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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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54c964 No.228717 [Last50 Posts]

New thread! Old one is about to die!

The autistic betacuck icon and hardcore Corbyn supporting socialist Alexander Gordon Jahans is a rising meme.

His entire channel is nothing but this retard with moobs sperging over conservatives, sucking off to SJWs thinking he's ever gonna get any and justifying why he is such a mediocre cunt, like for example why he can't be arsed to fucking edit anything which is why all his videos are a half-hour of an unintelligible fat fuck having trouble breathing


Requesting invite to #Liferaft of the damned Jahanism chat! I lost it and Jahans banned me from the main discord so I can't get back in

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54c964 No.228719

File: b8ad8aedc4c7671⋯.jpg (100.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,jahand.jpg)

Classic Jahans vids for noobs-

"Get rid of the fucking guns"


Le Tit Reveal anti-UKIP rant


"Racists Better Unsubscribe!"


His rant against the Alt Right after he fucked up a job interview


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54c964 No.228720

File: 2c057dae4e9c25c⋯.png (285.18 KB,551x757,551:757,FUCKUP.png)

File: c8920aeb1269a2d⋯.png (452.04 KB,638x456,319:228,bump1.png)

File: 53a8c542ef45ced⋯.png (330.14 KB,618x609,206:203,1470389494430.png)

He is a pretty funny looking fellow

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54c964 No.228754



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54c964 No.228761

File: 3f3d67d10bff519⋯.png (57.27 KB,627x688,627:688,1472843935260.png)

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54c964 No.228865


>If you see a nigger out in the open

>Shoot HIM!!

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54c964 No.228872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I almost forgot his fucked up fetishs that made it so funny. This is also a great summerization.

>Is on welfare

>Wont get a job cause mah benefits

>Doesent do shit but watch Dr.Who, Play Skyrim and bitch on videos everyday.

>Is a mommas boy and the mom is an enabler(like Chris Chan)

>His dad is trying to push him to get his job(like Chris Chan)

>Sister is out of country but Sister is a daddys girl is actually successful and qt

>Wants everyone to vote greens believes in all liberal propaganda

>Would not get on the daily shoah podcast because they joke around and he gets hurt because they are alt right and not liberal like he is.

>Makes 1 hour long videos and is self loathing.

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54c964 No.228880


Unfortunately OP I don't share the same kind of autism as you have for listening to a betafuck making 4 hours long video rants on shit nobody cares about

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54c964 No.228898

File: c00bce67630aa2a⋯.gif (3.03 MB,480x418,240:209,jaww jawn.gif)


You just don't have the attention span, or the patience

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54c964 No.228924

File: 6598cab854f83f9⋯.jpg (115.57 KB,498x732,83:122,1473072847628.jpg)


You're not esoteric enough.

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54c964 No.228929

File: 61aebf25ca7febf⋯.gif (3.65 MB,720x404,180:101,w6z8J0j - Imgur.gif)


t h i s t b h lad

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54c964 No.228937




Fuck off Alex, you attention seeking niggerfaggot.

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54c964 No.228943

File: 8b10be58a5cc99c⋯.png (167.03 KB,348x506,174:253,sunscreedn.png)


>being this triggered by a lolcow

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54c964 No.228946

File: 4e7a8bc3c65625e⋯.jpg (56.18 KB,623x496,623:496,1473253666671.jpg)

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54c964 No.228960

The discord retards trying to "redpill him" have ruined the whole fucking thing.

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54c964 No.229308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Doctor Who saved my life

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54c964 No.229309


>"The only people actually julaying him are ruining the lolcow"

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54c964 No.229363

File: 97a3860c4a57c4c⋯.jpg (39.29 KB,619x409,619:409,1wa.jpg)


they were particularly dumb Brits

They had the chance to keep on interviewing him infinite more times, but they chose to ask really stupid offensive questions that made him stop talking to them, forever

Good job fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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54c964 No.229426


>The only people actually julaying him are ruining the lolcow

>The only people actually julaying

>The only people

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54c964 No.229445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who else is? Am I missing someone?


How have they ruined it? He's still pumping out videos, so what's the problem. Here's one about how men need to redefine masculinity.

Again, I might be missing or misunderstanding something here.

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54c964 No.229685

File: 4488712c42b751d⋯.png (851.72 KB,952x820,238:205,goodbye gordo.png)

This cow has dried up, he's just a typical annoying liberal now

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54c964 No.229689


We'll see

He has actually always cycled. He never consistently made stupid rants. He will (probably) get julayy again.

If not, I'll be surprised

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54c964 No.229692


Isn't he back with his autistic boyfriend?

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54c964 No.229720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it takes him 15 minutes to explain why he needs a watch, and he's almost crying by the time he says it

he also complains about how "immersive and intense" skyrim is, because he'll play it for 8 hours and forget what time it is

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54c964 No.229725




Lol no. Anyways, I remember when he said something to the effect of "Skyrim is too hard and gameplay mechanics are overwhelming". I think he has a learning disability other than autism.

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54c964 No.229780


he might be but we aren't sure

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54c964 No.229781


watch this from 16 minutes holy fuck

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54c964 No.229782

File: e22864d41a0f632⋯.png (879.12 KB,918x850,27:25,Screen Shot 2016-09-10 at ….png)

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54c964 No.229783


Seriously. If he thinks Skyrim's mechanics are way too intense, I'd pay him $100 and gift him Morrowind on Steam just to have him do an LP of it.

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54c964 No.229861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>ha ha, I got doxxed and no one sent me dildos cuz they think I might like it. lol, they send dildos to white supremacist but not me!

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54c964 No.229894


lmfao that's insane

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54c964 No.229910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

new vid of him politisperging about BLM. This vid is perfect for more Garrison-esque quotes

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54c964 No.229912


He literally just believes whatever far left sources say about BLM. Also he subs to a lot of BLM retarded afrocentric pages on FB. Like straight up we waz kangs shit

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54c964 No.229933


Gee I wonder why.

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54c964 No.229956


Which video is he refering to?

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54c964 No.229963

File: 2f3af02e1cc8847⋯.jpg (80.3 KB,558x750,93:125,the_cuck_king.jpg)


Big Black Dingus?

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54c964 No.230065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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54c964 No.231014


what a fuggin cugg

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54c964 No.231020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Video title: I Wrote Fanfic Of A Fetish Comic

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54c964 No.231099


He gives me the impression of someone who faps to blacked but picturing himself as the girl

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54c964 No.231146

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54c964 No.231203

File: 9678dbe38742230⋯.jpg (414.52 KB,2048x2066,1024:1033,jahans gnp armband.jpg)










Is there a webm of this?

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54c964 No.231214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Incoherent rant about how he thinks Trump is going to win and it's the end of the world

Worth watching 10/10

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54c964 No.231221

File: d379971b428073c⋯.gif (489.24 KB,500x307,500:307,1335285461135.gif)


>ratings disabled

>comments disabled

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54c964 No.231225

File: 35ea45e2c9a4ae2⋯.gif (3.47 MB,480x270,16:9,gorrrrr.gif)


so wait,, u be sayin

all the times he claimed to be totally not bothered at all by all the negative comments and dislikes, HE WASN'T BEING HONEST?

I'm fucking shocked by his refusal to be honest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

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54c964 No.231254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is really pathetic, actually, like a new low for him. Like he would do pathetic rants again and again in the past, but somehow this is like a new level of dumb

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54c964 No.231276

File: 14501aeed387187⋯.png (117.07 KB,372x351,124:117,1383864919168.png)




>except for a gaming PC and HTC Vive, I really want those. I'll never save up enough for those (:__:)

Does he listen to himself when he speaks or is he just entranced by the sound of his own voice?

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54c964 No.231278


>Does he listen to himself when he speaks or is he just entranced by the sound of his own voice?

He's a narcissist

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54c964 No.231335


Isn't his sister supposedly hot and he's just some fucked genetic defect that fucks animals?

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54c964 No.231375


She's not bad. She kind of has his face, which is a little weird.

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54c964 No.231388


Being autistic he doesn't really understand theory of mind which means he can't imagine other people's points of view. He is incapable of realising that if he says contradictory things other people will instantly think he is an idiot / hypocrite / liar. He can logically deduce it eventually after thinking about it in detail, but he can't automatically and instinctively asses everything in terms of other people's reactions like a non-autistic person can.

That's why he appears to be narcissistic like >>231278 says. His thoughts and words are completely unchecked by understanding the consequences when exposed to other people. Like all mental illnesses, it's very hard for a normal person to appreciate because you take so many things for granted.

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54c964 No.231391


He's absolutely hillarious right after 30 minutes. Batman and The Joker are arch enemies. This is because they symbolise exactly opposite values — Joker symbolises authorotarianism, law and order, whereas Batman symbolises not punishing criminals too harshly. This is the way of the world, and in order to destroy a symbol you need the opposite of that symbol (he also said that Batman can't destroy the joker because they're opposites, but that goes against his general point, so please ignore it). Clinton symbolises everything that's against Trump: she symbolises things like corruption, neoconservatism, globalism, and the worst kind of Feminism (note: these are the actual examples he gives) — "everything the alt right stands against". Thus, she is the hero that can stop Trump and defeat the alt-right.

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54c964 No.231392


>The Joker represents law and order

Whoever the hell said this has probably never heard of Batman.

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54c964 No.231395



It actually starts at 26 minutes.



I thought it was stupid as well, but it seems I misheard him.

>"Batman can not stop The Joker because Batman is a symbol of autority being powerless to stop criminals, and The Joker is a symbol of autority being powerless to stop criminal."

The way he said it primed my brain to expect that he would characterise Batman and The Joker as opposites, so I misheard it as "The Joker is a symbol of autority" or something like that. Still pretty damn stupid that he thinks that comic book storytelling rules apply to reality.

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54c964 No.231400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Average video length is 30 minutes long

>He's a leftist pseudo-intellectual

"Brevity is the soul of wit"-William Shakespeare

Basically, this is how I feel everytime I watch this guy's videos.

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54c964 No.231508


I found it a little bit surprising because ordinarily left-wingers as cucked as he is think they're quite insightful deconstructing Batman as a crypto-fascist revenge fantasy lionizing wealth and privilege.

Not too surprised, mind, given his apparent obsession with PC games and Dr. Who.

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54c964 No.231552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

> Reflecting On The Shrinkening nsfw

i-is this about his penis

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54c964 No.231982


He's stopped turning of raitings/comments. That didn't last long.

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54c964 No.231988


He seems to try to speak like a professional orator while solely taking all the strategies they do to buy time on the podium.

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54c964 No.232334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"My poorly edited videos give people the impression that I'm dumb"

>he's using words like "degenerate" and "cuckold" to insult people now

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54c964 No.232336


did he just fuckin' hock a loogie?

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54c964 No.232337

he didnt even use the toilet paper behind him what the fuck that loogie is loose in his room

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54c964 No.232343

File: 56184fcfa598144⋯.jpg (44.06 KB,435x477,145:159,1aaaaaa.jpg)


This is his new channel for venting, which he hopes will not be infected by trolls like his last channel


so far the rants are all about dumb tech topics

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54c964 No.232367


Rather than disengaging from trolls he is now obsessing over them to the point of parroting their language. His autism makes him think he can lie to us and we will believe it.


All of his theories and discussions are parroted from some article or blog he recently read. I think it's a mistake to believe he has any ability to come up with any ideas of his own. Rather he absorbs and reappropriates other people's ideas. Naturally along the way they are distorted through his defective thought process.

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54c964 No.232662

Is there any way we could get him to show us his penis? He talks about it a lot.

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54c964 No.232791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Tour of his room

He really does have Chris-Chan tendencies.

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54c964 No.232912


That was disgusting.

He said that if there was a space on his floor where there wasn't mess, he would probably put something there just to make it messy again.

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54c964 No.233024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jahans gets his tits out. This time he does it pretty aggressively. 17:50


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54c964 No.233067




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54c964 No.233072



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54c964 No.233077


what is with him and people "wanking over anime"?


Oh the irony……

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54c964 No.233079


He's trying to feel superior to his puny hatebase lmfao

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54c964 No.233132


Alex should do what CwC did and buy a sports bra.

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54c964 No.233151


>Jahans gets his tits out

>he does it pretty aggressively

Perhaps he's trying to establish dominance.

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54c964 No.233179


His large tits are like weapons

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54c964 No.233210


He's weird about anime. Something something the male gaze. Only erotic Doctor Who fanfiction is wholesome enough for our Gord.

