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/cow/ - Lolcows

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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File: 1e1d035f2c2dc32⋯.jpg (673.07 KB,761x1077,761:1077,half_blood_prince.jpg)

File: 5dcafb6910932b5⋯.png (524.7 KB,1280x2418,640:1209,letterboxd.png)

File: bd5f595e0d579bc⋯.jpg (77.47 KB,988x858,38:33,avatarless accounts are hi….jpg)

File: c945429aa4d1248⋯.jpg (148.71 KB,1313x986,1313:986,1498156879142.jpg)

File: 1c75b0d4e5f6536⋯.png (237.13 KB,1914x1667,1914:1667,emmafag origins.png)

dd8879 No.375302 [Last50 Posts]

/tv/'s resident hapa autist, Harry Potter fanatic, Emma Watson waifuist/white knight and soyboy extraordinaire. Spams Emma Watson and nigger dicks, what lead a board volunteer to challenge him to a deathmatch.

Ghostposts in 4plebs (https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/stone/ghost/only/)

Reddit and 4chan refugee, with insatiable hatred for Emma Stone. Lives in Connecticut.

Things he enjoys: Emma Watson, deepfakes of her, Harry Potter flicks ("fantasykino" as he calls it), "Beauty and the Beast" (2017, with Emma Watson), cuck porn (or at least he's known for spamming it), Stanley Kubrick, Nickelback, weed, pizza, Delirium Belgian beer (export special for fools who like piss), "kino" grids (black and white collages with movie screencaps), pretending that Emma Watson is pretty or talented, giving half star reviews on aggregator sites to movies that "compete" with Emma Watson's, giving 5 star reviews on those sites to movies with Emma Watson in them.

Things that trigger him: Emma Stone, Saoirse Ronan, Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, Silvia Hoeks, Mackenzie Davis, "Lost River", "La La Land", "Blade Runner 2049", pics of Harvey Weinstein with Emma Watson, Razzies, Oscars, the original version of "The Beauty and the Beast", getting told that Emma Watson can't act or sing, people bringing up that he's a mutt, mods deleting his posts, /pol/ and the alt-right.

Main letterboxd account:


Youtube account:

ZMAN - YouTube: http://archive.is/3Cypg

IMDb known accounts:



Livejournal account:




Reddit accounts (banned):



Previous thread hit bump limit: >>319092

Currently active at >>>/tv/1212561

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88c667 No.375529

He's active at >>>/tv/1215976

He's desperately posting amerimutt memes as if he weren't one, it's sad and amusing at the same time

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815941 No.375588

Dead thread, he got some vocaroos kek


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b0b26b No.375686

File: 239ffdbfe673484⋯.png (277.8 KB,1263x1756,1263:1756,oh boy.png)

This is getting spicy

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c57924 No.376157

He had a meltdown in the Roberts general too


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52013e No.377723

If Zach's not a NEET, he likely works graveyard in some dead end job.

I don't know if you have noticed but he's usually online at 4-5 a.m., Connecticut time.

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52013e No.377903

Zach got banned, finally. I wonder what he did.


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f6c29c No.378126


what extension is that?


It's not like Gahoole is better. Ugly loner who shits up the entire board. Zach was one waifufag, Gahoole has been pulling strings encouraging waifufags, weebs, politics and ecelebs.

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eb524d No.378359


>what extension is that?

Not an extension, just enabled tree view for the screenshot.

>It's not like Gahoole is better. Ugly loner who shits up the entire board.

How does he shit up the board?

>Zach was one waifufag

He was a more than "one waifufag", he was a autistic shithead who couldn't let other people have conversations and kept spamming threads he didn't like with what could only be called shitposts. Not funposts, shitposts.

>Gahoole has been pulling strings encouraging waifufags, weebs, politics and ecelebs.

Gahoole has let the board do what the board wants, if I was a mod my moderation would be even lighter.

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f6c29c No.378391


light moderation =/= good moderation

But I guess you hate /pol/ then. I do too but I think there's a middle ground between allowing (almost) everything as on /tv/ and directly guiding discussion of the board like on /pol/.

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eb524d No.378437


>But I guess you hate /pol/ then.

I hate current /pol/.

It has become unironic shilling.

/zenpol/ is fine so far, from what I've seen.

/pol/ used to be better here than on halfchan. Now it's the other way round, and it's sad.

>I do too


>I think there's a middle ground between allowing (almost) everything as on /tv/

Honestly I'd allow even more, take for example the frogposting threads. Or the threads making fun of Sargoy and the Money Vaggers. The frogposts are usually about clichés on /tv/ and Bloodsports is television only that it's streamed. It's still far better than halfchan where you can even get banned for baneposting.

>directly guiding discussion of the board like on /pol/

Yeah that would completely suck.

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446206 No.378500


>the people pushing Amerimutt are mutts themselves.

It’s like poetry.

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ac98b9 No.378554


It really took you that long to figure it out? Their diction and grammar should've made it obvious.

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7d9903 No.379902

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/96214377

top kek

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fad194 No.381376

Our pet happa has been being a naughty boy and evading his ban. He had posted other stuff but it got deleted. He also accused me of being GaHoole2 lol. I should have taken a screencap in time.


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35fd31 No.387114

You got the wrong person btw. Note he was/is a watsonfag, there's someone who is likely impersonating him for the lulz.

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0447ba No.387257


Who ever is doing it is doing a good job.


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d92063 No.393273

Get them until it 404s


He doesn't look like a chink mutt.

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fce011 No.395033

Archived the old /cow/ thread just in case:


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fce011 No.395282

He's active:


Posting whole link so that it's still available when the thread gets archived.

Also archive link: http://archive.li/3D3eT

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f0ac09 No.395363


Pure gold.


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19f2d6 No.396449


This hapa couldn't be more easily baited if he tried.

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ee47c8 No.396522

File: 50aec23c47a6c82⋯.png (109.7 KB,1233x240,411:80,ClipboardImage.png)

He's shitting up the catalog again.


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057a12 No.396585



I larp as Zach all the time to waste yours

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fcfc2e No.396587



we get cocks anyways

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d20079 No.396634

/tv/ on cuckchan is also full of Harry Potter threads now, its him?

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fcfc2e No.396639


He probably fucked off to there because he was getting roasted on 8/tv/

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c82d11 No.396757



Archived for posterity, top kek.

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fb9391 No.396768


>faa9fc (1)

'sup, Zach?


Best Zach thread in a while, so caught up in IBS I almost forget how much fun you can have julaying Zach.

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c82d11 No.396776

File: c854f2d684aca03⋯.jpg (66.02 KB,540x720,3:4,c854f2d684aca03be0e7251523….jpg)

File: c19ed03e83e98f1⋯.jpg (40.22 KB,308x544,77:136,c19ed03e83e98f1c43d23676cd….jpg)

File: d4cf9a57a0a9293⋯.jpg (36.74 KB,379x453,379:453,d4cf9a57a0a9293d083c3e9843….jpg)

File: 75ebc8f53db25ce⋯.jpg (14.53 KB,241x206,241:206,75ebc8f53db25cec8c6f6b4472….jpg)

File: 2e7add6b7f9a7ec⋯.jpg (43.44 KB,428x604,107:151,2e7add6b7f9a7ec8dfee68bb41….jpg)

So what's the origin of these? Did the retard actually post them himself?

