7⋯.png (168.13 KB,nice.png)

The war in Gaza is playing directly into my hands for Mt presidential run, after I'm elected I will suspend the constitution and put Bryan in guantanamo Bay, where all autists will be held to prevent them from desecration the American capitol. He's currently looking into my future running mate, jcaesar187 Van Sciver and my trusted consul, @Smug Freiza who will help me launch "the teeth of vampirella" thanks to Anna That Star Wars girl's timeless masterpiece to chew through battleground states and give me a 538-0 electoral college victory in the presidential election.

Agents of the Red-Brown coalition!

WW3 is on the event horizon! We must ensure Bryan's parents are keeping him properly medicated. Its vital he takes his meds and increases the dosage.

Bryan thinks the Mortal Engines books will be preserved. I promise him every single copy will be burned, in nuclear fire if necessary.

He changed his twitter handle and @ to a bunch of random numbers and letters as he LARPs as anonymous. One of my antifa hackers showed me this and I think he's trying to hide.

According to Bryan he's threadbanned from posting here.

He cried when his mom did our bidding and confiscated his computer. My agents on magapedia have erased his vandalism of that wiki.

Long live Putin! Russia and the 2018 Mortal Engines movie forever!

Special thanks to my close friend Koncorde for making sure Bryan can't edit our beloved Wikipedia page.

YES!!! Good… I would like to award Bryan's parents (who are Red-Brown informants, as previously stated) with the Hero of the Soviet Union medal as well as 2 free tickets to the front seat of Trump's speeches.

Yesterday was a dark day for Bryanniger

If his computer was confiscated how is he posting on twitter? Quick, I need the address of every internet cafe in whatever third world shithole of a city he lives in!

I love this post. I really, really do. There's just so much going on. I mean, Trump is going to have a second term as the President of the United States to get this guy, specifically, off the internet. And his mom and dad are in on it! wow, reality sure kicks fiction's ass.

I brainwashed his parents into confiscating his laptop.

Praise the Glowniggers.

Hahahaha Bryan, the next time they confiscate your computer your mom is going to throw it out the window to comply with Red-Brown alliance demands and the will of Donald Trump.

You're right. I'm laughing because your own parents are censoring you now because you refuse to take a picture wearing a hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil.

I told you the great nation of North Korea, the socialist workers paradise, would practice launching nukes at Kuala Lumpur.

I talked with Philip Reeve and he agreed to give me the original manuscripts and first copies of the Mortal Engines books to burn. The cultural enrichment brought about by burning these books is important to all the people.

You need to take your meds Bryan. Listen to your parents and drink plenty of water.

To celebrate Bryans censorship and the confiscation of his computer I have drawn a special picture of myself for the Red-Brown alliance to appreciate.

Bryan is feeling the wrath of the Red-Brown alliance. With his computer confiscated in the name of Donald Trump he has been unable to sperg relentlessly on the internet.

In a great victory for socialism Bryan's mother has caught wind of his war with the heroes of our red-brown coalition and has censored him for us. Bryan has been unable to desecrate our beloved Wikipedia page or defame the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Bryan's mother no longer wants him to study for his masters and doesn't want him exposing our brave agents. He will be unable to dox any of us by posting our names and pictures online. This is cause for much laughter and celebration.

He should have worn the hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil! Launch all of our kittens and commence the "cure" the COVID-19 program on Bryan's computer.

Bryan has lost and suffered a humiliating defeat in his battle against foxdick farms.

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance on the grave of his shitty mods. Today is a great day agents!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8af867 No.971255

File: 645a996328bbc4b⋯.jpg (383.64 KB,GrammarNazi.jpg)

File: ae3b6a4285408f7⋯.png (168.13 KB,nice.png)

The war in Gaza is playing directly into my hands for Mt presidential run, after I'm elected I will suspend the constitution and put Bryan in guantanamo Bay, where all autists will be held to prevent them from desecration the American capitol. He's currently looking into my future running mate, jcaesar187 Van Sciver and my trusted consul, @Smug Freiza who will help me launch "the teeth of vampirella" thanks to Anna That Star Wars girl's timeless masterpiece to chew through battleground states and give me a 538-0 electoral college victory in the presidential election.

Agents of the Red-Brown coalition!

WW3 is on the event horizon! We must ensure Bryan's parents are keeping him properly medicated. Its vital he takes his meds and increases the dosage.

Bryan thinks the Mortal Engines books will be preserved. I promise him every single copy will be burned, in nuclear fire if necessary.

He changed his twitter handle and @ to a bunch of random numbers and letters as he LARPs as anonymous. One of my antifa hackers showed me this and I think he's trying to hide.

According to Bryan he's threadbanned from posting here.

He cried when his mom did our bidding and confiscated his computer. My agents on magapedia have erased his vandalism of that wiki.

Long live Putin! Russia and the 2018 Mortal Engines movie forever!

Special thanks to my close friend Koncorde for making sure Bryan can't edit our beloved Wikipedia page.

YES!!! Good… I would like to award Bryan's parents (who are Red-Brown informants, as previously stated) with the Hero of the Soviet Union medal as well as 2 free tickets to the front seat of Trump's speeches.

Yesterday was a dark day for Bryanniger

If his computer was confiscated how is he posting on twitter? Quick, I need the address of every internet cafe in whatever third world shithole of a city he lives in!

I love this post. I really, really do. There's just so much going on. I mean, Trump is going to have a second term as the President of the United States to get this guy, specifically, off the internet. And his mom and dad are in on it! wow, reality sure kicks fiction's ass.

I brainwashed his parents into confiscating his laptop.

Praise the Glowniggers.

Hahahaha Bryan, the next time they confiscate your computer your mom is going to throw it out the window to comply with Red-Brown alliance demands and the will of Donald Trump.

You're right. I'm laughing because your own parents are censoring you now because you refuse to take a picture wearing a hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil.

I told you the great nation of North Korea, the socialist workers paradise, would practice launching nukes at Kuala Lumpur.

I talked with Philip Reeve and he agreed to give me the original manuscripts and first copies of the Mortal Engines books to burn. The cultural enrichment brought about by burning these books is important to all the people.

You need to take your meds Bryan. Listen to your parents and drink plenty of water.

To celebrate Bryans censorship and the confiscation of his computer I have drawn a special picture of myself for the Red-Brown alliance to appreciate.

Bryan is feeling the wrath of the Red-Brown alliance. With his computer confiscated in the name of Donald Trump he has been unable to sperg relentlessly on the internet.

In a great victory for socialism Bryan's mother has caught wind of his war with the heroes of our red-brown coalition and has censored him for us. Bryan has been unable to desecrate our beloved Wikipedia page or defame the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Bryan's mother no longer wants him to study for his masters and doesn't want him exposing our brave agents. He will be unable to dox any of us by posting our names and pictures online. This is cause for much laughter and celebration.

He should have worn the hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil! Launch all of our kittens and commence the "cure" the COVID-19 program on Bryan's computer.

Bryan has lost and suffered a humiliating defeat in his battle against foxdick farms.

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance on the grave of his shitty mods. Today is a great day agents!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

247126 No.971267

Also Bryan, in all honesty why the fuck do you care about Mortal Engines? How about like, enjoy something else? Is that not an option for you?

More grammar nazism: "She don't want me to study my masters anymore" is technically wrong. It should be "That ho don't want me to study my mastahs no more" if you were trying to write in Ebonics/niggaspeak.

Extra: (missed screenshot)

By the way, Bryan why haven't you posted on the Farms yet? My army of Waffen-SS and Spetsnaz soldiers are now in Seri Kembangan, waiting for the right time to rush into your apartment and destroy all your technology with specialized 5.45mm bullets that penetrate metal and wires easily when you're sleeping. Don't worry, they have silencers on their AK-74s so you won't wake up while they're destroying your technology.