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54c964 No.233662

I hate it when people tell him to work out and he refuses because he doesn't want to get "too big".

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54c964 No.233702

File: 30064929c4515ee⋯.gif (2.33 MB,480x384,5:4,Oct-13-2016 15-09-41.gif)

He just fingered his cat

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54c964 No.233709

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54c964 No.233720


He is a disgusting piece of shit, but I'd want to see that clip with sound and in context before I believe it.

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54c964 No.233727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New jahans video is out.

4:42 he wipes his cat's ass.


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54c964 No.233732


>he doesn't want to get "too big".

He needs to put on some muscle cuz his body shape barely resembles that of a human. Like seriously, what the fuck is up with his body? Is that part of his syndrome or what?

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54c964 No.233755


He's so disgusting. He just drops the cat shit/gland juice wipe on the floor and THEN HE RUNS HIS HANDS THROUGH HIS HAIR.

He doesn't stop recording to wash his hands or anything. He doesn't even think to edit that out of the video. Did he think if he just made a new channel, the trolls couldn't see him anymore?

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54c964 No.233816

File: de32c69b02ef012⋯.png (48.92 KB,212x292,53:73,1443645425525.png)


>He wipes the cats ass

>drops the tissue on the floor

>then he proceeds to touch the cats ass barehanded

>then he runs his hands through his hair

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54c964 No.234154

File: b6fd52be4bc396b⋯.jpg (42.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


This dudes facial expression kills me.

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54c964 No.235483

Post pics of his sister

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54c964 No.235569


Whenever I look at this guy, it becomes obvious to me that he's a genetic throwback, a living example of the stereotypical retard from cartoons.

That doesn't help him when he is acting like that. He's annoying even to look at, just like Jerry Peet.

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54c964 No.235570


What's most annoying to me is his constant bitching about American politics. He's not a US citizen and he doesn't even live in the US so why the fuck does he prattle on and on about it?

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54c964 No.235591


Seconding interest in this.

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54c964 No.235595


Ey, I'm not a citizen and interested in getting a Green Card, and I do whine about US politics, mainly about gun rights. (I'm pro-gun, by the way. In fact, I'm a gun nut, only without guns because this fucking country extorts and makes people jump through flaming hoops whenever they want to own legally.)

The problem with him is he's British, so he's heavily anti-gun. (No fucking surprise; Commonwealthies tend to be anti-gun mostly and obnoxiously self-righteous and vocal about it.) That goes against US ideals, so I can understand this insult, especially when he's so goddamned socialist that he's utopian about it.

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54c964 No.235634


Not all British are anti-gun faggot. Country folk like guns, city folk hate them.

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54c964 No.235643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He talks about politics in his new video. He sits in an upright position, wearing ridiculous sunglasses, showing his status as an esoteric prophet. He talks about all sorts of things. Everything is a conspiracy by the rich. As a sci-fi writer, he's an expert on post-scarcity and he read up on the easier subjects, such as genetics, biology, and quantom physics, as a kid.

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54c964 No.235705

File: 2e82386b273cde3⋯.png (3 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1473202055934.png)



here you go.

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54c964 No.235706


If someone asked what the Dunning Kruger Effect is, just show them this video.

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54c964 No.235707


I'm a regular Joe, with no expertise on anything, but I was sure scarcity is a hard fact of our flawed world, not a conspiracy.

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54c964 No.235710


His sister doesn't look as ayy lmaoish as other british women. She must have gotten all the good genes.

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54c964 No.235760


I know, that's why I said they "tend to be". I didn't say "all of them".

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54c964 No.236180


>I'm a regular Joe

And as such you shouldn't question an Esoteric Prophet. Many Marxists believe that soon "post-scarcity" will be reached, followed by a socialist revolution. Essentially, they're saying "soon there will be so much of everything that it doesn't matter how fucking retardedly inefficient our economic system is". It seems that our Dear Prophet just recently realised that such a state will never be achived.

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54c964 No.236199

File: 1fa5169aaf80c3f⋯.png (145.81 KB,400x452,100:113,jahansimply.png)

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54c964 No.236230

File: ed6c0a74c913ab3⋯.png (115.32 KB,243x250,243:250,jahansaesthetic.png)

I hope he likes this…

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54c964 No.236344

Requesting the drawn pic of the jahans devil with huge floppy tits handshaking someone with the text "when eugenics meet something something, they are unstoppable". Highly appreciated if anyone finds it.

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54c964 No.236359



Ironic how they stole that shit from post-humanists and technocrats which are both capitalists. Can see why since it solves all the socialist bullshit from that zeitgest faggotry

Problem is every economist with half a neuron says that post-scarcity would fuck workers right in the ass and leave billions unemployed. There would be machines doing everything but guess who owns the machines? not faggots like floppytitties the britcuck here

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54c964 No.236796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>more crying

>more bitching about alt-right


>SJW's chased me out of my circle but they're still cool

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54c964 No.236802


What did he survive? We need someone to make a digest of these videos.

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54c964 No.236859


>What did he survive?

His suicidal thoughts.

>We need someone to make a digest of these videos.

They're a pain to listen to/breakdown cuz he jumps from topic to topic so frequently it's like watching a hour long Lena video.

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54c964 No.236879


I use Jahans for ASMR.

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54c964 No.237075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>He thinks the U.S elections is Nov.2

>He's worried about Trump might become Prez

>Worried that that'll somehow affect him

>"Nah, I'm British. It won't affect me"

>"But it might though….."

He needs to stop politisperging, he sounds dumber and dumber each time he does.

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54c964 No.237076


Sperging about politics is one of those unequivocal signs someone doesn't have a life of his own.

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54c964 No.237276


Why does Marxism attract people like this?

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54c964 No.237279


Because they think "From each according to his ability to each according to his needs" means they can sit on their ass and expect the good life while others work to build the socialist utopia they want.

You know, instead of the reality that an actual Marxist government would see to purge their ass the moment they can.

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54c964 No.237280

Basically, it's the same reason the alt-right is full of the kinds of people Hitler would put in the gas chamber. Others work hard to build the utopia I want.

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54c964 No.237373

File: ba8588f63478035⋯.png (22.55 KB,1000x910,100:91,k9i5unZ.png)


Here you go fam.

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54c964 No.237877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Why don't people like my channel

>wah wah Trump supporters

>USA will become Nazi Germany

>Europe & Britain will die cuz right wing Europe and Britian (?)

>Civil war will erupt in the U.S and England & Europe will join and THERE'S A SERIOUS CHANCE IT'LL HAPPEN GUISE!!!!

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54c964 No.237912


Is it me or does his skin look a bit greasy?

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54c964 No.237934


His every video is equally melodramatic. You'd think a "writer" would realise that that shit loses its punch really quickly. I think he likes to roleplay that he's about to become a political dissident in nazi germany. I also enjoyed the plan to manipulate the trolls he says around 17 minutes. Is this his second or third plan to do that?

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54c964 No.237964


I wish he was right about half of these things.

I am so bored of the status quo which births "intellectuals" like Jahans.

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54c964 No.237968



To be fair he is technically going through puberty now at 26(?) so he's gonna act like a pretentious faggot.

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54c964 No.238342

File: d0a0e14a791a976⋯.png (63.27 KB,200x248,25:31,JAHANNY.png)

This nigga has lost it.

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54c964 No.238348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wonder how many Trump meltdown videos he will post.

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54c964 No.238354


Someone make a highlight reel

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54c964 No.238357


Uh…Who the fuck is he calling "pasty and white"?

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54c964 No.238400


whole thing is gold.

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54c964 No.238474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He just cannot help it, he will sperg about Trump everyday for the next 4 years.

>good, hard working people will die

Hard working, right…

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54c964 No.238482

Sir Alexander Gordon Jahans, Britain's next Prime minister.

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54c964 No.238497


>"I'm ok with bing a hermit;The romantic idealism of the tragic loner who-who plotted away, who was a quiet & unrespected genius"

>He thinks he's a genius

When will he learn that his smugness and arrogance is whats repelling people away from him?

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54c964 No.238498



>Learning that smugness isn't appreciated

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54c964 No.238527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Someone wrote a fanfic about his Farshnuke universe and slapped his name on it and now he's raging. Someone please find the link to it.

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54c964 No.238675


lol, I called him out on that and he deleted my comment.

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54c964 No.238679


I'm sure his smell probably helps with that too.

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54c964 No.238748


We should convince him to try to run for pm, it would be hilarious if he actually tried giving a speech in a britcuck square and periscope it

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54c964 No.238759

Well, Gordo is stalking this thread. After I posted >>238675 my comment magically came back to his vid.

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54c964 No.238903

hey gordo how come you have time to write 17000 word fanfics but not enough time to shave your disgusting facial hair?

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54c964 No.239314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>How not to get trolled by The Jahansman

He's like a more eloquent Chris-Chan

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54c964 No.239439


He's just British. Don't fall for the classic British bluff.

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54c964 No.239444

These 60 minute videos make me glad that Chris made most of his when he did. The funny bits of Jahans are lost in the general sweaty slobbering.

Same is true of his blog posts but at least you can easily quote them:

> I have survived the worst my mind can throw at me. I understand my sexuality and mental scars far better now.

> Doctor Who no longer has the power it once did over me.

> I have been trapped for a long time by a straight jacket of morality. By this almost christian idea of the heavenly feminists and demonic right wing, by the idea that I am a monster unworthy of heaven but desperately trying to break into it.

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54c964 No.239503


>Less than two minutes in

>"The Alt-right spot weaknesses and they will go immediately for it. They are thus fairly easy to trap and manipulate."


How does he think this trap of his punish or cage them? How many videos has he spent so far discussing his master plans about how to deal with the alt-right, while getting nothing done.

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54c964 No.239667

Can I report this fucker to interpol or something for death threats? I want to the the followup video.

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54c964 No.239687

File: c7a3118a8943f7a⋯.png (117.51 KB,1288x567,184:81,Esoteric.png)

Check out his related channels.


Well, even if we aren't impressed by his dialect, he still beats Chris-Chan by miles.

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54c964 No.239701


>If I let people laugh at me and make me an international laughing stock then I have trapped them and won

This is the logic of the braindead.

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54c964 No.239703


Chris-chan is a retarded man child who never left the arena of children

Gordo is a retarded man child who entered teenage arenas.

They're similiar people but one is slightly higher on the autism totem poll.

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54c964 No.239707


>the alex jones channel

>the young turks


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54c964 No.239722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Vague ISIS-like threats towards the U.S president

>Paraphrases Angela Merkel


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54c964 No.239740



I'll repeat myself here and point out that he very likely got that idea from someone else - an article written by an idiot on how to "fight back" against trolls for example. We also know that people are feeding him suggestions. He passes off other people's opinions as his own but not after mangling them through his broken autistic and unemphatic mind.

His autism makes him believe other people act like the robots or actors on a stage. If he devises a "logical" trap then other people must therefore fall into it. The fact that other people have different opinions and thoughts of their own is not a real, instinctive concept to an autistic.

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54c964 No.239888

File: 06418ee3248e8f9⋯.jpg (44.87 KB,276x207,4:3,158303032[1].jpg)

How much of an martyr/"hero"/"deus ex machina" complex can this autist have?

He fucking speaks as if he's in a movie or something.


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54c964 No.240027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So this was interesting. Peak Jahans in its own irrelevant way.

1. Explains his tits

2. Explains why genocide is bad

3. Takes off his glasses and stares at the camera and swears an oath to destroy anyone committing genocide because he hates God

4. Warns the alt-right that once they commit genocide they will lose popular support.

5. Bog roll returns and tends to undermine the gravity of this message.

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54c964 No.240028

File: 051af45c5fdce55⋯.jpg (51.94 KB,854x480,427:240,youtu.be-O55fYP4EpNg.jpg)

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54c964 No.240059


>How much of an martyr/"hero"/"deus ex machina" complex can this autist have?

That's what happens when you model your life after Doctor Who.


>Debating the alt-right

How is it a debate when he's the only person present?

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54c964 No.240162


Every line he says is something he's heard in a bad TV action show.

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54c964 No.240171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Being Alt Right Will Get You Killed

His violent rhetoric increases day by day. This has gone from another person to laugh at online to something scary. I believe it's likely he will commit violent acts in the near future. I'm not joking - he is losing it. Violence is always wrong and I pray he gets the help he needs soon.