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fb9391 No.396780

File: 4e546ec56cc6dfb⋯.jpg (38.04 KB,453x604,3:4,4e546ec56cc6dfb0ed98fae182….jpg)

File: 02db6d30a0c1dec⋯.jpg (46.81 KB,540x720,3:4,02db6d30a0c1dec91608a5b6bd….jpg)

File: 40ebbf3d488ab03⋯.jpg (42.7 KB,333x432,37:48,40ebbf3d488ab030d53b3d8ac4….jpg)

File: c64e099b6b7a851⋯.jpg (63.6 KB,720x540,4:3,c64e099b6b7a8518ad67da0771….jpg)


We have absolutely no idea who would have access to them otherwise, so probably yeah.

Maybe someone actually managed to get into his facebook, but seems unlikely Zach accepted any new friends after he became aware of the /cow/ thread.

They're also in particular photo's where you can see his eyecolor, he was very butthurt about people calling him nonwhite before and they where in direct response to that.

As far as the race question goes, I dated a quarter asian girl with green eyes, so as far as I'm concerned he's probably still a mutt.

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c82d11 No.396781


Allegedly he posted those pics in a thread to prove he was white, did anyone archive it? It must have been pure gold.

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f5148e No.396796


One of those backfired violently in his face already


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69e688 No.396815

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f5148e No.396818



Based anon

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f5148e No.396824

File: 961425b1a7a3f3e⋯.png (21.38 KB,1195x116,1195:116,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1bb669d3f7887b⋯.png (8.08 KB,386x86,193:43,ClipboardImage.png)

Holy shit hahahaha

Also it turns out I had seen that thread back when it was made but missed the development of it because I had to go away.

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d2b2a2 No.397219

I've been larping as Zach for ages

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316089 No.397363


You were larping as Zach ever since you were born, Zach.

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f8d980 No.397572

File: 223005c0133ad03⋯.png (440.84 KB,784x604,196:151,93435346.png)


>He doesn't look like a chink mutt.

tbh, I'm pretty sure he just looks like a chink

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86a0ce No.397918


top kek

why the anonymization though

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868a5e No.397964

Zach is whiter than you

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fcca53 No.397967

File: 69a3da66870e421⋯.jpg (67.53 KB,612x612,1:1,11258859_888465191215376_7….jpg)


We still have no pictures of anyone on his fathers side though, and with Hasbrouck being a relatively common name, finding any isn't easy.

Also remember how Zach keeps posting family members to prove he is white, but they're all from his mothers side, even people we didn't find before like his uncle from his mothers side.

Something smells fishy here.

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86a0ce No.398009

File: 5468638b0be121b⋯.png (627.93 KB,788x890,394:445,ClipboardImage.png)


>whiter than you achmed!

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aa450e No.398296

File: e90bdf93c4b10ad⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB,406x720,203:360,WW Zach Banned for good (m….mp4)

Zach just got perma'd (according to a /tv/ hotpocket)


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7c88bd No.398402

File: ddb245814aa1caa⋯.png (514.53 KB,474x571,474:571,7567845.png)


This actually the only photo I found that could possibly be him But that can't be right because the girl on the right is Maryellyn

George is the one on the left Robyn in the middle and I don't know who the other two are

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7c88bd No.398406


wait, that probably Mark on the right and Patricia his mother on the left


t. margcuck

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b10fcb No.398459


would fugg Maryellyn senseless tbh

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3de990 No.398461


>t. margcuck

But the video says he also permabanned Margcuck

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3de990 No.398511

Look what I just found, top kek


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3de990 No.398551

File: 5d942844f8299c5⋯.png (5.76 KB,375x69,125:23,ClipboardImage.png)


Also I think it's almost undeniably Zach, looking at the date of the only post in it (01/13/18).

He was getting julay'd hard already although he wasn't posted on /cow/ yet and his name wasn't confirmed.

And he had told the robertsfags to "make their own board" the day before (pic related). Perhaps he settled for that one after he saw /kino/ was taken, hoping the robertsfags would try to get that one and he'd one-up them for once.

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3de990 No.398598

He couldn't resist the temptation to ban evade and here he is:



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057a12 No.399095


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150a49 No.399354



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239cd8 No.401540

He's now trying to force some lame Harry Potter memes on /tv/



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a2f866 No.401543



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a2f866 No.401830

File: 9e524a0ea86904e⋯.png (6.69 KB,621x88,621:88,mega autist.png)

File: f49da9e23246c6f⋯.png (77.72 KB,1232x630,88:45,b3f817dc-76ad-48f7-a80a-6b….png)

File: 8c7ebe683614851⋯.png (11.09 KB,697x152,697:152,09f86f2c-84ec-434a-9301-d5….png)



Zach confirmed.


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a2f866 No.401839

File: 4b6f5685686c055⋯.png (45.39 KB,748x564,187:141,0fac8862-f4aa-497e-92fd-16….png)


Also this one

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bdd556 No.401904





>it's all the same

You have become more /cow/ than anyone, /cow/

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a2f866 No.401943

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f262d1 No.402455

He's active here too: >>>/tv/1273428

And I believe a mod has pointed out his posts. It has happened in the past and it checks with his replies to my posts, a large part of the posts quoted were in reply to my own.

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4b4d5f No.410337

Zach is active and mad as a cow in the Emma Roberts general right now.

Sample post: >>>/tv/1283598


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de9cbe No.412872

I'm julaying him at >>>/tv/1289762

He keeps calling me robertsnigger, you guys did a number on him!

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de9cbe No.412894

It's funny how easy it is to trick him into going on the defensive and desperately try to defend Emma Watson's movies, he's now saying adults were looking forward to "Beauty and the Beast".

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57c9fe No.412971

File: 23f981f13ad1e65⋯.png (2.7 MB,2308x2006,1154:1003,Zach is Gay.PNG)

Even the mods are exposing him now.

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57c9fe No.412989

He's getting mad at /cow/ now lol



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e8456d No.412996


Got the uncensored version of that pic? :3

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57c9fe No.412997



thread is still up at /tv/ though but it's disgusting

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df9641 No.413004


I don't even like the guy, but any man or woman is more attractive than Gal Gadot. You are reaching.

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64b518 No.413068


Surely grossing 350 million in an opening weekend is something that is due to multiple demographics seeing a movie. Do you think adults only watch superhero movies but not other Disney movies?

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57c9fe No.413327


Fuck off Zach

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7e9fda No.414251



So the rumors about him being a kike are pretty much confirmed now?

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7e9fda No.414253

His original doxxxxer and 4chan nemesis showed up and they're fighting each other, enjoy the show: >>>/tv/1289339


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bebd33 No.414287


That guy is /cow /material

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708515 No.414301


>saging the thread

Hi Zachary!

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20b3ee No.414306

This is who you should be julaying



This guy calls everyone Zach who makes a harry potter meme thread apparently and posts his screencapped images dozens and dozens of times on. Might go by the name korinefag, could be someone infamous on /tv/ for years.

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708515 No.414310


Then make a thread about him Zach.

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708515 No.414312


And why should we limit ourselves to julaying him? Pathetic trollshield attempt.

Even worse than when you made that thread about the mod.

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20b3ee No.414314


I have never made a thread here. Why do you think only one person would hate /tv/'s shitty mod?

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708515 No.414315


It's not that you hate the mod, it's that you don't know what a lolcow looks like AND you hate the mod.