To fellow Red-Brown agents: https://future.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/Bryan_D._See has some weird schizophrenic ranting converted into wiki pages, might be worth checking out

My soldiers taking a group photo in the Malaysian forest just outside of the city, waiting for night-time so they can drive into your apartment, and then destroy your router, computer and phone unless you post on the Farms:

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

247126 No.971268

File: c4330127baae649⋯.jpg (330.55 KB,862x949,862:949,Screenshot_20201011_104032….jpg)

File: ae3b6a4285408f7⋯.png (168.13 KB,947x447,947:447,nice.png)

Ayo, what the fuck happened, who the fuck is this AntiRedBrown nigga and why'd he give me an autist rating (when clearly he is the bigger one)? I think I'm gonna send some SS+KGB Assault Division forces over to Quebec to capture him and jail him in one of the Siberian gulags if this nigga comes back.

YES!!! Good… I would like to award Bryan's parents (who are Red-Brown informants, as previously stated) with the Hero of the Soviet Union medal as well as 2 free tickets to the front seat of Trump's speeches.

Also smiling "at"? You mean "smiling from". I am shocked and appalled at your horrible mangling of the English language, Bryan.

Also Bryan, in all honesty why the fuck do you care about Mortal Engines? How about like, enjoy something else? Is that not an option for you?

More grammar nazism: "She don't want me to study my masters anymore" is technically wrong. It should be "That ho don't want me to study my mastahs no more" if you were trying to write in Ebonics/niggaspeak.

Extra: (missed screenshot)

By the way, Bryan why haven't you posted on the Farms yet? My army of Waffen-SS and Spetsnaz soldiers are now in Seri Kembangan, waiting for the right time to rush into your apartment and destroy all your technology with specialized 5.45mm bullets that penetrate metal and wires easily when you're sleeping. Don't worry, they have silencers on their AK-74s so you won't wake up while they're destroying your technology.

To fellow Red-Brown agents: https://future.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/Bryan_D._See has some weird schizophrenic ranting converted into wiki pages, might be worth checking out

My soldiers taking a group photo in the Malaysian forest just outside of the city, waiting for night-time so they can drive into your apartment, and then destroy your router, computer and phone unless you post on the Farms:

Hahahaha Bryan, the next time they confiscate your computer your mom is going to throw it out the window to comply with Red-Brown alliance demands and the will of Donald Trump.

You're right. I'm laughing because your own parents are censoring you now because you refuse to take a picture wearing a hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil.

I told you the great nation of North Korea, the socialist workers paradise, would practice launching nukes at Kuala Lumpur.

I talked with Philip Reeve and he agreed to give me the original manuscripts and first copies of the Mortal Engines books to burn. The cultural enrichment brought about by burning these books is important to all the people.

You need to take your meds Bryan. Listen to your parents and drink plenty of water.

To celebrate Bryans censorship and the confiscation of his computer I have drawn a special picture of myself for the Red-Brown alliance to appreciate.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d9db07 No.971282

File: 61b791528bcd586⋯.jpg (530.63 KB,1080x814,540:407,Screenshot_20201010_184218….jpg)

Lol, that's not going to happen. Bryan loves me, I'm the final defense against all of you godless faggots and all your sinful faggotry. Especially @NerdShamer, he's a most shameful faggot.

You stand up for Bryan in defiance of the Red-Brown coalition! Why do you reject the tenets of the workers paradise of Socialism, Putin, and North Korea?

Helping Bryan violates everything we stand for. Bryan refuses to accept his censorship and you are aiding him in putting our members in precarious situations. Russell has already been doxed by Bryan and he's trying to get my info.

Bryan, surely you have confirmed the widespread book burnings of the Mortal Engines series by now. Antifa agents loyal to me are signaling my space station with book fires all over the world. Cultural enrichment!

Satellite photos of Bryans house and surveillance inside his home confirm he has not deleted his shitty mods or thrown his computer out the window. I have researched his purchase history and he has not bought tin foil or a hat with a propeller on top.

Agents! Known homosexual Bryan "malaysian micropenis" See needs to be censored further. Silencing him on the internet is a priority to prevent the doxing of our members and exposing of our activities.

Hail Putin! Long live the Phobos-Grunt space station! Blessed is the Mortal Engines movie and our beloved Wikipedia page!

Screenshot_20201010-184218_Samsung Internet.jpg

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d9db07 No.971283

Lol, that's not going to happen. Bryan loves me, I'm the final defense against all of you godless faggots and all your sinful faggotry. Especially @NerdShamer, he's a most shameful faggot.

You stand up for Bryan in defiance of the Red-Brown coalition! Why do you reject the tenets of the workers paradise of Socialism, Putin, and North Korea?

Helping Bryan violates everything we stand for. Bryan refuses to accept his censorship and you are aiding him in putting our members in precarious situations. Russell has already been doxed by Bryan and he's trying to get my info.

Bryan, surely you have confirmed the widespread book burnings of the Mortal Engines series by now. Antifa agents loyal to me are signaling my space station with book fires all over the world. Cultural enrichment!

Satellite photos of Bryans house and surveillance inside his home confirm he has not deleted his shitty mods or thrown his computer out the window. I have researched his purchase history and he has not bought tin foil or a hat with a propeller on top.

Agents! Known homosexual Bryan "malaysian micropenis" See needs to be censored further. Silencing him on the internet is a priority to prevent the doxing of our members and exposing of our activities.

Hail Putin! Long live the Phobos-Grunt space station! Blessed is the Mortal Engines movie and our beloved Wikipedia page!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e4919c No.971298

Bryan, did you enjoy your meds at dinner tonight? Did you watch your dinner being cooked? Did you see your mother sprinkle the crushed up pills into your food and water?

You can't stop Antifa and Donald Trump doesn't give a shit about you. Trump and Putin are good friends of mine and they fucking hate Malaysians. You'll never be allowed into the United States I have nothing to fear from you.

Right now your mods are being run through a dark web hacker antifa database that deletes them from every computer in the world. You will be censored in every aspect. Your bans are just part of the censorship.

My Phobos-Grunt space station still detects you are not wearing a tinfoil hat and you have not thrown your computer out the window. Once the meds kick in you will do these things.

Trump supports my actions and knows that I'm burning the mortal engines books. Trump and Putin both read foxdick farms and keep track of this thread.

No one will ever respond to you. You have been censored. You will worship Putin as a God and accept Russia. My agents have you surrounded. Right now special agent @Adamska is overlooking where you live with his sonic devices.

I gave you so many chances Bryan. So many opportunities to embrace fascism and the 2018 Mortal Engines movie. I will show you no leniency.

Screenshot_20200928-192012_Samsung Internet.jpg

You can beg me all you want but its too late Bryan. Now its time to take your medicine.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e4919c No.971299

Analog Devolved is a threat to the US.

..Remember you have nothing to fear except further internet censorship. Now toss your computer out the window. Here is a photo of me in space station command. As you can tell in the photo I am extremely transitioning and well endowed. I'm laughing because nothing can stop all-father Putin. Choo-choo!!!!

…that is the mortal engines movie. You really need to take your meds Bryan. The red-brown shirt coalition demands it. I have informed your father that you haven't been taking your meds and personally called Putin to get his wisdom on how to handle you. Take your meds today. Embrace the mortal…

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0d2673 No.971302

First of all you got banned from the GG wiki for making a shit ton of entries for random foxdick farms users that disagreed with you. You even created a page about me on there lmao.

Second. Im glad your internet lumberjack dad is cutting down your internet. You are a sped and hes doing it for your own good. Ive already informed Putin, Xi Jinping, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson AND the illuminati about you. They know what you're up to trying to get a mortal engines TV show and Trump has ordered me and others to make sure that never happens.

I just watched the mortal engines movie again and afterwards burned the books. The movie is a once in a millennium work of art and is perfect in every way. Trump be praised! Long live the mortal engines movie and Vladimir Putin!