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54c964 No.240174


>He's losing it

I could tell that by looking at the thumbnail image in the OP and the thumbnail image you posted.

Just take a look at the two side by side and you'll see his mental health is not only declining rapidly, but so is his physical health.

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54c964 No.240178


Isn't there some bullshit police state agency in britcuckstan we can report him to? it would piss him to no end if he got arrested

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54c964 No.240180


They probably wouldn't get involved any way. Left wing violence is fine and the most you will do is draw attention to the people who troll him and get them party vanned.

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54c964 No.240183


This is what I could find with a quick jewgle search



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54c964 No.240184


He hasn't committed a crime, that's just wasting police time.

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54c964 No.240185


Isn't incitement to vio/terrorism a crime?

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54c964 No.240187


An autistic sperg rambling on the internet isn't going to be considered a legit threat. Unless he aims it at a woman who cries wolf then it's no dice.

Also remember he's targeting "racists". He's hardly going to be considered a bad apple when he's a sperg trying to stop racism is he?

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54c964 No.240189


Is he accidentally overdosing his medication?


He will victimise someone in his family or a friend. That is the typical pattern. Remember back to how terrified his short-lived boyfriend was? We only heard Jahan's side. Imagine what really happened.


Like Elliot Rodger? People never take mental illness seriously because the behavioural symptoms seem ridiculous, almost like someone is joking. I say let the experts make the determination.

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54c964 No.240190


>woman who cries wolf

Wait, what if we make up some fake ""alt-right"" woman or something and goad him into sperging out over her. Like chrischan.

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54c964 No.240193


Elliot Roger was functional. This is a whole different ball game where this kid is basically playing with Doctor Who action figures as a high point of his life. Him sperging out and throwing shit around is standard practice. Him picking up a gun and mass murdering people is quite the leap. He would be lucky if he could even find an assault spoon


Not getting involved and I would recommend others don't. He's a fat retard who you can poke and prod and laugh at, but when you actively attempt to fuck with him you're crossing the line where bad things happen. Chris is the Chris he is now because of all that shit and it's literally going to kill him. If the internet has simply observed and not done the extreme shit it did then he would still be making bad sonic comics and posting anti-gay youtube rants no one watched.

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54c964 No.240221

File: ae97120da9bb3ad⋯.png (32.9 KB,1065x357,355:119,PUAHate_Purifier_Animals.png)


>Elliot Roger was functional.

This, actually. Elliot was simply too obsessed with getting pussy, so he resorted to going full stereotypical woman-hating love"shy" who thought he was the "supreme gentleman" who can shit his pants and do nothing wrong and blamed it all on everybody else. Even his friends got tired of him whining about still being a virgin at 22, so much that they just bugged the fuck out.

Pic related was one of his posts. Elliot is to women as Valerie Solanas or Andrea Dworkin is to men. He's clearly a different case from Jahans.

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54c964 No.240226


The thing is he isn't wrong there, but instead of adapting to the truth about women he kept trying to be himself. Which failed because he was a spineless beta who wrote novels and tried to murder people but couldn't open a door.

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54c964 No.240231


He's right about women? Well, then shit, no wonder Elliot was a spineless beta, Jahans and other lolcows existed, and there's SJWs, love"shy", nu-males, wingnuts/moonbats, etc. everywhere: We were all borne from animalistic retards. 'Mazin'.

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54c964 No.240235


Women are illogical creatures driven by emotion. They evolved to take care of illogical creatures, being mostly logical would make that task infinitely harder.

Women are attracted to masculine men, which he describes accurately there if you push it to it's extreme.

Women picking their partners doesn't end well and does lead to worse kids due to them picking "alpha" guys who just look good and don't invest anything in the kids, which leads to single motherhood which is a massive fuck up in every way possible.

Elliot isn't wrong in that post. The problem was he didn't want to play the game reality sets up. He thinks reality should change to adjust to HIS standards and when it didn't he went on a killing spree. All the data he had was good, he just didn't come up to the logical conclusion of "If I want to get laid I have to reach this standard". The same way if you're playing say Dark souls you might not having to like using your shield to block an attack but it's impossible to dodge so you have to put your shield up if you want to beat that boss. You simply do what you need to do to achieve your goal. Elliot rage quit when instead of blocking he kept trying to roll and roll and roll. Didn't matter how often he rolled or how well, the fact that he knew he had to block and refused to do it means he sealed his own fate. Life sucks, women suck, if you want women you have to deal with how shitty life is and accept that women aren't men and they're men's rivals in mating and fight that battle for what it is.

Maybe before you post a retarded comment like "LOL OF COURSE WE'RE ALL ANIMALS!" you might want to drop your lefty non-sense and see the whole picture not just the part you can mock.

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54c964 No.240239


>He thinks reality should change to adjust to HIS standards and when it didn't he went on a killing spree.

Now THIS is the thing he should have done in the first place. What my complaints were you saying "Elliot isn't wrong in that post", because it implies as if no matter what we do, we'll never be good or never progress. That kind of nihilistic shit doesn't match up to real life especially in the Digital Age, which is why it is regarded as something only teenage edgelords who think they know it all say in their LJ blogs, if not whining about not getting allowance from their parents for wasting it on Hot Topic and, therefore, they deserve to die.

Elliot simply exaggerated all of this, never asking why he never got the pussy he wanted if he really was this fucking "supreme gentleman".

>Maybe before you post a retarded comment like "LOL OF COURSE WE'RE ALL ANIMALS!" you might want to drop your lefty non-sense and see the whole picture not just the part you can mock.

Dude, if I was some goddamned lefty, I wouldn't even touch fullchan with a 10 feet stick and stick my ass on Reddit instead, a site which I never had an account on. But here I am, looking for some lolstock to ranch the fuck out to get some dairy, calling out the cuckoldry in this shitstorm society, and saying stuff no SJW or even lefty would ever want to say, or hear without throwing some sperging shitfit. You just didn't clarify what you said, because if he's right exactly word by word, then we're all retarded.

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54c964 No.240251


Yes, they are very different. My point was that people didn't take him seriously either. He had a long history of violence. He confessed in his writings to many assaults and probably committed many more. Jahans also has a history of violence and is not taken seriously. Like Rodger his violence acts were not taken seriously.

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54c964 No.240256


Humans don't progress in your life time. Evolution takes at least 30 generations. The state of man and the state of woman does not change, it only expresses it's self within it's environment which changes.

Elliot rogers was honestly a victim of our society lying it's asses off about women and then people like him responded to the lie and got fucked for it. Being a Happa is already fucked up and it just got worse from there for him because of it.


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54c964 No.240260


Elliot Rogers was not a victim, he was a narcissist who didn't cough up the money for an escort and even that wouldn't have fixed him. Society does not and should never have an obligation to give losers pussy because they demand it.

The "man" was a monster and you should fuck off to Sluthate where you can jack each other off about your psychotic fantasies.

Anyway, the thread's being derailed and Jahans is the subject, not Loveshy Jesus.

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54c964 No.240263


>Guy wants something

>Every one tells him if he runs a mile every day he will have it

>Every day he runs a mile

>Turns out every one lied

>He's angry that he ran the race as told and the bad information fucked him

Elliot might have been a nutjob but you have to take responsibility when bad information made him the nutjob he was. You can blame his actions squarely on him growing up in a feminist society that lies to men about women to make women feel better about themselves.

Elliot could have be a successful man, he had all the potential to do so, if he had just been put on the right path. He wasn't put on one and so he became a nutjob trying to understand why he failed when he did everything he was told would make him successful.

Jahans is the opposite case. He's a down syndrome kid. He'll sperg and rage on cam and maybe throw tard rages but he's not really dangerous. As long as you can avoid his meat hooks he poses no danger to any one.

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54c964 No.240271


>Elliot might have been a nutjob but you have to take responsibility when bad information made him the nutjob he was.

His raging assburgers and blue balls made him the nutjob he was. Why should we take responsibility for his perpetual teenage angst?

>You can blame his actions squarely on him growing up in a feminist society that lies to men about women to make women feel better about themselves.

You can blame his actions on him being a manlet entitled assburger with a personality that drove everybody away from him.

>He wasn't put on one and so he became a nutjob trying to understand why he failed when he did everything he was told would make him successful.

He didn't try to understand, he whined and blamed other people when he met failure. If he understood why nobody liked him, he could have fixed it.

Wizard/incel detected.

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54c964 No.240274


Some people are just too retarded to understand things.

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54c964 No.240275


That doesn't mean that other people should be held responsible for their retardation.

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54c964 No.240278


If your society promotes race mixing and single mothers then your society should be held accountable for the consequences of what it advocates retard.

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54c964 No.240280


What does race mixing and single mothers have to do with a self important aspie shooting random people because he couldn't get laid?

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54c964 No.240282


Race-mixing and single mothers have absolutely nothing to do with how Elliot became the lunatic he was. If it did, then why isn't every virgin with rage shooting up sorority houses?

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54c964 No.240283



How does a guy going on a rampage because he's a virgin relate to a society that tells men how you get laid is the complete opposite of the truth? No idea. Must just be making shit up.

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54c964 No.240288

File: f32a4c5b97bb9b0⋯.jpg (37.68 KB,640x512,5:4,england.jpg)


Gordo is the living inbred proof that the Jahanses could have used some race-mixing.

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54c964 No.240310


Does it rain garbage in the UK? He's adding like a 2 inch layer of just utter trash on his bedroom floor every video.

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54c964 No.240311


If you're going to call the cops to fuck with him, just admit you're calling the cops to fuck with him.

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54c964 No.240314

File: ffa43940611a880⋯.jpg (80.89 KB,584x601,584:601,cartoon[1].jpg)


>wanting people to not tell you lies and mislead you your whole life is being "entitled"

Modern Woman (i.e. slut) detected.

Seems like you're the entitled one.

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54c964 No.240339


By following Occam's Razor, which is more likely?

1. Society and the government are united in a grand conspiracy to oppress men by telling them women aren't soulless, evil cumdumpsters who have black souls and breath fire?


2. Elliot Rodger is a beta faggot who was too ugly and socially retarded to get laid, so he threw a tantrum with a loaded gun and a car?

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54c964 No.240342


>Guy wants something

That "something" is another living human being capable of sentient thought to spend the rest of their life, money and sex organs with him.

>Every one tells him if he runs a mile every day he will have it

Of course a fat wizard hates the idea of exercise.

In all seriousness, getting into a relationship isn't hard at all, and just getting laid is even easier. All you have to do is not be a sperglord and have some kind of value as a human.

Elliot couldn't get a girlfriend because he was a creepy, ugly beta who didn't even have the nuts to talk to them.

Bro, I'mma help you out. Here's how you get a good wife:

1. Be financially stable (this is the hardest part. I recommend learning a trade.)

2. Have decent social skills (if you don't know how, see a therapist.)

3. Talk to women (you can find them in bars, online or just about anywhere since they're 50% of the population)

4. Don't read MGTOW/Incel/Wizard bullshit because it's written by autistic cuckolds. (Men's Rights is okay, but be careful it doesn't overlap into the previously mentioned categories.) If you already have, disregard anything they told you. They're not MGTOW/Incel/Wizards because their lives are so great.

If you do all this and still can't get laid, it's probably just because you're ugly as fuck.

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54c964 No.240349

Great job jullaying btw

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54c964 No.240355


>Occam's Razor

Which is more likely?

1. The sun and moon rise in the east and sets in the west


2. The earth is a gigantic rock revolving around a gigantic ball of plasma, and the moon is a smaller rock revolving around the earth

Science tells us one of these is true.

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54c964 No.240358


You repeated the same thing twice. That's not how Occam's razor works. It refers to the complexity of the concept in general, not to how you state the concept.

But >>240349 has a great point. I'm gonna tap out of this one so the thread can get back on track. If you got a brain as big as your dick is dry, you'll back off too.

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54c964 No.240359


>the sun rising is the same as the earth rotating

The same in perception, but the sun "rising" is very different from the earth rotating.

Plus, that's a fallacious misuse of Occam's razor, which is what I was trying to prove. Occam's razor isn't it be used in arguments, and it's actually supposed to be used to figure the order of two hypothesis to test first in an experiment. Wiliam weeps.

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54c964 No.240360


Shut the hell up, virgin.

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54c964 No.240361

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54c964 No.240368

File: 28b8a329513ccb7⋯.png (403 KB,540x540,1:1,Autis,m.png)


Triggered much?