So you shit up /cow/ with your attempts at distracting us. You're worse than the Money Badgers and Sargon.

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ee2b3f No.414317





Like OMG have you seen Nerve yet, anon?

I forgot to tell you, i've been a natsoc since i was 14…

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4fc499 No.414320


kek based


I just made a thread and I'm not Zachary

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708515 No.414323


Have you seen The Maltese Falcon?

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3b0c97 No.414339

>zachs abuser arrives

>he goes full blown schizo tier and starts replying from his phone too


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d0df21 No.414343


How do you know this? Are you a mod?

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bfbac8 No.414350


He's the robertsnigger cow likely

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d0df21 No.414353


Wrong. That's me, Zach.

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a7f325 No.414357

Lmao zach if you just fought me like a man it would stop all this endless PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDing you're receiving right now

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d0df21 No.414361



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bfbac8 No.414364


Zach isn't even in the country and you have 50 pounds on him IIRC

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d0df21 No.414370


Why do you talk in third person about yourself Zach?

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a7f325 No.414389


Listen alright sometimes you gotta fight outside your weight class if you want to accomplish anything in life

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0b83e8 No.414421


Says the fat person who doesn't take care of his body

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a7f325 No.414438


When was the last time you worked out? I work out all the time and have a decent diet I'm just butt ugly sorry buddy

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5aae57 No.414473


So he's the cunt who spams cuck porn on /tv/ what a fucking faggot. To have Black dicks and cuck porn saved on his computer he's a complete fucking gay lord.

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b3b9c7 No.415942

File: ea4ae7ea6697487⋯.png (3.08 MB,1263x10509,421:3503,ClipboardImage.png)

Look at this shit. An entire page on /tv/ filled with Harry Potter threads. And there's more in the catalog.

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aae960 No.417761


Look at you thinking it's all one person.

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caf940 No.417771


Look at you proving it is, while saging the thread about yourself and bumping the one about your non-cow >>417759

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b03917 No.419197

He's on full damage control mode again


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b03917 No.419199

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5aae57 No.419293


Kek, I see 3 of my posts in that within that catalog, weird to see your own posts in a cap.

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b03917 No.419364


"Do yourself a favor…"?

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571628 No.419887

File: c41a854816ce744⋯.png (177.56 KB,333x381,111:127,1524764984.png)

File: fd4e147274d80ca⋯.jpg (27.92 KB,295x345,59:69,1524764717.jpg)

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806485 No.420393

File: fe3486108f4faf0⋯.png (300.19 KB,1235x713,1235:713,2778f98c-c3aa-4c46-96de-45….png)

He's shitting up the /tv/ catalog with Harry Potter garbage again.



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5aae57 No.420414


What r u trying to say fam?

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806485 No.420430


Asking if you were the "Do yourself a favor, don't watch the dullest franchise" poster from the screencap.

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fe6a5d No.420607


I want to fuck that autistic throat.

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806485 No.421221

Archived thread of Zach trying to turn /cow/ into his personal army


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806485 No.421226

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3fa012 No.421358


hes having a meltdown now that his boogeyman is back

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8d8bbe No.421360


As we speak, a bunch of his posts have appeared.

Notably the based/not based ones.

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8d8bbe No.421412

File: af739973608a44a⋯.png (67.52 KB,573x345,191:115,fa61a1da-7b99-47d2-83f1-46….png)

Check this out kek



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bc48ea No.421490


Nah my dawg, I'm not saying which poster just not the Maisie fag or Zach.

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8d8bbe No.421510


Why would the maisiefag praise Harry Potter? He hates it.

I can imagine it maybe being the Yakuza troll but I don't think it's really him.

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718e8c No.436135

gahoole is a cia nigger

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a41f60 No.439909

julayed Zachary a bit today in one of his Harry Potter forced meme threads, enjoy.



I think he left by now though but he won't resist replying later with a saged post if you bait him effectively.

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a41f60 No.439980


He's back lmao

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a41f60 No.440011

Triggered as hell at >>>/tv/1327476

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475ee3 No.440021




I'm shitposting on /tv/ to trigger them, stop being such autists.

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a41f60 No.440039


Sure Zach

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62174e No.463083

>tfw made him have a meltdown again

feels great


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494434 No.463227


Based. I contributed too.

Keep up the good work.

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d14d90 No.463451

File: e8a2279467ab9d6⋯.jpg (1013.38 KB,2832x4256,177:266,06110867f7a7725a4ce9781473….jpg)

He is also intimidated by big titties

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494434 No.463504


Well, he's a soyboy after all.

Check this out btw >>412971

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08ff13 No.463574


some nasty fucking rotbags on that bitch

I think the burgers are going to peoples minds

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5c3778 No.463580


>tfw you actually posted something an autist posted 20-30 times on cuckchan and got called out for it

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585bc2 No.464449

Found a thread that's old but gold looking for something else.


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d14d90 No.464495


Tbh I didn't need that to confirm he is gay :^)

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d14d90 No.464496


Shut up Zach

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585bc2 No.464507


lel, his hatred of titcows gave him away didn't it?



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29d754 No.466453

It's been found out recently that he pushes the feathered dinosaur meme and that he believes Kubrick filmed the moon landing-

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4ce38a No.466753

Zach meltdown LIVE


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4ce38a No.466778

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4ce38a No.466779

Another meltdown in the Stone thread


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1236ec No.466844


Deleted again lol

This time it wasn't 127 of them though.

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f3a224 No.467921

I will crush zach

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10a897 No.467923



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c5d307 No.469614

Come get your lulz at >>>/tv/1370193

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dbba7b No.470601







>nobody knows of Zach impersonating

>nobody knows that Zach is better than Gahoole

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b32006 No.470607



lol Zach, first you cry about "/cow/ shitposters" and now this?

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b32006 No.470608




>tfw too famous to get HARVested ;_;


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9c8613 No.470614


>more than one person cannot possibly have the same logical thought or post, post ironically shitpost it


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b32006 No.470615


It's not logical

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da5c52 No.471837

File: 87ca20245986193⋯.jpg (306.35 KB,935x1539,935:1539,1502230687652.jpg)

File: fdf662ab82fe2c8⋯.jpg (358.14 KB,932x1539,932:1539,numale.jpg)

Bingo /cow/, your stoneposting had an instant effect. He posted the second pic, which is the same as the first one except he (badly) removed Harry Potter leaving some pixels on the Westworld logo, presumably with MS Paint, and added Emma Stone and the Oscars to it. This guy truly has no originality.



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da5c52 No.471843

File: 6e03e5a5e2e0c30⋯.jpg (148.84 KB,935x1423,935:1423,numale.jpg)

File: 4cb8c58e2dbec80⋯.png (102.26 KB,888x224,111:28,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 304d30cea699ab7⋯.png (40.79 KB,551x165,551:165,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh god, I found yet another version. On 4plebs. With the "numale.jpg" filename. On an anti Harry Potter post, replying to an OP that was probably Zach's.

I was wondering why he'd remove Wonder Woman and kept digging on the reverse google results. This is amazing. The guy can't do anything but project.


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70f552 No.471852


<implying your projections arent projections

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6f598e No.471853


Yes it is

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da5c52 No.471855

File: dd866abe5a98d73⋯.png (246.06 KB,1252x452,313:113,ClipboardImage.png)


Nice meltdown dude, shitting up the whole /tv/ in revenge because you got called out.

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0e2219 No.471857


How do you know that's all him?