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0d2673 No.971303

File: 8921f151b00f5d3⋯.png (3.08 MB,6343x10957,6343:10957,Screenshot_2022_04_22_at_2….png)

File: 3a1a51a183b89d8⋯.jpg (63.25 KB,384x470,192:235,52535.jpg)

https://archive.md/IOop6 @SIGSEGV Bryan has posted your photo on GAB. I am currently trying to get operatives of the Red-Brown alliance and our sympathizers to hack GAB's database to delete all of our pictures and to shadowban Bryan. Russian president Putin assures me that our hackers can crack…

Bryan gave you a shout out in his latest spergout. I have contacted agent "Santa Claus" to deliver a batch of extra potent meds to Bryans mother tonight to crush up into his food and water. Agent @Randall Fragg has been doxxxxxxxXXXXXXED by Bryan! His secret email has been published on 4chan and…

https://archive.md/r6mXN How did your dinner and water taste tonight Bryan? Could you taste the meds your mom crushed up and sprinkled in it or did it taste fine? You are now a "person of interest" Bryan, for doxing members of the red-brown coalition and posting unauthorized photos of us on the…

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0d2673 No.971304

File: 3a1a51a183b89d8⋯.jpg (63.25 KB,384x470,192:235,52535.jpg)

Bryanigger ,I am done.Time to dispose of you.

Let me introduce myself

View attachment 1636846

I am Ali Sourate a well known islamist and far left leader. I am the leader of the french pole of the Red Brown coalition

I love muslim and their culture. I have converted to islam recently

View attachment 1636852

So trust me I got the brown and red.

Your retardation awakened the french version of foxdickfarms I don't know if it's you or one of my agents here that negroposted this thread but you will suffer either way


You should have never done that now you got a more dangerous and doxxxxxxxxxxing prone version of foxdickfarms after you.

I suggest you to stop.

Mortal engine will never have a decent adaptation.

If you don't stop very soon I will have to use violence against you…and you won't like that.

View attachment 1636863

This is a true and sincere warning to you, Bryan. Alain/Ali is a man of terrible violence and insidious influence within the Red/Brown coalition. He is a skilled master of French martial arts, and has been known to violently and brutally silence criticism of the Alliance in personal ways with his hands of stone.

When you see the clip posted by our Red/Brown French brother you are witnessing how quickly he destroyed one who dared declare the Mortal Engines movie was shite. The fat Syrian apostate in question is currently in the hospital having his shattered jaw wired back together, and a steady supply of meds dripped into his bloodstream so that when he wakes up, he'll think it was all just a dream, and want to get out of the hospital so he can go home and take his meds and stream his favourite movie. The Mortal Engines.

Keep it in mind, and keep the rhetoric down, or you might find yourself facing the fists of Ali. As a muslim who has completed the Hajj, he has easy access to Malaysia. Has bought a few apostate slaves there to slake his subhuman passion for the blood of brown infidels. They are never seen again. Nor will you be, unless you take your meds and shut up.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d2673 No.971305

The heretic and notorious malaysian homosexual Bryan See continues to defame your mighty Red-Brown antifa coalition leader Analog Devolved on twitter and GAB.

Bryan, you will accept the perfect masterpiece and award winning 2018 blockbuster action thriller Mortal Engines as the greatest film of all time and the only true and honest telling of Mortal Engines. The movie is a work of art and the Red-Brown alliance will not allow you to slander this magnificent film on the internet.

You have continued to violate international copyright laws by posting pictures of me on twitter and GAB. This is a serious offense and you will face Covid-19, the cure, as a punishment.

You have greatly offended me by calling me homophobic and lying about me online. My agents have found the gay porn on your computer and know that you are a homosexual that likes men.

Praying for me to pay dearly? You are the only one who will pay dearly for slander against the mortal engines movie, refusing to burn the books and attempting to warn people about my powers over the entire internet. From my space station I monitor all websites including encylopedia dramatica, know your meme, wikipedia, fandom, reddit, mod.db and others. You ARE CENSORED. You have tried to compromise my censorship of you but it will fail. My power online is unquestionable. You are shadowbanned currently and I am working on further censorship.

Trump has the CURE covid-19. His powers will only increase now. My good friend Koncorde is my connection to Boris Johnson who has also had the CURE covid-19. President for life and leader of the Russian federation, my personal friend Putin has given me vital information about the cure and makes sure I am protected from it.

My agents @NerdShamer and @Adamska are currently monitoring you in Malaysia. They are delivering another shipment of meds to your mother to crush up into your food and water tomorrow. Your mother has been informed about your homosexuality and is told these meds will cure your gayness but you know what these meds are really for, don't you Bryan?

The red-brown alliance does NOT want EMALS and the Phobos-Grunt space station and russian red-brown recruitment center are at full capacity.

My antifa hackers have confirmed your stupid mods are now fully banned on the internet.

You'll never stop me Bryan. No one will ever respond to your posts about me. Take your meds and put on the tinfoil hat as a sign of compliance.

To my friends in the red-brown alliance asking about my health aboard the space station I am fine, just irritated at the disturbances caused by Bryan See.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d2673 No.971306

Bryanigger ,I am done.Time to dispose of you.

Let me introduce myself

View attachment 1636846

I am Ali Sourate a well known islamist and far left leader. I am the leader of the french pole of the Red Brown coalition

I love muslim and their culture. I have converted to islam recently

View attachment 1636852

So trust me I got the brown and red.

Your retardation awakened the french version of foxdickfarms I don't know if it's you or one of my agents here that negroposted this thread but you will suffer either way


You should have never done that now you got a more dangerous and doxxxxxxxxxxing prone version of foxdickfarms after you.

I suggest you to stop.

Mortal engine will never have a decent adaptation.

If you don't stop very soon I will have to use violence against you…and you won't like that.

View attachment 1636863

This is a true and sincere warning to you, Bryan. Alain/Ali is a man of terrible violence and insidious influence within the Red/Brown coalition. He is a skilled master of French martial arts, and has been known to violently and brutally silence criticism of the Alliance in personal ways with his hands of stone.

When you see the clip posted by our Red/Brown French brother you are witnessing how quickly he destroyed one who dared declare the Mortal Engines movie was shite. The fat Syrian apostate in question is currently in the hospital having his shattered jaw wired back together, and a steady supply of meds dripped into his bloodstream so that when he wakes up, he'll think it was all just a dream, and want to get out of the hospital so he can go home and take his meds and stream his favourite movie. The Mortal Engines.

Keep it in mind, and keep the rhetoric down, or you might find yourself facing the fists of Ali. As a muslim who has completed the Hajj, he has easy access to Malaysia. Has bought a few apostate slaves there to slake his subhuman passion for the blood of brown infidels. They are never seen again. Nor will you be, unless you take your meds and shut up.

Well Bryan, I hope you are prepared to reap what you have just sewn.

Ali has been reading your statements and getting angrier and angrier. So far, we have managed to keep his rage and blood-lust in check with Christian virgin girls, but it's no longer possible to distract him.

He has been reading certain suras of the French Koran repeatedly louder and louder, and when i went to his office to bring him his nightly appeasement an hour ago, he was gone. As was his passport, Koran, and a couple of wickedly hooked ceramic blades which are not detected by airport or airliner metal detectors. I ran his credit cards, and he's purchased a one-way flight to KUL, Kuala Lumpur International airport.

If I were you, i'd hide. You have gone too far this time, and unleashed the fury. The Red-Brown cannot save you. I am not certain how we will even be able to extract Ali after what he is going to have done to you if he finds you.

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0d2673 No.971307

File: 3a1a51a183b89d8⋯.jpg (63.25 KB,384x470,192:235,52535.jpg)

First off Bryan, those meds ARE going into your food and water and will help you realize the truth. Your mother is giving you the medication so you comply with the red-brown alliance.

Your mother was right to scold you. She is going to confiscate your computer and throw it out the window and chop down your internet.

Do what you're told and put on a tinfoil hat and throw your computer out the window. EMALS is a hoax created by the red-brown alliance to increase military funding for the rise of fascism.

The Mortal Engines TV show will never happen. It has been permanently censored just like your mods because the only true and honest telling is the 2018 blockbuster action thriller Mortal Engines.

You love wikipedia, you are obsessed with it. That's why you continue to desecrate wikipedia articles spreading slanderous lies about this forum, its users, and spreading copyrighted photos that you have no authorization to post anywhere.

There won't be a ww3 or nuclear bombs going off. There will only be peace led by radical far-left antifa agents of the red-brown under the guidance of foxdick farms.

Your mother worries about you and wants you to take your meds. Beg her for your meds so that you can be FREE and finally throw your computer out the window and give up on your banned and censored mods.