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54c964 No.240413


>If I ignore everything you say I can make a stupid argument

Good women are exceptionally rare because women are dominated mentally by social pressure and never got told the truth either. They got told to fuck around and have a career, which completely fucks up their ability to breed and the kids of those who do get pregnant. These fucked up kids continue the cycle only they're even worse.

You should like the standard retard beta who decided to take in a woman after she hit the wall and you think she's a good woman because she said she didn't fuck 13 niggers every week and you believed her.

Now please do continue to ignore that Elliot is a victim of our society as much as many single mothers are. They hid the truth from both of them and Elliot got violent while single mothers act like cancer and make more Elliots.

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54c964 No.240420

I'm starting to think we're getting raided……..by betafags off r9k


>Elliot is to women as Valerie Solanas or Andrea Dworkin is to men

Ironically those two cunts are still respected within the feminist community


Stop sperging like a retard KV for a minute and consider this: elliot had a fucking bmw bought by his millonaire father who was a director in the hunger games. And he couldn't get laid, you know why? because he didn't even SPEAK TO BITCHES.

You know what I would have done in his place? just fucking trick a teen girl to sleep with me to get into the hunger games premiere, to which elliot did go because his dad obviously could get tickets. This is what most kikewood shit kids do, he could've tricked a girl saying he could get her an audition if she went ass-to-mouth, practically all bitches in showbiz have gargled shit stained dicks when they started and even worse.

But no, elliot had a fucking golden ticket but couldn't be fucking bothered to cash it in. He was a lazy dumb fuck who was constantly looking for retarded ways to get rich quick when all he had to do was play the dynasty showbiz game using his dad's connections. Kikewood is full of butthurt manlets with borderline IQs like him and they live like fucking kings


He never ran a mile, he never had a job, he blew his savings in lotto tickets, everything he had was bought for him by his dad including a car that is worth more than the average annual middle class income


The irony is that he wasn't even that ugly, he was actually better looking that some child actors, problem is that he was a shithead and didn't like anyone

Again, nigga had it all served in a silver platter, but even then he was too retarded to figure it out

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54c964 No.240427


>Good women are hard to find.

It's especially hard when you're a beta who doesn't have any of his own value as a person and has terminally low standards due to massive thirst.

If you're going to spend the rest of your natural life with someone, give them unfeathered access to your bank account and agree to spawn your offspring with them, of course it's going to find someone worthy of all that. It's a very tall order.

But guess what? There are 7 billion goddamn people on the planet. Stop making excuses and nut up, wizard.

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54c964 No.240428


>Ironically those two cunts are still respected within the feminist community

Exactly. They idolize and lionize these two walking and talking straw-bitches, then wonder why so many people hate them. And, in true lefty fashion, they double their efforts down, instead of examining why people don't like dealing with them, not catching the possibility that it isn't the society is muhsoggykneestick, it's that these feminists are obnoxious.

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54c964 No.240438


>If I keep calling someone a wizard and to man up then that changes how fucked up society is and how stupid women are so this magically makes non-shitty women multiplye


>Some feminists are okay

Yea, some feminists are okay. They're just flooding the country with kebab because the ideology they follow is pure cancer to any group who allows it to exist. But hey, not all feminists are like that!

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54c964 No.240442


>Yea, some feminists are okay.

Wait, I didn't say this in my post. So who the fucking hell are you talking to?

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54c964 No.240443


You imply it in the way that you act like not all feminists are obnoxious rather than the entire ideology being obnoxious. I may have misread that or you may have written it poorly. It could be either one with how often you see "But 2nd wave feminism was good".

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54c964 No.240444


>It could be either one with how often you see "But 2nd wave feminism was good".

I just said feminism, that's all. No mention of waves. So who do you think I am?

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54c964 No.240446


Probably a Redditor with some link to Gamergate from the way you talk.

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54c964 No.240453


I left cuckchan before it was called cuckchan after being there for years, so I wasn't there during this GG affair. I also never touched Leddit because it's an uninteresting website and was said to be drowning in memes. Thanks a lot for assuming who I am, faggot.

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54c964 No.240459


Maybe if you didn't act like a faggot people wouldn't assume you're a faggot. Now whine more like a Tumblr bitch about muh labels and we'll slap your ass up here as a lolcow too.

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54c964 No.240462


>Now whine more like a Tumblr bitch about muh labels

And when did I do this, huh? You're the one who's acting like a faggot here, more like a Dumbler bitch. When did I whine about fucking labels here? When did I say some feminists are good and not all of them are just women being women? And when did I say about waves of feminism here?

Slap my ass up here as a lolcow? You're the one who's being triggered here by shit I didn't say, nigger.

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54c964 No.240494

New post on his blog: To the Future !


"I will soon have survived 10 years on youtube and I have just somehow successfully bought legal justice to bare upon a troll. The weight of history lies heavy upon my brow"

also for the ladies out there:


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54c964 No.240513


Legal justice?

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54c964 No.240564


>Wait, I didn't say this in my post. So who the fucking hell are you talking to?

You never said anything of the sort. But incels assume everyone who doesn't agree with them is a radical 2nd wave feminist.

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54c964 No.240566


Incels don't exist, but entitled narcissistic autists certainly exist.

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54c964 No.240738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He thinks the rest of the world will invade America because (he thinks) Trump is Alt-Right.

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54c964 No.240747

Is there a /chan/ dedicated to Jahans?

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54c964 No.240750

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54c964 No.240758

File: b32eb9af14e4049⋯.jpg (880.37 KB,984x1593,328:531,Terracotta_figurine_of_two….jpg)

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54c964 No.240766


>invade the one country with nearly 60% of the world's military

What a retard…

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54c964 No.240771


Farshnuke better start stockpiling on bottle caps or mushroom vodka if he wants to launch an invasion of America.

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54c964 No.240774


Yurop won't even do shit about the ISIL even if rapefugees are going apeshit at their borders. What makes this guy think they're gonna do something about the US?

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54c964 No.240824


I am sorry but Elliot, did not even try running a mile.

He just bought a bunch of designer clothes and sat around in public places, waiting for boyfriend-free girl to approach him, ala Chris-Chan. I think we all know how that works out.

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54c964 No.240902

We ALL know how THAT works out.

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54c964 No.240907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Jahans: The Tumblr Solider

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54c964 No.240966

File: e20ba0121d88ef7⋯.png (531.25 KB,828x596,207:149,Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at ….png)

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54c964 No.240992


spoiler that shit

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be479c No.287717

File: 1bccee9fbd9757e⋯.png (851.82 KB,1339x579,1339:579,esoteric hungary.PNG)

Did you lads know that there is an esoteric jahanism graffiti piece on a bridge somewhere in Budapest?

Gave me a chuckle tbh.

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ee2bd8 No.328554


lmao yes he is

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15f381 No.439182

File: bc0957c8ac75358⋯.jpg (577.99 KB,1200x1471,1200:1471,Screenshot_20180508-021133.jpg)

File: 4acbabf37f1a723⋯.jpg (532.57 KB,1199x1710,1199:1710,Screenshot_20180509-194059.jpg)

File: c555a0768391985⋯.jpg (378.31 KB,1199x1569,1199:1569,Screenshot_20180508-021210.jpg)

File: da989b66bd93c8e⋯.png (373.94 KB,1080x308,270:77,da989b66bd93c8eb9b6d5932ea….png)

File: 780c9adb0bd7be9⋯.png (256.76 KB,660x315,44:21,780c9adb0bd7be9d7f144c675f….png)

Owner of the Jahans discord server doxxxxed as a nigger loving NEET.

the owner of the Jahans discord server. Real name Toby King, goes by Vercingetorix. Number #5301.


University of Nottingham Master’s Degree, Applied biopharmaceutical biotechnology with entrepreneurship 2016 – 2017

Swansea University Bachelor’s Degree, Biochemistry, 2:1 2014 – 2016

>Claims to be altright but has only ever lusted after nigger pussy.

>nigger pussy has a big black bf tfw

>Literal unemployable NEET with a meme degree.

>Spends 100% of his time on Discord


And his ethnic friends (only friends):

Don't forget to add all of his friends and tell them about ALEXANDER GORDON JAHANS.

Also, don't forget to email any potential employers telling them about how their employee runs a discord dedicated to harrassing a heavily autistic man.

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15f381 No.439185

File: 8464519cfda069f⋯.jpg (297.4 KB,1200x1656,50:69,Screenshot_20180509-194333.jpg)

File: 1f68da5cf4ebfd2⋯.jpg (523.1 KB,1199x1660,1199:1660,Screenshot_20180509-194347.jpg)


And don't forget to contact his friends (none of them are white, sad) and tell them about Alexander Gordon Jahans and their cuck's role in his suicide.

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15f381 No.439187

File: 4bad9d2c314cf94⋯.jpg (657.07 KB,1199x1156,1199:1156,Screenshot_20180508-021239.jpg)

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15f381 No.439193

File: 8d8ccb5cae6af5d⋯.png (1.25 MB,750x1334,375:667,image.png)

File: fd489755a019736⋯.png (568.17 KB,720x1280,9:16,verc1.png)

the owner of the Jahans discord server. Real name Toby King, goes by Vercingetorix. Number #5301.


University of Nottingham Master’s Degree, Applied biopharmaceutical biotechnology with entrepreneurship 2016 – 2017

Swansea University Bachelor’s Degree, Biochemistry, 2:1 2014 – 2016

>Claims to be altright but has only ever lusted after nigger pussy.

>nigger pussy has a big black bf tfw

>Literal unemployable NEET with a meme degree.

>Spends 100% of his time on Discord


And his ethnic friends (only friends):

Don't forget to add all of his friends and tell them about ALEXANDER GORDON JAHANS.

Also, don't forget to email any potential employers telling them about how their employee runs a discord dedicated to harrassing a heavily autistic man.

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4571f7 No.439271

File: 6382fcd8ebfb8c2⋯.png (9.25 KB,214x71,214:71,Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at ….png)

Does he even know? The discord is dead with no julay.

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d11349 No.440709

File: bc0957c8ac75358⋯.jpg (577.99 KB,1200x1471,1200:1471,Screenshot_20180508-021133.jpg)

The absolute state of british nationalism

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143183 No.440769


Nationalism isn't about race

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a369b1 No.440837


t. burger fake nationalist

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d11349 No.444409

File: 59f3d8ff8fe5c27⋯.jpg (540.58 KB,1200x1471,1200:1471,bc0957c8ac753584321fdca2d0….jpg)


Just added a few of this racemixers on Facebook under the name Alex Jahans. top kek

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d11349 No.444456


"Hi do you know Toby King?" This is gonna be goooooood

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a119c5 No.447138

File: 517a087ea15a6a2⋯.jpg (346.15 KB,1434x1842,239:307,adam edge first baronet.jpg)

File: 9c014f4c61fd24a⋯.png (1.16 MB,1915x1079,1915:1079,adam plane.png)

File: 05bd46b3fee292c⋯.png (266.93 KB,699x831,233:277,adam 1.png)

File: ab1fadf50badacd⋯.png (425.83 KB,949x905,949:905,adam 2.png)

File: f59b25eba86cb56⋯.png (409.86 KB,849x937,849:937,adam 3.png)

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a119c5 No.447139

File: cabd93e64341394⋯.png (545.6 KB,960x540,16:9,adam again.png)

File: fc698b3d67d063e⋯.png (1.39 MB,1483x873,1483:873,adam 6.png)

File: 726708f5ff311dc⋯.jpg (187.41 KB,972x1296,3:4,adam_3.jpg)

File: 604e2f133bbaf2e⋯.gif (5.68 MB,800x448,25:14,adam.gif)

File: 4073daa547b4321⋯.png (614.35 KB,903x605,903:605,unknown (7).png)

absolute state

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4571f7 No.447490

doxxxxxxxxxxing and counter doxxxxxxxxxing by 2 people who met """"anonymously"""" on a discord and agreed to add each other on facebook.

When will normies learn.

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0e1f6d No.447542


is that what happened? i guess it was inevitable that something like that would happen, once you have a circlejerk discord community for long enough

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d5e491 No.447697

>this just in, discord faggots are faggots

we need a 2nd coming

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adbe57 No.447763

Adam's dox is funny. Toby's dox is shameful. /thread

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bb7405 No.447769



Truly /ourhomo/

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bb7405 No.447779

Also why our people doxxxxing Godwindon, I've been away for a week and this what I update the thread too?