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da5c52 No.471859


After months you learn how to spot him.

Defending Harry Potter (Dumbledore), making brainlet posts (where he usually gets PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD), making posts shitting on Kirsten Dunst (one of the actresses he hates), Donald Trump as if anyone gives a fuck because he thinks /pol/ are the ones posting mean things about his waifu, posting his cancerous "this is attractive in…" pic, the starter pack one is self explanatory given the edits, calling the board shit as he shitposts with a leftypol pic, shitting on whites. It's textbook Zach.

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da5c52 No.471861


See this


It couldn't be more obvious, he has a rather limited stock of pics he spams in hopes of triggering people because he thinks his reactions to Emma Watson getting attacked are how everyone else reacts to people attacking an actress they like.

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a583ca No.472616


Not all me

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9a7d30 No.473015



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947220 No.473420

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ad8e19 No.474244


When will you end it all?

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1b41e9 No.474471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Zach facing off with Gahoole at 1:45.

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85fae2 No.474624


Is that really Zach or is it some imposter faggot? Doesn't sound exactly like the voice in his video, although he's using some heavy effects.

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1b41e9 No.474718


The voice in the L4D video (which I assume you're refering to) is from like 8 years ago, they seem close enough to me.

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85fae2 No.474732


lol, my soundcard has a karaoke mode that allows you to change pitch, you set it to +2 and it sounds just like his gaming video.

The soyboy is artificially deepening his voice and he thinks we can't hear it just like he thinks nobody notices the autotune they applied to Emma Watson's voice in her musical. Pathetic.

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85fae2 No.474735


Your post appeared just as I hit "new reply".

It's Zach, confirmed.

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1b41e9 No.474764


Also keep in mind that since Zach's been doxed he's been a lot more careful then before, using a voice modulator makes a lot of sense for him.

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195982 No.475168


>since Zach's been doxed he's been a lot more careful then before

Bullshit, he keeps having meltdowns regularly.

Also today this thread was made, top kek: http://archive.is/K1U0n

He probably faps to it as one anon suggested, being the sick perv he is.

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a583ca No.475206





You're all sick faggots

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5f2789 No.476149

File: dd8cea015d016b9⋯.webm (261.36 KB,720x720,1:1,wew.webm)

File: 0c6af0f505e4fdb⋯.webm (231 KB,800x800,1:1,Zacharys_last_stand.webm)


Congratulations, you got yourself caught.

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7a9bf9 No.477331

Zach is back on fullchan

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5c834e No.477341

I read his name as Hasbrocuck

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792c34 No.478696


I can't make sense of what the first guy said, only Zachary saying "you're just being edgy"

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a2576c No.478823


"Go on now, look at that history right there. We did that."

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eb2202 No.478824


Oh so that's it. Thanks!

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386e00 No.483740

He showed up in >>>/worstemma/13 and posted his usual pics, the vol spoiled them

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386e00 No.483839

What did he mean by this?


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f4cdf5 No.483900


He mean that the robertsnigger is the most autistic person on /tv/ and he's right.

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386e00 No.483902


Hi Zachary.

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386e00 No.483920



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386e00 No.483931

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b6e264 No.483955


>g-get a l-life!

Truly spectacular, turning on the IDs after letting him samefag was pure genius.

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5cef03 No.485589

File: da003cf1ada343c⋯.png (19.05 KB,1192x190,596:95,628bd69d-4f0d-4462-8a9f-6d….png)

This guy is pure gold.

>she was in a major blockbuster franchise that has semented her as being more famous



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6024b3 No.485605


she is more famous than robertsfag's muse based on one movie that's why he's so mad and wastes his time shitposting across 4chan and here

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f53807 No.485747

File: 92317d4df7725fa⋯.png (306.83 KB,1224x918,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

props to whoever made this thread, I sadly couldn't take a full screencap before it was gone

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3eae54 No.486147

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bc4849 No.486517

>it's an anon wants to fuck Zach in the ass episode


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723a1a No.486607




I'm going to fuck Zach, AMA

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bc4849 No.486612


Did he reply to your requests?

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723a1a No.486614




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f6e2e0 No.486727

File: 167c4e93b457f60⋯.png (11.13 KB,360x160,9:4,167c4e93b457f6081cc5585d3b….png)

top kek

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f6e2e0 No.486731

File: 98c1597e10ed782⋯.png (52.13 KB,759x449,759:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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111b57 No.487282

File: fbb18fbcab1bcb3⋯.jpg (201.06 KB,1000x666,500:333,sadpepe.jpg)

>gofundme campaign got taken down

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53ba88 No.487948

There was some hardcore mi​lking on /tv/ until the mods showed up today.

>/tv/'s gay waifu is their most aesthetically pleasing one


>Anybody got any porn of Zach?


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723a1a No.488242

File: 9b9dc5c01b73ad5⋯.png (48.59 KB,599x527,599:527,gahoole caves to the deman….png)

File: d0546da642fa6b0⋯.png (58.06 KB,568x534,284:267,gahoole caves to the deman….png)

Gahoole caved and said we could have our Zachy-chan threads

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a2576c No.488249

File: 655888d161c574a⋯.png (299.51 KB,568x1400,71:175,The Gods have failed us.png)

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723a1a No.488252


Nice argument guy with over 300 gay pedo downy drawings saved to his computer.

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a2576c No.488277

File: 8bc768b50c67bde⋯.png (880.35 KB,800x1000,4:5,chase_me_daddy.png)


I would never besmirch Zachy-chan with animated bestiality! You take this back!

Just saved his image for convenience, should've cropped the bottom please don't bully

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a2576c No.488328


The absolute state of Zachary.

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cdeb01 No.488356


fucking kek

is he the one spamming the downy porn?

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cdeb01 No.488361

File: 4da2dbf4749f496⋯.png (101.58 KB,741x261,247:87,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e25af431436de43⋯.png (34.3 KB,798x253,798:253,ClipboardImage.png)


>Shit, /tv/ threads are already in the first page of search results when you google your name, bud.

fucking kek

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723a1a No.488362


Either him or Maisiefag would be my guess.

That or a new lolcow has entered.

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723a1a No.488363


If he can't get a job now I'll happily employ him…

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cdeb01 No.488364



Why would he do that?

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a2576c No.488366


Who else would be? Worst case scenario for anyone else is we're isolating our waifus to a containment thread, to him though it's something else entirely.

Or life is a ruse, but I don't want to live in a world where I haven't bullied a man into being my waifu

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723a1a No.488368


some men just want to watch the world burn.

Or maybe it's a waifu jealousy thing? I don't know.

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cdeb01 No.488370


>some men just want to watch the world burn.

True, but I don't remember Maisiefag posting downies before (except when it's about Raven).



>Who else would be?

>Or maybe it's a waifu jealousy thing? I don't know.

I think it might be someone whiteknighting Zach for some weird reason.

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a2576c No.488372


>some men just want to watch the world burn.

Not the Hun. He's too laid back. The reason why he perseveres in the face of mockery whereas Zach will, has, and no doubt will again, spam your thread into oblivion with BBC, following a specific pattern, which this faggot just so happens to comply with.

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cdeb01 No.488374



Also I went to the /zsg/ #2 and found the maisieposts, it's an imposter. Those aren't the filenames Maisiefag uses. They got the "descriptive filename" part down, but not the style.

