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File: 1445152404109.png (342.37 KB,607x591,607:591,Untitled.png)

faa6a4 No.176859 [Last50 Posts]


On this channel this black guy has uploaded videos almost daily where he pleads and begs for anyone to help him get into the gay fart fetish porn industry in videos starring white guys. He also rambles on about other weird ass, probably schizophrenic shit: "I have a fart fetish of white guys. Blonde hair guys smell like chicken cream, red hair guy's smell like buffalo BBQ cream, and dark hair guys to me smells like beef cream."

This guy is definitely a cow, but please don't go A-logging him. By all means go through his channel and gawk a bit (as I have and he truly is legit), but maybe there's some way we could help him out… I genuinely believe him that his life's ambition is for a white guy to fart on his face and maybe if this shit gets viral'ed his wishes will become realized.

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faa6a4 No.176872


I think he's faking it. Cartman style.

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faa6a4 No.176884


Check out the other videos he's posted. I watched quite a few… Really would be interesting if he wound up on Tosh.0 (as much as I really dislike the guy). I'm sure they could get him hooked up with some fart porn people or at least the exposure would help him. This guy is one of those rare breed cows where I don't really feel any sort of anonymity towards him or desire to really A-log, I just want it to blow up, get him some exposure and see what happens.

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faa6a4 No.176885


*animosity, rather

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faa6a4 No.176936

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This nigga brings a song i like to mind

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faa6a4 No.176998

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faa6a4 No.177023

Beef Cream reporting in

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faa6a4 No.177033

File: 1445220383217.jpg (142.24 KB,1021x763,1021:763,1445170365303.jpg)

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faa6a4 No.177048

/b/ has arrived. Can't embed for some reason.


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faa6a4 No.177085

Looks like the moviebob ad links to his video

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faa6a4 No.177111

This faggot giving fart fetish porn a bad name.

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faa6a4 No.177124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kek. This guy reminds me of EmptyHero/SmegmaKing's Mario 64 slow run.

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faa6a4 No.177137



Is that thing still around?

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faa6a4 No.177142


He made a rape joke and his show got cancelled for it.

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faa6a4 No.177144


Wikipedia says it is being renewed for a 2016 season.

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faa6a4 No.177156

This is legit. This guy has an autistic fixation on gay fart fetish porn and absolutely nothing else.

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faa6a4 No.177157

File: 1445287067485.png (567.94 KB,500x639,500:639,diego2.png)


He's also autistically fixated on trees and has a autistic/sexual fixation on clowns, FtM transgenders and homeless guys also.

And fuck yeah. JEWS changed /cow/'s title in honor of our very own fartnoodle nigga. I think he could be the next Chris Chan if we lay off the A-logging a bit and extract this gay/white fartjulay gently. Get this shit viral'ed, /cow/boys. Post on your Twitters and whatever else if you've got them.

A tripfag in another thread called him and made a vocaroo: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1asuxKkiEcw

I think he A-logged him after the recording though since he hasn't been answering his phone now. He extracted this gem of a quote though: "I put white guys' farts on a pedestal."

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faa6a4 No.177163

File: 1445290455644.jpg (43.31 KB,512x290,256:145,1445286934546.jpg)

A post from his Facebook that his mother replies to. If only all parents were this understanding.

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faa6a4 No.177170


Nick Bates would be so jealous.

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faa6a4 No.177183

(267) 333-5026


Please, I'm prayin, any white males out there that listenin

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faa6a4 No.177198

Some Youtube guys saw his videos since they're being passed around, and they called fartnoodle and fucked with him for a while. It's not that funny but there's a few interesting bits:


I kind of wish people wouldn't fuck with him too bad and scare him off, but I've been posting his vids on imageboards, so I guess it's to be expected.

