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File: 312a978da1ad08d⋯.png (376.52 KB,855x351,95:39,Screenshot (94).png)

a3aae0 No.911591


"My Fashy Bookshelf"

This guy completely lacks introspection and thinks he's a genius. His books are brand new and he's never cracked the spines lol. He sits in his pajama pants with his man tits out, smoking cigarettes in the house around his supposed children. He preaches "Dox Yourself Nationalism", and calls anyone who won't show their face a "Woody Allen". He thinks he's the center of the universe even when he's getting dunked on and I think with some prodding, there could be some julay from those greasy titties.

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cbf1c5 No.911669

File: e5466387bc6738f⋯.jpeg (89.64 KB,611x960,611:960,2763FE38-F500-476E-9B83-3….jpeg)


He brags that he has been in 109 fights, brags that he was in a gang and has a prison tattoo on his chest and rarely wears a shirt.

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cbf1c5 No.911673

File: e51efc9587be394⋯.jpeg (166.96 KB,709x793,709:793,536537B1-FAFC-427A-B927-2….jpeg)

He writes homo erotic “poetry” and complains when he hasn’t been published. https://outlawpoetry.com/2016/one-orgasm-at-a-time-by-michael-marrotti/

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cbf1c5 No.911683

One of his poems where he realizes what a shitty “poet” he is while also thinking his only problem is that he pissed off local editors.

Finger Banging Into Obscurity

The award for


local poet

will never be


I screwed up

by pissing off

all three of the

local editors

The greatness

of my writing

after 121

published poems

still hasn’t been


Here I am

devoted to

writing poetry

for an apathetic


They say

as you go

you’ll make

the right


All I have so far is

publishers telling me

my writing isn’t good


But thanking me

for the opportunity

to read these

lousy poems

How long

does a man

have to wait

when the

key word is


Is there a

secret code

or a special room

show me the door

Dr. Marten and I

will kick it in

At least I



myself by

only sticking

to a single subject

The versatility of my

undesirable writing

keeps me producing

something new

One man on a keypad

finger banging

his way into


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3db437 No.911729


He looks like Egg White's meth addicted brother.

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a3aae0 No.912463


Here's his newest vid where he fixates on drugs. Gee I wonder why a guy who looks like a methed-out twink would be so interested in drugs? Also, the author of the book, Ohler has also worked as writer-in-residence in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

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b754d7 No.912672

File: 44eebd38cfda081⋯.png (1.08 MB,1250x735,250:147,oh noes.png)

<this is what women are reading

Oh noes!

Women masterbate too, who would had guessed? I guess the guy who literally wrote a poem about masturbation should know better.

What makes me angry about female masturbation is that they do not livestream or record it often enough.

This guy looks like the kind of person who in 2 years, once all the paypig money dries up, is going to say that this is all a social experiment.


<seig heil goyim

I don't know why, but that so mindblowingly memey and crass that it was hilarious

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a3aae0 No.913407

File: ec7a0d5bfd632b8⋯.jpg (62.51 KB,640x640,1:1,photo_2019-05-28_11-51-37.jpg)


He's live telling people to dox themselves lmao. This is his cohost, a guy named Woke West Virginia, aka Broke Wet Vagina. Here's him and his momwife.

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cbf1c5 No.913414

File: 046420e03faa303⋯.jpeg (142.02 KB,854x640,427:320,B3D47E00-75E5-4B17-BDEB-4….jpeg)

FAS victim Broke MoistVagina also known as Woke Westvirginia declares war on people who make fun of him and don’t show their face.


Video not uploaded by him.

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4bef1c No.913418

Hahhaaha, you’re all pathetic faggots hiding behind avatars. See we’re not afraid of showing our faces and if you really wanna keep posting my info, then do it and matter of fact come meet me where I live you pussy cowards.

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cbf1c5 No.913420


Great impersonation.

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4bef1c No.913421

come meet me where I live you pussy cowards.

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cbf1c5 No.913424


Post the address of the hotel you're staying in Charleston North Carolina, I'll drive down there tonight.

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cbf1c5 No.913425


South Carolina

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80293b No.913426


Stop pretending to be me you pussy

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4bef1c No.913431


I’m in Myrtle Beach you fucking kike nigger.

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095388 No.913435


Reported for targeted harassment.

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7b98ca No.913438



Seriously go fucking fellate a shotgun and make sure you kill all of your family in the process, you scum fuck.

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cbf1c5 No.913439


Post address

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4bef1c No.913441


Find it yourself since you already know what I look like pussy

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cbf1c5 No.913443


I thought you weren't afraid.

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4bef1c No.913444


I’m not afraid you faggot I’m just saying it’s easy to find out which hotel I’m staying at

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4bef1c No.913446


301 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

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cbf1c5 No.913447


That is what I thought, you won't post it you'll just challenge someone to a fight without giving a location and time.

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4bef1c No.913449


I just gave you my location fuck boy. Be here today at 3 PM or your pussy

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a3aae0 No.913456

Way to be a lolcow faggot. You're truly an exceptional individual :)

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4bef1c No.913457


Shut up fag you’re not gonna do anything

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a3aae0 No.913464

File: 70493a625721a1b⋯.png (111.85 KB,418x455,418:455,rape.png)


Fite me irl, internet tough guy ;)

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a3aae0 No.913480


Cool story. Fuck off Z.R.

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4bef1c No.913481


Haha. Those aren’t my initials!

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a3aae0 No.913482


Just testing :) That was the correct response

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90407c No.914294

In case you were wondering, this guy or one of his soy-guzzling friends found the thread and started trying to shill for communism in other threads will challenge people to "fite me IRL."

I wonder how retards like this thing they're going to start a violent revolution when the entire military is against them, the working class despises them and all the politicians are just using them for cheap votes?

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