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cdeb01 No.488378

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723a1a No.488380

File: a4f241620bb07ba⋯.jpg (194.05 KB,1170x783,130:87,zachychan gofundme.jpg)

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ad3e00 No.488410

zach i'm coming down there in august to visit family and if you wear a wig (or can grow out your hair to acceptable levels) and shave all the hair on your body and sit on my wiener

I will stop saying emma watson is trash

if you don't want to answer here then i can message you on youtube

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723a1a No.488411


Zach is mine, fuck off

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a2576c No.488424

File: 1eec44ce55ea85d⋯.png (808.61 KB,1281x719,1281:719,me_consumating_my_arranged….png)



I will drop both you I swear to Zach

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a2576c No.488467

File: 4a54bda534e5caa⋯.png (Spoiler Image,807.85 KB,1281x719,1281:719,Bismilla ar'Ramaan ar'Raki….png)

File: 91bf4e7a9bcbb00⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.18 KB,469x460,469:460,haramtreatsforzachychan.jpg)

File: d9f2309a1f8411c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,211.46 KB,1485x1025,297:205,thiccczachychan.jpg)

File: ddd23d60b6922e3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,462.7 KB,1200x800,3:2,zached_raw.jpg)


That was not meant to be there, my apologies.

Have some more lewd Zachs though.

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9e5970 No.488550

lel, the m​ilking thread at /tv/ is almost as long as this one already

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723a1a No.488694

File: 4a01fab4773e392⋯.png (544.86 KB,1184x746,592:373,gofundme kino train.png)

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723a1a No.488768

The Booty Warrior is en route to rape Zachy-chan.

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e7f6ab No.488921

I will hound you to the ends of the earth zatch poster. You hear me? TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH.

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3255f2 No.489329

>>>/worstemma/ is a fucking goldmine, top kek

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991a6d No.490671


I know right? Even better than /zacharykeithhasbrouck/

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9ccd08 No.492503


Yes a goldmine of autism from emma watson haters who actually like actresses who can't act.

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62185d No.492518


Quiet Zach

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b814f4 No.492546


Everybody hates Emma Watson except you.


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9ccd08 No.493856


pewdiepie is literally a youtube tier shithead pleb

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9c8613 No.493859

File: c6e14e470f0382e⋯.jpg (178.68 KB,950x1425,2:3,whydoyouwanttoseeundermysk….jpg)


And you're a cutie.

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c72d00 No.493873

lol seems like Zachy made her way to /worstemma/ again

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e76934 No.494531


>t. boomer

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828e0e No.497307

Get here fags


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9ccd08 No.497327


holy shit fag you are cringey.

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adc1b0 No.498108

File: d60e027d3c39649⋯.png (447.03 KB,681x1124,681:1124,GjAvM77.jpg.png)




We have IDs here Zach.

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f742c0 No.498134

>Zach goes full pedo



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2d1ac4 No.498139

File: d56e5edb96ff79b⋯.jpg (56.58 KB,1045x477,1045:477,screenshot.jpg)


He's gonna get v&'d, isn't he?

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f742c0 No.498142


nice jpeg nigger

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c3bc37 No.498161



>thread status: shoah'd

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ce074c No.498162


Gahoole just deleted a thread I posted almost a minute afterwards. Yet leaves this thread up, "When did you realize that reality isn't worth living in and anime girls are your salvation?"

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f742c0 No.498163


Based mods

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f742c0 No.498164


What was your thread? How do we know it was gahoole and not another mod?

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40df18 No.498166


Gahoole comes on this time every night and deletes stuff and then leaves. It was just a standard shitpost, like usual for /tv/.

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4ad1a1 No.500508

Based Gahoole purging Zach today.

Did anyone save the screencap of Zach's post history?

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b7eaf2 No.500564

lmfao he's back at cuckchan and people are calling him out already


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5c834e No.500570

I still read his name as Hasbrocuck

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b7eaf2 No.500578

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6d3b13 No.500660


Anon he's a boogeyman on cuckchan, they call him out randomly whenever someone posts something that isn't with their hivemind.

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9c8613 No.500714

File: 425aedf06c4253b⋯.png (823.56 KB,1787x2878,1787:2878,ClipboardImage.png)


I think you mean this one?


>I a…I-I mean Z-zatch is a b-boogeyman on r-reddich… c-cuckchan


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1e37ab No.500904


>rage sage



yeah that one, thanks

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4d4f9e No.500926

Friendly reminder that Zach fucked his sister and took her to prom. The reason he wants to take hormones is to catch to find a man who will make him as happy as he made her. His fascination with Emma Watson comes from his insecurities of being a hapa, and his attraction towards an escort of such shit quality is probably from further feelings of inadequacy from the bad-touches his daddy gave him growing up.

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1f305d No.501113

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87f0bb No.501151

File: 8277c03c30927f1⋯.png (136.37 KB,960x406,480:203,is this zach.png)

I think I found him

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40df18 No.501302


Just further proof that anons are obsessed with him and he isn't even there.


No just someone with common sense.

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40df18 No.501304

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5d9f0a No.501325

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5d9f0a No.501400


kek, is Birdfag courting >her on cuckchan too now?

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723a1a No.501916


Birdfag here, no that is not me, I do not go on 4chan and have not in about 2 years.

I understand if you do not believe me but I have been completely transparent thus far so hopefully you can take me at my word.

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c1234f No.507393

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ed40bc No.507396



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79a225 No.508857

File: 8ea4cfcd5f90660⋯.png (12.41 KB,1119x123,373:41,7c6faba82cb47b443ac8a122a6….png)

File: ffdb61c48ad427d⋯.png (32.71 KB,509x230,509:230,3f2ea0405a2249f902dc78a439….png)

He's back and some anon was bragging about reporting him and getting him banned.

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79a225 No.508859

File: 37ac5d74e907c68⋯.png (49.78 KB,613x231,613:231,screenshot.png)


I think it was the robertsfag who banned him - dark theme and it was posted after a couple of posts by the robertsfag.

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79a225 No.508860


>robertsfag who banned him

You know what I meant, who got him banned.

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3eaa35 No.508923


>robertsfag who banned him

I wish lol, just imagine. I'd edit his posts like and my boards' vols do on my boards. His own posts on /tv/ turned into the complete opposite. Take his posts praising Harry Potter and change them into calling it out as "the dullest franchise". Imagine the butthurt. I'd make a Harvey Weinstein sticky and sit back to watch him sperg.

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b38f85 No.510162


>everyone is my boogeyman

Jesus Christ

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a37364 No.510293


>implying you're a boogeyman and not the culprit


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354594 No.510299


Of course every thread you don't like is all a conspiracy.

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01f9a9 No.510307


>Of course every thread you don't like

First of all I didn't link the threads, and secondly we have Zach spotting down to a science at this point.

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2ab675 No.510308


Obviously not, it isn't his posting style. Plus Watson was 4chans waifu long before he or most users who are there now went there.

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01f9a9 No.510310


You might be right, but this ragesage is him >>510162

Even when it's not him you should pretend it is to reel him in.

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27b7b0 No.510570

Hey Zach, the people want to know something.

How much do you make in NEETbux, buddy?

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08aac8 No.511789

There's a rumor going around on /tv/ that Zach managed to get some taste and waifus Bryce Dallas Howard too now. I doubt its veracity because he seemed to hate titcows but you never know.