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faa6a4 No.177199

File: 1445306379838.png (729.83 KB,638x849,638:849,PLEASE.png)

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faa6a4 No.177214


halfchan already got on this (saw him posted on /b/ and /r9k/) so expect some weenery

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faa6a4 No.177251


>Prays to the fart god

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faa6a4 No.177362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think he may have found some people to help him…

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faa6a4 No.177387

Holy shit, nigga just uploaded six crazy rambling videos in the span of an hour. Slow down there Bessie!

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faa6a4 No.177433


That's why I think it's fake.

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faa6a4 No.177539

File: 1445467216040.jpg (143.91 KB,1200x675,16:9,world-star-hip-hop.jpg)


>Implying niggers don't film everything they do

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faa6a4 No.177566


It's pretty typical of the severely mentally ill. Look how many videos Lena Kochman uploads.

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faa6a4 No.177571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What the fuck is he saying?

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faa6a4 No.177634


>On this channel this black guy has uploaded videos almost daily where he pleads and begs for anyone to help him get into the gay fart fetish porn industry.

>help him get into the gay fart fetish porn industry

>gay fart fetish porn industry

Why this exists?

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faa6a4 No.177652


Well, at least it's more of a net positive for the world than hedge funds.

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faa6a4 No.177670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I hope schizo senpai notices this acid tribute.

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faa6a4 No.177749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm planning on calling Fartnoodle in a week or so. I'm going to make a vocaroo out of it. Anyone have any ideas of what I should ask him? I'd like to somehow figure out if he's schizophrenic and/or autistic without asking him outright.

Also, I've been working on an ED article for him, but I wonder if that's a bad idea. Maybe I ought to let this play out for a while longer and let him produce a bit more lactated fart cream before all the A-logs get to him. He's been making about six videos a day since people have started to show an interest.

Vid related is Fartnoodle addressing the trolls and haters.

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faa6a4 No.177752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think he was abused as a kid. Locked in the basement, got fucked and had the shit beat out of him I'd guess.

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faa6a4 No.177758

File: 1445575414357.png (767.52 KB,507x834,169:278,Untitled.png)


His mom seems nice judging from her Facebook. And she has replied on his posts about his fart fetish, so she also seems very understanding.

In some of his more recent videos Fartnoodle talks about being in an abusive relationship with a tall, thin black man and he based the villain in his drawings/stories and fart plays on this ex. The character is called Sripgo (sp?) and is part man, part rabbit, part tree.

Pic is a screenshot from the vid you posted. Fartnoodle turns to the page accidentally and then apologizes.

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faa6a4 No.177959


The Henry Darger of the modern age. What a gift to the world.

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faa6a4 No.177989


I thought he was into being farted on, not being the one farting on others? This picture is giving me mixed messages.

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faa6a4 No.178072

File: 1445731443606.jpg (243.9 KB,759x471,253:157,suck'n.jpg)


I wonder if his mom has seen these drawings.

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faa6a4 No.178091


you make me ashamed of liking moonman, whigger pile of filth

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faa6a4 No.178763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's like Sonichu but terrifying.

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faa6a4 No.178981


I can't fap to this.

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faa6a4 No.178985


Yeah, those penises look aweful.

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faa6a4 No.178987


Look, we don't tolerate racism here. Have you seen ImageFap lately? Clearly, the future and all white people are going to be ruled by black cock.

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faa6a4 No.178989

File: 1446106420005.jpg (5.7 KB,240x180,4:3,I dont think dude _b8617f2….jpg)


Well I suppose it's better than tiny Asian penis.

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faa6a4 No.179070


Fart into the phone, make his day.

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faa6a4 No.179099


No. Fart into someone else's phone. Just in case you spray.

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faa6a4 No.179109


If they are tiny, it would be less worse.

Fuck I hate blacks, they have actual, real biological privileges yet we are the ones that abuse them?

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faa6a4 No.179127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Made me think of this song.