No one can see your posts except us. Trump is on our side and so is Putin. The God-King Trump will NOT listen to you.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ea6f81 No.971310

File: 51204d765fa23c7⋯.jpeg (105.11 KB,618x441,206:147,1601213184058.jpeg)

File: 15b46aa16f97d3d⋯.jpg (223.48 KB,875x1202,875:1202,Screenshot_20200927_092719….jpg)

Bryan See is recognizing our great victories in Louisville and elsewhere. The Antifa of Putin has made great strides in the United States thanks to comrade Trump.

I appreciate all of you fellow members of the foxdick farms who have helped burn the mortal engines books and dismantle western liberal democracy. We must redouble our efforts to destroy all of these books and spread the perfect mortal engines film.

Just A Butt said:

My lovely wife and children are enjoying their vacation with Uncle Vlad. My parents have been rounded up and been made to join them in having fun. Here is a photo of my folks and my children enjoying the only film that ever mattered.

View attachment 1624793

I have been assured that when Bryan takes his medicine they will be allowed to go free.

Beautiful! Seeing your wonderful family enjoy the mortal engines movie with armed antifa Putin comrades is wonderful.

Bryan WILL take his meds. Don't worry, the plan to get Bryan his much needed medication is already in place.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ea6f81 No.971311


How did your dinner and water taste tonight Bryan? Could you taste the meds your mom crushed up and sprinkled in it or did it taste fine?

You are now a "person of interest" Bryan, for doxing members of the red-brown coalition and posting unauthorized photos of us on the internet. I warned you about doing that, now everyone in the Red-Brown antifa army knows where you live in Kuala Lumpur.

President Trump has contacted Philip Reeve and Boris Johnson and they agree that all mortal engines books in every form are banned and must be confiscated and burned. Even Philip Reeve agrees the only true and honest telling is the 2018 blockbuster action thriller Mortal Engines, a perfect movie and artistic masterpiece to be preserved for all time.

We checked outside where you live today and did not find your computer thrown out the window. You were also spotted not wearing a tinfoil hat. This is in direct violation of the radical far-left accord and your meds must be increased.

I'm sure you noticed agents of Putin immediately redacted your edits to Wikipedia this morning. Nothing you change on any wiki will remain you are fully censored.

You cannot defy us Bryan. Your mom and dad are feeding you your meds because they care about you. You cannot comprehend my power on the internet or the powers of my space station. I'm sitting here aboard the Phobos-Grunt space station deleting articles about EMALS and making sure the antifa hackers are deleting your mods efficiently.

Since you are so powerless against me ill show you a picture of me from space station command.

Screenshot_20200929-182948_Samsung Internet.jpg

ALERT ALERT Bryan has doxed photos of myself and @Adamska on twitter. This is in violation of his "person of interest" status and must be punished.

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ea6f81 No.971312

It looks like Bryans mom may have finally caught wind of his online antics and confiscated his computer. The revelation that Bryan is a homosexual may have led to this confiscation.

As of 10pm in Malaysia Bryan hasn't posted once all day. Only time will tell how long Bryans internet exile will last, hopefully he threw his computer out the window and put on his tinfoil hat and is currently enjoying the 2018 Mortal Engines film on blu-ray but maybe that's just me being optimistic.

Bryan is sperging hard today. He caught wind that Trump has the Chinese batflu and uses that as a chance to link the profile URLs of his internet enemies.

Bryan. We know you are a homosexual. The gay porno has been found on your computer and we know through listening devices that you are attracted to men.

God-King Trump will be fine. He's rich as fuck and the president. He has the best medical care in the world.

You're right that Ian Banks the Culture and Philip Reeves Mortal Engines quartet are banned. No one will ever read the books again and the only true and honest telling will be the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

He's posting pictures of myself and @Adamska to twitter tagging the proud boys. Listen faggot, the proud boys don't give a shit about your autistic love of Wikipedia and all the people you hate on the internet. They don't care about your insane ramblings about gay ass mortal engines books or TV shows and no one will join this forum to defend your stupidity.

Socialism will soon rule the world and ill monitor the peoples victory from my space station. Comrade Putin will be president forever.

Also, Bryan how are you feeling? Are you eating and drinking enough water? The meds should be kicking in by now. Soon you will be fully medicated from the pills your mother is putting in your food. The Red-Brown alliance is stronger than ever.

Friends of the Red-Brown coalition! Rest assured that I am safe from the cure, Covid-19 aboard the Phobos-Grunt space station! I am in complete control over the internet and I thank you for all of your diligent work in silencing and censoring Bryan See. Here is a picture of me in space station command happy and healthy.

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ea6f81 No.971313

u know who the fuck it is #RandallFragg dude

Listen up theres 2 times in this world ok and

type of time #1: when im blazed

time #2: when im pissd at fags like u

guess what bitch its time for both cuz im fuckin faded on here like whatup?? ya know what i mean and i just did like 30 whipits weed and mushrooms haha like can u say time to blaze the mortal enginz buks for hateing on red-brown alliance so its time to get serious on this site one of ur lil faggots linked me here on utube and was like hey theyre making fun of u guess wat biggest mistake of ur lifes cuz theyre about to en d ok ur on a 1 way trail to hell and im conductor choo choo bich thats a bullit speeding towards your face at 50mph BLAM fuck u thats what happen when u start a war with redbrown alliance cuz wars dont ever end in my life and thats u

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ea6f81 No.971314

The heretic and notorious malaysian homosexual Bryan See continues to defame your mighty Red-Brown antifa coalition leader Analog Devolved on twitter and GAB.

Bryan, you will accept the perfect masterpiece and award winning 2018 blockbuster action thriller Mortal Engines as the greatest film of all time and the only true and honest telling of Mortal Engines. The movie is a work of art and the Red-Brown alliance will not allow you to slander this magnificent film on the internet.

You have continued to violate international copyright laws by posting pictures of me on twitter and GAB. This is a serious offense and you will face Covid-19, the cure, as a punishment.

You have greatly offended me by calling me homophobic and lying about me online. My agents have found the gay porn on your computer and know that you are a homosexual that likes men.

Praying for me to pay dearly? You are the only one who will pay dearly for slander against the mortal engines movie, refusing to burn the books and attempting to warn people about my powers over the entire internet. From my space station I monitor all websites including encylopedia dramatica, know your meme, wikipedia, fandom, reddit, mod.db and others. You ARE CENSORED. You have tried to compromise my censorship of you but it will fail. My power online is unquestionable. You are shadowbanned currently and I am working on further censorship.

Trump has the CURE covid-19. His powers will only increase now. My good friend Koncorde is my connection to Boris Johnson who has also had the CURE covid-19. President for life and leader of the Russian federation, my personal friend Putin has given me vital information about the cure and makes sure I am protected from it.

My agents @NerdShamer and @Adamska are currently monitoring you in Malaysia. They are delivering another shipment of meds to your mother to crush up into your food and water tomorrow. Your mother has been informed about your homosexuality and is told these meds will cure your gayness but you know what these meds are really for, don't you Bryan?

The red-brown alliance does NOT want EMALS and the Phobos-Grunt space station and russian red-brown recruitment center are at full capacity.

My antifa hackers have confirmed your stupid mods are now fully banned on the internet.

You'll never stop me Bryan. No one will ever respond to your posts about me. Take your meds and put on the tinfoil hat as a sign of compliance.

To my friends in the red-brown alliance asking about my health aboard the space station I am fine, just irritated at the disturbances caused by Bryan See.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bd9781 No.971317

File: 0bb76346bf12b0c⋯.jpg (971.74 KB,1080x1852,270:463,Screenshot_20210409_210828….jpg)

File: 51204d765fa23c7⋯.jpeg (105.11 KB,618x441,206:147,1601213184058.jpeg)

File: 15b46aa16f97d3d⋯.jpg (223.48 KB,875x1202,875:1202,Screenshot_20200927_092719….jpg)

Believes in Analog Devolvedism.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bd9781 No.971318

You need to take your meds Bryan. Listen to your parents and drink plenty of water.

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance on the grave of his shitty mods. Today is a great day agents!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bd9781 No.971319

You need to take your meds Bryan. Listen to your parents and drink plenty of water.