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e220b9 No.523600


Nope he's back on old /tv/ at his old ways again

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9ccd08 No.523614


No he isn't, the faggot there obsessed with him just always things he is there

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42c20c No.523615

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1ea33e No.523616

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42c20c No.523619


good to see new material tbh

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1ea33e No.523765


He's been on /tv/ too, getting his posts deleted for ban evasion kek.

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1ea33e No.523853

File: d84ee5f2671f82b⋯.png (23.49 KB,975x211,975:211,ba3b5bf4-f2f8-4251-8829-63….png)

>he's still butthurt about the korinefag

top kek

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94a58f No.523918

Aren't lolcows supposed to be funny?

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39e754 No.523937


Zach is comically autistic. Haven't you seen that linked thread?

Lolcows aren't comedians, they are the joke. You laugh at them, not with them. Being a hardcore loser is often enough to warrant lolcow status if it's the autistic kind of loser.

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6a29ee No.524913

He's on our /tv/ again too.


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42c20c No.526614

Looks like zboy is staying on old /tv/ now and it isn't "reddit" anymore. New /tv/ is finally free


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74298a No.526616


Jesus Christ, I hate those stupid grids.

Zach is the embodiment of reddit.

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42c20c No.526620

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74298a No.526624


>they go back to 2016


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16ee3d No.532905

File: 258ac16dc4477d2⋯.png (27.6 KB,381x400,381:400,261a244f06fddb3aad3e7dc36f….png)

This thread is solid gold.

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e7b5c4 No.532982


That's the thing though. Literally nothing surrounding him is funny. The best effort I saw was the "zachy chan" thing but even that was lame.

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d5bdd5 No.533034

He's been real active on /tv/ lately

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b3b383 No.533071


Hey Zach

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cc67ba No.533458

File: ad74744c85c91bb⋯.png (112.46 KB,1263x1422,421:474,495f510fea447c07b9a951554f….png)

He pissed off one of the /tv/ vols with a thread where he admits he goes to halfchan and got banned from there. From all boards, kek.


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8f140d No.533468


Yet another reminder to resist the yellow fever.

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80182b No.533471

File: 29155b7b83f2dc5⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB,854x480,427:240,29155b7b83f2dc54ca597fc5e3….mp4)


Around Zachs never relax.

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a64fd0 No.534313

Check this out, kek

kudos to whoever made it, I'm in stitches here


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19001d No.534539

>harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban is better than 2001


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9fca14 No.535180

File: 9be7f8fb4770286⋯.png (36.16 KB,1263x875,1263:875,Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)

I just confirmed that Zach is the Hoxx cuck porn spammer. I attempted to make a test post with the Hong Kong node and this is what came back.

Zach had a little fight with vol7 (aka lohanfag) the other day and got all his posts deleted and his ass banned again.

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9fca14 No.535263


>t. vol7

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dfe3fb No.535306

File: 82ff30ed501f470⋯.gif (887.56 KB,500x500,1:1,baka desu.gif)



>t. butthurt VPNfag

We have IDs here

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77bf26 No.537621


I don't find his low-effort shitposts amusing either.

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64249a No.539100

He also has a hateboner for Brie Larson now. Maybe he thought Watson could get the role at some point.

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7f99a9 No.543054

File: b2ac31998cee978⋯.png (158.09 KB,905x338,905:338,creepydoll.png)

According to Gahoole's latest video this is Zach:



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f9fb18 No.546366


It's called playing along friend.

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f9fb18 No.546369


How does that give away someone as Zach? Most of the board thinks you're a faggot for avatarfagging. And stop posting on /cow/ about our board.

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f9fb18 No.546370


never mind, misread

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9a2477 No.546377

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8f140d No.552894

He's in this thread >>>/tv/1610430 right now spamming. Might have another juicy meltdown by the end of the day.

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8f140d No.553045


Or a volunteer could just delete all of it. That works too I guess.

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613bc1 No.553049

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8f140d No.554709

Oddly enough whenever someone asks questions like this >>>/tv/1611650 >>>/tv/1615406 he leaves for a few hours. Try it next time you see him shitting up a thread.

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8f140d No.554733

He's starting to lose it again



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4f5dc7 No.556933

File: 0edc425edfdaef6⋯.png (117.77 KB,1220x427,20:7,ClipboardImage.png)

Some 4chan namefag went hard on him 3 days ago as I just learned

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4f5dc7 No.556934


Oh and I just realized he linked this thread in that post, Zach is so done it's unbelievable

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4f5dc7 No.556938

File: a9461a6eb01f33b⋯.png (11.23 KB,738x84,123:14,ClipboardImage.png)



Look at his response to someone being flustered at the post calling him out

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4f5dc7 No.556967

Zach meltdown alert:


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8f140d No.556971


Honestly I've given up on the guy to provide any more entertainment. He'll just post for maybe 10 minutes and then fuck off, not even bothering to dump like used to.

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4f5dc7 No.556973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He had a nice meltdown the other day, seems like he fucks off faster if there's mods deleting his shit as he posts.

A few days ago Gahoole streamed a video reading his posts on an Emma Stone thread.

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8649b0 No.557192

File: c7821e1177e17ac⋯.jpg (17.92 KB,470x264,235:132,Now lick daddy clean.jpg)

Has anyone else been checking the Stratford, CT obituaries daily since the rabbit started posting on /tv/?

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946dba No.557645

File: 4580593f34659a0⋯.png (29.21 KB,201x246,67:82,a1376.png)

/bestemma/ won the Attention-Hungry Games and Zach is already losing his shit


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d62908 No.562597

File: 5ae37902b0c4752⋯.png (12.08 KB,560x380,28:19,zkhasbrouck.png)

>I hurt myself today


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8f140d No.566098

He's spamming again. Apparently the dup meme really gets to him.

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8f140d No.566105


Oh holy moly.


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10c357 No.566108


Is vol4 /ourguy/?

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10c357 No.567594


No, lohanfag is.


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10c357 No.567596


Meant to say "scrap that, lohanfag is"

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8f140d No.570757

He's spamming the catalog again. Seems to do it every time a harv thread gets bumped back up to the first page.

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b9ff8d No.573288

File: 7bd2c125e317b47⋯.png (702.83 KB,972x2282,486:1141,a42cc5a8824d4b9db5451e86b6….png)

File: bb3398b8d8d1ea6⋯.png (299.62 KB,972x2500,243:625,bb3398b8d8d1ea64c469af811f….png)

He spammed the catalog again today and vol7 posted his history, it's interesting to say the least.

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8f140d No.573379


What thread was this posted in? They really need to keep a log of all his filenames and just block any post he makes with them, if that's possible.

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8f140d No.574037


I'm pretty sure his dad is the asian one, at least going off what people say.

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a2735a No.576564

File: 429f0612c7ebcb3⋯.png (371.16 KB,966x378,23:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>falling for Tenda propaganda

Hapas in general are fucked in the head

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d2c2ff No.587607

File: aeba347dd25b57e⋯.png (197.93 KB,525x531,175:177,ClipboardImage.png)

>even the /1825/ mod shits on him

How will Zach ever recover?

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4f03b9 No.589933

File: 9ae061216654fd4⋯.jpg (94.71 KB,960x720,4:3,10313716_830842116973878_2….jpg)

Zach is unironically based and redpilled, why do I say that? Whenever I shitpost on /tv/ and do /pol/tard mad I am accused of being him.

