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File: ff4d980477da259⋯.jpeg (11 KB,191x255,191:255,geekthulu.jpeg)

116156 No.389204 [Last50 Posts]

An exceptional Individual who Raided /cow/ when his dox were posted to a thread. Rather than report them like a rational person, he went on the war path, organizing a group of people to raid /cow/ in an attempt to bury them.

Appeared on Failure's Morning Kumite attempting to "confront" a group of people who he claimed were all responsible, shouting at them and pointing fingers until eventually he was conclusively proven wrong and spent the remainder of the stream sulking while Failure got shitfaced.

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76fec6 No.389208


He looks like a bald Tj Kirk. Does anyone have any videos of him pouring boiling oil on his balls?

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116156 No.389297


Nu-Males are actually happas

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9aefd8 No.389708



Also exist that hapa from /cuckqueen/ and another "fascist" board here who has been spreading interracial porn on tumblr for years.

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5fcae9 No.389753


>/cuckqueen/ and another "fascist" board here

nigga wut cuckquean isn't a fascist board dafuck you on ?

onbtopic though glad to see this fat fuck has his own thread wonder if he'l sperg out if you go after his jewess

what is it with people called jeremy being massive fags? this cunt, quarterpounder is it like an old soyboy name from ages past?

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9aefd8 No.389969


>another board, a "fascist" board.

This guy is into something in the tumblr for years super sick, the funny part is he's a hapa from UK and magafag.

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5fcae9 No.390263


be more coherent pls

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9c68c3 No.390780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Geek is crying for victim bux on failure's stream

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5fcae9 No.390830


aye its fucking hilarious

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bb8b23 No.390875


Oh my god, this guy is a mess

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3220ff No.390878

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a2b0bb No.390884

Did he really raid /cow/ or is that just a meme?

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38cbae No.390892

Creepthulu Dindu Nuffin, he's a goood boi. He wuz turnin his life round an thinkin bout goin back two skool.

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a2b0bb No.390897

Hey, Geekthulu, all you other spergs, listen:

If you were so upset about the damn dox, you could have just asked. I would have taken it down if you told me. I don't like doxing and I try to remove it when I see it.

Now that you decided to shit up the board, I'm honestly a lot less enthusiastic about removing the dox. I'm doing it anyway, because muh principals, but you really do deserve the shit coming your way right now, you sperg.

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49bad5 No.390906


maybe you let this slide this one time mod-sama

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a2b0bb No.390910


I'm sure an unfriendly anon has archived that shit and can/will post it somewhere else.

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76fec6 No.390912


Good. Fuck kikethulu.

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d2c221 No.390934



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706904 No.390935

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706904 No.390944

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76fec6 No.390949




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5c8528 No.390956


Come onto the call

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d6c9e4 No.390966

>oldfags post gore and cuck stuff here to make reddit/discord fags feel sick and go way

>they complain about it, but they try to act like oldfags and act like the cool guys.


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90485a No.391292

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90485a No.391335

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90485a No.391341

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90485a No.391350

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328a88 No.391401


>Post last edited at 03/30/18 (Fri) 14:24:31

oh no no no

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b967b7 No.391418

Remember, I died to save Internet Bloodsports. Do not let my sacrifice go in vain, children.

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2e7fdb No.391478



>redacting lolcow dox

For what purpose? Why are you protecting this guy?

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b967b7 No.391485


Homor got to meet e-celebs, he's a trash mod

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76fec6 No.391491



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328a88 No.391541


QWaffen is not wrong tbqh

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90485a No.391547

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2f869f No.391564


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72b20f No.391571

File: 0d5f075b7413487⋯.gif (6.41 MB,576x320,9:5,doingmypart.gif)

I fuckin knew it. Every chance this neckbeard faggot was on a stream. I couldnt stand his sorry ass. Dude looks as though hesgonna melt into his chair. Cant wait till kronos has clips of this fat fuck crying. Jimbo i hope youre paying attention.

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2f869f No.391698

Wait, why is the dox redacted?

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1873bd No.391703

QWaffen is Geekthulu

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2f869f No.391706


doxxxxing himself and tonka for attention? That'd be impressively autistic

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d51c84 No.391862


The timing sort of works out

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df843d No.391864



Any dox that's left up for more than 5 minutes will result in the closure of 8chan.

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eaec29 No.391866


No wonder people left 8cuck in droves for foxdicks.