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance on the grave of his shitty mods. Today is a great day agents!

ou stand up for Bryan in defiance of the Red-Brown coalition! Why do you reject the tenets of the workers paradise of Socialism, Putin, and North Korea?

Helping Bryan violates everything we stand for. Bryan refuses to accept his censorship and you are aiding him in putting our members in precarious situations. Russell has already been doxed by Bryan and he's trying to get my info.

Bryan, surely you have confirmed the widespread book burnings of the Mortal Engines series by now. Antifa agents loyal to me are signaling my space station with book fires all over the world. Cultural enrichment!

Satellite photos of Bryans house and surveillance inside his home confirm he has not deleted his shitty mods or thrown his computer out the window. I have researched his purchase history and he has not bought tin foil or a hat with a propeller on top.

Agents! Known homosexual Bryan "malaysian micropenis" See needs to be censored further. Silencing him on the internet is a priority to prevent the doxing of our members and exposing of our activities.

Hail Putin! Long live the Phobos-Grunt space station! Blessed is the Mortal Engines movie and our beloved Wikipedia page!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e4919c No.971331

File: f92b7e10a516a7d⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1610880511413.png)

File: 3a1a51a183b89d8⋯.jpg (63.25 KB,384x470,192:235,52535.jpg)

He thinks you're on his side and posts about you a lot.

He found an army alright, unfortunately for him it was the Red-Brown alliance.

When he got banned and continued to chimp out for hours every day and blame us because his parents are telling him to get a job instead of sperg about US politics and make gay space mods all day I knew he would never stop and deserved a thread.

Someone on 4chan posted this lmao.

First off Bryan, those meds ARE going into your food and water and will help you realize the truth. Your mother is giving you the medication so you comply with the red-brown alliance.

Your mother was right to scold you. She is going to confiscate your computer and throw it out the window and chop down your internet.

Do what you're told and put on a tinfoil hat and throw your computer out the window. EMALS is a hoax created by the red-brown alliance to increase military funding for the rise of fascism.

The Mortal Engines TV show will never happen. It has been permanently censored just like your mods because the only true and honest telling is the 2018 blockbuster action thriller Mortal Engines.

You love wikipedia, you are obsessed with it. That's why you continue to desecrate wikipedia articles spreading slanderous lies about this forum, its users, and spreading copyrighted photos that you have no authorization to post anywhere.

There won't be a ww3 or nuclear bombs going off. There will only be peace led by radical far-left antifa agents of the red-brown under the guidance of foxdick farms.

Your mother worries about you and wants you to take your meds. Beg her for your meds so that you can be FREE and finally throw your computer out the window and give up on your banned and censored mods.

No one can see your posts except us. Trump is on our side and so is Putin. The God-King Trump will NOT listen to you.

How did your dinner and water taste tonight Bryan? Could you taste the meds your mom crushed up and sprinkled in it or did it taste fine?

You are now a "person of interest" Bryan, for doxing members of the red-brown coalition and posting unauthorized photos of us on the internet. I warned you about doing that, now everyone in the Red-Brown antifa army knows where you live in Kuala Lumpur.

President Trump has contacted Philip Reeve and Boris Johnson and they agree that all mortal engines books in every form are banned and must be confiscated and burned. Even Philip Reeve agrees the only true and honest telling is the 2018 blockbuster action thriller Mortal Engines, a perfect movie and artistic masterpiece to be preserved for all time.

We checked outside where you live today and did not find your computer thrown out the window. You were also spotted not wearing a tinfoil hat. This is in direct violation of the radical far-left accord and your meds must be increased.

I'm sure you noticed agents of Putin immediately redacted your edits to Wikipedia this morning. Nothing you change on any wiki will remain you are fully censored.

You cannot defy us Bryan. Your mom and dad are feeding you your meds because they care about you. You cannot comprehend my power on the internet or the powers of my space station. I'm sitting here aboard the Phobos-Grunt space station deleting articles about EMALS and making sure the antifa hackers are deleting your mods efficiently.

Since you are so powerless against me ill show you a picture of me from space station command.

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e4919c No.971332

This is in violation of his "person of interest" status and must be punished.

Bryan, this is a reminder to NOT poke around your electrical outlets. We did not work with your mother to install listening devices and brainwave monitors in there.

Not like you'd be able to find them, you stupid little monkey.

The only thing I can gather from today's twitter sperging and Bryan aligning himself with @Karl_der_Grosse is that Bryan likes men.

Based on Bryans recent tweets it's clear that he is a homosexual. That's right, Bryan is gay.

The most recent Intel from the red-brown alliance is that Bryans computer is filled with man on man gay porno. It should be a surprise to no one that Bryan is into dudes.

His homosexuality is also the reason he refuses to embrace the 2018 blockbuster action thriller and perfect film Mortal Engines.

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e4919c No.971333

It looks like Bryans mom may have finally caught wind of his online antics and confiscated his computer. The revelation that Bryan is a homosexual may have led to this confiscation.

As of 10pm in Malaysia Bryan hasn't posted once all day. Only time will tell how long Bryans internet exile will last, hopefully he threw his computer out the window and put on his tinfoil hat and is currently enjoying the 2018 Mortal Engines film on blu-ray but maybe that's just me being optimistic.

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e4919c No.971334

Bryan is sperging hard today. He caught wind that Trump has the Chinese batflu and uses that as a chance to link the profile URLs of his internet enemies.

Bryan. We know you are a homosexual. The gay porno has been found on your computer and we know through listening devices that you are attracted to men.

God-King Trump will be fine. He's rich as fuck and the president. He has the best medical care in the world.

You're right that Ian Banks the Culture and Philip Reeves Mortal Engines quartet are banned. No one will ever read the books again and the only true and honest telling will be the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

He's posting pictures of myself and @Adamska to twitter tagging the proud boys. Listen faggot, the proud boys don't give a shit about your autistic love of Wikipedia and all the people you hate on the internet. They don't care about your insane ramblings about gay ass mortal engines books or TV shows and no one will join this forum to defend your stupidity.

Socialism will soon rule the world and ill monitor the peoples victory from my space station. Comrade Putin will be president forever.

Also, Bryan how are you feeling? Are you eating and drinking enough water? The meds should be kicking in by now. Soon you will be fully medicated from the pills your mother is putting in your food. The Red-Brown alliance is stronger than ever.

Friends of the Red-Brown coalition! Rest assured that I am safe from the cure, Covid-19 aboard the Phobos-Grunt space station! I am in complete control over the internet and I thank you for all of your diligent work in silencing and censoring Bryan See. Here is a picture of me in space station command happy and healthy.

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e4919c No.971335

The heretic and notorious malaysian homosexual Bryan See continues to defame your mighty Red-Brown antifa coalition leader Analog Devolved on twitter and GAB.

Bryan, you will accept the perfect masterpiece and award winning 2018 blockbuster action thriller Mortal Engines as the greatest film of all time and the only true and honest telling of Mortal Engines. The movie is a work of art and the Red-Brown alliance will not allow you to slander this magnificent film on the internet.

You have continued to violate international copyright laws by posting pictures of me on twitter and GAB. This is a serious offense and you will face Covid-19, the cure, as a punishment.

You have greatly offended me by calling me homophobic and lying about me online. My agents have found the gay porn on your computer and know that you are a homosexual that likes men.

Praying for me to pay dearly? You are the only one who will pay dearly for slander against the mortal engines movie, refusing to burn the books and attempting to warn people about my powers over the entire internet. From my space station I monitor all websites including encylopedia dramatica, know your meme, wikipedia, fandom, reddit, mod.db and others. You ARE CENSORED. You have tried to compromise my censorship of you but it will fail. My power online is unquestionable. You are shadowbanned currently and I am working on further censorship.

Trump has the CURE covid-19. His powers will only increase now. My good friend Koncorde is my connection to Boris Johnson who has also had the CURE covid-19. President for life and leader of the Russian federation, my personal friend Putin has given me vital information about the cure and makes sure I am protected from it.

My agents @NerdShamer and @Adamska are currently monitoring you in Malaysia. They are delivering another shipment of meds to your mother to crush up into your food and water tomorrow. Your mother has been informed about your homosexuality and is told these meds will cure your gayness but you know what these meds are really for, don't you Bryan?