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adbe57 No.447826

File: d2670b1bd4325c8⋯.jpg (471.04 KB,1200x1579,1200:1579,Godwinson.jpg)

Adam put on twitter that Verc has been running a doxxxxxing discord. Thought it was bullshit and then saw this. Wew lad.

Like how stupid do you have to be? Adam has a fucking army of trolls around him now which he sends at people all the time, it's not like we're in 2016 anymore.

Making a doxing server on him will keep him going with cocks for months and you know how shameless he is with this stuff. I do still consider him a friend but obviously I keep my distance you would have be a fool not to.

Whereas in the past he had 10 people around him worshipping him like a king, now he's got 2000 and that'll only grow. It's not both funny and scary at the same time.

You only have to look at what he did to Jahans to realise that he can basically make you unemployable for life when he makes a video and then that gets mirrored by half the internet. So when you run a doxxxxxing discord on him then you really have to have a deathwish.

Some life in jahanism yet it seems the shitstorm will be full of keks.

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9b5836 No.447953



shud be gud to see how this turns out

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9b5836 No.448010

File: 2009a2d5314a292⋯.png (31.59 KB,641x267,641:267,1.png)

File: 2495b32417d36bf⋯.png (47.18 KB,637x399,91:57,2.png)

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a2ddf6 No.448045

File: 170666e94dfb407⋯.gif (1.23 MB,212x194,106:97,1482215319498.gif)


This is maybe the gayest thing I've ever read here, and I'm a veteran of 10 Jahans threads and your faggot discord slapfights.

Toby was doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed over and over again, I did part of it and you'll never know who I was. I simply thought it was funny to post them and watch you freak out, close everything down and then go back to posting your faggy selfies in discord again within a month.

Grow up son, stop connecting your real name to online tard wrangling and you might want to let Toby know to stop fucking niggers while you're at it. Adam is a spaz but you faggots are worse.

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9b5836 No.448071


you know the real story here?

I never got into the discord faggotry

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a2ddf6 No.448156

File: 5638ea59d7f8e2a⋯.gif (1.24 MB,423x231,141:77,1481442654697.gif)


I don't know what prompted this latest bitchfight but I've always had a mole inside the discord so I could force them to behave themselves in the Jahans threads on /cow/.

This is pretty much how it's gone:

1. Vercingetorix (Toby) owns discord server dedicated to Jahans.

2. He's very unstable and also claims to be an "ethnonationalist" with a Nigerian girlfriend, but they're all pretty much like him so nobody cares. It's populated by the spergs you heard shouting memes in the long ass Adam interviews with Jahans on the esotericjahanism site. They invited him into the discord and apparently he read all their messages. You might come to the conclusion that the Jahans discord was too autistic for even Alexander Jahans.

Jahans withdrew after that, the /cow/ threads died, the first but not the last time discord faggotry spilled over into the real world.

3. Some of these guys (like Rory Vazley) have seriously been following Jahans around for years, from the time he did his first spergouts at Laura K. Buzz & Jim Sterling. The reason the "lore" is so well-known is some of these guys were fellow Laura K Buzz & Jim Sterling fanboys and saw Jahans hand >her his cannibal/injection fan fiction in real time.

4. Adam was worshipped there to an incredibly unhealthy degree. I like Adam but he enjoyed the attention and forgot that autistic fans are still autistic and liable to shit on themselves and get some on you, like now.

Jahanism comes and goes, mostly burns out because he won't interact with trolls after the discord interviews. Then last year:

5. Discord fags start acting up in Jahans threads on 8chan. We (I don't know the others) finally have enough and start doxxxxxxxxxxing discord fags, who have been taking /leftypol/-level selfies and sharing them on the Jahans discord for over a year at this point.

6. One by one they all delete everything, Vercingetorix repeatedly closes and re-opens the discord. They stop fucking up the threads.

7. In the last few months, Adam is building a bigger audience attacking Sargoy than he ever had giving hour long lectures about Jahans. Jahans deleted his blog last week and most of his cocks is not accessible. Like the "Skeptics" who thought anti-SJW videos were dying out, the Jahans discord is a community without a purpose so people are scrambling to find something new to latch onto. There were almost no posts other than people asking for now-deleted cocks.

The server is hugely British, and aside from growing their teeth in rows like sharks, they have constant debates about who is "really right-wing" and who is faking it. Some of them decide Adam is "like an SJW," mimicking Sargon's logic if not his actual words. Behind the scenes some of them are tracking Adam's dox and hope to involve his family.

You can tell when it's Vercingetorix posting because the anon will call Adam a "Reptile," after the David Icke meme. He apparently thinks that's really clever.

8. After Jahans deletes his blog, someone posts Vercingetorix dox again in the latest /cow/ thread (which has been autosaging for months). It's not the first time he's been outed. It's not even the first time in that thread he was outed.

9. Adam claims Vercingetorix turned on him. Some speculation about Adam's dox had been posted earlier, but he claims someone was mining his old FB posts. So he reposts on Twitter the dox that had (repeatedly) been posted about Vercingetorix.

the tl;dr is both of these people have the op-sec of a fag The Daily Shoah host, also stop using discord you idiots. But Vercingetorix is far more pathetic and funnier to laugh at, especially because he's admitted all of it was true, including his Nigerian gf.

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9b5836 No.448195


Nice. This could end in at least one documented meltdown.

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adbe57 No.448305


Again, how stupid can a person be? He thinks that trying to make Adam into a lolcow and running a doxxxxxing server will have zero blowback when the guy has an audience that wants to fuck with people 24/7. It's always the case when these people say "so and so is the real cow" that they turn out to have these shameful photos of lusting after a negress.

Adam will just make him completely unemployable if he puts out a video.


Funny seeing members of the "totally not a doxxxxing server" doxxxxing server trying to deny the existence of a doxxxxing as I'm pretty sure it the exact same thing happened when Kraut was found out. I even recognise some of the usernames and they're the exact same people who were in the Jahans discord and ruined the place by talking about their drama.

That PozEmperor guy is "Danial J Toft" and he's known to be a complete cow.

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0e1f6d No.450081


thanks for the quick rundown. there's something about constant communications which attract autists in the imageboard sphere. discord servers, perpetual general threads, places like that just end up pure shite

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707677 No.450865


Literally nothing you just said is true.

>You can tell when it's Vercingetorix posting because the anon will call Adam a "Reptile," after the David Icke meme. He apparently thinks that's really clever.

hahahahahahaha OK mate. Adam being referred to as a reptile is because he's a two faced snake.

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a2ddf6 No.450966


>Literally nothing you just said is true.

You mean other than Toby having a nigger girlfriend? :^)

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f898b5 No.456923



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27ea3c No.468137

File: afd6ae23b7c484d⋯.webm (705.83 KB,608x321,608:321,delete.webm)

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02038a No.468367


i assume deleting a story is like finishing a wank and closing 20 tabs for him

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5d6f87 No.468378

What happened to Godwinson?

Seems his channel goes down within hours of putting them up.


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d02745 No.469725


Yea from what i see whenever he gets a video striked he dissapears

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5db3df No.477641

Does anyone have a link to the archive of Jahans Youtube channel?

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0f2f04 No.478327

I haven't followed this guy for about 4 or 5 months and I feel like I've missed nothing. This is terminal NEET.

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a2ddf6 No.479501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jahans: "I'M NOT DEAD!"

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8d473a No.481285



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8fee3c No.485951


he took a page from his #1 fan

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20abe2 No.485963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Angry Aussie the long lost brother of Jahans? He's got relatively the same facial features and tiny arms.

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c1f358 No.497576

File: e30487edd9dac1c⋯.png (2.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Alex01.png)

File: d76f55f76759470⋯.png (1.88 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Alex006.png)

File: 9622efab7e233bd⋯.png (1.15 MB,1281x675,427:225,Alex007.png)

File: dfe759eaae72faf⋯.jpg (181.77 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Alex009.jpg)

File: f24d56c5be653ac⋯.png (1.38 MB,1284x720,107:60,Alex015.png)

Is /cow/ - JAHANS dead?

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c1f358 No.497578

File: 09dc7c3f818ce70⋯.png (893.26 KB,1281x721,183:103,Alex124.png)

File: b9784c2364f8a88⋯.jpg (168.79 KB,1270x706,635:353,Alex134.jpg)

File: 495cc699b3bd57d⋯.png (262.67 KB,459x368,459:368,Alex142.png)

File: 6faa9900c7d52e3⋯.png (1.4 MB,1280x678,640:339,Alex167.png)

File: 9e65e971c93306e⋯.png (1.26 MB,1275x675,17:9,Alex198.png)

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c1f358 No.497580

File: ef74453325e9ae5⋯.png (1.02 MB,1279x721,1279:721,Alex475.png)

File: eb73091b7030278⋯.png (1.14 MB,1278x676,639:338,Alex536.png)

File: 1f10eb9ce1b4a40⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Alex734.png)

File: 1aa07bd88eb7333⋯.png (1.14 MB,1278x678,213:113,Alex789.png)

File: 06eec00c5dc63f7⋯.png (699.09 KB,1278x718,639:359,Alex845.png)

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569b39 No.497586


>doing standing dumbbell presses with 4kg weights

>doing standing dumbbell presses with that posture

Is he trying to get /fit/, or stay morbidly obese?

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03582f No.507259

Reading back over this and the archived threads is like looking back on a distant, unknowable period in history where for a few weeks, a year or so ago, a titted cannibal became the most studied and psychoanalysed man/woman/thing on the internet.

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03582f No.507260

Has anyone tried to talk to/interview Jahans recently?

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a2ddf6 No.507301

File: 725bf0f09061d4b⋯.jpg (59.98 KB,854x480,427:240,youtu.be-rXc3juVJ7Us.jpg)


The Pax Jahanica.

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a2ddf6 No.507365

File: 444ad7078676f04⋯.png (62.27 KB,456x268,114:67,not-sure-ill-cope.png)


He's currently in seclusion because of the global Diet Coke shortage.

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2231d4 No.514977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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460d9e No.514993

File: acc16ef6272936b⋯.png (401.72 KB,452x544,113:136,esoteric.PNG)


He's got a soyboy beard, nice!

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70127b No.515028

I can hear Godwinson making his response video now…

That's if he's still alive

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a2ddf6 No.515083


That and the $20 pedo glasses actually define his face … well it doesn't look "good" but he looks less like a human slug now.

Also lol at his list of maladies, in a 13 minute video he cycles through the whole list (and includes "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," that one's new!)

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ac1229 No.515120

File: 14366f0296d487c⋯.jpg (50.38 KB,464x450,232:225,043-CWCsFavHitsIn.jpg)



Jahans has a more trendy version of the old Chris pedo glasses lol

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5e8784 No.515181

File: cd484427a23cb57⋯.jpg (163.51 KB,500x422,250:211,Thousand_Cubit_Stare.jpg)


He looks so weird. I don't think he should change this look. He might look like a creepy uncle, but it's miles better than his normal face.

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db0f2c No.515279

Anyone else have most of Jahans videos saved? I'm trying to collect the whole archive and almost have it all.

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27ea3c No.516337

File: 0817f3eee44008b⋯.jpg (77.39 KB,532x493,532:493,smug anime girl.jpg)


Unfortunately for Jahans, yes, I have all of them backed up multiple times on encrypted hard drives in multiple physical locations (in case of hardware failure or theft). Possibly missing one or two but I could never confirm that. Upload a listing of all the videos you have so I can do a diff against it and show you the ones you're missing.

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0f2f04 No.516385


I guess he always wanted to be a BBC writer so he figures he can at least dress the role.

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ce8062 No.517374


why havent you reuploaded the archive somewhere else

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27ea3c No.517516

Here's the directory listing for 2008-11-02 to 2018-08-06


1260 videos, 427 GB


Where do you suggest?

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4ab18c No.517742


archive.org is great for this stuff

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27ea3c No.517840


I didn't know you could upload video there. I'll look into it, thants.

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b523cd No.519506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b523cd No.519507

File: c00c4ffb5089530⋯.jpg (9.51 KB,217x320,217:320,29e.jpg)


nvm, I'm retarded.

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e2cb90 No.522010

File: 7d51fa01112c173⋯.png (125.62 KB,1352x1721,1352:1721,7d51fa01112c1731acd76a05c3….png)



He mentions hes on anti-anxiety meds. Wonder what hes getting - diazapam maybe? He seems more lethargic in the delivery of this video. Mentions that he doesnt want to provide "nazis" who are out to get him with cocks. Then, in a sickening display of ethnomasochism, he goes on to say hes a "cis white male" so he doesnt deserve a platform anyway. I despise his mindset but pity him at the same time.