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abaa30 No.391870


You're not safe there either. I can just paste the dox there, take a screencap, claim the mods aren't doing anything to take it down and boom, foxdicks is banned.

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eaec29 No.391873


>being this new

Do it faggot.

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c4744e No.392087

File: 55d107bf1e3624b⋯.png (338.02 KB,809x812,809:812,Senior Citizen.png)


Even Google hates this faggot.

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90485a No.392118

Geekthuluh currently telling his peon on failure's discord that he got doxed, again

This fucking retard went public with his irl name and pics

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d0f943 No.392120


Link to discord?

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186ea2 No.392122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

His 2h+ spergfest from yesterday

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90485a No.392143


Got banned for it and tonka is having a autistic fit and banning anyone who is recording it

Can't find the link anymore

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af39b5 No.392373


my keks

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c48982 No.392412


>talking about /cow/

>"we gotta dox 'em guys"

i've not seen anyone advocating dox. they just happen to show up here. what i've seen though is that /cow/ wants /cow/ to be /cow/ again instead of spergfest for ibs and jewtube septics.

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b2e465 No.392423


Keep in mind this faggot thought that you need to register on an imageboard to post. He's so normalfag it's a wonder he even knows what a doxxxx is. Probably learned the term last week.

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c48982 No.392554

File: 348f7467e453153⋯.jpg (77.21 KB,770x450,77:45,12738912738901231.jpg)

File: 00bac6f9db7af14⋯.mp4 (917.07 KB,468x352,117:88,lurking.mp4)


the guy obviously doesn't even understand the concept of lurking. if he spent 15 minutes reading the threads, that the majority of anons want /cow/ back to the julays and not the e-celeb drama bullshit. this guy has no clue what's what.

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328a88 No.392709

wait JEWS was okay with dox being removed?

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a2b0bb No.392782


I haven't been able to get a hold of him lately. Seems he's AWOL for the time being.

It happens sometimes. Jews is a guy with, y'know, a life. So sometimes, especially on the weekend, he doesn't focus on /cow/ so much. Like me, he might drift in and out from the site and come back sporadically.

I do hope he comes back soon. The idea of being the only one responsible for the entire board makes me nervous as fuck.

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76fec6 No.392789


Didn't you know buy a premium 8chan account? Its only $14.88.

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76fec6 No.392797


>Didn't you know buy a premium 8chan account?

I need to stop drinking

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978d35 No.393111

File: d67733339a60fcf⋯.png (65.77 KB,233x255,233:255,CPloli02.png)


I do, it's great. The best thing about premium is that you can upload anything. Even CP like this.

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5a72ae No.393358

what a fag

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8437b6 No.393589


No, Homor just got to meet ecelebs and shill his shit so he caved, and according to him, doxxxxing is never allowed

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ca581f No.393690





Homor, you know you just outed yourself as the only way into the cow board for those who want their info to be hidden after all that attention.

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a2b0bb No.394013


True Lolcows always find a way sabotage themselves.

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a2b0bb No.395040

File: e4396b11f545e28⋯.png (11.41 KB,1033x129,1033:129,JEWS on dox.png)

Jews is back. Or he might have been around the whole time and my narcoleptic ass just kept missing him. Anyway, he finally gave his opinion on the matter.

Turns out, we have the same general opinion. "Funny" conquers all.

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1992a2 No.395053


Geekthulu sperging about it was funny though.

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acd140 No.395153


Okay, but Geek has established himself as a lolcow, so will you be readding the dox?

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a2b0bb No.395178


You don't need dox to make fun of a lolcow. In fact, most of the time it's pretty irreverent.

If he creates like, a YouTube video where he puts his own dox out there himself (IE Chris Chan) or something I wouldn't baleet it. But for the time being I don't think it's necessary/relevant to the discussion.

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acd140 No.395184


But the dox was the catalyst for Geek melting down, it'd be like removing the fan art of Sonichu from Chris' articles

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109e7e No.395605



Talking about this and his spergout at 24:56 and 31:12 while he's saying how he's got this all handled in the background. He didn't get mad! He wuz tryun ta helpz peepz!

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eed266 No.396062


I think that his problem was because Joachim was lying about knowing about it. At least that is what was said yesterday and previously.

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186ea2 No.396338


His problems is he's a retard that sent his discord to /cow/ and got tonka and crew doxxxxxed as a result. He's trying to distract people from the fact that he's an idiot.