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faa6a4 No.179128

File: 1446147521038.jpg (32.96 KB,280x357,40:51,61131e152832ad3b7350ea5917….jpg)


I'm actually pretty big down there and it's not always a blessing. For one thing you have to fish it out from against leg and through your fly to pee on warm days. Well either that or pull a Pepe. What's more by the time a woman has actually seen it you better have sealed the deal. Otherwise you're either going to jail or have had an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction. Oh of course girls tell you they love that it's big, but I'm sure if you were small they'd say they love that you are small. You don't tell a chick with a disappointing rack that she has horrible tits. You just spin her around and tell her she has a lovely tush. Every day I go out I see mismatched couples. Little guys hitting mount fucking Everest.

You sir have a confidence problem.

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faa6a4 No.179838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy shit, he's gone even further off the rails than he already was. I don't know whether to laugh, cringe or feel bad for the guy.

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faa6a4 No.179880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He became a fart porn star, guys.

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faa6a4 No.179881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry, wong video.

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faa6a4 No.179893

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faa6a4 No.179950

Ok, can someone explain to be this black gay bald stereotype and why it is everywhere?

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faa6a4 No.180057


Gay people try to make the most of their complexion to look as angelic as possible. When it comes to black people, they believe the less hair the better.

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faa6a4 No.180432


Did he take the fart's last name?

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faa6a4 No.180519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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faa6a4 No.180551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now who does this guy remind me of…

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faa6a4 No.181244

File: 1447001164128.gif (445.43 KB,250x188,125:94,Confusion.gif)

>my brown funnel noodles

What the fuck does this mean?

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faa6a4 No.181489


I've been pondering that myself, fam. Perhaps we should shoot him a message.

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faa6a4 No.181643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fartnigger just uploaded a ton of videos

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faa6a4 No.183027

File: 1447836068404.png (163.7 KB,680x716,170:179,schizofartpleas.png)

Being a subscriber to him gets a bit overwhelming. He's constantly lactating and producing but lacks quality control. Also, if he was a bit more with it mentally it'd be interesting to see scans of his Henry Darger giant, childlike illustrated book of fart chronicles. The shit he describes in his stories or does in "plays" of them with his props are like some even more LSD-fueled seeming Lewis Carrol story but with a fetish for Caucasian anuses and their flatulence rather than little girls. It's got Thursday, our protagonist who assumes various forms, a green rabbit creatures with the intelligence of a human and magical powers, a host of Tolkianesque ent treemen creatures, and the diabolical Sribgo, the Sauron of Middle Fart, another being who assumes various forms, but is shown in some of the drawings as a wispy dark slenderman looking humanoidish form. This character is based on an ex lover of Deigo's, a man who he claims was fond of domestic assaults and psychological abuse.

And somehow this all relates with the the magical purity and essence of white male farts and Diego's belief that creating his fart porn and animating his stories would bring about world peace and provide "psychological; help" as he put it, for the gay community in particular.

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faa6a4 No.183028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also, here's another video of him being very triggered and he threatens his trolls, saying that "I will expose your ass" if another person comments saying that "needs help". Really, the majority of his commenters are and viewers are A-loggers and rubberneckers, but I suppose that's to be expected. I'd rather see him keep producing cocks rather that being driven away by his detractors.

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faa6a4 No.183051


What are the chances this guy has ever even been in the same elevator as a guy farting

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faa6a4 No.183060

File: 1447854958152.png (45.06 KB,628x71,628:71,Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at ….png)


>Buffalo barbie q cream

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faa6a4 No.183113


That boy needs therapy.

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faa6a4 No.183898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>ClydeCash I am merry your farts


Okay, which kiwinigger got a hold of this guy?

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faa6a4 No.186430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I actually feel bad for the guy.

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faa6a4 No.194843


I think its his little hair pieces he has on his head.

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faa6a4 No.194849

What if /cow/ made this black man's dream come true by finding him a white man into butt stuff and introduced him to Nick Bate?