He could have been a great cow, the cow of all cows and he could have been miIked for years to come but that spakka crew of discord spergs ruined it for the rest of us with their lack of tact and mongery. They scared him off and essentially slaughtered a cow that whos bit fat mantits were still ripe for miIking. Fucking cretins. This is why we cant have nice things.


Was pretty glorious wasnt it. Spergs and egotistical narcissists ruined it for the rest of us though like they always do.

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a2ddf6 No.524659

File: 8d4402ebfaf76e9⋯.png (88.05 KB,458x405,458:405,necrobump.png)

Every now and then I type the letter "f" into my browser and it leads me here. It's usually not rewarding but his state of terror over the rising cost of Diet Coke is.

I've also never figured out why he thinks Diet Coke gives him "energy."

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4ab18c No.524665


>CO2 shortage

WTF? They literally pull it out of the air and compress it into a liquid. How is there a shortage?

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a2ddf6 No.524671

File: 2e0ec9ce6534386⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,2239x2844,2239:2844,40975747890_bf89e2b86a_o.jpg)


I was reading something about it. Apparently UK laws restrict CO2 production to its creation as a biproduct of ammonia fertilizer. A bunch of factories shut down production as demand for the primary product is at a low.

Apparently the country that conquered half the Earth has extremely rigorous laws that make it difficult to produce literal shit.

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17a2ec No.526868

does anyone know a jahans archive?

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a2ddf6 No.526926


He privates his videos to prove they're his and then DMCAs anyone who re-ups them. Ask and someone will probably upload whatever you want via mega.

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4ab18c No.526934


>fertilizer is in low demand

>the soft drink market collapses


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49efa7 No.528188


>2 liters of coke per day

Because it's diet Coke I bet he thinks it's alright. There's nothing in Coca-Cola or whatever rat piss drink is on the shelves that'll give him "energy". If he was drinking shit like red bull I can let it slide, but coke makes you sleepy and bloated from all the fizzyness.

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389cb7 No.528305


it has sugar or aspartame

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081375 No.562966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You honestly didn't think he could stay away forever did you?

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18f1e8 No.563041

check out the latest of Jahans news since it has been a year or longer.

Come to the realization that Jahans has changed his look and his social media presence is not all there. Is he planing to kill off one of his parents and then take a little souvenir?

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4ab18c No.563073


His reasoning and annecdotes about writing stories is impecable.


He needs Diet Coke.

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a2ddf6 No.563168

File: 82128b2f6fdff82⋯.png (288.74 KB,347x426,347:426,1486463079152.png)


Is that a different room? It looks narrower (his bed is butting up against his dresser) and has definitely been painted recently.

Did Helen finally sell the Lair?

>half deflated Dalek on his bed


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a2ddf6 No.563169

File: 243fc621f1dbb29⋯.jpg (129.52 KB,1269x668,1269:668,squeeeeee.jpg)


Forgot to attach the new lair of the half-white worm.

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d3615b No.563183


Damn, Pete Doherty is looking worse than ever these days.

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081375 No.564659


>half deflated Dalek on his bed

He attempted to have sex with it… and succeeded!

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d3615b No.565095

File: 5ae35f5746f656b⋯.jpg (160.54 KB,640x480,4:3,blowup_dalek_box_art_1_by_….jpg)


He's been fucking it since 14, been holding up well.

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18f1e8 No.565138


Diet Coke is pure Jahanism

What will he do?

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ef3e92 No.565760


When are you coming back, Adam?

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96cb87 No.567979

File: 27138c0740af3f4⋯.png (1.52 MB,2518x1024,1259:512,2a498b35d17c457eefc9241b41….png)

I miss Godwinson

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18f1e8 No.568045


Godwinson is still here m8 he is just waiting for the opportune time to come out.

We Have to Believe

Also what happened to that Jahans discord that was up and running a year ago?

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9d2a46 No.568081


Universal credit money is where they top up your income because you're too poor by their standards. It'e like when you're not retarded enough to get disability they give you a few extra quid to make up for it.

Drinking 2 liters of fizzy pop will make you feel like shit. It creates a dependency in your body with the caffeine. You drink it to not have a head ache and feel like shit, which then makes you feel like shit.

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9d2a46 No.568082


He's signalling that he's a homosexual. That's the exact homo look.

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cc37e8 No.568905

File: bd8fb5075f46509⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,3264x2297,3264:2297,adam 4.jpg)


still running but dead as anything

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a2ddf6 No.569181

File: d69c00438062e07⋯.png (61.23 KB,479x267,479:267,gay.png)

File: 06b4c0d16714082⋯.png (30.36 KB,476x162,238:81,really-gay.png)

Clipped these earlier. This is obsessive fetishizing even by his standards.

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563604 No.569647

Can't believe no one posted these:


✔ brought a hamster to orgasm

✔ soundly rejected by the online hamster community

✔ had his pumpkin smashed by a foreigner

✔ carried a dead rat around with him

✔ buried multiple goldfish alive to make compost

✔ played with animal carcasses

✔ smashed a child's head into the ground repeatedly screaming "why won't you die"

✔ made a dalek and cuckshed in 3D

✔ low intelligence

✔ aspiring BBC script writer

✔ aspiring BBC cuckold

✔ obese

✔ told by an endocrinologist he is too fat

✔ founded Green Nothing Productions (not registered at companies house)

✔ vowed to review Twilight and Fifty Shades Of Grey while cosplaying as Bella if a facebook post about GNP got 10,000 likes (it didn't)

✔ owns an inflatable dalek

✔ wiped his cat's arse with his finger

✔ wrote about intravenously injecting women with cum, shit and piss

✔ wrote about removing and eating organs from living women

✔ wrote about cutting women into pieces

✔ wrote about wanting to shrink women and keep them as pets

✔ wrote about roasting Amy Pond alive

✔ quit after one day as a trolley boy

✔ threatened to strangle every member of an internet club

✔ made multiple topless youtube videos, once asking the audience to masturbate

✔ licked his own nipple on cam

✔ got banned from multiple facebook groups for transphobia

✔ his own sister is terrified of him

✔ wrote unsolicited torture porn of Laura K Dale and Jim Sterling

✔ handed said porn to Laura K Dale in person

✔ terrified a deeply autistic man after performing oral sex on him

✔ killed a tarantula by crushing it under foot

✔ founded Project MIRTH

✔ pronounces bickers as "bickers"

✔ attempted to physically remove his father from the house

✔ got scolded by a policewoman who then told him to tidy his room

✔ demanded that his mother pay him £50 to move a chair

✔ got angry when she only gave him £30

✔ broke his wrist falling over after flamboyantly storming off when his mum made him pay for a bed with "his own money" (her money)

✔ blacklisted by multiple feminist communities

✔ blacklisted by the labour party

✔ threatened suicide bickers the requirements to receive welfare are too strict

✔ threatened suicide if terrorist sympathising communist corbyn didn't win

✔ cut his own hair with disastrous results

✔ refused to come downstairs when a friend came to play

✔ received a valentine's day card but did not appreciate it

✔ can't be a computer technician bickers quantum computers

✔ can't learn to program bickers new languages will come out

✔ can't learn to drive bickers self driving cars

✔ autism makes him too efficient to work full time


✔ showing many symptoms of diabetes (pain in extremities, slow wound healing, headaches, blackouts, lack of energy, intense thirst, sugar craving)

✔ not even white

✔ burned a gastropod to death in a toxic isobutene and propylene glycol solution

✔ rejected by the straight community

✔ encased a deeply autistic man inside a latex envelope and induced a negative air pressure

✔ genitals are like two tic tacs and a slightly larger tic tac

✔ soaked his socks in his own piss (while wearing them) as a dirty protest against going to the zoo

✔ privatised all his vids on his main channel (secret tory?!?)


Project = MIRTH Making Internet Racists Think Healthily

JIDF = Jahans Internet Defense Force

JQ = Jahans Question / Job Question

JEU = Jahans Extended Universe

bickers = the correct pronunciation and spelling of "bickers"

GNP = Gas Niggers Party / Green Nothing Productions

Supremely arousing = how Jahans finds murder and cannibalism

Absolute nectar = a movie production company based in Lagos, Nigeria

Nazis = a catch-all term for literally everyone and everything

Submissive Blond Girls = see supremely arousing

Jeremy Corbyn = hope

The Female Doctor = also hope

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8d473a No.572403

File: 7c120ea4034601f⋯.jpg (32.17 KB,394x394,1:1,1378317371979.jpg)


Wait….he came back? I wonder how long this will last.

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c63321 No.573300

Anyone know where I can find his cannibal/feces injection stories? I don't have the patience to read every story on his DA account without losing my sanity.

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a2ddf6 No.573814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I re-upped the Ovenmen segment to YouTube awhile ago, apparently TDS re-visited the subject according to a comment


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4ab18c No.574708

File: 0efcf6467542dd8⋯.jpg (450.71 KB,1182x1532,591:766,jahans_beyond_the_multiver….jpg)


I have to say that out of all the Dr. Who reviewers I've watched, Jahans is the best.

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585ec9 No.575222

File: 961c8e9faf23523⋯.png (192.12 KB,251x308,251:308,56435431564235.PNG)

This fat bitch has some fucking nerve


>The Daily Shoah like to make people miserable and they're alt-right

>alt-right people are bigots who deserve to be attacked - not me, because I'm not morally inclined to violence

>but them making me feel this way would justify my actions - I'm the victim here guise

>because we all need to just get along and rush towards the singularity

>where everyone has basic income equality and is equal, by ballot or bullet

>and those who don't subscribe are condemned to a digital hell

>this artificial hell we create, because hurr I'm an Atheist who doesn't believe in hell

>and we can send them off to this place where they won't bother the rest of us

>HOWEVER, I'm also morally opposed to any kind of hell because hurr I'm an atheist

>ignore my double standards and let me tell you; I am the most altruistic person I, and you, know

>not that I'm gonna rattle off any of the altruistic things I've done

>instead, I'm moral, very altruistic, and full of bright ideas

>I'm also left-wing and, by default, we're the good guys

>because this idea of nation states is outdated

>our forefathers did terrible things therefor we should be welcoming, accepting, and accommodating to everybody else

>because they're all sentient beings, c'mon guise

This isn't even a comprehensive list. Fat fuck here only wants the singularity because that's the only way anybody will ever be close to him. God only knows how he draws these conclusions and act as though they’re rational, non-contradicting—and most importantly of all—moral.

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581354 No.575296


All far leftists think they're so altruistic because they believe in notions like equality and peace and sending rice crackers to starving Africans, but none of them have ever done anything in life to help another. They all feel entitled to other people's time and effort. They'll freely offer someone else's home as a house for refugees or someone else's paycheck as payment for Shaniqua's kids. That's not altruism.

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585ec9 No.575569


What bothers me is how he can demand basic income and demand there be no borders. He's somehow got it in his head that a society can somehow still function as normal is 10-million+ shitskins suddenly roll up in Heathrow or Dover tomorrow, and that we can just absorb them and give them free money, and nothing will break.

He's too dangerous to be considered just an idiot. He's Gulag-tier insane.

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b1812c No.575948


If his income was averaged together with that of the whole world, he wouldn't be able to afford any bugman shit

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a2ddf6 No.577770

File: 4b612f122bd0149⋯.jpg (385.22 KB,2048x1536,4:3,1471820823976.jpg)


Jahans is big into post-scarcity. Automation is going to make him Diet Coke, buy it for him and wipe the corners of his mouth.

On the downside, automation is also why he doesn't try to get a job. He says that since robots are going to replace everything he could do, why bother?

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4ab18c No.577791


Diet Coke, potato chips, mush.

Looks good.

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e83350 No.591959

About time Adam started making videos again. It's all so shit without him tbqh.