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c4da77 No.396467


>nigga wut

stopped reading there

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4d443d No.403606

File: 409567668a06eb6⋯.png (36.97 KB,842x379,842:379,geek.png)

Geekthulu claims it's normal for a 5 y/o to "explore their body" by giving out footjobs.

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a2b0bb No.403708


It's common for kids to play doctor. "Normal" is a horrific choice of words, but it happens fairly regularly.

Of course, you combine this with everything else Ross has said, and the word "normal" is a million miles away from my mind. I dunno what Geek is thinking jumping into this.

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dd2bb8 No.403710


ross the bathtub pedo?

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fa58ab No.403985


Nice slippery slope, faggot. You know perfectly well the context of the situation and that's it's not normal. If this was some hypothetical situation there could be some argument.

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be0899 No.403996



Give us the details instead of bitching about their absence.

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f21c86 No.427230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The idiot did make a YouTube video where he doxes himself. He went back later and tried to blur it out but he reads it aloud. He tweeted the same screen grab he blurred out in the video too.


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e608f5 No.437468

File: f14b7df3ed5099d⋯.png (90.95 KB,1222x668,611:334,geekthulhu gmail1.png)

File: 4086986870efd0e⋯.png (59 KB,1065x636,355:212,geekthulhu gmail2.png)

He is not very good at computer. Someone recently hacked his accounts, deleted his discord server, stuff like that. Has he mentioned it publicly yet?

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d0e927 No.437516

File: 8d46e3f393cbf98⋯.png (596.27 KB,1013x382,1013:382,lolcow_mass_slaughter.png)



>being a massive faggot online

>posts own dox

>doesn't bother to enable 2-step authentication

Deserves everything coming to him.

I wonder what his password was

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e608f5 No.437530


webhead0 still is in several places :^)

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e608f5 No.437541

File: 544542b63187c89⋯.png (Spoiler Image,137.95 KB,923x615,923:615,geekthulhu ladies man - I ….png)


It gets better. He used discord like a dating service. I wonder if jade is Metokur's jade? Maybe just some minor he talked to on discord all of the time…

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429caa No.437554


Yeah! I'm in the dm!

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5e492e No.437624


hi mundanematt :^)

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7f8f4e No.437663

geekthulhu's here bumping other threads and outing himself as a retard

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429caa No.437666


Geek said that there is some juicy stuff in the DM between Vamp and Tonka, why didn't you release them yet?

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13237b No.437673


please deliver anon

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6f20e6 No.437678

He had some recorded conversation saved on his google drive, it is from discord and it is mostly about drama. I uploaded it to his soundcloud account. It was full so I had to clear off some space :^) https://soundcloud.com/user-327423837/record-2018-04-06-at-13h09m57s


I will. Some of the people he was talking to have gone through and cleared out their conversations with him, but I took screen shots while he was actively using it. Discord is a multiplayer game :^)

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429caa No.437683


That was me, but I don't care if my DMs are out, I just nuke them all after a while

I'm curious about the convo he had between him and Tonka tho since he claim a lot of stuff was there

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0c6d5c No.437684

File: 8bfcd5e3e97d29a⋯.png (176.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 703772dd8a2c312⋯.png (160.14 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: c3d19a88c3a04aa⋯.png (137.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: cdf12e9a44dc871⋯.png (134.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

with Tonka, reverse order

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0c6d5c No.437685

File: 45358fff4e7eea8⋯.png (151.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 1ea79f618dc5f86⋯.png (147.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: d9a595cc5889761⋯.png (169.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: a97f71089ddea0c⋯.png (147.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437686

File: a9463a9ff92ab18⋯.png (151.55 KB,750x1334,375:667,1.png)

File: 84ad458d5e24b6f⋯.png (165.7 KB,750x1334,375:667,2.png)

File: 00a767100ca895b⋯.png (145.14 KB,750x1334,375:667,3.png)

File: 2161f0ea1319f29⋯.png (164.71 KB,750x1334,375:667,4.png)

The images he pastes

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0c6d5c No.437687

File: 0c41293ddf6f48c⋯.png (149.14 KB,750x1334,375:667,5.png)

File: 75096946f1e32af⋯.png (140.71 KB,750x1334,375:667,6.png)

File: 61b2f0f6706f0ba⋯.png (173.93 KB,750x1334,375:667,7.png)