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faa6a4 No.194876


I want nothing more than for all of his fetishes to be involved in one video. That's it, done. This must be the end goal.

I can't even visualize what will be going on but it will probably be a Dali masterpiece in real life.


brazilian cakefarts superior negro cuckfarts inferior




take note of all the angel/devil costumes during a pride parade sometime

There's this weird gay obsession with cherubs/cherubic appearance. The out&prouds literally enjoy being stereotypes.

The thin prissy bitches enjoy being naked angels and the gruff bear men dress as leather-clad jersey devils.

Then there's that recent "lumbersexual" innovation of SF's where they have huge but unmaintained beards, but scrawny manlet muscles.


expunged of the farting he'd probably have a successful Scholastic book on his hands.

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faa6a4 No.196065


Even Thursday Lane wouldn't put up with Nick Bate

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faa6a4 No.196203

File: 1453660704437.jpg (47.26 KB,500x382,250:191,that-boy-aint-right.jpg)


>That boy needs therapy.

No, that boy ain't right!!!

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faa6a4 No.196633


>Not Captain Beefcream

>Not even Captain Bee-fart

Bad show, m8

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faa6a4 No.201646

File: 1455665865022.png (763.26 KB,839x535,839:535,esageg.png)

Heads up guys.

Diego's gonna be on Tosh.0 tonight at 10/9 central US time. I'll try to make a webm of it at some point.

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faa6a4 No.203059

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faa6a4 No.203079

send him to the masons lodge. Have him try and film with freemasons. it will work

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faa6a4 No.203093


Free masons are surprisingly friendly. My grandfather was a member back when he couldn't get into a decent country club due to his ethnicity and religion. He actually got to be pretty high ranked. I inherented the favorite ring of a family friend which I only recently discovered has hidden mason symbols on it. I wear it proudly. They have historically been pretty progressive and big on charity and positive social change. Outside of ceremonies they will only pretend to be upset about being filmed, unless there is a celebrity in the building. And the faux outrage is an image thing. They like to pretend to be a powerful secret society, but frankly more deals are made on the golf course. Send him to an exclusive golf club with a camera. There is one here that wouldn't take us until well into the 2000's and my family is very rich. In fact them letting us in is what killed the competition. Which sucks because I swear the food was better at the club founded by the rich rejects. Plus you never needed to make plans for Valentine's day, the 4th of July or your anniversary. Golf clubs do more than golf, they are like personal secretaries with butlers, concierge and a wait staff. Try tresspassing on an exclusive one with a camera as a black man who's not a member. That will escalate fast. Free masons would just play it up and hope for publicity.

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faa6a4 No.203215

File: 1456300815440.jpg (76.39 KB,535x300,107:60,Tosh535.jpg)


Tosh, the ultimate cockblocker

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faa6a4 No.203321


Think tosh will let it rip?

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faa6a4 No.203460

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faa6a4 No.203484

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faa6a4 No.205579

File: 1457902124102.jpg (40.72 KB,476x556,119:139,fartnigger-dick.jpg)

Some Kiwifag got a dick pic why

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faa6a4 No.205580

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faa6a4 No.205662


If you read further you can see how it was shown to not be his dick.

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faa6a4 No.216957

File: 1468393967835.jpg (263.96 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1456387770428.jpg)

Now there are a bunch of weens and Alogs on his channel….. Will someone help save the white farts?

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faa6a4 No.216975


I was kind of expecting it to be bigger. Small cock, gay , black, autistic and with a fart fetish? That's rough.

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faa6a4 No.216994


>dick just laying there pathetically

Every single black guy who sends me a dick pic always looks soft. Do they have erectile dysfunction or something? No thanks.

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faa6a4 No.216999

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faa6a4 No.225799

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faa6a4 No.242619


>This account has been terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.

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faa6a4 No.242638


He'll return to us some day, rising from the ashes with a new channel.