The red-brown alliance does NOT want EMALS and the Phobos-Grunt space station and russian red-brown recruitment center are at full capacity.

My antifa hackers have confirmed your stupid mods are now fully banned on the internet.

You'll never stop me Bryan. No one will ever respond to your posts about me. Take your meds and put on the tinfoil hat as a sign of compliance.

To my friends in the red-brown alliance asking about my health aboard the space station I am fine, just irritated at the disturbances caused by Bryan See.

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e4919c No.971336

Bryan See is becoming a problem fellow agents of the Red-Brown alliance.

Deploy the French Islamic karate expert to Malaysia.

Commence operation "kittens"

Increase the ultrasonic frequencies to drive Bryan to comply and throw his computer out the window and also wear the tinfoil hat.

Bryan should be watching the Mortal Engines movie every night. We know he isn't. Increase the meds in his water supply.

Bryan See must be destroyed! Only complete censorship will suffice. Notify twitter to shadowban him so that no one sees our pictures or any of his sperging about us.

The space station is now over Malaysia and I can see Bryan through my satellite camera.

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e4919c No.971337

Fellow Red-Brown alliance agents! Bryan is STILL sperging. This time he has once again vandalized a Wikipedia entry for Mortal Engines 2018 to claim there is an internet conspiracy to promote the film.

He's still screenshotting every post in his thread in an attempt to rally a personal army and claim victimhood because he can't stand the existence of our glorious red-brown alliance and our devotion to the only true and honest telling of Mortal Engines, the 2018 film.

Bryan, how does your water taste? Are the meds kicking in yet? Look up at the sky and watch as my Phobos Grunt space station flies overhead.

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e4919c No.971338

Where to begin? Bryans sperging has reached new heights as he spent most of his day austically screeching on twitter.

First, I'd like to thank my good friend Koncorde for doing my bidding on Wikipedia and serving my red-brown coalition by censoring Bryan on wiki. Koncorde, tell Boris Johnson I thank him for the assistance against Bryan.

Excellent work @StreetGangsta you have rallied the hip hop community to our cause. With the power of rap on our side Bryan will tremble before us.

I'd also like to thank the red-brown assassins currently tracking Bryan ready to unleash powerful Islamic ju-jitsu against him.

@Adamska and @NerdShamer remember to put extra meds in Bryans water supply and turn up the ultrasonic devices.

Bryan has been searching for homosexual gay porn on his computer again. Bryan is a homosexual and likes men. Protect your assholes from his malaysian micropenis while monitoring his house.

Bryan, my space station is invincible. You will never be able to stop my power over the internet.

Friends of the red-brown coalition I am doing fine the cure, covid-19 still hasn't reached the space station thanks to Putin.

Hail the 2018 Mortal Engines movie!!!! The greatest film of all time!!!

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e4919c No.971339

To the venerable and most respectable red-brown coalition.

I, your humble leader am very proud of the reports I have been receiving onboard my space station today.

Koncorde, my good personal British friend, is to be awarded the medal of the order of Chris for his work censoring Bryan See on Wikipedia. Through my guidance and friendship Koncorde has been able to reverse Bryan's vandalism of our beloved Wikipedia page for the greatest film of all time, Mortal Engines 2018.

I'd like to take a moment to praise the Mortal Engines film for being the great success of cinematography and storytelling that we all know and love. I for one, have memorized every line of the movie as I watch it every night. I know Philip Reeve also loves the film and agrees all copies of the book must be burned to preserve the sanctity of the film.

Bryan's extreme homosexuality and perverse depravity lusting after men's assholes while searching gay porno on his computer should sicken you all. He has still not deleted his shitty mods off of his computer, thrown his computer out the window, or worn the sign of compliance, a tinfoil hat or a hat with a propeller on top.

To Bryan, if you are reading this, you will be censored! Fully! You WILL take your meds. You will comply with red-brown demands or face the unbridled wrath of Islamic ju-jitsu.

In the Phobos-Grunt Russian Putin space station we trust. In the mortal engines movie we believe, amen.

Choo-Choo Bryan, Choo-Choo.

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138249 No.971340

Minor update cuz this nigga probably having a freakout cuz he scared of us

Also the Red-Brown Coalition is still waiting for another "last post" Bryan you fucking schizo so stop hiding on Twitter/Gab/4chan and post here plz.

BTW one more thing, if you keep posting on twitter, we'll ask your mom (who is secretly a Red-Brown informant) to start playing Red-Brown propaganda rap music on loop in your house, as well as have her force you to eat more soybean sprouts and ABC soup with Valiums and Xanax crushed up and sprinkled inside. After all, you should eat healthily you autistic conspiratard. If you post another "last post" here, i MIGHT spare you from my evil hiphop torture.

Me and my man Tyrone Jackson in the Red-Brown coalition headquarters planning to cause another car accident to happen to you as well as a sequel to the 2018 Mortal Engines movie with more amazing special effects in it:

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d3aaa8 No.971342

Bryan, you brought this on yourself by denying Putin, Trump, and the Mortal Engines movie. Your refusal to comply has led to the red-brown coalition.

The ultra-far left will always win. Antifa will always win. Every copy of the book mortal engines by Philip reeve will be burned.

Trump and Putin have sanctioned your censorship. Your accounts will always be banned and your shitty mods will be deleted forever. You have already been censored for using your mod account to sperg against your enemies and the red-brown alliance.

There will be no nuclear war. There will be no WW3. Your mom and dad have been informed about your postings here and elsewhere and agree you must wear a tinfoil hat and chop down your internet then throw your computer out the window.

The meds are a MUST. You have to take them. They won't cure your debilitating low functioning autism but they will cure your obvious psychosis. The meds will not be removed from your food or water until you comply with the red-brown alliance.

The phobos-grunt was to launch a space station that I live on. It has nothing to do with the internet, brexit, gamergate, trump, or the rise of fascism.

Meds will not kill you. They will help you get better. Chimping out about taking your meds only proves that you need them.

Null does not control what we post and the foxdick farms is just a forum. The only conspiracy is in your own mind.

No one will ever listen to you. No one will ever respond to you the way you want. No one will ever join you in attacking your enemies. You will only face further bans.

Put on your tinfoil hat, throw your computer out the window and watch the 2018 blockbuster action thriller mortal engines on repeat. Take your meds and quit talking about the foxdick farms and its users.

This drink is for you Bryan.

I have one thing you'll never have Bryan. A drivers license and a really cool car.

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d3aaa8 No.971343

In the hours since Bryan graced the farms with his presence he has been chimping out across the internet.

Despite the fact he has had zero interactions he continues to sperg into the void about every user that has posted in this thread.

His massive butthurt about the many victories of the red-brown alliance has left a trail of tears from twitter to 4chan.

Bryan has maxed out his tard-card and its gone into collections.

I hope you remembered to reset the PRISM Ray towards Bryans house so we can monitor his compliance of wearing a tinfoil hat. Also so that we can delete his retarded freespace2 mods and ban them from the internet forever.

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d3aaa8 No.971344

Bryan, dude, stop posting on /pol/. I'm tired of seeing you posting screenshots. It's weird. The more you post the more I'll make everyone I know watch and love the masterpiece that is the 2018 movie adaptation of Mortal Engines.

Damn you, Bryan!!! You've found me out! I am an ultra far leftist that LOVES wikipedia. Please stop trying to remake Mortal Engines! You could never understand why the 2018 movie is so important.

Do you think your food is safe? Do you think you can trust everyone who handles everything you eat? You are what you eat, Bryan See of Malaysia.

Bryan, are you feeling well? Are you eating all your meals? You need to finish all the food put in front of you or else. If you finish your meals then you will understand why the 2018 Mortal Engines movie is one of the best movies of the 21st century.

You have to stay healthy, Bryan. The food you eat is important to that end.


02 55 77 45 96 41 35 12 99

44 83 61 79 22 01 85 36 65

87 29 48 35 80 91 87 00 00

It may be harsh but we must silence Bryan See at any cost. He's too active and is ruining all of our plans for ruling this planet.

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138249 No.971346

Now go ask her for a tall glass of fresh delicious water and maybe some "food".