File: 89891c68c4fdec7⋯.png (150.66 KB,750x1334,375:667,8.png)

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0c6d5c No.437688

File: 031d80666ebb865⋯.png (167.17 KB,750x1334,375:667,9.png)

File: 4a8f4dabed71eb0⋯.png (169.37 KB,750x1334,375:667,10.png)

File: f59feb10c348d89⋯.png (152.62 KB,750x1334,375:667,11.png)

File: e52ffdc8fde758d⋯.jpeg (42.87 KB,750x195,50:13,12.png.jpeg)

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0c6d5c No.437690

File: 809f0f769e7c260⋯.png (130.71 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 478d87f8271c9dd⋯.png (134.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: ba321e0d9ea25f9⋯.png (162.38 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: b191166b570ba90⋯.png (130.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437691

File: be3cf5b3788759e⋯.png (139.89 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 53b83d1fa85703f⋯.png (136.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: e1f4f3aa615ea65⋯.png (189.34 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: bde193a8ea32025⋯.png (205.89 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437692

File: 44504a9729b5561⋯.png (141.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 34a501ba6f1cfba⋯.png (137.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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3b4020 No.437693

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0c6d5c No.437696

File: 49320625a52806d⋯.png (140.61 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: db68a0c998f738a⋯.png (142.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: c8386cac47e7288⋯.png (137.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 4bbc5755232de3e⋯.png (134.07 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

Is the image limit here 4? What about rate limiting?

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429caa No.437697

This confirm Geek and Tonka browse /cow/ together and "research how people write"

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0c6d5c No.437699

File: 65785d52003c439⋯.png (134.75 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: ae6b968c9685b9a⋯.png (143.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 494dc02f6c34f9e⋯.png (143.04 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: ce34bcee3f44022⋯.png (217.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437700

File: cb88415c749fba0⋯.png (138.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: db86db8b3d76a3d⋯.png (134.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: de306968f4ede05⋯.png (140.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437708

File: ee1964914b9acb5⋯.png (138.71 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 9ed2a1c3aa8ae40⋯.png (139.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: d90d11ab06d7d35⋯.png (144.2 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 27080471eb065a2⋯.png (145.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437709

File: 7be8ce1fa32f5d7⋯.png (137.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 2702d704bcd6c65⋯.png (144.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 0d47721c7506e6a⋯.png (139.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: d19ab89fabf33ee⋯.png (154.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437710

File: 485d87fc990c4d3⋯.png (144.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: ec7a68ae3ae4a3d⋯.png (143.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 0cccd4982498743⋯.png (142.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: affae04f9f0255a⋯.png (137.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437713

File: 93532d73fed61b8⋯.png (135.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 120479fca48f457⋯.png (142.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 4ba3188b566e620⋯.png (209.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: c86c41e0a09ceb1⋯.png (135.33 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437718

File: c9e5b025ab59469⋯.png (136.77 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 1d8195c58dbb503⋯.png (144.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 7d701353bb6beae⋯.png (176.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 2f8c05e252aba9d⋯.png (142.54 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

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0c6d5c No.437719

File: f2662c962772d25⋯.png (135.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: db7c5c89c051b4e⋯.png (132.38 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: 9552e9a362f15cc⋯.png (217.16 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

File: ca4927ea91fdd79⋯.png (162.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot from 2018-05-08….png)

End of tonka chats

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05d326 No.437728

You should have posted oldest messages first, retard.

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8201eb No.437790

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3c4551 No.437793


Mhm… spicy.

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528b29 No.437794

File: 43eaccfcc90288b⋯.gif (142.89 KB,246x238,123:119,Autistic turtle experience….gif)

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e3ecd2 No.437805

File: fb6d2decf9fc386⋯.png (63.64 KB,556x369,556:369,ClipboardImage.png)

This is his guy that records everything if you see DMs with him.

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e3ecd2 No.437806

File: 248a268de8bb048⋯.png (61.72 KB,571x375,571:375,ClipboardImage.png)

This is one of his "right hand" schemers right now.