And I am based and redpilled

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de61a6 No.593638

File: 1ca2e5d717211cb⋯.jpeg (3.07 KB,80x80,1:1,3ccc06c09352b2145d038a15a….jpeg)

File: 50a6f50a194c1d9⋯.png (767.25 KB,984x1900,246:475,lizardsmelt.png)

He's on /tv/ again.

He was on this thread shilling his edit of "The Hobbit":


The moment I saw the uploader was "Ringo Starrr" it seemed suspicious to me. I looked up his edit on 4plebs and there it was. That was the first piece of the puzzle.

Then I did some sleuthing and this avatar appeared attached to the account. Reverse search and this letterboxd profile pops up: https://letterboxd.com/lizardsmelt/

And there it is, all the classics: "poorly directed" (what does this even mean). "the absolute state of x", 5 stars on Harry Potter and even 4K shilling! This is a goldmine.

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de61a6 No.593642

File: 980a6b96daf5841⋯.png (818.11 KB,983x807,983:807,5 stars.png)

This is too much

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420086 No.593648

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8f140d No.593771



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f133fd No.593775

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6024b3 No.593778

The only autism here is the crossposters digging up a letterboxd that hasn't been used in months. They even gave Get Out 1 Star. Spend your time better.

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8f140d No.593784


We have IDs you assblasted mutt >>485605

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ceb584 No.593993


lol, his VPN is getting repeated IDs again


That's always your excuse, "it hasn't been used in X time" and that "they're autistic" for finding something you pointed them to. Remember you doxxxxxed yourself in that IRC. You and your autism on 4chan were the root of everything. Nobody would bother you if you didn't spend your time defending Harry Potter and Emma Watson on an anonymous (well, not for you anymore) imageboard.

Every time you post one of your autistic creations it will eventually be traced back to you. Your youtube videos, your shitty poems, your discord interventions, and now this shitty edit. Even leddit banned you but being the lame faggots they are that was the end of it. Then you poked the nest of anons and you got what was coming to you. You got permabanned and yet you insist on returning. I would return to leddit if I were you. You won't stand out much in soyboy central.

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df5be8 No.594343

File: a5e37d9495493d5⋯.png (129.67 KB,914x1245,914:1245,ringo-starrr hobbit.png)

File: 176c03200b576e7⋯.png (344.99 KB,607x414,607:414,ClipboardImage.png)

I dug up a bit on that ringo-starrr nickname and found this. I had to make a throwaway account because the tumblr vanished, but I think Zach is absolutely confirmed to be gay now. Some of those other Harry Potter related tumblrs have nothing to do with him apparently and he just reblogged stuff from them.

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ee5140 No.594479


Doesn't this happa fucker ever quit?

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df5be8 No.594512


Apparently it's not an option for him.

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f1ab73 No.596412

File: ed7f9f9ee300d3d⋯.png (84.44 KB,1144x330,52:15,reddit.png)

He actually used reddit to back up his opinion. Holy shit. I used to think the mods were too hard on him and too vindictive but they were right all along.


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c3d12c No.602799


He had a red text meltdown in that thread after that, come incoherent rambling about nazis.


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e19c3d No.604334


No that's someone else redtexting because it triggers shitheads like you across the board

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b0c187 No.604343


Sure Zach

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e66d65 No.604482



He made it back home and essentially confirms he's been lurking the board

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e66d65 No.604486


He's off his meds again



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b0c187 No.604499

File: 9c26af015f33374⋯.png (126.17 KB,941x978,941:978,2c1add86dc4931069f46c02ec4….png)


Holy shit, he posted the same pic the /tv/ mod called him out on posting.

Look at this: https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/105631790#p105645018

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fd952b No.604577


I bet the mod cracking down on him and calling him out is why he went back to cuckchan

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8f140d No.616059

He, or someone getting really offended at being mistaken for him, is getting real mad over people not liking Jordan Peterson.


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277a78 No.616430


Heading there to check it lmao

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f107e0 No.633012

He's sperging again


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8f140d No.640156

We got any clue how much of his parent's money he's blown on Jordan Peterson? Every time there's a thread about the guy he goes off and squeals about gahoole.

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8f140d No.642943

Ground floor. Must've had a sour Thanksgiving to be this mad this early in the morning.


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8f140d No.642973


And there's the nigger spam.

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723a1a No.648053


zach [or someone trying to ape his style of posting] showed up in this thread

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ccf959 No.654202

Today it's Zachy-chan's birthday!

Say something nice to her: >>>/tv/1731908

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8a583e No.672015

File: 4b0f2a20deaa23b⋯.png (44.76 KB,801x514,801:514,whiteknighting again.png)

File: ed292847e68293b⋯.png (17.87 KB,798x224,57:16,obsessed.png)

File: e7b431ce45e3f20⋯.png (31.86 KB,813x377,813:377,bringing up la la land aga….png)

File: e10dbfcd33ec60c⋯.png (80.63 KB,821x899,821:899,even youtube comments call….png)

Check this out. I wish archive.is supported comments.

Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPIbpgprXuk

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96f5bf No.680712

>it's a Zach receives a bunch of Emma Watson tributes in the mail and licks them all clean episode

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396941 No.681244

he's back

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351ca6 No.681302


did he ever leave?

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3d1c06 No.681344


it's arguable whether he ever existed

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d26095 No.681351


Hey Zach.

Argue with this http://archive.is/3Cypg

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9d095f No.681354


This is 90% of youtube.

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d26095 No.681358


90% of youtube doesn't get deleted after being mentioned on /cow/

You wiped your channel. Faggot.

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f428c2 No.681361



hi zach, nice damage control

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d26095 No.681391


>no u


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c8e8de No.681411


ok zach

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0241bf No.681578

Massive spergout, vol was nice enough to archive it before deletion:


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1788a7 No.681589


Pro tip: if you want to see his posts go to the live thread and look for the ones quoted in green. Then search them in the archived version with ctrl+f.

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8f140d No.692267


Live meltdown.

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550225 No.697601


Is there an archive?

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ab8b28 No.697705

Heads up

he just made it back to 4/tv/

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140e8a No.700942



Has some spergouts and apparently someone got to Zach on the last post.

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3dafc9 No.701097

File: 0a673f02f6d4ce1⋯.png (105.13 KB,928x701,928:701,1547273485138.png)

Zach is back


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140e8a No.701519

Zach is spamming /tv/ again.. no link since its more or less the entire first page.

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281535 No.721076

He's having a meltdown on an anchored thread on /tv/ right now




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108c82 No.733077

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ thread/109321628/

got him seething and now he's trying to spam the board with blacked

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cd6266 No.735238


But that's not "me" why are you such a schizophrenic piece of shit that think you're hot shit?

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8fe3ac No.735557


>zach is talking like skippy

All those posts in that thread are written in the way you always write them, hapa faggot.


>going to cuckchannel

Damn you guys really go the extra mile to julay these lolcows.

Also I didn't see any porn posted but maybe he spammed outside that thread, I don't know.

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2d45e5 No.735587

File: 536511fd03edc53⋯.png (299.05 KB,572x369,572:369,ttg bliss.png)

>attacking people for "going on cripplechan"

>saying that their /tv/ is better (just like he accuses people of being cuckchanners here when they call his waifu out)

>getting slapped in the face with a Teen Titans Go video




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36e82e No.736440

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188d6e No.736446

File: eb609972b2df238⋯.jpg (114.76 KB,720x720,1:1,soyflatson.jpg)


He better watch his back before the weeb mafia gets him.