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772a03 No.596594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a2ddf6 No.596599

File: 7938669ff5c677b⋯.png (131.57 KB,278x270,139:135,shame.png)

File: 5a65570ec34a054⋯.png (86.62 KB,353x546,353:546,1487196334018.png)


>deflating dalek in a post-rape shame spiral


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b10d44 No.596743


>PTSD from being transphobic

now this is

>i don't know if you know how the last attempt to umm commit genocide ended

the yazidis? rwanda? i never saw someone get such bad historic tunnel vision

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581354 No.596840

File: 454891931456afb⋯.jpg (78.72 KB,1069x600,1069:600,454891931456afb3f1b447fd84….jpg)


>woke up feeling despondent

>haven't checked jahans in ages, wonder if he's made a new video

>check youtube page

>nope :(

>check /cow/ a few hours later

>new jahans

Absolutely esoteric

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bbb468 No.596875

File: 28f1f2b0e4f35ca⋯.png (362.07 KB,1053x1080,39:40,1528646186356.png)


The ult-right are fucking morons and incels, and they should all have their penors amputated.

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bbb468 No.596877

File: 5fdfc826a0b047d⋯.jpg (34.1 KB,1024x576,16:9,_81738062_risitas.jpg)


hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I didn't know that B T F O was filtered like that

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3d65b0 No.597187



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9d95c7 No.597365


of course you didn't , dumb kumite jim nigger kys.

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bbb468 No.598013

File: 48230201f9553d7⋯.jpg (384.91 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Dr._Mann.jpg)

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70c346 No.695809

Is Adam back yet?

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a2ddf6 No.696061

File: 00dd2e98434692b⋯.png (38.89 KB,514x147,514:147,female-doctor-who.png)


No, and things are getting weird in the Jahaniverse.

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e417e7 No.696167


>Jahans thinks the sjw corrupted dr. who is boring despite being a regressive leftist himself.

At this point the series has gone on for too long anyway and needs to be put to rest.

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df3609 No.696672


Damn, you know girl Dr. Who is shit when even Jahans won’t defend it.

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8d473a No.720929

File: 11c98792e9caaab⋯.jpg (30.92 KB,400x400,1:1,OOT78TAL_400x400.jpg)

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5d3fd1 No.724493

File: 99600407fb38ef8⋯.jpg (138.9 KB,665x522,665:522,468764175.jpg)

Behold the Jahanisation of mankind. All you nonbelievers shall tremble in fear on the day of Jahans. Thou shalt not continue the life of blasphemy and sin, for thee will be doomed eternally.

Join us brother, spread the word of Jahanism. It's not to late to save your soul!

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5d3fd1 No.726152

File: 90a2ef3a9843e16⋯.jpg (105.22 KB,1094x720,547:360,Jahanautical.jpg)

Jahanism will rise once again, mark my words.

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04bb74 No.726274

Alcoholic Fetal Syndrome

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392c06 No.728247

File: 325e7242fa0cb99⋯.jpg (69.6 KB,897x505,897:505,Jahanopocalypse.jpg)

You think you can ignore the signs? Think again. All our enemies will be Jahannihilated.

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1d7ff2 No.759731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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67837f No.759768


Who gives a shit?

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44f8b3 No.760186


I do. Now go jahanifuck yourself.

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6a38f3 No.819649

File: 66f7a2231c7159a⋯.jpg (178.08 KB,746x1328,373:664,adam_with_diploma.jpg)

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3ede4a No.819840


If you haven't been keeping up with events, some anons have linked Adam/Godwinson/Whateverhisnameisthisweek to journalists writing smear hit pieces on the altright and IBS. Leaks from his Facebook show that he's friends with the journalist who wrote the Metro article about Andy Warski, is friends with the journalist who wrote a Sargon hit piece article about UKIP last year, and has friends that are employees of the BBC who have recently deplatformed Count Dankula's TV show because they came into possession of a document that was only posted on /cow/. There's evidence of him having worked for RWW and HopeNotHate and mainstream media publications since 2014, many of the employees of which seem to be his friends on Facebook. Anons are speculating in the IBS thread that Godwinson has a pattern of behaviour over the years where he latches onto a lolcow group (PPP, ChrisChan, Britbong, KingKobra, Boogie2988, Jahans, Sargon, Warcorpse, etc etc) and uses it to "honey trap" altrighters. He then farms the information of these autistic neets and passes it onto his handlers either in British intelligence or mainstream media or both. It's completely fucking mental but jcaesar187 jcaesar187, owner of The jcaesar187 Pornhub Profile news site, is running with the story which has been verified by various altright personalities who Godwinson has pissed off over the years.

TLDR Godwinson has been a fed the entire time.

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84740c No.819873


if it causes tards to freak out and give us julay then hes alright in my book

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5b5044 No.820025



I like Adam and all of this is probably 100% true but I’m not at all surprised. He always said he was leftwing and everybody knew that he was connected to influential people. I remember at the time people thought he was GCHQ but it all got overlooked because he’d make funny videos. I personally thought that he was a journalist from the Jahans interview onwards and when I used to ask him in the VC whether he was he’d just laugh. So it’s funny watching the IBS and Skeptic communities finally discovering what Esoteric Jahanism learned 3 years ago.

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c40a59 No.820066


When did Godwinson say he was left wing? I probably won't stop watching him because of this, but I want an actual source though

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5b5044 No.820082


I knew him back in 2016/2017 around the time of the Jahans discord and he was pretty unashamedly left-wing. He even used to admit to dogwhistling so he could enter farright Discords and use the information for his videos. I remember when he first started to get followers who were altright watching his channel, I used to comment saying that they were being trolled but they wouldn't listen.

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c40a59 No.820110


You're gonna have to post something more substantial than anecdotal evidence mate. Do you have screenshots of him saying this or audio/video clips of discussions where he said this?

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5b5044 No.820116


Of course not, this shit happened 3 years ago. Every Jahanist knows this info though, everybody thought he was some kind of a gchq plant and everyone knew he was a bleeding heart lefty who was feeding information to some unknown employer. None of it mattered because Adam made good videos and made everyone laugh.

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c40a59 No.820127


Then how the fuck do you expect people to believe 1 word of what you are saying with no concrete proof? I agree that Adam makes good videos but I'm not exactly convinced he's anything more than some rich faggot that makes fun of retards on the internet.

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5b5044 No.820135


Wow. The Adam fans really got cult-like didn't they? It was always a meme that he'd be a cult-leader and it looks like it's actually happened.

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c40a59 No.820157


It's cult-like to demand proof for a claim? All you've done is just try to use a personal account that magically isn't corroborated by any evidence as proof. I have no idea what Adam's political stances are, but don't try to pretend it's one way or another when you literally have zero proof outside of personal accounts from 3 years ago

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5b5044 No.820164


Why does it upset you so much that Adam isn't right-wing? It'd hardly the end of the world.

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c40a59 No.820177


It wouldn't upset me if you posted evidence showing he wasn't right-wing. Whatever. That's his problem.

My problem right now is that you expect me to take the story of some random person on the internet seriously with 0 evidence. I'm not retarded, lad. Do you really expect me to believe some random faggot on an imageboard and take their word as gospel without some actual evidence of what they're saying is true?

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5b5044 No.820185


Okay fine. You win.

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a2ddf6 No.820268

File: be803c362cff901⋯.png (26.71 KB,708x645,236:215,CSRPjYE.png)


> he latches onto a lolcow group (PPP, ChrisChan, Britbong, KingKobra, Boogie2988, Jahans, Sargon, Warcorpse, etc etc) and uses it to "honey trap" altrighters.

> He then farms the information of these autistic neets and passes it onto his handlers either in British intelligence

lol I see Discord Autism is back

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6dff8e No.820897


Adam debated a labour party member in a now deleted stream where he called the tory party the 'party of the working class'

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1f355d No.821024

File: 52cbb2701096bb0⋯.png (174.26 KB,372x480,31:40,Super_Smug.png)


>make a claim

>some retarded anon demands proof

>reply with anectodes

>retarded anon does not accept your anectodes as legitimate proof

>yfw retarded anon obviously must be a lying shill-fanboy

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1d7ff2 No.836251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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af343e No.836289

File: 5baced92b6dd3d3⋯.png (249.58 KB,720x453,240:151,kino.png)


Tranks anon

Jahans > PPP

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af343e No.836292

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cf80fc No.836595

File: b5c0e56af1da5be⋯.gif (2.56 MB,300x424,75:106,b5c0e56af1da5be1e6af22541d….gif)


>2minutes in

>"I'm still being stalked by nazis"

Are there still Jahans groups/server out there? I thought they all died. Or did he just give us a shoutout? Are we ebil nazehs then?

Stay jahanited brothers.

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18e354 No.838079


The Jahans fanbase became the PPP one.

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100327 No.838081


PPP is just Canadian Jahans

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18e354 No.838087


I think it's all largely a gay op from Adam to get distract us from Jahans ever since they became friends. He's brought in PPP to stop us going after Gordon.

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13024f No.848248



Who is PPP?

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1238ba No.848515



Is this gothic king cobra? He's current channel is pretty underrated, he's just constantly filming himself saying and doing dumb shit

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4ef874 No.849621

File: 1f2d607e3a45568⋯.jpg (158.65 KB,529x798,529:798,9.jpg)

Fuck me - this thread date…


All quiet on the jahans front it seems. Do you think he will rise to /cow/ prominence? Fucking hope so tbh - he was one of the greatest cows since cwc and had so much potential.

I feel like he's gained eternal internt infamy but it could have been so much more tbqh. Certain people scarred him off though. They prematurely slaughtered a cow whos big fat man-tits were still ripe for miIking smh.

I lament at what could have been.

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a2ddf6 No.849625

File: 773aee6907c2480⋯.jpg (22.36 KB,640x480,4:3,lucy.jpg)


I have to agree with this. Jahans hit that perfect target where the lore was utterly fascinating but too dense for casuals (the names of his hamsters, for instance). The guy made 50 minute videos ranting about how the government was going to make him kill himself and Nazis were killing lesbians who he wanted to eat. There was huge crossover potential (TRS, Laura K Buzz, Jim Sterling). He even had a decent stand-in for Barb, Bob and Cole Smithey.

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4ef874 No.851088

File: ff1d2375f7e7071⋯.jpg (63.47 KB,680x476,10:7,sad steptoe.jpg)


Im kind of waiting, lurking to see if he will still emerge again but it might be a case of "lesson learned" when it comes to one man thats debatable kek crusades against the internet "nazis" in his case.

Your right though, the lore and even ironic "esoteric jahanist" quasi-occult groups springing up around his miIking escapades (codex jahanicus/jahanicomicon etc) was pretty unique and glorious.

It all had so much potential. Ruined by people who understood neither subtlety nor nuance when it came to nurturing such ripe cattle as gords.

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8d473a No.853673

File: b6e23a370f92e29⋯.jpg (10.97 KB,332x332,1:1,b6e23a370f92e29e9a1b270150….jpg)

>Go to Jahans twitter

>he's retweeting porn

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1d7ff2 No.853797

File: 1ac2d73e5ddca68⋯.png (173.63 KB,638x552,319:276,Screenshot from 2019-04-03….png)

File: e04b03738285036⋯.png (152.56 KB,624x552,26:23,Screenshot from 2019-04-04….png)

File: 085bcfe4ab40b12⋯.png (254.95 KB,649x484,59:44,Screenshot from 2019-04-04….png)

Jahans is a horny boy. What compels a man to tweet this shit, especially under his real name? Oh, and


An Instagram that he regularly updates. It's mostly pictures of the dogshit he shoves down his disgusting maw; it's as fucking disgusting as it sounds.


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1d7ff2 No.853799

File: da9b66ed5e8ee25⋯.jpg (35.77 KB,1080x1080,1:1,47694964_1245944028901408_….jpg)

File: b9ee7f462795d4f⋯.jpg (78.98 KB,1080x1080,1:1,54510826_357964591470752_6….jpg)

File: 8c7f2a68236a261⋯.jpg (75.54 KB,1080x1080,1:1,54512242_130738488007849_5….jpg)


Some pics from his Instagram. He needs to clean his carpet.

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cb5890 No.853948


Holy shit. Godwinson was onto something with NEEThog day. This is exactly the same. Just look at those meals, he's been doing this for years…

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ec0d41 No.853962

File: 7b6c48aaf2b4131⋯.jpg (55.85 KB,468x591,156:197,983294271.jpg)


>Alex's diet is 70% bread.

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3528c4 No.853993


His instagram hurts my eyes.

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3528c4 No.853996

File: 53d3ed8625faa67⋯.jpg (19.6 KB,640x350,64:35,7bea8719ea6a1472c5b3a5ab26….jpg)


> It's mostly pictures of the dogshit he shoves down his disgusting maw; it's as fucking disgusting as it sounds.

This is the most accurate description of it.