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e3ecd2 No.437807

File: bc0a02bbf6d8e0b⋯.png (38.86 KB,366x261,122:87,ClipboardImage.png)

Used to scheme with this person, but then blew it up. (these are DM targets if the anon is still in the server)

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e3ecd2 No.437809

File: 63462dd19813e48⋯.png (47.33 KB,349x316,349:316,ClipboardImage.png)

This is Joy Sparkle BS, he schemed HEAVY with her for about 6 months, then it blew up. She's the "Joy" that he talks about with Tonka. She's her own lolcow playing mystery sick for paypiggies and he helped her keep it going acting like her henchman going after anyone that questioned her. She is a SERIOUS sperg, so any DMs w/her (if they're still there) would be funny as shit.

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3250a0 No.437834

File: dae3716f9077320⋯.jpeg (78.67 KB,674x1573,674:1573,42EA4E77-3966-44C1-975B-D….jpeg)





Eh, if you say so anon. I care more about the Tonka/Andy DM’s. These are the DM targets he’s currently scheming with. I don’t have their ID’s but they usually keep the same pics. These would show what he’s up to lately. His OG crew bailed but they’d be a good place to look too.

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e3ecd2 No.437844


Geeksthulhu's Yes Man = https://twitter.com/TankySchoolBoy (Tonkatards got pissed about his tweets at Tonka about broke neck)

milesbeats = was in the audio released above

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7bfd56 No.437845


The account is of course protected. Why shouldn't it be protected after it has appeared here?

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3748b8 No.437850

File: 63894a81964e2f7⋯.jpg (19.73 KB,300x346,150:173,jimpacted.jpg)

>the idealized please stop trolling x, their parents are beating them and they are screaming at people in his discord instantiated

nu/cow/ is indeed the new /cow/ thanks to IBS and thread #9!

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e3ecd2 No.437851


file too big to paste… so, here https://i.imgur.com/NODAANf.jpg

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e3ecd2 No.437853


This is the "CJtrex13" twitter handle in this >>437851

And she is the woman in the audio released above.

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7bfd56 No.437854


I know I shouldn't be spoonfeeding faggots. This file you haven't cut apart out of lazyness is a exception:


Upload that here. In contrary to plebbit's imgur, its run by a total cunt who tend to tell the asshurt to violate themselves with a cactus.

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e608f5 No.437855




He deleted his account or soundcloud deleted it because I changed his profile pic to two gay niggers fucking. Here is a copy on mixtape: https://my.mixtape.moe/lbwrsh.mp3

I will have more screen captures today but I am busy.


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e608f5 No.437875

File: 284a7ca9f1725f6⋯.png (35.04 KB,1047x273,349:91,tonka is bitchmade.png)

Someone tweet this to https://twitter.com/Tonkasaw to get his opinion. Seems like there is some animosity going on here and it is probably best resolved this morning on the kumite.

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8babd3 No.437879


He'll read it on here. He's always on here.

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6f20e6 No.437967


Yep, they're talking about it right now

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e4d89d No.437978


>Donga is a bitch

sure took them a long time to figure that one out

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02be73 No.439778

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e3ecd2 No.440069


This audio has CJtrex in it. The person here: >>437806


This audio has Jasmine, she was also a minion that he would send out to try to weasel into communities where he wanted information collected.

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8201eb No.440370


Yes it does. Everyone speaking in that audio are as follows. Geekthulu, duel wield, miles beats, fern, and cjtrex also cjkitty on geekthulu's discord server

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e40e56 No.440397


Discord need to be nuked.

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3ae9ce No.440761


and deny us weekly entertainment of these spergs plotting their autistic ops on public servers?

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d14b60 No.445442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9eb4ab No.453326


Mixtape.moe audio file is kill

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d14b60 No.454609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Geek's live talking about his doxxxx

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4b9a6e No.454741


Some faggot clip it already so we dont have to give this schmuck his clicks

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a318eb No.459930


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3e629f No.461391

Geekthulu still obsessed with /cow/

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d14b60 No.470880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

geek will be streaming today @4

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ff7e95 No.470989

File: d991d556cc9cb14⋯.png (231.13 KB,894x894,1:1,disgusted_loli.png)


>Angel Zones / slurpy4me / Billy Combs

What the fuck is wrong with these people?


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d14b60 No.471156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0f7a7e No.471177


Damn his dick is huge

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cad95c No.471283


His latest stream he's talking about his hacker and acting like he fooled the guy..he's still crying bout his dox..says he didn't have anything shady in DMs and they got nffin on him

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2d9e41 No.473345

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989117 No.474101


Geekthulhu, you know you send women a photo of some other dude’s dick because yours is so small it’s embarrassing.