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faa6a4 No.245543


I messaged him on Facebook asking about his channel's closure. He didn't reply.

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faa6a4 No.250659

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faa6a4 No.250671


Wow, I had to see it to believe it, this guy is dead serious! XD He's like Timbox only replace Lee Lee with white boy farts. Lol Oh god, he lives in the same city as me too. I wonder if he would pay me to fart on his face or some shit like that? Lol

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faa6a4 No.251967


Are you a butch FtM transguy by any chance?

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275c40 No.293396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a87a5b No.293397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank god I got to this thread in time. It was all the way at the end of the catalog and there seems to be a spammer on the loose. We almost lost the white farts thread.

On topic: Thursday has put up a 9-part Biography video series about him and the guy he's currently living with.

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ff2b88 No.293399




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42ecac No.293441

hes just heavy memeing

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54c8bc No.328543



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871894 No.332493

File: 3049a1bef31ac8e⋯.png (107.99 KB,427x369,427:369,sag.png)

Thursday Lane is officially bi now, I guess


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31a3e9 No.340395

File: af233590b2b2463⋯.png (432.62 KB,634x767,634:767,Vn0Oyr7RHzKSL23vQZqK5D6NNa….png)

Did anyone webm any of this his channel is delet

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d7a2e5 No.351431

File: b493770c8bab93d⋯.webm (6.93 MB,108x144,3:4,Please white guys hear me….webm)



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871894 No.351625


His old channel from a long while back was deleted, he's had a new one for a while now: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnzrnDjqa-_cx2GxiD-pB-g/videos

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9422f8 No.361021


He has a lot of charisma some anon just hit him up i feel bad for the guy

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972e5b No.521300

File: 3c68cdecfb6daa6⋯.jpg (22.79 KB,306x416,153:208,n_ggers.jpg)

Does anyone remember the black chick that was a huge fucking autist as well? Her pussy was hairy and had a shitload of ingrown hairs iirc.

It was by far one of the worst pussies I've ever seen.

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47e0d4 No.521319

File: 6fef452dbc424c4⋯.webm (10.17 MB,640x360,16:9,Liveleak.com - Cereal Cha….webm)

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35a9ec No.521491

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a2bb1e No.895063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7e2a65 No.898721

Funnel noodle

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b6497b No.898809



Wasn't it Aisha? She tried to auction her virginity to a white guy, I remember

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25ef8f No.899010


Oh shiiiit I remember this guy from years ago but couldn't recall his name. A thousand thanks.

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d0e9f2 No.899154

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a2bb1e No.899703

File: 0f93adf944e0efa⋯.gif (73.71 KB,320x232,40:29,laughing monkey.gif)


I'm behind in his videos. Has he endorsed any other politicians?

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40673b No.899783


>that normal-sized cock

Aren't black guys supposed to have huge dicks?

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e1adbb No.900443


in fact of course I want to sniff his butt

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935d05 No.901724


I hope you realize thats a bullshit rumor pushed by the porn industry.

Its bullshit and the only test of niggers pulled the average of like, 4.57 which is below average.

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24f24a No.901868


the outer parts of the dick size distribution bell curve have huge dicks

these are the ones selected for pr0ns

and, hopefully, these are the only nogs youve seen naked

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24f24a No.901869


>i gots ma swimmin pool

>gots ma sir-real

goddamn autistic blacks are unironically baste

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5bae51 No.902086


Yeah, I wasn't really being serious.

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d0e9f2 No.903083


He admits to paying homeless people for sex in the first minuet of this video.

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a2bb1e No.941323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Happy 10 years of Transition Michael Jackson !

Happy Pride Month, /cow/!

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a2bb1e No.941328

File: 2333c15ec6b20f6⋯.jpg (79.97 KB,960x540,16:9,breaking brap.jpg)

Oh, and because I found this link while Googling for his endorsement of Joe Biden in >>899154, have this excerpt of his Tosh.0 episode.


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