Please stop talking like a soyboy.

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af79b4 No.737390


>weeb mafia

Now that's a funny joke if I ever saw one.

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1ecbf3 No.738184

File: 58fed2df9ba4c17⋯.png (62.19 KB,582x542,291:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ecbf3 No.738194

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357d42 No.738639

His latest meltdown, now deleted by the hotpockets


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ab8b28 No.738850



this shit is so ridiculous

what the hell is wrong with him

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694198 No.738884


Hybrid "vigor"

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37649d No.740940

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37649d No.740952

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0dcfae No.743112

File: 6138ffd704426a0⋯.png (299.31 KB,915x1659,305:553,4P_83taoceE.png)

I found him commenting right now on a youtube video that was posted on /tv/


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a99759 No.743150

File: 75deae319e61544⋯.png (591.9 KB,773x3047,773:3047,called out by a chick.png)

Emily please give me a (You) :3

I know you lurk.

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e665cb No.743174


>she powerworded him

Way to stop the lulz flow

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ebf4be No.743198




>jealous roasties get mad when emma watson is attractive

It's been going on for over a decade, hilarious

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e665cb No.743203


>jealous roasties

Sounds like Emily was right.

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625d47 No.743223


Yes I used that phrase on purpose after just reading her comment. Disprove if you wish though.

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e665cb No.743259

File: 98893c97a4fe739⋯.png (374.61 KB,628x460,157:115,how_much_i_love_Zachy-chan.PNG)

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16936a No.743807



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16936a No.743809

File: ef4d60d58dadcff⋯.mp4 (488.69 KB,700x300,7:3,dup btfo by tech support.mp4)


shit I forgot about that filter

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ebc500 No.744692

I find his attempts to fit in by going all in on what he perceives as "safe" /tv/ opinions like disliking capeshit to be hilarious. He tries so hard but he inevitably overcompensates and ends up looking like a redditor trying to camouflage himself. Which he is.

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871614 No.746237

File: 6593871956f3541⋯.png (833.05 KB,851x5201,851:5201,destroyed.png)

Based Emily Jean bringing the heat

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871614 No.746247


I find it highly ironic when he calls people "reddit" or "cuckchan". The latter is specially frequent whenever someone posts Stone.

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44474d No.746250

File: dd51e86104cf2d5⋯.png (1.67 MB,999x2499,333:833,lol.png)


It's not really ironic when it's true

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871614 No.746262

File: 8725b4694184bb3⋯.png (73.61 KB,827x673,827:673,literally jealous.png)


I found him sperging in another thread. His overuse of "literally" is hilarious too and I remembered it after seeing his post.


It is ironic when you're a documented redditor and cuckchanner. You don't know the meaning of irony. You're the pot calling the kettle black.

And ironically, your pic is proof of what you attempted to dismiss with that post.

I saved it and did a search with that hash on 4plebs, here's the result: https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/image/ZG1tISiEa2vhrgBhU9m7Ig/

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44474d No.746264


>It is ironic when you're a documented redditor and cuckchanner

Stop trying to sound tough dude all the 8chan /tv/ memes about stone and watson are copypasted from others who are crossposters. and almost everyone on 4/tv/ has used reddit for years and years already

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871614 No.746276


Not an argument. All that proves is that they were to 4chan at one point, maybe before it got cucked.

You have been humiliated by virtually every poster on /tv/ at this point and now even chicks make fun of you on youtube of all places.

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efeb83 No.746283


Anon I've triggered almost every dipshit across the web and even prove that women have the same kind of shit tier meme opinions are virgin incels on /tv/. You are obsessed with thinking otherwise, giving a shit, caring, constantly checking this thread

etc etc etc

Everything I say is correct. It's why the robertsfag doesn't even come to the board anymore because before his no career having nepotistic bitch got blacked I told him she was worthless but he didn't listen.

Now if you think animeposters can ever actual humiliate anyone when the state of their board is even cucked to 4chan I have lots of laughs from you. Thanks

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871614 No.746292


>the robertsfag doesn't even come to the board

Yes I do.

Fuck dig selv og hele Ostrig

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8f140d No.746370




You have an exhibitionism fetish or something?

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9ccd08 No.746372

File: 445787c8f238900⋯.jpg (4.35 KB,243x250,243:250,npc.jpg)


>no argument

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8f140d No.746373


We have IDs here you dumb mutt.

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9ccd08 No.746378

File: d7586b0001c64dd⋯.jpg (72 KB,844x770,422:385,1513028100831.jpg)


>20 posts in this thread

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114d5b No.746484


>desperately switches his VPN when called out

>IP is recycled and points to his posts from 8 months ago


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8f140d No.761719

Well would you look at that.


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1be6c6 No.764130

File: 6452c6bd9b399a6⋯.png (53.43 KB,661x1077,661:1077,e0376a6403e31853ac02db21fe….png)


Better repost it here before that thread dies.

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0bedea No.767564

File: 98659fad8ff7c0d⋯.png (20.89 KB,820x211,820:211,corny.png)

File: f3769a8cd8e3231⋯.png (19.14 KB,500x191,500:191,birchel mango.png)

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0bedea No.767576

File: 7a0e9dad819dc99⋯.png (7.46 KB,374x95,374:95,corny1.png)

File: 8d3b98f2cf7afdd⋯.png (35.41 KB,821x386,821:386,corny2.png)

File: 033342ae6a6c416⋯.png (31.89 KB,810x334,405:167,corny3.png)

File: a1d81a0368bcc52⋯.png (79.96 KB,803x744,803:744,corny4.png)

File: f958d16e70fabbd⋯.png (6.26 KB,333x103,333:103,corny5.png)

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0bedea No.767583

File: f3769a8cd8e3231⋯.png (19.14 KB,500x191,500:191,birchel mango.png)

File: 3bd28d4da7e5749⋯.png (41.73 KB,812x367,812:367,weston dennis.png)


Weston Dennis looked suspicious but I don't think it's Zach

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9b04f1 No.770146


Emily here, I just put him in his place again.

Thanks for sharing those links.

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5a8fdf No.788693



What did he mean by this?

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5a8fdf No.788696

Went to archive the thread after noticing it wasn't bumping and it had been archived a hour ago already. Thanks archivist.

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0c2acb No.856095

any new pics?

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fd912e No.861242


Where I can find zach party picture?

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8f140d No.864430

He's spent the last hour or so spamming the ever loving fuck out of multiple boards. Check the ban list.

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84b1ab No.874022

File: a8790018cbbc807⋯.png (65.65 KB,1031x331,1031:331,zach on 4chan.png)

File: 758e3058d0dc1e7⋯.png (156.8 KB,640x313,640:313,zach on 8chan.png)


From that same thread. Notice the same webm filename. This dipshit doesn't even make an effort to hide his identity.

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57173a No.874207

zach won btw

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959d61 No.913644

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469ad9 No.951156

File: e6a93a05013539c⋯.png (319.08 KB,602x450,301:225,f0f3f1f50846cc46886adb9c07….png)

zach defending flopson on a drawn porn website


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7a4e24 No.951727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How can HAPAs ever recover???

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7a4e24 No.951735

File: b5fcd2bb205feae⋯.png (67.78 KB,250x204,125:102,ClipboardImage.png)



PS: Emma Watson got harvested for roles

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