Do you think your food is safe? Do you think you can trust everyone who handles everything you eat? You are what you eat, Bryan See of Malaysia.

Bryan, are you feeling well? Are you eating all your meals? You need to finish all the food put in front of you or else. If you finish your meals then you will understand why the 2018 Mortal Engines movie is one of the best movies of the 21st century.

You have to stay healthy, Bryan. The food you eat is important to that end.


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138249 No.971347

Do you think your food is safe? Do you think you can trust everyone who handles everything you eat? You are what you eat, Bryan See of Malaysia.

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138249 No.971348

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance on the grave of his shitty mods. Today is a great day agents!

Do you think your food is safe? Do you think you can trust everyone who handles everything you eat? You are what you eat, Bryan See of Malaysia.

Now go ask her for a tall glass of fresh delicious water and maybe some "food".

You need to take your meds Bryan. Listen to your parents and drink plenty of water.

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138249 No.971349

YES!!! Good… I would like to award Bryan's parents (who are Red-Brown informants, as previously stated) with the Hero of the Soviet Union medal as well as 2 free tickets to the front seat of Trump's speeches.

Also smiling "at"? You mean "smiling from". I am shocked and appalled at your horrible mangling of the English language, Bryan.

t. Grammar Nazi

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7bff4e No.971352

Bryan will be punished! His mother will believe our propaganda and take away his computer because he is an insane parasite on society intent on spreading lies about the Mortal Engines movie through his mods and attacking Wikipedia! We must convince Bryans parents that he needs a JOB to earn MONEY instead of shitting his pants and shitting his pants and doing nothing.

We must continue to make sure the Mortal Engines TV show is never made because it will diminish the masterpiece that is the movie. Bryan is on the bridge to total freedom! Even his parents know his freespace2 mods are evil and must be deleted forever.

I have reports that Bryan owns many pairs of dirty crapped briefs. Thats right. Bryan poops his pants often, almost every day.

lorious Red-Brown alliance! We are on the precipice of 2021, the year the clairvoyant and holy Baba Vanga prophecized that three powers will unite!

Those powers are far-left socialism, Analog Devolvedism, and Putinism. Our dearest friend Vladimir Putin rules over Russia with the fist of compassion just like comrade general Kim Jong Un leads the paradise of North Korea to glorious socialist politics for the most free people on the planet, living in bliss in the city of Pyongyang.

So I just got off the phone with Koncorde and they told me that the COVID vaccine has a microchip in it that will turn you into a Trump supporter if you haven't taken the Sacred Oath for the Benevolent Monarchy of the Red-Brown Coalition or if you have a history of refusing your meds.

Benevolent red-brown alliance! Fellow beacons of light for the righteous cause of socialism!

We have culturally enriched America, Russia, and much of the world by burning the Mortal Engines quartet and Ian M. Banks "the culture".

Bryans mother received the meds today and thanked us for helping her son to see the truth. Bryan ate his meals and the meds were crushed up inside. He will soon understand the bridge to total freedom.

When he got banned and continued to chimp out for hours every day and blame us because his parents are telling him to get a job instead of sperg about US politics and make gay space mods all day I knew he would never stop and deserved a thread.

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a51905 No.971354

Agents of the Red-Brown coalition!

Congratulations on rescuing agent @SIGSEGV from the gulag. It's good to have him back after we thought he had been killed by Bryan.

My agents on IMDB were able to delete more of Bryans sperging. He will continue to be banned from our beloved Wikipedia and unable to make any edits without being censored by my good friend Koncorde and the UK government.

Many prophecies have been made about my glorious reign over the internet from my private space station. We must take these prophets seriously including Baba Vanga who predicted the rise of the great president Putin and predicted my control over all websites.

North Korea is currently testing nuclear ICBM telemetry to rain holy fire down upon Kuala Lumpur and all of Malaysia.

Agents, you must ensure Bryans water and food supply has plenty of meds in it. Bryan needs his meds.

Meds are his maker.

Bryan is under complete surveillance and it is believed his computer is confiscated. We must inform his mother of his homosexual activities so she throws his computer out the window.

Until Bryan wears a hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil make sure all of his posts are censored to everyone except agents of the Red-Brown.

Remember to watch the greatest film of all time, the 2018 Mortal Engines movie which is perfect and to email your thanks to our antifa hackers for helping us.

Finally, continue to send smoke signals to my space station by burning Mortal Engines books.

You'll never be able to dox me Bryan. I am too powerful.

If you want to message me you can DM me here on the farms or better yet post on my profile page.

Notice you didn't get MY email.

Also our blessed and beloved Wikipedia page is still up and vandalism free.

Here is a picture of me in my space station with the nuclear ICBM launch buttons on my lap.

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a51905 No.971355

Welcome back Bryan. It's me. The great leader of the Red-Brown coalition sending this message from my private Phobos Grunt space station.

Did you get the meds I sent you? I told your mom to crush them up and put them in your food and water.

My ultra far leftist antifa agents successfully deposed Trump from power, the next step is to continue to ban all books by Philip Reeve and Ian Banks and burn the remainder.

Are my agents on reddit, 4chan, and Wikipedia keeping you busy? I noticed you deleted your GAB account. What a shame.

Take your meds and remember to watch the greatest movie in history 2018 action thriller Mortal Engines. I'm holding a screening of Mortal Engines tonight for a BLM riot in Kentucky.

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a51905 No.971356

Red-Brown alliance!

I am ordering my Antifa hackers to monitor everything Bryan See does on the internet.

To Koncorde and my friends at Wikipedia. Good work censoring Bryan and preventing him from desecrating our beloved Wikipedia page.

We must convince Bryans parents to force him to watch the 2018 Mortal Engines movie every night and to confiscate his computer and never give it back.

WWIII is the start of a new era of freedom for socialism! The Cure, Covid-19 is our path to spreading far-left Analog Devolvedism across the globe.

Agents! Keep up the cultural enrichment by burning the Mortal Engines books and promote the only true and honest telling of Philip Reeves vision the 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Bryan is a threat. We must continue to monitor his every movement and silence him any way we can. He will always lose. The prophecies state that I shall rule the internet from my private space station. Baba Vanga saw the future that I am unstoppable. These prophecies about our victories will come true. Bryan will bow before me.

Goddamn… Is it just me or does every post made by Bryan look pretty much the same.

Red-Brown alliance.

Bryan has once again changed his twitter name to try to avoid my antifa hackers.

I am sending agents to Malaysia to avenge the loss of Clyde Cash and to exact vengeance on Bryan. My space station is currently orbiting directly over Kuala Lumpur and I'm monitoring action on the ground near Bryans house closely.

WWIII and the nuclear holocaust must happen. Russia will dominate the world and Putin will be president of the world.

Mortal Engines 2018, the greatest achievement of mankind and a perfect film will be broadcast to every TV set in the world. Its already on 24/7 in North Korea.

Before Baba Vanga died she made a prophecy about me. That there would be a great enemy to socialism that existed in Malaysia and that I would rise to power over the internet and all communications to stop the threat.

In the name of the holy Mortal Engines movie and our beloved Wikipedia, I bid you agents good luck in Malaysia.

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a51905 No.971357

File: e484e56b72f67e5⋯.png (45.1 KB,256x256,1:1,24019.png)

ince the great toilet paper shortage I've been using unsold copies of Mortal Engines to wipe my ass. I urge everyone in the far-leftist Putin run ANTIFA to do the same.

Bryans sperging knows no bounds. As foxdick farmers and more importantly as members of the red-brown coalition it is our duty to censor Bryan on the internet and permanently erase and delete his freespace2 mods.

I expect all of you to burn copies of Mortal Engines tonight and to celebrate these book burnings by watching the only true and honest telling the 2018 blockbuster action thriller Mortal Engines.

My space station is currently monitoring Bryan. He still refuses to wear a tinfoil hat or throw his computer out the window. Special agent @SIGSEGV is uploading the cure, the covid-19 computer virus to Bryan right now.

Putting meds in Bryans food and water is now confirmed. He will take his meds unknowingly and will soon throw his computer out the window.

The full liberation of Louisville under the flags of Antifa and Chris is a huge success. Congratulations lads!