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0690c8 No.474980


Even more creepy… he sends his THOTs out to try to get dick pics from people that he's pissed at, cuz I guess cuckthulhu is so insecure that he wants to see the dick of his "enemy" hoping that it's smaller than his teeny peeny.

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cad95c No.475036


So where's the proof of this? Someone said he was running his discord like a dating site but then never showed that shit either

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0690c8 No.475129

File: 8369c2d2de91d4b⋯.png (213.57 KB,720x660,12:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a0004d9b6bee48⋯.png (89.09 KB,712x406,356:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a65a36ab5f063b3⋯.png (122.27 KB,718x542,359:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc10ac60389fcc9⋯.png (107.71 KB,744x431,744:431,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d90d46773af22f1⋯.png (33.25 KB,749x125,749:125,ClipboardImage.png)

leaving out a lot of the coaching by his crew of fags.

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25437e No.475132

>>474980I wish one of those twitch thots just made a stream to laugh at him and Vamp Kandy.

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0690c8 No.475133

File: 3ce8e900c764c30⋯.png (83.56 KB,678x280,339:140,ClipboardImage.png)

This is not the first dick pic that they've sent her to get… she also got "copper's"

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0690c8 No.475142

File: cb584f52c74aa67⋯.png (76.05 KB,317x381,317:381,ClipboardImage.png)

Cameron Nahas

He also got Gemineye's but don't have the pic. Just the claim.

The "Mary" person is 24yo and ended up deleting her discord account accusing Geek of being a "creepy old guy"

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524ee3 No.477626


t. Geekthulhu




Geekthulhu getting his ass handed to him! OMG, Jeremy… you're suck a loser! Now we know that you're a gay ass loser!

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10bcfd No.501156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Geek is soo thirsty for drama he's on Andy's show starting drama. Check the last few streams on andy's channel

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75e393 No.501195

Some people have a face made for radio, Geekthulu has a voice made for print.

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894cb5 No.501214

File: 466c574546ab82d⋯.png (25.11 KB,300x250,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Geek is dumb as a rock, so print wouldn't work. He's more of a crayon type. His stuffy nose sound makes andy's shows unwatchable.

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10bcfd No.501503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

somebody accused geek of rape a few years ago…perhaps check this out

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10bcfd No.501527

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501e33 No.501547


Telling stories about high school on warksi's stream. Guy is a bloated old loser with nothing interesting to say. Not sure if he's even worthy for /cow/

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894cb5 No.501570



fuck off, you don't want a thread on you, get off the Internet. Joy sends her love.

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75e393 No.501614


Yeah, blow your fucking nose THEN get on the mic.

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10bcfd No.501696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

geek on the bone zone

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10bcfd No.502097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

geek's video….

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894cb5 No.502126


Aww.. Jeremy is desperate for views… so sad.

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52f585 No.503080


And, deleted because Geek bragged about leading Andy around by the nose in it. Did anyone get a copy of this?

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25820e No.503105


who was he?

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52f585 No.503126


He's a 40yo cubicle carbuncle who's been trying to build a youtube channel for years. He's now living off a girlfriend and started riding Warski's dick the begining of 2017, then tried to climb on another hambeast of a lolcow named Joy Sparkle BS (aka Kati Marie Smith) for viewers until that blew up. He self-doxed and when people pointed it out, he lost his shit on several streams. Then he crossed the hambeast (who holds a grudge) and she's now out to smush his fat ass into a corner.

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10bcfd No.503306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

everybody's ganging on GEEK!!!!!!!

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10bcfd No.503371

andy and poptv going over evidence of geek's lies


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52f585 No.503545


Geek is such a retard, he looked up Tonka's passport info to try to see if Tonka was really a wrestler. That makes zero sense. Geek is a serious creepster and shady as all get out.

Geek totally bad mouthed Andy (per second caller).. Andy says Geek said "sorry if I hurt your feelings' and people are trying to tell Andy that Geek is a two faced liar, but Andy does not want to believe it.

They don't seem to be able to realize that Geek climbed up Andy's ass because of Andy's subscriber base. You don't see Geek up anyone else's ass like that. Even JSBS was because of her subscriber base. Geek is a flat out user.

Geek worked for YEARS as a Comcast customer retention goon… they're so bad that there have been news stories written about how bad they are about bullying people to get their way.