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8d473a No.854090

File: e6811b6f1da56fb⋯.png (2.02 MB,1270x1357,1270:1357,1553977329883.png)


So this is British food?

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34828b No.854184


British food is just American food, but slightly worse.

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8d473a No.854333

File: d0d84bb94113022⋯.jpg (86 KB,1125x862,1125:862,1538717530876.jpg)

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a2ddf6 No.854401

File: 4b612f122bd0149⋯.jpg (385.22 KB,2048x1536,4:3,1471820823976.jpg)

File: 8c98db79077010a⋯.jpg (93.42 KB,960x720,4:3,tidy-your-floor.jpg)


> he's been doing this for years…

Yup. I saved these awhile ago

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a2ddf6 No.854402

File: 5c827aed5f009e0⋯.jpg (8.59 KB,414x62,207:31,friends.jpg)

File: 60a32e90cffe708⋯.jpg (42.5 KB,925x590,185:118,tits.jpg)



> lookin' for friends

> here are my tits

Maybe the first time in the history of the internet that this didn't work.

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ea2d51 No.854519

File: 1a398be9d9adb61⋯.png (419.35 KB,1095x1739,1095:1739,Followers.png)

File: 23212c3141b08cb⋯.png (692.42 KB,1217x1173,1217:1173,Followees.png)

File: 5afbf5dbc2733b9⋯.png (487.41 KB,590x3142,295:1571,FireShot Capture 015 - I a….png)

On the Instagram front: here is a list of Jahans's followers and people he's following. One of his followers is named Tom Jahans-Price, who might be a family member. Most of his pictures have been liked by an account named purpleoxalis_, an alleged woman named Shauna. Also, he's posted yet another picture of a two "toasties" – absolutely disgusting.

One the Twitter front: apparently, there's some drama going on between Jahans and the "Hannibal" fanfic community. They've either found some of the fanfic/parodies of Jahans's work, or they've found Jahans's actual work and now, in shame, he's trying to pass it off as someone else's work, or perhaps it's both. Either way, Jahans has disgusted and been shunned by another group of people. The "Nazis" are apparently "poking" him again. He briefly mentions his ex-"boyfriend", a bizarre period of Jahans lore I had completely forgotten about. Afterwards, he started retweeting sex stuff again.


Those are rewrites of old stories. "Bimbos at Dawn" may be a new story though. I don't remember that one.

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8d473a No.854698

File: 1c5800f737c7b01⋯.jpg (91.24 KB,1170x1005,78:67,1506683319406.jpg)


>"Nazi" stalking him for a decade

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a2ddf6 No.854717

File: caca1ba585e6cea⋯.jpg (57.67 KB,620x688,155:172,farsh1.jpg)

File: af338d08bd6aed1⋯.jpg (83.84 KB,620x788,155:197,farsh2.jpg)

File: 757726ff1c52569⋯.jpg (68.39 KB,1200x999,400:333,D3V7FsDXkAAdZj6.jpg)

File: 889c2ece8cab780⋯.jpg (62.54 KB,1200x999,400:333,D3V7FsBWsAAryaI.jpg)

File: ae2dcb5325dec5d⋯.jpg (26.4 KB,1198x245,1198:245,D3V7FsAXsAEHnDA.jpg)


I love how Jahans defaults to "I'm disabled guys, I'm just a sadsack, I'm no threat even though I want to eat you." Classic Jahanism.

Dare we say interesting times lie ahead?

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8d473a No.855096

File: d0a0e14a791a976⋯.png (63.27 KB,200x248,25:31,JAHANNY.png)


I see a rage vid coming

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a2ddf6 No.855122

File: f41308fbbb930fb⋯.jpg (28.41 KB,594x184,297:92,grumpy.jpg)

File: 82128b2f6fdff82⋯.png (288.74 KB,347x426,347:426,1486463079152.png)


Oh its coming lad

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1d7ff2 No.855134

File: afa61e8defdf124⋯.png (67.95 KB,587x422,587:422,FireShot Capture 017 - I a….png)

File: 7de20bcc2b88555⋯.png (20.74 KB,586x133,586:133,FireShot Capture 018 - I a….png)



Who wants to be Jahans's shaving partner?

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92dd10 No.855261


Glad to see you're still here, Adam.

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ba0837 No.855359



No way. I must've missed this piece of saga, can someone help me out here?

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1d7ff2 No.855401

File: 2c88fe19f80fe86⋯.jpg (111.22 KB,1280x633,1280:633,1280px-Vacuum_bed_17.jpg)


lel I'm not fag adam.


Jahans briefly lived with a severely autistic man and, if I remember correctly, his (well-off?) parents. The BF had a thing for vacuum beds and would have Jahans operate one for him while he was in it. I think Jahans also mentioned jerking him off a few times, but basically their sexual relationship was entirely one-sided, and after Jahans would satisfy the BF's needs, the BF would tell him to fuck off and then would proceed to browse the internet, leaving poor Jahans to jerk himself off. After one of their little sessions, Jahans got angry at the BF for not pleasuring him, so he started yelling at him, scaring the BF and causing him to have an autistic meltdown, and that basically ended their relationship. At least, that's how I remember it going down. Oh, and Bear in mind, Jahans bragged about be the dominate one in their relationship.

Does anyone have an archive of Jahans's old videos?

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a2ddf6 No.855491

File: 725b12f138e91c7⋯.png (146.44 KB,623x640,623:640,virgin-2.png)

File: af6b3ca98d15c2f⋯.png (111.18 KB,625x538,625:538,virgin-1.png)


Jahans can't stop telling everyone he's a virgin these days.

I was wondering why he was doing all this lecherous shit on Twitter and then I remembered they shoah'd porn off Tumblr.

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f679f3 No.855682


Why are subhuman beta manlets always into shit tier fetishes like femdom

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360347 No.855802


I somehow doubt putting Jahans on test was a good idea. His libido is going to drive him crazy and make him do retarded shit.



Newfag detected.

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1d7ff2 No.855819

File: a4319699d8c5128⋯.png (54.08 KB,590x303,590:303,FireShot Capture 019 - I a….png)

File: 2fc7647911f25c4⋯.png (77.59 KB,584x521,584:521,FireShot Capture 020 - (1)….png)

File: 131a7a9eb074fc9⋯.png (77.76 KB,589x481,589:481,FireShot Capture 021 - I a….png)


Jahans is a large guy, both height and weight-wise.


His libido has already driven him crazy. Almost his entire existence seems to revolve around sex. His spends most of his waking day being thirsty on twitter, and when he was still making videos, he'd constantly bring up his fetishes and fantasies. It's just sex, sex, and more sex on his mind 24/7. Developing a sex-drive has only made him more dysfunctional than he was before. Though, I doubt he'll rape, cannibalize, or murder someone.

Jahans's dad also released a new book last year: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F72FNFM – absolute nectar.

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a2ddf6 No.855855

File: 87ae42c1ec7898b⋯.png (12.1 KB,374x53,374:53,bullets.png)

File: 2d772f1e468a4f5⋯.png (48.91 KB,683x212,683:212,synopsis.png)


Holy fuck, Keith went HARDCORE


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8d473a No.856205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW JAHANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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a2ddf6 No.856308

File: dc84e9c88163efa⋯.jpg (111.05 KB,1271x670,1271:670,O.jpg)


Just realized something, Jahans is now one of those sadsacks that follow porn stars on social media and try to interact with them. They're some of the sadest men that you will ever, ever see. (He'd probably also buy them presents from their Amazon wish lists if he had any money. But he doesn't.) We may have been the first people to ever see the metamorphosis of a weird nerd into this platonic ideal of that kind of social freak. It's like watching the genesis story of a future assassin or spree shooter or something.


> Just a quick vlog for my friends i.e not the nazi scum who stalk me.

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4ab18c No.856401


Why is this guy so haunted by right wing nazis? I know he does a bunch of Doctor Who reviews and drinks a bunch of Diet Coke, but why are right wingers after him?

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8d473a No.856473

File: 4553d4ad12abacd⋯.png (636.06 KB,1310x1170,131:117,1477946951824.png)


I see that you're new so I'll try to condense some facts for you (people feel free to chime in and correct/add to my shit).

He used to make a lot of (left leaning) political vids before his Dr.Who shit. Naturally, that would attract trolls who would leave comments trolling his political beliefs and due to him buying into all that SJW shit anyone slightly right of far-left or disagrees with him is a Nazi. Some dudes used some of his political clips to meme the left and he's never let that go. Due to his autism, lack of purpose in life and martyr complex he keeps on bring up "Nazi trolls" every time like if people are still fucking with him despite the fact that it's been like over a year since anyone had any type of contact with him.

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4ab18c No.856497


Sounds depressing.

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a2ddf6 No.856508

File: ba8588f63478035⋯.png (22.55 KB,1000x910,100:91,1471588552624.png)


He was ranting about youtube and gun control in his videos. Then he made this:


(which YouTube banned because their algorithm thought they were female lol)

He spread on Brit pol at that point.

Some of the trolls noticed he seemed to have what looked like Kallman's Syndrome, which he got tested for and yep, he sure did. So Jahans turning from a quasi-girl into a hulking ogre with a microdick and thirst for human flesh is kind of tied up in this whole thing.

He didn't take to the Testosterone injections well…


And his reactionary hatred of himself for being a >white >man and literal understanding of SJW rhetoric to mean that trannies and lesbians are going to overthrow the state lead him to being a fixture on The Daily Shoah for awhile


.. which he reacted to poorly…


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a2ddf6 No.856509


>youtube and gun control

*UKIP and gun control I should have said

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707799 No.856609


This cow would be entertaining to follow if his general appearance and lifestyle didn't want to make me physically throw up, It's like watching a sick animal, I just want to put it out of its own misery. Alexander Gordon Jahans presents a good argument for eugenics.

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4ab18c No.856986



Thanks for the quick summaries. I thought this dude was some Doctor Who nerd this whole time, but his weird political beliefs appear to be genuine. No wonder he draws so much attention from political circles.


His animated mannerisms and vocal exaggerations are fairly entertaining. Definitely more entertaining than egrifters.

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8d473a No.857038

File: c437a252650ab00⋯.gif (1.4 MB,320x311,320:311,c437a252650ab00136f4389a04….gif)


You're lucky you haven't seen the vids where he talks about his fiction and fetishes

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ea2d51 No.857281

File: d663fabbc1c0016⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB,480x360,4:3,youmaycallmemaster.mp4)


For me, those two things were the main appeal of Jahans, that and how dysfunctional he is. His politics were always secondary. I don't even think Jahans cares about political all that much. He's really only in it for moral capital, a fear that his NEET lifestyle might be harmed, a very slim chance he may get some pussy, and because he thinks Doctor Who would believe the things he parrots. If Jahans found himself a hot blonde fascist woman, He'd be making videos about White genocide and goosestepping down the street in no time.

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711316 No.857321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jahans was Godwinson's PPP before PPP was Godwinson's PPP.

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ea2d51 No.857352


Godwinson is a fag, and PPP and Jahans aren't even comparable. PPP isn't a cow; he's self-aware and purposely tries to be entertaining. The only thing they have in common is that they're both fat and make videos.

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8d473a No.858772

File: f8217ff29915694⋯.jpg (39.71 KB,540x540,1:1,1553762716613.jpg)


>Video removed by the user

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1d7ff2 No.858801

File: 40afe8daad55cb7⋯.png (309.04 KB,636x1154,318:577,FireShot Capture 024 - AMA….png)


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1d7ff2 No.859275

File: d584ad7a568cb71⋯.jpg (57.41 KB,633x521,633:521,AJ1.jpg)

File: e9f41fa428c1745⋯.jpg (51.51 KB,636x375,212:125,AJ2.jpg)

File: 4ab360cb90ae0f5⋯.jpg (29.57 KB,636x368,159:92,AJ3.jpg)


If Alex was any thirstier, he'd be dead of dehydration.

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4ab18c No.859292


He is speaking to an actual woman, right?

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27ea3c No.859981

File: c8b2611d8568d5b⋯.jpg (130.32 KB,736x987,736:987,smug elf.jpg)

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d28a6f No.861236

Where is this fat faggot now?

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a2ddf6 No.861371

If anyone can find the text from the old OP, make a new thread. There's probably more interest in Jahans than some of the other non-IBS cows wandering around these parts.

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a2ddf6 No.862550

Lazy bastards, Jahanism is like the war on terror, it will never end


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