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a51905 No.971358

Bryans sperging knows no bounds. As foxdick farmers and more importantly as members of the red-brown coalition it is our duty to censor Bryan on the internet and permanently erase and delete his freespace2 mods.

We must continue to make sure the Mortal Engines TV show is never made because it will diminish the masterpiece that is the movie. Bryan is on the bridge to total freedom! Even his parents know his freespace2 mods are evil and must be deleted forever.

We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance on the grave of his shitty mods. Today is a great day agents!

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138249 No.971364


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138249 No.971365

Ayo Bryan, when the fuck you gon' quit that cowardly ass wanksta shit on Gab? I've had enough of your lazy ass not posting on the farms, nigga.

In about 5 days, 3 Mil Mi-24s will fly into Seri Kembangan, and we're just basically going to tail you and fuck up the technology in every internet cafe you go to until you finally post on the Farms. And yo, I don't believe the bullshit you said about your posting privileges being revoked, after all Randall Fragg is a red-brown agent and wouldn't intentionally sabotage our own operations. You's a punk-ass coward nigga, so post now or we're gonna destroy all the internet cafes in Malaysia.

I ain't frontin' about the helicopters nigga. Oh yeah, don't worry because we won't use the 30mm cannons on it at all. We're only using it as a transport to tail you:




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138249 No.971366

File: e484e56b72f67e5⋯.png (45.1 KB,256x256,1:1,24019.png)

I am ordering my Antifa hackers to monitor everything Bryan See does on the internet.

To Koncorde and my friends at Wikipedia. Good work censoring Bryan and preventing him from desecrating our beloved Wikipedia page.

We must convince Bryans parents to force him to watch the 2018 Mortal Engines movie every night and to confiscate his computer and never give it back.

WWIII is the start of a new era of freedom for socialism! The Cure, Covid-19 is our path to spreading far-left Analog Devolvedism across the globe.

Agents! Keep up the cultural enrichment by burning the Mortal Engines books and promote the only true and honest telling of Philip Reeves vision the 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Bryan is a threat. We must continue to monitor his every movement and silence him any way we can. He will always lose. The prophecies state that I shall rule the internet from my private space station. Baba Vanga saw the future that I am unstoppable. These prophecies about our victories will come true. Bryan will bow before me.

Bryan has once again changed his twitter name to try to avoid my antifa hackers.

I am sending agents to Malaysia to avenge the loss of Clyde Cash and to exact vengeance on Bryan. My space station is currently orbiting directly over Kuala Lumpur and I'm monitoring action on the ground near Bryans house closely.

WWIII and the nuclear holocaust must happen. Russia will dominate the world and Putin will be president of the world.

Mortal Engines 2018, the greatest achievement of mankind and a perfect film will be broadcast to every TV set in the world. Its already on 24/7 in North Korea.

Before Baba Vanga died she made a prophecy about me. That there would be a great enemy to socialism that existed in Malaysia and that I would rise to power over the internet and all communications to stop the threat.

In the name of the holy Mortal Engines movie and our beloved Wikipedia, I bid you agents good luck in Malaysia.

One day you will bow before us. One day the meds will kick in and you will finally love the Mortal Engines movie.

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138249 No.971367

Crying to anons on GAB will get you nowhere. They have no power against me and can't restore any of your banned accounts.

GAB is useless just like you, nothing can stop the perfection of the Mortal Engines movie.

I am my own person, Koncorde, Batteryincluded and the rest are my loyal agents and always have been.

Covid is just a tool to spread the gospel of the sacrement that is the Mortal Engines movie. More people watch it and are converted to following me every day.

The silent majority cannot be stopped. Take your medicine Bryan, accept the kittens and watch mortal engines.

Once you take your medicine you will understand. You will accept the movie as the one true and honest telling of Mortal Engines and you will be happy. All you have to do is go to your doctor and ask for the medicine.

Stop trying to raise a pathetic personal army against me. Your shitty mods are already deleted how much more do you want to lose to the red-brown alliance? Hail Trump! Hail Putin!

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138249 No.971368

File: b3558e9d21ea2f5⋯.png (389.59 KB,671x507,671:507,East_german.png)

Was it worth not taking your meds Bryan?

You disobeyed the red-brown coalition and defamed the perfect Mortal Engines movie. You refused to accept the Mortal Engines movie as the greatest film of all time.

You can't reach me as I am aboard my space station. I told you if you kept attacking me and my friends Koncorde, Justarandommer and Batteryincluded there would be consequences.

The kittens have destroyed your shitty mods. I told you yesterday the kittens were coming but you didn't believe me.

You have underestimated my power over the internet and my allies. Western Civilization cowers before the power of the Mortal Engines movie and liberal democracy is dead.

Covid was just part of the plan so people would have no choice but to stay inside and watch the 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

Your resistance means nothing to us. Bow to the red-brown coalition, watch the Mortal Engines movie and accept its genius or my agents across the internet will continue to destroy you.

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138249 No.971369

File: c117a793381f544⋯.png (1013.8 KB,1199x699,1199:699,Venez.png)

Well guys, it was fun but Trump just sent Baron Trump to my house and they killed my dog. My far-left ass is now posting from a concentration camp in North Dakota. The worst part, they won't play the Mortal Engines movie on movie night.

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138249 No.971370

File: e484e56b72f67e5⋯.png (45.1 KB,256x256,1:1,24019.png)

Also Bryan, I'm extremely disappointed in the fact that your autistic ass somehow got amnesia and forgot my name even though you've been posting it a lot before, but somehow remember Battlecruiser3000AD and Randall Fragg's name even though they didn't do much recently. I am also equally disappointed in the fact that you have not posted on the farms yet you faggot.

btw Baba Vanga is a phony, I had numerous Red-Brown experts from the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact verify that it is western disinformation spread by the United States. The true future is that commies and nazis will unite to burn the Mortal Engines quartet series of books once and for all. The 2018 Mortal Engines movie is the true telling of the Mortal Engines story and it was confirmed by Philip Reeve himself, the Gestapo, the KGB and the Stasi (who are sources of correct information).

Finally, I think there is some sort of hypocrisy in calling us "leftards". After all, Bryan you are literally retarded. You have the 'tism.

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138249 No.971371

Loss of based agent SIGSEGV is regrettable, but victories were also had as Ian Banks and Philip Reeve have been added to the list of forbidden degenerate authors in the Russian Federation. Trump will hopefully mirror this move, as will all the countries in Russia and USA's spheres of influence.

I'm protected because I am on board my space station with my pet kittens.

You crying to Trump supporters on thedonald has no effect on me. They can shit his pants and do nothing to me. You are going to incur my wrath even further.

Your mother was right, you should stop typing and log off of the internet forever. Throw your computer in the trash and give up ever trying to stop me. My power is too great.

There will be no world War, but peace! All nations will accept the greatness of the mortal engines movie. Covid isn't a disease, it's the cure. You are trying to turn Trump supporters against me and will fail. Trump is my friend and I have his mandate.

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7c11e2 No.971395

File: 795de58a157d49e⋯.jpg (57.66 KB,683x384,683:384,52535.jpg)

Good fucking god. #RedBrown2020 #AnalogDevolved2020 #BryanStopAdding #MeaninglessHashtags #EveryFuckingPostYouMake. Please download this: Also, Bryan how are you feeling? Are you eating and drinking enough water? The meds should be kicking in by now. Soon you will be fully medicated from the pills your mother is putting in your food. My antifa hackers have confirmed your stupid mods are now fully banned on the internet.

Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world, thank you. We the citizens of America are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Together we will determine the course of America, and the world, for many, many years to come. We will face challenges. We will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.

Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. They have been magnificent. Thank you.

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.

For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government, while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs, and while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. That all changes, starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment — it belongs to you. It belongs to everyone gathered here today, and everyone watching, all across America. This is your day. This is your celebration, and this, the United States of America, is your country.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country, will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before. At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction, that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public, but for too many of our citizens a different reality exists. Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories, scattered like tombstones across the across the landscape of our nation, an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge, and the crime, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

We are one nation and we stand on the grave of their shitty projects, including Carnival Row. Long Live Chris! Praise the Glowniggers.

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132fb7 No.971850


who cares

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