Anyone who's ever tried to cancel services at Comcast know what a fucking tar baby that company is and how absolutely awful their customer retention agents are about lying to your face when they have NO intention of following up on it. Then they lie about what you said after the fact. This is Geek's primary skill set.

Think about this.. he has a BA in Law Enforcement and can't work in the field (because Law Enforcement psych test you and can't hire people who are likely to get them sued). So, instead of working in law enforcement, he went to be a cubicle goon working for Comcast in a call center. That's how unstable Geek must be.

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bd19a0 No.507213


I thought he went to school for some kind of psych degree? I wouldn’t be surprised if he lied though. He seems to do that a lot. If he did intend to go into law enforcement the fact that he has a past DUI on his record might have something to do with why he can’t.

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081981 No.507556


He's an Aydin Paladin… he intended to go to an advanced degree in psych but knocked up some poor chubster that didn't run fast enough before hand and ended up marrying it instead. BUT, I would bet that he is a wash out on law enforcement psych tests, so couldn't work in the field and ended up a cubicle barnacle, phone bank nigger instead.

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db520e No.550668

The Leviacow is about to be reawakened. He's left his discord server woefully unprotected. https://ghettogaggers.com/V6mMVpf

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647ba6 No.550708


Fuck, my sides.

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5e473c No.596521


Any updates?

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47e268 No.837004

Daily remember, Geek is a fat piece of shit and pathetic grown man trying to be a young e-celeb fren

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b84fc5 No.837111


He looks like reviewtechusa

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b84fc5 No.839199


So he older than reviewtechusa yet he looks younger somehow?

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10f05e No.936502

File: 58cc0411371ada0⋯.jpg (78.58 KB,750x549,250:183,image0-3.jpg)

Someone recorded him talking shit about failure on discord and now he's sperging out and is turning his server into a hugbox again. Dude writes his own copypasta and will freak out if you repeat any of the retarded shit he says back to him.

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792e63 No.954170

File: a306caff60a6815⋯.png (224.93 KB,2518x1024,1259:512,Chad.png)


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a30e3f No.954203

Where's his dox

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2a1cdc No.954776


Right here:


Jeremy Richard Montgomery







Usernames he has used:








https://twitter.com/archonis_tv has some selfie pictures you could post to humiliate him with since he's almost guaranteed to be looking at /cow/ right now. To prove its him you can view the steam links below which show his past usernames along with his paypal link.

Found his name from searching jeremy geekthulhu. An old podcast he did said his name is Jeremy.

Found this on the twitter:


He lists https://www.paypal.me/archonistv as his paypal on his official youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpzc_Zl_JWWWtLx0kx1QkGw. Searching archonistv led me to his steam account where it confirms the connection:


notice the names listed, burntsushi was his first name.

When I was searching his name for an address I came across this:


Ignore the address because its not current, but pay attention to the email addresses: burnts**@sbcglobal.net There is another connection there. It's 100% confirmed to be Jeremy R Montgomery. Further searches of Jeremy R Montgomery led me to the whitepages where a 40 year old man named Jeremy Richard Montgomery lives in Jacksonville. I think that is the current address but I can't be 100% sure on it.

8300 Old Kings Rd S Apt 112 Jacksonville FL 32217-4568



Thats all I have so far, I couldnt look at his facebook pictures without an account. There could be some good shit there. One more thing to note, when I was archiving his facebook and twitter it said someone else had done it a month ago. I don't think we're the only people that don't like this guy. Also, I didn't really find anything juicy other than the guy is 40 years old and plays video games all day. 60.8 hours on steam the past 2 weeks:



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b9da23 No.956017

rumor is theres a civil war in geeks discord anyone have an invite link to screengrab cocks?

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8060dd No.964935

Anyone have her contact info? I’m sure she would be interested in what the kids dad is up to.

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d97c70 No.969451

File: 45d0e609fbeb345⋯.jpg (307.79 KB,1471x1719,1471:1719,geekthulucope1.jpg)

File: 06ccb7a1e6524d1⋯.jpg (289.39 KB,1427x1314,1427:1314,geekthulucope2.jpg)

This disgusting pedophile zleb is still hovering over the remains of Andy Cuckski's career along with his pet furry faggot to harvest whatever crumbs of zlebrity he still can, still loathed by the audience and sperging over negative YouTube comments like the oversensitive bitch he is.

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886df5 No.972033


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